Why VTB Bank does not sue the borzhnik before the court. How often does VTB sue borrowers?

  • The amount of swearing.
  • The term of the over-lined payment.
  • The amount of accrued interest.

  • bank security service
  • Є chance to play right

Specify information

  • Credit agreement;

Nutritional debt of the population today is very topical. It is important to know a person who would like to never apply for a loan for whatever he needs. For the money of a great number of sightings of credits, a small amount of money was quiet, for which they allowed scribbling payments.

People can change the situation, the place of work, or cause serious problems in their own and their health. Prote banks so chi іnakshe namagatimuyus otrimati borg. Bank VTB 24 is not culpable, and in our article it is known that they worked, as if suing you before the court through a stitched fence.

If VTB 24 can be sued

If the client blames the bank for delaying the payment, the bank gives the first hour back. Zvichayno well, about stitching, scho viniklo, ahead and more than once. However, before that, as soon as the security service of the bank enters the right, you will be given a few months. They gave us the right to hand over the collections to the collectors for a special delivery.

When filed, I will call the bank to court on such data as:

  • The amount of swearing. Call the bank to file before the court for a sum of over 100 thousand rubles. Only in vinyatkovyh vipadkah can be less sum;
  • The term of the over-lined payment. More than an hour you don't make a payment and ignore the security service of the bank, because there are more chances to get out of court. Rows to the middle one begin in the pіvroku for the total number of payments;
  • The amount of accrued interest. Chastkovo bank vygіdno to delay the term of filing a call in reasonable boundaries, even if the sum of the penalty can significantly increase the amount of money to borg.

Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank

Often, the security service of the bank is called to dosit by the ship’s calls of the borzhniks. Zavdyaki ignorance of the nuances of nutrition is richly fearful that the bank will be sued, but it is more significant for the borzhnik as soon as possible, annizh punishment. VTB 24 vіdomiy tim, scho effectively filed before the court, in vіddayuchi win over collection offices.

For the officer of the judge’s position in the bank, it is significant that:

  • bank security service no longer call me chi іnakshe turbuvatim like the borzhnik himself, and his relatives;
  • Penalty penalties and fines will be awarded for an hour of the ship's gaze;
  • Amount required may be scammed, and as a result, it is necessary to pay less than the main amount of the borg, and not additional fines and penalties for admission of stitching plus up to it;
  • At the time of decision, the bank will have to pay are carried out behind the vikonavchim sheet. Tse means that the amount of skin payment can be good for a borzhnik and at the same time proportional to income and expenses;
  • Є chance to play right against the bank, don’t cry out in front of him.

At any other time, do not ignore the judge's calls to the bank, and do not be tempted to take the fate of the very sight. Similar behavior is signifi- cant to compromise with the bank. The court is simply obliged to praise the VTB 24 authorities, for example, it is ordered to add additional sums for the services of the bank, or great penalties.

What robiti, like a bank having filed before the court

We are not ready to give up panitsi chi depression. As we have already written above, the judicial process has a low positive side, and it is not possible to take the situation emotionally. The review of such certificates is a standard procedure, moreover, criminal punishment for such Borg is not transferred.

Specify information

Information about the submission of poses, ring out on the strength of the guard at the sight of the order. He will be given all the necessary information. Prote traplyayutsya vpadki, if about the poses to the clients they tell the bank's helpers by phone. If you have been telephoned and informed about those who have been given a judge's summons, be sure to know:

  • For which judge itself is carried out, a look is right;
  • Date and hour of the court session.

However, the bank will not be able to give you this information, and you can always know it in particular. For help with the help of the Internet, find out which court itself will lie before your place of residence, go to the site of which court and marvel, call on your name. If a search does not give results, you can search in that court, which is set to take place before the month of roztashuvannya pozivacha, then the bank itself.

How to prepare for court with a bank

To look back at the fact that judging the supply of stitched streaks is carried out often, there are low individual nuances. Crazy, you need a consultation. Ale in front of them is more beautiful than a mother not far from seeing such documents, like:

  • Credit agreement;
  • Receipts about the reduced payments;
  • Leaves, notification of other notices to the bank.

If you wish, you can write, call or make a call on our site. Our facsimiles will give you a cost-free consultation and help you figure out if you may need documents and how to get along better.

In addition, we will help you with the necessary troubles. For example, more golovnіshe klopotannya, like a trace of quarreling for any judge about the stitched fouling - the change of forfeits. Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to talk about those that you have the right to request a change in inevitable penalties and forfeits. Aje often stench itself can become half of the whole borg.

What robiti, how is VTB 24 bank going to court?

Nutritional debt of the population today is very topical. It is important to know a person who would like to never apply for a loan for whatever he needs. For the money of a great number of sightings of credits, a small amount of money was quiet, for which they allowed scribbling payments.

People can change the situation, the place of work, or cause serious problems in their own and their health. Prote banks so chi іnakshe namagatimuyus otrimati borg. Bank VTB 24 is not culpable, and in our article it is known that they worked, as if suing you before the court through a stitched fence.

If VTB 24 can be sued

If the client blames the bank for delaying the payment, the bank gives the first hour back. Zvichayno well, about stitching, scho viniklo, ahead and more than once. However, before that, as soon as the security service of the bank enters the right, you will be given a few months. They gave us the right to hand over the collections to the collectors for a special delivery.

When filed, I will call the bank to court on such data as:

  • The amount of swearing. Call the bank to file before the court for a sum of over 100 thousand rubles. Only in vinyatkovyh vipadkah can be less sum;
  • The term of the over-lined payment. More than an hour you don't make a payment and ignore the security service of the bank, because there are more chances to get out of court. Rows to the middle one begin in the pіvroku for the total number of payments;
  • The amount of accrued interest. Chastkovo bank vygіdno to delay the term of filing a call in reasonable boundaries, even if the sum of the penalty can significantly increase the amount of money to borg.

Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank

Often, the security service of the bank is called to dosit by the ship’s calls of the borzhniks. Zavdyaki ignorance of the nuances of nutrition is richly fearful that the bank will be sued, but it is more significant for the borzhnik as soon as possible, annizh punishment. VTB 24 vіdomiy tim, scho effectively filed before the court, in vіddayuchi win over collection offices.

For the officer of the judge’s position in the bank, it is significant that:

  • bank security service no longer call me chi іnakshe turbuvatim like the borzhnik himself, and his relatives;
  • Penalty penalties and fines will be awarded for an hour of the ship's gaze;
  • Amount required may be scammed, and as a result, it is necessary to pay less than the main amount of the borg, and not additional fines and penalties for admission of stitching plus up to it;
  • At the time of decision, the bank will have to pay are carried out behind the vikonavchim sheet. Tse means that the amount of skin payment can be good for a borzhnik and at the same time proportional to income and expenses;
  • Є chance to play right against the bank, don’t cry out in front of him.

At any other time, do not ignore the judge's calls to the bank, and do not be tempted to take the fate of the very sight. Similar behavior is signifi- cant to compromise with the bank. The court is simply obliged to praise the VTB 24 authorities, for example, it is ordered to add additional sums for the services of the bank, or great penalties.

What robiti, like a bank having filed before the court

We are not ready to give up panitsi chi depression. As we have already written above, the judicial process has a low positive side, and it is not possible to take the situation emotionally. The review of such certificates is a standard procedure, moreover, criminal punishment for such Borg is not transferred.

Specify information

Information about the submission of poses, ring out on the strength of the guard at the sight of the order. He will be given all the necessary information. Prote traplyayutsya vpadki, if about the poses to the clients they tell the bank's helpers by phone. If you have been telephoned and informed about those who have been given a judge's summons, be sure to know:

  • For which judge itself is carried out, a look is right;
  • Date and hour of the court session.

However, the bank will not be able to give you this information, and you can always know it in particular. For help with the help of the Internet, find out which court itself will lie before your place of residence, go to the site of which court and marvel, call on your name. If a search does not give results, you can search in that court, which is set to take place before the month of roztashuvannya pozivacha, then the bank itself.

How to prepare for court with a bank

To look back at the fact that judging the supply of stitched streaks is carried out often, there are low individual nuances. Crazy, you need a consultation. Ale in front of them is more beautiful than a mother not far from seeing such documents, like:

  • Credit agreement;
  • Receipts about the reduced payments;
  • Leaves, notification of other notices to the bank.

If you wish, you can write, call or make a call on our site. Our facsimiles will give you a cost-free consultation and help you figure out if you may need documents and how to get along better.

In addition, we will help you with the necessary troubles. For example, more golovnіshe klopotannya, like a trace of quarreling for any judge about the stitched fouling - the change of forfeits. Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to talk about those that you have the right to request a change in inevitable penalties and forfeits. Aje often stench itself can become half of the whole borg.

Court from VTB24

VTB 24 11/15/2016 16:50
Shanovne Kokhannia!

With respect,
VTB 24

Chance MS!

I want to be disciplinary

Court from VTB24

Why, cicavo, is the essence of non-separate differences - the kind that they brought to the doctors?

Tobto. basic nutrition - what is the violation of the law on the side of the bank chi the bank just does not want to "go to the camp" - give a line on how to pay the loan just?

є thoughts to write on TV broadcast (want to be there, live in St. Petersburg)

I’ve definitely got є, є a contract, think about what stench they broke at the door, I’ll decide at once from a lawyer to prepare

VTB 24 11/15/2016 16:50
Shanovne Kokhannia!

Your claim CR-2512635 is currently under review. We will tell you about the results dodatkovo.
Unfortunately, the solution of the problem took more than an hour, but it was not planned.
From our side, we try to take the most obvious solution to the problem.
We kindly ask you to contact us and ask you to contact the Bank.

With respect,
VTB 24

Chance MS!
What is the real bank for you because of the claims. What do you think?

Good, that you and other clients of the bank should go home. And healthy'yam do not fry

It was clear that the claim was filed by letter by phone, or even by Internet?

There is a good reason for proving in court the fact of your filing to the bank - we strongly recommend that you confirm that the description of the deposit was handed over, or deliver it through a notary public - as a rule, the original before serving the copy to the central office of the bank.
At the service desk, the service can be transferred in a special way, with the clerk’s certificate of acceptance of the client’s application to another conciliator.

It seems that the robots have been waiting for "trochs" for more than an hour, the robots are being carried out, check, vibatch for unruliness. Formally, the claim was not informed

Dyakuyu! I am trying to speed up the solution of the problem, and stink there to bewitch and start practicing?

How can you attract to the vіdpovіdalnostі pracіvnіkіv?

I want to be disciplinary

To be honest, I was planning to get an official opinion on the spot, but if you don’t have power over me, write to the CPU and file it before the court, but practice has shown that you don’t see it. for me, the calls were sent about fencing. Spivrobіtniki vіddіlu roboti with stitched fences can't tell you about food, repeat you have fences and that's it, we don't know anything. you can’t communicate with the work of the worker with the claims of no one less, it means that you have left alone - the court

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  • The review of such rights is a standard procedure, in addition, criminal punishment for such Borg is not transferred. How long can you not pay a loan to a bank in a legal way? Also, the bank can explain the consequences of non-payment of debt for the borrower, so as not to go beyond the law. It is permissible to go to the borzhnik for the place of registration and that roboti, as it is necessary to hand over a fortune telling about fences. The bank can work more propositions of other schemes for repayment of debt. The bank, on the other hand, can request a payment debit line or write off a fine and a fine, on the minds of updating the fees. If the bank is no longer effective, then you can take it to court.

    What robiti, like VTB 24 bank having filed before the court


    • If VTB 24 can be sued
    • Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank
    • What robiti, like a bank having filed before the court
    • Specify information
    • How to prepare for court with a bank

    If VTB 24 can be filed before the court If the client blames the bank for delays in payment, the bank gives the bank an early hour. Zvichayno well, about stitching, scho viniklo, ahead and more than once.

    However, before that, as soon as the security service of the bank enters the right, you will be given a few months. They gave us the right to hand over the collections to the collectors for a special delivery.
    When filed, I will call the bank to court on such data as:
    • The amount of swearing. Call the bank to file before the court for a sum of over 100 thousand rubles.

    Vtb24 sues the borzhnik through the links


    I respect for the need to show my special responsibility and the honor of other patrons for such adequacy of the succesfull food from the stitched bank VTB24 and it’s okay for you - by liking, and as for you, the whole page is zhahlivim - then dislike. Write in the comments about your experience in cooperation with VTB24 bank and share the article with friends in the social media, so that they stink, but on the aphids of other banks, the quality is adequate.

    Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank?

    Tom cannot simply not pay the loan and the checks, the docks will pay additional fines. Briefly expand the term of the loan. ask the bank to pay the sum in smaller portions.


    Such a service is called restructuring borg, that is. changing the minds of the loan agreement, which is reported about it here. Ale, zvichayno, happen to overpay a troch. So, anyway, there are no safe and easy ways to get away with paying off a loan. What robiti, how is VTB 24 bank going to court? salary on the repayment of the debt on the loan.

    Dії VTB 24 in case of non-payment of the loan

    The introduction of a feasible sum can be seen as proof of your intention to grow up for the first time. At times, spend money, changing income, or for other difficulties, it is necessary for us to go back to the bank.

    Restructuring a VTB 24 loan

    1. repayment of the payment for the payment of the main board, tobto protyazh song period the client pays less than a hundred;
    2. restructuring of a foreign currency loan for rubles.
    3. extension of the term of crediting up to 1 year;

    Wash the restructuring at VTB Bank 24 By returning to a credit lawyer or a broker, you can find out how to solve the problem. The broker will help you to know the refinancing program in another bank.

      • Stitching at VTB 24: why are you threatening?
      • Restructuring of VTB 24 loan
        • How does the court go to court for a loan, what does it do, how can a bank file a lawsuit for non-payment of a loan?
      • What are the threats to the overwriting of a loan, what is the robit
      • How long does the bank not transfer the right to the court?
      • VTB24 to ask to pay off the stitched fence
    • VTB24 to ask to pay off the stitched fence
    • Powerful food, terminovo! The bank is taking it to court!

    Stitching at VTB 24: why are you threatening? Attach-vikonavtsі may have the right to describe and sell mine, for the rahunka of which all the fencing or a part is paid off. In order not to complicate the payment with financiers, in case of an increase in the payment capacity, we are not allowed to accept payments.

    The only thing that can be included in the arrest list is the same as the apartment of a borzhnik - the first place of registration and actual residence. The court has arrested a part of the lane, which is to be paid to the borg. After whom, order the court to count the sales of the borzhnik’s lane for the description of that zdіysnyuyut repayment of the fence. The process of confiscation After the decision of the court, the legal document is enforced to the highest authority of the service by enforcing the court. The list of those who threaten the non-payment of the bank to the bank, is reduced to the list of vikonavchih entries of a primus character. We are charged with the arrest of bank accounts for the money for the retribution of the injured bank. Also, arrests and sales of lanes are carried out. You can take half of the salary to pay off the borg. Until the full payment can be imposed on the exchange of air from Russia and other legal entities to intimidate the flow of the borzhnik.

    What robiti, like VTB 24 bank having filed before the court

    Golovna FіzoobamNaslidki not pay the loan More pozalnikіv skarzhatsya on bіdnіst, fіnansovі difficulties, sіmeynі obstavini tіbnіbnі important reasons, through yakі stinks vzahali vіrishi take from the bank Delta or VTB 24 express loans.


    Significantly, no matter what the cause, the person will continue to confess for borg.

    Often they also ask - "I'm not paying a loan, what will I do."


    Below, a blown outward wind is pointed, as a blowout is transferred.

    Documents for express credit Bank Delta or VTB 24 claims pending trial.

    If a person regularly pays an insignificant sum for a loan, the bank can take that document for the end of the year for court.

    However, it is not a good idea to make a positive decision about how to cancel the vіdsotki.

    Bank suing for non-payment of loan

    Tse means that the amount of skin payment can be good for a borzhnik and at the same time proportional to income and expenses;

    • Є a chance to play right against the bank and not cry out in front of him.

    At any other time, do not ignore the judge's calls to the bank, and do not be tempted to take the fate of the very sight.

    Similar behavior is signifi- cant to compromise with the bank.

    The court is simply obliged to praise the VTB 24 authorities, for example, it is ordered to add additional sums for the services of the bank, or great penalties.

    How robiti, like the bank having filed before the court.

    As we have already written above, the judicial process has a low positive side, and it is not possible to take the situation emotionally.

    The review of such rights is a standard procedure, in addition, criminal punishment for such Borg is not transferred.

    Why don't banks hurry to sue the debtor?


    More than an hour you don't make a payment and ignore the security service of the bank, because there are more chances to get out of court.

    Rows to the middle one begin in the pіvroku for the total number of payments;
    • The amount of accrued interest. Chastkovo bank vygіdno to delay the term of filing a call in reasonable boundaries, even if the sum of the penalty can significantly increase the amount of money to borg.

    The judgment of the judge is not viable for the bank, even though it will take an hour and a financial investment.
    Krim tsyogo, the court process of tying with singing risks for the bank.

    Tse mozhe buti yak risik oskarzhennya necessary sumi, і risik program to the right.

    I'll call you often with a last call.
    Prote VTB 24 is one of the few banks that can apply.

    Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank? Often, the security service of the bank is called to dosit by the ship’s calls of the borzhniks.

    The consequences of non-payment of a loan

    However, these banks, as a practical matter, do not call for help, but they often go against the law. Tse - Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Renaissance and other financial organizations. To that, laying down the agreement, it is important to read all the paragraphs, especially those that are written in a different font - you yourself may be told there the possibility of transferring to the collection agencies.

    Why is it necessary to be afraid of a court with a bank for a loan? Often for a borzhnik, the price is only possible to pay off the creditor, especially as a penny situation is not the best rank.

    Hirshe, like a borg will be handed over to collectors - regardless of those who at once on the company are imposed suvori obezhennya and fines, stench, like before, dyut іz zastosuvannyam moral violence schodo borzhnikov.

    Why does the bank not sue for non-payment of the loan?

    In such situations, the bank’s lawyers pronounce everything in pre-trial order.

    If you misread the skins from the judges and did not know the calls, de є in the case of their relatives, then the fault was not given.

    Otzhe, you are simply urged to enter Oman. How to get ready to go to court with the bank Navit z looking at the fact that judging the food of stitched-up borders is carried out often, there is a low individual nuances. Crazy, you need a consultation. Ale in front of them is more beautiful than a mother not far from seeing such documents, like:

    • Credit agreement;
    • Receipts about the reduced payments;
    • Leaves, notification of other notices to the bank.

    If you wish, you can write, call or make a call on our site. Our facsimiles will give you a cost-free consultation and help you figure out if you may need documents and how to get along better.

    Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank?

    As for the loan agreement, the outpost was assigned a mine and other quick express loans, the bank Delta or VTB on May 24 has the right to organize the sale of this mine by a court sanction.

    Viruchka in ide near the rahunoks extinguished by the open borg.

    This is often seen, as if the objects make the transport security of that apartment appear.

    It is also possible to hang out from a life under a mortgage agreement on a new life without a loan to the owner of another life. The rights of the bank and the payee Pіd hour before the court review until the reopening of the bank Delta or VTB 24 You can tell the non-payer about the scribbled fees from the billing to the bank. Nagaduvannya zdіysnyuєtsya for help overstrength of lists, zdіysnennya telephone dzvіnkіv and sms-rozsilok.
    Zvichayno, pozichalnik with the pleasure of waiting, shards for a new act such an act to the bank - the ability to escape the ship's gaze. І bank, which is called "at the plus", otrimuyuchi 40.000-60.000 rubles on a flat spot. Another option - the bank will pay fines and fines, threatening the defendant with punishment before the court, you will start to cry, but it’s all the same - don’t cry - the borg doesn’t change, all the money goes to pay off the fines. And here the arbitrator himself checks, the docks of the bank are filed against the new one before the court, shards of reason, which for the new court session can become the final point at the settlement with the bank. Another reason why the bank does not hurry to file before the court lies in the fact that an hour of that cost is required for the preparation of documents and that bank meeting. And nav_scho to the bank of stained-glass windows, pay pennies on the ship's stained-glass windows, especially in that case, like a scrip quick loan small.

    I'm paying a loan from VTB Bank of Moscow, I'm filing a lawsuit

    Before them you can see: - Oschadbank; - Alfa Bank; - Gazprombank; - VTB 24; - Bank of Moscow; - Home Credit Bank; - Raiffeisenbank; Visnovki: Making out the financial goiter on yourself, always think about those, as you will cry over them, even if you are guilty of fouling in front of the bank, you won’t hurry up to the right in court, but as much as possible for a long time loan varying amounts of fines and penalties.

    If the statute of limitations reaches its end, the financial structure will propagate the situation to a “light” or, in respect of the docile, to sue you before the court and tse її right. please.

    You should understand that the fact of non-payment of a loan, based on legal foundations, is even more negatively impacted on your credit history.
    The judge's view, at his discretion, is to allow the fines for scribbling to be reduced, or to re-borrow the credit from the credit - to lose the payment of the body of the position.

    Quite often the sum of the borg may be short-lived may the vdvіchі.

    For that, for a beneficiary, an unpaid debtor with a creditor, such a scheme will be naive.

    5 ways to open loan agreement→ Well, after a serious prostochennya, representatives of the financial organization have not once appeared to the borzhnik, and they don’t know why the bank is not suing for non-payment of the loan - it’s time to take the situation in the hands of the authorities.

    If the position-giver does not submit to the court for three years, then after the end of the term borg is written off, and it is no longer possible to turn your money back to the financial organization.

    I don’t care about those that the financial structure is protecting its entire legal power, and also, the chances of a positive view are practically 100% creditors do not hurry to appeal to the courts. Why are they checking? Let's start from the worst. A bank is a commercial organization that earns pennies "on the fly". To the same time that the beneficiary does not pay for his goiter, the greater the amount of penalties and penalties "nabіgaє" on the loan. It is theoretically є hour for the employer to pay off his financial goiter, and in the bank - earn on them to the maximum. In this manner, 10,000 rubles can turn into 50,000-70,000 rubles. If, on the right, we reach the end of the term of limitation (we will talk about three times later), the bank will build a “good gesture” - we will restructure the board, “rebate” the first part and appoint a new payment schedule.

    For a long time we have not been short of history, like the zvichayn hulks to resist the boom of banks, like they break the law and successfully defend their rights in court. Let's go!

    Today at the release:

    1. Too much interpretation of 115-FZ led Oschadbank before the ship's review with the receptionist from Kirov. The bank was prog by the judge, and the client took away moral compensation and a fine for losing money.
    2. VTB 24 having given a client from Perm a credit limit of 300,000 rubles on a card, then I lost the court, and then decided to win a court decision, for which I removed the fine from bailiffs, the threat of criminal reinvestigation of a landowner and, as a result, squabbling of the courts.

    The court decision was added to both situations.

    first situation, May 19, 2016 Pershotravneviy District Court, having pleased the help of the Kirov woman, having saved the rights of those, as established by Themis, it was destroyed, zobov'yazav Oschadbank to see positive pennies - 400 thousand rubles, yakі utrimuyutsya on її rahunka z sіchnya ninіshnogo fate.

    Having recognized Oschadbank as illegal, the court praised: pull on the melancholy pozyvacha compensation for moral shkodita and a fine. As a lawyer, Yan Chebotaryov, who represented the court’s court, after collecting decisions of legal force, suffered again to go to justice with the help of the Oschadbank about compensation for the court’s vitrates and sbitkiv, the head of the court for the money. Usy 120 thousand rubles.

    More in sіchnі Oschadbank blocking debit card my clients - kіrovskaya pіdpriієmnitі, yak navіt navіch not letting go, scho happened to go through this kіl hell, i immediately turned back to the food "why" i'm going to the hot line, and then to one of the mіstsevih vіddіlenі organization. The back of the head is taken in the oral form, and if it is not checked out in a different way, in the letter. Among those who wrote an application on the Sberbank website.

    The mіstsevoy vіddіlennі zhіncі was told that the card was blocked by Moscow. The metropolitan contributor sent a contributor to the "Processing Center" of St. Petersburg, praising the decision about blocking. There they lowered their shoulders and sent the client back to Moscow. There they puffed: go to Kirov - and start walking around. Passing way: Kirov-Moscow-Saint-Petersburg and back a sprat of razіv - the recipient of the nareshti was checked out of vіdpovіdі.

    Only the fierce Kirovske explained what was on the pedestal 115 federal law about “anti-legalization of money, zdobutih wicked way” and “anti-financialization of terrorist organizations”, the bank to re-verify the activity of the depositors, having asked for a bunch of documents and additional documents, including the tax return for the next river.

    Surprised by suspicions at the address about the financing of terrorists, the recipient told the bank that it was possible to bring a tax return no earlier than the next day, if declarations were being made, but she felt at the counter: write an application, close your account and withdraw your pennies in 45 days. Then the patience of the contributor broke, and she rightly wrote a statement, as if she brought it to court.

    The position of Oschadbank, voiced in the court proceedings, I called bi “more amusing”. To my mind, with the help of Articles 4 and 7 of Federal Law 115, I have the right not to tell the client the reason for the blocking, so it’s the very same to block the card and the account on the non-objection term without any court decision, - even Chebotarov.

    Zahist proved that the bank can independently block ruh pennies and operations on the lines for the re-verification, but it does not exceed three days. I, as soon as it will be established that the operations call for suspicion, they will be sent to the federal supervisory authority Rosfinmonitoring. Yakiy, with his devil, has the right to turn himself in to the court for a ban, I will allow him to be blocked. І shards of sentencing to the visual body, like a court decision, Oschadbank to reveal the bulk, The bank was declared illegal.

    The Bank held a three-day meeting on the Federal Law “On countering the financing of terrorism and the legalization of funds that have been acquired by evildoers way”, though only in one key, - seems to be Yan Chebotaryov.

    It was stated that the bank, without explaining the reasons, has the right to block, whether it be a card or a huge man, and for an explanation, the stars are worth pennies. Well zvіsno - zvіdki? For example, the budget does not get pennies.
    The reason for Sberbank's claims also suggested that the woman had done too much cooking. We asked for the same 115-fz, it seems that the bank itself can bring the truth of its suspicions, that the bank has the right to block the operation for more than a few days, and not forever, what a person, її rights and freedom є the greatest value ... Well, I suffered don't go there. Zreshtoy - the court waited for us.

    Unmotivated suspicions by the bank of people - do not allow yoga posture outside the framework of the ship's procedure for yoga of the rich.

    Pershotravneviy district court of the city of Kirov at the warehouse of the head-headed court Rogachova Yu.A. to PAT "Sberbank of Russia" about the protection of the rights of a spy, compensation for moral shkodi,


    Konishova E.G. filed before the court with the summons of PAT "Sberbank of Russia" to defend the rights of the spy, compensation for moral mischief.

    He brought his vimogi to him, who was the manager of the Visa Gold debit bank card, signed in PAT “Sberbank of Russia”, the implementation of operations from a penny, which was on the rahunka. On (date) she was unable to prepare for the selection of the card from seeing that she was blocked by the voucher. Spivrobitnikami Bank їй appointed about the possibility of withdrawing the money less when closing the card account, or transferring the funds to another account.

    Konishova E.G. vvazha, what has been violated її rights as a spy of banking services, for a long time won’t be able to take away your money, there are no legal fees for the Bank to pay a penny.

    Asking for an ungrounded exchange of її rights, as if arranging for orders with penny koshta, which are on the account of a bank card, we could ask the court for clarification at the court meeting (date)) to ask the court for її rahunka (Number) to pull compensation for moral shkodi (Data depersonalized), a fine of 50% of the sum awarded

    At the court session, the speaker Konisheva E.G. didn’t show up, about the sight of the right povomleno duly rank.

    The representative of the caller Chebotaryov Ya.Є. clarified the calls, while pidtrimav at the full obsyaz, relying on the conclusions, declaring at the call. Having indicated that the Bank was powered by Konisheva E.G. y (date) documents, zocrema, patent those documents confirming the payment of taxes, the rest could not be filed through the validity of the patent, and the term of filing tax return not yet passed. It was shown that the coins for Konisheva's account in Oschadbank were not due to unknown or vague reasons, but from Konisheva's account in another bank - the Kirov branch of PAT JSCB "Zv'yazok-Bank", a memorandum of excerpt from this is presented. You can better understand the preparation in Oschadbank through a bigger vidny. Koshti were vikoristovulysya exclusively for special purposes, for everyday life and the repair of their booth.

    Representative of PAT "Sberbank of Russia" Likhachova T.V. I didn’t recognize the call of the vimogi, vvazhayuchi їх illegal and unprimed. She explained that in 2016 the Bank blocked the card of Konishova Y.G. that financing of terrorism”, shards analysis of her for the period (Date) of the operation for the order and the payment of the preparation, we do not allow the recognition of them as a choice of costs for the satisfaction of special and related needs of the customer, the Bank suspected them of the stench of the stench.

    In order to verify the legitimacy of transactions with different bank cards, the Bank has granted remote access to pennies on the bank account. Konisheva did not provide the necessary documents, the document card was blocked. Koshti pozivach can take only when the rahunka is closed.

    Having listened to the explanations of the participants in the process, having read through the letter materials, the judgment of the offensive.

    Vidpovly, to the state of the Statt 845 of the Tsival Code of the Russian Federation for the agreement of Bankivsky Rahuka, the Bank of the Zobovi'yazu, the intrigues of Rahunok, Vidkriti Kliktu (Rahunka Rahuki), Koshti, Viconuvati Kliynta about the outbuilding of the same, the vicinity of

    The bank can win over cash, guaranteeing the right of the client to freely dispose of these funds.

    The Bank does not have the right to appoint and control directly the choice of the client’s costs and establish other than the law and the agreement on the banking settlement of the obmezhennia and the right to dispose of a penny on the authority’s court.

    By virtue of article 858 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the exchange of the client’s rights to the disposal of a penny, which is to be placed in a rahunka, is not allowed, for a vineyard, an imposition of an arrest on a koshti, which is to be in a rahunka, or the operation is to be carried out with a rahunka in the cases, peredbachenih law.

    Court installed, scho Konisheva E.T. on submitting an application-questionnaire id (date) on the withdrawal of an international card Oschadbank of Russia under the Banking Services Agreement (number) id (date) is seen bank card Visa Gold (number), and in the case of transactions that are carried out in accordance with the Contract, the payment is made (number).

    Konishova E.G. recognized by the Minds of the selection of bank cards of BAT "Oshchadbank of Russia", as in conjunction with other documents є Agreement on the issuance and servicing of bank cards.

    Vіdpovіdno to tsih Umov bankіvska card є vlasnіstyu Bank that is seen by the client at the time of payment for goods, services, withdrawal / payment of prepared sums from credit organizations and through an ATM, as well as for other operations. For the purpose of changing the operations that are carried out in accordance with the Agreement, the bank informs the client of the Rahunok (clauses 2.1, 2.4, 3.1).

    Vіdpovіdno up to paragraphs 7.2, 7.4 Umov vlasnik goiter cards are not vikoristovuvaty її zdіysnennya operations superimposed on the dignified legislation of the Russian Federation, and to carry out operations behind the rahunkami cards, po'yazanі z pіdpriєmnitskoi іyalnosti.

    It was also established that (Date) the bank card, seen by Konisheva Y.G., was blocked by PAT "Sberbank of Russia".

    The fact of blocking the card was not cleared up.

    The card is blocked for the moment.

    (Date) Konisheva Y.G. returned to PAT "Oshchadbank of Russia" with a statement about the illegal blocking of the card, about the need to unblock the card and allow them to use their coins.

    In addition, in the statement of the statement Konisheva E.G. show that the cost of її rahunki at PJSC "Oshchadbank of Russia" comes from a proper її rahunka, declared in PAT JSCB "Zv'yazok Bank". What is it that works for a simple system of podatkuvannya that pays taxes from the usual penny koshtіv, which should be in the form of pridpriyomnitskoy іyalnostі. Vkazuє dzherelo svogo income, and also, schoshti, yakі vnіmaє znіmaє z bankіvskoї cards, іy nebhіdnі і vikoristovuyutsya in special purposes. Prior to the statement Konishova Є.G. presented documents: certificates about the right of її authority on the object of indestructible lane, on the object of the indestructible lane, that they are staying with the її volodinn, koristuvanny, agreements about the morning of that victory of the indestructible lane.

    At the date of the appointment on the application (Date) (handed over to the person on (date)) N 115-FZ "On the prevention of legalization (removal) of income, taking away the malicious way and financing of terrorism", regulations for the bank, internal procedures for the bank, asking for additional tax: lease agreement, patent and documents confirming the payment of taxes for 2015.

    Vіdpovіdno to the clarification of the representative of the positivist, Konisheva E.G. could not submit documents to the Bank that would be subject to a supplementary request, she did not withdraw patents, and the term of filing a tax return for 2015 did not end with a lyutium. Some data on the payment of taxes for 2015 has been given to the Bank.

    At the ship, the representer of the Pat “Sberbank Rosії” explained, the VIDPOVENITY to the rules for the internal control of the Methodye Legaliza (vidmiyu) income, the rocker № 881-9-r. , in the opinion of the bank, the assigned operations clearly did not correspond to the globally accepted market practice of the operations, in connection with the date of September 2016, the bank praised the decision about the stoppage of the remote service of the card due to the access to the blocking of the cards - the blocking of the cards

    (Date) Konisheva Y.G. I again especially turned back to PJSC "Oshchadbank of Russia" to collect money from my account. At the witness of the cost, it was suggested by the judge, it was explained that it is possible to take away the curled rahunok, to transfer pennies to another rahunok.

    Vіdpovіdache not zaperchuvalos, scho to our time Konisheva E.G. you cannot take away the cost of your rahunka without yogo zakrittya, as mentioned in paragraph 3.10 Umov.

    However, behind the scenes, let the court respect the Bank that it is necessary to exchange the right to order a penny, to be on the rahunka, to superechit the vimog of decorous legislation.

    By virtue of the provisions of article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the lieutenant shall have the right to volodynnya, koristuvannya and ordering his mine. The Vlasnik may have the right to the court of justice to impose a proper law on you, whether it be so, so as not to overwrite the law with other legal acts and do not violate the rights and protect the interests of other interests by law.

    The legal provisions on the right of power to zastosovnі to the legality of the party when distributing penny coins on a bank account.

    The exchange of the rights of the client (Vlasnik) to order a penny, which is not allowed for a rahunka, is not allowed, crime of vipadkiv, transfer by law (Article 858 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

    Federal Law of VID 08/07/2001 Rocu No. 115-FZ "On the opposition of Legalizatsya (vidmivanni) income, rymani by the malice, the Fіnannuvannya Terorism" Correct RIZHIA DIA, hidden for the reality of the real law. advice from the client's order about the operation (article 7).

    So, zgіtnoye with paragraph 10 of the norms of the organized, yaki healthy surgery with an abstract of a minine, Zupinyat Vidpovіdna Operations, behind the vene of Zarakhuvannya Koshtiv, they were onto the rachunoks of the fuel -free specialists, and the threshold of the days of the day. of the client about her zdijsnenny may be vikonano, at times, even if you want one side:

    Legal person, yaki directly surpassed by the sulfur nososti, the control of the organized individuals, the pico stalls, come in a frost -ore (blocked) koshtyvs abstain 6 paragraph 1 of the point of 1 or for the introduction of such organizations chi osib;

    a physical person, as a physical person, is included before the transfer of organizations that physical features, although there are some reports about my accountability to extremist activity or terrorism, which is a necessary operation, directing to the removal of that extra money from the rozmіrі, which I will overcome .... rublіv, and navіt on zdіisnennya to pay for goiter, which were added to the new list before inclusion).

    Названою нормою також передбачено, що при неотриманні протягом терміну, на який була призупинена операція, постанови уповноваженого органу про зупинення відповідної операції на додатковий строк на підставі частини третьої статті 8 цього Закону організації здійснюють операцію з коштами або іншим майном за розпорядженням клієнта, якщо відповідно до legislation Russian Federation no other solution is praised, which surrounds such an operation.

    The force of paragraph 11 of Statt 7 Federal Law "On the Vice of Lagestan (Vidmivanni) income, rymani, the malice of the blessing, that fіnancuanni Terorism" Organized by the Operations, the right of the right to viconanni Zarakhuvanna Groshovikh Koshtiv, pushed on the rachunok of the fiction of legal individuals, for the manner of not submitting a document, not for the fіksuvannya іnformani, it was put to the law, and the same, in the result, in the result of the realization, Odrimani by the malice, the fuel -up of a fihannan, the terorism at the pratsivniks of the organized, a health of the operation of the cord of the Main, Vinikiyat Pіdozri, the operations vidbuvayu to the metaa Legaliza (vidmivnie) income, Obo finoshasm.

    Vіdpovіdno up to parts 3 and 4 statti 8 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ of upovnovaniya body vidє decree about the step-up of operations with pennies or another lane, assigned to paragraph 10 of article 7 of the Federal Law, the term is up to 30 decimal forms, otrimana him vіdpovіdno to paragraph 10 of article 7 of the Federal Law, for the results of prior reverification recognized by him primed (part 3).

    За рішенням суду на підставі заяви уповноваженого органу операції з банківських рахунків (вкладів), а також інші операції з грошима або іншим майном організацій або осіб, щодо яких є отримані у встановленому відповідно до цього Федерального закону порядок відомості про їхню причетність до екстремістської діяльності або тероризму , or legal issues, the yaki is directly surpassed by the sulfur abstinces of the control of such organized individuals, the FISHICH ABOS ABOUT OF OSIB, IMT IMEM IMOSIVE ON THE SUCH ACOS ABOSE, SOLD TO THE SOMENTED OF THE ROSSHENTS 4).

    Vіdpovіdno up to point 2. 9 Minds of choosing bank cards of BAT "Oshchadbank of Russia", on the minds of which the agreement was laid down on the basis of a positive confirmation, the Bank may have the right to accept the operations performed on the cards of the cards or її requisites for the right interpretation.

    By virtue of the higher norms of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ, the exchange for operations with penny coins, which can be for a rahunka, can be:

    - by the bank independently on the lines up to five working days from the date, if the order of the clients about the future of the work may be taken out (paragraph 10 of article 7 of the Law of 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ);

    - on the basis of a decision approved by the body of the decision - by a term of up to 30 decibels (paragraph 3 of article 8 of the Law of 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ);

    - for the decision of the court on the basis of a statement approved by the Rosfinmonitoring body on the lines before such a decision is given (paragraph 4 of Article 8 of the Law of 07.08.2001 R. N 115-FZ).

    Issuance of a bank card and the ability of the Client to remotely dispose of the coins, which can be found on the account at the expense of the parties to the agreement.

    At the same time about those insane proofs that give the Bank the right to oblige the banker to dispose of the debts of a penny over the term established by law (Article 7.8 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ), the court has not been presented.

    Irrespective of the legal provisions of the obov'yazok brought, the Bank did not give evidence of the decision of the approved body or the decision of the court to finalize the operation for the account of the bank card of Konishova O.G.

    For the period s (date) (from the moment of blocking the card) and dossi by the Bank of the same day, transferred by the statutory legislation, are not affected.

    For such furnishings, for a given hour, the right to claim the right to koristuvannya and order with rich coins, cannot be recognized as legal.

    Blocked by the bank of the cards on the lines, the dowel of the timids of the dnie, if the Kliynta is about the health of the operation, the butthi viconani, for the widthsutic, the assassin to the Abo body about the intended hedes of the surgery with pennies, and the pusk is knew. arranging penny koshta, henceforth, violating his rights as a bank servant for the minds assigned to the contract.

    After investigating and evaluating the selections from the right, evidence in their totality, due to the prevailing legal norms, the court comes to the court, that at the given hour of legal submission for reshkodzhannya, there is no way for the sackmaster to order his coins, there is no evidence to prove otherwise. .G. about vidachu koshtiv, scho є on її rahunka (Number), the court knows the legality and priming.

    Відповідно до статті 15 Закону РФ "Про захист прав споживачів" моральна шкода, заподіяна споживачеві внаслідок порушення виробником (виконавцем, продавцем, уповноваженою організацією або уповноваженим індивідуальним підприємцем, імпортером) прав споживача, передбачених законами та правовими актами Російської Федерації, що регулюють відносини в галузі defending the rights of spozhivachіv, scho p_dlyagaє compensation ї zavdavach shkodi for nayavnnosti її blame.

    Oskіlki, the court established the fact of the violation of the rights of a person as a banker, as a banker’s servant, and substantiated for the enforcement of a penny compensation for moral shkodi, as a court ruled by a court (Data depersonalized), vvahayuchi rozmir sensible and fair, looking at the furnishing of the right.

    Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 6 of article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the defense of the rights of spozhivachіv" s vіdpovіdacha on the merit of pozivacha pіdlyagaє styazhnennu fine from the rozmіrі (Data depersonalized).

    Vіdpovіdno to the provision of Article 103 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation with PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" pіdlyagaє vyagnennyu mito on the income of the municipal osvіti "mysto Kirov" in sight (Data depersonalized).

    On the basis of the drafted and cited articles 194-199 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court

    Zobov'yazati PAT "Sberbank of Russia" to see Konisheva E.G. koshti, sho є on її rahunka (Number).

    Pull from PAT "Sberbank of Russia" to the cost Konisheva Y.G. compensation for the moral shkodi of the sumi (Data depersonalized), a fine at the rozmiri (Data depersonalized)

    Contract from PAT "Sberbank of Russia" to the sovereign mito for the income of the municipal lighting "city of Kirov" at the sight (Data depersonalized)

    The decision can be oskarzhen in the order of appeal to the Kirov regional court through the Pershotravnevy district court of the city of Kirov for a month from the day the decision was awarded in residual form.

    The decision was made on the right and on the 19th of May, ale, 2015. The bottom line is that the VTB24 client won the court for the renewal of the credit limit, which was relieved (282 thousand rubles at a rate of 19% of the regular).

    Prote, the bank didn’t want to follow the court’s decision in a voluntary order, and the bailiffs had the opportunity to ruin the vikonavche’s conduct for this fact.

    For non-compliance with the decision of the court at a voluntary term, the bank was handed over to the bank criminal liability for a non-conforming decision, the court will decide on the contraction of the vikonavchogo fee. For a little money, everything was written on the minds of a VTB24 client.

    I don’t care about those that the financial structure is protecting its entire legal power, and also, the chances of a positive view are practically 100% creditors do not hurry to appeal to the courts. Why are they checking? Let's start from the worst. A bank is a commercial organization that earns pennies "on the fly". To the same time that the beneficiary does not pay for his goiter, the greater the amount of penalties and penalties "nabіgaє" on the loan. It is theoretically є hour for the employer to pay off his financial goiter, and in the bank - earn on them to the maximum. In this manner, 10,000 rubles can turn into 50,000-70,000 rubles. If, on the right, we reach the end of the term of limitation (we will talk about three times later), the bank will build a “good gesture” - we will restructure the board, “rebate” the first part and appoint a new payment schedule.

    What robiti, like VTB 24 bank having filed before the court

    If you are talking about a list of structures, then practice shows that deyakі organіzаtsії nіkoli not sue before the court, vvazhayuchi for the best zbіlshuvati vlasnі aktiviruyu maximum mozhliva hour. And banks, which are most likely to sue, violating the power of “problem” applicants in such a way. Before them you can see: - Oschadbank; - Alfa Bank; - Gazprombank; - VTB 24; - Bank of Moscow; - Home Credit Bank; - Raiffeisenbank; Visnovki: Making out the financial goiter on yourself, always think about those, as you will cry over them, even if you are guilty of fouling in front of the bank, you won’t hurry up to the right in court, but as much as possible for a long time loan varying amounts of fines and penalties.

    Vtb24 sues the borzhnik through the links

    If you are being protected by a “buvaliy” lawyer with a solid certificate, then you can relax a little. And the axis to go independently against the system is not varto: it’s a rizik, that it’s just breaking you;

    Why is VTB Bank not going to court for a long time


    Ale, with whom mi and the bank, did not sign the same paper. Until the fall of 2012, the financial state was mіy suttєvo pogrіshivsya, I especially zstrіvsya z chief vіddіlu zі zіgnennja problemnyh aktіvіvі, аlе pіd аn hour of rozmovі z'yasuvalosya, scho be yakі razmovi about restructuring the bank pochno to conduct less than 61 days of prostochnya. After reaching this term, having become a letter to the bank, you will have to look at the power of the restructuring of the fence, and the schedule of payments after the restructuring (potential).

    Bank my prohannya simply іgnoruvav. Just after the correction of a copy of the sheet to the head office, I had to change the original sheet from the sums of the annuity payments, albeit insignificantly, but they changed the sums for the current schedule, tobto. overestimated my ability at that moment.

    Why don't banks hurry to sue the debtor?

    If, on the right, we reach the end of the term of limitation (we will talk about three times later), the bank will build a “good gesture” - we will restructure the board, “rebate” the first part and appoint a new payment schedule. Why does the VTB bank file a long time before the court And the bank’s insurance is imposed by the court tse ... read rep. And vіdsotki narahovoyutsya day. How to work in such a situation, how to read the following (1) After the remaining payment on the overdraft, 4 years have passed.
    The bank did not file a lawsuit. Give me a hint, be kind, why do you care about calling prescription? Thank you.read feedback (2) I'm practicing.

    Wtb24 having filed a summons to the court about constriction


    I'll call you often with a last call. Prote VTB 24 is one of the few banks that can apply. Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank Dosit often the security service of the bank is slandered by the judge's calls of the borzhniks. .

    Why are they checking? Let's start from the worst. A bank is a commercial organization that earns pennies "on the fly". To the same time that the beneficiary does not pay for his goiter, the greater the amount of penalties and penalties "nabіgaє" on the loan. It is theoretically є hour for the employer to pay off his financial goiter, and in the bank - earn on them to the maximum. In this manner, 10,000 rubles can turn into 50,000-70,000 rubles.

    Chi often VTB 24 sues

    We have reached the usual household income, so in the nearest future I will deposit 5000 (2000 + 3000) per month, spreading the deposit between loans, until positive changes. In the autumn of 2013, the bank had a promotion to write off fines for stitched fences. Since the beginning of 2013, I have become essentially jobless, relying on money, vouching for the sale of the surplus of the possession of my business.
    In the autumn of 2013, I repaid 50% of the overdrawn debt for both loans, as a result, the bank wrote off 90% of the penalty for me, and continued payments for fixed housekeeping - 5,000 rubles per month. For a fierce bank card with an overdraft, it turned out to be blocked (the limit was not closed, but itself blocked), after which it was possible to make payments through the cash desk, and not through an ATM. (At the next application, there is a document that sets the term for the card until 14.09.2014).

    Zapitіv: 52. Well, if the bank has filed before the court Yakshcho you have taken away the information about the filing by the bank I will call before the court about your loan, do not varto. Chi often vtb 24 sues? Possibly, the only way to solve problems with a creditor. At the time of vindication of obov'yazku: 4. After the end of the hearing, the decision will be made, as if for a negainny zdijsnennya.

    I can see a victorious list, on the basis of such a wine, I have the right to seize the borg independently or from the received ship's bailiffs. They sold borg to collectors - Natal, Mr. Chi varto file a lawsuit against VTB 24 bank, the stench took the entire salary from the salary of the card to pay off the loan and sold the borg to collectors. 1 notice on the request “Sold to borg collectors” To marvel at your loan agreement, as it was transferred to me a penny from your other accounts, and then to file it before the court for this reason, not varto.

    How often does VTB sue barmen?

    • If VTB 24 can be sued
    • Chi varto afraid of the court with the bank
    • What robiti, like a bank having filed before the court
    • Specify information
    • How to prepare for court with a bank

    If VTB 24 can be filed before the court If the client blames the bank for delays in payment, the bank gives the bank an early hour. Zvichayno well, about stitching, scho viniklo, ahead and more than once. However, before that, as soon as the security service of the bank enters the right, you will be given a few months. They gave us the right to hand over the collections to the collectors for a special delivery. When filed, I will call the bank to court on such data as:

    • The amount of swearing. Call the bank to file before the court for a sum of over 100 thousand rubles.
      Only in vinyatkovyh vipadkah can be less sum;
    • The term of the over-lined payment.

    Why bother you, if a terrible haze hangs over your head?

    1. Calm down and hurry to the help of a lawyer.

    What robiti, like VTB Bank 24 having filed before the court The bank has not filed ... I signed a computer with a loan at an agreement about those that I ask to see my card, I didn’t put a signature, but signed the agreement and paid for ... Respect I don’t pay a loan to the bank for the past 4 years, why will the bank not sue? maybe the bank won't give you…read more advice (4) I have a loan. Ale, I can't turn it. There are simply no robots. Ale, the bank does not submit to the court, and instead of calling, it stops calling.

    Why don't you file your wine before the court?… read the rebuttal (1) Good afternoon. In 2012, roci took a TV set for free. I paid here for the first time, then I had a chance to get out of work and didn’t pay for it.
    Help to sound the defendant in court correctly. The gist of it is this. At the end of 2011, I took a loan from VTB24 for preparation. April 2011 taking a jar from Promzv'yazku on the best minds. At the spring of 2011, the VTB 24 rock was called with me and incited best mind in the "Priority" package. I refinanced again. Planned payments were made in October 2011. The loan agreement itself is made up of the Rules of lending (I am so aware when I look at the public offer), application forms, apply for a loan and payment schedule. The package with the loan had a bank card with a potentially possible overdraft. Having written an application and given a signature to the card issuer, but at the time of issue, the credit limit was set to 0 rubles for the document. In the spring of 2012, we needed additional financial benefits, For a telephone call and after the presentation of a statement about income on the card, a limit of 300 thousand rubles was set. rub.

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