Biggest drug dealer. Damn mothers: see, not safe and beautiful drug baronesses of the present. Formation of an empire - Plata about Plomo

At evil worldє its own gloomy stars, which are seen on the slanderous aphids in a list that is scaled down. Є stink in the world of drug trafficking. Know this: in front of you are the safest and most domestic drug dealers in the world.

1. Pablo Emilio Escobar

The head of the largest known that straining Colombian drug cartel. At the peak of his malicious activity, Escobar is No. 7 on the list of the richest people in the world, controlling up to 80% of all cocaine that reaches the United States. On Escobar's advice, that yogo assistants died like at least 5,000 osіb - policemen, competitors, and witnesses too. At the same time, Escobar loved to picture himself such a Robin Hood, who helps the people and build the future quarters for them. The furious activity of the most mischievous person in the world was put to an end by the agents of the NSA, who took it by storm from 1993. several houses near the Medellin quarter Los Olibos and shot Escobar.

2. Joaquin Guzman Loera

Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman is Mexico's most famous drug dealer. After the flight from the v'yaznitsa at the cat for the bіlіzni protyag 13 rokіv razshukuvavsya police. Vіdrіznyavsya zhorstokіstyu and not peredbachuvanіstyu. A small size - 165 cm - for some kind of wine and having taken away your prize, without making you a cartel, having transported a large amount of drugs from the United States. The cartel's statutory stock is estimated at a billion dollars in the United States.
In the fierce 2014 rock "Korotishka" American and Mexican detectives in the Mexican resort town turned back for the gate.

3. Frank Lucas

An American drug dealer, having made a lot of money on the cob of the 1970s without interruption in delivering a heroine from Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia to the USA, victorious for his troopers with American military services, yak died at V'etnami. An unsavory way of smuggling allowed Lucas to earn $1 million a day selling drugs at 116 Street in Harlem. In 1976, the justice duly assessed his talents, condemning him to a 70-year prison sentence. Ale z 70 Frank was only five years old, pishovshi on spivpratsyu with law enforcement agencies. Vіn otrimav mentally-dostrokove zvіlnennya for the program zahistu svіdkіv, but for rіk I'll renew sіv for drugs - this time for 7 years. Viyshovshi z v'yaznitsi 1991 rock, Lukas vіdіyshov vіd criminal activity. In 2007, many "feats" were added to the film "American Gangster" with Denzel Washington in the lead role.

4. Ismail Zambada Garcia

One of the largest drug traffickers in the world, the head of the Sinaloa drug cartel, who has about 1000 militants in his distribution. For any information about the new FBI, they will give 5 million dollars. A large Mexican farmer with great knowledge of the silskogo state and botanicals, Zambada opened his wicked career from smuggling a lot of kilos of drugs. Over the course of 18 years, the cartel imported to the United States over 200 tons of cocaine and tons of other drugs.

5. Sandra Avila Beltran

"Queen of the Pacific", the head of the Mexican drug cartel, who served as a happy lanco between the Sinaloa cartel and the Colombian drug traffickers. She was born in the family of drug dealers, in fact, the family business was declining. "Black widow" Sandra dvіchі went abroad, moreover, insulting її people were a lot of police officers, like they became drug dealers; and both were driven in by keelers. After the death of the choloviks її Kohance became Diego Espіnos on the prize "Tiger", the head of the Colombian drug cartel. 2007 її were arrested in Mexico, and in 2012 they were extraduted to the USA. One Mexican folk band, inspired by Sandri's personality, dedicating a ballad to her.

6. Rick Ross

Which American drug trade is considered to be the initiator and organizer of the crack epidemic in the USA in the other half of the 1980s. At one time, the Ross gang was selling crack for 3 million dollars a day. On the vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynogo cocaine, crack can be smoked, scho vіdkrivala zbіlshіnі yogo obyagu z podpomogoyu іnshih rechovina. In 1996, Roci Ross was arrested for selling 100 kg of coke to a secret police agent, and in 2009, he was called as an open communication.

7. Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo

Patriarch of the Mexican drug trade, who had fallen asleep in the Guadalahari cartel. V_domy also on the prize of "Khreshcheny batko". After that, the unsafe Tijuana cartel, which practically monopolizes the supply of cocaine to the United States, has become disorganized. Spivpratsyuvav іz Mexican and American special services. In 1989, a number of arrests were made for calling for stolen goods, torturing, and driving in an agent of the drug control service.

1943- 2012

“Baptized mother cocaine” was born in a dysfunctional homeland, in childhood she began to steal, and in 14 years she went home. For six years, the girl worked her way, after which she married for the drug dealer Carlos Trujillo. Bet had three blues. In 1970, Carlos's brothers were driven in, and Griselda became a new citizen. Griselda and that other person did not fit the Medellin cartel, that motherland moved to the United States, despoiled the government business. This time Blanco was in charge. The police repeatedly tried to slander the drug barones, but he even went to drink. For an hour she lived in Colombia for updated documents, then near Miami. Having vanished into the next, Blanco took up the stare.

Now let's do it Griselda sang zhorstko - or spivpratsya, or "a one-way ticket." On її rahunka - close to 200 victims. At the right side of the law, she was guilty and lost her sight. Blanco herself foresaw the method of driving in, if the motorcyclist passes the victim and shoots on the move.

The transportation of the great batches of drugs from Miami was not a problem, but Blanco was not involved in the retail trade. She has such a twisted way, like selling drugs in the middle of the world. For whom Blanco trimala kramnitsyu.

Everything went smoothly, but in the wake of the increase in the number of victims, the authorities reacted, Blanco again had a chance to tick. They were arrested at home in 1985 and sentenced up to 15 years in prison and a fine of $25 million. On the right, the drug barones looked at it a lot of times and navit increased the prison term to 60 years. But Blanco's lawyers have achieved what they called earlier.

In 2004, Griselda ended up in prison and was deported to Colombia. Within an hour of Blanco's visit, business weakened and was often slandered by the Medellin cartel. That same Blanco herself, having sat for more than 20 years, was no longer so hard on the drug business, but still she did some good work. Griselda was shot on the 3rd of spring 2012 in the same way, which she came up with herself.

Enji Valencia

38 years, Argentina

It is important to show that such a beauty can be a drug dealer. That business girl drank no food filthy life. Mayuchi effective zovnіshnіst, Enji Valenсіya from his youth was popular among people. At 21 rivers, the beauty won the beauty contest "Kavi Queen" and she painted the model's car. They began to apply for hires and fashion shows, and in 2007 Enji was awarded the title of one of the best models in the world.

But the mannequin's fees showed up a little. In 2005, the role of Enji earned the respect of "businessman" Nicolas Gualcho on the prize Monster. Vіn engaged in the supply of drugs, which did not benefit Enji. The girls deserved a luxurious life, and the modeling business could not bring them such income, like drug trafficking. Enji broke up with her spitting boyfriend and got her hair on the right.

Valencia started a modeling agency, as it became the backbone of the business. Vaughn hired models who, in fact, were drug dealers. For the girls, the “agency” applied for tickets up to business class, so they did not have the power to check their hand luggage. For one such trip from Argentina to Great Britain, the girls won $5,000!

Nakrobiznes Enji Valencia having woken up 2 rocks and brought nearly a billion dollars. It all ended, if one of the models on the mittens still misread the valise and knew 55 kg of cocaine, covered with cloth. While the bedroom of Valencia was arrested, the lady of the modeling agency herself appeared. Vaughn changed her name, created new documents, and changed her name. The drug lord was told close to fate, and after the arrest, she was forced to take the blame. It's wonderful, but Enji was given more than 6 years and 8 months in the pit, and then they called the end of the line.

Sandra Avila Beltran

57 years, Mexico

Sandra Beltran, abo "Queen of the Pacific", as she called herself, was born in the family of drug dealers and went the way of the fathers. In youth, she began to cooperate with the great drug dealers and work with the folds. In most cases, police officers who tried to arrest members of the Beltran clan became drug dealers themselves. Among such officers are Sandri's insulting people, who abandoned the pursuit of the drug mafia and became accomplices of the "Queen of the Pacific." Yak and Enji Valencia, Sandra Beltran graciously vindicated her calling to achieve her goals. Of course, she rarely took on the work of vikonan on her own. Most of the transportation of drugs was handled by її relatives, but Sandra handled them.

In 2007, drug baronesses and boyfriend Juan Diego Ramires were called in the drug trade and received pennies. Although Ramires appeared not so amusing, Sandra got it all out of the way. Serious calls could not hang out for a long time, shards could only be accountable to all evils. Її brought private power. Sandri lay 225 objects of non-violence in Mexico and the fishing vessel, as the police took over from 2001 roci. Same on Newomu Beltran transported 9 tons of cocaine from Mexico to the United States.

At the judge, the drug baronet recounted everything, she said that she was just a housewife and was engaged in selling clothes. Once again the cunning Beltran failed. Їy gave 3 rocks. 2010 rock was looked at on the right, and the “Queen of the Pacific Ocean” was released more than 2015 rock.

After the death of Osama bin Laden, a member of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization, Joaquin Guzman, according to the version of the American Forbes magazine, became the most safe villain in the whole world and the most poignant.

Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman Loera, formerly known as El Chapo ("Short Girl"), vtіk іz in the strict regime in Mexico, was called by the representatives of the mist's power. The statutes of the drug addict, for the sake of zahіdnih ZMI, become no less than $ 1 billion.

However, it is important to understand that it is more convenient to calculate the exact income from drug operations, and the credibility of other resources.

And yet the drug lords in the whole world walk around a little, often even more than they have, and on the basis of these a little different ratings of the most popular drug addicts in the world are formed.

Below is a list of the most famous drug barons, about whom there are anonymous legends.

10) Riki Freeway Rus

Growing up with the biggest crack in the 80s. Immortally, this business was based on buying up to 400 kg of cocaine for a day and selling crack for a sum that would exceed $3 million a day.

As a result, deyakі vvazhayut yoga as a single person, as if defending the cocaine epidemic in the United States. In 1999 I would like to say that it was categorically asked by the US Department of Justice, as if they knew the majestic rozmіr of yogo operations, but it was like a riddle about those who Ross (or be it another person) himself on his own moment of confession for tse.

Ross's career ended in 1996, when he got his partner in power to sell 100 kg of cocaine to a federal agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration. As a result, on this day Ricky Ross is going to the American camp without a chance to be released.

9) Paul Lear Alexander, The Cocaine Baron

Paul Lear Alexander, acclaimed for "The Cocaine Baron", is a very ambiguous specialty that has created an aura of mystery and omnipotence.

The current hour of wine was the number one post-manager of cocaine in Brazil, with whom the flooring was nahabniv, which blatantly handed out business cards.

Prote zmuzheny buv tіkat to the United States, becoming an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration, angering few competitors and seriously expanding the business.

As a result, Paul Lear Alexander spent for the sake of his country, actively expanding his business, while infuriatingly competing with the federal government.

About Alexander to walk a little anonymously. They affirm, for example, that they have undergone training in the Israeli MOSADI.

Narazі Alexander is staying with the Brazilian liar.

8) Daoud Ibragim Kaskar

Daoud Ibragim Kaskar, the Indian wicked authority, the statutes of which, according to some estimates, exceeded $6 billion, one of the highest malices.

Vіn prichetnyy to vibukhіv near Mumbai 1993, at the hour of which 250 people perished. There is also a small close connection with Osama bin Laden and cherubala in a pleasurable organization, as they called "Goldman Sachs organized malice".

This organization, known as the D-Company, carried out large-scale operations for the sale of drugs and was accountable practically to all types of malicious activity - in the form of health and terrorism to the film industry.

Won financed a lot of popular Indian films and, as a matter of fact, took away a significant amount of income from Bollywood.

In this hour, Kaskar is a person who is most roamed in India and, as they are respected, hovaetsya in Pakistan. From its side, Pakistan will block what wines are on its territory.

7) Felix Mitchell

Felix Mitchell, more familiar with the villainous stakes like "Kit" and "Gangster 69", not only created a drug empire, but became a lover of the black quarters of Auckland and brought about numerous charitable actions.

We paid for scholarships and training for athletes, generously financed schools, handed out free tickets to children near parks and zoos. After that, the arrest of the streets of the city was turned into a right theater of fighting for an hour before the spheres were turned over.

Filthy fame Mitchell zrorob yogo metoy for power, scho led to dovіchnoy uz'yaznennya at the Federal penitentiary on the territory of Fort Levenuert.

Mitchell was stabbed at the v'yaznitsa less than 2 years later, and his funeral turned into a right show with a lot of thousands of natovp, a bunch of tickets and expensive cars.

More paradoxically, after a few years after death, they were right through pardons at the end of the investigation, which killed Felix Mitchell with the right legend of the evil-minded world.

6) Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha

Even before that, like Rodriguez, he became a person No. 2 after Pablo Escobar in the Medellin cartel, in his youth he worked as a recruiter for various gangsters and such drug dealers, like Veronica Rivera de Vargas.

Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha on the prize of "El Mexicano" ("Mexican"), one of the founders of the Medellin cartel, who controlled the transportation of cocaine from Colombia to the United States through Panama and Mexico, having established channels for the supply of drugs in Europe and Asia.

Vin also played a key role in the creation of distant laboratories in the Colombian jungle, ten thousand workers lived and vibrated the majestic quantity of cocaine.

Under an hour of one of the raids of the drug control agency in 1984. on one of these laboratories, it was possible to know the records that show that 15 tons of cocaine mouth were delivered to distribution for six days.

The scale of the activity was great, having spent a hundred of the richest people in the world for the version of Forbes magazine.

Gacha zavzhdi buv nevtomny, vіn postіyno shukav new, creative routes of drug supply from Mexico to the USA. Vіn also vіdpovіdaє for the growth of the cost of the cartel. Vіn specially hiring zakordonny fakhіvtsіv from vіyskovskіy pravі, bringing їх to Colombia and navchav vіysk cartel such speeches, like driving that partisan war.

Gacha vying with special zhorstokistyu, from the yogo filing, the Minister of Justice of Colombia and the leaders of a number of political parties were beaten.

Ponad those, having contrived to create a professional army, having unleashed the right war with the order. As a result, it was driven into the ranch for an hour to storm the Colombian police.

5) Carlos Leder

Carlos Leder succeeded in arranging a cartel car for an unknown stealing of cars from one of the founders of the Medellin cartel.

One day, it will be possible to create an even more efficient system for delivering cocaine from Colombia to the USA through Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia, and making cocaine accessible to representatives of the middle class.

The island of Normans Cay of the Bahamas archipelago turned into a transshipment base, which passed through up to 300 kg of drugs.

Leder is called the father of the cocaine epidemic in the United States in the 70s. Aje todi zasіb buv dosit expensive, ale dilok virіshiv maximally saturate the market, step by step zbіlshyuchi obsyagi inexpensive drug, rolyachi yogo accessible to the middle class.

Leder became the author of promotional actions in the style "First dose without cost". The drug lord, having had a close friendship with Escobar, is a brother-in-law and bowing to Hitler, a friend of the green "narcotic" Farboi nationalist newspaper.

Delusions of grandeur filled Leder: he turned one of the Bahamas into a transshipment base, controlling the entire territory.

Toudy, for deaky pіdrahunkami, pribuval up to 300 kg of cocaine per year. Leder, having voiced the power of the right war - only a hundred journalists were killed, thousands of policemen perished.

For the head of the skin of them, the evil-doers were paid a premium for narcotic drugs from a total of $4 thousand. Tse nyak could not be worthy of power, as I saw the drug lord of the United States, de yoga and thrashed for the gate.

The prison term Leder is used in the USA. 135 years were added to the first term.

4) Griselda Blanco, Miami Cocaine Queen

The woman, who lives in the USA, successfully expanded cocaine in this country.

For a long time, the queen of cocaine was respected as unbearable. Whom was accompanied by її ruthlessness, tied, perhaps, with a neurological psyche.

Among the most successful drug dealers, who worked with the Medellin drug cartel, Blanco herself was one of the most effective.

Blanco discovered her way in the 60s, if she was a man, Carlos Trujillo, having known the woman from Alberto Bravo, a merchant from Medellin.

In 1971, the woman organized the wedding in the spring. The deyak dzherel estimated її special stats from a pіvmіliard dollars, and the turnover of the її іmperiї was estimated at $40 billion.

The lady wore fashionable haute couture cloths, smoked crack, but legends seem to say that cold-blooded infusions, made with a special thinness, were the greatest rose.

Talk about 200 drug queen victims. Those who won three of her people, gave her the title of "Black Widow".

Over the years, Blanco became a drug addict, roaming with a shooter for innocent people. State contacts with her were made at gunpoint. The zhorstokіst zhіnki і vvbivnі by her іtіnі dvorії podshtovkhnі її rasshuki.

As a result, he was spyed by the Drug Enforcement Administration in 1985. and sentenced to 20 years for drug trafficking.

Blanco was released in 2004. and illegally deported to Colombia, to his fatherland, її with the help of a local traveler, not at home.

3) Amando Carillo Fuentes

This Mexican became famous for his activities in organizing the drug trafficking of cocaine in the USA, Argentina, Chile and Mexico.

Dosvіd tsgogo biznesu Fuentes nabuv, working on the Colombians, for the hours of the cocaine boom.

Yogo became the first successful crop in my business povna vidmova type of preparation. Vіn came up with the idea of ​​taking payment with cocaine, vikoristovuyuchi yogo for the creation of a damp line of expansion of the drug.

For example, 80s rock. Having injected Colombians into his business, becoming a recession, the accepting Fuentes created the Juarez cartel in Mexico, which became the mother of the force, and even his daily turnover was $ 30 million.

Having taken such power with the fact that Fuentes had won victories for the expansion of the cocaine fleet, which gave him an excellent reputation.

At the park, the cartel knew about 700 aircraft that made flights to Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. At the time of the release of the drug lord's certificates, the most important officials of the Mexican Drug Enforcement Administration passed through the yogo payment window.

Fuentes' money was estimated, according to some estimates, at $ 25 billion.

The operations of Amando could not help but turn the authorities to a new level of respect, to finish the wine quickly, becoming one of the greatest roaring people in the world.

To the same Fuentes in 1997. going as far as the plastic surgery, in order to change the appearance.

The doctors took pity on what caused the death of the back of their patient, and then on themselves.

It seems that the surgeons knew about walling up in barrels for petroleum products. On the right, Fuentes was continued by his brother and son;

2) Hong Sa, "The Opium King"

In the middle of the 60s. one of the war chiefs of Birmi Hun Saznik in the jungle at once from the army with 800 people and began to grow opium. To whom the bula was assigned the work of a whole place, and at the peak of his "glory" Hun Sa was the greatest merchant of heroin in the world, a roblyach 3/4 of the entire world turnover.

Khun Sa on the prize "Opium King" and "Prince of Death" is not just a black cross drug lord, but one of the leaders of the Burmese opposition, who managed to create a powerful power in the state on the cordon of Myanmi, Laos and Thailand.

Wanting a drug lord and living near Burma, the main part of both opium and heroin flow falls on the USA.

After a lot of essence with the power of Khun Sa buv collections in 1969, protests in exchange for zaruchnikov in 1973. Until 1985 an alliance of drug dealers and insurgents called in until the Shan region became practically autonomous from Burma.

The current hour of control over 75% of the heroin market in the world, in protracted guerrilla battles with the regular army, and for this reason, the American government bled $ 3 million.

Tsikavo, scho born in 1989 Hong Sa proponuvav vladі USA buy in new 1 yew. tons of heroin, without spending it on international markets. In America, the drug lord was nicknamed the "Prince of Death", but they couldn't slander yogo - he himself was born in 1996. having voluntarily surrendered to the government of Burma, be afraid that otherwise you will see the yoga of the USA.

As a result, Khun Sa had a surplus of life, having lived with miraculous minds under a mental arrest at Rangoon, having died there in 2007.

1) Pablo Escobar

The number one drug lord is Pablo Escobar, the founder of the Medellin drug cartel, who with a sleight hand cherubs rich fates for him. Pablo Escobar was not the smartest drug dealer, not the wine and organized most innovative. Just vin buv nayzhorstokishim, but tse usuvaє pevnі vіdmіnnostі.

Pablo ris midnight, picking up romantic stories about "banditos", like they were robbing rich people, giving pennies to the bereaved. Life in netryah has led to the fact that the young man was switched off from school. On the back, Escobar began to steal tombstones from the zvintar, then creating a gang that occupied stolen cars and a racket.

In 1972, when Pablo was over 23 years old, he became one of the most important crime bosses in Medellin.

At the same time, there is a boom in cocaine in the States, and Escobar eagerly took up a new right. Have 1977 r. and three of the other great merchants that fell asleep the Medellin drug cartel.

The head of the Medellin cartel, cherubing his empire in Colombia with apparent lack of carnality, conducting actions against anyone who dared to throw you a viklik.

As a result, 30 ships were killed, over 400 police officers were killed, and the Avianca flight 203 was also killed. It is important that 3 yews were driven in for yoga by orders. osib.

At the moment of its release, the Escobar cartel controls 4/5 of the world's cocaine market. The price was estimated at approximately $30 billion on a grand scale.

Escobar, having amassed a fortune of $ 9 billion by the end of the 90s, having spent the world for the Forbes version to the list of the richest people.

It was to signify that, having enlisted the support of the populace, Escobar, having built houses for the workers, laying roads and building stadiums. In the 80s rock. Pablo shook his political activity Prote, having understood, that beyond the borders of Medellin there is no more "doubtful specialty", having unleashed a new plague of terror. Obviously, Escobar was being followed.

Be afraid of your extradition to the United States, that ukul with the Colombian government please, zgidno z 1991 r. zdavsya, and vydbuvat visnovok mav at the most comfortable v'yaznitsa. However, nothing changed: Escobar went to night clubs and stadiums, continuing to conduct his affairs.

As a result, the government decided to transfer the malice from the right bank. It's not surprising that the drug lord's nevdovz went on the vtіk. In Colombia, there is a special group of people who suffered like Escobar.

The stench began to follow and underestimate everyone who was so chi іnakshe po'azanі іz him. Maєtki and Escobar's houses were sleeping, the government roztanula, and 1993. disbanded and the cartel.

On Escobar, a fire broke out right away, the result of which was mortally wounded on the 2nd of March 1993, after the combined operations of the Colombian and American special forces. Seeing Pablo the call of the retinue: Vіn not bachiv sim'ї more fate.

There are no legends about Escobar. At Medellín itself, the vines were filled with a shanovanoy people. It seems that it was not Pablo himself who was beaten, but his twin. Another beautiful story is to tell about those who, having leaned down at night in the mountains together with their children, Escobar burned close to $ 2 million in preparation to grow up.

Finding the drug lord of the current hours. Winning the United States on cocaine and creating the largest empire in Colombia with a turnover of tens of billions of dollars. Pragnuchi at the politician, Escobar zoomed in to penetrate the Colombian Congress and voted war on his enemies, long-term fates zanurivshi the country into chaos and terror. Zhorstoky and merciless, the king of cocaine all his life bathed in luxury - and wake up for himself in a good way with the casinos and poviami. But if, in the hands of Escobar, the innocent children began to die, in the presence of the new one, everything turned up - and the drug lord No. 1 pretended to be the head enemy of the state for Colombia, after which a great love began.

Yakos near Columbia

The future king of cocaine Pablo Emilio Escobar was born on December 1, 1949 in the poor homeland of the peasant Jesús Dari Escobar and his teacher Hemildy Gaviria from the town of Rionegro in Colombia. Escobar's childhood - the third child in the family - passed in honed thugs, like dolphins like gangsters: in the evenings, the cotton men gathered and spun tales about the usefulness of the black frost.

In the meantime, Pablo himself had a childhood dream about politics and wanted to become president. In extreme weather, Junius Escobar is fit for the share of the Colombian Robin Hood, who punishes riches for greed and distributes goodness to the poor. Really, the gentry was not a stranger to the pundit: they often took products from merchants on credit - the stench was good for their mother. Let's remember that Pablo was growing up with his classmates from ordinary families - you didn't get enough flooring, that you didn't get tired right at the lessons. Vtіm, іz vіkom such vіvі Escobar's daedals became less.

If Pablo passed 12 years, his family, in search of a better life, moved to the court of Envigado. There, Escobar's mother sang pochatkov school, de pochav vchitisya that її syn. Vіn shvidko came to the uchnіv, yakі supported the opposition and the idea of ​​the revolution, - especially they sighed the Cuban coup of 1953-1959. The young rebel is shvidko pishov pohily: once he won from the teacher's sheet with examination tasks and handed them out to the teachings. Pablo started skipping classes and smoking marijuana, which is why teachers fell for it, they switched yoga schools off.

Idol bіdnyakіv

The 16-year-old young man, who appeared not at the right time, without becoming sitting with his hands clasped. The first thing that Escobar was doing was stealing gravestones from the zvintar of the Medellín town - there you will win vtіk vіd the judgment of the fathers. The villain sold tombstones with erased inscriptions to dealers from Panami, but he didn’t give a lot of pennies to you. Todi Pablo went over to a serious crime: he became a stealer and repurchased a car, smuggling a tyutyun, but without stealing a rubbish steal.

In these dark right, Escobar, having shown leadership qualities, like nevdovz, helped him to put together a small grouping. Її members were engaged in health care: they knew the owners of expensive cars and extorted pennies from them, threatening to steal from their heads. Even though the victim was still inspired, the car was really spared - the bandits were not bluffing.

Under the influence of blackmail, Escobar's assistants went over to the days of people: one of the most important victims was the deputy landowner Diego Echevario. The successful and bitter undertaking was hated by all the poor people of Medellín, on whose support Escobar had already thwarted.

In 1971, bandits robbed Echevario of fate, hankering for a great ransom from Yogo Sim'ї - but they didn't take a penny. Todi vikradachі began to roll the landowner, trying to s'yasuvati, de vin shove zaschadzhennya. So, without taking away the vіdpovіdі, the stench strangled their prey, and threw the body on the hillside.

Escobar did not prihovuvav his accountability until the death of Echevario, but did not suffer any punishment for her. Moreover, the poor people, who knew about the stolen days and the strata, took over the honor of Pablo, calling him El Doctor. I Escobar showed his sympathy: for pennies in his mischievous wines, he made cheaper living for the poor in Medellin, for which you loved yoga Daedal more.

Kokainova dawn

On the cob of the 70s, Escobar turned his attention to the criminal scourge, which is developing rapidly - the supply of cocaine in the USA. Rozumiyuchi, like great pennies in them zamіshanі, vіn vyrіshiv kontsentruvatis on the drug business, zashivshiv іnshiy krimіnal. Spontaneously, Escobar became an intermediary: buying cocaine from chemists and selling it to smugglers with a nationality. With whom, Pablo nastіlki fiercely fought against competitors, but until the mid-70s he became the leading drug lord of Colombia.

Like Escobar, he stole his competitors, wins against them. Together from the three strongest of them in 1977, the cocaine king of Colombia created the famous Medellin cartel. Until that moment, Escobar had already entered into a war: in 1976, the officers tried to seize the policemen, as they took away a warrant for arrest from the police court. Pablo bought it, but don't forget it. An officer who, without a hitch, initiated an arrest and supported yoga, killings.

There were legends about Escobar's zhorstokіst: death (moreover, zhorstok) threatened the skin, who would risk bringing cocaine from Colombia without the knowledge of the main drug lord of the country. leather virobnik white powder buv zmusheny vіddavati yogo in the people of Escobar for a commission of 25-30%. With whom, the king of cocaine started to develop his business: as before, for the transportation of drugs to the States, he hired victorious carriers, then he became a year to increase his channels of drug trafficking. Letaks became the basis for this - in the meantime, they walked around a little bit, that Escobar was the first to think of victorious for transporting cocaine small water lines, as if it was important for the cordoners to know.

Srіblo chi lead

Nezabaron drug lord No. 1 won not overpay for the preparation of cocaine: the atomism of wines ruled the impenetrable Colombian jungles of drug factories from the production of white powder. Escobar's cocaine bushes themselves grew on the Colombian peninsula - near the deserted region of the Idoli plateau. Postupovo Pablo entangled with the nets of his infusion all over Pivdennu America. Zavdyaks to the cunning helper Carlos Leder, having created a right “drug port” in the Bahamas - a transshipment point for the delivery of cocaine to the USA. Leder himself, having become famous for the action "the first dose is free of cost," as a way to increase the number of drug addicts.

Photo: Carlos Villalon / Getty Images

Until the end of the 70s, the Medellin cartel became the leader in the drug business in the States, taking control of 80% of the market. Escobar's decals for one day reached 420 million dollars. And the short income of the yoga cartel with an average sale of 15 tons of cocaine was about 22 billion dollars. Usі qі majestic sumi passed through the head accountant of the king of cocaine - his elder brother Roberto. If the rest of the 1993 rots leaned at the pit, a leaf came to him, - Roberto sent a message - and pierced the vibe, which practically spared the sight of the Medellin treasury.

The secret of the nameless success of Escobar's empire is rich in why he had an inexhaustible bribe of law enforcement officials and officials. “The whole world has a price, and the most important thing is to count,” Escobar shared his thoughts with his neighbors. In the right moment, buy someone: once before the transfer of possession for the drug laboratory of the Medellin cartel, a whole military officer was procured - 43 sergeants and 5 officers. And commanding them, the captain, who had gone through the course of the “young fighter” with the drug mafia a little earlier... Yogo's favorite motto was the phrase "Sreeblo chi lead."

Rozkish on the blood

Behind the pranks of the operatives of the American Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the cream of the billionaires on the rahunka, Pablo Escobar at the peak of his wicked car'єri volodiv hundreds of rare cars and dozens of chic maєtkіv with pools, wet lakes, with lakes and lakes.

For example, in the mansion Hacienda Napoles for 63 million dollars, de Pablo lived most of the time, bu vlasny zoo. Antelopes, hippos, elephants, giraffes, kangaroos, rozhevі flamingos and rhinoceroses lingered there, near the well-covered paddocks. Nearby there was an arboretum with exotic roses. At the same time, marveling at all the exotics, it’s free to be a columbian without any cost.

Photo: Caters News Agency Ltd/

Escobar is sensible in the garniture of life. For my son's sake, I created the Vlasny Dinopark with life-size sculptures of dinosaurs. And for myself, a gangster-themed king, the king of cocaine zooms a car, in which in 1934 the most famous villainous couple of all hours, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Burrow, were shot dead. The gates of Escobar's residence, like a maid of 1700 osіb, having embellished a light-engine aircraft, like that, people delivered the first batch of drugs to the USA.

The king of cocaine loves to rule at his palace for food evenings - moreover, keep schoolboys. The young girls, the assistants of the drug lord, were ringing on the streets and boldly proclaimed to go on a visit to Escobar. Vіn himself bathed in a woman's uvaz, not caring for a hat: in the spring of 1976, the 15th river Izabel Santos became the fate of the retinue of the ruler of the empire of the empire, yak zavagіtnіla vіd new. Vaughn gave Escobar a handful of Juan Pablo's son, and for a rock sprig, her daughter Manuela.

In the meantime, the little ones from the master's table of the head drug lord of Colombia were getting away from the simple sacks of the country. Vin became the founder of the social program "Prosuvannya public law”, within the framework of what podtrimuvav kolombіytsіv in the fight against the ubiquitous decimation of trees, initiating power. On pennies from cocaine, Escobar blasted roads, volleyball and basketball Maidanchiki, football fields, schools and churches. Bіdnyakіv yogо pіdruchnі ruled in pobudovanі іnternati, yakі took away the name “in the house of Pablo Escobar”. Throughout Medellin there were posters with the inscriptions "Don't be in Medellin netryah" and autographed by the main benefactor of the city. Before that, the skin of the wines was bestowed with toys on homeless children. But if Escobar started having problems, he would become known otherwise.

Spell Enemy

Kazkovo rozgativshi, the king of cocaine turned back to his childish dreams about politics. Having made a lot of mistakes in the vlasny act, Escobar zoomed in to become the deputy of the Colombian Congress: even though some of the congressmen could not be present at the gatherings, Pablo accepted the decision for the new one. In order to win his bonds before the fatherland, the drug lord at once moved from his family to the capital of Colombia, Bogotá.

Zvichayno, Escobar wants to do more - blame the president. І as a nobility, it is possible, Pablo with a year and reach for it, yakby in 1984 did not make a sworn enemy. He became the Minister of Justice, Rodrigo Lara Boniya, who was no less contemptuous of cocaine, and he realized that Escobar’s promotional campaign had been invested “brudni” pennies in the sale of drugs. From the filing of Bonii in 1984, the drug lord was included in Congress.

The borg didn’t lose the expulsion of the parliamentarian: on April 30, 1984, when the Mercedes of the Minister of Justice was flashing on the light, he was shot by two thugs of Escobar. Having taken off the sprat at the shoulder, Boniya tried to bounce between the seats, and finally finished off with a control shot at the poticle. Covering the place with mischief on motorcycles, the guards crashed into a tree: one of the bandits died on the spot, the other was caught by operatives.

Nezabara after vbivvaniya Bonії for pіzroyu in organіzаtsії malice boulo zatrimano kіlka Escobar's entourages, rumors began, and the people of the drug lord shot the judiciary, who was conducting the process. The results of the uninterrupted driving in of the Minister of Justice did not have any punishments. Ale, evils of this magnitude are not easy for a zamovnik: goofs at Escobar's roses, lie down on the bottom. Tim, the dead minister of justice, having posthumously won over his wicked adversary, closed his way to the politician forever. Trying to turn around, Escobar declared the power of Colombia to pay off the entire western borg of the country - 13 billion dollars. Vidpoviddu youmu bula proud vіdmova.


Nezabarom Escobar otrimav sche one pompous blow: the US order on choli z, zasilyam low-grade cocaine in the country, slaying the power of Columbia agreement. Zgіdno with him, leather drug lord, interfering in the export of cocaine, mav pddatisya extradition to the States. Such a prospect could hardly have helped drug lord No. 1, even if the correction to the United States would have given him a chance to win over the power of the empire.

To resist the power of Colombia, Escobar created a terrorist group under the name of Los Extraditables (“They are watching”). Її the militants started spitting on the policemen, as if they were trying to fight the drug mafia in the country, journalists, judges, officials ... In just two years, the terrorists drove in about 500 law enforcement officers, and blatant number A few thousand people became their victims.

The most important of the actions of Los Extraditables was the attack on the Palace of Justice in Bogota, which was held for the participation of partisans in 1985. The oppositionists, who were sponsored by Escobar, sacked life with machine guns and grenades. While the rebels were trying to protect themselves, they were missing all the documents prepared for the extradition to the USA of low-impact drug traffickers. As a result, the security forces took the Palace of Justice by storm - but not far away - 97 guards (Zokrema 11 judges) perished. The ship system of Bogotá was paralyzed: the servants of Themis, who lived, were laying on the floor, which for a long time did not fit to conduct processes.

Golden Vtikach

Vikoristovuyuchi all his ties and great pennies, Escobar tried to skasuvat law on extradition for the help of corrupt officials. On the back of my mind I didn’t care: in 1986, the Supreme Court ruled homeownership between the United States and Colombia. Alas, the drug lord is unhappy: less than a few days later, the Colombian president Vergilio Barco annulled the decision of the court and forfeited the agreement with the forces. Mayzhe once before the United States ruled one of the closest helpers to Escobar.

Vіn himself buv embarrassment hovatis vіd vlady, having created for this whole a series of gatherings near the Colombian places. Here Pablo was helped by the scammers of the beggars: use the volunteer informers in the new one, as if, with the policemen nearby, they hurried ahead of their idol about them. Together with Escobar, they cherished the same family: after ten years of the drug lord's son, having guessed, like once, if it happened, they had a chance to spend the night literally in an open field, where there was no firewood to kindle the fire and grow.

Todi Pablo having fired a penny - a smut, what was for a new one. For nothing, Escobar became a bіdnіshim on a kіlka milliononіv dollars, ale sim'yu zigrіv. "In every life I can know the replacement of any speech, but I will not replace my squads and children with anything," the drug lord says lovingly.

Obviously, life in the big cities did not dominate. 1989 rock Escobar tried to drink for the sake of: vin propoponuvav vodі kolombії zdati, alé for um, scho to the United States yogo not to rule. The proposition of the drug lord was so lost without support - and in the country a new round of terror broke out. In the course of two serpentine days of 1989, three fighters against the Medellin cartel were shot dead. As a candidate for the President of Colombia, the politician Luis Galan has repeatedly announced that he will give the former drug mafia of the country, catch the former drug barons and bring them to the American ties. On the 18th, at a rally, a sniper shot dead. The same share spoke of Colonel Valdemar Contero and Judge Carlos Valencia.

Country of operation: USA
Clients: Western part of the USA
Products: Cocaine
Ross was the biggest cracker in the 80s. Imovirno, this business is based on the purchase of up to 400 kilograms of cocaine for a day and the sale of “crack” for a sum that exceeds 3 million dollars a day.

As a result, deyakі vvazhayut yoga as a single person, as if defending the cocaine epidemic in the United States. In 1999, such a statement was categorically proclaimed by the US Department of Justice, as if they recognized the majestic scope of his operations, and even if they asked a riddle about those who Ross (or be it another person), he himself could instantly confess for the sake of it.

Fall: In 1996, Ross's associates introduced him as a partner, instructing him to sell 100 kg of cocaine to a Drug Enforcement Administration agent under cover.
at the same time, Ricky Ross is available at a dealer in the USA.

Number 9. Paul Lear Alexander, aka "The Cocaine Baron"

Country of operation: Brazil
Clients: USA
Products: Cocaine
Acts in the life of Alexander, for example, those who practiced yoga in the Israeli MOSADI, like before, require evidence. About the new one, it is more reliable than those who became the leading Brazilian cocaine supplier before the first successful flow to the United States, de Vin became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Like an informer, he added to the dignity of the faceless of his competitors, the shards of wine and without thinking to accept his activity, seeing others.

Fall: Alexander is a man in the category of great cunning, yak could go to one bik, so to another. "Drug Enforcement Administration" didn't fit.
Status of camp for 2008: Narazі Alexander perebuvatime at vyaznitsa at Brazil.

Number 8. Santiago Luis Polanco Rodriguez, aka “Yayo”

Country of operation: USA
Clients: USA, Jamaica and Dominican Republic
Products: Cocaine
Rodriguez vikoristovuvav more traditional drug distribution schemes, lower boules at that hour. Some of the methods of sale included tizhnevі znizhki, tyzhnevі znizhki, tyzhnevі vіzitnih cards, vpіzvanіst brаn and transfer of goods to dealers in envelopes іz parchment (yakі vykoristovuyutsya fіlatelіstami).

Just say the words of the sociologist Robert Jackall: "Once the genius of a person was remembered, I can’t see it myself."
Fall: In 1987, Roci Rodriguez ate pasta, the authority of the Drug Enforcement Administration. However, it wasn’t connected with drugs, that’s why it’s not enough time for that to happen in the Dominican Republic.
Status of camp for 2008: Today, Rodrigues lives peacefully in the Dominican Republic with his retinue and children... in the reach of the USA.

Number 7. Felix Mitchell, aka "Kit"

Country of operation: USA
Clients: USA
Products: heroin, cocaine
Mitchell, who took the title "Gangster 69", the great gangster commodity. He was the first drug lord of his kind, a kind of victorist, who guessed reasonable PR: giving financial support to sportsmen, paying for the children of zoos and parks of roses.

Pili, Yak Vin, relyed at V'yazzay, the new species of the novelty of the Mikhokoye: Risai Mіtchella for Yogo Vidsutska became the Boya -Sobe Theater, the Rosstrilovati was sophistic .

Fall: Filthy fame Mitchell zrorob yogo metoy for power, scho led to dovіchnoy uz'yaznennya at the Federal penitentiary on the territory of Fort Levenuert.
Status of camp for 2008: Mitchell was stabbed at the wound less than 2 years later after being afflicted. There was a lot of wonder at this funeral: Rolls-Royce limousines were carrying the funeral procession through the streets of Auckland, crossed by thousands of NATO people.

Number 6. Carlos Leder

Country of operation: Bahamas.
Clients: USA
Products: Cocaine
Lehder has made two main contributions to the illegal expansion of drugs:
1) Vin was one of the founders of the Medellin cartel - one of the largest and most valuable drug cartels in history;
2) I am guilty again after having reawakened the drug transport system. Now the stench was delivered by planes from Colombia to the USA via Vietnam. Shorter seeming, wine exponentially increased the number of deliveries, but the vigoda did not get in the way.

Fall: Delusions of grandeur were given signs on Lederi. Having taken control of one of the Bahamas Islands and having converted yoga to its own transshipment base, where, for some crazy bastards, you can buy 300 kg of cocaine each.

Status of camp for 2008: At the same time, Leder is interchangeable with the USA.

Number 5. Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha

Products: Cocaine
Even before that, like Rodriguez, he became a person No. 2 after Pablo Escobar in the Medellin cartel, in his youth he worked as a recruiter for various gangsters and such drug dealers, like Veronica Rivera de Vargas. Vіn buv one of the quiet, who has turned the respect of the bulk to himself. In 1988, the magazine "Forbes" put yoga on one of the lists of the richest people in the world.

Gacha zavzhdi buv nevtomny, vіn postіyno shukav new, creative routes of drug supply from Mexico to the USA. Vіn also vіdpovіdaє for the growth of the cartel's zhorstokostі. Vіn specially hiring foreign fakhіvtsіv from the military justice, bringing them to Colombia and starting the military cartel with such speeches, like driving in that partisan war.

Fall: More violence from the side of the cartel, which includes impersonal punishments for the adoption of people, which came without a hitch in Rodrigues, for example, the 80s, led to the punishment of the Medellin Cartel.
Status of camp for 2008: Gacha died in 1989 after the fact of the Colombian police.

Number 4. Griselda Blanco, aka "Cocaine Queen of Miami"

Country of operation: USA
Clients: USA
Products: Cocaine
Irresistible "Cocaine Queen of Miami" was a zhorstkoy, ruthless and, perhaps, neurologically mentally human. Vaughn was one of the most effective drug dealers who worked for the Medellin cartel. For deakim tribute, її stats were estimated at 500 million dollars.

It was fitting to dress up cloth "couture", smoke "crack", prote to the largest її hoardings (like a dzherelo for life legends) was scaling up to "vishukanih" embossing. To talk about the figure of 200 osib, including one nearby sample, if you drive in a maw to put a person behind the help of a bagnet.

Fall: Blanco's bitterness, which includes the hitting of a 2-row child, gave the Drug Enforcement Administration a place to look after her. In 1985, she was imprisoned and sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment for drug trafficking.

Status: After the call in 2004, the rotation of the non-gay deportation to Colombia, the help of Blanca’s mistranslation is unknown.

Number 3. Hong Sa, aka “The Opium King”

Country of operation: Burma (M'yanmar)
Clients: Very important USA
Products: heroin (opium)
In the middle of the 60s, one of the military chiefs of Birmi Hun Saznik in the jungle at once with an army of 800 people and began to grow opium. To whom the bula was assigned the work of a whole place, and at the peak of his "glory" Hun Sa was the greatest merchant of heroin in the world, a roblyach 3/4 of the entire world turnover.

Regularly, the United States through Thailand violated drug caravans. The "Drug Enforcement Administration," as if it gave you the title of the ruthless "Prince of Death," decidedly tried to bring Yogo to court and gave the Birmi order 2 million dollars for those that the United States government saw the stench of Yogo.

Fall: In the middle of the 90s, turbulent about those that the government would still be in time to see the United States, Hong Sa, in the wake of the Burmese military, seemed to think of it.
Status: Hong Sa lived a great life near Rangoon until his death, for example, in 2007.

Number 2. Amando Carillo Fuentes, aka “Lord of Heaven”

Country of operation: Mexico
Clients: USA, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.
Products: Cocaine
Fuentes learned the drug trade, working on the Colombian barons during the cocaine boom, and the most successful crop in this field was the modern type of cooking.
Natomist Vіn taking payment with cocaine and victorious yogo to expand its own power system. Oscilki having poured Colombian cartels like the 80s into decline, Fuentes turned the colossal Juarez Cartel in Mexico into a great force with a turnover of 30 million dollars per day. It didn’t take long for the last day of the day to win a victory over the fleet, which consisted of 727 aircraft, for the delivery of products from Peru, Bolivia and Colombia to Mexico.

At the time of the release, the top officials of the "Drug Control Administration" of Mexico were listed on the payroll list, and the top line for the official tribute was estimated at 25 billion dollars.

Fall: Amando's operations were great, and without a doubt he became one of the most famous drug dealers in the world.

Status: In 1997, plastic surgeons changed their guise again, but, unfortunately, not better. A few hours later, these surgeons knew they were walled up in barrels for petroleum products.

Number 1. Pablo Escobar

Country of operation: Colombia
Clients: Pivnichna, Centralnaya ta Pivdenna America, Caribbean Islands, Western Europe and possibly Asia.
Products: Cocaine
Pablo Escobar was not the smartest drug dealer, not the wine and organized most innovative. Just vin buv nayzhorstokishim, but tse usuvaє pevnі vіdmіnnostі. The head of the Medellin cartel, cherubing his empire in Colombia with apparent lack of carnality, conducting actions against anyone who dared to throw you a viklik.

As a result, 30 ships were killed, over 400 police officers were killed, and the Avianca flight 203 was also killed. It is important that over 3,000 people were driven in for yoga by orders.

At the moment of its release, the Escobar cartel controls 4/5 of the world's cocaine market. The price was estimated at about 30 billion dollars a day.

Fall: Turbulent about his extradition to the United States, Escobar, having succumbed to the favor of the Colombian government, as if he had put Yogo in a nayrozkishshnisha, as you can only show yourself. Ale Escobar could not get far from inaccuracies and indefatigable ducks from the air.
Status: Pablo Escobar died in 1993 because he was mortally wounded, if he was torn apart by Colombian and American soldiers.

Without a doubt, you commemorated the appearance on the list of Frank Lucas, whom Denzel Washington starred in the film "American Gangster". I want to have a film on the market, which is one of the most important drug barons in our time, prote, just talk about those materials, lyrics for the creation of the film, and preparations by Lucas himself .
And then, in the words of the prosecutor, the film has 1% reality and 99% Hollywood.

*We need to expand our materials, but only when you submit hyperpositive on

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