Jelly eyes for Halloween. Six traditional malts for Halloween

Did you mean Halloween? And, melodiously, you were already thinking about what to cook. Truly, how sacred is it without traditional chastisement! And how to prepare delicious and original confections before Halloween - today the online magazine “” will tell you.

Having rejoiced with the knowledgeable people, who are not the first river to signify this Catholic saint, we came to the conclusion that the original and delicious food on the table is the most important moment of the saint himself. This especially brings joy to American farmers: where watermelon can be planted and other gifts from the autumn garden. However, not only garden fruits and vegetables can be cooked. The most important thing is to present the frequency in an unconventional and creative way. Are you ready? So let's get started!

Planned menu

To start, you need to figure out what will be on your table: appetizers, hot dishes or desserts? Or maybe all at once? Well, let’s welcome your guests. Well, how to earn money - we will tell you everything right away.

What's a meal without snacks? True, Halloween snacks can be very tempting: fruity, licorice, salty, and spicy. This category includes a variety of salads. Moreover, appetizers and salads can be emergency (those you were prepared to cook at the saint’s house, weekends or holidays). Golovne – file your taxes correctly.

Get ready: we have found for you the best options from original products. And hot tails of one-horned birds and crow eggs in recipes. You can find all the ingredients at any supermarket, at the market, or bring it from your garden. Hey, let's start.


Fruit plate

Fruits can be served as original as required. Chop bananas in bulk - they will produce miracles of “ghosts”. The eyes and mouth can be decorated with the addition of spicy cloves or chocolate glaze (crisp). The peeled tangerines will produce miracle Christmas watermelons. An improvised ponytail can be made from apple marmalades. At the end of the day, pickle juice is pardon.

Fruits can be decorated like a joke. Cut the apple into slices and place marshmallow “teeth” between two slices. To prevent the “teeth” from falling out, combine them with thick boiled condensed milk.

Nalyakani sprats

It’s good to fit on the Christmas table and sprats. Choose canned food that contains large and uncompressed fish - they are easier for guests to enjoy. Prepare the salad: mix a couple of boiled grated eggs, a couple of cups of grated chaska, mayonnaise. You can add syre to the basil (this is the famous “Jewish” appetizer).

Make sure your sum is thick enough. Place it in a small salad bowl. Next to this salad bowl, place the sprats upside down with their tails (apparently, the fish heads are “caught” in the salad). Next to them at the vase you can serve croutons from a loaf or black bread.

Original croutons

Do you think what kind of grass to cook for Halloween? Another option for the Christmas table will be salads, served on croutons or in tartlets.

Go with potato chips and crackers (salony, with sesame, with pepper - for unsweetened sandwiches; with chocolate icing, with peas, zucchini - for sweet and fruit ones). You can also be tempted to serve non-standard sandwiches and salads.

Snack sandwiches - sonechka

Both adults and children will be able to catch tomato sunflowers. Take a saltine cracker, cover the ball with herb cheese (with pickled cucumber, mushrooms, or anything else you and your guests like).

Roughly chop the tomatoes, place the animal on the side of the koshen’s chicken. Decorate with mayonnaise or cloves - dots on the wings. Use olives for the head and greens for the ears.

Snack "target"

Place cheese, similar to trikutnik, on a saltine cracker (adigean cheese, tofu, or perhaps something else would be best). You can bake an egg: in this case, simply cut the egg in half - this will make an improvised target shell.

For the ears, use sliced ​​sausage or any other type of sausage. For the nose, use cloves, black pepper, a dash of olive; For the eyes you can use the same sesame seeds, and for the tail greens.

Coffins made from bread

Delight your guests with delicious pieces of black or Borodino bread. To do this, use a knife to cut 2 pieces of bread for 1 sandwich. They can be greased in a dry frying pan or lightly dried in a toaster oven. Between the “top” and the “bottom”, make a prosharok from the siur with whatever it is like.

You can choose just mayonnaise with grated chasnik or whatever salad you prepare. Before speaking, cowbass, sire and fresh cucumber have not touched anyone. Decorate the crust with a “cross” of Korean carrots or a sprinkling of bell peppers (tomato, fresh cucumber/pickles will also work).

Olive spiders

Egg snacks. So, where would we be without the most extensive and practical product for every skin in the refrigerator? Additional options for eggs can be vegetables, cheese, or mayonnaise.

To prepare savory chicken, boil the eggs very quickly. Cool, dissolve completely. Place the beetroot into a large bowl. Let’s wash ourselves immediately, so it’s better to cook not in portions, but for everyone at once: so as not to cut the egg and do not cook directly next to each guest. Now, put the beans in a bowl and mash them with a fork, add mayonnaise and a chasnik (instead of a chasnik, you can stir-fry the finely chopped greased cibul), mix everything well. Now put half of the egg with a teaspoon and add the filling that came out.

Making spiders is quite simple: pickle canned olives. Cut the olive halfway through, one half is the entire length of the pavuka, and the other half will need to be cut crosswise into the same length - the entire paw. Place the appetizer on a plate and decorate with greenery.

Halloween snack “Fly agarics”

This tasty appetizer is delicious. You can also fry fresh chicken eggs with fresh tomatoes (or better yet, place them in a bowl on a plate and peel the egg “base” – so that the “mushroom” sits on the plate) ), and quail eggs with cherry tomatoes.

For the remaining option, boil quail eggs hard and “put” them on skewers. Slice the tomatoes and place them on top of the eggs. Add a little bit of mayonnaise between drops and drops. Decorate the drop with mayonnaise dots and the bottom with greenery. How many mushrooms will be on the skewers - you decide. You can use short toothpicks instead of long skewers.

Forms for eggs

You can also quickly become familiar with the progressive innovations of the 21st century. It is clear that there is a great choice of special forms to give the products a great appearance. For example, a mold for eggs. Just before Halloween, you can quickly pick up what you need.

Such items are sold both on the Internet and in kiosks that sell kitchen items and household goods. In this case, all you need to do is boil the egg, peel the scallop and press it into a mold. Yuletide skull ready!

Orange bowls

The herbs look very bright, cheerful and appetizing, served in orange molds. Cut the top of the orange, carefully remove the pulp, cut funny peaks on the skin - the form for the salad is ready! Such a “vase” can accommodate any kind of salad: vegetable or fruit.

For fruit salad, you can add orange pulp. In the distance, in such “vases” and carved tsukerki, can be seen. Experiment - perhaps your imagination will show you many new options!

Halloween salad design

Use your imagination when designing the original compositions: the original herring under a fur coat can turn into a masterpiece under your hands.

Just like that, and whatever other salad is good.

Unusually hotter for Halloween

We have left you and before hot. You're surprised, but this couldn't have happened without some emergency products. If you don’t have time to figure out, then you can create basic alternatives. I’ll say it again - rodzinka is in the serving.

Hot dogs with fingers and other experiments with sausages

Take the original hot dog buns, cut them open, place them in the middle behind the prepared hot sausage and decorate everything with ketchup. Sausages at the sight of your fingers are prepared as follows: peel the sausages, remove the skins, on one side, cut the tip, the bottom, with jagged, torn edges. On the sausage itself, make a bunch of cuts that have brushes. Place the sausages in a microwave oven for 1-2 minutes. On hot sausages, use a knife to make small cuts in the shape of the nails. The “fingers” are ready!

You can also play with the theme of mummies and cut-off fingers within other themes. Great idea - stylized sausages in dough *wink*

"Rosecrete Corpse"

This is an even more unimportant supply of pork beetles! Why cover the table with a white tablecloth from behind, applying “crooked” hand impressions and streaks. Place an old shirt and jeans on the tablecloth in front of the person who is lying there. An old coat can also be fermented behind the scenes with red farb or already on the table with ketchup. Instead of putting your head in a round plate with cutlets, you can pour a mountain of mashed potatoes near the top, pouring it with goulash and tomato paste. The innards of the “corpse” can be winterized with some kind of sausage rolls, cutlets, kupats and other meat relishes.

Vlasna, I give you a photo of such a serving: I hope your guests will lose themselves under crazy enemies.


So, all our favorite spaghetti can also take the same fate as the Yuletide banquet. I will tell you about the “flowers” ​​of the program. Well, why not with the low diversity of pasta viruses? Choose not only according to the shape, but also according to the location: spinach, tomato, wheat, rice, buckwheat, carrots, with squid ink (chorni), with chili pepper... can be over-cooked to the point of inconsistency.

It’s enough to serve them as a side dish, and for the main dish come up with some kind of savory meat sauce, for example, bolognese or goulash with meat cutlets. Prepare ochi pasta with minced meat or chicken eggs – both children and adults will be satisfied.

Stuffed peppers

The classic festival can be turned into a Christmas celebration. For example, before stuffing, you don’t just peel the peppers, but cut them into peaks, like Jack the Lover. Such peppers can be stuffed with whatever you like: with classic rice and minced meat (until the peppers fall apart, as they are cooked in sauce).

Decorated peppers can be placed behind the cooked pasta. Before speaking, be it that vegetable salads also look great in such natural “salad bowls”.

Recipes with watermelon

Garbuza's porridge

Well, tell me, what is a Halloween feast without watermelon herbs? You can cook zikava and savory herbs - porridge in watermelon. You greet all your guests with such delicious and even beautiful grass. To prepare porridge in watermelon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Without middle watermelon – 3 kilograms, no less (whatever you’re cooking for family)
  • Zukor - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Chorny pepper (melenii) – for relish
  • Chasnik - for relish (at least 2-3 cups)
  • Cibulina - 1 piece
  • Buckwheat – half kilogram
  • Meat – half a kilogram
  • Roslinna olive (or olive) – 2 tablespoons

Gently crush the watermelon, cut off the top, carefully clean the watermelon from the pulp and pulp. The thickness of the sides of the watermelon should be no less than 1.5 cm. Spread the sides of the “casserole” in the middle with pepper, salle, and cucumber. After that, place the watermelon with its lid in the oven (put the lid on the handle, do not cover the “saucepan” with it). Bake the godina at 180 degrees. Fry the buckwheat in a dry frying pan for an hour. Then, in another frying pan, coat the cibul, part of the watermelon pulp in oil and cut the meat into pieces. After greasing the products, bring them together in a saucepan (initially, our watermelon porridge is still baking in the oven!) and cook buckwheat porridge (using the simplest method). Before speaking, you can cook the porridge first, and then add the greased meat - as you please. Our Garbuz saucepan has “gone” this hour.

Remove from the oven and start with the porridge that came out. There, add a little water (flasks), uncleaned (or rinse!) cups of chapeau and cover with a lid. Before putting the watermelon in the oven, you can grease its walls with oil for a beautiful bliss. Now take the watermelon out of the oven for about another hour and at 180 degrees. After finishing at the appointed time, the porridge is ready - enjoy! *good*

This is how you can prepare vegetable stew in watermelon. Moreover, everything is much simpler to prepare. The watermelon does not need to be baked in the oven first, but the cut vegetables (tsibula, chasnik, potatoes, watermelon pulp, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, cabbage (you can choose the vegetables for relish)) should be brushed in a frying pan. Just place everything in a watermelon, add pepper, zuccor, salt, butter for relish and bake for two years at a temperature of 180 degrees. If you want to add meat to the stew, coat it first in a frying pan. The crust can be twisted: replace it with a piece of dough or foil.

Garbuzi soup with shrimp

Why don’t you prepare a delicious, rich watermelon soup? It definitely warms you up on a cold autumn evening and miraculously quenches your hunger. Here are the ingredients needed for our wonderful soup:

  • Garbuz - behind the fruit and size
  • Peeled shrimp – 300 gr
  • Tops - for relish (or less, 5 bottles)
  • Water – liter
  • Dekilka chastiku chasnik
  • Tsibulya - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Salt and spices - for relish (nutmeg, curry, pepper, coriander, kmin)

Using the same method as for porridge, prepare watermelon. Chop the “little”, peel the watermelon from the juice and pulp. The walls can be made into small pieces - 2 cm. Bake the watermelon and the crust in the oven for 1:00 at 180 degrees. While the form is being prepared, let’s get busy with the soup. Cut the pulp that is left over from the watermelon into pieces, put it in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for a while. In a frying pan, coat the tsibul with carrots for an hour. After oiling, add the sautéed vegetables to the watermelon pulp to cook. This is where we add some spices.

Bring the soup to a boil, then cook for another 5-7 minutes until the watermelon is ready. Once the watermelon is boiled, blend all the vegetables in the pan with a blender until smooth. Then we pour the tops into the soup, stir and cover with a lid. While the soup is brewing, in a frying pan, grease the coarsely chopped chasnik until golden brown, add the shrimp until peeled and greased until ready. When the sumish is ready, add it to the soup. At that hour, the watermelon saucepan is already ready. We pour in the soup, cover it with a lid and put it in the oven for literally 15-20 minutes.

You don’t have to serve it - just place it in watermelon on the table. Of course, not everyone likes to fiddle with a watermelon saucepan. Deyaki pour soup right from the Syrian watermelon. However, not everyone knows that puree soup with tops can turn sour with raw watermelon. If you don’t want to sweat, have some soup right away. The watermelon saucepan for the soup should be prepared first in the oven.

Or you can immediately pour the soup into plates or large groups - this way you will save yourself a lot of time, but will not waste it in surroundings. I want soup with savory berries, but the price is not right. The soup can be garnished with watermelon syrup. Before speaking, this soup is topped with aromatic croutons, prepared with a wet hand: cut the loaf into portions and coat in olive oil with your favorite spices (basil, oregano or herb de Provence). Serve odraza. *wink*

Scary desserts for Halloween

І nareshti go to desserts..

Sweet watermelon with honey at multivartsi

And watermelon is on the table again! We present to you a recipe for a very tasty, cinnamon, simple and delicious recipe for preparing lasoshch with watermelon in a slow cooker. To prepare watermelon at the multicooker you will need:

  • Garbuz – 500 gr
  • Oliya vershkove – 25-50 g
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons

You need to squeeze the watermelon, peel the skins and drain, cut into pieces and place in the multicooker bowl. Add a small amount of olive oil to the watermelon (half of the salt). Select the dimming mode for 45 minutes. About 15 minutes before the end of the extinguishing cycle, add any remaining oil and honey into the bowl and mix. Once cooking is complete, place the watermelon on plates and enjoy!

Garbuzo pie with condensed milk

Prepare this pie for your guests - you will never forget the taste of the stench! Watermelon produces delicious porridges, soups, and licorice pies. Don't believe me? You can check it out. Just stock up on the ingredients necessary to prepare this relish:

  • Garbuline puree – 500 g (you can buy it in a store or prepare it yourself by boiling the watermelon and blending it until smooth)
  • Boroshno - 200-250 gr (for dough)
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Vershkov butter - 150 g (for dough)
  • Condensed milk - 2 cans (400 g)
  • Water – 3 tablespoons (for dough)
  • Sil - pinch (for dough)
  • Tsukor - 150 gr
  • Sil - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Hammer cloves - on the tip of a knife
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • chalked nutmeg peas - on the tip of a knife
  • Beaten tops - for the eggplants

Eat zukor, salt, top oil and beans. Add|add| cold water and stir. It’s your fault to leave the dough. Press the dough into a mold with high sides and place the mold with the dough in the refrigerator for the rest of the day. Carefully mix the garlic puree, condensed milk, eggs and spices to a homogeneous and smooth mass. Now place the filling in the shaped chilled dough and place it in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 year.

The filling is brown, and the middle part is rare. Before serving, the pie should be cooled thoroughly. For the bazhannyam you can decorate it with beaten tops. Axis and everything - quick and simple!

Halloween oven

Pechivo is a classic of the genre. You can buy it and arrange it the way your imagination tells you. Cookies for Halloween can be shaped like fingers, and the nails can be glazed with almonds. For blisk, coat the oven with beaten egg before baking.

Yak “krov” can be vikoristovuvati raspberry, polunichne, zhuravlinna varennya or jamie. It’s really easy to make and “primar”: when you’re ready, cover it with glaze or topping cream. For the evening, go for chocolate cake. As you see, fantasy rules everything! *yes*

Cakes and pies: decoration ideas

Today there is a great variety of cakes: you can come to the store and choose the one you like. Tim more, in advance is holy a lot of confectionery printing themed cakes. This delicious cake can also be baked by a pastry chef. Or you can create your own special cake, decorating it like a Halloween one: create “curves” on the white top cream, along with raspberry jam or midnight jam.

If your daughter has saved the old doll Barbie, don’t throw it away: you will have a miraculous gift to raise the child as a saint. Place the doll's coat on the cake, and the cake itself plays the role of a Halloween cloth. Terribly rich! For the brave and extravagant people, you can go for the option of a cake with the appearance of a snake and a... kitty tray... It’s true that if you dare to try such a “gidota”, it’s a great food “shock”. As far as fantasy is concerned, as practice shows, anything is possible! *buba*

Decoration of songs for Halloween

Oh, well, we haven’t forgotten much! What would a party be without the decorations of Halloween songs?! Drinks can be of different types: alcoholic and non-alcoholic, hot and cold. The choice is yours. Golovne is the correct way to serve guests.

The edges of the kelikhs for juice or alcoholic beverages can be lightly soaked in water, and then in the zukor. Tsukor can be prepared with barnacles. You can wet the edges and the jam - the axis will be a “bed” for your kelikha. If you want to warm up your guests, then serve them a glass of vodka (or some other cold or light alcohol) with a “crooked” syringe, naturally, without a head. “Crooked” can be served instead with pomegranate juice, tomato juice, and cherry compote - non-alcoholic smut and cherry compote. The guest can decide for himself: mix everything in a kelikha or drink a glass and “snack” instead of a mosking syringe.

Before speaking, you can use special dry ice for drinks at kelikhas with alcohol instead: it will make your drink “smoky” and add a special chic atmosphere

Halloween souvenirs for guests

Think carefully about what kind of memorable gift you can please your guests with. Perhaps you can buy them ticking candles, give them plastic flowers, or make a leaflet for their skin. Or you can please them with sweet treats.

Gum's hand

Take a regular gum mitt (the pharmacy one, not the gospodar's one) and place it in the middle of a variety of malts: zuckers, dragees, chewing gums, etc. tie everything up with a beautiful stitch.

Ice pans-primari

You can brew ice cubes yourself with lemon syrup or buy them ready-made. Otherwise, you’ll just have to pick up the ready-to-burn zucchini and skewers. Wrap them in white paper servettes, tie them with a stitch, paint them and give them to your guests: both adults and children will be happy to receive such a gift.

Well, once again we wish you a wonderful Halloween and a delicious feast - enjoy the prepared herbs and wonderful company!

Licorice Halloween decoration: ideas for relish for monsters and witches 4.50 /5 | Voted: 2

Halloween is coming soon - it’s bright and fashionable, and it’s still holy. If you're planning on hosting a Halloween party, you can't do without a sweet party. Even a company of overdressed people, and don’t forget to tell even dear ones, mummies, because those ghosts can become unsafe because they are hungry. In addition, we have prepared various versions of sweet treats for Halloween.

If you haven’t seen a fun program for Halloween yet, enjoy the simple and straightforward scenario, which is what you’ll find. Now, let’s turn to the licorice chastes for the “terrible” purity. Even according to tradition, on the evening before All Saints’ Day, little girls dressed in clothes and ghostly children can easily come home before you and say: “We’re getting some malt.”

The best way to serve dessert and tsukkerok on Halloween is a candy bar. In essence, this is a licorice style, which is a design on the theme of sunset, read more in detail. All the secrets on how to properly organize a candybar are listed in the statistics. The main feature of the sweet decoration of Halloween is the traditional black and yellow color scheme, rich in decor in the form of spiders and spiders, ghosts and various mystical entities. Although it’s not too complicated, everything can be scary and greedy, decorations for cakes and gingerbread can be even cute and actually reflect the mood of purity.

Well, Halloween licorice decorations can include any kind of relish.


Children love these little muffins with cream, and no one will get tired of the Halloween decorations! The chocolate silhouettes of guts, large and small spiders, cauldrons, skulls and skeletons are ideal for decor.

The decorations on the sharp droplets look so original! Without a doubt, the skin that has such a testicle will have a magical power.

How do you like this mummy?

Cake popsie

Tistechka on a stick is a less common, but even more popular, frequent practice. In the middle of them is a bottom biscuit with filling, and the center of them can be decorated with the most sophisticated finish. It's Halloween!

White and black glaze, a little fantasy, and original cake pops are recreated on the cutest ghosts.

Well, such copper colored faces melt the heart of any monster.


Decorating the stove before Halloween is great just for creativity. Traditionally, delicious gingerbread cookies are decorated with colored glaze, tiny guts, cauldrons, watermelon and ghosts. You can create complete masterpieces (you’d better trust it to professional pastry chefs).

It’s not all that simple, but it’s complicated. Millions of ghosts can appear in the kitchen of any gentleman, for example, from the original oven of a thick form (purchased), white glaze and melted chocolate.

Bake any figurines from shortbread dough according to your favorite recipe and decorate them with glazed brushes. The result will suit you and your guests.

It’s great that making malts for Halloween can help children, as well as a great creative process!


The cake is not very tasty on the menu at the candy bar for Halloween. Ale Mysternya Saint could not help but share with you a good number of ideas for its design.

The simplest way is to cover the cake with white cream and decorate the cake with chocolate. For this effect, you can add toy spiders.

I can see the cake – it’s simple, delicious and fits the theme.

And this axis, from the very beginning, will become the right color for the kendi-bar.

Is it possible to do without a watermelon cake?


You can enrich the dough and oven on the Christmas table with fruits decorated for the Holy Day.

The simplest way is to skewer the watermelon on skewers instead of a fruit rack. Paint a kind face on it - it will suit your guests.

Fragrant tangerines can easily be transformed into symbols of the saint by adding greens to them (for example, marmalade), like watermelon.

Citrus fruits are also good at coping with the fate of mummies. Use dark white corrugated paper or bandi to turn oranges into mystical characters. You can paint the eyes or buy them at a craft supply store (they have eyes ready for toys in various shapes and sizes).

Tasty licorice kebabs come from keva, marshmallows and tangerines. For the right “monsters”, make chocolate glaze and flavor from them!

This kind of ritual can be presented to the guests of the Halloween party!

However, it is necessary to prepare and decorate the malt, and select dishes, tablecloths and decor. This is one of the main rules of the candy bar! I am very pleased with how to arrange the licorice table and its details.

- Choose black, orange and yellow colors.

— You can make utensils for tsukerki and other Halloween specialties yourself. Take orange bowls or small buckets, black tape or dark paper and glue. Create the copper symbols and stick them on the dishes.

It is effective to complement the table and such lovely mummies. To prepare them, you need to wrap tall plastic containers, etc. with bows. The eyes can be drawn from paper, painted on, or purchased at a sewing supply store. You can serve fruits, pechivo, and tsukerki in mummies.

Another option for decorating original jars for a “greedy” banquet. Colorful papier, beads for eyes, glue, stitches, fantasy and exclusive dishes for ready-made malt drinks!

— To decorate the candy bar area, go with ghosts from starched gauze, candles in candle holders decorated with black marigold, traditional watermelons, paper figures of mystical essences.

— Is it possible to let guests leave the saint without small gifts? Prepare your skin with a small sweet surprise in the original packaging... a special latex glove. Fill them with zucchini, then place 5 long bars (like fingers) and tie the improvised bag with a stitch. You can decorate your mitten finger with a ring. Respect your “hands” at the candy bar, and after the completion of the holy day, let your guest take such a sweet gift.

In the future I am glad to help the organization that has been carried out and is holy!

Meringues are a very simple and very complex dessert. Everything on the right is about choosing the correct baking temperature. Meringue-ghosts for Halloween differ from traditional ones in their shape and the appearance of “eyes”.

Cocktail "Goblin mimosa" for Halloween

The Goblin Mimosa cocktail for Halloween is a variation on the theme of the popular Mimosa cocktail, which is originally prepared with orange juice and champagne. And before our cocktail, we’ll add a pot of water!

Banakiri cocktail for Halloween is served in a “crooked” bottle. The cocktail is incredibly tasty and very easy to prepare. You will get the taste of cherry liqueur and banana. Try cooking it at home!

Pizza "Dracula" for Halloween

The Swedish song "Dracula" for Halloween will delight both the great and the little. It is prepared using leaf dough. The pizza is served with Mozzarella cheese, salami, bell pepper and blue onion. Spilkuvannya!

Decorating your table for Halloween is not easy. You just need to show a little imagination. The evening meal on the Day of the Dead can be served with bell pepper and a terrible lance. And in the middle – “crooked” spaghetti with minced meat!

What could be better than homemade hamburgers? Do you know hamburgers prepared especially for Halloween? You need a bun, minced meat and sire. You can choose additional ingredients yourself!

Halloween pasta is prepared with tagliatelle, mozzarella balls and two olives without brushes. It will be a terribly simple and delicious evening for lovers of Holy Halloween. You can also use spaghetti.

Cake "Frankenstein" for Halloween

A Frankenstein cake for Halloween can be prepared for 40 rubles. We use biscuit as a base, which we then paint. For painting, you can use vikory as prepared and natural barvniki.

Cake "Vampire" for Halloween

I don’t really feel like getting a Halloween party look at the sight of skulls, torn fingers, and so on. Chocolate figurines of cauldrons and red-colored cream on a sponge cake look richly “natural.”

With packs of basic crackers you can create Frankenstein, a mummy and become Count Dracula! Great company for Halloween! What you also need is terpene, hot little nizh, grapes, top of the ore and half-bottom.

You can easily and quickly make licorice eyes for Halloween with crackers, cheese or cheese, chocolate cream and chocolate chips. Tse - a light dessert before tea for scary-fun holy.

Caprese salad for Halloween

"Caprese" - Italian salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil. Having added olives and olives to the new one, we are preparing delicious horror stories for Halloween. This appetizer can be served to a child religiously.

For Halloween, you can cook cute monsters (you can call them cute) with popcorn and corn. You don’t need to pick anything up, the monsters are getting ready just like that. You can cook with your children at the same time.

With boiled eggs for Halloween, you can come up with a variety of “scary” snacks, vikory and barnyard grub, and instead of the refrigerator. Everything you need is your imagination! What would Halloween be without watermelon and a black cat?

Garbuz for Halloween is not necessarily watermelon! You can add some orange bell pepper! This wonderful pepper can be served with a savory dip. Instruct the pepper and watermelon to add croutons or chips.

Recipe for making meatballs with boiled meat. If you don’t want to go to the trouble of making sirim mis or robiti minced meat, then this recipe is for you. The meatballs come out just as tasty!

Crispy potato mlints can be prepared for 20 hvilins! It takes more than an hour to grate the potatoes finely. You can serve these potato mlintzes with sour cream or salmon.

This deliciously juicy stew with watermelon and meat, as I am sure, will become a hit at your table. Cooked in a pot, it brings out the soft taste and aroma of home cooking.

Very tender and soft meatballs from chicken minced meat with watermelon, as befits your homeland. It is a good time for children to appreciate this culinary masterpiece.

Watermelon compote for the winter is very hot and brown, and the smut is delicious. I didn’t believe it at first until my mother-in-law told me to try it. From that hour I buy watermelon compote for this recipe.

Watermelon casserole is a wonderful herb. If you are ahead of your time before this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to prepare it correctly. Read and get started!

Mlintsi z garbuza - at first glance, it’s an insignificant herb, but it’s just that shvidko that’s about to finish. The watermelon milk comes out very tender, juicy, with a rich color and incredibly tasty :)

This herb wants to be called French, but has long become a byword for Russian people. Why don't we prepare it? Let's try minced meat with minced meat. The recipe is for you!

Try adding a little new taste to your favorite herb from minced meat - add watermelon to the minced meat. Unusual for us, minced watermelon is a classic in Central Asia, where manti and other herbs are added.

The middle of the spring kitchen is littered with homemade tomatoes and watermelon. Well, we’re ready for savory herbs that utilize excess products. Tomato soup with watermelon - enjoy!

Recipe for making mlints from phyllo dough with bacon, zibula, watermelon, rosemary, goat cheese and Parmesan cheese.

There are such products that you wouldn’t cook for - everything is crispy and delicious. Garbuz is one of them. And if you add honey to the watermelon, the result is a crazy appetizing, beautiful and, of course, brown dessert.

Garbage soup with shrimp is rich, thick and rich in savory soup, which has a very original and unusual taste. Product availability is far away - I recommend trying it.

Recipe for sausages modified for the Holy Day test for Halloween (All Saints' Day).

A recipe for a sweet salad with watermelon, apples and carrots, which is ideal for an easy snack.

Another option for preparing watermelon is my favorite watermelon in leaf dough. Even garni and delicious envelopes will come out.

Porridge in watermelon is very cheap and uncomplicated when prepared, but is an enemy of Russian traditional cuisine. If you put it on the table, it will obscure all the frills and delicacies.

This method of preparing watermelon is already very popular in our family. The watermelon and syringe pie comes out even more tender, and the watermelon itself, after all, is practically invisible. I recommend!

Perhaps the simplest way to prepare watermelon is to grease the watermelon pancakes. Shvidko and little bits are primitive, but it’s still delicious to finish. I recommend it to beginners for learning about watermelon.

A wonderful herb for those who want something simple and savory, as well as for lovers of vegetarian cuisine.

I wish you happy Halloween!

I wish you crazy night!

Let’s put our costumes: monster, queen…

Let's go and joy tonight!

Good morning, readers of the magazine Romovy Shchodennik! Costume parties and holy themed parties require special preparations, and this includes drinks and snacks. The hour of Halloween is approaching - it is holy, as it seems that it has become even more popular in our latitudes. We're talking about food: what cocktails and snacks should you prepare for Halloween, how to decorate them, how to create a “lusty” atmosphere with them?

This article encourages you to take as many Halloween snacks as possible with watermelons, spiders, russets and other “nightmares.” It’s written about cocktails for the “bourgeois” saint. When it comes to snacks, there will be cookies and cupcakes here at a minimum.

Halloween Snack Recipes


If the party is in the style of “beer and hot dogs,” it will fit neatly into the concept of a snake-like walk-dog. Of course, finding a crooked bun is problematic, so it’s easier to do it yourself (you can buy the dough or prepare it yourself). To suit your taste, the filling can be decorated with different colored bell peppers, cut into strips. Made with green olives, sprinkle ketchup in the middle of the olives and secure with toothpicks. In front, carefully place the snake’s mouth and insert a long forked tongue with bell pepper. Before the speech, you can prepare the preparations for such sandwiches in advance, and before the evening, simply bake in the oven and decorate immediately.

Broom for witches

A simple Halloween snack for everyone:

  • Salty sticks (you can buy them at any kiosk);
  • hard cheese or cheese for sandwiches (square);
  • Zelena Tsibulya

If we take the basic hard cheese (the required plastic kind, which will not crumble), then we need to cut the beginning into thin squares, and then make cuts from one side, without cutting to the end. Wrap it around a stick and tie it with a green tsibule!

Before speaking, you can make a simpler version - cut dark salted sticks into small pieces and tie them with green sticks to sticks of a light tone. Done 😉


Cold egg appetizers are a classic, but if you decorate them with a little fun, you’ll have a wonderful Halloween appetizer! We boil the eggs, cut them into two parts, and pull out the mixture. After this, we mix the ingredients with any other ingredients for the eggplant: mayonnaise, cheese, chasnik, sauce, fish, meat, etc. We remind you of the butter that came out, cut the egg halves and decorate the animal with olives.

Pizza "Mummy" on buns"

Anyone who has prepared food for Halloween knows how to properly decorate the firebrand. It is practically not important what ingredients the appetizer will be prepared from, what is more important is to give it a “Christmas” look. So, for example, a properly decorated pizza can become a wonderful snack before beer and will help create an entourage.

You can decorate it like a big bird (ingredients at your own discretion) or small buns, which are first cut in half. At the bottom there is tomato paste, on the side of the “eyes” - circles of black olives with “zinice” with bell pepper, kvass or green olives, cheese - cheese, spread with cream on the entire surface, cream of the “eyes”. You can prepare it ahead of time, in the oven, or place the microchickpea pich before serving.

You can also make toast-mummies, sausage-mummies, etc. A few ideas for photographs:

Stigli "garmelon" from syru

A delicious snack with beer and various cocktails for Halloween. You can serve lilac “watermelon” with bread, chips, nachos, toast, and also salted bread, which I will write about below. Additional tender white sauces for the bajan.

So, take 100 grams of soft goat cheese, a package of top cheese (Philadelphia or an inexpensive analogue), 250 grams of cheddar (or another sharp cheese), a dash of selected green cibul, tea powder, oregano, and all that in more detail. in a blender until smooth.

We give the mass that came out, the shape of the coulee and the shape of the shape, to resemble the watermelon. The tail can be made from a straw, a piece of pretzel or something similar on hand, and a leaf can be made from a parsley stem.

Sirni bags

Another tasty snack with a “watermelon” theme – small watermelons with paprika. For them you will need a bottle of grated cheddar, a package of top siru, chasnik powder, black pepper, greased red pepper (a few tablespoons). These ingredients are mixed and cooled for 2 years, after which we roll out the mixture into balls, roll them in paprika, make cuts so that the ticking is indicated. The appetizer is placed on crackers, like the tail of a vikorist and the neck of a green cibul.

Pechyvo “Fingers of the Witches”

It's important that smut is used in Halloween snacks - this is their form, and the axis of this can be decided by the authorities. Pechivo can be made with sweet or salted ones, with added spices (and served with sauces), or with spices (and served with jams, red apples 😉).

Recipe for licorice pechiva

Beat 150 grams of top butter with 200 grams of sugar and vanilla. We beat about five khvilins, then add the egg. Add salt, fluff (1 tsp) and boroshno (about 350 grams). Knead the dough until it comes out firm and not too sticky. We put the dough in the refrigerator for the next day.

After this is formed from small sheets of dough into finger-shaped pieces, using a knife or other handy object, “folds” on the “phalanxes”, brushed with melted chocolate and pressed in “naught” - almond, peanut or other similar nail pot. Roll for 20-25 minutes|minutes| at 180 degrees.

Pechivo "Kistochki"

If you don’t want to fuss with the dough, you can buy ready-made yeast dough in the store and work it out of your oven in different thematic shapes. We divide the dough into small pieces, form brushes from them, sprinkle with rosemary and great sea sill. If you want to make licorice, then you will need sugar powder, which you can apply to the brushes after baking (before baking, you need to bake until golden brown, 10-15 minutes). The brushes can be lightly brushed with cheese.

Halloween - it’s not necessary and it’s sacred. Of course, it is not rich to celebrate the holy day, but it is practical for everyone, whose saint is a treasure, a mystery and a secret one. A lot of people ask foodies: “What should I cook for Halloween?” This section itself is devoted to this topic. Here you will find unusual recipes for Halloween that were prepared on our site. All recipes are posted with herb photographs so that it is easier for you to understand how to prepare this or that herb.
Traditionally, a lot of Halloween food is prepared with watermelon. Therefore, in this section you can also find a lot of green and brown herbs, the main ingredient of which is watermelon itself. You will find out how to prepare watermelon for Halloween and how you can put it on the Christmas table.
A folded menu for Halloween will be greatly forgiven for this additional section. You will find here salads, appetizers, desserts, cakes, pies, baked goods, as well as other recipes for drinks, hot herbs, drinks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails, sandwiches, first herbs, malts, muffins, pizza and much more. Find out what Halloween decorations you can make for fun.
We hope that our ideas for Halloween will inspire you with new treats that you will share with us.


Sweet watermelon pie

Ingredients: watermelon, dates, borocho, zukor, cinnamon, ginger, salt, fluff, starch, olia

To prepare sweet watermelon pie, you don’t need much at all - you just need to prepare it in just a few minutes. And our recipe will help you get through it with little effort, but still with a lot of effort.

For the test:
- whole grain boron - 2 bottles,
- oliya - 3 tablespoons,
- Rozpushuvach - 2 teaspoons,
- salt - 1 pinch,
- tsukor – half a bottle,
- Cinnamon to taste.

For filling:
- watermelon - 1 kg,
- starch - 1 tablespoon,
- dates – 5 pcs.,
- dried ginger - 1 teaspoon,
- cinnamon – 3 teaspoons.


Garbuz pancakes with apple

Ingredients: watermelon, apple, oat plastic, eggs, soda, zukor, salt, refined vegetable oil

How can you please your loved ones for food? Porridge, sandwiches, eggs... there are plenty of options. We wanted to offer you a no-win option - hot fudge pancakes on watermelon with apple. Bake and serve the pancakes with sour cream and sweet sauce, it’s delicious!

For the recipe you will need:

- 200 g of watermelon,
- one apple,
- flasks of high plastics,
- two eggs,
- 1 teaspoon of soda,
- tsukor - for relish,
- a grain of salt,
- roslinna oliya – for lubricating.


Pechivo for Halloween “Demon Kitty”

Ingredients: softened olive oil, peeled beans, wheat beans, Syrian beans, tops, chalked ginger, vanillin, peeled powder, egg white, confectionery farbi

Having tasted your stove at least once, the children will no longer say the traditional phrase “sweetness or hydota” - they will definitely want your chastovaniya! Otherwise, you can’t, but it’s not just a bakery garnet, but it’s even more delicious, so you can enjoy your favorite lasos on your holy day. So stock up on food and drink as much as possible so that there is enough for everyone!

For the test:
- 90 g of softened top butter;
- 120 g of sugar powder;
- 175 g wheat boroshn;
- 20 g of raw beetroot;
- 15 ml vershkov;
- chalked ginger;
- vanillin;
For the glaze:
- 310 g of sugar powder;
- 45 g of raw egg white;
- Confectionery farbi: orange, black, red.


Pechivo for Halloween "Licorice spiders"

Ingredients: wheat boroshon, zukor, margarine, egg, milk, vanillin, kharchova farba, zukrova powder

Here is a recipe for making a sweet dessert before Halloween. Let's prepare funny sweet butterflies with glaze. Both children and adults will be delighted with the delicious Kazkov dessert.

For the test:
- boro wheat - 180 grams,
- milk - 15 grams,
- tsukor – 140 grams,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- margarine - 90 grams,
- vanillin.

For the glaze:
- Syrian egg white – 45 grams,
- sugar powder – 300 grams,
- kharchova farba (chorna ta zhovta) - 1 gram each.


Sirne Pechivo “Witches’ Fingers”

Ingredients: Vershkova butter, hard cheese, egg, boroshno, sea salt, fluff, peanuts, cocoa

The rest of the time, young people become as popular as holy as Halloween. And although not everyone understands his sense, however, the walks are happening on a large scale. So, since you were planning a themed evening, prepare a Holy Spirit celebration for your friends - bake the oven with your fingers.

For the recipe you will need:
- 100 g vershkova oil,
- 100 g of solid syru,
- one egg,
- 210 g of wheat boroshna,
- 10 g salt,
- 5 g rozpushuvach,
- peanuts,
- Cocoa.


Pechivo for Halloween “Evil Guts”

Ingredients: vershkov butter, tsukor, wheat boro, egg, milk, water, zukrov powder, kharchovi farbi

Have you ever thought about celebrating Halloween? Then you need to think about the “terrible” events for friends and neighbors. This is perfect for all kinds of fish such as watermelons, flying bears and cats. We invite you to know how to bake until Halloween. We are singing to you, your loved ones will be in captivity.

For the recipe you will need:
- 65 g of natural vershkova oil,
- tsukor – 110 g,
- 185 g boroshna,
- one egg tray,
- 15 ml of water and milk.

For the glaze:
- 310 g of sugar powder,
- egg white,
- Kharchovi farbi.


Strava for Halloween - snack “Fly agarics”

Ingredients: eggplant, peas, pickled cucumber, tsibul, tomato, chasnik, mayonnaise, crepe

Halloween - it’s not necessary and it’s sacred. Of course, it is not rich to celebrate the holy day, but it is practical for everyone, whose saint is a treasure, a mystery and a secret one. A lot of people ask foodies: “What should I cook for Halloween?” Decorating your table for Halloween is difficult. You just need to show a little imagination. I encourage you to try and prepare “Fly Agaric”!

Required components:

- great tomato – 1 pc.;
- green crop – a splinter;
- cybul ripchasta - 1 pc.;
- pea hairs – 50 gr.;
- eggplant - 400 gr.;
- pickled cucumber – 1 pc.;
- chasnik – 1 clove;
- mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. spoons.


Pechivo "Privid"

Ingredients: Boroshno, vershkova butter, margarine, watermelon, egg, poppy seed, zukor, rose fluff, soda, cinnamon, salt, turmeric powder, lemon juice

Marvel at how funny the ghost-looking cookies turned out. And it’s not at all scary, like you’d expect to prepare for Halloween. If you are so fond of your friends, our photo recipe will help you.

For the recipe you will need:
- flour - bottle;
- vershkova butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- watermelon – 150 g;
- one egg;
- Poppy seed - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- tsukor – 25 g;
- Rozpushuvach – 10 g;
- cinnamon - a large pinch;
- salt - a large sliver;
- sugar powder – 250 g;
- juice of lemon – 1 tsp.


Eggplant monsters for Halloween

Ingredients: eggplant, tomato, cheese, mayonnaise, Oliya sonyashnikova, toothpicks

Although Halloween does not belong to our “native” saints, more and more people with skin cancer are beginning to support the traditions of this day, dressing up in symbolic costumes and ready-made thematic “honey” fun. If you love Halloween, then we present you with Monstera grass as an original idea for decorating the Christmas table.

Required ingredients:

- medium-sized tomato – 1 approx.;
- toothpicks – how many pieces (there will be so many monsters);
- mayonnaise - 50 gr.;
- small size eggplants – 2 pcs.;
- sire – 50 gr.;
- sonyashnikova oliya – 50 gr.


Salad "Metelik R.I.P." on Halloween

Ingredients: canned peas, canned corn, crab sticks, potatoes, eggs, seaweed, apple, banana, cibul, mayonnaise, greens

Try making a salad for Halloween, just decorate it as casually as possible, and it looks like a dead snowflake and punctured spaghetti. This kind of decoration would be perfect for a party where only girls gather to tell fortunes. The salad itself is delicious, the taste is unforgettable, and you will definitely like it. Otherwise, the type of salad can be changed.

Required ingredients:

- crab sticks – 1 package;
- canned peas – 1 jar;
- chicken eggs, hard-boiled - 2 pcs.;
- licorice apple - 1 pc.;
- ripchasta cibul – 1 pc.;
- greens – 1 bunch;
- canned corn – 1 jar;
- boiled potatoes – 2 pcs.;
- Morska cabbage – 1 pack;
- banana – 1 pc.;
- Mayonnaise - 1 package.

for decoration:
- Canned corn - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- crab sticks – 3 pcs.;
- spaghetti – 1 thread;
- canned peas – 2 tbsp. spoons;
- greens - ¼ bunch.


Sandwich garbuzi

Ingredients: Carrots, mayonnaise, chasnik, bun, olives without brushes

We are preparing a simple, simple appetizer for a picnic or something holy. Spicy carrots with chasnik and mayonnaise on a bun - it’s delicious, awkward and inexpensive.

- 1 non-licorice loaf,
- 1 clove chasnik,
- 1 carrot,
- 100 g mayonnaise,
- A sprat of black olives.


Smoothie with watermelon and kefir

Ingredients: watermelon, honey, watermelon juice, cinnamon, kefir, yogurt

Smoothie is a tasty and life-giving drink, like a brownie, no blame. This is especially relevant in the spring, when it is time for avitaminosis and boredom. It’s easy to prepare. We present to you one of the options.

For the recipe you will need:
- 300-400 watermelon;
- honey - for relish;
- watermelon juice;
- melena cinnamon - pinch;
- 600 g of low-fat kefir and yogurt.


Soba with pork, vegetables and greased with cheese

Ingredients: soba, pork, green kvass, sweet pepper, Adigean cheese, soy sauce, black pepper, salt, olia

Do you want to inhale the aromas of Chinese cuisine? Then try our new recipe and prepare savory soba with vegetables and pork. We sing to you, the dish is suitable for everyone!

For the recipe you will need:
- The packaging of the bottle;
– 200 gr. meat;
– 150 gr. bean kvass;
- two pods of sweet pepper;
– 100 gr. Adigean siru;
– 300 ml. soy sauce;
- black chalk pepper - for relish;
- salt for relish;
- Roslynna Oliya.


Salad "Oseledets under a fur coat" in a fish form

Ingredients: salted oseledets, beet, carrots, potatoes, eggs, tsibula lettuce, mayonnaise

Making your Christmas table bright and colorful is really not as difficult as you might think at first glance. You will need a little perseverance, a little calmness of hands and our tips. We suggest starting with the cob, and then with the salad “Oseledets under a fur coat”, shaped like a fish.

- 1 salted oseledets,
- 1 beet.,
- 2 carrots,
- 2 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 lettuce cibul,
- 200 g mayonnaise.


Squid stuffed with mushrooms and rice

Ingredients: squid carcass, rice, mushrooms, cibul ripchasta, cheese, egg, milk, olive oil, sour cream, salt, black pepper

Tell me, have you ever prepared stuffed squid yourself? Anyway, try our new recipe. the grass comes out incredibly tasty and appetizing!

For the recipe you will need:
- 5 squid carcasses;
- flasks of rice;
– 150 gr. lubricated mushrooms;
- 1 head of cibul;
- 100 g siru;
- 2 eggs;
- 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk;
- 40 ml of rosemary oil;
- A bottle of sour cream;
- salt for relish;
- black chalk pepper - for relish.

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