Refinancing a loan from Raiffeisenbank for individuals. How to refinance a loan for physical assets at Raiffeisenbank? How to register a refinancing service with Raiffeisenbank

Mortgage is issued three times a year. Not all hopefuls have to pay the borg at the same time, which causes a lot of problems. As it happened, it is possible to refinance from Raiffeisenbank. Tsya procedure transferring payment of the outstanding loan on a vigilant mind. Pennies are taken to pay for official positions in another bank. Tsya organization promotes friendly minds for the candidates.

"Raiffeisenbank" is considered one of the most requested at the time. With the help of the populace, you draw up a variety of vigidnі minds, which are promoted for young and new clients. One of the services is refinancing, which is ideal for mortgage applicants, who have lost money

What will I do if I become financially retarded?

  • get fined with fines;
  • vіdbuvaєtsya dostrokove rozirvannya contract;
  • zaluchayutsya priprijemstva for vodshkoduvannya borg;
  • see the courts.

Raiffeisenbank allows short-line contracts with payment to Borg. If the client was blamed for time problems, it is necessary to inform the bank about the date of payment. Tse next work in that moment, as if the borg did not exceed 90 days.

Service Features

If the problems are trivaly, it is necessary to contact the bank with an application for refinancing. Decisions are accepted after the receipt of information about the client, folding. For help refinancing weide:

  • increase the term position;
  • change monthly payments;
  • draw up a position for the visual image.

The clients of the bank, who are working, can also serve as a servant, so can the applicants from other financial institutions.

wash away

Naychastishe formalize with Raiffeisenbank To the minds of the mind:

  • the maximum loan period is 25 years, as if to serve as an outpost for mine, that 15 years with a non-live mortgage;
  • the minimum term is one rіk;
  • get a loan in rubles;
  • no commission for looking at that decision;
  • security - outpost;
  • Koshti pererakhovuyutsya z thogo drive, which vydkrivsya client tsikh tsiley.


Refinancing from "Raiffeisenbank" depends on the rate, the amount of which can be deposited as a mark, as it was seen front bag. Vіdsotok mozhe vіdіznyatisya vsіh pozalnikіv - all vyznaєєє tim, chi stink є є stіynymi clients.

It applies at 11.9% doti, credit docks will not be registered with the bank. Then the rate is reduced to 10.9%. If the position was non-silent, then the rate will be 17.25% of the regular ones. If the agreement is signed after 45 days after the bank has been cleared, the client pays 0.25%. To that it is better not to call z cym.


The maximum and minimum for the sum are established on the basis of a surplus to the borg, which was given. Raiffeisenbank is offering to take up to 26 million rubles. The minimum amount to deposit in excess to pay the mortgage.


Are you planning to refinance mortgages from Raiffeisenbank in 2017? Deposit everything in the form of a loan, but you need to pay a little more for the help of an online calculator, which is on the official website of the bank.

It is necessary to fill in the data for the sum, in hundreds and in lines. For the help of a calculator, you can calculate the amount of the payment. Tse allow me to signify, if I have a little bit of money, I will be quicker to help the bank. So let’s set up a rozmir of overpayments.

Design features

If the applicants do not have the power to get a flow loan, then they will withdraw: refinancing from Raiffeisenbank. You can consult especially or over the phone. Fahivets vouch for all requests, for additional electronic mail, you can send copies of documents. Or deliver them especially to the nearest office.

When looking at the application, the bank’s spokesmen can contact the client to clarify the information from him, what to call. In other words, the employer needs to submit additional documents, increase the first payment, close credits, and to die. You may be able to accept other terms and amounts of credit. The client does not need to hurry up with a reply, so that you can think about it, and then make a decision.

The application is reviewed 2-5 working days. At the same time, the applicant’s payment capacity is assessed, additional information is specified, and re-verification of documents is required. Even though the opinion is positive, the practitioner tells the bank about the client, and also, what documents are needed. When you see them, you are told about the reasons for the lack of praise.

What will be given?

Let's wait until the date of the signing of the document. The day before, the manager contacts the employer. It is also necessary to pay the notary's robot from the certified documentation.

If the agreement is signed, the amount will be transferred to the special accounts of the bank and the creditor. Registration security lasts for about 60 days, if it is possible to cross the outpost of the bank. The client pays for registration and maintenance, insurance.


To get refinancing from Raiffeisenbank, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Statement from the definitions of the method of refinancing.
  • A copy of the sides of the passport of the client and the sponsor.
  • Dovidka about income.
  • Copy of work book.
  • The right of power.
  • A copy of the mortgage agreement.
  • Copy of the statute.


At "Raiffeisenbank" vdastsya vikonati for dotrimannya vymog. The client's income can be no less than 15 thousand. rubles, and for other regions - 20 thousand. ruble And for the poor, the pokazhnik is reduced to 10 thousand. ruble Co-borrowers can be friends, relatives, and they can serve as loan security.

Before we could see:

  • vіk vіd 21 roku, but at the time of payment - troch more than 5 roki;
  • the bulk of the Russian Federation chi іnshої power;
  • residence and work in the region where the bank operates;
  • registration in the region;
  • work experience of 6 months on the rest of the work, and hard work - 1 year;
  • call availability;
  • positive credit history and not more than 2 non-paid loans from Raiffeisenbank or other organizations.

Wimogi up make

Make sure you have the necessary presence, first issue a mortgage refinance in Raiffeisenbank. Vіdkuki svіdchat, є є vomogi to the lane, yak є є zabezpechennyam. The Bank has assigned a number of regions, where there may be unruliness.

Zastava can support such vimog:

  • security is unruliness, which is behind the previous agreement;
  • mayo can buti pіd obtyazhennyam krіm to the creditor bank;
  • legally formalized rights of power;
  • payment for the front goiter is consummated after the registration of the transfer to the outpost of the object;
  • the third individual is not to blame.

Just for the sake of compliance with the rules, you can apply for a refinancing from Raiffeisenbank. Vіdguki svіdchat, є є sche vomogi until the expansion of living space, roztashuvannya apartments, booths, їkhny camp, liquidity.


As soon as the service is completed, payment of the loan is due in equal installments. The amount is calculated according to the number of the number of available coins, line, number of items. Therefore, the skin client will be different. You can deposit coins through a bank, ATM, plastic cards. There are the same rules, like for a great position.

Additional payment is made without additional commissions, it is necessary to pay less from the application after making the necessary amount. If you need to take the tightness out of the force.

You can make payments on your own, like for a big loan. Є variant of cash repayment without commission, for example, through ATMs. Through them, payment is made quickly.

Quick loan

"Raiffeisenbank" for physical features it is possible in that mood, as if it was framed in a relaxed position. The service is issued for 1-15 years. Such a proposition is for various purposes, for the vinnyatka of the entrepreneurs. Pennies are seen under the outpost of indestructibility, issued by the authority of a physical individual.

Possibility to issue a loan pіd 17.25 vіdsotka, as a client - salary. Such a rate is confirmed after the registration is made. Until which minimum indicator is 18.25 hours.

Auto loans

Vikonu "Raiffeisenbank" and in that case, as a result, a position was issued for the purchase of a car. The service is available to physical persons. Information about it is on the official website of the bank. Fallow in the form of a car, the rate becomes 17-18 vіdsotkіv. The service will be available only with the registration of the car as an outpost for the sake.

Currency mortgage

If you want to see a lot of positions in rubles, refinancing a loan in Raiffeisenbank for physical purposes can be done to pay for a bank in foreign currency. It’s necessary to do more than you can, that you can live in the presence of great pleasure.

Overpayment by a currency mortgage can be charged. The rate is more expensive 10.5-12 vіdsotkam. It is necessary to remember that the service is formalized in the same way, as the main position was formalized in Raiffeisenbank. There is no option for loans issued in other organizations. Її the method is to change the currency of the loan in the middle of the bank.

Dumka clients

Among the majority of the bank's clients, it is possible to hear a lot of positive feedback about the service. It really does help the twisted moment, it’s only necessary to do it harder. Bazhano zatatisya for formalized refinancing at the present folding financial state, and not then, if you will be richly stitched. Even if you get fined fines, before that you can buti vіdmova.

Anonymous applicants make out the service of changing the amount of payments, so that they could get money for life. People have the power to pay bills. Ale concrete mind you can find out from the bank at the hour of filing the application.

On the websites there are anonymous reports about bank clients making non-visible loans. They seem to overpay a lot. Then the exit will be formalized refinancing.

Advances and shortfalls in refinancing

Refinance rebate, scho client otrimu vygіdnіshі mind, lower, de vin otrimuvav loan earlier.

Before the resurrection, the services are rendered:

  • smart view of the application;
  • consultations with the manager by phone;
  • the greatness of praise is great;
  • help at all stages;
  • see the mind;
  • change in payments and an extended line;
  • change of foreign currency to national.

Up to the minus points:

  • selection of documents of the trustee, guarantors, as well as for unruliness;
  • vitrati for assessment, notary work, registration;
  • in case of early repayment at the front bank, there may be a fine.

Behind the views it is clear that the servant of refinancing was worthy of wealth, the shards allow to improve the material camp. With it, you can change the payment or increase the term. Tse be a great help to people from an important material camp. Specialists of "Raiffeisenbank" advise the applicants with the necessary food, and they are not guilty of the formalities.

Raiffeisenbank in 2019 refinancing refinancing of refinancing loans in other banks at a low rate: wonder how to refinance loans for physical institutions.

Refinancing in Raiffeisenbank of fast loans

Re-crediting to Raiffeisenbank today may be more similar to these physical persons, as earlier they have scored better positions in other banks. At the same time, the rates for new loans are progressively lowered, and it is unreasonable to pay large sums for positions, which are supposed to be. For those who want to get more credit, they have become invisible, the way of their refinancing.

Re-crediting allows you to reduce the annual rate by increasing the term, and to combine the bill of positions into one. As a result, it is possible to ease the administration of credits, and more importantly, change the amount of money for the family budget by changing the amount of the monthly payment. It is also possible to take away additional pennies, whether you need it.

Let's take a look at the specifics of refinancing in Raiffeisenbank for private osіb, we'll take that vіdsotkovі rates.

Refinancing a loan at Raiffeisenbank in 2019

Proposition to Raiffeisenbank to refinance emergency loans from other banks for private equity today, one of the most important.

You can combine up to 5 different positions. Including:

  • up to 3 loans (mortgage, mortgage and car loans);
  • up to 4 credit cards.

wash away

Minimum amount: 90,000 rubles;

Maximum amount: 2 million rubles;

Term: from 1 to 5 years.

Interest rates for refinancing loans from Raiffeisenbank

  • 10.99% in rubles.


Vіdsotok dosit vіdniy. Also, note that such a rate is less for the participation of the client in the program of financial protection of the loan. It includes life insurance, unfortunate falls and sickness, as well as labor costs.

The interest rate for a loan for refinancing at Raiffeisenbank for private businesses increases by

5% rіchnyh, as a hired worker will stop paying for insurance.


  • The bank does not take information from the bureau credit histories about those that the borrower zdіysniv povne repaid loans, obranih for refinancing;
  • The borrower will not give a statement about the repayment of the position, which are being refinanced, I have seen a large creditor bank.

Interest rate on a loan for refinancing from Raiffeisenbank without participation in the financial protection program:

  • 16.99% in rubles.

Repay the payment on the credit

Marvel at the same: refinancing of fast loans from

Who can arrange refinancing of loans in other banks with Raiffeisenbank

The Bank presents a simple and sensible assistance to potential customers:

  • vіk vіd 23 to 67 years (at the time of completion of the loan agreement);
  • the bulk of the Russian Federation;
  • postiyne place of work in the region, where an application for a loan is submitted;
  • minimum work experience in the remaining job position - 6 months.
  • average monthly annual income after the remaining 6 months of payment for the remaining 6 months for the additional 2-PDFO in bags: 25,000 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region/ 15,000 rubles - other regions of Russia;
  • presence of a stationary work phone;
  • presence of a mobile phone.

For clients wages at Raiffeisenbank for at least 3 remaining months, but maybe a little:

  • the minimum work experience in the remaining position of the robot warehouse is 3 months.
  • Postiyne place of work of the Russian Federation.
  • the appearance of the sum of the average sum of the sum of the sums of money income after the payment is left for 3 months.

Significantly, Raiffeisenbank cannot take pennies for refinancing loans from Raiffeisenbank:

  • individual admissions,
  • lawyers, like they fell asleep in the lawyer's office,
  • Vlasniki business (with the acknowledgment of notaries and lawyers, as members of bar associations).

Think so, think about refinancing your loans from

Documents for refinancing loans from other banks to Raiffeisenbank

In order to issue a re-crediting of living positions, Crimean passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, you need to submit a large package of documents.

Salary clients to the bank for confirmation of income may bring a final statement for the form 2-PDFO for the remaining 3 months

Clients who do not deduct wages for a job at Raiffeisenbank can apply for a selection:

  • approval for the form 2-PDFO3 not less than nіzh for 6 remaining months;
  • confirmation of income for the form to the bank not less than 6 remaining months;
  • tax return for the rest of the summer period according to form 3-PDFO.

With the appearance of income, the bank can also pay the salary, which is spent on work for madness, money from the building of power for rent or a pension.

If you plan to raise more than 500,000 rubles for a loan for refinancing at Raiffeisenbank, then you will have to confirm your employment with the main job. For whom you can bring to the bank a copy of the work book, certified by the robot supplier, with information about those that the worker works on.

The key rate in the Russian Federation has shrunk by 2.5 times since September 2014, thus creating a friendly mind for the development of the credit market. The problem is that the banks are reluctant to refinance their contracts, the chips for them will be tied to the loss of income. In such a rank, the situation is to blame, for which the supporters are crying even higher heights for positions. The very popularity of the mechanism of re-crediting from Russia has been fooled by the high popularity.

The service of re-crediting to Raiffeisenbank is given to its clients to join at the borders of one contract-goiter for loans, issued by other banks, in parallel reducing the amount of loans.

Wash that procedure for issuing a quick position for refinancing at Raiffeisenbank

The Bank allows you to refinance up to 5 credits at once, with a total value of less than 2 million rubles. The maximum term of the contract is 5 years. For violating the term of payments, pozikodavtsyu happen to pay a penalty at the expense of 0.1% in the case of excess sums of arrears. Refinancing a mortgage or a quick loan to Raiffeisenbank can only be done for goiters, for which no penalties were awarded and no late payments were fixed.

In order to take a consultation and the first decision on how to refinance, you need to fill in a standard questionnaire for obtaining a quick loan for the form of the bank:

Application form for providing a quick loan on the website of Raiffeisenbank

Respect! Any data entered may be reliable. Before correcting the warto, check whether your e-mail addresses are correct. For a few days, a credit specialist at Raiffeisenbank will contact you to clarify details about loans.

Interest rate for the loan program

The bank has set a regular rate of 11.99% on the current contract, and the next - 9.99%. The amount of overpayment for a loan can be reduced by 8 hundred points in that case, if no documents were presented, which confirm that the applicant is going to refinance.

The amount of the rate can be changed by Raiffeisenbank's credit experts on an individual basis, depending on the characteristics of the loans that are being reissued, the availability of a new package of insurance policies and the assessment of the outpost lane.

Respect! On-lending to a loan at Raiffeisenbank may be more sensational for a forward rate of over 14%. Shards may be insured to pay for the execution of operations and the payment of forfeits of a third-party credit organization.

Wimogi to pozalnikiv

Participants in the program of on-lending to Raiffeisenbank are allowed only individuals, ie citizens of the Russian Federation. It is established the age of milestones: 23-67 years. Also, the presence of a mobile and fixed telephone is necessary. The beneficiaries of the loan cannot be the lords of businesses, with the acknowledgment of licensed lawyers and notaries.

Necessary package of documents

In order to refinance with Raiffeisenbank, before the application it is necessary to add:

  1. internal passport of the Russian Federation.
  2. Compliance with the form PDFO-2, not less than for the rest of 3 months.
  3. Documentation proving the fact of employment and seniority of the employer: work book / military ticket / license for advocacy / notarial work.

As an alternative method of confirming income, the bank accepts an agreement on renting an application and a receipt from a pension fund. In other cases, a questionnaire can be accepted for the form to the bank, in order to obtain reliable information about income.

At the time of the early approval of applications for refinancing, you will also need copies of all loan agreements(there are additional ones), as well as a document establishing the right to the outpost, as such a transfer. All documents are given as copies with a notary's seal, but the bank has the right to copy the original.

Respect! Clause 3 is not forwarded to the clients participating in the salary projects of Raiffeisenbank.

The procedure for issuing a loan for on-lending to Raiffeisenbank.

After submitting all the necessary documents and confirmation from the specialists of the bank, you will need to re-register insurance policies in such a rank, schob vigodonabuvache becoming a bank, scho having seen the cost of refinancing. In terms of the order, it is necessary to repay loans from old banks, shards for a leather day of maturity and pay the discount rate for loans. Obov'yazkovo slid to ask for a statement about the number of outstanding credit goiters.

Repayment of crops'yazan under an on-lending agreement

As mentioned earlier, one rate is set for all loans. Periodic payments include both the title of the loan and the amount of money for the new one. For the program of re-crediting to Raiffeisenbank, payments are made in the same way as for any other positions. Periodic payments can be made in the following ways:

  • ATM Raiffeisenbank іz possibility of replenishment.
  • Preparation at vіddіlennyakh and kasakh bank.
  • By transferring the card to another bank.
  • Qiwi.
  • Golden Crown.

Respect! Don’t forget that you can order for help from third-party services and banks to pay commissions. Payments are charged against the currency designated by the contract between the sponsor and the bank.

Why do you want to arrange refinancing yourself to Raiffeisenbank? Let's look ahead to the successes of refinancing a loan for a smaller amount from Raiffeisenbank, the organization can also boast of:

  • Shvidky praises of the previous decision about the praise of the refinancing agreement.
  • Low vіdsotok vіdmov і vіdvnіnі z іnshimi banks.
  • Expert's help from credits, for the money of the employer.
  • Submission of a note for payments, you can get an appointment for a loan repayment.
  • There is a large network of bank branches and ATMs throughout the country.
  • Qualified podtrimka.
  • And a lot more.
Refinancing loans. What is it? federal service podtrimki pozhalnikov

For the presence of a skin loan, it is not possible to reduce the overpayment from a new one. Clients to follow the change of high hundred rates and promptly respond. That is why the service of refinancing a loan to Raiffeisenbank is so popular. Such a procedure is practically available to the skin client of any bank.

In order to apply for a loan to Raiffeisenbank, individuals need to submit a standard package of documents:

  • the passport;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • dovidku about income;
  • completion of the flow jar about the expansion of the borg, which is left out, and the number of stitches.

If all documents are selected, you will no longer be able to select the refinancing program for loans from Raiffeisenbank to loans from other banks. Learn all about 1 program, available for the amount of 90,000 - 2,000,000 rubles, you can directly on this side, and with the help of a calculator, you can redeem a loan for your individual mind. Additional information can be found on the official website of the bank.

Refinancing loans from other banks to Raiffeisenbank is one of the urgent needs of the population. Today, more and more credit products appear on the Russian market of banking services. Therefore, the physical individuals of the Daedalus will require more cats. The credit project of one bank will be revised for all parameters of the credit project in the financial setting, which is already on the market.

Credit services to private individuals are most often expected not to be fixed in appearance. This is due to the unstable situation in the economic sphere Russian Federation. Change your mind about your hour and become the basis for the formation of refinancing. Proposal to Raiffeisenbank to refinance the spontaneous positions of one of the most popular among the citizens of Russia. Also, Raiffeisenbank is actively involved in refinancing mortgages and car loans.

Wash refinancing a loan at Raiffeisenbank

A loan for a physical individual can become an unbearable vantage, or it can be more than one. Wash your loan refinancing for a quick loan and can be called loyal to a hundred percent potential borrower. Rozmir refinancing can reach 2,000,000 rubles. For an amount less than 90,000 rubles, Raiffeisen does not offer refinancing.

Features, powers and procedures for refinancing at which bank:

  1. You can also read the language about the establishment of a potential client of a fixed credit rate.
  2. The term for repayment of the debt is set by the bank. Schedule for making payments, the client takes his hands off. The repayment period is set individually. The period of re-crediting cannot be less than the refinancing period, and also cannot exceed 7 years.
  3. Refinancing of the current position and other credits can be done in foreign currency.
  4. Shukati guarantor chi security happened to be more than one fall, for example, the amount of credit increased to more than 500,000 rubles.
  5. The schedule for making payments from the refinancing can be discussed additionally with the bank, as it is not your power to pay penny sums evenly.

Tariffs for loan restructuring

Wash the refinancing of loans to individuals placed on the official website of Raiffeisenbank. Below is a short consecration of the re-crediting.

Oblіkovy vіdsotokInstalled at a rate of 11.99% per river (minimum).
number of creditsAt Raiffeisenbank, you can immediately apply for refinancing up to 5 easy positions, up to 3 (for mortgage loans, car loans and fast positions) and up to 4 credit cards.
Suma vidachіThe amount of credit given can be 2,000,000 rubles.
Number of payments per month12-60
Dodatkova sumThe client has the opportunity to turn to the bank for additional financing.
Prostochennya paymentStitching the payment is the burden of paying a penalty fee (0.1% on the amount of the stitching).
Financial zahistThe client may have a changed rate of up to 8% at different times, as follows:
– The client did not pay off the front debt for loans submitted for refinancing. Raiffeisenbank takes information from BCI.
- The client does not give any advice about the full repayment of all previous bills.

Wimogi to the hospital

Raiffeisenbank visuvay potential pozachnikam absolutely razumili and simple vimogi:

  1. At the time of making the final payment for refinancing, the client cannot exceed 67 years. It is possible to issue a refinancing from 23 years.
  2. The manifestation of the community of the Russian Federation.
  3. The presence of a work number.
  4. The presence of a stylish telephone number.
  5. Raiffeisenbank does not issue refinancing to individual entrepreneurs, lawyers and magistrates. Re-crediting is allowed only to members of bar associations.

Required documents

For participants in salary projects:

  1. A completed application form is required.

For other participants of salary projects:

  1. Completed application form.
  2. Great passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Finalization of PDFO No. 2 for the remaining 90 days minimum.

For special clients:

  1. Completed application form.
  2. Great passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Prepare one papier per choice for confirming the platospromozhnosti: finalization of PDFO No. 2 for the remaining 90 days minimum, finalization of the form of financial installation, or taxation of PDFO No. 3.
  4. Dovіdku about the presence of additional sources of income.

If the amount of the loan is more than 500,000 rubles, it is necessary to prepare documents that confirm the official process:

  • A photocopy of all employment records, including the reference work space. Mushu zapevnit kerіvnik company.
  • Viyskovich need to submit a xerox copy of the contract for service (certified) or a xerox copy of the work. In the obligatory order - a photocopy of the military ticket or a hero from the service month (indicate the date on the cob).
  • It is obligatory for notaries to issue a license for carrying out activities.
  • Lawyers, yakі conduct activities at the moment, є svіdchennya s presence of the registry number.

Registration of refinancing

Raiffeisenkabank has a standard refinancing procedure:

  • Krok 1. Fill in the application-questionnaire on the website of the financial institution and either from the bank's representative. The form of the questionnaire was posted on the official website.
  • Krok 2 At the sight of the application, there are a few days. If the bank's spokesperson contacts you by phone, or else it will enforce the verdict in electronic form.
  • Krok 3 Reply to the client for any result. If the bank wins a positive verdict, then it is necessary to come to Raiffeisenbank with a full package of papers. Better to prepare them for the future.

Loan repayment methods

Raiffeisenbank gives you the opportunity to make payments without paying commissions for assistance:

  • Branches of Raiffeisenbank.
  • Bezgotivkove pererakhuvannya koshtіv z іnshої finustati.
  • Service at KIVI terminals.
  • Transferring money from the card of another bank.
  • Golden Crown.
  • Service at ATMs and terminals of Binbank and MCB.

Mitteve repaid money is repaid in all repaid ways, except for transfers from the cards of other banks. Mitteviy order to secure also ATMs of Raijfeisenbank.

If a client sends a card to Raijfeisenbank, then the money can be repaid at ATMs in the financial institution.

Refinancing calculator

On the official website of Raiffeisenbank ( there is a calculator in online mode. With the help of yoga, you can increase the rozrahunok sumi positions by stretching pivkhvilini. Golovna - do not have mercy and enter all the data correctly. Please, enter the data for all required fields and click on the button - Unravel.
At the exit, we take detailed information about the amount of payments from the schedule. It is clearly indicated on the graph, in what date it is necessary to make payments, and in the same amount you have been assigned for a month.

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