Siamese twins Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov: they were separated by death. Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov: life and death of the most famous conjoined twins Siamese twins Masha and Dasha interview

The Krivoshlyapov sisters, Dasha and Masha are Siamese twins. Their share has become a winning topic for many dissertations, and they themselves have become the most important material for prominent figures in veterinary medicine. It’s true, that’s how it was, the girls became interested.

These are two people in one body, whom the marriage called nothing less than nature’s mercy, and the professor was respected for his scientific experiment.

The Krivoshlyapov sisters: a biography of a painful life

Their nationality became sensational for the whole world. The girls spent their time with their father, not being able to stop their eyes from squashing. On the 4th of 1950, Katerina Krivoshlyapova, her mother, showed herself proudly as a tractor. The midwife, who took the canopy of the Caesarean rose, ascertained that they were twins, immediately fell asleep. Doctors, having thought through the correct tactics of behavior, told the family that the children were born dead and immediately began to hear testimonies about death. Mother could not believe the death of the newlyweds, even though she could clearly hear her crying. Trying to get to the truth, she insisted on telling it to the staff. One pitiful nanny-trainee took one look and led her to the room where the girl was. After her death, Katerina Krivoshlyapova spent two years in one of the Moscow psychiatric clinics. She never again forgot about her firsts, who “stole” them from him

The truth about children was also known to their father - Mikhailo Krivoshlyapov, who was close to his friends at the end of the day. Now that it is time for the obvious death of the girls to be known, we are asking for doctors to get everything possible so that the children can live. Having deprived him of his nickname, the man asked him to change it according to his father. And it’s not surprising, because Mikhailo worked with Beria’s special water. So the Krivoshlyapovs Maria and Darya Mikhailivny became the Ivanivnas. My father transferred to NDI a decent sum for the feast of his children. Died of brain cancer in 1980.

On the cob of a folding road

From the canopy, the girl was transferred to the Institute of Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, where she lived for 7 years. All investigations over the little one were carried out carefully, straight to the point of explanation. In the territorial world, they were put on ice for an hour, after which one of the little ones fell ill from the inflammation of the legs. They were hung with sensors, the probe was kneaded, and a group of students was led to demonstrate “nature’s mercy.” In 1958, people tried to buy up such “cool material” for American lives, a secure life for children, a job and education, but they were denied categorical freedom. Until the end of this hour, and every other day of their painful life, the sisters thought through fear and pain.

and their lives will last

Until the seventh day of Krivoshlyapova, Masha and Dasha could no longer walk, they could hardly sit. They were transferred to the Central NDI prosthetic and prosthetic equipment, where within two years they learned to change their shoes to the police and manage for an hour without them. Here the sisters also learned to read and write. By nature, twins are small with three legs. The left one is Mashina, the right one is Dashina, and the third one, sculpted to the back perpendicularly and had two sprouting legs with 9 toes, was underfoot. She served the girls in the morning, and it was like that until the hour of singing. Doctors, respecting their knowledge, performed a surgical operation, obtaining the third ending. After this, the Krivoshlyapov sisters stopped walking altogether and moved behind the help of police and wheelchairs.

Before the doctors, whose stench they hated throughout their lives, the sisters only died in extreme episodes.

Profesional? Overboard!

The sisters visited the scientific institute for 15 years. No one thought that they would live to see this century. After all the scientific writing was completed, interest in the “natural anomaly” gradually faded away. Due to professional inadequacy, the state decided to send them to the Novocherkassk boarding school for children who were suffering from illness of the musculoskeletal system, where the conjoined twins of the Krivoshlyapov sisters tried 4 years. It was a terrible experience for them. The boys didn’t hate them, they were worried about them. The girl gradually endured the humiliation and jeering, as a result of which she began to stomp violently. In return for dancing, the boarding school boys showed their wonders to the local residents.

Thoughts about those, so as not to live

Krivoshlyapov Masha and Dasha thought about death all their lives. Several times they tried to wake up in this world, wanted to get out of the window of the 11-surface booth, more than once they labored for walks, cut their veins, constantly asking for death from God.

In 1970, the family moved to Moscow, where they could not afford food for a long time: the marriage did not want to take on such a burden. The Krivoshlyapov sisters were assigned to the cabin for people of the frail age No. 6, which became their last resource. They had a small room there, which served as a living room, a distant room, and a bedroom at the same time. On the wall hang a majestic portrait of Igor Talkov and an icon of the Mother of God. Shchitizhnya service staff made their acquaintances marvel at the “nature’s mercy.”

Zustrich with mother

Through many fates, at the 35th century, the Krivoshlyapov sisters found out their mother’s address through the passport office and visited her. Their wife stared with a heavy look and said: “Where have you been all this time?”, not realizing that if their children were like mustaches, then the stinkers would have heard their mother earlier. Besides Masha and Dasha, Katerina Krivoshlyapova had two more siblings, who never recognized their identity as sisters. Through many fates after this, the daughters of the unknown cursed their family. Having known the book of spells, at night in the impenetrable dark and stench they read a prayer for several years. The next day, the lady drank a self-made cotton doll from them, all covered with heads. After her first birth, Mother began to become very ill and did not live long.

Alcohol is an invisible attribute of the sisters’ lives

After their important relationship with their mother, the Krivoshlyapov sisters (the photo below is punctuated by the remaining fates of their life) began to drink, and now they couldn’t stop drinking.

Although we wanted to try alcohol, we tried it a lot earlier, in 14 years. Trying the procedure under the greatest pressure was unsuccessful. The sisters were blown, but after about an hour they had to blow them out, because the stench could not help but drink, surviving in such a permissible body. Before drinking, the stench sounded like hopelessness, realizing their own inferiority and difference from others. Possibly, the sluggishness factor played its role: the grandfather and father and one of the brothers drank alcohol. Dasha drank the most, but the fragments of her body were consumed, and she felt resentment. Then Masha smoked, and today she could spend 2 packs of Belomor milk.

Due to the fact that a special sister's life is limited to a large number of state partners. Dasha constantly dreamed about the children, about the man. But it was necessary to know that the power of this family was driven by her lack of self-esteem, for which sisters could not always serve themselves. Previously, in the boarding school, they earned a lot of money, sewing panties and nightgowns. This kind of work itself, as the sisters painstakingly did, imbued them with a sense of powerful demand. In the cabin for elderly people, the stench appeared to be isolated from marriage, and the main source was the TV.

One or two?

The familiarity of the rich people who treated these girls perceives them as one person, although in reality they have two completely different characteristics. You need your passport and medical book. They could easily read one another's thoughts, yet they had dreams that could converge in the middle of the night into a nightmare. Protesting their extreme similarity, the Krivoshlyapova sisters were completely different. Dasha was soft and kind, Masha was firm and harsh. Since in Masha’s beginning there were only “twos” and “threes”, then Masha’s science was easy, and the marks were an order of magnitude greater. The same ones with the tops: one of them definitely read them, the other didn’t.

Cause of death of the Krivoshlyapov sisters

Due to their strength of character, the Siamese twins lived to be 54 years old. The cause of death was acute coronary infarction of one of the twins. Masha died first. Dasha lived for 17 years after that, making a diagnosis of what was going on in the circulatory system, or forecasting, because due to endless drinking, both of them had severely damaged livers. Also, the body suffered from swelling of the leg and the heart was severely damaged. The doctors thought a lot about how to operate on the sisters and divide them. Ale behind the circulatory system turned out to be difficult.

The Krivoshlyapova sisters, who had a funeral in the Mykolo-Arkhangelsk region, ended their painful life, which brought them a lot of pain, both physical and mental. Such is the strange story of long-living conjoined twins.

twins, from the people, there are parts of their bodies that have grown up one by one. The population density of conjoined twins is approximately 1:200,000. The reason for this is the impaired development of zygotic cells of identical twins in the womb. About 50% of conjoined twins are pronounced dead, another 25-45% of children die in childhood, incl. Survival after fate increases from 5 to 25%. Most often (70-75% of cases) conjoined twins may become wives.

The most famous pair of conjoined twins were the Chinese Chang and Yong Banker (1811-1874), who were born in Siam (present-day Thailand). Many rocky stinks toured with P. T. Barnum's circus under the nickname "Siamese Twins", thus securing this name for such incidents. Chang Ta Yong has small cartilages of the chest (the so-called xyphopagus twins). In modern minds they could easily be separated. They died in 1874 at intervals of about 3 years. Chang was the first to die of pneumonia, while Yeung slept that hour. As a rule, when one of the twins who have grown up dies, the death of the other occurs within a day or two.

Famous Moscow Siamese twins Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapovborn in 1950 roku with two heads, chotirma with arms and three with legs (dicephales tetrabrachius dipus). Their ridges were connected at 90 degrees. The mothers of the girls were immediately told that their daughters had died, but after about an hour the nurse showed them to their neighbors. After this, the woman developed mental disorder. Mikhailo Krivoshlyapov was Lavrentiy Beria’s driver at that time. Under the pressure of medical care, he signed the death certificate for his daughters and no longer tried to find out anything about them. The girls were treated for 20 years: for the first 7 years at the Institute of Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SRSR, they were treated by physiologist Petro Anokhin, then they were placed at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and orthopedics. There the girls began to change their shoes for help and the police gave them cob light. The sisters were real “pre-last rabbits” for the last ones. They were dressed only for newspaper photographs. A film like this was made about them in 1955:

The sisters learned to walk after a lot of training, with which skin they controlled their legs. The third leg was amputated during the sisters’ age. However, from the police, the stench could be removed as much as possible, the skin of the skin would extract significant zusils. As a result, his sisters were not wealthy and lived on a disability pension. And the German company “Myra” specially prepared a carrier for the sisters, which made life easier for the twins, giving them the opportunity to change their shoes. In 1964, Maria and Darya were placed in a boarding school for children with motor problems, located in Novocherkassk. The twins lived for about 40 years in the Radyansky institutions for disabled people.

After two fateful baths at the psychiatric center, the mother of the girls was released, and she again began searching for her daughters. As the newspaper “Zhittya” wrote, the mother met her daughter when she was 35 years old, and brought her up for 4 years, then Masha and Dasha decided to study with her.

In 1989, the stench moved to the powerhouses near Moscow. The surgeons’ proposal about the hem was confirmed by Vidmova. It is important to note that the middle twin has a fourth surviving twin after the operation. Moreover, it is important for successful surgical procedures to instill in one of the patients a gyne. If twins have one vitally important organ - the heart and liver, then surgical interventions are impossible.

Shortly before his death, at the request of a French company, they came to Paris. Closer to the end of this life, health problems with alcoholism began to become increasingly common. So, Maria and Darina suffered from liver cirrhosis and swelling of the leg. After many years of struggle against addiction to alcohol, Maria’s heart began to ache close to the evening of February 13, 2003. A week later, through the scargs of her living sister, Maria and Darina were hospitalized for what they thought was “sleep,” and then the cause of Maria’s death was revealed, “hospital infarction.” Ale for Daria, she lost her sleep. The fragments of sister Krivoshlyapova damaged the circulatory system, 17 years after the death of Maria, as a result of intoxication, the death of Daria occurred. The stinks died in the fifty-fourth century of life.

Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov had a malfunctioning circulatory system, so if Masha died of a heart attack, after 17 years, as a result of intoxication, Dasha’s death occurred (although she didn’t know that her sister had died, they thought she should sleep).

With the 53-year-old Krivoshlyapov sisters (“KP” wrote about them since 2000), there was a story that all fathers of conjoined twins are afraid of - that one of them died earlier, the other... Ale fathers Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov, like and the remaining thirty rocks lived. At the boarding house for veterans near Moscow, they don’t remember. They had a “mother friend” - aunt Nadya, Nadiya Fedorivna Gorokhova, a nurse at the Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics, who spoke about sisters for six years.

If I were walking, the little girl would be alive,” Nadiya Fedorovna wept bitterly. She taught the little ones how to do things - to eat with a spoon, to walk, to laugh, and got them a pension.

Mashenka called me on Saturday, - Nadiya Fedorovna tells herself not to cry. - as if: “Auntie Nadya, I feel really bad. Dihati is important.” I tell her: “Call out Shvidka again.” This is the heart."

During the week of wound rounds, the doctor at the boarding house died of pressure on the sisters. I immediately called out “I’ll help you in no time.”

The 1st City sisters reached the intensive care unit “drunk.” Then Masha’s heart had already stopped beating, and the circulatory system connected with her sister was still chasing life with Dasha’s judgment.

Dasha didn’t know that her sister had died.

They were told that Masha should just sleep after the injections, as did the director of the boarding school, Edita Nesterova.

Couldn’t they have been divided at once in order to get rid of one sister?

Neither immediately nor in childhood - the circulatory system is hidden.

On Monday, Dasha Krivoshlyapova did not wake up after the injection.

Today we learned about three pairs of twin sisters, our part-time children, whose bodies, when married, turned out to be adults. Life's path is one of these couples - it's a pity! - has already ended, and the other two are no longer beginning.

The share of unique Muscovites is sad

Moscow has 4 sichnya 1950 to the fate of Katerina and Mikhail Krivoshlyapovykh Twins were born and grew into the bodies of a girl. Between them they had two heads, four arms and three legs. Their ridges met on the level across 90 degrees.

The hostile obstetricians told the mother that they had died of pneumonia. Thanks to the twins who took away their names Masha and Dasha, transferred to the Institute of Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR

However, shortly after the news about the death of the girls, the nurse showed Katerina her living daughters. The woman experienced severe shock, developed mental disorder, and had to spend two days at a psychiatric hospital. Having cooled down, Katerina began to joke with her daughters. She knew them when they were already 35 years old, and for years the fates were leading them, but then Maria and Daria decided to study with her.

Well, my father, Mikhaila Krivoshlyapova, at the turn of the 1940s and 1950s, he worked as a driver for Lavrentiy Beria, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and I was put in charge - there was no way to find out about the share of my daughters.

At the Institute of Pediatrics, the twins were treated for seven years, and then placed at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Here the girls began to wear shoes at the police stations and were given cob light. For 20 years, the sisters were “the last rabbits” for the descendants of such a rare pathology, which is called dicephales tetrabrachius dipus.

The sisters mastered walking after extensive training, with which they could control their legs. The third leg was amputated during the sisters' puberty, after which their body balance was disrupted, and now, from the police, the stinks could be removed too much, causing significant damage to the skin. Obviously, the sisters could not work and were procrastinating on their disability pension.

In 1964, Maria and Darya were placed in a boarding school for children with motor problems, located in Novocherkassk. The twins lived in Radyan institutions for disabled people for at least 40 years.

In 1989, the stench moved to Moscow. Not long before their death, the Krivoshlyapov sisters, at the request of a French company, flew to Paris.

Towards the end of her life, her health deteriorated sharply due to her addiction to alcohol. Maria and Darina suffered from liver cirrhosis. The twins never thought they could overcome alcoholism. The evening of April 13, 2003 was approaching, Maria’s heart skipped a beat. Vrancia felt bad for herself and Darina. “I’ll sleep” Maria and her sister were hospitalized. Then the cause of Maria’s death was revealed – acute infarction. Ale for Daria, she lost her sleep.

The sisters’ circulatory system was congested, and 17 years after Maria’s death, Daria died as a result of intoxication. The twins were buried in the Vagankovsky District of Moscow.

Ramzan Kadirov helps them

Lezginki Zita and Gita Rezakhanova were born on June 19, 1991 in Kyrgyzstan, in the village of Zakhidna, Chuy region. The stench is as big as one dirty basin and three legs for two. The Russians found out about these sisters when the snakes informed about the unique surgical operation carried out on February 26, 2003 at the Central Children's Clinical Hospital named after Filatov in Moscow.

There, doctors separated the 12-year-old girls, who grew up, having seen their third leg. And instead of the other leg, Zita and Gita got prosthetics.

Soon after, the three sisters underwent a course of post-operative therapy and rehabilitation in Moscow, and then returned home to Kyrgyzstan, together with their mother, Zumriyat Rezakhanova, who, understandably, spent the entire hour them.

In Fatherland, the sisters lived and started at a special boarding school. Until the end of their career, they had a ripe desire to become doctors, to obtain additional illumination.

In 2010, the family died before the current President of Russia, Dmitra Medvedev, asked for help in raising my daughter. Soon she received a confirmation from the presidential administration, which indicated that after completing nine classes of Zita and Gita, they can enter the Moscow Medical College without examination and begin there without costly.

However, over the years, all attempts to speed up this process turned out to be unsuccessful. The girls carefully experienced the accident of their death, realizing that the jealousy of knowledge that had developed during the process of starting in the boarding school would not allow them to successfully return to live in Moscow. For joy and for the encouragement of my mother, the stench began to joke about joy in religion. The sisters found themselves in a madrasah - a Muslim secondary school - and immediately found peace of mind.

During their visit to Moscow, Zita and Gita several times took part in Andriy Malakhov’s TV show “Don’t Talk” on Channel One, and on January 12, 2013 they specially flew from Kyrgyzstan to become the main characters of this program. And then in the world, the sisters revealed a desire to build a mosque named after Akhmat Kadirov near Grozny, as well as to carry out the Hajj - a pilgrimage to Mecca to the main Muslim shrine, the Kaaba temple.

The official request to release Grozny Zita and Gita was rejected by Ramzan Kadirov that same evening. Before speaking, Ramzan Akhmatovich had previously shown interest in the lives of many girls. So, at the beginning of 2012, we saw the love of the Koshti sisters, which her mother especially demanded.

Zita and Gita arrived in Grozny on the 19th of February. At the airport they were met by the Mufti of Chechnya, the director of the department of relations with religious and community organizations, as well as activists of the Iman women's club. The most friendly girls lost their enmity due to the advance of Ivan the Terrible: people became friendly with them, having received them at their residence Ramzan Kadirov.

And the smut - the pottery of Chechnya and the mufti promised the girls to conquer their world, to help them perform the Hajj. In addition, they were encouraged to start studying at the Grozny Islamic University without any costs.

How many have a rich family

At the Salt Lake Area - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA - February 26, 2002 with a friend Herrin, 25-year-old Erin and 26-year-old Jake, twin girls were born and grew up. There was a smell of a dirty pelvis and a clear “deficit” of internal organs: there was only one liver between the two, only one liver and part of the colon. And one hand at a time and one nose on the skin.

When girls whose names were taken away Kendra ta Malaya, it turned out that the fate had come to pass, they began to be prepared for the separation operation. The doctors drained the intestines, the honey beetroot and the liver, and also drained the pelvic bones.

Nirku Kendre, and Malaya Pislya Tribimati on DIALIZI, Tobto PIDKLICHIT to the APAPAT Nirka, Shchobo with the last Trio-Shosti Mesytvy, nirki, nirki, nirki,

The operation at the children's hospital in Salt Lake City began on September 7, 2006 at 07:15 a.m. and lasted for 26 years. It was carried out by a large team of doctors - anesthesiologists, orthopedists, plastic surgeons, radiologists and urologists - with the participation of about 30 additional medical personnel. Keruvala's head of surgery, Dr. Rebecca Myers.

The operation was successful, and the sisters now had an important time of adaptation to life. The stench was too small for one “normal” hand and nose, and there were a lot of difficulties, extremely complicated physical and psychological problems. Ale 7th sickle 2006 is now called another birthday day.

After gaining “independence”, the girls are under constant pressure
In addition to treating doctors, regularly undergo medical and preventive procedures, take important medications, use various devices that support an active way of life.

Well, of course, there is a lot of respect and excitement among all members of the family. And this family is great. Two years before the birth of Kendry and Malaya, friend Herrin gave birth to a daughter, Courtney, and three years after the birth of twin sisters, twin brothers (this time not grown up), Justin and Austin, appeared. In a word, the formula “This is this I” has reached the point of precision.

The low physical and moral state of Kendri and Malaya, as well as the atmosphere in their family, can be judged from such facts.

Last year, the offended girls successfully completed the 7th grade program at a special out-of-the-way school. And on June 4, 2013, on the Independence Day of the United States, people from their entire homeland flew to Washington to take their fate from the hidden national saint.

During busy walks and mass gatherings, my mother and I carried the twin sisters in special carriages. And when there were difficulties during their transportation, according to the words of Erin’s mother, completely unknown “military boys” immediately came to their aid.

Vadim ILIN

Two souls that have lost one body

Siamese twins Masha and Dasha celebrated death as a relief from the cruelty of “normal” people

Last Monday, in the 1st City Hospital, conjoined twins Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov died in their 54th birthday. The cause of death was acute coronary infarction in one of the sisters. She outlived her by only 17 years.

Masha and Dasha thought about death all their lives. Several times the stench suggested ending life with suicide. It seems like they didn’t drink much from the window of the 11th, they worked with pills more than once, cut their veins and constantly blessed God about death.

The rebels met with the Krivoshlyapovs in front of their 50th century. At dinner, when they wanted to celebrate their birthdays, the sisters said in one voice: “In this world...”

Some facts from the life of the Krivoshlyapovs did not make it to the material. Today we publish details of the attack.

"The stench won't last long"

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Masha suffered a heart attack, which is evident, - reacting to information about the hospitalization of the conjoined twins of the Krivoshalyapovs, narcologist Sergei Fedorchenko, who That's how fateful it was to kill the sisters. - Five fates ago, the liver was already deeply seated in them due to continuous drunkenness. Before we killed Masha and Dasha, we spent a long time with doctors, who were watching over them for many fates. In addition to cirrhosis of the liver, the sisters had swollen legs, a severely sunken heart, and their entire body had already started to deteriorate.

At the end of 1999, the Krivoshlyapova sisters began to suffer more from their health. After the final medical treatment, the doctors delivered a verdict: “If you don’t live, you will lose no more than two lives to live...”

The stench of drinking was terrible. All tests to overcome alcohol levels were reduced to zero. Moreover, they have a complex character, and gaining their trust was not so easy,” says Sergey Fedorchenko, head of the Perm Drug Treatment Center. - We looked after them for two months and were washed away. Finally, they drank a glass of champagne, and they were coded.

They coded the twins using the Dovzhenko method with both hands, synchronously, using the term in the river. Over the past few months, the Krivoshlyapovs have again turned to Sergei Anatoliyovich.

Uncode us, kindly, American literature is writing a book about us, but we cannot get drunk without alcohol, - the stench of the doctors was blessed.

Fedorchenko arrived in Moscow in a few days.

We literally begged them on our knees: “Girls, come to your senses! If you stop drinking, you’re not scum!” The stench was desperate to our ears.

The doctors were afraid that the sisters might get sick themselves. I have been blowing them out over the past week.

After this, the sisters began to drink with new strength.

They don’t care about the fact that only one of them drank especially heavily, behind the hidden circulatory system, alcohol for treating illness reached everyone else, like Fedorchenko. “It’s not surprising that both of their bodies are in ruins; their livers have become like pulp and fluff.” It’s amazing that Masha died first. Come on out, Dasha drove her sister to the grave with her feasting. She herself died after 17 years, if, again, behind the hidden circulatory system, the cadaveric excrement reached her.

Over the course of their long lives, the Krivoshlyapov sisters rarely became doctors. The stinks were simply afraid of them, the stinks hated them. Having treated the people in white robes, they guessed the hour when, without any luck, at the Central Scientific and Pre-Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics of the Ministry of Social Security of the RRFSR, their third leg was amputated, which was the opposite for the sisters. From that moment on, the stench could not be removed on its own.

After they lifted our leg, we couldn’t get there for a long time. It’s all the same, because most people relax their legs. They were most afraid that everyone would laugh at us. We are so irrational, we are complexed strongly by externality. And if they lost a leg, then close to the age of death they were afraid to give up in front of people.

At the Institute of Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SRSR, they spent the same fate, they were subjected to constant research. The sisters often recounted how, as small children, they were put in ice for a painful hour, after which one of the girls fell ill with a fever and the temperature reached forty. The stench had never been seen before.

We wonder - haven’t the doctors realized that, since we are getting sick, we are much more likely than normal people to be cured? - they said the stinks. - For example, it takes a whole year to fill one tooth. We recently suffered from a new burning leg, so one of them suddenly died, and the other couldn’t come to you for two years. So, just as one receives an infection, the other is transmitted directly. This is how we rejoice for 50 years.

In 1958, the American people wanted to transport the girls to the USA, they promised to give them a job and education. All Russian doctors have preserved their child.

The sisters cursed their family

First, the girls tried alcohol at the NDI, where they were kept under surveillance.

We were just 12 years old. At the same time, Ida, the eldest daughter of First Secretary Virmenia Arushanyan, was celebrating with us at the institute, they guessed at the hour of our divorce. - She was such a garna, she always treated us with foreign tsukerki, she was kind to us. Maybe that’s why we were so drawn to her. Apparently she asked us to come home and gave me some tincture to drink. We were so lucky that we walked around the same time. Then she began to ask us to go home more often, poured more alcohol and laughed at us. Then we were transferred to the Novocherkessk boarding school for disabled children. They were already drinking there. We were afraid to appear like white crows; he had to drink a lot of alcohol. We were just over 14 years old...

At the Novocherkessk boarding school for children with illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, the stench was caused by several fates.

This was the most terrible test for us,” the Krivoshlyapovs guessed. “It was there that the thought of self-destruction haunted us in life.” The local boys didn’t like us. We were deafened by boycotts, the boys beat us, how much ridicule, humiliation, and images they brought upon us! For the dance of the gorky, the boys from the class showed us to the village boys. It used to be that classmates poured water into the water and shouted: “Wonder, the little bastards peed themselves!” And we put the glue down and rinse it off. It seems like they've stuck a majestic dog on us. After this we began to stutter violently.

In 1970, the sisters flowed from Novocherkessk to Moscow. On the way, we lost our registration certificate, registration, and passport. We tried to get in touch with the Moscow 31st boarding school for disabled people and elderly people. Chi was not taken. “Who knows if they’ll die tomorrow in a stinking mess? Can you tell me?” - the director of the boarding school boasted. For a month they were placed in boarding school for elderly people No. 6.

In the fall of 1993, German journalists asked the Krivoshlyapovs to come to Germany. After the stench was gone, we started thinking about suicide again. They felt that in the capital they were inferior and self-sufficient.

We were already standing on the windowsill 11 above. Unsurprisingly, Masha changed her mind, began to protest and told me to go back to the room. Now I’m really upset that they didn’t cut me off... They couldn’t get home,” Dasha said.

Behind the cordon we were seen by people. We walked calmly along the street. No one stammered or pointed a finger. And in Moscow, when you go to a party, people already get ready, throw in pennies, ask to go for a walk and dance. As if some man paid us a hundred dollars for the dance of little swans to our viconn. We often spent so many pennies. Adje won't last long on our pension...

The Krivoshlyapovs began to admire the cause of their power-fuelled indulgence.

“Mother said that grandfather drank heavily, father gave in, and her brothers also loved her,” the sisters said.

Due to the lack of water and the fall, the curtains of their mother, Katerina Oleksiivna Krivoshlyapova, were taken by doctors who were in need of a drink.

Our canopy booth is far from being the best one, the medical staff often gives in,” said Inna Chernyakova, a senior nurse at canopy booth No. 6. - The doctor, who took the curtains from Krivoshlyapova, took so much on his chest. And if instead of the emergency child they found a wonderful truth, the doctor is insatiable. Having finished drinking, we’re still talking. “Lord, a white fever has started, no more before work...” - Vyn crossed himself.

Katerina Oleksiivna immediately said that her children died within a few years of the birth. Mother didn’t believe it - so the doctors had a chance to show Siamese twins. After the illness, Katerina Krivoshlyapova spent a period of time at a psychiatric clinic. Two years later she started screaming again. And through many fates, this woman did not tell anyone about her first curtains. Before the speech, according to the father, Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov were given a hibna - Ivanivny. Their father Mikhailo was afraid of the voice, the galas on the robot, and even at that time he was Beria’s special driver. However, after transferring to the scientific institute, where his children were located, I saved money for the treatment of my twins. In 1980, Mikhailo Krivoshlyapov died of brain cancer. Katerina Oleksiivna died in 1998. They were buried in the Khimki district. Masha and Dasha often got ready to go to their fathers’ graves, but they never got around to it.

We only studied with our mother once. We asked about her address at the other passport office: we were lucky that she kept the man’s nickname and did not change it to a girl - Tarasova. When we reached her home, she started screaming and driving us away with the words: “Where were you earlier? Why did you know so badly about Matir?” And we just rushed to come to her, we didn’t want to be a burden for her. And our two real brothers - Sergiy and Anatoly - didn’t want to talk to us at all,” Masha guessed.

Unfortunately, the brothers never recognized Masha and Dasha as their real sisters. They were confused by such contentiousness, and in all their lives they never contacted their sisters and never called them. After a lot of fates, the Krivoshlyapov sisters cursed their family.

“They found a book of spells and one night, in the dark, with one candle, they read a prayer for several years,” the roommate guessed. - The next day, I dipped some cotton into their doll and stuck it in with my heads. To say, with such a rite you are sending a curse...

We contacted the brother of the deceased sisters, Anatoly.

Mother never told us about her first curtains. She said that the little twins and offended girls died. I doubt that she knew about the origin of Siamese twins. If only the stench appeared before us, the mother ice did not bother us. After this meeting, she began to have health problems. Noises appeared in the heart... This illness over the year brought her to the grave. Before the speech, after his arrival, everything in our life in hell turned upside down. Brother Sergiy immediately began to sleep, and it’s important to speak. Apparently, I haven’t studied for a very long time. Maybe he’s already dead... Recently, grief fell on our homeland. My squad has been dying for many days now. That’s why I don’t care about Masha and Dasha right now. I have never protected them from my family. Dead, you think? Men tse zagali no turbuje.

“We got ahead of Dashka - stop drinking!”

The Krivoshlyapov sisters spent most of their lives in a boarding house for elderly people No. 6. There they saw a small side room, which served as their bedroom, and also as a living room. On the wall hung an icon of the Mother of God, surrounded by a majestic portrait of Igor Talkov. There is a dressing table along the balcony. It’s true that almost everything in the mirror was stained with white tarpaulin. The majestic ball of pills, it seemed, was not wafted by fate.

What is the mirror for us? We can only see the river more than once if we are photographed on National Day,” the sisters said.

It struck me as surprising that these women did not wear makeup at all, did not perfume themselves at all, and even managed to get itchy without a comb. Two pairs of training suits, one human trousers, three old shirts and formal red shirts - all from the selection of conjoined twins.

We arrived at the boarding house the day after the death of the Krivoshlyapovs. Not everyone here knew about her death. However, no one was surprised by such a result.

We got ahead of Dashka - the one who sings: throw it on the right - you yourself will die and kill your sister - share with us the summer bag of the boarding house. - So she didn’t hear us. The rest of the time the girl started to sleep away. They drank practically every day. Moreover, they bought the cheapest pot. If there were no pennies left, some man came to them, bringing technical alcohol. So they diluted his stench with water and drained a liter of it in an evening.

What’s amazing is that Dasha has adopted the nasty moodiness. Natomist Masha smoked two packs of Belomor milk per day.

“I barked at Dasha, shouted at her, screamed at her, beat her if she drank, but everything was fine,” Masha snarled. - I realized what she needed. There is a weak person, it was important for her to live among the cruel people who sent us away.

“I understand that it’s a waste of time to drink, otherwise I can’t separate from him,” Dasha confessed. - I don’t want to. It's all about selfhood.

So many of the Krivoshlyapov sisters successfully ran the Alcoholics Anonymous club. Even working with psychologists didn’t help them.

All the residents of the boarding house will guess the drunken vibrations of their twins.

The Krivoshlyapovs became aggressive, angry, and could get up to speed, like the old-timer at the boarding school, Grandfather Vitaly. - I remember that they were driving on their wheelchair, and then some of the men nearby were calling out: “Well, girls, maybe we can transfer to the bed?” So the stench attacked him, almost until the police beat him to death. He took two of his legs. The Zagals didn't like them here. Even if you don’t hear a kind word from them, they curse all day long.

The Krivoshlyapova sisters lived a prosperous life and were mothers of children. We were looking for a dad for our new baby.

We live here alone, Mikola Valentinovich, a quiet, calm, very kind man,” the cleaner tells the boarding school. - He often helps them with the state - either the TV is turned on, or the police arrive. The entire boarding house knew that they were afraid of the stench of my proposal, and then they really wanted something for him. And before the children, the doctors immediately told them that they couldn’t go on about this.

Masha died about 5 years after her wound. Dasha never found out about her sister’s death. The doctors calmed her down with the words that she had simply fallen asleep.

Whenever we hung out with the Krivoshlyapovs, they said that they could read the thoughts of one another, that they didn’t need to recount dreams - the stinks in them, however, they didn’t have to eat at once - one snack, and the other one felt like a sieve, the stink, however, was sharp yut bіl. And they sang to me that one of them would die, and the other would immediately understand: “We are so insignificant, we can’t take anything one way, the worse is death.”

The sisters had mercy, or maybe Dasha understood everything, or didn’t want to share her remaining human grief with outsiders?

P.S. The Krivoshlyapov sisters respectfully followed the share of other conjoined twins - Ziti and Giti. More than half of the Kyrgyz girls were prepared for the most complicated operation under the floor. They were going to operate on the first twins at Nimechchina, but after the tight closures, the Germans considered such an operation to be unsafe and hopeless. The thought of the local doctors there was unambiguous: “in the process, one of the sisters died.”

As a result, Russian doctors went to this rhizic crucible. The complex operation, which was carried out at the Filatovsky hospital by a specially selected team of doctors, ended with great success.

“Thank God, I don’t want these girls to have to suffer all their lives like we did,” the Krivoshlyapovs, relieved and suddenly late in the day, said, having learned about the successful operation.

It was quite fateful that the doctors thought of operating on the Krivoshlyapovs. However, with a corrupted circulatory system, separating the sisters turned out to be impossible. It was their destiny to live and die at the same time. In the middle of the body, Dasha and Masha are cremated at the crematorium of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk District.

The Krivoshlyapov sisters lived for a long time, beyond the tragedy of life - alone. Dasha voluntarily condemned herself to death, having been inspired by the operation on the floor of the dead Masha. However, the lives of conjoined twins, who have experienced much pain and humiliation, could not be called forgivable.

In the frosty morning of 1950, in one of the Moscow canopy houses, Katerina Krivoshlyapova gave birth to Siamese twins Masha and Dasha. The women gave birth to Caesar's roses, and after she came out of anesthesia, they learned that she had given birth, as the midwife said, “mutants.” On the right, the backs of the girls were connected at 180 degrees, and there were three legs. Unconcerned with the women’s care, the doctors categorically decided not to show their children, declaring that now the stink belonged to the state. One of the nurses was sleepy and brought the twins to Katerina at night so that she could admire them with one eye.

Mother never wanted to give in to her father’s rights. Then the staff of the canopy booth, in order to hush up the scandal that was brewing, had to tell Krivoshlyapova that the girl had died of pneumonia. It is understood that this application was supported by supporting documents, the details of which were easy to obtain.

Father Masha and Dasha were the special waters of Lavrentiy Beria and did not want to become famous in the Kremlin stakes for their lack of breath: under the pressure of the medical staff, they signed the death certificate for their daughters and no longer asked about them to be famous

His friend, through severe shock and stress as a result of the “death” of the girls, developed mental discord, and two years later he was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. After the registration, Katerina spent an hour unsuccessfully trying to find out about the fate of her daughters: they told her that Masha and Dasha had been dead for a long time. Until now, it is not clear that they have found one mother and one child: data from different sources varies.

Why didn’t the doctors want to give their twins to their mothers? On the right is that the girl was an ideal subject for medical investigations. Masha and Dasha had the same blood supply, but at the same time there was a difference in the nervous system, and physiologists had a hard time finding out how the stink occurs in a single organism. After the medical department of the canopy informed about the population of “mutants” in the reproductive organs, the Medical Administration of the Kremlin issued an order to the doctor - to terminally send the girls for further investigation.

For the sake of science

Well, Masha and Dasha were considered ideal followers. The Radyansky physiologist Petro Anokhin, having read the rivers of life to the twins, was immediately aware of the investigation. The girls were taken to the Institute of Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and were detained there for as many as 6 years.

For a long time, we wanted to know more about the ability of the human body to adapt to such unpleasant minds, such as less sleep, hunger, and sudden changes in temperature. Of course, everything was locked up in the dungeon: no one in the region (except for the people who were responsible for it) knew what was going on in the medicine room.

The girls were injected with a variety of drugs, radioactive iodine was added to one of the sisters to ensure the other’s health, and they were given a shock to check their mental reflexes.

One of them was also placed in a bag of ice to see if they could give heat to each other to prevent hypothermia.

What kind of gifts have you earned through 6 years of torment? At first, physiologists did not understand why, regardless of the underlying circulatory system, girls were less likely to get sick. Dasha has a weak immune system and short-sightedness, and Masha has hypertension and ideal vision. How could this have happened? The blood, the grass, the blood, the endocrine and cystic systems, and all the illnesses are slaughter... The doctors went back to the right side of the nervous systems, and hastened to help the twins, who have become unnecessary.

The beginning of a “normal” life

In 1956, the children of Dasha and Masha were transferred to the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, so the experiment reached its end. At that hour, Stalin, who was delighted with his results, died.

At the institute, the girls’ third leg was removed, as it was immature, and they began to follow the help of the police (one sister could collapse with one leg, and the other with the other) and were given ear light. The staff treated each other with love: as their birthday was approaching, the nurses curled the children’s hair and tidied up their combs.

However, the girls knew from their earliest childhood that stinks were not the same as mustaches. Around them, there was a horde of soldiers. And the axis Slavik, who is alive in the same version, behaves differently. After suffering from polyomyelitis, the child's arms and legs were paralyzed, which did not cause the 15-year-old Dasha to roll around... The ceremony went like this: the sisters sat in the garden under the cherry tree, with a tape recorder, and Slavko instructed them, in Disabled traveler.

For about eight years, the Krivoshlyapovs languished in the institute under the supervision of doctors, and then they were sent to a boarding school for children with limited opportunities in real Russia. Throughout their lives, Masha and Dasha changed 5 sovereign institutions, and, as you might guess, the minds in them were by no means royal.

In younger girls, differences in character began to emerge more and more clearly. Behind the words of one of the doctors, who was on guard for the sisters, the difference was so obvious that, if the stinks were not siamese twins, one could assume that Dasha was inspired by the professor's homeland, and Masha - by the peasant one.

Dasha was a kind, sensible and affectionate girl, just as Masha was only timid, swallowing magazines and smoking. This is what journalist Julia Butler talks about, who spent time with the girls, and then wrote a book called The Less You Know The Sounder You Sleep (“The less you know, the less you sleep”), which revealed the story of the lives of the twins.

Behind the words of the English woman, Masha was a real psychopath, as she worried about her sister. For example, she herself put an end to the story about Slavik: Masha declared that Dasha was not obliged to belong to anyone beside her, and was against the hundreds of bets. Dali - girshe.

Masha forced her sister to drink alcohol to make her sleepy (presumably, their circulatory system was strong): she herself could not drink through her vomit reflex.

Dasha hated alcohol, but she loved her sister so much that she indulged in all her funny things. Masha did not allow Dasha to pluck her hair, dress herself, or wear jewelry. His centrism of Masha was so intense that she beat Dasha, as if she was convinced of her punishment.

Dasha longed for a normal life: she wanted to love, to find light, to begin to work (the girl kept spitting gum pears into pipettes all day long, and then threw a little bit at her dissatisfied sister). Soon, when famous surgeons tried to separate them, she marveled at Masha with renewed hope and always felt a categorical vidmova. So they lived in one body: a cruel dictator and a gentle soul.

The remaining 15 sisters lived at Budinka for veterans receiving a pension from disability. There, Dasha and Masha constantly suffered from the incomprehensible hunger of their souls, always asking: “How are you going to die?” At 53, Masha had a heart attack at night. Dasha respected her sister with great care, and if she felt bad for herself, she called for help. The doctors declared death due to a heart attack and ordered the living sister to carry out the terminus operation on Masha’s side. Vaughn was convinced. After 17 years, Dasha died as a result of intoxication.

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