Zmova for sex is strong zbroya, zdatna give power over people. Call to get sex and love Call for girls to get rid of intimate satisfaction

A call for sex has nothing to do with a classic love spell. It allows you to reach the more physical aspect of love, without being stuck in front of it. You can refuse sex with people as you should, and nothing more. For everything, you won’t be able to create a family with a human being, because you made a spell for sex. Ale is a good option that allows you to spend a good hour with someone you like.


How do you call for sex?

A spell for sex awakens in the object of your interest addiction and sexual desire for you. The ritual flows into your position, the bondage and sexual activity of the one you deserve is associated with you.

As has already been said above, casting a strong desire for sex cannot be compared to a love spell. The action of these stains is limited to the physical side of the drains, and it seems that other aspects of people’s lives cannot be affected by the stench.

Who needs a call for sex? Tim, who would like to enter into a relationship with a specific person? With the help of magic, you will be able to create unrivaled hundred-hundreds, based solely on physical exertion. Such spells also help those who have been friends for a long time, because the sexual life of the bet has become fresh, and the feast has died down. Spells for sex will not turn you over as a homewrecker and will not help you defeat the khan’s squad. Ale, the most common cause of illness is the marriage of sex with a whore. Some people like this can help. Moreover, they help relieve problems of a physiological and psychological nature associated with sex.

That’s how you call it now. Literally a few years after the ceremony, your subject may sense a sexual desire for you. The smell of stench is not good – the maximum term is close to doom, and the minimum term is a few days or even a year. In this case, the intensity of intimacy, as a rule, appears at its highest, regardless of your knowledge or the knowledge of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such measures. It does not stifle the will of a person, which undermines her humility as a result of love spells. Ale of the heirs that can be done without money, it won’t let you down. If you are going to eat freely with a hundred-year-old person, and you yourself do not visit a lover, it is clear that they will not be there.

Data from magical techniques are available and there are disadvantages. As people feel a strong antipathy and hatred towards you, sexual desire on your side may not be accessible. The idea of ​​having sex with a girl can be much weaker than the one that stagnates with a man. Women are often bound by moral principles and special values ​​of women. In addition, magic makes it difficult to feel the pull, and never again allows a woman to work unnecessarily before getting closer.

Sex spell for girlfriend

This is a spell to approach only in the situation where you are in civil or official love with a decent person.

A sleeping bed is required - it is necessary to speak meaningful words on it. If you have a different bed, choose a different ritual.

Helps to ignite the half-hearted passions of a new life, through a number of rocks after love and a good life. To read this, you need to buy a wax candle from the church.

It’s best to practice the magic of sex soon before your boyfriend or robotic friend arrives. The closer to night the ritual is carried out, the better it is. Place a candle on the corner of the bed on which you and your partner sleep. You can put it on the bedside table as a cover – it doesn’t matter. The spell is read three, seven and twenty-one times:

As I light a candle, I remove the addiction of the servants of God (names)! I almost awaken every minute and every moment. Let addiction cloud my mind, intoxicate it, intoxicate it! So that the legs of the servant of God (im) trembled, his lips hung, and the hands themselves were drawn to the servant of God (im). So that I become the strongest addict, so that before me, as before the world, I became the strongest! Amen.

The candle may burn out completely. The spell works very quickly, so you can get used to the closeness this very night.

This idea will help you to overcome the problem that you are facing in advance.

You can read your thoughts during the hour of getting to know each other, divorce a woman you know very rarely and don’t feel like making friendly noises with her. You are also allowed to go to read the book, unnecessarily depriving your companion. Remember that the condensation of these words does not necessarily prevent you from having to work the first step. The stench will only ignite the half of your addiction, but it will lie down before you.

Otherwise, with the help of these words, go out and get involved when meeting a woman. Call text:

I'm dreaming about you. I want to love you and hug you. We got together not casually, but to give each other a passion. You can’t see it before my eyes, you can’t hear my call. Be mine, beautiful beauty, but you will not be seen, if I give you your body.

How to improve your libido

What should you do if your lover has no problems other than those associated with unwanted sex? The squad doesn’t want its own man, but there are no objective reasons for this: if you are attracted and listen, you can try to turn to magic.

If you have become cold to your soul and want to correct it, try reading this essay:

Standing on the line of God's servant (herself), she looks beneath herself, As if the poppy of hearts blooms in a field, So even though the woman set fire to herself. Like a hungry hedgehog, like a heifer, like a widow, like a widowed man, like a man in my bosom. It was itching, it was smoldering, and it was half burning, it gave me no peace, and my closeness called me. Whoever wants to spoil my wife, then bark like a dog for a month! Key. Lock. Language Amen.

After reading this essay, you will be able to get rid of psychological problems in your sexual life. This does not mean that you are attacking the skin, as is the case with any type of dog. With this help, you can improve your sexual life in your family, refresh your senses of intimacy and achieve greater satisfaction from the standard conditions of it. There will be no such negative inheritance, you will only bear it on yourself.

It’s good for women who love a man, but don’t want to have sex with him. It often happens that the first to have sexual desires are the friends themselves, and magic deals well with such problems. It is read every hour, so set the hour to read it as many times as you need to understand it intuitively. You will understand that once you start working, it will be very easy.

With such a call to the waters, it doesn’t matter who you are going to eat - the boys or the girls. The text contains the words to slander the man, if you like a bad woman, change the slave for a slave. This action is based on the transfer of your energy through water, which, apparently, absorbs any energy well.

For the ritual, you will need to pour clean water into a bottle. The bottle can be whatever it is, and the water can be taken from the tap. If you have a well, take some water from the well. It is suitable and mineral, but rather non-carbonated.

It is necessary to engage in tsim chaklunism before going to bed. Hold a bottle of water in your hands and try to visualize it. Find what you want to achieve. Consider those who, in your opinion, are guilty of betraying the one on whom you are afraid to cast a spell for sex. Realize how your sexual energy is filled with water. Then say these words to the water:

Creature addiction of the slave (s), wake up, lock on me

You need to leave the bottle of water on your bed for the whole night, on the corners. You can put it on a bedside table, under a bed, on a nightstand - it doesn’t matter. On the wound, apply some of the water to the wound in order to soak it in or simply apply it to the skin. Pour the excess into a container if you hand it and try to spill it on someone you like. People who performed a ritual for sex may come into contact with this water. If you have a hedgehog or a drink, it’s not easy to mix it with water, but it’s easy to wet the axle, so you can simply “spill” the water from the bowl with mineral water.

A strong spell on sex with a girl

It’s not as easy as descriptions, but there is a reliable way to get into a very practical girl. It will not awaken passions, but it will stifle the will of a person. As a result, you lose milk, based solely on mutual sexual desire. How disturbing the stench will be to you.

The ritual can be repeated every now and then, as needed. The hour for the ritual is Friday, before midnight, and after sunset. Good time to come from 20 to 23 pm.

Electrical lighting is not allowed, please light the candles. The stench is not needed for the ritual itself, but is needed so that you can find your way around in a dark room.

It needs to be nice, like no one has ever known except the woman you love. You can ask her as a guest and shake hands, putting a new piece of clothing in the bathtub. If it’s impossible, get hold of the river that you used to earn money. The closer the river was to the body, the better.

You also need red pepper, which is sold at any grocery store. There is a packet of melena seasoning, and you only need one pinch.

Next, prepare a plate of very cold water. You can put them in the freezer at any time, until the water you need is cold, as soon as the tap starts flowing.

Another ingredient is a drop in your sweat. How to remove it doesn’t matter. You can waive a number of physical rights right before the ritual, but it doesn’t matter. It is better to scrape objects from the body using a ruler or a dull knife. You need your own food, no food, no shelter here.

Father, prepare a plate of water, the pepper is sweet, like the one you deserve. Pick up a drop of your sweat and add it to a bowl of water. Just chop the pepper yourself, and carefully place it on the bottom of the plate. Stroke it with your fingertips and read:

I'll burn it, cool it, please it. So you will fade in my hands, like your father and mother, and you will forget God. Key, lock, damn rent.

When you read the spell, the stroke is sweet or the object that belongs to you girl, so that you can more clearly see what you want to achieve through this ritual.

If you are asking for sex, you can easily persuade any person for the obviousness of wanting to have the least interest on your side. In this case, such a craving may not be the final result of a magical influx - with this help, you can enjoy a truly happy life, as you will live for many years.

Calls for sex are not simple magical rituals that allow you to awaken sexual desire in a singing person according to the deputy and the viconic ritual.

This kind of magic is a special technique that influences the sexual activity of the object, which is supposed to be placed before the Viconavian. And before such a ritual is completed, there is a trace of the mother’s external manifestation of her potential and influx.

It is best for people to carry out such a ritual if they want to enter into an intimate relationship with an object of magical infusion. The main meta-ritual is the burning of the fire of addiction, the awakening of libido.

And the main advantages of sex rituals are:

  • fluidity and high efficiency.
    As a rule, sexual desire appears within just a few years of the ritual.
  • ease of implementation.
    For the ritual, there is no need for expensive components or complicated methods - everything is simple to do and in some cases it is enough to read the essay.
  • terminology.
    Before starting this ritual, you can choose rituals that will last for several years or months, right up to the end.
  • positive infusion for the couple.
    This kind of ritual will positively contribute to intimacy and mutual satisfaction and will be guaranteed for both partners.
However, despite such a large number of advantages, the strongest impact may not be on the representatives of the fair half of humanity and on people who harbor strong antipathy to the Viconavian. Women should associate the ineffectiveness of the ritual with high moral values.

And if I pour on a person because I hate you, then everything is much simpler: the thought only pours on sexual desire, and this is not enough to establish any contact with a person who senses strong negative feelings.

Ritual for a family bet

If you have already been friends for many years or live under the same roof, then the fire of passion may cool down a little. However, there is no need to be angry. In this situation, it is difficult to help you with easy work. For this ritual you will need one church candle.

Late in the evening you need to light a candle and place it on the corner of a friend's bed and read the words of the word this time:

“I am glad to ignite the passion of the middle servants of God (your names).
I give up sexuality and sensitivity.
Stop your addiction from getting drunk and stupefying; it has a terrible effect on your mind.
So that the feet of the servant of God (im) were trembling, his lips were dry,
And the hands reached out to the servant of God (im).
So that I become the greatest death for the greatest, the greatest blessings.

You need to repeat the call three times, after which the candle stops burning out. After reading the magical words of the ritual for sex, then immediately get ready for a romantic and yet again fire-filled night.

Ritual on sіl

This ritual is considered even effective and effective and can be followed if there has not yet been an intimate relationship between two people. To begin the ritual you will need one photograph of a person, a handful of salt and a drop of water. By selecting a photo, give preference to photographs rather than close-up images.

On a small saucer, drip a drop of water and throw in a handful of salt with the words:

“As the village is filled with water, as the water gives itself without excess,
So I kohaniy, servant of God (name), I, servant of God (name), want,
But don’t calm down, I won’t take all the documents.

You need to repeat the words of the spell for sex three times, and after completion, take a photo, dividing them evenly according to the photograph. Remove the trace of the dot from the photo, the basil will not be removed.

Sexual attraction

Sexual attachment is respected even by an effective ritual, since your meta is a trivial influx on a person. For the Vikonanny ritual, you will need a thin red stitch or a thick thread of red color. Conclude the ritual best during the month, which is growing, but it does not matter, the fragments of the earth will remain at any time.

While tying on the strings of the vuzli, read the words of the call:

“I will bind the servant of God (im) to the servant of God (im)
Mitsno-mitsno and forever!
In order to deceive and disentangle no one,
No one was able to separate and separate!
And the servant of God (im) only wants and kills about me!
So that my thoughts and thoughts are straightened out for me!
But I couldn’t admire other women and I couldn’t love them!
May the strength of man be the only one with me!

You need to read the words of the word once and for all, and the number of people who are involved in the hour of reading a magic spell may be unpaired. When you complete the Wicking ritual, take the thread with knots from a quiet place and don’t show or tell anyone about the Wicking ritual.

Rituals for sex are becoming increasingly popular and in demand if you need to get a good person and get interested in them sexually. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of this ritual, as well as any other magical rite, lies in the focus on the result and the precise adherence to all recommendations before the ritual is completed.

How do you call for sex?

A spell for sex awakens in the object of your interest addiction and sexual desire for you. The ritual flows into your position, the bondage and sexual activity of the one you deserve is associated with you.

As has already been said above, casting a strong desire for sex cannot be compared to a love spell. The action of these stains is limited to the physical side of the drains, and it seems that other aspects of people’s lives cannot be affected by the stench.

Who needs a call for sex? Tim, who would like to enter into a relationship with a specific person? With the help of magic, you will be able to create unrivaled hundred-hundreds, based solely on physical exertion. Such spells also help those who have been friends for a long time, because the sexual life of the bet has become fresh, and the feast has died down. Spells for sex will not turn you over as a homewrecker and will not help you defeat the khan’s squad. Ale, the most common cause of illness is the marriage of sex with a whore. That’s why sometimes such calls can help you for your love life. Moreover, they help relieve problems of a physiological and psychological nature associated with sex.

That’s how you call it now. Literally a few years after the ceremony, your subject may sense a sexual desire for you. The smell of stench is not good – the maximum term is close to doom, and the minimum term is a few days or even a year. In this case, the intensity of intimacy, as a rule, appears at its highest, regardless of your knowledge or the knowledge of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such measures. It does not stifle the will of a person, which undermines her humility as a result of love spells. Ale of the heirs that can be done without money, it won’t let you down. If you are going to eat freely with a hundred-year-old person, and you yourself do not visit a lover, it is clear that they will not be there.

Data from magical techniques are available and there are disadvantages. As people feel a strong antipathy and hatred towards you, sexual desire on your side may not be accessible. The idea of ​​having sex with a girl can be much weaker than the one that stagnates with a man. Women are often bound by moral principles and special values ​​of women. In addition, magic makes it difficult to feel the pull, and never again allows a woman to work unnecessarily before getting closer.

Sex spell for girlfriend

This is a spell to approach only in the situation where you are in civil or official love with a decent person.

A sleeping bed is required - it is necessary to speak meaningful words on it. If you have a different bed, choose a different ritual.

Zmova easily helps to ignite the half-hearted passions of life, through a number of fates after love and a good life. To read this, you need to buy a wax candle from the church.

It’s best to practice the magic of sex soon before your boyfriend or robotic friend arrives. The closer to night the ritual is carried out, the better it is. Place a candle on the corner of the bed on which you and your partner sleep. You can put it on the bedside table as a cover – it doesn’t matter. The spell is read three, seven and twenty-one times:

As I light a candle, I remove the addiction of the servants of God (names)! I almost awaken every minute and every moment. Let addiction cloud my mind, intoxicate it, intoxicate it! So that the legs of the servant of God (im) trembled, his lips hung, and the hands themselves were drawn to the servant of God (im). So that I become the strongest addict, so that before me, as before the world, I became the strongest! Amen.

The candle may burn out completely. The spell works very quickly, so you can get used to the closeness this very night.

Call for sex with a girl

This idea will help you to overcome the problem that you are facing in advance.

You can read your thoughts during the hour of getting to know each other, divorce a woman you know very rarely and don’t feel like making friendly noises with her. You are also allowed to go to read the book, unnecessarily depriving your companion. Remember that the condensation of these words does not necessarily prevent you from having to work the first step. The stench will only ignite the half of your addiction, but it will lie down before you.

Otherwise, with the help of these words, go out and get involved when meeting a woman. Call text:

I'm dreaming about you. I want to love you and hug you. We got together not casually, but to give each other a passion. You can’t see it before my eyes, you can’t hear my call. Be mine, beautiful beauty, but you will not be seen, if I give you your body.

How to improve your libido

What should you do if your lover has no problems other than those associated with unwanted sex? The squad doesn’t want its own man, but there are no objective reasons for this: if you are attracted and listen, you can try to turn to magic.

If you have become cold to your soul and want to correct it, try reading this essay:

Standing on the line of God's servant (herself), she looks beneath herself, As if the poppy of hearts blooms in a field, So even though the woman set fire to herself. Like a hungry hedgehog, like a heifer, like a widow, like a widowed man, like a man in my bosom. It was itching, it was smoldering, and it was half burning, it gave me no peace, and my closeness called me. Whoever wants to spoil my wife, then bark like a dog for a month! Key. Lock. Language Amen.

After reading this essay, you will be able to get rid of psychological problems in your sexual life. This does not mean that you are attacking the skin, as is the case with any type of dog. With this help, you can improve your sexual life in your family, refresh your senses of intimacy and achieve greater satisfaction from the standard conditions of it. There will be no such negative inheritance, you will only bear it on yourself.

It’s good for women who love a man, but don’t want to have sex with him. It often happens that the first to have sexual desires are the friends themselves, and magic deals well with such problems. It is read every hour, so set the hour to read it as many times as you need to understand it intuitively. You will understand that once you start working, it will be very easy.

Strong desire for sex on water

With such a call to the waters, it doesn’t matter who you are going to eat - the boys or the girls. The text contains the words to slander the man, if you like a bad woman, change the slave for a slave. This action is based on the transfer of your energy through water, which, apparently, absorbs any energy well.

For the ritual, you will need to pour clean water into a bottle. The bottle can be whatever it is, and the water can be taken from the tap. If you have a well, take some water from the well. It is suitable and mineral, but rather non-carbonated.

It is necessary to engage in tsim chaklunism before going to bed. Hold a bottle of water in your hands and try to visualize it. Find what you want to achieve. Consider those who, in your opinion, are guilty of betraying the one on whom you are afraid to cast a spell for sex. Realize how your sexual energy is filled with water. Then say these words to the water:

Creature addiction of the slave (s), wake up, lock on me

You need to leave the bottle of water on your bed for the whole night, on the corners. You can put it on a bedside table, under a bed, on a nightstand - it doesn’t matter. On the wound, apply some of the water to the wound in order to soak it in or simply apply it to the skin. Pour the excess into a container if you hand it and try to spill it on someone you like. People who performed a ritual for sex may come into contact with this water. If you have a hedgehog or a drink, it’s not easy to mix it with water, but it’s easy to wet the axle, so you can simply “spill” the water from the bowl with mineral water.

A strong spell on sex with a girl

It’s not as easy as descriptions, but there is a reliable way to get into a very practical girl. It will not awaken passions, but it will stifle the will of a person. As a result, you lose milk, based solely on mutual sexual desire. How disturbing the stench will be to you.

The ritual can be repeated every now and then, as needed. The hour for the ritual is Friday, before midnight, and after sunset. Good time to come from 20 to 23 pm.

Electrical lighting is not allowed, please light the candles. The stench is not needed for the ritual itself, but is needed so that you can find your way around in a dark room.

It needs to be nice, like no one has ever known except the woman you love. You can ask her as a guest and shake hands, putting a new piece of clothing in the bathtub. If it’s impossible, get hold of the river that you used to earn money. The closer the river was to the body, the better.

You also need red pepper, which is sold at any grocery store. There is a packet of melena seasoning, and you only need one pinch.

Next, prepare a plate of very cold water. You can put them in the freezer at any time, until the water you need is cold, as soon as the tap starts flowing.

Another ingredient is a drop in your sweat. How to remove it doesn’t matter. You can waive a number of physical rights right before the ritual, but it doesn’t matter. It is better to scrape objects from the body using a ruler or a dull knife. You need your own food, no food, no shelter here.

Father, prepare a plate of water, the pepper is sweet, like the one you deserve. Pick up a drop of your sweat and add it to a bowl of water. Just chop the pepper yourself, and carefully place it on the bottom of the plate. Stroke it with your fingertips and read:

I'll burn it, cool it, please it. So you will fade in my hands, like your father and mother, and you will forget God. Key, lock, damn rent.

When you read the spell, the stroke is sweet or the object that belongs to you girl, so that you can more clearly see what you want to achieve through this ritual.

In general, asking for sex can help you get rid of your stress, break your addictions again, or simply give up physical intimacy with other people. In addition, if the object of your thoughts is breathing unevenly before you, such a ritual may actually become the beginning of long and happy hundreds, as people, as you say, simply could not get around to.

What is the result of stagnation?

The skin of the zmov for sex is foldable. It is accompanied by a singing ritual. These rituals for entering into a state union, you “ignite” the fire of the nobleman among the singing people. Your subject can be both the convict and the author of the speech, and the deputy. Therefore, before performing the skin ritual, it is important to become aware of the main nuances. It is also necessary to know how strong the potential of a magic spell is.

It is best if the ritual of increasing sexual desire is carried out by those wishing to enter into such relationships with people. For example, if a boy wants to lie down with a singing girl, he can read a specific sentence. With this technique, a number of additional items can be transferred to this ritual.

Similar calls for sex are even more popular. The great drink on their stagnation can be explained by the mass of advantages. The main ones include:

  • high efficiency and quick results;
  • simple Vikonanny technique;
  • I understand the triviality of the action;
  • the closest ones died;
  • reaching maximum satisfaction.

However, regardless of the fact that such ideas have a great number of “pluses”, even a strong ritual may not be accepted.

However, there is no need for such episodes, since the object of the spell senses negativity and antipathy to the deputy. Why do people worry about simply hating you? Asking for sex won’t help you achieve intimacy. I’ll drown in all the thoughts that ripple, and it won’t be enough. In other words, the pull of a sexual craving that you try to click on in the object of the craving cannot be pulled out to establish a physical connection.

Ritual for reconciling friends

Most often, the idea of ​​sex is used to reconcile a family bet. The ritual, which is a trace of vicination, will also help people who spend a lot of time with their lovers to kindle their addiction.

It is necessary to take action the evening before you go to bed. You need to pick up a church candle in advance. Closer to night, place a candle in the corners of a friend's bed. Light them up and whisper in mid-air:

“I ignite in myself (my name) and the servant of God (my partner’s name) addiction and desire, awakening cravings and sexuality. Don’t let the drunkards fool us with our heads and panic over our minds. Let the lips of the servant of God (name of the man) hang, his legs tremble, and his hands become heavy. May I become everyone's favorite and favorite person. Amen."

The magical text must be repeated this time and again. After this, the candle needs to be allowed to burn out. While I’m halfway through the chamber, you can prepare for the next night of “addiction.” Such a desire for sex is as if only a candle will burn out and go out.

Ritual from syllu

One of the most powerful spells on sex can be cast through this ritual. To bring your relationship closer and promote your sexuality, you need to perform an offensive ritual.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • flat plate;
  • salt;
  • Dzherelna water;
  • photograph of the object.

To strengthen a person’s attraction to your person, you need to put a photo of a boy/girl on a plate in the evening. Drip 7 drops of water onto it. Then throw in a small handful of salt. When you look at the images of people, find the words:

“Just as water gives itself without excess in order to saturate the strength, so let the servant of God (the boy’s name) make me want to go crazy. Let me become the new one’s favorite for everyone. Forbid the servant of God (I know his name) will not calm down, do not take me away. My word has power. Amen."

This magical text for sex should be repeated three times later. After the ceremony, you will need to grab the plate from a quiet place. It’s impossible to tidy up, there’s no way to answer the mystery. As a rule, work will continue for the next few days. And its advantage is that it “works” to cast a spell on people who have not previously shared the same bed.

Ritual for removing addictions

This ritual can be performed by both girls and boys if they want to call a representative of the prostate status. This answer is strong and it is important to read in the open air. To see the magical text, pointing lower, you can hit a fireplace, a fireplace, or a lit candle (at home).

The text of the call should sound like this:

“I’m glad for the cravings and cravings in the lower abdomen. Don’t let the stretch rise to the point of your mind, let it rise, and lift the mountain above your body. Do not let the servant of God's addiction and strong sexual desires burn, which can only be extinguished by me. If you want (my subject of speech), I wash my body so that my legs give way, my lips dry out, my eyes become dark. Let us both fall into the heat of passion, and taste the incredible passion. Just like burning fire, so burning brushes (names of people) attracts me. Amen."

Ritual with a red stitch

We present to you another strong message. The front veins are divided into the term dii. So, for example, if you want to give sexual energy to a man/woman for a difficult period, this very idea is used. To carry out the ceremony you need to prepare:

  • a thin red stitch;
  • screenshot.

Next, take a stitch from your hand. When the girls become attached to it, they need to whisper the magic words:

“I bind the servant of God (my name) to the servant of God (my name) forever and ever. If you have not separated anyone, then let us not separate anyone. May the servant of God (him) ceaselessly think about me and die, even though I do not. So that I would be beautiful, sweet and respectful for others. So that the human power of the servant of God (his name) was only with me. Amen."

You need to read the essay 7 times a day. The number of knots on the stitch you can enter is 7. The ritual ends when the stitch with the knots tied to it is taken into the screen. Place this trace in the quietest place in the booth. Ask for sex more “practice”, as only you like a screenshot. After this spell, the docks will become untied.

Love calls for sexy sex

For one of these rituals, you will need an item of special hygiene for a woman - a nice white thing. Having washed your dear hands, you need to say:

“I ask you to be as kind as possible, so that the love for the slave (me) does not fade away, so that the slave (me) is so sweet in my hands.”

If for the ceremony you took a shirt or the underwear of a woman, then you die like this. The flesh of your intended needs to be soaked in the wound dew, then hung over the lot and say the following words:

“Dry your slave (im'ya) according to your slave (im'ya) like your shirt. Without her you can’t, without my hands you won’t. Come, my slave, to warm up before me!”

For the upcoming ritual, you need to mix the following spices: a mixture of dry herbs, white pepper and salt. Prepared “seasoning” is added to the prepared hedgehog, pouring on it:

“Sil, draw out the water! May the slave (im) have sprague. Greens, take all the salt! Let the slave (im) only fight with me.”

Similar rituals are good for men and women, as do not fail in old mothers. In another situation, you may be powerless.

Zmova na khustsi

Take a new nose hustka. You need to pick up a few drops of your sweat (especially after the sun), and then inadvertently wipe your hair with your hair. Zmov thinks about himself like this:

“It’s my language, but I’ll confirm yours. As I thought, as I said, my thought fell into your head and you burned down to my flesh with your greed and wetness. Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Strong prayer for sex

It is necessary to burn a lot. As you walk around him, raise your right hand over the half-hole behind the God's arrow. Read the prayer trichy:

“Dim, get tired, wake up, go up the mountain, go, search for the soul of the servant of God (s), pinching her eyes, twisting her brain, spin, spin, never know peace and breath. Throw it, throw it, call God’s servant (him) to me. May she not walk with her girlfriends, may she not embrace boys and men, may she suffer in the fire, may she burn, may she not know in peace, not for the sun, not for the months, not for the sun, not for the dew, not for the red dawn. To marvel at me is not to be amazed, to be amazed and not to admire me, to kiss and not to be kissed, to sleep with me and not to get tired of me, but only to enjoy my body. Go, Dima, search, bring the servant of God (im) to me. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

In about an hour, you will notice that your sex with a man (or friend) will be enjoyable and you will no longer have problems with sex.

Another prayer, to read which we smoke like cigarettes. This ritual is simple and broadens the hearts of young people. It’s so common to get stuck in fits and starts when you’ve spent too much love, because cold weather hits you and doesn’t show you the respect it deserves. The slander is to marvel at the cigarette smoke:

“The fire burns the heat to ashes, but the servant of God (name) passionately loves me, the servant of God (name) passionately, he doesn’t speak his tongue or bark, he doesn’t move his bed, he’s glad to see me, the servant of God (name), my soul. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen."

They say prayer three times, and then lie down to sleep.

Zmova on Swedish intimacy with a stranger

If you like any kind of person, and you want closeness with her, but don’t dare to get to know her, you will like such a strong idea for closeness. Say a prayer after your day:

“Don’t let your foot trip over your foot, let your inveterate heart forget, so that God’s servant (I) would suffer for me, I thought, day and night about the long bed with me and about my body, was dying to come before me, God’s slave (s), hug me, kiss me, press me to your breasts. And be the word, to the word, and become, to the deed, to the deed. Aj, Abu, Ali. Ajabu, repeat. Come to me, God's servant (name), God's servant (name). In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen."

After you call, you will soon get along with your stranger and you will inevitably have sexual intercourse with him.

Love spell

Before you go to bed with your wife, put a coal flask with holy water and bread and butter. Judge this:

“Servant of God, you are bread, you are salt, you are water, come here to me. My guardian angel, take her by the hand and to my body, to the servant of God (him), bring me to my lung. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen."

This ritual should be repeated three nights after sleep. Your names will never cease, and your sexual desires will always be at their best.

Zmova in the wind

This is a very good prayer, which helps to attract to you a person who is attractive to you, the kind of person you would like to be attracted to.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. Lord, sprinkle the servant of God (him) with holy water on the harvest! Daughter of Herod, get up, get tired, get scared from the coachmen, from the lectures, from the girls’ fingers, even though I’m dozing, although I’m busy and loving. Shake her heart, shake her blood, drive it into her body and pain through my body. To sleep, she didn’t sleep, she suffered so much for me, for the servant of God (im). Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The prayer must be read three times. Soon after completing the ritual, you will notice that your other half is deeply attracted to you and will enjoy everything.

Ritual on sіl

This idea is one of the most powerful that can be used to enhance sexual potency in a person. Your object of kindness will be even more attractive to you. Prepare a generous amount of kitchen salt and add holy water to the saucer. Say this prayer:

“You need to take a grain of salt in your hands and throw it into a lid filled with a small amount of water. While we are taking in the countryside, read the following text above it: “Harch, live, water, salty with yourself, give it all to yourself without excess. So, let me love you (the object of your name) if you want me, and I won’t calm down until I take it all.”

If the proposal is voted, I will sign it on the photograph of your beloved, evenly dividing it. The strength is deprived of the photograph all night. Such a ritual is practically silent.

The idea of ​​sex plays an even more important role in families. An important source for long-term and sexual intercourse is not only sexual intercourse between partners, but also sex. If one of the partners harbors hatred and antipathy before the other, then such expressions will be ineffective. This is the right head, so that the waters between the man and the woman have good times and understanding. Perform the Yaknaishvidsche rituals! The hour doesn't know!

Find out this article on the topic: call on your partner’s passion on the love spell guru website.

If you are asking for sex, you can easily persuade any person for the obviousness of wanting to have the least interest on your side. In this case, such a craving may not be the final result of a magical influx - with this help, you can enjoy a truly happy life, as you will live for many years.

Calls for sex are not simple magical rituals that allow you to awaken sexual desire in a singing person according to the deputy and the viconic ritual.

This kind of magic is a special technique that influences the sexual activity of the object, which is supposed to be placed before the Viconavian. And before such a ritual is completed, there is a trace of the mother’s external manifestation of her potential and influx.

It is best for people to carry out such a ritual if they want to enter into an intimate relationship with an object of magical infusion. The main meta-ritual is the burning of the fire of addiction, the awakening of libido.

And the main advantages of sex rituals are:

  • fluidity and high efficiency.
    As a rule, sexual desire appears within just a few years of the ritual.
  • ease of implementation.
    For the ritual, there is no need for expensive components or complicated methods - everything is simple to do and in some cases it is enough to read the essay.
  • terminology.
    Before starting this ritual, you can choose rituals that will last for several years or months, right up to the end.
  • positive infusion for the couple.
    This kind of ritual will positively contribute to intimacy and mutual satisfaction and will be guaranteed for both partners.

However, despite such a large number of advantages, the strongest impact may not be on the representatives of the fair half of humanity and on people who harbor strong antipathy to the Viconavian. Women should associate the ineffectiveness of the ritual with high moral values.

And if I pour on a person because I hate you, then everything is much simpler: the thought only pours on sexual desire, and this is not enough to establish any contact with a person who senses strong negative feelings.

Ritual for a family bet

If you have already been friends for many years or live under the same roof, then the fire of passion may cool down a little. However, there is no need to be angry. In this situation, it is difficult to help you with easy work. For this ritual you will need one church candle.

Late in the evening you need to light a candle and place it on the corner of a friend's bed and read the words of the word this time:

“I am glad to ignite the passion of the middle servants of God (your names).
I give up sexuality and sensitivity.
Stop your addiction from getting drunk and stupefying; it has a terrible effect on your mind.
So that the feet of the servant of God (im) were trembling, his lips were dry,
And the hands reached out to the servant of God (im).
So that I become the greatest death for the greatest, the greatest blessings.

You need to repeat the call three times, after which the candle stops burning out. After reading the magical words of the ritual for sex, then immediately get ready for a romantic and yet again fire-filled night.

Ritual on sіl

This ritual is considered even effective and effective and can be followed if there has not yet been an intimate relationship between two people. To begin the ritual you will need one photograph of a person, a handful of salt and a drop of water. By selecting a photo, give preference to photographs rather than close-up images.

On a small saucer, drip a drop of water and throw in a handful of salt with the words:

“As the village is filled with water, as the water gives itself without excess,
So I kohaniy, servant of God (name), I, servant of God (name), want,
But don’t calm down, I won’t take all the documents.

You need to repeat the words of the spell for sex three times, and after completion, take a photo, dividing them evenly according to the photograph. Remove the trace of the dot from the photo, the basil will not be removed.

Sexual attraction

Sexual attachment is respected even by an effective ritual, since your meta is a trivial influx on a person. For the Vikonanny ritual, you will need a thin red stitch or a thick thread of red color. Conclude the ritual best during the month, which is growing, but it does not matter, the fragments of the earth will remain at any time.

While tying on the strings of the vuzli, read the words of the call:

“I will bind the servant of God (im) to the servant of God (im)
Mitsno-mitsno and forever!
In order to deceive and disentangle no one,
No one was able to separate and separate!
And the servant of God (im) only wants and kills about me!
So that my thoughts and thoughts are straightened out for me!
But I couldn’t admire other women and I couldn’t love them!
May the strength of man be the only one with me!

You need to read the words of the word once and for all, and the number of people who are involved in the hour of reading a magic spell may be unpaired. When you complete the Wicking ritual, take the thread with knots from a quiet place and don’t show or tell anyone about the Wicking ritual.

Rituals for sex are becoming increasingly popular and in demand if you need to get a good person and get interested in them sexually. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of this ritual, as well as any other magical rite, lies in the focus on the result and the precise adherence to all recommendations before the ritual is completed.

How do you call for sex?

A spell for sex awakens in the object of your interest addiction and sexual desire for you. The ritual flows into your position, the bondage and sexual activity of the one you deserve is associated with you.

As has already been said above, casting a strong desire for sex cannot be compared to a love spell. The action of these stains is limited to the physical side of the drains, and it seems that other aspects of people’s lives cannot be affected by the stench.

Who needs a call for sex? Tim, who would like to enter into a relationship with a specific person? With the help of magic, you will be able to create unrivaled hundred-hundreds, based solely on physical exertion. Such spells also help those who have been friends for a long time, because the sexual life of the bet has become fresh, and the feast has died down. Spells for sex will not turn you over as a homewrecker and will not help you defeat the khan’s squad. Ale, the most common cause of illness is the marriage of sex with a whore. That’s why sometimes such calls can help you for your love life. Moreover, they help relieve problems of a physiological and psychological nature associated with sex.

That’s how you call it now. Literally a few years after the ceremony, your subject may sense a sexual desire for you. The smell of stench is not good – the maximum term is close to doom, and the minimum term is a few days or even a year. In this case, the intensity of intimacy, as a rule, appears at its highest, regardless of your knowledge or the knowledge of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such measures. It does not stifle the will of a person, which undermines her humility as a result of love spells. Ale of the heirs that can be done without money, it won’t let you down. If you are going to eat freely with a hundred-year-old person, and you yourself do not visit a lover, it is clear that they will not be there.

Data from magical techniques are available and there are disadvantages. As people feel a strong antipathy and hatred towards you, sexual desire on your side may not be accessible. The idea of ​​having sex with a girl can be much weaker than the one that stagnates with a man. Women are often bound by moral principles and special values ​​of women. In addition, magic makes it difficult to feel the pull, and never again allows a woman to work unnecessarily before getting closer.

Sex spell for girlfriend

This is a spell to approach only in the situation where you are in civil or official love with a decent person.

A sleeping bed is required - it is necessary to speak meaningful words on it. If you have a different bed, choose a different ritual.

Zmova easily helps to ignite the half-hearted passions of life, through a number of fates after love and a good life. To read this, you need to buy a wax candle from the church.

It’s best to practice the magic of sex soon before your boyfriend or robotic friend arrives. The closer to night the ritual is carried out, the better it is. Place a candle on the corner of the bed on which you and your partner sleep. You can put it on the bedside table as a cover – it doesn’t matter. The spell is read three, seven and twenty-one times:

As I light a candle, I remove the addiction of the servants of God (names)! I almost awaken every minute and every moment. Let addiction cloud my mind, intoxicate it, intoxicate it! So that the legs of the servant of God (im) trembled, his lips hung, and the hands themselves were drawn to the servant of God (im). So that I become the strongest addict, so that before me, as before the world, I became the strongest! Amen.

The candle may burn out completely. The spell works very quickly, so you can get used to the closeness this very night.

Call for sex with a girl

This idea will help you to overcome the problem that you are facing in advance.

You can read your thoughts during the hour of getting to know each other, divorce a woman you know very rarely and don’t feel like making friendly noises with her. You are also allowed to go to read the book, unnecessarily depriving your companion. Remember that the condensation of these words does not necessarily prevent you from having to work the first step. The stench will only ignite the half of your addiction, but it will lie down before you.

Otherwise, with the help of these words, go out and get involved when meeting a woman. Call text:

I'm dreaming about you. I want to love you and hug you. We got together not casually, but to give each other a passion. You can’t see it before my eyes, you can’t hear my call. Be mine, beautiful beauty, but you will not be seen, if I give you your body.

How to improve your libido

What should you do if your lover has no problems other than those associated with unwanted sex? The squad doesn’t want its own man, but there are no objective reasons for this: if you are attracted and listen, you can try to turn to magic.

If you have become cold to your soul and want to correct it, try reading this essay:

Standing on the line of God's servant (herself), she looks beneath herself, As if the poppy of hearts blooms in a field, So even though the woman set fire to herself. Like a hungry hedgehog, like a heifer, like a widow, like a widowed man, like a man in my bosom. It was itching, it was smoldering, and it was half burning, it gave me no peace, and my closeness called me. Whoever wants to spoil my wife, then bark like a dog for a month! Key. Lock. Language Amen.

After reading this essay, you will be able to get rid of psychological problems in your sexual life. This does not mean that you are attacking the skin, as is the case with any type of dog. With this help, you can improve your sexual life in your family, refresh your senses of intimacy and achieve greater satisfaction from the standard conditions of it. There will be no such negative inheritance, you will only bear it on yourself.

It’s good for women who love a man, but don’t want to have sex with him. It often happens that the first to have sexual desires are the friends themselves, and magic deals well with such problems. It is read every hour, so set the hour to read it as many times as you need to understand it intuitively. You will understand that once you start working, it will be very easy.
Strong desire for sex on water

With such a call to the waters, it doesn’t matter who you are going to eat - the boys or the girls. The text contains the words to slander the man, if you like a bad woman, change the slave for a slave. This action is based on the transfer of your energy through water, which, apparently, absorbs any energy well.

For the ritual, you will need to pour clean water into a bottle. The bottle can be whatever it is, and the water can be taken from the tap. If you have a well, take some water from the well. It is suitable and mineral, but rather non-carbonated.

It is necessary to engage in tsim chaklunism before going to bed. Hold a bottle of water in your hands and try to visualize it. Find what you want to achieve. Consider those who, in your opinion, are guilty of betraying the one on whom you are afraid to cast a spell for sex. Realize how your sexual energy is filled with water. Then say these words to the water:

Creature addiction of the slave (s), wake up, lock on me

You need to leave the bottle of water on your bed for the whole night, on the corners. You can put it on a bedside table, under a bed, on a nightstand - it doesn’t matter. On the wound, apply some of the water to the wound in order to soak it in or simply apply it to the skin. Pour the excess into a container if you hand it and try to spill it on someone you like. People who performed a ritual for sex may come into contact with this water. If you have a hedgehog or a drink, it’s not easy to mix it with water, but it’s easy to wet the axle, so you can simply “spill” the water from the bowl with mineral water.

A strong spell on sex with a girl

It’s not as easy as descriptions, but there is a reliable way to get into a very practical girl. It will not awaken passions, but it will stifle the will of a person. As a result, you lose milk, based solely on mutual sexual desire. How disturbing the stench will be to you.

The ritual can be repeated every now and then, as needed. The hour for the ritual is Friday, before midnight, and after sunset. Good time to come from 20 to 23 pm.

Electrical lighting is not allowed, please light the candles. The stench is not needed for the ritual itself, but is needed so that you can find your way around in a dark room.

It needs to be nice, like no one has ever known except the woman you love. You can ask her as a guest and shake hands, putting a new piece of clothing in the bathtub. If it’s impossible, get hold of the river that you used to earn money. The closer the river was to the body, the better.

You also need red pepper, which is sold at any grocery store. There is a packet of melena seasoning, and you only need one pinch.

Next, prepare a plate of very cold water. You can put them in the freezer at any time, until the water you need is cold, as soon as the tap starts flowing.

Another ingredient is a drop in your sweat. How to remove it doesn’t matter. You can waive a number of physical rights right before the ritual, but it doesn’t matter. It is better to scrape objects from the body using a ruler or a dull knife. You need your own food, no food, no shelter here.

Father, prepare a plate of water, the pepper is sweet, like the one you deserve. Pick up a drop of your sweat and add it to a bowl of water. Just chop the pepper yourself, and carefully place it on the bottom of the plate. Stroke it with your fingertips and read:

I'll burn it, cool it, please it. So you will fade in my hands, like your father and mother, and you will forget God. Key, lock, damn rent.

When you read the spell, the stroke is sweet or the object that belongs to you girl, so that you can more clearly see what you want to achieve through this ritual.

In general, asking for sex can help you get rid of your stress, break your addictions again, or simply give up physical intimacy with other people. In addition, if the object of your thoughts is breathing unevenly before you, such a ritual may actually become the beginning of long and happy hundreds, as people, as you say, simply could not get around to.

What is the result of stagnation?

The skin of the zmov for sex is foldable. It is accompanied by a singing ritual. These rituals for entering into a state union, you “ignite” the fire of the nobleman among the singing people. Your subject can be both the convict and the author of the speech, and the deputy. Therefore, before performing the skin ritual, it is important to become aware of the main nuances. It is also necessary to know how strong the potential of a magic spell is.

It is best if the ritual of increasing sexual desire is carried out by those wishing to enter into such relationships with people. For example, if a boy wants to lie down with a singing girl, he can read a specific sentence. With this technique, a number of additional items can be transferred to this ritual.

Similar calls for sex are even more popular. The great drink on their stagnation can be explained by the mass of advantages. The main ones include:

  • high efficiency and quick results;
  • simple Vikonanny technique;
  • I understand the triviality of the action;
  • the closest ones died;
  • reaching maximum satisfaction.

However, regardless of the fact that such ideas have a great number of “pluses”, even a strong ritual may not be accepted.

However, there is no need for such episodes, since the object of the spell senses negativity and antipathy to the deputy. Why do people worry about simply hating you? Asking for sex won’t help you achieve intimacy. I’ll drown in all the thoughts that ripple, and it won’t be enough. In other words, the pull of a sexual craving that you try to click on in the object of the craving cannot be pulled out to establish a physical connection.

Ritual for reconciling friends

Most often, the idea of ​​sex is used to reconcile a family bet. The ritual, which is a trace of vicination, will also help people who spend a lot of time with their lovers to kindle their addiction.

It is necessary to take action the evening before you go to bed. You need to pick up a church candle in advance. Closer to night, place a candle in the corners of a friend's bed. Light them up and whisper in mid-air:

“I ignite in myself (my name) and the servant of God (my partner’s name) addiction and desire, awakening cravings and sexuality. Don’t let the drunkards fool us with our heads and panic over our minds. Let the lips of the servant of God (name of the man) hang, his legs tremble, and his hands become heavy. May I become everyone's favorite and favorite person. Amen."

The magical text must be repeated this time and again. After this, the candle needs to be allowed to burn out. While I’m halfway through the chamber, you can prepare for the next night of “addiction.” Such a desire for sex is as if only a candle will burn out and go out.

Ritual from syllu

One of the most powerful spells on sex can be cast through this ritual. To bring your relationship closer and promote your sexuality, you need to perform an offensive ritual.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • flat plate;
  • salt;
  • Dzherelna water;
  • photograph of the object.

To strengthen a person’s attraction to your person, you need to put a photo of a boy/girl on a plate in the evening. Drip 7 drops of water onto it. Then throw in a small handful of salt. When you look at the images of people, find the words:

“Just as water gives itself without excess in order to saturate the strength, so let the servant of God (the boy’s name) make me want to go crazy. Let me become the new one’s favorite for everyone. Forbid the servant of God (I know his name) will not calm down, do not take me away. My word has power. Amen."

This magical text for sex should be repeated three times later. After the ceremony, you will need to grab the plate from a quiet place. It’s impossible to tidy up, there’s no way to answer the mystery. As a rule, work will continue for the next few days. And its advantage is that it “works” to cast a spell on people who have not previously shared the same bed.

Ritual for removing addictions

This ritual can be performed by both girls and boys if they want to call a representative of the prostate status. This answer is strong and it is important to read in the open air. To see the magical text, pointing lower, you can hit a fireplace, a fireplace, or a lit candle (at home).

The text of the call should sound like this:

“I’m glad for the cravings and cravings in the lower abdomen. Don’t let the stretch rise to the point of your mind, let it rise, and lift the mountain above your body. Do not let the servant of God's addiction and strong sexual desires burn, which can only be extinguished by me. If you want (my subject of speech), I wash my body so that my legs give way, my lips dry out, my eyes become dark. Let us both fall into the heat of passion, and taste the incredible passion. Just like burning fire, so burning brushes (names of people) attracts me. Amen."

Ritual with a red stitch

We present to you another strong message. The front veins are divided into the term dii. So, for example, if you want to give sexual energy to a man/woman for a difficult period, this very idea is used. To carry out the ceremony you need to prepare:

  • a thin red stitch;
  • screenshot.

Next, take a stitch from your hand. When the girls become attached to it, they need to whisper the magic words:

“I bind the servant of God (my name) to the servant of God (my name) forever and ever. If you have not separated anyone, then let us not separate anyone. May the servant of God (him) ceaselessly think about me and die, even though I do not. So that I would be beautiful, sweet and respectful for others. So that the human power of the servant of God (his name) was only with me. Amen."

You need to read the essay 7 times a day. The number of knots on the stitch you can enter is 7. The ritual ends when the stitch with the knots tied to it is taken into the screen. Place this trace in the quietest place in the booth. Ask for sex more “practice”, as only you like a screenshot. After this spell, the docks will become untied.

Love calls for sexy sex

For one of these rituals, you will need an item of special hygiene for a woman - a nice white thing. Having washed your dear hands, you need to say:

“I ask you to be as kind as possible, so that the love for the slave (me) does not fade away, so that the slave (me) is so sweet in my hands.”

If for the ceremony you took a shirt or the underwear of a woman, then you die like this. The flesh of your intended needs to be soaked in the wound dew, then hung over the lot and say the following words:

“Dry your slave (im'ya) according to your slave (im'ya) like your shirt. Without her you can’t, without my hands you won’t. Come, my slave, to warm up before me!”

For the upcoming ritual, you need to mix the following spices: a mixture of dry herbs, white pepper and salt. Prepared “seasoning” is added to the prepared hedgehog, pouring on it:

“Sil, draw out the water! May the slave (im) have sprague. Greens, take all the salt! Let the slave (im) only fight with me.”

Similar rituals are good for men and women, as do not fail in old mothers. In another situation, you may be powerless.

Zmova na khustsi

Take a new nose hustka. You need to pick up a few drops of your sweat (especially after the sun), and then inadvertently wipe your hair with your hair. Zmov thinks about himself like this:

“It’s my language, but I’ll confirm yours. As I thought, as I said, my thought fell into your head and you burned down to my flesh with your greed and wetness. Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Strong prayer for sex

It is necessary to burn a lot. As you walk around him, raise your right hand over the half-hole behind the God's arrow. Read the prayer trichy:

“Dim, get tired, wake up, go up the mountain, go, search for the soul of the servant of God (s), pinching her eyes, twisting her brain, spin, spin, never know peace and breath. Throw it, throw it, call God’s servant (him) to me. May she not walk with her girlfriends, may she not embrace boys and men, may she suffer in the fire, may she burn, may she not know in peace, not for the sun, not for the months, not for the sun, not for the dew, not for the red dawn. To marvel at me is not to be amazed, to be amazed and not to admire me, to kiss and not to be kissed, to sleep with me and not to get tired of me, but only to enjoy my body. Go, Dima, search, bring the servant of God (im) to me. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

In about an hour, you will notice that your sex with a man (or friend) will be enjoyable and you will no longer have problems with sex.

Another prayer, to read which we smoke like cigarettes. This ritual is simple and broadens the hearts of young people. It’s so common to get stuck in fits and starts when you’ve spent too much love, because cold weather hits you and doesn’t show you the respect it deserves. The slander is to marvel at the cigarette smoke:

“The fire burns the heat to ashes, but the servant of God (name) passionately loves me, the servant of God (name) passionately, he doesn’t speak his tongue or bark, he doesn’t move his bed, he’s glad to see me, the servant of God (name), my soul. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen."

They say prayer three times, and then lie down to sleep.

Zmova on Swedish intimacy with a stranger

If you like any kind of person, and you want closeness with her, but don’t dare to get to know her, you will like such a strong idea for closeness. Say a prayer after your day:

“Don’t let your foot trip over your foot, let your inveterate heart forget, so that God’s servant (I) would suffer for me, I thought, day and night about the long bed with me and about my body, was dying to come before me, God’s slave (s), hug me, kiss me, press me to your breasts. And be the word, to the word, and become, to the deed, to the deed. Aj, Abu, Ali. Ajabu, repeat. Come to me, God's servant (name), God's servant (name). In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen."

After you call, you will soon get along with your stranger and you will inevitably have sexual intercourse with him.

Love spell

Before you go to bed with your wife, put a coal flask with holy water and bread and butter. Judge this:

“Servant of God, you are bread, you are salt, you are water, come here to me. My guardian angel, take her by the hand and to my body, to the servant of God (him), bring me to my lung. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Nina and always and forever. Amen."

This ritual should be repeated three nights after sleep. Your names will never cease, and your sexual desires will always be at their best.

Zmova in the wind

This is a very good prayer, which helps to attract to you a person who is attractive to you, the kind of person you would like to be attracted to.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. Lord, sprinkle the servant of God (him) with holy water on the harvest! Daughter of Herod, get up, get tired, get scared from the coachmen, from the lectures, from the girls’ fingers, even though I’m dozing, although I’m busy and loving. Shake her heart, shake her blood, drive it into her body and pain through my body. To sleep, she didn’t sleep, she suffered so much for me, for the servant of God (im). Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The prayer must be read three times. Soon after completing the ritual, you will notice that your other half is deeply attracted to you and will enjoy everything.

Ritual on sіl

This idea is one of the most powerful that can be used to enhance sexual potency in a person. Your object of kindness will be even more attractive to you. Prepare a generous amount of kitchen salt and add holy water to the saucer. Say this prayer:

“You need to take a grain of salt in your hands and throw it into a lid filled with a small amount of water. While we are taking in the countryside, read the following text above it: “Harch, live, water, salty with yourself, give it all to yourself without excess. So, let me love you (the object of your name) if you want me, and I won’t calm down until I take it all.”

If the proposal is voted, I will sign it on the photograph of your beloved, evenly dividing it. The strength is deprived of the photograph all night. Such a ritual is practically silent.

The idea of ​​sex plays an even more important role in families. An important source for long-term and sexual intercourse is not only sexual intercourse between partners, but also sex. If one of the partners harbors hatred and antipathy before the other, then such expressions will be ineffective. This is the right head, so that the waters between the man and the woman have good times and understanding. Perform the Yaknaishvidsche rituals! The hour doesn't know!

The most complete description in all the details is a love spell on a person’s passion with a strong and safe magical infusion.

love spell on a person's passion

If the method of love spell is not to pay attention to the respect of the godfather, in order to independently achieve his godfather and honestly become a hundred-year-old, then there is nothing filthy in him.

In this article: Harvest ritual in white.

This article has: Ritual for marriage; .

When talking about love spells, you need to remember first about the moral problem of your diet. Of course, who can say that any kind of love spell is bad and sinful, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

If you want to take a person out of your family, then you must be careful and be prepared for possible negative consequences.

If the method of a love spell is not to pay attention to the respect of the godfather, in order to independently achieve his godfather and honestly become a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-dollar-year-old, then there is nothing filthy in him.

How to carry out the ritual correctly

Rituals are not tied until the singing hour of the day. They can be performed at any time, day or evening, as long as the singing ritual does not require it. You can read the poems in your own home, so you can watch them all day long and watch them every day.

Calls upon contact with an object

This magical ritual is suitable for situations where you want to elicit a passion from an unknown person, for example, for the first time or in case of a seizure. Follow the ritual for a few minutes and read the words of the word:

“I, the servant of God (im), am dreaming about your kiss, servant of God (im). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to lead you, servant of God (him). Our sustrich did not fall into disrepair; we were chaired by one share. I want to give you satisfaction, and for you to give me satisfaction. You won’t be able to look at me, my daughters, my lips. I beckon to you, I will absolutely captivate your heart. You will be mine, servant of God (im), you will tell me “so” if I amuse you. So it will come true, what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Ritual for Bazhannya

“I rejoice, servant of God (im), for the rich passions in the lower belly of the servant of God (im). I will raise passion in your heart, in your head. Stop making you think about me, stop fooling you, stop worrying about your thoughts and bossing you around.

We burn with passion for your body, servant of God (him), we torment you. Your legs and arms will tremble, your lips will dry out for me, you will be drawn to me, you will be bothered by me, you will joke with me. No way you can extinguish your addiction, no way you can forget about me.

I can’t stop thinking about me. Only I can satisfy your appetite and hunger, only I know how to satisfy your addiction. Everything is on me, servant of God (name), for you, servant of God (name), it all comes together, everything is done on me. If you want your body, you want it so that your eyes are dark.

I am your dream, I am your darling. We will be with you at the same time in the heat of passion. We try at least some food. Burn, fire, in the heart of the servant of God (him), fell to his hands.”

Love spell for addiction, wiklik craving

A love spell on addiction is a special form of magical infusion, which does not directly respond to the desire of a woman, but awakens in a person a physical desire. Such a ritual is optimal, for example, in times when it is necessary to awaken the passion of a friend who, after a long, comfortable life, has slightly cooled off one to another.

On the other hand, a love spell on addiction will be immoral, since it will help to remove a person from the family. Such a love spell ritual results in serious negative consequences.

Love rituals of passion

As a rule, all love spell rituals, which are aimed at awakening passions, are not affected by the complexity of their implementation. In this case, the contribution of powerful feelings from real words is extracted. It is important to carry out such infusions during the growing month, if you have strong energy from nature, then you will enter another monthly phase.

Zmova na viklik tyagu

There is a feeling that it is very easy to arouse passion in a partner, sensing that you have become cold. Even if you are a man, you will also be a man. To read the word, you need to sit down in a small room and light a candle.

It is possible to force the effect of such a name to be biased, since vikoryism is an additional ritual attribute of a photo of a kokhanoy person for a new age. Saying magical words, next to the fire, touch the glass with the same place, where there are statues of the organs of people who are bewitched.

It’s best to perform this ritual before bed. After the prayer, you need to put out the candle and go to bed, no more words from anyone else this evening.

Ritual for the first birthday

If you have been attracted to a person at your first marriage, and you want to tie them on a sexual level, you can perform a strong ceremony. In this case, be careful, don’t show mercy. Even if you let go of it after you awaken your addiction, people will suffer greatly, and you will have to pay for it. The sermon is read when the person is at the limits of visibility.

It is allowed to say such magical words of whispering, but with this understanding and meaning:

It is necessary for the head to say such magical words in such a way that your monster does not notice anyone.

The specificity of all rituals aimed at awakening passions is a short term. But it is unlikely that this fact can be taken lightly. However, such rituals must be carried out before white magic and do not lead to strong negative consequences.

These love spells are performed only by those who you yourself feel a predilection for people, otherwise the stench will be dirty. Moreover, a person needs to have great faith in the power of magic.

Calls for addiction allow one person's cravings to ignite to another - usually on

non-trivial term

The shortness of their life is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

You, of course, know one of the basic laws of practical magic: the faster the effect of a love spell is achieved, the less risk of incurring the negative inheritances of the magician.

People who are not ready to be satisfied with many nights of hot sex should be given the advantage of sexual attraction and even stronger violence (for a person or for a squad).

Universal service for men and women

Closest to the fire is the area of ​​the photographed organs. It’s good to say clearly:

“I, the Servant of God (God) (I) burn richly below the belly into a friend of my heart (I'm), I want to fly richly, I want to set my whole body on fire. Colin has a thick tone, his white hands have goose skin, his mouth has dryness. Day-noon, night-afternoon, wait and endure impossibility. Come, I’ll put a feather bed for you, I’ll separate you often. My feather bed is cold like snow, my caresses are silent. Amen!”

Fortune telling on a person's passion

When the need for heated bed linens arises among other women, a long night of sleep puts pressure on the lungs in the intimate area, and this banal sound, unfortunately, plays its fatal role.

We can recommend special spells to such women, when a man begins to want a friend again, and also a few spells that can be direct to any legally taken man, but not necessarily to a legitimate man. .

Ritual on the red line

If you want to engage in chaklunism for those who are afraid of the squishy pinching of already obvious, or squeaky, intimate tissues, try reading the paragraph on the page.

Vaughn is either satin or seam and is definitely a red color. This should be cut at the end of the day, so as to correspond to the size of your man’s body in the workplace.

Before sex, it’s a good idea to place a string under your waist, and then, when you’re satisfied and asleep, remove it and tie this knot on it. On the skin of the chergovy, write whispers of the words:

“For the sake of passion, for the sake of love I have power. Having secured the mitzny, the Servant of God (outside the name of the khan) sticks to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”

Spell on sil

The text appears above the word. Then this salt, if necessary, is added to the human stomach.

“There is a white throne standing on the mountain, the first squad is sitting on the throne. Men climb mountains, tear off skins, tear lives. The first squad gave me their sacred words. I’ll say the words, I’ll put a spell on my dear. Kipi, addiction is white, addiction is tight. May the Servant of the Lord (name) without a body be bored by the fish on the dry birch. Let me not be afraid of the Lord, let myself be a little confused, everything is dear to me, and it seduces me to commit fornication with me. Amen!”


If, for whatever reason, you have wasted your money, try practicing strong spells to turn your senses. Practical magic is not just power, not just a way to get what you want, not just interest, and not just a special view of the world and the colossal possibilities of self-perfection. All this magic is consumed, and also without regard to other human purposes and spontaneity.

The power of Chakluna's voice on the sustrich iz kokhanny lad and on the turned kohannya

Well, love magic is a way of living. What do you want, so that the boy, who has been honored, has shown respect to you, read the shvidka zmov on the Kohana people, bewitch, enchant, enchant. And then go behind the scenes - calm down the man, encourage him, and you can have love affairs, or you can, with the help of the lad’s kitchen, carry out your evil food.

Well, in a serious situation, if you are in a serious situation, if the hundred-year-old terminally requires resuscitation of the senses, there will be strong pressure on turning the head of the head.

Among the black love spells on the boy’s turning back are the ones that newbies can end up with.

The topic of home love spells to turn a man back is practically inexhaustible. My materials, as you know, I, the magician Sergius Artgrom, rely on easy ways to bewitch a boy, and strong rituals of black Chaklun practices. Any magical influx has its meaning and its power. I’m really going to pour myself into the Kohanets and I want to start.

For the grave candle, read a strong letter to the kohannya of the kohanogo neskіchennu

The power of the Dark Twin spirits is great. In love, there is nothing to replace it with. Through the grave there are a lot of dark rituals to shy away from. With the help of grave demons, the will of the lad can be turned into gold, and pride, and dislikes can be turned into love.

In order to bewitch the boy’s khannya as much as possible, read the letter to the khannya at night, what you need:

If there are no candles on the graves, you can make the following: 3 thin wax candles are buried in the name grave, so that the name of the deceased will be familiar with the name of the person you want to stick on, the very first one Zmova on the kohan lad Let me turn to you. Leave for 9 days. After the end of the due hour, pick up the candles, following the rules of magic work on the first page.

The very work of the love ritual is required at home, at night, to read the words of the call for candles, which are woven into one. Place the trikutnik on the underside of the charcoal. At the center of the trikutnik there is a small cross of Sili. Place a candle at the center of the cross to burn, a twist.

Stand behind the cordon of the trikutnik and trichi read the words of the call on the bike of the kohannya:

It’s easy to read the number of times this black, even strong cry for a beloved lad, in the course of a magical ritual, formed in the minds of the home, after which it is necessary to make a wish, in your own words, meaning what you yourself want to achieve, and who. The candle may burn, and the same night will bring a ransom to the demons.

I, the magician Sergius Artgrom, have noted that the Chaklun ritual of collecting money on a lad’s farm starts to unfold rapidly, and the addiction of the one to whom it is assigned becomes even stronger. There is an effective essay on the great book, which is read before bed, without repeating it on your own for several months, for some, perhaps longer. Because of the rich officials, it’s time to lie low.

Love spells on a person's life


We also point out the most powerful love spells on a person, which can be read on their own in the minds of the home, as well as the very strong magical rituals of white and black love magic that can work on a person at any time. distance.

  • If the person already has a family, it is necessary read a love spell on the love of a friend.
  • All the love spells on a person that you have created on your own in your own minds can be applied to a person by inappropriate influences, which are almost substituting their inner light.
  • First of all, be prepared to carry out a love spell before, after it has been carried out, people who want to recognize this person will notice obvious signs of a love spell in her. It’s best to try to take this love spell from a strong magician, who, having taken the love spell, directly inherits all the inheritance from the one who killed him.
  • It’s not a good idea to try a black love spell on a person’s life on your own, rather than start with an easy – white love spell, or seek help from magicians to practice similar services.

The most powerful black love spell on a man's wife

First of all, it’s important to read a strong love spell on a person’s love spell on your own, remember the words of the love spell and read its sequence without hesitation and writing - this is very important, otherwise the ritual will not work and you will have to redo it.

To independently conclude love spells on a person’s life, if you want to read them on candles at home, you need to note the following points:

  • To perform a love spell ritual of black magic, you need to go to church and buy 3 candles, and the love spell itself will be performed at home.
  • You need to read the words of the love spell on a person this time, three days after sleep.
  • In the room where you are performing the love spell, close all the mirrors and curtains, remove all amulets (crosses and icons). And now let's talk about those how to bewitch a man as befits one without inheritance.

While standing in front of the man, light the candle yourself and begin to read the black and strongest love spell on the man:

God's house God's threshold. God's throne. The power of love is powerful, the tears of jealousy are burning.

Come, tight, to the skin hair, to the servant of God (him)

On my darkness, on my hide, on my liver and on my heart, on my lid and on my vein, on all my droops.

For all your thoughts - say, there is whiteness on your chest, rosy cheeks, for your life and earth.

If you don't sleep with me, you can't eat me.

Nine winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.

Twist your hair so that you don’t sit, sit, or lie down, and don’t tear or run.

Don't push the locks in, don't push the locks.

Lyubashki - doves do not wash, aunts do not pray, uncles do not understand.

Everything would be to blame for me, the servant of God (him), in my head, without letting go of my mind.

Yak fish on the bank without water dikhne. Grass without soil means its mother dries up.

There is no sky without gloom. Also, forgive the servant of God (him), he never forgets me or anyone.

And whoever loves it, will be tired from the first day.

After reading the spell, the candle may burn out, and a new candle is taken the next day.

Love spells for a man's life can be read in home minds on the outskirts

In addition to the ritual for a love spell on a person in household minds On the apple, in our opinion, it is necessary to read a love spell on the fire of a church candle in our home minds. Why light a candle and sit in half-light, read the words of the love spell to burn love in a person’s heart:

The fire burns, the candle crackles, the wax dances, I curse with the skin of the quill.

So many roads, all kinds of rapids, forests, bows, steppes and fields,

Every day and every month, be the thoughts of the servant of God (him) always with me.

Your heart burns with fire for me, your soul grieves for me,

Your mind will fade when you think about me.

Be you a slave of love, idolize you, servant of God (im),

To me, the servant of God (my name) and the day, and the evening, and the night.

I will take your peace, I will steal your heart, I will take your soul, I will plant slave love in you.

You'll be grizzled, scorched, splashed like a batig.

You will love me more for yourself, more for your father and mother,

You will adore me forever, you will be a slave of my love.

I conjure with fire, with scorching heat, with melting wax, with the church and with the tsvintar,

Along all the roads, all kinds of thresholds, always be as I, the servant of God (my name), have punished.

Don’t benefit anyone, don’t profit, and don’t overwork. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit.

  • When you have finished reading the love spell, whatever happens, let the candle burn out completely.
  • If for some reason the candle goes out at the time of the love spell, then it is no longer possible to repeat this ritual, so you end up reading in your own minds other love spells on a man’s life, which are brought into this statistic.

White love spell on a person

If you want to bewitch a man, use a white love spell on a man, which is very strong on the man and has a clear effect in the appearance of the proposition and the relationship.

For a magical effect, it is necessary to go out into the street and at the hour of reading the love spell so that the wind carries the words directly to the person who is alive. You need to read a strong love spell on a person’s kohanny three times and cross the spell three times, following the words of the love spell:

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyani, there are now green oak trees.

Under those mighty oaks. Three kings of the all-powerful winds will live.

Shame on all kings, princes, be they kings, princes.

I, servant of God, will go to these three oak trees,

I will bow low to these three kings and add to their faith.

You, fathers, the winds are strong, the heroes are powerful!

Serve me as a leader! I will turn to serve me!

You will send your followers of the Swedes to the servant of God (name).

Take away my tightness, dryness,

An insurmountable turmoil, driving the soul beyond belief,

Carry them before me, servants of God (names),

Through deep rivers, through wide lobes,

Through the high mountains to the servant of God (im).

Don’t get lost anywhere, don’t give your burden to anyone else

Neither on the streets, nor on the alleys, don’t get lost, don’t get sunburned.

Not at frequent crossings, not in deep forests,

Neither in rotten swamps, nor near high constipations.

Convey everything to the servant of God (him), give everything to him,

Give my money and my love to you!

Fathers, the winds are violent, the rich are powerful,

Your hands are strong, your wings are inveterate.

I call on you, Luka, Marco, Matviy and Gavrilo, I call on the Fifth Whirl:

Blow out, curl into the white body of the Servant of God (name),

The heart is restive, the liver and blood are hot, the eyebrows are black,

Seventy seven suglobi, seventy seven are alive,

To live without me, Servants of God (im), no moment,

It's boring without me, it's boring.

And day and night God’s Servant (name) could not be seen.

Don't wait a minute, don't wait a minute!

Read the words in advance so that you don’t hesitate during the reading time, which could make the ritual ineffective.

A simple love spell on a person's hair

To carry out a love spell on your hair on your own, you will need a bunch of hairs from a man, the hair may be the same, so it is best to take it from his clothes. In order for the love spell to be strong, you will need a church candle, a photo of the person and an envelope, but for a strong love spell you can do without these attributes. Please note that you have a lot of hairs on your head, for a love spell you need an odd number that is a multiple of 7 - this is the minimum amount of hair for a love spell on your head. To cast a love spell, take an equal amount of your own hair, begin to weave them together and read the love spell of a person on the hair that burns the most strongly:

You, my love, be with me forever,

Look, think, hurry up, and don’t bother me.

Please only me, look away from your decisions,

Look to me for the first time.

My word is mіtsne and lypke.

For me, everything will be worth a hundred more.

Another way to powerfully cast a love spell on a person

As you have indicated in your love feelings and songs that you will never dislike these people, as you can independently read a love spell on a man who is in front of you at the rise of this evening, lying on his bed ku, soon a fire will burn in your heart and it will come to you and earn money proposition.

Just remember that you represent those whom you have tamed and love spells are not toys. The burning of love in the heart of a person bewitched in this way for the rest of his life will be given to you in the future and to remove from him the strongest love spell cannot bring evidence to the magician. This is the text you need to read on your own :

On the sea on the ocean, on the island on Buyan, there lies a white flammable stone, white as the breasts of a warrior, named after the stone Alatir, Alatir, not known to anyone. I will rise, servant of God (my name), be blessed with the cross, wash with the spring water from the lined leaves, from the trade guests, from the priests, from the peasants, from the young men, from the red girls, from the young women, from the white breasts. From behind that stone of Alatyr I will infuse the power for a love spell and I will send that power to the mighty dear servant of God (the name of the Kohan), in all parts and faces, in all brushes and infusions, everyone lived and lived, in the clear i, cheeks are rosy, in his chest, a jealous heart, in the womb, in a black liver, in a wild head, in strong arms, in chewy feet, a hot blood. If my blood had boiled and hissed, my heart had jumped when thinking about me, I would have been caught in a whiter light. So that the servant of God (the name of the kohan), having summed up, sumuvav, was not in peace with anyone, was pranking among people, could not live in the world, but, gods, God, he could get by without me, servants of God (his name). A heavy mountain would rise from the abyss of the sea, from the sea grass-ants, a mountain would rise through the blue mountains, from dark dogs, parts of the throats, rise, rise, trouble-dryness, inextinguishable passion, love ungainful, pounce, pounce on the servant of God ( the name of the Kohan), attack him, like a robber of a victim, with a sharp knife, so that neither the doctor, nor the sorcerer, nor the black chaklun from his illness would be raised, from his breasts they would not pick him up, so that the servant of God (his) rock kohanogo) grieving , grieving for me, God's servant (his name), like a mother for a child, a ew for a lamb, a mare for a foal. I lock the love spell with three-and-a-half locks and three-and-a-half keys.

My word is mite and sticky, like the flammable stone Alatir. Amen.

Since the handsome boy does not show respect for you, you can read a love spell on the boy’s love that will convince the boy to change his position before you. There’s plenty to do in the sheets of how to cast a love spell on your own. With our continued publication, we will introduce you to the white love spell of a young man and the strongest love spell ritual with

LOVE WITH MENSTRUMENTS Love spell on the blood of menstruation - “monthly love spell” is considered one of the strongest and most reliable, which a girl can independently work for the farm of a boy or an adult man. It is very difficult to remove a love spell with menstruation on your own, which means that a love spell with menstrual blood will come very quickly and will definitely supply the need.

LOVE LOVE FOR A BOY PHOTO Today you are learning how to create a love spell for a boy using a photo. To carry out this ritual, you need to use a photograph of your favorite boy, taken on your phone, but to perform a magical ritual, it is necessary on a paper. It’s not enough to independently create a love spell on a handsome classmate from a photo at home.

SPELL A GIRL BY PHOTO There are plenty of people who want to know how to independently cast a love spell on a girl’s love from a photo and what words you need to read in order to bewitch the girl yourself. This magical ritual has no complicated love spell that can be read in the minds of the home and the presence of a girl is not obligatory. Know that a love spell based on a photograph will later be

LOVE LOVE BY PHOTO Love spell by photo is a magical ritual of spelling to bewitch the person behind the photo. These rituals of working on the rise and the presence of someone on whom to cast a love spell on a woman from a photograph are not at all obligatory. A love spell based on a photo can be white or black and is definitely the result of a love spell

Turn the man's head, then pishov, and help him to turn the head of the man's head. A strong love spell on a sworn person will turn on you too much, feeling like love and instantly make the person turn to his friends in the family, leaving the family and forgetting all the past images. The love spell is read before going to bed with a candle standing on the covered window. The light of a candle near a window has always been considered magical.

Separate the man from the kohanka so that the stench would hate one another, they would bark and cook in a strong manner against the kohanka. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the name of the homewrecker - which is enough for the girl to greet your husband and soon she will stand up to him. Read the text and call for the church, standing on the street near the entrance to the temple. Obov'yazkova umova zmovi proti kohanki

When I fell in love with the boy, the boy had another girl and constantly ignored me. All the ways to show you your work and the dates to understand that you should have been tried, but the result never came out of them. At the receptionist, I dared to cast a love spell on my own. Obov'yazkova mind love spell ritual buv shvidky love spell without photo

A magical idea is a very good way to renew your cramps after welding, what a great way to make a person think about you and run after you after welding and separation, and also ask for relief and blessings to turn everything back as it was before. Let me immediately inform you that this magical method is not easy and the reading of the sermon is accompanied by a chanting ritual, but the result is

Vanga learned how to create a strong love spell without harm and on your own and spread the strongest love spell on both the kohan man and the kohan man. If you want to bewitch a person to yourself, but don’t know how to do it on your own, try this magical method by reading a spell on Kohanna about the birth of the Bulgarian healer Vanga. Granny Vanga loved

Today I will learn how to create a love spell on a kohanny from a photo of a kohanny. All love spells that involve looking for a different photograph are suitable for independent witchcraft. Knowing the text of a charming word and the looming photo of a beautiful person can be bewitched easily and quickly to yourself and created so that all the lives of your beloved ones

Magic portal

With the help of love spells, you can achieve not only the purest feeling, but also induce addiction. If it is necessary to introduce a birthmark at the nose, it is necessary to carry out a test for addiction. The only problem is that such rituals have little meaning. To carry them out, you don’t need any special skills. White magic is written in such terms.

Zmova is biased

There is no time for singing to carry out such a ritual. The hour spent depends on what will be designated in the minds of the ritual. Find out what this plan is necessary to help your friend turn his passions and desires back to family life.

Options for addiction

There are a lot of call options. Below we will look at the main ones.

  1. Lungs. In such cases, no non-essential ingredients are required. They can be easily carried out independently at home.
  2. Folding. It is also called sexual attraction. The method of conducting such rituals is complex, and their term of action is greater. Moreover, complex options can lead to negative consequences, if their interpretation turns out to be incorrect.

Rituals for addiction should not be introduced at the hundred-year-old Kohannya. Their main considerations are passions. There is a lot to say about those whose love spells amount to black magic and can bring negative results to life. The only axis on the right is foldable, the bottom is folded. For example, if you decided to introduce a person to your family with the help of a call for addiction, then, of course, you are about to find yourself in unacceptability. Well, if you simply decided to force a bond from the khans in such a manner, and then spend hundreds of dollars with powerful forces, then there is nothing rotten in you. Better for everything, negative inheritances won’t bother you.

Zmova in direct contact with the object

This method will suit you in case your magic will be directed towards capturing an unknown person. It is most often carried out during treatment or with the first worm. It is necessary to go out of public view and read the necessary words.

“I don’t like you (I) know, but I beg you to kiss me (I).” I want to indulge in your volumes. I want you to kiss me with crazy strength. My lovers are those that you can stay with my master. Our sustrich was a freak for us. All powers have long since left us alone. I want someone to give us the most amazing happiness. Don’t you dare look at my body and lips. I promise that you won’t harm me about it. You can't say "ni" to me. Don’t let your voice sound like that to all my dreams. Be mine forever and ever. Amen.

Ritual for Bazhannya

An excellent option is that a friend and a man had a fire in their centenaries. For this purpose you will need a church candle. Light the candle, and, watching the fire, read the following words:

“With these words I want to ignite an inescapable fire in the soul of a man, a servant of God (him). Stop all this addiction from appearing in your head and in your heart. Don’t let anyone fool you and boss you around. So that you can no longer motivate me, as you wish. All your mind and heart may lie only with me and no one else. The addiction that is directed at me cannot be extinguished. All you do is lie with me, servant of God. I may be your master. Don't get in front of me. Your lips will dry without my kisses. Your arms can be twisted without my embrace. Only with me can you now satisfy all your needs. You care for my body day and night, and we don’t care. Your mind darkens because you want to please me. We can see all sorts of addictions at once. Only at the same time will you have to experience both desire and greed. Don’t let your addiction burn you now, before me. Amen."

Universal service

This strong force is perfect for a human being and for a female one. Why do you need a photo of the desired object and candle. Light the church candle and hover the photo over it. Now you can read the words zmovi.

“I will burn the fire of our passion onto a candle. White magic helps me. Stop the sparks that are created and ignite the passion of the servant of God (him). Let the kolina throw it into the air, your lips will become dry, and your hands will become covered with goosebumps. No matter what time it takes, let the object bother me. Come before me, and I promise to eliminate all your bullshit and bullshit. My love will become your kohana, and my caresses will bring happiness. Amen."

Love spell with s_lyu

Such a response to a person’s addiction may be due to the respect of vikoristan salt. With this help, you can not only remove all negative energy, but also eliminate addiction from hundreds of children. It is imperative that I get ready to prepare for my loved one.

“The mountain is majestic, where the white woman is paning. People are trying to get up to it, rather than get rid of the clogged place and wounds. This woman pleased me with her words. I will say these words and I can bewitch a person. Stop passion and cravings from boiling in our hearts. May God's servant dry without a body, like a fish drying on dry land. Let my friends never get into trouble, don’t be afraid of gossip, don’t lose respect for faith. Fornication and pleasure are only allowed to work with me. Amen."

Zmova for intimate problems

Not only people experience failures in intimate terms. In certain situations, friends also sense such problems. If it appears in your life that your partner is not attracted to you, then you can call out this addiction. In order to avoid such a negative impression, you need to go to the river. Go to the water and start dousing yourself with river water.

“I respect the sky as my father, the earth is my mother. I ask you to ask for water so that it will give me strength as a wife. I want to take care of my man. Amen."

If you decide to go home, get some river water from the river. Once again at home I need to get involved.

Ritual for help

Over the past few hours, the most effective and the most powerful rites have been those performed on clothing and food items. If you wear a shirt, your energy will leak out. And since the ruler of the speech is ready for it, then we can sense your energy to continue to the great hour. The result of the ritual manifests itself even after just a few days. Objects that can directly direct people’s thoughts to intimacy and a sense of predilection.

To carry out the ritual, you need a strong hand to wear the garment of a noble woman. The ideal option is a shirt. At the time when the wedding is taking place, show closeness to the people. Moreover, clarify everything in as many details as possible. It is necessary to dry the product over a hot fire. When it is necessary to raise your speech, say the following sentence:

hang up your clothes, hang up your white shirt. Hang on until you wake up to all the warriors in you. Let your ruler (the name of the people) dry up on me, servant of God (the name). Please don’t feel excessive hatred and partiality towards me. Amen."

After constantly drying up, you will need to walk in it yourself every day. Be careful so that your energy leaks out. Only after all the lost minds can one speak to the Lord.

turn the man's addiction

Love spell to remove addictions

Magic of Vuzlik-Yaskrava Addiction

Let's summarize the pouches

Regardless of those that such rituals reach the lungs of the Vikoristan, the stink of duty and specialness looms:

  • the result is three times more, lower river;
  • the power of the ritual, and the term of its trivality, lies in the energy that was directed at its viconny;
  • It’s not good to count on those who are addicted to awakening love in an hour - it’s all about love spells;
  • It is impossible to carry out a ritual on a person if it is presented to you with a negative, the result will not be achievable - before performing the rituals, you need to make sure that the desired object may seem positive to you;
  • It is recommended to carry out a large number of different rituals - this can lead to the worst result, and as a result of mental breakdown: the object you desire will become unsatisfactory and turbulent.

White magic has low specificity and nuances. Before you conduct a study on a strong passion, you need to think carefully. It is entirely possible that all your problems can be solved in a natural way, without going into a magical infusion. It is best to spend more than an hour and use human power, rather than resort to magic, and there is no guarantee that the result will appear the way you need. Moreover, in order to carry out changes it is necessary to move in a positive attitude from the side of the object to you, because if it is perceived as negative, then your efforts will be wasted for nothing.

Sexual socks play an important role in a person’s life, but they don’t always turn out the way they would like. Sometimes the cravings of the hundred-year-olds are cold, because the people who have gained more money are not ready to earn their keep. In such situations, calling for sex can help to turn the joy into intimate relations.


How do you call for sex?

Calls for sex are far from the same as love spells, but the stinks of sleeping rice. Sexual terms are very simple and form an attachment on the physical level. Call for sex will help you achieve a physical connection with a person, but it won’t guarantee how many exciting moments and warm feelings. Rituals help to refresh the sexual life of a whore and have a hundred-year-old woman without goiters.

Find out the physiological and mental problems associated with intimate life, and also call for sexual desire.

Features of sex messages:

  1. So call it quickly for a few years. Their action was not trivial, the maximum effect can last until the end, the minimum effect can last for a few years.
  2. There are no side effects of the spell, because it does not flow into the will of the mark, which is why it becomes a love spell.
  3. Just ask the Vikonanna and do not require special ingredients or multi-step preparation of rituals.
  4. Rituals are ineffective, since the object of the spell is aimed at the witch and is placed with antipathy - no way will help calm down a person.
  5. Call the weaker ones for wives. The magic includes sexual desire, which is often not enough for women to sleep with a man. The chance of success increases if the woman has a sexual relationship with a chaklun.

How to read the name correctly?

Reading essays also have songs in their minds:

  1. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and not doubt the results. When magic is subject to doubt, its effect is weakened.
  2. Call me to read on a specific person, as if I don’t know much. It is impossible to read the letter “for whom in advance”?
  3. The call for sex cannot be read often; between rituals it is necessary to take a pause of two to three months.

It is important that the object of chaklunstvo does not know anything about the ritual.

The poison can be detected and removed if a magical protection is applied to the meta, or it itself contains magical properties.

Strong call for sex and love

All requests for sex are simple to do with the viconn, but there are some nuances of stagnation. Considering the trivialities of a love affair, between people and with due diligence, you can choose and choose the best option.

With a team of people, a man/team

Over the years, sexual life in friendly couples loses its novelty and simplicity. So, sex with a person or a friend can turn into a routine, or even disappear from family life altogether. Breathe a new life into your life with human help with a small ritual that is suitable for both men and women. The text of the name is intended to enchant a person, since the object is a woman, the words need to be changed to the female version.

For the ceremony, you need an item in the man’s wardrobe – a blouse or shirt would be best.

The ritual is carried out like this:

  1. Wash the river manually, visualizing the proximity in detail.
  2. It hangs out to dry by the window. At the same time, magic words are expressed.

Like a shirt that dries in the wind, so the ruler of God, the servant of God, will dry on me. Sonechka would burn my shirt in exchange - so my heart is addicted to burning. Amen.

If the river is dry, the one who casts the spell must rub it in his hands or wear it on himself.

The entire ritual must be carried out on its own; the nobles are not to blame for chaklunnism.

With a girl

The ritual must be carried out on Friday after sunset, and before the evening.

For your call you will need:

  • sweetly, in the way that no one was interested, except for the object of chaklunstvo and especially;
  • red chalk pepper;
  • a plate of cold water;
  • a drop of charming sweat.

The ritual goes like this:

  1. Behind, cool a bowl of water in the refrigerator.
  2. Add a drop of sweat to the water.
  3. Next, add a pinch of pepper.
  4. Place milk on the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Pointing your fingers at the sweet spot, read the poem: I’ll scorch, I’ll cool, I’ll please. In my hands you will feel like ice, you will forget about everything in the world. Amen.
  6. As you read the essay, visualize the object of the chaklunstvo.
  7. After performing the ritual, the water must be poured under the tabernacle, and it is necessary to grab it nicely or reliably.

The channel "All Horoscopes of Ribs" presents its version of sexual attraction for a woman.

With the lad

The summons is to approach the vogon to capture the man. For the ritual you need some fire, a candle.

The ritual is carried out in this order:

  1. After the sun has set, and before midnight, light the candle (otherwise it will prevent the fire).
  2. While watching the fire, carefully visualize the boy on whom you are casting a spell, the very effect of the spell.
  3. Vimovte zmovu trichi.

I blaze and blaze my passion in stegny. Let the blessedness rise to the heart and mind, to sleep the servant of God (him) to the least blessedness. You won’t know peace without me. Amen.

After casting the spell, you need to extinguish the candle and keep things in order.

Rites and rituals for sex

Rituals for sex are, as a rule, clumsy and careless activities that help to awaken addiction in a woman. They are easy to carry out in household minds, and the stench does not bring great harm to magical practices.

Ritual with a red stitch

The ritual on the red line is suitable for the situation when it is necessary to enchant a person for a difficult hour. Being a vikorist is important for getting people.

For the ritual you will need:

  • stitching of red color and wide red lace;
  • screenshot or the box is small;
  • red candles.

The ritual follows this order:

  1. Light the candle again at night.
  2. Focus on it and visualize the image of chaklunstvo.
  3. Next, take the red stitch and begin tying knots on it. At the same time, make a call.

The connection of red and passion between me and the servant of God (him). I will tie it hard, so that only I am a servant of God (myself). I will be the best for everyone. Amen.

Call rules:

  1. The sermon is read seven times - once per student.
  2. After reading the word, the page appears on the screenshot.
  3. Extinguish the candle and place it side by side. It is important not to spoil anyone or know the screenshot.

If the ritual needs to be repeated (either for a new person or for the same one), the old thread must be burned and the sung will wake up.

Rite of Iz Syllu

Salt is one of the most powerful magical components. Such a ritual is good for getting someone with whom you have not yet had a sexual relationship.

For the ritual you will need:

  • a grain of salt;
  • these drops of clean water;
  • photograph of a person with a spell cast on it (close-up).

The procedure for carrying out the ritual for the advance:

  1. In a small container, pour a drop of water.
  2. Sign up here.
  3. Vimovte zmovu trichi.

Salt and water are one in the same; when you mix, they cannot be separated. So you can’t get me and God’s servant to be one and the same. If you want me to be partial, you will not know peace, the documents will not communicate. Amen.

Drop enchanted salt water onto the photograph and wet it evenly. If the water has not completely dissolved the salt, soak it thoroughly and distribute it evenly.

Ritual with water

The ritual with water is suitable for the peace of men and women. Water best absorbs and transfers energy, so there are many magical rituals involving water.

The order of the offensive ritual is:

  1. Last night, pour clean water into the bottle.
  2. Visualize the magical action in detail by holding a bottle of water in your hand. Show yourself the emotions that you want to attract to the object of the joke. Transfer the sexual energy of water.
  3. Rinse the phrase: Hot passion, creature, throw yourself into the servant of God/God (im), it will become brutal on me. Amen.
  4. Leave the bottle with water in the corners of the spoon for the whole night.
  5. Frankly, drink a little of the charmed water to soak it in.
  6. Pour the excess into a small vessel, and at first slurp it for drinking purposes. Quite a few drops. There is no need to add water to your drink.

Love spell for easy

Since the spell is cast on the sleeping bed, this type of love spell is suitable for friends and spies. For the ritual you need a church candle.

Procedure for the ritual:

  1. Light the candle and place it in the corners of the bed.
  2. Say three words.

I ignite my fiery passion one by one in the servants of God (names of friends). Dumb, drunk, drunk, addicted, obsessed with love, one and the same. Amen.

Wait until the candle burns out and dry it off.

Turn the man's pull or captivate the greedy gaze of the boy who deserves it - everything can be done with the help of magical infusions. As wives have to do tricks “not to work”, the man looks at the side, and the young man changes, who often goes to the point of love spells or dryness. Before choosing the bark of the magical infusion, be aware that everything has its own inheritance.

A love spell is a primus and a strangulation of a person’s will. With your actions, you infuse thoughts with the enchanted desire to perceive what you need.

Sexual love spell of the building is a strong pull to the point where you are vikorist.

This kind of love spell can be applied even to black magic, so you won’t be spoiled for anything.

If you are into magic, then you will be aware of one of the basic laws of the Universe: the law of equal energies.

If something has been taken away and is no less yours, be prepared to say goodbye. And if you don’t overwhelm anyone, there is a lot to say about the ritual that you will receive.

Sexual love spells fall into two great groups:


This term is often used when describing a sexual love spell. Equal to another group, this view is rather expensive. You can then select the sexual desire of the object, and then turn off other sexual connections.

A love spell for sex can be performed on a person with whom you have already become involved, or on someone with whom you have not yet had intimate intimacy. Women often shy away from sexual attraction from a whore if they sense that the man has lost interest in them. Many fortunetellers and magicians tend to perform such a spell as a preventive approach, lest they forget that black magic is not a game.

Even more powerful are the dangerous rituals called egilet.

Such rituals aggressively infuse the will and thoughts of the object of the love spell. The result is that it is unnecessary to enter into intimate intimacy with any other ritual.

Such a ritual causes serious consequences for both sides; in fact, it evokes the state of powerlessness in a person. After a new person is born, he can only come into contact with someone to whom he is bewitched.

The consequences of this type of sexual love spell may result in significant and negative changes in a person’s behavior. You may be overwhelmed by attacks of anger, depression, and may have a craving for alcohol or drugs.

As a result, a love spell spell is often found, and it is not the radium that has been done in this way. Therefore, such rituals are not recommended.

Be it the magic that lasts for the most important minds:

Sexual love spell on sil

Such a love spell is available to those who have already been in an intimate relationship with their model and to those who want whatever they want.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • pipette;
  • Zvichaina water;
  • A close-up photograph of an object, similar to a portrait;
  • I'm shaking salt;
  • Wide saucer.

Such a love spell is timid to achieve at any time, the head of the mind is the secrecy and self-ness. Prepare all the attributes and sit at the table.

You need to put a saucer in front of you and throw it onto some salt. You will need to throw it yourself, it is not necessary from a great height, but if you want to “fly” 10-15 cm, then choose a larger saucer.

“As the village is filled with water, as the water gives itself without excess, So my kohaniya, the servant of God (I) wants me, the servant of God (I) want, Let me not rest until I have taken everything. Amen!

Then I will sign up for the photo and take it away in a quiet place. You can only take away from the photo after you remove the bananas.

Love spell on water

Water is one of the four elements, and its power knows no boundaries. Water is also a miraculous conductor of information and energy. Rituals associated with water are even more effective.

A very simple ritual for saving fruit in a couple. For this purpose you will need one bottle of water.

You need to put the bottle under a friend's bed and have sex with the boys at night. Intimacy must last for a long time, you need to please your partner, so as not to lose more satisfaction.

Thanks to its miraculous powers, the water will absorb the energy of your soul and flow into your person’s body.

In France, take out the water and drink half, part of what you have lost, you need to drink the squad, you can drink it in the prepared bath. One option: spill water on someone inadvertently.

Such a ritual is built on mutual respect and support the passion in the right place.

Love spell on addiction between a person and a squad

Having lived with your lover for a long time, it becomes difficult to maintain love and love in a couple.

This ritual can only be performed by those who are in official or civilian life.

For the ritual you need to buy one candle from the church. On Women's Day - Friday, a few years before the person comes home, place a bed in your head.

You need to light a candle and read the words of the sermon:

“As I light a candle, I remove the addiction of the servants of God (names)! I almost awaken every minute and every moment. Let addiction cloud my mind, intoxicate it, intoxicate it! So that the legs of the servant of God (im) trembled, his lips hung, and the hands themselves were drawn to the servant of God (im). So that I become the strongest addict, so that before me, as before the world, I became the strongest! Amen."

The text reads trichy. It is necessary to predict the hour so that the candle burns out before the person returns home.

A strong ritual for awakening cravings

This ritual is performed so that you have the opportunity to adhere to your pattern in real time. To carry out the ritual, you will need a photograph of the kohan, on it there must be images in one and the same plan, two candles of a red light.

The ideal day to perform such a ritual is Friday, you need to follow all steps in the following order:

  • If you are left at home on your own, take a shower and put on a light, spacious garment, so-called nightgown. Let your hair down;
  • Sit at the table, place one candle in front of you, light it.
  • Move the photograph of the kohan in such a way that you are unlikely to be able to marvel at it halfway through. If you start to wonder, you would like to visualize your intimate intimacy in bright colors. You need to try to understand everything from beginning to end. As soon as I heard the need to take the candle to my friend’s hands;
  • Holding a candle in the hands of a friend, realize that this is the state member of your head and your words: “You are a candle of grief, grief, your heart has become addicted. Let the fire burn in your soul, let it hurt me too. I myself am burning with fire, I give it to my dear one.”. You need to read them for a long time, so the candle won’t burn halfway. Finally, say one more spell:
    “I drank and drank from the distant flight, (the name of the soldier) into the soul. So that you can’t sleep, so that you don’t want to kiss me.”.

The pressure on the pull is very strong in two parts. To vikonanny another, the presence of a khan is required.

Immediately after completing the first part of the ritual, you will need to call your celebrant as a guest.

When you cross the threshold of your bed, light a friend’s candle, which you previously washed in your hands.

It would be ideal if the young man stayed as a guest until the candle burned out.

If you were about to succumb to the magical influx, think again about what you are ready for with the people you have tied to yourself by force. It’s possible that “our” people will be seen in the distance.

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