People in history have received vaccines for prevention. Development of vaccine prevention. The history of vaccines

24 Bereznya 1882 fate, if Robert Koch Having voted for those who are smart enough to see the bacterium that calls tuberculosis, achieving the greatest triumph in their entire life.

Why should the discovery of tuberculosis be called a scientific feat?

The truth is that the incidence of tuberculosis is an extremely important subject for investigation. In the first preparations for microscopy, collected by Koch from the legen fabric of a young roboticist, which died in the form of liquid dryness, the liquid microbe could not be detected. Without giving up hope, we have been testing the preparations using a dry method and first under a microscope to detect tuberculosis in the elusive organism.

At the initial stage, it was necessary to eliminate harmful microbacteria from a pure culture. There are many more risks to this. There are many known methods for cultivating microbes not only in the last few animals, but also in the individual, for example, in the cut of boiled potatoes or in meat broth. Having tried this very method of cultivating tuberculosis bacteria, the smell did not develop. However, when Koch insisted instead of a ragged knot under the skin of a guinea pig, she bent with a stretch of many tensile, and in her organs of the senses, she knew a large number of sticks. It is clear that tuberculosis bacteria can develop in a living organism.

In order to create a life-giving substance, similar to living tissue, Koch decided to congeal the whey of the animal’s blood, which was obtained at the slaughterhouse. And indeed, in whose middle the bacteria multiplied rapidly. By removing pure cultures of Koch bacteria in this manner, they infected hundreds of other creatures of various species, and all of them fell ill with tuberculosis. It was clear to the elder that the disease had been discovered. At this hour, the world will be awakened by Pasteur’s method of eradicating infectious diseases by helping to break down weakened cultures of bacteria that cause this disease. Tom Koch believed that he would succumb to this very method of converting humanity to tuberculosis.

Robert Koch

Having prepared a vaccine from weakened tuberculosis bacteria, he was not able to avoid getting sick with the help of the vaccine. This vaccine under the name “tuberculin” is still promoted as an additional test in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Crimea, Koch vkriv bacillus anthrax, cholera vibrio. In 1905, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his “investigation and detection of tuberculosis.”

“I spent my research on people’s selfishness. For whose sake I worked. I hope that my work will help doctors lead a systematic fight against this terrible scourge of humanity.”

Robert Koch

26th birthday 1891 Roku Emil von Behring having betrayed the lives of the sick child who killed her first of splintering due to diphtheria.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, diphtheria quickly claimed thousands of children's lives, and medicine was powerless to alleviate their suffering and prevent them from suffering great agony.

In 1884, the German bacteriologist Friedrich Leffler discovered the bacteria that cause diphtheria – the corynebacterium diphtheriae. And the teaching of Pasteur, Pierre Emil Roux, showed how the sticks of diphtheria and dovs work, that all the hidden symptoms of diphtheria are a seizure of heart failure, paralysis and other deadly inheritances - wyklikan and not the bacterium itself, but the poisonous substance (toxin) that it vibrates, and As soon as speech is introduced into the body, it excretes the cells by itself, due to the constant presence of diphtheria microbes in the body.

Ale Ru couldn’t get rid of it and couldn’t find a way to care for sick children. Whose assistant was Kokha Bering. In searches, it was clear that Bering, having killed the diphtheria bacteria, killed the infected creatures from various rivers, but the creatures died. I guess for chipping wine vikoristovuv trichloride iodine. It’s true, and once again the guinea pigs became seriously ill, but none of them died.

With the first luck, Bering, having finished dressing the last pigs, killed them with chips, which removed the diphtheria toxin. The creatures kindly looked at the chips, not caring for those who took a large dose of the toxin. Then I learned that diphtheria was transferred to blood serum and guinea pigs were fed, injected into sick animals, and then fed. This means that the blood of sick people contains an antitoxin that neutralizes the diphtheria bacillus toxin.

At the end of 1891, in a clinic of children's illnesses in Berlin, children dying of diphtheria were exposed to antitoxin - and the child died. The effect was admittedly disappointing, many children were kidnapped, but successes were less frequent, and Bering’s orphan did not become a reliable remedy, as was the case for all children. And then Bering received help from his colleague and friend Paul Erlich, the new distributor of “drug 606” (salvarsan) that will cure syphilis. And then we will improve the scale of virus production, ensure correct dosing of the antitoxin and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In 1894, the ory was developed and successfully tested on 220 sick children. For raising children, Bering was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1901 “for his work with serum therapy, in charge, for his treatment of diphtheria, which opened up new directions in medical science and gave doctors the opportunity to fight against illness death."

Later, in 1913, Bering introduced the introduction of toxin and antitoxin to stimulate active immunity in children. And this turned out to be the most effective method of protection (the passive immunity that develops after the introduction of just one antitoxin is unsustainable). A prophylactic serum, which is now used against diphtheria, was discovered by Dr. Gaston Ramon, a doctor at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, many times after the discovery of Lefler, Roux and Behring.

For example, from the 19th century. German scientist Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) started the theory about antibodies as factors of humoral immunity. The hectic debate and numerous studies, accumulated after this discovery, led to very fruitful results: it was established that immunity is determined by both cellular and humoral agents. In this manner, the honor of immunity was created. P. Erlikh born in 1908 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for the development of the cell theory of immunity, which he shared with Illie and Mechnikov. .

1892 respected by fate new organisms - viruses.

First discovery of the virus (as a new type of illness) in Russian traditions Dmitro Yosipovich Ivanovsky. Dmitro Yosipovich revealed the virus in the inheritance of the sickness of Tyutun's growths.

Trying to find out the cause of a serious illness - Tyutun's mosaic (manifests itself on rich, especially hothouse plants, with the appearance of twisted tubes, withering and falling leaves, with necrosis of fruits, growing barrels), Ivanovsky Kilka Roki was engaged in research in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta AN.

Known from the work of the Dutch botanist A.D. Mayer about those that the mosaic ailment can be extracted from the transferred juice of diseased weeds by rubbing the leaves of the ailing weeds, filtering the juice through a linen filter and bubbling it into the veins of a healthy leaf. As a rule, infected plants picked up the disease.

The botanist carefully examined the diseased leaves under a microscope, but did not detect any bacteria or any microorganisms, which is not surprising, since viruses range in size from 20 to 300 nm (1 nm = 109 m) by two orders of magnitude more bacteria and them in an optical microscope It’s impossible to pamper. It is important that there are such bacteria in the infected wine, the botanist began to pass the juice through a special porcelain filter by E. Chamberlan, but, above all, the infectious power of the filtered juice was saved This way, the filter will not catch bacteria.

An attempt to create a mosaic on the primary living media, how to deal with these same bacteria, is not without success. Having discovered crystalline inclusions (crystals “I”) in the cells of infected plants, scientists have concluded that the causative agent of mosaic disease is a solid infectious cob - or bacteria that are filtered are not produced growth on piece substrates, or invisible and invisible microorganisms that see toxins.

About my precautions Ivanovsky Dopov 1892 r. at a meeting of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Ivanovsky’s research has been widely circulated throughout the world. Having developed the method of filtering the Russian medicine, the German doctors F. Lefler and P. Frosch began in 1897. They revealed the disease of foot and mouth disease of great horned thinness. PotIm Buv Boom Vidkrittiv Virusv - Zhovto Lichomna, Plague, Speech, naturally Vispi, Poliomіlita I. Complex, 1917 Rotsi Buli Buly Bakteriophages - Virusi, Shu Ruynu Bakteriy. Naturally, skin treatment was not part of the teachings of “pure” science, it was immediately followed by the preparation of anti-drugs - vaccines, treatment and disease prevention.

1921 was marked by the release of a live bacterial vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG).

Tuberculosis ceased to affect fatally ill patients when microbiologist Albert Calmette and veterinarian Camille Guérin developed in France between 1908 and 1921 the first vaccine for humans based on a strain of weakened live bovine tuberculosis bacillus.

In 1908, the fate of the stench was celebrated at the Pasteur Institute in Lille. Their activity focused on maintaining cultures of tuberculosis bacilli and tracking various living substances. In this case, it was discovered that on the living medium based on glycerin, beetles and potatoes, tuberculosis bacilli of the lowest virulence grow (from the Latin virulentus - destructive, the sum of the powers of the microbe, which in means this sickness).

From this point on, they changed the course of investigation to understand that it is not possible for additional cultivation, which is repeated, to weaken the strain for vaccine production. Research continued until 1919, when a vaccine with non-virulent (weakened) bacteria did not cause tuberculosis in the last few animals. In 1921, the BCG vaccine (BCG - Bacille bilie "Calmette-Gue"rin) was created for use in humans.

The global development of the vaccine has gone hand in hand through tragedies. Lübeck has 240 newborns with splinters at 10 days old. All of them fell ill with tuberculosis, 77 of them died. The investigation showed that the vaccine was contaminated with a virulent (unweakened) strain that had been preserved in the same incubator. The blame was placed on the director of the hospital, who was sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment for the crime that caused death.

Many countries, which developed the BCG strain from Calmette and Guerin (1924-1925), confirmed its effectiveness and immediately moved on to mass vaccination against tuberculosis. In the SRSR, the BCG strain was brought to L.A. Tarasevich in 1925 the number of BCG-I values.

The BCG vaccine has been tested for hours, its effectiveness has been verified and proven through practice. Nowadays, the BCG vaccine is the main drug for the specific prevention of tuberculosis, which is recognized and tested in the whole world. Trials of preparing an anti-tuberculosis vaccine from other weakened strains or other fractions of microbial cells have not yet yielded significant practical results.

In 1923, the French immunologist G. Ramon removed the right toxoid, which became necessary for the prevention of illness. The scientific development of law began in the other half of the 19th century. Zbudnik pravotsya buv vidkrity mayzhe one hour Russian surgeon N. D. Monastirsky(born in 1883) and the German scientist A. Nikolaer (born in 1884). A pure culture of microorganism was seen in 1887. Japanese microbiologist S. Kitazato, born in 1890 having removed the right-hand toxin and (together with the German bacteriologist E. Behring) creating the anti-right-syrup.

12th April 1955 r. The United States successfully completed a large-scale study that confirmed the effectiveness of the Jonas Salk vaccine, the first vaccine against polio. Experiments with the development of the Salk antipolyomyelitis vaccine began in 1947. A vaccine made from previously killed polioviruses with formalin was tested by the American National Poliomyelitis Foundation. The first vaccine, created from polioviruses killed by formaldehyde, was tested in 1953-54. (volunteers also tested), and in 1955 widespread stagnation began to arise.

The investigators suffered the fate of nearly 1 million children between the ages of 6 and 9, of which 440 thousand. They took off the Salk vaccine. According to eyewitnesses, fathers from the villages robbed donations for research and willingly enrolled their children in the lives of their participants. It is important to detect the infection, otherwise polio will become the most dangerous childhood infection, and fathers feared the arrival of summer when the seasonal peak of the infection was recorded.

The results of the five-year period, from 1956 to 1961, of the mass vaccination of the vaccine overturned all success: among children in the age-old groups, especially susceptible to infection, the incidence of illness decreased by 96%.

Born in 1954 The USA had over 38 thousand registered. outbreaks of polio, and after the 10th century of the Salk vaccine, in 1965, the number of outbreaks of polio in this region became less than 61.

In 1991, the World Health Organization announced that there was a lot of pain in the area. In the countries of Asia and Africa, due to mass vaccinations, the incidence of illness also decreased sharply. Later, the Salk vaccine was replaced more thoroughly, developed by Albert Sabin. However, Jonas Salk's contributions to the fight against polyomyelitis did not have any effect: this galusa is still considered a pershopper.

When Salk was asked who should own the patent, Vin Vidpov: There is no patent. How could you patent the sun?

Today, the vaccine cost $7 billion, and was patented at the time of release.

Born in 1981-82 The first vaccine against hepatitis B became available. In China, a new vaccine was made available, prepared from blood plasma collected from donors among patients who were less likely to be infected with hepatitis B. It also became available in the United States. The peak of stagnation fell on 1982-88. Vaccination was carried out in a visible course of three splits at an hourly interval. With post-marketing caution after the distribution of such a vaccine, several types of side effects of illness of the central and peripheral nervous system were caused. The high immunogenicity of the vaccine prepared from blood plasma was confirmed in the study of vaccine-infected individuals, carried out after 15 days.

Born in 1987 The plasma vaccine was replaced by a new generation of vaccine against the hepatitis B virus, which uses a different technology Gene modification of recombinant DNA in cells of yeast microorganism. This is called a genetically engineered vaccine. HBsAg has been synthesized in this way from yeast cells that collapse. There is a method of purification without allowing any traces of yeast proteins to be removed. The new technology showed high productivity, made it possible to reduce the cost of production and change the risk, which is similar to the plasma vaccine.

Born in 1983, Harald zur Hausen Having detected the DNA of papillomavirus in a biopsy of cervical cancer, this method can be used to detect the oncogenic virus HPL-16.

Back in 1976, a hypothesis was put forward about the relationship between human papilloma viruses (HPV) and cervical cancer. Various types of IDPs are not harmful, they cause the development of warts on the skin, and they infect state organs (transmitted by state methods). In the mid-seventies, Harald zur Hausen discovered that women who suffer from cervical cancer are invariably infected with IDPs.

Many scientists believed that cervical cancer is caused by the herpes simplex virus, but zur Hausen knows that in cancer cells it is not the herpes virus, but the papilloma virus, and they assumed that the development of cancer is inherited If you are infected with the papilloma virus itself. Recently, my colleagues were able to confirm this hypothesis and establish that most cases of cervical cancer are caused by one of two types of viruses: HPL-16 and HPL-18. This type of virus is detected in approximately 70% of cervical cancer cases. Infected with such viruses, cells with great virulence quickly become cancerous, and a malignant swelling develops.

The research of Harald zur Hausen in the field of IDP infection formed the basis for understanding the mechanisms of carcinogenesis induced by the papilloma virus. Over the years, vaccines have been developed that can help fight infection with the IDP-16 and IDP-18 viruses. This treatment makes it possible to speed up the surgical procedure and generally reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

U 2008 The Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery that the papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer.

Chronicles of vaccination Doc. film by Richard Saunders

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Ditin 1 g 10 m. At 6 months a splinter of Infanrix-Hexa was crushed, and two more splinters of rubella-mumps. The child began to walk to the children's kindergarten, and immediately found out that the group had children, and a live vaccine against polio had been produced just recently.

Why is it dangerous for my child to live with such children?

How is it possible for us to get rid of polyomyelitis at once? I have a choice: give a complex DTP Infanrix or only polyomyelitis, so that it is possible to develop splinters from the polyomyelitis in two consecutive doses after Priorix?

To protect against any form of poliomyelitis, the child must have at least 3 squashes from the mother. When vaccinating other children with a live oral vaccine against non-split or partially cleaved polio, children are removed from the nursery for 60 days to advance the development of vaccine-associated polio.

No, after 2 years you cannot start chipping, the interval between chips is at least 1 month. You will need to take at least 2 shots against polio, the first child will be protected from this infection. If the child is split twice, then only 1 month after the remaining split does it develop sufficient immunity. It is better to give DTaP + IPV (Pentaxim, InfanrixHexa) 2 times at an interval of 1.5 months; revaccination should be carried out after 6-9 months. DPT+IPV/OPV (Pentaxim). You have developed a treatment for hepatitis B, and if you receive Infanrix Hexa twice at an interval of 1.5 months, the 3rd treatment for hepatitis B can be completed 6 months after the first. I recommend getting a new course of vaccination, as long as the child is in the nursery (organized teams) and practically does not provide any protection against dangerous and important infections.

My diet is somewhat of a vicious nature, but I’m going to be brutal to you, the remains of which I haven’t been able to put into a new clear category. Who do you think could benefit from a campaign to discredit vaccination, especially childhood vaccination? I am not asking, obviously, to name specific culprits, but rather to understand which parties may be involved in this? Is this a spontaneous process, similar to silence, so it doesn’t require survival?

Doctors I know admit that distributing information about TB disease can (theoretically) be managed by drug manufacturers, so it would be better for people to go to the pharmacy for a drug advertised for TB, rather than get sick. at the doctor's. It would be suitable for a vaccine (for example) against the flu (there are advertisements for anti-flu drugs on TB). What about the BCG vaccine, the hepatitis vaccine? Such TB drugs are not advertised. With the same logic, one could assume that the “stressed side” is the producers of vegetarian goods and vitamins, which they advocate for stuffing children with them from the very first days of their lives, and this theory also seems to me and spirna. What do you value from this drive?

This food, which, unfortunately, does not have an exact type, can be left unconsidered. Understand the motivation of people who oppose vaccination - a method that has proven its safety and effectiveness for the prevention of infectious and, today, other non-infectious diseases, is difficult to achieve.

There are partnerships, foundations of “anti-vaccineists” who are investing in this rating, incl. using various Internet technologies (for example, advertising, browsing websites, posting on forums), and possibly even money. It is possible to target interests from the side of homeopaths, because Most homeopaths are negative about vaccination, recommending to replace the epidemiologically based method - vaccination, omissions - homeopathy.

My daughter is 13 years old and has not suffered from chickenpox. We want to make wood chips, is it right?

Harit Susanna Mikhailivna confirms

So, being an older child, unfortunately, they are more susceptible to the important challenge of chickenpox. And if it’s a girl, then you need to think about those who get sick from the wind during pregnancy, and this can lead to an important pathology of the fetus.

How can an adult be infected with rotavirus, since there is a short illness on the body, there is no buzzing fur, like that!

Harit Susanna Mikhailivna confirms

No, there is no point in vaccination for adults. It is important for adults not to get sick, and the introduction of a vaccine against rotavirus will help prevent important forms of illness and fever in youngsters. Then, throughout this life, illness is still possible, but in a mild form. It is possible to talk to a gastroenterologist about preventive measures, for example, treatment with biological drugs.

We may bear until 3 years. They were born premature, advanced. ICP, VPC, OAK, VSD, ASD. Hepatitis was removed from the canopy bed in one day after bcg and mantu in 1 rik and that’s all. After every terrible illness we have suffered, we are afraid to remove the chips. If we were going to remove the chips from the bark, at that moment many children became disabled (including children of distant relatives in their early teens and high school students). For our ailments, can we give some wood chips? What tests should be done before chipping?

Confirmed by Polibin Roman Volodimirovich

For a child, especially for the obvious signs of development, it is not splintering that is dangerous, but infection. To carry out vaccination of the obese, an examination of the doctor before the splinting, a clinical blood test, and, if necessary, a final analysis of the section and an examination of the doctor of the Fakhivts, who is in charge of a child with obvious illnesses yum.

Why bother with the chips? What is the problem with the infection of the law?

Harit Susanna Mikhailivna confirms

The chippings against the right protect the development of illness. Infection with soil is caused by the entry of bacteria that are found in soiled objects and damaged fabric. It is impossible to blame the supers of the right hand, because the problem of illness depends on the way of routine vaccination.

Let me show you how it is better and more well-reasoned to respond to the thought of a medical student and some health worker: “I don’t think about the flu, because I don’t know what kind of virus there will be in what season, and the flu is For the flu, break up the infection, when don't know the current state of the upcoming epidemic. It is possible that one or several new strains will appear. If you send a message to the pershoggerel of such data, so that my words will be more persuasive.

Confirmed by Polibin Roman Volodimirovich

The main arguments for the need to prevent influenza are information about the high contagiousness, severity, and varied complexity of this infection. Influenza is not especially common for groups of patients, but for healthy people of the middle age. Such complications as pneumonia often occur with the development of RDS and mortality, which reaches 40%. Influenza may result in the development of Goodpasture syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, Reye's syndrome, myositis, neurological disorders, etc. Moreover, among those who have died, those with severe disabilities are not afraid of splintered people!

Vaccination according to WHO is the most effective way to prevent influenza. Almost all current anti-influenza vaccines protect against three types of virus – H1N1, H3N2 and B. A number of four-valent vaccines have been registered outside the border, and such a drug was created in Russia. As the virus changes, it changes quickly. There are measures taken by the WHO's special National Influenza Centers to monitor viruses that circulate, collect samples, identify viruses and perform antigenic characteristics. Information about the circulation of viruses and previously seen species is sent to the WHO disease control center and main control laboratories for antigenic and genetic analysis, as a result of which recommendations are made for the vaccine stockpile for Prevention of influenza in daytime and summertime. This is the system of global monitoring of the flu. Thus, the vaccine supply for the upcoming season is not “guessed”, but is predicted based on the presence of already seen antigens during the circulation of the virus and illness in one part of the world. The forecast is highly accurate. Deaths occur rarely and are associated with the spread of animals to a new type of virus. The presence of protection against strains of influenza viruses that do not enter the vaccine warehouse is absolutely not easy. Thus, individuals were treated with seasonal vaccine in the epidemic season of 2009/2010. There was a slight outbreak of influenza caused by a pandemic strain, so the vaccine did not reach the warehouse and among the dead there were no people infected with influenza.

Information about the Global Influenza Surveillance system can be found on the official WHO website or on the website of the WHO European Region.

Large anti -personnel campan, before the Yaki, more and more young people, Masov anticipable of izhster in the serpent on the vli vocabulary, the zriznika lunar, argued the cycle of articles about chipper. The first material dedicated to what has changed in the world with the advent of vaccines.

Additional era: diphtheria

Opponents of vaccination, who loudly trumpet about their “dreadful” legacy, seem to “forget to remember” about the hours when epidemics of terrible, deadly illnesses occurred in the world. I will fill this clearing and tell the readers about the tragedies that flared up during those times.

Diphtheria, which has been conveniently forgotten today, is more important than illness, which results in paralysis of the ends, palate, vocal cords, and vocal cords. A person could die in unbearable pain, not being able to breathe a small breath into the wind. A fatal result occurs in up to 20% of children and adults over 40 years of age and 5–10% of middle-aged people. In the 1920s in America, during the diphtheria epidemic, 13–15 thousand people died in the river, most of them children. In 1943, 1 million people in Europe suffered from diphtheria, of whom 50 thousand died.

In 1974, the World Health Organization launched a diphtheria immunization program, the results of which were immediate. Epidemics became rare, as rare outbreaks were revealed as nothing more than the last mercy of doctors.

Thus, at the beginning of the 1990s, Russian medical officials decided to review the list of contraindications for vaccination against diphtheria, which had been in place since the dawn of time - clearly, with good intentions. There was significant expansion, and the results of these efforts led to the diphtheria epidemic of 1994. Today, 39,703 people fell ill with diphtheria.

To put it into perspective: in the calm year of 1990, a total of 1211 episodes of illness were recorded. But diphtheria is not the worst disease, since it was decided to take control over the use of vaccines.

The shadows are filled with trepidation tetanus...

Sickness, mortality rate can reach 50%... It’s easier to get infected: the father of Mayakovsky’s revolution pricked his finger with his bare finger and died from the cruel ruler. Toxins, which are found in Clostridium tetani bacteria, are extracted to produce thin, chewing sores, mimetic sores, and then to tense sores of the back, ends, throat, and abdomen. As a result of severe spasms, the muscles are destroyed or are completely affected by sweating, defecation, secretion, bleeding and diarrhea. Nearly 40% of patients over 60 are likely to die from incredible suffering. Young patients may have a better chance of survival, but those who have suffered from illness will lose one of the worst nightmares of their lives.

Due to mass immunization, the danger of the rightist getting sick is of a hypothetical nature. Thus, in 2012, Russia recorded a total of 30–35 incidents of river flows, and 12–14 of them were less lethal. Nearly 70% of patients are elderly people over 65 years of age, not disabled by law.

Vispa, which has sunk into oblivion

Another sickly illness, which was lost in the pre-spitting past, is a waste. This viral infection is easily transmitted by the chickenpox, which reaps a rich harvest of victims. Few people today know and remember that at least the third skin ailment is dying. The global mortality rate for children before death has reached 40-50%.

The visipanya, which covers almost the entire body, is only one, aesthetic side of illness. The same secretions appeared over time on the mucous membrane of the nose, oropharynx, larynx, as well as on the respiratory tract, organs of the body, urinary tract and conjunctiva of the eye.

Then the swelling was transformed into erosion, and then signs of brain damage appeared: loss of information, swelling, madder. Difficulty breathing – inflammation of the brain, pneumonia, sepsis. Patients who survived the illness were left with permanent scars.

In the 18th century, the virus was the leading cause of mortality in the world. Almost 400 thousand Europeans perished due to epidemics. And without the creation of the vaccine, the attack began. The beginning of the end to these tragedies was laid by the English doctor Edward Jenner. He noted that milkmaids who have contracted cow's disease do not become infected with human disease. Thus, at the beginning of the 18th century, the first vaccine against natural virus appeared in the world, which included the cow's disease virus, which is harmless to humans.

In Russia, vaccination came after the death of Emperor Peter II. The first to be vaccinated were Empress Catherine II and the future Emperor Paul I. Thus began the era of vaccination, which made it possible to completely overcome the disease that was claiming millions of lives. According to WHO data, since 1978 the outbreak has been considered to be moderate - no cases of illness have been recorded.

Complete mass immunization of the virus is carried out under total control, and this is within the reach of modern medicine. Of course, the opponents can’t guess what kind of splinter they are. So, the reader asks, how do vaccines work in the human body?

Invisible, but it's valuable

It is important for the body to respond correctly to the illness and illness. Killed and live, but inactivated microbes stimulate the immune system without developing illness. As a result, the body vibrates antibodies to the antigens of the body and forms a stable immunity to them.

Widespread vaccination, which began in the 20th century, did not reduce natural infections. The width of the bark and mumps decreased by 99%, and the cough - by 81%. We may have forgotten about polio and mumps. Girls and women no longer run the risk of becoming infected with “funny” rubella during pregnancy and passing through the baby.

We called to the stability and production of daily medicine on the table, so that they were not marked. And then the voices of those who, with burning righteous anger in their eyes, have come into our lives, warning about the deadly insecurity of vaccination. Against the tragic intonations, these voices call to protect themselves from the splinters as from the most abundant speeches that have not passed on their heritage. Why do people base their theories on what they argue against the “unsafety” of vaccination and to what extent these arguments indicate effectiveness, I will find out in the following articles.

Marina Pozdeva


Korisna and tsikava information about chipping. History of chips.

Infectious diseases have been followed by people throughout history. It is clear that there are no butts of wasteful inheritances of plague, plague, cholera, typhus, dysentery, bark, influenza. The decline of the ancient world was not so much due to wars as to the ravaging plague epidemics that wiped out most of the population. In the 14th century, the plague affected a third of the population of Europe. Through an epidemic of natural outbreaks, 15 years after the invasion of Cortes, the thirty-million-strong Inca Empire lost less than 3 million people.

In 1918-1920, the influenza pandemic (the so-called “Spanish flu”) killed nearly 40 million people, and the number of sick people exceeded 500 million. This may be five times more, but during the First World War, 8.5 million people died, and 17 million were injured.

Our body can become resistant to infectious diseases - immunity - in two ways. The first one is to get sick and tired. When the body produces drying factors (antibodies), which help protect us from this infection. This path, important and unsafe, threatens with a high risk of unsafe deterioration, even to disability and death. For example, the bacterium, which the rightist calls, sees in the patient’s body the most powerful toxin on the planet. This is what they do to the nervous system of the people, calling out the judges and that tooth of dikhannya-

Kozhen the fourth, who fell ill with the right one, is dying.

Another path is vaccination. In this case, weakened microorganisms or their components are introduced into the body, which stimulate the immune system. In this case, a person develops factors such as illnesses, such as pinching, without illnesses.

1996 marked the 200th century of the first vaccination, carried out in 1796 by the English physician Edward Jenner. About 30 years ago, Jenner dedicated to the prevention and cure of such a phenomenon: people who fell ill with “cow’s disease” did not become infected with the natural virus of humans. Taking instead of the vesicles-bulbs that settled on the fingers of the cow hunters, Jenner raised his eight-year-old boy and his son (the remaining fact is low-dominant to tell the fahians). After a second month, I infected them with natural sow. The children did not get sick. This historical moment dates back to the beginning of vaccination - the chips behind the vaccine.

Further development of immunology and vaccine prevention associated with the work of the French scientist Louis Pasteur. The first evidence is that illnesses, which are now called infectious, may arise due to the penetration of microbes into the body from the environment. This brilliant discovery formed the basis of the principles of asepsis and antiseptics, giving a new round to the development of surgery, obstetrics and medicine in general. All of his research has uncovered the causes of infectious diseases, and found effective ways to combat them. Pasteur is open, so that the introduction of weakened and infected illnesses into the body will not prevent the appearance of real illness. They were dismantled and vaccines against Siberia, chicken cholera, I say, began to be successfully stagnated. It is especially important to note that this is a 100% fatal disease, and the only way to save people’s lives from Pasteur’s hours is to deprive emergency vaccination.

Louis Pasteur created the world's scientific school of microbiologists, many of whose students became the most distinguished. I have 8 Nobel Prizes.

It would be nice to guess that the other land that opened the Pasteur station was Russia. If it became Vikzinatsiya behind the method of Pasteur Ryatu, one, one iz Entuziasty Vesus until the dressing of Mikbrobiologii Tisisyach Rublev, Shchobo Groshi Bulo was sent to Paris Likar for Vivchennya Dosvіd Pasteur. The vibration fell on the young doctor N.F. Gamaleya, which later - on the 13th of June 1886 - caused the first splintering of twelve bites in Odessa.

In the 20th century, treatments against poliomyelitis, hepatitis, diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, and influenza began to be successfully developed.


First immunization against HIV - Edward Jenner

First immunization against the tale - Louis Pasteur

First successful serotherapy of diphtheria - Emil von Behring

First preventive vaccine against diphtheria - Emil von Behring

First vaccination against tuberculosis

First vaccination against the law

First flu vaccination

First vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

First trials of inactivated polio vaccine.

Live polio vaccine (oral vaccination)

WHO statement on the re-elimination of human disease

A vaccine for the prevention of chickenpox is immediately available

A genetically engineered vaccine against hepatitis B is available in advance

Persha vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A

The first combined acellular cough vaccine for the prevention of cough, diphtheria, and pravtsa

Persha vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A and B

First combined acellular cough vaccine for the prevention of cough, diphtheria, poliovirus and poliovirus

Development of a new conjugate vaccine against meningococcal infection C

Persha conjugated vaccine for the prevention of pneumonia

Vaccine prevention- This is not only an important and important branch of the work of a practicing physician, but also directly of medical science, which is constantly developing, which attracts an increase in fundamental knowledge with new achievements in the field of vaccinology. Everyday doctors often struggle with various, but insufficiently known, aspects of immunoprophylaxis.

Neither among medical practitioners, nor among patients and their relatives have any doubts about the effectiveness of vaccine prevention. Therefore, the mass destruction of the population by splinters, especially among children, has increased, which has led to a decrease in the incidence of cough, diphtheria, mumps, viral hepatitis B, and even to the practical elimination of polio Itu, koru ta in. This involved research work, the development of new vaccines and bacterial diseases, the expansion of existing vaccines, the creation of combined vaccines and methods of administration, the selection of new vaccine vectors for stimulating a strong immune type.

Today, millions of children around the world are quickly dying from infectious diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to slow down the pace and scope of prevention and the improvement of the health of the population. The best and most effective way to prevent infectious diseases is vaccine prevention. In this case, the situation is known to be “revolving” with infections. At the beginning of the 90s of the last century, a diphtheria epidemic hit the territory of Russia, which had hitherto been extremely rare. As a result of the campaign against splintering, instigated by the Fachians, far from medicine, more than 100 thousand fell ill with diphtheria. osib, over 5 thousand, they died from them. A demonstrative example of poliomyelitis in the Chechen Republic in 1995. With insufficient burial of children, 144 children fell ill with polio, including up to 3 deaths among rural residents. By the hour of sleep, which had taken us from grass to dinner, 6 children died. Only mass vaccination against diphtheria and polyomyelitis allowed diseases and diseases. Thus, active immunization, which radically influences the epidemic process, is the first and most important way to fight against many infections.

Historical stages in the development of vaccine prevention

The problem of illness and the possible progression of infectious diseases has plagued humanity since ancient times. People noted that when a person fell ill with a mild form of sleep, she did not fall ill again. This kind of vyspa was called “good vyspa”. Back in the 9th century, Razes (El Raza) carried out chipping against the outbreak of a way to transfer smallpox pustules into sick people to be healthy. This technique was called variolation (from the Latin variola - vespa).

In Russia in 1768, during the hour of the “black outbreak” epidemic in Europe, Professor I.G. We successfully tested variolation on 40 students at the School of the Academy of Mystery and at the Smolny Institute. In any case, there is no need to understand this fact, regardless of the terrible threat, without coping with this fact among the population. Then Catherine II hung with her powerful butt to secure her subjects in the face of terrible hardship. Vaughn also pinned her son, the future Emperor Paul I. Her butt was inherited by the courtiers, and then by “the whole of St. Petersburg.” Naturally, this method of preventing natural germs from being incomplete, the variolation process was subject to a lot of complications: the number of infectious buds was not controlled, the virulence and invasiveness of the pathogen were not known. Other pathogenic factors. Negative results were not uncommon (development of illness, deterioration and death). This called for the population to use this method for prevention. Therefore, medical practitioners have been exploring other methods of preventing natural inflammation.

The Englishman Edward Jenner, having fully appreciated the wealth of popular knowledge and analysis of the results of government regulations, came up with a new idea for the prevention of natural lice in people who are safe from living with cow limp. Having confirmed the correctness of his idea, on May 14, 1796, the eight-year-old James Phipps publicly tested the splitting of the cow's vomit. After injecting lymph into the incisions on the hand of a milkmaid, who suffered from cow's disease, the boy fell ill, and for several days he stroked. That was actually the first step in the doctor’s plan. To prove your idea, you must take the risk of infecting the child with human natural virus. Not only the boy's life was under threat, but, unfortunately, the authority and life of the doctor himself. The experimenter did not sleep at night, and if an ominous red stain appeared on the child’s hand in the place of splintering, it did not leave her for a year. Although the fire did not get worse, the illness did not improve. The boy lost his life, and it was a victory! First, it was experimentally proven that people immunized with cow's milk did not fall ill when infected with natural milk. This happened after a terrible illness. In 1806, on the tenth anniversary of the first fission against natural history, US President Thomas Jefferson wrote in the vital telegram: “Will your people know about the birth in the past? Hydonic illness - sleep." And these words were prophetic, our generation does not know the terrible disease of natural war, which took thousands of lives in the past. In 1858, all the Spanish scholars erected a monument to Edward Jenner in London, recognizing his greatest services to humanity.

L. Pasteur called the method developed by Jenner vaccination. The form of the Latin "vassa" - "cow" is similar to the name "vaccine". Pasteur wrote: “I have given the word “vaccination” a wider meaning, trusting that science will preserve it as a sign of devotion to merit and great blessings, which it has given to humanity one of the greatest people in England – Jenner.”

1857 Pasteur believed that infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms. Then, developing the empirical ideas of Jenner and the beginning of the scientific ambush of immunoprophylaxis. It is clear that this principle can be used in the fight against other infectious diseases. It is also necessary to identify a way to weaken the virulence of germs, which served as the basis for the concept of “attenuation” of microbes. After intense and troublesome work, success is achieved. It was noted that bacterial cultures that lasted for 10 or more days at temperatures of +42 - 43°C changed their nature and became harmless for animals.

In 1880, Pasteur developed a vaccine against skaz, and in 1881 - against Siberia. This is how people’s dreams about the protection from infectious diseases began to come true. Pasteur's ideas about weakening microbes led to the creation in various countries of new live vaccines against various infectious diseases.

These galusa have also achieved great success in the past, producing live vaccines against plague (N.N. Zhuk v-Verezhnikov, M.P. Pokrovskaya et al.), brucellosis (P.F. Zdrodovsky, P.A. Voroshilova, Kh. .S.Kotlyarova and in), bark, mumps (A.A.Smorodintsev, V.M.Zhdanov, P.G.Sergiev and in), (A.A.Smorodintsev, V.M.Zhdanov, M.I .Sokolov, V.D.Sokolov and against other illnesses.

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Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation DBOU HPE

"Irkutsk State Medical University"

Department of Epidemiology

Speech on the topic: History of vaccine prevention


student 504 UAH.

Makarova O.V.

Irkutsk 2015

The history of the creation of specific prevention methods can be divided into three periods:

1. Unknown attempts at the dawn of scientific medicine to individually infect healthy people and animals with the seen diseases from the sick with a mild form of illness.

2. Creation of a large number of vaccines from killed bacteria.

3. Creation and stagnation of live, killed, subunit vaccines.

The first period was marked by the brilliant inventions of live vaccines by E. Jenner (1796) and L. Pasteur (1880). Although these criticisms were based on knowledge and caution (E. Jenner), knowledge of etiology and scientific experiment (Pasteur), the main thing in this entire century was the individual infection with further illnesses, so that we can call “mild illness” "so that people don't get sick it has an important lethal form. Jenner's vaccine against blight, Pasteur's vaccine against cholera in chickens (1880), Siberian chicken (1880-1883), peaks in pigs (1882-1883), skazi (1881-1886) took place of living illnesses, weakened by the preservation of cultures in broth, infusion on the Sibirka holiday elevated temperature (42.5 °C), the passage of the virus through the body of pigeons and rabbits, the passage of the virus through the body of rabbits.

Natural virus (Variola vera) is associated with particularly dangerous acute viral infections. Please note that she suffered over 3,000 years ago in India and Egypt, and at that time lost one of the worst illnesses known to mankind. Numerous epidemics plagued entire continents throughout history and the changing course of history. This terrible illness was felt by a cruel inevitability, it was not for nothing that the order “The farm and the sun will pass away without the rich” was based on it.

Those who, without dying from the disease, may become disabled, since the disease spared life, often lost unforgettable traces. Many people suffered from scars, some benefited from hearing, others from vision (the cause of blindness in 70% of cases was fever). In middle Europe, epidemics broke out in such parts and totality that doctors laid down a solid diagnosis: the skin of a person is responsible for the outbreak of illness. The famous physician of the 17th century, Sydenham, called the disease “an ailment that took more victims to the grave, not even other epidemics, not gunpowder and war.”

In the Middle Ages, the mortality rate during the outbreak was 80%. In America, the tribes were impoverished due to serious illness. For example, from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century, the outbreak assumed the dimensions of a major storm. When the epidemic reached Mexico, three and a half million people died. Professor of Medicine at Galli I.K. Juncker calculated the number of deaths during the outbreak in Europe at 400,000 people. The infection stole every tenth person, settlements died out, there was no insurance against infection, and the mortality rate was especially high among children. In Berlin alone, 6,705 people died during the war between 1758 and 1774.

It seems that a farmer’s family’s daughter fell ill in the spring. Everyone who looked at her also fell ill, blaming the young girl who had previously worked as a milkmaid on the farm. Jenner understood why, despite being in contact with illness for a long time, this girl did not fall ill. Dr. Jenner knew that this girl had touched her pustule-covered name in front of a milking cow and had become infected with cow's milk. She endured the illness easily, although similar pustules (bulbs) appeared on her fingers, and then scars. It didn’t matter if you guessed that immunity had appeared.

Only after a whole series of similar investigations, Jenner ventured to spit cow's rash on people. Over the course of twenty years, Jenner individually pinched the smell to people, then, after additional variolation, verified that the stinks effectively lose their amenability to the human smell.

1884 rock L.S. Tsenkovsky in Russia, followed Pasteur’s principle of attenuation (weakening), preparing his own vaccines against Siberia. In 1908, Wall and Leclainche produced a vaccine against the virus from cultures grown at 43-44 ° C, or cultures grown in the middle of a specific serum. Then similar live vaccines were developed against cholera in humans (Hawkin St., India, 1890-1896; Nikole, 1912). In 1897, the birth of R. Koch began the practice of preventive treatment against the great horned plague by spreading the live virus from killed, sick or dead animals. The wood chips yielded a yield of up to 30%. Nevdov Nenetsky, Zaber and Vizhnikevich replaced them with “simultaneous” splitting, so that a specific virus was immediately introduced with a living virus.

With this, the first, early period of development of live vaccines will end, and at the same time the first period of development of immunology will end.

Another period is characterized by the preparation of vaccines from killed bacteria and the prevention of a large number of people falling ill. And we can safely say that there was no such microorganism that would not have been used as a vaccine in the dead camp. The official beginning of this period dates back to 1898 (Kolle Pieiffer), giving rich fruits for medicine and veterinary medicine from the creation of so-called corpuscular vaccines. At the same time, it brought science a lot of amazing revelations and disappointment. This period does not end immediately, because through the availability of effective preventive drugs we are treated with injected corpuscular vaccines for low infections, but we want to thoroughly develop methods for attenuation of microorganisms.

In developed live vaccines, this period plays a significant role. By shading its development by more than 20 rocks. At the same time, during this period, there was a thought about the lack of effectiveness of the administered vaccines. There has been no shortage of interest in new and new live vaccines, as they are the most effective and economical preventive drugs.

In the third period (from 1930), however, the development of live, inoculated and chemical vaccines from purified antigens was withdrawn, so the third period is characterized by the development of both directions.

Methods for the enhancement of killed vaccines were associated with the solidification of various physical and chemical agents for the extermination of microbes, the selection of strains with high-grade antigens, the introduction of “sparing” regimes for inactivation of cultures microbes, purified and so-called protective antigens (chemical vaccines). The preparation of live vaccines was not on the agenda in the 20-60s of this century. The extraction of live vaccines was carried out at an even faster pace than that of killed vaccines. In just the last 20-30 years, we have seen evidence of the widespread availability of live vaccines and the replacement of inoculated vaccines with them, which are no longer effective.

In the other half of the 19th century, Louis Pasteur and his studies discovered a method for weakening the symptoms of chicken cholera, and said that it was possible to freeze them for immunization.

The great French chemist Louis Pasteur was born in 1822. When I was 9 years old, near the town of Arbois, where the Pasteurs’ homeland lived, the naughty wolf bit 8 people. Louie, like a farrier, applied baked saliva to the wound of the victim, and felt a cry of pain. Within a few days of illness he died. This guy took a piss out of his hostility at the boy. 50 years have passed since that hour. Professor Pasteur is at the top of his fame. In 1872, the Austrian government awarded him a prize for his work on the diseases of cutworms. At that time, the famous chemist discovered that contagious illnesses are caused by bacteria. In 1873, the family reached the French Medical Academy and won the gold medal of the Royal London Partnership. The French government has been providing it with national subsidies forever.

In 1879-1880 he was infected with chicken cholera. After isolating the illness and passing it on the living media, it became clear that the introduction of these bacteria to chickens inevitably led to their death. As if Pasteur didn’t finish his day, and stood at the thermostat for a difficult hour. The persistence of this microbe did not cause the death of the birds. If Pasteur once again had a zbudnik in his hands, since he gave birth to both the birds, which were not injected with bacteria, and to those who had already burst into the zbudnik, which did not cause their death. The results were unexpected. All the chickens that were previously injected with the bacteria were lost alive, while those that were not previously injected died suddenly.

Repeating further investigations yielded the same results. This allowed Pasteur to develop a concept that: 1) trivalently preserve the disease of chicken cholera in a thermostat with access to the air to lead to its weakening; 2) before introducing a weakened stimulant into chickens, make them resistant to this disease.

This is how the idea of ​​foreign chips was born, as Pasteur introduced him to his further work with bacteria.

The prospects of changing the alarm clock by removing the material necessary for the chips have opened up.

Pasteur established the principle of weakening pathogenic bacteria, allowing him to conduct similar studies with the anthrax bacillus. This microbe creates superfluids, and introducing them into a living organism makes no sense. Having established that at 42-43 degrees Celsius the growth of the chickweed, but does not eliminate the superflux, Pasteur treated it the same way as with the plague of chicken cholera. By removing the microbe, it has lost its virulence (stage of pathogenicity), but has preserved its immunogenicity. The verification of such weakened microbes showed that their introduction to animals will ensure that the rest no longer die when the virulent culture is injected with it. The remaining verification was lost - an experiment on rural animals in the presence of the commission and those who were the result of splitting of veterinary and medical doctors, as well as the general public.

This change took place on May 31, 1881, on a farm in Pouilly-les-Forts. The results were brilliant. All the victims, who through the song term after the splintering were injected with the weakening of the Siberian-Viraz stick, lost their lives. All the creatures that were not crushed into pieces died. The friendly nature of wood chips has also been demonstrated in cows. Unsurprisingly, the method has become widespread in this world, and the collection of farm animals has become rare.

Work on chicken cholera and anthrax allowed Pasteur to speak in London at the International Congress of Medicine in 1881 with evidence about splintering in many illnesses. For this achievement, the French order rewarded Pasteur with a great line of the Order of the Honorable Legion, and the Academy of Sciences gave him the title of academician.

Undoubtedly, Pasteur's research led him to the development of the method of foreign splitting, which laid the foundations of a new science - immunology, and enabled the development of one of the most important branches of preventive medicine. However, the transfer of these data to other infectious diseases was made more difficult by the fact that their daily routines were still open. That's why Pasteur continued to chew on the whispers of microbes, which call for a massacre of illness.

Pasteur's most significant work follows his interpretation of the tale, which ended with the proposition of splintering. Before the eyes of the 60-year-old Pasteur there stood in childhood pictures of the death of people in the tale.

All it takes is a small bite from a sick creature that has slashed its eyes in the wound, and the person can no longer be killed. Sometimes it seemed that everything had turned out all right. Liver, itching at the place of the bite, they guessed about the sustrich from the creature. The wound could heal, and the result would be sleeplessness, frowning, and twitchiness. The people cannot drink while they are suffering from the trial of the gourd. Further, fear of hydrophobia manifests itself even more clearly: just the word “water” is the reason for the death penalty. Then the attacks by the court arise from the sound of the wind, the bright light, the noise, the noise. Sleepiness, hallucinations, and fury begin. After a few days, minor paralysis begins, and, it is said, the exhausted person dies with a clear sense of heart paralysis and death. It's a scary picture. After hearing Pasteur’s daily routine for a long time, I told him that “the bacteria are too small.”

Testing the infectivity of the brains of animals that were supposedly ill, Pasteur discovered that infection with the brain more often gives positive results than infection with mucus. It has been concluded that the introduction of the brain of a sick animal into the brain of a rabbit will lead to a significant reduction in the incubation period of the disease, and subsequent passages of the virus on rabbits will make it possible to eliminate the virus that causes illness in in just these days. The brain of a sick rabbit, suspended in a glass vessel over caustic soda, gradually dries up and at the same time the new virus becomes weaker. Re-introducing such a brain into a healthy creature that looks like it has been rubbed with fizrozchin porridge will make it inhospitable to the point of saying. The dogs that were crushed and chipped were placed in cages together with the crazy dogs. Unfazed by the bites of naughty dogs, they never made them sick, to say the least.

The story is stingy, but rare in people with illnesses, so it is not useful to treat healthy people, since there is little chance of being bitten by a crazy creature. At this stage of the investigation, Pasteur had the brilliant idea of ​​speeding up what was supposed to be an already difficult incubation period. If you assume that by introducing an increasingly strong virus into the bitten creature, you can remove immunity before the virus, having been consumed by the bite, spreads throughout the body and causes you to get sick. This was completely confirmed.

Dogs bitten by a crazy dog ​​are injected with rubbed rabbit brains to remove the virus. From the beginning, the spleen has burst, after drying for an hour, then the virus has weakened, and then the spleen has less dryness, with a more active virus.

This confirmed that the introduction of a weakened virus prevents a dog bitten by the said creature from getting sick.

The mystery has been revealed - a method has been found that will allow people to die. The further croq - open the chips of the people - will be foldable for Pasteur. The post was the arrival at the Lipnya in 1885 of the nine-year-old boy Joseph Meister, who was bitten by a dog. Vіn appeared first to whom, after the great Vagan Pasteur, having created chips against the tale. Injections were carried out for 2 years. As a result, the boy did not get sick. On June 27, 1885, Pasteur spoke at the Academy of Sciences with a report about the results of his research on the tale.

About the significance of the Pasteur method, we can talk about the fact that after its work, the fragmentation of foreign fragments was possible against all known infectious diseases, both bacterial and viral. iologii. They sharply reduced the incidence of illness in the population and allowed the infection to be eliminated more easily. Blame the great successes this galusa has achieved in veterinary medicine, the remains of the suppression of farm animals from low epidemic diseases are stored in the near future.

Fighting tuberculosis

In the other half of the 19th century in Nimechchyna, people were dying of skin diseases due to tuberculosis. Tuberculosis has become infected with the disease. We were prescribed fresh and garnished food for our ailments. The French doctor Villemin realized that the disease is contagious, and there is a microbe that causes it. Likar Kongeim knows the health code for tuberculosis. Many doctors of the 19th century tried to find a way to fight these diseases, but all their attempts were futile.

Successes came to the German doctor Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch. 1872 Roku Koch, being the district sanitary doctor, spent whole days with a microscope, which was given to him by the squad at the Twenty-Eighth. On March 24, 1882, Koch said that he could see a bacterium that called tuberculosis.

Ale, continuing research, concentrating on the search for ways to cure this illness, in 1890 Koch was able to see tuberculin (a sterile country, which, to avenge speeches, is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus), which called an ergic reaction in patients. However, in fact, tuberculin is not used for the treatment of tuberculosis, so it does not have a special therapeutic effect, but can only be used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

The vaccine against tuberculosis was discovered later in 1921 by the French ^ Albert Charles Calmette and C. Gerin. In honor of them the name was given - BCG - Calmette-Gerin bacillus. This vaccine is given to children on the 3rd day after birth. Children are immediately checked for infection with tuberculosis, if they undergo an internal test - the Mantoux reaction, and adults must undergo fluorographic testing.

Main dates in the history of vaccination

1769 - first immunization against fever, Dr. Jenner

1885 - first immunization against the tale, Louis Pasteur

1891 - first successful serotherapy of diphtheria, Emil von Behring

1913 - first prophylactic vaccine against diphtheria, Emil von Behring

1921 - first vaccination against tuberculosis

1936 - first vaccination against the government

1936 - first flu vaccination

1939 - first vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

1953 - first trials of inactivated polio vaccine for the prevention of cholera outbreak

1956 - live polio vaccine (oral vaccination)

1980 - WHO statement about the re-elimination of human disease

1984 – A vaccine to prevent chickenpox was first made available.

1986 - a genetically engineered vaccine against hepatitis B is first available.

1987 - first conjugated vaccine against Hib

1992 – first vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A

1994 - first combined acellular cough vaccine for the prevention of cough, diphtheria, right

1996 - first vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A and B

1998 - the first combined acellular cough vaccine for the prevention of cough, diphtheria, and polio.

1999 - development of a new conjugate vaccine against meningococcal infection C

2000 - Persha conjugated vaccine for the prevention of pneumonia

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