Happy Valentine's Day is funny. Funny congratulations to people on the day they died. Reverence at the vіrshah

Cool vaping Happy Valentine's Day for friends, as well as short verses for Valentine's Day, be on the 14th of February 2020. Zvichayno, on this holy day, it was accepted to take kokhanih, and to relatives and close people, it will also be appropriate to take away the hostile verses.

Greetings on Valentine's Day for friends and short for Valentine's Day.

Cool vaping on Valentine's Day can be given not only to friends, but also to friends. You can write short verses on a special sheet - valentines and hand them in a special way:

Have Valentine's Day

Let life be gone, like a raspberry.

Sweet to you, friends, moments,

All the best, compliments.

Happiness in your hands, let the pliv,

Kazok light come alive.

I will give you a gift -

Watered over the earth, lad.

The order for ever, naviki,

Shchob kohana people.

It's fun, boring

You lived your life

Everything was bad.

Know - I remember you, I love you!

Have Valentine's Day

I love the sea of ​​positivity.

Kokhannya like that, shob on wiki,

For passions, a river flowed.

Dark nights without sleep

I dovkola, shob head.

Let the skin day and schogodini

Your hearts are on fire.

In the afternoon, your friends died,

Be forever happy.

You live alone,

Bestow upon the kohannyam.

Let her see you to your booth,

I settle there with the newcomer.

You always save,

And one to save one.

History and traditions of Valentine's Day

Traditionally, St. Valentine's Day is the holy day of all who die on the 14th of the fierce. The date is especially popular among Western European camps and the Happy States of America. Tim hour after hour sacredly becomes more and more popular in other countries, including Russia.

History is holy to lie down to the hours of Ancient Rome. Rich in time, that on the 14th of the fierce ancient Romans they inspired the goddess Juno, as she was chosen by women for motherhood. On the next day of the next day, Lupercalia was started, that is the festival of birth. The priests took special batogs to beat the skin worm with them. People believed that these strikes gave an easy overshoot of vagity and flatness.

At one hour on the 14th of the fierce Catholic Church, the anniversary of two martyrs Valentiniv: Roman and Interamnsky. The rest is alive at the 3rd century. Vin was famous for the gift of healing. At that hour, if you are on the hook Christian religion there were zhorstokі gonіnnya, vіn shopleniy i stracheniy.

Behind orders, Valentin Rimsky became the patron saint of the dead. Yogo was spent through the taєmnі vіnchannya of the Roman soldiers of those їhnіh naming, as if they were fenced by the ruler Claudius II. Behind the legend, in front of the stratum, Valentine wrote a note with a loving confession to the daughter of his watcher. Obviously, every day you sound to give valentines on this day.

Friends, from Happy dead! I thank you for your skin care. Forget about selfishness and confusion. Reveal the soul of new minds, enemies and spirits. Stop being afraid of change. The skin of each world may have its own special happiness. I want to know the skin of yoga and see in the outside world. Usim kokhannya, harmony, reciprocity, honesty - on long-term fates!

Dear friends! Happy Valentine's Day, I cherish you all, and I thank you for friendship, for loyalty, for mutual respect, for clarity. Come on, great saint, like a Guardian Angel, take care of your feet, take care of your family and motherland!

Have Valentine's Day
Let life be gone, like a raspberry.
Sweet to you, friends, moments,
All the best, compliments.
Happiness in your hands, let the pliv,
Kazok light come alive.
I will give you a gift -
Watered over the earth, lad.
The order for ever, naviki,
Shchob kohana people.
It's fun, boring
You lived your life
Everything was bad.
Know - I remember you, I love you!

Happy Valentine's Day, my love friends. Love, suffocate one by one, live in your own world, strive for the best, reach for success, burn with the fire of passion and shine with light beauty. Porozuminnya in vіdnosinah, fidelity, harmony and licorice vіdchuttіv.

Have Valentine's Day
I love the sea of ​​positivity.
Kokhannya like that, shob on wiki,
For passions, a river flowed.

Dark nights without sleep
Schob yshla head around.
Let the skin day and schogodini
Your hearts are on fire.

Happy Valentine's Day! I bless you with majestic love and for all life, so that passion warmed the soul, affection and tenderness in the form of a kohani people. Let you smile at that family good luck. For the sake of the holy us, they died of you!

Dear friends, on Valentine's Day, I want to tell you that I love and appreciate you so much, even if you are one of the greatest for me important people on my planet! I cherish the skin mit, the skin year of that day, which we spend together! How good, what do you see in my life! Love and be loved by your loved ones!

In the afternoon, your friends died,
Be forever happy.
You live alone,
Bestow upon the kohannyam.

Let her see you to your booth,
I settle there with the newcomer.
You always save,
And one to save one.

I cherish you, friends,
Happy Valentine's Day
I want to be loved
I kohani themselves buli.

Sob kohannya was mutual,
Unskinned, lower, biased.
I want it with love
Becoming our world more beautiful.

Half in this world,
Schob skin knows
Have Valentine's Day
Kozhen, to become happy.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Be happy, friends.
I want to shine
You zirka kokhannya zavzhd.

You save your own
View image and other weldings,
Don't hurt jealousy
Give a shoutout.

Know what is the best in the world
Tіlki istina kokhannya.
I entrust one to one virt,
І bestow holy wi.

St. Valentine's Day is approaching, and the very hour of the day of the death of the dead. Cool and funny things in prose will please not only the object of deification, but also close friends. To cheer up your loved ones, prepare a small symbolic gift, then your eyes are guaranteed to shine in happiness. Let's take a look at the best messages and SMS notifications about Valentine's Day.

On the Day of death: cool wind in prose

You also know that your oratorical talents are not enough, so that people are welcomed on Valentine's Day, and the honor to the kokhan seemed to be effective, not to be embarrassed. We picked up the best hospitality on the Day of the Dead, how to accurately evaluate dear people:

The light of my eyes is holy! I want our little ones not to develop from nurses-sleepers, but to bring joy and a lot of positive emotions. Let's go to bed with us for a long time, and happiness is rich, rich. Get rich with it yourself, not a vain and accommodating person, like the day of our acquaintance. Kiluyu licorice and mіtsno embrace!

My dorogovkaz, on this winter holy day, let me, with the warmth of my soul, for the last time, know you in a serene kohanna! Let your eyes burn in the sight of farb love, and addiction does not leave us until the end of life. I want our stosunki to become a butt for bagats, even if we can with you and look for beer, and to the restaurant with a full parade of virushiti. Get rid of my spirits, naybazhanіsha people in life!

On this miraculous day, I show great gratitude for those who are in me. After acquaintance, my heart was filled with bright farbs, it became happy without a turbo. I want love and passion between us with a skin second to become more precious. Let the skin kiss be accompanied by goosebumps, and the skin hugs will become so strong that you can feel the crackle of brushes. I love you today and forever!
My half, it’s almost necessary to talk about not only at a special vіdvedenі on tse is holy, but today, with which you are successfully coping! There is nothing beautiful and dbailish for you in the whole world. I want you to reach out to me with your skin cells and not be disappointed in your feelings. Let your heart succumb to innocence, and your evening - passion. Let me continue to show you sexuality, you will always be healthy and so smart! Spodіvayus, we remember this enchanting day!

Happy Valentine's Day: cool vaping for friends

The service for the Day of the Dead can be done verbally or prepare a leaflet. As a verse on Valentine's Day, you are not given a good idea, to choose the need for prose from a selection of the best:

I live! I hope you will have a sea of ​​romance, that sensitive intimacy, savory, like raspberry jam. Let the stoks be lower and licorice, like honey, and the volumes of mіtsnі, like a buried python. Let the share accompany the intentions of the country, and the other half will hang the life way!
Don’t let your sexy sexual energy come out of you, as if to embarrass the object of your burning, to marvel at you with suffocated eyes, and for days you won’t get laid. I believe that happiness was overflowing and spurred on feats, inspired and led me to the depths. Let life be sown by that turbot, and the other half will be under your wings!
At the lute, I want to pray to spend my life with people, as if I would be good to you. Be a double warrior at the bed, a lower and fluffy star in the arms of the other half, an impregnable citadel for enemies and a talented genius in other moments. Bring on the bottom of your loving heart, bestow peace and happiness!

I want you, my friend, to see more of my halves buried. Bring on the lower, like a gift, get drunk on that motive. I hope you don’t get stuck with problems in hundred-sleepers, don’t let your nerves go, your heart beats in unison with the object of worship, which will pester and weep. Come on, don’t look at it, take it from your respect and turbo!
Let that warmth feel like it systematically reminds your heart, like a gasoline gas tank. Let the skin of a new day give you and the other half of the reception romantic come in, bright emotions and marvelous passion. I am sure that your pictures will be enchanting and fairy tales, suitable to become a spectator of a new fairy tale!

SMS Happy Valentine's Day.

What is the text message for St. Valentine's Day in the prose of the brothers, to please loved ones? Choose the best:

Knock Knock! Cry out the remembrance even more carefully, even if in a new one tremt my heart, sovne nezhnosti, kohannya that povagi! Z 14 fierce, my close people!
The atmosphere of the holy day brings with it the need to break up into a biased mess, so as not to embarrass St.

Holy! My life turned upside down, if you took my soul and heart into slavery. I’m not happy, I’m happy buti in the fullness of your love!
Z 14 fierce! Radical day has already arrived, Father, Valentine has begun to spread valentines. I want you to get away from the unfettered kіlkіst!
On day 14 of the fierce, you still don’t see warm love feelings, you need to correct this problem in terms! Otherwise, St. Valentine sent Cupid, who can eat with an arrow not in the heart, but in the other part of the body!

Not far off Valentine's Day. Congratulation for the Holy Father doesn't matter. It’s enough to know what your loved ones want. Indulge in our kindness, and do not hesitate to supplement them with your own.

At the end of the hour, they recognized one another in their hearts through songs, dances and verses. With the arrival of such a holy day, like the Day of the Dead, there appeared notes with confessions from the kohanna, like they later called "valentines", the stench was passed on to the kokhan man, the kokhan maiden and friends secretly. 14th of the fierce - the same day, if it is accepted to tell about your feelings and bring a bath on St. Valentine's Day. You can either sing a whole lot, or about your kohannya, or you can use a cool short one, like telling about those that kohani cannot say in their own words.

In the rest of the hour, it’s more popular to give cool vitannia from St. Valentine’s Day. Aja stinks raise the spirits of two partners who die and to the one who takes them for the cohans, and to the one who takes them away. And more than that, you can beat them, even if you don’t know if you are a half of you in return.

Funny and funny greetings on Valentine's Day

Funny greetings on Valentine's Day - all the light of hot, comedy viraz and humorous phrases. If you yourself love healthy humor, if your other half loves to laugh more often, then it will be fun to take care of your relatives. Aje itself is the same way to create a cool mood and when you report it I will need the essence to the kohanoi people.

Believe me, funny greetings on Valentine's Day will help to relieve the situation with those who manage to die on the Day of the dead, and for those who are happy, create cheerful moods.

I promise to love everyone, zakohuvatisya,
Get friendly, have sex.
Let's be fruitful, multiply,
I also have sex.
Robots with heat greet,
And then - have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
І sex is inveterately engaged.
Usogo, about what dream, dochekatisya,
And still have sex.
I will not give up before the vіkom!
Get old, let's have sex!
The hour has come, maybe, round off ...
Called to have sex!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Let the krizhinki sink into the heart
Looks like a fun valentine!
Usіh love zovsіm awkward.
So, from today
Love dogs and intestines
І susіdіv, і passing,
I troshki, even troshki,
Well, crumbs - me!

Let the Arrow of Cupid pass
At the Day of death, it’s not uncommon!
Fall in love and buti cohanim
Tse - superb!

The designer has created a calendar from the heart,
The artist brought a heart in the picture.
Axis of cicavo, what the surgeon will give
Is it like a lute valentine?

Have a Valentine's Day
A lot of pennies and intimate!
There will be pennies and intim,
What's wrong with Valentine?

Two chereviki flew into the kut,
Spidnitsa, pants, crib and tights.
Here, by the gut, there is a "valentine" ...
I've been writing hard! The burners were stuck all the way!

Happy Valentine's Day until February 14 - funny short sms

In the 21st century, juveniles were “put in” to send valentines to SMS. Wait a minute, take care of your appointment until February 14th Happy Valentine's Day with a cool short SMS. Especially, as you sit on the robot and dream, the working day has reached the end. And here is “tirlim-tirlim”, and there is a cool consecration in the kohanna.

It’s good for those who don’t comrade with “rhyming rows, foresee cool sms htos іnshiy. And zakohanim only lost their speed with ready-made blanks. Congratulations on the 14th of the fierce Valentine's Day, cool short sms, selected especially for you.

Give us hope Saint Valentine
Warm, light hearted clothing.
I want to beat you like that
Shob dressed smarter than zirvati.

Have Valentine's Day
I love licorice
Yak raspberry jam
Like hot chocolate,
Like a tistechka and a cupcake,
Yak midnight cake majestic.
With the holy miracle to you,
Happy dovgoochіkuvanih Day of death!

One heart, two hearts
Їх Cupid with an arrow,
Axis and no man,
Є zakohany idiot.

I'm sorry, schob rozum
Still, without leaving you
I grow up in cupids
Helped me unconditionally!

I love you, my cat,
I kiss your tummy
And if I care for you,
Kiss more below.

Valentine's Day -
Red calendar day!
What a nice picture
We are in a lie - you are me!
Frame that picture
Troyandy, lines and letters.
Rosіp'ёmo wine dance
Do not get up - I th ti!
I Cupid on your picture -
Bachish, three krilltsya?
At the heart of the skin, who loves,
Arrows to fly!

Have a Valentine's Day
I will bring it from the store
Not wine, not cowbasi,
And be cowardly with your heart!

Vetannya with St. Valentine's Day on the 14th of the fierce at the top

Krim valentinok є pevna tradition svyatkuvannya on the day of death. Scenarios, zvichayno, really impersonal, albeit invisible part of me is holy romantic supper. To add to the whole whirlwind of biased emotions, you can walk under the stars, de zakohani and read your greetings on Valentine's Day on the 14th of February.

Let's start preparing a romantic dinner, and then we'll think about the wedding on Valentine's Day on the 14th of February. If it’s good, then you’ll have plenty of basic gravy, dessert and weak alcohol for “feeling sensible”.

  1. Main dish. Tse mozhe buti salad from seafood, pizza, cooked at home at the sight of the heart, baked meat.
  2. Dessert. Chocolate and midnight are the obov'yazkovi attributes of an evening for two at such a sacred place.
  3. Alcohol. Red wines and champagne will be on the table. Stop, have a good time with chocolate and midnight.

And in order to say goodbye to a friend half with words, we suggest options for congratulations below.

I’m dying for the day,
I love that I love.
І heart-valentine
I give you the kind of soul.

It's holy again for everyone,
Glorious Valentine's Day,
Let the love checks on the right be successful,
Do your part to become a Volodar.
Happiness bring love to you,
Be a beacon at night, burning,
Let him out of the life of you Veda,
Be bright, clean, right!

Є zayviy privіd that reason
For the kindest, lower lines.
Come on valentine's day
The heart of the s'ednaє kokhannya.
Let me be happy in a special life
You have old age;
Let the bottom be unbounded
Kokhannya is stronger and younger!

The day of our deaths has dawned again.
Mustache, who love, sacredly signify,
І let the kohannya zavzhd vistachya forces,
The warmth of that light, let it run forever.
To your dear soul, let your soul go,
To show love, kindness and affection,
Schob razumiti, naskolki garna,
All our life is like a fairy tale!

Who saw Valentine?!
Winter day, like summer, speka:
I need to buy
A gift for a friend!
Hotch, zvichano, I'm suffocating,
Have Valentine's Day
I get angry without a trace:
My hamanets is not bottomless!
Goodbye Valentine
There is only one in the group!

Beautiful greetings on the 14th of February with St. Valentine's Day to a kohan man

If you want to give an original gift on the 14th of February on the Day of St. Valentine to a kohan man, you should know the next beautiful text chi virshi. As far as possible, supplement yoga with your own words, so that you can put a piece of your soul, your love at the shelter. It is possible for a kokhan to get ready for Valentine's Day. Select the text at the top of the prose, write it in valentines, read the sprat once or remember, so that you don’t get embarrassed.

You can buy a valentine in whether it’s a bookstore, but it’s smashed with a hand beautiful leaflet h warm words value a lot more. Write a greeting on Valentine's Day on the 14th of the fierce for the kohan man yourself, and the text for the leaflet can be “subscribed” below.

14 fierce - miraculously holy,
І head day of the usіh loving hearts.
Toby, my unique resurrection,
I know from my own feelings, nareshti.
I respect you with my half,
Kokhannya my mіtsnіshaє s skin day.
Take a Valentine as a gift,
With you, I’ll always be able to double up.

Happy Valentine's Day
I take you, man!
Today at the restaurant
I give you a blessing.
Come right on time
You and tovst gamanets.

Happy Valentine's Day
Dear my man!
I wish you happiness
I kohannya, ale lest me.
Don't go around all the bad guys
I turmoil side.
For a little bit of our mіtsnіli
I did not go out in any way.
Sob kohanna bulo to death,
That one was alive.
Sob the mustache of the world zbuvalsya,
Navit earlier, lower dream.
So that hopes were true,
Otrimav mustache, scho shukav!

My life is already psuesh,
Rocks are my best.
Do not let me sleep at night,
Rozburhuesh my days.
Drive the bi axis into your neck.
I'm afraid that I won't be able to.
I'll do everything for you, thinness,
Happy Valentine's Day.

Greetings on Valentine's Day to the Kohaniy girls

Bagato girls chekayut holy zakohanih far more, nizh New rock and National Day. Why? But everything is simple. All day long, they carry the devil's confirmation that they love them, appreciate them, they are seen with elevated respect. We give flowers, malts, leaflets and valentines. Greetings on St. Valentine's Day to kohaniy maidens can be chosen at the virshovaniy form, or you can make a cool greeting, tied to the urochististu.

Welcoming a sweet maiden on Valentine's Day can be placed in a kilka of words, such as "I love you ...", or you can originally give a pink valentine, in which you can write in a handwritten greeting. Girls love such “things” and it is good to appreciate the efforts of a kokhan. At the bottom of the leaflet, it will be impossible to attribute the knowledge to the bezbezhny kohanna.

I know exactly what you want.
Dry lips, and breathe hot.
Have Valentine's Day, maybe at night,
Sporoshish your great gift.
I nervously know the hands on the dotik
Those who allow willpower clearly:
Middle of the bіlizni, dribnichok of the others
Box of your loved ones!

I have a lot of thorns
Just a thorn
Ale keep repeating the same.
I'm talking, the best.
You are not my best.
I don't know any others.
Ty is my kohannya cause.
Happy Valentine's Day.

Buy cowards in the heart
Rosefarbuy at the heart of the chest,
In a quiet place,
Don't forget your heart.

I will be the heart
Today is such a day
I will follow my heart,
I am with the lower hand.

Roztana your heart,
Until the next time you see it.
І here on the sweatshirt
"I love you" I'll say it again!

Kokhannya - out of the GOST
"Drawing souls and bodies."
Knowing in it is not easy -
I'm already asleep.
The gods have taken us
Simsot to that…
Chi do not bachish analogy?
So screw up your eyes!
Aje mi - two halves,
I yakby is not God,
Mi buli b parapinny
Double-bellied octopus!

Greetings on Valentine's Day on the 14th of fierce funny funny friends

I want it to be holy and cherished on the dying of the heart, do not forget about the best friend. Aje friend, that person, as if you were always pidtrima, to laugh for you, and as a matter of fact, you need to pay more for you, for a kelich of wine. In such a beautiful light, it is sacred to welcome you on St. Valentine's Day on the 14th of a fierce friend, you need clothes. For whom it’s time to speak, it’s cool and funny to come.

Text for greetings on St. Valentine's Day On the 14th of a fierce friend, pick up the varto, depending on your character. Possibly, your friend is more like a sweet and daring chotirivirsh, but a friend of yours is more happy with funny funny texts. We suggest the next options for bathing.

Axis fly valentines,
Joking at the light halves,
And I tell you now
An ocean of love without end.

Valentine's Day is death for a gaman!
Souvenirs and paintings, diamonds, pearls -
From whom on scho you win - buy your mustache!
With gifts, we are getting a good snowfall!
And to you I worship only the Prince of Pokohati,
Shchob, you don’t know trouble with him, you could live miraculously.
So that life was beautiful, invisible and easy,
Schob stained your kohany, not a mischievous gamble!

Vitayu iz Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy kokhannya, bazhan that nadії!
I miss this day of intimacy,
Shobi less boulo on your clothes!

Let the arrow not miss the Amur
I pierce you right into the heart of this evening.
So don't let shuri-muri wake up,
Why do you remember the stench of you forever!

Do not quarrel on the whole day to know
What is your love between the boundless!
Enjoy it, get busy!
I only wish happiness in a special life!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Let your kohanny live
І vіd pobutu ta routine
Don't get carried away.

Rozkidav shkarpetki kokhany,
I did not clean up the dishes,
After the evening of the evening
With a phone on the sofa.

Don't be angry and don't bark,
Don't "twist" yourself
Embrace yoga lower,
Nemov in youth, lovers.

I reveal what is in the skin booth
E utensils and shkarpetki.
Tse drіbnitsі, povіr me,
І not privіd for tightness.

Golovne, so that the heart was beating
View of emotions and passions.
Golovne, you loved
Everything is stronger with skin rock.

Choose Valentine's Day cholovіkovі, kohanіy іvchinі, podruzі it's easy to do it. And even today, the choice of the floor is great, that you can get lost in likenesses, not knowing what to write a cool short verse to dedicate to my kohan man. The 14th of a fierce bright day for all loving hearts, and valentines with cool texts once again confirm that the world is alive and kicking.

At the end of the hour, they recognized one another in their hearts through songs, dances and verses. With the arrival of such a holy day, like the Day of the dead, there appeared notes with confessions from the kohanna, like they later called "valentines", the stench was passed on to the kokhan man, the kokhan maiden and friends secretly. 14th of the fierce - the same day, if it is accepted to tell about your feelings and bring a bath on St. Valentine's Day. You can either sing wholeheartedly, one about your kohannya, or you can use funny short verses, like telling about those that kohani cannot say in their own words.

Happy Valentine's Day February 14

In the rest of the hour, it’s more popular to give cool vitannia from St. Valentine’s Day. Aja stinks raise the spirits of two partners who die and to the one who takes them for the cohans, and to the one who takes them away. And more than that, you can beat them, even if you don’t know if you are a half of you in return.

Apply funny greetings from Valentine's Day

To such a bright saint, we have chosen the most beautiful greetings on Valentine's Day of a cool character, so you can give a gift to a valentine's friend, or read it with your own words, so that you can call a laugh on your lips.

Zіyshlisya once a day one
(For us now already old-fashioned)
Holy Red Valentine
1st Life of Magdalene.
Now it doesn't matter who
Bazhannya got hit first
Ale Magdalene ... well, that one ...
Well, Valentine served.
І bulo food її simple
І buv vіn settings carefully:
"Oh, Valentina! Aje V is a saint!
Tell me, is it possible?
At what the saint waved his hand
І їй ідпів without turbo:
"Today is... such a day!"
And so - no, it’s impossible for sure.
Until the very night, their tandem
Stognav virazno
That's what they called the day
Sorom sarcastically explained "zakohanih"

I promise to love everyone, zakohuvatisya,
Get friendly, have sex.
Let's be fruitful, multiply,
I also have sex.
Robots with heat greet,
And then - have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
І sex is inveterately engaged.
Usogo, about what dream, dochekatisya,
And still have sex.
I will not give up before the vіkom!
Get old, let's have sex!
The hour has come, maybe, round off ...
Called to have sex!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Cupid got busy
Mryut shots, who go where.
Put hard barriers:
Don't call us at all.
Only I don't know
There is less breast at the throat.
I'm correcting Valentine's card -
My love thief!
All one we will be together,
I'll take Cupid.
I'm yoga in a bath
I'll stab you straight with an arrow!

Happy Valentine's Day until February 14 - funny short sms

In the 21st century, juveniles were "put in" to send valentines to SMS. Wait a minute, take care of your appointment until February 14th Happy Valentine's Day with a cool short SMS. Especially, as you sit on the robot and dream, the working day has reached the end. And here is "tirlim-tirlim", and there is a cool consecration in the kohanna.

Attach cool short sms hello from Valentine's Day

It’s good for the quiet, who don’t comrade with the “rhymes” of the rowkiv, having come up with cool sms xtos іnshiy. And zakohanim only lost their speed with ready-made blanks. Congratulations on the 14th of the fierce Valentine's Day, cool short sms, selected especially for you.

My bunny, my carrot,
My sun.
My bug, my worm.
I sum it up: smack, smack, smack.

I love you, my cat,
I kiss your tummy
And if I care for you,
Kiss more below.

With you splkuvatisa for a joke.
I want you like Coca-Cola.
Mene, like a hemp leaf,
You wind up in the air.
I'll wash you forever
I want to be with you.

Have a Valentine's Day
I will bring it from the store
not wine, not cowbasi,
but cowards with hearts!

Vetannya with St. Valentine's Day on the 14th of the fierce at the top

Krim valentinok є pevna tradition svyatkuvannya on the day of death. Scenarios, zvichayno, іsnuє impersonal, albeit nevid'єmnoy part of the holy є kvіti that romantic supper. To add to the whole whirlwind of biased emotions, you can walk under the stars, de zakohani and read your greetings on Valentine's Day on the 14th of February.

14th of the fierce - a celebration of St. Valentine's Day at the top

Let's start preparing a romantic dinner, and then we'll think about the wedding on Valentine's Day on the 14th of February. As soon as the streaks are spent, then the whole streak will be sufficient, the dessert and the weak alcohol for "feeling sensible".

  1. Main dish. Tse mozhe buti salad from seafood, pizza, cooked at home at the sight of the heart, baked meat.
  2. Dessert. Chocolate and midnight are the obov'yazkovi attributes of an evening for two at such a sacred place.
  3. Alcohol. Red wines and champagne will be on the table. Stop, have a good time with chocolate and midnight.

And in order to say goodbye to a friend half with words, we suggest options for congratulations below.

It's holy again for everyone,
Glorious Valentine's Day,
Let the love checks on the right be successful,
Do your part to become a Volodar.
Happiness bring love to you,
Be a beacon at night, burning,
Let him out of the life of you Veda,
Be bright, clean, right!

Є zayviy privіd that reason
For good, lower words.
Come on valentine's day
The heart of the s'ednaє kokhannya.
Let me be happy in a special life
You have old age;
Let the bottom be unbounded
Kokhannya is stronger and younger!

The day of our deaths has dawned again.
Mustache, who love, sacredly signify,
І let the kohannya zavzhd vistachya forces,
The warmth of that light, let it run forever.
To your dear soul, let your soul go,
To show love, kindness and affection,
Schob razumiti, naskolki garna,
All our life is like a fairy tale!

More fierce, and do not bloom jasmine,
Ale, if you look, your heart beats stronger.
Poednuvav zakohanih Valentine,
І day zakohanih for the honor of Yogo to ring.
Valentine's Day
With kohanim at once I'm sorry!
Be cheerful, beautiful, young!
I am living in the holy sky!

Beautiful greetings on the 14th of February with St. Valentine's Day to a kohan man

If you want to give an original gift on the 14th of February on the Day of St. Valentine to a kohan man, you should know the next beautiful text chi virshi. As far as possible, supplement yoga with your own words, so that you can put a piece of your soul, your love at the shelter. It is possible for a kokhan to get ready for Valentine's Day. Select the text at the top of the prose, write it in valentines, read the sprat once or remember, so that you don’t get embarrassed.

Vetannya with Valentine's Day for a kohan man at the top

Buy a valentine, you can be in a bookstore, but if you cut a beautiful leaflet with warm words, it will be more expensive. Write a congratulation on Valentine's Day on the 14th of a fierce man for a crazy person yourself, and you can "look" below for the text for the leaflet.

14 fierce - miraculously holy,
І head day of the usіh loving hearts.
Toby, my unique resurrection,
I know from my own feelings, nareshti.
I respect you with my half,
Kokhannya my mіtsnіshaє s skin day.
Take a Valentine as a gift,
With you, I’ll always be able to double up.

Dead on the whole planet
Hot for a viknom met winter -
Stink happy like a child.
You, my beloved man,
Laugh today,
We will be happy with you
No one can separate us.

Happy Valentine's Day
Dear my man!
I wish you happiness
I kohannya, ale lest me.
Don't go around all the bad guys
I turmoil side.
For a little bit of our mіtsnіli
I did not go out in any way.
Sob kohanna bulo to death,
That one was alive.
Sob the mustache of the world zbuvalsya,
Navit earlier, lower dream.
So that hopes were true,
Otrimav mustache, scho shukav!

Greetings on Valentine's Day to the Kohaniy girls

Bagato girls chekayut holy zakohanih far more, nizh New rock and National Day. Why? But everything is simple. All day long, they carry the devil's confirmation that they love them, appreciate them, they are seen with elevated respect. We give flowers, malts, leaflets and valentines. Greetings on Valentine's Day to kohaniy maidens you can pick up at the virshovaniy form, or you can get cool greetings, po'yazaniya іz tsієyu urochististu.

Cool short wedding with Valentine's Day girls

Welcoming a sweet maiden on Valentine's Day can be placed in a kilka of words, such as "I love you ...", or you can originally give a rose valentine, in which you can write in a handwritten greeting. Girls love such "things" and it is good to appreciate the efforts of a kokhan. At the bottom of the leaflet, it will be impossible to attribute the knowledge to the bezbezhny kohanna.

Have Valentine's Day
Be nothing greedy for a long time,
Let's be, girl, empty,
We will love one one,

Let's kiss low
Crazy, hug...
Let all the less mrії,
Alemen I dream of you at night,

You shine brightly on me,
Ty is my Sun, my summer,
Ty is my target on the road,
I want to live with you!

The maiden of the kokhan,
Sunny dear,
Mine is unique
Wealth of gold

I bless you
Have Valentine's Day,
Do day 14 of the fierce
Roads, madly, for a long time,

Happy woman,
Stray nights,
Days of miracles
Povikiv fire-safe!

I love my bright,
Shchob won a gift,
Sob zmіg tie a bow,
Sob a moment at the lips kiss,

Sob burned on robots,
Schob gave me turbota,
Schob washed and cooked,
Sob you calmed down,

Sob children gave birth to me
In reality, but not in a dream ...
Let everyone have Valentine's Day
It will be easy for a girl!

Greetings on Valentine's Day on the 14th of fierce funny funny friends

I want it to be holy and cherished on the dying of the heart, do not forget about the best friend. Aje friend, that person, as if you were always pidtrima, to laugh for you, and as a matter of fact, you need to pay more for you, for a kelich of wine. In such a beautiful light, it is sacred to welcome you on St. Valentine's Day on the 14th of a fierce friend, you need clothes. For someone else, before speech, come cool and funny.

Funny greetings on Valentine's Day friends

Text for greetings on St. Valentine's Day On the 14th of a fierce friend, pick up the varto, depending on your character. Possibly, your friend is more like a sweet and daring chotirivirsh, but a friend of yours is more happy with funny funny texts. We suggest the next options for bathing.

Happy Valentine, dear friend,
Let's sit down, beat the ringing stake.
Valentine's Day, clearly visible,
I good luck, obviously remember.

Let it be sacred bring us good luck,
I love, I'm beautiful for a bonus.
Hai Cupid, shoot well,
І failure to come rarely!

What a day, forget about troubles,
And start having fun right away.
There is no more holy saint, lower,
We know how to svjatkuvati, yaskravy method.

Girlfriend, today I want to welcome,
І congratulations, їy yaskravih recovery.
Sob managed, all your dreams,
Aje ti gidna warmth.

Come to the soul, bring warmth,
І Nathnennya lived with her.
So it’s holy, it started brightly,
I didn’t pry to the wound.

What a day, be a dear friend,
I choke on vchinki.
Schob privіd, buv walk,
I toast, sob bulo, to whom to tell.

Vitatim's girlfriend,
Have Valentine's Day, bazhati fairy tale.
So that all my dreams were dealt with,
Aje ti, good heights.

Tsgogo day, let it be happy order,
Don't turn your back on you.
Let's have fun, I want to live,
I omine, you bіda.

Aje tse holy, give joy,
I'm here, life is like a harvest.
Tse is holy, I give a banquet,
I have fun, high all the world.

Choose Valentine's Day cholovіkovі, kohanіy іvchinі, podruzі it's easy to do it. And even today, the choice of the floor is great, that you can get lost in likenesses, not knowing what to write a cool short verse to dedicate to my kohan man. The 14th of a fierce bright day for all loving hearts, and valentines with cool texts once again confirm that the world is alive and kicking.

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