Love horoscope for Leo to the middle

The beautiful sickle of 2017 will have success in the special life of Leo, which is entirely dependent on its terpene and will show its breadth almost. This period is favorable for solving problems with special lives and identifying future plans. Representatives of the Leo sign may be able to change their plans for the rest of the month before the end of the month, which requires careful attention and careful preparation.

Representatives of the Leo sign have a lot of opportunities for new acquaintances, flirting and novels. Success in the right side of the heart, in the sickle, lie down in the mind of the mind to stop the sedative and cope with the reception of hostilities. The beginning of a new marriage in the last month of summer for people born under the sign of Leo may become of sufficient significance, and then lead to the birth of children. In this case, the love horoscope recommends that during this period Leo people do not forget about their loved ones and do not get carried away with the search for happiness.

For Leos, who have a stable life and family, this period is not possible to reject new emotions with a loved one, as they feel pressure and respect. The most important thing to get an accurate love horoscope for Leo is to not only perceive the person, but also to reveal your love. For certain representatives of the sign there is a risk of invoking jealousy and the image of a person with their behavior in large places. Such a development in the sickle will not be beneficial in the friendships of Leos, nor will it jeopardize family happiness.

Love horoscope for Leo women for September 2017

The self-made girls-Levy at the sickle sense the sweetness of the heavenly patrons at the right heart. However, the miraculous ability to achieve happiness can be wasted by the inactivity of the representative of this sign. During the rest of the month of summer, free girls married under Lev’s lords should clearly define their goals and be active in cooperation with representatives of the pre-life status. The success of new acquaintances with the sickle may be directly related to the firmness of the Leo girls. The love horoscope tells the representatives of your zodiac sign to forget about their complexes during this period and allow themselves to act according to their feelings.

Leo-women, who are in love with stable wines, should report to Serpny Warto in order to tap into the friendly atmosphere of the waters from the other half. Images and differences during the rest of the month of summer can lead to a chilling feeling between friends. Love horoscope for the beginning of 2017 is difficult for women who were born under the sign of Leo, to reveal the maximum amount of softness in their couples and to sense his mood. During this period, for the family's friendly mothers, the Levits will need to fully reveal their role as guardians of the rot.

Love horoscope for Leo people for September 2017

For self-identified Leo people, the beginning of 2017 gives fate the opportunity to make plans for a more special life, and this period is optimally suited for the establishment of stable hundreds. For those true representatives of the Leo sign, who begin to feel the affections of a pretty girl, an accurate love horoscope recommends making the Zucker-bouquet period of marriage as trivial as possible. It is not possible for independent Leos to create and honor their couple.

For the rest of the month of the summer, the families of the Leo people will remain at home, relying on unhealthy foods and causing conflicts without any image. Serpnya Varto should give maximum respect to her family and relatives, and help her older relatives. Representatives of the Leo sign will ensure that the members of their family are turbocharged without spending too much time on the exact details of the turbocharger.

What does the beginning of 2017 have in store for the Person under the sign of Leo?

The sickle men-Levi are torn into pieces in order to overthrow all the orders of the boss. They will understand that they need to seize the moment and, after the distant end of their duties, ask their boss about their additional desires. Levi’s love plan will be ruined in the long run, and the family will have the courage to admit their past abductions to the squad.

Love horoscope for Leo People

Representatives without a bet check in almost like a girl, as they should for a long time. Only varto vrakhovat that you need to be open-minded, generous at the first step. This time the novel has to be continued.

Friendly people will have the opportunity to straighten out their past memories, and even the squad will begin to remember old images again. They should listen respectfully, recognize the offense and ask for recovery. At such moments, try to defuse the situation with positivity, rather than escalate it.

Love horoscope for the beginning of 2017: Leo The person understands that his calm and good-natured mood helps to avoid conflicts with his wife.

Finance and work

Please express your thoughts beautifully and bring success to the Leo people of this month. However, they must not forget that words cannot be turned and in certain moments it is better to miss. It is categorically impossible to communicate with your colleagues about the peculiarities of life and cooking. And after this, the company knows the details of the developments, and in a larger form. It would be better for representatives to direct their energy to those who work hard to achieve the great work that the sickle will give. From this point of view, the deposit of this installation to Levi is further away from the quarry gatherings. In financial terms, representatives will be pleased with the great recovery of pennies. For everything, you will be charged with a bonus or a bonus, for which you have been waiting for a long time to pay. Whoever manages to close the hole in the family budget will need to use the latest non-transferable video cameras.

Good health and good health

This month the creature poses a threat to the Leo people. The danger comes not only from street dogs and guts. Representatives of Varto should be careful when handling their pets, as residual stench can cause harm to their health. Remember to be careful, do not tease the animals and do not leave them tied up in the hot sun.

Please Korisna

As if you wanted to improve your particular life, find new partners, get laid and start a thrilling love affair - September 2017 is one of the most unprecedented months for such plans.

However, the approaching darkness of the Month and the Sun can make certain changes to a special life, until such changes can come long-term changes Therefore, it is definitely not possible to check the negative influx of planets this month.

In the particular life of your actions, you may experience changes that may initially challenge you. not the most friendly Their positive results will be revealed later.

As the darkening will be a way to seal off the points of your special cards of people, which indicate marriage, partnership, hundred-hundreds, it is entirely possible that around this month they can mother the heirs as much until the next blackout, as we already know about the place Today and the cruel fate of 2018.

For most of the month, already until 26th sickle Venus is in the sign of Cancer, in which you feel not so much at ease, but not so tense. With Venus in Cancer, people need love and understanding, they collapse, they become sentimental and emotional.

Dating today is still possible, prote Riziki have mercy And the bananas will be mistaken for a very great action. A report about Venus in the sign of Cancer can be read from the statistics Love horoscope: How can you get married with Venus in Cancer?

However, on this month Venus is working a number of even more recent aspects, About what it is below. These aspects can bring failure in your life through overly strong similarities and obsessions. There is a woman just ahead of us. They are given the opportunity to love them less or not to love them at all, not to give them due respect, not to value them at all.

Women need to get involved with men so that the rest brought them their khanna, and people, through other reasons, may not give them such ability. As a result, there may be conflicts and inconsistencies between representatives of different articles.

Important days for farmers and hundred-year-olds sickles 2017:

The first two months can pass quite calmly and peacefully, as you are talking about hundreds of days and a mess. Venus in the sign of Cancer will be in harmony with Mercury, which has not yet been forced to turn back, otherwise it will collapse its direction 10 sickles. For a few days before this, you can study seriously with representatives of the disease. Here, with greater mutuality, it will be possible to reach a compromise.

The period is approx. z 8 to 10 serpnya You will find yourself calm, partners will be placed one by one with the utmost tactfulness and diplomacy. 9 and 10 sickle - It’s a bad time to make new acquaintances.

10-12 sickles: Venus will align itself with a friendly aspect to Neptune, and this aspect of stiffness and strong feelings It is entirely possible that you will experience this especially this day. If you already have a partner, you may be surprised at a new one or at her with greater tenderness. And if you are self-sufficient, you can start your business.

Unrespectful in deeds negative aspects of the month Today, it is absolutely certain that you will feel good. You can immediately realize your love or give your partners special signs of respect in the form of gifts. The company can encourage creative people to create whatever is most delicious that yearns for the soul.

Another half monthmensch in the distance, fragments of Venus work less negative aspects:

13-15 sickle– Venus – opposition with Pluto, change of the monthly phase. There is a lot of tension in the love sphere these days. The most harmonious sounds may clash with those who are not the most agreeable. There may be tears in the drains, changes in the drains, which may not be suitable for both sides or one side in the pair.

These days are not safe for folding drains and those that are at risk of breaking. If the stones are stuck at certain points and do not want to collapse further, they can be torn through them don't lie for any reason. If you’ve already experienced a breakdown, there’s nothing left to gain from the hundred-year-old’s rebirth: nothing good came out of it. It is impossible to go to that very river of the river.

14-16 crescents- Venus square Jupiter. The cream of Pluto, the enemy of Venus in the middle of the crescent will be Jupiter, and this will add even more tension. You may show jealousy and impatience, dissatisfaction with a particular life and behavior of partners. Jupiter is a social planet, which can also be due to the inability of partners to fit into a social circle. These days are extremely unfavorable for dating, so the beginning of a new romance is bad. It’s extremely unwise to trust your partners’ opinions, because you can be fooled.

21-24 sickles. And, it is decided, the culmination of this month will be a young man who will be near the smite of Venus by Uranus. Here, the likelihood of developing hundreds is even higher, since the first few days of the month have not been too stressful for you. Naturally, if this happens, it will be worse for those whose relationships cannot be called ideal or harmonious, and for whom a conflict has long been brewing in couples that cannot be changed. You may want to know that there is no need to talk about your partners, otherwise you will become unsure that they can destroy your relationship. These days will be even more difficult for the hundred-year-olds. Remember this!

26 sickles Venus will move into Leo sign And the coming month will be even more harmonious. What do you want zustriti kohannya, it’s better not to joke about new acquaintances with the sickle, but to chat until spring!

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. During this month you can experience a lot of intoxication in the face of various unpleasantnesses that may come to your life. You must be prepared to the extent that people may misinterpret or misunderstand you.

It’s not safe to get involved with our new acquaintances: you can easily contact the most serious potential partners. It’s true that you have a strong desire to know what to do and get out of the way, it’s not good to inform you right away on the first day. Also this month, women are likely to be afraid of violence, including both physical and moral. People will now be more adept at manipulating your feelings. There may be sick critical days or other problems with women's health.

PEOPLE. During this period, women will be more emotional, gentlemen, so remember that they are even easier to imagine. Don’t take your wives’ flamboyance and hysteria too seriously and don’t make them nervous. If your partners will have to cry and cry for no serious reason, remember that this month it will be even more difficult for them to express their feelings. Manipulations from your side can cause even more negativity in women. Be patient and respectful.

What is the best way to have fun in 2017?

It’s a recent month for fun and joyful events. Remember that there is a darkness nearby and you are better off not making important decisions and don't make friends. And thousands of butts, if such whores fall apart very soon.

However, if you still want to take the plunge, select the upcoming days on the monthly calendar: 4 (after 12:30), 5, 6 (until 15:30), 9, 13 (after 14:30), 16, 31 (after 11:30) September 2017.

Read also:

Most beautiful not far away days Happy month for love and dating: 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18-24, 29 September 2017.

Most beautiful days away for dating and tying: 2, 3 (after 11:00), 17, 25, 30 September 2017.

Most beautiful days away To register, please contact: no.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in crescent 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for September 2017

Darkened Sun for your symbolic 5 booth You can bring change from your special life. At the end of the day, sickles can be very unpleasant and unbearable, and the smell can be fatal. In other words, you simply cannot change who will be with you. This can be both good and even stressful. This is a serious month for reversals of real love stories. The return of people from the past is not included.

Vezinnya : middle

Podіi in a special life : unsatisfied changes in the waters

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for the month of 2017

Your loving life this month will not be particularly turbulent, since everything depends on you for the first time. Everything will be meaningful and reasonable. In this case, you can learn something new about your old hundreds. You may also have contacts with people from the past, or new contacts, but most likely new dating may become more serious. In the middle of the month, it is advisable not to share hundreds with your partners. There may be some unpleasant new items that can affect your intimate life or hundreds of years.

Vezinnya : middle.

Podіi in a special life : frivolous acquaintances, unacceptable news

♊ Love horoscope Twins for Serpen 2017

Venus this month is crumbling over your bank of pennies, so it’s more important to pay attention to your financial affairs, and not to your love life. This month you may have some welding and incomprehension with the kohanim on the ground of pennies. In important situations, it is not possible to finance financial support from your partners.

Vezinnya : low.

Podіi in a special life : welding for pennies

♋ Love horoscope Cancer for September 2017

This month Venus is in your sign of Cancer, which means you will be connected with your Sun. This is a great hour for creative activity, the mood may be good, and you will appreciate your illness. Tim no less, through the negative aspects of Venus you are unlikely to have much luck. The middle of the month may be a difficult period for you for your emotional senses: it may be nasty things to come, frowning thoughts. You may also be tormented by jealousy and distrust in your relationship with your partners. Try not to get too wrapped up in it, as you will notice that there is a ruinous stench.

Vezinnya : middle.

Podіi in a special life : dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction in a particular life can be a sign

♌ Love horoscope Leo for September 2017

The darkness on the Leo/Aquarius axis is felt especially strongly by your sign. At the same time, you won’t advertise a lot of your feelings and emotions, but you will capture them. The most important ways in a special life that can change completely camp of speeches. It is not included that you may be given a license, otherwise you will move to a new place of residence together with your partners. Whatever the occasion, this month will become meaningful to you and will be remembered forever.

Vezinnya : temple.

Podіi in a special life : changes in a particular life, such as mothers will have a serious character (positive aspects are important).

♍ Love horoscope Virgo for September 2017

This month may seem like an unforgettable time for the hawks with friends. Friends may be able to help you get to know you further, or, perhaps, cook with you. It’s too early to rely on someone else's thought the one who worries about your special life and your hundreds. If everything is not so smooth with your partners, don’t put it out of your mind: it’s quite likely that you will soon reconcile, and your friends will always have a negative attitude towards your partners, and it’s unpleasant for them to press on you.

Vezinnya : middle.

Podіi in a special life : new acquaintances, welding with farmers

♎ Vaha’s love horoscope for September 2017

The monthly darkness at your symbolic 5th day can bring thoughts about the past hundred days. If you live in unpleasant waters, this month can bring you zvilnennya, everything should be kept in line with what you want in the right way. New news can start with less confidence, because you are not ready to joke around with new news. You can go to school, but don’t rely on the continuation of hundreds.

Vezinnya : low.

Podіi in a special life : the explosion of wines, news about colossal people, the appearance of people from the past

♏ Love horoscope Scorpio for September 2017

The first half of the month is already far away for you. You are expected to make new acquaintances, tie romantic relationships, and feel a sense of awkwardness. It is important to worry about the Scorpios themselves. If you already have hundreds of hundreds, if they don’t seem very promising to you, it’s entirely possible that you will more open for a new connection. For the other half of the month, it’s not a good idea to get along with your partners, and it’s also not a good idea to start holiday romances. We welcome you to resolve all your pressing problems in your special life. until 12 crescent.


Podіi in a special life : new acquaintances, romantic affairs, cohabitation, holiday romances nearby

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for September 2017

This month does not forgive us in terms of emotions and love experiences. Dissatisfaction with your current position can cook you from your partners and partners. Can buti weld, showing jealousy and other negative emotions. Mutual claims may cost you hundreds of dollars. In order for this month to go smoothly, be prepared for the fact that the most stressful moments of the month will simply not ruin the nutrition of your tanks.

Vezinnya : low.

Podіi in a special life : welding and separation with partners.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for September 2017

At once the spilkuvannya and the hundreds will be finished an important topic for you. The first half of the month is more time for tying up hundreds and leaving hundreds from existing partners. Get them some gifts, please them with your kind words. The other half of the month may be more stressful. Everything will remain as you were in first two years.

Vezinnya : middle.

Podіi in a special life : increased categoricality and ability can be shared with partners

♒ Love horoscope Aquarius for September 2017

The month's darkness at your sign and your symbolic partnership booth include possibilities that can last for at least a month, and at the nearest time. This month promises to bring you even greater challenges that can greatly change the way you live your life. There is a particular concern for people who are already looking for partners. However, if you are your own person, celebrate those with whom you share a share of this month. It’s absolutely amazing what people are like jam us in you and change your life and your outlook.

Vezinnya : middle.

Podіi in a special life : serious changes.

♓ Love horoscope Rib for September 2017

The passage of Venus through your symbolic love box can bring both positive and negative effects. You have a chance to get laid and start new romances the first half of the month, but now after the 12th sickle Be careful: don’t joke around with new friends, your bosses and partners can bring unpleasant surprises. The love of life could get on your nerves during this period. Don’t be too jealous of your friends so as not to have conflicts with them. Women should be afraid of aggression from their side.

Vezinnya : high for the first half of the meat, low for the other.

Podіi in a special life : new acquaintances, cohabitation, unacceptable inconsistencies, increased hunches from cohabitation

In the professional field of Lviv, everything is going smoothly - like the horoscope for the beginning of 2019. Leo, who works on himself, achieves especially high results. However, the hired workers open up many prospects that only a few people have seen before. This is the time for Levi to sing the songs of quarry gatherings, to gain the respect of karevnitsva and take away his humility.


Levi miraculously eats what would seem to be unconsumed yakos. With their natural optimism and positive attitude in the future, they rarely live by feeling, they are skeptics, miraculous strategists and practical to the core. In the spring of 2019, the best time has come for you to engage all your natures. Feel free to show off your peculiar viciousness, and at the same time you will find an incredibly reliable proposition, which the representatives of the sign will find it difficult to imagine. Use all your pragmatism, avoid doubts, think about the future. Make decisions using logic and healthy mind. Intuition can be misleading.

Business and business trips are more likely to be scheduled before the new month, as this is not possible if traveling on special transport.


The hundred-year-olds in the homeland of Leo can quickly relax through those who are more suitable for the battle. The horoscope tells us that Levi is in the middle of 2019, don’t hesitate to start having affairs and flirting just under the noses of your other halves. But, perhaps, the expansion of the planets as a whole is being taken care of by the representatives of the zodiac, so there will be no great scandals, and especially separation in their families. Levy can save his secrets, and his partners in family life can avoid timidity and guess about those that Leo cherishes for him. This practice cannot be continued for long, and Leo will see it the hard way until the end of the month. Parts of the differences and conflicts caused by the jealousy of his other half, Lev will come to his senses and come to his senses, the more that the mark that Leo is following is achieved - he will be even more confirmed in his advantage for pre-painful status. Time to calm down.

The main reason for the disappointment for Lev can be the unfavorable help of friends and relatives. Seeing a sense of annoyance at this for the sake of his half, Leo threatens to strongly portray the Kohan of the people. Be careful about showing emotions, you can simply ignore those who bother you.

Leo Woman

Intuition will become the faithful companion of the Leo woman in 2019. Relying solely on her, the Leo woman will not allow any misfortune in the professional field or in family life - the horoscope for the beginning of 2019 is confirmed. The Leo woman also contributed the same intuition to her image. You will immediately add bright colors to your clothes and choose a new style of makeup without mercy. A new image will make the supergirl turn around for you, and the guys will waste their time. Ale Levitsam in the sickle 2019 fate is unlikely to have any convulsive ligaments - there is a great likelihood that sex with an unknown person will be deprived of an unpleasant trail that looks like a state infection. If you are so impatient to use sex for powerful self-assertion, talk about reliable contraception.


Sitting with clasped hands is not an option for Leo people in the sickle 2019. The hours have sunk into oblivion when Leo would like to lie on the sofa or spend an hour on the computer. The horoscope for September 2019 conveys to the left that they will be at odds between work, home, friends, colleagues and relatives. There are so many demands that on one side you cannot flatter him, but on the other he begins to shave. Start saying “no” and figure out what good time it is in your life to show up, other than with the wave of a charming wand. You can spend your free time on your satisfaction. And stop tormenting yourself with thoughts that your friends and colleagues will be angry at you, the rest of the time the stench just began to malign your gardening and flowering!


Children who fall under this zodiac sign will have a very hard time in 2019 when it comes to power, intentions, and personalities. This can lead to devastation of one’s sense of self. The first thing that fathers need to deal with in such a situation is to get the child out of the mud. Come up with some activities that can boost your self-esteem, take part in the sports section or dance. Physical activity will help relieve stress during the day, release negativity that has accumulated, and direct energy in the right direction. Also, it would be better to eat properly, the stench from childhood may start to sound and worry about your health.


Levi is in a wonderful mood, and he won’t hesitate to reach his current level of health. And everything would have been miraculous, if the representatives of the sign had not destroyed the help of the vision and the knife. In the 2019 year, Leo is the most important guest of evenings, dinners and banquets. Quite often he himself is their organizer. And there, holy, there are incredible vilivi. The sickle Leo is prone to gluttony and alcohol addiction. The result is a hangover syndrome, heaviness in the stomach, pain and flatulence. Representatives of the Varto sign tend to overdo it with their companions and stream when drinking social drinks. Leo often praises the “stability” of his diet, but this does not represent the truth - he drinks wine with the same fluidity as other representatives of the zodiac signs, and may have more control over the vestibular apparatus .

If Lvov is at the mercy of the exit, you are welcome to conduct it alone with yourself or with members of your family. A trip to an exotic resort in the company of friends is not only not good for a healthy body, but also bad for the health of the sign’s representative.

If Leva suffers from blindness, you should immediately go to the ophthalmologist, perhaps the time has come to buy eyepieces, otherwise it is the doctor’s fault to remove them.

Horoscope for September 2019, Leo has every chance of gaining the respect of his superiors.
The cost of refurbishment is higher than that of the previous month.
The gifts with the other half can be joined through Leva.
Horoscope for spring 2019 for Leo.

Share with friends:
  • Happy days for Lviv in 2017: 4, 9, 13, 18, 23, 28, 31 sickles.
  • Folding days for Lviv at the sickle 2017: 1, 17, 29 crescents.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo woman

Love horoscope

1 sickle - 10 sickle. The abundance of planets will give you an even stronger and more attractive specialness. Of course, besides your calm man, you might still get stuck. You will hesitate before choosing, but, having won for everything, you will give advantage to a great partner. If you regularly lose your pride, you will begin to get confused with him, and you will separate from him without regret.

11 sickles - 20 sickles. On the cob of the sickle, you “got tired of it” due to feelings, and now you will be honest with yourself - since your love can’t teach you anything other than turbulent sex, you’re not in the mood for it. You check the new one on specific propositions. It is clear that in such a situation you will have to forget about romance, and your partner will prepare a proper business plan for you.

21 sickles - 31 sickles. Through Mars, it will be easy for you to express your sexual energy in a new way. The same partner placed before you is not superior to you. Even if you didn’t invite him to a party, the most attractive propositions would be to exchange friendly walks in the park and a cultural program. And if you already believe that there may be some serious problems, you may want to make some time ahead of time.

More romantic than that. Most of your concerns when organizing a romantic evening will be taken care of. You clearly understand that you won’t get rid of mistakes.

Family horoscope

You will feel very anxious to organize some serious home project. This could include apartment renovations, a megabanquet in honor of your national day, and higher prices across the entire country. You can sometimes be arrogantly arrogant with your loved ones, regarding them as unscrupulous servants, but you hardly want to dare to make claims - you are taking advantage of the great authority of the family. Everything you don’t undertake, you get away with, and don’t judge those who overcome.

Horoscope for repair

You will do well in the company of friends, only those who recognize your authority and are willing to listen to everyone. You are not prepared to pay attention to someone else’s thoughts - wherever you thought, that’s where everyone will go. To avoid scandals, do not take your summer relatives or fathers with you on the road.

Place of strength. Your zahoplennya zdatne vyklikat schos roskіshne. This may be an important reminder where most people do not have access - the closed halls of the Kremlin, the living quarters of the royal palaces, individual tourism. You will be pleased with the most exclusive option as a follow-up.

Horoscope robots and pennies

You can immediately achieve great success. This may result in a boost to your career and an increase in income. The only thing that will harm you is problems at home. At the end of the day, you will be able to afford purchases that you have never made before.

You want to spend the bulk of the pennies on yourself, rather than deprive your family. When you buy a fur coat, your relative takes off the jacket.

Health horoscope

Like the first, so will the other half

Let's take care of our health seriously. If you feel good, you can go through a check with competent fakhivs and listen to their wishes.

Horoscope for September 2017 for people

Kohannya. Your Leo is ready to marry his wife very richly; If you haven’t taken care of yourself yet, you need to go to a stylist or cosmetologist, do the necessary procedures, take care of your figure and your wardrobe. Your partner will be loved by you if you present him well in public and will be greeted by other people, and you will display style, tact and charm when dealing with strangers.

Tone. Leo is now on the most active changes. The period after the 9th sickle is especially important. Then you may want a prestigious and expensive sport - surfing or diving, then realize that you need to get in physical shape, and just settle down at the gym.

Finance. Your partner works richly, but also earns like a king. The huge gain of wine can be taken away in the sickle. Vіn, obviously, sleeps, what gift do you want to take away, but will not be happy with you, like wasting pennies.

Buried. Your powerful person will snort more than your Lev. The purchase of planets can be earned from your partner, his right-center. Of course, you should be shocked by those who spend the entire hour talking about themselves.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo Ditina

0-6 rocks. Little Leo show his best side. Please show your apologies and get back together. Nina is very likely to take part in various competitions. Ale is better, since the fathers were the first to appreciate it.

7-12 rocks. Young Lev'yats will be at the center of respect for the same-year-olds. Whoever among them will become a recognized leader of the children's team will begin to earn well-deserved honor. However, it is advisable for any of your older friends or relatives to force your child to experience things that she does not recognize and underestimates.

13-17 rocks. The Levy podlitki will be at the pinnacle of glory. The stench can attract the respect of the most beautiful representative of the prostate status and achieve reciprocity. During this period, Leva has a lot of money, winning a prestigious mortgage, and participating in competitions.

Read the horoscope for September 2017 for other zodiac signs:

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