Shrouded with whales. How can a whale twist a human, and what will happen to her then? Video of Lyudina, who visited the middle of the whale

In the mid-19th century, when the prominent American romantic writer, author of maritime autobiographical stories, Herman Melville created his first novel, “Type,” few people believed it.

It’s true, the book was taken by storm, but the critics did not cease to be overwhelmed: “What can’t you do!” They called it a hoax until the sailor decided that he had experienced all the benefits with Melville, without giving the press confirmation that everything in the novel was true.

At that time, the scribe, who began his naval service as a cabin boy on the whaling ship "Akushnet", spent nearly ten years at sea. And a dozen years later he created the masterpiece of the writer’s life – the novel – the epic “Mobi Dick” – the story of a man’s confrontation with the legendary White Whale.

They didn’t believe him again, although in the section “Swedge” Melville has a wealth of facts confirming the reliability of the whole story of White Whale and the tragedy of the schooner Pequod, which was lost We love the sperm whale. “We are faced with one of these awkward episodes,” he writes, “if the truth, no less than the lie, requires confirmation.”

During Melville's time, nearly one hundred thousand people were employed in the whaling industry, and of the 900 ships in the world's whaling fleet, 735 were owned by the Americans. The whale trade brought a great income, and everything was gone: meat, fat, husks, shelter, entrails. Ambergris was especially valuable, as it was sometimes found in the males' mate, and was essential in the preparation of perfumes. And the famous whale hair - the corsets of European fashionistas have literally been worn for more than one century.

Whaling turned into a great business, and even in legends and maritime tales about the exploits and deaths of whalers, the heroic spirit of a dangerous profession was lived on.

Small whaleboats pecked at the sea giants. On the nose of the shell, given up to the elements, stands a harpooner, clutching a twenty-kilogram harpoon in his hand. The oarsmen sat behind him, tensely checking the signal to “put down the oars.” The strength of the flesh of so many people lay deep and the stench of unsafety disappeared - even a scream thrown by a harpoon to a whale, often meaning a fight in life or in death.

Most of the whalers did not return home. The family was told that the stench was drowning in. At the same time, they did not reject the testimonies that were ready to swear allegiance to what they could see in their eyes, as their comrades knew in another whale!

Before Herman Melville, D. Reynolds had already written about the fierce and insurmountable whale Moss Dick (in the novel Mobi Dick). Melville himself, during the hour of sailing on the Acushnet, felt the sailors' history, which he dealt with in a new voice of hostility. Owen Chase, the great chief mate of the schooner "Essex", learned that her schooner had sunk in a whale attack.

Melville decided to meet in Nantucket - the capital of whalers - with the captain of the schooner "Essex" George Pollard. Everything seemed to become material for the famous novel.

In truth, whalers knew Tom of Timor well, for example. All scarred, like an iceberg, for a long time having broken up in the waters of the channel, which was named after it. The New Zealand Jack had achieved all-ocean glory, but was unable to overcome it, although he “looked like the faceless harpoons that rushed into him, and still looked like a giant hedgehog.”

We love no less than the same whale, Paity Tom, who killed over a hundred sailors. Respect that he himself attacked the whaling ship “Union” and with a terrible blow destroyed the bow of the ship.

This fantastic and prote true story was published on the 25th of 1891. The whaling ship "Zirka Skhodu" plowed through the waters near the Falkland Islands in the Atlantic, 600 kilometers off the coast of Argentina, in the March whispers of the sight of a boat, when the cry of the Martian: "Sperm Whale!"

Two whaleboats were launched into the water. Having seized the urgent moment, one of the harpooners embedded his deadly weapon in the body of the creature. Injuries are the commandment of the gods. They threw themselves furiously, raising their majestic limbs, lifting their giant body in the wind and collapsing again by the sea. There was no thought about further attacks on the whale. The helmsmen's whaleboats were eagerly trying to lead their vessels to calm water.

The whale rushed towards the boat and with a strong blow of its tail smashed it into the cod. The other boat collapsed before the disaster occurred, so that the comrades, who had drunkenly drank near the water, were killed - all the people. It was more than sixty minutes away. The other two were respected by the dead. The whale was seriously injured. The sailors of the “Zirka Skhod” have not been on board for many years, confident that the ocean will yield the bodies of the dead sailors.

The evening of that same day began again with a cry. The carcass of a sea velvet loomed on the horizon, and after looking around it became clear that it was the same sperm whale.

Immediately on the deck, the trimming of the carcass began. The work lasted all evening and night. Early on, the extraction of whale oil was close to completion, as the sailors immediately noted the strange convulsive shaking of the boat. The harpooner, armed with a sharp knife, cut a large hole in the flesh.

The whole team was watching over Rostin. If through the opening it was possible to look into the empty boat, no one could escape from the heavy blow: the invited whalers treated James Bartley, who lay unshakably at the bottom of the meat sack, a sign of a kerma from a broken whaleboat ah!

They carefully pulled him out of the boat and placed him in the infirmary. After only a month, the sufferers got ready to tell the story about those who had been killed, and the captain of the “Zirka Skhod” wrote down his story word for word.

Bartley miraculously remembered that moment when the sperm whale turned over the chauvin. At first he was thrown high into the wind, and then he stopped in the deep darkness and felt his body moving feet first along the slimy walls of some channel, the walls of which were convulsively squeezing. Raptom the forge kicked off. Bartley lay in the pitch dark and suffocated from the stale currants and the high body temperature of the sperm whale.

Nezabar vіn nesilіv i neprednіv. Only in the infirmary on board the ship vin came to you. The sailor spent sixteen years on the sperm whale's boat!


Apparently, the sperm whale does not turn pink, but shackles the entire victim, or removes large items from it (for example, the tentacles of giant squids) and even shackles the person that was lost in the water. Until the beginning of the 19th century, when whale fishing was carried out from small rowing grounds, the occurrences of whaling during the fight with the sperm whale were not so rare. The extraordinary share of a young sailor who, having shackled a sperm whale and lost it alive, became apparently rich, having read the article by A. Revin “One Chance in a Million” in the lute issue of the magazine “Navkolo Svit” for 1959.

A. Revin himself was in agreement, and contributed material from the popular American magazine “Natural History” in 1947. The revelation turned out to be so sensational that many of our newspapers were taken over, and for many hours the possibility of being lost alive in the belly of a whale served as a driver for numerous rumors and discussions. Briefly, the story goes back to the present day.

In 1891, one of the whaleboats of the whaling ship “Zirka Skhud” was broken up and sunk by the great sperm whale. When the whaleboat crew boarded the ship, one of the sailors was missing from their midst. Comrades believed that the young sailor drowned in the hour of disaster. About an hour, the sperm whale will be washed away from other places, and the whale will be killed. The injured wound was given away to his robka. How was it that the whalers were shocked when, having cut open the sperm whale's cape, the stench appeared on their dear comrade. Moreover, the remains are not poisoned, but I live as a human being.

True, having been patiently in an unknown camp, the doctors were only able to bring him back within a month, otherwise the sailor would die alive. Moreover, you will not lose your profession. As evidence of the terrible phenomenon, the skin on the parts of my body that were not protected - on my face, my arms and hands - became white as snow from the water of the whale's husk juice.

In this manner, the biblical account about Jonah would have been removed, it would have seemed like it had been confirmed. In fact, why not, in one episode of a million things, collapse in such a way that a whale has conned a man, and that one, having been given his share of the sum, is left alive? One in a million?! There’s probably plenty of change of mind for that. The sperm whale does not rozhvovat its food, the axis of the veins and having pierced the whale whole, and without damaging its teeth, it sits on the lower crack.

Apparently, with these teeth the sperm whale destroys ten-meter-long squids or drives out of them the tentacles of two meters or more. And with such a thing, like a human being, she doesn’t need to fight: one boat and a sailor at the boat. The sperm whale's throat is wide, not like those of baleen whales, which feed on plankton. There was plenty of room on the boat, the sailor's body plopped down on a mountain of fish and squid, and then the comrades just finished off the whale. True, one setting is important to explain. What is Jonah's new development in the whale's belly? Moreover, when a person is in an unfamiliar state, all physiological processes are enhanced, and the need for acid is reduced. Everything has been explained. Until the end of life - and having lost the whale alive, and reading about it was even more fun.

Known people - sailors, zoologists, doctors - cannot believe that this lucky chance is one in a million. This is due to the fact that A. Revin has failed to prove anything in his drawing. On the right, in the case of a sailor, there are no descriptions in the journal “Natural History”, or any descriptions of “old documents”, which itself are mentioned there. In the same issue of the magazine there is a comment by the American scientist Martha, who clearly felt the possibility of saving the life of a person shackled by a sperm whale. In addition, based on Marfa’s evidence, “Zirka Immediately” was not listed in the maritime registry of these rocks.

In this way, the whole story emerged as a mystery. Prote little song from the inheritance. At that time there were still living sailors from the old whaling fleet. One of them, named E. Devies, came across an article about a sailor and a sperm whale, and decided to send a story to “Natural History” about similar events, which he witnessed in 1893. E. The dev_opovіv, that at the hour of fishing, a young beast fell out of the snow and was immediately shackled by a great sperm whale. This whale was mortally wounded from a small harmat that was on a hunting ship, and the next day it was found with its belly, having floated to death. When the sperm whale's hull was ripped apart, the sperm whale dragged the body of its comrade with injuries to the chest, which, insanely, led to his death. The bare parts of the body were half poisoned.

It’s completely undeniable that it couldn’t have happened any other way. Injury due to cracks, infusion of clear and potent schluk juice, rarely middle and high sourness in the schluk include the ability to live in these minds even if you wanted a few hulls. This is the idea behind the quote “One chance in a million” by the prominent Radyansky fakhivtsya S. Klumov. Well, the myth about Jona does not detract from the confirmation of the sperm whale version.

Now, if the whaling fishery is carried out on board special motor vessels - whalers, sperm whales no longer have the ability to shackle a human, but in the boat of one of the whales they still found a small man, albeit a toy one, a doll. When sperm whales live, they often forge strange objects. A mixture of stones and scraps of wood, in their shoes you can find either coconut peas, or gum, or a skein of dart, or a woman’s handbag. Everything that swims in the sea or lies on the bottom can fall into the boat of an unpretentious sperm whale.

On the right, the basis of the sperm whale is not krakens, of which there are not so many in the ocean, and not large fish, but small terrestrial squids. In the shell of one sperm whale, you can find thousands of squid cracks, or there are no products like the shell juice. It seems like 14 thousand people reported such jokes. At the same time, the sperm whale catches empty boats and other floating objects. If the squids are not caught, the sperm whale eats crabs, shellfish and other seabed debris. I have to forge a bunch of stones from my sand; to snatch from the boats and various objects thrown from the vessels that are passing through.

During the hour of swimming, the great sperm whale swims to a depth of 1-2 kilometers, and occasionally swims as the whale rips apart telegraph and telephone cables on the bottom. Under the supervision of one American telegraph company, 150 thousand kilometers of cable were chewed 16 times by sperm whales, including 6 times at a depth of approximately 900 meters. There is a significant damage to the cable that runs at the bottom of the Biscay Channel between Spain and Portugal at a depth of 2200 meters. Most often, the whale does not suddenly get lost, but bites into the cable with its teeth, apparently taking it for granted. How do sperm whales and other whales reveal their urchins?

The whaling fishery, before its mechanization, was associated with a moving risk, which was largely due to the fact that wounded sperm whales, fiercely, attacked the boats with whalers, and often the whaling ships themselves. The strength of a sperm whale, once wounded, is sufficient to break the boat with one blow of the head or tail when attacked. In the wake of sperm whales, in this way, the lives of sailor-whalers are impersonal. Therefore, the species of sperm whales became interested in especially important and dangerous activities among the whalers. Like having guessed one of the mislives on the sperm whales,

In order to kill a harpooned sperm whale - which is in hiding, you have to earn money - sometimes it takes only ten coins, and sometimes it takes a whole day, sometimes no more. Zagalom, the advantage is still on the whale's side, but until now, while the object of re-examination is alive, it is impossible to say in advance who will destroy the next world - the team of the earth or the whale.

In the past, among the whalers, there were sperm whales around, which killed a lot of sailors. They were given names, and the whalers knew these sperm whales themselves, treated them with respect and promised not to scratch them. One of the most famous of these sperm whales was a majestic old male called Timor Jack, about whom there were legends that he had never broken the skin of his boat. There were also sperm whales for the benefit of New Zealand Jack, Pite Tom, Don Miguel and others.

The incident became widely popular when in 1820 a sperm whale struck the head of the American 230-ton whaling ship "Essex" and sank it. The crew of the "Essex" was able to dive and land on the island, but people became aware of incredible misbeliefs, as a result of which out of 21 sailors, only 8 survived.

Another reliable example of the death of a whaling ship occurred in 1851 - in the Galapagos Islands, a sperm whale sank the American whaler "Ann Alexander", and this happened even close to the place where the "Essex" was sunk. The first time the ship was attacked, a sperm whale broke two boats. Luckily, there were no casualties; the rest of the crew was captured in two days. A whale that sank a ship to the bottom after being killed by another whaler. Two harpoons were found near the sperm whale carcass, which belonged to the crew of the Anne Alexander.

Sperm whale provocation of people

The sperm whale is the only whale whose shell theoretically allows you to coat a whole person without turning them pink (and, it seems, there is only one creature that can be created). However, despite the great number of fatal attacks when swimming on sperm whales, whales, perhaps, rarely killed people who were lost in the water. The only clearly reliable occurrence (as documented by the British Admiralty) occurred in 1891 in the Falkland Islands, and the evidence for this occurrence is devoid of many dubious aspects. A sperm whale smashed a boat from the British whaling schooner “Zirka Skhodhu”, one sailor died in the process, and the other, harpooner James Bartley, became unknown and would also die. A sperm whale, having sunk a boat, was killed in a few years; The processing of his carcass lasted all night. Before the wound, the whalers, having reached the guts of the whale, found James Bartley in his boat, which was unbearable.

The story of James Bartley.

This was the first voyage of 1891 people on board the ship "Zirka Skhody". When a whale was tagged near the ship, young Bartley was caught off the boat along with other whalers and the race for the whale began.
The stinks crept up from behind so close that the harpooner swooped and slammed its armor deep into the whale, encasing the vital organs. The whale began to fight, and the crew rowed passionately towards the whale, storming its docks. Then the whale began to become restless, there was silence and everyone was checking, as the whale began to cry.

Veslyars were preparing to defend themselves. Without hesitation, the whale split the longboat with its head and began clattering its splinter on the men and fighting wildly. The water turned into a crooked pin. The other longboat picked up those who were lost alive, and two were lost.

Just before sunset, a dead whale floated to the surface a few hundred yards from the ship. Having pulled onto the ship, the sailors began to strip the carcass, and they were already astonished when they discovered the dead Bartley in the boat. He is still alive, but not to die.

As a result of spending 15 years with the whale's boat, Bartley spent all the hair on his body and spent all his zir. His skin lost its pigment and lost its white until the end of his days.

James Bartley no longer went to the sea, settling on a river birch and earning a living, telling the story of how he was at the boat of a whale. Vin died after living 18 more years.

The materials in the Wikoristan section contain information from current magazines: New Scientist (Great Britain), Mare and Psychologie Heute (Nime), Science News, Scientific American and Skeptic Magazine (USA), Cha m' interesse", "Science et Vie Junior" and "Sciences et Avenir" (France).

The Book of the Prophet Jonah (part of the Old Testament) reveals:

“And the Lord ordered the great whale to drown Jonah, and Jonah was in the womb of the whale for three days and three nights.” Ale on the right passed away safely, the clawed one begging for mercy, the whale spitting him out, and the prophet began to cry out at the death of the inhabitants of Nineveh, having preceded them, that if they did not repent of their sins, the place would be destroyed .

How could anything like this happen in reality? In 1896, in the Falkland Islands, the American whaling ship Zirka Skhody was attacked by a majestic sperm whale. Swinging his tail, he knocked one of the sailors James Bartley off the deck and into the water. Colleagues on the team thought that James had drowned. However, if, after two days of chasing, the whale was still spotted, hoisted onto the deck and began to be washed, its boat was found, as the New York Times wrote on November 26, 1896, “it was crooked, and from time to time it was giving signs life." There appeared a sick sailor, unwearying, and still alive. In the middle of the sea monster for 36 years.

The English zoologist Ambrose Wilson, who studied this problem in the 20s of the last century, noted that the survival of people shackled by a whale is, in principle, possible. Everything will lie down in order to determine which whale is in the wrong place and how the victim will be lost from the boat for a long time. The big whale eats plankton and can’t get anything bigger for a grapefruit. However, the great sperm whale can live up to 50 tons, and the great sperm whale can live up to 20 meters. During the day, tons of hedgehogs survive and forge, and it is important not to chew. Professor Wilson dug into the archives of the fall of 1771, when a sperm whale bit a whaler's boat in two, shackled one sailor and a deep hole. Appearing on the surface again, he spit out the sailor, “we’ll be very dirty, otherwise we won’t be seriously injured.”

These days confirm the origins of the Englishman. The sperm whale eats cephalopods, and the smaller world - fish. A sperm whale or a traveler could easily fit a human. The sperm whale has teeth on the lower slit, and on the upper slit there are only one or two pairs, so it often captures its victims entirely. So, in the 50s of the last century, a ten-meter squid was found from a sperm whale caught in the Azores Islands, not choked or poisoned. Squids, regardless of everything, are always trapped in the boat alive, because on the walls of the boat you can see traces of suction cups, which are the tentacles of the squid. Well, you can see people any day now. True, the sailor, shackled in the leaf fall of 1896, could see the results of whale poisoning: as the newspaper wrote, “Bartley’s skin showed signs of poisoning in places.” His hands were so pale that he looked like he was dead, and his skin was covered with wrinkles, as if he had been boiled in a cauldron.”

Ale Montagonika, obviously not having poisoned the headdil of Shlunka, was visible to the injuries of the enzyme I Solyan Acid, and his lubricated ryotylim of the meal tilki in the loud tilm of the mechanical rehanted rolled rubbed. The channel that leads to the whale's hole, where the whale's hole is located, is too narrow so that people can pass through it.

As far as the possibility of a whale dying into a whale's cock, the fachians assume that the sperm whale will immediately be shackled with James Bartley and the volume of wind will be sufficient for a person to breathe at any time. Just after three days of being stuck in a whale's boat, as happened to Jonah, it was truly impossible. This sermon needs to be understood as a basic alegory.

In the Bible, in the Old Testament, the sea spirit that forged Jonah is called the word “lag”, which means in the translation “great fish” or “the mud of the sea depths”.

Tsikavo, with 75 species and 39 canopies of cetaceans, only a few canopies can stand up for those who insist that a whale cannot shackle a human. These whales reach 18-20 meters long. Although they are unimportant in their size, the stench is even a small gourd.

There is also another type of whale - “dance-nosed” or “with a dzhob”. These are small whales up to 9 meters. The stench is enough to make a big gourd and could completely shred a person.

Even though whales chew urchins, this includes the presence of urchins in the womb as a whole.

Now let's look at these types of whales that would have shackled the prophet. The stench does not stink your teeth, but the whale breath does.

I pay special attention to the kitty-finvali. The stench reaches 26 meters, its boat has 4-6 chambers, and any of them could comfortably accommodate a small group of people. These whales breathe in the wind, and in the head there is a stench in a small windy chamber, which is the expansion of the nasal septum. First, the object is forged, the whale stitches it into this chamber. As soon as the object appears too great, the whale swims in the shallow waters, closer to the shore, and drops the burden.

Dr. Ranson Harvey revealed that his friend weighs 80 kg. rushed through the mouth of the dead whale into the damaged chamber, and the dog, which had fallen overboard the whaling ship, was found alive six days later in the damaged chamber of the killed whale. From what has been said, it is clear that Jonah could experience “in the womb”, then, in the windy chamber of such a whale, for three days and three nights, he was left alive.

This comes from Frank Bullen, the renowned author of the book “Swimming for the Sperm Whale,” who established that sperm whales often discard their sperm whale before death. In this manner, Jonah was not only tampered with, but was called a whale.

There is also a version that the prophet could end up with the boat of other sea creatures, for example, a whale shark. I called the fish the one that has no teeth. The whale shark reaches 21 meters.

Vaughn filters the liquid through large plates (vusi) at the mouth and holds a whole large boat where a person can fit.

"Literary Digest" supposedly wrote about how one sailor was shackled by a whale shark. After 48 years, the fish was killed. If they were opened, then what would happen to all those present, if the disheveled sailor was found alive, only in an unpleasant camp. Moreover, you won’t get any serious damage every day, except for wasting so much hair on your skin.

We've seen yet another disaster in the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese fishermen caught a great white shark. A human skeleton was found in her boat. It turned out that there were no entries on the list of soldier deserters in the military-American army.

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