Boy or girl, who is prettier for mom. Who is better - a boy or a girl? Pros and cons for dads. The cotton fabric can be folded

All fathers can still be divided into two categories: those who accept becoming a child as a fatal tribute, and those who are passionately obsessed with taking away the boy (girl) themselves. There are more of them left, before speaking. Well, as you know, problems with mutual articles begin long before they appear.

One of the most memorable enemies of my youth was that my mother had secured a colleague, a professor and a professor, and behind the madness of my father... very many daughters. On the right is that the professor is biased towards his mother. Similar to the mafia from the popular film “The Incredible Benefits of the Italians in Russia,” the man immediately fell with his ear to his friend’s belly and squealed: “Well, now you’ll be a lad!” With God, at this hour, there is also a sense of humor - and immediately, standing on the canopy of the booth, the professor took off the bundle, tying it with a horny stitch. After the eighth try, you will find that you have calmed down.

You see, - sharing your enemies with my mother, - soon there is no need to bathe all the steam. And the ninth - squads!

My mother told me this strange story when she found out that I had decided to become a third child. Our first two are boys, and now we wanted a girl. Once upon a time, I found myself in the children’s clothes in front of cloths, droplets and tights in hearts, dreaming about how we would have a miracle girl! Therefore, if I realized that I was pregnant again, I thought that my subtle intuition would not fail me - we would definitely have a daughter. The first ultrasound showed that I didn’t suddenly sense success - I was told that the girl was 95% ready. The frivolous 5% that was lost, I just threw it aside, willingly not to think about it... Not long before bedtime, I was prescribed an ultrasound scan from a luminary doctor. Thoughtfully placing a sensor on my stomach, the doctor asked:

Who do we need?

“Girl,” I said without hesitation. - Boys, I’m already waiting. Rich. That cat is that person.

It’s a pity to embarrass you,” the doctor said broadly, “I’ve never seen such girls before in my life.”

I let myself down and looked at the screen. So. The intern couldn’t show mercy here. Hello boy... And I bought some awesome tights with hearts! The man was so happy that I was embarrassed. I hate the desire to produce more of my own kind.

“Nothing,” I said with a slight Chinese accent, “one day there will definitely be a girl.”

At the words “next time,” the man’s denunciation began to sink in and changed the topic of prayer. And I began to think why this happened to me and why this happened to the rich. Oh my friend, for example. It was crazy if you wanted a son - but the squad gave birth to two daughters and said: “Enough. Apparently, this is the share.” And there are as many as three girls in the room, they bark all hour long and fight against each other. There is also a Spartan, military-sports-barracks version. “How long will it take to cook borscht?” I muttered before going to bed. “How long will it take to have a basin specially for borscht?” (All my boys, including the cat and the man, have a miraculous appetite.) Yawa painted in front of me baby pictures of the future. Broken noses and knees. Robots, bombs, guns. Olympic Games Football. God forbid - the army... Lower girls' voices on the phone. And I am a trichy mother-in-law, abandoned by everything and forgotten, like an empty dancer in a night park... I felt so bad! Well, why are there both boys and girls in action?

Mom tried to calm me down: “Then you would be even more popular in the royal circle. Or in the village!” People have long respected the fact that they want a girl in the family, including for themselves. Having said, sir, man, get up and go, and my daughter will be lost with the common elders forever, with our very hands we will accept, at the end of life, a bitter bottle of water. It’s important to note that, in truth, daughters are much closer to their fathers. I wish, to be honest, there are such daughters who would be more beautiful if they were blue. As they say in Odessa, “a filthy girl is worth a filthy boy”... That’s what I told myself. The Russian folk wisdom once said: “One sin is not syn, two sins are pivsin, and three sins are sin.” Among other things, the collective memory of any living people cannot fail to remember that a son is a profit, and a daughter is a profit. Representatives of various nationalities would like to devour more lads...

“No,” I thought, “after all, it’s good that there’s a boy in me! And even sisters and brothers rarely play - we and my brother, for example, fought and never became friends.” And then - what a savings! The clothes (ah...) are not to be bought, the boys will lose a lot of clothes, and themed cotton toys (helmets, plastic hammers, spinning toys and a jeep scooter). A thought was hammering in my head - I still call myself a fourth (sound like!) child, who can guarantee that this child will turn out to be a girl?! What are the surest ways to identify the status long before the introduction of the first ultrasound? It was clear that...

Subject Rozmova

Honestly, it’s not a good idea to rely on the rocks. Just because you have been happy in the lottery and in trials since childhood does not mean that you are taking away the very things you died about. External signs, where folk wisdom is so fond of trying to go, are absolutely not true. With renewed attention to the following notes:

  • The female girls have wide, round bellies, and the female cotton bellies are cone-shaped.
  • Vaginism in children of different ages occurs in different ways. (If you went with the boy without any problems, and now you have toxicosis and depression, this does not at all mean that you have a girl in your stomach.)
  • The girls “take away” their mother’s beauty, and the skin of new mothers is rapidly shedding - wrinkles and pigment spots appear. (A clean skin means that the animal feeds properly, looks after itself and has no problems with the liver.)
  • The lads are drawn on salted salt, and the girls are drawn on licorice.

As in any other sphere of human activity related to health, the predicted status of children is better to take care of themselves in the future. It’s impossible to change those that have already been pledged! And although we all know that it is impossible to lay down first for all the father (or rather, what kind of sperm will fill the egg), it is clear that women will also have to lay down. Don’t let them shout at you the theories that seem so overwhelming at first glance, but there’s a lot to be said for them!

Dietary dungeons

Who, melodiously, felt about the theory of special food for future fathers, which helps to form a child. And in fact, in rich countries we want to have a boy or a girl, and doctors will paint special children. It is necessary to reach them with each other for a period of 3 days before the conception is transferred and another two months after, and then only the pregnant woman. According to the fakhivts, the “cotton diet” may be even more brutal. Young fathers are allowed even salted and canned hedgehogs, all types of meat and beef sparrows, wine and beer, and milk and dairy products, bread, malt, all kinds of peas, however, are not recommended. The "girl's child" has everything in order - salted urchin, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, potatoes, and syrah are constantly present on the menu. Meat is very thin. The emphasis is on all types of bread and peas, honey, jam, fruits... In general, the sets, as you know, will require clarification depending on your specific situation.

Intimate details

Immediately ahead, we will be objective: the child is a child, but for any conception it is necessary to work, you know what kind of sleeping actions. So axis. Having carried out a small amount of experimentation, it has now been established that the development of a child depends on the intensity of social life. If you desperately need a girl, you need to behave in a sexually dirty, unenergetic way. In a match with a lad - everything is spot on. Otje, To conceive a boy, it is recommended to use an intimate program:

  • It is necessary to avoid sex for 5-6 days before the onset (the last day of the female cycle, which means a special ovulation test will help - you will find it in any pharmacy).
  • The article may begin on the very day of ovulation.
  • It is important that the boys come out of these episodes, as the woman experiences a one-hour orgasm from the man (or earlier, the man).
  • Best pose: man from behind.

If you need a girl, try following these other rules:

  • Maintain a basic life (maintain contacts 2-3 times a week).
  • 2 days before ovulation, stop cuddling.
  • It’s important that the girl comes out, because the woman didn’t know the orgasm until the hour of intimacy.
  • The best pose: missionary (someone still doesn’t know if the man is a beast).

That's the same version!

Arithmetic secrets

For women who can boast of a stable menstrual cycle, there is a very high likelihood of “cutting off” a little fat. It is also important to take good care of anyone. The statutory act, written 11-12 days before the first day of menstruation, gives you a boy. If you have sex in 13-14 days, look for a girl. You see, everything is simple. However, spermatozoa are generally tenacious and can survive for several days at a time, and, as is typical, people die in this condition, and only women can get to the eggs. But wait a minute, varto vrahuvati!

Another arithmetic method of tying up with a cute theory of how a child can become a woman’s life - or rather, depending on the paired or unpaired number of fates she has lived through. Adherents of this theory sing about the precise accuracy of the footsteps. Also, conceiving girls for a woman of a paired age is possible in a male month of fate (fierce, kviten, worm...), for a woman of an unpaired age - in an unpaired month (sechen, birch, grass...). A boy can be predicted in an unpaired month for women of a paired age and in a male month - for an unpaired one. No one can attempt to explain this phenomenon—the rich people have to ask the rules. If you want, turn it around, if you want, turn it around. However, if you take up verification, it is better to do it using an integrated method: verify all the values ​​at once. And let me spare you!

You can spend the evening and “educate” the children you know who were recently born, according to this “charming” table - the results will delight you. Of course, it is important to call these methods scientific, but there is only one more failure if the sign breaks. Also, the left hand of the meanings is the woman’s age (the number of new ones at the time of conception), the beast is the month before conception (or pregnancy). On the retina - boy or girl, I give you a share.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D D M D D D D M M
20 D M D D D D D D D D D M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D M
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M D D M D M M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D D D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M D M M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D M M M M M M D D D
30 M D M D D D D D D M D M
31 M D M D D D D D D D M M
32 M D M D D D D D D D M M
33 M D M D M D D M D D M M
34 M D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M D D M

Often, a young family is empowered by Virach’s friendliness for conceiving, including a boy or, for example, a girl’s days, giving in to the help of astrology, a special diet, food, friendliness and transfer, placement of photographs and enhanced meditation. y. It dawned on me that he was not born a lad, whom the fathers used to call him, but he was not a girl, a child who had done everything, and would have been no less a kohanoy. And yet, who among the fathers is more likely to be spared?

It’s not surprising that people often want to drink on their own little girl, dreaming about a tender and affectionate cry, as we are adored and adored as much as we can, regardless of the situation, dad. The daughter is strong and, as a rule, has a more accommodating character, and her child’s tenacity is not equal to her harshness. Be some guy, knowing how much trouble he caused his father with twists and pranks, not singing, that he was especially ready to try something similar. Don’t play, don’t expect to bear the risk of injury and not have the same energy and galas as your son. But you won’t have the chance to join the army, so many fathers often wonder how to become a child - .

At the same time, my daughter’s grown-up daughter’s wardrobe and cosmetic accessories are infested with far from every father’s skin. Even if you ask a girl, you never run out of opportunities not only for your fathers, but also for those who provide help to your grandparents. The brothers are brought to respect by the fact that a young woman is most often tempted to sacrifice her career for the sake of her family. This is obviously true for a person. Once the daughter is separated, it is obvious from the statistics, she will have to take care of the children on her own, most of the time – with financial assistance from the father of the little one.

Boy accepts it as a tribute to the family’s nicknames. Vin a priori is reliable, strong, innovative and intelligent. Let the fathers flee from the son of a good man. Mayday father, predicting the father's mercy during the spiritual bath, chants, so as not to repeat them, but to infuse life with your hopes and encouragement for the newborn son. One would hardly want to discredit the fact that a person has more potential than a career or professional person.

It’s easier for you to know the job, get the job done, and bring the power to significance. He plays, first of all, the role of an extractor, and then – of a conqueror. In this way, the demarcation of family ties is practically daily, depriving such positive aspects as turbo-charge and concern about the kindness of a human being. Obviously, this is the most favorable option for a family arrangement.

At that very hour, a person is obliged to ensure family wealth. And the professional path is often associated with insecurity and serious threats. That restlessness, as the fathers feel, when they call for the army, they still need to experience and wait for their return.

So who is more beautiful, little princess or Butuz-Bogatir? The food is funny. Ditina– tse The gift of happiness. It is important that we keep our children healthy, keep our farmers happy, and keep our fathers happy!!!

I immediately sensed on TV that the 22nd leaf fall is the All Day of the Blues. No one knows what they meant on this very day. And it’s so amazing, because every day is holy (though sometimes with tears in your eyes).

I always wanted to have a boy. The result turned out this way, even for two days.

I was never particularly a good girl; I didn’t care much for hairpins, bows, cosmetics and my mother’s shoes. I spent my entire childhood wearing shorts, a jersey, a straw sombrero, and pistols in a holster on my side. Whenever my dad tried to regrow my hair or hide me in cloth for the sake of going to kindergarten, I suffered from internal hysteria, which culminated in a violent sit-down protest. I realized that being a girl is not easy. Why did the hairdresser, Nonna Samvelivna, tie the white bow into three hairs on my top? “As soon as you nailed the bow, it just keeps getting trimmed” - do you remember this joke? This is about me. The bow, tied into two knots with the strong hands of a summer shirt, was impossible to remove. The evening after the wounds passed with a whimper: I cried, and my mother pulled my hair out of the nylon miracle, hair by hair. On my thought, then I realized that I don’t want it. Why do you have to suffer so much?

It’s incredibly sacred in your life. Now you can absolutely calmly buy vandals and helicopters, plastic hammers and pliers, from hidden treasures in stores of ninja turtles, most similar to those in the cartoon.

Now you can absolutely officially play football, pretend to be Jackie Chan, rub a long splash of ketchup on your football (well, I know what a disgusting thing it is, but it’s also possible).

Another wonderful way to spend an hour with the boys. Take all the broken soldiers, monsters, dinosaurs, unscrew the screws on them and take out new toys from all the spare parts. In fact, we once discovered that a freshly assembled Terminator had two left legs. It's such a shame!

Then, when your boy grows up, it turns out that he knows how to remember all your favorite songs. Well, anyway, there’s a virus among them, hearing instead of Grebenshchikov’s Koliskova, “Kino” or, God damn it, let’s say Letov. And then you go buy your guitar, and then, on a winter evening, when it’s light out, sit in the kitchen and fiercely rehearse “Everything is going according to the plan.” And the Frenchman points his finger at your side and says: “Mother, go eat it, I’ll smear the mlints.”

Besides everything else, from your earliest childhood, you see an approaching plan in the middle. The series of all hours and peoples “Sex in the Great Place” is precisely marked “To find the ideal man, you need to be his own people.”

Well, you yourself can create your ideal. Here you just need not to bend the chains, drowning in the process, so as not to be either a mother’s boy or a potential henpecked one.

As if the nurse in the kindergarten where my eldest son went, with tears and laughter, she learned with her eyes that the process of going out for a walk is not a big deal. Oskolki especially, for every girl, checks the importance of the knots on the laces of her booties and adjusts her hats, “so that they are properly lit.” And at school, I hung the girls’ jackets over their hats, because the man.

Then he begins to seriously get involved with some girl. Entirely third party. Good, as you should be, and as not? Too bad, really? But it befits you, and then you step over yourself and you know this girl is kind and correct. Watch how your son hands her a coat, slips a table, gives her a hand and so on! He keeps adjusting his cap, and you understand that the boy is nothing like that. That girl in the new miracle, he’s like amazed at your two-meter lad.

They fight the stench, of course, and make hooligans. Bring respect to the art written by great writers in red paste: “Singing some kind of rock during the break” (well, obviously, Kirkorov’s songs, I think it’s more beautiful), “Running and screaming during the break” (and what else should I do to take a break ?), and the axis, my favorite one, is “Hardly condemning Onegin.” I’ll ask, what do you want to sue for? In the testimony: “Why did you get up to your middle aunt?” And you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Chantly, you will say that you can do the same with the girls. Perhaps. So. I just didn’t have any donkey in me.

Well, it’s true, it’s a bastard. Good girl, my favorite pastime is to sit me on the couch, while running, changing clothes a hundred thousand times and walking, dancing, making grimaces, babysitting toys and sewing for Barbie’s new choice. Now, in a couple of years, I’ll be sleeping with her, God willing) Because, well, no turtles and Mortal Kombat!

The blues are fading, the hour has already come for the young man to cut the razor. In the evening you sit and check them out from the parties, you try not to marvel at the anniversary and not to call the anniversary. The stinks are coming, frosty, blushing, light on your naked body Maaa, why aren’t you sleeping? Is it too late? So, children, you just can’t sleep...

The stench is still being lost by those very sons of yours, who were sitting by the fountain, sending out boats and mile-long bulbs. It’s 20-30-40.

All the same lads.

According to sociological data internment, who suffered the fate of about 2 thousand. Especially since the beginning of this century, 2/3 of the people of our land value that it is better to be born a boy or a girl. The most important advantages of men over women are the following facts:

1. People It is much easier to develop and achieve career success. The stinks pay richly more than women. It’s easier for them to know the prestige of Pributkov’s work.
2. People They may not take care of household chores at all; before becoming friends, the mother takes care of them for them, and after becoming friends, the squad takes care of them. The average person today devotes 30 meals to cooking, and a woman spends a third of her life in the kitchen.

3M really I don’t know what it means - to carry a baby in your belly for 9 months, to chew people, and to sit in maternity leave for 3 months.
4. People there is no need to take care of your appearance. They don’t need to do manicures, pedicures, face masks, grooming, plucking eyebrows or hair removal.

5. People you need to spend less pennies on clothing, cosmetics and hygiene care. Having washed a shirt or taken it out at the store, the person does not spend the remaining pennies on them. People are not satisfied with shopping.
6. People It’s not obligatory to smell your eyelids, the stench won’t get mixed up through the appearance of wrinkles and siwis.

7. Human reputation Don't worry about your first sexual encounter. You can become friends with them even at 30 years old, without telling anyone that he is no longer young. Friends are still cheering, and relatives are writing.
8. Men experience separation more easily and, even more often, women become friends again.
9. U people I don’t have my period, I don’t need to enlarge my small breasts or clean them up. People's moods are not in accordance with the monthly hormonal cycle.

10. Z by the way of a man do not become less attractive to women. And in order to be worthy of a woman, you don’t need to spend hours getting yourself in order, taking a sufficient shower, taking a shower and putting on a clean coat.
11. When locked up vidnosin If a person could be kidnapped with his fists, no one in front of anyone would call him hysterical.
12. People don’t need to change nickname After the fun, this nickname is worn by all members of the family. The man gives his children not less life, but a nickname after their father’s.

Based on sociologists people took the fate and people. But not all of them valued the fact that they would be born into a better boy than a girl. About 5% of people would like to be women, when asked: “What would be better than being a woman?”, they gave the following responses:
1. A woman can be weak and cry, but a man has no right to show his emotions.
2. Women live longer, and do not die from a heart attack in a young woman.
3. Women are not at risk of impotence and do not suffer from prostatitis.

4. For women There is no need to serve in the army and look the other way.
5. Women are given expensive decorations and diamonds, and men have to spend a lot of pennies on their wives.
6. Zhinka He looks after only children, the sick and old people, but people need to look after all their wives.
7. A man cannot sit with his friend, and the wife of a housewife is a natural phenomenon.

8. People They risk their lives more, have a criminal history more often, and experience serious injuries. Women do not need to get entangled in the bikini only through those who want to form and stitch it.
9. People pay less attention, they are not given maternity leave, and there is rarely a smell of medicine.

10. Don’t ask anyone woman move furniture and deliver important speeches. People have to bear heaviness everywhere, because they cannot be lifted.
11. No one is called non-drinking woman“black sheep”, and if a man doesn’t sing, he doesn’t respect him.
12. Zhinka It has always been said that the child is born, and humans have 100% of the same.

The knowledge of those who are born is more likely to come from knowledge. If a woman lives a full and happy life, feeling the joy of marriage and motherhood, then, of course, she wants to give birth to a daughter. The more important the life of a woman is and the older she is, the more important she is that the life of men is easier and easier. In fact, every person’s life, regardless of the status, has its pros and cons. You just need to learn how to enjoy life and deal with life’s difficulties more simply.

Turn to the middle section " "

Respect that the girl is a mystery. Stinks are the secrets of the soul, greetings, secrets for the ear. The boys on the right are muttering like partisans on a drink, and you can’t get the words out of them. That’s why the girl is more beautiful than the boys. And they grow more efficiently.

We women are happy if they praise us. If we are called one, beautiful, unique, most beautiful. And this is not for what we see in the forest. And to the fact that we are true.
But for those who have taken a stand and are ready to discredit this truth, we will try to illustrate one story with accompanying comments, scientifically proven. Perhaps, you can tell for yourself who is better than a girl or a boy. Because, of course, you really need to know! one great beautiful place there lived a homeland: that, mother and... this rich little thing means that for the sake of happiness again, they did not miss that little bastard man. So if at the doctor’s appointment you smelled the stench: “Get ready, soon you will become fathers” - there was no happiness between them.
Today's mom and dad began to check their diva. And the miracle, as the ultrasound showed, was not enough to be a little girl. Although, due to the obvious inaccuracies, doubts could arise, but the fathers seem to have been reconciled, so that it would be the same. No, they didn’t have any fundamental differences between the boy and the girl. The stench was simply chanting. And if a boy were born in them, the stench would not be embarrassed.

Let's find out what the girls and boys are up to. And what is the difference between them, besides their status?
It has been undeniably brought to our attention that – SO! And the most noticeable kind of humility (as if it were not to cover a woman’s status), in the tissues. A boy's head has 16% more muscles than a girl's. Ale does not mean that the boys are smart! Dumkov's differences in children are the same.
The great thing about a girl is that she can do a lot of work right away. And the boy needs to devote all his attention to achieving one desired result.
Boys prefer to read and write. And they start talking to mayzha 1 rik later, nizh girl. So ask your little one for a kind word or ask him to write a poem for his mother, or a dictation, which is a very complicated process. Not what the boy doesn’t want. Vіn knows a lot of lower viruses. But due to natural peculiarities, it doesn’t matter.
Cotton's ease of nonsense, in contrast to a girl's natural cunning (and cunning is a sign of even greater intelligence!).
Boys, as a rule, cannot tolerate bitterness and salty salts. Besides, the stench is very sensitive to seasonings.
The girl doesn't like licorice. And this is not at all a sign of diabetes, as many people believe. Be a lasun - this is the sound that came from time immemorial, when a woman tried the fruit first, so that she could then give it to her children.
Before speaking, what do most half of humanity eat with 16% of brain cells? And why did nature so generously bestow upon them the strength of their minds, since it is more important than physical strength? Maybe nature’s drive had other plans? Well, that’s a shame, it wasn’t there, but...

…an hour between the words “Get ready, dads!” and “Vitaemo, you have a girl!” flew by unnoticed. The happy tattooer finally got permission to treat his daughter, and then immediately started calling his close and friends with the words: “Hello tattoo jeweler!”

I, dad is absolutely right. In fact, a girl is a greater jeweler than a boy. Although boys, most often, with women and more for girls, this can hardly be called an advantage. More children are more phlegmatic and more likely to get sick from colds. So here you can look at the woman’s natural beauty without fuss. I accept this fact as a non-negotiable plus for our measles. Let's go back to history. the appointment with the canopy, the child’s doctor explained to the young mother the girl’s subtle observation. Vaughn was a little stunned. Previously, it had never occurred to her that there were such important considerations. A child is a child, a small, sad thing that requires constant respect. She listened to the pediatrician, and she became wiser...

Looking after girls and boys has a number of main responsibilities that every mother knows. Little girls react more often to a humming sound, so it’s easier to calm them down by listening to high tones. It’s best to sleep with your baby. And to calm the boys you need a calm rose.
It turns out, girl, again, instead of boys, they may be more sensitive to drugs. Their skin is thinner and is protected by an additional ball of fat folds. Girls are especially sensitive to being stroked on the back. For lads, the skin on the back is 4 times thicker. Their most sensitive place is the tummy. And with age they seem to become even brighter. So, dear women, it’s not easy to marvel at the toughness of men, or just men, if you stroke their back. Stinks, as a rule, do not understand us - sensitive wives.

...the house became somewhat sane: the little princess lives here. Nathnenny Tato tried his best. The stomach and all the necessary accessories could in no way belong to the boy. So many hems, little frills and little bows – just a little bit of girly stuff! Soon, relatives and friends began to come and give them praises of disenchantment: erysipelas, booties, shirts and a variety of colorful and colorful things, which are so necessary for the “harmonious” development of a girl-daughter.

The brightness of your little one’s distant objects is important for their development. All children begin to differentiate colors within 2 years. Ale boys have more basic colors: blue, yellow, red and green. The girl begins to separate thin threads. Well, for example, the 5-river daughter is eager to talk to her mother about the apple color of the cloth in her doll, about the emerald water in the pool. Since childhood, a girl catches all the subtleties and nuances that characterize her surroundings. A trip with mom to the store for a 5-year-old baby is an envy for the whole week. She describes with satisfaction how bright the toys were, she remembers what the doll's cloth looked like, and what the curtains were like in the doll's little box. And to take a shibenik-boy from you is a heavy duty for him. He can’t sit in his seat, and his mother literally runs after him to the supermarket. Or the endless sadness doesn’t give me peace: “Mom. I'm tired. Let’s go home quickly.” Golovna, what to tell the little one on this trip - what all the objects are made of, what to understand, what is in the middle, and how to decipher.
Little girls swing themselves 180 degrees up, left, down, and right. The stench reeks from everything that is near the field of their dawn. Nature began to look at those that the little girl is already the keeper of the rot. She must take care of her bed and take in everything that comes near her. And the boy has the look of a warrior, straight ahead. The nautical binoculars will tell you the truth. That's why you shouldn't put cups in the cupboard or in the refrigerator right under someone else's nose. Well, this is not given to him by nature... And the axis is a girl...

... having passed the first difficult river. The fathers did not tire of spluttering about their daughter, and she never ceased to make them happy. A sociable princess with an approachable character, she began to laugh early. She spontaneously bestowed laughter on everything that touched her: soft toys, sunshine on the street, relatives who came to visit. She infected everyone with her love of life and did not allow anyone to worry or worry. We listen respectfully and laugh broadly at what has been said.

A girl from the early age “to love with her ears.” Just show respect the way your daughter smiles at kind words, strokes and cuddles. How does one like to “kiss”? But boy, I really don’t hear anything. When asked to earn money, he lets out a shout. “Wonder in my eyes” - the mother and the teacher seem to cry, noting to the child’s kindergarten that they are trying to turn the baby’s respect to their words, marna. This is called “temporal deafness.” It’s just that the hearing aid does not catch up with the growth of the child’s body. And this phenomenon is especially noticeable among boys. Ale it’s time, and it’s time to get away.

...The hour of our return and the first smile was given to our father’s brother. When she decided to “cackle” with her princess, as she was writing more and more, she greeted him with a cheerful laugh and her first word. When my mother woke up, she said: “Tato.” The fathers loved and simply loved their daughter, satisfying her primhi. They were thinking about those who are used to cheating boys from savagery, even the man-face. And girls need to be pampered, otherwise, who should these people kidnap and groom? Until then, the little one had become a kind of “miril” in the midst of blatant disagreements between his mother and father. And it was really nasty about her.

Girls are naturally more patient. The stench will begin to smell like a hundred years old with girlfriends and at home. The stench is very subtle. It’s not surprising, but it’s small for a woman of 3 years, she knows when her mother is in a bad mood, she can’t sleep, she cries at night, she believes when she’s in the bath. Girls are more likely to experience mood swings and have tearful hysterics much more often. All little girls, like all great women, are weak and sensitive. And the answer to the question: “Why do boys cry less than girls?” is very simple... Because we are women and we are strong and strong! The stench loved us and mistreated us.

To sum up our investigation, let us tell you one more important fact. Do you think dads just call girls “my gold”? Of course, no. A woman’s body contains 8 times more gold. So, like a future man, he has more space. Maybe there is an order about our golden character and golden hands.

...ironically, it’s possible that all our friends and acquaintances grew up the same way. And when there is a hunger, as a rule, after the final exchange of food “how to cope” and “what’s new”, Rozmov smoothly switches to the current topic about the training of babies. By the way, you can now start writing the encyclopedia “Girl. And everything, everything, everything.”
And you should start like this:
Dear fathers, who have become the rulers of such a marvel as Divchinka!
We present a short instruction-recommendation for nourishing princesses!
1. You have a baby girl - what a miracle! This is your princess!
2. We are growing amazingly enough to become the queen, and our culprits are not to be helped, then we are not respected. Because nature takes its course (even if they stand in front of the mirror wholeheartedly, and only girls can talk on the phone for years, and no one can tell)!!!
3. Standing in front of the mirror, the princesses begin before they begin, before their fathers are ready.
4. There will be eyes in a representative of a weak state - this is the same as in the blood, otherwise, it is necessary to explain the fact that they begin to deal with this much earlier, without further explanation.
5. Having married a girl, you can, without completing courses in makeup artists, hairdressers and stylists, become a relevant professional in these professions. Even today you have the opportunity to practice and become more thorough. And your princesses will be more than happy to help you.
6. It’s customary for girls to say, “What a shame!” But their fathers behave wisely.
7. Girls - what’s also great is that they usually grow up to be women, and women are usually expected to do the cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. Since you have given birth to a girl, then it’s very important that you get some help from her.

...I would like to say to all the rulers of the title of “father princess” - you are well done, jewelers! And for everyone who still doubts the breadth of our emotions, try it, try it on yourself, and the results will overwhelm all your knowledge!
For the saint!

Liliya Samko - pediatrician,
Marinina Olga is Sofia’s mother.
Magazine "Kangaroo" No. 40

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