Being late is a terrible force! The strength of healing is the strength of the prayer. The prayer sounds like this

There are often people in the world who are not given peace of mind by the reach of others, who often have to put such peculiarities in place, and in this case they can be helped by statuses about lateness, in opposition to which it is difficult to say to the red-moving lateness. Similar conditions from the place are condemned, but not in the most respectful sense, as only one can treat people. It is necessary for the mothers of those who are behind the scenes to vikorist statuses about the delay of people, and even similar phrases are used to condemn us ourselves in the sense of judging people behind their back.

What a difference it is to talk about you behind your back, because when you talk, your language is in a daze.

There are so many people who say bad things about me. And even the stench is so bad that I can’t even fathom even thinking about it.

I don’t get angry at people who talk about me behind my back and criticize me. I hope that at least one interesting topic has appeared in my life.

Most people have their noses in other people's affairs simply because their life is empty.

Where did you manage to make so much money?
– For which you don’t need to be a genius. Do your justice, tell the truth, don’t indulge, and that’s enough for a mongrel to rip your butt off.

There are two types of living people: the first wants everything like you have, and the other wants you to have nothing.

Never lie to the stories about the woman. It smells like either a man who could not conquer her, or like a woman who could stop her!

Someday there will be a goat who will come up with a joke about you. Well, you can’t just let this information into the masses, but it’s also obligatory to give it to yourself, and a sheep that you will definitely believe.

If you don’t know me, then don’t talk behind my back. If you hate me, then just walk past me. And don’t make any enemies with me. Remember, you cannot bite someone who can bite you.

Such people live on earth. Hello, you kind cows.
Bathing yourself up to your ears in the line, trying to look at the powder in another way!

If people talk about you sensitively, it means you are special. Remember: don’t talk about anything and don’t make a nasty mess. Cheer up the best ones, talk to the best ones. Better yet, be the center of respect, looming a scandalous reputation, and never be among the primitive herd of those who are suing.

It’s my share of annoying people. What should I say to this jealous ace?
Someone else's happiness is like someone else's happiness: garne, ale - what a pity! - Not on the nose.

Oh, Lord, what kind of people are these, the kind of people I recognize, how I live, how I cope - articles, affairs! Take care of them, Lord! Because I don’t know - who am I?! Where am I? Who am I with?

I don’t fight with enemies, I enjoy my life with them. I love you a bit, keep it up. I want to know how I live, with whom I hang out, with whom I am friends. I don’t look at people like that, I laugh at them. And I’m walking towards the end, that’s all I went!

No one can be held back by an independent woman who works hard and achieves everything herself. All the same, don’t give a damn, and that’s all.

Wise people know that we can only believe half of what we are told. Only the most reasonable people know who half of them are.

Judge others and call them trash. And open your mouth first. Just imagine, I would like for the sake of decency... why do you have anything in this life?!

It’s funny when you cook something, and then there are images of slabs. Well, why the hell were they freaking out, why am I such a creature?!

Prayers from enemies and evil people are even more urgently required. They allow you to put a reliable defense and protect yourself from foreign negative influx. It is important to understand that before you pray, it is necessary to awaken anger and hatred from the powerful soul. Read prayers against enemies and evil people in a positive mood, focusing directly on the beastly forces.

The most powerful prayer against evil people to bring help

There is a powerful and powerful prayer that allows one to defend oneself from one’s enemies. As we read today at this early hour, it creates for people a reliable shield that cannot break through the constant attacks of their enemies.

There is no need to be sorry, dearly, that you have no enemies for this simple reason that you end up living with estranged people. Every person has enemies and enemies. Evil people can do you harm because they think they are too late. Their evil intentions were to ruin the aura of a person and create unacceptability, both in everyday life and harm to health in general.

Therefore, for every religious person, it is a rule to offer a prayer to the face of the earth:

“Holy God, Holy Mitsin, Holy Immortal! I ask you to have mercy on me, the servant of God (in His power) and grant me your strong protection. Protect me from all visible and invisible evil, cover up the evil of human beings, conceived and unreasonable. Command, Lord, to accompany me to my Guardian Angel and lead me out of any misfortune. Trust and protect me, my Angel, do not allow evil people to inflict spiritual and physical harm on me. Take care of me, Almighty and All-Merciful, through kind and positive people. Amen."

This is another strong prayer against all evil, directed towards the Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ. You can read it at any hour of the day, if you have any suspicions that your constancy is causing you harm. under the outer world.

The prayer sounds like this:

“Lord Almighty, Great Lover of People, All-Merciful Jesus Christ! I, the servant of God (in my power) ask you to keep my mind pure. Protect, God, my good intentions, and help me to cleanse myself from the external filth that my enemies send upon me. Blessings can come out more widely and from the depths of my heart. I trust in Your protection, Your blessing, and I accept Your will. I don’t ask for punishment for my enemies, I forgive them. Do not be angry with them, Lord, but direct them on the truthful path and take away the evil from their souls, so that they can no longer harm anyone. Amen."

Orthodoxy has a great diversity of prayers from both visible and invisible enemies. The stench will help you get out of low-level troubles and troubles in highly demanding living situations. It is very important to believe that your prayers will be genuine and will help you. It is important, during the hour of prayer, to turn to the positive and take away the evil and hatred from your soul to those people who are trying to harm you.

Prayer before enemies on the job (and evil authorities)

In the face of problems and difficulties at work, no one is immune, but special prayers can help you get out of a difficult situation. This method allows good to overcome evil. I read a prayer, you cannot harm other people, just prayer words will bring evil out of you. With prayerful words you can calm down the unkind person, and in no time will you suffer harm. It is important to believe that prayer will definitely help stabilize your work situation.

A strong prayer against enemies on the job and an evil stoner sounds like this:

“Lord, All-Merciful and All-Merciful, the Son of God Jesus Christ. Feel the prayer of the servant of God (in his power) and do not wait for help. Give me the strength to be cleansed from the anger and desperation of people, do not let me get bogged down in the abyss of sorrowful days. I believe in your mercy, Lord, and diligently ask for forgiveness of my great and fleeting sins, which I committed through my misunderstanding. I deeply repent of my sinful actions and missions, I emphasize my sin for those who, in their vicious actions, forgot about the Orthodox faith and lost their true path. I ask, Lord, to protect me from my enemies and not allow them to harm me. I humbly accept your will, and I glorify your name in my prayers. Amen."

It turns out that a short prayer is also powerful because it allows you to create amulets for yourself every day. In prayer, it is necessary to collect thoughts immediately after arriving at the work place.

It sounds like this:

“Lord, I ask you to cleanse my soul from the anger and irritation. Grant me patience and courage, do not allow me to be drawn into the intrigues and ties, the dangers of the dark. Amen."

Prayer against evil, enemies and psuvannya

A special prayer against evil, enemies and prayers is sure to protect believing people from all kinds of inconsistencies associated with third-party negativity. With a special, withering power, prayers are said to avenge the brutality of the Most Holy Theotokos. As you understand, you often recognize the influx of negative programs from your unkind people. Then, buy the icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina” and offer a special prayer in front of it.

The prayer for the beast should sound like this:

“O Most Pure Matir of our Lord, All-Tsarina! Sense the richer and broader nature of the Servant of God (in my power). I humbly before you, I will help you and offer you a prayer. Show respect to my dear one and do not deprive me without your support in my important hour of life. Just as the skin of a bird covers its threats with its wings, so it covers me with its withered cover. Become my hope during the day of testing, help me survive fierce sorrows and save my soul. All the strength is in me to face the enemy’s attacks, grant patience and wisdom to make the right decisions, do not allow grief and weakness to take over my soul. Let your blessed light shine over me and illuminate me in my life’s path, collecting from it all the transgressions and pastures placed by evil people and devilish forces. Healed, Most Holy Theotokos, my mental and physical ailments, brightened my mind, so that I could make the right decisions and resist my enemies, visible and invisible. I believe in your kindness and trust in your help, I glorify you in my prayers. Amen."

If you feel that the dog has awakened a sense of anger and aggression in your soul and you cannot overcome them on your own, you need to read a special prayer to appease evil hearts. Such brutality will not only calm you down and cleanse your soul of negativity, but also soften the hearts of people, which will prevent you from committing mischief.

It is necessary to pray three times a day for several days after sleep.

It sounds like this:

“Most Holy Mother of God, I ask you, servant of God (in His power), to soften the evil hearts of people, fill them with kindness and sweetness. Extinguish the anger and hatred from our souls, take away from us the sorrow and suffering. Before your Holy image, I give you all my blessings for this and rely only on you. Take away the arrows that pierced our bodies and souls and torment us. Believe us, Most Holy Theotokos, do not let us perish due to gluttony and thirst, grant our hearts peace. Amen."

In the face of enemies and health, you can independently seek help from prayer. Pray earnestly, do not perceive hatred in your soul for those people who are trying to do you harm or make you sick. You only need to start praying after you have become aware of the negativity in your soul. Prayers against evil spirits and enemies should always be offered in full force. Correctly adjusting will help to burn church candles and fragrant aroma.

The prayer to Saint Cyprian is valued by the most powerful prayer services. With this help you can not only clear the aura of negativity, but also put a reliable defense on the future. To make this prayer effective, it is necessary to pray for holy water. After completing the prayer, you need to make a bottle of water yourself and let your household drink it.

The prayer text reads like this:

“Holy Cyprian, you are known to all believers as a reliever of suffering souls, a faithful servant of God and a true protector of righteous people from evil spells! I pray to you, servant of God (in my power), help me and do not lose me and my household in death. Protect us from the delay of human and anti-God's wickedness. Visions of hardship and misfortune directed at us by evil people. Don’t let them interfere with our godly life. Grant us the ability to live in harmony and goodness, in order to glorify the name of our Lord, the All-Merciful, and accept the will of God for everyone. Saint Cyprian, feel my deep prayer and extend your helping hand. Protect us from evil eyes and mischievous words. You are my hope and I hope in you with all my heart. Amen."

As soon as you felt that there was an old man with you, you were thinking of going to the Holy Matrona of Moscow for help.

The text should sound something like this:

“Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, feel my heartfelt blessing and rejoice. Ask the Lord to take away me, the Servant of God (in his power) from the dead people. Help me, Matronushka, to collect all the membranes from my life’s path that arise from the severe deterioration of my enemies. Pray to the Lord God for the salvation of my soul. Amen."

Prayer for protection of children from evil people

One of the most powerful ways to protect against evil is a protective prayer. The most powerful action for this occasion is a special prayer sent to the Most Holy Theotokos.

“Holy Virgin Mary, Most Holy Theotokos, I, servant of God (in His power), will give my allegiance to you for help and encouragement! Just as you tried to snatch away your Son Jesus Christ from all the troubles, so snatch me from the anger of unkind people and from a vengeful glance. Do not allow my enemies to spoil me with filthy words and black talk. I pray before your bright image and attract your power to me. Do not see me, Most Holy Theotokos and help me. Keep me from the evil one and give me strength to resist sinful temptations, keep my soul and body clean. I humbly pray, I accept the will of God and glorify your good deeds, Most Holy Theotokos. Amen."

You can also find protection from human malice from the glorious army of the Lord - the Angels and Archangels. One of the significant ones is Archangel Michael, who stands at the Throne of the Lord and is the guide of the Heavenly Army.

Prayer from visible and invisible enemies, directed to Archangel Michael, allows you to reliably defend yourself from the attacks of evil people and reckless enemies. This saint cannot be allowed to let the scourges and slander harm widely believing people. Prayer until now is a reliable, dry, and dangerous solution to any kind of nonsense.

It is very important, when offering prayer to Archangel Michael, to preserve your own kindness. Only those with a pure soul, full of love for their neighbor, can be lavished on those whose prayer is heard. Before you offer prayer and lamentation about protection, you must work hard on yourself and unravel all the evil that the crooks have done to you.

The text of the prayer reads like this:

“Oh, Holy Archangel Michael, strong and light-like, terrible commander of the King of Heaven! I ask, Servant of God (in His power), your intercession. Have mercy on me, a sinner, if you repent of your great and fleeting sins. Protect Archangel Michael from all visible and invisible enemies, and grant me your encouragement so that I can stand up to the wickedness of the devil. Help me preserve my soul in purity, so that it will not be disgraceful to stand before the Almighty Lord at the hour of righteous Judgment. Amen."

Video: prayer - protection from enemies

Those that I will say right away, who have seen everything, are not worthy of you, but the delay will not be about another person. Forever about you - about your feeling that you are ignored, not valued, not appreciated or not loved, but for all that, your frustrated need to control others - what to worry about, what they want, how to accept them, who I love you - I Ideally, you want to control the world itself.

Ay. These are strong faces. Zadrіst as a sign of the rebellion of the surreptitious “me” against the greatest threat - the insane bastard.

Know this - someone else takes away all respect, love, praise, success, glory, but they left you, in the coldness of selflessness, they forgot about you, in vain - and you are not special at all. It’s too late to consider others as a kind of rival, enemy, as a threat to your way. You will see life as a great competitive struggle, and happiness as a rare (scarce) product. And once, walking this way, you meet millions of superniks, millions of cross-codes for happiness...

It’s too late to spoil your calmness in front of other people. It’s like: “I can’t stay calm until others…….(fill in the blank yourself). You give others power over you, and then you become overwhelmed that the stinks have taken away all your power - which the stinks never bothered. You yourself gave it to them, giving them your respect.

It’s easy to get stuck when you feel careless, unprotected, and have doubts about your life. And in order to get rid of your painful pain, and be honest about your own incompetence, you shift the focus of yourself to others, and begin to equalize, pretend and mentally fight. You want what you want, it’s in them. You say: “Why don’t you get along with me?” I am me. I I I I I. It thrives in ruin and is amplified by suffering.

Where and when can healing begin? Only a few are here at a time.

Get back on track with your one place of strength - now. Know your experiences deeply. I feel like it’s too late to scorch, burn, hurt, throbbing in your neck, chest, stomach. Feel this power, this volcanic force of life, the power that the whole world creates. Insert the word/label/concept of “zadrіst” and get a completely unedited understanding without judging or trying to “polish” them. Amazingly chewy. Delight in the airy carelessness, the doubtful, the sense of hopelessness. Consider this good old friend - the term's need to control the light there, children.

And don’t get out of the way! When you emerge from your overwhelming bodily remorse, detachment sets in and, as a result, fear. We've come to our senses. Start to lighten the painful and forgotten corners with some relief. Give tenderness and kindness to the loving child in your midst, who never noticed, who once longed for love and understanding, who once felt far beyond life and happiness (joy). To the one who needs the world to gain respect. See the purity (innocence) there...

It is possible, as a matter of heart, to accept yourself as you are, and you will be responsive to those whom you previously called “enemies.” Perhaps you can please him with happiness and achievements. And having paid for everything, you will become a part of this “prosperity”, and not blame. Perhaps you can learn something from your ex-enemies, or the hired ones will become your enemies. Otherwise, you will forget about them all, stop trying to understand their experiences (experience) and go on your way! And you will appreciate that in this universe there is enough space for everyone who goes his own way, for everyone who searches for his happiness, for everyone who dances his dance. And for you, zokrema.

Joy (happiness) does not come without trying to walk someone else’s path, but try to save someone else’s path. And, obviously, you won’t come and try to take away your happiness. To be late, if you give up on them or blindly attack them, you will end up with those who are in charge of you, and, further, create a conflict and then. Ale, once, being known, reasonable, accepted, loved, in the future we can open your heart even more, introducing you to a place of great humanity, created from this greedy need to control and everything and everything together.

May you not be late and become another one of our own requested until Priinyattya. Let him open your heart here and now. Let me teach you humanity and peace. Plurality. Don’t let any of your fortune tell you in the future. Know that you will never be a victim, as you will with your power.

Jeff Foster

Being late is perhaps one of the worst and most profound feelings that people experience today. Anger, rage, aggression, this is a very short-term emotion, which is impossible to absorb purely physically for a long time. As far as the brain goes, then everything is explained exactly to the point. Congestion wilts, warms up, swells and pulsates. Delay is vital to healthy lives and is like a sick organ, any moment that can lead to a serious decline in the human condition. Women suffer the most from this “year”.

For starters, you really want to understand why it’s so late? To be late is not the most unpleasant feeling that people feel when they marvel at the achievements and successes of others. Delay will always be blamed on the thought that “I am worth more than anyone else, but the worthless one takes everything away instead of me.” Late blooms with a floral color, when people sing that she is beautiful, wise, beautiful, talented, and she sings “just get hurt,” and to whom everything falls from the sky. And this “whom” needs to earn every guide and guide so as not to waste the “undeserved prize”. On the other hand, what kind of prize will the subject of lateness be remembered for, then the old grandmother still has nothing to change, then in reality all these are convulsive actions? There is only one word: if I don’t pray, then let me go and I won’t be in it. If I couldn’t do it, then don’t let me go to anyone!

How to stay late at work

“Friendly team and a healthy atmosphere” should be warmly praised, including when applying for a job, for the very same vacancy that was created as a result of the fact that every person did not see “a friendly team and a healthy atmosphere” in the office and gave up. Zadrіst on work – tse єніснінка on the right, there it was, and it will be. Some keep the mitts and put it quietly, others (as is your care) openly.

Why bother if you have become an object of deterioration?

Psychologists are happy to please, and even to cheer up those who achieve success. On the other hand, how can you be happy when negative emotions literally knock the soil from under your feet? The cream of “joy”, psychologists still have for the sake of helping those who have become a victim of lateness:
- If you kill your friends, then your friendship has reached its end. Better than to separate and preserve the memory of the beautiful sleeping conditions, without delaying this process and becoming enemies;
- If you want to cheer up your close people, then the most important thing is to convey to them how important their support and understanding is to you. If you were spared and sensed, be more and more generous. Well, if they don’t, they have to start an independent life far from home;
- if you’re going to wake up the guy and your love for the soul didn’t bring anything other than a smile, then there’s only two ways out. Don't swim at rest, don't accept the rules of sleeping well.

As far as your colleagues are concerned, just don’t show respect, because these are the wrong people to go through.

If you yourself are going to get sick at the same time, psychologists would like to help you improve your self-esteem. Chantly, you are incredibly jealous for no reason. And yet, someone else’s success always seems undeservedly easy, so why do you care about following the same path and achieving unprecedented heights?

It is clear that humanity is at heart sociable, social and often sociopathic. Living in the presence of other people, interacting with them, he constantly and obviously equalizes his achievements and successes with their achievements. Whenever you get into a bad mood, seem dissatisfied and feel inferior, know that it’s too late! It’s felt inside that it’s really important to resist the forces of the will. This is a signal to the brain - “You showed up to fight for others!”
And if you are stronger, it means weaker - then your carelessness will be punished. The weak, however, are disgraceful, even from the rank of the nobility, they are trying to attract and mask them, so that they are not always betrayed and betrayed by the appearance of anger.

A person’s skin plays a number of roles in life - in family, work, married life and their social status - assessment of others and self-esteem, which are often not avoided. Each person has his own niche and “everyone knows his six,” otherwise there will be conflicts. Who is who? - “hu z hu”, this is one of the main things in human spilkuvanni and on the right. There is a lot that goes into this status - behavior, language, way of life, business contacts, authority among oneself and in the family and in the marriage as a whole.
Quite characteristic of this drive is the famous literary episode between the summer Panikovsky and the ordinary villain Shura Balaganov. The stinks hung around one another for a long time, clenching their fist at their chest - “Who is this?” They explained their status in life.
Find out the priorities of assessing status. And this is not without paradoxes - a variety singer with a soaring voice (like Kirkorov) is richly popular, and a designer of no great importance. And the income is really high - the emotional joy of the performer is valued more than the scientific and technological partnership that is going on.

If the results of an equalization of statuses over your self, then the soul inevitably develops a feeling of discomfort, dissatisfaction with itself. The nasty squad often nags a person for this reason - “everyone has it, we don’t have it.” And then I finish it. It seems that Brezhnev's legend brought in his squad - their fur coats were thicker than those of other Kremlin squads! Another human evil - fraternity - was eradicated through obsolescence. Cain killed Abel. And there will be creations behind the Image and the Likeness! To go out - the Almighty can I be late? To whom? To another Creator from another All-World?
Behind its powerful strength, Zazdrіst stands in the same row as the one below. However, it is also due to the development of old age.

Being late is a vice, being late is a bad thing – it means stress, psychological trauma. How can I wake up? Why do you need to have some fun? It turns out that creatures can get tired of being alone, especially dogs. So it’s more natural? Food - why are we late? Psychologists have not yet understood the root problems. Let's try to get back together. Let me tell you, what will overcome us is great material benefits, greater success in life. Anger, images, feelings of injustice, dissatisfaction with oneself - everything is late in life. Most often, this is even more important and ruinous for human characteristics.

The root of theft, robbery, vileness - also in the future. And the order is “let my cow die, if two cows die in the same household.” Ayyy susid gotcha! What's all this? At the hour of the Cettlepin, Deleki Pratsvyviti villagers visited Zhmadi, they condemned the land nadil (vidrub), I was in the good Budinok (Hutir), I lived in the marthes of community villagers, the landslcous earth was more painfully vicorist. So the axis of the villagers hated the farmers for everything and scorched the farms in a brutal manner - “we don’t need smooth things, let everything be crazy!”

It’s funny, but every human being felt late in life. To insist that you are not aware of the defects in life means to say to yourself that you are not special and are not ready for analytical thought. Guess how, when I hear news about the successes of friends, relatives, and friends, my mood drops, I feel annoyed, upset, and portrayed to the whole world for no apparent reason. Attacks of melancholy and depression are often the result of depression and low self-esteem. To be late knows no crossroads, to be late let your friends and family know. Even Faina Ranevskaya, in her speech, said this peculiarity of our psychology: “You can do everything for your loved ones, but you won’t succeed!”
Being late is the same thing. Being late is not competition. Zadrіst - images and more through those that you have appeared bitterly, without the mind of anyone's reach, there are better for you.
How can you definitely confirm what seems to be more negative? No, of course, being late is a strong incentive to get up and achieve what others have achieved. The Italian director Fellini wrote about the suspicions that Mastroian was killed when he bought a new car and again bought the same one. Ale stink buli friends.

There is a difference in delay. Let’s see how late we are – white, black and… a woman. It's too late - it feels like a kind of burying of wealth and successes of others. It carries a strong impulse to action, to achieve the same thing as the buried object. When successful people don’t fear bad things, they just imagine them as a negative image and try to repeat and overcome their achievements. This is a stimulus for those in power that this beast has overcome, if the energy is straightened into a peaceful channel, it helps, and does not ruin.
It’s too late to often turn into pride for someone else - someone who is stronger and more successful than you. However, the difference in leveling may be significantly greater, so that the object of pride becomes an idol. This phenomenon is well known in sports, mysticism, and various shows.
They stood in front of Galina Vishnevskaya and chanted about the famous songs of the world - here the gods are mixed with the dead. If you don’t trust the idol, if you steal it, you will trample it mercilessly and leave no trace behind. This is the revenge for too much harm - delay from hindsight.

Everything is richer, as you were so called by the blackness of lateness.
Lyudina, who would like to spoil her “in a black way”, would like to belittle, degrade, and harm the object of her thoughts. I hate to transfer the blame for my failures onto this person. This is extremely dangerous, not only for the object of negative emotions and vile thoughts, but also for the sickest.
Over the course of time, an ill person develops a whole bunch of illnesses: liver problems, vulgaris, hypertension. If you're sick, go in the middle, it's not safe. The lateness of the authorities is even more dangerous - they don’t recognize him for a second, as soon as they show up in a rap - you’ll be wise for him! It’s not for nothing to say - there’s nothing terrible, there’s nothing worse than ignorance. The background of the future clearly reflects the level of the internal culture of a person, which is lower - the blacker the future. People are not considered to be the slowest and the deadest, this is how our butt is to rob them - the messiness of life, the shortage of goods, and the inevitable fate.

Subtlety is the dear sister of health. How many evil things have been concocted under the lisping of this little sister - it’s impossible to stop. Can another coming of Jesus cleanse people from this filth? Woland's mission failed and showed the inadequacy of people to use magical powers. The needs of divine actions. The Russian Orthodox Church is getting stronger, otherwise there will be no results. Embezzlers wear a cross, but engage in theft. God will forgive you if you make your father rich, pray well and repent! So it stinks to think, but it is inevitable from the Lord. The court will rule.

There is a delay in the midst of great peculiarities - Stalin is behind the erudition of Trotsky, the popularity of Bukharin. Tupolev greeted Ilyushina, Yakovlev - Lavochkin, Shpitalny - all the designers of the aircraft. There are a lot of examples, all these people are worth one. People wish for success in their career, fame, honors, wealth, a beautiful squad, success in marriage, among wives, a happy homeland, a fashionable car.
This is a rare peculiarity - psychologists especially see such a phenomenon as a woman’s lateness. It is important that she is distinguished from a human: she is more frivolous, sophisticated and accessible. The women's team is especially apologetic. To celebrate beauty, youth, new handbags, cloth, embellishments. At this call, everything is decent - they will snort and praise, kiss hypocritically on the cheek, and in the soul there is a storm - why not me, why not me! It is hypocritical to sue behind your back.
Even being late with the turning sign means evil because of the cause of someone else’s misfortune. I just recently tried it myself - in the presence of a great “kind and respectable” woman. Without checking, there was a shock. Having already figured out the reason, there was a reaction from the earlier arrival of the disease.

And the men started to laugh shamefully - not the man on the right! Dare, achieve, don’t be a ganchir. Being late for someone is a strong incentive to win, but honestly, not like a bandit. And if you get angry and drink, you’re a khan, you’re no longer a man. They are weak and strong, life is harsh and cruel. Otherwise, there is no other way out - “having fallen, succumbed” and I’ll fight again!
Here, another feature of our psyche is manifested - weak-willed and weak-willed features are easier to endure the blows of fate, lower willpower, and success. Apparently, the weak blame their “immunity” until they fail. Psychologist writes about this: “The Strength of the Weak.” Weakly mobilize, collect hopeless surpluses of great prosperity after the storm, and again your everyday life will be happy, like goosebumps, a roaring goosebump. And often come out of a situation in which a strong and strong-willed person was angry and gave up. It is often necessary to restore a great deal of order. Life is not clear.

Being late is a very strong psychological phenomenon, there are few adaptations. The story is long-standing, because it is drawn from our creaturely behavior and has power over living creatures, especially noticeable among dogs. Being late is not self-important, it is working in a complex to deal with other feelings - evil, humiliation, self-flagellation, the need to work better (white lateness), etc.
And extreme forms of black retardation manifest themselves - poverty, physical deprivation, which caused retardation.
It seems that there have been a lot of evils in the world (for example, Salieri, negative characters from “Hamlet” and a lot more). Do not harm the evildoers of the Earth, who are killed for their lives - after Cain there were centuries-old palace intrigues and civil strife of all times and peoples - thousands of detached, stabbed, drowned and burned, sent to the elms Nice and sent.

Lateness is always objective and is a contrast to kindness and kindness. In the artistic middle class of people, the majority of quarrels arise for this very reason. Galina Vishnevskaya’s talent was appreciated by everyone at the Great Theater - Maksakov, Arkhipov, Milashkin, because the talent God gave her - little by little from the nature of the performances - the voice (gypsy blood on the maternal line) and constantly rebuilt it. Straight from the street I came to the competition of the Great Theater and was a candidate for leading roles in the first round. Why can't you get too late here? Bulganin, Rostropovich and others loved her quick character. This is stated in her memoirs - in the book "Galina".

There is no evil without good, being late is a strong incentive for intensifying activities, achieving success and well-being. Doesn't let you calm down. There are also extremes - loss of health, social atrophy. Homeless people, for example. Oblomov never harmed anyone, he is alive at his scarecrow and is happy with his life. Who are so lucky now?

(Stati chastkovo vikoristano material from the Internet without sending).

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