News about aliens. Alien bosses of Chi are demons who are bosses of aliens

The majority of the population still had very little trust in contacts of the 6th kind between people and immigrants, but they were especially worried about the possibility of separating their mutually related offspring. “Don’t you know that you can mate a cow and the result will be a human-cow hybrid? - a person once pressed me, not a stranger, but even close in her views to ufological issues. - And among primates-maupons, although they are genetically close to humans, nothing like this has ever happened! The diversity of chromosomes does not allow conception to occur when different reproductive material is combined. All the price is gray!

There are a lot of great fakhivts in science who like to rely on the “gray horse” - perhaps for them it is the same as Pegasus is for poets: it breathes, and it is the criterion of truth. But this famous horse, melodiously, it is still not possible to accept what the Bible completely allows: reasonable things can be created in the same way and in the same way.

Why not?

Even the idea of ​​panspermia has significantly more positive aspects, but less factors of its impossibility. Whatever the case, if Darwin’s theory is not confirmed by current science, then it will be: the planets were and are being populated by a sowing of similar origins with similar genetic parameters. The current pre-investigation materials have already accumulated a lot of facts that suggest that the development of hybrids is not clear. If academic science were, however much or less, stuck in Svetobudov’s modern picture, nutrition with hybridization would have long ago become a common topic in medical scientific institutions. Because at this point, we would reject such a strong evidence base for the presence of immigrants in our lives, as the remaining fate of the phenomenon of “kill in the fields.” Here the dishonesty of the “hooligans” on motorcycles and two people of great age, artists who created the most sophisticated icons, who regularly appear in the fields of rich countries, is already obvious. Once I wrote down the phrase “we are not alone” (“wenot only” - the words were written at once)… There was only one reaction: we can’t believe it! We can’t believe it, and that’s all...

However, experiments with hybrid creations are unlikely to result in either harmful sensations or illnesses. Here, it’s as if we won’t come into contact with another characteristic feature of humanity - our lack of disturbance and sadness, if, due to the stereotypical mentality, we tend to underestimate the dangers of assimilation and genetic experiments on us.

This book has already encountered a situation when earthly women showed vagrancy, and the stinks could interfere directly with the activity of the newcomers. A number of such materials related to the experiments of immigrants from the direct vicarious migration of earthlings as a kind of “last-last rabbits” have accumulated in various countries. Budd Hopkins in his book “Intruders and Missing Time”, John Mack in his book “Abduction”, and many other authors talk about marvelous, unacceptable and Unnecessary legacy of contacts. The typical procedures followed by earthlings are most scrupulously described in the article entitled “Straight Talk About UFO Abductions” (Zoe Media, “Straight Talk About UFO Abductions”), and we will later outline the main provisions. And now - some facts about the hybrid population.

...The Indian homeland lives in the Ecuadorian hinterland - the man Jose Rinaldo, the team of Graciel Fidelina and their two children. Small buti and third child; Ale yogo was taken away. Bo Graciel Fidelina gave birth to this kind of… alien (51).

Started in 1996 Jose was catching fish in the river channel when, to great effect, a marvelous apparatus landed nearby. If a poor Indian watched TV, he would realize that this was an alien spaceship, and he would wonder if this was a helicopter. I'm already bachiv.

Three things came out of the device. One of them went to Hosi and spoke Spanish. He called himself Licti, saying that they came from another planet and they needed Jose’s squad to bear the fruit of their child. Jose reasonably stated that he did not want his squad to fight with any aliens. Ale Likti explained that sex is not required, she simply injects the fertilized egg. Jose, knowing the pressure of his squad, said that there was nothing to be seen from anyone, and when he arrived, he began to sing, “It’s good to go.” Subsequent reports showed that the newcomers had learned well the psychology of earthly women.

After the conversation, Jose Graciel thought that the man was still sane: what kind of aliens?! For many days there was a man who sawed the hell out of the middle of the day. Ale Jose insisted. So the squad, just in order to stop the man from lying, decided to get along with these aliens.

On the fifth day, 7 June 1996, José ta Graciel landed in the area from Likta. Having not yet reached the conclusion of the place, the stench filled the apparatus that was descending in front of them. Having rejected the request, Jose and Graciel went into the middle without a word. In one of the ship’s wings there was a strong stench, as if an operating table had emerged right from the wall. Graciel was asked to lie down on him, and Licti (perhaps a doctor) placed a device with wires until the end. Graciel immediately fell asleep. Likti took a test tube with white liquid, inserted it into a small device, and placed the device in the oven. Jose, who stood in charge of his squad, holding their hand, looking at the screen, like someone else's black egg, entered before his squad.

Then Likti took the darts from Graciel’s throat, and she threw up. She looked completely healthy, no pain, no confusion, no other side effects. The arrivals chatted to his friends and kindly escorted him from the ship.

Life went on as usual. A few months and ten days later, on the 17th of May, when Jose and Graciel were picking oranges in their small plot, the machine landed on the trees. The same immigrants came out from Likti and said that they had come for the fruit.

And Graciel slept again, and José looked at the screen, as if he were the same device for his friends, and took the test tube and the placenta from the glass. Then the test tube was carefully placed in a cupboard near the station of the ship. Later, Jose confirmed that the lack of presence in the test was just like an alien, only much more terrifying.

This story became known to Jaime Rodriguez, a man who in Ecuador is called “the number one ufologist.” We are famous for the fact that whenever we undertake to delve into any paradox, it is easy to get to the bottom of the truth.

Following the fallout from Rinaldo's friends, Rodriguez realized that, behind all odds and ends, his friends reveal what really happened to them. The offense went through twenty psychiatric tests and two lie detector tests. It was confirmed that neither Jose nor Graciel suffered from hallucination. Before that, the villagers simply could not guess the endless details that their programs about UFOs could be based on. The stinks simply did not smell from them through the presence of the television.

I also gave my new appointment to a gynecologist. The tightness showed that Graciel had recently suffered from pregnancy. And this despite the fact that immediately after the birth of another child, her fallopian tube was removed. So Graciel could only become pregnant in the event that an already fertilized egg was introduced into her uterus. This is a very expensive operation, but for this poor family, who lives in a banana leaf hut, it is absolutely impossible.

This episode, says Jaime Rodriguez, is unique because Rinaldo’s girlfriend has kept clear information about what happened. I hope they didn’t block their memory, as they say.

After investigating this story, Rodriguez decided to take his friend Rinaldo to the International Congress of Ufologists in Nevada, but the Indians did not refuse the American visa. Possibly, unpredictably: whoever doesn’t even want it, so that the vast majority of people know about operations with the growth of hybrids. But something else is astonishing: he cares more and more for the child, as she has never cared for.

Another neutral history began in 2001 (52).

A young Australian, Megan Liker, returned home to Perth after serving as a contractor in the army. Suddenly she became friends with a guy she was friends with at school. This is a happy love, but it’s not just the situation: all of Megan’s attempts at love were not far away.

At first, everyone was worried about the problem, then she decided to check with the gynecologist. The diagnosis came as a shock to the young woman: her reproductive organs had aged at an unreasonable rate and had become like the smell of a 60-year-old woman who gave birth to a dozen children.

Megan didn't know what to think. Since the army, they have lost their best guesses: during the entire hour of being there, she never became seriously ill. Regardless of this, she decided to speed up the benefits given to the people of Australia, if they were injured or calcified during the time of military service. Ale Kolya Virushila to draw up a non -okay document, it was not named to be the shock: Zhadoi izhormatsky about those, ShO MES Megan Liker served in the Australian Army, in the Archy of the Minsky, not climbed.

Surprised, Megan sought help from a psychiatrist, who practiced the so-called regressive hypnosis that haunts people in the past. Already at the hour of the first session, the young woman realized that she spent most of her early life not in the army, but... among the aliens who stole her! Everything that happened with her there could have served as a plot for any science fiction film.

Megan revealed that immediately after the kidnapping of the arrival, tendy little men with gray skin and majestic eyes, carried out a careful “honey survey” and found that the dugout was miraculously healthy and had not yet been chewed. Then they were sent to the majestic space mother ship, arriving on the invisible side of the month.

Megan's future life is comparable to the lives of slaves on the middle-class galleys, which she read about in her childhood. However, her “work” was completely different: along with six hundred other earthly wives who were in the giant “flying saucer”, she constantly munched on hybrid children. The whole thing on the right is that on the “mother” ship the aliens controlled the real factory for the production of humanoids, vikoryst and bag of the Earth as “surrogate mothers”.

The Polonyankas lived in crummy little rooms: the space “prisoners” believed that any collapse would be a waste of valuable living energy, and their physical activity was limited to a minimum. “The stinks treated me like a sow,” says Megan. “For so many years I gave birth to forty children.”

Such fantastic fertility is explained by the fact that alien gynecologists placed “surrogate mothers” in the uterus of several eggs, individually filled with alien sperm, and the triviality of pregnancy for another specialty Their faces were felt for several months.

Newly born mutants, according to Megan, are very similar to earthly children. The eyes were a single entity - a majestic fold, it seemed, from one point. Immediately after the end of the day, children were taken from their mothers: the immigrants themselves picked them up and captured them. What about the stink of aliens? Megan doesn't know, but admits that they might be needed for the possible colonization of the Earth.

After many years spent on the “factory assembly line,” Megan Liker’s reproductive organs were so worn out that they lost any value to aliens. Finally, they turned to Earth, having first “put” into their brains the rumors about those who had spent the entire hour in military service.

The question arises naturally: how should such experiments be carried out? What are the newcomers asking for? The creation of a singing crotch race of intelligent essences? Are they making jokes about the effective depletion of the Earth's population? Are they trying to reveal our genetic essence? Or maybe there really are plans to colonize our planet?

There is no information on this food yet. Why can’t we, as Dr. Elizabeth Loftus from the University of Seattle says, say that all the wives “guessed” about contacts with extraterrestrials—beyond the so-called commemoration? This idea was inspired by people, but in reality it was not destroyed. Our memory is accessible and can be played with the people and not so fervently, the people who remember in past nations were Macedonians and Napoleons...

Okay, let’s say it’s like that. However, why not pose a question: who instills “hibni” wisdom in people? Who creates the illusion of stealth, sexual contacts, sexual relationships, etc.? Who wants to do this, should I do it?

My guess is that it’s all the twists and turns of the special services. However, this version is popularized by those who do not want to know the reality of the existence of aliens and aliens. What, for example, are secret service agents in a godforsaken Ecuadorian village? Why are the stinks invisible, since the villagers didn’t smell them? I especially don’t believe in the super-productive activity of the special services, especially the Russian ones, after the fact that the Russian government security service screwed up the security of the SRSR, which it swore an oath to protect. They can still fight with single individuals, they can “kill” other undesirables, but against someone else’s organized system – it’s a complete fiasco! They brought it to the fore.

...My archive has preserved protocol records collected by members of the Novgorod Council from the exploration of cosmic phenomena “Astral” by R. Kizilov and R. Sobolev, following the legacy of the investigation of the fall that became 1991 (53). At the time, ufologists knew little about such activities of the immigrants, so it is important to allow hoaxes and obvious misinformation.

Axis why write: “Meshkantsi Novgorod V. 32 rocks. She has three children. Having learned from the doctor about the new pregnancy, she decided not to talk about it. I did the necessary tests, and forfeited taking a referral from the doctor to stop the bimonthly pregnancy due to the doctor’s symptoms. To get it directly, you had to go to the 20th of 1991. Ale in the night from 17 to 18 of the fierce west of V. became unconscious.

I went to bed with a sinus about 23 years old, and over the course of a year I realized that I was attracted to it, pulling my head by the hair from the pillow on the pillow. The head hung, the body was on the sofa.

It was light, but V. didn’t get angry, she calmly continued to watch out. And the question in my head is: who is this? stars? how did you get to the apartment? Perhaps, house-elf? From the childhood of the chula, the stinks settle in houses, apartments and live peacefully with the rulers, forever burying them.

I remember well that I arrived at Odyaz’s silver color. His shadow silently slipped from the room to the front room and disappeared there.

The woman snuggled up to her son and fell asleep peacefully. Everyday worries, worries, fears...

“Raptom woke up. I think it's about ten. And what is it? I’m lying without a carpet, my nightgown is on my breasts, and I don’t want to stroke my bare stomach with my hand across the body. The hand is lifeless: neither warm, nor cold, slimy, no gum, or in a very tightly stretched gum glove. Tse immediately caught her hand and grabbed it by the wrist. She got bored and shouted: “Are you coming? What do you need? Go now!” I guessed all my words.”

The night guest, not having seen the desired sound, snatched his hand and puffed again from the front desk. The woman stood up and followed him. I turned on the light at the front room. There is no one! The entrance doors are locked. Having lost the light, I went to bed again and slept peacefully until morning.

Today I told my colleagues at work about it. The stinks started: this is a humanoid! “That’s why I was angry! - V. admitted. - Take me and take me away from you.

But I do not want. I wanted to go to bed at night without relaxing.”

And the 25th doctor confirmed: “Nothing, no discomfort! Everything is fine! It's wonderful! V. has been measuring for a long time: what do you know about the doctors? I didn’t want to say anything, or even if I didn’t believe it, I would think something bad.

Physicians and gynecologists L. Alokhina (head of the women's consultation) and O. Popov, before whom the investigators asked for clarification, said that in their practice they had not encountered such a phenomenon. They were hanging in love with the brothels:

1) diagnosis of vaginosis is severe;

2) the appearance of vomiting – hallucination, associated with toxicosis;

3) becoming a passing day.

The first two stews fall. The woman praised that she was sick, but fortunately she did not suffer from toxicosis. It would be important to notice the third attempt, lest you get caught by the hand.

The number of traces on the weekend was explained by known contactees. They said that the bastards of the unknown planet had been watching for V. for a long time, and when they decided that they didn’t want to be chewed up, they came and took the plaid along the road. For those in power, a follow-up. It has been released so that new arrivals can make a return visit.”

The problem of space donation has long been studied at the Enio center in Rostov-on-Don. In their newspaper “Centaur Crossroads,” oenologists together with V. Yu. Rogozhkin often publish materials related to the activities of immigrants on the planet. Perhaps they were the first to investigate the unexpected situation with the visits of foreigners. Then other snakes began to show interest in this phenomenon. Thus, Maria Alfiorova, a correspondent for the magazine “Spivrozmovnik”, in 2001, reported a number of findings from her research, when humanoid actors treated earthly wives as an incubator (54).

“In the spring of 1995, Svetlana Koltsova from Tolyatti uncontrollably felt unimportant - boredom and confusion appeared. This country was well known for its connection with vaginity, but Svetla also managed without sex. Prote lives with skin problems and becomes older. “Two months of pregnancy,” the doctor said. Svetlana began to become hysterical.

“I didn’t want to tell anyone about this horror,” Svetlana shared from Spivrozmovnik. “Everything seemed like a dream to me.” And then, after visiting the doctor, I realized: no, it’s not a dream... I sat at home and watched the TV as my small room was on fire. The light was shining straight into my eyes. And then, having fallen over on the table, I felt like I couldn’t break it. The instructions were those that apparently did not differ in any way from ordinary people, in the gray-blacite oxide. Then I fell into oblivion and again fell asleep in front of the TV.

Having learned about vaginosis, Koltsova was not herself. Talk about those that the humanoid child was afraid of. I thought I would take it for a divine icon.

And on the eighth month the pain repeated.

I stumbled on that table again. I was bullied by a bunch of people. I saw how an embryo was pulled from the womb. I tried to cry, but I couldn’t. The child was placed near a clear container, on top of which I feel like a home. I marveled at everything and was absolutely amazed. The person’s order repeated: “Everything is good. You gave and they took.”

Svetlana decided to take a course of treatment with a psychologist and was terrified of losing it herself.

“I’m calling for you to come for me,” she chanted. Khristina Zametina from Volgograd was aware of multiple “forks”. Her first contact with immigrants was made in 11 years, in 1984.

“I was sitting at home and reading a book, when it seemed to me that I had stumbled on a soft birch tree,” Christina shared with us. - Nearby I marked a cool object that would glow. The man sitting next to him instructed me to come to him with a gesture. In no way does it differ from our earthly men. But I was afraid that he knew that he was not ours... And then he began to talk about the troubles of war on their planet and about those that his civilization was already clinging to earthly women. During the war, their women lost their reproductive instinct. He asked me for a piece of skin and a hair on his neck, explaining: what is enough to grow a hybrid of his race with an earthling (they haven’t even thought about cloning yet). Well, I was repairing the opera. And when I grew up, they didn’t feed me, they just took it and used it as an incubator...

Anastasia Stepanova from Rostov confirms that she also knew violence on the side of the humanoid fate of 1998.

“I woke up in the middle of the night in acute fear,” she told us. - It seemed like they were closely watching me. And then in my legs I started to grow a sulfur-like tissue at a height of approximately 120 centimeters. I was so surprised that I almost felt sick. Ale could not collapse, but she leaned closer and closer... I felt the heaviness of the cold and hard body, even as the great serpent swayed.

Nastya tried to forget this, telling herself that nothing had happened. Before long, toxicosis began.

I immediately noticed that she was a woman, like Nastya. - You know, the embryo developed much faster, less significantly. Over the past week, they have already begun to break in. And I was terribly afraid to go to the doctor. Well, what should I say? Why am I carrying a child around when I arrive?

And then in the middle of the night I became paralyzed. I flattened my eyes and began to squeal, as if wicked horrors were hovering over me. I got tired, and after throwing off my jacket, I realized that the child was the same.

To be on the safe side, Anastasia made an appointment with her famous gynecologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Viktor Kozlov.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said Viktor Sergeyovich, “on the walls of the patient’s uterus, marvelous light spots spread! I work 20 years ago, but my practice had a priority.

For a distressing hour, Anastasia felt the pain in her lower abdomen. Bloody visions. Across the river she saw a little child with a marvelous horny-gray skin and drawn eyes on her broad face. It is filled with creatures that are similar to the earthly pig and chicken.

“I knew that the child was my son,” said Anastasia. “I broke down in tears...”

Among other things, the President of the All-China Association of Ufologists, Doctor of Technical Sciences Chen Yanchun confirms: “The heel of the earthly woman knew sexual violence or underwent “gynecological restraint” on board the saucer that is flying! According to the estimates of the American investigator, Pulitzer Prize winner John Mack, perhaps millions of Americans could, without knowing it, take part in the secret investigations of “gray dwarfs” and other scumbags of other planets From the breeding of a hybrid of earthlings and immigrants. It is appropriate for other civilizations and ours to conduct experiments on earthlings.

I believe that the immigrants are starting and there is a gigantic work being carried out in them in the field of genetic engineering,” Academician, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences V. G. Azhazha has repeatedly stated. - It is possible that they are creating a hybrid - a new race that may replace ours as completely inferior. I sing about what has been happening everywhere and for a long time. Perhaps among us there are already representatives of this new, more thorough race. You just need to be really surprised one by one.

Professor Mek, before speaking, respects the stolen wives and the article's connection with them to the aliens in practical terms. Several of my patients during sessions of regressive hypnosis “guessed” such situations with the arrivals that it is impossible to guess with the psyche. For example, one of them memorably described the gray silky skin of unknown creatures, their majestic eyes on their foreheads, a specific smell that resembled their bodies. “Just as the current appearance of aliens could sink into the minds of women from comic books or science-fiction films,” asks Mac, “then the smell of a star?” Memory for smells is special and powerful among people. “Vona, as a rule, is very persistent.”

Women who have been on foreign ships and experienced violence and restraint suffer from memory loss and a syndrome of unconscious fear. The stench is confirmed, which remains under constant guard and can again be taken on ships.

How is embryo development achieved? This has already been revealed, but all the same, whatever the details are, the unexpected fragments add new touches to the hidden picture.

There’s one guy standing here, another one on the other side, and another one here, and all the stinks are squeezing out. My legs are up in the air, and they cut me off - here in the middle. It’s about to get cut... It’s about to burn, burn. Ridina will burn me.

Do you want to use any tools?

Very small, very small... very long things, similar to knives, well, very small. That's how it looks... It's time to cut the stink from both sides. I feel how restless I am. This is not appropriate for me. The stinks don’t take my eggs, the stinks stink, the stinks cut... The stinks cut the threads.

Are you tidying up your tools?

So, they need to clean up the stink from me. To clean up the stinks... the children's eyes should be cleaner. And the stench is tidying up the little bag and what else is there. It’s really weird, it’s really weird. She's not a child.

Do you care about the embryo?

So, darling...

Why bother about the stench if you want to clean it up?

There is some kind of cylinder or something like that. Place it next to a cylinder, about three inches long:

Why is there a stink coming out of the cylinder?

Well, you know, they have a different... Oh God! It looks like they have other children. The stench in those hanging screens against the walls. Such screens that hang out, and there are such small parts in them, such screens that hang out, like those in the laboratory even here.

It is known that this woman, Tracey Knepp, was kidnapped and robbed of her operation to obtain an embryo from the “sera” - a civilization that is most often marked in such cases.

Another girl, Pamara, a native of Richmond in the state of Indiana (USA), until her abduction, knew nothing about UFOs and abduction. However, that day, when she rejected the doctors’ confirmation of her vaginosis, her entire homeland was stolen right from the car. When the unlucky mandrivniks woke up again at their car, they discovered that four years had passed since the theft! Then Pamara wondered what was lying on the great table. “Standing to the side stood a tall jar, filled with clear-sighted wilderness,” she said, “and from it, darts weighed down in shambles. On the table there were several gray things that people had put their hands on the body in various places. I was already afraid, but the stench telepathically conveyed to me all hour long that I wouldn’t get sick. Then, in the hands of one of them, a tool appeared that looked like a silvery vine about a meter long with rounded edges at the end. The instrument jingled quietly. The stench entered the middle of my body, and I noticed a sharp pain and swelling, like the curtains. The stench was wreaking havoc on my baby!”

And there are not just one or hundreds of such testimonies, but thousands!

Previously, we had already produced evidence of the legacy of article contacts that were made between people and foreigners. The stench is persistently fixed and can be re-verified and re-verified again.

For example, one species was recorded in Altai (55).

...Marina ate the food at home. Right in the room, on an old sofa for sale. There were two reasons for this: firstly, the canopies became premature and began to grow soggy; in another way, their terrible village of Tomino (the name of the girl and the name of the settlement has been changed), which was ruined in the middle of the hills of the Girsky Altai, was fortified by the nearest medicinal seventy miles of taiga, flooded with spring again. Grandma Klava’s sister, who worked as a nurse, helped: screaming and hunching, she became uncontrollably uneasy, cut the umbilical cord, hugged and sunbathed in her old clothes. The child - a girl - was born strong, cheeky, and even more active: all the time, twisting her majestic hairless head and making gurgling sounds. Baba Klava rested her hands on Marina’s swollen little tits, drank the glass of moonshine she had put in, and left. And before leaving she said to the crazy mother of the breed:

And your girl, Mikitichna, was wholesome.

So Tomino got an alien daughter, named Grandma Venus. At the gluzuvannya. Who can believe Marinina’s tales about the newcomer who chatted with the fox last autumn? What kind of aliens are there in such a wilderness? The driver was like a beast in the road... My mother could have already known... About the words of Grandma Klava, and the head, the steps that followed, made me change my mind. On the third and fourth day after the birth of the children, the mice left the house. From the house, from the barn, from the shed, where any reserve has been saved. They went together, in broad daylight, chasing them as much as they wanted. And as soon as the “whirl” begins to appear. Just as the sun was setting, a small tornado swirled at the edge of the ravine where the hut stood, going around the door, around the city, and in obscurity. It's rainy weather when you show up, although this never happens.

That granddaughter herself seemed like a wonderful woman - don’t cry, don’t ask for the breast. And the bunt - don’t sleep. If I wanted to look at her at any time, she would blink and move. It's scary to be timid. And the arms and legs in her mouth are broken, they bend into different sides, otherwise they don’t have any brushes at all. In the village, where there are three dozen meshkans, you can’t get anything. They learned about Venus, marveled, and walked with their heads: your wonderful deeds, Lord. And within three months, a whole team of doctors showed up in Tomino, stripped everyone, taught them about their health... Then they took Marina and her little wonder, they said, let’s get married. And almost nothing about them for two years already.

Marina’s fallout is not unique. Recently, one of the Ukrainian newspapers published a scientific report about two girls who are starting technical school in Ivano-Frankivsk. Turning from a walk in the forest, they reported that they had met aliens there, and how Silomia had crushed them to stately closeness. The “contactor” was covered by the fakhivtsi and it was revealed that they had offended the staff. Moreover, surprisingly, the woman’s innocence has not been destroyed. After a singing hour, the girls gave birth to healthy little babies. Further, the share of young mothers and their children is unknown.

Not all “cosmic” events will end well. Shvidshe, tse vipadki vinyatkovi. Most of the women, who were behind all the signs of wine, at some point appeared to be relieved. They either stole them again and carried out all sorts of operations, or they simply lived in them at home. Lying in the evenings, sleeping in the deepest sleep that occurs during such a month of pregnancy, the mothers of the aliens, who had not woken up, revealed the lies that their wombs were empty. They can’t say how it’s supposed to be, who’s going to kill it. They are catching up on holidays.

Australian Susan was first stolen from ten rocks. On the ship they were given full medical attention. Over the course of six years, she knew how many such quilts, after which they were invariably allowed to go home. When Susan turned sixteen, the aliens began to approach her at the state connections. After one of these “contacts,” the girl felt bad about herself. The doctor detected vaginosis in her. The news made Susan so sick that she became seriously ill. Perhaps the illness caused the day. Misappropriations of the plaid were black in color and had a rotten smell.

This is especially true in the case of “stolen from the womb” in the United States. Why can’t anyone explain it? Ale statistics - backed up. The three-to-fifth-century sustenances will “dissolve” on their own. Perhaps there is a special female “psychosis”? Ale vin loses its traces in medical cards, and which cannot be recorded. These women firmly insist that they were shown their children, whose fathers are aliens. Drawn from the womb of their mothers, the stench grows and floats on the ships of the newcomers as the future rulers of planet Earth.

Moreover, one of Nina’s hybrid children is visiting a secret NASA laboratory. This was reported to the American press by prominent journalist Tony Cassidy, who learned from a top-secret official report that it was said that a spaceship had recently become aware of an accident in New Mexico. The fall of the majestic object that was glowing, rushing to the Earth with crazy speed, was also rich: both the Indians near the reservation, and the military. When the rest arrived to the scene of the accident, from the end of the metal cylinders, according to the secret evidence, the burnt remains of some substances were recovered and transported to the laboratory simultaneously from samples of metal and iron. that one Well, as Cassidy asserts, yesterday the military discovered another discovery that would soon be welcome to the rest of the world. The hermetically sealed container, lined with a non-corrosive material and with a special system of life-safety, had a life similar to that of a child for about three to four months in the population, which is how to calculate the hour in the earthly world. .

It’s important that NASA scientists do not confirm or record the fact of a spaceship crash over New Mexico and are expected to respond to journalists’ inquiries. However, the testimony, before denying access to the author of the publication, took revenge on the doctor, a physician in the field of space medicine.

“I am treating this child,” asserts the American doctor, whose name will not be mentioned in any newspaper. “This little creature, perhaps, is endowed with the greatest intelligence, inaccessible to our understanding.” Below are the details of the external appearance: judging from certain signs, the cosmic essence is related to the female status. Zovni looks like a human child of three or four months, but she looks a bit caricatured. “Iya” has majestic, rolling eyes, the look of which, as if signifying a doctor, penetrates directly into the soul. There is an opening of the mouth, but no lips, no teeth, which can be explained by an eyelid, an ear of a wondrous, chimeric shape, a human nose.

And the wife’s axis, like an alien father, showed her daughter: “She looks completely human, but she’s like a kvola. In every body there is a disruption of the proportions that are essential to us. The ears are very small, tightly pressed to the skull and the little bits are buried in the mountains. The nose is small and straight. The eyes are wide apart. That's what she said to me, but I didn't understand it - in a sing-song voice, with her own voice. She has very little hair.”

And another description of an eyewitness, Professor Vo Singh from Nepal. Having received additional emergency equipment in one of the villages after a six-month absence from work, people arrived as a result. “In the age of one-year-olds,” writes Singh, “we can no longer walk and speak with an invisible voice. p align="justify"> X-ray examination revealed that the baby has a large heart, legion and other organs that govern people. At this place in the chest there is a great deal of peace, which has no name in our earthly medicine. The mother of this unique misunderstanding is the 15-river sack, and the father is a wondrous thing that appeared from the sky and turned there.” The local residents decided to take the child with them, fearing the wrath of the gods.

According to reports, in one of the remote Ugric villages there is a girl named Mikla, whose father is respected by an alien. This is already a seven-year-old river, and its richness is twice as great as that of one-year-olds. The main feature is that, like Mowgli, he is able to understand the language of the creatures and finally transfer their “word” to the human one. The creatures simply love this little girl, taking her for themselves in a similar way. The girl’s mother, under hypnosis, cannot guess what they did with her on their arrival ship. She remembers that they were delivered to the plate by force, and then - failure.

“Father, it’s not just the aliens, but their children, it seems, are already procrastinating among us. How many new inhabitants of planet Earth are there? What we don’t know. Now they have come, what are their plans, good or evil for the sake of humanity? There is no clarity.

And now a hypothesis has been confirmed, according to which intelligent life on Earth is governed by the Greater Mind. American ufologists have reported the sensational results of research that has been carried out by doctors and biologists for many years. Having reconstructed the genomes of representatives of different races and peoples, the descendants came to the conclusion that most of the earthlings are based on immigrants from other planets (56).

The basis for this is an even more astonishing fact that does not fit into the popular theory of human behavior. The genomes of some people contain the same, so to speak, alien genes, which are absent in their fellow tribesmen. Let’s say, how many Eskimos and Australian aborigines have a certain “X” gene, but their relatives do not have it.

Think about the lives of these nationalities and they are completely different. Therefore, the foreign gene “X” may be the result of a natural mutation from the influx of some natural agents, who sometimes infuse selectively from other representatives of this or that other age group of people. Well, since time immemorial there were only a few groups of people with the X-gene, and not all Eskimos and Aborigines had long-lived ancestors. American ufologists believe that based on their geographical diversity, aliens could have appeared to them.

Ufologists point out the power of their planets, which are affected by “terrestrial aliens”:

They will require more sleep in relationships with other people;

It’s important for them to have colorful dreams, just as “native” earthlings have a rarity;

The stench cannot be endured for a long time directly in the sleepy room, as it causes them to feel acute discomfort;

- “terrestrial aliens” cannot tolerate fluorescent lamps, high-voltage power lines and... moisture: wind, locality and location;

They have a decrease in blood pressure, although this does not in any way affect their health and they feel inferior to ordinary earthlings who suffer from hypotension;

I'm sorry, the aliens' sites are not subject to the same high level of creativity.

A typical example of the manifestation of alien genes comes from the 19-year-old Argentinean Eduard Salazar, a native of a small town in the outskirts of the Andes at the end of the region. During the day, they decided not to go out, but to sit at home in the dark: there are light-proof curtains on the windows, the doors fit snugly to the threshold. The reason for this fear of light is simple: Eduard’s eyes cannot tolerate sleepy changes, and in the sunshine in the daylight his veins become practically blind.

You can live fully at night. It’s amazing in the dark. Moreover, this peculiarity of his eyes does not result in injury or illness. I was born this way. The fathers were terribly angry right away, believing that they had fallen asleep in their blindness: that day they didn’t react to anything, and they probably slept for the entire hour. When I fell in love with the river, my mother expressed gratitude that in the evenings, the docks did not light up the light, the baby was afraid of being a completely normal child. The fathers took him to Buenos Aires, but the capital's ophthalmologists could not find an explanation for such a remarkable anomaly. Nothing can be corrected, they said, the child will have to sit down.

At the same time, for the sake of the family, they guessed that there would be such a crisis in their family. My great-grandfather was still “suffering in his eyes” and was hesitant to live his new life: after the sun set, he guarded the shop in his village and looked for the lost thinness of the forest.

And since 16 years of age, the youngsters have known their own steady work - becoming a new warrior. Until then, a lot of tourists come to the place. Whenever you see the crowd, you get lost. In such situations, urgent help is needed, and the nights in the mountains are even darker, and it is even more important to know people. Then call Eduard Salazar.

Sleepwalkers, or those who are susceptible to somnambulism, speak with similar rage. It looks like sleepwalkers are drinking too much. This means that this mesh is wired differently and is designed to accept any other changes, for example, infrared. This can also be explained by the fact that in the genome of sleepwalkers there is a sluggish alien gene that makes it possible to sleep at night. And then everything falls into place.

The story of Elisabeth Klerer, who in 1956 fell into Akon, an alien, appears to be true. The fate of contactees was not rich, and it would be more reliable to sound their stories about their lot (57).

After all, Elizabeth herself once took her to her planet Meton. There he supported them with the words: “In order to enrich our ancient race with fresh blood, we choose for posterity the least rich from other planets.” As Klerer later said, “he helped her to understand the meaning of her mission, and, happily giving in to him, she tasted the incredible sweetness of his love caresses.” The result of this “magnetic union” was the birth of a synonymous son, whom the fathers named Eiling. Klerer returned to Earth, alone to the depths of Deep Africa, and died there in 1994. As far as we know, this star-shaped man lives here on the outskirts of Alpha Centauri.

True, there are serious incidents involving alien breeders. Betty Andersen, one of the first women who stole something that did not block their memory, learned about one of them in ufological stakes. After the newcomers brought her to their ship and carefully looked around, they ruinously told Betty that they wanted to lock her up, otherwise there was nothing left in her. Betty had a chance to explain to the nearby inseminator that she had undergone surgery to remove the uterus.

It is especially noteworthy that in the mid-1970s rocks with a 19-year-old girl from California. If there was a feeling in her with a blue skin and bridles between her fingers and legs, she knew that close to nine months ago she was chatted by six humanoids with such a skin and with such hands as їїnewborn. The stinks attacked her in the evening on the deserted beach where her spaceship had landed.

In 1994, the Volgograd newspaper “Inter” published a contribution from the Russian magazine “Lyudina i Vsesvit”. The note is to ensure that the readers respect her (58).

“This happened in Italy in 1994. Immediately after the birth, doctors discovered a unique heart in the child’s chest that would ideally beat. Those who investigate this phenomenon insist that they do not know a rational explanation for the presence of the mechanism in the body of the newborn.

“We are simply dumbfounded,” Dr. Benito de Mita told reporters at a press conference in Rome. - We don’t believe that it’s happening. In any scientific way, it is impossible to understand why in the chest of this baby there is a mechanical heart instead of a living heart. Doctors give up. We do not believe in supernatural phenomena. However, how else can we explain this phenomenon?

Emiliano’s friend, the girl’s father, has already found their own confirmation. The stench is reconciled that its primary source is proof of life after death.

Angia, perhaps, is the reincarnation of someone dead with a piece of heart. I simply can’t explain it any other way. Our daughter is the ultimate proof that people live, die, and are born again.

As the correspondent of “V. V. Muse,” Dr. de Metha is not suitable for the position of the fathers. We appreciate that the truth can be complicated.

Our research has shown that the artificial heart is technically thorough, even... – This design will revolutionize everything that science has to offer. We do not know the principle behind which it operates, we cannot decipher the mechanism. I believe that with the help of our current science and technology, it is still impossible to develop such a device.

The monitors show an apparatus the size of a ping-pong bag, connected by a system of blood vessels. It combines all the functions of a natural heart.

Little Angia is developing normally. Vaughn looks healthy. She has an excellent appetite, she is well-heard and does not tire of her happy mother, Senora Maria Emiliano.

“Of course, we would like Angia to be a normal child,” her mother tells the journalist. - Who knows what your heart will be like in a couple of months. Even the child is taller, but the mechanism is not. We probably have a share. Since she came into the world when she was little, so at her breasts, then, melodiously, we live.”

Let me add that at that time they knew very little about the possible genetic experiments of the immigrants on people, and the authenticity of their donation was no longer visible in England. Today, this is the most reliable explanation of the birth of unusual children: girls had artificial hearts implanted at the embryonic stage and immediately after birth. We’ll talk about the phenomenon of implantation a little later.

In the meantime, let’s look at the actions of the pouches - as they are scrupulously described in the article “Unsided Rozmova about theft”, let’s take a look at the beginning of the chapter. The translation of the article was prepared for us by Svetlana Anina.

Immaculately conceived

There are a lot of wives who, as they say, have been kidnapped or kidnapped by immigrants, are always aware of vagrancy, which is not their fault. After about three months, this type of vomiting goes away as if on its own. Even though it sounded wonderful, the plaid, in an unreasonable way, knows from the woman’s body. Coming together one by one, the victims of kidnapping reveal that others may talk about their “hybrid” children.

Some women don’t show their children enough, and some women let them feel uneasy, because their children, it seems, can never live without a mother’s guidance.

Zagalna scheme

The stolen wives most often receive secondary titles. Vastness is most often achieved with a piece of plaiting. It is assumed that the development of the fruit is due to the continuation of the powerful race of immigrants, who, in turn, can themselves create similar ones.

People who are stolen are brought into a passive and infirm state, and they cannot repair the stink. Then they are taken on board the UFO, their clothes are taken from them and they are laid on the table.

Conducted outside the medical room, while the men collect sperm. The effect is now on the brain scan. With whom it is impossible for a person to marvel at the world for a long time. Sometimes people are given the idea of ​​“testing”. And then bring the necessary equipment.

Main stages

After the first unfastening, we move to another room, where there is a strange-looking monster. The stench appears to be a product of hybridization of humans and immigrants. The dekhto sings from the stolen ones, which breeds mature hybrids that are already walking, as well as sub-adults, youngsters and entire mature individuals.

It is often noticed that earthlings are hesitant to come into direct contact with another person, with an adult hybrid, or even with a sublingual.

After returning to Earth, a person literally for a few seconds cannot guess what happened to her.

Guess what, scream, turn around under hypnosis.

All the details.

Front quilting

It’s almost unheard of to pass by. The newcomer’s fingers immediately run over the person’s body, sticking out so tightly. It is not clear what we are trying to achieve, except that it is an omission that in this way the state of the nervous system is being monitored.

The head (brain), back, and other neurologically important parts of the body are thoroughly checked.

The greatest respect goes to the brain.

Brain scan

A strange procedure: some of the newcomers can literally stare into the eyes of the abductant and thus stare at the eyes of the abductor for many hours from even a close distance - only 3-5 centimeters. You can’t flatten your eyes when you steal, but you can’t turn your gaze away. When (already at home) abductants understand what they felt during such a “scanning”, people recognize that they experienced different emotional states and developed various images. It is not excluded that there is an influx on the ophthalmic nerve and it itself is considered as a kind of “conductor” for connecting with the human brain.


The experimenter is tempted to experience any “tasks” of emotions and any images that amuse the experimenter.

Often, in the same way, the person being investigated is called out to a strong state of awakening, after which sperm collection is carried out from the person.

Perhaps, the intensity of the influx on the brain explains those who, over the years, have been stealing from even ancient speeches: neither the wines nor the arrivals “merged” into one essence and that in this way the arrivals, perhaps, want to try on their own And, as it is, be a human being. For all that, this very stage of “programming” is stolen and for the absolute act of the article.

Impairment of reproductive “syrova”.

Violation of eggs and sperm is a summative, but still a typical act during abduction.

Whenever women are in pain, they need special instruments to help penetrate the genitals. Either eggs that have recently matured or follicles are produced.

And the actions are confirmed by the bark of the stew, so that the arrivals are eagerly demanding even the quickest ripening of the eggs and, through additional scanning, hide their output.

In humans, sperm is extracted mechanically using an additional device that is applied to the genitals. Sometimes these are small, portable devices, but are carried out by placing them on a carrier attached to the wall.

A woman who steals may want to come into proper contact with an earthly man, but rather have to work hard to collect sperm, and not to the fact that the arrivals cite the article act as such.

You are now vagitna!

Sometimes with a woman there is coaxing and complex speeches - all kinds of manipulations, during which, after the words of the victims, it is inserted in the middle, and then the result is sometimes voiced: “Now you’re going.” And it’s true: as early as the next day, the woman feels vaginous, which is confirmed either by an independent test at the early stages of vaginity, or by a visit to her gynecologist.

After 9-11 years it will be stolen and the fruit will appear.


As you might have guessed, sometimes women, men, and children are brought to a special place in which there are numerous containers with each other or cylinders that stand along all the walls.

Place a blanket on the skin near the hanging area. The newcomers inform the abductant that one or more future hybrids are due to you. It's time to take a look around, no one knows.

Hybrid children

I often keep wives with my own kind of child. There, special breeds are kept silent, and the woman is encouraged to come into direct contact with them according to the “skin to skin” principle, and since at the stage of observation there was a special procedure, the women are instructed to nurse the child.

Children are even phlegmatic and do not react to anything - just like a normal human child would be too timid. Often a woman begins to think that the baby is really sick. Ale, it seems, is just normal for a new person. People and children often follow the principle of “skin to skin” before the contact procedure.

“Stompers” and other little ones

In the adjacent room there are older children - from 2 to 10 years old. In the world of growing hybrids, their contacts with earthlings are becoming more complex and rich.

When the babies begin to walk, the woman is asked to start their children's games. Sometimes they play with some specific toys.

Earthly children are asked to play with hybrids on equal terms and also begin their childish games.


After reaching the subadult age, the role of hybrids increases. Their vikors act as pomichniks during vikonanny procedures over thefts. The stench helps both the new arrivals themselves and the mature hybrids.

These people have such cunning devices that they take pride in. The boys grow up and the young hybrids become active contacts with earthlings, and at the same time - with the state.

Grown hybrids

According to the information of abductants, mature hybrids take part in the abduction of earthlings along with the arrivals themselves. In the rest of the earthlings, who sneak in, describe the fallouts, if from the beginning to the end of the abduction the hybrids themselves, without looking at the side of the arrivals.

The stink also occurs in sexual contacts with other hybrids, as well as in the procedures of implantation of the sealed tissue of an earthly woman.

The deeds of abductants sing that besides the hybrids, they have been in long-standing contacts with them - from now on, as the hybrid is still a child. When the worms are stolen, the stench of many fates grows stronger with this very hybrid. In return, the orientation is one-sided and reduced to reproductive functions.

Some abductant earthlings seem to have a positive attitude towards the “Personal Hybrid Project” they have concocted, while others are still wary of hybrids and their pursuit.

Neurological manipulations

The neurological basis of many procedures is still being studied and has not yet been fully understood.

Navchannya bachennya - the part is very important to the earthlings.

The arrivals sometimes “force” people’s brains as if they were “pictures” that are perceived by earthlings as absolutely real images. There are often scenes of various cataclysms - wars, nuclear shocks, earthquakes, etc. In other cases, one may see glimpses of the everyday life of middle-class people - a picnic, a walk in the park, and so on. Although the sensation of this type of procedure is still not entirely clear, there is still a feeling that viewing these scenes may have more important neurological significance and during these procedures the abductor is programmed to improve the singing function in the body. further.

It is obvious that characteristic scenes of ruin or, for example, peaceful life are shown on a special screen. And often, while people are watching these scenes, they arrive at the same time to carry out a “brain scan”, so that people can simply be amazed at the eyes.

Participation in dramatizations

They are asked to play a “charade”, at any time they are tempted to believe that what has been set in advance is true and the brothers are guilty of their fate - together with the arrivals and other abductees. Obviously, behavioral patterns and characteristics of a person are influenced in this way - depending on different situations.

It is also not excluded that this is also a kind of neurological procedure that aims to program a person to sing in the future.

Testing and “training”

The stolen item should be seated at the counter and operated with some kind of device on the target electronic device.

The task can be to locate the point between the two lines that are projected on the screen, or press the required button in line with the sound you hear.

Apparently, this is a kind of neurological training for future programmed activities.

Other procedures

Abductants tell you about a lot of other procedures and manipulations that you go through. The essence of them, obviously, is connected with certain special purposes of following up with the arrivals, but we cannot really guess about the essential nature of which, for all intents and purposes, we cannot guess.

However, it is necessary (for an hour!) to be virishuvat. Perhaps, unexpectedly, MUFON has called for declassified documentation, which is in line with the military ones, and to review all materials about the presence on Earth of representatives of other worlds.

Throughout the historical periods of development of human civilization, there are periodically reports of people who were stolen by immigrants during anatomical experiments, surgical operations, and methods of carrying out certain types of science at the stage of It’s impossible to explain the whole development.

There is more real evidence of contacts between aliens and people - these are the names of hybrid children born from earthly wives from alien guests. Those that these children may travel around the world, consider not only the anatomical features of their bodies, but also the extraordinary features that these children may have. It is necessary to treat them with the utmost respect and investigation in this world.
Nepal most often attracts the respect of ufologists. In this very region, in one of the villages of the villages of the ceramics of the scientific expedition, Singh knows a six-month-old boy who is significantly growing up from his peers: it’s already good for you to go and fast And speaking as if I were unknown to you. In addition, after an X-ray examination, it was established that the child does not have a heart, legions, or other internal organs, and instead of them there is light, which current science cannot explain and.

Behind the words of this child’s mother, a 15-river local resident, her father is a very handsome white-haired lad who descended from the sky and then turned back.

Another sensational story - the birth of a girl with a unique heart. The girl was born in Italy. Doctors cannot explain how a piece of organ can be consumed to the body of a child. Only one thing is obvious: this mechanism, which does not exceed the size of a ping-pong ball, is thoroughly constructed in terms of technical characteristics and operates without knowledge, but the principle of its operation has not yet been figured out. At the same time, the girl is absolutely healthy in growth, she has a good appetite. What is the biggest little heart in the world, a mature girl, and as it turns out, show me the hour.

No less wonderful girl is loitering in Ugorshchina. Ten-year-old Mikla is alive under the gaze of the ancients. And all that the girl understands the language of animals and birds. Mikla feels comfortable both among people and among creatures. Moreover, the animals take the girl like a gang. Moreover, in the rosemary development, it is significantly ahead of its peers. Following the words of the girl’s mother, she was forcibly transported to an alien ship. This is the only thing that has been preserved in memory.

In the United States of America, at one of the secret bases, there lives no less wonderful girl named Nina. Its appearance clearly indicates a strong connection with alien origins: the girl has cat-like eyes, vertical ridges, a ridge and a ridge of bones, as well as webbing between her fingers. After genetic research was carried out, it was established that the factors known to science could not influence the child’s appearance, and part of its DNA undoubtedly may be found in the earth.

Journalists managed to find out about the birth of an unexpected girl and finally take a few photographs of her, but for now the American authorities are unable to comment on those who are suspected.

A wild fall in the city near the city of Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine. There is a great resonance there in the small story of two girls who began in one of the technical schools, who told about those who took a walk in the forest and smelled a spaceship. It’s completely obvious that the girls were immediately sent to psychiatric care, but the doctors couldn’t find any help. At the same time, a gynecological examination showed that the offended girls appeared to be pregnant, although there were no further traces of sexual contact, and what’s more, the girls appeared uninterested. According to the definition of the term, girls gave birth to children who were very similar to each other. At one time or another, children had a vocabulary reserve similar to that of eight-year-old children.

And, in the jungles of Brazil, the Swiss scientist Dr. Barton Spiller discovered a child about the same age as the people, which means it was impossible to become such a child. The child looked so unpretentious that the journalists reported that her fathers were sick of her, having thrown her through a congenital anomaly in the wild jungle. A long time ago they realized that the child is the worm’s “fruit of the farm” of an earthly woman and a newcomer. Acceptable evidence of this can be the child’s sharp ears, mirror-like, barless eyes, tubular nose and great physical strength, which is powerless for children of this age.

No less surprising are the stories of the wives, which confirm that there is little sexual contact with the newcomers. So, for example, in 2001, Australian Megan Liker, having served under a contract in the army, turned home. One year the girl got married and dreamed about the child. However, after numerous unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy, she went to the gynecologist, and was simply shocked by the results of the investigation. As it turned out, her reproductive organs were so old, she was already 60 years old, and she gave birth to at least a dozen children. Megan believed that such a person was healthy because of her service in the army, so she decided to file for benefits due to the loss of calcium. There was no surprise, since there was no real evidence that Megan served in the army. The girl came to the doctor and finally went to the psychiatrist. The doctor put her under hypnosis, at which point she was able to renew what she had seen before. It turned out that the girl was kidnapped by aliens, and for four years she was on an alien space ship, which was on the month of the month, invisible to earthlings. Besides, there were still close to six hundred women there, the same Polonyankas.

The ship itself was nothing more than a factory for the production of humanoids, and earthly wives were used as surrogate mothers. The aliens injected a small amount of fertilized eggs into the woman’s body, and all the gestation lasted for almost a month during the steady intake of regular medications. Newly born children of aliens are not much different from ordinary children of earthlings. Blame becomes more supernaturally great eyes.

During the time that Megan spent on the ship, her body was exposed to something that she simply could no longer chew, so she was sent back to Earth, and before that, all information about the species that were on the ship was erased, including Do you know about the military service? . .

The answer is definitely for nutrition, but everything that is needed by alien sources today cannot be done anymore. Ufologists were divided in their thoughts. So, some fakhivts say that hybrid children will be immigrants from the future for the colonization of our planet, others say that aliens will take away a significant part of the hybrid children from battle. And all the migrants simply cannot reproduce naturally, because the organs that are necessary for this are completely atrophied. Therefore, humanoids vikorista treat earthly wives of childbearing age as surrogate mothers.

They cannot say unequivocally about those who are dying the children of immigrants on Earth for the mission, and the stench is suddenly appearing among people. Perhaps, in order to recognize this similar diet to them, it is possible to look around respectfully - perhaps the answer is quite close...

Just recently announced your wives that they have sex with aliens, they laughed or began to doubt the mental health of representatives of the weaker half of humanity who allowed themselves to talk about such things in public. However, in light of the remaining ideas and reports about the situation, the squads of the High-Posaders from various countries were not worried about the heat.

Judge for yourself. Women who have experienced such a situation do not know what to do. If you turn to doctors after official contact with an unearthly essence, you can end up with a psychiatric form. As for the church, the stench of such people is called servants of Satan and one gets inspired from them. But science simply does not want to mark such episodes. More precisely, I didn’t want to until the next moment, until the number of such applications exceeded hundreds of thousands.

The first person who dared to publicly announce her adversity about sex with aliens was Dorothy Stout. The woman went to one of the closest clinics in Denver (USA) so that they could help her heal. After the patient's confinement, gynecologists collected evidence that the young woman's reproductive organs were already worn out. There was a feeling of hostility, and the woman had already chewed people out more than once. Dorothy was shocked. Yak tse mozhe buti.

After about an hour, wonderful pictures began to emerge from the woman’s memory, and she began to understand why she had decided on a session of deep hypnosis. In a deep sleep, Dorothy guessed one of the summer days of 1993 to fate, when they were forcibly taken on board the UFO, she spent 36 years. Over the course of that entire hour, a lot of medical experiments were carried out on her, and, in her words, she gave birth to six children. “Aliens hate us! People will only need them as genetic material for the creation of hybrids, which will colonize our planet!..” - Dorothy screamed in hysteria under the flood of hypnosis.

Information about what happened quickly spread throughout America, and within an hour there were 8 more reports of a similar nature in the USA and Canada. It immediately became known about two countries in Brazil and one each in Japan and France. Then there were dozens of thousands, and now there are hundreds of thousands.

Children born from aliens

The nutritionists immediately began to appreciate the importance of their first names, including the Chinese research scientist Chen Yanchong and the Russian active member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences Sergei Speransky. The investigation was able to reveal a sensational figure. At the end of the day, 5 women of the Earth have a problem with life - sex with aliens!

Under hypnosis, the women admitted that they had sexual contacts with aliens, including Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergey Speransky. – They confirmed that they were surrogate mothers for other alien beings. And in view of these revelations, it became scary not only for the Chinese professor, but also for me.

Russia Speransky also knows evidence of such sexual contacts.

Two episodes were recorded in the Irkutsk canopy booth. After the young mothers brought their children home, the stink disappeared. Neither the police nor the mothers themselves were able to retrieve the children, but within an hour the women rescued the children as an additional telepathic contact.

The children told them about another planet, where to live now. They could see the stink of people behind the head, which is little bit smaller than the size of a human. What is surprising is that the two women did not know each other, but spoke identically about their experiences of betrayal.

No less significant was the result of the misfortune of the Smolensk region, the city of Safronov, as stated by the head of the Association of Ufologists of the Central Federal District, Volodymyr Toktaulov.

In his words, in 2000, a young girl in 1979, in 1979, the people turned home. At approximately 11:30 p.m., Valentina realized that a bright speedboat was approaching her. The girl fell into a trance, which gave way to pleasant relaxation. After about an hour, blinking, Valentina fell to the ground.

The girl came to her senses in about a year and immediately went straight to the police. Law enforcement officers listened to them and ordered them to go home to sleep and send them to a psychiatric hospital.

Three months later, the girl went to the gynecologist because she was menstruating. What a hell would the doctor be, if it was clear that Valentina was pregnant, and the unoccupied hymen was completely lost. The young woman was inspired to eat it and decided to have an abortion.

The operation was filmed with the patient’s permission, but the fetus was not visible there at the time of delivery. It was shocking that they had killed him the day before the operation!

The alien praised the girl

Another terrible fall occurred near St. Petersburg. In 2009, one of the regional doctors found a girl with multiple cuts, bruises and clogged places. Thirty-door Maria V. was at the edge of a difficult situation.

As police officers reported, they found the girl completely naked on the Viborzky Highway and, believing that she had become a victim of a group assault, they took her to the hospital. The only thing that was beneficial to law enforcement: the lower part of the woman’s body was covered with some kind of unconscious substance, like mucus, or toad caviar, or especially bad to say, which is why people with diabetes have sex There was no such thing, so the victim was treated as a medicine.

Maria, who came to you, under the influence of too much alcohol, told such a story that the onlookers' mouths dropped open. Doctors immediately doubted the health of her mind, but having performed low tests, they found it absolutely condemnable.

The girl has grown up. Vaughn and her friends decided to go to a dacha near Viborg. After a few days, the young people ran out of food supplies, and they began to rush to the nearest village to purchase food. Maria was tired of taking her fate from the train, and had no friends, and decided to ride privately.

Having started the engine, the girl decided to swim to the island that she had dreamed of for a long time, which was visible not far from the shore of the Finnish inlet. The tide in the place Maria left the chaven and crashed until she ended up on the island.

In the middle of the ruins, there was a faceless sack of different colors, as she realized later - this was a Finnish glass factory, abandoned as far back as 1939. Maria walked around the ruins several times, rubbed the sun-warmed glass in her hands, and wanted to turn back like a raptor...

The girl began to shake a gigantic shadow under her feet, which completely covered more and more area. Raising her head up, she couldn’t believe her eyes. A majestic plate hung above her head. She doesn’t remember what’s in the distance.

I just woke up after such an hour in the cold. Having flattened her eyes, Maria realized that she was lying on a metal table, and an obvious look of emptiness was looking at her. This is an alien, which the girl does not doubt for a second, and a lizard-like type.

Having looked around for a while, Maria realized that lying completely naked and not tied to anything, she couldn’t help but collapse. All the gear moved around, and after about an hour it was almost ready. It had no eyes, its skin was dark gray, and its height was more than two meters.

After about an hour, the alien began to coat the girl’s breasts and organs. Seeing this, Maria wanted to scream, but a terrible spasm squeezed her throat. The result is less sex with an alien. Moreover, he leaned so heavily on her that the woman immediately became tired.

After what happened, the girl only remembers how she came to you in the doctor’s office. I can’t explain how she stumbled two hundred kilometers from where she found her dacha, except that they got everything they wanted and threw it away.

The police detectives verified Maria's testimony and correctly revealed that they had moored to the island, on which were the ruins of an old glass factory. Law enforcement officers decided to write off everything as a group exchange (that the girl was extensively exchanged, the examination established) and clanged, the axis of Vaughn saw a strange story, but the secret picture in no way relates to the strange mucus, with Elections from the girl at the doctor's. It was impossible to define this warehouse and bring it down to anything earthly, and due to the nature of the sound it was impossible to say that the woman was being treated to a human state organ.

The aliens' reproductive process is disrupted

There are even more similar episodes in Russia and in the SND countries. Many of our predecessors respected that most often women lived in such places sex with aliens become barren. Her reproductive system looks completely worn out, although the patients have not had abortions and the rich have no damaged hymen.

Many light researchers of this problem (including Sergei Speransky and Chen Yanchun) believe that the aliens (who are now called the Zetas and Siri, as well as the Dark Ones) have disrupted the reproductive process. Then their wives became unborn. That’s why aliens treat our representatives of the women’s status as incubators. The terms for blaming a humanoid hybrid are significantly less, they attract them at the level of germination and growth.

I think that the spring for growth is at the turn of the month. Having said that, they themselves watch out for UFOs scurrying here and there so often. Technically, this is entirely possible - within just a few hours of the USSR, the patent for the artificial uterus was revoked at the Ott Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

In this world, sex with aliens no longer sounds like a fantasy: recently, according to Mrs. Miyuki, the squad of the upcoming Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyami admitted that they were taken to another planet, and there is little sex with aliens.

Incubusi and Incubi

It is impossible to say that such outbursts began quite recently. Having looked at old news, you can see that such contacts were in existence at that time. In middle Europe, aliens were given the names “incubus” and “incubi”, and they were considered to be the ardent angels of humanity that haunt wives in their dreams. According to ancient Russian fairy tales, there are riddles about fiery snakes that come to women who care for dead men and women who have been separated for a long time.

Historical data show that during the war, the number of incidents from “incubus” increased significantly. Thousands of men died, women clearly lacked human respect and sexual desires. Women in the past often shared their own erotic dreams, which had strange origins, and when they woke up, it was important to see such a dream in reality. The hours of war can be called mass erotic God-villes. It was officially recorded by a large number of psychotherapists at that time.

Alien experiments

As it was said earlier, there are hundreds of thousands of cases of wives having sex with aliens all over the world and they continue to grow. Without such statements, there is peremptory evidence. The reasonableness of the suffering women does not raise doubts. Then why don’t government structures deal with this nutrition?

It's simple. In small countries, no one cares about such information. In the lower parts of the great countries, although it may sound strange, people are actively spying on aliens and at the same time conducting experiments on famous people.

Recently in the United States, details have become available about the secret war between 34 US President Dwight David Eisenhower and his friends. Many of these sustras confirm that a pact about the attack was signed between them between people and aliens. However, this document is not limited by any military interests. Someone also talked about exchanging the technology of the immigrants for permission to conduct experiments on US residents. With this method, a number of military objects were created, among which was the scandalous Area 51 (S4).

Many scientists, who are willing to avoid the unknown, reveal that Area 51 is home to thousands of people arriving from earthly life, and there are 6 underground levels.

  1. Premises for burial, communication and accommodation of people
  2. Keruvannya Center
  3. Bureau and laboratory
  4. Laboratory for experiments on kidnapped people
  5. Lots of visions for the newcomers
  6. Conduct genetic research on people

Genetic research on people, the main scientific direction of the immigrants, is the main method of developing a hybrid race.

Dr. David Jacobs has had a lot of success investigating people abducted by aliens, and has discovered a surprising pattern. Most often, stealers rob people from the same family.

David Jacobs has studied the history of families whose origins were stolen before the 19th century, and what fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandparents, etc. they were also stolen by the populists.

Having studied the characteristics of children, which confirm that they were abducted by a UFO, David Jacobs and his colleague Bob Hopkins found that children are more likely than adults to remember those who were with them on board the UFO. Jacobs and Hopkins realized that experiments on children and many women were carried out not in laboratories, but on board the UFO. The aliens did not infect people, but carried out a reproductive experiment during a trivial period.

The stolen women reported that they had embryos implanted and then matured after 9-10 days. People confirmed that they were encouraged to engage in acts with alien female species and take sperm from them. It’s striking that the number of recorded and medically confirmed seizures is in the hundreds.

Hybrid race

Dr. David Jacobs asserts that the occurrence of sex with aliens is nothing more than the aliens’ attempts to create a hybrid race and have long gone beyond the secret investigations at military bases. The lands of earthlings and aliens look like a middle ground between people and humanoids.

Most often, hybrid children do not look beyond the earthly world. The fathers who take care of such children often say that the stink starts to grow as their children grow and develop, and when such a child reaches the age of maturity, she stops aging, with fates that are unforeseen for earthlings and the future of life. Let us become human and for those who are away.

We note the fact that children abducted in early childhood experience similar experiences in adulthood. It’s quite often the case with important women who later reveal that aliens have landed on their bed.

A number of researchers who specialize in this problem note that the aliens do not kidnap everyone, but only people with specific genetic characteristics that are of interest to humanoids. Most often, people are part of a long-term experiment. A whole series of evidence of conduct on several generations of these people.

The German citizen Rainer Feistler, who had stolen UFOs more than once since his childhood, discovered that at the hour of death after low-level experiments, the arrivals were allowed to take a look at his ship. According to Reiner, in one of the containers there were thousands of capsules, which contained human monsters.

Rainer Feistler dedicated 20 years of his life to investigating the abduction of people in order to find out what the immigrants were doing to him. In the process of our investigations, we met dozens of people from different countries with the same stories as ours.

Today, Rainer will start singing - everything that is being done with kidnapped people is nothing less than a large-scale genetic experiment.

All the facts, in the opinion of our predecessors, indicate that aliens are conducting a comprehensive program of changing the genetic code of people, which has been in place for many generations. It is possible that immigrants want to understand which genetic traits will take root in the human body and which will not.

Experts respect that this is the main solution to these secret thefts and sexual contacts with aliens. There is a direct attempt to replace the human race with hybrids. It can be assumed that hybrids are responsible for preparing a springboard for the future invasion of “their” genetic ancestors.

Before the US Congress, the first statements about the conduct of rumors had already been received, which needed to resolve the problem of the violence of earthly wives on the side of aliens and the inadequacy of experiments on people. For aphids of such statements sex with aliens becoming not so unreal anymore.

In the opinion of many ufologists, the main method of aliens tracking the Earth is its onset of colonization. In addition, the object of victimization of the newcomers is the people themselves, as a result of the capture of their mental and physical virtues.

Spokusa Antonio

From the first days of contact between the immigrants and the earthlings, sexual desires became an invisible part of them. Thus, the Brazilian Antonio Villas-Boas became a celebrity after such interplanetary sex.

It happened in 1957, on the 15th of August. Evening of twenty-three-year-old Antonio on the family farm was razed in the field. Unexpectedly, for no particular reason, the tractor stalled. At the same time, a UFO landed very close to the ground, emitting bright red fires from which the humanoids emerged. They were wearing space suits. Between them, based on the sound format, Rozmova guessed a dog bark and all sorts of yelps. Having buried Antonio, the people of Silomia transported him aboard their ship. Then the young man was stripped naked and behind a soft cloth, like a sponge, his body was wiped, after which he was taken to the urinary area, where he was carried out like a honey survey. Next, a blood sample was taken from Antonio, and then the humanoids sprinkled his body with something that smelled unpleasant, and left. About an hour later, a completely naked woman with dark eyes, tall faces, a handsome jaw, and a straight nose appeared in the room. She had long light hair, parted, and ore in her private parts. Having treated the beautiful unknown woman, Antonio felt like he had an erection. Without any words or foreplay, the woman began to engage in trivial and passionate sex with him.

Years ago, in an interview, the young man spoke about those who, before his entrance, the beauty turned around and pointed to the beginning of life, and then to the sky, moving forward for all the bumping on those who are pregnant, and that the little one will be born on another planet and living life together her. .

After Antonio had dressed, the messengers from another planet gave him a tour by ship and released him. Immediately the plate burst out of the ground and, having gained height during the healing process, burst into the sky. Marveling at the one-year anniversary, the young man realized that almost a few years had passed since he was kidnapped.

After medical treatment, it was discovered that Antonio had a radioactive leak. The person's selection has lost two injection marks.

Finally, Antonio became a successful lawyer, proving the truth of his words.

What are demons who are attacking aliens?

A number of descendants know different similarities between the elders’ stories about the influence of evil spirits and current reports about theft and sexual contacts of people with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence. At the end of the hour, hundreds of earthlings (often not under torturas) were intimately involved with demons. The stench informed about the creation of demons to change their status. When they came into contact with a man in the form of a woman, they obtained sperm for further sexual intercourse with the woman in the form of a man using the method of impregnation. Most ufologists are born in similar buildings before being transformed into aliens who steal representatives of the earth's race.

American hybrids

In the 60s of the 20th century, ufologist John Keel brought together a number of student crowds at a US birthday gathering, where several girls talked about being called by aliens, and young people admitted that it is humane Go and try to park their sperm.

It is true that already at the beginning of the 1970s there was widespread information about the episodes of the birth of “space” hybrids, when wives captured by aliens developed an embryo from the uterus within a tenth hour and grew on board a UFO go to special incubators.

Here are some stories about serious incidents that arise from space breeders. Thus, Betty Anderson spoke about those who, after the abduction of the alien gynecologists, after a careful examination, inserted a long tube into her baby’s mouth with a method of sealing and it became ruined, fragments, as it turned out, in the woman Something didn’t work out. It was then revealed that Betta’s uterus was absent, which had been removed last year as a result of an operation.

It is reinforced to say about the birth of the people in the mid-1970s from the nineteen-year-old Californian girl of the little one who has a blue coat and webbing between the fingers of the ends. Years ago, she discovered that nine months ago, on an evening on a deserted beach, six humanoids with external, almost invisible, signs committed a violent act against her.
Similar stories in the 70s were not seriously taken up by all ufologists, but decades later, and to this day, this topic is one of the leading areas of ufology. Thus, David Jacobs and John Mack, as well as other serious investigators with success, declared the urge of aliens to kidnap people through sexual contact, as part of a grandiose biological experiment to create a hybrid race, which will colonize the Earth forever.

Chinese look

The emergence of ufology in China is witnessing economic reforms under the leadership of the head of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaoping (late 70s-20th century). Also in ZMI, information about UFOs has become widespread. Zokrema, at the fall of the leaves in 1978, a great article appeared on this topic in the main party newspaper “Women’s Daily”.

In 1980, a group of students at Wuhan University (Central China) created the Chinese UFO Research Organization, which drew support from the National Academy of Social Sciences. In 1997, one of the representatives of the organization, Professor of Beijing University Song Shili, visited the United States, informing American ufologists about the episodes of caution in 1994-1995 in China about UFOs, about There was no home.

In early 1994, fate experienced the first direct contact between a representative of the yellow race and humanoids. A resident near Harbin, Mon Xiaoguo, and two other villagers, who were working together near the field, marveled at a marvelous object that towered over the adjacent mountain. The men immediately straightened there with a smile and shook a white, large tail with a tail that resembled the tail of a scorpion.

When Xiaoguo tries to get close to the mysterious object, an intensely intense rumble erupts, causing unbearable pain in the ears. After which people wanted to go out of sin. The new tribute, having buried the binoculars, Xiaoguo and a few more people again collapsed into a wondrous pile. Having walked about a kilometer to the next distance, he decided to take a look at the image with a figure similar to that of a human. Rampantly, this essence raised her hand, from which a thin line of bright-red-hot color began to emerge, hitting Xiaoguo on the forehead, after which the man became unbearable. Already on the way to the doctor’s office, an unattractive woman’s status appeared (no one, except her, without a doubt!), which shook the man to intimate intimacy.

At the 47th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, which was held in Beijing in late 1996, in which, besides the head of the People's Republic of China, representatives of the Chinese space surveillance program took part. UN Space Agency, NASA and European Space Agency. Here were the requests from Xiaoguo, who told those present about everything that had become of him. The revelation elicited different reactions. However, this fact itself confirms the recognition of ufology by the Chinese scientific community as an unknown part of space tracking programs.

befits( 19 ) not appropriate( 5 )

Proximity with residents. Secrets of contacts of the 6th kind Belimov Gennady Stepanovich

Section 2. Sexual games with immigrants

I respect that there are many descendants of the anomalous, since they did not specialize in some specific, narrow problems - for example, poltergeists, UFOs, stakes in the fields, psychography and so on, it is too early to stumble upon such a specific phenomenon as Intimate contacts with foreigners. Publications of the remaining rocks, including books on anomalous topics, and other television shows, speak to the merits of such an attitude. Dekhto rightly stood by this phenomenon. Well, you can come to an unpretentious conclusion, which is not so rare anymore, and so be sure, not behind these seals. There isn’t much to tell about anyone who wants to know about him yet. Most become resigned and, as I already wrote, sink this misfortune deep into the middle.

I will recall the notes of the investigator from St. Petersburg, Lev Gorokhov, published in the All-Russian newspaper “Anomaly” (5). The woman's name has gone anonymous.

This happened on Tuesday, May 18, 1999. A couple of friends, getting younger, without getting up from bed, watched the last night's movie on TV, and after it was over, they turned off the lights and began to fall asleep.

The man fell asleep during the meeting, and the squad was constantly thinking about the dirty work. Approximately between four and five years ago, out of sleep, she noticed that she touched her nipples with her warm fingers, then buried them in her valleys, waking her up. After this, it visibly rippled lightly and was invisible, but still important, falling on her body.

Before this information, there was no immediate sense from the invisible clerk. Some kind of girl jumped out of bed and screamed loudly, waking up the man: “Sergius, wake up! Shine the light!” He woke up, turned off the floor lamp, and there was no one else in the room. The doors are closed in the middle. Vaughn has become a human being, who, although invisible, tenderly called her. Having looked around the room with a searching look, the woman noticed two red-colored eyes, which were visible from behind the wardrobe, the size of a five-ruble coin, skins that looked evil, not shining, marveled at her, then blinked and disappeared. Her eyes were wide open. Sergius, no matter how much he turned his head, neither in his head nor in other parts of his eyes, which shone with red fire, did not look any better.

Twenty weeks after the telephone call, a “Swedish woman” arrived. The doctor, having heard the woman’s story, said:

“If you were “violent”, we would have taken you to the doctor’s office. And if you don’t make a fuss, then lie down and try to sleep. And the French will have to go to the district clinic and to the local psychiatrist. Surely, after such a daily overstrain, your nerves became confused. I think that calm walks will help you fall asleep easier and sleep better.”

She didn’t go to the psychiatrist. And the next night, around the same time, through her drowsiness, she saw a disgusting, hairy type sitting on the edge of her bed with a majestic, ear-to-ear mouth, full of great, yellow teeth, and with the same scorching red eyes. And when this guy crawled up to her again, she immediately huddled, screamed, lit the light... And again, no one else showed up in the room.

How long ago have I never fallen asleep like that? By the light of the table lamp I read a book until the morning, and I noticed the French in my entire body. It seemed that this “invisibility” had broken all its bones, and the stench was now all over the place and hurt for whatever it was. The temperature rose to 38 degrees. Ale... I had to get up and go to work...

The story is by no means complete, but I’m afraid that in the future Lev Kostyantinovich simply won’t accept it anymore, since the victim herself, having witnessed everything, didn’t want to expand on this topic. I guess it was probably not easy for her to get out of bed with the night attendant. Today, unfortunately, we do not have any reliable means of suppressing aggression from the side of the invisible world, but we would like some evidence to emerge, and we will talk about something else. This is the payment for our ignorance in this very world and for the complete knowledge of this and that bastard. There is no knowledge - weak and defensive.

I will introduce another attack from a similar aggression from the side of some origin from parallel light (6).

“I was sitting on a couch in front of the TV and watching Santa Barbara,” said the woman, who gave her name as Nadiya. - That series, where the unknown person called Iden. Worried about my beloved heroine, I actually started crying. And I immediately noticed that my knees had come out and started to talk to me, like a TV heroine. I became so scared! And I didn’t make a smut - a smut. Before my eyes I saw how the invisible person pulled up his robe, then I noticed how he leaned on me with his whole body. With which I felt completely natural, sensitive feelings... I couldn’t shout, call for help, even though there was a man sitting in the kitchen, not suspecting anything, having dinner.

I was alone in the room and I don’t know how everything I write looked to the side. But at the same time, when I try to figure out everything from the sheet, my mind screams that nothing has happened to me. Can you understand what kind of commotion I felt at the moment of the conversation and immediately afterwards? I felt simply divine!

I got off the bed and ran into the kitchen covered in tears. The man drinks tea. He still couldn’t figure out what had become of me. You know, I couldn’t recognize him, even though I wasn’t being unfairly accused – I wouldn’t have sued me. If I didn’t believe myself, how could a person believe it?

For the next two days I felt depressed and weak. I went to the gynecologist, okay. There were no traces of violence on the body. She didn’t tell the doctor anything about it. I just framed my visit as preventative.

Perhaps I would have thought of getting this story out of my head, if there wasn’t going to be another one like that. After five days, I sleep at night and immediately realize that I am less panicked. Thank you for the intimate details, the person thought. No! Hello invisible!

The man, having slept a while, woke up. Having said that I gave up all my sleep and spread my legs on the bed, respecting my sleep. So it was, only in the spread-out look I trimmed my coat. And again, I didn’t reveal anything to the people. I fell asleep, and I quietly cried until I woke up.

I have a serious suspicion that the invisible sexual maniac was drilled into the Santa Barbara scene. Singingly, this mental sickness of violence began to awaken to the living of the unseen essence from the other world. However, it’s not easier for me. That food is tormenting. There were films like “Santa Barbara”, and the whole country marveled at them. Who really needs to suffer?

I’m no longer surprised by “Santa Barbara”. I'm afraid. Ale went crazy before the psychiatrist. I told myself about the cream. The doctor was surprised that I had come before her. I said that I have sleeplessness.

I live in my wondrous prison. And for days I read the legends of one blueberry of the 16th century. It appears that from time to time there were “epidemics” of invisible shouting in the monasteries. There was no TB at all. What was the reason?

I call myself Nadiya, but this is not my real name. I’m sorry, maybe I’m not opening it for some reason.”

It is possible for these women to catch up, but although the story dates back about five or six decades, in our country they have not yet woken up to the protection of their companions from sexual harassment from the side. with all our strength. Employed in official medicine. Here, as before, everyone is going crazy and reacting accordingly. It is better to come from psychics, bioenergeticists, folk healers, who, in their own ways, with great success, send out messages with impenetrable intimacy.

Protea is no longer fixated on only handbooks and “correct” theories of medicine. Psychologist Evgen Tarasov spoke about his extensive psychotherapeutic practice (7). His life had a lot of troubles when the patients themselves told about how people before them died at night and began to pester them. The activities were reconciled in order to continue to maintain intimate communications with other partners in the relationship. In traditional medicine, such manifestations may be seen only as “the fruit of sexual fantasy in hysterical individuals,” quotes a series of sources. However, immediately apply your practice, which is such a simple way to approach this food.

Well, one strong-willed, energetic woman, who is not immune to any emotional disturbances and hypochondria, who successfully runs a successful business, has revealed to her, like a doctor, an extraordinary story.

At the beginning of the spring of 2000, friends decided to leave the capital for a few days in the village, and they rented a booth. The mushroom season was beginning, and the old woman was a keen lover of “quiet watering.”

The lady, who dared to get her bearings in some unknown place, went out of the village to the decent place and went into the forest hut to finish her meal far away. In the excitement of searching for mushrooms, she didn’t notice, as she became restless.

“I sat down on a tree stump to catch a break and at the same time, I decided to go ahead and get to the village of my friends,” she said. - Raptom came out from behind the nearby bushes, wanting to hurry up and stand by the marvelous cape that looked like a military cape. I wasn’t angry, but happy: the stranger was able to show me the way to the village. Ale couldn’t bring herself to say a word, as if she had somehow thrown the capturs out of her head, and then I started talking...

After quite an hour, she couldn’t calmly talk about it... The woman found out about her old acquaintance, whom she loved dearly and made life plans with him. Ale Kohaniy died in the mountains of Afghanistan at the beginning of the 1980s.

Todi didn’t get angry, she got angry. She was filled with joy and intense pain. She tried to say something, say something, but her throat was filled with spasms, it became important to die, it seemed that her heart was axis-axis out of her chest. Vona screamed as Kohaniy stretched out his hands to her, saying something to her, but she didn’t understand the words.

Then the days began to burst into raptures, because from his head, or rather, from his eyes, a bunch of unexpected light-lilac changes burst out. She felt completely better, she suddenly felt a strong sexual awakening, and then started rapt. When the information turned to her, the woman with a look revealed that she no longer sat on a stump, but walked through the forest, and across the tree you could see the rare villages, where friends were looking at her.

So, this businesswoman is not up to any neuropathies, we can no longer bring her to hysterics, respects Tarasov, but her life was a miracle - she was awarded a fight with the Kohanim, which deprived her of the world. In this case, the doctor, first of all, trusts the testimony of his patient, otherwise, he knows that worms of this kind are not so rare, and he is familiar with them from the testimony of others patients. Most often, as we noted, such contacts are made in the dark or during the day, especially when a person is in a drowsy state, even a lady, tired from wandering in the forest and sitting down Read, I could singly and fall into a light slumber.

Fakhivts from paranormal phenomena explain similar love affairs, as well as sexual aggression, because between dreams and dreams, it is easier for those arriving from the astral plane to make any contact with the living. And the strongest energies that can be present in the living are mental and physical. And the stinks are often selfish.

As an example of visits to the singing reality from parallel worlds, I will give the testimony of the baggage of Yekaterinburg, as taught by my colleague from UFOS, a member of the scientific expert for UFOS Maxim Shishkin (8).

“I came to find out whether I am healthy or sick, or am I mentally ill?” - From this diet began the relationship between psychotherapist S. A. Grebnyov and a patient named Natasha.

“Already after five or six years, I am meeting an alien. Well, well, don't be surprised. Just like that. Having first appeared at night, Raptovo. One time I woke up and with a sigh shook in front of me a tall, dark-skinned man with a face of scorching rice and a black cap of short hair on his head. And then, and from year to year, you will wear the same silver-dark suit that fits. A tighter chin, thicker eyebrows, piercing eyes. You marveled at them on me like a constrictor would marvel at a rabbit. I couldn’t throw myself up or scream and, overwhelmed with fear, I marveled at him. The little girls marveled at each other, and then I fell asleep, otherwise I passed out.

Vranci wondered about this: what is the effect of sleep? If it’s a dream, then why is it so unexpected and vivid?

There were new sustrichi. The smells confirmed that this was not a dream. Zhah continued to bury me in the skin of the sustrich, which was previously observed at night - every day until the fourth year of the morning. From the beginning the stench of the character of the knowledge was maligned. They mooed and called one by one, or rather, I called. I didn’t have the ability to turn around or call for help. My eyes were flattened, but I grasped reality as clearly as anyone else.

Then we called one by one, and the roars began. He spoke without opening his mouth, clearly and clearly, without unnecessary intonations. I tried to understand that I was supposed to come, but I knew it cunningly, but I was completely relieved. The visits began to be of a regular nature: from breast to birch - winter, then in winter.

I was the only one who was studying. The man slept, not suspecting anything about his overnight guest. More than once, the five-year-old son asked: “Mom, what kind of guy was with us at night?” It was so frustrating to last so long. Just once I woke up at his glance and light touch. He lay next to me, naked and pestilent. And I—I realized with horror that I had no control over my body...

His body was in no way different from the body of an ordinary man, except for its elasticity: there were lips without brushes, like gum.

This time we had our first sexual contact. Such intimate encounters were rare. The stench immediately ended with an orgasm of unprecedented strength, after which I immediately fell into a deep sleep. Not once did I get the chance to notice how he got dressed in his shiny suit and went. Without learning anything, my man.

Pribulets has an amazing ability to imbue the human brain, “drain” memory. Chantly, I don’t remember much about that myself... I can guess the name of the planet from which time I arrived - Toya. I remember that stench often wafts among us. As if we had decided to stay in them, but would have returned to Earth for a short time.

And as if we had gotten into a quarrel: this happened after I interrupted my relationship with the new one. What did my job deprive me of? The man had been in a very tense situation and, of course, was unlikely to be less sane... We boiled really hard, we almost bit one of the other, and I blocked you from having me, please, show up in person..."

After the welding, Natasha no longer hurt, but she sensed the presence of another. Vaughn is on a wonderful occasion, which, in their words, is found in the apartment: now the calendar, hanging on the wall, of another day appears burnt in the corner, now.

Comprehensive multi-profile testing (Luscher, Sondi, MMPI tests) and clinical monitoring did not reveal the same mental disorders. Electroencephalography showed no evidence of vegetative changes. Natasha’s normality was confirmed by other doctors.

Under hypnosis, which was intended to help her guess the details of the contact, Natalka confirmed her words about the unknown guest - “an alien from the planet Toya in the south of Orion.” Neither the purpose of her stay on Earth, nor the motives for her visits to Natalka could be established, but they explained that Natalya was once with a newcomer on the spaceship. Vaughn thought about how she felt, the people who felt the softness of the chair, who felt the sunshine.

The investigators guarded Natasha for two years. Over the course of this hour, the long-awaited contacts ceased to exist.

Nothing has changed in the life of this healthy woman. I'm sorry, she told everything to her husband. She has to believe it, even if she doesn’t know how else to explain the many wonderful speeches that were heard in the wake.

How did Natasha bring respect to the truth? Do the immigrants just like earthly women? We, descendants, the news is not yet in sight.

Having recorded a number of similar stories and my colleague from the analysis of anomalous phenomena, a long-time worker of the investigative agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Vitaly Dyachkov from quiet, calm Kostroma (9).

Thirty-five-year-old Nadiya, an accountant at one of the Kostroma enterprises, woke up at night to the sight of such drinks - light and light. She turned and shook her head... on the flat seat of the sofa - her head was shaking, like a “bun”. The size of a human, but completely round: no hair, small ears, bulging, large round eyes, no neck or eyebrows visible, mouth like a narrow dark one. The color of the skin is green, the top of the head has a sparkle. It’s just as green, sparkling light flows from the window, but nothing else is visible. Nadiya turned up to the wall and immediately felt a surge of warm, life-giving energy throughout her body. It became much better and calmer. Already in the middle of nowhere, Nadiya noticed that her neck was sticking out like a “bun”. Suddenly the green candle behind the window fell, and the woman fell asleep.

And the sundress, which went up to the mirror, showed on the neck, where the “bun” was sticking out, a bright red-colored jacket of the type measuring approximately one by six centimeters. After a period of time, her skin became covered with fluff, and after a period of time, the stinks disappeared, but her skin began to peel and itch - apparently, the “bun” underestimated the influx of his energy into the earthly organism. However, over the past month, all traces of anomalous contact have been found.

Then another important detail came into play. After this, Nadiya’s special life went into recovery. Relationships with a man were normalized - even if they were at the borders of separation, but at the same time they were living in perfect harmony. Everything turned out well at work, and now Nadiya is a consummate faker with an unknown professional reputation and a huge salary.

Nineteen-year-old Natalka from Kostroma in 1995 was impressed by the fact that he had a very wondrous appearance - tall, about 1.8 meters, without a robe, all covered with dark gray, almost black, outside, behind the vest exposing the hands . In human appearance, a yellow skin, like the Asians, long hair, up to the waist, on the hands, fingers, hair, like a dog, long hair, on the head... horns all over, like a bik. Vik - Rokiv 35-40. The sound, the figure - an athletic addition, everything is proportional. When I turn around, I mark my tail and my legs end in tippets. I became scared, I thought, what the hell?!

The stranger, perhaps, having read the thoughts and reacted to it like this - flashed his eyes as if they were filled with blood, and said: “I’ll take you away (he pointed his hand down, as if to the ground), otherwise I’m not the one you take me for. .."

After so many sustriches in my dream, there were a few sustriches in reality. “Vin” appeared from the walls, from the window, from the shafi - it’s unsatisfactory. At this hour, Natasha was at the apartment, usually alone. One day she plucked up courage and confronted her “guest”: it seemed as if there was a hairy creature in front of her, a little child’s toy and... even cold. Suddenly, the girl’s fears and anxieties ceased to arise.

Almost a month has passed, and the “astral” woman has appeared in a different form: a completely naked man of the same kind, with the same athletic figure and the same long hair, but without a horn, horns and hoarding. There was a fiery glare in my eyes. The skin on the face and the skin on the body appeared significantly lighter. The hour was late, Natasha was already in bed, but had not yet slept. Vona said: “Are you here? How did you become like this? I felt: “I told you that I could get something out of my sight. I have become a human being, so that you don’t curse at me, especially today.”

Why today it became clear after five weeks. “Vin” went to Natasha, having read her for a little while, and then the article was signed. To be clear, the girl did not repair the water support, but “wine” and did not feed it.

Natasha, responding to the interviewed investigator, explained that she did not feel any pain when the male member was inserted, there was no blood, there was no evidence of any mucus from her male partner. Moreover - according to her powerful assertions - she felt more welcome, and she felt an orgasm. How could she have seen this action theoretically, being an innocent girl!

This happened five or seven times, at night, at intervals of two or three days. The detail - the unoccupied hymen with the “rights” was not destroyed.

The girl tried to put a slaughter on the power supply to her khan from the “astral plane”, but did not remove the line. This kind of “spilling” has begun to become tight. It’s amazing, but it’s a fact – signs of vitality have appeared, and the songs are clear. The axis over there got really angry and said: That’s it! I don’t want to hurt you anymore!

Ale, after all, there was one more zustrich. Having taken a shower that day, Natalka already began to get dressed, and ... a “vin” appeared at the bathroom. The girl was repairing the prop, but there was no shouting - she was alone in the house, and the “astral talker” had cut her black on the right. At parting, barking about everything, Natalka spoke about pregnancy and about those who repaired the operation. That's where it all ended.

Natasha, having rejoiced at her mother, already decided to go to the doctor, but then... it was a day. It was even more painful, with blood and mucus appearing to be 2–2.5 centimeters in diameter. Although there was no “abnormal” behavior, it is important to say that no proper medical examination or analysis was carried out.

In the meantime, I’ll continue the tour of my file.

At the same time, the story of a girl from the Katon-Karagay district of the Skhidno-Kazakhstan region created a great resonance among the marriage; it was published by Komsomolskaya Pravda and circulated by a large number of newspapers in Russia (10).

The parents of 16-year-old schoolgirl Valya Solovey filed a report with the police about the child’s death. It happened on the 5th of June 1994. So her daughter didn’t return from school.

These people in the regional center knew a lot and talked about them with respect. Father Vali worked as a bulldozer driver - a stern looking man with sinewy hands and an important look. Originally from Western Ukraine, he was a Catholic, but he embraced his faith without ever losing his faith. Mother is from the local people, the nationality is Kozka. A woman of strict rules and her children took care of herself. Therefore, what happened to the daughter fell on the shoulders of the fathers as an unbearable misfortune.

That day, Valya was checked for lunch, as she was beaten. Then it was time for the evening, and then, after her eighth birthday, the mother began to panic - the girl never turned around so badly. She went to joke around with her friends, but it became bad for her mother’s classmate’s cabin - it was clear that Valya had not come to school that day.

The police searched for two girls. And on the third day, around noon, she turned home, unlocked the doors with her key, stood up and went into the kitchen. She could only speak to her mother: Have you ever had children?

The family could not reach this day, not in a month. Following the words of one of her older sisters, Valya spent the whole hour “as if she had not spoken the plague.” Still, the lesson was explained: Valya was filled with gratitude that she had been at home every day for many years. I spent the whole hour at the school. Valya's presence was explained to his classmates and classmates by an unscheduled trip to his relatives.

History began to forget itself. But in the middle of the year there was a most unwelcoming river - Valya Vagitna... This was a blow for the whole homeland. Here my dad took over to conduct the home investigation. But apart from the tears and screams, nothing came of it. And a little later, Valya began to guess what happened to her in those two days. In whose presence Ale spoke such wondrous speeches that the family did not know what to think.

KP journalists kept in touch with the girl, but still did not achieve further clarity.

Thin, physically not very much excused for her 16 years, the girl was trying to finish it badly. She still doesn’t remember what prompted her to sing until the forest-smoke not far from the cabin. There, strangers were already checking on her, and, behind her words, she was not bothered by them at all. Two people “in the first place, just like the angels,” took him by the arms and led him to the forest. Whether they were men or women, she doesn’t know. Then there is a loss of memory. The next lesson in these predictions begins from Earth and space. The ground was not behind the porthole, but the sky hung a full meter in front of it, making it impossible to reach it.

“I was in a wonderful room, similar to a laboratory,” the girl guessed, “where everything flowed from one form to another and overflowed.” Behind these words, Valya felt neither fear nor sadness: “I was enchanted and didn’t think about anything.” As can be understood from this explanation, in the “marvelous room” she was in discomfort and without clothes. I no longer saw experimenters with angelic eyes. Whether she was poking around her body, she doesn’t know. To stand before the girl's birth without much skepticism - having said, she pushes earthly sin onto heavenly causes - a number of reasons spontaneously followed.

First of all, the “stealing angels” actually marked the girl. A burgundy color mark, with clear outlines, the size of a nickel coin, has been lost for a little bit over the nipple of the left breasts: it looks like a Japanese hieroglyph, written with a pencil face. Unfortunately, the girl’s mother did not allow us to take a photo or paint over the mark.

Otherwise, the girls were encouraged to check into a neuropsychiatric dispensary, where their mother led them by the hand.

And, nareshti, most importantly. A gynecologist from the regional clinic, Sergey Zakhvatov, who examined Valya, learned from the correspondents that there was little understanding: based on the results of ultrasound, the fetus is at 6-7 years of age and is developing normally. However, the future mother’s hymen is not broken...

Komsomolskaya Pravda stated how the story ended. It was decided that the girl would be taken to another place, that whispering was revealed to everyone's eyes, and, apparently, the whole homeland was now moving to another place of residence.

It ended no less dramatically than it began.

Valya was transported to Almaty under the supervision of doctors. The fathers of the family rejoiced at the appearance of the wondrous onuk. They were amazed only by those who didn’t cry at all and were amazed at how green their eyes were even with their eyes. And within a month, if the baby had already been added to the vase, it was stolen. Once again she told the police, de Valya kept repeating: “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know anything...” I feel that the child is still in shock, but not the young mother herself, nor her father, I can’t believe what ever happened. meet.

Another story. This was confirmed by Valentin Petrovich Fomenko, candidate of technical sciences from Moscow. Just then, a young man became angry, asking for help from his squad of Lyudmila. She sang that a good hour ago, at night, when she was in the dark, she had entered into a sexual relationship with her. After that, a voice began to be heard, calling for her to give birth to a girl, just as she is a devil.

Behind the words of Lyudmila, the telepathic voices behind her were “cheerful, but not easy,” not giving her peace of mind, not giving her sleep, making her sing songs. Three days (!) after the memorable night, Lyudmila began to face troubles. Narodzhena’s child, in her words, was taken away. About an hour later the voice became as obvious as it had appeared.

“Lyudmila and the man were in me. They look like completely normal people,” Fomenko said. On this thought, this vipadok “is due to the sex poltergeist’s wide-ranging venom. Most often, wives have a relationship when a majestic, hidden essence, similar to the “snow man,” is forcibly brought into contact with them, and many people know that they were denied such unprecedented satisfaction.”

One of the villages of the village of Akulivka, in the Novgorod region, suffered from such sexual harassment. The women decided to save a hair from the outside that had fallen from the hairline of the newcomer. At the Moscow scientific and research institutions, the hair could not be preserved to the desired species of primates and people living on earth! I suffered, as it became clear, the two girls were pregnant with the “hairy” look, allowing themselves in the fifth month with a round fruit, which is covered with soft blue heads. The wondrous truth was immediately taken away.

I’ll give you one more clue – Natasha, a twenty-year-old Muscovite, who was called a newcomer in the presence of her friend.

“It was already getting late, and both of us began to get sick. Then I noticed hands on my shoulders, and strangers at that - which I immediately realized. At first I thought it was a dream, but then I felt a voice. He called me by name, singing that I won’t forget my harm and that I deserve you. Whenever I tried the odds, I was angry that my lips weren’t collapsing. Kicking, she forcibly flattened her eyes and struck the dressed, white-looking man. It’s similar, because in the new one there were unnaturally long, rubbery arms, large hands, twenty centimeters of fingers, without nails.

When everything was finished, a kind of cold appeared in the middle. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. I tried to get rid of the sleepy man, but didn’t hear anything... And this time my boss said to me: calming me down, praising me for my good behavior, promising to come again. Then a bright light appeared near his body, it began to rise completely up to the stele, and having reached it, it evaporated..."

The following night, everything repeated itself, and after that Natasha accepted all the people’s revelations. Ale vin, wisely, did not believe it, when he said that there must be a lot of wealth in his squad.

Prote in another similar situation and with other heroes about the excesses were not revealed and talked about, then there was real caution, as having described the victim’s person and one by one confirmed his squad. The investigator of anomalous phenomena and the writer Oleksiy Priyma, who was particularly involved with the victims, spoke about the investigation in a convincingly realistic manner (11).

This happened near the town of Kaliningrad, Moscow region. Olga worked as an engineer at a military plant. I was married. She had no children at that time.

Following Olga’s words, in the fall of 1982, fate woke up in the middle of the night, realizing that something was falling on her. The next second, Olga realized that the carpet had been thrown off from her, her legs had been pulled out, and she was making a noise with terrible force. She flattened her eyes and gave a look to the red-eyed young man with golden curly hair.

Raping Olga, the stranger smiled sweetly and groaned... The woman screamed in a wild voice. This man, who was sleeping on the sofa in the living room, woke up and felt an unnatural cry. He ran into the friend’s bedroom and said the following commands: Olga lie on her back with her legs spread wide. His body is spinning around dumbly, and he has a penis that works like a hammer.

Htos clearly cheated Olga. I wish Mitya is sane, invisible man! Invisible, prote, lishe youmu, ale z Olga. She clearly saw the nakedness of the dark-eyed blush that was falling on her.

Turning around to face the man, the woman shouted:

Get rid of this bastard from me! Kill Yogo! Throw it off!

The man was completely naughty in his sleep, having worked for a long time, all the way to bed. And immediately Olga noticed how the passion of the country penetrated her. And in the bedroom, at the same moment, a bright orange fire burned, blinding the Lord’s little cabin. When Olga blinked, she saw that the man with the golden curly hair was nowhere to be seen.

Marvel at the window! - The man started screaming.

Olga rushed to the window. As the dark mass hung there, they stood tight to the brim, and they closed a thick curtain on the other side. A second later, the dark mass behind the window poured a rapt over the eel, stepfully lifting the glances of the sky, covered with small stars. Olga and her husband, giving their testimony, emphasized that the lower edge of the “mass”, which rose up the mountain behind the window, was even more clearly embellished - well, it was like a piece of body. For example, a great lethal apparatus. "Flying Saucer"?..

In Oleksiy Kostyantynovich, there are still few episodes that qualify as contacts of the 6th kind, but our method was not the transfer of yo books, and more quickly turn to pershogerels. Wanting, madly, they add their own touches to the picture of the wondrous mutual relations of earthlings with each other, which is unfathomable to the descendants... And here, in our opinion, the partners are different characters.

In exactly the same situation as the Kazakh girl, who had already remembered what had happened to her, another of our spivitches, Veronica of the Pentenate, appeared. Realizing that she couldn’t keep up with this secret place with herself any longer, the girl wrote a letter to the editor (12):

“In the evening I did homework at home. Mom was in the kitchen. Then I got the urge to get busy, and I lay down on the sofa. If she flattened her eyes, she saw in front of her a man of twenty-five. Convicting someone else is unacceptable. And suddenly she began to look pale, like a stranger. My hair is lighter and my eyes are abnormal. You should have marveled at me, but you should have looked at me... Rampant as if you were stribne on the sofa, as if you were to grab me by the feet! I was so angry that I couldn’t scream.

When I came to you, I was amazed - I was lying alone, and there was nothing standing near the doors. The eyes, you know, are like those of a great dog: in the dark they glow with fire. Ramp your mother away immediately, and take the blow! And it seems, it’s so amazing, nothing under the “plywood” sings out of tune: don’t be afraid, say, go to sleep, and if I tell anyone else about those that were caught, my mother will feel bad.

Now I'm afraid of one thing: did I get pregnant? So who can I make people? Is it possible? Vrancia really thought that there were glitches in me last night. And when I looked at my feet, the blues all stank..."

The girl forgot the address, and it became clear that Veronica had escaped without serious consequences. What can’t be said about another Muscovite - nineteen-year-old V. According to her doctor’s testimonies, from the womb of a patient that was swamped by aliens from space, she knew for at least a seven-month period. The doctor cannot explain where he went. Don't get wet! The only version that comes to mind is that the germ is wicked. Moreover, without surgical intervention. While modern medicine has not yet reached such heights, it is impossible to admit that the birth of an unborn baby from the womb was not without the participation of newcomers.

One time I was talking to an energy biotherapist from Pochatkov, a beautiful and thoughtful woman, who was visiting a friend from Tajikistan. Lydia Volodymyrivna, as they say, eagerly enjoyed my investigations and eagerly reported on her path to bioenergetics. Some people have encountered problems of sexual aggression from the side of the celestials.

Do you know any stars? - She was wary.

Respect what you’ve been up to... But I’d least like to know about it.

And yet...

Okay, I’ll try it since you’re into science...

Lydia Volodymyrivna revealed that nearly two dozen years ago, when she was 27–28, she had to go to the tuberculosis hospital for tests: the temperature had been elevated for months. And one sultry afternoon night, she plunged into the splatter of the metal mesh of her bed. “I was lying on my stomach and noticed an important fire on me,” she said. “There, at the doctor’s office, a lot of prisoners were rejoicing, and I thought that none of them were making any noise... I was afraid to shout, to crowd together, even though I was lying in the ward alone, and I was afraid for my life. It wouldn't do anything to strangle me. As soon as I turn my head, there’s no one... And I notice someone else’s body expressively, like the hands that have sunk into the breasts. The nets are splashed, confirming that everything doesn’t work at all. Not without fuss, I don’t know how, but I got sick and since I was four years old I’ve been sitting on my bed and not sleeping.”

When the doctors arrived in France, the woman spoke about the marvelous work of the nurse. She said - this is a house-elf, you need to be baptized... From that moment Lydia Volodymyrivna began to christen herself, began to walk to the church. Vaughn admits that in the medicine shop, where the most moral and light individuals were trained, evil spirits, as the people call it, were infested, and were dispensing their needs to few people who understood them.

Alas, unfortunately, it was with her and at home.

“Sometimes after that, I end up in the doctor’s office at night, throwing myself through those who make me noisy,” she said. - I don’t see anyone in front of me, but I feel how my arms and legs turn pink - I feel the strength! I couldn’t fix the opera, I wanted to sleep on my bed. It was all fate then. We slept with her on my great bed. So, I couldn’t earn anything at that moment, but let me tell you, I finally tasted such malt as I had never tasted in my life! We and my husband and I fell out of balance, perhaps, through a jealous spirit. They seem to be even jealous and mislead other people into their behavior. So, no matter what, from the habits, the jealousy, the snow was all over the place... and we were separated from the man. Well, I bring all this up to the period after the death of my aunt. As soon as my boyfriend and I moved into her apartment and she got married, everything started with me. The aunt lived alone, she was a grumpy and unkind person - perhaps this essence was registered in that apartment?

I can imagine another episode: that same night, a mountain fell on me. My hands were cracking, I was choking, I felt like I was dying. I remember, at the last moment of thought, I said: “Lord, save me,” and sank. Then I suddenly said, “Lord...” - the vagina weakened. Vtret – and the pressure is on. I realized that I need to go to church and pray. I started to work regularly and completely knowledgeably. Then I cleaned the apartment with the priest... Shortly after that night, I read a note in the local newspaper about a mysterious occurrence: it was discovered that a crushed girl had died in her bed. She went to bed in the evening, and in the morning she was found torn by terrible power. I realized that the same could have happened to me, as if it were not a prayer, not fervent to God. After this I especially began to believe in the Lord and protect him. And you know, I started to understand this zakhist! I rejected help from external forces!

Tsikavo... What rank? - I chuckled.

Well, for example, they called me out on the drawing on my work, even though it was not my drawing. And in France, I find broken bugs in my apartment, traces of a machine gun on the walls and walls, and on the bed where my head lay, a sack in the pillow that bounced around the concrete wall. Do you remember those days in Tajikistan, when the bandits came out of these crevices? Most of the ordinary inhabitants perished in vain. Or once I was standing on the street, talking to a friend, and lightly shaking my head back and forth. A raft began nearby. And immediately my ear was blown by the wind, and it was all gone. Kulya! Little by little I tilted my head to the right - it would have gone into my skull!.. Last night I had a dream: a handsome gray-haired man gave me a medallion. "What's that?" - I’ll ask my thoughts. “This is a gift from St. Andrew the First-Called...” And I had never heard of such a thing before. I came to work, I feed the wives I know, and it seems, speaking, that she is such an apostle, a comrade-in-arms of Jesus Christ. From now on I think that this is my angel-angel.

And what do you say about those essences that were pushed to the point of violence - I turn around until they are destroyed.

I can assume that these souls may have died before flowing far from the earthly world. The stench does not bother the body, the energy of the body is lost, and the stench is as strong as violence against people. These may also be people from the astral world, or immigrants from other intelligent worlds. I do not know exactly…

Should they bring their children in the afternoon, maybe even then?

No, I respect it, but it’s all the same, it’s against my will. I especially didn’t feel the need to continue chewing such sustriches. Ale realized that I had to kick and hug in the morning... I couldn’t support myself, I got tired and fell asleep. Once the local grandfather-chaklun cleaned out my apartment, filling up the cracks that were lost in the walls after the earthquake, once I baptized the children, put up icons - everything slowly went down.

Another situation was in Khabarovsk, in the city where I spent my youth and where it was much more expensive for me. From now on it became impossible to stay there. As the wonderful thinker, MDU professor A. S. Panarin recently wrote, “if more airliners with business class passengers cross continents, then fewer passengers in reserved seat carriages move between wet regions - the stench does not linger on this cost.” Exactly said! Not too much.

Let’s look back to today’s victims of violence, as Khabariv journalist Mikola Semchenko (13) reported.

Sickle cob 1995 rock... The guests, who asked for a meeting, arrived before the editorial office in the morning. Keeping an eye on them, Mikola was forced to ask: “What is the stench, people, what is it that makes earthlings afraid of aliens?” It turned out to be very nice, lovely ladies - from the breed of these wives, for whom people are obliged to wrap themselves around. All three have the same wonderful eyes: a sharp, saw-like gaze and dark, wide eyes.

These women immediately said that there is no stench before ufologists and, moreover, they respect that in the Khabarovsk Mayzha there are no serious traces of anomalous manifestations. And if so, then they themselves are just a handful of “dedicated”. Without allowing him to calm down, the businesswomen began to burst into flames and startled him with the declaration:

We came to you in order to get ahead: in our place cosmic entities appeared, which look like people, like people. The smells are trying to make contact with the earthlings.

And what?..

And those who need the energy of our emotions. The strongest splashes cry out, as you know, fear and... love. We know about a number of episodes of love contacts with earthlings.

And then one of the wives, Natalya, revealed that for three months she had been dreaming the same wonderful dream. He was a kind-hearted man, lucidly speaking, insisting that he was also alive on Earth, but in another world. And what is there, in the parallel world, there is Natalya herself, and the other one is cold, impertinent, uncouth.

As if the grass, turning home in the evening, she unsatisfiedly shook her head from sleep. Of course, I just left him in front of him. Vin, prote, he walked away without showing respect to her. Until the night they arrived before her, and it was no longer a dream. Everything seemed to be happening in reality, but, perhaps, I had arrived at the beginning of hypnosis: I felt myself weak-willed, submitting to my surroundings. Once you know that it’s built, move it and materialize. The woman gave in to his caresses.

What a marvelous, fantastic mess it was that was still going on for another hour. The stranger to Natalia came to her attention and sent more messages. Ale allegedly said: “I won’t come again. The experiment is over." The ruthlessness of this phrase simply drove home. The differences and separations in Natalia’s life, of course, have been going on until now. It’s just that a person doesn’t behave like that - impartially, subtly and seemingly not like a human being.

Then she noticed that she was driving. This is how it started to sound. A close friend, having found out what was happening, put her together with one of the healers. She delivered the verdict: “The devil got drunk on you. There is no greediness in you. We need to get rid of the unclean..."

But what she remembered was not at all devilish. Maybe she has “dah poihav” what’s wrong? The doctor gave her a diagnosis: infectious vaginosis.

At the old healer’s, Natalya met Lyudmila, and she, marveling at her, said: “I’ll help you!” Natalya did not tell the details, but Lyudmila rightly spared her the fruit of her cosmic-terrestrial addiction.

Soon Svetlana joined their company. All three women also knew that they “belonged” to contacts with immigrants. True, Svetlana’s stench was, one might say, purely platonic: all the light “essences” are simply to conduct dialogues with her, to start reasoning. Behind these strongholds, the stench does not linger from the bright expressions of the state’s signs.

Spilling with substances from other worlds has deprived the skin of its traces. As women assert, they have the gift of concentrating their energy, of recognizing “aliens” as people, and they also find unprofitable “energy holes” in their apartments. They decided to open the consultation center, so they came to the editor.

Do you know that your body is a miraculous shell for another entity? - Svetlana said raptom, never ahead of the possible universe of third-party reality. - As if you can see that your soul is empty, desires and passions will stop nagging you. This is a sign that your body was being prepared before the foreign invasion. There are already plenty of such people on Earth. The smells don’t understand what’s going on with them. And we could turn it around...

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Contacts with immigrants News about contacts with immigrants should come to us from another, or even a third hand. Apparently, for example, leaflets were clandestinely issued, which revealed information about the collection of ufologists and other experts. And also a mixture of computer files

3 books by the author

28 RULES OF THE CHECKER GAME The acid trip has ended. Rowe said that now we will study emotions. The astral body has been used very little, and yet it is the main one for nine-tenths of humanity. Emotions? Why not? I have lost hope of finding out

3 books by the author

Börzhov's games and games with unruliness The drama that has played out hundreds and thousands of times in our marriage has passed on to medicine under the name “housekeeper syndrome.” A friend couple buys a house that they can’t afford, with an extra jar that gives them the necessary sum

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