Baking chicken recipe in a frying pan. Chicken liver in a frying pan with prunes and apples.

chicken liver, smeared with tsibuleya, go out namingly fragrant and even appetizing. Through those meat by-products on the cob rolled in boroshni zі spices, the cloves swell up with a golden zest, and the cibulka caramelizes and gives a little spicy malt. Let us share with you dekilcoma with simple and distorted recipes for preparing buttered chicken liver, and you yourself will understand how tasty it is!

Recipe for cooking buttered chicken liver


  • borosno - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 500 g;
  • oliya roslinna - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • seasoning hop-suneli - 1 teaspoon;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • cibulin - 2 pcs.;
  • spices.


Cybulin is clean and shaky with pivkiltsy. Carrots are processed and grated. The liver is washed, water-creamed in the form of white fluffs and cut into small pieces. In a small bowl, the liver shreds in a dry bag with hops-suneli seasoning and garnished with garnish. On a strong fire we play roslinna oliya she put it in new shmatochki in one row. We cover 4 quills, and then carefully turn the liver over, lay the cibula, carrots and cook on a strong fire, stirring occasionally. After 5 more quills, add salted chicken liver with cibula and carrots, crook the lid and cover more quilin 7. Serve the grass hot with your favorite garnish.

Recipe for chicken liver with qibulei


  • chicken liver - 450 g;
  • cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • spices;
  • oliya roslinna - 2 tbsp. spoons.


To lubricate the chicken liver with cibulei, we cook a handful of all the ingredients. For this liver, it is kindly washed, rozrazaemo navpil and put in a bowl. Let's fill it with milk and let's stand. In the meantime, we clean the cibulin, shaky with pivkiltsy and passerue in the frying pan. After that, we carefully twist the cibulka and put it into the bowl. The skin of a piece of chicken liver is rolled in a boar, put in a hot frying pan, add a trio of olive oil and brush it from one side to a brown color. Now turn the meat over and pіdrum'yanyuєmo yogo from the other side until ready. For example, pidsolyuemo, turn the cibula into a frying pan, mix with the liver and smear 1 more hvilinka at the same time. Let's serve the best grass mashed potatoes.

Classic recipe for chicken liver with cibulei


  • 500 g;
  • cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • borosno wheat - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • oliya roslinna - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


How to cook a chicken liver with a cibula? For whom the liver is good washed and dried. You can see that the fabrics and all the veins are neatly well. The liver is prepared, cut into portions, and it is transferred to the saucepan. Tsibulina is shattered and shaky with a knife by great pivkiltsy. Boroshno ask, nasipayemo at the great flat plate and pidsolyuemo for gusto. Everything is mixed and rolled into a dry bag of liver shreds from the sides. On a frying pan pour some oliї, warm up yoga, put the liver and smear it on a strong fire to a ruddy state. After that, the little pieces are turned over on the next side and brought to readiness, so that when they were pierced, no blood was seen from them. Then we transfer the liver to a plate, and add a little more olive oil to the frying pan and pass it on it until I become transparent. We put a liver on the smoky cibulka and curl it with a lid. We change the fire and weap the weeds of thin 10 under the roof. Serve ready to grease chicken liver with cibulei with mashed potatoes or excellent pasta.

Shche z early century mi chuli about the crust of the liver, but the relish of this true valuable product is not suitable for children.

Ale te, who knows, how to savor a chicken liver in a frying pan with such a problem didn’t clash with such a problem, even if the bird’s offal is also a light relish of a chicken for all the praise. Krym classic obsmazhuvannya simple ways cooking chicken rot, with which you are known in this article.

Skills to grease a chicken liver in a frying pan

Serve lubricated chicken liver not only as an independent herb, but also wink at rich recipes for cold appetizers and salads. In this case, it is important to prepare the by-product so that the wine is well lubricated, and when it takes shape, even after the texture of the oven, the chicken is even lower.

For those who want to lubricate a chicken liver, we need a little time - 10 quills on the fire are three times more than the average, without bending the frying pan with a lid.

If you try to cook the traditional Russian cuisine - a liver in sour cream, then the hour of cooking will increase to 15 quills.

How to grease a chicken liver in a frying pan


  • Chicken liver - 0.7 kg + -
  • - 3 chastochki + -
  • - 2/3 bottles + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 0.5 bottles + -
  • - 1 bottle + -
  • - 50 ml + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -

How to properly prepare lubricated chicken liver.

  1. We wash the liver, cleanly look at the veins, cut it into 2 parts and leave it drained zayva homeland that blood.
  2. In a dry bowl, we sip the flour | borosno |, salt it and sprinkle it with pepper. The skin of the liver skin is rolled in boroshni and the frying pan is warmed up well with baked butter. Lubricate the liver for 10 hvilin | minutes | pomishyuyu.
  3. In the meantime, the qibulu is shaky with a shaky cube, and the chasnik is passed through the press, and if the liver is half ready, we put the vegetables in the pan and cook all at once 5 more quills without a lid on the middle fire.
  4. After an hour of appointment, we add sour cream, water, strength to savor in the pan, and continue to cook the grass for 5 more chills, gradually stirring the sauce with a wooden spatula.

How to butter a chicken liver with a cibula

Greased in a frying pan liver with tsibulei and favorite salmon for rich gourmets. The best shmatochki in fragrant obsmazzhtsі tsibuli dopovnyat classic garnish with potatoes, pasture or cereals.


  • Chicken liver - ½ kg;
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.;
  • Oliya dormouse - a small number;
  • Boroshno wheat - 40 g;
  • Strength is great - ½ tsp.

How to cook chicken liver in a frying pan

  1. I soak the chicken liver in cold water for 15 quills, after which it is angry and drained into a masher, and then cut into halves.
  2. We put a frying pan on medium heat and pour oil on it. As soon as the wild lady appears, it’s right to smear her liver, first rolling the shmatochki in boroshni. Lay the liver in one bowl, so that it is smeared to a ruddy crackle - 3-5 strands from the skin side.
  3. While the liver is lubricated, we will lubricate the cibula with kiltsy, and as soon as all the liver shmatochki will be ready, we will sipaem the cibula to them, increasing the fire to the maximum, we will lubricate at once 3 more frills to the blush of the cibuli. At this stage, salt the grass to taste and pepper.

If the herb is ready, the fire is extinguished, and the frying pan is covered with a lid and it is poured so the liver is drunk, after which it is served to the table.

I tried a lot of different recipes, but gradually it didn’t work out less. Either the liver is zhorstkoy, or it is filled with the introduction of some sort of spices, not the power of the relish, but the aroma. All the while, I was wondering what was wrong and wrong. І axis, nareshti, I know that optimal recipe, if the softness is normal, and there are no third-party aromas. The very recipe I dared to propagate your respect.


Chicken liver.
Cibulya ripchasta.
Boroshno wheat.

The liver is miєmo, we can clearly see the spitting, they lived, and the head of the head - stezhimo, so that small traces of the zhovchi would be more lucid. After which the liver was prepared, we put it on small board and trochs are discussed on the floor.

With thin pіvkіltsy, we rіzhemo tsibulyu and smeared її in olії until I become completely soft (in different recipes tsey camp is called in a different way, but most often - “to the point of clarity I will become”). I’m going to try to smear the cibula on a small fire, with periodic mixing, not allowing repeated lubrication to become rough, but at the same time I’m smeared, so that I can keep the cibula from a half-life, so I can stay in the cibula and don’t bake hot hot prismak.

Having reached the full readiness of the cybuli, we її know from the fire and imagine the kill, let the cool down for the time being.

Well, the axis went black and to the liver. Nasampered, її it’s good to roll in the bog, to that, as if the vologa’s zave has been lost on the oven, it’s better to get wet, even if it lands in the borow, the zayva can bring water to the establishment of a viscous pasty-like product, which, obviously, is not bad.

I will roll the liver all over, or, as if it’s rich, I’ll add it. For bunting the vicorist sizable polyethylene bag, turning over the bindings, so that no one had any holes, otherwise the whole kitchen can be powdered with a boar. I pile flour at the bag and throw the pieces of the liver, I break the sprat, making sure to completely cover the liver with flour, after which I put it on the top of the doshka and the salt on the upper side. In some recipes, it is recommended to add strength right to the boar, I’m afraid of it, so you can pardon, having added salt, we don’t need oversalting.

A frying pan with thick walls, so that the stench would keep warm, I warm it up on the great half-moon to a strong sizzle of drops of water and spread the pieces of liver on the frying pan, laying them with the salty side down. After refilling the frying pan, I quickly salt another beak, which now appears on top. Through the fluff, no more, I turn over the pieces of the liver and smear them, not changing the half-measure, also stretching the fluff.

After that, we change the half-day to a fairly small one, and we put a cybula on the liver, which is cooled, pomade, so that the whole liver is covered with it as much as possible. We close the lid with an opening for the exit of excess bets, so that the liver does not add a taste of boiled, and languidly stretch 5-7 strands.

It suits me, if there are traces of blood in the oven, and the axis of my home is necessary, that everything was completely oiled, but at once the liver was left with soft and plastic. Axis here, I’m not a pleasure for you, pick up the hour of cooking on your own, to your liking.

I’m ready to cook the liver on a dish and serve it on the table. Savory!

Shvidka, savory is that inexpensive friend's straw until midnight in the evening - the chicken liver is lubricated with cibula. This offal is sold in any store or supermarket, so you can cook it for 20-25 minutes. Such grass can be eaten with some kind of garnish with cereals, pasta, and vegetables. Navit with fresh vegetables and greenery oiled liver you can take it with you on a trip or to a picnic, lighting up the foil and cooling it down.

The liver is a valuable product and її іz the pleasure of bringing children to life, so if you can make it for them, then either add it to the milk, or add sour cream and extinguish after obsmazhuvannya, so that the by-product will add top taste and become less

You need:

  • 400 g chicken liver;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 50-60 g of wheat boron;
  • 3 pinches of salt;
  • 40-50 ml rosemary chi oil.


1. If you have frozen a chicken liver, then first let it defrost with a stretch of 30-50 strands, or leave it on the fridge, in a container. Wash the liver in the water and lightly dry it with a paper towel, getting wet.

2. Wisipte wheat in a saucer and add spices: strength and chalking black pepper. Dip the offal from the dry sides in boroshnі leather shmatochok.

3. Pour the oil into the pan and place it on the stove, heat the oil. The liver can also be smeared on vershokov oil- її relish will be juiced. Place a new piece of liver in flour and smear about 7-8 strands from one side.

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Some people want to cook it savory, but at the same time it was hot and smut for food. Same for tsikh vipadkіv pіdіyde prigotuvannya lubricated chicken liver with tsibulei.

First, at first glance, if the grass is to be given all over, but if you add it with spices, vegetables, then as a result you can blue offense. To that, do not miss the recipe for cooking chicken offal on Uvaz.

A simple stravia recipe

To prepare a chicken liver, lubricated with tsibuleya, you need to take:

  • chicken liver - pivkilogram;
  • qibulya - 1 piece;
  • milk - 370 ml;
  • borosno - 3 medium spoons;
  • troch salt;
  • oil for obsmazhuvannya.

Gotuvatimemo - 40-50 quills.

The number of calories in 100 grams is 215 kcal.

The procedure for preparing lubricated chicken liver with qibulei:

Lubricate offal with sour cream

We need the following products:

  • 600 g chicken liver;
  • one cibulina;
  • 250 ml medium fat sour cream
  • borosno wheat - 3 large spoons;
  • you can season a sum of peppers for the bajans;
  • sіl - to the ruling court;
  • sprat of parsley for serving;
  • oil for obsmazhuvannya.

Cooking hour - 40-50 quills.

Chicken liver, lubricated with tsibuleya in sour cream is prepared like this:

Chicken liver, smeared with tsibuleya and carrots

What will be needed:

  • 600 g chicken liver;
  • three cibulini;
  • carrot - 2 pieces;
  • troch salt;
  • oil for lubrication.

The preparation period is 1 year.

Riven food value per 100 g - 215 kcal.

How to lubricate the chicken liver with cibula and carrots:

  1. It is necessary to clean the liver thoroughly, remove all veins, fat;
  2. Rozryzaemo offal on small pieces;
  3. It is cleared of cibulini in the form of lushpinnya, shaky in small cubes. Cibula can be poked at the sight of cubes or pivkiltsy;
  4. Carrots are washed, cleaned from the skin. Root crops are cut into straws;
  5. Putting a frying pan on the gas, pouring oli and rozіvaemo;
  6. We put a liver on the roasting of the olive, add strength to it, season it, mix everything with a lid. It is enough to get ready by stretching 10-15 strands on a small fire;
  7. We gave a carrot and a cibula, everything is mixed and we get ready for 5 more quills. In front of you, it’s like spices, for example, paprika and nutmeg in a chalky look;
  8. After that, we take a lid, add fire, all components are mixed and overlaid with 3-5 thins;
  9. Let's take the pan off the stove and put it on a plate.
  • troch salt;
  • sumish peppers for vlasny relish;
  • roslinna oliya.
  • The hour of preparation is 1 year 15 minutes.

    Calories per 100 g - 280 kcal.

    Let's take a look at the recipe for buttered chicken liver with tsibuley and potatoes:

    1. Rinse the by-product, clean it into the form of smelt, vein and zayvogo fat;
    2. Rozryzaemo smoking product on small pieces;
    3. Z tsibuli cleans the skin, narizaemo її small cubes;
    4. From potatoes we clean the skin, we wash it with straws or cubes;
    5. From the chasnikovy cloves, we clean the skin, narizaemo with small shmatochki;
    6. Parsley is spolіskuєmo, strushuєmo and dribno shaky;
    7. We put a frying pan on the fire, add oil and set it to warm up;
    8. On the rise of the olive, we put a skip to the offal, mix and smear about 5-7 strands;
    9. Zasipayemo to the liver of a little cibula, zamishuemo and smear about 5 strands;
    10. After that, we add a bunch of potatoes, we add strength, we mix and we get ready for a cover of 20 hvilin in the right fire;
    11. After that, the chasnik is chopped up, parsley is watered with sour cream;
    12. Everything is neatly zmіshuєmo and zalishaєmo getting ready for 7 more whilins;
    13. Znimaєmo from the stove, put it on the plates;
    14. Before serving, sip freshly ground pepper.

    • so that the liver saved its sik and softness, before adding it to the frying pan with olive oil, then roll it in a boar;
    • in order for the by-product of wiyshov to be lower and softer, it can be soaked in milk;
    • not varto pouring vikoristovuvati tomato, take juices, and make the product zhorsty.

    The chicken liver is smeared with cibuley and carrots, with sour cream and potatoes - all the ingredients, like shvidko, are easy to prepare. With this stink, you will always look miraculous and make it rich. Kurka's liver is a budget product, it's cheaper for meat, and because of its power it's more expensive, so you need to cook a liver every day.

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