How to remove the gate of domestic minds. Rotate the hundred and turn the khan. Blessed prayer to steal from a love spell

Black magic includes abilities that can seriously harm the lives of other people, including situations where vengeful or vengeful people want to separate those from one another. When one of the partners begins to notice a negative influx, you want to understand how to remove the influx on your own. clean up the cool. This article gives a detailed look at methods of combating magical negatives.

Acts of gate magic

The skin pair, in the middle of which the veins develop harmoniously, and the partners deeply love one another, has an energetic connection that allows both to live. Those who use black magic against them are directly targeted at their weak link. One of the partners or partners begins to sense drastic changes like other people, which is important to explain.

Cooling is a strong magical ritual, which is done to cool down the beloved person. The name seems to speak for itself.

Among the symptoms, the following factors can be seen:

  • A sharp decrease in mood and activity is ordered from the poor people, which is accompanied by serious anger, nervousness and rubbish;
  • There is sexual activity, and the truth among these people is that they were untidy and consistently showed their desires;
  • A possible development of old illnesses, or the emergence of new illnesses physically, as well as the manifestation of psychological problems at the same time as depression and apathy;
  • Raptov’s desire to separate from a partner without obvious reasons.

As a result, people simply cannot get along and grow apart. Also read information about from the gate of the man from the squad . All these symptoms appear either okremo or form a hidden complex of problems. Their other partner may be noted, since the people themselves are “infected,” but they cannot accurately convey the reasons for the devastation. It is recommended to contact a knowledgeable farmer, find out how to avoid the cold and earn money simply and competently.

The re-verification showed that a person can be effectively attacked after entering, and the sooner he can be captured, the better. At any moment, I order that some rusty flowers appear from the door of the khan's hut, and also testify about the handing over of an evil magician in their particular way of life or the crushed kimos. It is necessary to understand that you can secure yourself quickly and simply independently at home.

This is one method that ends at the hour of the fall during the fall of the month. To make a candle, you will need jerel water, slime material and two medium candles, together with water, place on the table, covering it with a white tablecloth.

The candles are ignited, and the liquid is heated on them, moving one across the half to the other. Wrap the paste using tweezers, and if it is baked until hot, place it in water, rinsing:

“Just as water cools metal, let the gate become weaker. I will not give you (the name of the Kohana people) to anyone, I will not take away the evil spirits and other evil spirits from me. We love one another, as before, and we will become one again. My words are hot, strong and pure, like water, but the lake has already become completely cold. Let it be my will, let it be so!”

Before you understand how to remove a person’s turn from a friend, you need to secure faith in those that people effectively need and will immediately turn them around. The power of thought and energy to renew a great union.

Some people, realizing that they are under the influx of an evil curse, do not want to indulge themselves in the vicious magic, since they are trying to rely everything on the Lord God and true believing Christians. As a rule, they want to understand how to remove the gate from the church, and for this there is only one method.

For this purpose you need to add a photograph of the Kohana people who need to come to this temple. It is not possible to work in one day, but it is necessary to take one candle from each skin temple. You need to immediately light it and look at the photograph opposite it. When doing so, read a prayer, and then, with a generous heart, ask the saints and God for those who turn around and so that the curse goes away.

After leaving all these temples, take the photograph back home and put it in a visible place. When you get the hang of it, you need to ask the Lord with a big heart to cleanse the Kohan from the defilement and turn back.

Another ritual. Take a photograph of a man taken during a happy period of 100 years.

Go around these images of these temples of the Lord. With each of them, light a candle for your health with the person as a bet. You can earn money in one day. Rotate the photo image halfway, pray to the saints for help in turning it around. Without knowing the prayers, you can use your own words.

At home, display the photograph in full view. Having absorbed the energy of the holy places, we will protect this from black magic, and help to destroy the current gate.

Information about self-indulgence may come in handy once you see the influx of the virus on people especially.

You need cold water, knowledge of prayer words. Pour water into the bottle and place it in the refrigerator to cool. You can also place the bottle on the balcony. Don’t over-trim the countryside until it freezes, you just have to let it cool down. At night, take the bottle in your hands and read:

“Just as the spring water is cold, so the people of the Krieg are fiercely cold.
Please tell me, I’ll never see the cold at home again.
The stars have arrived, turn there. To the supernitsa zhorstokoy, who caused damage.
The water is clean and cold, rinse my glasses and the water is cold.

Place spells under the birch tree. Repeat for two more days, with breaks for a day.

Another effective method will help friendly couples to renew relationships between two couples, as if they did not form an alliance. Leave your trace until the sun goes down and you will need clean water. Place it in your mind and wonder for a long time, until you can’t get the look in your eyes. Marvel at them and see:

“I am united with my khan, and our khan is never destroyed. Just as water can cleanse any filth, so I wash away my godless, other people’s trash. May this water help me cleanse my god from the evil curse.”

Obviously these words, it is necessary to maintain concentration and respectfully marvel at the powerful eyes. Also here you can see that the water is gaining powerful force, as it effectively washes away all the magical “brood” from the earth. This is a way for people who want to know how to remove the welds from a girl on their own, just need to change the text.

Having talked about how to remove the cold from a god, let’s look at the ritual of removing such a curse from oneself. So, since people here have a common desire to get rid of the influx of black magic, it is even easier to create it. To obtain the maximum effect, before carrying out this ritual, try to get comfortable with sex for a period of time and try not to interact with those people who could send such a curse.

To carry out this ritual, you need a flask of salt and a special light. Drizzle it onto the saucepan and put it on the fire, stirring and washing:

“Please do not knock me out and completely cleanse me, so that all the evil that has been directed at me (the name of the damned enemy) goes away from me. Let misfortune befall me, and I will become free again!

Since the enemy of the god is unknown, one can say that he is a young woman or simply an enemy. It is necessary to repeat this phrase steadily until the heat heats up. Then they hang from the saucer and cover with a hairy photograph, leaving them in this position until the evening, when they are taken again, opened and the text of the ritual is read.

It is necessary to understand that it is victorious, because it can absorb all the negative energy. The effectiveness of this can be improved by showing that, like a sponge, all the “brutal” and dark energy has gone. This ritual can be repeated several days later to consolidate the effect. Afterwards, wash it with plain running water.

After performing any of these rituals, it is necessary to place a magical protection on yourself and your loved one from the chosen charmer. In the absence of such possibility, prepare amulets with your own hands. There are a bunch of pieces to carry with you and to place in the family nest.

If there are constantly constant weldings and differences in the life of a human being, you might want to think about why this happens. Often the reason for the crisis is not at all in the chilled pair of one to one, but in the current call - a magical gate.

Most often men become its victims, but most often women experience the negative influx of magic. To protect your notes, you need to know how to unscrew and protect yourself from such spills in the future.

Main signs of the gate

The main goal of any kind of reversal or discord is a negative magical influx on the walls between two close people. With this help it is possible to break up the close emotional and physical connections, after which the joints become practically impossible.

Most people are willing to give in voluntarily, hoping to get involved with an unworthy rogue or an undivided khan.

It is not uncommon for unkind people to resort to the idea of ​​separating two people out of fear, revenge, or anger. In such a situation, it is important to remember to protect your notes and carefully read the information about how to remove the gate yourself.

It’s also important to be aware of the tell-tale signs of disorganization in the victim of a magical surge:

  • constant mood swings;
  • the appearance of mischievous bells;
  • I feel sorry for myself, that constant apathy;
  • headaches and problems with sleep;
  • the presence of sexual desire;
  • nervousness, aggression and health problems.

As a result, your closest friends will now become complete strangers. The victim begins to ignore his interests and interests, not considering the exchange of power rights. And it often suffers greatly, but it is impossible to recognize raptian changes in behavior.

Afterwards, there are often disputes in the family, which often end in the infidelity of one of the partners. Therefore, it is not only necessary, but also important to remove the gates.

Additional signs appear: stains on the doors, salt on the door, under-burning candles on the booth, and so on. If the gate is not immediately cleared, the situation becomes complicated and the only way out is separation. It is therefore very important to promptly identify the first manifestations of frustration and be able to quickly deal with them.

Knowing the gate for yourself

To achieve self-improvement, a great role is played by avoiding negative external influences.

As a preliminary preparation, you will need to be aware of sexual contacts and try not to get involved with people who are suspected of this turning ritual.

You can get rid of yourself in a variety of ways; below are a couple of the most popular and effective rituals:

You will need to prepare a flask of salt, a small frying pan, a saucer and add a thin church candle. Powerful photography with great revealing images will also be needed. Place the frying pan on the stove and heat it up. Then pour the salt into a frying pan and stir well, saying:

“The strength of the stone, the strength of the white, struck me with the servant of God (servant of God) (name). They beat it until it was white, know someone else’s evil, it’s unnecessary. Take it from me and leave me again. Amen!”

Knowing that I am unkind, it is fashionable to recognize it from a text that can be read at least three times. When it’s good enough to warm up, you need to put it on a saucer, put the animal photo and leave it on the windowsill until late in the evening.

A similar ritual needs to be repeated, and over the course of the year, after the completion of any force, you will take away all third-party negativity.

On the water

This ritual is based on nutrition, how to remove the cold, which has less negative impact on the inside. It is necessary to prepare a bottle of cold water, which you need to take to your hands at the time of day.

As you look at the water, you will notice these magical words:

“The water is cold, the water is icy, freeze the evil words spoken by my enemy. Let the anger and quarrels leave my homeland and never turn around again. Please turn back to the one you came from. My faith is strong, I will help you to turn around! Amen!”

Repeat the words 9 times, drink half a bottle of water, and decide to move under the nearest tree in the yard. In order for the release to occur on its own to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for another two days at intervals over the course of the day.

Don't let the lovebird spoil you, honey

In this statistic:

If your feet have become cold, your hair is often withdrawn into itself, then think, what could you do to make someone else feel cold? If you want to “beat” your brother, this is the best way. It's not cool, it's mittevo, there

gets hot, like a snake, launching its claw deeper and deeper into your centenary. Do not deprive this situation of respect, in case you end up hurting yourself. Cooling is a very powerful magic that drives love, desire, and interest to you from your partner. You can do it yourself, but it’s not so difficult. Most women don’t appreciate the magical nature of a person’s coldness, they blame it all on stress and routine.

Even if you love someone, you can lose interest in your partner. All this is on the right side of the hands of the robber. It’s impossible to carry out magical work, he checks that the man himself is from his homeland. You can remove it yourself, for which you will need to perform a simple ritual. There are various methods of cooling, including using runes. Try it, your tending wifely hands have a share of the family, the love of a man, they will be welcome at home. Only you can save your happiness, and the homemaker will lose the pain of a broken scalp.

Cool it down

Cool and keep the doors open for about the same time. This is a dark energy that blocks the channels of energetic communication between people. It goes like this:

  • You and the khanim don’t suspect anything, you get along with each other. There appears to be some kind of idiot who already demands to break a couple and take his own man. There is no such thing as positive energy. It’s time to carry out a ritual that begins completely, in order to properly break your bond, or even more directly.
  • Your chatter starts to look at you skeptically. If previously they simply did not mark other shortcomings, now they are fighting the stink. It’s important to stop you from respecting and marveling at your wadi. It lasts for a long time, then the moment of parting comes.
  • Your company is hopelessly sealed, even for whom there were no long-term changes of mind. The woman in this situation does not understand what is happening. So they take a person away from their friends, and then all their life they think, “What did I do wrong?” Who has all the fear of the situation. The lovebird can sing away, use love spells, dry up, to take the person with you. Or, just get tired of your igors and forget about your boyfriend.

This situation is very common, even if it cools down to old-fashioned rural magic. Many wives have recognized them as their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but they just want to play magic. Of course, beating up someone else’s person, taking a hundred-hundred-hundreds of dollars – all comes with negative karmic inheritance.

I wish I could spoil your happiness

Often, close friends and relatives try to introduce him to him. On the right in the back. I feel it even more strongly, like curses. The energy of death is so strong that spells without will, words, or curses can seriously hit a person. If fate accumulates, then it will come out, psuvannya and seriously curse.

Those closest to you suffer from illness:

  • your friends, as you often hear from the farbs, how your honeymoon was, what surprises were on the birthday party, about your birthday. Your girlfriend paints an ideal image in her head, and your man’s guts will squirm. He's going to spoil you, but he's giving up all sorts of unreasonable actions and evil thoughts;
  • Colleagues at work often become your trusted people. It’s not so good to know you, my dear fellow. Everything for them comes in an embellished form, and even you often outweigh the merits of your person. I’ll say it again, it’s too late;
  • the worst thing is relatives. These are sisters, cousins, cousins. The stench smells of lateness especially strongly, even in the presence of blood.

You can cool the skin on them, but you will have to remove them. This is important, even though your company creates a strong foundation. This very cold is developing in full, your power overshadows this black magic.

A loving woman can independently accept such a gift, but she cannot refuse, otherwise everything will reach the point of no return.

How to find out that the bastard was cooled down

No matter how cold it is, it develops step by step. Let me show you how to act. There are a number of ways to relieve the cold, including runic ones. Working with runes may be unimportant for you; this energy is not suitable for everyone, even if it’s too harsh. The runes are more beautiful than vikorystuvat, since they have cooled already in a “neglected” form.

Very often everything starts out innocently. A person gets tired of working, gets tired, and doesn’t want to sleep. Women wave their hand at this, and even so often happens. They wait until everything is over, and the boy’s interest is piqued again.

The best thing a woman can do at this moment is to launch it for herself. Man, don’t make a fuss, and that’s it. Whose shyness is not possible. Destroy his interest, stimulate his boredom with surprises, new love, romantic evenings. These are the things that a woman can earn without going into a spell.

Of course, having to combine insulting approaches and even cultivating interest in yourself is a big deal. This will all help you cool down and turn your head around. It is not so easy to recognize the signs. So start ringing:

  • the person stops sharing his feelings and experiences with you;
  • more and more often focus on work, making it difficult to spend time in bed;
  • I plan to leave you for a few days to think;
  • does not mark you, pass through, does not flutter;
  • ceases to show sexual interest;
  • turns away when you marvel at someone.

If things started to get ugly, after the happy hour, then you have to be wary. This is not just a crisis, but an energetic delivery.

You can get it practically no matter what

Cool it down with the zmovoy

You can get rid of the cold if you recognize the signs of the wind. At the first stages, this spell can be broken, but much easier. Carry out the rituals yourself, do not dedicate them to friends or relatives.

One of them may turn up as a guest, which means he will be alive soon. Your boyfriend can’t handle your coldness, so watch his behavior carefully. The best way to play it safe is to carry out one of these rituals. The stench will not harm the people, you, your hundred-year-olds. This is how magical prevention is.

Rituals are carried out on a daily basis - Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Other days will be frosty.

Cool it down for hot tea

Boil water on the stove and then continue to rinse it with dill. Then brew your boyfriend’s favorite tea. It will be your fault if you drink hot. Take the cup with both hands and say three times to each other:

“I pour hot water over the effervescent and baking herbs. I give this kingdom strength. Take away the gossip, call out the rumors, the spell has been cast. I clean up everything for myself and for my boyfriend. I turn around happily, I tidy up the mess, I renew the kitchen. I give my strength to you, don’t harm it, no one can get around it now.”

Apparently, water continuously absorbs information. A great method, our great-grandmothers used to use it in the villages, when they realized that the cold had been put on their khan. The man is bound to drink it hot, to the bottom. Choose the kind of tea that you definitely won’t be disappointed with.

The effect of appearing unprepared. Since the man’s position had not changed in two years, it was not possible to remove him the first time. Try this ritual again, and then, if you try again without results, seek help from the runes.

Rida miraculously preserves information

Zmova na sіl

It’s good to buy for cheap pennies, without haggling, like you buy at the market. If it’s in the store, prepare it without cost. You need to speak 12 times:

“The strength is white, the strength is pure, help me cleanse myself, the man and our hundreds. Looks like a different spell, like a filthy separation. So that the discord didn’t take us, and the evil tongues didn’t play tricks on us. Cleanse us and take us away, so white, so pure.”

Please move around the apartment, otherwise it’s impossible. There is nothing wrong with your man to be suspicious. Nasipte little bits on your clothes, whiteness. Before lying down, dry the place first, as first you need to clean it from the nasty spill.

Starovinna Zmova

The ancient spirit is very strong. I’m so stagnant that I can’t help anything else. Once you have broken the magical connection that the lovebird created, your boyfriend will soon come to you.

There may be side effects. Since you have had mercy, but not on the right hand of another woman, but simply in your family, there is discord - it’s impossible to overcome this, fueling addiction. We need to sing exactly.

On a low month, start no earlier than 22:00. Go out onto the street or onto the balcony. As you marvel at the Month, say just once:

“I will get up, bless myself, and go out, crossing myself. There is a turn in the open field, There is a wide opening in the open field. I see with my eyes, in front of me there is fire and half, and the wind itself is flying swiftly. Oh you, wind, fire and flames, Do a great service for me, Do not burn, do not burn the green forests and onions. And you, the wind is stormy, do not fan the flames, but perform a faithful and great service for me. im'ya). Like fish in the sand without water is boring, So it was important for me, Thinking about being at war and suffering, In my mind I thought about Me, my squad, God’s servant. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen.

Carry out the ritual with a firm intention, read the text of the call, directly sent to the object

One more time to cool off from the man

There are two dawns in the sky:
One rank of Marem'yana and the evening dawn of Tetyana. I will draw a new one, I will take two wax candles from the icon, I will walk from the threshold to the other side. There are three stoves on the opposite side: a fireplace of firewood, a stove of honey and gold. Solomiya’s mother should heat those stoves, Do not order Solomiya’s brothers to fire the poker from the stove. In three ovens with a poker you ignite the fire, so that the servant of God (his) heart ignited, so that he could not live without me,
Servants of God (names), live so that no one can live without me, Servants of God (names) be. Like the dead, we cannot live without land. my locks. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen!

When you finish, turn your back to the Month, cross the three. Don’t talk to the man of this evening anymore, make sure you don’t move.
It’s not a good idea to go into too much of this method; try the weaker ones for now.

Cool it down with runes

This is your “important artillery” in the fight against lovebirds. If it’s been cooling for a long time on the human body, then there’s no need to worry, but to rely on the fact that everything will go through on its own. If you don’t pass, if you don’t indulge, you will lead to destruction.

Married wives, unfortunately, use magic more often than they themselves would like. Successful people are gaining great popularity in our time. As a rule, it’s not easy to invest in them. And their methods do not vindicate the same criticism. Let's talk about black worms. If you want to be white, there won’t be a stink. If a person climbs into someone else’s life from ruins, it means that on the right he is not in favor of the Greater Powers.

Let's talk to you about those how to separate a gate from a person from a friend. On the right it is not so foldable. It is not good to be afraid of interaction with energies. It's funny. It is not only that we live in them steadily, but that we are composed of energy. And magic, at its core, is based on those living forces that we use. The gateway, in essence, is a ritual that redirects currents between a person and a group. And with such “technical” tasks, as we have seen to cross these flows, we, melodiously, rush.

How to remove a person's gate from a friend on your own

Now let’s look at the steps involved in all the rituals of the mind. It is recommended to conduct them unless a different hour is specified. In the hour of decline, the rituals associated with the divisions and changes in the world begin to break down. We need this. On the other hand, if you can’t stand an hour, then don’t focus on the month. You may have to repeat the ritual twice. Once - when the term was needed, another - during the waning month.

It is also recommended to practice the ritual. For your effectiveness and efficiency, it is important to be in a good mood. I would like to be in a calm state. This is so important! Negative emotions (images, aggression, jealousy) increase strength, which will not be harmful when the gate is removed. Follow your emotions. For the magician, the persha on the right learns them keruvati.

How to remove a man's gate from a friend's booth

It’s such a low-key ritual. It is recommended to try it out loud if trouble strikes your home. The unfortunate squad needs some butter. You can find this in a pharmacy or a salon that offers aromatherapy. Buy the bulb. Let's go home. Yogo magicians often become vikors. This speech is endowed with great power, which cleanses.

On Mondays, buy bread of life and bake it yourself. May be fresh and warm. Mix the loaf with shortbread. Drop evenly drops of oil on it. Go get some bread from a friend’s bedroom. Rozkrish shmatok on prospektli. Say the words call. Work until noon. And as the sun approaches before the sun sets, pick up the cries carefully, tie them in the nasal cord and place them in the corners of your bed (in the open area).

Zmova says:

“The magpies were sitting on their lapels. In the distance they marveled and gasped. They drove the devil out of the gate. Don’t go to the booth (person’s name), don’t do harm. Whoever has sent, go! I'll make forty kricht. I'll ask you to drive the devil away! So that without taking my food, without freezing the man’s blood! You sit up high! So fly, bring damage to the back of the chaklunkas, evil leaders! Amen!”

Take the gate from the squad for additional salt

The long-standing ritual has yet to be completed. This was carried out if the person did not approach the squad for a long time, otherwise they could not join. This was respected by the legacy of chaklunstvo. Axis yogo and were spared. And she took part in the ritual. Some day before noon, take as much salt from the left valley as will fit. Stand up until the sun rises.

Say this:

“White is the strength, the people of the sea. Help the spell to remove the slander from the godless man, which is protected by God. Protect from cheating, cheating, cunning and theft. Here and there you dance by the water, then come and see the black gate of the bottomless pit! Amen!”

Now the sіlnichku has a visipte sіl. Use it while the hedgehog is cooking. Once you pass away, perform the ritual again.

How to remove the gate of a man from the squad in the church

Walk at the great church sacredly to the Temple. There, put three healthy candles there. Pershu - sobi. I would like to put up icons of the Mother of God. At the same time, pray and ask for help from the one you have tried. To the other - people. Here we put the icon of St. George the Victorious. Say these words:

“Holy patron, don’t burn out the list, destroy the serpent of the enemy, who brought the servant into the house of the Lord, took away his love before the squad! Amen!”

Place the third candle for the one who opens the gate. It is necessary to mark the Icon “Trinity”. If you know how bad it is, calling him by his name is like lighting a candle. If you don’t understand who is doing harm, then you should say: “For the health of the enemy!” Now turn around and go get out. When in danger, exercise. Throw a coin onto the counterfeit coin, accompanying it with the words call.

Please note that it is not possible to lift it. Try to earn all your money for those who are absent. Don’t boast, the coin is not worth giving to anyone. Alas, you can’t bother with her anymore. And the phrase is this:

“Saint Mykolo, take the gate! Rozchini, rozviy, glue love back! The eyes were shining, the dew was shining! Let the evil cold go from the man’s heart! Amen!”

Take the person's gate from the friend and send it to the one who earned it

This will be carried out. A suitable day for New Year is Thursday. It will be possible to sing on the tsvintar after the sun has set. Carry three apples with you. They must be placed near the grave. For this reason, I understand, I have to go around the whole town. If it is very large, it is possible to see one segment and speed up its parts.

This is required near the centrifuge opposite the anniversary arrow. Be sure to orient yourself so that the apple does not get lost in the corner. And in others, place a blanket on the grave, saying the words of the spell. Stinks like this:

“Hello, sirs! The world is completely tired of it. Get up and get to work. Plunge straight into the heat and get some rice there until you make a deposit. Let the black chaklunnost clean up, the Lord's servant (name) is taken away. Bless the black ones, where an evil star was born! Amen!”

So you will have to repeat trichi. After that, leave the village. Don't finish the colo. Then you will have to look for another way out (or wave through the parking lot). If you turn back to the place where you entered the village, the ritual will close the gate on the person again. Remember this most important mind.

How to distinguish a man's gate from the squad, united by the Kohanka

At night they will speak, and the devil will prick the man until he bleeds, or put him in such a way that he himself will be pricked. Zmova says:

“Evil and say, there are fights between us, misfortunes and misfortunes in love will come, as soon as the hairpin of your blood (the person’s name) gets drunk. Amen!”

For every woman, this may be the case; greater harmony in the veins with another person can dramatically change the breakdown. The reason for this could be the invasion of negative magic, the lapel itself.

The very gateway ritual, carried out by the final magician, can cause the greatest harm to your beautiful breasts and then lead to destruction.

The gateway is a ritual, asking to save one person’s love troubles before another. And understand the essence of the ritual as a trace of the greatest significance. Anti-love witchcraft can be directed both in a man who needs to be turned into a family, and in a girl who suffers from hopeless greediness.

The most common gateway ritual is to straighten out a bet for one person. And lovers and lovers engage in similar magic. If you know for sure that your church is under the influx of such a war, you need to understand the terminology of how you can turn this back and lead the church.

How to recognize the gate?

Most often, it comes down to the very specialness of a person, and you can simply recognize his presence. Now you can see the main signs of the gate, knowing that you will immediately understand that dark magic is involved in love affairs.

Well, your friend’s half will be effective until the influx of the wizard, as follows:

  • she has a rapt change in behavioral mood;
  • In the veins, there are often incomprehensible and conflicting situations, for which there are no good reasons for falling asleep;
  • as she senses the constant deterioration of one hundred percent of her other half;
  • like every day closeness.

If your other half experiences such subtleties in behavior, then be thankful that your sister has rubbed shoulders with a super and a super. At this time, you need to think in terms about how to remove the gate and let the church out.

As soon as the hour has passed, the relationship with the young man will be completely ruined, and after this the relationship with the boy will be even more important.

On the other hand, I immediately feel that your immature chakluns’ strength is not very good. Think: maybe you yourself are guilty? Maybe you should change this from your assigned to the Kohana person, or else you’ll be even more surprised by her.

How to remove the gate

Ritual made from vikoristan tea. As you sing that your glasses have recognized the influx of black magic, perform a ritual with licorice, thorn and kulbab leaves. Before you do this, it’s important to carry out diagnostics, if you want to use half a candle, or even better, a chicken egg, so that you know what type of rosette you’re using. So you can find out how to remove the gate on your own.

Mix the ingredients in the same proportions and pour in the dill. Then, steadily stirring for ten hours, read the text of the slogan, steadily repeating it.

Zmova "At the Gate" for tea

“I pour hot water over the effervescent and baking herbs.
I give this kingdom strength. Keep away from gossip,
Call out the words, the spell is cast.
I clean up everything for myself and for my boyfriend.
I turn around happily, I tidy up the mess, I renew the kitchen.
I give my strength to you, do not harm it, no one can bypass it now.
I call and I imply: The word is mіtsne i to the cards lіpne. Amen!”

Once the broth is ready, strain it and add honey for relish. Drink this drink like a boy or a girl. It will take seven days to clear the gate. If the result does not please you, repeat the ritual.

The ritual of using salt will also give you the greatest protection from the release of the gate. This speech has long been respected for its most powerful magical properties, which can be used for both good and evil.

It is an excellent method for cleansing and provides an excellent antidote to black magic.

Every day you need to take salt, and, having them in your hand, you need to read the phrase. The washing is done three times, after which all the saucers that need to be fed to the boy and girl are sprinkled with the washed-up liquid.

Zmova "At the gate" on the village

“The strength is white, the strength is pure, help me cleanse myself, the man and our hundreds.
Looks like a different spell, like a filthy separation.
So that the discord didn’t take us, and the evil tongues didn’t play tricks on us.
Cleanse us and take us away, so white, so pure.
It's light outside my window!
Hurry up and fly to me!
Help Rooney and steal!
Mutual kohannyam should give me a hard time!”

Another ritual for the release of the gate is carried out with the vikorstan of Krizhana water. You don’t need any specific ingredients, all you need is one bottle of cold water.

Practice the ritual after late evening. Take a bottle of cold water and read the sermon.

Zmova “At the Gate” on the water

“As the water is cold and icy, so will all evil words be overtaken.
Let's face it all, discord and separation will leave our homeland.
Turn there, the stars have arrived. Before the separation, she was timid.
The water is clean and cold, the words of my love and faith are strong.
If it were better for the sweetness, then for my kohan there would be no one dear to me, even if he valued me, pestered and spat, his soul did not satisfy me.
Servant of God (im'yarek), feel my words. May I, servant of God (im'yarok), become your basil, like a poppy for the birds. Amen."

After the spell is cast, the water flows under the nearest tree: under the viburnum, birch, yalinka and pine. In case of strong fortune-telling for the boy, perform the ritual to remove the back of the trace for another two days, at intervals of a week.

Another ritual can be performed at the vikostannyam pshona. To carry out the ritual, take a handful of pshon and speak to them. Read the essay three times, then clean up the baggage and take it out on the street.

Zmova "At the Gate" on Pshono

“I give millet all the evil and all the talk,
I understand all the quarrels with myself, all the troubles and misfortunes, the dislikes and misfortunes
Let's go there. Amen!”
ranks, not lower ranks,
Neither the first nor the remaining.
Twelve Teachings of Christ
Let me help my little friend.

It is necessary to do everything in one day, do not wash the prepared grains in the bottle, because during the hour of washing they will have absorbed all the negative energy and a magical influx.

What kind of traces should I look for at the gate?

At the hour of the ceremony, you must clearly understand that you really want to separate the boy and the girl. If you strive with good intentions, you may suffer a karmic blow.

Regardless of the fact that you work at the gate, without respecting the respect of this people, you will break all the magical laws.

And the consequences of such actions can be extremely severe - from mild illness to serious problems in all areas of life.

All existing traces of gates are divided into two groups. The first is made up of positive inheritances that were transferred to the beginning of the ritual. Negative inheritances can cause serious health problems for those who have performed the rite of passage. I would like it to be so that the problems will start first in the weakest sphere of a person’s life – finances, family income.

Once you have completed the ritual, you realize that the turning point of your life has turned, be sure to go to church, pray and light a candle to collect your inheritance. If such actions do not help you, hurry up with the help of a good doctor who can save you and your homeland from possible heirs at the gate.

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