Mayakovsky kindly comments to hell. Sing well Mayakovsky good comments before you go

Zhovtneva Poema

Declaring that the parts of the "eposiv" and "epopey" have disappeared, the author affirms a new style:




Fall down with a burning lip

and popium

from rivers


an olive on the arcade, the rustle of the sides,

like the rustle of ensigns,

over foreheads

rocky rustles.

He sings rozpovida that the lute revolution did not bring about the end of the war to the people, those who give land to the land; natomist "on the shi kupa Guchkov, devils, ministers, Rodzyanka ...". Vlad "became richly correct," the people do not want to give in to the Bilshoviks "pennies, and strength, and votes." In the villages, there is a bit, that "for the peasants, they are" great "".

At Rastrelli's prompted royal palace in the tsar's bed, "a sworn plea was thrown out" (Kerensky). “Eyes in the New Bonaparte and the Colors of the Zahis French Jacket.” Vіn p'yany with his glory - "p'yanishoy, lower forty degrees". If Kerensky is passing through Nevsky, "and ladies, and children-babies throw tickets and roses." Vіn himself assigns “sometimes military, sometimes justice, sometimes like a minister”, submitting signatures “good and diligently”. To an addendum about Lenin, that bіlshovikіv reacted like this: “Arrest that vilovіt!” Kerensky wants to go home with Kornilov, with the English King George. The portrait of Kerensky is being painted by Brodsky and Repin.

Sleepy evening. Petersburg. In the grotesque form, the rozmov of the frail age of Madame Kuskova and the “mustachioed nanny” of P. M. Milyukov are described. Tse parody of the rozmovi Aunt and nanny from "Evgen Onegin". Kuskov swear, it’s stuffy, ask the “nanny” to sit, talk to the one who should be put on the throne. Miliukov promises to give the people “freedom and constitutions”. Kuskova knows: “I am not sick. I ... you know, nanny ... zakokhana ...", zakokhana out at "Sasha, darling ..." (Kerensky). Miliukov, radiantly, vіdpovіdaє: "For Mikoli and for Sashka, we save our money."

Rozmov "with aiguillettes hung up to the navels" of the adjutant and staff captain Popov. They talk about power. Priests swear that “Jews sell Russia to the Jews, and personnel officers are already under the Jews.” The adjutant says, scho vin, vzagaly, not for the monarchy, but for socialism, the basis is needed: we need to start democracy, then the parliament: “Culture is necessary, and we are Asia-sir…”, but quiet, whoever travels near sealed wagon, "Required to rise. The adjutant is aware that Russia is sick. The Cossacks of Kuban, the Dnipro, the Don, General Kaledin, "pantless Levka" are guessing at a distance of roses. And at the same time, “for example, Ligovka” from the bottom, “other words were lifted.” I'm a comrade from the "military bureau" distributing ammunition, ammunition. Tse bіshoviki get ready for the rіshuchih diy. Virishuyut, scho tomorrow next to speak; “Well, don’t tidy up! Booty Kerensky bit that rip off!

Zhovten. Blow "cars and trams, zvichayny slats of vizmiev", Neva spit Kronstadt. "A lot" to scold. Winter kіltse. “And in Smolny, in thoughts about the battle and military, Illich make-ups throw small pieces, that in front of the map of Antonov and Podvoisky they build the ensigns at the place of attacks.” Rіdshayut lavi zahisnikіv Winter. "And Kerensky - when you're done, try viman yogo!" The attack was preceded by a volley of "Aurori". “Vbіgaє junker:“ Fight stupidly! Thirteen heathers: hello! Hurry up! And in the door - pea coats, overcoats, casings ... And in the quietness of the bass, scho roaring until I want, zmіtsnіv, over the yards of the rai: “How are the timchas here? Get off! Your hour is over." At the Smolny proletarians, who overcame, the deputy "I will be ..." they sing "Tse is our rest ...". Like before, ride trams, cars, but "already - for socialism."

Petersburg temryava, empty embankments, in the middle of which stand "the carcass of the whale Avrorov." Podekudi you can see the bagattya. Bіlya bagattya author zustrіchaє Oleksandr Blok. In response to the author’s question, what do you think about those who are being treated, Blok says: “It’s better.” "Dovkola drowned Russia Blok ... Dunno, dimka pivnochi went to the bottom, like tricks and canned plaques go." The people go "for bread, for peace, for freedom." “Take the factory from the bourgeoisie! Take the field from the helper! Brother, beaten platoon! The proletarians are expropriating the “bourgeois”: “What is my Nina’s head?! Sir yourself! Pull the piano into the hut, the gramophone with the anniversary!

Tsey vortex,

thought to the trigger, and life,

the party tidied up

to the hands


I was up to lava.

Winter. Komunisti, regardless of the cold, vantage firewood for subotnik.

At our wagons

on our way, our



It's possible, it's possible


goodbye to another,

ale mi -

let's go pizno.

To our comrades

our firewood is consumed: comrades freeze.


free practice


people who were chosen.

Capitalists don’t know what kind of a nation is so “socialistic” and what kind of a socialist fatherland is, how fruity-oranges grow near Bilshovitsky paradise. They chirp: “What are you going for, why do you punish - “fight”?” Pointing at numerical problems.


national drone - our day

Tim and kind, what is important.

Tsya song

I will sing of our bids,



Intervention. Plivut "from Marseille, from Dover ... to Arkhangelsk." "Z song, z whisky, sit like a pig." The capitalists are plundering, "the heat of the comb is with the wrong hands." From the night, Admiral Kolchak, near Krimu, on Perekop, planted Wrangel. The colonels “love to talk on obіdі”, like a good stench they fight with the bіshoviks, one of them rozpovidaє about those, like “a dozen monsters of the bіshovitskys” piled on him, and vin “once - one, another - rrraz” and, before speech, at the same time, "Yak dandy", vryatuvav the girl. Bіshoviki near the kіltsi. “Moscow is an islander, we are on the islands. Mi are hungry, mi are zhenki, with Lenin at the head and with a revolver at the hands.

Speculators hug, kiss, kill for rupees. The secretaries “stupid with felt boots”, “the lumberjacks stand behind the bread cards”, everyone understands that it’s more smut - bilih. Poz to pass the "indispensable" practitioner. Vіn ide for rations: "the government saw dried apricots and jam". Vchenim tezh not licorice, so as їm phosphorus is consumed, oil on a saucer. "Ale, as for evil, there is a revolution, but there is no oliy." Lunacharsky sees to people, who are right on the right side of the revolution, mandates for tsukor, fat, birch firewood, "drier fields ... and a wide fur coat."

The author is freezing in the room with Liley and Osei (Briki) and with the dog Shchenik. Let's get dressed and go from the sanchat to the Yaroslavsky railway station. “Having taken the parkan of rozlamaniy”, brought home, rozvіv fire. The author of the warm country.

Ale tilki





Kohannya, friendship

that family.

Liche lying down

necklace in such an axis,


at once

clapping -



mess with people

I’ll tell you again about the “no more blue, no more hungry” hour, about the kohana.

Chi not home

not for soup, but for kohanoi

the guest has two carrots

for the green ponytail.

richly gifted

confection and bouquets,


all dear gifts

I remember

carrot expensive qiu

i pіdloga polіna

birch wood.

The author guesses how he was eating horsemeat, how he shared with his young sister Olya Silla. Behind the wall of susіd kazhe retinue: "Go, retinue, sell your jacket, buy pshon." And “beyond the gloomy shore lies America. She lay, lapped up kava, cocoa. Ale sings and repeats: “I love all the land ... The land, having doubled my hunger, I can’t forget it in any way.”

Stand at the notices of the locomotive. People clear snow with shovels. P'yatero got frostbite, that locomotive died. Walk a little, like Denikin goes "to the snake, to the Tula, to the powder heart." Red squadrons are chasing Mamontov. He sings about Kaplan's swing at Lenin.

“A million class standing up for the Illich”, “the dwellers cheered for the kitchens, pelushki”. The author seems to:

I am bachiv

month, de іngir grew with quince

without work

bіlya my company, - you are put up like this anyway.

Ale earth, yaku

conquered and drank

blaming, de scool get up,

kick with a twine,

de krapleyu

lyeshya with the masses - with such a land


for life,

for practice,


and to death!

Wrangel to live from the Crimea. Live “volunteers” (soldiers of the volunteer army), live “the public is pure and the soldiery”. The whole public was obsessed with propriety: "b'є man a lady in the face, beat the soldiers of the colonel with mystki". "Beautiful Russians" are ticking for the cordon. Interventions are included. At Krim, red letters from the song "First of us Voroshilov, the first red officer" enter. After the victory, everyone guessed - “it’s not enough, it’s undercooked for someone who has blast furnaces and fires. And they went, wiping it with their sleeves, placing watch on the veins.

I'm with you

who is viishov

will be

that platform

in case of sycophant fever




yake є,

ale trichi -

yak be.

our plans

I love the bulk


sazhen crocks.

I radium


yakim demo

at the robot

like a spring of people, people

at pratsy that in battle,

my fatherland, my republic!

He sings silently, who gave life for the right of the revolution - Krasina, Voikov, Dzerzhinsky.

Poetovі "gives up", scho to torment them "anxiety off":

Say -

you here?

Say -

didn't give up?

Chi go ahead?

Chi not stand?




light and steel



today's swindler?

“Quiet, comrades, sleep ... - calmly їhnіy sings. - Your podlitok-country with a skin spring, blind, mіtsnіє, strong and string. "Great shadows" ask, why the Russians are not "all-powerful tin", what "officialdom among the mizkahs is not calling". “Sleep, comrades, quieter…” he sings. - Who will take your peace of mind? Let's get up, bagneti nazhachivshi, with the first order: "Forward!"

little earthly sack

obіyshov, -

and life

garna, i live


And in our bush,

fighting, ebullient, -

I even shorter.

Get in



sigh of the snake.

The street is mine.

Home is mine.

New stores are opening, products are being sold, “they don’t stock up,” prices are going down, “operation has begun ... cooperation.”


Radium I -

tse my pratsa

pour in

at pratsiu

my republic.

Sings usvіdomlyuє his venerableness to everything that comes around, vin povnovladny lord of the land, like a skinny її hulk. The author gave the epithet "mіy" to deputies, and officials, to go to the meeting, to the police, to take care of it, and to the litchiks, and to the viiskovs, as if they were ready to give the heads of the vorogov.

Life is more beautiful


Rockiv up to a hundred

grow up

without old age.

Rock in rock

grow our strength.



and verse, the land of youth!

Volodymyr Mayakovsky
Zhovtneva poem.
1 hour
rіch nadzvychayno dovga, the hours passed by the biblenі. No bilin, no epic, no epic. Fly by telegram
stanza! With a burning lip, fall down that priest from the rivers
on im'ya - "Fact". Tse hour buzzing with a telegraph string,
double heart with truth. Ce Bulo with the fights, chi the country, chi
in the heart
in mine. I go
schob, z qiєyu
after reading a book, from an apartment
Mirka ishov renew
on shoulders
machine-gun fire, like a bagnet,
side by side
sparkling. Shob from the book,
through the joy of the eyes, in the sight of a happy man, strength flowed in the m'yazi, which would be and rebel. During the whole day no one was hired. Mi rose the olivets on the arcade, the rustle of the sides, like the rustle of the flags, the need for the rocky rustles.
"Kinchayte war! Finish off! Bude! Whose hungry fate was carried.
"freedom to the people,
epoch, dawn..." and darma. De
i de
to the ground
before lita? Nope! what
to give for fierceness, for work, for those who do not live from the front? Shish. On shii
Kupa Guchkov, devils, ministries, Rodzyanka... Mati їх by the legs! Vlada
to the rich rilo, really, why are you pissing їy ?! Bey!!" Now with thunder, now whispers of ceremonies came.
from the Kerensky prison-sieve. at the villages with grasses and stitches, at the factories I steel the teeth of skregotiv. Aliens
the party threw a zhburk. - Why did he choose balakuns?! I gave pennies to the bilshoviks,
and strength, and voices. Glory wandered to the very man's earthen head, poured and was famous, what for the peasants are like "great" - woo!
3 Kings
arousing Rastrelli. The kings became popular, lived, grew old. Palace
without thinking about the fidgety postril, without wondering what kind of sworn beliefs will spread in the lie, entrusted to the queens. From the eagle, from the vlady, the carpet and the head
prosyazhny povіrenogo to be fooled. forgetting
and class that party, go
on a hell of a promo. Eyes
New Bonaparte has such colors
sloppy french. The words are the words. Fiery lava. Chatting
forty radii. Vin himself
p'yanoy his glory p'yanoy,
lower forty degrees. Listen until you get tired, like another adjutant chirping: "Such
in the car. Having recognized
who and what, natovp
unharnessed the engine! Natomist
kinskoy sily herself
carried in her arms!" In the splashing splash of the premier
strait over the Nevsky. and women,
and kids-puzanchiki throw
flowers and roses. Yakshcho
without work, zamuє, himself
vpevneno that shvidko admits
sometimes as a military, sometimes as a justice, sometimes as a minister. I renew
turn around, it is said, wrap it up and turn the treasury. Pdmahuє signatures gidno and diligently. "Agrarians? Lacking?
Row? Nadishlіt,
yak yoga,
punishment death! Lenin?
Stop that wag! What?
Don't give?
I can't smell without eyepieces. Before the speech...
about yoga excellency ...
Kornilov ... Chi is not possible
Kozachkiv?! What is grandeur?
I know.
Well, so! .. I squeezed my hand.
Yaka nisenіtnitsa! Emperor?
To the water?
I black pick? Why is Rada here?
I punish
Tudi, to London,
to King George". Sewn to history,
and creaking, ta yoga
and Brodsky and Repin.
Petersburg vikna.
Blue is dark. Misto
and peace of shackles. ALE don't sleep
Madam Kuskova. Love
and addiction turned to grandma. Lizhko
that dream
rozhuvaty skhid. Її hairy
shavings chimero
weepy choked. why
dry and in'yane? Mitch...
oh well,
maybe big. Її vtishaє
wusata nanny, scho bachila see
Pe Yong Miliukov. "Don't sleep, baby...
It's so stuffy here... Vіdkry vіkno
sit down before me." - Kuskova,
what about you?
"I'm bored... Let's talk about old times."
- About what, Kuskova?
used, saved
at the memory
chimalo old kolishnіh,
nebilits and about kings
and about the queen. І i b,
with my mind kvolim, crowned b
Michael. chim brother
a stranger ... Ta ti
don't you hear me?! "Oh, nanny, nanny,
I can. I'm bored, my love. I cry
I'm ready to cry..." - Lord have mercy
and lie... What do you want?
Ask. Sob you
on us
don't pout, give me freedom
that constitution ... Give
rinsing the burning riot with water ...
"I'm not sick. I...
you know baby...
zakokhana ... "- My child,
The Lord is with you! I Milyukov
bless you khrestiv
professor's hand. - Zalish, Kuskova,
our years of love
for nothing
there is no sense. "I'm hooked."
call at vushko
won. - cordial friend,
you are unwell. "Leave me
I'm zakokhana." - Kuskova,
heal yourself ... "Oh, nanny,
Vіn such promo ... Oh, nanny-nanny!
Oh! Yogo w
carry on your arms And how do you sleep
about freedom ... I want him,
not with him
so by the water." Granny
titsyaetsya in the pillow, and only slightly:
Darling!" waving
sleeve, roaring vusaty nannies:
-In whom? But tell you now! "At Kerensky's..."
-Which one?
Sasha? І type of recognition
such a person
poured out
Milyukov. Kind of happiness
the professor came to life: - Well, why
one and the same! For Mikoli
and with Sasha we save our income.
on the banks of the Nevi are similar
bachili you?
pre-war forging, aiguillettes
hung up to the navels, they said
(at "Selekti" on Ligivtsi) and pants-captain
Popov. "Sir Adjutant,
don't overthink
I won't let you say
what else
check we? Russia
sell to the Jews, that personnel
already under the Jews! Wee, obviously
liberal, ale Cossacks,
give me peace. For example,
take my camp, tse...
the devil yogo knows what it is! Today with a batman:
screaming youma
- Hey, fuck off
schob bachiti rilo in nіy!
to mother,
and wine me
to my, to my mother,
to light
to Elizabeth Kirilivna!" "Hi,
I'm not for the monarchy
with crowns,
with eagles, PZ for socialism
the basis is needed. back to back democracy,
parliament. Culture is necessary.
And mi
Asia! I navit
I don't rob
I don't burn. Hiba, can you do it right away?
Obviously, no! postupovo,
top to bottom,
in short, today,
for twenty years. What about qi?
Vіd Wilhelm cross that line. Near Berlin
went out
with a peronny ticket. pennies
spy and agents. Khresti b
someone to ride with a sealed one!" "Zim is good,
tse kіnets, tsієї bastards
a little improved." "Lenina,
this confusion, head,
chi sho,
for the ministers? What are you?!
God-willed, old Russey? Take castors!
Dress up!
Dress up! For officers
Golenishchev-Kutuzova zavdyaki
politicians spritny buti
under ceramics
Bronstein uncapped, like
Lions?! Dudki!
Z Cossacks
fry badly let out
giblets..." I all adjutant
-ha ta hipopov
-Hi ta ha. "Be damned girls
and three generations! pane adjutant,
let me woohoo: їх...
... eral Kaledin, from the Don,
with batog,
be kind! Yogo Excellency...
Ta hiba vin alone? Cossacks Kuban,
Don..." And all the flasks
don i day, i spurs
Day that don. Captain
drunk, like an owl. Servants
served silently. And for example, near Ligivka
other words were raised
from pіdvalіv. "I,
from the military bureau. Finished the meeting
struma-strumu. axis tobi,
to mauser,
take two, but
one hundred naboiv
to the twines. Wait a minute
smeared roti, walk
that selfie. punished
go to the front and sit
from Gatchina. To you,
from Viborsky side, you
come in
from Livarny Bridge. At the day,
treble string, do not galasuvati
i do not work
put down a drink. I am for Lashevich
I take the phone, do not strangle,
so choke us. Abo
I'll take the phone
because he is from the body
proletarian soul. Myself
in a torn coat, to walk,
no one knows. Today,
get up early. And the day after tomorrow
pizno. Tomorrow, father.
Well, do not tidy up! Buti
beat the bat! Mi already
from the king's bed
Oleksandr Fedorivna.
yak zavzhd,
winds like haze
for capitalism. For Troitsky
auto ta trami, zvichayni
vision. Under the bridge
Neva River, Neva
spit kronstadtsі...
Winter hitatis. At the said car,
tires zbivshi, quiet,
packed trumpet, for Gatchina,
vlіpluvav kolishnі "U rіg,
at the lamb!
Slaves, scho rebelled! .. "Bachat
bright eyes, otochyuchi
in the ring, behind the Million
from the barracks keksholmts are pulled out. And at the Smolny
in my thoughts
about the battle that viysko, Іllich
throws kroki, the one in front of the map
Antonov from Podvoisky is built in
near the place of attacks
ensigns. better
good luck, nowhere
don't go down! Vіd usіh
outpost to Zimovoe
Red Guards. Drive the robots,
bugnet domertsyav, nachebto
zіyshlis on the throat, sleek
Palace. Two shadows stood up.
Majestic and cunning. Destroyed.
Forehead on forehead. I door
Grati clenched his hands
natovpіv. rocked
majestic shadows in the wind
and a sack of shvidkos, that sacks,
crunchy brushes that are breaking. Pavlіvtsі sirchayut, what to stand. "At the politician...
indulge ... Cudi
against us
Bochkariv fools?! would punish
on the assault". Ale tin
entangled paws, and paws
not recognizing and not tearing. Don't show off
hello weak yishov
view of the perelyaku,
type of nerve. Pershim,
fear of overcoming
Babin Battalion. Send from batteries
up to eleven Mikhailovtsі chi Konstantinіvtsі... And Kerensky
viman yoga! zamislyuvalas
goat head. І Rіdshali
Zimovoy's zahisniki, yak Zubi
at the comb. I long
tse movchannya, movchannya nadiy
I can see my movchannya. And in the Winter
in soft furniture with bronze twists, to sit
in midi plaques, and smell
smoothly wiggling. Don't marvel at them
and їх do not hear the stench
at the bagnets at the foxes. pong
fall into
oversleeped a pear, like only
dress up. Voice-radical. whispers,
signs. - Kerensky here? - Vin?
For the Cossacks. І new movchki І t_lki
navechir: - De Prokopovich? - Ni Prokopovich. And through Mykolaivsky chavunny mist, like death,
unkind Aurora
steel. І axis
rose above the comir
guise of Konovalov. Noise,
tech dzherelom, now
surf piled up. Who is so long?
Stretch the snake! Skin
zі skla
hit clubs. Tse
іz trehdyuymovok shied away
forty Petropavlivka. And on top
nibi pіdіrvany: bang
six-inch Avrorov. І axis
I didn’t catch it rozsipatis,
boom and formidable, over Petropavlіvskaya
likhtar, rebel
smart sign. - Get out!
Attack! They got away.
To kilim!
Pіd rozzolocheny dakh! Skin gatherings
took a leather ledge,
stepping over
through the Junkers. Nibi
kіmnati povnі, flowed,
got angry
over the skin vtrata, and essences
better pivdnya behind a leather sofa,
at the skin curtain. For a price
sheltered by wounded monarchs,
coroni-skarbi, oxamite halls,
grimily grimily corridors,
Choboti and apply. Yakiys
bitch blue, and above it
lower dad: "You,
theft of the anniversary of our anniversary!" Tupit rіs
and quiet
thirteen mushrooms,
rubbing clogged up
under the bed
what should he do?
loomed over the pottilice. For two hundred years...
for thirty...
for twenty... Vbіgaє
"Fight stupidly!" Thirteen heathers:
Hello! And at the door
casings... І in qiu
over the yards of the yard: "Yakі here timchasov?
Get off! Your hour is over." I one
s quiet, who evaded,
pennies torn, voicing,
how about it is simple
and awkward: "I,
Head of the Revolutionary Military Committee
Antonov, Timchasov
we’ll throw off the naked. "And in Smolny
rozchepirivshi chest, pokryvala
fireworks display. First
-i tse bude ... slept:
-i tse є
our rest ... Until the day
no more than a yard, hands
immediately green. Comrade Podvoisky
siv at the car, saying tired:
to Smolny". Zamovk kulemet.
I got it right. locking
dzvinky vulik. Burned,
like stars,
facets of bugnetiv, blidli
stars of heaven
at the varti. duv,
yak zavzhd,
zhovten winds. Reiki
on the bridge of vizmiev, race
continued trami already
for socialism.
Have such a night
have such a day, have a year
such pori on the streets
hiba sho
some sing
that villain. Days
to the world
ocean kotnuv. Xin.
Over bagatti
Boer. Pіdvodniy
pishov to the bottom of the piss
Petersburg. I less
from the burning whirlwinds hit
the days of the storm, it dawned again:
from the sides
and from the top there is an uninterrupted storm. On the water
similar and so bottomless
blue abyss. And here
and whale carcasses
Avrorov. Into the fire
sheared area. Embankments
empty. I less
bagatya in days
thick. I here
de land
vіd speki v'yazka, z perelyaku
abo from the ice, valleys
bіlya fire in mov, bask
soldiers. Soldier
having fallen
fire on the eyes, on the shmatok
lіg. I knew
saying: "Hello,
Oleksandr Blok. Lafa futurists,
with a skin suture." Blok wondered
bagatya burn "Better good." Navkolo
Russia to Blok... Dunno,
serpanki pivnochі ishli
to the bottom,
how to go
tricks and plaques
canned. I immediately
stingier minyav, gloomier,
chim death on the beach: "Write ...
from the village...
I have ... a library in the garden. "Vtupivsya Blok
and Block's shadow looks,
don't stand up... Nachebto
to check on the waters of the crying Christ. Ale Blok
buti without becoming. Blok
tightness of the eyes. Live,
with a song
zamіst Christ people
because of the coil. Get up!
Get up!
Get up! Pratsіvniki
hire that. emboss,
kosar and kuvach, gvintivka
got your hands wet! Uphill
ensign! Dud
get tired! enemy
lie down! Day
trash! For bread!
For light!
For the will! take
the bourgeoisie
factory! take
at the helper's field! fraternize
b'єtsya platoon! Zgin
old. Wu fluff
for gunpowder. Biy
bar! Fuck!
tah! Finish off
dosit pokіrnіst
on the humps. Tremtinnya,
capital door! shake,
on foreheads!
hedgehog fear
block! Fuck!
tah! Tah!
tah! Tsya song,
oversleeping in my own way, reached
villages rose to the deaf villagers,
shuddering to the wind, by the way
sokiri cross. ale
on the
mischik lyu
bowl. holding
little mouse, s

speech-but! Before
until the singing hour, you
bossy, vos
sokiri, pіdіymai mow. Chim
my Nino?! Ba
rini yourself. thrust
at the hut
piano, gramophone with an anniversary! Pid
ti, orly! wake up
robbed. Zustrichay y kіl, see you off
at the rake! On right
z Pugachovim, ignite more speciously! all
bagatії razmіtimo pozhozhnik. Pid
come on
pivnya! Drink a vila! Ex,
turn off, sleep
tuh dear! Devil
day! Golovi
pumped. Kulemetiv triskotnya wheeze from carts. "Oh, apple,
clear color. Biy
on right
bіlavo, zlіva krasnova.
thought to the trigger, and life,
she was cleaning up
to the hands, straightened,
I was up to lava.
The cold is great.
Winter is healthy. Ale blouse
stuck to the bone. Under the blouse of communism.
Load firewood. On a labor Saturday. We do not come,
five may
all rights. In our wagons
on our way, our
firewood. It's possible, it's possible
two years old, but mi
let's go pizno. To our comrades
our firewood is needed:
comrades to freeze. robot,
languish. For her
everyday copies. Ale mi
nibi mi robimo
the greatest epic. We will practice
all are tolerant, schob life,
wheels of days hurry up, beagle
in the air march in our cars,
behind our steppes, in places
n a sh i. "Uncle,
what are you doing here? insoles
great uncles?" - What?
work freely
people who were chosen.
Before our
stand rich.
Ale yak touch її? I nutrition
let's destroy
no numbers: what
for the nation
"socialist", and what for
alistichna batkivshchyna"? "Mi
bury your
understand powerlessness. What are they chomping on?
What are they sleeping about? Yaki so
fruit-oranges grow
at your Bilshovitsky
paradise? What did you know
cream of bread and water, important
from day to day? Such a fatherland
so what dim hiba already
na z t o t l k o receptions? For what
how to punish
"War"? It's possible, it's possible
let's break it down with a bomber, we can
for the land for their own, hello
for the hell? reception
embrace the Russian, but you have
that name
spent. What is it for
have you forgotten about the nation? What is your nation?
Comintern? squad,
so flat,
so rahunok flow axis tse
heavenly bushes. Zaradi b
we would understand such a family
i death
and youth". Listen,
national drone, our day
Tim and kind, what is important. Tsya song
I will sing of our bids,
How to drive a bucket. Razumіyut
situyu pasture, scho yakscho
in Russia
loading bag, vsієї
bourgeois birds prirva. Z "Surte Generale",
s "Intelligence Service", "defenzivi"
and "sigurantsі" come out
bastard and bitch, shit
colors of gray, bomby
at the ranci. Clogged in the hold
the decks were obsіli, for pennies
willow agency. near Novorosijsk
fly from Marseille, from Dover
sail to Arkhangelsk. I'm singing
from whisky, sit like a pig. Kiliami
the accumulations of water are cold. wonder
periscopes underwater. Plivut cruisers, shells smіtya. I extinguish the destroyers with mines. And on top
all with garmats
greedy long time
dreadnoughts. Riznimi
stinking fluidly, gloomy
propellers viders, avіomatki
to the car
flutter "hydro". Sending
captain vchenih. Throat
i squeeze. poke
in Biel,
poking around
in Chorny, in Kaspiysk,
in Baltiysk, where
don't get stuck, stop
katanya. cost
Moriv Volodarka, Bulldog
Great Britain. Zusіh kіntsіv blockade kіlce ta garmati
marvel at the appearance. - Chervonim not befitting?
hungry? Ribkoy
to the bottom. -And to whom
on dry land
grab watering, tі z ships
went down like a fizzle. - We will drown on the sea, on land
flood. - Aliens
heat veluvannya, dim
I post a line
in front
lads, barons
and the princes of the under-stripped. Dig graves, try to save Yudenich
rati rod
on Peter. In carts
zhі savor, canned
pud. Tankiv
caterpillars on Peter
rod. Type of pivnoch
Admiral Kolchak, Siberian
Chobot tovche. We work on the shooting,
popovim on vtihi, go with him
Blakitnі Czechs. trenches,
selected machines, sappers
Krim digging, -Wrangel
large-caliber weapons
h Perekop. to love
sentimental ladies. Colonels
talk in obid. - I
I go, I go
(shlinaє vіski), but on me
bіshovitskiy. One-one
rrraz, - to the point,
yak dandy,
that girl vryatuvav. - Lady,
gelding sivogoon yak Murmansk
roared. energize,
yakDvina-river, with blood
farbovana, corpses
vita, with luggage
scary ishla
price in Llodovitii | Yak smiley
they shot a bunch of communists
that and that twists. Yak officer
yoga majesty beagle
vіd postіlіv,
clean up the coast. Yak over Syria
ignite pir'ya that hand
at the throat Ale...
'its e long way
tu tіpererі, іts elong way
that go!” pershu
workers and villagers, siyuchi
blischachi bagnets, drove
fleet kotili rich light,
i qi
and ti... Be damned,
kingdoms and democracies, with their own
"fraternite" and "egalite"! lead
on us
okrop. Some
and there is nothing to hide. "Yankees
boil pro, Yankee doodle dandy."
that znarya golosishcha Moscow
and we are on the islands. Mi
Zhebraki, with Lenin at the head
and with a revolver at the hands.
sheepish, simple,
dry. I live
at the booths of Stakhєєva I, now
Veesenha. star,
gvintivka bryazkayuchi, rich
that Kasi. Now here
all those people
that class. Vzimka
put the stove at the bdzhilka
volumes of Shakespeare. teeth
click, potatoes
Benket im. A vletka
hear the asphalt from the copies
at the window: -Transval,
my country, you are all
at the fire! I'm in tsioma
cauldrons boil,
i tse life bіg, i bіy,
i dream,
and long houses
over the top
vіd p'yat
to hell, thunder
wash yourself, how you wake up
natovp, what to go
trams. Have a shot
off the hook, in a calm
ochima to the apartment, shob bulo
you see, I'm in
three thousand days.
near Headtop. hug,
kill for rupees. Secretaries
blunt felting. For bread
stand lіsorubi. Bagato
do it a little
grief 'im, pound
-Ciley! First category. hack,
lime tea
having drunk. -Mi
not Filippov, mi
called. Will be offended
supper, bіlih b
see the gate.
You want to
tighter, in the hands of a screw
to the front. A mimosaminny. knocking
Chobot, go for a ration
saw apricots
that jam. Bagati
smarter, eat
at Zundelovich. Nі shchi,
no kashbeef steak
with broth, bread
yours, second million. Vchenomu
higher: phosphorus
consumed, oliya
on a saucer. ale,
as for evil, є revolution, but dumb
Olii. pong
science. write,
wobble. Mandate, handed, Anatoly Vasilovich. De
so m'yasa, come
one year before you. Reading
commissar mandate of Lunacharsky: "So...
fat for you. Firewood...
drier polyny... and a fur coat
wide relaxation. I'll,
I feed on Bazhaete
head remove. Come
leather with a rich fool. Take
keep your leg
on the eyes, like a baba yaga, go
back three legs.
square arshins of the life. Four
at the adopted Lil,
I am that dog
Puppy. little hat
I broke and pulled the sled. - Where are you going?
I'm going to the polling station.
to Yaroslavsky. Yak vitrilo,
fur coat
on a vase, stink
duck out. By the sleigh
I'm bringing a lot, taking
parkan rozlamani Polino
carcass, harder for a stone. Nibi
swollen knee
veletnya. Vhodzhu
from the deck in an embrace. Request,
vimok. important
and importantly strict
fold. Nіzh
life. Rіzhu.
Radium. In my head
raise the heat. Blooming onions, grass

Poema may have an autobiographical character.


Mayakovsky begins his own statement by declaring that the great hour has passed. The time has come to speak in the bilin, eposіv i epopei i go to the short telegram style.

It’s time to “buzz with a telegraph string” and tell the truth about those who traveled from the countryside by the poet himself.

Mayakovsky would like to say that this book made the reader laugh out of this “apartment scroll”, reminded him of “being that rebellious force” and made me guess the day that sings in honor of the most important in the history of his country.


Sings the signatory of the people's revolt. The villagers, dressed in soldier's overcoats and forcibly driven to war, are starving and no longer want a little deceitful obityanok of the timchas order. They condemned freedom, the rights of that land, but everything turned out to be nonsense, and the people shouted: “Beat!”.


At the tsar's palace, prompted by Rastrelli, Kerensky's "swirled postril" settled down. Rozkish, glory and power have confused your head "not higher than forty degrees."

"Adjutants" let out a bit about how people love Kerensky. If "the prime minister is spilling over the Nevsky", "lady and children-puzanchiki" throw "quiet and rosanchiki" to you. If Kerensky is boring, then it’s easy to recognize himself as a minister.

On the occasion of the confusion, the new one has one suggestion: arrest, forfeit, send Cossacks, or a punishment death. The Natomist Kerensky world rushes from Kornilov and sent the emperor Mikoli II not “on the water and the black pick”, but to the English cousin of King George.

Kerensky “sewn to history, ‹…› yoga is painted - and Brodsky and Repin”.


Mayakovsky describes the dialogue between the childish party of cadets Kuskova and the leader of the party, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Miliukov. Rozmov's parody of Pushkin's aunt's conversation with the nanny.

Kuskova, like Mayakovsky calls either Madame, or old, to swear at the back. Miliukov is calling old-fashioned boules and nebilitsy, and, sob to turn on the vikhovanka, crying, proclaiming the granting of "freedoms and constitutions." Nareshti, Kuskova knows "nanny" Miliukov that I'm addicted to "darling Sashka" - Kerensky.

"Vusata nanny" Mіlyukov is happy - "for Mikoli and for Sashka we save our income."


At the restaurant, the monarchist staff captain Popov and the adjutant-liberal are feasting with "aixelbows hung to the navels". Priests perekonaniy, scho "Jews sell Russia to the Jews," and nothing good in this country is not checked. Vіn skarzhit on the batman, which is in response to the order "navaxiti pinch, sob bachiti rilo in nіy", sending the staff captain to his mother.

The adjutant recounted: not a monarchist, but a socialist, but “a basis is needed for socialism. ‹…› Culture is necessary. And mi - Asia-s. Socialism needs to be realized not in a moment, but “step by step, offal, by the top, by the crotch, today, tomorrow, in twenty years.” The adjutant does not like quiet, who can “see Wilhelm cross those lines”, and who rides at the sealed wagons, and “Lenin, what a turmoil of this”, it is impossible to admit to the government.

Friends help the Cossacks and curse the bilshoviks, the docks do not get drunk.

Tim an hour at the basements, the Bolsheviks are distributing armor, the patrons are planning to storm the Winter Palace.


The Bolsheviks are getting ready for the rebellion, "the winter away from the castle." Smolny Illich ta yoga has a habit of thinking “about the battles of the war”, and “before the map ‹…> they build the ensigns at the place of attacks”.

Mayakovsky represents the capture of Zimovoy, like a battle between two majestic shadows. The shadow of the palace squeezed the torso of the darkness with its hands-lattices. The defenders of the Winter War are coming, the battalions are giving up one by one, "and Kerensky has gone to sleep, try viman yogo."

And at the palace, at the "soft furniture", sit the ministers. You don’t hear anyone anymore, and the stench is “ready to fall like a pear, which you have overtaken, like only to oppose them.”

On the first axis, the shocks of the palace vicons were struck by the “forti of Petropavlivka”, and after them “the six-inch Aurori banged”. The rebels begin. The soldiers attack the skin and go to the Zimovoy room, "stepping over the junkers."

Thirteen ministrіv razumіyut, scho repair opіr stupidly, and give up.

Head of the Revolutionary Committee Antonov will deafen the timchasovy detachment. At Smolny, NATO says: “Tse is our rest ...”, and locks the machine gun, and the first tram is already for socialism.


He sings describing Petersburg, which he drowned in daylight hours. On the streets empty, less than de-not-de white fires, to burn, the soldiers are warming themselves. Beal of one of these rich Mayakovsky zustrіchaє Oleksandr Blok.

It’s a block to say that the villagers drank the song of the resurrection, slept in Petersburg, and burned down the library of the yoga garden. The villages stood up against the lute helpers. The party tidied up “this whirlwind and wait” and stayed in the ranks.


Winter, frost, but the communists are stingy - the stink of working on a labor subotnik. They may have the right to finish the work earlier and drink, but not to hurt someone who wants to steal his firewood at the car, to save his comrades.

Here we see "socialism: people are free to work, who have chosen freely."


The wealthy cannot understand, “what is for the“ socialist fatherland ””, what people are crying about, what they live with, what they are ready to fight for. Adzhe "can you die for your land, but how can you die for the slaughterhouse"? For the capitalists, “the retinue, that apartment, that streamy rahunok is the axis of the fatherland, heavenly bushes,” for the sake of which one can die.

Sings to the capitalists:


The capitalists, "have sifted the sieve pasture", rozumіyut, "what Russia has loaded cіgtіv, all bourgeois birds of the abyss." To that, “a bastard’s worth, that a bitch, a great overcoat, a gray color” - the European bourgeoisie wants to strangle the young radian power, that is sent to the aid of the “bilim”.

Viysk ships from Marseilles and Dover sail to Novorossiysk and Arkhangelsk, on them there are soldiers. At the head of the water, there are waters, aircraft carriers and jet gas.

Mustache seas - and white, and Chorne, and Caspian, and Baltic - paid for "the seas of the Volodarka, the bulldog Britannia". Bourgeois rowing the heat with the wrong hands - black robot for them to slay "baronies and princes of under-shooting."

On St. Petersburg, go Yudenich's army with tanks and convoys, povnimi їzhi. Admiral Kolchak is the ruler of Siberia with the Czechs, and in the Crimea - Wrangel. At the obidah, the colonels sway, “huffing their temples,” as if they were killing dozens of “zhakhivs of the Bilshovitskys.”

The country is on the edge of blood, the villages are on fire. The starving Belarusians have nowhere to go, the stink in Moscow, like on the islands "with Lenin at the head and with a revolver at the hands."


An hour passes. Mayakovsky settle in the booth of the VRNG, de linger "all kinds of people, and class." Meshkantsi budinka are starving, singing the stones with “volumes of Shakespeare”, and “potatoes are a beanbag for them”. At this booth, all life is spent, and he sings to cook in the dark, like at a stone cauldron.


Mayakovsky describes the hungry Moscow life. Bil Golovtop chalk speculators - "hug, kiss, kill for rupees." Lumberjacks stand at the chergah for bread cards, they put only a pound of bread of the highest category. Ale stinks to understand: at the same time, the smut - it’s like “bіlih”.

The best ration for the "indispensable" - they "the government saw apricots and jam." Bagats are eaten at commercial restaurants. We cite for the special mandate of Lunacharsky to lay oliya, tsukor, meat, firewood and “a fur coat of wide furnishing”, but in the case of a commissar the stink is taken off only “a head-dress” and “a horse’s leg”.


Mayakovsky lives on twelve square arshins with friends - Lyleya and Osya Brik - that dog Shchenik. Taking the sled and pulling on the torn off hat, he sings virushas to get firewood and it’s not a bad luck to get home the frozen field with the broken parkan. Prinіs, having sharpened the folding knife, having melted the rough. Meshkantsi kіmnati fell asleep and did not burn a little.

He sings foretelling a frosty winter, a rozhevy zahidne sky and a gloomy, similar to a ship.

Tilky frosty nights, "glittering with teeth at once", realize that "it is impossible to fool people with carpet or caress" and it is impossible to fall in love with the earth, "it froze at once."


Bagato who died this winter. He sings that he doesn’t want to hang around “I hurt the Volzky” - the starving Volga region. On Mayakovsky's creativity, less than the eyes of a kohanoi sigh - "that round brown, hot to the garou."

The poets remind that the kohana is swollen from hunger. The doctor seems to need vitamins - fresh vegetables. The Deputy of Letters, Mayakovsky carried two carrots.

“Greenness and caress” is sung by Vihodiv Kokhanu.

He sings to himself without thinking: “It’s easier for me, lower we muster - I am Mayakovsky. Siju and їm kіnsky shmatok. Vіn shkoduє sister, yakіy brought to mind speech on їzhu. Tim is no less, he sings to shout in the guise of America “rounder than restaurant straws”, to love his golden land, “having doubled my hunger.”


Mayakovsky continues to talk about the famine, about those who "can't fire their wind-up guts." He sings describing how the workers at the patched felt boots are digging a locomotive covered with snow.

In Moscow, call "buying little pigs" about those who "Denikin comes to the very, Tula, powder heart." "Whispering voices of the cook chori" sing that it will be rich. The dwellers check for Denikin the willer. Ale, the place has passed, the party called out to the brink, and already the red squadrons are jumping on the pivden.

At Lenin's shooter Kaplan - tse "pikes fidgeted for long," the enemies of the Radian power. Ale "to lie on the hut Che-ka's Lub'yansk paw" and the wind is already rattling the lists of the shooters.

Midge dwellers hover and close, and the liens have a happy call: Lenin is alive. Komunisti "trimals were taken so that the blood stood out from the s-pіd nіgtiv."

Bachiv sings generously pіvdenny kraї, but only “the land, as if he won and drank wine”, you can drink “for life, for work, for holy and for death”.


Mayakovsky describes the flow of interventions from the Crimea, about the way he spoke “quiet Jew”.

Mustache, dissatisfied radian power, - I "clean public, and soldiers." Skrіz methushnya and shtovkhanina. Napіvodyagneni people, having forgotten decency, punch their way with their fists to the motor ships, not respecting the cost of that repair.

“Slamming the door, dry, like a report,” Wrangel entered the headquarters at the black Circassians. Before that, how to sit in a chauvin, what checks yoga, the commander-in-chief falls on his knees, trichi tsіluє native land and cross the place.

Thus, the Batkivshchyna is being depleted of "vchorashni rosiyani", "dirvani vіd verstat i oranki", schob "to get cows in Argentina" and "death in the African pits". They pour in on Turkish ships, which are accompanied by "two destroyers-Americans." And he had to rush: “They stole the treasury and ran in, you bastards.”

A telegram was sent to the Radyansk detachment: “Throw Wrangel by the sea,” point at war. Komunisti throw zbroi and disperse to under-eaten fields and pre-house ovens, which are chilled.


Sings do not want to praise everything that is broken. Vіn "pіvbаtkіvshchini instantly be known, and to become - v_dbuduvati, vmivshi". Mayakovsky at once іz usіma "viyshov budovavat i pomsta". Vіn schaslivy bachiti, scho richly reached, but vvazha, scho more way ahead.

He sings posters, like a s-pіd smіtya "communes in the house sprout ‹...› and turn to the tractors of the villagers to burn their hearts." And the plans, as before, “trimmed the evil galmos”, get up, “forming with a bay and a stone.” I sings glorifying their republic, "the people of the pracies in that battle."


Mayakovsky describes Chervona Square, where he often comes alone, early in the evening at night. There, white of the Kremlin wall, rest those who have given their lives and blood for the SRSR. Entrustment, like a pile of books, Lenin's mausoleum.

Sings to go to the graves and guess the hero of the skin of the Revolution Hromadyan war. The stench died in labor, in penal servitude and in prison, and nothing else - in old fates.

Let’s sing, “to torment comrades on the red color of worries” - chi did not hurt the right hand, and chi will soon call the people “in black Europe and Asia”. Mayakovsky calms down, it seems, that the “country-pidlіtok” is becoming more and more beautiful and strong, and “the world of violence and pennies” will wake up the people, and “the party force is ready for battle.”


In the rest of the division, Mayakovsky describes what Radyansk Krayina has become. Vіn radium is rich in shop windows with lower prices, we will update and embellish places, cooperation that is developing, and its own name in the poetic heading of "book couples".

The deputies defend the rights of the radyansk people, and the policemen, street traffic controllers, the red army - that life is calm. The country is going to work, factories are working - weaving a calico for Komsomol members, and collective workers "to milk, yell, catch fish."

Raising the skin of the reach of the people of Radyansk, Mayakovsky is pleased with the cry: “Good!”.

Have such a night
have such days
at Godini
such a pori
on the streets
hiba sho
and villains.
to the world
the ocean rolled.
Over the pits
pishov to the bottom
I less
kind of burning whirlwinds
day of the storm,
wondered again:
from the sides
i from the top
unrelenting storm.
On the water
similar and so -
no day
blue abyss.
And here
and whale whale
Into the fire
sheared area.
Embankments -
I less
at the day
I here
de land
vіd speki v'yazka,
from a perelyaku
or ice,
bіlya fire in language,
warm up
having fallen
fire on the eyes,
on shmatok
I knew
"Good day,
Oleksandr Blok* .
Lafa futurists,
old tailcoat
spread out
skin suture.
Block marveling -
fires burn -
"It's better."
Russia Blok…
serpanki pivnochі*
to the bottom,
how to go
that plaques
I immediately
stingier minyav,
chim death on the beach:
from the village...
I have...
library in the garden".
Stupid Block -
that Blok's shadow
moving on the wall…
check on the water
crying Christ*.
Ale Blok
buti without becoming.
tightness of the eyes.
with a song
substitute for Christ,
because of the coil.
Get up!
Get up!
Get up!
hire that.
mower and kuval,
got your hands wet!
Uphill -
Dud -
get tired!
Enemy -
lie down!
Day -
For bread!
For light!
For the will!
the bourgeoisie
at the helper's field!
b'єtsya platoon!
Zgin -
Wu fluff
for gunpowder.
Biy -
Finish off
on the humps.
capital door!
on foreheads!
Tsya song,
overslept in its own way,
to the deaf villagers -
and the villages got up,
zdrigayuchi vityam,
by price
sokiri cross.
Ale -
zhi -
on the
lu -
then -
on -
Hold -
on -
on -
zі -
bі -
Before -
until the singing hour,
in and -
sun -
sip it.
my Nino?!
rini yourself.
at the hut
gramophone with an anniversary!
Pid -
di -
ti, orly!
Waking up -
Zustrichay kіl,
see off
at the rake!
On right
from Pugachov,
burn hot!
let's make a fireman.
Pid -
come on
Drink a vila!
turn off -
pet -
tuh dear!
Golovi -
Kulemetiv triskotnya
hustle from carts.
"Oh, apple,
clear color.
on right
levoruch chervona".
Tsey vortex,
thought to the trigger,
that life,
ta pozhezhi dim
cleaned up
to the hands
I was up to lava.

The cold is great.
Winter is healthy.
Ale blouse
stuck to the bone.
Under the blouse of communism.
Load firewood.
On a labor Saturday.
We do not come,
all rights.
At our wagons,
on the our paths,
It's possible, it's possible
goodbye to another, -
ale mi -
let's go pizno.
Our comrades
         our firewood
comrades to freeze.
For her
everyday copies.
ale mi
nibi mi
the greatest epic.
We will practice
all are patient
shob life,
the wheels of days are faster,
at the Zalizny March
in our wagons,
on our steppe,
at the place
what are you doing here
great uncles?"
- What?
free practice
people who were chosen.

Before our
stand rich.
Ale yak touch її?
I nutrition
let's destroy
no numbers:
for the nation
and what for
"social -
alistichna batkivshchina"?
bury your
understand powerlessness.
What are they chomping on?
What are they sleeping about?
Yaki so
grow up
at your Bilshovitsky
What did you know
cream of bread and water, -
from day to day?
Such homeland
         such dim
hiba already
     flooring receiving? *
For what
how to punish -
It's possible, it's possible
let's break the bombs,
possible, possible
for the land my,
ale yak
for the hell?
embrace Russian, -
hello you
that name
What is it for
have you forgotten about the nation?
What is your nation?
so flat,
that rahunok is streamlined -
ce axis -
heavenly bushes.
Zaradi b
such patrimony
we would understand
i death
that youth."
national drone, -
our day
Tim and kind, what is important.
Tsya song
I will sleep
our bid,

Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Mayakovsky



Telegram / fly / stanza!
With a burning lip / fall down / and drink
From rivers / on im'ya - / "Fact".
Mi / rosіpnemo / olive on arkushі,
Sob the rustle of the sides, / like the rustle of the ensigns,
Treba foreheads / rocks / rustles.


The author thinks about those, as after the Lute Revolution, it was not destined for the people to be sent to the end of the war, to those who would give land to the land, to natomist "on our couple Guchkov and the minister Rodzianka ..." the people do not want to stow and cry. Numerical parties are most importantly engaged in balakan, and the Bilshoviks were gaining "a penny, and strength, and votes." In the villages, there is a bit, that "for the peasants, they are" great "".


At the tsar's palace, prompted by Rastrelli, "spread out like a sworn jury" (Kerensky). “Ochi in the new Bonaparte and the colors of the zahis jacket. Words and words…” Kerensky himself was blessed with his own glory – “p'yanishoy, lower forty degrees”. If Kerensky is passing through Nevsky, "ladies and children-babies throw tickets and roses." He assigns guilt to himself “either as a military officer, or as a minister of justice, or as a minister ... podmahuє signature honourably and diligently.” Feeling about the enchantment, punishing them with a punishment sentence, to the additional information about Lenin, that bіlshovikіv reacts like this: “Arrest that vilovіt!” Kerensky wants to go home with Kornilov, with the English King George. The portrait of Kerensky is being painted by Brodsky and Repin.


Sleepy evening. Petersburg. The author, in a grotesque form, describes the old Madame Kuskovy and “the nanny” P. N. Milyukov, who inspires you. Dialogue of a parody of Rozmov's Aunt with a nanny from Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". Kuskova swear that it’s stuffy, ask the “nanny” to sit with her and talk about the old times, share her thoughts about those who should be put on the throne. Miliukov vіdpovіd obіtsyaє to give the people "freedom and constitutions". Kuskova at the same time knows that “I am not sick. I, you know, nanny ... zakokhana ... ”,“ zakokhana in Sasha, darling ..." (Kerensky). Miliukov is glad, vіdpovіdaє: "For Mikoli and for Sashka, we save our income."


The adjutant and staff captain Popov are moving with “aiguillettes hung up to the navels”. The stinks are talking about power, Popov seems to say that he is not guilty of a monarchy "with crowns, with eagles", but for socialism "a necessary basis". Vіn vvazhaє scho sled zapravadit democracy, then parliament. “Culture is necessary, but we are Asia, sir ...” I respect that it is quiet, whoever rides at the “sealed wagon” needs to be raised. Lenin, on this thought, this confusion. The adjutant is aware that Russia is sick. The Cossacks, General Kaledin, "pantsless Levko" are calling at Rozmov's. And at the same time, “for example, Ligovka” from the bottom, “other words were lifted.” I'm a comrade from the "party bureau" distributing ammunition - cartridges, mausers, rifles, ammunition. Tse bіshoviki get ready for the rіshuchih diy. They believe that tomorrow they will speak: “Well, don’t be unkind to them! Booty Kerensky bit that rip off!


Zhovten. Blow "cars and trams, Kronstadts spit under the Neva bridge." "Kolishni" are ticking away. Take winter from the ring. And at the same time, at Smolny, “thinking about the battle, that military, Illich make-up throws crocks, that in front of the map of Antonov and Podvoisky they build in the mission of the attacks of the ensign.” The proletariat took the Winter Palace. “But Kerensky has lost his mind - try viman yogo!” The attack was preceded by a volley of "Aurori". “Vbіgaє junker:“ Fight stupidly! Thirteen heathers: - Hello! Hurry up! - and in the door are jackets, overcoats, casings. “I’m in the silence of qiu, wading in to my heart’s content, the bass, which zmіtsnіv, over the yards of the rai:“ How are the timchas here? Get off! Your hour is over." At Smolny, the proletarians, if they managed, sing deputy “I will be ...” “Tse is our rest ...” As before, trams, cars, and “ale for socialism” drove.


St. Petersburg darkness is described, empty embankments, less than the middle of the cost of "the whale's carcass of Auror's whale". Podekudi you can see the bagattya. Bіlya bagattya the author speaks with Oleksandr Blok. In response to the author's inquiries that he thinks about everything that comes to mind, Blok marveled at a glance and said - "It's good." "Dovkola drowned Russia Blok ... Dunno, dimka pivnochi went to the bottom, like tricks and canned plaques go." The people go "for bread, for peace, for freedom." “Take the factory from the bourgeoisie! Take the field to the helper! The proletarians are expropriating the “bourgeois”: “What is my Nina’s head?! Sir yourself! Pull the piano into the hut, the gramophone with the anniversary!

Tsei whirlwind, / thought to the trigger,
I life
Cleaned up / party / to hand,
I directed, / I was up to lavas.


It's a cold winter. Ale komunisti shove the cold to chop wood on a labor subotnik.

At our wagons, / on our way,
Our / wanted / firewood.
You can / drink / years on two,
Ale mi - pіdemo pіzno.
To our comrades / firewood
Need: comrades to freeze.

"Socialism: free labor of people who have chosen freely".


Capitalists cannot understand what kind of a republic is so socialistic, like its characteristic features- “What kind of fruits-oranges are growing near your big house paradise?” Go on chirping, “what are you going for, how to punish -“ fight ”? Point out to those who are too difficult. Sings in a voice:

Listen, / national drone, -
Our day / Tim and good, what is important.
Tsya song / I'll be singing
Our bіd, / overcame, / everyday life.


Intervention. Plivut "from Marseille, from Dover ... to Arkhangelsk." "Z song, z whisky, sit like a pig." The capitalists are plundering, "the heat of the comb is with the wrong hands." Z pivnochi ide Admiral Kolchak, at Krimu, on Perekop Wrangel zasiv. The colonels speak for an hour about those who stink well fight against the Bolsheviks, one rozpovida about those who themselves "a dozen miracles of the Bolsheviks" killed and, like a dandy, vryatuvav girl. Bіshoviki in kіltsi, Moscow on the islands, and we on the islands. Mi are hungry, mi are zhenki, with Lenin at the head and with a revolver at the hands.


The author rozpovidaє about those who live at the houses of Stakhєєva, in which the VRNG is now located. Hungry, cold; The author is a witness to what is being said. At his booth, like a chovni, wine "having drank three thousand days."


I’ll bet speculators to walk around, “hug, kiss, kill for rupees.” The secretaries “stupid with felt boots”, there are lumberjacks behind the bread cards, but no one is dissatisfied, but they think, the smut is beaten up. Poz to pass the "unforgettable" practitioner - "I go for a ration - the government saw apricots and jam." We can also live without licorice, to that “we need phosphorus”, “oliya on a saucer”. "Ale, as for evil, there is a revolution, but there is no oliy." Lunacharsky is seen by people who will draw the right of the revolution "tsukor, fat, birch firewood, dry fields ... and a fur coat with a wide coat."


The author sits at the house of Liley, Osei (Briki) and the dog Shchenik. Cold. The author is dressed in the same way as Yaroslavsky. “Having taken the parkan of rozlamaniy”, zanuryv at the sled, brought home, rozvіv fire. The author guesses that youmu had a chance to bluff around the warm lands.

Ale tilki / in this winter
Zrozumiloy / became / me / warmth
Love, / friendship / that family.
Less lying down / in such a necklace,
With teeth / at once / clattering -
Mindfulness: / it’s impossible / to fool people
No carpet, / no caress.


Chi not home, / not for soup,
a to kohanoi / at the guest
two /carrots /carry
for the green ponytail.
I / richly bestowed / confection and bouquets,
ale more / all / expensive gifts
I remember / dear carrot qiu
that pіdloga - / log / birch firewood.

The author guesses, as if eating horsemeat, as if sharing with the young sister Olya Silla, “a pinch that she drank”. Behind the wall of susіd kazhe retinue: "Go, sell your jacket." The author guesses that "America lies beyond the gloomy shore." "I was lying, drinking kava, cocoa." Ale sings, like before, it seems: “I love this land ... The land, having doubled my hunger, I can’t forget it in any way.”


Koshtuyut locomotives. The paths were covered with snow. People clear snow with shovels. Five people got frostbite, but the locomotive was ahead of them. At the right time to walk "obyvatsky sensitive: Denikin go all the way, to Tula, to the powder heart." Chervoni naganyat Mamontov, fight. He sings about the swing of Kaplan on Lenin:

Wind / health / lists of shooters,
ditch, / twist / and let the pipe go.
And the paw / class / lie on the hut -
Lubyansk paw of the Cheka.

"A million class became for Illich", the inhabitants "wowed for the kitchen, for the pelushki". The author, it seems, sho bachiv rich mіsts, "de іnzhir with quince grew easily at my company."

Ale land, / yaku / having conquered
I drink / blame,
Get tired of the coulee, / kick with a twine,
De krapleyu / lyeshsya with the masses, -
From such / land / go / for life,
To pratsyu, / to the holy / that to death!


Wrangel to live from the Crimea. Screams, like. Live "volunteers" (soldiers of the Volunteer Army), "the public is pure that soldiery." The whole public forgot about decency, “threw fashion”, said something like: “fuck a lady in the face, beat the colonel’s soldiers with mystki”. "Vchorashni rosiyani" run across the cordon, schob "to get cows in Argentina, to die in African pits." I had a chance to get in and the interventionists. At Krim, red letters from the song "First of us Voroshilov, the first red officer" enter. After the victory, everyone guessed - "under-cut, under-pressed from someone."

I am with you, / who is viishov / will be and will take care of
in sucіlnіy / likhomantsі / weekday.
Batkivshchyna / glorify, / Yak є,
ale trichi - / yake will be.
I / our plans / love the bulk,
Rozmahu / kroki sazhen.
I radiu / march, / yakim idemo
At the robot / that at the battle.
I, like the spring of humanity,
Narodzhenu / at pratsyakh that in battle,
I sing / my fatherland, / my republic!


It seems that “nine days and grass” (the poem was written before the tenth river of the revolution) sang the spirit. The monuments protrude to the witnesses of quiet distant pods, as if they had already caught up, that is the mausoleum of Lenin. He sings silently, who has given life for the right of the revolution - The beauty of those others. Now foreign lands recognize the Mity of Russia (SRSR): “Your litter-country with skin hinged blindness, mitznisha, strong and string ...” Rich someone to chirp, “I will get the comunity of this light and become the republic of yours?” He also sings of turbulence for nourishment and nourishment, which does not attract people, “omnipotent mud”, “officialdom did not call the bells?”

Say - / qila? / Say - / one?
Chi is ready / before the fight / party strength?


I / earthly cool /
little not all / obіyshov, -
i life / good,
i live - / good!
And in our bush, / combative and ebullient, -
I even shorter.
V'єtsya / street-snake.
Budinki / vzdovzh zmії.
The street is mine.
Home is mine.

New shops are opening, products are being sold, “they are not stocked,” prices are being reduced, “my cooperation has begun to operate.”

My /name/ at the poetic heading.
Radiu I - / tse / my work
Infuse / at the prac / my republic.

Sings usvіdomlyuє his venerableness to everything that comes around, vin povnovladny lord of the land, like a skinny її hulk. The author gave the epithet "mіy" to deputies, and officials, like going to the meeting, the police, like "me cherishing", litchiks, military, like always ready to give the vіdsіch vorogov.

The author established a new "telegraphic" style. It seems that the bilingual hours have passed, the genres of "epopei" and "eposiv" have ended. The author's method is to create such a book, as if it would call out to the reader with enthusiasm and a surge of strength.

At Rastrelli's prompted tsar's palace "spread like a sworn jury" (Kerensky). Vіn p'yany his glory and recognize himself "sometimes military, then justice, then like a minister."

The adjutant and staff captain Popov are talking about the government. Lenin, at Popov's thought, this is confusion. I myself know that a basis, a basis, is necessary for socialism, and that it is necessary to start democracy first, and then let’s parliament. The Bolsheviks are getting ready for active action. From Zhovtnі take the Winter Palace from the kіltse. The attack on Zimovy Viperedzhaetsya salvo "Aurori". On the deserted embankment, the author of the poet Oleksandr Blok was singing. To the author's question, that Blok thinks about those who seem to be, he only says "It's better."

It's cold winter. Chop the firewood on the labor subotnik, beat the frost of the commune. The capitalists cannot understand in any way what a socialist republic is and what special features it is.

Intervention. Admiral Kolchak went to the pivnochi, Wrangel sat at the Crimea. The colonels boast alone before one of their victories over the Bolsheviks and speak about their goodness. Bіshoviki near the kіltsi.

The author, who is an eyewitness of what he sees, rozpovida, that he lives in the houses of Stakhiev. It is cold, hungry, to heat a little coarse with volumes of Shakespeare. Let's live without malt, but there's nothing to worry about. Head meta contagion - vіdbiti bіlih.

Reds are fighting. Wrangel to live, the red ones enter to Krim.

The deputy of the agricultural land of Russia gradually becomes an industrial power. For nine years, which passed after the revolution, Lenin's mausoleum and monuments overtook. He sings for the sake of all those who have given their lives for the right of the revolution.

Shops are reopening, merchandise has become more affordable, prices are dropping. He sings in respect to himself, like a skin hulk, the new master of his land.


Idea-mystic originality sing Mayakovsky's "Good"!

Tse bіytsami, chi kraїnoy,

but in my heart it was in mine.


Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Mayakovsky wrote in his autobiography: "Good!" I vvazhu programmatic rіchchyu, on kshtalt "Hmara at the pants" for that hour. Up to this creation about the revolution, Batkivshchyna, about the people of that їhnє future, yshov sings for ten years. Mayakovsky introduces his mastery to the first stage of the idea, creating the song “Mystery-Buff” and therefore “150.000.000”, but the theme of the revolution was revealed to the people in these creations in a zagalnenno, schematically.

p align="justify"> With the next critical stage of the bula of the poem "Volodymyr the Illich Lenin" - a verdict that tells about those who sing in the new art. As soon as Mayakovsky heard the song, sing “Good!”. It is made up of nineteen small divisions, skins of which are an episode of a varied life for the people of Russia ahead of the revolution, at the revolution, after it. The author, without deviating from the exact order, to create more facts, it is more important for you to show how these facts show particularities people's life, setting people up to the party, Batkivshchyna. The first division is the intro. Coming in vіsіm razdіlіv - practical implementation of the idea about revealing the essence of Zhovtnya, the importance of their life to the people.

“Stop the war!

Finish it!

hungry roci -


people -

The eighth chapter ends with a picture of a subotnik, which shows the new setting of people to work, what is taking shape after the revolution:





From the very beginning of the installation of a new people to the Batkivshchyna, it was commemorated by the looks of the “National Drone”, it sings showing that they have peopled and appreciated the new souls of the people inspired by the revolution. I refrain to sound the words:

having conquered

I'm drinking


de scool get tired,

kick with a twine,

de krapleyu

lie with the masses, -

for life,


and to death!

At the seventeenth-nineteenth divisions, lyrical visnovoks are given, which expresses the author’s firm commitment to the bright future of the Batkivshchyna, to those who are happy people can give less socialistic land. The poem ends with the anthem of the country, “the land of youth”.

spring of humanity,


at pratsy that in battle,

my fatherland,

my republic!

At the center of the sing - protectors of the revolution, skins from images sing borderline іndivіdualіzovaniya: in some vipadki in the distance a detail was found - "And in Smolny, in thoughts about the battle and war, Іllіch masquerading throws crocks", in others - especially mov - "I, comrades, - From the storm bureau. They finished the meeting - strum-strum".

Guessed -


who is missing

domain names

fireboxes ta dawn.

He sings to talk about his blood connection from the Radyansk Batkivshchyna. Ninі tsya poema can be taken as utopia, cіkava from the historical side.

Nich (pages 23-24). - In the autobiographical drawing “I myself”, Mayakovsky stated that this line is “the first professional, friend”. About more early, “unprofessional”, unguided verses of the poet, the elder sister of L. Mayakovsky at the book “About Volodymyr Mayakovsky” (M., kind of “Child Literature”, 1968), as well as friends of that know the poet, knew yoga from the Kutaisk gymnasium.

Mayakovsky, saying that “first napіvvіrsh” was seen before the Moscow period and was introduced to the illegal journal of gymnasium students “Poriv”: “The third gymnasium saw the illegal magazine “Poriv”.

Having formed. Do you write more, but I can't? Becoming ripple. It sounded namingly revolutionary and so self-indulgent... I don't remember a single line. By writing to a friend. Viyshlo lyric. Krіm such a camp heart summed up with my “socialist dignity”, leaving the call” (“I myself”).

According to S. D. Dolinsky, who saw the almanac "Light of a suspenseful relish", in which two "professional, drukova" verses were published - "Nich", "Ranok", Mayakovsky Vlіtka 1912, having written a streak of verses, yakі nezabarom were znischenі. Through a sprig of rock, he sings, denoting that his early verses are “the most confused, and the stench most often called out to talk about those who stench were unreasonable. Therefore, in all distant speeches, food about intelligence already appeared before me, and I tried to work speech already so that the stench reached the yakomog of a greater number of hearing people. (Chervonoy Presnya Komsomol spoke at Budinka on 25 February 1930.) At the link with the next mother on the street, as the elder sister L. Mayakovska wrote: we are building with bourgeois art."

Port (side 24). - The first name is “Vidplitya”. Written under the enemy in the Mykolaiv port, de Mayakovsky buv, passing by Novu Mayachka (Tavriya province).

Vulichne (side 24). - ... and a letter was made for me on a monthly herring attack. - In the early work of the poet, various objects (or images), which are perceived by the human eye at the splendid state of calm, are given to the whirlwind of Russia: vikna rise, talking about the cob of gambling (“Nich”), jumping letters of the vivisok”, (“Vulichne”), (“Vulichne”) Subject "dynamism" - characteristic of rice figurative system of Mayakovsky.

Vasylkiv. - Kazkovy serpent, dragon.

What could you do? (Stor. 25). – Nocturne (from the French “nocturne” – literally: night) is a kind of small lyrical musical creation.

1920 Mayakovsky recited the verse on the phonograph.

I (pages 25-26). - The first verse from the cycle tієї zh name, which takes you to the first lithographed collection of verses by Mayakovsky “Ya1”, which includes all and the next three verses. The tax overlay became 300 primirnikiv: lining - the work of the poet himself, the little one V. N. Chekrigin and L. F. Zhegina. Looking back at the “Rik Russian Poetry” Valery Bryusov wrote: “... the most happy vinyatkiv we have at the top, signed by U. Mayakovsky ...” (“Russian Dumka”, 1914, No. 5). The book was immediately recognized by Gorky: “The axis to take for the butt of Mayakovsky is young, I have a total of twenty years, wines noisy, untidy, but in the new, without a doubt, here it’s a waste of time, gifted. You need to practice, you need to read, and I write kindly, right words. I'm reading a yoga book of poetry. Yaks me zupinilo. It is written in correct words” (“Zhurnal zhurnaliv”, 1915 No. 1).

Noise, noise, noise (page 26). - Groom (English) - servant boy.

To rustle the risak near the tunic. - Mine on uvazі sharudinnya brukіvkoy puffy tires for the crew and oshatnі (bіlі or kolorіorі) nets on risaks, which made robes (tunics) of the ancient Romans.

Adishe Mista (pages 26-27). - The first name is “Zigzags at the evening”.

Nate (page 27). - The first verse, which directly vindicates the exploiters' suspense. Vechir, having read the author of "Nate!"

I ended up messing with the police. About the golomshlivy vpliv reading “Nati!” povіdomlyaє "Moskovska Gazeta" from 21 zhovtnya

1913 rock: “... The public was angry. I felt the whistles sounding loud, the cries of "get out!". Mayakovsky buv is not ugly. Prodovzhuvav have the same styles.

me, a rude Hun... - Poet defiantly opposes to himself the bourgeois "vitoncheniy" public.

Nothing can be understood (page 28). - First, I’ll call it “Punching through with your fists.” Mayakovsky expresses his ignorance to the "pure public"; "Punching through with your fists", joking new ways of the new art.

Listen! (Stor. 28-29). - In 1920, Mayakovsky recorded the verse on a phonograph (with changes). S.S. Shamardin tells about the history of creation: The sky was overcast. Tіlki zrіdka raptom blisne zіrka. The 1st axis is right there, at the vіznitsky passage, becoming folded up: “Listen! Adzhe, like stars are scorched, so who needs it? Potim seems to be: “Virshi come out. Just not like me. About stars! Tse not duzhe sentimental? And I will write. But maybe I won’t be rude.”

Viynu is stunned (pages 29-30). – Written on a cob on the 1st sickle (18 lime) 1914, the year of the first world imperialist war. Mayakovsky chitav tsey vіrsh 21 lipnya

1914 to the fate of the rally of the erection of the monument to Skobelov near Moscow. Violin and troch nervous (pages 30-31). - Plate - at to this particular type: percussive musical instrument. Helikon is a kіltsepodіbna midna trumpet with a wide horn.

I and Napoleon (pages 31-33). - Velika Presnya, 36, 24 ... - the exact address of the Mayakovskys' homeland, here she sings at once from her mother, and her sisters are alive in 1913-1915; Now, near my apartment, the Gromadsky Literary and Memorial Museum. ...Noeva has a Moscow flower shop on Petrivtsi, named after Vlasnik. ... I'm going today to thousands of Russian Jaffas plagued by thousands of Russian Jaffa - 1799 the hour of the trip to Egypt Napoleon saw the plague hospital in Jaffa ... A thousand Arkolsky bridges! - in the battle with the Austrian troops, Napoleon especially choked the attack (1796) and under the fire of the enemy, the ice was not killed on the bridge in the Italian town of Arcoli. My nrik at the edge of the hour beats ... thousands of pyramids! - Before the "Battle of the Pyramids" (1798), Napoleon yelled: "Soldiers, from the heights of these monuments, for forty centuries, marvel at you!"

Cloudy at the pants (pages 37 - 57). - The poem, following the words of Mayakovsky, “started with a sheet in 1913/14 roci, completed in 1915 roci and on the back” was called “The Thirteenth Apostle”. At the distribution “Cob of the 14th fate” (“I myself”), there is a note: “I watch mastery. I can change the subject. Wrapped up. I put food about the topic. About the revolutionary I'm thinking about "Hmara in my pants." Therefore, Mayakovsky ended in the first half of 1915. This is the explanation of Mayakovsky in that, if in the past he had lived viraz - "cloudy at the pants." “Fate in the thirteenth, turning from Saratov to Moscow, I proved with the method of proving that the wagon companion of my total loyalty said to me that I am“ not a man, but a gloom in my pants. Having said, I immediately realized that I could become in good time for the verse, and rapt it would be easy and would be squandered darma?.. ).

Maria - Maria Oleksandrivna Denisova (1894-1944), "who was the prototype of the heroine of the Poem, the daughter of a peasant from the Smolensk province. Mayakovsky's acquaintance with Mary, which deprived the life of a deep trace of Denis, in ..highly enchanting elegance and intellectual directness to everything new, modern, revolutionary.» About Mayakovsky’s first kohanny, Mary’s share is shown in the drawings of Volodymyr Vorontsov and Volodymyr Makarov “Russian Gioconda” (almanac “Poeziya”, No. 8) 1972. “Young Guard”), as well as in their notes in the magazine “Vognik”, No. 21, 22, May 1972).

"Luzitaniya" - an English passenger steamboat, a kind of torpedoing boat on May 7, 1915, was sailing on the water.

4 Zarathustra is an Iranian prophet, for a religious decree, the creator of the religion of the peoples of Central Asia, Persia. Azerbaijan.

Mayakovsky Zarathustra is a herald and a preacher who speaks in the name of Masi.

It called to Golgotha ​​auditoriums of Petrograd, Moscow, Odessa, Kiev. - Golgotha ​​- a pagorb near Jerusalem, on which the legend of Jesus Christ rose with the legend.

"Rip yoga!" - the words from the Gospel are quoted, de rozpovidaєtsya, that in Rusalimi іsnuvav sound from nagoda svіdpuskat to the will of one of them. The Roman monastic Pilate, on the occasion of the holy day, uttered the cry of Christ, who was accused by the high priests. Natovp, hankering after Christ's striae, asked them to let Barabbas in.

Krіz your cry tear up the eye of the liz, zbozhevoliyuchi, Bur-lun - toil at the uvazi D. D. Burliuk, the knower of Mayakovsky, a kind of blind on one eye.

"Drink Van Gouten's cocoa!" - for povіdomlennyami newspapers, litigation to strati wait to shout before death: "Drink Van Guten's cocoa!" For this advertisement, the firm promised the great wine-grower of this city.

Bismarck (1815 -1898) - state fiend, who, for the help of "the blood of that hall", united the princedoms in the landowner-bourgeois German empire. Bismarck priyav rozv'azannya Russian-Turkish war 1877 - 1878 rokiv.

Galife (Galiffe) Gaston (1830 - 1909) - French general, who zhorstochko raspravlis z heroes of the Parisian commune in 1871.

Azef Y. F. (1869 -1918) - one of the organizers and advocates of the party of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, a vile provocateur, who began to serve in the tsar's police in 1892. Im'ya Azef is a synonym for evil for the sake of.

She sings sonnets to Tiana... - the name of a woman at the head of Igor Severyanin "Tiana".

“Give us our daily bread today” - the words of the prayer “Our Father”.

A thousand times, in the sun of Irodia, the earth was covered with the sun - the head of the Baptist - behind the Evangelical legend, then it was not Irodiada, but the daughter of її Solomіya Mayakovsky, who played the victorious folk retelling (apocrypha) of the legend, in a yakіy pla.

Ki-na-pu is a popular dance.

I don’t want to give kobils more from the Sevres boroshna zroblenyh.

vase - a wide-range factory near Pivnochi, producing especially thin and valuable porcelain wares. A vase with a boroshna is a metaphorical image of the heart, soul.

Flute spine (pages 57-65). - Mayzha was created at the same time with the sing "Hmara in Pants" (completed after the leaf fall of 1915.)

Hoffmann Ernst Theodor Amadeus - German writer and composer of the 19th century.

Like elephants with hundred-pound games completed the victory of Pirrov.

Bishop tsar Pirrus at the battle of Siris in 280 roci for the first time zastosuv against the Romans fighting elephants.

Byalin Khaim-Nahman (1873 - 1934) - sings, as if writing in an old Jewish language.

King Albert (1875-1934) Belgian king. In 1914, Nimechchina, advancing on France, occupied all of Belgium.

She robbed her heart, having spared everything, that she tormented my soul in my lighthouse ... - a handful of poetry was left with the dedication "Lili Yuuriivni Brik." L. Yu. Brik (born 1891), freak. Kagan, - wife of O. M. Brik (1888 - 1945). He sings about Brikov, their mutual folds, about his vastness of love and hatred in the poem “About Tse” (div. also help Y. Lavinskaya in the collection “Mayakovsky in the Friendships of Relatives and Friends”, “Moscow Robotnik”, 1968 and ін ).

Nabridlo (sides 66 - 68). - First, I’ll call it “Don’t call it better”, with illustration by A. Radakov.

Annensky I. - sings decadent.

I’ll read Ryabe ... “It’s just like a mukannya” - it’s on the verge of the ringing of Mayakovsky’s first collection, “It’s just like a mukannya”, seen in 1916, roci, “Ryaboє” - a kind of point on the mist of censorship bypasses.

Giveaway (pages 68-70). - Pierpont Morgan - American billionaire John Pierpont Morgan (1837 - 1913).

Sobі, kohanom, assigning rows to the author (pages 70 - 71). - “Caesar's is Caesar's, God's is God's” – a quote from the Gospel is modified. See, like, behind the legend, having given Christ we will send in the wake of the Pharisees, who should be revered more: the god of the Roman Caesar (emperor).

Goliath - behind the biblical legends, the Philistine hero, in Mayakovsky - the instillation of physical strength.

Remaining Petersburg Cossack (pages 71-73). - Stop the Emperor Peter the Great - there is a famous memo to Peter I by Falcone on Senatsky Square in Petrograd.

A fairy tale about a red cap (page 73). – The Cadets are a constitutional-democratic party of the liberal-monarchist bourgeoisie in Russia, which, hiding behind liberal phrases, fought against the revolution.

War and peace (pages 74-78). - Previously, the 5th part was published in the Gorky magazine "Litopis"; Mayakovsky read the third part at the editorial office of the magazine in the presence of M. Gorky. Censorship hindered the її publication, and at No. 9 of the “Litopis” for 1916, the poem was placed in the list of works, as “they cannot be charged with independent editorial furnishing”.

Nero (37-68) - Roman emperor; become addicted to crooked views, grandiose theatrical performances. Zgidno with a legend, having burnt Rome and being merciful with a picture after.

Lyudin (sides 78 - 91). - At the distribution of “16th River” (“I myself”): “Completed“ War and Peace ”. Trohi pіznіshe - "People". For example, since 1918, the fate of the poem was read at the evening - "Singing two generations of poets" - at the apartment of the poet A. Amari. “Tilki skіnchiv Mayakovsky, from the month he stood up from the experience of A. Bily and stating that it was not possible for him to find it in a moment, that in Russia a poem could be written at the same time, the sheets could be written for deep thought all worldly literature, etc. ... Having risen mastitiy I. D. Balmont ... having begun to read a sonnet, and in that sonnet, that father’s praise was friendly, there sounded a hint of recognition of the position and access to another plane ”(“ A far-reaching glance ”, 1919, 29 chervnya).

“Hello, Abram Vasilovich!” - A. V. Evnin, Mayakovsky's acquaintance.

From the niche, the head of the nobile, vilip - on the Petrogradskaya street of Zhukovsky, near the niche wall of one of the houses, a stony head of a horse was placed.

Our march (pages 106-107). - The composer A.S. Lur'e wrote music to the text of the verse. At the first birthplace of the Great Zhovtnevoy Revolution, "Our March" was played by military brass bands on stages, squares, on the Field of Mars at the unveiling of the monument to Karl Marx ("Life of Mysticism", 1918, 20 leaf fall).

Good posture to the horses (pages 107-108). - First, I’ll call it “Setting up the horses” (newspaper “New Life”, 1918, 9 worms). In the same issue, a drawing by M. Gorky about the street in Petrograd was published: Gostrі kuti tree vpivayutsya їy at the side, the shafts of the stake are broken in the blowing life. Kіn crying, mlyavі povіki judiciary vychavlyuyut z kalamutnyh eyes great, brudnі tears. Її otchuu natovp frown people, like, maybe, hurry up nowhere: stink to talk about those who are old, who don’t take advantage of the power of you, vіznik, sitting on the pedestal, roaring about the road stern and the prophet: “Soon everything will die out in the absence of years. And people are like that.

Ode to the Revolution (pages 109-110). - Blessed ... the roots of the cathedrals ... to bolster the Kremlin's thousands - the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed for an hour of fighting with the junkers, like they launched a counter-revolutionary rebellion after the transfer of power to the Rada, having taken a small amount of damage.

"Glory" to wheeze at the dying flight - the Russian battleship, which repaired the heroic support for the Germans at the hour of the battle in the Moonsund Protoci (17-19 July).

With the butts of the women of these admirals ... from the bridge in Helsingfors (now Gelsinki) - the praise of the midst of the Baltic sailors at the sickle - spring of 1917, viklikanі zradnitskoy policy of the Timchasov ryad, if the sailors rozravnitsya from the counter-revolutionary

Updated: 2011-04-24


Corisan material on the topic

The literature of the twenty years of richness is rich and varied, and we have been blessed with such a great recession. However, the most controversial nugget in the crown of Russian literature is Volodymyr Mayakovsky. Do something about it, and until that day the readers know in rows all the new and new messages. Mayakovsky's verse "About Tse" was submitted for analysis more than once and is considered to be the most critical and turning point in his creativity. Let's take a look at this report.


This person lived a total of 36 years, and it was thought that she could live to a deep old age and bestow her new extraordinary creations. Ale did not sue. The whole essence of his creations was in the minds and feelings of the poet, and he had plenty of them. Call the character of Mayakovsky sticky and infuriate, seemingly mildly, modest decisions. A riot of emotions rushed about in the middle of the new one and wafted on everything, so that it would not trap on the path. How to describe the contemporary people, Volodymyr Volodymyrovich made less grandiose creations more popular, like a calm set in with him. Before the speech, such moments were rarely dragged.

Emotions were the driving force of that muse of the poet, like wine shukav today. This is how Mayakovsky's greatest tvir "About Tse" was created. The author, looking older than his fate, through suvori draws a veneer and a serious expression. The figure of Mayakovsky boulder is stately, well-folded, and the height of the vines is close to 189 centimeters. The voice is supra-lingually raucous, deep, evidently of the yoga of nature and tones. On the aphids of the whole people, there are vіrshі-improvement, emotions, in a human way massive and dense. Rich vіrshiv buli pіdnіshe pіddanі analіzu, but "About tse" by Volodymyr Mayakovsky is the most respectful of historians.

Zvichayno, vrakhovuchi all tse, it is important to show how romantic and soft drawings the poet has. Prote the strongest and most beautiful in the poem "About Tse" Mayakovsky spoke more clearly and loudly. Light swayed the verses not at the sight of the primary chotirivirshivs, but in the non-primary form of the “drabinka”. The stinks were similar to the fading, and in the skin word they called out a reader. Volodymyr Volodymyrovich was honored with this option and then create your own wines in a unique manner. And having written his wine to him, ospivuyuchi one for all life kokhannya that muse.

… that Lilia Brik

Tse zhіnka, everyone spoke about yak in a different way, but they spoke forever. Vaughn could not help but lose her hostility, a lot of people shook their heads after getting to know her. Prote to the greatest її kokhanny, as Lilia Yuryivna knew, not Mayakovsky, but the first man

You know the stench in your youth, and by stretching seven years of wine softly and in a friendly way you have won її pretentiousness. In 1912, the roci wilted їhnє vesіllya, Lili todі buv 21 rіk. Already in 1915, the share of the past called Volodymyr Mayakovsky, and until his very death, he was present in his life and was the only love of the head, like a poet's breath. Vіn dedicating to him practically all his creations, to the main ones є Mayakovsky “About Tse”, a short analysis of which will be presented further.

About everything, but about her

The poem "About Tse" was written in two months, from 28 December 1922 to 28 February 1923. It is tied to the prohannyam of Lily Brik to put a pause in the hundred days of life in different places of the kilka of months. For Mayakovsky, it was hard for two months, stretching out some wines and writing down his feelings from the poet. In fact, for the whole period of time I have never phoned my kohaniy, even passing on my ticket, ptahіv and other signs of respect.

Analysis of "About Tse" by Mayakovsky wants to be told from the main picture. For the reader, the check is more expensive according to the share of the author, de vin zustrіchaє relatives, kokhan, suspіlstvo and one's own order with the sweet heart of the river Neva. Vіn rush to Moscow, vіn whisper the truth. Here, in the past, tomorrow, today, it seems that Mayakovsky wrote a theses description of what he sees, what he praises. However, the cause of such confusion is Lilya.

Pochuttya perepovnyuyut skin word, i, pіdbivayuchi pіdsumok, chitach chitchat, like it’s close to Volodymyr Mayakovsky at tsіy pomі, like a little mist that yak richly unreasonable. Create an ear of cob, a kіnets, between an arch and specks, but for the author himself, he calls for wisdom, for yakі vin calls to come. So vin calls and his kohannya.

Part 1. Terzannya

Mayakovsky draws a singing theme in the mind of a reader, enigmatic and visible. The big one is undefeatable. Vaughn to torment and all the same beckon. Im'ya those rozkrivaєtsya in the rest of the row is less like Rome. The reader himself will guess that the head word is love. Here the authoritative poet of the emotional vitreous of the skin row is obvious. Vіn himself at the stress of his own feelings and zmushuє іnshih vіdchuvati napruzі pіd hour of reading. Skladnopіdyomnі ​​movnі zvorot and pіvnyannya p_dkreslyuyut importance, foldability of feelings. Kokhannya is true is not a simple thing, but in the wake of Liliya Mayakovsky is aware of the whole world.

Part 2. Vision

According to early analyzes of Mayakovsky's verse "About Tse", there was not just a description of the action of that character, but a grotesque manifestation of the public of one's soul. And rich people lived in it.

Known at the kohanna of his Lily, it was reportedly roared through the stage at the apartment - in the pit, de sings closed in the outside world. Iomu was given an important separation, and in the dreams of wines, obviously, spodіvavsya hoch bi on a telephone ring. Mayakovsky pіdnіs yogo unrealistically high. Rozmova z Lileyu bula b for the new guardian, vamuvannyam tsієї sincere care. He sings of his own experience with an earthworm, who is remembered to be born on the streets, and he himself is a wine, dumb witch, who merges on the krizhin, self-reliant and bezporadny.

So Volodymyr Volodymyrovich knows his weakness in front of the kohanny, in his fleetingness we don’t feel fear. Paired with a witch, the moderns call it an analogy with the Trickster - a deity and a man with a two-sided super-cheesy nature.

Part 3. On the phone

In fact, in an hour of writing, Mayakovsky did not speak to Lily in particular, nor on the phone. Vіdstan mіzh a couple was a full reach, and with a ring it would run away a thousand times. However, the conversation did not come out, and he sings, having become a star of the world, from the whole world. In some rows, the verse "About tse" Mayakovsky to play the stage with his comrades. The situation is significant for that hour, if young people choose together to dance, dance and have fun for an hour. Sings concretizes his vision. Describe what you are afraid of witting. Ale and "won" can vryatuvat the author in death. Volodymyr Volodymyrovich sharply takes into his hands already by the sprat of a row. Vіn rozіrkovuє about his part and himself, it seems that once you have stood 7 years, then another 200 can, without checking the order.

We continue the analysis. "About tse" by Mayakovsky in the first part explains what to say about the period from the moment of acquaintance with Lily Brik. Tse buli were painful for a man, but for a poet, an hour of riches on porivi. To that, rozumіyuchi its staleness, wines ready stand і 200 rokіv, looking at their kohana.

Part 4. Big

Super-chlivy hero, sing pochinaє tіkati. Vіn bachel the people on the bridge, for which I threaten the danger. And without analysis, it is obvious that Mayakovsky himself was more than a few years earlier. Vіdsilannya until the past, like, pevne, bulo bazhannya change. Farther on the way, relatives are ringing, as if they don’t smell the blessing about the order of the “double on the bridge”. Volodymyr Mayakovsky changes his mind at the primitive kohanni of his relatives and desolates them. The poem "About Tse" by Mayakovsky, the analysis of which is timidly, in this part, showed the fakhivtsy that the grotesque manner intertwines with some images and permeates the entire TV. Ale, in this rank, it becomes obvious that the author wants to show his pіdnesene, not like other, love.

Part 5. Fear

More expensively, the end is coming, and the hour is over, ceasing to chase after the flow of the poet's thoughts. Vіnyaєєєєєєєє on the top of the mountain, zvіdki succumb to the people who were standing below. The stench does not understand the purity of thought, that and those who write wine do not earn a penny. Natovp, first of all, horses in spurs, don’t waste anything on the spot, I’ll stick to the routine. For the purpose of shooting at the author's іznoї zbroї. It's scary to appear unreasonable, it's scary to become an enemy.

Mayakovsky was almost like narcissism, although he did not recognize and did not show his guilt. When analyzing this urivka, it falls into the vіchі pіdnesennia of the author over the natovp. Vіddaleno vіn nagaduє Іsus, who was rozіp'yali for yogo wider bazhannya to help people and to shine through їх, to learn how to work the visnovka and conduct an analysis. Versh "About tse" Mayakovsky wrote, not less, blaming his atheism and communism.


Once the hero had died, let him eat in the sacks, but Mayakovsky continued to rozmirkovuvat already after all his own epilogue. The soul of the poet is left with hope for the next generation: the stench can and wants to resurrect Yogo and Lily, so that the stench “catch up with dislike”. I can't believe that in the future, there is a right place without borders, that the whole World is the scale of love.

I again have an obvious handwriting - grotesque and futurism - demonstrating the poem "Pro Tse" by Volodymyr Mayakovsky. Analysis allows you to understand: singing, calling to remember for example and to reveal that in the future yoga, that kohanu will be resurrected for life the shortest world. But why not once for a pik-two chi? Volodymyr Volodymyrovich let it go, having anticipated his hour, and in the future, more of one mind, and life will be calm. You might not feel like it, forget about the patterns and with the powerful Mayakovsky onslaught, evade the scale, with the noise of that boundless love to your own Lily.

Finish the analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "About tse" with rows of works:

"Nini disliked


the spectacle of the unfamiliar nights.


I would like for those

check you

having seen everyday life!

Resurrect me

want bi for tse!

Sunday -

I want to live my life!

Tse bіytsami, chi kraїnoy,

But in my heart it was in mine.

Volodymyr Mayakovsky wrote in his autobiography: “Good!” I vvazha program rіchchyu, on kshtalt "Dumb at the pants" for that hour. Up to this creation about the revolution, Batkivshchyna, about the people of that їhnє future, yshov sings for ten years. Mayakovsky introduces his mastery to the first stage of his thought, creating the song “Mystery-Buff” and therefore “150.000.000”, but the theme of the revolution was revealed to the people in these creations in a zagalnenno, schematically.

Let's start the turning point of the bula of the poem "Volodymyr the Illich Lenin" - tvir, what to say, who sings knowing his way in the new mysticism. Just after that, Mayakovsky sang the song "Good!" It is made up of nineteen small divisions, skins of which are an episode of a varied life for the people of Russia ahead of the revolution, at the revolution, after it. The author, without deviating from the exact order of showing the facts, it is more important for you to show how these facts show the peculiarities of the people's life, the placement of people to the party, the Batkivshchyna. The first division is the intro. Coming in vіsіm razdіlіv - practical implementation of the idea about revealing the essence of Zhovtnya, the importance of their life to the people.

“Stop the war!

Finish it!

Hungry roci -


"to the people -

The eighth chapter ends with a picture of a subotnik, which shows the new setting of people to work, what is taking shape after the revolution:





From the very beginning of the installation of a new people to the Batkivshchyna, it was commemorated by the looks of the “National Drone”, it sings showing, in some minds people were growing and appreciating the new souls of the people inspired by the revolution. I refrain to sound the words:

having conquered

I drink and live


Get tired of the cool,

Kvintivkoy kick,

De krapleyu

Lie with the masses, -

For life


I to death!

At the seventeenth-nineteenth divisions, lyrical visnovoks are given, which expresses the author’s firm commitment to the bright future of the Batkivshchyna, to those who are happy people can give less socialistic land. The poem ends with the anthem of the country, "the land of youth".

Spring of humanity


At pratsyah she is in battle,

My fatherland

My Republic!

At the center of the sing - protectors of the revolution, skins from the images of sing borderline individualizations: in some vipadkas far away a detail was found - “And in Smolny, in thoughts about the battle, that war, Іllіch masquerading throws crocks”, in others - especially movi - “I, comrades, - From the Viysk's Bureau. We finished the meeting - strum-strum." After the conquest of Zhovtnya, the country proceeded to heal the wounds:

Guessed -


Not enough for anyone

Domain names

Fireboxes and dawn.

He sings to talk about his blood connection from the Radyansk Batkivshchyna. Ninі tsya poema can be taken as utopia, cіkava from the historical side.

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