Read alerts with report description. Easy methods to destroy a person with words. Be always open and active Vulgar messages to wake up the girl

What words are acceptable for a person?

For a man, the power of the name is already significant, as seen by a woman with a lucid and gentle intonation. It is also possible to distinguish different types of annotations from each other, for example: lower, lower, sweeter.

Of course, the right word may have been spoken in a different situation. It is important that people are attracted to extreme places, and this may not be without lifts, swimming pools, restaurants and other places. Words spoken in front of a woman at a special moment especially hurt the man’s ears. If a man is in a high mood, and is prone to marvel at the woman with his swaying eyes, at this point choosing the right words will help to completely win his heart. Tell him about his masculinity and strength, about the fact that you have never met anyone else who is more attractive than you. These words seem to be spoken in a soft voice, with a singing intonation and a sigh. It’s just not worth re-engraving, the fragments of people immediately come across as fake.

It will be good for you to remember the most exciting moments of your sexual contact with him and, at the right moment, to recognize the awakening words that will settle down to such an outcome. In the presence of a person, it is time to merge those words of proximity that were especially welcome to you. Just before the official contact, you whispered in my ear about the fact that you are losing your head, you should say it yourself in a more undisturbed situation. Having seen everything, he remembers the intimate moment with which this phrase is connected, and wakes up. It is not necessary for modest scenes paired with gentle words to achieve the greatest and most immersive effect.

What can you do about intimacy?

It is necessary to know what is unique, starting to be between Rosmov and a person. Whatever words may be spoken will always come to an end. Never guess your great lads in front of your young man. Telling them about them may not destroy a person, and may cause someone to have a negative reaction. Once you begin to get along with your partner, never allow yourself to be portrayed or belittled. Your man must know that in any situation you respect him as humorous, strong, beautiful, masculine and sexy.

Under the hour of sex, you are ready to talk about other topics, so there is nothing to dissuade your partner.

Unacceptable heat and laughter near the bed. The atmosphere of intimacy has been carefully created, regardless of any outside noise, careful efforts have been made to protect the building.

Some women value mooches for better sex, and women are not averse to whispering in the ear of their partner during intimate games. In any words, you need to be careful.

Unnecessary knowledge

The situation in life becomes more complicated when a couple who live together is at odds with one another. Depend on the people in power, and today’s wives began to inherit them, not being afraid of their partner’s jealousy. The retelling of erotic dreams and fantasies, buried by famous actors and the bodies of Hollywood stars can easily lead a person out of jealousy.

It’s not easy to guess in your presence that there will be a lot of people and influences that will enhance your human ability, especially if your loved one has problems with erection. Also, don’t admit it and don’t brag about it and take part in group sex, for example at corporate events, otherwise the reaction will be harsh and can lead to everyday violence.

It is better to share with your more sensitive enemies with a sexologist or psychotherapist.

Defended words and words: what you can’t say

Regular proposals to simply lie down without sex will strongly encourage the person to engage in it. The man who knows for everything does not understand that you are tired, but simply believe that he doesn’t like you like a Kohanets. You will probably remember this forever and joke about your partner.

If you are truly tired, let me explain this with utmost clarity.

The woman’s proposal to turn off the light, especially not one-time, may not be compatible with humans. People love their eyes and they should be amazed at their naked partner.

The proposal is to serve yourself and finish with some banal masturbation, if your partner is naked, it will cool down almost any person.

Do not praise your partner and do not call him the best, as this will be perceived as equal to those before you and will not suit your partner.

If you don’t want a man to ejaculate on you, wait until the official act, but not at the moment of a man’s orgasm and release.

Do not hesitate to talk with propositions after intimacy, because the person of relaxation and galling at any time may not support your proposition.

Do not feed, if you already have a great man, that he will melodiously think about the insufficient size of his human worth and will lead him, like his member, to the stage of deep embarrassment and state powerlessness.

“Come on, well done!” Be careful with such phrases and do not transfer the plots of porn films from real life. Those that you watch on the screen for the past few days will be taken away from time to time. Few people like to obey teams.

“Is that all?” - such a phrase is designed to morally beat down any person who is guilty of believing that he has made money for free for you.

Do not feed and love you, and you will be together, because it simply beats the rhythm, and it is not turned off to flow in as quickly as possible, having huddled in the rumble of speech. This is how you should behave in the bedroom.

If you scream during sex, and you may feel like strangers, try to work with the pillow, otherwise people may not be in any way.

Find song phrases that can help a man satisfy a woman for the mind that the stinks indicate what the authorities feel. You shouldn’t bother with them except for the sake of waking up a woman. It is very important that these phrases become the expression of your most important views, which, obviously, do not need to be talked about. I’ll give you a list of twenty such phrases:

"Ti taka garna."

Saying a similar phrase, in the awareness of the fact that your clothes are worn out from it and you begin to move your penis wherever you go, you will never be able to earn much money. Having seen everything, the sensation will be achieved to the point of unknownness, and it will sound like: “I’ll tell you everything that’s right, just come on, let’s get together with the genitals.” This is what most women think is important, and the fools in the door are important for the forms of concern and fun

You are the embodiment of my world.

It won’t be too much of a stretch, since you meet two people with her, and have never kissed her, but there is a sexual sparkle in your eyes, which most often happens in your outbursts, and you hang on like impatience, like a tsutsenya, which is necessary, similar It will definitely be judged as blatant nonsense. Who can believe that a male, who is averse to sex, says that everything is good, light and united. It is not good to underestimate a woman’s intuition and disrespect her even more in such an indisputable manner.

"I love you so much."

The author so easily added to the blacklist the phrase that so many people don’t even care to be responsible for their entire lives, that in passing you can think about your ignorance in such nutrition, like the psychology of a woman, but I won’t judge by one mistake, vir Search for yourself. Yak robitimesh u tsyomu vipadku. I have one such acquaintance who, having said so right away, before that, how to force his damned sprout from a woman’s body.

“I would like to live my whole life with you.”

And the axis and the sun began to grow again. It is common for a normal person to be in a healthy state of mind and a strong memory, to say the least, immediately burning all the bridges for access. It’s important to work on this, and even by actually creating a woman’s proposition, and in a specific form. After such a phrase, going to bed and having anal sex will be a blues, it’s more logical to sing and submit an application to the registry office and calmly watch your love night.

You wake me up like that.

Those that a woman wakes you up is impossible to say in words, for which there is a whole subordinate organ that is responsible for demonstrating this awakening. Not all women know how much the enemy may look like they are waking up in their pants, so they expect something supernatural, but here the phrase is not supported by anything. But after this, the boy is guilty of not just being the eighth wonder of the world, he is guilty of throwing his lady into sexual shock.

“Your breasts wake me up.”

Rare representatives of weak status deserve their breasts. The shape of the mammary tissue of the table is unstable, so that from the wound it still fits poorly into the woman’s wife, in the evening the woman is ready to go to the plastic surgeon. Your affirmation, which has reached your ears at the wrong moment, will become a fire of cilantro near a gasoline tank. No, I don’t press you with my proofs, I’ll be less able to guess the events of my life if I inadvertently wedge such phrases into dialogues.

“I’ll enjoy myself, rubbing against your soft skin.”

After all, 99.9% of women take out their plasterer-painter kits and begin to create wonders with their own new look, which naturally arouses them, and also purely removes arousal from their peers no articles. Both sides really know at what price the tender skin is given and how many proklonions one can afford in an hour of carrying out this marathon. And here everything looks like a primitive need.

“It’s fitting for me to match you in volume.”

Without comments, because the phrase really does not stick out to hungry vanity, does not take revenge on the uttered lies and is neutral in its tone.

"I love your breasts."

And off we go again. Well, first of all, it was already similar, even if you love breasts and become aware that they look approximately the same. Possibly, as a matter of humility, but not in the process of sexual games.

"I love your legs." I. “Your breasts are amazing.”

There are practically no women whose knowledge would be based on the shape of their legs, so that if you have respect for them, before the woman you will immediately spill all the real and obvious shortcomings that are beyond be drawn out by the length of one’s life and this is due to the closeness of one’s life as a cold one shower. I have taken advantage of this many times throughout my life. It’s exactly the same as your friend telling you about the great dimensions of your worthiness, although you want to avoid any dissatisfaction with them.

"Your lips are complete."

Would you like to extort compliments about the woman’s beauty, since the Frenchman has so loudly spilled the beans? If it flows and you want it, won’t there be a fight for additional perfume? Lips are affected by the expression of the paste, powder, tone, shine, viscosity and other attributes of the perfumery industry. If they are smeared on their faces with their greedy ruins, they represent the sight of horror films, and they convey an impenetrable dark mind, and they are a compliment to its drive. But be it a girl fifty times after a skin kiss, she says behind the mirror: “Didn’t I anoint my lips?”

“You are so welcome to the pillbox.”

"It's so hot."

"You're so delicious."

You're such a vologa.

I would not begin to notice from the list of epithet such as tender, affectionate, sexy, exciting, inquisitive and otherwise, it seems to me that the author of the original is respectful of the bourgeois words tasty, juicy, hot, sexy, but also the translation of speedy We lamanim “Prompt” , and all the readers have reeled in everything that they will have to rewind all their lives.

"I'm all yours."

Such a statement will inevitably make a woman think about who you were before her, and it’s good that she doesn’t know that person, but she does. In this case, everything needs to be reduced to zero, and in the short term you can start everything from scratch, and in the worst case, you will be even more equal to the one in front of you and make the heel on your shoes shorter by a centimeter below it. ї, in front - write, it’s gone . Women's psychology is not exposed to the obvious.

“All my work belongs to you.”

The word kohannya means a lot, but no one can explain it. Women invest in something so that they can overhaul this men, they would have vitruated their words from dictionaries, so throwing them around means that the women will take away from you certain specific rights, and so I If I say a little more, I will threaten. It’s so stupid to talk about the feeling, when the sperm squishes out of breath, and the eggs break with impatience. It's like a long first toast - the guests are ready to beat the promovtsa or pour it with mud.

“It’s fitting for me to cuddle with you.”

Making love means having normal sex, and having sex is nothing other than fucking, as it is said before a man, so that the phrase that comes to a woman’s ear is: “It’s not right for you to fuck.” It wasn’t said in any tone, it would sound like a phrase from a porn film, but wait, it’s far from the enlightened romance at your side. It’s bad to add: “And how I love you, if you look at me.” We've got a complete set.

"I really want you."

It’s a normal phrase, but they say it, as if on me, not in a lie-down, but in the process of unwinding, which effectively plays up rich wives, especially the ones who don’t give you foreplay for a long time.

These phrases, spoken loudly and whispered in the ear, will help the woman to understand that she will pave the way for her darkest sexual desires.

The women always gave me raucous slaps when I misinterpreted these phrases. Let's highlight the success of a few words about breasts. Men don’t understand that women need just such words. A man may realize during sex that his partner’s breasts are miraculous, but he still thinks that she wants to know him a little. Vіn Milkovo respects that he can stop sticking his breasts out.

I have nothing at all against the author of the original and the author’s translation, so, thoughts out loud for the reader. Let your skin choose its own style of correct behavior in bed, but not having bothered to read about the author from the Bourgeoisie - this reveals a huge rabble who has escaped from the monastery and left all his troubles with the women. His hoarding is less clear, but his attempt to teach people sexology, having stolen a dissertation in this galuz, not entirely. The psychology of the male is given by the people and how one person with a guttural ric can express the whole gamut of sexual feelings and the female does not understand, but sees it with her whole body, her skin. , then the other person, damn it, will have to re-read her entire bourgeois encyclopedia in the future.

Actions from these quick phrases can be used before sex with a girl, actions at the moment of acquaintance, to speed up the conversation and quickly get closer to the girl, establish rapport, trust.

If you speak congruently, it shows you as a male and a singing man, which is a plus.
Such a great role for the right girl, these phrases - your non-verbal, your facial expressions, your mood.
With such phrases, such non -verbal Bazhano show Divchini, for you, Shvida Spokus - Cord Norma, Choi Ty Tu Tynoye Clot - Schob, Divchina, he didn’t feel like an easily accessible to the same, Scho vymko.
At such moments it is especially important if you understand and want to reach the girl - to earn money.

It is important, when doing any of these phrases, especially before sex, not to allow anyone to look into the girl’s eyes, so that there is no food/fuss for the girl, but a command, for example, if you are a girl, let’s lie down - at this moment you need to lie down and Put it down when you say let’s hug, you need to start hugging the girl with these words.

These phrases are food, but you don’t need to check for evidence on them, you just need to confirm it with your actions immediately after eating, for example, feeding a girl, Do you want to kiss me? - You pull the girl towards you and kiss her.

These phrases, which sound like food, are used not in order to sound like a girl's testimony, but in order to show her your power over her - to lower her expectations before sex, so you are important, so you don’t care about її smudges :-) After these phrases, it is necessary not to check the evidence, but to find out what they were asking about...

Your breast deserves me - I want to cherish it.

You have such a waist... should you ride it?
You have such a waist... do you need to hug it?

Mmm, your breasts are so beautiful - I want to see them.

Arch your back.

Your eyes are so beautiful and melodiously intelligent.

You have such a handsome look - and make a girl’s pike.

Your eyes are burning.

Pull your tongue out.

You say girls - Tell me something in reception/dismissal, tell me in my ear.

Like your lower lips, I will bite them... bits / bits.

Oh, you brutish creature.

Pose for me.

You have such legs, I want to shovel them.

Show your butt.

Bend your butt.

You have such legs... mmm, let's take care of them.

Rub about me.

Where would you like it? what if I give you a drink? Here? - paws її, Here? - paws її.

Having already kissed this cheek/cheek, I now demand that she not be jealous.

Lick my ear.

There's a lot of stupidity in you.

Bend in.

Come here.

Let's hug.

The girl seems to be such a lout / you’re such a lewd person.
Ti - Well... the man is guilty of being like this.

Because you have a delicate skin, you gently run your hand over its skin.

So cute - you stroke her face / straighten her hair.

Mmm, you smell so good, I want to give you all the smell.

You have such a strong figure that you should be like me.

A girl feeds – and how often do you make girls feel this way?
You - It’s cool, it’s one of the joys of life, and it’s appropriate for girls. This is how you show the girl that her presence in your home is absolutely normal, and does not reveal the girl.

Mmm, so sweet... give me a cheek - kiss her on the cheek.

Let's get to me, I want to sleep with you, let's sit and watch the movie, I live here on my own, it's a couple of miles away in a taxi, let's go, then I'll show you off - if you're a girl, no matter what - then I'll show you off / put you on taxi - This gives her a feeling of security.
And if you blab with her details like, I’ll tell you to live here, drive a couple of minutes blah blah blah – then it’s easier for her to dare to drive home to you.

The girls are overwhelmed by their emotions and feel that if your waking words resonate with her, then it will be much easier for her to wake up and then have sex with her.

Girls are happy to hear such slightly sexy words, girls are happy to know that they sexually attract and arouse a man.

The sacred obligation of a skin picker is to say these waking phrases more than once, like more girls :-)

Information on the topic

The power of words cannot be underestimated. Apparently, a word can hurt, but a word can make you happy.
Today we will talk more about the good.

And about how the miraculous power of the word can influence the strong state of humanity.
The kohanna has all good features.

How else can these cats help us establish positive contact with our clients? What else is needed? Beautiful openwork peignoirs, white, bandages.

What kind of words for people need to be corrected

Sometimes we wonder, but this does not in any way contribute to a change in a person’s behavior. It would seem like a man loved with his eyes, and a woman with his wahs. Let's stereotype!

The people, like us, trembled at the affectionate, almost instantly spoken word. Sometimes you just can’t show it.

Learn to properly wake up a person, whisper words that roil not only your mind, but also your body, and your skin. It’s not surprising that even our skin wants to be happy and happy, and knowing how to get a man from one word is even better!

Wakeful words for people

If a person is interested in intimacy, you can start him anyway. Everything should be kept aside for the benefit of your outfit. People love people when their girl gets into trouble even loudly. Others may love an obscene husky. Whoever has nothing untoward, this is what sex is for, to express your funny ideas and open up to your partner. Having married your partner, you know how words and phrases can guarantee you success.

What phrases wake up a person

1. I am yours, my love…. Take me!
2. I want it for you. Point at me, don’t stop.
3. Take me now, please...
4. See me at once!
5. Get away from me in the most brilliant way….
6. I love you until you spend your money again.
7. My body is burning with impatience and awakening….
8. What are you thinking about right now, my love?.. With your help, I feel the lower third….
9. I dream that you... I love your whole body!
10. You make me so angry when you take a shower. I want to see your natural body.

The man’s body will be ruffled with the power of his name, said both before and before sex. Bazhano vimovlyati tse poshepki and lower timbre.

Don’t forget to repeat the phrases “Shche, shche, shvidshe, that way, I want, I want...”. This will make me become a human being.

As you are at the beginning stage of the fruits, with memorable words you must be careful and tactful. Even though you still know little about what to love your friend, what fantasies he reveals to himself, whether to love tenderness or rudeness.

Therefore, choose universal tricks and tricks that will be a slight temptation to sex and nothing more. Just don’t overplay it! You don’t want to be seen as promiscuous and vulgar in the eyes of your lad? Save this until your honeymoon, when you will definitely show it to yourself!

Wakeful words of compliments

1. Use erotic phrases in emergency situations. For example, your friend asks where you wanted to eat today - to which you respond: “Today I really WANT to try Chinese cuisine. I love wielding my cunning sticks!”
"I feel great satisfaction from shopping."
“I want you to take me with you to football/bowling/tennis. I love to marvel at how you move balls.”

2. Vickory compliments, which affect a person without warning.

“After our first kiss, I saw how my breasts were burning”
“Your little hands are wonderful at wielding this hammer/or other tool.
“Touch me, I think I’m frozen.”

Zagalom, experiment, speak broadly, gently, whisper, stretch lightly on your shoulder, kiss you in the ear. People burn with rage when they sense our secretive spirit, repeating his words about cohannia and just compliments.

Having applied all the subtle influences to your man, you will not only get a wonderful, biased man, but also awaken the passion of the trivial hundred-year-olds.

There are, for example, couples of friends who, after a sleepy, boring life, have lost faith in those who can be rekindled in a new way and marvel at one another in love, with one another.

To show people that you can be different, whisper to them kind words that have never been spoken before. Do not be afraid of being cut open and wide.

Have a nice evening and sleepless nights!

Three people lying down

“When my boyfriend told me that he wanted to have sex in the morning, I was terrified. But then I began to think about it - I realized that he was having sex with another woman right in front of me - and, to my surprise, I really woke up.

We knew our first third through a dating site. When she arrived, we sat cross-legged on the carpet on the underside of the bathroom, drinking tequila and playing on the table, the docks did not appear naked. I marveled at our guest’s chest until she noticed it and laughed, then I brought the crustaceans up to her and began to pestle them. Just kissing and poking around their naked bodies, I was already very nervous, and my boyfriend was watching us all the time, the docs didn’t ask him to come before us.

I babysat the guy for a little while, then became our new friend’s mate. When I told her to give her cunnilingus, she spread her legs wide, and I licked my fingers and began to scratch my clitoris. Having learned how to enjoy her in front of him, it was so sexy that I had already dropped off. I just wanted them to take me away. I ordered the man to lie on his back, and while she was sitting on his face, I straddled his penis. Right away she reached her climax, her orgasmic scream destroying her even more. My man sat and walked in and became more and more rigid and swollen until I passed away. Then he became completely satisfied with himself, then pulled out his dick and poured all over us as a guest.”

The sexiest snow bunny

“My boy and I were forced one night during a heavy snowfall, which covered the whole place, and the little ones drank and wanted to go out into the street and take a walk. The streets were empty, and we were surrounded by snowfalls along the small alley behind the scenes. At the courage, I tripped and fell into the accusations of the kuchuguru. My boy called on me, and we began to fight one after another.

When he fell on me, I saw his dick straining in his pants, and I instinctively wanted him. “Take me right now,” I said, completely awakened. I ripped my jeans and sat with my bare bottom in the snow, and then, lowering my pants, my pants fell and I began to roll wildly here and there. My butt was frozen in the cold until the hour when we both finished, aka the hottest sex I’ve ever had.”


“I have a story in store that will give a charming rite to the wives I want as a mother. I tell them that I am going to make friends in three years, and that their kitty is the only bundle of freedom that I will somehow take away. I whispered different versions of this story to rich women - in the back of a taxi, at the dinner table, at the oars and in the upper bars.

Just a few months ago, I became friends with a girl whom I met through a dating app, and after I discovered her well-worn story, she looked at me and was absolutely not hostile. “I want you to take me,” she said, “but don’t hurt me.” This is a terribly sexy moment. I became hostile to her, and my pants became tight. We asked the bartender for a rakhunok and went to her. Vaughn controlled me flawlessly. She got naked (apparently she wasn't wearing a bra or panties), and she put my head between her legs, and I tongued her until she came. Then I had sex with her, like God, and she again reached orgasm. The offensive wound sat on me and the beast came upon us. Now we are together and happy.”

In 1942, the Japanese occupied a small island, on which there was an additional US Air Force airfield. Buried among the other piles was the sixteen-year-old assistant of the barmaid, Irene Gillian.
When Iren came to you again, she revealed that she was again tied naked to the prison bed. Beginning to finish her first drink, when they took one word after another with bestial laughter from her, carefully soaking, looking and pinching her body, she was completely naked. She had already come to terms with nakedness, but there was pain between her legs. Sergeant Khoyku, for knowing the language, appointed her as a colonel in charge of the prisoners, took her to the barracks, introduced her to two dozen soldiers and allowed her to do whatever they wanted. They grabbed her breasts and pinched her breasts, lashes, pubic hair, then laid them out on the table, extended her legs between them and spent a long time studying the woman’s anatomy, parting her lips, sticking her fingers into them, squeezing her nipples and clitoris. And then they chatted one by one, one at a time, and then one by one - simultaneously in the back, and in the anus, and in the mouth.
The worst thing was that Iren's body was losing strength - as she did not get strong, many times the sensations were so strong that she ended - red-faced, her nipples swelled, she began to wave about between the soldiers who raped them, and with them the company wandered around randomly enjoy. The soldiers then rejoiced in unison, applauded and splashed their chests, bellies, and buttocks.
Once upon a time she became tiresome. Then they poured a bucket of water on her, shifted her to a different position, and everything started all over again. And at the end of the day, when the soldiers no longer wanted her, they saw a new romp - they put their penises in their mouths and urinated, and there was a little bit of it. As soon as Iren didn’t get up and everything spilled onto the floor, they beat her – with her cheeks, her chest. After that, everything was covered in sperm and slash. Iren no longer had the strength to stand on my feet and move, so they laid me on the parade ground in front of the barracks and, turning my legs over, hosed me down.
I didn’t understand why I was with her. And she doesn’t know everyone’s secrets. Perhaps, have mercy on the stench? Perhaps all these cakes were intended for a true partisan, and not for a young girl?
God, how it hurts between my legs! And the right breasts - in the evening they came up with another romp - they tightened their breasts with a motuzka and they drove Iren around the barracks on it like a dog, hour after hour, kicking her butt in a smoky manner, ripping out her butt and her back - there the stinks spat, kicked, shoved dances and forced so walk around in silence as people watch. Then they were punished to lie on the floor, lift their legs and masturbate, stroking their clitoris.
God, it hurts so much! Iren did not show and stagnated. And as soon as she arrived, she felt the creaking of a bolt and the sound of a key turning. The camera was filled with blinding light.
- This place is not as friendly as your past barracks, isn’t it so? - Sergeant Hoiku chuckled. - Garazd, girl. Today you will be guilty of succumbing to rudeness a little.
“It’s your fault to help me...” she gasped, “you’re a soldier, sir.” Be a caress, you can’t help but cry out for the stench to bother me.
- Why “I can’t”, I definitely can. The stinks will break off for you and at this point they will become absolutely ready to hear the screams of the women who have finished drinking. Anyway, today we will perform for you,” Hoiko chuckled.
- Today I want to show you a specially designed car called the STALLION.
Gillian was crushed by fear.
The sergeant explained that from the women buried on the island, he is the first one who recognizes the STALLION ("you were well suited to our soldiers") and that the procedure lasted for about six years.
“You’ll try everything you can,” he said, “I bet you didn’t expect any fun playing with the car.” And you know that I think none of the married wives responded with love to our STALLION. Handling him transformed them into a wet, suffocating, squealing, and prickly jelly.
- No... oh, sir, no, please...
“And maybe you yourself will deserve it, that you will be a vikoristan, like a sirovina,” Hoiku chuckled.
Iren shook her head wildly. Her hair became shorter and more dizzy.
- We hurt you, my love. Spoiling with a STALLION will make you stop soon.
Gillian began to hum. Her head, with its lashes pulled open and its fur exposed, no longer looked like a boast. Now she has a rebel who is evil.
The sergeant got angry and punched the girl in person. She lay spread out in front of him and showed the judgment that she had passed through her body.
“Don’t look at me so gloomily,” he said, twisting her left nipple.
- Oh, sir, please...
Vaughn took off the other way and now they squeezed Khoika with her fingers and began to twist her right nipple, splashing on the soil heated in front of him.
- I think it would be good to beat you a little in front of our guests. You could have inspired them by first jumping on a STALLION in your life. Well, let's go!
Iren's eyes were covered in tears. As much as it is hopeless, as much as there is a flood! Only such people as Hoyku could have been accepted. - Crying silently, the girl left the cell and followed her prisoner.
The STALLION is entrusted with accommodations in the small outbuilding from the parade ground. There was nothing there except the car itself, the glass and two great mirrors. The whole thing was broken down so that all those present and the women placed on the STALLION could study in detail the entire process of destruction and their further degradation.
Two officers were standing outside the office, talking about their words. The sergeant stood up and reported to him, pointing at Gillian. The officers began to shout. Then one of them grabbed her breasts, pressed her hard, and pulled her nipple. The other stretched his hand between her legs, twisted her hair a little and climbed into her hair. He quickly fixed the doors and seated Iren.
“And now we’ll secure it for you,” the sergeant said firmly.
Gillian began to cry when his hands disappeared. The day started off badly, but became even worse. Under Hoyku's instructions, she appeared on the platform of the car.
STALLION buv vlashtovany very simply. It was knitted, as it was necessary to knuckle, it was placed on knees at two channels, made from soft black back rubber, after which the legs were tied. The channels were formed by rokhomiami so that the girls’ buttocks could be pulled out to the edge, and both the observer and the woman herself could control the flow of these channels. Their arms were pulled forward, and the skin of their wrists was chained to the rigid post. After this, the machine was converted into a working mill.
The platform could rise and fall at the sight of voyeurs. Before it, similarly to the spurs, two screws were attached, on which piece members were mounted. These members could vikorist one at a time or at the same time and collapse forward and backward at the pace of the operator.
“Today I will give you special lessons,” he said, biting the girl’s hands, fastening her stitches and stretching her legs as far as possible. -You take it away as an insult. For the cob with the grease, and then with the teasel.
Gillian trembled in fear and cried silently. She’s already realized that it’s absolutely rude to ask for this. What will happen?
Hoyku opened a small cap, where a number of humic pieces were placed in special nests, and after some deliberation, choosing two of them.
- This, - showing her penis is 6 inches long and one inch in diameter, - for your dupe, and this one, larger, is simpler, an inch thick and 9 inches long, - for TV wow front end. Oh, how you were spared. Soon you will be chattering joyfully.
Prote Gillian could not stop crying. One of the officers came closer to her, with his left hand painfully pinching her seat, and with his right hand he pulled apart the crotch and said the sergeants. He grabbed Iren by the waist and pressed her to the platform. The wounded members were already installed on her, and immediately there appeared little ones pressed to the girl’s opening.
Then he raised the remote control and said to Iren:
- Let's go! - Hoyka lightly twisted the handle and the small penis began to fully enter the anus. Gillian gasped in pain and tears ran down her cheeks. Having slipped in another important member, another member entered until the end. Znovu was choking. Oh, God, what a great stench there was! The stinks could have set them off!
And then the entire penis began to climb out of her anus. The other one became even more careful to enter the room. Tse buv cob. The two pistons pumped back and forth at an easy pace. Two passages ran through the wire. Gillian's teeth clenched. Vaughn cried and cried. Oh, how much longer it was! The officers smiled happily, splashing them on their bare breasts, on their stomachs, then on their buttocks.
However, Khoiko is not finished yet. Two flasks, similar to those used for internal infusions, were suspended up to the top rack. In one of them there was ointment, in the other there was teasel. Two thin plastic tubes were attached to the flasks. From the beginning, the victim is small enough to remove only the ointment. The sergeant raised the tube to the wide open seat, using plastic to secure the end of the tube with one inch above the anus and open the tap. Mastila began to drip liberally onto her anus, and from there onto the penis that was inserted. The excess liquid flows onto the penis, which is engaged in the anterior erysipelas.
Quite, quite enough, Hoyk increased the pace of his limbs, collapsing. Gillian could have spun and twirled as usual, if they hadn’t jumped out of her, she wouldn’t have been able to get away from them. So, the car was well conceived!
After about five minutes, the sergeant stuck the piece of his penis in the anus and picked up the pace of the other’s collapse. Iren began to choke because of these things, otherwise she could no longer do anything - against her will, the space began to collapse at the same time as the swaying of her gum members, and the girl herself began to move slightly.
Hoyku chuckled graciously and pointed to Iren to the officers. The stinkers came closer, hovered, and from a few inches apart began to wiggle respectfully, like penises moving in and out of a girl, sniffling behind them the crown of the small lips and the folds of the rectum. One of the officers splashed Iren on the seats, and the other, stroking his life, rubbed his clitoris with his fingers, pulled his breasts up to him and bit the nipple. Gillian shuddered.
The sergeant noted this, chuckled and turned the key on the remote control. The little limbs began to collapse rapidly. Gillian gasped and began to approach the moment of climax. Vona shook her head and began to cry. Vaughn knew that there was only a cob - as before, the great penis had mercilessly moved into her and, in time with its hands, Iren’s anus was torn apart by others.
- Good? Better than soldiers? – Hoiku chuckled. Gillian could only be kidnapped with her head. Her body was no longer subdued, it was already unraveling and destroying the knees, kneading the members with a hand and bringing her to a whole series of orgasms - one after another.
The sergeant raised his hand, closed the tap of the oil and turned on the feeder. Tse bev chito weak rosechin otstu, chito diluted lemon juice. Seeing the sharp pain in her lower parts, Iren turned all black. It appears that the damage to organs is still intensifying. The great lips in her crotch were filled with blood, and the oil of the sweetener, which had previously been clearly visible, was now clearly flowing out of it. The officer typed again and smeared it over the girl’s appearance with a grin. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her head moved limply from side to side, and a hundred pounds of smoke flew from her mouth. They danced beyond measure. The stinkers forcefully impaled Iren on her limbs, lifted her up and impaled her again. She had already instinctively realized how the hands of her legs could not be controlled by the fluidity of the humic organs in her, and she was full of strength. When her orgasm was approaching, she increased this fluidity, and then increased it a little later, so that within a few minutes she could again feel the proximity of her bulge.
The sergeant was triumphant, and the officers laughed happily. One of them splashed Iren's breasts and said powerfully to Hoiko. Then the sergeant pulled out from under the platform two black humic cones, connected by hoses to the wet-out pipe of a small pump. A humic bag was attached to the inner surface of the skin cone, which was wrapped during the pump's operation. As a result, when the cones were attached to the victims’ breasts, a new pissing effect was achieved - a vacuum stretching the breasts, and the bags created a sensation of stroking and licking the nipples.
These pestilent breasts spontaneously cried out for Gillian to have three more orgasms. Starting with a quarter. Her head was spinning, her eyes were flattened, her breasts and nipples were swollen and pulled forward, and it was no longer a groan, but a sort of strangling wheeze that was escaping from her throat. She prayed for blessings about the pardon, but she could not hear the desired word and became tired.
He pressed a couple of quills into conical shapes from Iren’s breasts, grabbing them by the nipples and starting to shake them. It didn’t help, the girl, as before, didn’t come to you. Then they began to beat her on the cheeks, and the officers with tension began to whip her breasts, trying to hit her lower, highly raised and tense erysipelas as hard as possible. Iren shuddered as another orgasm began.
So it went on for about three years until Gillian hung limply on the car and none of the trainers could no longer bring her there. Ale tse bulo is not all. The hoyku reached out to the clamps, two of them reaching to her nipples, and two to her gum members and sucking in the string. New convulsions, new orgasms began to frighten the unfortunate girl, who until the very end could not come to you.

*in the name of a girl
You'll arrive in two days. As if you knew how my heart begins to beat at the thought that soon I will give you a hug and a kiss. Today I imagined our relationship with you, what would happen, what would happen, what would you say to me.
Come this wonderful day, soon I will tell you... A long 7 months have passed, and the most important 7 months have passed, it seems like an eternity has passed without you.
I’m getting ready to go to the airport to tell you, and I’m boasting as much as before I’m going to sleep... I put on a light black white that looks wonderful on my dark body, then I put on jeans, a white jumper with a large knit, what little bits hug my figure , under the armchairs of the upper part of my undamaged body, on my feet I have white boots with flat soles, I did not wear high waistbands because just thinking about you came to my mind a small three-ton in the knees and I wouldn’t bother with the rebounds, That’s why I thought it was better for me to stand on my feet. I took my purse, my car keys and a light leathern jacket.
A year later, I already arrived at the Airport, before your arrival I lost 30 quills, but the stench continued forever, I walked around the airport hall not knowing what to do or how to get rid of the stench. They have already announced the landing of your pilot, and every hour you show up in the airport hall, noting me, and a chuckle appeared on your face. If you get to less than a little more, you’ll be all right, I just froze, I stood there and couldn’t just make a break. You, remembering that we got home in the meeting without a word and immediately kissed. Ti podіyshov, a little bit of cheekiness before me and kisses, my heart felt crazy and was about to jump out of my chest, at first without a few kisses, then richly decided and axis in the middle of the hall passionately I suppose you are stroking my back with your hands, touching my face, ... Then you hugged me and we stood like this every so often, side by side and whispering in my ear:
- Koshenyatka, how am I waiting for this moment..., my love, my love girl, I won’t tell you to anyone, I love you...
It was all timid... We walked straight to the exit, got out of the car, and drove home.
By the time we got home, one might say, we got to know each other in a new way, and realized for ourselves what we were doing at that hour, we were joking, laughing, then there was silence, we didn’t feel comfortable talking, and it was almost like a loud silence, if the reception was just interrupting next to this person I love, the relationship was ruined by your light touch of hand to my cheek, having felt the touch, I laughed lightly, while I was driving the car, you teased me in every way, you kissed my ear, neck, and other hand you made your way under my light and daylight Having chuckled and started to cover my belly with kisses, having seen my excitement growing, and taking caresses, and then continuing to chew, my excitement was growing at the bottom of your daughter, but I asked:
- Darling, stop teasing me... I’m already shaking the ice in my hands.
You chuckled and stopped affectionately, and returned to normal, but still put your hand on my knee and lightly stroked it. We were just saying our word... and we were already on our way to the next booth...
Having entered the apartment, having taken off my light windbreaker, unzipped, and helping me take off my boots, I escorted you to your room and gave you an hour to take a shower and change clothes. rnє paytya, in No, my back was completely open.....and there was no whiteness on me, the cloth did not allow this
part of the toilet.
I changed my clothes and went to the hospital, where I was already so close to two,
I took the cheesecakes and lit the candles on the table, on the underside and on the windowsill. The room was filled with a welcoming warm light, I listened to a lot of music and went to the window. You haven’t bothered yourself for a long time. You have grown up in life, not a little bit and, having convinced me that it was worth standing white in the black evening cloth, laughing, and not a little bit walking up to me, hugging my waist and covering my neck with kisses I and my shoulders... flared up and kissed me passionately. I ordered to sit at the table.
The music was playing and you started to dance, I waited, you shook my hand and we stood up, and hugging me around the waist and pressing me to myself, I wrapped my arms around your neck. We were pleased with the melodies of gentle music, your hands gently began to caress my back, then took me in your arms and carried me to the bedroom, placing them in my ear:
- Sweetie... my little girl... My goodness... I love you... Let's go...
I gently hugged your neck, no longer able to fix the support, I leaned towards you and my heart began to pound... I crazyly wanted you... You carefully laid me down, and quickly took off my shirt and approached me. lay on me as a beast, resting his hands on my bed and I felt your strength, I lay there, kissing me, exposing my shoulders, sticking out with the lips of my skin, I was in your possession; then lowering the straps of the cloth (all accompanied by kisses) and lowering it to my waist, and then lifting it up and rubbing my bare body... taking a small pillow and placing it under my head, one with your hand you wrapped my hands behind my head, and marveling at me at the veche, without leading my eyes away from my other hand, reaching down to my neck, hand, and shoulders (not leading my eyes away from mine). Then your hand descended lower and lower on my chest, and you hugged my breasts with your hand and gently squeezed, twisting at the spring, watching as I woke up and quickly died, you should have marveled and admired in my eyes with baked drink, you chewed it gently my breasts, peeking out from my lips, a hundred pounds of youth. You let go of my hands, went lower and began to pestle my breasts with your tongue, taking the already awakened papillae to your mouth alternately, and gently biting them and making circles with your lower tongue. You are pestling my breasts, and this time your hands were pestling me and living, you, kissing, descending lower to my stomach and covering it with kisses, a light three-tenth of salt passed through me, as if the bones were bent.
Without even noticing, he stumbled at my feet and began to cover my strings of legs with kisses, especially paying respect to my fingers, and kissing them, shackling them, playing with them with his tongue, then switching to Calves and sticking out more and more accompanied by kisses and axes you're already close...
You spread my legs and poked the tongue of my pussy, from which I shuddered a little and lightly expelled the salt. What a miracle it was to create your language there! I couldn’t remember myself in the middle of my life, my head was all fuzzy, and a stink came out of my lips. Your tongue was either wrapped around the clitoris along the stake, then walking down the beast, then penetrating the middle, awakening the floors, so that I was simply screaming in the face of the solitude... You have done everything even more thoroughly and gently, trying to give the beast more satisfaction. You drink me down the drain, all the way to the bottom. My beautiful voices gradually turned into a full singing cry. I have never seen anything like this before. After about a dozen hours, I bent over strongly, a powerful discharge ran through my body, so I chuckled heavily and bit my lip. You got out of your business and began kissing me passionately on the lips. Our tongues intertwined in a dance like two snakes, with their hands stroking my hair and neck, whispering tender words. I couldn’t wait any longer, my anxiety was growing, and I simply said my blessings to you...
- Romo... darling, come on, I want you... I can’t do it anymore... don’t torture me...
You lied down on me like a beast and even carefully hugged me, I hugged you with my feet, and began to rhythmically enter me for the whole day, from my parted lips a scream rang out and I began to crumble at the pace of you, approaching the point of greatest bliss, I will bury yours my back with my hands, the pain of orgasm was on me, I couldn’t stream a hundred, a hundred for the sake of it. Due to the strong awakening, she dug her hands into your back and erased the small marks on your back, we left almost overnight.
I felt good with you.
We spent most of the nights lying in bed alone and talking about everything in the world, I felt so at ease and accepted with you, I have never felt such tenderness before anyone, I wanted to be with you, to hang around with you, to feel you kiss me, kiss me and be your friend. You revealed a new world to me, where I felt that I was stolen by you. Then, hugging me, I laid your head on my chest and you stroked my hair... I fell asleep in your arms. In the volume of a kohanoy people.
The skin of the day, spent with you, was bliss, I gave in to you all, trusting you.

I want to tell you the story that happened to me. My name is Lili. Meni 26 years. Behind the furniture (separation from my husband), I took away a luxurious two-top booth and a new car from my dad. Having decided to start an independent life, thinking well and believing that I needed to continue learning, I signed up for an English language school.

The private school was insured for businessmen, managers, who needed a high-level English language, and there was no one at this school for under 20 years. There it was located far from the center of the place and my booth. I had the opportunity to go there with my beloved BMW many times. I like to drive a car, not wandering around the streets, but simply enjoying the average speed and listening to the music.

The first day of school will probably be the busiest day. Having chosen a place at the first desk, I began to look at those present. A dozen young girls, a couple of married girls, three people, 12 people in total. Cute. Pros will never recruit a class of 20 or more people. The most advanced learning comes from such small groups.

Around the 10th year, things began to get busy, but there was still no teacher. During this hour, the class began to re-learn. Ochikuvannaya and rose, interrupting the knocking at the door.

Hello, thank you for the delay on the very first day of our relationship with you! , - the soft voice of the teacher penetrated my ear, making me tremble.
“It’s okay, there are terrible traffic jams on the roads because of the snow!” the young girls squealed hysterically.

Reader... Hmm... Now I understand why, if you are a reader, the girls have closed up... Oleksandr Andriyovich is young, perhaps a little older than me, tall, of good complexion and extremely handsome in appearance.

As soon as the traces were clear, Oleksandr Andriyovich began to take charge of this class with an anonymous guardian. We wrote on the arches to the reader, and we wrote on them. We learned from the hospital that the teacher is not friends, he lives far from work. And it remains that I’m 32 years old – that’s what I wanted to achieve.

The lessons followed a specially designed program.
Oleksandr Andriyovich, not wasting his time, carrying out additional activities, diligently taking care of each of us. As in the hour of being busy, I didn’t understand those, the reader recognized my more intelligent, rosy skin proposition. It seems to me that he really loves his profession and wants to “reach” everyone.

Girls, dear ones, God willing. I know, I was also sleeping for a little while when the teacher gave instructions. They wanted to go to extracurricular activities every day, went to school at the same time, and called for tea.
I didn’t rush after my teacher like crazy, the wound in my soul from being separated from a man had not yet opened up... Although, I was already trying not to think about him anymore. I'm not sure anymore. My method was English vodka in a thorough manner.

Oleksandr Andriyovich did not hesitate to drink tea, but once again kept his distance from the necessary ease. Wanting, sometimes young, the soul of the unspent kohanya was born out of the blue, and the teacher allowed himself to be grilled and “pricked up”, driven into the farb by the unbreakable girls.

After passing the river

One day, when I was tired and I didn’t want anything other than getting ready, having not learned my lesson and having slept until then, I raced in a BMW to get busy. Grave “MOCKINGBIRD”, when the snow fell, the mood became positive...

When I arrived, I tried to quietly slip into my seat, but the teacher still stopped me.

Lily, is everything okay? Just now (he chuckled slyly), just before I gave the task to translate the text, did you finish the task?
- To Oleksandr Andriyovich, to be honest, I’m not ready at all.
- It looks like you’re not the only one, half of the class is not prepared. Hasn't the plant been so important? Well, okay, let’s read the text... - the teacher said softly.
“Olexandra Andriyovich, what a sexy voice you have!” the girl squealed.
- I’ll marvel at the results of the lesson, I’ll enchant you! , - the teacher whispered more erotically.

I laughed quietly at all the jokes. Having passed the lesson thoroughly, well, just like before. Having finished their work and extra work, everyone began to disperse. Apparently, those who were once deprived of registration, hurried home. On the anniversary it was 5 pm, and it was starting to get dark outside the window. Wonderful sleepy weather. The girls ran away, I lost my teacher from the class.

Lili!?, - The teacher called to me

I shuddered. ...I wish I had a warm bed soon...

Lili, haven’t you forgotten about your mischief?
- Oh yes! Zvichaino I asked you to explain these words. Vibachte.
- It’s okay, I’m not delaying it for too long, if you’re too kind, just one more time, and I’ll let you go.
- Good...

Oleksandr Andriyovich grinned and marveled at me. Having reached the entrance doors, you looked around and said:

So that they don’t bother us, I’ll fix the doors?
- Ah..? Mm.. Well, well, be kind.

I knew... What's wrong? Maybe he will repair the doors again?

We analyzed the phrase. The teacher sits opposite me at the desk. The skin of the rice is exposed, the skin fold of the bula is represented by my gaze. “What a beauty he is,” I thought. Sometimes I made a note in the sheet, taking my hand in my own and writing with it, terribly beating me. My hands were shaking, I tried to concentrate on the sheet, but it turned out important. How many times have I thrown my pen on the counter? At this point, the reader chuckled, so that our heads were shaken.

A year has passed. Having said goodbye to the teacher, I got into the car. My hands were painfully sore, my head fell on them. I was trembling because I felt too much, my heart was beating madly in my chest... I started crying...

I'll get home soon, I'll get home soon...

The next day, I called before school and said that I would only come for extracurricular activities until the evening. This day of dedication is deprived of itself. Massage, savory tea and “nothing less”. About 4 years old I went to school.

As I thought, there was no one there. There are just a few readers and Oleksandr Andriyovich.

Hello,” I fell asleep cheerfully.
- Lily, it’s amazing, she’s arrived, let’s get busy? - Teacher, get up and come before me.
- Because I am pleased.
- Sit at your desk, please.
- Oh, how about English?

I picked up a thread from the teacher’s jacket.

Great, Oleksandr... Oh, thank you, Oleksandr Andriyovich...

The teacher looked at me respectfully and chuckled a little. A gentle smile... Such a gentle smile in the New Year!

Lily, you’re great...,” Vin said quietly.
“Hmm, sometimes,” I chuckled.

They transferred me to work for a couple of years. The heart was calm. The teacher, once again, asked you to write a couple of propositions on the back and try to translate them.

You can approximate, you must understand the sense proposition.

He stood behind me and with a stern look, as I began to step away. “The teacher will not be able to kill me! I’m not strong, but through such a look I can’t squeal like others. Don't be surprised at me! “You shouldn’t be surprised at me, but at what I write,” she said to herself.

“Lily, and you’re a sweet potato,” the teacher whispered, making my heart beat faster and faster.

Soooo, would you like to trust me? Do you want to live? I'll show you the reversal right away! I got angry.

No, Sashenko, the way I look at you, I will dance,” turning to the teacher and walking even closer, marveling at him in my eyes, I whispered softly.

His lips parted, his cheeks turned slightly pink. Our faces were very close, they could only smile a little, pursing their lips, and we would kiss.

I'm gone! It's terribly scary! (I triumphed in my thoughts) Raptom, teacher, slightly tilting my head, and I decided to kiss me. We can't buti! I don't believe it! A Perelak appeared in my face.

Oleksandr Andriyovich gently squeezed my waist and, lightly pushing me aside, hoarsely said:

Lili, I'm also...

We stood paralyzed for a few seconds and marveled at each other. Our bodies and hearts burned hotter.

Hmm, oh, vibach, let’s continue to study,” the teacher hastily moved away from me and said firmly.
- Let's... I re-translated the phrase, but to no avail, please help!
- Obov'yazkovo!

The reader stood behind me and took my hand from the credentials to his. (damn, again I’m angry with his behavior) A strong hot hand and my pliable one... The heat of my body was felt through my thin jumper.

Lily, I can feel your heart beating, what happened? - Whispering to me, I charge a reader in my ear. (Oh God, what's going on... What's wrong with me?! Lily, take it into your hands! The girls are 100% off, he has a sexy voice. I'm already completely wet!)
“It’s just the weather,” I said completely, without turning around.
“Lily, I want you to go to preschool lessons more often,” the teacher asked.
- Good.

Arriving home, I lay down in my clothes and fell asleep the first time...

I was awakened by a knock at the door.
--- Who came so early? - I was angry, getting dressed as I walked... - Tim more than a week! Or maybe it’s too big, it’s my national day... I know the hour, it’s coming,” I thought.
Not surprised at the intercom, I went down into the hall and opened the doors.
Oleksandr Andriyovich stood on the threshold with a majestic bouquet of great Trojans.
---Al...? Alexan...., - I was in shock.
--- Happy birthday, Lily! You look great! (the reader marveled at me, his eyes widening and stumbling)
I marveled at where the reader marveled and marveled. Sonna, I didn’t hesitate to pull on only the light pink colored shirt on my butt, which I lightly covered. My hair, uncombed, streamed down my chest and shoulders. My lips were burning in my sleep and were the color of red. I looked like a sexy, turbulent bitch, having had sex all night. And in this way I stood in front of the teacher. So, just like that, any person’s heart would light up by doing something like this!
Oleksandr Andriyovich sunk deeply, his eyes flattened.
--- Probach, I’m not surprised.... I wish I could even more, - fire the wine, trying to get me out of my stupor.
--- Flatten your eyes and go ahead, - I chuckled. - They’ve already given me a headache, now it’s too bad to flatten my eyes.
--- If I crush my eyes and marvel at you again, then I will have to be resuscitated, - having continued to fry wine.
--- It’s not scary, it’s natural.
The teacher walked to the room, and I ran to my soul. Having left, I asked Oleksandr Andriyovich, who was sitting on the couch with a magazine and a cop with whiskey.
Looking miraculously from the cover of a fashionable man's magazine.
I sat down.
--- Do you like human magazines?, A.A.
--- Oh, that... - I nodded at the stack that was lying on the table. - I lost a lot of money, but I don’t want to pay the extra payment.
--- Still a bit? Vibach, perhaps, it’s not mine on the right.
--- Damn... Just then everything burned out.
--- Lilya, if you don’t mind, let’s go to the sea, - the reader tactfully translated to Rozmov.
--- So!! I haven't been to the sea for a long time! “Tim, we’ll take the charge!!!,” I said happily.
--- And then at the restaurant, at the disco, whatever you want, I want the people to remember their day for the rest of their lives.
--- Oh, I’ll remember that, grind the thread of the wound bed
--- Ahh... That's right, I definitely won't forget. We laughed together.
I sat down in front of him.
--- Whiskey?
--- So...
--- Who will drive the car?!
--- Haa?? I? Is it people's day??!! Hm...
I pouted. The teacher opened the murder journal and sat even closer to me. He saw his cop and brought it closer to my lips.
--- Pius
--- E?? I'm driving the car! - I said sarcastically.
--- Drink, Lily, please, - Vin whispered sexually.
---Won't you? Axle... I arrived with a driver and drove us.
--- Why didn’t you say it earlier!?
--- Well...., - they said and grinned.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich, you... you... I don’t have enough words! - I vomited.
--- Senks
We went to the club.
Dr proyshov miraculously... At the disco, if they put on a romantic melody, they embraced me less and I felt his body. They slept, sometimes they fooled fools, they flirted one after another; While dancing, our lips inadvertently got together... But she didn’t even get to the point of kissing on the right. The other night the teacher let out the water and we went home. I got a little tired in the car and fell asleep. I woke up when Oleksandr Andriyovich took off my outer garment. I was already at home.
--- Oh, vibachte, I fell asleep...
--- Nothing, - he gently calmed me down. I don't want to wake you up.
He covered me with a blanket and I fell asleep again.
Having woken up, there was no one around. Dream? The room was tidy, there was no sign of anyone...
I marveled at the table. No, this is not a dream. On the table, as before, there were white Trojans, and in the middle of them, at the very bright red red was visible...
Having stumbled upon the trojan, I tried to understand if the reader was able to buy this and this value.
Vden A.A. having called and kissed my self-esteem, reprimanded myself for my behavior, I wanted to be happy, I was glad. He gave me his most cherished birthday.

A month because.
--- Lili, Lili,” my friend ran into the toilet, where I stood and scratched my head.
Today, my friends and I were going for a walk after something to do.
--- What happened?
--- To you A.A. terminally asking to come. Have you gained much?
--- Not at all. It’s wonderful... Our hike will end.
--- Hee-hee, That's it! In my opinion, it’s up to you to “glue”
--- Well, yes, obviously. Hehe. Boo!
--- Bye, - my friend grunted me on the shoulder and ran in...
So what do you need from me? About them! Not busy at all! Don't want
get busy today.
I climbed up the other way, walked through a quiet corridor and opened the familiar doors.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich, was your name? - I asked quietly.
The class was quiet. The teacher was sitting at the front desk with his head in his hands.
“Falling asleep?” – I thought.
Sitting in front of him and placing my hands on his desk, I began to marvel at him.
The reader sharply raised his head, thereby vicious me, clasped my hands and squeezed them with his own. I was full of it! Confused, I wanted to wiggle my hands, ale marno, really trimming them.
--- Let me go!
--- Oh, vibach, melodiously before sleep, - the reader clasped his fingers. You were in more pain!
--- They told me, I said, chuckling.
--- Please be kind to me. Well, from the drive of your control... I noted that you are not at all able to put together the responses. If you don’t mind, we could have been corrected right away. It doesn't matter...
--- So, do you have other plans?
--- Hmm... No way. I just don’t want to sit in a cold classroom and study... I feel bad.
--- What are you preaching?
I had an idea, just for the reader's benefit.
--- At home...
--- ?
--- If you don’t mind, we’ll go home and explain everything to me.
--- Hmm... I'm not against it, of course. Perhaps you will relax and understand the topic more... Good... Would you like to give me a cup of hot cava?
--- Excellent! - I was glad that I got over it. I want a little bit more.
--- Before speaking, I parked my car in the school parking lot and let’s go to mine.
--- Good.
The teacher, having told the director about being busy at home and taking a break from the winter, went down to the wardrobe, where I was already picking up my clothes.
---It's okay! Give it time... Let me help you...
--- “Dyakuyu,” the reader carefully threw his fur coat over me...
While staring at my eyes, I had a little fun. I have not yet forgotten how we spent the day of my people.
We left school. Snow... I'm so tired today. With my head thrown back and my eyes flattened, I enjoyed the frost and falling snowflakes on my face.
--- Snow Queen?! “Let’s go,” the reader seemed to say, gently pointing the tip of his nose.
--- Damn, I have become such an ice-cold...
He smiled at the confirmation, opened the car doors and put me in the car.
The car quietly rumbled and I fell asleep to the sound.
--- Lili..., - the low voice of the teacher woke me up.
Having flattened my eyes, I saw before me the denunciation of Oleksandr Andriyovich, who had mocked me. His cheeks were burning, his heart was beating incredibly.
--- Lily... I...
His lips were lightly crooked.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich...., - I rushed into his spell, there was fog in my head.
--- Be kind... kiss me... - what am I saying!... The words jumped out on their own. The body went limp.
He took the coat away from him and gently touched his lips with his lips... Oh, God, I felt a twinge in my head at the sight of that kiss!
--- I’ll come right away, I need to take a couple of books with me. Save some money.
It appears while I was sleeping, I immediately drove home.
Emotions sapped the remaining strength from me. What is it? What kind of relationship? Teacher and student? Mmm... The guy is the woman? Looks like what's wrong... No...
My head went spinning and I knew, unbeknownst to myself, I fell asleep.
The reader turned from his books, threw my seat back and covered my legs with a blanket.
--- Lily! “Come on, we’ve arrived,” the teacher gently touched my cheek with his hand. Bachachi, so that I don’t open my eyes, I begin to stroke my hair, lightly calming down.
Under the teacher’s drinking gaze, I took a sip of licorice.
When I got home, I asked the teacher to make himself feel at home, and I went to take a bath.
After 10 minutes, Oleksandr Andriyovich knocked at the bathroom door.
--- Lili, I assure you that you haven’t spilled anything? - the teacher fired.
--- Ha ha. I can’t swim... Before I speak, won’t you start?
--- Mmm, I need to think about it. Before the speech, it’s already nine o’clock in the evening. Let's go out soon and get busy.
--- Would you like to rub my back?
--- Lili, don’t fry me like that
--- Honestly, do you want to tell me something?, I asked. I really wanted to find out what he was thinking and what he wanted.
--- Viydesh – I’ll tell you.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich! How cunning you are! - I thought.
--- Lily, I don’t believe it.
After my soul, I put on a short nightgown and shirt. It was very warm in the house, and it was smelly.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich, you can go to the shower. After work, I just want to take a bath and drink kava.
--- Lily, if you don’t mind, I really want to earn some money, - Hello.
A year later we drank kava or chicken, which I had cooked.
I gave him a robe after the soul and first rubbed his breasts. I really wanted to touch such beauty.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich, - I’ve come this close, - can you touch me?
You finally took my hand in yours and pressed it to your breasts. I felt how often they were going and my heart was pounding in my chest.
--- So warm..., in response to my words, he sighed deeply and ran my hand over his chest to his stomach. I shuddered, and he pressed my hand even harder. A storm was brewing under his robe.
The daylight, the light was dim, the light music destroyed the woman in me, I wanted him here right away and was ready to pounce on him like a hungry creature. Alas, I did not understand and did not know the thoughts of Oleksandr Andriyovich. Having arrived to study and learned about it several times. No, you need to throw all vulgar and intimate thoughts out of your head. I cheated myself.
--- Lily, what’s with you, I call to you, and you’re hovering here just like me,” the teacher lightly splashed me on the shoulder.
“Well, but sit at the table,” the teacher sat me down, opened the books and sewed them.
--- So, you still need to earn money from your hair.
The reader saw that there was a crab and a comb lying on the table, coming up behind me and beginning to carefully comb my hair.
--- Oleksandr
--- No more pain?
--- No, I’m not even welcome
Having taken the comb, he wrapped his hands around my shoulders, bent down to my ear and gently, sexually whispered: “Lilies.” My body felt very weak again, and my head was dizzy. Vine, as if I had flattened my eyes, took a drink and squeezed my shoulders more tightly.
Oleksandr Andriyovich, sticking out his fingers, pinned his hair with a crab.
Having worked out and feeling strong, we decided to drink a little cognac to boost our strength.
--- Oleksandr Andriyovich, I wanted to tell you that your body is hollow.
--- Ha-ha, boy, do you deserve it?
--- Tablets that I want to enjoy again.
---, - the teacher said flatly.
We were already sitting in the living room, there were kelikhs and mines with alcohol on the kilimas. The teacher sat leaning on the sofa, and I was on my knees in front of him. Vin bared his torso to the waist.
--- What do you say, my dear Lily, - Vin whispered in a young voice.
--- I have nothing to say.... All I want is to get to it again.
When I stretched myself to touch his breasts, the reader stretched out his hand and scooped up the crab. My hair fell on my chest and began to rumble along it.
--- Lily, you look...... hushed, - in a hoarse, awakened voice, she whispers.
Raising my eyelids, I marveled and whispered:
--- Vi tezh...
My intuition did not disappoint, determined to go to the end and not miss the moment, I began to attack.
--- Can I ask you... to give me a massage?
--- Mila Lili, well, of course; “I’ve completely tormented you with my endeavors,” the teacher took me by the hand and led me out of the bedroom. Vin sat on a wide bed and leaned on the pillows.
--- Come here, sit down before me... like this... Place your head on my shoulder. I feet on mine. Sit closer, don’t fight,” the teacher, taking me by the shoulders, pulled me towards him.
--- I'm not afraid.... I'm just...
--- What? Tell me, - having recognized me for picking, our faces were once again even closer to kissing. The reader was the most gentle in everything.
--- I... I can't...
--- In principle, I understand... Lily... give me advice on one meal... Just honestly, what do you expect from me at the same time? Ob'yazkov's statement.
--- At once I feel... wakefulness, litter, sum'yatty, madness...
--- You have a storm of emotions in your soul! - I’ll fix it right away, my massage will calm you down.
--- Your hands don’t let me calm down... The stench is too low.
“Your body needs to be felt,” the teacher said kindly.
I rested my head on his shoulder and thought. “No, it’s impossible to calm me down”
The teacher tidied up my hair from my back and pulled my shirt off my shoulders. Both hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. There was nothing under the clothes, and when we realized it, we woke up even more powerfully. His body began to burn hot again, with my whips I could feel his “member”. And my sweetheart was pushing my pussy in front of my dick.
--- It’s all sorted out.....,” I whispered
--- ......
He carefully pressed his breasts towards mine, feeling their springiness. I massaged my back with my hands.
--- Lily...
--- ...Mmm?
--- Do I have a baggage?
--- So, you played something in me, what do you want?
--- Yeah..... Ale I can't...
--- Why?
--- My robot, Borg, etc. less...
--- Buzzing? It looks like you have a storm in your soul. My grown-up people, get rid of your food and move on, let them go to life. If you have mercy, you will know the testimony.
--- What a smart girl you are, Lily.
I marveled at him and we laughed alone. The sparkles that came out of the new one began to mix with mine.
--- If you don’t mind, let’s go to sleep,” the reader stretched.
--- So! I'm just so... tired. Where should I put you, I was amazed at him.
The reader raised his eyebrow. “We have grown up people...” my words were lost in my head. Nutrition bulo movchki virishene. He lay down on the bed and I lay down on the hand. Before I started, I pulled the T-shirt over my body.
--- Lili, can I have a little fun?
--- What? - I lay down and began to marvel at the teacher.
--- Cry for me, - the reader still lives.
--- Good, Oleksandr Andreev.
--- Sasha,” he grinned and pointed the tip of his nose.
--- Yes...., - I whispered, grinning at the answer.
Soon we fell asleep. At night I woke up, sleeping peacefully, with my hand lying on my stomach. You will have embraced me in your dreams. I began to marvel at someone who was so smiley and not afraid that he would screw up. And then a thought occurred to me. I can drink one meal from life! We don’t risk anything! Miraculous. I was tired of my volumes, and I almost picked up my hair. See the reader in a dream, throwing himself onto his back...
And I thought, “You’re a miracle... Ale... What are our hundred-year-olds? I don’t understand. These are not the teachers and students, and not the men and women. The stench is more similar to the native land. You need to pin them down and put them on a different slab. But there is still a chance... I am secretly in front of you, remembering them. Let's start with some warm-up exercises. If I calm down a little... I will accept all your tenderness and warmth from you. І check the development of hundreds. The flower of kissing him has grown.
I mocked the teacher, whose lips parted in my sleep and gave even more chances. --- Sasha..., - having flattened my eyes, I gently kissed him on the lips. For a few seconds my lips didn’t move. I enjoyed the softness and warmth of Sashkov’s lips. Waking up, I kissed him again on the edge of his mouth.
--- Oh, this place is empty, - with these words, the teacher abruptly grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me onto my back, pressing me to the bed with his miraculous body. I definitely couldn’t collapse.
--- Well, tell me... what were you doing here while I was sleeping? - The reader chuckled slyly.
--- Let me go, I’ll tell you.
--- No, my dear Lili, I don’t intend to let you in again.
--- So I’m tired, - in my heart I was happy with this development of the situation.
--- And the axis is amazing, - and with these words, Oleksandr Andriyovich reluctantly pressed his lips into mine.
A whimper of awakening permeated my body and I groaned pitifully. The kiss lasted only a few seconds. Then he kissed me once again, lightly turning my lips pink with his tongue.
--- What did you want? So?...,” Vin gently touched my cheek with his lips.
--- I've been asking you to kiss me for a long time.
--- I remember, in the car.... I was streaming his goddamn thing, because... my work and agreement are not entered into with the teaching staff of the joint ventures. Ale... you almost won’t get covered with the old paper. Today, all my thoughts were only about you, about your lips...
My heart began to beat faster, the reader talking about his feelings! I didn’t believe my ears. Words that I dreamed and thought about...
--- Lily...
--- What!?, - I raised my eyebrows, seeming stupid.
--- I'll say after...
--- After what? - The teacher took my hands and I wrapped them around his back.
I saw how his awakened member began to rest against my thighs.
--- After that, as I give you
The reader appeared to be a very passionate, hot-headed man. We plan to have sex. And in life he is calm and serious. I’m happy, and my friend was shocked by my revelation, especially at the end. In principle, I also wanted ... we were drunk and terribly wanted one alone.
The axles were just like that.
We will become friends immediately and within a week we will have a little one. Before the speech, we signed the day after the post-war.
Happiness and justice are with us, we just need to look around...

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