Why dream about kitchen from tea. Cup of clouding of the dream book. Cup for Home dream book

Dream interpretation of broken kitchen

If you want to really care that you break the dishes - for good luck, as the interpretation of the dream changes. Break a cup or another vessel - before welding, chvar, misunderstood with lonely people.

The whole cup, especially filled to the brim, so let's get drunk, promise material good luck.

Vihodyachi z usikh tlumachen, you can understand that this symbol is not so simple, and in order to solve it, you need to delve into the subject.

Break the kitchen

I dreamed of the tricks of a lover of dishes

Do you ever dream of a broken cup? Before that, as to proceed to the solution of the dream, in which you broke the kitchen, varto rose with the clouds, to give dream books to the symbol itself - mugs to see the dream. Fortunately, this subject often knows its own image in the cloakrooms of dreams.

Transmission of tlumachiv dreams

The greater number of dream books is important, that the cup has been broken, saying you are unacceptable, inflicting slander on your native country. You will spend a mutual understanding with relatives, the situation will be fried. Chi do not want vіdkritoy conflict? You need to be patient, tact and vitrima.

Erotic dream book

Varto partly from the fact that the drink at the cup means sexuality. As you drink your motherland after rug after rug, then you are an addicted person, as if watching the mother’s mother another person. With whom Danish dream book give the same transfer to the female half, and to the human.

It is important that the women let in and chop the cup of your dreams until you waste your womanhood. A shy person and other people marvel at you with their eyes, and not add charm to you.

For people, the darkness is not so negative. Like vvazha a dream book, a broken cup means a waste of prudence in the eyes of one of the shanubils. Eagerly follow your actions, it is possible, vipadkovo zrob that to denigrate you in її eyes.

Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik

Dane dzherelo go to the rozrіz z іnshimi, and vvazhє that the vessel, that it broke, dream about the fact that in real life, a sleeping person will become a happy fall.

Damaged earthenware cup

But the empty kitchen looks like a non-obviousness in a conversation with a partner. You cannot place all the specks over i, you are in an advanced state.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Miss Hasse gave a read and a short haze to the one that you might have a dream about.

  • broken cup - before welding;
  • earthenware - live in modesty, you cannot allow your own transcendentalities;
  • kupuvati - there will be negative podії, like nalyakayut members of your homeland;
  • just bachiti - take away the request for a social evening.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller positively looking at the dream, de sleeping people to sip tea cups and chili services. It means that we spend an hour merrily, ticking, on the sly.

Split service

For a woman, she dreamed of a service, which she viciously smashed - to the point that your happiness would obscure the rapt grief.

Having positively looked at Miller's dream, they treated themselves to wine from a tea cup. Father, you will spend an hour for your own selfishness.

Solidarity with Miller's dream book and woman's tlumach.

M_syats, yaky vy were born

Cloudy dreams, which come out of the month of your people, are gaining more and more popularity every day. It is important that such a prophecy will be more accurate, and fight, walking from the horoscope of a person who is sleeping.

The mustaches of the first four months on the river can get ready before welding, as it will become at the family stake - the cup itself is broken like a dream.

Those who, having been born like the spring of that influx, after such a dream can have patience, they will definitely need it.

The autumn dream book to talk about those who are evil and break the kitchen is a negative sign. There are people around you who will fool you.

Yakscho kuhol broke not vi

Why dream of breaking a kitchen, but having become such a wine before you? In such a time, the details play an important role:

Drink at the cracked cup

  • they brought you a drink by the broken kitchen - the share was preparing for you to taste;
  • they bought a trifle - vіdpovіdatimet for scoєnі zlodіyannya;
  • sold її - go into hiding bіdi;
  • you were presented with a broken cup - get to know the unacceptable specialness;
  • miti її - part with people, love like;
  • the whale breaks the kitchen - you and your kohaniy people are threatening trouble, even thinking about separating you.

As if you had a dream, in which the whale itself became the culprit of the broken dishes, then wine is the key symbol. Whale is the enemy of hobbies, admire to your own sharpness, it is possible, your friend, under the guise of a friend, is trying to cook you from a companion of life. Do not blindly try to understand what other people tell you.


If you have taken up the clouding of sleep, in which your kitchen has been broken, then varto is astonished to the very material:

  • porcellana - you will stay at the humbled camp, life will end;
  • sklo - get to know the people, but correct for a new negative reaction;
  • clay - a pleasant period of material well-being;
  • ceramics - miss the opportunity to take profits.

More porcelyan, as if spreading on dribbling ulamki, can symbolize the end song period at the life of a sleeping person. Vіn stand on the verge of something new, and yakim will be, often lie down and look at you.

Your rating:

There was a cup in a dream - to clear up the unacceptable signs. A kitchen item that stands on the table symbolizes conflicts. The reason may be incomprehensible, having shown transcendental aggressiveness in intercourse with relatives, friends, and kohan people.

Try to save calm, vrіvnovazhenіst, cooperating with close people. Thoughtless words can lead to important lessons causing a number of fights.

Choose a cup

Did you dream that you started picking up a cup, zaishovshi to the store? It’s important to remember that it’s important - you’re really going to get on the road. The hour has come to make an important decision, to change your life beforehand. I only your children will show you how positive you can become.

You are approaching an important stage in your life. No need to hurry up, take decisions, win singing songs. The price of pardons may be high. Relatively dim the skin of the skin at once, so that you can enjoy the receiving pods of the future.

Dream of a brudna cup

The meaning of sleep, de bula is brudna, negligible cup, is given to negative interpretations. The symbol reflects the problems associated with special stosunki. Can blame conflicts, welding. The cause of disorder in the sphere of love will become incomprehensible, unreasonable to go on deeds.

Give yourself an hour to do yoga with your loved ones. Try to get along with your relatives. Kohaniy people need your respect, turbota. Just talk to your other half, to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Kavova cup uvі snі

I dreamed of a kava cup - you can blame serious problems on the robot. The stench will be closely tied to the team. You do not dare to get along with your colleagues, to win their roztashuvannya. This is a negative impact on the career, sincere jealousy.

Dreaming of a teacup

Cloudy sleep, de figured garna cup, endowed with positive meanings. The tea service is straining, which you see as a harmoniously displaced person. Zavdyaki tsomu, go out to achieve karkolomnih success with the kar'єri.

Try to show calmness, vrіvnovazhenіst. In a burst of emotions, you can create a lot of bad vchinkiv, building vplinut on your pushing uphill with caravans. Continue to do your best, so that success does not deprive you.

Dream about a lot of cups

Dreamed of a lot of cups? Too often you spend the whole hour looking at the roses, not otrimuyuchi no coriste in the eyes. In addition, if you sip until you have an easy life, you can be satisfied with the blame for inaccuracies. The stench is negatively designated for special needs business sphere, seriously stealing the trust from the side of loved ones and financial stability

Do not forget about the goiter in front of your relatives, friends, kohanoy people. Give more than your hour to them, but don't worry.

Don't waste your concentration on work. The high imovirnist pardons that were created will be negatively marked on the car'er.

New cup

Did the dreamer see a new cup? Dream Interpretation Orakul announces that the next hour will be the reception of zustrіch, new acquaintance. You can know new interests, interests. Everything is positively seen on the emotional state, having lost the hostility on its own.

Having come to that period of life, if you can boldly work with neobachny vchinki, get to know new people, develop. Do not miss this chance, hurry with it again, so that you can enjoy it during your working days.

Drink from a cup

Drinking from a cup in a dream is a friendly symbol. However, there is a lot of success in what lies behind your deeds, rіshuchostі. For the sake of the dream book, they will tell you how to reach well-being.

Take away a cup from a gift for a dream

Did you dream that a cup of bula was taken from a gift? Surprise zarobiv reception you people - really well-being, financial stability can be seriously kidnapped. The reason for this is rash thought, vchinki. Decisions that are accepted can be negatively marked on the car as a whole.

Remember that evil, aggression will not help you reach success on the right. Enlist the support of a close friend, and do not win yoga for your purposes. Otherwise, the reputation is seriously damaged, which can cause numerical problems.

Bathe a cup

To dream that you started to bathe a cup - you can see satisfaction in the comfort of reality. With the richness of life, there will be a chance to achieve prosperity, financial stability, which will positively signify you, members of your homeland.

You have gone to that period of life, if the urgency of the children's health negatively affects your good work. Polіpshyuchi your way of life, dim your skin, your skin. To show respect for everything that comes to mind.

Empty cup

Did you dream of an empty cup? You are stuck with rubbish turbos, negligence on robots. Conceived does not bring good results, dear. This is a negative impact on your emotional state.

Show patience. Navit that today you can’t reach anything, tomorrow you can laugh at success. Rіshuchіst, tіlespravovanіst will be marked and rewarded with a proper rank. Golovna - do not give up and do not give up.

I dreamed of a cup with a broken handle

Did you see a cup with a broken handle? Dream Interpretation of the Oracle tells you that you can’t reach the best results on the robot. Tse bring a lot of negative emotions. You just don’t know what to do next, to correct the situation, to achieve success in your career.

A cup is a small round vessel for a home, as it is constantly victorious in everyday life. The cups are made from different materials, they are shaped and painted, they are poured with different kinds of water (not only grubs).

Regardless of the price, be it a cup carrying the symbolism of the cup, to be judged, as to lie in rich details. The empty cup is broken, it can be negatively clouded, you see the rose of that marnі nadії. The meaning of the filled bowl is to lie like in її in place, so in її quantity, and it can mean like “a full bowl”, so it means “a bowl of suffering”. Often a cup is a symbol of a woman, and sometimes it can be a friendly tea.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Hindman Miller. How to understand the dream "Cup"?

The tea cups are ahead of the dreamer, so you spend a lot of time on the vіdpochinok and rozvagi. Drink wine from tea cups - take a bite to eat. Like a dreamer dreaming of a broken cup - it’s not possible to make you happy.

Noble dream book M. Grishin. What does the dream "Cup" mean?

Bachiti in a dream a tea cup or drink from it - before the guests. Break її in dreams - for an unfortunate fall. A cup of porcelain-happiness, earthenware - the joy of news.

Dream interpretation mis Hasse. What does the cup look like, what did it look like in your dream?

Drink a cup of uwі snі - take away the request, bathe її - for a break at the family stake. A clay cup is a modestly simple life. The cup was broken with a welder.

Dream interpretation of Medea. How vithlumachity is a dream about a cup?

The cup provides energy and replenishment of strength, and what’s more, it’s such a pleasant dream. Like a dreamer holding a great bowl in his hands, the master of his share. A bowl of water is already a positive sign. A broken cup is a new stage in life.

Esoteric dream book. Symbolism of the dream "Cups"

An empty cup means unusable turboti, I will buy brandy speeches. The second cup is deciphered in a fallow way, and the more, the more true, the dreamer takes away the symbol of which the motherland is poured into it.


The cup helps change your life or your splurge. An empty cup - marnі nadії. A cup filled with pure water, milk, wine, honey - even a positive dream, such a successful period of life. Tea, kava, licorice compote by the cup also go well to the good.

However, even though you have spilled your homeland from a cup, all your plans will fall, and you will be enchanted. A cup of blood can talk about suffering or family problems, a cup with an unacceptable homeland - to the point of ailment or bad luck, but if you didn’t drink from it - there’s a warning about protection and obachnist.

Drinking tea chi kava in the company of kimos is a friendly relationship. How about you drink tea of ​​the opposite state - tse provisnik kokhannya, and maybe, and fun, and how beautiful the cups and malt they drink from them will be, and your future will become happy. Broken cup -

In reality, broken dishes are a good sign, prote in the esoteric meaning of yoga is not the same. Like a dreamer having broken a cup, then dreaming of welding and conflicts with otochyuchimi. Sleeper can't know spilnu movaіz close people, through tse nego with them to blame razbіzhnostі. In order to prevent the development of a conflict, the participants will be guilty of showing patience with that diplomacy. For an objective interpretation of the night sky, it is necessary to look at the details. It is required to guess the material of the viroba, who, having broken the kitchen, will drink the wine of the souls. Takozh great value May I dream of that yoga family camp.

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    Scattered interpretation

    As soon as the woman let the cup in, then in reality her manner of behavior will change to a damp tone. Dreaming about the loss of prudence in the eyes of people and femininity. It is tied up with it, so that the dreamer will become less respectful old-fashioned look and look after myself. As if the dream is marnoslav, then it’s very confusing to її and to allow the sonorous innocence in yourself.

      Broken gurtok uvі snі cholovіka - properedzhennya pіdsvіdomostі, like not varto іgnoruvati. As if the dreamer has a maiden, he needs to be given more respect, otherwise there will be discord among the women. Selfish lads have a dream book for the sake of chasing after their words and vchinki, so as not to damage their reputation. Great is the imaginativeness of the fact that some of those close to you are greatly enchanted by the dreamer.

      One of the key details is the material from which the splitting of the heads was crushed:

      • The road and the vishukan portcelana make the dream physical and emotional. Vin will require a repair in order to rethink his business and save energy for further productive work.
      • A glassy cup - before getting to know a person, as if to be put up before a dream of knowing.
      • Clay - until the present prosperous period of life of a person. You can dedicate more of your time to yourself, having grown up in routine work.
      • Ceramics is a symbol of the spent opportunities, the foundation of the financial sphere.

      What kind of drink is at the cup?

      Trimati in the hands of a tea cup with a hot drink is a sign that the dreamer is choking with his other half. As if the cup was unexpectedly broken, the varto trusted the kohan people more. Zayva distrust led to problems among the natives and provoked a serious scandal. If you happen to drink tea from a broken cup with friends, then you have to report zusil in order to achieve financial independence.

      Wine is a merry hour. The dreamer is in power at his house for a family evening, or to request close friends for the evening. Spilling an hour will bring great satisfaction to the company. Not only gaiety and joy about dreams. Good luck with all accompanying dreams. Usi yogo repair to be completed great success. As if sleeping for a long time, spitting dreams, the time has come to bring you into reality.

      Break a cup of kava - to the point of unstoppable news.

      Drink kvass and unstoppably let in the kitchen - to the point of inaccuracies on the robot. Blame the differences with the bosses and colleagues. Varto trimati yourself in the hands of that something to deal with your opponents. If the dreamer had a chance to drink kvass from a broken gurt, then it’s a sign that he could get stuck with the unacceptable legacy of his past vchinkivs. A bowl of pure jelly water is a reflection of the particularity of a dream. Vіn schiry i good people. Let's protect Varto, as if we had a dream that a cup of water was broken. If you want to spoil the dreamer.

Why dream about a cup

Miller's dream book

If you take off tea cups - it means that you spend most of your time in the window for satisfaction.

If a woman sees a rose in a cup - this is a sign that you will be beaten by an unstoppable dash.

As if in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup - tse vіschuє at the nearest possible day of reception with a brown one.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The cup is broken - welding; bachiti - requested; clay - more modest life; kupuvati - perelyak at nіy.

Why dream about a cup

Family dream book

A cup of tea, yak you blew your eyes - it means that you spend too much time looking at satisfaction.

As a woman dreamed that she broke a cup - and luckily, you will be broken as an unacceptable podia.

A dream, in which you drink wine from a tea cup - you see the day of the reception with brown.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadiya Zimi

Cups of high dreams - symbolize well-being and a full life.

If you sip beautiful porcelain cups at your booth, it doesn’t matter, you stink empty - such a dream to talk about the good flow of your rights.

Brudni, negarni cups - a sign of domestic inaccuracies.

Cracked a cup - ahead of the possibility of welding with relatives. If you want to escape the rise of stosunkiv, you should protect yourself from the conflict and not give a drive for conflict. More exactly the meaning of this dream can be shown instead of cups and material, for which it is crushed.

Why dream about a cup

Spring dream book

A cup - to the belligerent guests; break a cup - before welding at her.

Why dream about a cup

Summer dream book

Break a cup ouvі snі - to mental patience.

Why dream about a cup

Autumn dream book

Break a cup - to intrigue and deceit.

Why dream about a cup

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Drinking more sleep from a porcelian cup is a sign of positive emotions and promotion of success.

A glass cup is a sign that you will do a miracle of hostility to your future encounter at the first sight and acquaintance with him.

Little filizhanka - tell about high drinking, but modest help, you should better achieve what you can rightfully belong to.

A broken cup - you see misfortune with loved ones.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The cup is broken - welding; bachiti - requested; clay - more modest life; kupuvati - perelak at nіy; povna - surplus.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation Fedorivsky

I dreamed of a cup - it means that you will immediately make peace with a person, with whom you have cooked through some foolishness.

As if you dreamed that you were holding a cup - in the next hour you will report to the rich zusil, so that you can make peace with one of your enemies, but all your zusilla will be maritime.

You dreamed that you bought a cup - you make friends with a person, about which earlier there were more nasty thoughts.

Take away from the gift - to the point of unacceptable familiarity.

As if you had a dream that you sold a cup - you will go far away to get acquainted with a person who is not acceptable to you.

As if you dreamed that you gave someone a cup - you reconcile your two friends.

Uvі dream you broke a cup - before welding with people, as if you had been stuffing yourself with a friend for a long time.

Why dream about a cup

Esoteric dream book

A cup is an empty empty clod, a jar of obscene or near-distant speeches.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

The tea cups that you dreamed about - to say that you will spend most of your time with satisfaction.

Break a cup of sleep - to an unstoppable beat.

Drink wine from a tea cup - at the nearest possible future, you will have time to accept it.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Azar

A cup - to the belligerent guests; rozbiti - welding in sim'ї

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation Evgeniya Tsvetkov

Cups are guests.

Why dream about a cup

Modern dream book

If you take off cups - in reality all your thoughts will be directed to satisfaction.

Zhіntsi rozbіt u vі snі cups - a sign that nespodіvanі pereskodi become on її way to the satisfaction of that happiness.

Drink wine from tea cups - say that in the nearest future luck that satisfaction will come to bring you joy.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do you mean more sleep Cups - You sip your dream cups - you spend a lot of time looking at satisfaction. You nibi drink wine from a tea cup - I will be brown in your life, but I will not be accepting. Women dream that she broke a cup - happiness will soon change dashingly.

Why dream about a cup

Noble dream book of N. Grishino

A cup of tea, drink from it - you don’t give a damn about it.

Rozbitty is an unfortunate badass.

Portseliana bachiti - check great happiness.

Faience is a radio call.

To know porcelain shards is everything.

Why dream about a cup

Modern dream book

The cup is filled - Strike, non-acceptance

Why dream about a cup

Christian dream book

Tea cups - With tea - for hateful joy (div. Tea). Empty - you spend a lot of time looking at satisfaction. You're right to mess up. Show that you are pouring mitzny tea at the cup, put it on the table and treat your friends.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Chaklunka Medea

Cup (goblet) - A cup is a symbol of energy, the possibility of reviving the forces of a dream. Trimati in the hands of a bowl chi goblet - means arranging your share. According to Freud, the cup (cup) is a female vaginal symbol. A cup of water is a friendly sign, empty. A cup is a cup in miniature. All the prophecies for the cup are the same with the improvement of the change in the scale of joy. Break a cup - break a new period of life.

Why dream about a cup

Home dream book

You dreamed of a Cup - otrimannya іnformatsії; ochіkuvannya on guests. Napovnena - surplus; break a cup - not famously; drink wine from a tea cup - to be satisfied with the brown right.

Why dream about a cup

Russian dream book

What does it mean uvі snі Cup - galaslivі guests; povna - surplus; beaten - before welding.

Why dream about a cup

Jewish dream book

What does it mean in a dream? A cup - Break a cup garnoy people; and at night on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, - to a small cover of the bottom, as a mother of significant consequences; chaffing for no one on Saturday or a week, this dream means that the trouble is great, that it threatened you, has passed.

Why dream about a cup

Woman's dream book

What do you mean bachiti uv_ dream Cups - Tea cups that you dreamed about, svіdchat that you will spend most of your time in satisfaction. Break a cup of sleep - to an unstoppable beat. Drink wine from a tea cup - at the nearest possible future, you will have time to accept it.

Why dream about a cup

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why dream of a Cup - a Vessel, which is a vaginal symbol.

Why dream about a cup

Old Russian dream book

Why dream about a cup

Dark dictionary of dreams

A bowl of soup, on the top - otrimannya pributka; є z neї z іnshimi - love split.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of the Future

A cup - to the belligerent guests; the cup is filled - a surplus; break a cup - welding at her.

Why dream about a cup

Italian psychoanalytic dream book of A. Robert

A cup is a vessel, which is a vaginal symbol.

Why dream about a cup

Online dream book

The cup symbolizes those that at this stage you want to grow up more.

As if she was beaten - your homeland will become unacceptable.

Miles її uvі snі - even namagatimetes vіznoviti zv'yazki z tim who have not been beaten for a long time.

Buying a cup - talk about those who will become closer to someone who has long been an unacceptable person for you.

You have been given a present - you will get new stosunki, as if they will be accepted and promising.

I dreamed that they sold її - do not hurry to get out of a small house people.

As if you dreamed of a broken cup - your idyll will soon end soon, they will check you for great inaccuracies, experience, and the possibility of opening up with loved ones.

As if you dreamed that you were miles of a cup - soon you will have to spend an hour with a company of reception people for Christmas table or at the party.

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Health

Bachiti a cup of water - to the point of cleansing the body; empty cup - to psychological problems; break a cup - to conflict and stress.

Why dream about a cup

Russian dream book

China - hateful untrival joy

Why dream about a cup

Dream Interpretation of Zhovtogo Emperor

Pershoelementi - metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - dryness, cold, wind, sinter, moisture. Emotions - thoughtfulness, confusion, fear, anger, joy. , tovsta and small intestine, shlunok, sich mіkhur, zhovchny mіkhur. Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Pobutovі variants of the bowl (kukhol, flask and be-yak єmnіst for drinking) themselves are not symbolic in their own right, but the stench is a reminder of the impossibility of a person to live without water, for that, in case of cloudy dreams, not only a bowl is important, but also in the place. Water is the primary basis of all native land, which can be poured into a bowl. The water is amphora and easily swells, be it a form, it is easy to absorb and unobstructed, it takes the information of the first foundations of creation. Mirror to see information is negain, water for seeing is obliged to resonate with the master or to penetrate into the middle of the new. It is not without reason that in an old bowl with a stone, which we give water to the guilt of those in power, it was necessary to heat it with the warmth of our hands and then drink it together. Sacred, magical dances are partly not only of a cult ritual: ours will be the same ritual, and we will gradually, without hesitation, zdiisnyuєmo magical diї, programmatically singing a break under the correct exchange of energy, which will secure us good luck, giving us healthy energy covers. This is a kind of incantation of action. A bottle of water, which sips early in the morning, can also be magical in relation to the body: wine gives the body a signal to the cob of day life, daytime energy overflow in the body. I be-like a dream і from a cup and a cup cannot be vipadkovym. On bowls made of stones and expensive metals, little ones and sacral signs have been seen for a long time, in order to ease the development of the situation in the consumer's beak. And then you can dream on the bowl signs that symbolize the future, but still, dreams come rarely and only until tomorrow. A cup of bachiti u vі snі/іnshiy utensils for drinking/drinking from the bowl, or do not drink the bowl symbolizes the filling of in-іnformatsiєyu, scho pragne realization in diyah. I’ll fill the cup with a glass of sleep and drink and drink - then I’ll take wine like a goiter and spit it out. Think ahead, what was allowed by your own wine, before the cup of calling everyone for it, and don’t use the meaning of diy, because thoughtless goiter does not bring good to anyone. A bowl of drink, a need to drink, but an empty bowl - energy on the right side of the day, or on the right of the form, which appears, does not bring results, or the information is transferred / self-taken by others. It is necessary to change the image of the diy and sharpen the meta. A cup of bachiti and nobility is a necessity, and ale vagatisya is no longer the mother of a steady svetoglyad that willpower. Do not drink, drink and wind up the bowl means to stand on the way for the sake of. Zrada is possible, not only by age, to otochyuchih, but even to oneself. In the rest of the day, a dream is left unhappy and ill. In other cases, punishment is also inevitable. Change with kim-nebud bowls / drink with one bowl - bro, exchange of energy, support for that vodpovidalnist for others, as for yourself. Break the bowl / pour it out - let it go from the right hand to spend energy. From matir'yu chi father to drink a cup / stench to drink - it means the transfer of energy to the family. An empty bowl brings energy to the family. All possible variants of the bowl - a cup, a flask, a kelih - create symbols from the common to special, but no less significant rіven. Tlumachennya will be you yourself, but more important details will come to sleep: objects, people, what was poured into the bowl, where it was dreamed of and so far away.

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