Final Fantasy I Walkthrough. Final Fantasy I Walkthrough File Fantasy 1

The walkthrough was written in rozrahunka for a perfectly balanced team - Fight, Black Belt, White Mage, Black Mage. Tim is not smaller, it will fit and for any other warehouse of characters, the power will be in the details. For the sake of clarity, the passage is divided into chapters, but it has been subdivided into a daily smarter and recognized as less easier reading, so name the chapters.

Light of notifications dark. The winds stopped blowing, the sea is roaring, the earth is rotting (what is going on with the fire, it is unknown). People are powerless to break the break of the future, the rest of the hope is an ancient prophecy: "If the world is dark at the darkness, Chotiri Voini will appear..." The first clues of the War did appear. Leather nіs іz itself magical Kulya, zdatnu rozveti zavіsu dark.

Chapter 1. Princess stolen

Having become aware of this tight knot, give the names of some of the heroes (plot names for them are daily) that pіdberіt skin of them class. The team starts its own work order by place Coneriya, on the pіvnochi of which the greatest castle stands. Equip our heroes during the day, empty inventory, then on cobs є 400 G. Before you enter the place and proceed to the purchase of equipment. Before your services Zbroyoviy Shop, Armor Shop, White Magic Shop, Black Magic Shop, Item Shop, Hotel and Clinic. Mustard qi establish presence in all places without blame; zminyuєtsya seldom miscalculation, but you can easily recognize them for Vivian. At the first five, you can buy and sell goods of a different kind. At the hotel for 30 G you can restore all the heroes of HP and MP to the maximum, and also save. Killed heroes are resurrected at the Clinic - for 40 G. Buy Rapier Fighter and Chain Armor; Black Belt - Wooden Nunchuck and Wooden Armor; White Mage - Iron Hammer, Cloth, spell Cure; Black Mage - Small Dagger, Cloth, Fire spell. Equip a new outfit, get out of the place and go to the castle.

For the time being, our relocations are surrounded here. The doors of the castle treasury are closed by the Mystical Key, so that we collapse right up the hill, before descending to another overhead, there we also go up the hill and enter the throne room. King Coneria tell that Garland has stolen his daughter, Princess Sarah, and ask him to veil her. Turn back to the exit from the castle and get ready for the operation for the maiden's death. Preparing to go on walks was a place and a field for monsters. It is necessary to upgrade the team if you want to earn 400 gold up to 3 equals, and buy Harm and Fog for the White Mage, and Lightning and Sleep for the Black Mage.

Having pumped, go to the Gothel and collapse on the pivnіchny zahіd. It's hard to get lost, because one way. For example, you will know the way Temple of Demons- Come inside. As long as access to the most important places is closed to the new one, then at the entrance to the pivnich and in the main hall we know the face of Garland and Princess Sarah. When you try to start rozmov, Garland shouted that no one should be allowed to the princess, and attacked.

Bos: Garland
HP: 106 . EXP: 130 . G: 250 .

It’s elementary to go after the vikradach. Fight and the Black Belt attack yoga in hand-to-hand combat, the Black Enchanter casts Fire, the White Enchanter exults the wounded (for example, you can’t, you can wave a hammer). The team of the 3rd equal Garland, which she did, is practically not safe - it can, most of all, injure someone from the heroes. For two or three walks barefoot, you will be reduced.

Return to the princess - you won’t do it for you, and the command to lean in the throne room of the Koneriya castle. Talk to the king and the princess: the first one to the sign of vdyachnosti is punished to call the place through the canal at the pivnoch, and give a friend lute that was passed down by the royal family from mother to daughter. I'll start pumping again and bring the team's score to 4. Swing faster at the Temple of Demons - there you will get more proof for monsters. Take the Heal Potion and Cabin from the screen near the room near the upper left corner of the Temple, and Cap (put it on the Battle) from the lower left corner. Having finished the winter, go to the pivnich in the Koneriya and enter the place.

The idea of ​​the campaign lies in the fact that Cool heroes shone two thousand years ago, and now there are cemeteries. It is necessary to know the way to re-enlighten them, and then we will sort out the Evil.

Having crossed the place, collapse to the exit and for the first time turn back to the day. There is a place-port Provocation. Come into the place and talk to the kimos from the bagmen; show up that the place is slaughtered by pirates. It is necessary to help the badolahs, more of them, to serve our goals. Idemo in the upper leviy kut of the mist and zustrichaemo Bikke, the pirate captain. Vіn do not snicker Voїnіv Svіtla and follow the national replica of the heroes of their team.

Mini-Bos: pirates
HP: 6 in the skin. EXP: 40 per skin. G: 40 per skin.

Irrespective of the significant number, 9 soldiers, the pirates cannot repair their own support. Just attack them with physical attacks, choosing a normal meta for the skin character. If the attack of the Battle of the Black Belt is successful, with the guarantee of laying one enemy, Mages sometimes need two hits. The crew of a pirate ship will be killed for a few miles.

Bikke having received such certificates, it’s great to slander, swear to commit atrocities and how to hand over to you their ship stand in the port. Tsey transport zasіb zdatny building can move easily by seas, but you can’t swim along the rivers (too much) and may even be a serious shortfall - landing and landing can be carried out only in ports (You can easily recognize them from the stone border). Don't hurry to swim - one more session is on you. Wander for Provocation, blame the monsters for a quiet feast, until the team reaches at least 6 equals. Also, you need to earn pennies, to get it at Provok Shops: Fight - Short Sword, Iron Armor, Wooden Shield, Gloves; White Mage - Gloves, spell Anti-Lightning, Invisibility, Mute; Black Mage - Gloves, spell Ice, Slow, Temper. The Black Belt will not require any purchases - moreover, if you reach 5 equals, sell Wooden Armor yoga, to the one who "in the naked look" yoga will become a treasure for whatever armor. The hotel here costs 50 G, the Clinic - 80 G.

When you're ready, fix it and get on the ship. Climb on the way to Koneriya, and then on the afternoon, fight the sea monsters on the way. Your meta is the port of mayzhe strictly on the day and trochs on the way to the Koneriya, the distribution of the great fox. In the middle of the forest, a galyavin was stashed with a place and a lock; ce i є Elfland. Look at the map, as you cannot know it once. Hang out on the shore and go near the place.

Partitioned 2. Kulya of the Earth

Walk Elfland. The place is reminiscent of other times, that in a new time there are magic stores - two White and two Black Magic. It is explained that in one pair they trade spells for 3 equals, for another - 4 equals. They charge 100 G for service from the Hotel, 200 G from the Clinic. Therefore, it seems from the place and proceed to the most intensive session of pumping from the gr. It is necessary to pump the team up to at least 10 rubles and buy the following items of equipment: Fight - Silver Sword, Iron Shield, Wooden Helmet; Black Belt - Iron Nunchuck (yakomoga shvidshe); White Mage - Cap, Copper Bracelet, spell Cure 2, Harm 2, Anti-Fire, Pure, Anti-Ice, Anti-Mute; Black Mage - Cap, Copper Bracelet, Large Dagger, spells Fire 2, Lightning 2, Hold, Fast, Ice 2, Confuse. Also, buy a sprat of pure zilla - mystic monsters will love to play heroes. You need a lot of pennies; vrahuyte, scho naypributkovіshі foes so far - ogre (195 G z rila). With the method of saving gold for repairs, it is better to swim to Koneriya: there Gothel is cheaper.

Miss Finger
If the team is able to reach at least 8 rubles and buy a decent order, you can speed up the pumping, which is gone. Plivit back at Provokiyu, then go to the exit through the passages in the skels. If you hit the port, direct pіvnіch. You will reach the misu, which will fall on your finger. The upper 4 cells of this misu are formally a part of the world’s zone, so the monsters there will be even more serious. Take a dozen awnings from yourself, so that there would be no problems with savings. If you don’t get caught here, then an hour, spent on pumping that capital, will speed up just an order of magnitude. If the Black Belt reaches 10 rubles, sell the Iron Nunchuck Yogo - now you can fight better with your bare hands, no matter how strong you are.

Otzhe, the heroes of the rozgoydan, equipping them are torn at the bey. Turn back to Elfland, buy close to 25-30 zills Heal and 10-15 zills Pure and redeem at the Hotel. Viyshovshi from the place, go far to the west, hugging the fire from the pivnoch; if you water the lake, cross the river with the sea - go quickly, burn to the sunset and turn to the sun. Zreshtoy, you will reach the swamp. There is a dirka on the south pivdennomu edge. Tse - entrance to Bolotyan Pecher. Be safe and lick in the dirka.

Bolotyan Pechera
Recommendations rіven: 10-11
on the 1 version go back to the pivnich, go along the calling path and go down. Look for screens that you can stand at three rooms; trophies become Short Sword, Large Dagger, 620 і 680 G. If you turn around to the point of entry into the furnace, now you will collapse for five days to a small room. Go to it and go down the stairs.
on the 2 versions look out of the kіmnati, in a way they stumbled, and go to pіvden. All screens on whichever version are empty, so don't question. Uzdovzh pіvdennoї stіni collapse right-handed and go through the room from the two doors, then go down the descents.
3 over guess the net. Methodically go from the room to the room and take away the treasures from the screen: Iron Armor, Copper Bracelet, House, 385 and 295 G. The rooms of the bottom row are closed by the Mystic Key. The sight of bagatioh vorogiv is more beautiful than tikati, especially the black ones. At the other left-handed room of the third row there is a screen, honed with statues. Having beaten the whole team, go to the screen - you will be attacked by a sprig of enchanters.

Mini-Bos: Enchanters
HP: 84 in dermal. EXP: 276 for dermal. G: 300 per skin.

The exact number of enemies changes from battle to battle in the range type 2 to 5. It's true, even though it's a little bit of a bulo, the charmers don't create serious problems. What a cicavo, don’t let the magic stink! This is compensated by indestructible physical attacks, building blood for injured characters. On the cob of the battle, the Black Mage casts Lightning 2, and the Fighter, the Black Belt and the White Mage start to beat the opponents in melee combat. If the charіvnikіv is rich, the offensive move requires repeating the procedure. More than two walks of mini-bosi do not stream, just like five of them.

Klyavshi negidnikiv, take it from the screen crown. As soon as you come out of the cell, you can see the screen and turn around, the enchanters will attack again! Turn around the familiar route to the exit of the oven, and then to Elfland.

Once you have replenished your stock of zill, break again at the trip. It’s easy to go like this, like in the Bolotyanu Pechera; Pivnichno-Zakhidny castle. The new one also has a room, closed by the Mystical Key. At the entrance, climb up the hill and troch levoruch, and take a drink to the throne room. Astos sits there - the king of the dark elves, who has enchanted the prince of elfland. Vіn vimagatime you have a crown, after which I will accept my right image and rose up.

Bos: Astos
HP: 168 . EXP: 2250 . G: 2000 .

The main concern to walk like Astos is yoga magic. Win cast all elemental spells of another level (Fire 2, Ice 2, Lightning 2), Slow 2, Fast and above, Rub. In addition, the boss may be more than a disgraceful zakhist - call Yogo with a pair of stusanivs not to go. The simplest way to kill a scoundrel is to shut him up with Mute spells at the very beginning of the battle. If Astos waste the ability to chakluvati, then you will become simply a disgrace for practicing hand-to-hand combat. Tell Fast to Fight and Black Belt to speed up the process.

To deprive Astos of help for yourself Krishtaleva cool. Turn back to Elfland and get on the ship. Plyivіt to Konerії, turn around її zі immediately and drenched under the bridge, then collapse again on the pіvnіch, the docks will not reach the port. Having landed on the shore, I will again go to the pivnich, the docks will not reveal the cave. The good chaklunk Matoya lives there. Turn the stolen Astos to the krishtal sack and you will see grass to the jubilation of the elven prince. From the screen at the booth of the chaklunka, take two Heal and one Pure sills.

Turn back to Elfland; go straight to the castle once. Climb up to the throne room (the wines are located in the same place as at Pivnichno-Zahidny Castle). Take care of the prince's servant with grass, and I will know from that sleep the cursed Astos. prince key! The hour has come to explore the previous locations and dig in mystical castles.
Take a look at the Elfland castle in the first place and take it from the skrinok at the treasure house. (It is necessary to walk along the grass at the right side of the castle) Silver Hammer (for the White Magician), Copper Gauntlet, 400 and 330 g. (encircle the throne room with pivnochi) take Power Staff, Falchon and Iron Gauntlet (For Fight). Turn back to the Bolotnaya Pecheri and go down 3 on top. See three rooms in the bottom row (sorcerers protect them!) and collect trophies - Silver Bracelet (For Black Mage), Silver Dagger (for new) i 1020 G. Look into the Temple of Demons; kіmnati at the right upper and lower kutakh to avenge Were Sword plus Zilla Soft and Rune Sword obviously. Nareshti, in the castle of Koneriya, there are six screens. (Change at two treasuries at the pivnochi - it is necessary to walk along the perimeter of the castle from any side). Five have Saber, Iron Staff, Silver Dagger, Iron Armor, Iron Shield, and the rest - TNT.

Sivshi on the ship, pour on the westward of Koneriya, until you get stuck at the narrow isthmus, which cuts off the avenue at the open sea. In the future, collapse on the pivnich and hang out at the port. Go to the pivdenniy zakhіd, the docks do not succumb to the stove. Come to her - she will show up the oven of the gnomes. At the kіmnati on pіvnіch vіd entrance skrinі mіstat gold - 575 і 450 g. The dwarf zbroyar will promise to crypt a super sword for you, as if to bring adamant to you. Go on a long passage to pivden. For a great purpose, a dwarf stands on the name of Nerrik; let me help you TNT, and for an additional charge of vibrating, complete the digging of the channel. Take Silver Armor and Iron Helmet from the screens of the Great Room (For Fight), Silver Dagger, Dragon Sword, Wooden Helmet, House, Cabin and 575 G. Now the crossroads of penetration, you can go through the narrow channel at the opening of the sea! Trim the course to the stop, the docks will not reach the port in order from the city; yoga name - Melmond.

For the cob polukayte mistomy. The main shortfall of Melmond is the presence of the Clinic and the Store of Items, so for zillas and awnings you will have to go to other places. On the right, in the fact that the Demon of the Earth is constantly dopіkaє city dwellers, forcing earthworks on them; krіm dvoh znischenih pіd korіn budinkіv, can be slandered by Melmond's outrageous distortion. At the hotel you will need 100 Gs. it is necessary to buy a Steel Armor Battle from the Armor Store, and a Silver Bracelet for the White Mage. It’s possible, you can’t get a penny on a steel holder, but you won’t hurry us, smut, to buy yoga until the end of the head. Respect that the longest stay of the room with mystical castles has shortened our visits here. At Magic Stores, get White Mage Cure 3, Harm 3 and Life, and Black Mage - Fire 3 and Bane.

If the team has not yet reached the 12th level, pump up the trochs; buy 2 awnings, 30 zill Heal and 15 - Pure, fix it and fall all the way to the exit, then turn to the exit. Diyshovshi to dirka in the skele, save yourself and go to Cave of the Earth.

Cave of the Earth
Recommendations rіven: 12
Fighting is simple there, but not to get nervous, mainly through monsters with jet / paralyzing attacks. The sight of the great groups of scorpions and werewolves is better than tikat, because you won’t be able to stock up on a Pure platter.
on the 1 versionє 6 roads. Pivnіchno-zahіdna and zahіdna stool together; The area of ​​\u200b\u200bZmichka is densely populated with veletins, so that they can attack the team on the skin crotch. It’s not safe to finish the job, but here you can mess up badly and get dirty. The middle road ends with a deaf kut, the pivnіchna vede up to the screen from 1975 G. The pivdenno-skhіdny way is divided into three: the middle one ends with a deaf kut, the left one leads to the wake of Heal Potion and 880 G, and the right one - to the wake of G5 Pure95 Nareshti, a similar road will lead you to the descent of the stepping on top.
2 over is a labyrinth of kіmnat. We need to use the right-hander; by the way, come to the big room at the upper right corner of the Coral Sword, Cabin and 330 G. Viyshovshi from the stone, turn three to the back and go straight down, from the screens at the signs there, take Wooden Shield, 575 G and 5000 G. Turning to the room " coral sword", collapse strictly on the pivden, before descending to the stepping on top.
on the 3 versions go back to the exit, then to the pivnich (at the stone room on the turn, grab a Tent). On the road, turn right-handed and go on the day, to take the way of the Heal sill in the end, then turn on the road and go on the left hand. By the cost of the exit, take the cost of the road 3400 G. Nareshti, collapse onto the exit and go to the room, as you could see more exits. Let's block the vampire - talk to him and get ready to attack.

Mini-Bos: vampire
HP: 156 . EXP: 1200 . G: 2000 .

On the first move, the White Mage casts Harm 3, and the Black Mage casts Fire 3. As a vampire, it’s amazing to lose the last one on his feet, the Fighter and the Black Belt will achieve it with a couple of physical attacks. Like magic 5 equal problems, zіyde i Harm 2/Fire 2. Seeing for everything, you won’t be able to hit the target.

Take away rubin from the screen behind the back of the vampire. Another exit from the stone led to an important stone slab, like the heroes can’t turn around for the time being. Turn around to the exit from the Earth's Furnace, then at Melmond's, take care of it and replenish your reserves.

Rush straight to the back of Melmond, if you get to the stop - turn to the front. There is another dirka near the rock - the entrance to Tunnel to Titan. In the middle, rejoice at the Titan rubin, and let the coal of the furnace miss you. At the room for the day, clear screens from Silver Helmet (For Fight), Great Axe, 450 and 620 G. Turning back, climb on the surface of the lower side of the gir. Go to pivden and come to the new oven. Find out from him the wise man in the name of Sarda and ask him rod. Climb up the hill, go through the Tunnel of Titan again, get the team's rіven up to 14 and go to Melmond. Let me see the Cave of the Earth again.

Go along the well-known road, the docks will not reach the stone of the vampire. Exit it through the other doors and go up to the stone stove. Beat її with a new rod and go down. Leaning on 4 versions You remember the sharp fall in light. Monsters here will be full of juice, lower on the upper surfaces. From the exit, go to the pivnich, then to the back, until you get to the room and take it from the screens from your Wooden Staff, 3400, 1455, 1520 and 5450 G. Budinok at the pivdenno-zahіdny kutka on top to avenge Silver Shield (For Fight), Cabin and 1250 g.
5 over I’m sorry for the treasures, so just collapse on the approaching route: to pivnich, then we’ll go down to the exit, then we’ll go to the afternoon and again to the exit. At the host, the Shara hits, the Demon of the Earth wriggles out of it.

Bos: Lich
HP: 400 . EXP: 2200 . G: 3000 .

The Demon of the Earth is the building master of a serious bastard with his elemental magic of another level (Fire 2, Ice 2, Lightning 2), and Ice 2 sounds cast twice, so the White Mage will put the Anti-Ice spell on the team, you can also cast Anti- Fire and Anti-Lightning; Black Enchanter cast on Fast Battle. After that Fighter and the Black Belt begin to beat the Lich with physical attacks, and the Mages let them sing against the undead - Harm 3 for White, Fire 3 for Black. The enemy can try to sleep all the characters, or attack them hand-to-hand (hit and call out the PARALYZED status), otherwise the heroes were forked before the battle and the teams were clearly coordinated, the boss just couldn’t catch a serious bastard - two or three, go on.

Exalting the Demon of the Earth, stand on the slab, having passed to the veins of the blocking, and one of your Balls is closed - the power has turned to the new Earth! Behind the stove there is a teleport, which will transfer the team to the fresh air at the entrance to the Earth's Furnace. Turn around to Melmond and take the podiaks of the townspeople.

Partition 3. Kulya Vognyu

The next point of recognition - Lake Pivmisyatsya. To understand why the place took such a name, look at the map. The lake in the form of pіvmіsyatsya is located near the pіvdenno-shіdny kutka of the world. The best way to get there is to speed up because the earth is round. Plivіt on zahіd vіd Melmonda; zniknuvshi іz zahіdny cordon karti, the ship z'appear at the skhіdny. Land in the port on the mission on the opposite side of the continent and go to the destination. The place is located near the virgin lake.

How to start, we start with purchases. The store doesn’t show anything special, but in the Store of Armor, buy some Silver Gauntlet for the Fight; Magic shops are too expensive (spell 6 equal cost 20000 G)- Take Soft poki for the White Mage and Lightning 3 for the Black Mage, and buy pennies for the rest maximum, Tobto 99 pcs. zilla Heal and a dozen Soft. The hotel here cost 200 G, and the Clinic - 400 G.
Pass through the clearing in the bushes at the beer descent behind the Shops of Magic. There you will see "Kolo Wisemen" - twelve bearded uncles at the red dress. For some of them, you can take away the numbers of statements from other distant groups, for others, just vague replicas. The highest sage stands at the position that zbіgaєtsya with a pіvdenno-shіdnim rhumb of the compass: vіn graft you from overpowering the Demon of the Earth and reward you with a valuable gift - canoe. With yoga, the team can help you swim in rivers and lakes, and you can launch a canoe into the water in any place.
The sages tell you that you can turn the light of the Sharam in only one way - the torment of the demons. The stench ask you boldly to destroy the Gurgu volcano and fight the Demon Fire, but let me go another way.

Upload the team to 15 rubles and then repair it at the Hotel. Let's sweat on the ship and swim on the pivnich vzdovzh of the lost shore. Uvіyshovshi to a small inlet, you will pump the port and the mouth of the river, which flows to the entrance; having flooded the ship at the girl, launch the canoe and pour the river. Dorosi, as a rule, happens to extinguish monsters; the fights will be hard, but not particularly unsafe. The route of the flood is as follows: on the first rose, turn uphill, on the other turn right hand, on the third lower, on the fourth left. Having hung out at the end of the road on the field, cross over and lean in front of the entrance to the oven. Tse - Krizana Pechera. Brace yourself and spit over your left shoulder, come in.

Krizana Pechera
Recommendations rіven: 15
It will be even more important to break through the underground chain with battles, the shards of the monsters live there even the core - warriors, magicians, crying dragons and basilisks (For the rest, it’s better to start ticking, and take it as a rule with serious fortune-tellers here, don’t call out).
on the 1 version go to the exit, then turn to pivden and straighten at the return beak, describing the pidkovu in such a rank. Dіyshovshi to skhodіv, get down on top below.
2 over is just a square. Walk along the perimeter of the yogo in any city, there are no trades. Zreshtoy you will reach the pivdenno-zahidny kut of the square and descend to the step on top.
3 over- Critical klaptik of the earth; Work two steps to get off and go down.
on the 4 versions go to the stop, then on the afternoon until the entrance to wake up. He has three screens and fifteen diroks. Take the back, carefully walking around the dirks, from the upper screens of the Flame Sword (For Fight) and Cloth, then fall into the depths. Respect: Cloth is guarded by a group of mages, like attacking the first one and casting Rub, so think about what varto calls.
Landing on 5 versions Be careful: one crotch forward will cause an attack by a band of undead, numbered at 9 ril. Kill them all with one Fire 3 or Harm 3, then come out with a name. Give respect to marvelous stats! The stink of injuring heroes before stepping on them, so don't lash out at them unnecessarily and beat for the health of the command. Go to the entrance, go to the room and blame the crying dragons, then take Ice Armor (For Fight) and the Silver Gauntlet. Turning on the cob on top, go to pivden; on the first one, turn to the right, on the other - to the left; wait till you wake up, take all the gold that is there - 9900, 5000, 12350, 7900, 5450 and 180 GP. Turn back to another break and now turn to the right - you will reach the exit to ... 1 on top!
You lean in the area 1 on top previously inaccessible. Take two screens of Heal Potion and 10000 G, then go to the warehouse, at the old room with three screens. Taking Ice Shield from them (For Fight), Tent and 9500 G, fall into the dirka. Have to land in order with the screen on the 4th version, which could not be reached earlier. Having forked, go to the screen - the command is to attack the Eye.

Mini-Bos: Eye
HP: 162 . EXP: 3225 . G: 3225 .

This wondrous type knows different spells, what to drive in mittevo, and not to be ashamed of their conjuration. At the same time, a new laugh has Health and a low zahist, so that everything here is virishu swidkist - Black Mage imposes Fast on the Fight, and that one-single attack will bring down the reptile. For insurance, you can connect before the attack of the Black Belt.

If you win, take it from the screen Floater, fall again into the dirka and go along the familiar path to the old rock, from which you fell to the Oka. Descend after her, to lead her to the surface.

Turn around in the canoe to your ship and swim to the pivden edge of the Lake Pvmisyatsya area. On the side of the folded side there is the arm of the river; hang out in a canoe and go down the river to the pivden, then go to the back, into the wilderness. Victory Floater damaged ship! Now, your main transport - you can fly easily and through any kind of crossing, and also allow you to see boring vipadkovy little things with monsters - the stench simply cannot attack a ship that is going to fly. The axis can only land far from everywhere, but rather on the level of that field.

For the first time, see Lake Pivmisyatsya, repair, sell non-necessary equipment, buy a spell of 6 equals (White Magician - Fog 2, Black - Quake and Rub) and upgrade the team to 16 equals, as required. We fly to Viprobuwan castle. Vіn is located in the middle of a small swamp on the western edge of the pivnіchno-shіdny continent (with a gigantic empty space), the landmark can be the archipelago on the way. The problem is that it is impossible to hang out here on the outskirts of the castle. The nearest planting maidanchik of planting is about 15 cells diagonally to the pivnichny entrance, just go pishki in it to the Viprobuvan castle, it’s far away, that monsters live here not weak. Rush to the pivnіchniy skhіd, then, having described the pіdkovu, to the pivnіchniy zahіd; after drinking the river, go to pivden and enter to the castle.

Wiprobuvan Castle
Recommendations rіven: 16
Talk to a wise man - you know that for the passage of the test it is necessary to put a crown on the throne. The throne should be near the room near the upper left corner; sit on the new one, and you will be teleported to the underground.
1 overє labyrinth of columns. The skin room is tightly insulated from others, and if you need to drink it until then, you need to bump (to stand on it) one of the columns. If the column is chosen correctly - the team will be teleported to the next room, if not - to the maze on the cob. At the first two kіmnats choose years, tk. there is only one column. At the third room, the lower column is touched, at the fourth, there is one, at the fifth, again the lower, at the sixth, again, the one, at the eight, look into the room at the upper right corner and take a look at the Zeus Gauntlet, and reach the lowest of three columns. You are teleported to the descent of the step on top.
on the 2 versions go back to the pivnich and to the first room ask for a screen shot of the Heal Staff (for the White Magician). Let's go to the west and get Ice Sword from the other room (For Fight), Gold Bracelet (for the White Magician) and the Iron Gauntlet. Let's go to the next day and clear the row of screens in the lower right corner House, 1455 and 7340 G. Go ahead, break the line, open the screen and take it tail. If you try to sit on the throne, what is the charge, dragons will attack the team.

Mini-Bos: Dragon Zombies
HP: 268 in dermal. EXP: 2331 for dermal. G: 999 for dermal.

Undead, that's all. The number of dragons varies from one to four, but there were no skils, the tactics do not change: on the cob of battle, the White Mage casts Harm 3, the Black Mage - Fire 3, and the Fight and the Black Belt are finished off quietly, who is alive. For the need to repeat the casting: the heavy shelling of fire/holy magic zombies cannot be endured by dragons.

After slaying the dragons, sit on the throne and teleport to the throne on the elevated version, then exit the castle and turn to the damaged ship.

Now let's take care of it better, for the sake of which all the hemorrhoids started. Fly to the archipelago at the entrance to Viprobuvan castle. Hang out on the great leafy island two dirks near the earth and lick at the pivdenny dirka. Walking along the dovzhina ІІІІІІї corridor for a day, descending by gatherings and climbing to the pіvnіch of Dovzhinії ІІІІІІї kіmnati, you will sing Bahamut, the King of Dragons. Present to you the whip, and Bahamut in honor of the goodness to rob the whole team in things classy! Fight the camp Litsar, Black belt - Maystrom, villainous (yakby win boov) - Ninja, and Magi, Bily and Chorniy (i Chervoniy, yakbi vin buv) - Enchanters different colors.

Having climbed to the surface, scurry through other caves (total Dragon Islands five, on the island of Bahamut two dirks, on the resht one each)- your trophies will be House, Cabin, Soft Potion, 2750, 2000, 1455, 160, 9500, 2750, 1520, 500, 10 and 575 G. -Lightning, Invisibility; in Elfland buy youma w Cure 2 and Anti-Fire. Let's see Melmond and Lake Pivmіsyatsya; for the first one, take Warp for the Black Enchanter, for the other - Exit for the White Enchanter.

On the pivnіchny gathering in the majestic wilderness of the pivnіchno-skhіdny continent in the mountains, a small place was hidden Gaia. Violate there. Hotel Gey styaguє 500 G, Clinic - 750 G, but we don't need either one or the other. At the town of Chotiri Shops of Magic - two sell spells 7 equals (True, less than half of all of them are possible), two (tі, scho in one booth, it is necessary to go to them with a fox stitch) - spells 8 equals (The list does not have one possible). The stench will cost a tidy sum, moreover, at the same time your enchanters simply cannot cast them. Buy ProRing Chotiri from the Armor Shop, one per skin hero; Immunity to attacks, what to drive in a mitte is strength! Another take Gold Bracelet for the Black Enchanter. At the Armor Shop, bring a Catclaw for the Black Enchanter - all the best armor. It’s like we’ve got pennies for now, don’t be fooled - we’ll buy more later. Bring the command’s rіven if you want to 17 and fix it. The axis is now the hour to start polyuvannya on Demoniv!

Volcano Gurgu, de entrenched Demon Vognyu, roztashovaniya on zakhіd vіd Lake Pіvmіsyatsya near kіltsі gіr. Having landed on the rail, beware and enter. The monsters here, ozumіlo, are mostly fire, so prepare spells, Anti-Fire and Litsar's equipment. In addition, a lot of cities are flooded with lava - do not step there without consumption, and stitch for the health of the heroes!

Volcano Gurgu
Recommendations rіven: 17-18
on the 1 version go through the lava to the back, to the descent to the bottom.
on the 2 versions immediately enter the booths and start maneuvering along the corridors - all the way to the pivnich, then to the entrance, nareshti, to the pivden, bypassing the booths around the perimeter. From time to time, move along the main path to take Silver Helmet, Giant Sword, 4150, 750, 795 and 1520 G screens from scattering around the place, and Silver Gauntlet, Silver Helmet, Silver Heal (2 pcs.) .), Pure, Cabin, 1975, 1455, 1520 and 1760 G. Come out of the bud through the middle door below and go through the lava into the trapdoor, until you come to the step above.
on the 3 versions I don’t have any belongings, so just go with lava strictly to the slopes until you get to the descents down.
4 over all filled with lava. Directly on the pivdenniy skhid, constantly follow; go to the lower right corner to lead uphill.
V - in the previously inaccessible area 3 over. The simplest way to podolat її - drink on the cob on the day, then burn on the west, then again on the day and again on the west. After pobachivshi go to 4 on top, get down.
Qia region 4 over bagat for belongings. Wealths lie near the room Soft і 2750 G. Rush to the west, then to the day and enter another room - there є 1760 G. Now drink to the west, then spend in a deaf kut z kіmnatoyu, all the treasures: Ice Sword, Flame Shield , Pure Potion, 7340 and 880 G. The nearest room has a trio of gold: 155 and 10 G. If you want to drink stars on the road, you will know the place of House and 2000 G; Having taken them, turn back to the front stone and go again to the pivden. Having arrived in the morning at a cost of Wooden Staff and 1250 G, go downstairs.
on the 5 versions You are encouraged to choose from 8 roads. Most of them know nothing (At the shortest slope in the countryside, you can shake an empty screen;. Break for the cob strictly on arrival and see it before wake up. On the way to the screen, find the agama, and then, on the screen, join the fight with the red dragon. Stash the enemy with Ice 2 and Anti-Fire. If you win, take the Flame Armor and turn to the top center. Now go to the air, come into the room and get to the Shar - break open and release the Demon Fire.

Bos: Kari
HP: 600 . EXP: 2475 . G: 3000 .

For unreasonable reasons, Kari absolutely doesn’t give a damn about spells. Then, miraculously, you get a good night's sleep. On the first move, White Enchanter casts Anti-Fire, and Black Enchanter - Sleep; In another move, White is guilty of blocking Fog 2, Black puts Fast on Litsar. In this rank, the team will be protected from the fire magic and the boss's hard physical attacks. The Litsar and the Meister thresh Kari in hand-to-hand combat, the Black Enchanter lifts yoga at the sleeping camp, and Bily, for the need, gleefully wounded. Bey may be skinned for a sprat of walking.

If the Demon Fire will be overcome, stand on the stove behind him, and your friend Kul will light up - the power has turned to a new one fire! Teleport behind the stove will transfer the team to the surface of the order from the volcano.

Partition 4. Cool Vodi

Vіdpochivshi following the Gurgu volcano, fly to the avian-western continent (with a small void). A single place, an adjunct for planting - a grass clap at the pivdenniy yogo part, a white skel. Speak on pіvnіch and turn on empty space. We are squealed by a little piska at the pivnoch, not tied up with a grate empty. There hobbies oasis, and in a new small shop. Come there a dance for a robbery price 50000 g ale nothing can be done - a quest item, however. Do not shake the dance at any time!

Now fly to Gaia; to buy some equipment there, like to get pennies. Get up on the pivnich place to the Clinic, then go with a fox stitch to the slope, don’t shake the docks. Stand right in front of the gerel (snug)і just like that open the dance, otherwise fifty tons of gold will be blown to the cat. Zvіlnena fairy podakuє you and remind a dance oxylem from dzherel. Tsya taєmnicha speech to serve as a cleansing povitrya. Virusha directly on skhіd іd Geї; around the world and leaning on the yogo western edge, turn to the pivdenny zakhid, so you will not hesitate to remember the little place Onrak. It is impossible to land in order with him, so hang on the pivden and get rid of the pip.

Tsey population point of acceptance of the shops of Zbroya and Bronya. Stores of Magic cast spells of 7 equals, which Gaia did not have. Ask for 300 G from the Hotel, 750 G from the Clinic. So far, do not buy anything here, but go out of the place and drink by the canoe river at the pivnich. Zreshtoy on the way you see a lake waterfall. Pidplivayte to the waterfall and penetrate the middle.

Recommendations rіven: 18
Tse pіdzemella - one-surface and awkward. On the first trip, choose the path that leads down and to the left; on the other - I'm going down and levoruch. On the third, de vibir suttevo wider, collapse left-handed, but uphill, on the fourth one the rest - straight down. For a small room, turn around, then come in. Behind the door, NATO monsters will attack you - most importantly, mummies, sometimes diluted with basilisks. Beat them with Fire and Harm spells. Take valuable trophies from the screen - Defense Sword (for Litsar), Wizard Staff, 13450, 6400 and 5000 G, and Ribbon (for the White Magician). There are three pieces in total, and to know all the warto - the hero with the clothed Ribbon will be more afraid of physical attacks. Talk to the robot that hangs around here and there, screen it, and take it from someone else cube for the entrance to the Heavenly Castle. Then cast Exit and turn around to Onraku.

Perekonaytes, scho the team has reached the acceptance of the 18th equal. There is a submarine at the dossier's place near the pivdenno-skhidny rose. The woman on the gangway let you through to her, so that the oxiel will allow the heroes to go wild under the water. Submarine deliver the team to Sea tomb.

Sea tomb
Recommendations rіven: 18
on the 1 version the tombs collapse on the pivnich, forward zbіgavshi on the crossroads right-handed and left-handed, to take in two rooms 2000 and 9900 g. go down the tiy, which is at the upper right corner.
on the 2 versions go to pivden, after the first stone turn to the exit. Continue to go back to the other side of the city and take 20 G from them. At the wake, until you see, lie Opal Armor (for Litsar). Turning before the break, continue to collapse on the day and reveal the room with Light Ax in the screen. From there, go to the exit along the upper two parallel roads - you will find a booth with Mage Staff. Now go to the exit by the lower road. Look into the booths and take 12350 G from the screen, then go down to the pivdenno-shidny kutku.
3 over different kind of monsters. Do yoga to your satisfaction. At the screen of the stone on the pіvnіch vіd descent to lie down Opal Bracelet (For Maistra), 1760 and 9000 G. At the other left-handed kіmnattsі of the upper row - 2750 G. At the third and fourth left-handed kіmnatakh of the other beast in the row - 4150 and 5000 G, obviously. At the third room of the upper row - 10 and 10000 G. At the first and other rooms, the right-hander of the lower row - Opal Shield (for Litsar) that zilla Pure is clear. And the axis at the right of the upper room is important to eat. At the upper left corner there is a straight long corridor, which leads to the entrance - go along the new one; Vіn cunning rank zadnuє upper kuti on top, so you will see where you need it. Take Opal Helmet in the room (for Litsar), Opal Gauntlet ta stove from marvelous writings. Cast Exit to clear the tomb.

Since the team has been expanded until 20-21 rіvnya, you can do something else before turning to the Sea tomb. What am I and the Raja of Zrobiti. Fly to Melmond's and meet Dr. Unne in the kennel in the kennel. Show the plate; The doctor will decipher the inscriptions in it and teach the command of the Lefey movie. I lost my knowledge of the place, de tsiєyu my rozmovlyayut. Zlіtayte in Gaia, sell trophies and buy additional equipment; from Gaia, go straight to the pivden, to the lake, and hang out on the klaptik of grass for the pivnіchniy zahіd vіgo. Let's go take the lake to the slope, then through the forest to pivden, and make a place for your eyes Lefain.

Service at the city, seeming softly, not on a equal footing. From the previous brown mortgages, there are only two Shops of Magic, and the other one has less than one spell of 8 rubles each (the truth is, the best of all). From the comfort of Lefein, we should be called only by the one who stands on the right birch of the right river, which may have been at the entrance (keep calm, and don’t dangle around here and there). Talk with your comrade, and I will give you twinkle to enter the Mirage tower.

Having left Lefain for the time being, turn around to the windy ship, fly over the mountains at the entrance and fall down until you mark a small piece of grass on a similar cordon, where you can hang out. Go through the desert to the pіvnіchniy zakhіd, until Vezhі Mіrazіv. The little twinkle will serve you as a passage to the vezha.

Bashta Mirazhiv
Recommendations rіven: 20
on the 1 version enter the great room and clear the screens of the trophies: Aegis Shield (for Litsar), Heal Helmet, Vorpal, Cabin, 2750, 18010, 3400 and 880 G. Seen from the room through another door, climb into the end of the path to the step on top.
2 over walk around the perimeter, at the pivnichny entrance, penetrate through the dirka into the fence and go down to the pivnіchny entrance to the great room. Take away your screen: Dragon Armor (best Litsar armor), Sun Sword (for new) Thor's Hammer (best armor of the White Enchanter), House, 8135, 7900, 10000, 7690, 12350 and 13000 G.

Cast Exit and turn around to the ship. Fly to Gaia, sell trophies and buy Cure 4 and Harm 4 for the White Enchanter, and Ice 3 and Break for the Black Enchanter. Fly to Onrak, buy White Enchanter Anti-Rub, and Black - Saber and fix it. The team already, without a doubt, reached at least 20 rubles. Sit again on the underwater chauvin and sail to the Sea tomb.

For this time 1 version go down the descents to the left upper cod.
on the 2 versions no treasures; walk backwards to the back, but first you will be animals to the pivnich and so there and go to the very descents uphill.
Rise above the top.
Obіgnіt budіvlyu and go down.
At the new region 1 on top Take 110 and 450 G from your old host, go out through the front doors and go down.
I'm back to 2 versions; drop down on the afternoon and pick up at the wake 8135 and 7690 G. Go to the entrance and pick up from the room Power Gauntlet, 5450 and 385 G. You will know the location of Light Ax in the middle. Viyshovshi from the new, direct to the skhіd, docks do not know the room with chotirma screens - get rich on Ribbon (For the Black Enchanter), 2750, 7350 and 9900 G. Nareshti, go through it to the port and turn to the exit. At the pivnіchno-zahіdny kutka on top - go down.
on the 3 versions break on pivnіch and see you until the great wake; go through the new one to the entrance and see through the other doors. Rush to the back, go down to the pivden to the entrance to the majestic place; look in the middle of the pivnich and see the names through the door on the pivnich entrance. Climb on the pivnich vzdovzh left wall of the majestic residence and enter to the small room. Potorkay Kulya - vіn rozіb'єtsya, і Demon Vodi rush into the bіy.

Bos: kraken
HP: 800 . EXP: 4245 . G: 5000 .

Please come in later. The White Enchanter casts Anti-Lightning and Fog 2, having thus defended the team from the most serious attacks of the Demon Water - Lightning 2 magic and physical attacks. Black Enchanter imposes on the Litsar and Maistra Fast. Potim Litsar and Meister repair the dowbats of the Kraken melee, and Enchanters cast on Lightning 2 and Lightning 3 (Don't forget the magical building of Thor's Hammer!) The Kraken will also love to zastosovuvat special attack Ink - do not give respect, you will use your slayers in the meta, all the same, only make your own way. As a raptom abomination is more painful than a coma, beat Cure 3 or Cure 4.

Having driven in the Demon Vodi, repeat the initial ritual - stand on the stove. Third Kulya zasyaє - strength Vodi turned upside down! Teleport behind the stove turn the team to Onraku.

Partition 5. Kulya Povitrya

Lacking only one Kul, but it will be more important to set fire to yoga, lower. Zlіte in Gaia and buy a spell there 8 equals: White Enchanter - Fade and Wall, Black Enchanter - Zap! that xxxx. Upvnіt, scho rivіn vіrіs vіs hocha b up to 22. Replenish stock of zіllya Heal. Reply and turn around to the Mirage tower.

Get to the room 2 versions, de took the dragon's little hands. Go to the pіvnіch vіd neї go down to lead the mountain.
on the 3 versions round the house and see it until the new day - a dragon will attack you.

Mini-Bos: Blue Dragon
HP: 454 . EXP: 3274 . G: 2000 .

Dragon - to kill a troubled opponent, shards of fire can special attack Thunder, as a matter of fact, it improves the health of the team. In order to kill him, on the first move, the White Enchanter casts Anti-Lightning and all heroes begin to beat him hand-to-hand. Golovne, follow the equal of HP and do not forget to flirt.

After breaking through the door, get on the teleporter. The cube, which is in your inventory, activates yoga, and the team will be thrown into a swirling high in the sky sky castle.

sky castle
Recommendations rіven: 22
Leaning after teleportation on 1 version the castle, leave the room at the door and go straight to the day; pick up a Bane Sword from the room. Turn to the center and go to the exit; near the room you can find Heal Potion, 7900, 4150 and 9900 G. Again turn to the center and go to the exit; in the room there є Heal Helmet, ProRing, 6720, 5000 and 180 G. Nareshti, having taken all the trophies, return to the center and go to the pivnich to the teleporter on the other side.
2 over in the shape of a guessing eight-pointed star - go down to the pivden, at the center, and start to take the change. From the pivnіchnogo mi shoyno came; at the kіmnati on the pivnіchno-zahіdny promenade lie Silver Helmet and House, and on the pіvnіchno-shіdny - Opal Gauntlet. The western prom will end with a room with 13000 and 880 G, the lower one will end with a room with Ribbon (For Maistra) and Opal Shield. At pіvdenno-shіdnіy kіmnati prihopіt White Shirt and Black Shirt (short clothes for White and Black Charіvnikіv vіdpovіdno), and the screen contains the party adamant. You can immediately gallop to energize the dwarfs, or better yet, suffer a little and continue to reach the Heavenly Castle. Go down the walkway to the teleporter.
on the 3 versions fall backwards on winding platforms to the exit and pick up ProCape at the destination (For the White Enchanter), Zilla Soft, Cloth, 6400, 8135 and 9500 G. Just look at the window of the teleporter, watch the place, where the forces of the elements flow Temple of Demons. Turn back to the teleporter and go to the back, to take Katana in the room, Soft zone, 4150 and 3400 G. Transferring to the next teleporter on top of the rear teleporter for a little bit on the day out of the room.
4 over you can be majestic. Really, I’ll redo the tricky space tricks. Here you need to move like this - go one block to the pivnich, then one block to the exit; then we will renew one block of pivnich and one block of entry. After repeating tse kіlka times, you will go to the teleporter. Yogo can be reached in the same way, as if to draw a pivden that skhid.
5 over- Tse duzhe dovgy mist. It would be better if it was foldable - to cross the bridge? And in the meantime, serious problems can be caused here - the militant robot is patrolling. WarMech.

Mini-Bos: WarMech
HP: 1000 . EXP: 32000 . G: 32000 .

In two words: WarMech is the safest monster of all. It will be important to carry this yogo a thousand hit-points, while protecting yogo may be an impenetrable rіven zakhist. Magic on WarMech is only slightly slipped, like Nuke and Fade. The robot's physical attacks take from two to four hundred HP and can easily take down the Enchanter, and the tactical nuclear attack (analogous to the Nuke spell) can control the entire team. Nareshti, vіn vmіє imperceptibly sneak up behind and with a guarantee of the first hit on the team. If you want to win over, the riven of heroes can be at least 27, and better. Litsar and Meister cast WarMech with physical attacks, Black Enchanter cast both Fast on them, and then start casting Nuke, White Enchantment cast Anti-Fire and Invisibility 2 on the team, and then start casting Fade. It is possible, to spare you, and you will overcome yoga.
Naypriєmnіshe - this mini-bos is not obov'yazkovim; Vіn you may not be sharpened, but it may be sharpened, it is easy to flow into it.

Having crossed the place, stick around Shara - you will grow up, and the Demon of Povitrya will stand in front of you.

Bos: Tiamat
HP: 1000 . EXP: 5496 . G: 6000 .

Demon Povitrya may have three potencial special attacks: Blizzard, Thunder and Poison, which can greatly damage the team's blood. That physical attack of the new one is not weak - a hundred-and-repeated health hits for sure. Himself Tiamat mіtsniy, yak oak - 1000 hit points plus vіdmіnniy zahist suttєvo vіdtyagnuto yogo death. Best of all, you can cast Bane with an insane chance of success, spitting on your ProRings. On the cob of the battle, the Black Charmer will speed up his Fast both fighters, and the White one will set up all the powers of defense - Anti-Ice, Anti-Lightning and Invisibility 2 (for help White Shirt). Let's start together to beat the Demon in close combat. Do not forget to rejoice at the wounded! Tiamat is smart to di Bane and Break - so you can hit yoga on the go, for mercy.

Throwing off the enemy, to work hard to lie down - stand on the stove, and the fourth Kul will light up; power has turned to the new Povitrya! The teleport behind her will turn the heroes at the wasteland of the village of Mirage.

Partition 6. Temple of Demons

Now the mustaches of the Chotiri Kuli are shining, and you can collide with Evil at any moment. However, in order not to take it on the forehead, it is necessary to seriously prepare. All heroes can be equipped with ProRings, and all of the Litsar's cream - Ribbons. Buy 99 Heal Potions. See Lefayne and find out there for the good fortune Magic Shop (for whom to pass at the dirk between the bushes at the upper right coddle and fall down), you need to bring Nuke to the Black Enchanter, and Life 2 to White. Come on, get pumping. Riven command bazhano bring to 29, persh nizh shukati zustrіchі z head negidnik. Better to be afraid in the Temple of Demons, playing strictly in the boundaries of the first and the other surfaces - it’s not safe to roll over it below. Well, chi on VarMekhov ;-)

If you complete the preparation, go to the Temple of Demons. Go to the pivnich, near the room with the Black Shar, earlier sit Garland. Talk out of five Kazanians (tse your adversaries, Warriors of Heaven, yak were trying to heal the evil spirits of a hundred years ago)- It is known that the root of the power of the Demons is chained to the past, and you need to be transported to 2000 years in order to find a right enemy there. Get to Chornaya Kuli; your syayuchi Kuli prihovuyut yogo and activate the Brahma Hour. Crouch in them, and the team will be transferred to the past by two thousand years.

Remaining hike
Recommendations rіven: 29
on the 1 version can be pumped efficiently; if you turn on, cast Exit - it won't throw you not only until the exit, but back at the future. Vіdpochivayte that turn through Brama Chasa. There will be no natural (without Warp and Exit spells) road back.
Viyshovshi z kіmnati, go to the exit, then go down the corridor at the pіvdenno-shіdny kut, where you know go down.
on the 2 versions Build a dozen krokiv right-handed and go down to the top of the step.
3 over populations of gas dragons, yakі can remember to call the highest command; Be respectful! Rush along the descent on the day to the boundary on top and turn to the descent; if you see a bud on the pіvnіch out of you - come in before the new one. Bіlya doors command zustrіne phantom - settlements analogue of the Eye. Shards of all characters are protected by ProRings, yoga magic will not be successful, but you can easily chop yoga into cabbage. The screen has a levoruch - 45000 G, the screen has a right-hander - 65000 G, in the middle - a plate. Walk up to her and play the lute (didn't they wear the whole group for nothing?). Melodiya vіdkrіє descend on the mountain.
I'm back to 2 versions; get out of the stone on the day and turn to the back, then straight into the west-street kut to the descent up the hill.
Znovu 1 over. Go to the entrance and go down the gatherings.

Now I have to break through the cracks on top of the elements, and I will become the first in this row Above the Earth. It is important to live here monsters, know from the Caves of the Earth. Walk over the perimeter: uphill to the pivnіchno-zahіdny kut, then right-handed to the pіvnіchno-shіdny, nareshti, down to the pіvnіchno-shіdny - go down to which kutka, which are protected by Lіchem. Vіn vivchiv new spells Nuke, XXXX, Zap! And having added it to the strength, that little health was lost on the colossal equal. Tobto. Litsar or Meister equal 29 can put him down with one attack. Get down.
Step on the devil - On top of fire. Miscellaneous monsters snarled at the Gurgu volcano. Rush to the pivnich and come in before you wake up. It is necessary to go straight through and go through the doors at the opposite side. Get down on the day and go to the stop until the upcoming gatherings. The first time you get close to her, stay two times a day. At the left, take ProRing and go through a long corridor - in the room in the yoga room, lie Katana. Have the right take ProCape (For the Black Enchanter) and in the end of the corridor 26000 G, then turn around to the exits - she has checks for you Kari. Vіn tezh strong, lower than the last time, ale not rich, as if to compete with Lіchem. More improvement - the Fire 3 spell has been added, so cast Anti-Fire and attach the enemy. Zagal methods of struggle were lost to the old ones. If you win, go down.
Dali go Over Vody. The collection of monsters is given by the Sea tomb. Go around the bar, passing through the room in order, then collapse down (colon collapse) and levoruch. Come into the room, go through the middle of the day and see through other doors. Climbing up the mountain, pass one more landing and see at the middle door. Straight down the aisle, fenced with columns, down and right-handed. On the way to the descent at the pivdenno-shidny kutka you will see the Kraken. Tsej vіdrіznyаієєs vіd themselves in the future with their straining physical attacks. The White Charmer imposes Invisibility 2, Black - Fast on the Litsar, and the Kraken will be kaput. Get down.
We will stop you Over Povіtrya. Monsters yourself, who are at the Heavenly Castle. Move from the starting point to the day, then to the exit; go to the next exit by a narrow corridor, then to the exit. The road will end with a small room, in which there is a screen from Masmune. Tse naykrascha zbroya in grі, i can take it all heroes. Virishuyte sami, to whom yogo vіddat. For our warehouse, the team will bring the greatest gift out to the hands of the White Enchanter. Turn around to the starting point and collapse to the exit once. Tiamat sits at the aisle between two great rooms. Ignorantly on the deak, turning around, getting into it awkwardly - follow the same tactics as the last time, vikoristovuyuchi win in dosvidi. Tiamat did not notice any other improvements. At the pivnіchno-shіdny rose of the offensive stone - go.

Remaining on top absolutely empty. You won't get a bad monster on a new one. Go around the room in the center on top and stand in front of the door at the top wall. First come in, win again all the heroes (Vikorist zilla and spell of the lower rivniv). At the kіmnati vy zustrіnetesіz... Garland? It is clear to the rozmovi that the chotiri Demoni ruled this place, for the year 2000, and sent them to the future with their daring, having made Timchasov's Loop with such a rank. After the skin replicas of the wines come back - come and speak with him again. Meet Garland in the wake of his right form and attack on the team.

Bos: Chaos
HP: 2000 . EXP: now? G: now?

It will not be easy for a demonic creation to be healthy. The monster of health yak bik - two thousand hit points and an even higher defense will ensure naive vitality. Chaos is badly used in melee (minus one hundred or two HP per skin blow, plus PARALYZED status), knows a bunch of hard combat spells - Fire 3, Lightning 3, Ice 3, Tornado, Swirl, Inferno and Crack special attacks, while applying on yourself Fast (nіbi nibi і so weak attacks), and on you Slow 2. Nigіrshe, scho vin not zastosovuvat Cure 4; mutuzili viogo pіvgodini, and vіn times i povnistyu vilіkuvavsya. Chaos may be in its order unstoppable.
The team can be less than 30 rubles, and at the peak of the form. The Black Enchanter by stretching the first two rounds imposes on the Litsar and Maistra Fast. The White Enchanter defends the team for the help of Invisibility 2 and Fog 2 (possibly Anti-Fire). Potim Litsar and Meister begin to hunt Chaos with physical attacks, and Enchanters fire at it with the most intense spells: White - Fade, Black - Nuke. In a more reasonable way, the protective option of the battle will require the Fade to protect all the heroes of the Wall spells. With a non -chisel, we are on the pydlikovannya biecev, Vikoristovychi Cure 3 I cure 4. Kony healthy bos to fall the lower back of 500 hp, lean on the nyoye all -in -and . In this battle, it’s a lot to lie down due to good luck.

Overturning Chaos effectively rises up and turns into nothingness.
Timchasov's Loop is broken; on the planet again zapanuvav light! The management of the forces of the elements has again turned the earth. Everything in the world turned into circles. If Chaos, spawned by chotirioh Demoniv, overpowered by the Warriors of the Light, that overcoming the past has changed the future. The beautiful four, turning to their hour, revealed that all traces of the forces of Evil had appeared from the face of the earth ... At what hour, their goodies were roaring - now it’s impossible. But the memory of them will live forever in the hearts of people, and the legend about the Warriors of the World is passed on from generation to generation.

Remakes of the first 2 parts of Final Fantasy. The main innovations are video clips and improved graphics. Also, the games were trochs simple (you can choose the menu). Even though the first legendary parts of the Grie have not yet passed, which were on Dendi (NES), then you have such a possibility again.

Screenshots of Final Fantasy Origins:

Rick exit: 2003
Genre: RPG
retailer: TOSE
Vidavets: Square Enix
Language: Russian (localizer - studio Kudos).
Region: NTSC (SLUS-01541)
Wimogi: PlayStation 1 or emulator.
Multiplayer: Today.
Rozmir: 112 MB
Rosemary after repacking: 247 MB

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The shortest option to download the game Final Fantasy Origins free of charge for Sony PlayStation 1- Download via torrent in one click. In such a case, you need to install a torrent client program, for example uTorrent. There is also a way to download without torrent without intermediary from secure file exchanges (Depositfiles, UniBytes). The method is composed of 4 days. 1 - let's go for the request to select the file exchanger from the file. 2 - in view of the propositions "download at maximum speed" (button "Start downloading" or "no, dyakuyu"). 3 - enter captcha (characters from the picture). 4 - check the gate timer for 60 seconds. and download the game directly from the server. To start, I lost my speed with a PS1 emulator for a computer, or rather, burn the game to disk and play it on the console.

This article is for those who want to go through the first part of the famous game - Final Fantasy I. Why can I welcome you.

I put all my soul into it and tried to do it even better, be kind, appreciate my efforts.


On the back, I'll tell you a little about the structure of the article. The statue will have small inserts of the red magician. Tse bude you znayome, scho zvіd znіd zvіd zvіd zvіd svіd svіd sоblіv yakus tatіkіv, аbо іѕ аn important detail.

Listen to me more often, and it will be easier to go through the game! If you don't like the graphics of the original part, then play the Anniversary Edition on PSP. There, the graphics are better, and the inner city has been saved. If you want to read the passage without knowing the plot, then read it for my sake. They don't have any spoilers, and the stench will help you get through the game.

Before the skin location there will be a list of speeches, which one can know. bold type seen quests and important items. Before the skin battle with the boss, read the tactics of the battle - you've seen it in italics. The moments that are recorded in the Anniversary Edition will be marked with a star*.

Axis to you mapa light.

Now porinemo in that old world of Final Fantasy.

Rozdil 1 Chotiri warriors of light

Having pressed the New Game button, we will be given a small menu, where we can recognize the character's name as that profession. Nini is a small characteristic of professions.

Head attack character. You can win all kinds of armor, but not enough to magic.

Attack character. Although I don’t want to win all that magic, but I can have a higher level of security and good luck.

White Mage

Supporting character. Even if it’s not a building, it’s like a decent attack, but I know the magic was perfect.

Black Mage

Attack character. It is also not available before the attack "manually", but I can access to all black magic.

Attack character. Specializes in attacks with bare hands.

Red Mage

Attacking support character. If you have access to black and white magic, but if so many slots are fenced, then you won’t be able to get away. My thought: the most magical profession of grі.

Having assigned the names of those professions, we press Start and marvel at the introductory video.

When you come, we show up in front of the entrance at the Cornelia place (we have been given full freedom. From the point we can work everything that is worth it). We go into the place and at all the entrances the guards show up, they won’t let us out of the place until we talk to the king. We are talking about being a guard and carrying us to the king.

The king rules us for his suffocated daughter. It is known that we are right, you are the warriors of the light, who are ryatuvatime light (for 14 years already) against evil. Now they let us in and we need a little bit to look around at the very little place. There was a dance to beat the fountain.

Look to the dance floor, you don't know what to work. Zzvichiy out giving pushes on the far passage.

On our logs 500 gl we can buy Rapier for warriors (because to whom you have є), Staff for the mage(s), Leather Armor for the villain and Chain Mail for the warrior (and the red mage, as you heard me and took yoga to your team) . Z magic raju Cure, Fire chi Thunder. Behind the towers Protect that Blink. Let's buy a couple of Potion and stitch out of us.

We can go to the Earthgift Shrine and listen to the music of Mt. Gulug (we can feel it more in Final Fantasy 9). Now we go to Chaos Shrine. Here you can find the Leather Cap, Tent and Potion, the trochs will pump up (I've beaten the axis so far, I've reached 4 rubles). Having picked up all the speeches and just knowing that we can overcome the bad guy, we take care, we go to the central stone and we are talking about Garland.

Bos 1


Garland's attacks are strong, lower in ordinary opponents, but not rich. It’s just that it’s easy to yogo and to be elated (from the height of 4 equally, I didn’t have a chance to be elated).

Sarah (nightmare… Serah guessing) is vryatovana, she turns to the king. They tell us, deafen us in epic rows of prophecy and tell us how to know the first crystal. Under the influence of the authority of the warriors of the world, they began to lay the mist (wouldn’t it have been easier to lay the molting of the yogo to the bottom? There are five seconds ... at the literal sensi).

Vryatovana princess gives us Lute and let in light. Well, it's wonderful. Let's move on through the place and again marveling at one of the most epic scenes (especially my heart sank, the atmosphere was transferred to the original).

Chapter 2 Crystal Eye

Be safe. Granted, sometimes the flooring will tighten, so you will forget your robit, and the shards in front of you will not be surrounded by anything, you can spend on a strong monster and die .... Do not repeat my pardons.

New monsters are coming. Carefully! Gigas worm and Ogre can be a big problem!

Now we need to see Matoya, as she has lost her crystal eye (why we need help - we don’t know, but we’ve got a legacy, how far to go). The Pecherka її is located at the pіvnochі (it is passable for a small purchase of a dog and milk water).

She has in her oven: 2xPotion and Antidote.

We listen to Matoya's skarga and movchki vіddalyaєmos prikhopivshi prіbnі drіbnichki (wonderful behavior, but the heroes should lie like that). Now we go down a little to buying a pipe and we go down to the slope and a little lower. As a result, we go to Pravoka.

People slowly walk and ask for help. Misto, it appears, the pirates have hoarded! Tse zovsіm do not care for us to go shopping before the battle. With magic, it's hard to raj Temper, Slow and Dark (you can give Blizzard to a red mage, as you have a unique wine). Z White Silence, NulShock and Invis. For gear, choose Broadsword, instead of Battle Ax (which has low accuracy), Leather Gloves, Iron Armor and Leather Shield. Shche th Potion do not forget. Don’t waste pennies for everything, obviously, choose who to donate to. Take care. After shopping, that fear of a file can be taken away. Appropriately to the pirates, as if they modestly joined the pivnіchno-zahіdny little place of the place and rose to the captain, which gave rise to the famous phrase:

Battle: 9 pirates

Pirates can take not a quantity, but a yakist, so back up how many blows you miss before the move and rejoice at the hour. But if you didn’t marnull an hour on the way to the city, then you’re not guilty of problems.

After the battle of swearing, the captain is victorious, take up the honest life that is given to us ship(Generous gift). Now you can roam.

Vipadkovy battles on the sea did not succumb to anyone. Be kind, don't forget about it. Bigeyes with their Paralyze attacks can give us the most trouble on the sea.

The mini-gras is showing. In order to play in quacha, it is necessary to change into the ship, pressing the button dії, press the button skasuvannya 55 times.

As soon as you solve a puzzle, you can win even more decent prizes.

Now we can make our way to Elfheim.

Chi is ambiguous written on the grave, right?

Here you can have a good time. From the magic of the raja Fira and Thundara, maybe Bind (you can steal a trifle, so that you can move the magical rive). White magic - Cura, Diara. There is one more store at the entrance, Poisona, Fear, NulFrost are sold there. 3 zbroї varto turn respect for Saber, z equipment for Iron Shield, Leather Cap, Helm.

Now we can break into the castle and marvel at the sleeping prince. I want to marvel at the sight of neobov'yazkovo, but even though it's already in order.

You need to know which Astos. And for whom we will go to the first gloomy dungeon near the city, I will call Marsh Cave (wondering the map, it’s not easy to know yoga just like that).

You can shukat objects in the dungeon, but it’s easier to try it out, more easily, more sumuva to impossibility.

List of items: 620 gil, Dagger, 680 gil, Steel Plate, Cottage, Copper Armlet, 2x screens for 680 gil sum.

Now we go down to the bottom of the dungeon up to 3 on top with the same rooms. Here we need another room in another row. Take care and fit to the screen.


Piscodemon (piskademon)

The stench may have stronger attacks. If you have є Protect, then you will go to the magicians (like characters with the least HP), a couple of times Temper to the warrior to strengthen the attack and the demons will not cause you serious problems.

Now, if all the problems are gone, you can take the damned Crown and five stars of the night.

Now let's go to Western Keep. But if you dunk you kindly, then run to Elfheim. We go into the castle and take it out at the entrance. Now you can drink to the king and win the crown. Ale, in the throne room, there is a surprise for us.

boss 2


The quicker the bіy ends, the better. Astos chakluє magic Fira and Death. Here I think it’s a tactic like piskodemons, only with underwire protection.

Vbivshi Astos mi otrimuemo dovogoochіkuvany crystal eye for Matoya.

Now we turn at the stove of the witch and see the crystal's eye. Natomista out of sight to us with its Jolt tonic. For the sake of rіchchyu virushaєmo in Elfheim and give the prince's healer a brew.

Prince see us mystic key And we are given a few additional locations.

  • Elfheim pivnіchno-shіdna kіdna Mythril Hammer, Bronze Gloves, 730 gil
  • Western Keep reception at the entrance to the entrance of Falchion, Power Staff, Steel Gloves
  • Marsh Cave 3 top, bottom row: top room, middle room, right room 1020 gil, Mythril Knife, Silver Armlet
  • Cornelia Castle double room Crosier, Saber, Mythril Knife, Steel Plate, Iron Shield, Nitro Powder
  • Chaos Temple hosted by Rune Blade, Werebane, Gold Needle
  • Dwarf Cave

For the sake of the plot, we need only a room in Cornelia Castle, in order to know it is necessary, without going around the castle in the middle of the location. Stones for pivnoch.

Ex ... .. now we are at Mount Duergar. Dwarfs vigukuyut Rali-ho (which has appeared already in FF9). Here you can find 575 and 450 gіl. We see Nerrick our Nitro powder.

Split 3 Four fiends

Seeing broads and now maєmo channel! Plivemo on a string in Melmond. At the place you can stock up on equipment and armor, with white magic raja Curaga and Diaga. Black magic tezh garna here spells Teleport and Firaga. Having bought, you can rozpituvati populace. Yak? An evil vampire turning the place into ruins? We obov'yazkovo treba vsіh uriatuvati! For whom we go to the Cavern of Earth.

Carefully! At the back part of the first, a rіven is given on top of the Encounter of movement up to 100%!!! To get out of the way, you happen to join the battle through the leather croque! Dungeon trohi more and more gloomy, and that's why we happen to get around the girls. Without 12 equals, it’s not raja to go there. Even more important can be used with Earth Elemental.

We make our way down and save ourselves in front of the kazhan that blocks the passage. We happen to see Dracula as a powerful person.

Bos 3


Nothing serious. The boss is weak against fire and holiness (Firaga and Diara in Melmond).

Take Star Ruby and let's go stars. Now you can go to Giant's Cave and give the ruby ​​golem a golem. Now you can go to the room with some screens and take Potion, 620 gil, 450 gil and Mythril Helm.

Now it's gone by Sage's Cave. It's much simpler here. We simply know the “wise man” himself and speak to him. Now we have earth rod and a few pieces of information about the offensive boss. Oh zhah! We'll have to sneak into the Cavern of Earth again.

You can go back to Melmond for Potion or just see Inn. If you didn’t take all the belongings for the first time, you can take everything else.

Bіzhimo until the moment of the essence with the vampire, we see in the other door and we press the button dії in front of the stone. At the entrance of the fifth, on top of the underground, there is a room made of crystal. Take care and we say with a yellow bag. An evil boss appears before us:

Bos 4

Tsya kryakozyabіna can beat Blizzara and may even have a large amount of HP (as it is equal to the front bosses). But just like that, the vampire is weak to the point of fire and holiness, just don’t forget to snuggle all the time and everything will be ok.

Now one of our characters is shaking the crystal again, the Lich statue is crumbling in the Earthgift Shrine*. We danced boogie-woogie and we were given a no-bone portal up the mountain like a bonus prize.

You can go to Melmond and have a look, or you can immediately walk to the starting point of recognition of our excursion - Crescent Lake Town. In order to know it correctly, it is necessary to sail on the ship to the entrance to Sage's Cave and see it strictly on the west, resting a little lower on the continent. Now let's go a little lower. There, in the middle of the great forest, there will be a lake and a place.

Here you can bring equipment and shoes, more Potion, and with magic, you can pick up a little more. We pass between the shop of white and black magic stitches and twelve old ones. We speak with the first chervonim, we are old right-handed, and give us wine canoe. You can talk to Lukahn, you don't carry a protégé of corynes.

Now our path lies in another hot spot for a Final Fantasy veteran - Mt. Gulg. Apparently from the place and sit by the canoe right in the lake. Now it’s pouring on the pіvnіch (on the rozdorіzhzhі techіy — livoruch) we go to the ground (here the Encounter rate is raised), the small lake is flooding again and we go near the volcano.

One crochet along the lava takes 1 HP, but if you take away a lot of lava, then Skoda becomes worthy. Ale є th zvorotny bek of the medal, on the lava of vipadkovy essences we will not pass in flames. Don't forget to follow Potion.

Item List: 2x Mythril Helms, 13925 gil, Mythril Gloves, 2x Potions, Tent, Antidote, Mythril Shield, Mythril Ax, Claymore, Gold Needle, 2750 gil, 1760 gil, Antidote, 8220 gil , Cottage, 2000 gil, 1250 gil, Staff, Flame Mail.

Here the lava checks on us. Our task is to speed up our perebuvannya in the new to the minimum, so we work like this:

On top of 1 - let's go to the exit, exit higher.

On top of 2 - here we have two choices. We can go to the entrance to the exit or go to the door and pick up the maze set of 2xMythril Helm, Mythril Gloves, Mythril Ax, Mythril Shield, Hi-Potion, Tent, Antidote, Phoenix Down and buy pennies.

On top of 3 - let's go to the exit and see the transition far away.

On top of 4 - there is a lot of lavi, ale mi without interruption we go to the pivdenniy skhid and we pass again to ...

On top of 3 - passable on the way back and mi again on ...

On top of 4 - you can go to the room and pick up items, or you can go to the day (location of the corridor type, don't get lost).

On top of 5 - here you pass with a star: pivden - empty, pivdenniy skhid - gold needle, skhid - empty, pivnichny skhid - empty, pivnich - empty, pivnichny zahid - empty, zahid - Flame mail, pivdenny zahid - fire vіvtar.

Having taken everything you need and equipping Flame mail, you can save yourself and go to Maliris.

Bos 5


Grandma is serious. Raju throw Protect on all a couple of times, try to cast Sleep on the snake and while she sleeps, Temper on the warrior. If you have taken Ice Brand, equip yoga to the warrior, and defend Flame mail with fire magic. You can cast Blink on the warrior a couple of times.

Now that scheme itself is like a vіvtar of the earth. Crystal - statue - boogie-woogie - teleport.

Now it’s a good idea to turn back at Crescent lake town and have a few items and stock up on items. And now we turn to the ship and let the continent spit out the troch on the pіvnіch to the offensive port. There will be a river right on the cordon with the swamp. With it, we will fill it up for a day before the end of the road and then we will go back to the small vіrіzk of the earth from the Cavern of Ice.

My loves are given... After the innumerable earthen caves and the labyrinths of the first on top, they are created with manna from heaven. Ale here is even more filthy Mindflayer with his own Mind Blast (paralyze all parties) and White Dragon on the screenshots. Here we use studs and studs, yak znimayut 2 HP at a time (they don’t have any vipadkovy essences on them).

Item List: Flame Sword, Shirt, Ice Armor, Mythril Gloves, 40784 gil, Potion, 10000 gil, Sleeping Bag, Ice Shield, 9500 gil.

Now beware! Read through the passage of the labyrinth to the end, because if you do it wrong, then you will happen to go through it again to the point of incomprehensibility!

1 on top - no problem. We pick up at the first pass.

2 over - let's go to the entrance and to the first pass.

3 on top - well, there are no problems here.

2 on top - go to the door and save! If you respectfully admire, then you can remember that the ice near the room is covered with cracks. Choose Clothes and Flame Sword. Let's face a crack and fall down.

3 on top - a rich screen, we’ll go on the back for a day, then we’ll go on the way and get up.

1 on top - we go in at the door, take a screen, go through another passage and go around the room to the beast, DO NOT VIEW THE LOCATION! Demo down to the room with three screens (Sleeping Bag, Ice Shield, 1500 gil), there will be a crack at the bottom. We step on it and it appears to be the white of our mind. We take care of that we go to the stone.


Evil eye

Zastosovuє magic -ra, but you don’t have problems with it.

Beremo Levistone and choose a star.

Now you can drop by Crescent Lake Town for a refreshment in health. After a break, we break the other river for the next day. We pass into the wasteland and take it airship(finally… no encounters. At least, on world map).

Chapter 4 Bahamut - Dragon King

Tsya head is optional. Tse means that you can go through the passage to the offensive division and not suffer. Takozh raja pririmati 40 thousand gіl.

Item List: Gauntlet, Healing Staff, Steel Gloves, Ice Brand, Ruby Armlet, Cottage, 8795 gil, Rat tail.

Let's fly to the Citadel of Trials, speak with NPCs and sit on the throne at the corner of the room.

Now there is a list of teleports (I'll point you only there de fork).

Lower, lower, right, third turn before the turn.

On the third version, along the way, we collect a bunch of belongings and rat's tail. Get Dragon Zonbie and sit on the throne.

Now let's fly to Dragon Caves and climb through different entrances, take a screen and see Bahamut's Rat's tail.

Now our team with improved professions and magicians can learn spells for greater equals.

Chapter 5

Let's fly on the way to the desert (there will be one big and in the middle of the big small small littered with a dog, we need an axis there).

You can’t rob cows, but you can stay in one) Go to the merchant in the plan and buy it Faerie's Bottle for 40 thousand gіl. (in the original 50, but did you listen to me in the Anniversary Edition?)

Now let's fly to Gaia. As soon as we go to the place, the fairy will fly from the dances. Idemo at a pivnich location, we say it’s a fairy tale oxyale.

Let's fly to Onrac and let's go with the girl. She asks us to take care of the mermaids and give us a gift. We climb in the middle and break down to the Underwater Shrine.

Item List: 9900 gil, 2000 gil, Diamond Armor, 20 gil, Diamond Armor, 2x Light Axe, Mage's Staff, 12350 gil, Diamond Armlet, 10760 gil, 21910 gil, Antidote, Diamond Shield, Diamond Helm Rosetta Stone, 560 gil, Giant's Gloves, 5835 gil, 19990 gil, Ribbon.

If we go to the pivnichno-shidny pass, then let's go to pivdny, then we'll go to the end of the day, and to pivnich, we take Diamond Armor from the room for the day, we take 20 gil from the great room, we go now for the day, we take Light Ax from the stone, let's go to the exit, in the room with 1 screen we take Mage's Staff, apparently, on the day and exit, we take 12350 gil and go to 5 rubles. Go to the pivnіch, take 10760 gil and Diamond Bangle, near the room above it 2750 gil, on the pivdenny exit 4150 gil, in the room one lower down lie Antidote, in the room to the right of the Diamond Shield, in one room on the mountain there is 5000 gil, in the room on the pivnichny zahid lie 10010 gil. So there are 3 screens left, at the entrance we will go to the entrance, then not to the exit, to the exit, the first turn to the entrance, to the exit and to the room, Diamond Helm and Diamond Gloves, as well as the key river - Rosetta Stone.

Through the peninsula-rear passage let's go to the peninsula, go to the 3rd row and again to the 4th, go to the afternoon and again to the 3rd row, go into the room, take 560 Gl, go out of the room through the lower doors, go to the passage on the 2nd row. Іdemo on the way out, then on the afternoon, at the room take 15825 gil, but now, don’t let go, let’s go on the way out and take 5835 gil from 4 screens, take 19990 gil that line, levoruch in the direction of the stone passed uphill, let’s go to the pivnich, then to the exit, and turn to 1 rіven. I’m going to the pivnich, we’re going into the room, we’re going through the left doors, now we’re going in, we’re going in the afternoon, we’re going back in, we’re going through the doors to the great sanctuary. Let’s go to the pivnich, then we’ll go to the west, we’ll see the stars and we’ll go further along the road, we know the room with crystal water.

Bos 6


The kraken is strong in the physical plane, but weak to the Thunder class magic. Throw Protect at all and don't forget to rejoice (my weak magician was guilty of it in two strikes). You can throw Holy once.

I once again crystal - statue - boogie-woogie - teleport.

Now we fly with our Rosette to Melmond. There, at the extreme pіvnіchno-shіdny hut, there is a peasant present, who, behind the fireplace, will teach us the language of the Lufenians.

Now let's fly to Lufenia. Here zabubuєmos that splkuєmosya with residents. One of them will give us twinkle(This item is also merged in FF9).

The lufeniya area has only one square, additional for landing. Vіn raztashovaniya on pіvnіchny cordonі lіfenіanskogo fіsu. After talking with one of the villagers, you need to take a little twinkle.

If we don't hit it a hundred times, let's go to the Waterfall Cavern. There, in one of the rooms, there will be a golem, who will give us one of the most famous speeches. warp cube(No one in duodecim did not take yoga?).

After two thousand fates of uninterrupted work, the golem still snarled and now does not see the usual mind-boggling sounds. Well, we need to go further.

We already finished it with crystals, buy needful speeches in to the nearest place. Near the Mirage Tower, the empty space is great, and just like a flying ship lands only on the grass, we happen to know the needs of the place and drag the empty space with our feet.

We sit on an airship and fly to the Mirage Tower.

Voices: Healing Helm, Vorpal Sword, Aegis Shield, Tent, 24960 gil, Thor's Hammer, Cottage, Dragon Mail, Sunblade, 58985 gil, Venom Blade, 21950 gil, Potion, Protect Ring, Healing Helm, 11900 , Diamond Shield, Ribbon, Black Robe, White Robe, Cottage, Mythril Helm, 13880 gil, adamantite(If you want to take a friend with a strong brou in grі, then it’s ob'yazkovo її take it), Protect Ring, Potion, 14450 gil, Gold Needle, Sasuke, 7550 gil, Gold Needle, Shirt, Protect Cloak, 24035 gil.

The first three on top are not tsikav (the first near the center is a cupa of belongings). On the third version, get to the teleport and move to the Flying fortress. At the first location, let's move quickly to the teleport. On another version, we go on a day and teleport. On which version you can marvel at the location of the power of crystals, mist, where we happen to gather together with evil in the struggle for peace. Here we go to the center of the location and teleport far away. Here you will be on top of the great spacious corridors, ahead of you, OVER LOOPING!

oh oh oh oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh oh oh

Circles indicate empty columns. At the entrance, go two rows to the left and go to the docks on the day before the teleport. On the fifth version, we will go to the pivnich and strike with the remaining elemental enemy - Tiamat.

Bos 7


Finish off a serious opponent. Repair with NulBolt and Haste. Let's cast on the new Flare and use physical attacks.

We overcame the rest of the elemental gate and activated all the crystals. Now we sit in Airship and fly to Cornelia.

Shared 6 Two thousand years ago

We go to the point of no turning. Radzhu politati with light and buy korisnoy magic, equipment, trochs go out, vikonat quest for more professions (yes, most of all, they didn’t vikon). However, if you have the Anniversary Edition, then you can always turn around, having made the portal, the magic of chi rich Emergency Exit.

If you have adamantite, you can gold in Mt. Duergar, I forge yoga and take the place of another for the strength of the sword from Excalibur.

Our place has a mysterious peculiarity, as if we were talking about the vіvtar of chaos. * Now let's go to Chaos Shrine (where we fought with Garland on the cob of gris). Show us the plot insert, and we can open the doors to the Labyrinth of Time. The purpose of the Lufenians appears, like a thousand rokiv, so they tried to stir up evil and tear the noose of Timchas. Now you can enter the portal.

We go into the portal and move on to 2000 years, if there are more chaos in the future.

1 over - exit at the pivdenny skhod.

2 over - exit at the pivnіchny meeting.

3 above - at the center of the location there is a large room. There we are attacked by Death Eye, but with it we have daily problems (1 exp 1 gіl Sakaguchi knows). We go to the stone slab that is painted on lute. I'm walking away.

2 on top - out at the very pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of the location.

1 over - exit suvoro at the entrance.

B1 on top - go around the edge all over. At the last gathering, the Lich attacked us (before the speech of the wines, we will attack you soon, if you are suitable for the gathering. Ex navit tsey dear bug was taken away).

B2 on top - out of order, but for which you need to get around the location through the next room (there will be doors). Bіlya descent attacked us Malirіs.

B3 on top - we pass through the rooms to the center of the location (there will be three graves), let's go out on the afternoon and walk along the wall to the exit. On the way to the descents, the Kraken attacked us (666 proof ... Sakaguchi rose up).

B4 on top - we are trying to go to the exit and without a hitch we will get to Tiamat. You won't believe it, but you've caused me little problems! I'm just wondering (I want to say that the maximum wage of my party is 36 ....).

B5 - epichnist here just hung in the window. We go to the central room and see Harland.

Over yogo attacks were kindly treated, and now our characters are fighting on the whole battlefield. Not only that, victorious magic, but also a tornado and curaga. Let's start with Invisira for the party, Haste for the war (for example, Light Curtain or Curtain). Magicians throw Flare and Holy like a psycho, and, it is possible, to spare you, and I don’t fork all my comfort with the magic of Curaga. Ale, by the way, mi yogo did dob'emo. Now you can relax and marvel at the kіntsіvku.

Wait, you've completed the ultimate Final Fantasy!


If you're playing Anniversary Edition, then don't hurry to put the console in. Now you can take care of yourself, and run through secret dungeons, you will see the most famous enemies from Final Fantasy, and also from miraculously arranged music! Axis of small battles (the first second and the sound fails, but then everything is kosher).

Axis of a kіlka nav_domіshih:

I for completion. Goddess Cosmos from Final Fantasy 012 is Sarah…

This walkthrough is based on the PSP version: Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition!

1. Chotiri warriors of light


At given passage I will fill in all the names of the objects with my English language, so that you do not stray, so that you are counting as a localization, you happen to name them yourself. On the very cob of the gris you will be told to name the characters and choose their skin profession. In this part, the characters do not have good names and special features. Name them whatever you want, and then give them a profession. On the choice we have є: warrior, villainous, black, red, white and black magicians. Everyone has their pluses and minuses, everything here follows logic. Warrior garni in physical attacks, villains may have high indications of healing and a high chance of leakage, blacks are also garnis in physical attacks, but only hand-to-hand combat, black magicians specialize in attacking magic, and white magicians specialize in attacking magic and tricks. The red magician specializes in black and white magic at once, however, the shards of the new one have a lot of room for magic, soak all the magic available to a black or white magician, it’s not possible. That and vzagali, I'm not happy to choose bi-yogo, I can't make black and white magic, I can't, it's available only to white and black magicians.

Zagalom, choose professions and name your characters (you can also choose autonames, as if you were molting yourself). In my work, I base myself on a standard choice of professions, but with one vinnyatka - replacing a villain with a crime.

Marvel at a short screensaver, as if telling about those that the verses rebelled, and the crystals went out, and then the warriors of the light appeared, as if they were trying to help the virishenny problem. Well, at the result, you will decide on the order of the place and take control. Come to the place.


You can ask for help from the population. Give respect to the hotel (Inn) by the entrance to the place. Here you can restore HP / MP of characters for a small amount. At Cornelia, the hotel has a total cost of 30 hil, which is even cheaper, so that you can equalize the price with the city’s mouth. Also, the hotel has tips that will tell you the basics of grilling at different times. The city has stores of armor and armor, you can recognize them for swords and shields. From 500 gіl, the intestines did not grow much, but the prices, it’s not surprising, are not so great here. Buy a Rapier for a warrior and a Hammer for a white mage. To dress the black man from the white magician Staff. From armor you can take Chain Mail for a warrior and Leather Armor for a chance. Don’t equip the monk with armor, take your word for it, the chances are strong at hand-to-hand combat. There are shops of black and white magic on pіvnіch, on some windows with black and white crystals. Here it is important to know that magicians can only cast 3 skin spells each, if you want to call chotiri in an accessible way. I'm happy to take for the cob the standard Fire and Thunder for the black magician and Cure and Dia for the white.

They gave me to go to the exit through the city, you are obliged to commemorate the church. If any of the characters die in battle, go to the church and the bishop will resurrect the character for a small fee. Below the church is a shop for items, yoga viviska - a teapot. Reshtu pennies can be used for a couple of Potion and Antidote, buy їх, want and tsіni їх at the same time, obviously, just lakayuchі, but you need antidotes, shards in tsіy grі, otruta - tse gidka rich, yak pic. As soon as you walk around Cornelia, talk about being a kind of soldier to get out. The soldier, having remembered the crystals in his hands, negainally wants to take you to the king.

Cornelia Castle

You bow before the king. Let us know that you are a warrior of light and ask you to tell Princess Sarah, as if he had won the best swordsman in the world, Garland. After a small dialogue, I will turn my head again to you. Leave the castle, crash with a map of the world to the pіvnіchniy stop at the Temple of Chaos, get lost here even more smoothly, in fact, the path is only the way to the temple. Sign a path to the temple of the cave in the western mountains, but for the time being, we don’t need it, it’s an additional underground, to which we still can’t access. If your characters take the fourth rіven, boldly go to the temple.

Temple of Chaos

There is a screen from the Leather Cap near the room on the pivdenny entrance. Hang it on somebody. Near the room at the pivnichny entrance - Potion and Tent. There are no more treasures here, the fight for Garland has been lost. Spend a meal until noon, turn around to the entrance and go straight to the pivnich. I’m sorry, until what hour you still got a quarter rіven, but it’s better to wind up five. Come in at the door and talk to the faces.

The princess is screwed. You will automatically lean back in Cornelius Castle. Now there is no doubt - you are exactly the same warriors of light from the prophecy of Lucan. Then the king will tell about the crystal, roztashovaniya on the pivnіchny continent. І, yak and obіtsyav, the shortest term will be the place to the pivnіchny continent. Having taken away the freedom of diї, talk to Sarah, she will give you the key item - the lute. If you fill the castle and marvel at the devil's short screensaver about those, like alarm clocks, get a place in a few seconds. The axis of what means - the order of the king!

Now, if there are other promptings, more dry land will become available to us. Run to Cornelia for the needs, ask in the hotels and buy bags of antidotes. Having finished your work here, break to the bridge. Vin is just above the castle. As soon as you step on the spot, you will be surprised to marvel at the devil's text intro. Having taken control anew, set foot on a new continent. There will be a fork in front of you, the mountain will split the path navpil. If you drink a levoruch, you can drink in Mato's Cave and take two veins of antidote there, but we don't need it there yet, if you don't especially need these items, then you can get the stove. Rush downhill through the dense forest. On the way, beware of strong monsters, such as ogre and wolf wargs, even though you can pump badly on them, but you can blame the weak team of the stink for one or two. Continue to collapse on the way until you reach the sea, having broken through the trochs on the pivden, you are guilty of remembering the place. Come in. Well, I’m sure that until this hour you pumped up to 6-7 and earned pennies from monsters.


The city is clearly in trouble. The hotel is located on the pivnich at the entrance, not at the new bed 50 hil. Follow up, as it is necessary. Also, the church is known to the right of the hotel, on the verge, as if someone from the members of the team was driven in. Give respect to the new place of the skin in the hotel and the church to grow. After listening, go to the pivnichny entrance of the place, there are three pirates to stand there, talk to the captain, wines at the center. I’ll tell you everything correctly and tell you about those who, if you want your mother right with him, you have to blame but I have steel ... cores, so. Pochnetsya bey of nine pirates. The stench is weak, it’s not your fault to give you a lot of trouble. Having lost without helpers, captain Bikke will vibrate, promise to be kind and act directly without cost, just as a gift to his powerful ship. You can stand at the bay for a day or two from the place. Ale, in the city, have lost their right. Buy a Broadsword for a warrior from your armor shop, buy an Iron Armor and a Leather Shield for it, and also a Leather Glove for a total of three pieces (for all, okrim chentsya). Black and white magic shops sell magic of a different kind, it would be bad to buy Blizzard for a black magician, and also Slow and Dark for a black magician and Blindna and Silence for white. If you don’t get pennies, then you’ll have to kill those monsters that walk nearby with the city. At the end of the purchaser, sit on the ship.

2. Prince of elves

Vipadkovy essences will not give you peace of mind if you are sailing on a ship. However, there are less water monsters on the sea, so you can't cast Thunder on them. We need stoves to go. You will be guilty of barging in at Cornelius, and upon request you can see a hotel there. From Cornelius, it's a day's flight to Elfheim, the place of the elves. You'll be guilty to push right into the pier. If you're afraid of getting lost, you can always click the map by pressing SELECT + . On the map, red dots indicate places, and yellow dots - stoves. Elfheim is known simply by Cornelius. Having landed on dry land, go for a day through the forest, so you are to blame for the distance of Elfheim.


The hotel is located near the entrance, which once in a new place has already been 100 g. Talk to the local population. The people were getting grizzled, they were trapilos with the local prince. Isn't it better for the world of the first FF? Well, let's have a blast, let's go shopping. Buy a Dagger for a black mage from the ops. The armor shop has a lot of savory. The Copper Armlet is a real thing, but its price is decent. It’s better to make a purchase for later, but if you want to take it so much, earn pennies from the monsters who charge from mist, and buy two, for a black and white magician. Buy an Iron Shield and a Helm for a warrior, as well as a Leather Cap for a black mage (equip the white one with the one you got from the warrior). At the store of objects there is a lot of noise, for example, the Gold Needle, but the price is still terrible. Rather than buying a new one, buy two or three Tent, you definitely need to stink.

The shops of magic are already selling magic of the third and fourth levels. Shops with the third level of magic are located near the hotel, and shops with the fourth level are a little better. The magic is good, the price is good. Deyak magic is more fiery, for example, Haste, Fira, Thudara for a black magician and Poisona, Cura, Heal for a white one. Ale, you yourself already lie, collect pennies, or add the purchase of magic for later, honestly, vibivayuchi pennies, you can get infected and pump. Decent sums to give for the ogres and the leaders of the ogres, as they trap right in the middle of nowhere. If you don’t give magic by rapt, then you still have a small rіven. For the fourth level of magic, the character can be pumped up to 13 levels. Don't hesitate to read Square's Easter egg on the tombstone... If you're in the mood, just finish shopping, go straight to the castle.

Elfheim Castle

Talk to the people. It is clear that Astos had lured the prince into an eternal sleep and vtik with the king's belongings. The prince himself slept well at the entrance to the castle. He entrusted him to sit in a doctor, which seems to be that the prince has been at such a place for five years already and that can still be here. Well, you need to joke. Obov'yazkovo before leaving the place to buy a sprig of antidotes, as if they did not add the magic of Poisona. The time has come for the break on the pivdenny entry to the Bolotnaya Pecheri. Viyshovshi from Elfheim, stupid on the way. Go around the fire. They got lost, not bothering to look at the map of the world. As soon as you get to the shore, fall to the pivnich until you hit the castle. First, I need to go to the new one.

Rear warehouse

It looks like you leave the place. Rush to the left and rise to the top, eat to the bed, where the king sits on the throne. I’ll tell you that Astos fooled him and asked him to know his crown, as he himself was in the Bolotnіy pecherі. There is nothing more to work here. Viyshovshi zі warehouse, collapse on the day of the bridle of the left bank, the docks do not remember the small whirlpool in the earth - those that we need. Before the speech, it’s good to enter it, being on the lines of 13-14, otherwise the monsters there will give you trouble.

Bolotyan Pechera

If you signify that a couple of mystic monsters love to impose destruction and paralysis on the party, do not drag out the battles and save the antidotes. Likewise, green mucus is sprouting here, which may be an ostentatious zakhist 255, tobto. maximum, you can’t beat it with magic.

Zayshovshi in the oven, you will immediately spend on the decoction. Stomp along the upper path until you reach the descent to another overhead. Get down. On another version, go to the exit, go to the door. Take from the screen Dagger. Enter in the same doors, as if symmetrically stashed at the entrance, take 680 gl there. Dali, crash down on the afternoon and come in at the devil's door. Screenshots get Broadsword and 620 gil. Turn around to the entrance to the oven. Now, collapse on the day, not crying, you won’t give anything to the exit, we’ll close the hour. At the pivdenno-shidny kutku doors, for which you know, go down, which lead to another overhead.

Having gone down, you lean in the room, which has three doors. Go on a day to the end of the location, star to the next door. Pass through it to the next bik location to the chergovyh descents, which lead to the third top. Get down. The entire third on top is folded out of 16 rooms, yakі roztashovanі in chotiri row. You know the order from the pіvnіchno-zahіdnoy kіdnoy, in which you know the screen from Phoenix Down, take away її. Dali, stupid at the pivnіchno-shіdnu kіmnatu. You will know 295 gil. At another beast in a row of rooms, we need two entrances. The first has a Cottage, the other has a Copper Armlet. At the third row, we need two central fireplaces. Have shіdnіy lie 385 gіl. And closest to her is the crown, yak mi shukayemo. Ale for her happened to fight with the monsters with the name, what to say - piskodemoni. The stench itself is strong, but if you have a strong riven, you are not responsible for causing special problems. Win over them, grab the crown. Do not let you in at the fourth row room without a mystical key, for that we can still steal the remaining row of the furnace rooms and turn to the Western warehouse before the king.

If you win Astos, you will automatically take away the key item - the crystal eye. Hotch tse and the key subject, but do not wake up the prince of wines. Have some kind of mood, stomp back to Elfheim, rejoice, buy and turn back to the ship. Our place of recognition is the stove, as we walked along the trail, stupidly to Pravoka. The closest way to get to it is by sea. Sail right on the pivnіch to Cornelia, then let's go around the right birch and swim under that bridge, which the king of Cornelia got, and then we'll go to the pivnіch. Like a wharf, sit and go to the pivnich to the stove.

Pechera Matoi

At the stove, remember the wondrous woman, how to calmly spot. Vaughn burmotіtime, scho їy need a crystal eye. And we already have vin yakraz. Let's see the eye, let's take away the other key subject - the tonic, which is good. I, judging by this description, wine is necessary for us to awaken the prince. Steal two povens from the stove and and dot from the screens of evil, because they didn’t kill it earlier, and run back to Elfheim’s castle. There we speak with the doctor, we see the tonic youma, which is good. The prince, with a miraculous rank, will prokinetsya and in the city you will see the key subject - the mystical key. Already with him now you can turn around. Stupidly on the back to the pivnіchniy skhіd of the castle of Elfheim, do it quietly on the grass. There, near the room, stand some screenshots of Mythril Hammer, 800 gіl, 700 gіl, and Bronze Gloves. We immediately equip Mythril Hammer to a white mage, and Bronze Gloves to a warrior.

At the Swamp Cave with a mystical key, you can now open the fourth row of rooms on the third version and grab Antidote, 1020 gil, and Silver Armlet there. For the rest of the two belongings, you will have to fight with picodemons, but the stench of that wart. Equip the Silver Armlet for a bit. Dali virushaemo plunder Zakhіdniy warehouse. Zayshovshi in vezhu, go maximum to pivnich, call levoruch to the edge, and then troch to pivnich. Show three screens at the room. Falchion stench, Power Staff and Steel Gloves. For the skin of the screens, you have to fight with mummies, or see, but there are zvichayny monsters, so that there are fewer inaccuracies in them, lower in the form of piskodemoniv. Power Staff can be equipped to a black mage, and Steel Gloves to a warrior. Let's come, where you can profit, if there will be a Temple of Chaos. As you remember, it was beaten by the central room, and the screens were rolled up along the cods. At the pivdenno-shidny hutch is a screen from the Rune Blade, which is guarded by gargoyles. Negaino equip yoga warrior. There are two screens of Werebuster and Gold Needle at the pivnіchno-shіdku hut, which are also protected by gargoyles. Werebuster and Rune Blade for the strength of the same swords, but they have different powers - the first is effective against inversions, and the other is against chacloons. Let's take note of the price and let's go for the rest of the belongings, which are looking for the help of the mystical key. Idemo to the castle of Cornelia. There, without going into the castle itself, we go around along the stake of the right and pivnіchnoy wall. We enter the castle through the pivnіchny passage, we pass trochs on the way down the road, then we go on the pivnіchny. Appear close to two rooms, each of the skins has three screens. The stench of Cottage, Saber, Mythril Knife, Iron Armor, Tent and the key item is nitro powder. Well, now you can continue the roc for the plot.

Talk to the gnomes. One of them should be reminded that the stench is whispering a left stone - a stone that can be cast. Comedy. Above, at the entrance of the room, from 575 and 400 hil. At the first entrance of the room, there are already eight screens. Pong Tent, Great Helm, Wyrmkiller, Ether, Potion, Mythril Mail, 575 Gil and Cottage. Equip Great Helm and Wyrmkiller to the war. Іdemo trohi on the skhіd vіd kіmnati zі karbsі і we speak z tamteshnіm dwarf. Vіn, remembering the nitro powder, even more joyful, sip yoga out of your hands, instantly cover the edge of the oven and roll down the nafіg shmatok of the continent. Well, now a part of the world is available to us.

Stomp on the ship and spit in those places, as if there was only a sprat of whilin to that continent. Trohi pіvnіchnіshe vіd nоgo you can remember vir. There is still no need. Better poplyvemo on the way to the small island. On the nearest continent, you should remember the marina, and the order is small. We are there.


Uuu ... like a neohaine place. After talking with the people, we know that the vampires have ruined the place. Give respect to the number of tombstones near the city ... so, here our help will not hurt. Zagalom, the hotel is located on the pivnochi at the entrance, the number of nights at the new one is 100 hil. Zbroyna troch on skhid. You can get a Longsword from him. Trochy is more for an armor store. Yushka, in the new Knight's Armor, but the price is cool ... As if by some unknown rank you could score such a sum, then, consciously, we can buy a warrior, but we can’t, then we can buy a paw and still buy two Silver Armlet for magicians, otherwise their defense is low. There are black and white magic shops in the shops. They sell the magic of the fifth level. coris thing Ale schob її vivchiti, it is necessary to raise the level of professions and become a charmer. The white magician would have been ill at ease with Curaga, Life and Diaga. Stay strong against the vampires and the undead, which you will need to mutilate with the nearest future one. There is no church in this place, that one has realized... the vampires have fallen. And at the same time, it looks like the stench has run out of an item store. Having finished shopping, go out of the place and go straight to the exit, walking along the coast, the docks will not reach the road. Don’t let us in for the time being, we’ll break it on a pivden with a thin smuzhkoy earth ... we wouldn’t be beaten by a brand at once ... Come into the oven between gir.

Cave of the earth

Among the local foes warto beware of cokatrais, as they can turn your characters into stone. If the battles are important for you, level up to 20, the remnants of the battles are often. You can also ride on the cold air at the entrance to the entrance. If you reach the kuta, you will be beaten with a skin crocodile with him by a pair of additional monsters (or a pair of kvol gіgasіv ^ _ ^). Don’t get too far from the smut, because even when you turn, there will be a battle through the skin.

So, anyway, we need stupidity right at the pivnich at the entrance. There, round the room from any side and see to it. Take it from the screen of 1975 (be careful, you may see an earthen elemental, an even harder opponent) and turn around to the entrance. At the entrance go to the pivdenniy exit. There the way mayzhe once again split up. Passing to the left, you will reach the room with two screens to avenge Antidote and 795 g. Proyshovshi right-handed, take to the room with two screens, to avenge Potion and 800 gl. We'll sweat, I'll stomp again until the descent. Vіd neї we go to the descent, so that we can go down to the other one on top. On the other version, we will go for a maximum of 1 day, then we will go to the exit and to 1 day. Dali, maximum on the way to the room with three screens, 330 gl, Tent and Coral Sword. Get out of the stone and go to the exit, turn to the pivden on the other turn. Go to the day to the maximum, go to the room with three screens, which will take 5575 gil and Leather Shield. Let's go back to the front room with screens, as if straight ahead to the day. Go to the descent to the third top. There we go to the exit, we take the Sleeping Bag by the room. They gave us a drink. On the road, we go right-handed and for the day. There is a room with the Gold Needle. Dali turn to the front of the road, and call the levoruch. Behind the doors, a screen of 3400 gіl, uzyavshi її, let's go to the entrance. On the road, let's go down, let's go to the room with 1020 hil, and behind the door, which knows more about us, check ... kazhan. Talk to her.

Change yoga, take away the screen, blocking the path to the point where the wines are blocked. The key subject is the dawning rubin. Otzhe, away from the passage of the Pecheri of the earth until it happens to be a vіdklasti. Іdemo to Melmond, schob pіdlіkuvatisya. Now we are right on a daily trip from the same place, but not passing to another continent.

Giant's Cave

There are no vipadkovy battles in this oven. Fall into the depths of the oven, go through the other door. Talk to the old, win will give you a key item - an earthen twig. With it, we can go into the depths of the Furnace of the Earth. Well, it’s stupid back to the Cave of the Earth, in those places where we overcame the vampire, at a cost, as such a necessity, we go to Melmond to come. Look through the doors from the stone, you fought with the vampire and you will come to the stone stove. Waving an earthen twig in front of her (for which one to choose yoga from the menu of key items) and voila, you pass a quarter over. Let's go down. From the exits we went to the pivnich, turn around to the exit, to the room with screens, what to avenge Staff, 3400, 1520, 5450 and 1455 hil. In front of a skin screen, you can fight with an ogre-magician or a sphinx, a series of already known monsters. Then we turn to the entrance to the top and now we are already going to the air entrance, there is a room with three screens to avenge Tent, Mythril Shield, that 1250 gil. The shield is immediately dressed up for war and stomps on the pivnichny entry to the offensive descent. On the fifth version go to the entrance to the door. Before entering, change your mind, that all the magicians have a decent MR, then we will enter and talk from the crystal earth.

Hooray! We were able to restore the crystal of the earth, three more were lost. Also, they will show us a scene that the doors to be closed in the Vvtary of the earth should be closed earlier, and then it is better to get rid of the passage for the end of the year. To get out of the oven, stand on the stake behind the crystal.

4. Crystal fire

Bіzhimo back to Melmond, schob pіdlіkuvatisya, potіm sіdaєmo on the ship. We need to go. For this kind of place, we sing for the day and for the first day of the year, we sing for the west, we rely on the most western edge of the map, and as a result, we spend on the її shid side. Plivіt on zahіd, the docks will not be stuck in the mountain continent. Sweat we’re left to spill the guts for a day, and you’ll be guilty of remembering the marina. We are there. Get out of the ship and fall on the pivdenniy zahіd uzdovzh coast, reach the fox. Trochy on the back of the arc lake, and in the middle of the place. You can get around the lake on the pivdenniy side. We go around yoga and we go to the place.


Wow, this is the first place, there are no problems! No pirates, no vampires, that prince did not disappear from them! Stores of armor and armor are repackaged with speeches from mithril. Buy Mythril Sword and Mythril Gloves for a warrior. Also, the city sells a lot of brown magic. Exit the miracle spell, as if to allow the hour to be spared, but for her it is necessary to promote the class of the profession. So chi іnakshe, I'm glad to have Thundaga, Death, Quake for a black magician and at least Stona for a white magician. Other spells for a white magician are not less corny, but even more verse to yourself, which is more beautiful. Let's still not stain the room on Exit, even if you can use Teleport and buy Protera and Invisira, these spells are more colorful and will be more often needed in essence with bosses. Having finished shopping, go to the exit of the place. There are twelve old ones standing in a round dance. Talk to your leader. I think you yourself will guess who is the leader of them ... Before the speech, it's Lucan. Do you remember them? Guess, guess. So, to the same wine, after having appeared some of the legendary warriors of the world, and no, wine is not a rozrobnik tsієї gri. Talk to the old ones, find out more about crystals, one of the old ones will give you a key item - a canoe. You can leave the place. Now, from the canoe, you have the ability to cross the rivers... How much more? Well, for example, those Lake-pіvmіsyatsya! At the rivers you see some new enemies, hydras, I can’t see, for the rest of the two, vtim, give a ton of information, but still be afraid of them. Ninі our road lies on Mount Galg. Sob to drink there, to know the river that flows into the Lake-pіvmіsyatsya, and pour it into the mountains. Ruhatisya is necessary for a pivnіchno-zahіdny straight ahead. See the land and dance in the center of the mountain volcano. We are there.

Mount Galg

As it is awkward to guess, all the life of the mountain that inhabits is fire. Therefore, if necessary, win magic against monsters, but don’t forget that MP still needs to save for bosses, especially since you don’t have ether. Likewise, lava was poured by the road, stepping on it, take 1 HP for each team, so try to step on it less. Otzhe, let's go to the pivnіchny zakhіd, there we connected to another overhead. On the other version, we pass through the nearest doors and fall on the pivnich, if you turn to the nearest screen, turn the left hand to it and take Mythril Helm from it, there will be two fire elements to bury, as if to blame problems with them, beat the magician. Let's go to the afternoon, there is a screen of 1520 gil. Let's go later a little more than the first screen, there, at the entrance you will find the screen from the Great Sword, and at the exit the screen from 4150 gil. Let's go as far as possible to the pivnіch, and then we'll go on, until you run into the wall, you'll be guilty of remembering two screens, bypassing the fence from the pivnіch and taking 795 and 750 gіl from them. Then let's go down the left side (the way we came), and start going down the day, until you reach it, buy a screen. Collect from them Mythril Helm, Mythril Gloves, 1520 Gil, 1760 Gil, Mythril Shield, Mythril Ax, Phoenix Down, 1455 Gil, Antidote, 1975 Gil, Tent, and Hi-Potion. Having taken all the good, turn around to the entrance to the top, see the new one, go straight to the back, there is a descent to the third.

If it is necessary to follow, go to the Lake-pivmіsyats, while the order is out of the oven. On the third version, we need less to collapse into skhid. Descent there. On the fourth version, topaemo on a pivdenniy skhid, there you can go down to the mountain. Let's rise again to the third. Rush to the back, on the first pass, turn to pivden, on the advancing pass, also follow the path to the pivd, which the result led to the descent to the fourth top. Here stomp in the nearest door and take from the screen Gold Needle and 2750 gl. Continue on the way, do not mark the docks on the steps of the door, after it in the room take from the screen 1760 g. They let us go to the approaching stone with our belongings, there we can take Antidote, 7340 hl, 880 hl, Ice Brand and Flame Shield from the screens. Remain two obov'yazkovo equip the war. After that, turn around to the front of the rock and go through it for the day. You will go to the room with screens, which will cost you 155 and 10 g. Then we went downhill to the Chergovy kіmnati with three screens. One of them has already been refurbished, and in the other two, take 2000 hil that Cottage. Let's turn back to the front stone and continue our path for the day. Let's go to the Chergovaya kіmnati with screens ... God, that first feature - the sea of ​​diversity! We take 1250 gіl and Staff from the screenshots. Dali continue the way to pіvden, de znahoditsya descent to five on top. On the fifth version, we fall straight to the exit. There is a room with a screen, for a yak you happen to fight with a fiery dragon, but there’s another varte, even in the screen of the Flame Mail box, you don’t start staffs ... Equip your warrior and go out of the room. Dalі fall down on pіvdenniy zakhіd, lean against the white of the devil's doors. Behind her, the boss checks us. Ask, then we'll talk from the red sack.

Well, now the crystal fire has turned back to normal. We will be shown a frame, that in the middle of the night the doors were opened, but we will save the price for the end of the gris. Now you can safely leave this barn of the cave, standing on the stake behind the crystal.

5. Revisited ship

Now we need to know the left stone. Before you turn to the Lake-pіvmіsyatsі and pіdlіkuytes, then turn to the ship and sail uzdovzh mainland on pіvnіch to the offensive port, wines are found at a small zatotsі. Dali demo vzdovzh gіr on pіvdenniy zakhіd. Plivemo river on a canoe. At the first break, we’ll go to the pivnich (offending the paths to the pivnich to lead in one and the same place), then we’ll go to the destination. At the result, having made a small one, so be moving, go out on dry land, and go through the troch, you will stomp the stove. We are there.

Pechera Ice

One road stomps to the descent to another overhead. On the other one, stupidly go to the first stop, then go to the third one. On the third, we rise back, and along the other drabints. Rush along the single path to the door. The room has two screens, and also a left stone, but if you get surprised, then the ice near the room cracks, so if you step on one of these cracks, then you will fall on the third top. Don't worry, it's meant to be, we'll take it in the Flame Sword and Clothes screens, neatly cover the cracks, and then we'll fail in any place. Let's move the trash and see the room, now we need to go to the door. On the road there is stabbed hostile ice, which has the same effect as lava, follow it for health. The room has two screens with Ice Armor and Mythril Gloves, for which you can fight with great dragons. In battle with them, beware of Icestorm, which is the head of the ear. Then turn to the center on top and now go straight to the day (on the lower road you choose the day of entry), there by the room in six screens take 7900, 5454, 180, 9900, 5000, 12350 hil...

Turn to the front of the road and for the first time violate the pivdenniy skhіd. Which path lead us to the descent, which lead to the first over. We go in at the door, let's go for a day, take Ether at the screen, then we go out at the door, spread the trochs on the way. Calling demo for a day at the room until the screen from 10,000 gіl. Skіlki are pennies here ... Let's go along a pіvdenno-skhіdnoy path, as if we'll bring you to the Chergovy kіmnati with three screens and cracks ... From the screens take 9500 gіl, Sleeping Bag and Ice Shield. Let's fall down through the crack. We are right in the center of the tієї kіmnati, to lie levistone. Please, go and pick it up. Need to rejoice? To the one who has to fight with an evil eye in front of him, as in essence he is a weakling and does not represent anything special. Beremo levistone, lost his way out of the oven. How to get out? We fall into a fissure, and then we turn in those places where there is a fissure that leads to the leviston, but we never fail, but we pass along the distance to the distance, there they will go down, and lead the names. Fuh ... now you can turn to the Lake-pіvmіsyatsya, schob pіdlіkuvatisa and buy items. Let's break down to the attacking area. Let’s go to the same river that leads to the mountains of Galg, and once again we’ll swim for a day, apparently, having remembered the desert. I enter to it, like a new location.

Kestela Ryukan

The empty stone is automatically activated. Watch the video, like a miraculous rank from the empty space, a flying ship may appear. More precisely ... an airship, yeah! Having taken off the cherub, sit boldly on the new one! Well, now you can rob a bunch of everything. Most importantly, I am pleased with the speed of the movement, and also I can’t help but be quiet in the presence of vipadkovy essences. You can only land on a flying ship on a green surface, it’s not surprising, you can’t hang out at a desert, de mi yogo y knew ... How did you spend wine there?


Buy Protect Ring and three Ruby Armlet from the armor shop for all characters (warrior does not need it, his armor has been cooler for a long time). We sell less Cat Claws, we don’t stink, as long as we don’t promote a class of profession. So it's just like magic, like here it's sold as much as 7 and 8 rubles, you can buy Blizzaga if you want. There is nothing more to work here, so we sit on the ship and fly to the destination. Our meta is the western end of the same continent, there is a castle there. I instructed him to hang out not see, to know the nearest green point (there is a little bit of a pivnіchnіshe, on the visible part of the farm, as on the map it’s called a small island) and see it up to the castle by the sea.

viprobuwan citadel

Idemo forward, we say we are old. Dali collapse to the maximum on the pivnich, if you run into a wall, go to the back. Get to the door, climb onto the throne by the room and... lean on another version. They gave us the need to move by kimnats for additional teleports. Get out of the room and hit the teleport. Stepping on a new one, you will lean on the pivnich. There is also one teleport, and the axis of the attacking room has two. Choose the lower one, let's go back to the room with one teleporter, go to the new one. At the next room, I will renew two teleports. We need the lower one. At the approaching kіmnati teleport to pіvden, I'll bring you back to the kіmnati from two. Choose a suitable teleport. Farther away we stomp on the way to the door, in the middle of the stone I’ll take a screenshot of the Gauntlets, like to protect the clay golems. These are good mittens, but for the time being we cannot equip them.

Apparently from the stone, going down to the river by the left path, we look into a small place with two teleports, we need the one that is lower. Spend up to the kіmnati zі descents on the third on top. Let's go. Here we walk along the corridor to the pivnich and pass at the door, in the nearest screen there is a Healing Staff. Let's go to the back, there, at the screens, take Steel Gloves, Ice Brand and Ruby Armlet. They gave us for a day, there could also be skrinki, one of them spurred up to us, and in three others we took Cottage, 1455 and 7340 gіl. Let's go to the skhid, there we are checked by the cherd's screen and the throne. At the screen, the squint tail is the key subject. Let's take the throne, win over two dragon-zombies and rely on the first version. Apparently and problyaemo all the way back to the ship that is flying. The next point of recognition is tse Dragon's Furnace. Open a map to find a collection point near your outlet. Tse stinks є. We fly to the starting point, land and enter the cave.

Dragon Furnaces

From the drabinka we go to the pivnich to the kіmnati, there are three screens. They have 2750, 2000 and 1455 g. Dali stomp into the room at the pivdenny entrance. He has a shield and a dragon, so to speak, it is about you. Take X-Potion, 9500, 1520 and 2750 g on the screens. It was finished with the first stove. Let's fly to a friend. We need a pivnіchny visit. There are two islands there. One, which is to avenge two ovens, and the one, which is to leave one. At the same time, talk to the other dragon, do nothing. We land on the island from two ovens. Through the pivdenny entrance, we used to bake in the prva, we don’t need to go there yet, don’t go. We climb at the pivnіchnu cave. There we go to the be-a-kind bіk, the road will lead us to the kіmnati with a bunch of dragons and screens that avenge Cottage, 500 gіl and Elixir. Tirimo all the same with the dragons and turn back to the ship. On the pіvnіch є fox island with two ovens. We hang out there. There is nothing near the pivnіchnіy pecherі, but the axis near the pivnіchnіy...

If you go stupid on a narrow corridor, for example, go to the other one on top. We go down and fall to the pivnich, raise a row of swords. At the center sit the king of the dragons Bahamut. Vіn commemorate the whip of your scura and respect it as a sign of masculinity and strength. And with a flourish kril vin promote the class of your professions. Well, now we're just super cool. The warrior became a face, the black became a master, and the white and black magicians became enchanters! Let's turn to the ship. Having left the rest of the island, where you can profit. Vіn znahoditsya troch on pasta tsgogo. We go there at the stove. Take Tent at the back room, and Dry Ether and Gold Needle at the front room. After finishing the robbery of the Dragon's Cave, let's fly to Gaia, de kupuemo need a spell, so if you want, see the old place, de magic was also not available through the lower class of professions, as an addendum you can learn more spells of the lower equals for the face.

7. Crystal water

Gay has three more stores in the magic of the eighth eve and a man blue hair. Vіn to talk about the special water with the name oksial, there is a leak from the dzherel trohi pivdennoї Gаї, but only fairies can fight її. And if you talk to the pirate at the pivnich in the next month, you will tell about those who caught one of the fairies and sold it to the caravan ... okay. Buy Cat Claws for a hm... black enchanter, then sit on a reclaimed ship and fly to the western continent. Respect the empty. It is possible to hang out on the pivdenno-shidniy side. Hanging out and stupidly on your own two at the pivnіchny entrance was empty. There you can see a small green forest. Get to the bottom of a small pischa breeze on the way to the new one and have a drink in ...


The whole location is just a small mark. Go to the new one. We need to buy a fairy from the dance. Won cost 40,000 hil. I think you lost your pennies after stealing dragons? If not, then fly near the Citadel and try and beat the monsters. Zagalom, early chi pizno, having bought a fairy, we turn to the lethal apparatus. Now we're back at Gaia. Zaishovshi to Guy, the fairy automatically winds up. Idemo in those places, we moved with a pirate, we stomped to the exit, the docks did not reach the lake. There and flutter our fairy. Vaughn podyakuє, scho you knew such a single, who released її z dances, ha... nibi in us buv vibir. Have some kind of temperament, for a reason, she gives us oxial, for help, which can be drunk with water. Yushka. I want to think about it... oksial tse nachebto especially water... how can you drive dihati under water for help ... wow ... well, harazd. Let's turn to the flying ship. It is necessary to fly to those places, de vie knew the caravan. There is a river empty at the next meeting, we need it. Hang out and swim on a canoe to pivnich. At the result, you will add to the absence of a way out. Ale... nі, don’t pour in a deaf kut right at the waterfall!

Cave behind the waterfall

On the first one, and on the other hand, follow the way. On the third day of the day. Zagalo the essence of the stove is in the fact that it is necessary to turn on the return or the return of the return. Safely you will reach the doors, behind which you can find a bunch of screens. They have a Wizard's Staff, Ribbon, 13450 gil, 6400 gil, 5000 gil and a Defender, equip the rest for a warrior. Ribbon can be dressed up for a white mage. Talk to the robot or who will give you the key item - the deformation cube. Then turn back to the flying ship, on the way back on the left side, take a place, we, before we speak, there, look at the closest land and go to the place.


Gotel trohi on pіvden vіd entrance. If you talk to the people, you can feel the deakі speeches from the drive of the oksіal that sunken temple. You can buy magic that you deserve, and also buy speeches. Now we need to go to the pivdenniy skhіd of the city. There is a woman and a boy with black hair standing there. The boy seems to be bachiv like a spying bullshit that fell from the sky. So, the very same robot, like a bov at the stove behind the waterfall. Talk to the woman, you know that she is a mermaid. Won commemorate your oksial and ask you to bury other mermaids. Now we have access to a dizhka. Well ... maybe, it’s a kind of underwater choven. Ok, let's go. Climb into it and lean into ...

sunken temple

No matter how you guess, the main mass of monsters here is water, so Thundaga will be miraculous magic against them. For the cob ruhaєmos on pіvnіch until the first cross. Idemo right-handed, we take 2000 g from the room. We turn to the central aisle, and this time we go levoruch, for example, the path of the room from 9900 hil. Then we collapse on the pivnіchniy skhid, on the road there will be a sprat of a room, but all the stench is empty. At the result you are guilty you will have a chance to go to the fourth place. Here go for a day to the door, there is nothing behind them, do not worry. Zvіdsi can be drunk at sunset chi pivden. Let's go to the front. On roses for a day, in such a rank, we will spend on a crossroads. Let's go to the exit, on the approaching road to the pivnich, turn right into the room for a screen of 20 hil and proceed again to the pivnich. Turn to the exit, as soon as the opportunity appears, then we will go to the pivnich as much as possible, you will be guilty of getting to the door. Here lies one of the coolest treasures of the sunken temple - Diamond Armor, equip your face and blunt the stars for a maximum of five days.

At the pivdenno-zahіdny kutka there is a room with a screen to avenge Light Axe. Let's go to the yard, go to the fire, go to the room with Mage's Staff. Dali continue to collapse to the maximum on the slope. We'll sweat, we'll spend the last few days, we'll spend 12350 hil in the room. Potim boldly rises to the top of the five. Tse on top of the sunken temple, it’s not surprising, there are no vipadkovy battles here, then there’s a cup of belongings, so chi іnakshe, for the cob we erase the key object, topaєmo to the maximum on pіvnіch, on the door until there’s no brutal respect, then we’ll sound on the way. If the road becomes wider, go to the pivdennu kіmnatu, there are three screens, like taking revenge on your Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm and the key item - a rosette stone. gіl, Antidote, Diamond Shield, 5000 gіl, Diamond Armlet, 1760 gіl, 9000 gіl, 10000 gіl and 10 gіl. For stealing mermaids, turn to the third on top.

As a matter of necessity, turn around to Onraku, in order to succumb, the shards are not barred at us, beating us barefoot. Zagalom, gave us the need to go to the pivnіchny entrance, going down it, we will spend it on another top. On the other version, we lay our way to the pivnich as much as possible, there we go to the third and again to the fourth on top. Topaemo to the top, descend back to the third top ... At the room in the screens, take 110 and 450 g. We continued on the way to the afternoon, apparently from the doors and descended to another on top. Idemo on the way to the crossroads, then a little pivdennishe and on the way to the room from 7690 and 8135 hil. Then let's go straight to the exit, get to the room with three screens, which will cover 385 and 5450 gl, as well as Giant's Gloves. Apparently from the stone and tramp on the pivnich, the docks do not move the door of the castle. We go in, take in the room from the screen of Light Ax Then we collapse on the exit to the next stone, in the next screen we take 2750, 9900 and 7340 hil, as well as Ribbon, then we will go to the entrance of the l uphill, then we will go to the west, we will go to the pivnich on the road, we will go to the empty room, then we will turn to the west, we will bring us to the door at the majestic room. youmu to the coming doors, behind which the crystal water is known.

After we won, for the first time I will show the doors that they have opened in the secret underground. Before speech, mermaid in the shoe! Well, now only one crystal has been lost - the crystal of the wind. We step on the stake for the crystal water and see the sunken temple.

8. Crystal wind

Ask and buy everything you need in Onraku. We turn back to the flying ship, our way lies at the place of Melmond. There go to the pivnіchniy skhіd, remember the dude at the powdered English pepper. Yogo call Unne, talk to him. Having remembered the rosette stone from you, I took yoga for a pill ... ale, having understood the whole essence, I’ve already struck it with joy and tell you that with the help of this stone you can decipher the Lufenian language ... ? Oh, well, that garazd. Then Unne will instruct you to learn the Lufenian language, and you will master yoga in a second. Well, now our way lies at Lufeniya. Vaughn was stashed in trochs for the day before Gay. How to sound to hang out where there is a place, stay at the airport chi ... in a flash, hang out only a little bit on the way to the landing, which you know on pіvnіch vіd mista. Star on your own two stupid on the continent to the place.


Shops of magic in this city are downright buried... Let's go to the pivnіchno-shіdnu part of the city, find a crack in the parking lot, look at it straight to the chіd and voila! Remain the spell of the eighth equal. More than that, tse, one might say, is the best magic in grі! Otzhe ... the essence of our arrival to the place - the church with Bell, there to stand at the pivdenno-zahіdny kutka of the shid maidanchik. Talk to him, and he will give you a key item - little twins. With them we can eat to the Heavenly Fortress. Before the speech, as if talking to the people, you can also feel about Tiamat. Turn on the damaged ship. If you need it, ask in Gay. The place of recognition is coming - the vezha in the desert Pustela is found in three days at the sight of Gay.

Pustel Yakhnikurm

Understanding, it’s impossible to hang out from the vezhey, so we hang out at the empty gatherings and enjoy our walks. Bashta is located in the center of the desert, if you tried to go to it earlier, then it was impossible without little twigs. On the way, strong opponents are striving to kill, you can swipe at them. So, if you want to take the whole bestiary, there are two most famous monsters near the grit, with numbers 85 and 103.

Mirage Tower

Sob to have a drink in the Heavenly Fortress and kill Tiamat, I’ll have a chance to go through the Mirage Tower first, as if I’m about to steal to the Heavenly Fortress. Enemies here trap like old ones, like new ones. As soon as you go to the vezhu, you can use the left hand to go to the other one on top. You can get to her right away, but I still need to steal it! We enter to the nearest doors, here at the center of the room we take 800 gil, Healing Helm, 18010 gil, 3400 gil, Vorpal Sword, 2750 gil, Aegis Shield and Tent. The shield zabіgaє turn into a stone, so you can put a sense on your face. Having taken everything good, we turn to the door, from which they came. Trochs are left behind her and other doors, apparently in her, opining on the descent to another on top. Let's go. Rushing along the path, there it is practically even. After that, as you remember, go down to the third top, the path is more often lamatized, then go straight to the pivden, clinging to the central kіmnati. You will be guilty to reach the door. See to her. Walk to the center of the room and pick up at the screens Dragon Mail, 10000 hl, Sun Blade, 7600 hl, Cottage, 13000 hl, 12350 hl, Thor's Hammer, 7900 and 8135 hl. . Apparently from the stone room through the right door and let's go to the pivnich. There is a robot walking around, so you can talk to him, tell him about your friend, what kind of mantra is here on the way. Well, you figured out what kind of friend you are talking about. Rise to the third on top. There is no one to profit on this version, we just go for a pivden. There are doors to the room where you can fight with the blue dragon. Let's talk with a robot, let's say that in order to have a meal in the Heavenly Fortress, we need to speed up a cube of deformation, but we've been in the gut for a long time. We step on the socket for a little more than a new one and eat it in ...

Heavenly Fortress

Bagatopoverkhov's Fortress, the monsters here are clearly strong, more like to zastosovuvat the magic of Death, for example, an evil eye, with which you fought before. Have some kind of temper, the enemies here are different, and like you fight, if only the opponents themselves are attacking, then you are worthy here. You can always turn back, for example, if you need something else. To give respect, what a mist, where you have squandered, it looks like a crossroads. Zagalom, it’s necessary to go to the maximum for a day, you’ll go to the room with a screen to avenge Razer. Now turn to the center of the crossroads, if necessary, you will go to the exit, for example, the path of the room from 180 hil, 5000 hil, Protect Ring, 6720 hil and Healing Helm. Dali demo from the center to the exit. At the local room, we take 7900 gіl, 4150 gіl, 9900 gіl and Potion. Having left the way to the pivnich, let’s go there and climb to the other one on top. We go down, we go to the center of the kіmnati, there are three roads to the exit and to the exit. At the beer gathering Diamond Gloves. At the gathering Diamond Shield and Ribbon. At the first meeting Black Robe and White Robe. The key item at the entrance is adamantite. On arrival 880 and 13000 gil. At the pivnіchny entry of Mythril Helm and Cottage. Let's go straight to pivden, there is a teleport to the third on top.

Walk a little right and talk with the robot. We can’t talk about those who, through looking around, can see the whole world. Let's marvel! Tse healthy cool at the center. We wonder and bachimo that the energy of some crystals is less than at the point. Have you already understood in yakіy? At the Temple of Chaos! Can you guess the place? From the lookout window we go to the warehouse, there is a room with six screens, in them 8135 gіl, Protect Cloak, 9500 gіl, Clothes, Gold Needle and 6400 gіl. Turn back to the window, call us at the pivnich to the room from 5450 hil, Potion, 9000 hil and Protect Ring. I turn back again until the end, and now I stomp on the way. There, near the room, there is Sasuke's Blade, 3400 gіl, 4150 gіl and Gold Needle. Trohi pіvdennіshoї kіmnati teleport to the fourth on top. Let's go.

Peredostanny on top, but there are no screens, no order. What's more, there is a sprinkling of teleports on top of five, that's not the cause of daily problems. Stomp, for example, open two on the west side, and then on the afternoon, open two. On the fifth version, it is less necessary to go through the pivnich and talk with the crystal. Also, it means that on this version of the battle, a rare monster - Viyskove hutro - can strike. This is a strong monster, which in some versions of Gri can compete with Chaos itself. The chance of hitting yoga is 1:64. And so you take the whole bestiary, the wine you need. It’s not obligatory to beat yoga at once, you can turn around after pumping, after passing the bet of secret dungeons and improving the armor. Ale on the vipadok, so you spend on the new one at once, the axis of the yogo characteristics is the strategy of fighting with him.

After the death of the monster, the remaining crystal is restored. Soon I will show you how to open the door to the Bay of Rustle, the devil's secret underground. Stand here on the colo behind the crystal to get out.

9. Remaining Chaos

As far as you remember, from an observant view you can see that the energy of the crystals thawed over the Temple of Chaos. Same in new mi outweighed Garland on the very cob of gris. Ale, first go down there, it is necessary to take away the special armor. Do you remember adamantite, picking it up at the Heavenly Fortress? Requires yogo vikoristati. Our destination is Mount Duergar. We topaemo to the stop, then we go to the pivnich and we go to the room. A farrier sits at his place, his name is Smith. Talk to him and know about the Excalibur adamantite. Do not shrug, but immediately equip your face. If it is necessary to succumb, or to buy, break to Cornelia. Also, finish off the missing monsters for the bestiary, as if someone was lost by rapt (to marvel at the old part), you are responsible for filling all the numbers up to 119 inclusive (for the vine 108, the dragon is green, we should chime in at the Temple of Chaos, and 118 Vіysk hutrom for later).

Then you can go to the Temple of Chaos for the final battle. Tse remaining location, if the game ends, then there is a chance before it to go through all the secret underground, like you tse kavit. For whom to marvel, I distributed "The Soul of Chaos". However, all the same, it’s possible to run to the Temple of Chaos for Masamune, the third for strength, I’ll take it for the face in grі, and then turn around, so that after that we can pass the additional underground. The best shots in grі all the same, until you take it off, it won’t be a bad idea to go after Masamune.

Temple of Chaos (final)

The first over the Temple of chaos is the same, like before. Enemies are one of the first, but in the same location live the most enemies, including quiet ones, so that they can see each other in a little bit of light. So here it happens again to fight barefoot with the Chotirma, like they were protecting the crystals. Zagalom, at first we believe we need stupidity right on the pivnich, go into the room with a black crystal. You can talk to the Kazhans. The characters will focus the light of some crystals on the black and white path will be clear. Krokuyte on those place, de buv black crystal and you will move to 2000 years ago in, so to speak, the right Temple of Chaos. On the vіdmіnu vіd іn original grі ta Origins, you can go from the temple, if you need it, you can right there.

We can see from the room. The first one is to finish the line on top of the temple. Go to the first version of Chotiri. We are the one who is known by the pivdenno-shidny kutka. Іdemo tudi, podnіmaєmos on another on top. Zvіdsi stomp on the skhіd, where the chergovі srіbljasti check us out. Rise to the third on top. You lean at the pivnіchno-zahіdny kutka on top. Let’s go for a maximum for a day, then let’s go to the junction of the columns, bring the stench to the central room. At the entrance to the room, it happens to fight with a deadly eye, but it’s just a laugh. The room has two screens for Dry Ether and Elixir. We take them and we go to the center of the room to the stove. Wow, the face is shining on the lute, like a hundred thousand years ago we took away. A drabinka will appear. Let's go down with her.

On another version, it looks like the stone is falling on the back, and then on the pivnich to the pivnіchno-zahіdny kut on top. There, go down the devil, yakі bring us to the top of the first. On the first step, fall down to the back, I’m still up to the pivnіchno-zahіdnyh gatherings, which lead at the basement. Immediately we will go for a maximum of pivnich, then we’ll go to the exit, we took the first pass to pivnich with columns. From the pivnіchno-skhіdny kuta topaєmo on pіvden, push the door, behind them there is nothing. So chi іnakshe, we need a pіvdenno-skhіdny kut, there is a flake. Follow up and go downstairs.

If you win the Lich, you can go down, and if you don’t want to fight him again, then don’t go back. That and pumping on a new sense, shards of pennies that dosvidu for the greatest monsters on the version give a lot more. On the other side of the road, go to the entrance, as if accepting colonies, start collapsing on the pivnich, there are doors. We go into the room and stomp on the way down to the steps of the door at the bottom wall, you will go through it and go through the trochs for the afternoon, then on the way in, to reach the exits, as if it was visible on the very cob. Ale first, let's get down, let's go for a day, there are two stones. We go at the left, take the Protect Ring. From the screen, let's go to the pivdenno-reverse corner of the room, there are doors, we can go through it. Topaemo along the corridor to the room with a screen to take revenge on Sasuke's Blade. It’s finished with the left room, now let’s go to the right. Take Protect Cloak there, and Megalixir at a private meeting. Now the time has come to turn around before going down to lead down. Іdemo, ale raju pіdlіkuvatisya.

Peremіgshi Marilit, we go down to the third one on top of the basement. Pass across a small room. Then go down on the day, come in at the door. At the room, we walk along the corridor and go out through the pivdenny doors. Let's wake up later and go in at the pivnichni door. At the room you can see through the central pvdenny doors opposite the tombstones. Then we descend along the square columns, resting against the lower wall, let's go to the exit. And there...

On the fourth version, collapse on the day, if you won’t be able to go on the day, be stupid on the way. There will be a room with a screen at the pivdenno-shidny hut to take revenge on Masamune. Of course, I’ll put on yoga equipment. Then we turn to the drabinka, as if they came. How many times have we taken the path to the pivnіchniy skhіd. Nezabar you spend on ...

If you have played here, or Tiamat is important to you, then you should think about leveling up the characters, even if the remaining boss will be richly cool. If you didn’t come here just to wipe out Masamune and collect monsters from bestiaries (before the speech, on the fourth basement version there is a rare sack golem, which is number 123), then you can also go through the secret dungeons, leaving the remaining boss alone.

So why else, having overcome Tiamat, we should follow stupidity to the pivnіchniy skhіd on top, and there we know to go to the rest on top of the Temple of Chaos. On the rest of the version, there are no vipadkovy essences. You can calmly respond, poїsti efiri. On the fifth side of the stairs, enter the central room through the front doors. E... Tse scho, Garland? So. Let me tell you, we really overcame yoga in the future, but the great powers vryatuvali yoga and corrected it in the past, de vin and was reborn in ...

After defeating Chaos, enjoy the final outpost... hm, well, more precisely, enjoy the text on the aphids of nature. Axis vie vryatulyali light, axis vie and past the great-grandfather of all Final Fantasy. After the titles tell you to stay safe, but at any other time, don't go back to the old save! So, you will take Clear Data, but all the old ones will lose their bestiaries. So, if you haven’t gone through the bonus extras yet, beware of the right middle.

There is a legend about one small Japanese studio of game retailers under the name "Square". Zapochatkovanno її bulo in 1986 roci, and right in it, seemingly out of the door, went no further. Floors, which already through the river after the launch of that many failed projects for the Famicom, had plans to close the studio as a necessary world. Navit Square's ideological worker, Hironobu Sakaguchi (who left the Institute for research!), dropping his hands, if you were entrusted with the robot over, imovirno, the rest of the studio. Vіn symbolically calling it "Final Fantasy" - Square's last try to show the world what you stink.

Through the release of a failed project, a whole bunch of people worked on it (including Yositak Amano, whose miraculous designs became the face of the series), sold from the counters for hot cakes, and the wild circulation became close to 900,000 sold copies. Of course, in the midst of the budget cuts, the depressive mood of the team vanished, and the stench immediately took up the creation of sequels, the laying of contracts and the foundation of the playing world of Japan, and then the USA and Europe. Ironically, the "stop" project of the studio, through the rocks, has become one of the largest game series in history, about which today no one knows, maybe a couple of chances in Tibet.

Final Fantasy I

If Final Fantasy is in the planning stages, the Japanese market will be dominated by the Famicom "Dragon Quest", although not first for the fact, but first in history for its significance, a role-playing video. Dragon Quest mentioned the usefulness of the nameless hero, which mav fights with the dragon on behalf of Dragonlord, but the public's interest (1.5 million copies sold!) Won won by no means a plot. This was the first in the history of JRPG, which literally hung on the stone of the canon of the genre and such invariable attributes, like pumping a character, a cover of fire and light. Dragon Quest itself has become the ideological basis for Final Fantasy (the newer series will become competitors, and even more recently Square will be released from Enix, Dragon Quest and series retailers will follow different paths).

The history of the debut Final Fantasy, which appeared in early 1987 on the Famicom, was for the most part some crystals that controlled the equal elements of the universe (that's funny, the world doesn't have a name, even though the retailers didn't plan to develop the universe). As if trapilosyas evil, the crystals began to go out one by one, and the light blew out at once with them: the lands ceased to bear fruit, hurricanes swirled in the seas, behind the walls of the city there appeared more daedal and more dangerous evil spirits. Nothing can be righted, but there was a long-standing prophecy about those who, if the world becomes unkind, four warriors will come to the world and, in front of them, lie down a share of the world. The axis of the stench came, at the skin crystal, and the stench was not like god-like essences, but by themselves wonderful people, skin with its own peculiarities, character and thoughts. About those, like the stench at the same time inspire the power of crystals, in the air, and rozpovida Final Fantasy I.

Grad gave gamers those things that the gaming industry has not seen so much, which is born - a majestic world, a beautiful history and complete freedom of action. There were three continents at the order of gravity with no particular locations and plot quests, and for the more expensive four heroes, it was not difficult to double their special ship and airship.

The Four Heroes is another attribute of the series, which has become one of the attributes of the JRPG genre. Form a command to pick up the moment itself, and on the vibir they were urged:

  • The white magician - to win over the spells of the white school of magic and win the role of the healer in the team (if you want, you can win the spells). Mayzhe in all games of the series, the white magician is a girl.
  • Black magician - casting a black spell, combat magic, but may have a weak healer's potential and a weak one in battle with physical armor.
  • The red magician is a universal fighter, who knows the basics of black and white magic, and indecently wields all kinds of weapons and possessions. To the singing world - tse "master of nothing", even if we improve neither in battle, nor in one of the sights of magic, we can't.
  • Warrior - with a sword in one hand, a shield in the other and light at the heart, you will stand against any misfortune. As you already realized - no magic, only physical Skoda.
  • Monk - do not know how to get out cleanly and rely only on your fists and deyaki fighting spells.
  • Evil - swedish and spritny, you can play a sprat of combat spells, you can wear it, but not to love the important possessions and armor, the cream of light and bliskavichnoy. Allows the team to escape from the battlefield, if it is smarter to see, and you can plunder the enemy right on the battlefield.

With increasing knowledge, professional beginners of the same class grow, and in places you can always know an arsenal of weapons for any relish, buy anti-truth and potions that will increase HP or MP or learn a shard of new spells for your magician. In the course of time, your team was forced to go through the testing of their class and virility to a higher level: a warrior becoming a face, magicians - enchanters, a villain - a ninja, a black man - a master. After that, access to the spell of a new equal (total 8 equal) was opened, and the characteristics were significantly improved.

The axis of such a balance of "sword and magic" has become canonical for the jRPG genre, and about the legendary "warriors, cleric, mage and villain" role-players are writing songs. If you want to choose the songs of the class, but not in the plot without spitting in the first parts, in the different combinations there were those, like a team of trims for yourself in battle, and you can’t change it after the choice is not possible.

Before talking about fights. You know what fights in jRPGs go through "especially"? Current dynamics, only tactics and wise thought of skin care. If your heart is up, the skin hero is given according to diї - attack, victorious, or an item from the main inventory (such as up to 99 speeches of the skin type for the whole team; inflow, etc. Let's keep the attack round of your opponents, and for a new one. It is necessary to say that the schools of magic included a great number of spells of all sorts, that and various potions and objects, not to mention the armor - dark, so that the success of the battle lay all day long, and the potential for tactics in such a system was great.

On the character there are chotiri slots for equipping armor and insoles for armor. Like armor (obladunok, mittens, sholom and shield), so I zbroyu (sword, dagger, hammer, sokira, club or nunchaku) could mother magical effect- Likuvalnym (for engraving) or fight, which is superimposed on the attacked. Whether or not the attack had its own characteristics - attack power, accuracy (with a low display, the hero often missed) and a critical beat.

One of the main features of the "finals" is the zhahly vipadkovіst of what is perceived. At first, vipadkovі battles (random encounter), like today, have become more memetic. From іshov sobі engraved with light, and bam - bіy. Fighting, go far - beat. Posharpany life, vіn namagaєtsya go to the place - vypadkovy bey straight out of the door! It is impossible to bypass the gates, in the first parts of Final Fantasy it is impossible to do it - the stars were lying only in the case of the generator of random numbers, and the rethinking of such a system was rooted in the Dungeons & Dragons decks, the battles were lying in the roll of the dice.

On the other hand, Final Fantasy has no easy fights, and the hero's survival often doesn't have enough correct vchinkіv in battle, and that team of opponents is recruited vipadkovo. If your hero was raptly sacked and wiped out, you can’t - dig a grave, or be sure that in the nearest screen you will need a brew (in some of the screens in Final Fantasy, everything is too chaotic, but it’s different, in your own hands, to rob yourself). Vtіm, the hero did not die forever - the white magician will instantly turn him back to life, as if you knew the need for a spell, and if you reach the city with three heroes - there it would be a pleasure to bring you to you for a couple of coins.

Okremo varto talk about the mystical world and the storyline. Although the light of the first part of the buv was small (equally equal to the next), it was one of the largest playful all-lights of that hour. The unfettered fantasy-engineering world of the first finale, surrounded by people and populations with dark and light elves, mermaids and robots, as well as more or less benevolent and civilized dragons. Crimean city, in which four could sell, sell trophies, stock up on inventory and just indulge with the people, according to the map, dozens of zanedbany castles and underground from long-forgotten belongings and great junk were scattered. You don’t have to "Skyrim" - going into the chergovu cave in full uniforms, the heroes could easily turn around in the wrong warehouse and with one puff of health for all (otherwise do not turn around), hi and grew on a sprat of equals gamants, also it was possible to faint the dotality of the skin crocus.

The very vikliku, the spirit of the good, the garno іstorії that is incomprehensible beyond the scale of the game world so did not hit the gamers of that hour, that the success of Final Fantasy was guaranteed. The emphasis on the art of storage is also much stronger - the team of retailers has only one programmer, the soundtrack for the whole series was written by the composer Nobuo Uematsu for the design, the genius artist Yoshitaka Amano was credited for the design by Kenji Terada), and for the wild concept, that idea was inspired by Hironobu Sakaguchi's guesses.

Recently, the game has been ported to everything that you can only imagine: some of the game has been played on MSX2 computers, and later remakes for the PlayStation and GameBoy Advance were created. On the Nintendo handheld console, a compilation of "Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls" with first and other parts and other additions was released. As soon as you play the first part, it’s better to play it yourself, and not the original version for the NES, even if it looks richly beautiful and beautiful, that rich pardon was fixed in it, although the gameplay and not the plot part were lost.

Tim for an hour, in the office of Square, who suddenly perked up, took up Final Fantasy II.

Final Fantasy II

After the Bagatorian world, the kingdom of Finn was introduced into a terrible, bloody war. Matheus, Emperor of Palamecia, calling from the hell of the demonic forces of himself to serve for the burying of the kingdoms of the earth and the establishment of panuvannya over the world. In one of the local battles with the dark leaders, the fathers of the main heroes and friends of the childhood - the young Firion, Mary, Leon and Guy, are killed, and the heroes themselves, as if they entered into a nervous essence with the leaders, recognize serious injuries (they were not driven in, but they were deprived of dying) . Trohi later stinks to come to you in a small town of Altair, at the residence knew them and vilіkuval Princess Hildi and, for madness, head the headquarters of the rebels. Practicing with all their might to avenge the death of the batkivs, to take care of the order and save the light from the dictatorship of the emperor, the heroes join the rebels and help them with the fallen impostor.

Final Fantasy II played differently through the river after the first part, in the chest in 1988, and was a serious crop forward, like in the first part, so in Dragon Quest, in copy-paste, Square sounded rich with critics. Trying to add their own to the series, the retailers have now seen the history and the whole world of the first part (it has become the rule of the series - maybe the skin of the new part of Final Fantasy is not related to the front), instead of creating more deep history and changing the character system in battle. Then, honestly, the series turned to the class system, so Final Fantasy II is considered one of the "specific" games of the series.

There are now only three main heroes, their particularities, history and battle habits are spelled out backwards, and it is not possible to change anything, Crimean names. Then you can develop them, as you wish.

  • Firion is the leader of the command and brother of Mary and Leon, in terms of characteristics he is more similar to the Red Magician and can develop both in a magical and combat plan.
  • Mary - a little bit of advancement of intellect and a supply of mani, so I can sum up a white / black magician and command a healer.
  • Guy is a friend of the childishness of Firion, according to the characteristics of the wines of purebred warriors, who can be moved with creatures.

Before the command, the fourth gravestone often enters - a plot helper, for example, a miner, which helps the heroes get Mithril for forging mithril armor, or Leila is a pirate, as if she tried to rob our party, but she came to the heroes after failure. The history of the ancient, confused and supernaturally zhorstok, and other characters in the hero's chimalo.

The combat system, in a flash, has not changed - vipadkovy essences, inventory, chotiri heroes, pokrokovy bey, but a couple of innovations. First, cleanly tidied up the system of equals, instead of it, a cunning system of improving characteristics was implemented and the ability to volodinnya zbroєyu or magic, fallow vіd їх vikoristannya. For example, if Firion, having passed a greater part of the grey with swords and taking on himself the main Skoda, then the cream of strength, after the skin battle grows, the skill of fire with swords and HP, to which the hero often takes away Skoda. Like Mary victorious magic, growth of intellect and MP.

In a different way, the grave can put two heroes behind two others right before the hour of battle - so the stench will take less shkodi. A weak plot character, or the enchantress Mary, is the axis behind the strong Firion and Gaim itself. Tsya osoblivіst pіznіshe migrated from all parts of the series.

The arsenal of the oath, zіllya that ozbroєnnya virіs once in two - the shields became zbroєyu, so daggers, sokiri, bows and wands appeared. And the inventory axis of the command has changed, and now items of the same type did not add up to one slot (for example, two mani zills occupied two slots, but earlier they were folded into one), so Final Fantasy II will reverse the first part due to the folding. Then you could save yourself not only in the next few places, but also at some point in the world, in the battle. Few people know that the structure of the cartridges was modified and the battery was added to save the grill. It was easy to copy such a cartridge, so, perhaps, the Final Fantasy series went through pirate Russia.

From Final Fantasy II, the foundation of the entire series has begun to take shape. After the first part, the world of those heroes was immeasurable, the other one had a whole drama, showing up a fantasy-technological world, characteristic of the series, with its mythological elements, humor, races and rules be like parts of the game, don't worry about the chronology and plot diri). In Final Fantasy II, Sid appeared first - a mechanical engineer and an amateur of damaged ships, who in different incarnations and roles appears in the skin offensive "final" . The retailers themselves call yoga "Master Yoda, who guides the heroes on the true path." And you can’t guess about Chocobo, a sensible and kind-hearted bird, which sounds like an ostrich and a curl. Later, Chocobos became a symbol of the series, and the games were celebrated as vehicles.

In the first part, which was sold in Pivnichny America under a contract with Nintendo of America, the other part did not leave Japan until 2002, when it was sold in Final Fantasy Origins for the PlayStation. Regardless of those that the localization was rozpochata, the process was even more difficult, the censors of Nintendo were judged by Roskomnaglyad, and they included tidied up hardness, religion churches are just clinics), racism and even more, in the minds of those other problems of the studio, that the ice was vibrating from the bankruptcy. A group bag called Final Fantasy II was poked around in the mid-1990s, and it really was the original Final Fantasy IV.

The selection of Dawn of Souls for Gameboy Advance has an addendum storyline, which follows the passage of the main one - "Soul of Rebirth" (Soul of Rebirth), in which the main characters are the deaths behind the plot of the characters who fight for the Emperor in the sweating world.

Final Fantasy III

The third part of the series came out in the world of 1990, and even though it was obviously a bad thunder, which took in more and more of its fronts - Final Fantasy III is considered "forgotten", from the first six parts (from this part and the transition to the PlayStation, the series was at zovsіm new era). Furnishings were not folded far away: like the first two parts, Final Fantasy III appeared on the Famicom, the same old, the 16-bit SNES appeared in the same way. Fans, obviously, swept away the third from the police - global sales made 1.4 million copies, but a lot of people passed it through the old console, and localization and release from the USA were not discussed at all. Navit with a remake, for the sake of the first two, won only in 2006 on the Nintendo DS. Ale, let's not talk about the bag!

The plot of the third part will be for a long time standing against the light and darkness, but not familiar to the physical sense. Less than in the legends, the legends about a long-standing rozvinen tsivіlіzatsіyu, like one once zrobil swing on such indestructible and basic forces, like the Crystals of Light, which are guarded by earthly elements, have been lost. Trying to instill wisdom and victoriousness with the method, people destroyed the balance of good and evil and paid dearly for it. The power of the Crystals of Temryavi rotted the world, and the cataclysms turned the great civilization into ruins. The only self-sufficient Floating Continent, having become the only incantation about the forgiveness and a shelter for people, and the new prophecy said, "If the light becomes a bida and the balance will be a new violation - the Crystals of the Light will call on some warriors, to turn the eve."

As if the village of Ur was white, like on a wide continent, becoming an earth coward, like a crooked passage near the mountain cave. Obviously, the unknown location is not left behind by the respect of the mists - chotiriokh cіkavih detlakhіv, yakі lost without fathers and opted for mіstsevym old-timer Topapoy. The four friends penetrate into the cave and know Crystal Wind there, which gives them a part of their strength, and at the same time, hand them over in some way to bring darkness and light, otherwise evil will not be strong and clay the whole world. Come on, sovneni mortal problems and moral dilemmas, now you know the young heroes themselves.

The opening and plot twists are slightly different in versions for DS and mobile platforms, even if the original was put on a cartridge with a total volume of 2 MB, which is already clogging up the opening. I wanted to put it in the group more and more, and not all ideas were implemented by retailers in the original, and richly detailed stories are only revealed in manz and remakes. So, for example, in the version for DS Krystal Svіtla knew more than one hero, and less then friends joined him. The names of the heroes were spelled out in a small official manzi "Yuukyuu no Kaze Densetsu: Final Fantasy III Yori (Final Fantasy III: Legend of the Eternal Wind)". In Final Fantasy III for Famicom, the heroes are nameless and, zagalom, without special characters, in the manz їx they sound Muuchi, Doug, J. Bowie and Melfi (the only girl of the group), and the heroes for DS are Lunette ( head hero), Yogo friend Ark, raised by the farrier Refiya (as the father flowed in from the house and tried to steal the ship Sida, de y used the Ark from the Lunet) and the face Ingus. The bachelor’s of the heroes were tormented by the retailers. In the early designs, the heroes are shattered by the lives of the war, and in the little ones of Akikhiko Yoshidi, the designer of the DS version, they are children who ate in a fairy tale.

An important innovation of the third part was the system of professions, as it changed to classes. So, on the cob of the cob, you could not choose a hero, like the first part, ale wins and no reprimands for you, like the other. All heroes start off as "Freelancers" (universals - they rejoice a little, know a couple of combat spells), but those who know the crystals of light can choose one of 23 professions for skin care (you can choose the same for everyone), combat and magic spells. The leather profession gives its own specialty (they allow you to click the numbers on the battlefield), and the number of professions and characters is about 280,000 (23^4) different configurations of the command for different combat styles of gravel.

Final Fantasy IV

Now the series moved into the era of 16-bit consoles, and in April 1991 Final Fantasy IV for the SNES was released. Now the retailers could turn around completely, even if they could remember the memory of cartridges 10 times, and the graphic tightness, zocrema, "Mode 7" of the console, allowed to create similar trivum world effects!

"A person is an insatiable istota" - it is said at the beginning, and the history of the world of Final Fantasy IV clearly confirms this. The kingdom of the Baron became more powerful, so that it was not enough to bring up the root of the sky and the creation of the damaged fleet of "Red Creel". There are ruins of ancient settlements, near the search for the most fertile Earth - Kristaliv Svіtla.

In addition, the fatherhood of the main character, Cecil Harvey, a dark face in the service in Chervony Krily, for the king’s orders, who steals Crystal Water from the mist of magic in Mіsіdії, and more and more doubts about the correctness of their and royal vchinkіv. Having found out about the free-thinking of his lieutenant, the King, especially powerful Cecil, will finish it and, having lowered in rank, will rule for the next end of the world, in God's forgotten village Mist іz zavdannyam - deliver the charіvne kіlce.

Saying goodbye to Rose Joanna Farrell, Cecil and his friend and comrade in service Cain Highwind sailed by ship to the village. Ale varto їm get out of the ship, from the kіltsya the fires of the elementals vibrate and burn the village to the ground at once with the population, and the only young enchantress Rіdia, who is alive, calls out to Titan and zmushuє Kaina in anger.

After what has happened, Cecil no longer doubts the tyranny of his king and swears by all the powers of yoga and vryatuvati crystals, for the sake of which it is not difficult to show his title and go through the ritual of initiation into a paladin. Heroism, acceptance of one's wrongs and vision in the face of a colossal way of life, death of loved ones, happiness and self-sacrifice - the history of Final Fantasy IV is considered the most dramatic in the entire series.

The main hero in Final Fantasy IV is only one - Cecil, prote, yak i in Final Fantasy II, most of the gris, the company of you is made up of plot characters (they have a total of 12) from behind the assigned classes, and before the end of gris, the whole team is formed from five graves: Cecil and Kayn - warriors, the recruit of Ridiya (the woman reconciled with Cecil), the white magician Rosa (the maiden Cecil; in the DS version, for example, the stench of the stench played the game) and the villain / ninja Edge Geraldine. In the GameBoy Advance version, the engraving has a little more freedom of choice, and you can choose the characters for the final essence yourself (navit Sida).

As for the magic and the development/combat systems, Final Fantasy IV thrives on the opponents. First, a dynamic combat system (Active Time Battle) has appeared, which will go into the elements of the classic pokrokov mode and voice the reaction of gravity. Now the characters were attacking not on the basis of two sides, but on the basis of the speed of the attack of the skin character or the enemy, now they didn’t check until the grave was broken, like a spell to win. Such a system had its own shortcomings - the cream of innocence, in order to attack a singing character, it was necessary to reach the new one through low attacks of characters / opponents, which greatly respected, but at the same time it was necessary to give more respect to all members of the team and win their potential. Before the speech, the fighting system was victorious right up to the ninth part of the series, so that, judging by the mustache, fell to the relish.

In a different way, the opponents, especially the rіdkіsnі ta boshi, could fend off the singing type of attacks, on the kshtalt of a banal blow with a sword. Also, gravers had to use their own tactics for a skin-like boss.

Thirdly, the pumping system worked, most importantly, on Cecil. From this you can choose a magician, a villain, a warrior. Other characters develop newcomers, which are less given by retailers, taking new vistas from the world through the passage of grey. Then, in the combat system, the emphasis of the battles was on the specialty of the skin of 12 story characters - Ridiya is small magic to call on different istots, Ej is the only one who could win the ninjutsu skills, and the spell had a black and black character, and the leather character was very bagonito .

In the gameplay plan, everything was the same as before - volatility of battles and the ability to vanish battles, eyepieces for combat for the skin character of the team, impersonal types of attack and spells and other traditional jRPG elements.

With the transition to a new platform, the retailers have failed, that a new part can enter the Western market. And so it happened, on the shelves of PivnіchnoїAmerica Final Fantasy IV appeared in the fall of the same rock, and later remakes for the PlayStation (March 1997) were released for the small portable WonderSwan Color (March 2002), Game Boy Advance (Breast 2005) and Ninte breast 2007), cream version for emulators in virtual stores.

In addition, 2008 has a sequel for mobile platforms - Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, which tells about the future after 17 years after the original. The crystals began to behave wonderfully, and in the sky everything was brighter than the light of the right (crim of another, piece) Month, so that the heroes of the original, and at the same time with them new characters, try to understand what is right.

Final Fantasy V

Like the immeasurable light of Final Fantasy V has changed in a wondrous rank. The wind now knew the call, then the days and nights viruvave blows, nibi ahead of the filth. Tse did not lose the incomprehensible - the King of the Taykun castle, who had broken up in taemnichih zminah, to ask his daughter Lenna to guard the kingdom, and he himself virusha to the Wind Temple, to perekonatisya in the savings of one-dimensional crystal. In a deyaky hour, the wind knows zovsim, and the daughter, having commemorated tse, virishu virushit to the Temple for the father.

At the same time, a meteorite is falling not far from the Tykun castle, so that the respect of Bartz Klauser, a mandriving man with a Chocobo on behalf of Boko, is not lost. Bartz is virushaya before the accident, helping to resist the attacks of goblins. This is how our leading heroes - Bartz, Lenna and old Galuf, who literally felt the light of the day on the meteorite, and now have spent memory. Trohi later of the heroes to break up to the Temple of the Wind, to know that the crystal has swelled and to recognize that now the stench has become the Warriors of the Light and they are destined for a share of the destruction of the destruction of the crystals by the dark evil force.

In the gameplay plan, the fifth part has become a compilation of all the past finals. Having reached the crystal of light, the characters (which are often played in the party; the team is formed for the whole game) could choose one of the professions for gusto (like in Final Fantasy III), all 22 and the skin has its own unique skills. Crim eyepieces to improve the characteristics of the character (attack, mana, health and mobility), ABP eyepieces (Ability Points) appeared. The stench is also earned in battle, but for the accumulated points you can find new skills for your class (passive and active, exuberant and combative, cast spells and calls from that school of "blue magic" - an assortment, similar to Final Fantasy III, signifi- cantly zris). If the grave-bearer had completely broken the head of the novice of the singing class, he became the master, which made it possible to transfer the deacons to the minn when changing the class.

The ATB system was brought to the point of reason - the heroes of those opponents had a time scale, so attacking the one with the fastest speed was the first to attack (the one with Final Fantasy IV to understand who attacked first was easy).

In front of the front part, released to the Western market (don't go and don't go under your own names), the retailers again stumbled out of the troubles of Final Fantasy V localization, and it was only in 1999 that it appeared in the Final Fantasy Anthology 20 selection for the PlayStation 6, and in on the older Game Boy Advance. However, this part has gone down in history for one more reason - the very first in the series received a fan translation in English in 1997. The memory of the original cartridges was simply patched, and the cartridge was still being sold. With such "bypassing paths" the gra vibrated beyond the borders of Japan.

Final Fantasy VI

Over Final Fantasy VI, Square's retailers played close to the second rock, as a result, it was the same as last year's 1994 rock on the SNES console. And the devil take it, how the bula was epichna and cool! The retailers themselves later acknowledged: “I still remember that at the end of the evening, just before the launch of Final Fantasy VI, I saw my innocence Sakaguchi-san saying: “We created the best game in the world for you! Hi! At the omniscience! Dyakuyu! you!"

The light of Final Fantasy VI is radically reminiscent of the fairy tales of the past. It's time for a century of robots, electricians and majestic industrial machines in the style of steampunk fantasy. The prehistory is to say that three deities appeared in the world, and the skin boule had its own plan for the whole earth. Virishivshi reconcile by force, the stench unleashed the war, and in this war they appeared now - endowed with the naming magic power of living beings. If the gods understood that these amusements for the world turned into bloodshed and ruins, then they immediately pinned war, turned themselves into statues and for help Esper moved to a parallel world. For a long time, having sunk in the light.

Magic has been lost to legends, and technologies are developing by leaps and bounds. Once in the Gestalim Empire, as they knew the lands of Esperiv, they developed "Magitek" - a technology inspired by the magic power of mechanisms that hand-held vibration of Esperiv from people and creatures. The army, created in such a way, overturned for combat might be another army, and at the same time at the head of Emperor Gestal appeared dark thoughts about the light of panuvannya. Through the rokіv rokіv the entire pivdenny continent was conquered by the empire and the її army of lancers psiv - hearing soldiers with outhouses, which will ignite the will of that thought. The army made its way through the front, and here, obviously, there were those rebel branches, the largest of which was the organization "Return".

Near the mining town of Narsha, there are three imperial warriors, among them the main heroine, who are found near the frozen Esper mine. Varto was about to come closer, as if he were attacking the soldiers, ruining their costumes, and the main heroine (the only one who lived) falls into the mine and loses her remembrance. After a deaky hour, come to you in the booth of Arvis - a city resident and, for madness, a member of the Return. Vіn znіmaє z of our heroine Slavic Vinets and razumіє, that vipadkov's guest does not remember anything about himself, krіm imeni Terra.

Коли в будинок стукає місцева поліція, яка розшукує дівчину, Арвіс допомагає їй сховатися через таємний прохід у шахти, а потім просить свого друга Локка допомогти їй відбитися від стражників і втекти в пустельний містечко Фігаро, король якого теж повстанець, хоча створює видимість підпорядкування Імперії.

Terra is not just a soldier, but a girl with marvelous magic zdibnosti (like a pіznіshe z'yasuєtsya, napіv-esper), as in an emergency situation, she lost two armored empires. The very same girl is joking with forces. Nezabar Terra adjoins to the rebels, and, otrimavshi such a strong fighter in their ranks, Return'tsі zbirayutsya Gestal's throne from the throne.

The system of classes and characters in Final Fantasy VI is a marvelous rank for the special features of the first part of that system of professions. There are 14 plundering characters, which became a record for the series (to bring the snow man Umaro!), moreover, the leather character forms a unique class according to his own strengths. For example, Locke is less of a villain, Terra is a fighting enchantress too.

At the world of passage of the forest, there will be plot forks. If there are two missions, as if the vikonati were negain, the characters go their own way, which introduces a part of non-linearity into the group. For the first time in the series, the team can be formed by yourself, at some point in the hour, depending on already known characters.

Esperi became part of the combat system. A character, surrounded by armor, picking up "relics" (artifacts that promote a characteristic), can equip himself with a "magicite" - a crystal from the power of Esper, which vibrates the gravel of magic skills and sometimes allows you to call on the battlefield of the Emperor.

There were a lot of magical citations scattered around the world, and skills, like giving stench, lie in the sight of Esper himself: weak and exhausting, combative chi luval incantations, passive features that change the behavior and characteristics of the character. What is important, the beginners do not show up immediately, but only to increase the AP (Ability Points from the front part). Only if a newcomer's victory reaches 100% (and it is necessary to change from esper to esper for an hour), the character can be victorious without magicite. Even here, as in the last part of the series, you can ride a Chocobo or move between the continents of the Sid ships.

The sixth part of the series was distributed in a magnificent circulation. Regardless of what Nintendo, like before, was successful, localized Final Fantasy VI entered the market of Pivnіchnoy America of the same rock, and later remakes appeared on the PlayStation and Game Boy Advance.

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