The complex can help relieve back pain during pregnancy. Exercises for the back during the hour of vacancy Exercises for the back during the hour of vacancy

During pregnancy, pressure on the back muscles rapidly increases for a variety of reasons: over 9 months, there is a noticeable increase in body weight, the center of gravity changes through the growth of the uterus, in addition, it is possible Chronic illness of the musculoskeletal system may also develop. All these factors lead to the appearance of painful pain in the back.

How can you relieve back pain that comes with vaginosis?

Considering that most drugs have been used up in children during the time of guilt, then to relieve the pain syndrome, health-improving methods come to the fore: exercise, physical exercise. The rights that need to be canceled are even simpler and more effective. Physical exercise will help not only relieve pain, but also improve your self-esteem.

What rules should I follow before charging?

In order to make things effective and safe, you need to:

  1. Exercise regularly, as often as possible.
  2. Robiti has the right without sudden collapses.
  3. Charging is not to blame for being tired and overdue.
  4. The entire complex needs to be worked on with the utmost care, after charging, do not take it close to the day.
  5. You can start charging in fresh air, for example, at a warm hour, when it is as cool as possible.

What rights are allowed for your back during pregnancy?

  1. Stand up straight, with your hands at the sides of your body. Place your necks across all sides, keep your back straight, without bending in the cross section.
  2. Having crossed your arms in front of you, begin to make circular turns of the toulub, your legs must remain intact.
  3. Raise your offended hands and begin to describe the obvious stake above your head. This one to the right miraculously compresses the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Sitting position:

  1. Sit on a flat surface (you can sit on a pillow), with your legs crossed (Yozi calls it the lotus position). Start to completely remove the deepest dikhalnye hands. This is simply very important for a vaginal woman: it helps to relieve pain in the thoracic part of the spine, and also saturates the body with acidity, which is why the utero-placental blood flow improves.
  2. Vikonite nahili tuluba forward and backward. Use smooth, careful movements, do not force yourself to move with maximum amplitude. By the way, be aware of the supernatural stretching of the wounds and ligaments.

In the case of the colonic-ulnar position:

The emphasis is liable to fall only on the elbows and knees. In this position, manually move to the right to cross the hour of gravity.

  1. Bend your back like a bowel, and then work your back in such a manner that your back bends like a “wheel.” Draw the data to the right, the stench is even brown for the cross section.
  2. Raise your right leg, as well as your left arm, and keep them horizontal for about 5-10 seconds. This right allows you to effectively overcome pain in the back, so it’s good for the muscles.

In the supine position:

Lie on your back, your legs bend at your knees, and your arms flutter around your restless body. Begin to carefully lift your pelvis and lower it back. Once again, this charge for the cross will help you relieve your stress during periods of stress.

You can do everything 8-10 times, with short breaks between them (2-3 minutes).

What are the contraindications before performing exercises and physical exercises?

You have the right to contraindications in the following situations:

  1. Threatening front curtains.
  2. Increased tone of the uterus.
  3. Zvichne nevinonovuvannya.
  4. Along with tight obstetric history.
  5. In case of serious diseases of the spine (interspinal hernias, high-level scoliosis, etc.), consultation with a neurologist is necessary.
  6. Annunciation of bleeding (abruption of the placenta, placenta previa, retroplacental hematoma).
  7. Severe toxicosis, gestosis (preeclampsia).
  8. Unstable arterial pressure (during physical exertion, the pressure can rise, which is extremely unpleasant for the vagina).

Right vaginosis can effectively help with severe transverse pain. However, do not forget that physical exercise must be carried out correctly depending on the physiological characteristics of the female partner.

Before speaking, you may also be affected by the steps COST-FREE materials:

  • Catless books: "TOP 7 discount rights for wound charging, which are unique" | “6 rules for effective and safe stretching”
  • Renewal of knee and knee joints for arthrosis- cost-free video recording of the webinar conducted by the doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine - Oleksandra Bonina
  • Cost-free lessons for relieving pain in the face of a certified physical therapy doctor. This doctor has developed a unique system for renovating all parts of the ridge and has already helped over 2000 clients I have different problems with my back and my neck!
  • Do you want to know how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Tody respectfully watch the video behind this post.
  • 10 Essential Life Components for a Healthy Ridge- from whom do you know what a healthy diet is, so that you and your backbone will always have a healthy body and soul. Very interesting information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? It is therefore recommended to learn effective methods of transverse, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without faces.

List of Wikilists:

List of Wikilists:
1. Physical culture with the basics of a healthy way of living - Tsypin L.L., 2002.
2. Handbook of reflexology - Macheret E.L., Samosyuk I.Z., 1989.
3. Recreational physical education. Abetka dikhannya - Parov Yu., 1998.
4. Recreational physical education. Health and physical culture of a student - Baronenko V.A., 2003.
5. Recreational physical education. Somatics - Revival of mind control over the mind, strength and health - Thomas Hanna, 2012.

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Back problems with vagusity became wider, which turned into the norm. A growing person lives with his body, shifting the center of gravity forward.

Across appears in overgrown, and sodniny pulps cannot be processed at full strength through shortening until the end of the crop. It's starting to hurt.

Is training a panacea?

Women who exercised before pregnancy have fewer problems with backlash. There is no trace of what needs to be done to relieve back sores in vaginas.

Whether any body is served by meats, their tone is affected by regular activity in a clear vase, equal to the importance of the chemical parameters of the body. Only one warehouse will change as adaptation takes place.

This is due to back problems with vaginosis, regardless of the experience of training for the principle: to break there delicately.

The main problem is the krizhovo-klubovy suglob, which connects the sheepskin with the legs by the edge. For proper work, you need back, abdominal, pressed meats. When one of them stops working through contracted cysts, a compensatory spasm with pain appears, which is typical for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Zmіtsnyuvat or stretch?

Don’t slow down, but turn the tone. Do not stretch, but preserve looseness. The 1st trimester of vaginosis itself is critically important for delivery.

First adaptive changes are observed in the pelvic organs and hormones. The ligaments of the uterus are stretched, the pulp is tied to them - the great uterus can get stuck.

Right for the back with vagusity:

  1. ta vipadi. Obedience has the right to integrate the whole body, but the key is to the correct alignment - the position of the back. You need to squat so that across your chest, you will lose your hearing. Vikorist, applying it to the back along the entire length of the ridge. You have the right to start practicing with your saddle stitches.
  2. Walking in the bear's plane, otherwise - walking crustaceans without pushing the knees. Ale across is not to blame for sagging, and the pelvis is not to fall apart. Let's start with small steps.
  3. Seated expander rows. Squeeze the largest muscles of the back, which fix the cries of the animal. Sit up to the fixed expander, take two ends of the stitch, and apparently place your arms bent at the elbows behind your back.

Walking should be avoided with the greatest integration to the right to prevent pain.

Active growth of the fetus occurs in the 2nd trimester, life begins to “encourage” it to heal, turn, and, as before, you can work without care:

  1. Beam planks. Those who are prepared to perform with emphasis on the feet, and those who are less trained, with emphasis on the knee. Lie on your side, place your elbow directly under your shoulder, straighten your body, stretching your upper body. Twist your pelvis forward, picking up the supra-surface bend across. Raise your pelvis above your back in a trim position for 30-60 seconds.
  2. Superman crustaceans. Tightening the leg and the protimal arm from the side across without bending. You can apply it to the static position by pressing the skin side for 30 seconds.
  3. Transfer to the pelvis. Lie down with your legs bent at the knees. The trick is to move the pelvis at the front and back ridges, pushing and pressing across to the underside. Repeat up to 20 times at a steady pace. With the back pressed as much as possible, you can lift the pelvis by 10-20 cm, lifting your heels.

As the baby grows, and during the 2nd trimester, the back pain begins to collapse. It is important to maintain a good posture: sit on your buttocks, straighten your shoulders. It feels like you need to bend over backwards and twist your pelvis under yourself.

Football training

An inflatable ball helps relieve back pain, maintain correct posture during training, and help you move to the right in case of back pain. Place the soccer ball between the wall and your back, and squat with support. It’s the same as working on the iPad.

Effective back exercises for vaginess include:

  1. Moving the pelvis while sitting on the balls, which can be started in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters: move the pelvis at the front and back sides, using the abdominal muscles and across them.
  2. Walking on balls: alternately raise your legs while balancing. You can add the lift of your back hand to a light dumbbell.
  3. They leaned forward, sitting on the balls. By transferring the football, you can correctly lift the arm by the pelvic shell.

Yoga for back pain and discomfort can help if you contact a qualified instructor. Self-stretching can damage the ties.

Stretching and relaxation

Relaxing the rights for the back is important for the vagina, and will again help football. Sit up, place the ball in front of you. Pull him forward, stretching with your whole body.

Sometimes, to prevent your back from hurting during vomiting, do some stretching, which will fix the pelvic bones and help the muscles to heal normally. Lie on the big ball, hugging it and stretching it across.

Vidmova's responsibility

The information in the articles is intended inclusively for general awareness and is not required to be used for self-diagnosis of health and medical problems. This article is not a substitute for medical consultation with a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Be kind, go straight to the doctor so that you can definitely know the cause of your health problem.

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Relieve the discomfort and crosswise to help straighten your back. The period of recovery of your child, repeated turbos and turbos, and the steadily growing organism in the middle of you, requires more and more space, loose organs and pinched nerves. Such problems lead to periodic pain in the back. It is important to turn off the use of medications during pregnancy, if there is no indication of the drug before taking it. To help you turn back from pain, you can also help your back to the right with vagusness.

The guilt of sick animals in most cases is to talk about a strong desire to cross the plot, but at the same time respect and consult a doctor to conduct further investigations. As evidence shows, no matter what the reason for the pain in the back, the woman is hospitalized to the doctor to clarify the cause.

If your back hurts, in order to relieve the discomfort, the cause of its appearance, or its totality, is identified. If this is not the beginning of generic activity, then it is possible:

  • Changing the size of the uterus, as a result of the fetus, which increases in size, causes compression of the nerve endings and the pressing of several blood vessels that are located near the ridge.
  • A sharp increase in the vase, stretching out the vasculature, displaces the primary center of gravity forward, and there is a steady increase in pressure on all the tissues, ligaments, and lumps. The circulatory system works at its maximum. At this moment, pain syndrome appears.
  • As a result of this, the weakness of the flesh, the unruly way of living on the remaining days of pregnancy, lead to a change in the work of the laborers, and damage to the place, as in its own way, before the appearance of any pain in the back.
  • Changes in the hormonal background of the vagina.
  • Nirkov rings that go across. Diagnosing what is hurting yourself can only be dangerous.

Once it appears, if you suffer from back pain during the hour of vomiting, you see blood, visible bumps, the same name will never show problems with the thyroid system, so it’s safe to call a Swede for help.

Ways to overcome pain

For a pregnant woman, it is important to take care of herself and care about her health and the health of her future child.

In order to eliminate negative emotions that cause pain in the opposite direction, it is recommended to follow these simple rules:

  • Give advantage to a very low selection or without it (yours is across and so important).
  • Most often, change your position, don’t stand for a long time, don’t sit, don’t lie down.
  • Find a more comfortable and comfortable place to sleep.
  • Use as a pillow for pregnant women and mothers.
  • Wear a bandage that helps fix the spine and remove it from additional tension.
  • Follow your food, the food you drink.

And most importantly, pay attention to the signals that your body gives, and if you experience any discomfort, it is best to consult your doctor. Don't engage in self-indulgence!

Correct for future mothers

Subject to medical contraindications and according to the doctor, after consultation, you can begin to stretch and stretch across the ridge to relieve back pain.

All operations in the event of pressure are carried out at a calm pace and completely and smoothly, without sharp rocks or strong pressure.

It's early, while you haven't gotten up yet, you can step on the right. With one hand and the bowl of the foot from the same side, pulling one to one, step by step, then we change our position on the bed, then we carefully stretch with both hands and feet.

All day long, having broken it into pieces, you can vikonuvati like this:

  • Let's walk for 30 seconds.
  • Step-by-step squats, not deep, knee high, arms stretched in front of you. When you are exercising, you have the right to monitor your body and, if you experience any discomfort, immediately take a nap.
  • Kroki (fall) forward, sometimes with one foot, sometimes with the other. Do not rush, cut and jump is fenced off.
  • We stand straight, hands on our belts. Step by step we turn the body to the left, and move the arm back parallel to the ground.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. We raise and lower the pelvic area completely. This right will help you quickly rozvantazhit across and ease the bill.
  • Crawfish pose. To the right is “the intestine and the camel.” We bend our backs up and down. This right relieves pain at the waist, and reduces the tone of the uterus; the exit position elevates the uterus, allowing it to relax.
  • We squeeze with our hands in front of us, pulling on all our sides along the side, then we press our fingers behind our back.
  • In a kneeling position, hands on the undersides, sitting on one heel, then on the other.

Similar traditional medicine has treated the human and reproductive bodies of women very well. In her physical exercises, she has enough strength to the right to relieve pain across and relieve various tension spots.

The complex of yoga rights is presented in a series of points, one to the right, which merges with the other.

  • Positioned, standing, legs together (toes together, five pieces apart). The knee is strained, the muscles in the press. Shoulders together, shoulders that way. Hands on the body. Pulling uphill, gracefully, neatly. I can hear my own breathing.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, sitting on a flat-footed surface. We raise our hands uphill, valley to valley. Having been exposed, marvel in the stele. We hold the pose for 10-20 seconds without overexerting ourselves.
  • From a standing position, we lean forward, marvel at ourselves, we try to put our hands on our knees, or for obvious stretching, go to the counter. Be especially careful about the position of your stomach, regardless of the pressure or discomfort.
  • From the forward position we pull the head down to the knees. It is recommended that pre-prepared women not use it.
  • We are sitting on the edge. The back is straight. Hands press their palms onto the support. It is evident how the poppy reaches up to the stele, vigorously living lightly. We trim the pose for 10-20 seconds.
  • From the forward position, bend the knee and pull the foot to the inner part of the stitch. We stretch our arms up to the bowl of the other leg, and we cover the head, applying pressure to the knees. Then the situation changes.
  • We sit on the support and hold our toes. Observe the formation of the abdomen. The shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are retracted at once.
  • From the forward camp. We bend one leg in the knee, turn the body to the sides, place our hand behind our back, and grab the raised knee with the other hand. Let it sit for 10-20 seconds and change the beep.
  • We get on our knees, spread our legs, carefully bend back, trying to get off with our hands. We hold the position for 10-20 seconds.
  • Standing crustaceans, resting our hands on the support. We bend our back up, then down.
  • From the forward position, we stretch one arm forward and the other leg back. We try to be equal and stretch.
  • We continue in the same position, stretching our arms forward so that the chest rests on the underside and the pelvic area is up.

Maria Sokolova

Reading hour: 17 hvilin


Vaginism is not a disease, and therefore, future mothers can and should engage in vigorous sports and be more physically active. A woman should consult her gynecologist about the right and intensity of the skin's vagina.

We imagine the most popular and necessary rules for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of gestation.

The benefits of gymnastics for vaginitis – indications and contraindications

It is important to re-evaluate the use of gymnastics for vaginal women, so doctors recommend stopping it today.

With effective rights, your future mother can be informed.

  • The effect of gymnastics on the entire organism as a whole is strong. The work of all prosecutorial bodies and systems is intensifying, the mechanisms of speech exchange are actively launched, and the body’s resources are drained.
  • Physical people have the right to adjust the mood and allow the future mother to avoid depression.
  • The cardiac-vascular system is affected.
  • With the help of physical rights, you can avoid problems that affect most pregnant mothers, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Physical people have the right to relieve stress and tension in the muscles, relax the spine and stabilize the posture.
  • Regular gymnastics during pregnancy will allow women to quickly turn to the front form after the bed.
  • You have the right to prepare the body of future mothers before the curtains.
  • Burning calories through physical exercises allows you to avoid weight gain and prevent fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs.
  • Vikonanna has the right to help her future mother learn to control her breathing and care for her body under the canopy.
  • Strong swelling and proper breathing – constipation of a significant change in pain sensations under the hour of bed.
  • Relaxation is another positive power of regular gymnastics.

This list can be continued endlessly. The melodious skin of a woman who pays attention to a child and who was previously pregnant, she herself tells you about the measles right, which she suffered during the period of pregnancy.

Video: All about gymnastics for vaginas

What are the contraindications and time before gymnastics during pregnancy?

  1. With an anterior placenta physical activity and protection!
  2. It is forbidden to go in for sports and stop physical activities for women with threat of vaginal imbalance
  3. With uterine hypertonicity Gymnastics also leads to more quiet time.
  4. Please click on the right track when riziku bleeds .
  5. For varicose veins or hemorrhoids You can’t move it to the right to move your legs.
  6. Whether the forces have the right , as well as to the right, connected with cuts, sharp turns, blows and falls during this period of pregnancy!
  7. For hypertension, hypotension, anemia The expectant mother must reject the doctor’s recommendations and all other rights.
  8. The physical activity of a future mother has been blocked in case of toxicosis during the remaining months of pregnancy .

If you feel like it’s a miracle and you don’t have any contraindications for medicine, we won’t hesitate to consult a doctor who is wary of you, and ideally, go through unfastened treatment.

Please note that there are particular rights that can be considered important in any term and may be contraindicated to other rights – this Dihal gymnastics of future mothers.

Basic right of respiratory gymnastics for new mothers at any stage of pregnancy

Exercise your exercises daily before or after the main gymnastics.

You can rightfully work in the same way as the day goes on, come and go.

Right 1:

Lie on a pillow, your legs need to be slightly bent at the knees.

Place one hand on your chest, and your friend’s on your life. Inhale deeply through your nose, and then breathe out.

When you inhale, you need to work harder; when you inhale, do not stretch the chest wall, but breathe only with the diaphragm, raising and lowering it.

Right 2:

In the same position, when lying down, place your right hand on your chest, and your left hand on your stomach.

Inhale deeply, raising your shoulders and head, and trying not to change the position of your stomach. Change hands and turn to the right again.

Repeat several times.

Right 3:

Sit cross-legged. Drop your hands from the waistband.

With your arms bending at your elbows, raise them so that your fingers touch the level of your breasts. At this time, work to inhale, without changing the position of the abdomen and chest.

Lower your hands completely, you can see the pain.

You can do gymnastics in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Although a woman’s body may not be sensitive to changes at the beginning of pregnancy, it still has important and difficult processes in the birth of a new life.

The embryo, which is made up of several cells, even flows to all new infusions, so the 1st trimester of the baby’s awakening is the time to start thinking about something new and learn to limit yourself in case of harm overcoming vaginess.

Video: Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

What rights cannot be removed from the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

  1. In advance, we need to take all our gymnastics and have the right to press – stench can provoke the tone of the uterus – and, as a result, bleeding and interruption of vaginity.
  2. The time has come to protect yourself from wicked cuts and sharp cuts.

Korisna has the right to perform gymnastics during the first month of pregnancy:

  1. Straighten the crotch for stitching and cutting.

Lean on the back of the chair. Sit down, spread your knees wide. Scrub in the squat position, then turn completely around in the release position.

The right to withdraw 5-10 times.

  1. Rules for Lithuanian meats - prevention of bumps.

Position - standing, legs together, scrapes apart.

While leaning on the back of the chair, climb fully onto the racks. Feel the tension in your muscles, then turn around completely to the exit position.

Compress 5-8 times at a steady pace.

Follow the delivery!

  1. To the right for the flesh of the legs, crotch and abdomen.

Leaning onto the back of the chair with both hands, the right leg must be pulled forward, then moved fully to the side, back, then to the left side (“gusset”, or move the leg strongly to the left). The same goes for the left leg.

You have the right to rub the skin of the leg 3-4 times.

  1. To the right to preserve the shape of the breasts.

Place the dolons in a lock in front of the breasts, diluting the liquids in parallel until the podloga.

Squeeze your hands tightly around the lock, then completely relax the tension.

Follow the correct steps and don’t overdo it for too long!

You have the right to repeat 8-10 times at a steady pace.

  1. To the right for the sides, belly and sides.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a small squat, bending your knees, and wrap your pelvis completely around the kidney to the right, then to the left.

I have the right to dismiss without force and unacceptable surrogates.

Follow this so that the ridge is straight!

Gymnastics for vaginas in the 2nd trimester – video right

As soon as the mother began to notice signs of toxicosis on the beginning of pregnancy, then in the next trimester these unpleasant symptoms have already passed. The body begins to respond to the small changes that one is experiencing, and the risk of unbearable vomiting is already low.

Video: Gymnastics in another trimester of pregnancy

In another trimester of pregnancy, respect should be given to these rights, such as squeeze the flesh of the pelvic floor, abdomen, back and thigh – to prepare for even greater excitement to kick off the remaining months of pregnancy.

Corisna porada: In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, at the hour of conquest of the physical rights of the future mother, it is easier to breathe.

  1. Straighten the Kegel – for the improvement of pelvic ulcers and prevention of untrimmed cuts

  1. To the right, sitting on the underside – for pain in the back and abdomen

Sit on the bench, spread your arms back and forth, and lean on them. Turn the coat and head first one way, then the other.

Don’t force your breathing, breathe evenly.

You can repeat this 4-5 times per skin side.

  1. To the right, lying on your side

Lie on your left side. Stretch your left hand in front of you and place your right hand on it.

Raise your right hand completely uphill and bring it back to the maximum possible position, without turning your body or head. Turn your hand to the exit position. Vikonati 3-4 of them to the right, then those same vikonati on the right side.

  1. To the right for pain in the back and abdomen.

Sit on the pad, your heels under your seat, the quilts and knees pressed one to the other. Stretch your arms in front of you.

Fully bend your head and body forward, pressing your forehead against the surface of the support, then turn completely in the release position.

Do not force yourself to the right! It is important that the right is given to you, and if you live, take a little bit of your knees.

  1. To the right for proper dihannya

When sitting, bend your legs at the knees and cross your legs. The arms are straightened and lie flat on the backs.

Raise your hand completely and pull up, at the same time inhaling deeply and completely, throwing your head back a little. Then it’s time to work hard to see them, lowering their hands at the exit position.

I have the right to tap with the other hand, tap 4-7 times for the skin.

  1. Right for breasts

In order to preserve the shape of your breasts, you may continue to use the first block for the first semester in another.

Do gymnastics for the 3rd trimester of gestation, vikonanny rules

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it becomes important to remove more from the front right.

Football comes to help new mothers. And the miracles have the right to prepare for the coming season, as they are good to go for additional football.

  1. To the right with dumbbells to tighten the muscles of the back and abdomen

Sit on the ball. Hands with dumbbells (0.5-1 kg) lowered to the waistband.

With your arms curled at your elbows, lift the dumbbells to your groins, then lower them completely to the release position. Don't damage the body!

Then bend your arms at your elbows and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders - lower them completely.

Draw these ruins. Don't forget to stitch the stitches correctly.

  1. To the right, lying down, there is an increase in the muscles of the sides and perineum.

Lie down on the pillow. Place one foot on the soccer ball. Practice rolling the ball, bringing your foot in, then rotate it to the release position. Repeat 3-4 times.

Roll the ball while bending your leg in your knee.

Those same victors kicked in with the other foot.

  1. To the right for breast sores

Holding the football in front of you with your arms stretched forward, try to squeeze it completely with your palms, then completely relax your arms.

Make sure that there is no tension on your life when you are victorious!

Vikonati 5 to 10 times.

Video: Rules for pregnancy in the 3rd trimester - preparation before birth

All information in this article is provided in a comprehensive manner; it may not correspond to specific conditions of your health, and does not constitute a medical recommendation. The site с reminds you that it is never a good idea to ignore a doctor’s consultation, especially during the hour of pregnancy!

Pain due to vomiting may occur in different parts of the body. Don't forget about the formation of pathology. Painfulness often signals a lack of relaxation and recovery. The butt of such witches is to hurt across. If this is the case, most women will feel this way, especially in the rest of the month. What is there to do if it hurts across the back with vaginity, and how to prevent severe pain in the back of a future mother?

Causes of pain across the spine during vaginosis

Be aware of the appearance of overvoltage. Pain in the transverse part of the kidney may signal the threat of a weekend (especially since the severity may be pulsating, transverse in nature). In the later stages of pregnancy, pain often appears as a result of the pressure of the baby as it grows. The baby quickly gains weight, the mother’s spine bends, the body bends back (for balance). Constantly pressing on the transverse section calls out to the ridge.

Another cause of pain is weakening of the pelvic cysts and cramps. In this way, the body prepares for the next stage of pregnancy, the bones become soft and disintegrate easily. In this case, transverse pain may appear two or three times before the canopies.

Pain across the side can be a legacy of terrible things. Stinks are often observed in the last month in front of the curtains and are accompanied by tight sores in the lower abdomen.

In the remaining months, in front of the canopies, the child’s vagina crushes the blood vessels that pass through the empty cavity. The diaphragm rises up, squeezing the vessels at the top of the tube. Therefore, in later terms, swelling appears in the legs and arms (as a result of bad bleeding of the ends).

Right to adjust the cross section

Special physical exercises can help you change or eliminate back pain. Vikonannya has the right to take the lead from the transverse-crown plot of the ridge, its basis and relaxation.

    1. The position “on the crustaceans” will ensure relaxation across and restoration of normal blood flow along the spine. You can practice “fours” from the fourth month of pregnancy, 3-5 times a day (to prevent painful pain). Once you have arrived, it is necessary to rip across it more often - three or four times a day for 10-15 minutes. A great fitness ball allows you to make it easier to walk in the crawfish position.

    1. “Intestines” - bent down and bulged across the hill from a position on all fours.
    2. Swing your legs uphill backwards from this position.

    1. They stretched the right-handed and left-handed ones from the position “sitting on the underside” - stretch across the creases of the crotch, ahead of the opening of the ruptures under the hour of the canopy.

    1. Twisting - lying on your back, reach the knee of your left leg to the right hand. When this occurs, the ridge becomes twisted. In the same way, move the knee of your right leg to the hilt.
    2. Raise your pelvis from a supine position.

Water procedures: swimming and bathing

    1. Swimming will ensure the de-stressing of the transverse vault, without re-shaping the looseness of the entire ridge and pelvic brushes. Swimming with swimming (drying) is an ideal complex of preparation for birth, which allows you to give birth to a healthy baby.

  1. A warm bath allows the skin of the mother's body to relax. The effect of relaxation and pain relief can be enhanced by the addition of essential oils.
  2. The shower is a kind of massage. A slight pressure from the skin jet of water will ensure increased blood flow in the flushing area.

“It is important to know that contrasting douses, in particular, stimulate. This is a contrast shower (changing jets of water at different temperatures, alternately dousing with cold and hot streams) is necessary during the beginning of labor (to improve tone and strengthen the essence), as well as after birth (for effective removal of placenta and clots, for rapid contraction of the uterus) »

Back massage

The head therapeutic infusion of massage helps to increase blood flow. Shelf supplies tissues and babies that are growing, sourness and life-giving substances, and takes away the products of life. In case of pain, a large amount of toxins is released. Increased blood flow absorbs their findings. Therefore, massage has a healing and pain-relieving effect.

The massage is light. Stronger massaging across the later stages of vacancy can cause frontal ruptures.

“It is important to know that pressing on the dimples, placed on the back in the transverse zone, stimulates labor. This kind of massage is necessary during bedtimes and barriers during periods of pregnancy.”

Working with a psychologist

Since back pain is associated with the stress of a stressed mother in front of the curtains, it may be worth taking a course with a psychologist. When a woman relaxes during labor and during the wine-making period, a number of painful symptoms occur. The more the breed is squeezed and complex, the more complex its family environment, the more important and painful the baby’s birth into the world. To easily cross the curtains, to prevent severe pain, it is necessary to learn to loosen the pain in the back and abdomen, overcome the fear of the curtains, and induce anxiety in young and less ill children.

Take a course with a psychologist and provide the following:

  • psychological preparation before bedtime;
  • negotiation and release of fears that shape pressures and pain;
  • visualization of normal canopies is a technique that allows you to formulate a program for the future birth of your baby.

What else can help with pain across the spine?

  1. Walking walks (mostly in a clean, non-polluted area: park, forest, dacha, river or lake bank, sea coast). Walking does not change the direction from across, but also has a pleasant flow:
    • activate blood flow in the legs and pelvic organs;
    • will provide a gentle touch to the pelvic joints and krizhovaya connections, which is important for future canopies. With minor frailty, there may be an inappropriate rupture of the pelvic cysts and a pathological development of labor.
  2. Relaxation and unwinding
  3. Relieve pain with deep, calm breaths (the body saturates with sourness, changing the level of painful sensations).
  4. The correct sleeping position is (on your side, leaning slightly forward, resting the knee of your upper leg on a special pillow or rug).
  5. Strengthened calcium food (increased number of products that contain calcium: milk, cheese, fermented baked milk and kefir, greens and green cocktails, fish).
  6. Bandage (supports the vagina of the great fetus, changes pressure on the spine, reduces pain).

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