Six famous people who believe in aliens. Ilyumzhinov gave “secret information” to aliens, and the State Duma became concerned. Holy life

The presidents of the republics who have entered the post-Soviet space do not like to expand about their plans to those of aliens and UFOs. The President of Kalmikiya, Kirsan Mikolayovich Ilyumzhinov, is no longer to blame. Twenty other times in 2001, Ilyumzhinov gained sensational recognition in the “Exposures” program of the radio station “Svoboda”. The president was interviewed by three journalists: program presenter Karen Agamirov, Moscow correspondent for the Danish newspaper Jutland Posten Fleming Rose and Illya Kolosov from the TVC channel. I will quote the fragment in full for us:

Fleming Rose: Would you fly into space?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: We have a planet and it was Ostap Bender’s idea to carry out intergalactic transformations, but, to be honest, it seems like there’s no time left in space. I have flown once already, in the spring of 1997. It was already there. Well, once is enough. True, not with our Russian spaceships, but with aliens. Once they took me to space.

Fleming Rose: Taking who?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: Well, the axle flew in on a plate, took it away, and I got the axle after being in space.

Karen Agamirov: Did you write about this?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: I haven’t written yet. Well, I think they just took him for a god. When the time comes, we’ll write.

Illya Kolosov: PR campaign, why are you telling the truth?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: Yes. I think that perhaps my book will come out, and there, perhaps, I will describe this moment. Maybe I was sleeping, not sleeping... We have a rozmova screw. I say, people fly in their dreams, and I have flown, been in space, and described everything, in reality, everything is clear that I was there.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: From my apartment... They flew in and took it away. Buli in the yellow spacesuits. I remember this moment: we entered the spaceship, and by the end of the day, there was no sourness. They also gave me a spacesuit, and I didn’t even think about the fact that the wind doesn’t stand up, but a comrade - I don’t know what to call him - an alien showed on his chest: here, twist the axle a little, well, it’s a real mess. Adjustable And it’s as if they didn’t mark me. Without realizing it, they took me. They didn't drive a special spaceship, they showed it there. The ship was magnificent. There is one cabin near a large football field. Illuminators boules. We landed on one of the planets and took possession of it. And everyone told me about me, explained those who were driving me, the captain of the ship. I remember that I asked the Swede to turn to Earth for me. Why? Because in two days I will be holding a youth self-organization in Kalmikia, and I have committed myself to these cries several times. But then they brought me back, and everything was fine.

Fleming Rose: What kind of fate happened?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: It’s 1997, like spring.

Karen Agamirov: What about aliens? What kind of stink did you see?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: Well, that’s how people looked at it.

Karen Agamirov: Healthy, two meters, how are they often described?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: Yes. Don't mistake me for a schizophrenic. I'm just saying that I love them. It’s normal, as we sleep with you, so I’m ready. And then I called it. My two assistants noted this: where did you go? It was evening. My body walked and then turned around. After I described everything, my two assistants noted my absence.

Karen Agamirov: But in reality there is nothing so wonderful here. You are not alone. Don't be the first to know about it. Did they give you the stink? Have you programmed it further away?

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: No. Nothing. I still didn’t understand, then I walked around for many days and thought: did they take me away? And I barked to myself that I had not supplied them with food... Perhaps it is not yet time for these earthly civilizations to converge. Before speaking, I at my book suggest that we need to get closer together, I respect that it is not necessary. Morally, we have not yet reached an equal, if we can get along with these civilizations, with the immigrants...

The original of this material
© The New Times, 05/17/2010, Photo: Zmini.Ru

President and aliens

Olena Masyuk

Kirsan First and One. They started talking again about the President of Kalmikia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, after the information about him published on the First Channel.

Doctors, who are people with interplanetary connections? checker's head FIDE and is going to run again in the elections in Veresna, The New Times has brought up its findings - having reached out to TV journalist Olenya Masyuk, who saw a film about the hero and visited the most remote areas of the steppe republic

On the Chumatsky Way, the two halves of the cosmic checkerboard have already met. The figures are arranged. I start by adding a new game and finishing the first move. Good luck to me!..” - with these words, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, then, at the beginning of the 1990s, was deprived of elections as president of Kalmikia, having completed his autobiographical book “The President’s Crown of Thorns.”

Yogo go

There are a lot of beasts for this rahanku for the reigns on the Kalmytsky land. Having engaged the Ilyumzhins, they will be involved in a number of industrial enterprises - being alone: ​​from the production and processing of sheep sheep "Elmi". The business operated for a few days and then closed. Having said that they worked together with the Koreans on computer monitors, they built 7 pieces, after the presentation the plant closed. Having said that Kalmikia generates the cheapest electricity, there will be wind power stations near the steppe. The wind turbines are standing, there is no wind, but there are no electrics.

The leader of Kalmikiya also wants to create a “software technology park” in the republic, on the basis of the famous American Silicon Valley. Kirsan Mikolayovich prepared future geniuses by going to the economically advanced region of the republic - Iki-Burulsky, in a small one-level school in the village of Sheering. It was reported that after many rocks, in this village, about fifteen days in all, far from civilization, over a thousand code programmers would be trained. Ilyumzhinov also planned to have the power of Las Vegas and the Russian cosmodrome in Kalmikiya. Kirsan Mikolayovich confirmed that his republic is located 3 degrees closer to the equator, near Kazakhstan’s Baikonur.

Alas, happiness did not come to the Kalmitsa land. During the hours of Ilyumzhinov's rule, Kalmikia settled on the remaining place among the regions of Russia for equal life, regardless of the existence of several rocks of the offshore economic zone throughout the territory republics: 38% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Holy life

If it’s Friday and Saturday in Yelista, there’s a fireworks show from the weekend, and since Kirsan Mikolayovich is in town for the weekend, then immediately in the evening he’ll drive his Rolls-Royce car and watch the disco How the younger generation can have fun. Before the speech, in one of the interviews, Ilyumzhinov learned that he had six Rolls-Royces: for hot food - white, for representative Moscow - black, for archery and for galloping horses - red. The Ilyumzhinov donated one of the cars to the local registry office for servicing young people. So that everyone knows whose gift it is, there is a special sign on the car. In local schools, it is important to celebrate the next class. Finally, this school team is awarded the transitional honorary sign “Bust of the President of the Republic of Kalmikia Kirsan Mikolayovich Ilyumzhinov.” Nowadays I want to be called the head of the republic, not the president. Last year, a correspondent from one of the women’s magazines asked: “What is more acceptable for you - to introduce yourself as the president of the republic or the president of the International Shah Federation FIDE?” – Ilyumzhinov Vidpov: “Kirsan. I know everything like Mr. Kirsan. What are the sheikhs, what are the chessmen, what are the waiters in Moscow and in New York.”

Kirsan's modesty knows no bounds. He knows that he doesn’t know which companies he’s president of, and he also doesn’t know how many pennies are in his accounts, but he knows that it’s a lot. It’s true, the declaration of the President of Kalmikia about income for 2009 is very clear about the pain. Behind her, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov lives on a modest salary and cannot live in a small apartment: the daily salary of the head of the republic of Slavs 785 thousand. 642 rubles. And no one has not just an apartment, but a car, and a plot of land. Did everything go to aliens? If you are also steeped in history, Kirsan Mikolayovich loves to tell the guests of the republic, and himself: being in Moscow, you would like to dine in one of the luxurious restaurants. When the time came to cry and the head of Kalmikiya asked for a drink, the waiter was extremely surprised and said: “Why, Kirsana Mikolayovich, this is your restaurant!”

Especially meanings

It is possible that such memory problems for the head of Kalmikiya began after he encountered aliens on June 18, 1998. Following the words of Kirsan Mikolayovich, at night the stinks flew to Leontyevsky Provulok, in the center of Moscow, on their own plate, calling him among themselves, as they passed by like a clear-eyed trumpet, landing on the ships, the stink is evil at once They hit the planet on the right. At this time, the head of Kalmikia was worried that he would not be able to eat his favorite herb, egg and tsibula, and book a flight to Elista. The humanoids “in the yellow spacesuits” calmed down: having spoken, they understood everything. And in just two years, Ilyumzhinov was back at his apartment in the center of Moscow, where the assistants smeared his egg with the cybul.

12 years have passed since that spring day. When Ilyumzhinov learned about this story from the “Posner” program, the State Duma deputy from the LDPR (Andriy Lebedev) wrote an official letter to President Medvedev asking him to check the contacts of the head of Kalmikiya with aliens: “I ask you Please note that the head of the Republic of Kalmikia reported to the administration contacts with representatives of the underground civilization. What is the basis for establishing regulations on information about such contacts of major city officials in the region who carry secret information, which belongs to Ilyumzhinov?” In addition, the deputy asks the president to find out who else among the officials is close to the earthly mind.

In one of the interviews, Ilyumzhinov said: when informally discussing with other heads of regions, some of them knew that they were also collaborating with humanoids, but would be embarrassed to say so. And the head of Kalmikia was not afraid to tell the republic that they had planted a planetary planetary scientist. Perhaps, the deputy is extremely nervous, perhaps the humanoids were planning to collect Ilyumzhinov’s gift and crash it onto planet No. 5570, called “Kirsan.” “There are no planets and stars that can harm Kennedy’s honor. “I am a single politician, after whom a small planet is named, which flies in space,” Ilyumzhinov modestly admitted.

Kirsan Bender

Russia has a lot of heads of subjects, but there is only one. He writes that he infused life with the peace of Ostap Bender himself and visited the shah’s town of New Vasyuki in Yelista with a bronze monument to Ostap Ibrahimovich Bender, which was confirmed by a special gift of transmission: “The Shah’s thought will be transformed into applied science and knowledge. /.../ And the Vasyuki will have the first interplanetary checker tournament in the history of the world... Hurray, comrades!” - said the great schemer.

On the monument to Ostap Bender, which is no longer the first river Ilyumzhinov intends to erect on the embankment near Rio de Janeiro, the head of Kalmikiya could write: “To a successful reader - to a successful student.”

Over the entire past year, the President of Kalmikia earned more than 785,642 rubles. Follow the ideas of the rich

The original of this material
© "Stepova mosaic", 05/15/2010, The aliens did not help, but the Ilyumzhinov star was setting

Volodimir Bessarabov

Uchora, 14 Travnya, the Russian Shah's Federation (RFS) nominated the 12th world champion for the post of FIDE President Anatoly Karpova, who stated that he was already supported by nearly 20 countries, such as France, England, Germany, Syria, Bosnia, Ukraine and many others, and the candidacy of his opponent was only Turecchin.

Ilyumzhinov’s eternal 15-line rule seems to be reaching its end. To this extent, for the sake of the Russian Chess Federation, the assistant to the President of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich tried to tell everyone that the “chief master” of the planet was only Kirsan Mikolayovich. Knowing the permeability of the rest, I know that at times I had doubts about Anatoly Yevgenovich’s decision, pro commenting on transferring the fight to information agencies, betting on the chess player, and not on the “painfully dear” head of the Republic of Kalmik Iya.

As a distinguished scientific researcher at the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, political scientist Andriy Piontkovsky, respected, “the choice between Karpov and Ilyumzhinov is the choice between the human late Radian system from all over the world” “We have lost money and money from one of the odious representatives of today’s gangster and villainous government.” It seems that the shah's world has come to their senses. And if we believe that Karpov was encouraged by his “sworn friends” - ex-champion of the world Gary Kasparov and vice-champion Viktor Korchniy - then the activity of the current FIDE president is assessed at a maximum of two. minus.

“How could it have turned out, writes Shchodenniy Zhurnal, that Kasparov and Korchni took part in Karpov’s battle? Obviously, the reason is that the low negligence, which dragged on, attacked the shah’s world. Prominent grandmasters - from titled grandees on the Anand and Kramnik scale to young talents on the Karjakin and Carlsen scale - publicly criticize Ilyumzhinov. Marginalization of the chess, constant confusion with the rules of the world championship, due to the FIDE of the bureaucratic bureaucrats, turbans, top ranks, mass commercial tournaments, the participants of which, in the low season, will leave hotels in the Mediterranean In many resorts - all this is due to the deterioration of the richness of the wires and the quality of life. The mothers from the right side of sports management are known to be of more respectable rank.”

Finally, on the First TV channel, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov gave an interview to prominent journalist Volodymyr Pozner, clearly describing in detail his contacts with aliens. Rozpov, how on the balcony of his apartment in Leontievsky Provulk some things appeared (in his words, people!) in those spacesuits; the stench arose “on the level of thoughts, so that the sourness was not lost.” […]

So, before we talk, about the apartment on Leontyevsky Provulk. The newspaper “Stepova Mozaika” already wrote about the Moscow square meters that belong to the Ilyumzhinovs. Guess what, I forgot about it.

Muscovite Ilyumzhinov Kirsan Mikolayovich, dawdles at the address: metro Moscow, st. Academician Korolova, bud. 4; Muscovite Ilyumzhinova Rimma Sergievna (mother) lives at the address: Prov. Starokonyusheniy, bud. 5/14, apt. 4; Muscovites Ilyumzhinov Rimma V'yacheslavivna and Kamila V'yacheslavivna (native tribes) – Prov. Leontievsky, bud. 8, apt. 3.

The whole clan hangs around there, no matter how much food there is. The fact is that the stinks were registered behind these addresses, and who is actually given the inviolability is not important to guess. By the way, the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan has never once declared the thirst for apartments, the thirst for foreign cars that belong to him, and the importance of everything, it is said about him: “You should live on one salary!” Zhebrak Kirsan, naked, like a falcon, homeless, in short, seemingly: even with the submitted declaration, for the entire past river he earned a total of over 785 thousand 642 rubles.

Then come with rich ideas, and bring them to the world. A fresh example for that.

On May 11, a government delegation from Vietnam visited Kalmikiya to meet with President Nguyen Minh Chiet. The visit of distinguished guests was a response to Mr. Ilyumzhinov’s explosion of ideas and projects: rice is growing, a place for migrants will be created; I inadvertently realized that the factories were being built for the production of ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers with the help of comrades from a large social tax.

The other one turned out to be a complete profanation, and the other one sees that it’s better to waste that very discharge first. There is a level of elementary populism and filthy veiled PR.

To be clear, the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having conceived the future of the century, is motivated by the fact that in Kalmikiya there is an acute shortage of labor, and, having said, the citizens of the fraternal republic are turning over the economy of the steppe region to the inevitable wow crash.

As Rosstat reported to REGNUM News, “the unemployment rate here is 16.8%. According to the current Employment Agency, the number of officially registered unemployed people is at least 7 thousand people. According to the Mayor of Elisti, there are approximately 7 thousand people living in the capital of the republic.

Guess what, in 2006, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov announced his intention to resettle 10 thousand Chinese to Kalmikiya.”

How did this ceremony end? Like first, zilch.

The untidy nature and soul of Kirsan Mikolayovich, it seems, is rushing into the cosmic expanses, allowing him to voice emerging ideas, such as the everyday life of Kalmyk Baikonur, resorts in Altai, branches of the Shao-Lin monastery, factories from cutting diamonds and precious stones. at the sight of the checker's figures. […]

Canada's former defense minister, Paul Hellier, said that aliens are coming to life. However, it’s not a bad idea if people are afraid to make such statements. We know about six known people who believe in aliens.

Paul Hellie

Canada's former Minister of Defence, Paul Hellier, appreciates that representatives of other-earth civilizations have walked our planet for thousands of years and are still on it. I expressed this idea in an interview with the Russia Today TV channel.

Following this, in 1961, a flotilla of approximately 50 UFOs appeared, which, right away, overtook NATO territory from the side of Russia. The Supreme Commander of the United Armed Forces in Europe hardly pressed the “panic” button. As a result, the flotilla flared up and headed straight towards the Northern Pole.

The investigation into the incident, according to the government minister, was threefold. The result showed that certain types of sources have been flowing through the Earth for several thousand years. Nina on our planet may be representatives of approximately 80 different civilizations.

Helya sings that the aliens have become active the rest of the time. Especially after we got there and blew up an atomic bomb. They worry that people will stand in a nuclear explosion, and the fragments may fall not only on earthlings, but on the entire cosmic community.

According to the official Minister of Defense, the aliens who are now on Earth have arrived from several different places. These are the star systems of Zeti Sitka, Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda and Altair. Therefore, the arrivals are a massacre. And the way they are portrayed in science fiction films - small ones, gray ones with majestic heads and ochima. And those who are even similar to us are called “High Whites”. The kind of people that are caught in the fire are not to be disturbed.

Hell, we hope that two of these innocent women - women - drink blueberries and go shopping near Las Vegas. Walk calmly. And speaking last spring at the “Community Rumors from Declassification” conference in Washington, Heliya spoke about the fact that two “Tall Whites” were hired to work for the United States at the training ground in Indian Springs, Nevada. Residing on the territory of the US Air Force base, working with military personnel and sharing technologies with them.

The newcomers here have different missions and purposes. Let's say, like the USA, China and Russia. For the most part, the relationship with earthlings has been peaceful. Vіdverto against us - approximately, like the Arabs, against the Jews - there are only two types of aliens.

Georgy Grechko

Georgy Grechko, who has flown in space for three decades, actively investigates the anomalous phenomena and openly declares: the discovery of aliens has not been accomplished, nor is it easy.

According to the cosmonaut, during the space missions in 1975, 1978 and 1985, no one was instructed to watch out for UFOs, and no one was protected from the work, just like the news about those who were in flight. In one of his interviews, he stated that he was “desiring to get along with aliens by organizing an expedition himself, so one American wrote that there was a saucer in Sinai that was flying, but if they arrived there, they simply served a beautiful hill of natural hiking" .

I just believe that it stinks. The tsunami in Japan and Thailand showed that we are not omnipotent forever. In 1908, the Tunguska meteorite fell into Taizi. Having shown what can be from the earth, when we have not learned to identify and eliminate cosmic objects. This is the version that earthquakes and tsunamis began on the earth through the meteorite. The result was the emergence of dinosaurs. There is a need to pay attention to the meteorite danger. If Tunguska had arrived several years later, then not the deer in Taiza would have died, but nothing would have been lost from St. Petersburg. The next meteorite may fall around 2036. And we are still powerless in front of this. Maybe the bad luck in Japan will teach us something. The wise man understands before, and the fool – after. Our main focus is on the situation after the tsunami and before the meteorite. We need to learn how to beat them out of space, the stink docks haven’t gotten any worse.

— Have you seen any green men in orbit?

- People - no. We kept watch from our ship for specks of foolish gait that shone. The stinks were falling in the middle of the stars and the lights were starting to maneuver... The same stinks were coming from the Earth. What's wrong? Zoreloti pribultsіv? The sawdust that emerged from the hull of the ship? The tank that was thrown out of the ISS and has not yet burned up in the atmosphere? The remaining stage of the rocket launched from Earth? A companion who has served his term and turned into a piece of metal? The simplest thing to say is: “These are aliens!” Go and finish it!

And I know the REAL proof of the “extension of the call” not in space, but in the London National Gallery,” Grechko continues. — I was struck by a detail in the painting of the famous master Carlo Crivelli “Annunciation” from 1486. Take a look for yourself! (G. Grechko shows a reproduction. - Author). In the gloom above the place there is a “plate that flies” with portholes. Go downstairs from here. If you are surprised, replace the windows of the UFO with cherubs. I wondered: why is this? It’s just an artist depicting and illuminating in the world his average understanding of those who would be a witness. Even then, there were no pilots, helicopters or missiles in the sky that might be mistaken for UFOs. Then I myself would like to read the traces of contacts between our ancestors and other-worldly civilizations. And having mentioned the most hostile of them - for example, the tombstone behind the astronaut near Palentsya. (To the respect of the little ones at the Mayan pyramid. - Author) And to be honest, it’s very similar!

Edgar Mitchell

Summer astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who landed six months behind the wheel on the Month, revealed one of NASA’s secrets to journalists. According to the words of the American, the plot of the Hollywood blockbuster “Men in Black” is the most interesting truth of life: the newcomers have repeatedly come into contact with earthlings, and this interplanetary connection spans at least 60 years, but rather reliably captures all the facts.

Mitchell, who is a Bachelor of Science degree in aviation engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in aeronautics and astronautics, learned that during his hour of work at NASA he himself was aware of the low level of alien visits to Earth. According to the words of the astronaut, his colleagues, who were fortunate enough to have contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, described their companions as “little people, remarkably similar to us.”

According to Mitchell, the scenes about aliens created by filmmakers generally demonstrate effectiveness: these are creatures with small bodies, large eyes and disproportionately large heads.

Stephen Hawking

One of the most famous physicists, the British Stephen Hawking, also believes in the existence of extraterrestrials, but also believes that our collaboration with representatives of alien civilizations does not promise us anything good. Relying on his knowledge of physics and mathematics, he does not deny the possibility of the establishment of a post-terrestrial civilization, but is confident that this sustria will not materialize.

In my opinion, if the aliens’ technologies greatly surpass ours, they will inevitably establish their own colony on Earth and, as a result, expand humanity.

“When residents of other worlds arrive, their legacy may be the same as for the Indians at the time of Columbus’s arrival to America - but it’s not the best,” the scientist said.

Thus, in addition to trying to establish contact with foreign sources, we also need to try to be unique, like Hawking. The astrophysicist admits that aliens may be living in giant spaceships that have consumed all the resources of their native planet.

There are already many chances for people to send unmanned vehicles into space with images of people and detailed diagrams that indicate the growth of our planet. In addition, radio signals are regularly sent from space - hopefully, those that will mark them as foreign civilizations.

The Universe has over 100 billion different galaxies, and the skin galaxy has hundreds of millions of stars. Therefore, it is entirely reasonable to accept that the Earth is far from being the only planet where life is important and where life is important.

“In my mathematical opinion, the numbers alone make it difficult to think that aliens exist. The real problem lies in understanding what the stinks look like,” he said.

Hawking described the incredible appearance of aliens, which are not at all similar to those we see in movies. In my opinion, in a reasonable life we ​​can guess the similarity of creatures with abnormally large mouths and featureless tails, as well as great elephant-like monsters, covered with hair, which are independent of the planet of residence.

Tom Cruise

Hollywood actor Tom Cruise has learned that he believes in aliens, and that he would like to leave Earth and crash a shuttle on the road to meet one of them. In my opinion, it would be important to realize that people are the same living organisms in all galaxies in the Universe. The actor is convinced that it is possible to infuse life with its own hidden desire, and space tourism is now developing at a rapid pace.

Scientologists affirm that the goal of their mission is to liberate humanity from the negative influx of alien souls. The founder of Scientology was Ron Hubbard (1911-1986). The first mysteries about the creations of the Russians date back to 1953. This has appeared in the United States, and today its representatives, which number about ten million members, are in thirty powers. In some countries, the religion of Scientologists has been fenced off and equated to sectarianism. Among the followers of Scientology there were familiar people. Tom Cruise is one of them.

According to certain information that was leaked to each other, he, having passed this century, dedicated himself, becoming the number two person in the organization, the right hand of the Church of Scientology minister David Miscavage. In 2004, he was awarded the "Medal of Freedom and Valor (for Achievement in the Field of Excellence)" to Miscavige. Cruz received this city with tears in his eyes and sneered at Colin in front of Hubbard’s portrait.

Cruise's official biographer, Andrew Morton, says Tom is the dawning star of Scientology. In his words, having reached the high level of initiation, which is called “Operating Thetan-7,” Cruz has practically become a superman: “The thetan who operates is responsible for controlling the flow of energy and time, as well as modifying matter.”

What do these so-called rites of dedication mean? The meta of the Scientology religion is to bring the human spirit to its highest level through a series of troubling trainings and seminars to “pop” specialness. In 1952, Hubbard stated that after listening to Scientology and gaining insight into the essence of human life, “it will be possible to easily cure other types of illnesses and various illnesses.” And after reaching the rivals of the “operating thetan,” people can float into the extra world with the power of thought.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

The first president of the Republic of Kalmikia and the president of the Light Shah Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, confirmed that he was abducted by aliens from his Moscow apartment on June 18, 1997. This is the presence of three witnesses: his leader, his deputy and his minister. The government officials were eager for the President of Russia to feed Ilyumzhinov in order to change the situation so that the aliens had not seen the usual powerhouses.

The world learned about the fate of the 26th quarter of 2010, when the presenter of the First Channel, Volodymyr Posner, asked Kirsan Ilyumzhinov in his program:

I have never met the person, as if I myself would say that she was on an interplanetary alien ship. Did it really happen?

“It’s serious, that’s the way it is,” the Provincial Head of the Republic of Kalmikia. I briefly told my somber story about the first and last contact with representatives of the above-earth civilization that took place in Moscow in my apartment on Leontyevsky Provulk.

Were there any repeats? – Posner clarified.

There were no repeats,” Ilyumzhinov began to sing.

The historical meeting came out late in the evening of the 18th spring of 1997, when Kirsan Mikolayovich went to bed, reading a book and watching TV. And he immediately noted that the balcony doors were closed. Viyshov. And there, just like that, the pipe stretches to the balcony. At the chimney, the people arrived in yellow spacesuits. Call me. With them is the Kalmytsky leader and Viletiv. On an alien ship, obviously.

Volodymyr Posner’s broadcast with these sensational conjectures by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov did not shock the civilized world. And for a few days. And moreover, I respect the frankness that was voiced in her when she returned to the State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Andriy Lebedev. Having sent the deputy sheet directly to the President of the Russian Federation, de washing the bunny, the head of the Kalmikiya, being the nose of secrets, mig ї ї іnformati - vivusori representations of the excessive tsiviliz.

After such a serve, the approaching press had already swelled. I appreciated the sensation. Hundreds of newspapers around the world have learned that the merger of the President of the Republic with aliens is a unique phenomenon. If no one understands, this is about the process of discovery. And in Russia, in a melody, there will be people who will think: “Wonderful rank of the head of the subject of the Federation.”

Having slept Posner, I believed, - explaining my behavior to Ilyumzhinov.

People close to ufology are certainly aware that the Kalmyk leader is not the first to talk about his contact with extraterrestrials. And no longer worry about being buried. Tim says that he doesn’t reveal anything new. Not everyone knows what Kirsan Mikolayovich first revealed in a miraculous revelation on June 22, 2001, speaking on Radio Liberty. And nobody yogo then, vibachte, without pulling for the language of nutrition, what to direct. He himself, talking about the Shah’s prospects, raptly said: “It was Ostap Bender’s idea to carry out intergalactic expansions, or, frankly speaking, at the same time, into space. I have already flown once... True, not with our Russian spaceships, but with aliens. Once they took me to space.”

Who took it? - having re-fed the presenter.

Well, the axis on the “taril” flew in, took it away, and I got the axis from space,” Ilyumzhinov clarified.

At the time of his speech, Kirsan Mikolayovich was already the former president of Kalmikia, and was elected for the upcoming term - for the river. He has been president of FIDE for six years already. And don’t rush anywhere else. You are unaware of this wonderful revelation – it’s not PR at all. This means that the thought is intrusive.

The well-fed way the aliens looked, Ilyumzhinov, hot and sensing distrust from the side of their leaders:

Well, like people. The axis looked like this.

Hello, 2 meters each? How are they often described? – they asked Yogo to clarify.

But no. Don't mistake me for a schizophrenic. I'm just saying that I love them. It’s normal, as we sleep with you, so I’m ready.

Did they give you the stink? Have you programmed it further away?

No, - Verdov Ilyumzhinov. - Nothing... I still don’t understand... Then I walked around for a few days and thought: “Why did they take me?” And I bark to myself that I haven’t supplied them with food... Perhaps it’s not yet time for all the earthly civilizations to get closer... So why do we need to get closer together? I respect whatever is needed. On a moral level, we have not yet reached a level of equality that we can meet with these civilizations, with the immigrants.

And also

The 66-year-old Miyuki Hatoyama, the team of the greatest Japanese prime minister, published a book in 2008 in which she wrote that 20 years ago, aliens hid her on the space route. “While my body was sleeping,” she guessed, “my soul crashed onto Venus on a UFO of a three-piece shape. This is a wonderful green planet. I really deserved it there."

US President Jimmy Carter did not know the people closely, but on June 6, 1969, he spotted a UFO. From the sky, behind his words, appeared “the most damned thing that I know.” The object will be “great, we will brighten it up even more by changing the colors.” Jimmy responded: “I don’t mind people saying that they smelled of unknown objects in the sky.”

Shanovny Vyacheslav, since it’s not hot, then judge, what are you asking for? Is it possible? However, despite the fact that aliens, or whoever we call that, they really do not appear in people’s lives just like that. If you can be helped by information about those people who have gone to the other world (children or adults) come to those who recognize them, then accept such information. Maybe I can help you lighten your weight...
Sometimes those who have passed into the other world give us signs of their presence with us, but, let us say, we do not mark them: they can fly by in a storm from the place where they belong, or they can fall for no reason at all. as rich, show up What a sound, you can hear the thrashing of someone invisible. However, our ignorance in the nutritional functions of spiritual structures (our spiritual body) brings a lot of bad things to people not only in our earthly life, but also for those who go to another world. Most people do not know what is actively pouring into the lives and spiritual structure of those who go to the other world. (In religions there are some Kazakh manifestations, but they are close to the truth). Moreover, we pour both positively and negatively on those who come from our lives. And we can, with our plans, heavy misfortunes, the imprisonment of chakluns, psychics, etc., pour into their lives in the world of the prison, and turn them into hell. And you can also help the spirit that is walking before us. Call a person who has lost someone close to you, not understanding everything that is going on, complaining, suffering about his loss of a close person, and not understanding that even he deserves to be “ruled” by the world, who is in other. And there the spirit of a person continues its development and life, and does not rot away from the body at the grave. Before the speech, about the graves: often they are carried out and brutalized at the graves of the dead, who are ALSO unacceptable to those who follow the other world. Who wants to go back to the unpleasant moments of past life and to their own body that rots? It’s much more acceptable (point to kshtalt) to bring up the big daddy’s day, the bottom half. And it’s also much more accepting of the good memories of their life, and not of the worries and painful cries, more accepting of those who remember them and will try with their behavior not to respect what has gone from the earth , master your new life. Axis V, Vyacheslav, you are immediately skeptical about anyone’s knowledge, even if you think about the return of your child. And the stars, say, turn it around, since there is no other life? The story saves the episodes of turning back to life of those who died, but there is a rare smell to what it means to wash away from the turbulent passage of life... And even if we turned back, people were never happy in the past packs. Similarly, those who immediately, after heavy-duty bajans (self-killers), made arrangements for their lives. Their life there, in the other world, is being transformed into terrible hell. That's why all religions have guarded themselves against self-destruction, and we ourselves have to sit this dry bar'er, otherwise, as if someone in life were to inadvertently put a noose around their neck... Ale life is so controlled that the skin is gone It’s time for us, without even knowing it, to pour into our lives, side by side, right. .. Let us know that those who move from earthly life to another world are not closed to their colossal world, with loved ones, with friends, with colleagues, etc. etc., because it’s really (really) much more important for them there than for what they’ve lost here. And your difficult worries will immediately affect you there, but your cravings will affect your skin and try to calm you down. Scramble and take it into your hands, not yourself. It has already been established that after a person leaves the earth, there can only be one-sided communication, and it is not possible to meet with the dead in the eyes of those who are still alive on the Earth, otherwise it will bring great harm to both sides. Don’t complicate your life in the other world, but encourage him, tell him that that world is so real and beautiful, don’t be afraid of him, that while dying on Earth, people are born into a new life. You, on your own side, can miraculously feel and feel a little. Stay close to him, but don’t drag him too long, it’s too bad. Insert a photo so that it is easier to see, or better yet, to show itself. And people who can really understand the dead and talk to them. But don’t be fooled by the wonders for whom people pay great pennies, as they did with Grabovim... There are no such miracles to turn the body, which is still decaying, into life. Because of the “aliens” you need to be careful. Not all of them return to Earth, and not all of them develop strange abnormalities in their body after merging with them. For the rich, this will end in the loss of health and an unworthy life. You need to find the courage to continue to live with greed, both for yourself and for those who follow the other world. Anda

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