Stan Nimtsov is estimated in dollars. How nіmtsiv instantly earn a billion dollars. Vіn buv is so necessary for you here

The gladiatorial fights of Ancient Rome and the best boxing fights do not go on in the same time with the struggle of the downtrodden for pennies, rahunki and shares. Especially if you fight for something. For days, in the confusion of history, under the title “Who will get rid of Boris Nemtsov’s fall,” the number of which I will become was announced. Not rich, not a little - a billion. And not carbovantsiv, but dollars. Suma, frankly, shocked the bagats. Well, the image of a democratic and bezkorislivy politician with a billion "greens" does not stick.

Nimtsiv is still alive for sure. Near the metro area "Tretyakivska" the politician can easily pick up pishki to take a walk. Dressed uncomfortably. The car was expensive (Range Rover), but still not a Maybach. Zagalom, without vipinating the richness of the flooring, which all sounded to the point of thinking, that there is nothing. Ale "nі" - does not mean that you can't ...


The price of the recession has been raised not just, but advocate one of the civilian squads of the murdered Oleksandr Karabanov. Vіn i becoming a dzherel a bit about mythical rahunki in foreign banks and blocks of shares of some Latin American garnished footwear companies.

In the next hour, I will finish my clients (Katerina Iftod - Nєmtsov’s community squad. - Ed.) at the next committee, - explaining the lawyer. - Our version is that the driving was not from political, but from economic motives. Through pennies. Therefore, we cannot voice the data about the activities of Nemtsov. I will say one thing: we have a stink, and we will hand them over to the next committee. And I’ll have to re-verify their correctness later.

- Ale OK rahunki zakordonnі in a new boule? What about shares?- we did not give up.

Divide everything that is written on Facebook into two, - having pleased Karabanov from the soul.

Maybe a bit about a billion tezh? Good - now, $ 500 million is being left. We dig further.


In searches of vidpovidi tse zapitannya mi turned back to quiet, who could have known Nemtsov well. Close friends and colleagues in the presence of any comments are advised. Vtim, like and squads. Їx can be bugged. How could the perishing oppositionist earn such great pennies in an instant? Perebuvayuchi on derzhavsluzhі chi after?

What a new buv became true - it's important to say - saying "KP" Mikhailo Delyagin, like a second rock Nemtsov's guide to macroeconomics under the hour of rebuking that vice-premier. - Boris had a significant income from 1992 to 1998, if he was governor Nizhny Novgorod region. Also, the largest shareholding of the most significant companies. Mainly in the energy and fuel sector. Everything can become a significant capital. I named two figures like $50 million. Ale nikoli not chasing a penny. Vіn buv sloven, and to my knowledge, such people rarely dare to make effective investments.

The axis is so, incomprehensibly, Nemtsov's mighty camp has decreased 20 times. But the thought is less than one person. Perhaps, investments in shares were still successful?


The second version is that Nemtsov was the head of a significant stake in Gazprom. Tsya is a bit of a walk for a long time. Movlyav, the very stench became the basis of the yogo billiard statue. And a bit like this: for example, in the nineties, Nemtsov went into default by buying shares of a gas company for 50 thousand dollars. And in the middle of the “zero” ones, having sold them to the garrison barish.

How can you booty? Let's cheer up. The shares of the gas company on the very day after the default of 1998 cost about 7 rubles, and reached their peak in the year of 2008 (352 rubles). Navit as Nemtsov managed to slander all the growth, the maximum that he could earn in a moment is $ 2.5 million.

In the meantime, Nemtsov had more papers. It is possible to understand for this declaration for 2008 rіk (if you win before the merіv Sochi). It was also announced that the politician had shares in Oschadbank, VTB, Norilsk Nickel, Polyus Gold and energy companies (following the reorganization of RAT "EU Russia"). Through the crisis, the investment portfolio is very demanding and pulling a maximum of 5-10 million rubles (“I spent a lot of pennies,” Nєmtsov scolded in one interview). Quotations of all shares fell. І to start at once, it would be no more than 40-50 million rubles, that would be less than a million dollars.

Chi vodila like a person with shares of a singing company chi ni - tse, in fact, a banking taєmnitsa - seems Oleksiy Astapov, intercessor of the head of the board of the CC "Arsagera". - It is possible to reveal this information only by yourself. Abo yogo relatives, yakscho shares є th dosi.

Before the speech, often the story about his far away investments was confirmed if Nemtsov himself. She didn't give specific numbers.

In 1998, I already far away invested in the shares of Gazprom, - having revealed the history of my capital investment to the portal in 2012. - Then, having invested far away at the market of indestructibility, I decently earned, then I was low on Internet projects, I also earned there.

So, Nєmtsov, having named the exact amount that should lie on the bank's account after all these "operations" - 170 million rubles. After entering all the numbers, it turns out that the maximum number of the hour will be. Navit at that time - only close to $ 5 million.


I could become Dzherel and the robot Nemtsov at the Naftoviy concern. In 2004 - 2005, they tried their heads for the sake of directors, until the prosecutor's office revealed a "malicious group" in the concern. The head of the Igor Linshits concern was voted out at the international rozshuk. On the thought of the latter, 57 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank... How could Nemtsov gain access to these pennies? Nayimovіrnіshe, vіn buv svogo kind of zits-head. I hardly otrimuvav big commissions.

Recover Nemtsov declaring his income as a deputy of the Yaroslavl Duma in 2013. Just the same politician having earned 18 million rubles by stretching the rock. In essence, vіdsotki vіd investіv. And also pributki from other funds. In an interview with our newspaper, an old colleague of Boris Nemtsov, Irina Khakamada, as if she knew:

Boris does not like business. There was no new business, nothing that could be called a serious business. Lives on sponsor's pennies. So, the opponents of the Vlad were given pennies, while others were not named. І on qi pennies vin snuvav. Like all opposition.

I, nareshti, split "Maino" and don't mind. The declaration for 2013 has less than three apartments. Persha - courtyard apartments in the elite complex "Mala Ordinka, 3" in the very center of Moscow. Orientation price of the apartment - 130 - 145 million rubles. Nemtsov bought his own apartment from Yaroslavl. "Dvushka" at Stalin's booth near Kazansky women's monastery cost him 5 million rubles. Moreover, as if I had explained myself, 2.5 million rubles had to be taken on credit, which I had repaid quickly. Roztashuvannya third apartment nevіdome. Ale, with a footage of 50 "squares", it is impossible to build if it is in the center of Moscow, the cost is much more than 20 million rubles.

From the other side, bentezhit that his Range Rover Nemtsov did not show his declaration for 2013. The same data about bank deposits also emerged. Chi all vytrativ on zhіnok (womanizer vіn buv noble and generously endowed girlfriends), chi viviv capital for the cordon ...


So, and not knowing the end of the blinded billion, we suspected the worst... hmm.. nasty. Nemtsov's pennies were boules. Ale, so as not to reveal their adventures and to escape the inaccuracies from the tribute, the stench of nadiya prikhovani. Offshore. What? Fashionable scheme.

The company is bought from an offshore zone in order to preserve confidentiality, - explain Eduard Savulyak, Director of Tax Consulting UK. - It's not a problem, please borrow a maximum of ten days and a cost of a thousand dollars. The company is a transit point. Let's say a man wants to give you a whole sum of pennies. From the account of your company, the wines are transferred to your account, offshore. And you move your money to the company's office, let's say, from a Swiss bank. In such a scheme, it is practically impossible to bring a penny to a specific person.


Until the end of the investigation, it is permissible to be still doubtful about the adequacy of the figure voiced by the lawyer. That and evidence is still lacking.

The sum of 200 - 300 million rubles more adequately looks like earlier. Well, as for the investigation, all the same, they will be given non-transfer documents.

Well, even if the downturns of the flooring are recklessly dilitim, we still know a lot about the process of how the beaten oppositionist lives.


And what was unimportant wealth?

Paraphrasing the classics, chi bov billion? What moment is a lawyer, how can it be fashionable to say at once, "throw up throwing" about such a great sum of concession? What would I need for you?

Theoretically, such a situation is possible, - stating lawyer Dmitro Shilov. - It's a pity, є okremі representatives of the profession, as it is important to rob your own name. And so dense on the right, like the fall of the murdered oppositionist Nemtsov, - good ground for becoming famous. Robish guchnі declare - newspapers quote you. An advancing client can be proud of not only the results of the court process, but at least a voice in the press. And for deakim clients it is only necessary.

Negarna, a blast of history. Ale cicava. First, it appeared that Boris Nemtsov was there, take it. And now one of the number of civilian squads Katerina Iftodi at the hour of a press conference at the press center of the information agency "National News Service" said that she suspected that the politician Katerina Odintsova was being held accountable.

The right wines were not found at Boris Nemtsov’s death (there are no deputy), and there are more contenders for this death. Officially, Boris Nemtsov had four children registered. However, after the yogo of death, it became known about two, previously unidentified blues, as they also claim to be the former tat.

Katerina Iftodi is stunned that there is no good politics behind Nemtsov’s death, the reason is only material in nature: “I don’t care that it’s more politically driven. Tse zamovne driving on aphids of great sums. Iftodi herself estimates the decline of the politician by a sum worth one billion dollars. Only Russian activists estimated the court at 200 million rubles.

“The whole struggle is connected only with financial support. There are no political moments for anyone. There was a lot of money on the horse. I spent a lot of time with Boris, it was a lot of rozms. I know where skilki can be. Tse not Russian Federation, all foreign assets, stocks, bonds, futures Became bigger behind the cordon, lower in Russia, ”quoting NSN Iftod.

In addition, the woman suspects that Katerina Odintsova may have been responsible for the death of Boris Nemtsov. I threaten to give evidence for hearing on April 8. “Kotya Odintsova was hung up at the death of Boris, she was small to take away the greater part of Boris’s cats, there are two children in her. There is no small amount of grief after the death of Boris. Kіlka dnіv vytremalasya, daily posts did not break on Facebook. If they asked her what she was thinking about Boris’s infliction, she said: “I’m afraid of Skoda,” Iftodi said.

“I could reveal a lot of facts, but I can’t through my tact. Vіn kazav, scho suffers vіd tsgogo, kav, that she gave birth to these children with a deceitful path, wimagala in a new penny, apartments. Katya can't live without pennies, she pretends to be children. If Borya passed out of life, Katya really sighed. Її overwhelmed, that Borya z kimos constantly colludes, she is jealous. At the same time, Katya was the first to pay for a penny, she has a priority - two children, ”Won said. She also reminded me that Boris Nemtsov often scribbled on the Odintsovo road, on the money spent on pennies under the drive of health, illumine that life of children.

Itself same Іftodi this hour tries to bring the accountability of Boris Nemtsov to the appearance of її son Bori. However, the relatives of the politician are encouraged to give DNA for the verification of the fatherhood. Іftodi zapevnyaє that in them with Nєmtsov there was homeliness: the politician announced the recognition of її son Borya after that, how to yomu rok. “We had dovirch stosunki from Borea. For yoga life, I did not advertise anything. We've discussed it, if everything works out. We made sure that the child would be stunned if the lad jumped on the river. I didn't ask for yoga. Borya was timid with everything with his whim. Struggle to tell me that I want to be friends with me, ”Katerina Iftodi explained.

Iftodi is fully convinced that she is a court child - in the form of Nemtsov. Vaughn is ready to give a certificate from the polygraph examinations. In addition, in court, she slandered her bedroom, for which she also sings songs about the presence of intimate vodnosin.


The gladiatorial fights of Ancient Rome and the best boxing fights do not go on in the same time with the struggle of the downtrodden for pennies, rahunki and shares. Especially if you fight for something. For days, in the confusion of history, under the title “Who will get rid of Boris Nemtsov’s fall,” the number of which I will become was announced. Not rich, not a little - a billion. And not carbovantsiv, but dollars. Suma, frankly, shocked the bagats. Well, the image of a democratic and bezkorislivy politician with a billion "greens" does not stick.

Nimtsiv is still alive for sure. Near the metro area "Tretyakivska" the politician can easily pick up pishki to take a walk. Dressed uncomfortably. The car was expensive (Range Rover), but still not a Maybach. Zagalom, without vipinating the richness of the flooring, which all sounded to the point of thinking, that there is nothing. Ale "nі" - does not mean that you can't ...


The price of the recession has been raised not just, but advocate one of the civilian squads of the murdered Oleksandr Karabanov. Vіn i becoming a dzherel a bit about mythical rahunki in foreign banks and blocks of shares of some Latin American garnished footwear companies.

In the next hour, I will finish my clients (Katerina Iftod - Nєmtsov’s community squad. - Ed.) at the next committee, - explaining the lawyer. - Our version is that the driving was not from political, but from economic motives. Through pennies. Therefore, we cannot voice the data about the activities of Nemtsov. I will say one thing: we have a stink, and we will hand them over to the next committee. And I’ll have to re-verify their correctness later.

- Ale OK rahunki zakordonnі in a new boule? What about shares?- we did not give up.

Divide everything that is written on Facebook into two, - having pleased Karabanov from the soul.

Maybe a bit about a billion tezh? Good - now, $ 500 million is being left. We dig further.


In searches of vidpovidi tse zapitannya mi turned back to quiet, who could have known Nemtsov well. Close friends and colleagues in the presence of any comments are advised. Vtim, like and squads. Їx can be bugged. How could the perishing oppositionist earn such great pennies in an instant? Perebuvayuchi on derzhavsluzhі chi after?

What a new buv became true - it's hard to say, - saying "KP" Mikhailo Delyagin, like a second rock Nemtsov's guide to macroeconomics under the hour of rebuking that vice-premier. – Boris had a significant income in the period from 1992 to 1998, if he was the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Also, the largest shareholding of the most significant companies. Mainly in the energy and fuel sector. Everything can become a significant capital. I named two figures like $50 million. Ale nikoli not chasing a penny. Vіn buv sloven, and to my knowledge, such people rarely dare to make effective investments.

The axis is so, incomprehensibly, Nemtsov's mighty camp has decreased 20 times. But the thought is less than one person. Perhaps, investments in shares were still successful?


The second version is that Nemtsov was the head of a significant stake in Gazprom. Tsya is a bit of a walk for a long time. Movlyav, the very stench became the basis of the yogo billiard statue. And a bit like this: for example, in the nineties, Nemtsov went into default by buying shares of a gas company for 50 thousand dollars. And in the middle of the “zero” ones, having sold them to the garrison barish.

How can you booty? Let's cheer up. The shares of the gas company on the very day after the default of 1998 cost about 7 rubles, and reached their peak in the year of 2008 (352 rubles). Navit as Nemtsov managed to slander all the growth, the maximum that he could earn in a moment is $ 2.5 million.

In the meantime, Nemtsov had more papers. It is possible to understand for this declaration for 2008 rіk (if you win at the city of Sochi). It was also announced that the politician had shares in Oschadbank, VTB, Norilsk Nickel, Polyus Gold and energy companies (following the reorganization of RAT "EES Russia"). Through the crisis, the investment portfolio is very demanding and pulling a maximum of 5-10 million rubles (“I spent a lot of pennies,” Nєmtsov scolded in one interview). Quotations of all shares fell. І to start at once, it would be no more than 40-50 million rubles, that would be less than a million dollars.

Chi vodila like a person with shares of a singing company chi ni - tse, in fact, a banking taєmnitsa - seems Oleksiy Astapov, intercessor of the head of the board of the CC "Arsagera". - It is possible to reveal this information only by yourself. Abo yogo relatives, yakscho shares є th dosi.

Before the speech, often the story about his far away investments was confirmed if Nemtsov himself. She didn't give specific numbers.

In 1998, I already far away invested in the shares of Gazprom, - having revealed the history of my capital investment to the portal in 2012. - Then, having invested far away at the market of indestructibility, I decently earned, then I was low on Internet projects, I also earned there.

So, Nєmtsov, having named the exact amount that should lie on the bank's account after all these "operations" - 170 million rubles. After entering all the numbers, it turns out that the maximum number of the hour will be. Navit at that time - only close to $ 5 million.


I could become Dzherel and the robot Nemtsov at the Naftoviy concern. In 2004 - 2005, they tried their heads for the sake of directors, until the prosecutor's office revealed a "malicious group" in the concern. The head of the Igor Linshits concern was voted out at the international rozshuk. On the thought of the latter, 57 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank... How could Nemtsov gain access to these pennies? Nayimovіrnіshe, vіn buv svogo kind of zits-head. I hardly otrimuvav big commissions.

Recover Nemtsov declaring his income as a deputy of the Yaroslavl Duma in 2013. Just the same politician having earned 18 million rubles by stretching the rock. In essence, vіdsotki vіd investіv. And also pributki from other funds. In an interview with our newspaper, an old colleague of Boris Nemtsov, Irina Khakamada, as if she knew:

Boris does not like business. There was no new business, nothing that could be called a serious business. Lives on sponsor's pennies. So, the opponents of the Vlad were given pennies, while others were not named. І on qi pennies vin snuvav. Like all opposition.

I, nareshti, split "Maino" and don't mind. The declaration for 2013 has less than three apartments. Persha - courtyard apartments in the elite complex "Mala Ordinka, 3" in the very center of Moscow. Orientation price of the apartment - 130 - 145 million rubles. Nemtsov bought his own apartment from Yaroslavl. "Dvushka" at the Stalin's booth near the Kazan women's monastery cost him 5 million rubles. Moreover, as if I had explained myself, 2.5 million rubles had to be taken on credit, which I had repaid quickly. Roztashuvannya third apartment nevіdome. Ale, with a footage of 50 "squares", if you've been in the center of Moscow, you can't spend much more than 20 million rubles at a time.

From the other side, bentezhit that his Range Rover Nemtsov did not show his declaration for 2013. The same data about bank deposits also emerged. Chi all vytrativ on zhіnok (womanizer vіn buv noble and generously endowed girlfriends), chi viviv capital for the cordon ...


So, and not knowing the end of the blinded billion, we suspected the worst... hmm.. nasty. Nemtsov's pennies were boules. Ale, so as not to reveal their adventures and to escape the inaccuracies from the tribute, the stench of nadiya prikhovani. Offshore. What? Fashionable scheme.

The company is bought from an offshore zone in order to preserve confidentiality, - explain Eduard Savulyak, Director of Tax Consulting UK. - It's not a problem, please borrow a maximum of ten days and a cost of a thousand dollars. The company is a transit point. Let's say a man wants to give you a whole sum of pennies. From the account of your company, the wines are transferred to your account, offshore. And you move your money to the company's office, let's say, from a Swiss bank. In such a scheme, it is practically impossible to bring a penny to a specific person.


Until the end of the investigation, it is permissible to be still doubtful about the adequacy of the figure voiced by the lawyer. That and evidence is still lacking.

The sum of 200 - 300 million rubles more adequately looks like earlier. Well, as for the investigation, all the same, they will be given non-transfer documents.

Well, even if the downturns of the flooring are recklessly dilitim, we still know a lot about the process of how the beaten oppositionist lives.


And what was unimportant wealth?

Paraphrasing the classics, chi bov billion? What moment is a lawyer, how can it be fashionable to say at once, "throw up throwing" about such a great sum of concession? What would I need for you?

Theoretically, such a situation is possible, - stating lawyer Dmitro Shilov. - It's a pity, є okremі representatives of the profession, as it is important to rob your own name. And so dense on the right, like the fall of the murdered oppositionist Nemtsov, - good ground for becoming famous. Robish guchnі declare - newspapers quote you. An advancing client can be proud of not only the results of the court process, but at least a voice in the press. And for deakim clients it is only necessary.

Who does not remember the viguka of the “Great Blind” Panikovsky, if that “pidgortav” of the leading Pan Koreik from the immortal “Golden Body”!

Classic - nothing to say!

And yet the axis of the cієyu w classic raptom “smelled” and in the offensive - it’s just a “non-primary” situation:

B. Nemtsov succumbed to the fall...

On the right, in the fact that B.Nєmtsov showed a bunch of spadkoєmtsiv.

Like a cicavi man, win a buv at the center of a woman’s respect, so it’s not surprising that different women at a different hour they celebrated the sight of Nemtsov's children. Moreover, today no one can say for sure if Boris Nemtsov has lost a lot of slack.

The eldest daughter Zhanna was born to the wife of Boris's first squad, Raisa. For some time the girl started in New York, after which she turned to Moscow, and then graduated from MDIMV. Already in 2005, Zhanna Nemtsova became an active participant in the liberal youth movement of the Russian capital.

Two more children - the son of Anton, that donka Dina gave birth to politics svitska levytsya that journalist Katerina Odintsova, whom Nemtsov met at Nizhny Novgorod. The couple had a lot of unregistered girls, and soon after the beginning of the novel, Odintsova moved to Moscow, where she became a working TV presenter.

If the young Donets Nєmtsova and Odintsova were two years old, the politician had another daughter, Sofia. The mother of the fourth child of the oppositionist, Irina Korolova, worked as a secretary.

32-year-old Katerina Iftodi came to the funeral of Boris Nemtsov. Woman sprat the rest of the years lied among the widnosins from the politician, and gave birth to the son of Boris. Behind the words of Katerini, Nemtsov was going to find out the little son after that, like a little boy, the river will turn, not having lived up to this day of the whole month. As it became known, Katerina Iftodi was sent back to the Presnensky court of the capital with a statement about the expulsion that her father was the son of Boris, a beaten politician. Officially recognized children of Nemtsov - Zhanna, Anton and Diana act as witnesses for the application. Katerina Iftodi plans after the exile of the fatherland to claim a part of the fall.

However, the list of direct downfalls of the commanding oppositionist does not seem to end. Friends of Anni Lisnikova seem that the late politician has one more son in Nizhny Novgorod, who is also 17 years old. The lad wanders from a poor homeland, prote n vin himself, no official father does not know the truth. The lad's mother is afraid of the son's life, that, who is better for everything, should not be judged for recession, even if he wants to demand pennies. Boris Nemtsov, behind the words of the friends of the woman, overpowered those pennies. Naturally, after the fatal shooting on the Great Moskvoretsky Bridge, a penny sweat stumbled.

For yak spadshchina, the whole sire-boron was lit up? B.Nєmtsov himself, being alive and well, constantly positioning himself as an altruist and bezsribnik, an independent and honest politician, who doesn’t take a penny and doesn’t interfere with any financial scandals and machinations.

Those comrades-in-arms, associates and shanuvalniki (and shanuvalnits tezh) also propagated with equal force disrespect, crystal honesty and principles in the financial background of the murdered politician.

Prote, stock traders know that Boris Nemtsov has made a lot of money by investing his pennies in the Russian stock market. Before the crisis of 2008, he boasted about the fate of his wines that he had invested 1 million dollars in the shares of business enterprises, and Nemtsov’s maximum daily allowance, for this reason, was 200 thousand rubles. The most important investment was the shares of Gazprom, like Nemtsov having bought, for example, the 90s, if they practically did not cover anything - 10 cents apiece. Nadali papers grew 100 times!

Ale, in 2008, the success of the exchange was replaced by Nemtsov. Yomu already had a chance to know that he had “failed like the whole market”. During the crisis, the politician has spent 75% of his money on the stock exchange.

I, before the speech, having spent a lot of money on the market, - rozpiv Nemtsov in one interview. - Ale, I’m going to learn to practice in the current minds. I've spent 75%. I won't say how crazy the bag was. But at the same time, I learned how to practice on the volatile market. I can tell why my logic. My logic is that if the market is ruining all the statements about the economy and finance, the only safe haven is expensive. Tse gold, platinum, silver and palladium. And you need to invest pennies yourself with them. I think that gold will definitely be more expensive than $1,000 an ounce. Abo in the shares of gold mining companies - "Polyus Zoloto" and "Polymetal". What am I and zrobiv. In addition, I may simply speculative pennies, on which I can earn a stretch of the day. I can earn 10,000 rubles a day for the average person.

The rest of the investments of the politician were far away - judging by the list of his shares, the main rate of wine was invested in the electric power industry and "black chips" and did not pardon. Nєmtsov's portfolio has shares of BAT "TGC-14", Chita; WAT "VTB", Moscow; VAT "Kuzbasenergo", Kemerovo; BAT "Inter RAT EES", Moscow; WAT "FGC YES", Moscow; RAT "Energy Systems Immediately", Khabarovsk; BAT "Rushydro", Moscow; VAT "Mosenergo", Moscow; VAT "Polyus Gold", Moscow; BAT "Girnicho-metallurgical company" Norilsk Nickel ", Moscow - and two dozen more companies and enterprises!

Well, to what extent is it foreign, as the lawyer Karabanovym has already said. “A billion dollars of Boris Nemtsov is not worth a penny. Tse assets: deposits in foreign banks, shares in companies that are engaged in the development of genera Pivdenny America", - explaining Karabanov.

Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on the evening of February 27, 2015 on the Great Moskvoretsky Bridge in the center of Moscow.

And I’ll pray for completion: let’s make us live so honestly and well! We’ll just shoot the axis, but I don’t want to, well, we don’t want to ...

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