Vitamins for m'yazovy growth. Vitamins for minds: what are the best? Naroschuvannya, zmіtsnennya that vіdnovlennya m'yazіv. The value of vitamins in bodybuilding

The athletes are shifted in a natural way, and the male, without a gap of steroid, is a metro station of the pirotkosti tydnnaya trening vicoristovo, a porishyno, and it is not to lean, and the sorean, a fair which are sold in specialized sports food stores. A number of medicinal products are widely used by athletes for these purposes, and they are available in excellent pharmacies without a prescription.

But, regardless of the inconsistency and availability of such pharmaceutical preparations, it is necessary to clearly follow the instructions on how to add to them, and before taking it, take a consultation of the doctor with the drive of their life. In this article, an overview of the main medicinal properties that are victorious in bodybuilding is carried out, their significance is examined on the athlete's body, contraindications and possible side effects.

Being a stimulator of biochemical processes, the building exerts a beneficial effect on the athlete's cardiovascular system. The drug increases the strength of the heart rate, increases the shock volume and coronary bleeding, may anabolic and antiarrhythmic action. Riboxin reduces the bleeding of m'yazovyh tissues, normalizes energy exchange, activates exchange processes in the myocardium, and also low enzymes. The cream of the positive injection on the heart Riboxin improves the regeneration of the mucosal tissue. However, for effective rehabilitation, after serious problems, riboxin alone is not enough, so it is recommended to take it in combination with potassium orotate.

Riboxin can replace ATP. The drug is effective in combination with potassium orotate. Yogo is taken for 1-3 months for a regimen of 0.2 g 3-4 times a day.

The drug is a stimulator of endogenous biochemical processes that can be used for metabolism. Released in tablet form, available in pharmacies without a prescription. The average dose for an athlete is 1.5-2 g per day. As a matter of fact, potassium orotate is a great mineral force, which is absorbed in the tissues of any living organism. The drug helps improve the cardiovascular system and shows anabolic activity, allowing the athlete to improve after training. The drug improves diuresis and improves appetite. For a bodybuilder's progress, the drug is not particularly effective, it is generally the best for the body, it is well tolerated by the athlete and does not have side effects.

The intake of the drug is prescribed according to the scheme: a year before the start, 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The validity of the jubilant course is 21-24 days.


Mildronate is used as a cardioprotector. The drug of poklikaniye improves the athlete's practicality, compensating for the syndrome of mental and physical changes. Mildronate normalizes metabolism and regulates cellular immunity. As a rule, mildronate is prescribed in the dose of 15-20 mg per kilogram of vagina. The drug is taken according to the doctor's prescription, it is recommended that you consult, first of all, take it.

The additional dose of the drug is prescribed for a dose of 15-20 mg / kg of vaga, which in the average becomes 1-2 g, which is taken in 4 doses. The validity of the course is 14 days with a repeat in 2-3 days.

Agapurin is available in tablet form and is remarkably inexpensive. The preparations, which are based on the same type of oral speech, are cetrental and pentoxifylline. Agapurin is taken only in the form of other drugs. It increases the tone of the vessels, changes in blood viscosity and increases blood flow, which may be important for an athlete, which increases the maximum pumping of working fluids. Vykoristovuєtsya drug, mainly informed by bodybuilders - take agapurine carefully, following the instructions, to avoid side effects.

In bodybuilding, Agapurin is taken according to the scheme:

  • at the day of training 3 times 2 tablets;
  • in the afternoon 3 times 1 tablet.

Trivality of the Agapurin course - 20 days. After the 4th day, interrupt the course and repeat it. Take the tablets with a large volume of water. In order to avoid side effects, it was decided to take the drug without delay with a doctor.

Roslin growth in the western and lower parts of Siberia, in the mountains of Altai and in Central Asia. It is not necessary to take revenge on phytoexidoni - speeches, identical to steroid half-shells, which may have a clearly pronounced anabolic effect. activates the synthesis of protein and the accumulation of yoga in the tissue of meat, heart, liver and fat. The drug is used to improve physical vibrancy and intellectual performance. Trivaliy with the help of the levzey zmіtsnyuє the ship's channel and by the same token will improve the inhaled blood circulation. The drug changes the heart rate. Levzeya to enter the warehouse of food supplements, which is called Levzeya-P. One tablet of the supplement contains approximately 0.85 mg of oral speech - ekdistena, the variety of additives in sports stores varies between 700-1800 rubles.

The drug is designed to eliminate hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) and its effectiveness overwhelms other RA-adaptogens. Oskіlki naslidok gipoglikemії poserіgaєtsya vykid somatotropnogo hormonal, taking Manchurian aralia spray priyaє reach a high anabolic effect - the athlete improves appetite and body weight. The drug lie down to stimulant anabolism. Aral tincture is sold at the skin pharmacy. Take її in a dose of 20-30 drops in the day before the training.

What do vitamins cost, what do they take:

Tiamin (B1) I take part in the activities of the main systems of the body: cardiac-vascular, nervous and etching. Repair injection on the growth of that energy balance. Lack of vitamin B1 results in drativity, increased appetite, increased stomp, and is associated with the development of health.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) promotes the synthesis of protein and the accumulation of yoga in tissues, in an effective anabolic manner.

Piridoxine (B6) play an important role in the exchange of speech and normal work nervous system.

Ascorbic acid (C)- an antioxidant that is the source, which takes part in the processes of metabolism.

Vitamins of group B are dispensed in an injectable form, as a rule, 1 ml of 5% concentration of speech is contained in ampoules. It is unacceptable to administer all the vitamins at the same time every day - the skin vitamin should be administered consecutively every other day, until the cyclicity. Іn'єktsії roble vnutrishnyom'yazovo, the introduction of B1 and B6 in case of which it can be a little sick.

Diabeton MB is a pharmaceutical drug that is sold freely. One of the most powerful anabolics. Yak likarsky zasib vikoristovuєtsya as a stimulant pіdshlunkovoї zaloza in a complex treatment of circulatory diabetes. Bodybuilders zastosovuyt tsey drug for pіdtremki on high equal anabolism in the interseason. For the effectiveness of the approach to insulin injections, and for the general action to methandrostenolone. The drug allows the athlete to quickly gain weight.

Available in tablets of 30 mg. Start with a dose of 30 mg per day, if necessary, in the offensive course (the course is three times a second-two months) can be increased to 60 mg. Diabeton MV is unacceptable to be taken with other medical precautions. Take yoga for an hour with a snack once a day. Anabolic effect on diabetes is affected by stimulation of the production of one of the anabolic hormones - insulin. For an effective diet, the drug is recommended at least six meals a day with a small amount of fat and an increased amount of protein. In the next hour, the diabetic patient is prevented from taking low-calorie diets in order to prevent the development of side effects of the drug, hypoglycemia zocrema.

Tamoxifen is considered to be an antiestrogen. The drug vikoristovuetsya bodybuilders for the promotion in the body equal to testosterone, which blocks estrogen. Tamoxifen zastosovuyt at the complex with the least methods for the most effective infusion in 3 courses, stretching no less than 6-8 days. Tamoxifen is becoming especially popular with bodybuilders during the drying hour, the shards will speed up the process of burning fat. In quiet moods, if an athlete suffers from sillness to a trickle of water against the background of anabolic steroids intake, tamoxifen becomes obov'yazkovim. The drug in bodybuilding is also powerful, which allows the bodybuilder to effectively increase the strength of the muscles. As if it were a highly effective drug problem, tamoxifen may have shown little side effects and contraindications, it is to blame for strictly following the recognition of a sports doctor.

Indications for taking glycerophosphate as a drug treatment are rheumatoid arthritis, dystrophy, rickets. For a bodybuilder, the drug is zinc thyme, which will speed up the assimilation of protein and improve metabolism. Calcium glycerophosphate spray also improves appetite. Under the hour of taking the drug in the diet, it is necessary to add fat, replacing them with proteins. It is recommended to take the drug in courses. There are no analogues of calcium glycerophosphate. Approximate additional dose of the drug is recommended, depending on the effects of 100 mg on the skin of 8 kg of the vagina. The additional dose of Calcium Glycerophosphate is 1000 mg with a vase of 80 kg. Divide into 5 doses of one tablet (200 mg). Hour I will take: early 2 years before training. The course for the month is 1.5-2 months.

For a dose of trimetazidine, the proximity to known mildronate is much cheaper than the rest. The drug helps to deliver a greater acidity to the clitin, saves the internal cellular potential, counteracts the elimination of free radicals, and increases the vibrancy of the athlete. Taking the drug allows you to significantly increase the tension and intensity of training. Trimetazidine can be replaced by a similar method that can be avenged, which, however, will not be equally effective as a replacement. It is possible to take the drug with other methods.

Vinpocetine is a medicinal product that corrects damage to cerebral circulation. Speech to the drug - apovinkaminat. Vinpocetine is directly injected into the exchange processes in the brain tissue. May sudinorozshiryuvalnu diyu and improve the bleeding of brain tissue. Vinpocetine increases tissue stability to hypoxia, activates the utilization of glucose and metabolism in brain tissue, serotonin and norepinephrine. The drug reduces platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood viscosity. Vinpocetine positively infuses like a brain, and m'yazovі fabrics, adhering to the shortest sourness and lifelike speeches. Take the drug at a dose of 5 to 30 mg for 30 minutes - a year before training. Vinpocetine can't side effects classic "energetics" seem to be sleepless or have three hands.

The mechanism of development of the metformin basis on the basis of its influence on gluconeogenesis in the liver, the percolation of glucose in the intestines and the shortest utilization in the tissues of the mucous membranes. Accelerate the process of transition of glucose to glycogen. Decreased appetite, for the sake of which the rahunka changes or the vaga stabilizes. Hypoglycemic effect is not observed. Before zastosuvannyam athlete should consult with a doctor, but the drug may be an impersonal contraindication and may be taken as a side effect.

Hello friends! If you have been practicing yoga for a long time and systematically in the gym, or have become yoga adherents literally for days, then you will understand that the forces of anaerobic pressure for all their achievements are chain stress for the body. That wine will require podtrimki.

Surely, you can say to yourself today: "Come on, dude, you can"! And best of all, provide it with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, which will help you better endure training and feel better.

How to choose your own viable complex of micronutrients? Like vitamins for a set of m'yazovoi masi you should go, and how can they help, on the other hand, get rid of your fat deposits?

Let's sort out in order in this folding gallery of the pharmaceutical industry and find out what will be the best and most budgetary at the same time?

Do we need vitamin-mineral complexes?

Some of us already know very well how much protein, fat or carbohydrates are necessary in order to feel like a miraculous rank. Prote all the norms of vitamins and microelements are not known to everyone, but they are more complete list few people know.

Kharchov's additives dopomagayut as zbіshuvati muscles, and y speed up biochemical reactions. Obviously, for the growth of the m'yazovoi mass, you will need to eat with a sufficient amount of calories and choose the same, in which you will be rich folding carbohydrates that bіlkіv.

List of the highest vitamins

Retinol or vitamin A. Tse, perhaps, one of the important important components, which will help you to increase the ointment, to synthesize proteins. Without this, it is impossible to digest glycogen - one of the most important forms of energy in the body. We will speed up the exchange processes in the body. It is also responsible for the regeneration of cells and stimulates the work of the immune system.

It gives the very wine the ability to miraculously look at your skin, helping to avoid dryness. Okrim іnshhogo, vin regulates the work of the reproductive organs. One of important functions retinol - tse bezpechennya gostroti dawn.

You can find the whole core element in chicken eggs, at the oven or in meat, in іcre and in vershokov oil. Without a doubt, chili and about those who have a lot of yogo in carrots. Remember, honestly, about those who are fat-reducing vitamins, vibirayuchi like yogo zherelo carrots, ob'yazkovo dress salad with her olive.

The next important group is the vitamins of group B. Before them lie nicotinic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, cobalamin and pirodoxin.

Thiamin or B1 helps in the development of oxidative-oxidative reactions. If yoga is not fixed, then problems may arise from etching. Obviously, it can be inserted in the middle and on the big vag through those that can normally over-twist the zhu.

It is also responsible for the metabolism of proteins. Without the new impossibility of fixing hemoglobin - one of the storehouse blood, without some kind of security of our m'yazovyh tissues, we seriously suffer. As soon as an hour of training stink, take away this important element, you will soon start to get involved. The more intensively busy you are, the more you need thiamine.

Often mi otrimuemo yogo s zhі, and a small amount is synthesized in the intestines. It is possible to reveal yoga in visivkas, in whole grain cereals and dry jars. Do you remember the sailor Popeye and your famous hand? So the axis, otrimav їх zavdyaks of his love to spinach. You can add to the list of products green peas and other legumes, peas, bananas (div. article). Most of the time, this vitamin is underestimated, so it is good to take it from additive complexes.

So that the processes of renewal of the oxidation of fatty acids took place in the same order as you need both riboflavin and B2. The metabolism of such speech, like glucose, is considered to be the main yoga functions. At 2 vіdpovіdaє for the protein exchange.

Wines can be found in beer drizzles, baked goods and eggs, almonds and milk, bananas and seafood.

Niacin can also be called B3 or PP and nicotinic acid. Just to show that the wines are used for 60 exchange processes, as they help to generate energy for us. You expand the judges and the very component of victorious bodybuilders to perform, to look beautiful on the stage.

Nicotinic acid is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats, taking part in the metabolism of amino acids. It's true, above-world yoga doses are important for your body to spit fat reserves.

You can also know it in the best beer drizzles, in potatoes and nasinn, in indica, in milk, in peas and in eggs.

Pirodoxine or vitamin B6 is without a doubt charged for the processing of proteins. The more of them in your diet - the more you need this vitamin. And smut, wine helps to utilize carbohydrates. Buy yourself in the shops of mountains, chickens, livers, avocados, sprouts of beans or wheat, bananas and dried fruits, to take pirodoxin.

Vitamin B 12 or cobalamin supplements carbohydrate metabolism and ensures the functioning of the entire nervous system, and itself transmits impulses from the brain directly to the m'yazovu tissue. As a result, it dwindles faster, and the m'yazi grows like a yeast. Such an element can be found only in products that are taken away from creatures: in any kind of meat, fish and birds.

Vitamin H or biotin. Vіdpovіdaє for the exchange of amino acids and dopomogaє viroblyat dzherel energy. If you take yoga away, you will eat egg whites, nirki and liver, barley and soybeans, and also milk.

Do not forget to add vitamin C and ascorbic acid to your list. This is a natural antioxidant, which is responsible for the entire work of the body. Okrim іnshoy, vin itself actively zbіshuє masu bіla. It is also an active fighter against free radicals.

This is one of the components of a successful fabric that creaks your m'yazi with brushes. If your happy fabric is not necessary for the material, then it’s a good day great wag there is a great chance of injury.

Ascorbic acid miraculously splits fats. To that you can always know in the lists for quiet, who can dry out. Before the speech, the jocks need a large amount of vitamin C. It is explained by the fact that our m'azovі cells are formed from water, and this vitamin is water-soluble. For this reason, for the greater amount of sour m'yazovoi mass in the body, there are dedales of more vitamin and yogo stocks that need to be replenished regularly.

Guys, I have a wonderful news for you! Vitamin C supplements the formation of steroid hormones, and, zocrema, testosterone. And without it, as you know, no reliefs, no fittings are visible as their own vuh.

It is best to remove ascorbic acid from vegetables and fruits, moreover, the stench is fresh - there is more of such a component in them.

The order of the most famous antioxidant, varto add here and vitamin E, which saps the cell membranes. This brown element can be seen in various olives, peas and green vegetables.

What supplements can you guess on this list?

Minerals, yakі vplyvayut on the collection of masi

As for pumps, so for phytons, it is an important microelement for building up the m'yazovoi masi є potassium. Vіn vіdpovіdaє for the speed of m'yazіv and vіdmіnno dopomogaє vіdnovlyuvatysya after folded power navantazhen. If you blame spasms in m'yazakh, then if you need help forget about them again.

Phosphorus is one of the stored bone tissue, so it is obvious that your body cannot do without it. Don't forget about those who add to the m'yazov mass, growing ambition and your entire skeleton. To that, it is simply necessary to take this part of the body.

Cream to phosphorus, another component of the bone tissue is calcium.

Introduce magnesium into your diet as well, which is a spice of various important amino acids. In the amino acid set, it is possible to detect і sіrk. It helps improve the exchange process.

For the regeneration of tissues in our tіlі vіdpovіdaє so sirka. To that without it, as you know, it is impossible to increase the m'azovoy mass.

To the warehouse of our blood it is also obov'yazkovo to enter and zalizo. Here on the image is blue. I am not happy to see them fresh. Tai vzagali not raju.

So that you do not blame the annual additive problems with the molding of protein in the soft tissue, you will need to take the proper amount of zinc.

How to choose a vitamin-mineral complex?

We spent with you a short look for the most important food additives. Naturally, if you want to build up your mass and just drink similar complexes like pills, then you won’t have any special problems. It is logical that on aphids of everything you happen to eat properly and take enough calories.

So varto means that, regardless of all the reach of the pharmacological industry, the largest amount of assimilation of microelements is similar to natural food.

As you respectfully read the article, then, singsongly, remembered, how many times in the text are milk and other similar products. Therefore, the significance of them is not to be quailed and a sprig of bottles of milk, but kefir for a day to make you strained and fit for the protilege.

Pump the m'yazi not see and without the correct training complex. It is especially important to protect yourself, if you want to take away not only beautiful, but quadri, ale and.

Obviously, you can buy vitamin-mineral complexes in pharmacies, but you can also make recommendations, for example, how many doses of vitamin C you can look at options for special supplements, which are specially developed for bodybuilding.

Zalezhno vіd your zavdan at spets_al_zovanyh sports stores you can pick up the necessary preparations.

Tse mozhut but, as an option, stimulants of testosterone conversion, yakі zazvichay include zinc, group B vitamins and magnesium. On the other hand, in such stores you can buy side-by-side cans with holograms and other marketing tricks while looking at pictures with jocks.

Their versatility is superciliously dependent, but in fact, all these components are really independently selected in the pharmacy, looking at your individual needs. І price with whom it will be fully accessible and reception.

According to the achievements of sports doctors, it is not surprising that vitamins for women will be the most optimal for bodybuilding. They sound a lot of mineral speeches, which are so necessary for the growth of a new organism, and for the very same reason and our main tasks - to support the growth of the m'yazovoi mass. Sip on one tablet every hour or so, or in the recommendations in the instruction manual.

When you look at the height of the variety of similar preparations in the pharmacy, they will all be “acceptable” for the price, lower specialization “kachkivsky” tablets.

What can be the deficiency of vitamins? Rozglyamemo 5 the best vitamins for the growth of the world and the inspiration after the training.

As long as you see or you go home gym, on the client's level, there is growth and renewal of m'azovoy fabric. Tsі processes lie in that number of different minerals and vitamins. If you want to stop ringing at a balanced meal, a lot of athletes show that not a lot of singing speeches can lead to an improvement in sports results. We represent your respect

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is undeservedly forgotten by the industry of sports eating. It is good to know with its positive impact on the health of the eyes, but many other effects of yoga are often ignored. Vitamin A is the core for athletes, the oskilki vin supports the synthesis of the meat protein, obviously, the growth of the mucosa. Equal amounts of speech in the body decrease due to the increase in protein synthesis. Tse z tim, yogo vicorist during the splitting of the protein under the hour of renewal of the m'yazovo ї fabric.

Even though these words don't irritate you, you might be misled by the fact that vitamin A is directly injected into testosterone, the most powerful anabolic hormone. During the first hour of follow-up for the participation of 102 patients, who suffer from a delay in state maturity, vitamin A and vitamin A showed the same positive effect as hormone therapy (oxandrolone and testosterone).It is worth mentioning that vitamin A deficiency can negatively affect testosterone production in people of different age.

Nareshti, vitamin A plays an important role in the safety of bone mineralization of the cystic-mucosal system, supporting the development of cysts and the maturation of young cells.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D (calciferol) ma great value for the growth of m'yazovoї masi that inspiration. Calciferol is a unique thyme that the body needs for direct sleepy changes to stimulate it. Obviously, we all know that vitamin D is important for the destruction of ailments, such as the destruction of the bones in adults and rickets in children, and that impersonal people suffer from inappropriate speech. But how can I get stuck on the growth of m'yazіv that inspiration?

Perhaps, apparently, ale vitamin D is the most important of all vitamins, if there is a need for testosterone!

A number of studies have shown that the administration of cym vitamin supplements to those receiving a placebo significantly improves the strength training in older adults after 12 years of strength training.

Vitamin D also plays a key role in protein synthesis, which is often associated with testosterone production. According to research, vitamin D supplementation has been shown to increase testosterone by 20% in individuals with low levels of anabolic hormone.In addition, calciferol is important for the health of the bones. Pratsyuyuchi at zv'yaztsі z magnesium and calcium, vіn pіdtrimuє razvitok kіstkovї tisstvina.

Read also:

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most popular vitamins on the planet. Everyone had a cold if they had a cold, and the doctor was radiating the "ascorbine". Ale chi korisny tseyvitamin for growth and renewal?

First, ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant, which helps to protect m'yazovі clitiny from ruinіvnoї dії vіlnyh radicalіv. In another way, it helps the body synthesize testosterone and other anabolic hormones. Thirdly, vitamin C admixtures with collagen - protein, which is the main component of healthy tissues.

Collagen increases the stability of the clays, after which you can increase the strength of your muscles with less risk of injury.

Nareshti, a student at the University of Caroline Pivnichnoi, showed that taking vitamin C until then after exercise reduces malignant disease and zapobigaє oxidized glutathione, which is harder than an antioxidant.It is even more important, but the syndrome of severe ulcerative pain (krepatura) is not the most noticeable, but ascorbic acid decreases even on the clinical level.

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E zastosovuetsya in various purposes. Wealthier people are less likely to suffer as well as zasib against stretch marks and other defects in the skin.

Good news for athletes.

Vitamin E is a very strong antioxidant that helps to protect the integrity of cells.

Intensive training should be carried out before the appearance of free radicals in the body, which are toxic by-products of clitin's diarrhea. Accumulation of these particles in tіlі viklіkaє prіsshennya pratsezdatnostі, zrostannya m'yazіv, vіdnovlennya іmmunіtetu. Vitamin E is injected into the free radicals and “removes” them from the body. The final result is a decrease in oxidative stress and a change in m'yazovy ushkodzhennia.

In addition, vitamin E is used as a natural prevention and cure for atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries (sounding of the arteries due to oxidative stress).In this manner, vitamin E builds up the m'yazove rostannya and prikoryuvat vіdnovlennya zavdyaki yogo positive infusion on the bloody vice. Tse allows a greater number of living speeches in the blood to be consumed from the pratsyyuchi m'yazi.

You know how to pump up the m'yazi. Tse vimagaє training. For whom it is also necessary to eat food. But do you know what part of the diet includes certain vitamins and minerals? Yaki? Read more.

One of the biggest myths about the growth of m'yaziv, which is easy. Tse not so. Be - a kind of bodybuilder tell you how to collect m'yazov masu cheaply folded, lower pidyom vag and poglanat protein or protein supplements. Є krihіtnі pozhivnі speech (vitamin and minerals) that work for lashtunki, like vibukhova growth of m'yaziv we can.

Axis de sportive eating is often near the topic. The words of sports food and supplements, ring out, call out loudly. It is important to note that supplements are less likely to be used as protein shakes and fat burners. Be - yakі dodatkovі pozhivnі speechovina, yaki vikoristovuєte, schob zapovni progalini in tavern vvazhayutsya additives.

Otzhe, how to build up m'yazi more effectively, not spozhivayuchi zayvih calories and spend your time, and not kolyuyuchi nadnormovogo year at the gym?

Vidpovid can zdivuvat you.


For riches, it’s important to take care of other operas.

So what to go about?

Try to enable Navit deaki high-yield vitamins and minerals in your set of supplements.

And how do vitamins and minerals work to ensure vibukhov's growth of m'yaziv?

It's easy to get it right. If you marvel at those how macronutrients are processed in the body, then you will see that carbohydrates provide the body with the main source of energy, and proteins and fats are the ones that make tissues in the body. If you can increase the increase in vitamins and minerals, then you can ease the increase in fat and protein for recognition, - the growth of fabrics in your body (such as m'yazi), so that you can ensure the memory of the growth of m'yazy.

First of all, slander the kitchen police with flakes and packs of skin-like vitamins, let's take a quick look at the top 10 vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of m'yaziv.

#1 Tiamin - vitamin B1

Tiamin v_domy is also like vitamin B1. Yak vodorozchinny vitamin, wine is necessary for the growth of m'yaziv.


Wine helps the body reshape in carbohydrates, fats and proteins in energy for vikoristannya їх body. Oskilki all vitamins of group B waterproofing the organism does not save them. In this way, yoga deficiency in the body is easily established. Deficiency of thiamin can lead to the consumption of m'yazovoi mass, it is important to reconsider, if you take an additional dose of vitamins, so that you can drink at a sufficient amount.

Wine also assists in the assimilation of other vitamins, such as vitamin B12. As a matter of fact, B12 plays an important role in the production of testosterone. The rise of testosterone rіven can lead to a swedish growth of m'yazіv.

The body cannot synthesize vitamin B, so its reduction is the only way to overdo it if you take an adequate supplemental dose. Offal is one of the most important equals for thiamine. At the bottom of your bag, your task is to try systematically to get used to the liver, “licorice meat” or to dare and try out some other language.

#2 Vitamin D

True, this sleepy vitamin is one of the most underestimated vitamins for healthy people. Vitamin D has been known for a long time, as a necessary support for healthy bones, and further studies have also shown a link between the camp of the m'azovoy mass and the improvement of vitamin D.

People with a low level of vitamin D tend to have more fatty tissue, lower tee, as a rule, may have an overlying rіven.

Vitamin D can also help you at the gym.


Vіn vydpovіdaє for nalezhne functioning nervous, yakі control m'yazi. Without a sufficient amount of vitamin D, inflammation in the body can transcend the connection between nerves and ulcers. And, if it happens, your training may become ineffective.

Older people need 600 international units of vitamin D per day in order to increase the level in the body at the required rate. Usogo 15 chills on sun (without sun protection cream) can provide your body with enough vitamin D for the whole day. Obviously, you don't want rizikuwati, come out without sun protection cream.

Well, I know, you can live in the same way in the city, de sleepy hour on the vag of gold. Ax de good vitamin D supplements can help ensure that the right amount of vitamin D is needed in your diet. On the other hand, if you want to develop a constructive approach to diet, based on natural and organic food products with a high content of vitamin D, then start a star systematically eating tuna, salmon and eggs.

#3 Vitamin A

Vitamin A may be of great importance for the growth of diseases. In order to inflate strong mucus, it is necessary to provide your body with the ability to more effectively repair the torn mucus. Among the yogo numerical achievements, vitamin A is recognized for the growth and renewal of m'azovoy fabric.

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіtamіn B, vіtamin А - tse zhirorozchinny vitamin. Vіn provadzheniy in fat bags and zberіgayutsya in the body protyag thrive hour. Shards of wine are easily depleted in the body, and you can overspend the necessary dose of vitamin A.

It is better to know the kharchovі dzherel vіtamіnu


Believe it or not, large doses of vitamin A can be toxic. The main source of vitamin A was the liver of creatures. If the liver does not suit your culinary tastes, you can taste cheese, licorice, potatoes and spinach. Tse all the best dzherela tsgogo vіtaminu for a set of m'yazovoї masi.

#4 Vitamin C

Vitamin C, perhaps, is one of the most popular vitamins in the world. Ale, get ready - it’s not just zasіb in the cold, chim vin us in front of the house.

Vitamin C - much more!

It is important for global health, including the immune system and the development of tissues. Vitamin C - chergovy vodorozchinny a vitamin, which, if it is too much, is taken from the body and, therefore, is often guilty of being replenished.

Bіlok vіdomy yak zirka show synthesis m'azovoї fabric, ale vitamin C gray flooring and an important role.

Yak so?!

Vіn helps to help the robot with a protein, which helps the growth of the world that inspiration. Vitamin C is a healthy vitamin. Vіn can help you to be aware of the training, vindicating the torn m'yazi swidshe.

Citrus and vitamin C go hand in hand. Here is one more aspect of this marvelous vitamin. Ale є y іnshі products, yakі mіstjat vysoki rіven tsіgo vіtaminu, including bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower and zvichaynu cabbage.

#5 Calcium

Calcium is like a stone mineral, ale wine also plays an important role in the way the m'yazi functions. Under the hour of strength training, the m'yazi rush and relax.

Tse create crying rose, as if to yourself inspire and they will start talking and they themselves will make slander. Calcium helps m'yazam effectively skorochuvatisya.
Too little calcium and m'yazi not in the mind quickly. What to talk about those who are too rich in calcium can increase yours m'yazi woody.

Milk already for a long time serve yak king calcium. well, tse not zovsim Korisno for quiet, who vegetarian or suffering view intolerance lactose. Garna novelty in volume, what є rich others non-dairy products, yaki take revenge equivalent or, in deyih vipadkah, more calcium, chim milk.

Tse yaki and?

Try for what cabbage, sardini, amygdal or Chinese cabbage bikwhose.

#6 Biotinvitamin H

Biotin also name vitamin H. Vin celebrities Tim, whattse vitamin for hairy, shkira і nіgtіv. hoch youmu і bulo given name vitamin H, wine formally appear before alone h vitamins B і, so rank, wine dіє similarly.

Biotin gray polite role in discounts fat.


Tse vіdbuvaєtsya for help help organism spit protein і fat. So qi macronutrients transform in processes exchange speeches in energy і, so rank, help save body stringy і pіdsmazhemo. Zbіlshennya energy means more strain training. Tse, in my cherga, maybe only help out m'yazam grow up.

Biotin take revenge in bagatioh products, ale not in great number of bones. Products, yaki naturally take revenge biotin peanut, mushrooms, eggs chewing gum, Rice і potatoes.

#7 magnesium

Magnesiumtse marvelous, moving energy mineral. good apparently, what stress і short sleep shkidlivy for set m'azovy Masi. Magnesium help rosum і body probably.
What help renewal m'yaziv. Vin also help organism conquer macronutrients, shob secure yoga energy.

At Magnesium є mutual communication h calcium. pong resentment need friend others, shob achieve success. De calcium help m'yazam rush, magnesium help ym relax. Magnesium often missed h mind in yakosti additives before diet, ale tse necessary mineral, So yak wine help h smoky і conquered calcium organism.

Additives Magnesium available yak in walks, So і in form powder. Yak і all vitamins і minerals, є options eating, yaki can help out to you reach your whole equal magnesium. Try stravi h spinach, mackerel, avocado і brown rice. Tse today products may healthy spіvvіdneshennyam in carbohydrates, bilkiv і fat. Vono also may temple zmist magnesium.

#8 Zalizo

Yakscho in and take away garnet number sleep in nothing hour і Tim not less you know yourself mindful і mlyavim, in and you can interpret your rіven hall.


Nestacha hall maybe mother serious side effects effective, yaki can buti shkidlivy for your I'm healthy і regime training. Zalizo necessary for production chervonikh bloody clitin і help endure kissen on body. Without hall, in and you can apparently zamorochennya і what your dihannya fight in hour training.

W bay, respectfully significantly, what yakscho your rіven too late low, one extraordinary eating maybe buti not enough, shob correct problem. Tsіlkom ymovirno, what to you necessary accept additives hall, shob move number erythrocytes. What seems about volume, victoria diet, rich bay, maybe help out only save rіven hall on the reliable equal. Creature protein h high zmistom hall order h dark green leaves vegetables.

Insha important rich, yaku necessary mother in mind, yakscho in and lied take additives hall then, what stink, yak rule, yell constipation. At results, in and guilty stems per Tim, shob take care products h high zmistom cellular tissue in hour accept supplemental hall.

#9 Vitamin B12

At then hour yak vitamins groupie At all technically lie down friend others, leather okremium vitamin groupie functionally sprat resent view others. Vitamin B12 hot topic about vitamins h pidyom popularity diet on the rosemary basics. Problem in volume, what rich vegans not take special equal vitamin A About 12 in x rations.


Cause in volume, what Vitamin B12 maybe buti taken away in great number of bones only h products creatures camping. Kharchov drіzhdzhi, roslinny dzherelo vitamin A About 12, ale what hardly chi enough, shob organism himself on sobi satisfy drink on the About 12.

Yakscho In and not vegan, then maloimovirno, what to you not not vistachaє vitamin A About 12. Amino acids, present in About 12 help will be і inspire m'yazovu textile. Products h high equal vitamin A About 12 include in yourself eggs, chervone meat, bird і fish.
Є also roslinnі products, yaki enriched vitamin About 12,so yak bread і crupi, ale stink not natural, yak ti, yaki avenge in m'yasi.

#10 Zinc

Zinctse respectful mineral in human I'm healthy. Won help move rіven testosterone.

well, tsey rіven start go down h vіkom. Testosteronetse hormone, cotriy confirm per m'yazovu masu. Yakscho your meta growths great m'yazi, then zinctse your friend. Vin gray role in sexual I'm healthy, a also, help manufacturing spermatozoa і libido. Not wonderful, what so products, yak oysters h high zmistom zinc є natural aphrodisiacs.

oysters, yalovichina, spinach і peas cash'yugarni dzherela zinc. Yak і h deakim others vitamins і minerals h what list, too late rich zinc maybe viklikati side effects reactions. Wper what, better otrimati peace of mind zinc h help extraordinary eating і leave out undertaking h zinc additives on the vipadok recommendations view doctor.


Vitamins і minerals play life polite role in zagalom I'm healthy. Navit at diet, yak bagata usima products maybe vinicnuti non-stacha deyih old speeches і axis if change diet or additives in additional help.

Vitamins і minerals call out add іsnuyuche healthier life. In and never not guilty bow down inclusive on the are sold without prescription additives, shob help out sobi reach goals. Not forget, what navіt vitamins can buti shkidlivy in great number of bones.
Deyaki h them can lead before nebazhanim m'yazovim і training results.
Deyaki navіt can opine fatal. Not forget consult h doctor earlier chim independently x dial up.

Yaku role in your training processes play vitamins і minerals for growth station m'yaziv? Write in

The process of building up new or reinforcing old muses is to achieve laborious and demanding control over one's way of life. It is necessary to eat for eating and regularly eat a large quantity of protein and foldable carbohydrates. In addition, zmіtsnennya m'yazіv vіdbuvaєєtіlki іn іnіnіchnyh navantazhennyakh, dosit znachnyh i regular. In order to speed up this process, make it easier for yourself to take part in sports and boost energy, explore special vitamins for meats, as it is recommended to be taken by all people who are actively involved in sports, in order with other special meals.

What speeches are most needed by athletes?

What vitamins are needed for the growth of m'yaziv? Just briefly - practically all of them themselves, but for an extraordinary life, but in a few great ones. And if only a few trochs dig into the details, then the most important vitamins for athletes can be called the same.

About 12



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