Peculiarities of life of all cystic ribs. Kistkovi ribi: peculiarities of budovi. What is the lateral line of the rib

1. Why is it special to have cystic ribs? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Feedback from Vjacheslav Goryainov[guru]
The complex of progressive features of budov and cystic ribs is especially pronounced and repeated in the most young and progressive chicks of the second class - Teleostei bony ribs, which include the most important forms that they live, of that class.

Vidpovid vіd Dobry Maliy[guru]
Mayut and internal and external skeleton

Vidpovid vіd Photographer[guru]
May DEVELOPMENT of the internal skeleton and skull. Moreover, the skeleton is made up of brushes, on top of cartilaginous ribs, like a cartilaginous skeleton.

Vidpovid vіd Taksha[guru]
Class Ribi cysts (Osteichthyes) In cystic ribs, yak and in cartilaginous, є male kіntsіvki - swimmers, mouths of solutions with grabbing slits from teeth on them, zyabra roztashovanі on the inner skeletal support of the zyabrovy arches, nіzdrі guys, at the inner ear. On the top of the cartilaginous ribs, at the bone of the bone ribs there is a bone tissue, at the upper part of the empty body there are swimming pools; the empty zyabrova is covered with a reinforced skeleton of a zyabrovo skeleton; the zyabra can form the shape of freely hanging peluses, and did not grow to the interstitial partitions of the plates. Cover the body with a brushed luska, with handkerchiefs, otherwise you can cover the curve from a tooth-like placoid luska.
The first ribs appeared on our planet about 400 million years ago. The greatest stench reached the cob of our eri, far outstripping the reshta of fish-like and ribs, as well as terrestrial backbone creatures. This is a group of creatures that flourish at the same time, it is widened in all the waters of our planet from the poles to the equator. The stinks sizzle in fresh waters, in brackish seas and oceans, in mountain lakes and streams, in the depths of oceanic depressions, in the sun, which is illuminated, in coral reefs, in light-enhanced caves to the ocean. Sporting residential of water, Acts Ribi Povali Zdatatnosti Zlitati Z kei, Prilitayuchi in the VOITRIK to the Decible Sotan Mettov, and the Aboye was rode in the zyabrovye thoroughly aboard, the boti in the atmosphere in the atmosphere in the atmosphere in the atmosphere in the atmosphere in the atmosphere in the atmosphere of the VOUSTREN in the ATM -ROST. Nareshti, deyak ribi - doubly wild, bagatoperi - mum in order with winters and commercial parts of the swimming mіkhur or right legends, which allow them to go wild with atmospheric winds. Among the cystic ribs are their giants and dwarfs - from dozhina, which reach 5-7 m and 500-1500 kg of freshwater biluga, kaluga, catfish, brazilian arapa-imi and sea sword-ribs and marlins to critical filippinskih, 7 . In this rank, the cystic ribs do not reach the size of cartilaginous ones, among them there are sharks up to 15-18 m long, then among them there are a lot of richly small ones.
The shape of the body in most cystic ribs is more less torpedo-like, it is observed in the largest swedish and non-tomny swimmers, yak, for example, tuna and mackerel, to the outline, which ideally wrap around. However, the rich ribs, yakі lead a different way of life, the body has a different form. There are different types of life. The arrow-like type is characterized by a lower body, a warm rhine and protruding backwards, similar to the plumage of an arrow, unpaired swimmers. Zustrichaetsya sound at the ribs, like standing unruly by the water and nazdoganyayut vidobutok or ryatyuyutsya in the heath with a rapt kidk - so, for example, pike, barracuda, garfish, saury. The serpent-like shape of the body is characteristic of the hillocks, which shift, like snakes, to energy-saving vents in the middle of the middle, rich in body coils. The modification of this is a strichkopodibna form, which spriyaє, ymovіrno, as an increase in the efficiency of the vіdshtovhuvannya, and passive splicing with a stretch. Moray eels, cepolies, vogmers, deyaki glybokovodnі vugry (avocettina), larvae of vugriv - leptocephali. The shape of the body or the shape of an irregular parallelepiped can be shaped by the coast and merging with the flow of pufferfish, abyssal waters, which spin among the growths of coral reefs, wrapped in a cystic carapace of a body. Active transfer in fish cichlids is carried out for additional unduluyuyuchih (khvilovi) rukhіv unpaired swimmers and crested ruhіv pectoral swimmers. Also, behind the help of unduly ruhіv unpaired swimmers, triggerfishes and moon-ribs are actively moving, which may be squeezed from the sides of a disk-like body, as well as stick-like sea gourds. High, style from the sides of the body, there are steep schilivs, which are trimmed nearby, as well as near the pelagial sea crucian carp, sea frogs, pompano. In moon-ribi, the body has the shape of a thorny disk. Nareshti, in the bagatioh bottom ribs, the body is larger than the smaller one, flattened down to the beast, the width of the body is greater than its height and the eyes are straight uphill.

Vidpovid vіd Natasha[guru]

Vidpovid vіd Diana Ikhsanova[Newbie]
1) The bone has a cystic tissue, the skull of the cystic ribs may have a whole set of cyst tissue and is composed of a number of brushes. In the inner buds of the cystic ribs - the appearance of a swimming michur, the zyabras became not accreted plates, but with dangling pellets, covered with a zyabrovy krishka, there is a sich michur.

Zgidno with the rest of scientific tributes, the ancestors of today's ribs are slitless creatures that tell them with a sultry look, - they lingered already in the early Cambrian, close to 530 million years ago. It is possible to think that similar stories, found in 1999 in Yunnan province, could be great-grandfathers of all backbones.

At the moment, cartilaginous ribs, cystic ribs (lobe-stepper and promene-per) make up more than half of all that are alive on the planet. There are close to 31 thousand species of the most tempting forms, rozmiriv, that linger near the salty and fresh waters. The science of ichthyology is engaged in the study of ancient history. Let's make a report on classes, their special features and powers.

Cartilaginous ribi

The main feature of these representatives of the class is that their skeleton is made up of cartilage, which, as a result of the addition of minerals, can become hard. Previously, through the shops they were vvazhali by prehistoric creatures. However, for the rich of them, it is more characteristic to live, and sometimes to resemble the established zhovchnoy placenta - these are those, which ribs of cartilage are radically different from cystic ribs.

In addition, the stench may still have a sprinkling of anatomical features of life. First, the presence of swimming michur. He has to collapse, to sink to the bottom with water. In another way, in cartilaginous ribs, there are chink caps, and the chink ridges are called characteristic slits. Thirdly, all the stench is similar to the teeth of the spine. It is made up of dentine and a ball of enamel, which covers yoga. Similar luska is not observed in case of intrusion, prote in case of growth of ribs, and the quantity increases.

Life safety systems in cartilaginous ribs

The characteristics of cartilaginous and cystic ribs will not be the same, so you can’t guess about the main systems: blood-bearing, herbal and statuary, in which they are afraid of recognition. Cartilage stains the blood of a red color (explained by the presence of hemoglobin and erythrocytes), which is vibrated by the spleen. The blood-bearing system itself is responsible for the life expectancy of cyclomouths. The bridle of the ridge stretched out at the sight of two dark-red swarthy nirks. The intestines of cartilaginous ribs are composed of three parts, ie: the small intestine and the rectum. Good rozvinenі liver, pіdshlunkova zaloz. But the most important thing is that class Cartilaginous ribs and Kistkov ribs are vindicated by the common state system. For the first, it is typical for eggs to be dissolved, as it may be found at the outer middle, or it may be lost at the lower part of the oviduct. In another way, the mother's organism begins to develop an embryo.

Classification of cartilaginous ribs

Most importantly, the representatives of the class Cartilaginous ribs are divided into three overheads.

Kіstkovі ribi: zagalna characteristic

For a long time, right up to the 21st century, cartilaginous ribs, bone ribs looked like two classes. However, in the scientific middle all the greater expansion is gaining another point of dawn. So, the Canadian zoologist in his robots of lobe-finned and promene-finned ribs shows an okre class, and brush, obviously, superclass. Tse nayrіznomanіtnіshі bags of all types of water. Their mouths are filled with grabbing slits and teeth ripped on them;

Vidminnosti in cartilaginous ribs

The most common name of the cystic ribs in the cartilaginous mind is the skeleton. Wine from brushes. At the internal emptying of the system of blood circulation, vision, reproduction and etching. Luska is also characteristic, one of three types: cycloid, ctenoid, and ganoid.

The attack is coming - the presence under the ridge and filled with gases, as if they see blood-bearing judges. With a change in the rib, the rib easily bends on the surface, with a change - straight into the depths.

Vidminnosti may not only old signs cartilaginous and cystic ribs, ale and organ reproduction, as already mentioned. For most of the representatives of the other group, it is typical for the swelling flood that occurs near the watery middle. This process, after omitting the name of the spawning, is known to be in the name of the spawning, and is accompanied by a characteristic behavior.

Promenevi ribi

This is the numerically superior class in modern rosemary ribs, there are over 20 thousand species of them, which is close to 95%. The stench populates all corners of the planet, from the arctic seas to the scorching equator, the rosemary roils from 8 mm to 11 meters, and the vaga of okremih individuals sigh over two tons. The name, as if unimportantly guessed, was tied from the budding pair of swimmers, which have a basal all. The class, at its core, is divided into two groups: Novoperi (the most prolific species) and cartilaginous ribs. Budova remaining maє vіdminnі risi. The stench may be a swimming mіkhur, but at the same time, their skeleton is mainly composed of Chord maє only cartilage arcs and not dissected, the body of the ridges is like that of a day. Vіdmіnna singularity- rostrum and lower mouth. There is a lot of promissory from them, sturgeon zokrema (in the photo below - forks of buluga).

Lobe-steperi ribi

An innumerable class of ribs, in the basis of the bones of which lie a spring chord. The stench will be at your own progressive and archaic rice, all representatives can be seen up to two modern overruns - Kisteper and Dvoyakodishachi. Offend groups to eat ancient fish. Doubly wildly loitering at the fresh waters of Australia, Pivdenny America that Africa. The stench is not only zyabra, but the lungs. Tse allow them to do for a certain hour without a driver, and feel free to feel in the sour water holes. There are 6 species in total: African protopteri (photo below), Australian horntooth and American luscater.

Nadzagin Kisteperi

Vin vvazhaetsya may die. To this day, there is only one river - Latimeria (pictured below), but there are two. Moreover, the stench was discovered recently, the first copy was swept into the Indian Ocean in 1938. It is important that the kіsteperi ribi are baggers of fresh waters, for those who marry, the marriage is sour. At the junction with cym, their musculature has developed, belying the base of the fins and the lower way of breathing (lungs and zyabra). Tse allowed the deakim to cross back by the sea, and the fresh water died out. The reason is that the very kisteperі ribis conceived the class Amphibians.

In such a rank, cartilaginous ribs, cystic ribs have low individual characteristics. The main ones are in the form of a skeleton (cartilaginous or cystic), the presence or presence of a swimming michur, a type of luska, a state system and a method of reproduction.

Starry look

The shape of the body of the cystic ribs is quite different. In pike, the body is twisted and the trochs are flattened from the sides. He lifted yogo on his head, a sheepskin coat and a fuzzy tail. From the sides of the head one can see clearly large zyabrovsky roofs. Їхній back edge to serve as a cordon of the head and tubular vіddіlіv. The bristles of the zyabrov are covered with a skin, the edges protrude from the back, prikryvayuchi zagalny (on one side of the skin) zyabrov otvir.

1 - zyabrova kryshka, 2 - nostril, 3 - bichna line, 4 - pectoral swimmers,
5 - red swimmers, 6 - anal opening, 7 - open the article and the sieve,
8 - tail swimmer, 9 - anal swimmer, 10 - dorsal swimmer,
11 - oral opening, 12 - posterior margin of the upper slit cyst

In the mouth of a pike, there are gostri, teeth bent back. From the sides of the head, in front of the eyes, the nostrils are ruffled. The stench may look like pits, the skin of some of them is lifted by a transverse partition into two open. The nostrils do not look out for an empty mouth (verify the introduction of heads or bristles!).
The pike coat is covered with a brushed sheath. The skin patch is a thin, rounded cystic plate, as the front edge is reinforced in the skin. In pike, the vilny (rear) edge of the luska is smooth, such a luska is called cycloid. Some other species (for example, perch) have a large edge of a serrated patch, such a patch is called ctenoid. Luski zovni covered with a thin epidermis. When looking at the fresh material, it is clearly visible that the body of the ribeye is covered with mucus. The slime is seen as numerous one-celled skids.
The sides of the tunic are stretched out by the bіchna lines, which appear when you look around at the sight of thin openings, which pierce the luski. Open the lead in special channels, decompress the organ lines with nerve endings, to catch the stinging of the body of the water. On the head, the bichna line is subdivided into sprats (nadochnoyamkovu, pіdochnoyamkovu, pіd'yazychno-shchelepnu that іn.).
From the sides of the front part of the toulub, you can see the boys, the perceptibly small chest swimmers, and closer to the back end of the toulub - the boys of the black swimmers.
On the black side of the tuba, the caudal space is attached to the black swimmers, there is an anal opening, and right behind it is the sciatic papilla; at the part of the ribbed vіn є ravages with two okremy openings: sichovim (rear) and stateim. The space of roztashuvannya posterior, state and slash openings to serve as the boundary of the tubular and tail vіddіl.
The tail float may be unpaired: tail and tail. In bony fish, the stench is equal in size - this type of tail swimming is called homocercal. The anal fin is flared in front of the lower vane of the caudal fin. In pike, right there, on the caudal peduncle, in front of the upper shovel of the caudal fin, the unpaired fin is dorsal. Most of the other bony ribs of the swimming pool (if there are two, three and more) are found on the dorsal side of the tubular shaft.
M'yazov's system of cystic ribs in principle is similar to that of sharks.

Global topography of internal organs

circulatory system. The heart (cor) grows at the lower anterior part of the empty body, at the base of the isthmus. Venous blood is collected from the venous sinus, or the venous sinus. Sounds of blood are transformed into the heart and then at the larger thoracic duct.

(Looking from below; not shown to blame the zyabrov arteries,
їх zlittya in the dorsal aorta and the discoloration of the rest):
1 - venous sinus, 2 - atrium, 3 - duct, 4 - aortic cibulin, 5 - cranial aorta,
6 - bring the zygomatic arteries, 7 - anterior cardinal veins, 8 - jugular vein,
9 - canal duct, 10 - tail vein, 11 - portal vein of the nirok,
12 - anastomosis between the portal vein of the right nirk and the right posterior cardinal vein,
13 - posterior cardinal veins, 14 - portal vein of the liver, 15 - liver vein,
16 - nirki, 17 - intestines, 18 - liver

There is no arterial cone on the view of the cartilaginous bones of ribe. The large cranial aorta enters without a middle, which makes the expansion of the aorta cibulin here. Cherevna aorta vіddaє chotiri pari zyabrovyh arteries, what to bring.
With an obvious preparation, the peripheral part of the circulatory system, a description of which is given in the distance, does not dare to look. In zyabrovyh pelusta, the skin gill artery, which brings, falls into the system of capillaries. Through their walls, the gas exchange of blood with water is carried out, which washes the winter. Sour arterial blood behind the system of capillaries is collected from the vinous zygomatic artery (arteriabranchialisefferentia), which on the dorsal side falls into the root of the spinal aorta. The root of the aorta at the posterior part of the head rages, satisfying the unpaired dorsal aorta (aortadorsalis); won't pass under the ridge that force of the numerical arterial vessels to all the bodies of the body.
The blood vein from the caudal vein goes through the unpaired caudal vein, as it divides on the two portal veins of the nirk, which enters the nirk. In bony ribs on the surface of cartilaginous comirna, the system settles down less in left nirts. Three lines of blood along the male posterior cardinal veins straight ahead. At the level of the heart, the posterior cardinal veins join with the anterior cardinal veins, as if they carry blood from the head. As a result of inflammation of the posterior and anterior cardinal veins, the duodenal ducts are established, which flow into the venous sinus. She has a blood-bearing vein in the lower parts of the head of the lower jugular vein.

1 - venous sinus, 2 - atrium, 3 - heart duct, 4 - cranial aorta,
5 - aortic cibulin, 6 - bring zyabrov arteries, 7 - duct, 8 - zyabra,
9 - slug, 10 - duodenum, 11 - small intestine, 12 - rectum,
13 - anal opening, 14 - liver, 15 - chewing mikhur, 16 - Zhovchna duct,
17 - pіdshlunkova zaloza, 18 - spleen, 19 - swimming mіkhur, 20 - nirka,
21 - sichovid, 22 - sich mikhur, 23 - sechostate papilla,
24 - sectional opening, 25 - sectional opening, 26 - sectional opening

View of the intestine blood along the portal vein of the liver (venaportahepatis; Fig. 30, 14 ) consume the liver, where the vein splits into the system of capillaries, i.e., establishes the global system of the liver. After leaving the portal system of the liver, the blood is drained by the short hepatic vein near the venous sinus. The veins of the veins, the power of the cartilaginous ribs, the ribs of the ribs cannot be washed.
In bony ribs, like in cartilaginous ones, one closed colo krovoobіgu. The heart of the fish has less venous blood. With rapid heart rate, the blood is straightened into a zyabra, deviated from carbon dioxide and sour. The arterial blood is full of sourness, which comes out of the ovarian system, behind the numerous arteries directly to the various organs and tissues of the body, a reversal process occurs: the delivery of sourness from the blood in the tissue and the saturation of blood with carbonic acid, so that the blood is converted to the arterial. Behind the system of veins, the venous blood turns up to the heart. The concepts of "arterial" and "venous" blood signify the same powers in the gas warehouse of blood. Do not forget about the names of blood-bearing vessels. So, along the cranial aorta (arteries) and along the zygomatic arteries, which are brought, the blood vein collapses; Independently, in the blood warehouse, the judges are called arteries, like blood goes to the heart, and veins - judges, like blood is straight to the heart.

Dyhalna system. The organs of dihannia in cystic ribs are the zebra, which, like in cartilaginous ribs, is ectodermal. From the skin side, the chotiri is ruffled along the ribs; in some ribs, a rudimentary gill is found on the inner side of the visceral cap.

1 - zyabrov arc, 2 - zyabrov tichin, 3 - zyabrov pelyust;
4 - Zyabrov artery, what to bring, 5 - what to bring Zyabrov artery

Wipe out the zyabra's coat and take a look at її budova. There are no intergill septa, cartilaginous ribs, or cystic ribs. Two rows of zyabrovyh pellets with their bases are attached without a middle to the cystic zyabrovy arch or to the rudiment of the interbranchial septa, and their ends are called into the peribranch empty. This empty sound is covered with a brush zyabrova kryshka, which may be important in the act of breathing. From the inner side of the skin zyabrovoj arch є numerary growths - zyabrovі tichinki, which go straight ahead to the articular zyabrovoї arch. The zyabrov tares establish their own filtering apparatus, which allows the exit of the grub particles from the pharynx through the zyabrov empty of the name. In species that feed on plankton (for example, oseledtsiv), the whole apparatus of ideas is especially long-lived chicks, which sit densely.
Through the walls of the blood-bearing capillaries in the zyabras, as already mentioned, there is a gas exchange of blood with water, which bathes the zyabras. The largest judges (who bring and wine the zyabrov arteries) pass along the zyabrov arcs on the support of zyabrov pelusts.

Travna system. The empty mouths of the pike have sharp teeth, trochs straightened backwards. Without a clear gap between the mouths, the empty mouth passes at the throat, pierced by zyabrovy slits. A short stravochid begins at the gourd's gorilla, which can easily cross at the snails. Behind the shunt is the intestine, weakly differentiated into the twelve, small and rectum. The rectum is called the anal opening.
Right behind the heart, at the anterior part of the empty stomach, under the hose, a large liver is rotting. On the inner side there is a zhovchny mіkhur - empty, in which zhovch is accumulated, which vibrates in the oven. The gall duct starts from the chewing michur, which flows into the spadix of the twelve-fingered intestine. Uzdovzh zhovchnoy ducts lie pіdshlunkova zaloz. At the point where the duct passes into the duodenum (first vein of the intestine), a compact spleen is instructed from the duct.
Above the intestines, at the upper part of the empty stomach, there is a great swimming mihur, which serves as a hydrostatic organ. Swimming mіkhur of pike with a narrow duct of binding from the anterior part of the intestine. In rich fishes (for example, porcini, perch, etc.) in a grown-up camp, swimming mіkhur is completely isolated from the intestines.

Sechostate system. At the upper part of the empty skull, from the sides of the swimming cloak, the pairs of balconies are laid out. In females, the ridges are represented by long ovaries, which may well remember the “granular” structure. The posterior, twisted ovaries play the role of the visible ducts and open with an unpaired opening behind the anal opening.

1 - swimming michur, 2 - ovary, 3 - visible duct of the ovary,
4 - sciatic papilla, 5 - stellate opening. 6 - nirki, 7 - sechovod,
8 - sich mikhur, 9 - sich opening, 10 - intestines, 11 - anal opening

Articles of males - dovgі, smooth, dov086; stench occupy the same camp, like ovaries.
The rear doors of the Sim'yaniki have turned into short ducts, which are blamed, which are opened with a glaring vent behind the anal opening.
To look at the nirks, it is necessary to see the intestines and swimming mіkhur. Nirki roztashovutsya on the dorsal side of the empty body along the sides of the ridge. Sechovods pass along their edge, yaks, viyshovshi from nirok, rage into a single unpaired sich channel. Sechovy mikhur є outgrowth of the anterior wall of the cob part of the canal duct. An unpaired cut duct is called a cut opening after a cut opening.

Ribis are one of the most amazing aquatic creatures. What special features allowed them to stick to the life of their minds? From our statistics, you know about the name of Budov's fish and its diversity.

Middle of residence

It’s not for nothing that they say about the people who are inspired: “You feel like a fish in the water.” These creatures are not built to make clay from the air. That is why the very middle is comfortable for them. Vignyatkom є less than a small group of podvynyh ribs. The stench is wailing and winter, and legends. The rest allow them to endure unfriendly periods of drying out with water and non-sourness.

Ribi live near fresh and salty water. Tse to lie in the sight of their mind. So, whips are miraculously felt when the concentration of salts is increased to 60%, and corop with the same gin.

Attached ribite to different temperatures. The show is also individual. The Californian will sack at the water with a temperature of +50.

Peculiarities of the beautiful rib

Cartilaginous ribs have zyabrov lids and swimming fur. The organs of the respiratory system are called independent openings. The skeleton of cartilaginous ribs is not ossified. The ducts of the statuary, grass and visual system open into one opening - the cloaca.


At one thought about cich ribs, it becomes scary. Indeed, most sharks have a hizhatsky way of life. Although whale sharks and giant sharks are the largest representatives of the class, they are generally not sharks. The basis of their diet is formed by plankton organisms.

The body of sharks has an obt_chnu shape. Of particular importance for the transfer may be the tail swimmer. More species of veins of different lobes. Yogo is also called heterocercal. With this, the upper shovel is richer than the lower one.

There is a mouth on the lower head of the lookout. Vіn sharpening a great number of teeth, rotting at the sprat rows. In the world of that, as some of them are erased, others grow from the inner side.

Is it true that sharks are tse riba without luska? Tse zovsіm negarazd. Wanting to look at first glance, the skin is completely naked. Luska sharks are called placoid. Vaughn є last day for the trips. Behind the warehouse, the shape of that chemical, budowy, placoidna luska will fill your teeth. This is a scarf with a spike that speaks names. Sharks have a wide base and a splashing shape. The dresses of the flooring fit snugly one to one, so that the skin is laid bare. It really protects the body of sharks like a chain mail.

Placoid luska vikonu and additive functions. It significantly reduces the operating speed, which allows sharks to develop speed up to 80 km / year. And it also allows you to create practically noiseless ruhi. It’s even more important to pid the hour of polyuvannya that I’ll attack.


Tsі ribi mаut і hvіst, і luska. Ale looked at them even unseen. Their bodies are flattened at the dorsal-cranial line. The pectoral swimmers of the ribs grew over their heads, like wings. Go about the schema.

Most of them live near the seas, but at the same time they see the baggies of the fresh waters. Fallow in dovkіllya color scatіv variuє vіd yellowish to black. The eyes are ruffled on the upper side of the body. Here the brizgaltsya perebuvayut. The stench is the first pair of zyabrovy slits, with which the arches of the respiratory organs open up.

The characteristic form of the body is mutually related to their near-bottom way of life. Slopes swim behind the rahunok of frail-like arms of wide pectoral swimmers. Ale spend most of the hour of the stench on the day. Here the stench will dig into the sand or check for a vidoboot. Kharchovy diet of cich ribs is made up of small creatures without a backbone, riba or plankton.


Tsey class is richer. Yogo representatives are over 20 thousand species. Stinks linger at all types of water bodies: from dry rivers to oceanic expanses.

Tsі ribi mаut progressive rіsi budovi. Before them, one can see the appearance of an ossified skeleton and swimming mihur, which dries up the body in the water. Organic food in cystic ribs is protected by ziber caps. The rest are no less to protect them, and to take the fate of the zdiisnennі wild ruhіv.

Fish without luska: what is possible

The shkir ribs have numerous ridges. The stench will shut down the function. They see speeches infect the penetration into the middle of disease-causing micro-organisms, changing water and swimming hours. In the sight of mucus, avenge the trash of speech.

The body of the brush ribs is also covered with a lusk, as if it were suitable for the shkir. Vaughn can look like a transparent flat headscarf. Okremі luski superimposed one on one like a tile. With its front edge, the skin plate sinks into the skin, and the back edge curves the line of the offensive row. The growth of these structures is similar to the formation of river kіlets near trees. The growing shawl is hung up, and the payment is attached.

Do all ribs have luska? Absolutely. Ale in some of them completely covers the body, and in others - on the body with border rows. Until the rest traditionally lie Khryashchi ribi and deyaki Kistkovi. For example, white beluga, sterlet, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon stalks were ruffled with slings of the body.

Features of curvature

All the rices of the old budov and ribi allow them to spend more time in the middle of the water. Vkti vіd khizhakіv їm allows not only swidkіkі peresuvannya, but also zabarvlennya pokrivіv. Bagatioh rib won є zahisnoy. For example, the dorsal side of the perch is dark, the lower side is black. Tse rob fish less pomitnoy on the aphids of the bottom. Cherevtse was white perch silvered. Tse rob yoga incomprehensible on the aphids of the surface of the water for the vidobutka, which is found below. Transverse hulls provide perch with masking in the middle of chagars in algae.

In other types of zabarvlennya strokata i yaskrava. Vaughn is called zapobіzhnoy, oskolki її volodarі practically zavzhd otruyni. Flounder can change its stock from the minds of dovkil.

What is the lateral line of the rib

On both sides of the body, with an indefinable eye, a thin wife is kindly remembered. Vaughn stretches from the chinks of the chin to the base of the tail. This structure is called a chain line. It is made up of receptors, which are called neuromasts. Remains established by a group of hair cells.

The bichna line in the ribs is the organ of spriynyattya of vibrations and ruhiv in too much middle ground. With the help of ribi, that swidkіst flow is directly indicated. A similar structure was revealed in all larvae and parts of mature species of amphibians, cephalopods and crustaceans. Ribi vikoristovuyut yogo as a guide to space, which is especially important for the hour of watering.

Unknown see

Irrespective of the great number of wild rice, the number of water inhabitants is low, as they are not similar to representatives of this class. One of them is nettle fish. Most of life is out of sight: whip, luska, swimmers ... However, when weeping on the surface of the water, I start to roam and turn into a draglista istota, I look like a monster with a majestic nose.

At the coral ocean reefs, you can fish for body fish. Vaughn makes the shape of a cube. To this unimaginable image one can add a bright yellow color with black dots. For the time being, they cannot explain why the process of evolutionary changes had the classic flat shape of the body changed to a cubic one.

A flat head with a worm-like vine, on a kind of ruffled eyes of a black color, a majestic pasture, a crimson widow on a coat... Such an organism is true. It is called vin fish-toad. Shown in Indonesian waters not so long ago - in 2009 roci.

But yak can’t be said about the fish-zirka! Її definitely do not slutaєsh nі z kim. Zirochet can be recognized by two glassy eyes and a wide mouth, which is a head of a beast. Vin burrows at the sand, chasing his victim. At first glance, the riba is absolutely not sloppy. Really, spiky, ruffled over the dorsal fins, to avenge the brittle speech and the building to generate a small amount of electric stream.

From the same, to the peculiarities of the zvnіshny budovi rib, yakі help them to stick to life by the water, lie down:

  • The obtіchna form of the body. It is formed from the head, the coat of the tail. In the near-bottom species, as a way to lead a low-rise way of life, the body is flattened at the dorsal-lung straight.
  • Great is the number of burrows that see the slime.
  • Luska, as if covering the body of the ribs in full, or making the later smog.
  • In cartilaginous ribs, the organs of the respiratory tract are called chink slits. The stinks of the bones are covered with lids, as if they protect the organs of the respiratory system and take the fate of the existing respiratory ravages.
  • The presence of a number of species of fins: paired and unpaired. To the first group lie the chestnuts and breasts. Spinal, caudal and anal are unpaired. The stench will take care of all the troubles, maneuverability and position of the comrade's driver.

1. Peculiarities of beautiful bony fish on the butt of river perch.

Ribi with ancient primary water vertebrae. At the sight of the skullless, the stench leads active image life. Peculiarities of їhnyoї budovi po'yazanі z aquatic medium. Vіdomo ponad 20 yew. seeing ribs, as if they were united by two classes: Khryashchov and Kistkov. The largest number and variety of bony ribs, more than 90% of them are group of bony ribs. Before them one can see silver-like, trisk-like, carp-like, salmon-like, perch-like, pike-like and other.

A typical representative is river perch. The shape of the body is obtichna, the head smoothly passes at the trunk, and the body at the tail. On the head there is a mouth with lips, large eyes, chin and chink caps. Є swimmers: males (chest and hips) and unpaired - caudal, dorsal and anal. The skin is covered with a brushy sheath. Scales lay one on one tile. Creepers see slime, which covers the luska and changes when rubbing the body through the water.

2. Peculiarities of internal bony fish with butt of river perch.Material from the site

The skeleton of a river perch is folded great number brushes. The new one has a skull, a ridge, a skeleton of the shoulder and pelvic girdle, a skeleton of fins. The skull is folded from the brain box, the cysts are cleft, the zybrovyh arches and the zybrovyh kryshok. Tulubov and tail ridges enter the ridge warehouse. Ribs are attached to the tubular ridges. The herbal system includes the mouth with teeth, pharynx, stravochid, duct, small intestine, where the ducts of the chewing michur open, the liver and subduct ducts, the posterior duct of the intestine, the anal opening. Є swimming mіkhur (virist of the anterior intestinal vein), napovneniya sumіshshu gasіv. I take part in gas exchange and hydrostatic organ. The ribs sigh with zyabrs, as they are formed from zyabrovy arches and zyabrovy pelyustok, pierced by blood-bearing vessels. The perch has a chotiri bet. The circulatory system is characterized by a two-chambered heart and one blood circulation. Blood veins flow through the heart, as in zebras it becomes arterial. Vidilna system includes dovgі tulubovі nirki, sechovod and sich mіkhur. Nervous system is formed from the brain and spinal cord and nerves that enter them. The cephalic brain is occluded by the bones of the cranium and is composed of five lobules: the dovetail cerebellum, the cerebellum, the middle cerebellum, the intermediate cerebellum, and the small cerebellum of the anterior cerebellum with scent parts. Organize the dawn - eyes, make a flat horn and a great crystal. Good day. Organize the scent in the empty nose, the organ of hearing - the inner ear, the organ of relish - in the empty mouth and on the lips. Uzdovzh tіla gravitates well to the side line - an organ that directly receives the power of the flow of water, as well as the sound of the sound. Dotik's cells are spread all over the body. Bony ribs are different creatures. Organs of reproduction: males and ovaries, ducts. Zaplіdnennya naming. The development is going through transformations (larva - fry - matured rib).

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