How to attract and calm a person: the mystery of calm. How to get a guy to bite: what you need to do in practice How to get a guy to bite

It would seem that comfort is inherent in every woman (and in humans) as a people. However, not everything is so simple. To master your “brown”, it is important to know the subtleties of this process.

What is the psychology of peace? How can we seduce and provoke representatives of the disease? What kind of gestures are present in roses? This food sounds calm, even. Psychologists teach a variety of methods, techniques and practical techniques to help with difficult situations.

Spokusa and spokusa - the thoughts of psychologists and ... etymologists

First of all, we need to go straight to the practical level for the peace of mind of representatives of the prostate health status, it is important to ask for peace of mind.

The skill of calmness is inherent in the nature of the skin of a woman, but not all representatives of the beautiful state use this tool. It’s not surprising that there are a lot of nice things to do to attract the interest of a young person, which is the psychology of the greedy people who deserve it. What do psychologists recommend?

Make men willing to win their wives themselves, then girls need to act subtly and unobtrusively.

There’s no point in looking at a guy who has been honored, point-blank - this is how women act, as they “recognize” a gentleman. It is important to behave in a natural and feminine manner;

Method No. 1. Fuck about extra help

If you have been tagged by a stranger in a store or at a gas station (there is not enough time for long-term socializing), do not bother checking until you have completed the process of being hostile to the person. It’s best to ask him for help - for example, to get goods from the top police.

However, some psychologists consider such methods to be quite outdated today, some modern women are still “unstretched”, so that no young man can be treated with bare ankles or wrists.

Remember! Let your hair down in itself looks sexy. If you stick to them, you really gain respect. However, without the support of a glance directed at a potential partner, this look means nothing. See a young man in person - and you won’t need any shoes or combs anymore.

Develop the need for hostile assistance and provocative techniques. According to psychologists, such cunning lies in cruelty that erotic (and even borderline vulgar) associations call out:

  • drinking beer through a straw;
  • licking frost;
  • eating bananas.

Such gestures must be approached with caution. Going through a variety of sexual provocative techniques can create about you the opposite of the kind of hostility that you are projecting.

Method No. 3. Inflation and recovery

To stay calm, you need to focus on positive behavior. Psychologists say that without singing behavior there is little you can do. A woman with high self-esteem is more likely to bite a man out of his mind.

The massage does not convey extreme pressure on the skin. Finally, gentle, gentle stroking of the most sensitive areas of the female body is necessary:

  1. Shia. Lungs that you can guess the patch, stroking with your thumb under the chin. Shiya is one of the most powerful villages, remember this.
  2. Hands. Stroke the woman's lapels with your finger, then lightly squeeze her fingers and bring them up to her breasts.
  3. Ridge. There are a number of erogenic points spread out on the new one. Place your fingers on both sides of the ridge and move them to the seat. Don't press too hard.

For skin pain, repeat as often as a girl has a wonderful skin - tender, soft and oksamitova on the dot so that it glows. The riddle about the skin will give you a point.

Insanely, this is a unique scenario for the development of tensions between men and representatives of the fair half of humanity. It is important to understand how to implement them in practice, and the result will calmly show you how things went. Perhaps, a short-hour flirtation will lead to something great...

A woman’s skin may be filled with a mysticism of tranquility, and even such a feature is common to the weaker half of humanity. Geishas, ​​courtesans, sirens, and sexual accomplices were known by deep knowledge of the most well-known representatives of the human population.

Spokusa emphasizes the constant work over himself, it is necessary to be in the world flamboyant, vulgar, bitchy, but at the same time the mother senses tact, weakness and humility. Unless she eats a character similar to rice, a woman can bite her partner.

Croc No. 1. Look after yourself

Insanely, every human being first of all develops respect for the outside world. It’s not good to think that representatives of the stronger half will fall for the soul, and this is the mercy of Milkova. Actually, a very serious lady will not be able to bite her partner if she is not looking.

Men give preference to girls because they smell nice, take care of their appearance, and remove makeup (unnecessarily bright). In this case, it is important to trim your nails and hair properly and dress beautifully.

You don’t have to put all your cosmetics on your face, pick up some basic products: hair mascara, shaving oil, foundation, powder, blush. Golovne, so that the revelation will be seen and fresh. Don’t skimp on masks, don’t forget about pedicures and manicures once a month.

It’s time to think about hair removal. There are many people to love if everything is going smoothly in the bikini zone. Others give the advantage of slight leglessness, all remain in special conditions. You can breed a master and produce babies in the intimate area or remove the growth notice completely.

Krok No. 2. Choose a suitable scent

An important place in a woman’s skin life is occupied by perfume. The wine is not to blame for being boringly sweet or, for example, oriental (bitter, tart). Choose fresh flavors that will melt into ice after 2-3 years. A person must detect the smell from a distance of 40-50 cm, and not from two meters. Follow different scents, regularly visit perfume stores to choose your own.

Spray the hairline behind your ears with eau de toilette (do not apply perfume to your skin), as well as your wrists. In this case, it is necessary to apply the perfume 30-40 minutes before transferring the juice.

It is also necessary to pay attention to body odor. Make it a point to regularly take a bath with bombs, add sea salt and essential oils. Treat yourself to cream-mil or shower gel with scented additives such as ylang-ylang, patchouli, lavender, honey, algae, etc. After water procedures, scrub with body lotion to leave your skin oxamitic and smooth.

Open the closet, look through the wardrobe, turn on the clothes that don’t fit perfectly. At the stage of calmness, you need to practice femininity, which requires you to dress like a girl on a call. Give preference to transparent blouses, which leave room for imagination when looking like a lively bra that can be seen through. For mini-spreads, place the cloth with a quilt up to the stitching, which allows you to swell the edge of the panties when walking.

As soon as the tops are bothered, don’t let the stench expose part of your stomach and your back, where your shoulders may be closed. Choose the one that will enhance your femininity. Standing on a high platform and picking up like girls at a strip bar, give preference to sexy stiletto heels with closed toes. Wear your jeans tightly and press them tightly with a belt to see the stitching. During the autumn-winter period, wear suede boots around the knees or skins, or up to the knees.

If you and someone are in the middle of nowhere, add sexy whiteness to a sex shop, take a photo in it, send a photo. Put a simple question: “Which color has a better combination – black or red?” Watch for the reaction of the spivrozmovnik.

Croc No. 4. Take away your guilt

Incredibly, there is a new type of person that such modest girls like. Tim is not the least, most of the strong half loves the singing of these girls, who follow the principle of “came, treated, spoiled.”

To get rid of guilt in yourself, it is necessary to pay attention to primary factors such as hair color, haircut, hairstyle. Change the haircut to a stylish one, suitable for pussies and ponytails. If you don't feel like posing in front of a mirror, lose a few extra pounds or join a gym. It is important to put yourself in full combat readiness, first of all, start before the decisive approaches.

To create the image of a sung and loving female, give people a reason to talk about you. For example, tell your friends that you will have sex with a hot guy in advance. Let go of your clothes, let your colleagues realize that you are meeting with a brutal macho man who is older than you. Intrigue, but don’t seem approachable.

Croc No. 5. Be a yoyo and be a baidujo

After you got into shape, looked through your wardrobe, and became an order of magnitude more beautiful, it was time for action. Spokes includes a feeling of satisfaction, so the activity needs to be ineffective. Play with the “whether you want it or not” attitude, so that you can be approachable from the start, and then quickly become a stranger. Golovne, lead the person into the limelight, stimulating interest and arousing.

Butt will come on the offensive: before the end of the telephone conversation, let your partner know that you plan to spend the night with him. Don’t talk about it openly, flirt, push for possible developments. After the end of the singing hour, finish with the first hand, trying to do important things. If so, please try to call back as soon as possible.

Croc No. 6. Vicklichte jealousy

Following the intrigue, you can start flirting. When you have pimples, use the feminine style: throw your hair back, raise the dress to the line of the panties so that it is slightly visible. In this case, it is important to look natural, uncomplicated.

For example, if your partner asks you for a drink, sit at the bar or table, raise your elegant finger in the air and say waiter. After that, as the doctor has the greatest respect for you, put your hand behind your neck and carefully move it down to your breasts. Do not be surprised at the person who is accompanying you, they may be natural. You can cross your legs, then proceed to speak with the waiter and settle down.

Such a game calls for the burying of a person, it will reveal a few jealousies. At your side, your companion should be on the lookout for your womanism, as it manifests itself in basic speeches, such as getting drunk. Don't get caught up in anything sexual or vulgar. Act like a sweet girl from a passionate friend in the middle.

Follow the correct line of behavior, have good conversations, and don’t rush to expose your special and sexual identity to people. You have to convince your partner that at this stage it’s you who’s the one who wants you, and not the sexy guy who’s always looking at your face.

Croc No. 7. Be discreet

A man is attracted not only by his garni and partial nature, but also by the girls’ willingness to engage in dialogue. Don’t try to drag your companion into a tight squeeze, work in such a way that you yourself are covetous. The sexual aspect takes place in terms of physical and spiritual intimacy.

Let your companions understand how you are similar to him. Please tell us funny stories from life, please accept and apologize to everyone. People have a special interest in people who can support Rozmov on absolutely any topic, be it history or politics.

Follow the timbre of your voice, do not squeal, do not vibrate the spoken phrases. The voice is deep and penetrating, and the laughter is wide. Stay up to date with enthusiasm, listen with enthusiasm to his findings, and don’t rush to agree with everyone. The naughty girls cackle richly for the quiet gray bears.

To put a person at ease, you need to understand what he means to you. Try to get into your soul before Christmas and give a couple of audible joys to solve the problem immediately. Be positive, kind, open-minded, and don’t overdo it.

Croc No. 8. Flirt

It's hard to do without flirting. You can cast a piercing glance or chuckle humorously, and at the same time wink to come with the knowledge that you need to practice steadily.

Soothe the man in a hearty way: just start looking at his shoulder, without noticing anything, and then just turn your gaze to your eyes. Pause at this point for 3 seconds, start laughing a lot. Bite your lip, twirl your hair on your finger, blink and start walking. The result is not overwhelming.

After the person insults you, concentrate on your new respect. Greet flirtatiously, let's get a rosemova. In this case, jump from one to another, creating intrigue. Practice speaking your body, respond to compliments, and be easily accessible.

It is important to let your spouse understand what you are revealing until later. For example, having asked for dinner, wait with this tension and then drink champagne in a quiet atmosphere. Show initiative rather than express an open desire to have sex.

Croc No. 9. Vickory nonverbal signs

Experienced women know that you can subdue someone with nonverbal signs. Such gestures are unlikely to make your partner realize that the woman is locked into further development.

Show people your incompetence by biting your lower lip or twirling a curl of hair around your finger. Sitting in a cafe, you can cross your legs and simply play with your shoes, letting them fall onto your toes.

Once you notice the man's gaze, make a subtle gesture that enhances sexuality. Throw your hair back, carefully run it along your back shoulder or neckline (the blouse must have a visor). This move rivets the respect of the sick person to the restless part of the body.

You can also sit and simply stroke the stitches, turning your gaze to your sexy legs. Instinctively, a person will follow your hands over your body. We will remember later about the oxamite skin of the greedy stegons that crave him in the hour of making love.

Croc No. 10. Go to the door of the world

There is no way to turn on a man like a woman with sincerity. Every man wants to know what the girl is thinking about at the moment. Start with simple speeches, share your secret thoughts and worries before the end of the day.

At this stage, it is important to get close to the person so that you can further your discussions later. For example, you can tell that you want your mother to have a small, quiet little cottage on the seashore, and then clarify “in order to swim naked at night.” By doing this, you will become more responsive to a person before he or she confirms.

At the next stage, you can move on to sexual contacts by phone. Choose the hour of the night for prayer, when all emotions and rituals are as close as possible. Play with the game “Chestly species”: after giving food to one and the other, try to find out about them thoroughly. Ask your friend about anything provocative, whether it’s a favorite sexual position or, best of all, a place of happiness.

It is difficult to convince a person who has been steadily practicing and has sufficient knowledge of psychology. Look after yourself, choose the scent of your perfume, look through your wardrobe. Have fun, flirt, flirt.

Video: how to properly bite a person

Do you still respect that a well-worn girl is not obliged to initiate and betray the first blood from a man? Unfortunately, the hour of important figures has long passed. Men are tired of being in the first roles, and the woman’s initiative can no longer quiet them. There is nothing nasty about reaching the big man himself. Can you see? Of course, if you take 8 hours to calm people down,

External look

Play with a bright expression of sexuality. Seeing your eyes or brightening your lips will inevitably earn your partner’s respect. And the ruffled upper tits on the blouse will swell up in reality. Remember that people are afraid of sexual provocations, you have an interest in them, otherwise it’s far from skinny to go and get into trouble. So do it yourself.

Zorovy contact

Do not deceive your eyes that you have become human. "Shoot" them. Play at the “look-over”. Show your eyes that you don’t mind calming down, and suddenly glance at the door of the room and back.

Flirt without picking up anyone


Unfortunately, the exhaustion does not achieve full width. To embellish, to calm down, to praise will only benefit you. Since the main object of a person’s occupation is to use all his strength. Seeing yourself as the most suitable candidate for someone is your meta-axis.

Guts of the bear

Be at once pinned down and slightly inaccessible, then let a man approach you, then easily get out. The woman, who leads a vicious game, inflames the man’s interest more and more, and his conqueror’s instinct kicks in. This is an addiction to the cold. A man who can overcome and won’t calm down for money until a representative of a weak position surrenders to his mercy.

Follow the body

The undogged position, the move “out of the corner” and the man will, at a minimum, take you in with a glance, perhaps, and follow you. Instead, let your body flow with power, dance beautifully, and ignite the fire of passion, never mind anything else.


Men naturally gravitate towards wives with whom they feel happier. The smiling coquettes are much more attractive, less panicky. Just don’t overdo it, it’s hard to spot a fake laugh.

Create insanity

Stretch as far as you can over your shoulder, squeeze the top of the lift behind it, and lean forward. When you hug him, try to give him some of the piquant parts of your body. Create acceptable emergency situations.

We have great power over people, but we increasingly forget about it. The importance of being a woman is a useful talent that you can develop in yourself as a woman. You will need to learn calmness skills both for choosing a partner and for increasing self-esteem. And let the next woman know how to set up the technology.

There is wisdom to say: if you want to achieve success, learn this language! Mova success in a special life is a mova body. In an hour, by standing, by gestures, by walking, a woman can say much more about herself, not even in words.

Nature has placed in the weak state a whole arsenal of techniques with which people can read books like a book. Do you want to be captivated by reading and forgetting about everything in the world? Vikorist and accept for recognition!

Nonverbal sexual signals.

It's no secret that happiness is not about a blue waist or long legs, but about smartly presenting it to yourself in the right way, in a winning light.

In some it works, in others it doesn’t, but any woman has the potential to become charming.

The first thing you need to earn is to love yourself. With gussets, there is no need for thick hair and three curly kilograms. Having fallen in love with Vinyatkovo for yourself, you can learn to feel love in others.

In the first khvilina (3-7 khvilina), what we are talking about does not have any significance - important things include facial expressions, gestures, intonation, internal mood.

The people themselves were afraid to tell stories about the people. It’s not for nothing to say that we won’t have another chance to overcome the first enemy.

As soon as the woman tries to kiss the man, she unconsciously adjusts her comb, throws off her head, and flexes her back.

The most subtle mystique of peace for the help of non-verbal sleep lies in the bare wrist, open legs in a sitting or standing position.

An open mouth and long lips are a typical sexual call. Before speaking, many wives purse their lips, not suspecting that this is a screaming signal from the man “I’m sexy!”

Why is red lipstick considered a classic? Lips are a projection of the body’s organs. When a woman wakes up, her sexual organs become enlarged and stimulated through a rush of blood, which means readiness for sex.

And people on the same level will read this signal. In fact, women’s hairy lips are so much more attractive. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you chose lipstick to match your cloth.

Non-verbal signals are the whole body, it shows us “from the telly”. Have you become worthy? Be sure, your body will tell you, even though you won’t guess about it.

A woman’s man reacts to non-verbal signals with primitive equanimity—it wakes up, because no one has ever thought about sex.

Look: what kind of woman attracts men, like a magnet? For everything she has done, as she sings in herself, she has clear eyes and a smooth ride. Well, she’s learned to live in harmony with herself, but it’s not so difficult.


Hair is one of the most colorful sexual symbols. The woman, who wants to increase her respect, starts playing with her hair - stroking it, twirling her curls on her finger, and making “penzliks”.

Be careful: every woman who plays with her hair does not lose respect for men.

And when a woman suddenly raises her head, throws her hair back, exposing her neck, and at the same time does not forget to grin, she will inevitably lose the man’s memory.

Ballerina standing

Nothing copes with hostility like a person with proudly squared shoulders and a straight back.

Almost all women understand that it is very important to trim their backs, and practice stitching behind the back. Alas, it’s a pity that you won’t devote the necessary hours to this activity and continue to slouch. Achieving a clear statement is no longer so important.

Є korisna to the right, which will help you achieve a good result in a few years.

If you are standing, you will realize that the shit is worse than coming out of your head. With each passing second, your body is being pulled more and more strongly. Regain respect when you realize that your body is truly stretched and your back becomes straight.

Make sure to stretch your skin the same way when you pass through any door. Go to the bathroom, office, elevator, library, etc. - you get tired.

Your body will be disturbed and put into shape dozens of times during the day. Soon good food will become the norm for you!


At a person who is capable of representatives of a weaker status to marvel at the well-worn sorcery, the gaze is oriented downward and sideways.

Have you deserved it? Marvel at the New Day for 45 seconds. You are in control of your own will (you can find out for yourself).

It is strong to look at the book, the magazine, and the diets and still accept the symptom of congestion as well as the requested sputtering.

The same result can come from looking at the bevel, if you are talking to someone. A wider version of this gesture is to look over the shoulder.

An intimate gaze passes through the line of eyes of the sparrow and descends to the level below the chin, and on other parts of the body. At this glance, one may be wary of the widened zone, mute at the front of the grapes.

Classics of the genre - “in the kitchen, on the nose, on the subject” - are a stable addition to this arsenal.

Artillery is not easy

The most important signals that are representative of a weak state are received for preparation, being a little “recharged”, or are simply left to sit unsure of the fragments that did not mark their forward signals:

  • - licking lips
  • - Moving the fingers along the edge or the bottom of the kelikh
  • - biting your lips, holding a cocktail straw in your mouth (you can move the fruit across your lips)

Apparently, there was no need to explain that these 3 signals need to be clear and be read by people absolutely accurately.

Identify, repeat and rehearse in front of the mirror the key sexual signals for women:

  • - head toss,
  • - bare wrist,
  • - Smoothed or torn hair,
  • - a little bit of mouth and hairy lips,
  • - Legs pulled out (standing or sitting),
  • - Intimate look,
  • - Demonstration and stroking of the body,
  • - Crossed legs
  • - Ironing a cylindrical object (kelikha, fountain pen, etc.).

Next, try to guess the films. The director, who knows such cruelties himself, reveals that the hero’s lady was completely captivated by the hero and his power infused him with her.

Before speaking, in human magazines all these positions and signals have long been described. And singly there are people who have memorized their memories. You can use this as a plus - you will soon understand one another.

Gestures characteristic of flirting have helped women for centuries to get men in private. If you want to vikorize them, you need to be unobtrusive, because of the world - then the chances of getting your protégé to move forward are many times over.

Humans are cunningly despicable

Wives have at least 50 ways to demonstrate their human body, which is not the case. The people in this project are a little modest. If you want, no matter what, you can read them without fuss:

  • facial expressions - his eyebrows twitched, his mouth flattened, his nostrils widened. This whole process doesn’t take more than a second, even if it’s promotional;
  • I want to honor your respect. He hopes to be able to, say, straighten his crib or get better from a group of friends, and then a little bit strengthened, trying to make sure that he himself is recognized;
  • he “beautifies himself”: after stroking the crib with his bras, he brushed his hair and combed it, so to speak, out of fear;
  • he is standing before you: he is trying to stand tall, so as to show himself in the distant light;
  • he looks at you;
  • he spreads his legs - a similar pose for the lower promoter;
  • This will remove the buzzer, the flash, the strings of the jacket, etc. In other words, you will be getting ready to wear your clothes sooner.

It’s important to take the risk of taking out a worn-out item of clothing - from which you can make a new one, but it’s already possible to end up with you in the same bed.

  • He is constantly accusing himself when he is surprised at you. If you walk up and down your face, touch your face, rub your chin - you certainly deserve it.
  • He gives you his coat and light. Turbot about your self-esteem is not at all the main reason why a person can be very timid.

“Everything that’s mine belongs to you,” he says. Bearing in mind that the speeches that always poked through your skin may bother you too! With this gesture the man wants to show others that you are his lady.

Successful relationships between a man and a woman have a lot to offer, including the mutual ability to send sexual signals and recognize those sent to each other.

Oleksandra Lichka

To gain respect for your prostate status and win a man for rich wives, you will be deprived of overwhelming tasks. Who is facing difficulties - is he or she having troubles? Don't know how to flirt? Is there a fear of being confronted by an indecent or angry girl?

If your views are positive, then, having seen everything, you are lost in the principles of marriage between men and women, or you are still full of the stereotype that girls are not to blame for disturbing men. On one side, you are forming a movement that stands behind the initiative of the strong half of humanity.

On the other hand, you even risk missing the opportunity to start the most wonderful romance in your life!

Learn a little more about the mystique of female flirting and peace, and you will realize that it is not a joke for two, or for those that the right people secretly believe.

Don't fix it like a man

So that at first glance you don’t dissuade the young man from getting in touch with you, be aware of how your behavior and words look from the side. To get a new acquaintance from your side, you must be 100% female and do the same.

Do you know who has the power of peace like a man and like a woman? Forget about those guys who don’t like active and bubbly girls - this is a way to impress another person with their individuality, but you need a method of calm, right?

How do men call their wives? They really watch, get excited, try to show themselves strong, brave and heady in the middle of their ears, and, of course, avoid physical intimacy. What about women? Singingly on the fly.

Sending dark signs, not defiantly losing respect, furtively bestowing rich, informative glances, flirting, wanting to appear weak, and that’s the key point! - lay down the next moment of closeness, praying for the leader, first of all, with the respect of the person.

And this tactic is absolutely correct, and even the awakening in the boy’s mind continues to rage more and more, lower in his body, with persistent and disturbing thoughts about possible problems. In this way, the correct spiciness of a victorian girl is the mastery of “rozigriv”, preparation before sex, and not just the act itself.

Talk not to a person, but to someone you know

If you recognize yourself as a sensitive rose like a passionate whisper, open words or instill vulgarity, then you are still far from the subtle mystique of calm words. If you know about the power of ambiguous phrases and use them according to your peace of mind, then it is “warmer”.

You heard melodiously about those who all people are divided into visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners - those who perceive better through visual images, sounds and sounds. So, the trick of sexual language is to irritate the psychotic person to reveal his own acceptable bodily perceptions - how he might touch you, how he might notice your caresses.

To awaken someone’s thoughts about sex without directly thinking “nothing like that.”

How to seduce a person with special words:

  • being on your territory, under the view of the living room, gentlemen, give quiet orders directly to the boy’s knowledge: enter, take, touch, stroke, etc. iv;
  • a soothing effect comes from phrases that can be understood in both a professional and a sexual sense: “Let’s get to the right thing now!” (calls loudly)”, “When it’s finished (cleaning up), let’s eat the food”;
  • You can use the old technique of how to seduce a person - such as a half-moan with the words “God, how kind!”, for example, by placing your face under a fan, drinking a tasty juice, or in any similar situation, showing your satisfaction (one sexual stogin is enough, the overkill will look comical);
  • the most special word for every grown-up person is tse yogo ima, captured with the correct intonation, so without irony, without pressure, not twisted into a nickname;
  • A thoughtful compliment will, of course, recognize the physical beauty and strength of a person, but it is necessary to follow the rules of “praise only explicitly”: you can’t talk about strong hands, but only if you’ve helped them, for example, a guy has rolled up his sleeve and I helped you shift the tractor;
  • the strongest compliment with sexual overtones is about a person’s inattentiveness and vivacity; If you think of bringing it far away, respect it, it’s in your bed.

The easiest way to flirt on the phone

As soon as the boy’s ringing found you at home, good luck. Tell us about some intimate details, as if in a weird way: you can’t sing with a notebook - you’re lying by the bathtub with foam, you’re getting tired and you’re being embarrassed and you’re currently putting on a panchokha (sleeve, “now”), say what what about my soul and my hair are dripping with water.

Food, how to get a guy on the phone with whom you are already in contact, is simplest, even though you don’t need to pretend to be immature. Just describe your lower whiteness, say that it’s tighter, what do you think about his hands, and in his soul. In such a situation, the flexibility and simplicity of the idea will be to your advantage.

With such words and phrases, with slight variations, you can capture the sexual fantasy of any person.

He rejects requests or a clear signal (depending on his alertness and mood at the moment) until approaching, and he has a choice - to continue the game and fall down or kick and sing. And I need to say that if you do everything correctly, you will rarely get stuck.

In the office, cafe and be-de: gestures with subtext

Before you get the guy to sleep, stop him from thinking about sex in any other place. It all seems that a broad laugh fades into friendship, and only the secret humor of the roommate grows into intimacy.

To show your sexuality, laugh a little, look straight into your eyes, relax your upper eyelids a little - you will look important, and with some practice in front of the mirror, the look of a well-groomed woman.

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