Ruhlivі іgri zі stribami at height and dozhinu. Rough games with big elements

Maslova Valentina
Ruhlivі igri with big and walking

Take it fast, put it down fast

Children run one by one, reaching the kutіv of Maidanchik chi kіmnati. In one kutka there is a koshik with ensigns, on the protile botsi there is an empty koshik. The skin of the children is guilty on the run, without troubling the one who lives behind, quickly take the ensign from the cat and, having reached the mercy side, put it in the empty cat.

Change item

There are 5-6 children on one end of the maidan, in the hands of a skin brace. On the other end, stand the stiles, on which to lie one cube each. Behind the whistleblower's signal « Bigom children quickly walk to the stiltsiv, put a bryazkaltse, take a cube and quickly turn around in their place. It looks like a child, like she came first. We will sweat the next 5-6 children.

Vihovatel appoints the leader - pasta. Pasta go to the middle of the Maidanchik and loudly seems: "I'm a shepherd!", nazdoganyaє children, scho ticking in the new. The one whom the catcher bumped with his hand became the catcher. Vіn is guilty of zupinitis, raise your hand say: "I'm a shepherd!" A new pasta is not allowed to hang around with the hand of a colossal leader.

In one of the corners of the Maidanchik, an owl's nest is called a kukhl. Mustache children imitate blizzards, beetles. One of the hawkers appoints "owl". Behind the whistleblower's signal "Day!" children roam, waving their arms, imitating roc krill. Behind the signal "Nich!" owl out of the nest. Blizzards and beetles zavmirayut, zupinyayuchis on that place, where they caught the signal, and the owl, waving its winged wings, marvel, chi hto not break. The one who broke in, the owl leads to his nest. Vihovatel znovu seems: "Day" The owl cries up to its nest, and the blizzards and beetles start flying again (bigati). Owl's whistle is repeated 2-3 times. After that, the number of spymans is cheered up, the wielder chooses a new owl, and the country is born.

Who will quickly finish the hoop to the ensign?

On the opposite sides of the Maidanchik there are lines. On one line stand children with hoops. Navpaki, on the other line, lie ensigns, stand between them no less than 50 cm. A child is recognized, as the ensign reached first.

option games. Children are divided into 3-4 lankas. At the starting line, go out of the hoops one by one from the skin of the skin. The hoop, which has been nailed, is the first to take the ensign or a badge. Then come the next children (I know one by one from the skin). Win lanka that took away the largest number of ensigns (icons).

The vihovator appoints the leader - blind man's blind man's buff. That one gets up in the middle of the room (Maidanchiks, tie up your eyes and pronounce the sprat once and turn around. Then, the children run around the room, and the blind man's blind man is trying to slander someone. "Into the fire!". If you want to pass on the open air, then choose an equal Maidanchik and christen the borders, for which you do not have the right to leave.

Rules games. Having drunk someone, the blind man's blind man transfers his role to the drunken man. Gravets, having crossed the cordon of delusions, vvazhaetsya burnt, guilt is guilty of replacing the blind man's blind. Shchob blind man's buff is not viyshov for the cordon, yogo ahead of the word "Into the fire!".

Two Frosts

On the opposite sides of the Maidan (rooms) designate two budinki with lines. Stand between 12-15 m. The vikhovator saw two leaders, as if they were standing in the middle of the Maidanchik between the houses, disguised as children. One of them is Frost Chervoniy nіs, and the other one is Frost Blue nіs. Behind the signal of the vihovator obidv Frost seem:

My two brothers are young,

Two Frosts are gone:

I'm Frost - Chervony nis,

I'm Frost - Blue nis.

Who cares about you

Go on the road, go on the road?

Moustache, who sings in chorus, sing: “We are not afraid of threats and the frost is not terrible for us!”

After the words "freezing" all go wildly at the booths on the long side of the Maidanchik, and the Frosts try to freeze them, tobto push their hand. Frozen zupinyayutsya and continue to stand until the end of the decision to solve all the burning. Two Frosts cheer, whom the stench froze, after which the children come to other graves. The crossings are repeated 2-3 times. Then new leaders are appointed, and the city is renewed.

option games. After the end of the crossing, the children, who were frozen, continue to stand. With repeated perebіzhok greyuchi, probіgayuchi povez, can bump with a hand and viruchiti їх. You come to the quiet, who lives; ale if it’s frostbitten earlier, then frosts will be left at home.

Get your couple

Children become pairs on one of the sides Maidanchiki: one in front, one in the back (having entered 2-3 croques). At the signal of the wiggler, the first shvidko should move to the next bik of the Maidanchik, and catch the others. (leather your pair). When repeated games children change roles.

Graves will be in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the colony with a winder for 2-3 hours. One of them is quiet, who graє - to catch - stands on the qiu line. All children seem:

Burn, burn clearly, Shchob did not go out. Look at the sky - Birds fly, Little girls ring!

After the words "ring" children, who stand in the rest of the pair, beat the bridle of the colony (one right-handed, the other left-handed, hopping together by the hands in front of them to catch. beat, then win we make a new pair and stand in front of the colony, and the one who lost without a bet becomes a catcher. it is not guilty to revisit 15-17 osіb, otherwise the children will have to stand idle for a long time.

sly fox

Gravtsі to stand on a stake on the vіdstanі one krok one vіd one. The pose of a stake is called the fox's booths. The widower propons with a roaring flatten his eyes. Children splatter their eyes, and the guardian bypasses the colo (behind children) and hang out with one of the roaring ones, like a cunning fox. Let's sweat the widower proponing the roaring eyes and respectfully marvel at who of them is cunning fox: why can’t you see for yourself? Gravtsі trichі feed in chorus louder: "Cunning fox, de ti?" With whom everyone marvels one on one. After a three-time remembrance, the cunning fox quickly enters the middle of the stake, raises his hand and seems: "I'm here!" Mustaches grow wildly with a maidanchik, and the fox to catch them. Spied, to the one who is playing, to which he pushed his hand out, the fox led him to his booth. After that, the fox took 2-3 children, the vihovatel seems: "At the colo!" Mustaches grow up anew, and the gra is inspired by a new fox.

homeless hare

Z-pomіzh roaming vibirayutsya myslivets and homeless hare. Other gloomy - hares - to arm your own mugs, and get up skin at your own - tse booths of a hare. The homeless hare is ticking, and the mischievous yogo is haunting. Zaєts may vryatuvatsya in the form of a thought, running up to be a group; todі zaєts, scho standing at the edge, is guilty of infection at the same time, because now vin becomes bezpritulny і mislivets can slander yogo. Yak only a thoughtful drinker (smiling) hare, they change roles.

option games. The place of the crossed stake of the houses is approved by 4-5 children, like they joined hands. A skin coat like this has a hare. The game is carried out according to these very rules. After 2-3 hvilini, the gra is interrupted after the signal of the whirlwind. One of the children who make the stake is replaced by a hare, who stands in the middle of the stake. It repeats itself again and repeats 4-5 times, so that all the children played the role of a hare.

go (bіzhіt) before me

manager: send children walking at a straight line without a tooth.

Description right. Children sit on the chairs of the bench. Vihovatel stays on the protilezhny bik kіmnati on vіdstanі 5 m vіd children and call them to yourself, calling for names. In case of repetition, you have the right to move to the next bik kіmnati.

Bring a toy (Item)

manager: to direct children to reach the designated directly, to independently orientate themselves in space.

Description right. Children sit on chairs. In front of them, with a 3-5 m winder, there is a stіlets, a toy for him. Cry to yourselves if there are any children and I encourage you to bring i toy: “You bachish Olenka, sit like a chicken, bring me її, be kind!” Child go, take a toy and bring it її. The facilitator is a child, calling the toy again and asking to carry it on the plate. Let's sweat the task of vikonu іnsha child.

If it is right to be carried out with children from 1 to 1 year of age 6 months, then all the tasks are carried out at once with the child spinner: take a child by the hand, go with her for a toy and carry it back

If children master the task, you can spend it right with a subgroup. The facilitator lays out toys for the number of participants on the 4-6 pm day for children, after which he encourages the children to bring one game each, and then bring them to the meal. The widower helps only those who cannot be at the vikonnі zavdannya. Put the skin toy on the okremium steel.

Help me

manager: send children walking ta bіgu at the designated person directly.

Description right. Subgroup to sit on chairs or benches from one side of the room. "Fix me", - Seems like a vihovatel and live to the opposite side. Sorom'yazlivih i timid children are called on im'ya. If the children pidbіgayut, vihovatel seems: "Stick, tick, I'm tired". All turn to their place and repeat themselves.

In order for the gra to pass tsіkavіshe, the vihovatel proponuє children (starting from 1 year 6 months) chase the dog, the lyalka, or the other toy, as if it were in the hands of the new one. The vihovatel is not guilty too fast children: їm cіkavo evil of the grown-up If the children take their place, they need to be praised, to say that the bigati are good.

Pass through the strumok

manager: develop a little jealousy, spritnist, okomir.

Description right. Vihovatel to arm two lines (At the recipient, you can twist the cord) and it seems to the children that the little church, then I put a board through it (length 2-3 m, width 25-30 cm)- Mistok. "On that birch river, beautiful flowers grow (on the kilims of the rivers of different colors, let's take them, - the stalker is turning to the children. - Ale, we will walk on the back of the city." , nahlyayutsya, then turn to the mist friend: "Be respectful. Do not fall into the river".

Step over the club

manager: set children for an hour walking without feet, lift them; to develop in the mind to step over objects that are striding on the path, and in doing so, do not indulge in jealousy.

Description right. Put a club in the middle of the kilimk. At the end of the kilimka put a stile and put a toy on the seat (matryoshka, bunny skinny)..

The wielder propels the child to pass the kilimkom, step over the club, go to the stilt, take the toy and turn around in his own place. Let's sweat the head of the vikonuє іnsha child.

If the children learn to win independently, they can repeat the task once with the strength of the subgroup (stinks go one by one). You can also make it easy to the right: put on the log in parallel 2-3 sticks (Hoops) at a distance of 1 m. (put the foot to the center of the hoop).

De ring

manager: develop respect and orientation in space.

Description right. Children stand up to the wall. The nanny wants to go to another country of the city and ring with a little twinkle. "Listen respectfully, de ring the little little little girl, know yoga", - A facilitator turns up to children. If you know the stench of a twinkle, the whistleblower will praise the little ones. Gra repeat.

manager: set to walking on shkarpetkah at the specified straight.

Description games. Children go in a herd at once from the leader. Wine not confirmed seems: "Well, now let's wonder who among you can walk quietly, quietly, on scarves" showing how it is necessary to go. Children go for the whistleblower. Nepomіtno vіn vіdkhodit ubіk i seems: "And now everyone big up to me» . Children live, lover to praise the little ones, vdaє, that they hug everyone. You can give the order to go quietly to the medical officer or the bunny, like to sit on the chairs, and for the signal, the children are to blame turn back.

Children of 2-3 years of age walking on scarpets it is unnatural to trim the head, pulling it in at the shoulders. We're sure that the stench of this vipadka is quieter to go. It is necessary to stitch for cym, telling the children to pardon, she corrects them. Walking on the scarpets there are squeaked feet. However, there is no need to stop the children from the overworldly triumphant vikonanny tsієї right. Gras is repeated 3-4 times.

Kudlaty dog

manager: teach children to hear the text and respond quickly to the signal.

Description games. Child imitates a dog. Vіn sit on the chair on one end of the Maidanchik and go to sleep. Reshta children are located in another country where they are placed behind the boundary - the houses. The stench quietly walk up to "dog", i seems:

Axis lie kudlaty dog. At the paws of your stubbed nis, Quietly, peacefully lie down, Chi dormant, chi to sleep. Let's go to the new, wake up I wonder: maybe

The dog rolls over, gets up and starts barking. Children tick at the budinok, stand at the boundary, then the role of the dog is entrusted to other children. Gra repeat.

IGRI With haircuts

In the middle of the Maidanchik there is a square or a rectangle with sides of 4.6 m. At the corners of the square, small squares are driven in, or cubes are placed so that the height of the small square (dice) she folded 10-15 cm above the ground. A motuzka stretches along the sides of the square. Until the end of the leather skein of bindings vantage (Mishechok with a squeak). Kіntsi motuzki put on kіlochki (dice).

In one of the corners of the Maidanchik, a nest of chapli was christened. The vihovatel appoints one of the chaplives, which they mourn, and others - toads, yak to stand or stribayut near the swamp. If everyone was roaming wildly at the opening of the Maidanchik for them, the vikhovator gives signal: "Chaplya!" Raise your legs high, go straight to the swamp and step over the hank to drink the toads. Toads, roaring in the sight of a chapli, jumping out of the swamp, stribayuchi through a hank, be it way: walking with two feet, with one foot from the rozbіgu - abi vkti vіd chaplі Stepping over the motuzka, the chaplya to catch toads, that they did not catch the vistribnuti from the swamp. Spiymanih chaplya led to his own house, and the stench of Timchas vibuvayut z games(until the chapel changes). As if all the toads caught the viscochiti from the swamp, and the drop did not catch anyone, she turned back home. A new chapel is selected after 2-3 toads are spawned.

Rules games. Chaplya can catch toads less in the swamp. Toads are guilty of retributing, and not stepping over a hank. The toad, which has stepped over the hank, is taken in by the spy.

Note. the group can smoothen: introduce a friend chapl

Don't drink

Fuck the colo. All children stand behind him on the vіdstanі pіvkroku. The Vihovatel appoints one of the leaders, and that flock in the middle of the stake in any place. Children stribayut through the line in the stake. Leading biga in a stake, stumbling around quietly, who is angry, if the stench is in the middle of the stake. When the leader is approaching, everyone turns behind the line. The one who is quiet, who is playing, to whom the leader has reached, gets into such a way that, having lost, he continues to take the fate of the game. After 30-40 s, the driver starts up the game and vvazhaє it is quiet, who is playing. We will then choose a new leader from quiet children, whom they could not once zaplyamuvat.

Vovk at the rovi

In the middle of the Maidanchik, two parallel rices are carried out at a distance of 70-100 cm, one in one - a church. On one side of the Maidan (rooms) to be christened "budinok kiz". The vikhovator assigns one of the graves "Vovkom", Other images kіz. All goats are roamed into a booth, and all the goats are standing in a river. Behind the whistleblower's signal "Kozy, to the meadow!" goats run to the opposite bik of the maydanchik, retributing through the river (For the time being, sleep and don’t chipaє kіz). Potim vyhovatel seems: "Kozy, home!" The goats cross over to the next bik of the Maidanchik - to the houses, re-stringing through the river, and for the most part try to drink them (twist). Spiimani come at the end of the ditch. After 2-3 perebіzhok mustache spіymanі goats turn around at their booths and appoint another vovk (but not from the number of spіymanih).

Gorobtsі and intestines

On the ground, sit on a chair with a diameter of 3-4 m. One of the children is a gut. The gut sits in the middle of the stake. Reshta - gorobtsі - melt beyond the boundary, posture of a stake. Gorobtsі, following the signal of the wiggler, cut off at the stab of the new one. The intestines uncontrollably shrug and slander (splash) someone from the hobgobtsiv, yakі did not catch the vistribnut from the stake. Spiymany to get out of games. If the gut spives 2-3 horns, a new gut is selected from the number of spikes and gras is renewed. Spymanih can not be switched off games, And only remember. At the end games signify the gut itself and that little humpbacked (who has never been angered once).

Rules games. Guts to catch gorobtsіv less at coli. Gorobtsі shear on two legs; even though some of them passed through the colo, we need to get drunk.

White bunny sit

manager: teach children to hear the text and follow the rules zmistom: splash in the valley, splatter in the field

Description games. Children sit on chairs and benches on one side of the stone (abo maydanchiki). Von are bunnies. "Let's go for a walk", - seems to be a whistleblower. Must go out (vibrate) to the middle of the room. The widower wins the verses, and the children, guarding the widower, beat together the ruhi from him text:

Little white bunny to sit and steal with your hands. The axis is so, the axis is so Vin to steal.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, You need to warm your paws. Clap, clap, clap! You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, The bunny needs to jump. Hop-hop, jump-hop! Need a bunny to jump.

Htos bunny zlyakav, Bunny stribnuv. and jumping.

Squat on the hips and swipe your head, hands bend freely at the elbows.

They splash at the valley.

Shoot on two legs at home.

Vihovatel splashing at the valley. Children are ticking to their own place.

Gra repeat.

Not a trace of the swede for the children. There is no need for a small crotch, so that the stench of obov'yazkovo sat in its place. Leather sit down, be it in a free place. Zavdannya take your place to be introduced step by step.

After a repeated repetition of the game, you can smoothen: one child stands in the middle of the stake, other children are next to it, the piles are overwhelmed.


Flight of birds

Children stand apart on one end of the Maidanchik (rooms). The stinks are birds. On the other side of the Maidan there is an embroidery, or a gymnastic wall with a kilkom prolyots. Behind the whistleblower's signal "The birds are watching!" children raising their hands (kryla) kill, run all over the Maidan. Behind the signal "Storm!" children run to life (gymnastic stanci) and climb on it ( "Birds are hovering in the storm on the trees"). If the widow seems: "The storm has stumbled", - Children descend from the fresh air and start running again ( "birds continue watering"). Pid hour games The tutor is guilty of knowing the help for the lazy, so that at times you need help for the children.

Fishing mavp

Vihovatel rozpodіlyaє children on dvі groupie: mavp and catchers mavp (gymnastic walls, vezh). On the protilezhny side of the Maidanchik, catchers are rebuying. Mavpi inherit everything that bachat. Shriveling tsim, catchers want to lure mawp and slander them. The hunters talk among themselves about those who rob the stench of the stink, and show them in the middle of the Maidan. Soyno catchers go to the middle of the Maidanchik, mavpi climb on the vishka and the stars watch out for the catchers' ruins. Having broken the ruhi, the catchers are hovayutsya, and the mavpi climbing from the trees, to help for laziness, are approaching before that month, de bule traps, and repeat their ruhi. Behind the signal "Catchers!" mavpi run to trees and climb them. Catchers to catch quiet mavp, yakі did not climb up a tree, and lead to themselves. After 2-3 repetitions games children change roles, and gra are updated.

Rules games. It is not possible to stribuvati from the gymnastic wall, you must go down to the remaining crossbar. Mavpu, who stepped on the first crossbar with both feet, cannot be caught.


manager: to develop in children a natural laziness and orientation in space, to develop courage.

Description right. Children sit or stand near the flail-flask (or gymnastic walls). It seems that this year the stench will learn to climb, like mavbuds, and proponing 2-3 children to climb the drabints on the kilka (4-5) gatherings and go down. Then, at the gatherings, another subgroup is brought up, and other children are guarded.

You can climb in some way: add that change croc. Not a trace of the baby vimagati a clear separation of the lazin method. You need less stitches, so that the lazy hour is running, not letting the rails through, leaning on the rail with your whole foot, but not with your knee. You can't hang on your hands without resting on your feet.

Pozhezhni at the training

On the vіdstanі 5-6 kroіv vіd gіmnasticії vіni carried out characteristic. Vihovatel divide a group of children into 3^4 lankas (for the number of stretches of the gymnastic wall). On the skin of the walls of the mountain, on the same and the same height, move little twinkle. The first ones from the skin lanka will be on the borders to the gymnastic wall. Behind the whistleblower's signal "One, two, three - bіzhi!" children run to the gymnastic wall, climb on it and call (skin at their little twinkle, then the stench goes down and turns to their own lanka. (one by skin lanki) and shy away those who are in front of you. The game continues, docks all participants do not finish tasks one time. Win that lanka, de vyavilos more children, yakі caught the phone first.

Dopovzi to the splash

manager: set the children in the child; accept the development of independence.

Description right. Children sit on chairs, setting bridles on one of the walls of the rock, in front of them there is a kilim or a kilim path, in the end, on a gymnastic lava, or on a chair lie a bryazkaltse. Vihovatel show how you need to take crustaceans to bryazkaltsya, then prostrate, take bryazkaltse, ring, put it on the steel and turn in your own place. Children according to their will win the task.

The vihovator, who has rightly organized for the time being, is guilty of taking such little ones to the brink. If the children win the task, on the gymnastic lava you can put a sprat of bryazkaltsiv (for the number of participants, and even the whole subgroup of children can be rightly victorious).

Igrove tasks are repeated with children of the third fate of life. Do not tell the little ones to move the crustaceans, which reduces the quality of the rukhiv.


Stop (ball in the wall)

The graves stand in front of the wall for 4-5 minutes. The leader throws a ball at the wall so that he wins, bumping against the wall, jumping into it. Throwing a ball, the leader names the one whom the vin appoints to catch. Stop catching the ball on the fly, or quickly lift it up from the earth (Everyone breaks out at whom). As soon as you catch a ball, then immediately throw it back at the wall, calling a new one, what to catch, as if you lift it from the ground, then, having taken the ball, shout "Stop!" And, if everyone sings, spit, not coming off the moon, I’ll come close to a child. He takes the ball from his cherga, scream: "Stop!"- І plyamuє іnshoy. And so to the first miss. After a miss, everyone should go again to the wall, but the right to throw a ball and recognize whoever can catch, lie down with the one who missed.

Rules games. When you catch a ball, everyone roams wildly, ale, just like a ball will be spiimany and prolunaє wiguk "Stop!", due to zupinitis. Gravtsev, in which one kisses, it is allowed to vivertate, stunt, bend down, but you can’t go out of your way.

Who is the best?

Vihovatel divide a group of children into 4-5 lanoks. On one side of the kіmnati (Maidanchiki) to be carried out rice, but in the middle of the country 3 m in the middle of it are overfilled 4-5 (for a number of lanoks) same targets (Shield with a painted circle, meta, what to spin) otherwise, between two sticks, a cord is pulled, until move 4-5 hoops. Children, one by one from the skin, go to the line and throw a small bag out of the squeak, trying to drink at the goal. The one who has spent will be awarded a point. If everyone threw the little bears one time, a few points at the skin lance will be lifted. Lanka, who took off more points, is considered a winner. The group can be continued by proponing to reveal the best. For whom all the children, as if they took away a point, again throw the little bears at the target, and then from a larger distance (3.5 m, they didn’t spend at the target to go out of games, and for those who are out of stock, you can suggest a method of a smaller diameter. Grass will end if 1-2 best children are left behind.



Games with big:


"Pasta, take a stitch!"


"Party Big"

"Third Zayviy"


"My merry lads"

"Geese swans"

"Shape the figure"

"Carp and pike"


"Zustrichni perebіzhki"

"Cunning Fox"

"Empty place"


"Homeless hare"

"Two frosts"

Games with stripes:

"Don't be fooled"

Who is more beautiful stribne?


"From buy to buy"


Games with pidlazinnyam, povzannyam, lazinnyam:

Who is smarter than ensign?

"Vedmedi ta bjoli"

"Ready for training"

"Flight of Birds"


Folk games:

"Burn, burn bright"



"Baba Yaga"



"Guess who's crying?"


Games with methann talon:

"Myslivtsі and hares"

"Throw to ensign"

"Trap at the hoop"

"Beat the Skittle"

"M'yach to the leader"

"School of the ball"


"Beat the ball"


"Relay race in pairs"

"Throw the ball at the ring"

"Dorіzhka pereshkod"

"Shvidka team"

Games with magic elements:

"Who is smarter?"

Who is higher?




Target: develop spritnist, spritnist, shvidkist.Hid gri:
Children vyshikovuyutsya beyond the boundary on one side of the Maidanchik. The stench is guilty of reaching the right side so that the pasta, standing in the middle, did not drink them. Who will be salted, vvazhaetsya will be smelted. After 2-3 breaks, you can get drunk. Select a new pasta.

"Pasta, take a stitch"

Target: develop in children spritnіst, kmіtlivіst. Set at big with dodging, at catch at prompting at the colo.

Hid gri:

Gravity will be on a stake, leather will be taken off a line, like a wine will be put behind the belt or comir. At the center of the stake is pasta. At the signal "beeja", the children roar, and the pasta won't win a line from someone. Strіchki, scho having spent, enter the kill. After the signal “One, two, three, at the stake there is a bee”, the children will be at the stake. Pasta pіdrakhovuє kіlkіst stіchok i turn єїх іх іtіm. Grab a new pasta.

Rules: The pastor is guilty of taking only a line, not zatrimuyuchi roaring. Gloomy, that having spent a line, the kill comes out.

Options: choose two pastas. You can't take a line from the gravel that you have attached. The graves pass through the "path", "mistkoy", retributing through the "cupine".


Target: read the children out of the mist on the mist quickly, not to mention for the leader. Develop spritnist, swidkist ruhіv, orientation in space.

Hid gri:

Children grow white of trees, or in mugs, creased on the ground. One of the gravel, which is left in the middle, comes up to someone - and it seems: “Bear, bear, sell me your little piece.” She is guided. The leader goes with these very words to the next. At this hour, other children change jobs, and the one who leads in the middle tries to take the place of one of the quiet ones who runs over. As if for you to go in, the one who is left without a little bit, stays in the middle.

Options: as if the leader did not dare to take a seat for a long time, the leader seems to say: “Kishka!”. All children change jobs at once, the leader takes a little place. You can’t stand by your little cubby for long.

"Party Big"

Target: Read the children in pairs, without opening hands, and examine objects. Develop privacy, respect.

Hid gri:

Children stand at the columns in pairs on one side of the maidanchik beyond the boundary. On the other side of the Maidanchik, objects were placed (skittles, cubes thinly. Bud.), For a number of lanoks. At the signal of the whistleblower, the first pair of children, holding hands, run to the objects, bend around them and turn around to the end of their colony. Behind the approaching signal, there are other bets. The couple, as if they had broken their hands, are taken in such a way that they failed.

Options: bіgti іz zahlostkoy homіlka. Bіg mizh objects snake to the orientation.

"Third Zayviy"

Target: read the rules of gri, develop spritnіst that shvidkіst bіgu.

The graves melt in pairs, one by one, to the center of the stake. Leading, obliging a lichilkoy, obbigaє colo and stand in front of one pair. Gravets, which is to stand at this third couple, we will show up and tick, so that we can take a place in another couple. Under the hour, the grill cannot be passed through the colo. Graveets at the couple can stand in front of the couple and the leader can take another place.Options: Have a group to introduce another leader, which is to catch the third rabbits.


Target: read the children bigati with clenched hands into a stake and a stake, without chasing one on one, children at the signal. Develop spritnist, swidkist, orientation in space.

Hid gri:

The graves are divided into two uneven groups, the smaller group makes a colo - a micholovka, others imitate bears and know the posture of a colo. The children, who are imitating a micholovka, join hands, walk along the stake and say:

“Ah, how the mice have come,

They parted just out of passion.

Everyone grimaced, everyone ate,

Usudi lick - the axis of misfortune.

Beware of shakhrai,

We'll get to you.

Axis put micholovki,

Let's catch all at once!

After the end of the words, the children rumble and raise their chained hands up the hill. Mishі vbіgayut at the mišolovka and vіdrazu vіbіgayut from the other side. Behind the whistleblower's signal "clap!" children, who were standing in a stake, lower their hands and squat - the micholovka is slammed shut. Mishі, yakі did not catch the vibigti from the stake, vvazhayutsya spіymanimi, the stench melts at the stake.

"My merry lads"

Tsіl : read the children to follow the signal, cross from one side of the maidanchik to the other side with dodging. Develop spritnist, swidkist, orientation in space.

Hid gri:

Children stand on one side of the Maidanchik beyond the boundary. Another characteristic is also carried out on the protile botsi. At the center of the Maidan there is pasta. Gravtsі chorus vimovlyayut:

"We have fun lads,

We love bigati and jumping,

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, catch!

After the words “catch” the children run over into the next beak of the Maidan, and the catch is to catch them. The one whom the pasta has caught salting, the first time between that period, we spy, enter the kill and miss one crossing.

Options: children walk along the stake and promote the text. Pasta in the center. Rozbіgayutsya different types of bigu.

"Geese - swans"

Tsіl : read the children across from one side of the Maidan to the other, so that they don’t squabble.

Hid gri:

On one edge of the hall there is a booth, where geese are known, on the protile side of the hall there is a shepherd. On the side of the house, it’s light, in which I live for the vovk, reshta meadow. Children choose the role of a wolf, a shepherd, and other children portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese into the meadow, the stench grazes and flies.

Shepherd: geese, geese!

Geese: chirping and singing in chorus: ha-ha-ha.

Shepherd: You want to eat!

Geese: yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd: then fly home.

Geese: we can’t, sir vovk under the mountain won’t let us go home, you want to sharpen your teeth for us.

Shepherd: so fly, as if you save only wings!

The geese, spreading their wings, fly across the meadow to their home, and vovk, vibigshi z lіgva, try to spite the geese. Then, after 2-3 perebіzhok, a new shepherd is chosen.

"Shape the figure"

Tsіl : read the children of the rich and vroztich in the hall, dilyantsi. Inoculate change with a signal, develop jealousy, save unruly prose.

Hid gri:

At the signal of the swindler, all the children roam the hall. At the offensive signal (a blow at the bubo), the mustaches roar on the mist, where the team found them, and take a pose. The whistleblower is loud on the quiet, whose figures turned out to be tsikavish, the most in the distance.

Options : you can choose a leader, which is significant, whose figure is cіkavіsha and folding, quiet, who will see new figures.

"Carp and pike"

Target: read the children to walk and bigati vroztich, for a signal to hovatsya for the fireplace, sitting down on the hips. Develop spritnist, swidkist, orientation in space.

Hid gri:

One child is selected by a pike, the reshta is divided into two groups. One of them makes a kolo - tse kamіntsi, іnsha - crucian carp, which swim in the middle of the stake. The pike is in the stake pose. At the signal of the whistleblower - a pike - out quickly vbіgaє into the colo, trying to drink carp. Carp hurry to take a place for a kimono from heating and systems for a stone. Spiymani crucians go for a stake and cheer up. The game is repeated with another pike.

Options: crucian carp swim not only in stakes, but among stones, pike are on the sidelines. You can choose two pikes.


Tsіl : development of vitality of children, training of the dichal system (what is more big, it is better), training of the m'yazovo-loam apparatus.

Hid gri:

At a distance of 40-50 m, two lines can be chaired one by one (otherwise two trees / stovpi are selected). Gravts begin big at an average pace in one line (tree). Having reached the next line, the gravel turns and runs back to the first line. So they run from the line to the line of doti, the docks will not be deprived of the most important gravel - wine and water. Postupovo s gri vibuvatimut the weakest participants.

Note : so that no one wants to be respected by the weak, or among the weakest - the graves will “become in love” more and more, the skin of the world of their abilities,
what is important to achieve when running at the same distance for the next hour.

"Zustrichni perebіzhki"

Target: For children, move from one side of the Maidan to a lower pace. Develop respect, swedkіst ruhіv.

Hid gri:

Two groups of children, with equal numbers of roaring, stand on the opposite sides of the maidanchik behind the lines in the lines (the distance between the children in the line is not less than 1 meter). A skin group of children may have stitches of their color on their hands - blue, yellow. Behind the whistleblower's signal: Blue! - children with blue lines run on the opposite side, to stand opposite - stretch forward the arms and check, if you, who live, touch them with your hand. The one whom they bumped into, live on the next beak, turn around and raise their hand up to the mountain.

Options: you can add two colors - red, green.

"Cunning Fox"

Target: read the children of the bigati, not slinging one on one, children at the signal, focusing on the Maidan. Develop spritnist, shvidkist.

Hid gri:

Gravtsі to stand on a stake on the vіdstanі one krok one vіd one. The posture of the stake is the fox's booths. The widower pronounces his eyes flattened with roaring eyes, go around the stake behind the backs of children and say “I go to shukkat in the fox cunningly and the fox ore!”, - to hang out with one of the roaring ones, which becomes a cunning fox. Then the wielder pronounces his gloomy eyes and respectfully marvels at who the fox is cunning from among them, so that you can’t see yourself out there. The graves trich feed in chorus, quietly, and then we voice: “Cunning fox, children?”. With whom everyone marvels one on one. The cunning fox quickly enters the middle of the stake, raises his hand to the top, like: “I'm here!”. Mustaches grow wildly with a maidanchik, and the fox to catch them. A spied fox is led home into a hole.

Rules : the fox starts to catch children only after they feed them in chorus, and the fox says: “I'm here!”

What the fox saw before, the wielder appoints a new fox.

Gravets, what a vibig for the Maidanchik cordon, vvazhaetsya spymanim.

Options : 2 foxes are selected.

"Empty place"

Tsіl : read the children fast forward in the opposite direction Develop a quick reaction, respect.

Hid gri:

Graves melt around, put their hands on their belts, - come out all the time. The leader is selected. Vіn walk posture colo i kazhe:

“Navkolo budinochka khodzhu

I marvel at the end

Until one I will go

I tap softly."

After the word “I’m tapping” that the drive is ringing, gazing at the end and it’s like: “Knock, knock, knock.” The one who stands in front, feeds: “Who has come?” - The Leader calls his name. The one who stands at the stake, asks: “Navisho come?”, - The leader replies: “Let's run ahead of us,” - and resentment runs very quietly, who plays in different sides. If you see an empty space. The one who reaches the new one first, is left in the stake, which, having become late, becomes the leader, and the game continues.

Options: the leader just walks for a stake and puts his hand on the shoulder of a comrade, with him and runs at a different direction, trying to take an empty place.


Tsіl : read the children to walk on the stake, holding hands to the right, to the left. Repeat the ruhi after the leader. Develop respect, memory, creativity.

Hid gri:

A leader-vitivnik is chosen, who gets up at the center of the stake, the children's blessings. Holding hands, children walk along the stake and chant:

"Rivnim stake one by one

We go for the croc croc.

Stay on the mission together

Let's do this…”

The children stutter, lower their hands, and the winding-worker shows what a move, and repeat all the blame. The game is repeated with another quilt.

"Homeless hare"

Tsіl : read children richly fast, try to take a house Develop respect, quickness of reaction to a signal.

Hid gri:

That homeless hare is chosen. Other hares to arm their own mugs and skins stand at their own. The homeless hare tikaє vіd thought, vіn can vryatuvatisya vіd mislivtsya, zabіgshi in some kind of group, then the rabbit, standing at the group, is guilty of ticking at once, more now the homeless hare and thoughtful yogo catch. As soon as a wise hare has salted a hare, he himself becomes a hare, and a large hare becomes a wise man.

Options Children make a stake, holding hands by 3-4 children, and hares stand in the center of such a stake.

Children stand at stakes, painted earth. At the signal of the wobbler, the hares change with little bunnies - they run from one to the next, and the wise man borrows any bunny, which, when he calls, who, having left without a bud, becomes a wise man.

"Two Frosts"

Tsіl : read the children to cross over from one side of the maidan to the other, dodge the pasta, follow the signal, take an unruly posture. Develop a business card, respect. Close the bіg from the overwhelm of the gomіlka, the gallop.

Hid gri :

On the opposite sides of the Maidanchik, two budinkas are indicated, one of them contains graves. In the middle of the Maidanchik, the faces of the leaders are before them - Frost-chervony nіs, vіn kazhe:

“I am Frost - Chervony nis.

Who cares about you

Take a path on the road?

Children sing in chorus:

“We are not afraid of threats and the frost is not terrible for us”

As soon as the stench crosses the Maidanchik to another booth, the frost swells them and tries to freeze them. Frozen zupinyayutsya on that mist, de їх having caught the frost, and stand like that until the end of the run. Frost pidrakhovuє, skilki roaming far away when you freeze. It’s safe that they’re gloomy, they’ve gone out of the house before the signal, or they’ve lost it after the signal, they also get frozen.

Options : gra prot_kaє just like that, like in front, but in it there are two frosts (Frost-Chervoniy nіs and Frost-Blue nis)

My two brothers are young, I am Frost - Blue nis.

Two frosts are far away

I'm Frost-Chervoniy nis, Let me go on the road-road?

IGRI WITH haircuts

"Don't be fooled"

Target: read the children around the halls vroztich, fasten on cubes, benches without the help of hands, fasten from them easily on socks, bend up your legs. Shut down the children for the signal. Develop spritnist, shvidkist.

Hid gri:

The pasta is selected, as if running across the hall at once from the children. Like only a whistleblower, say: “Catch!” - everyone ticks like pasta and picks up on objects - lava, cubes, hemp. The pasta is smeared with salt and is quiet as it ticks. Children, like a pastoralist, come in at the foolish place.

Options: 2 pastes are chosen, they are filled with different types of big, vicarious musical signal.

Who is more beautiful stribne?

Tsіl b: develop swidkіst ruhu, spritnіst, vchiti stribati exactly on the spot of the place.

Hid gri:

Children come up to the crossed earth line and stribayut far away. Whoever cut the distance, won that one.

Rules : follow stribati on two legs, land on scarves.


Tsіl : read the children on two legs, standing on the floor, landing on the scarpets with their legs up. Develop spritnist, shvidkist, okomir.

Hid gri:

Children stand on a stake, at the center of the vihovatel. Vіn trimaє in the hands of a hank, at the end of the bindings, a small bag from piskom. The wiggler wraps the hank over the coat, the children strut on two legs uphill, so that the teddy bear does not lace up their legs. Having described 2-3 stakes, pause to fight, and get drunk.

Options : those children, who were evil, come out of the forest

"From buy to buy"

Tsіl : read the children to move from one side of the Maidan to the other side with streaks from the cups to the bushes for two or one nose Develop the strength of the mail, in the meantime save the rivnaga on the bush, spritnist.

Hid gri:

There are two lines to cross the earth - two banks, between like a swamp. Graves are borne in pairs to one and the other birch. The vihavatel should be placed on the marshes of the bush (flat kіltsya) with different sizes of each other: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 cm. Two children, at a signal, shove from bushes to bushes, walking with two feet or one, not standing between bushes, trying to get over to the shore. The one who stumbles is deprived in the swamp. A couple comes out. If all the zavdannya are taken, the wielder appoints to whom the children are to be taken out of the swamp. That one gives a hand to a viscous child and shows with her hair the way out of the swamp.

Options : zmagannya: “Who is smarter to cross the swamp”

Who will kill less stribkіv?

Tsіl : read children stribati in dozhina, roblyachi strong wave of arms, vіdshtovhuyuchis and landing on hurt legs Develop the strength of the post, zmіtsnyuvati m'yazi nіg.

Hid gri:

Two lines are marked on the Maidanchik with a 5-6 meter winder. A dekilka of children get up to the first line and, on a signal, shoot to another line, trying to reach it for less stribkiv. Spread the legs of the troch and land softly on hurt legs.

Options : reduce the distance to 10m. (for the average 8-10 stribkiv).


Tsіl : develop vminnya stribati on one (right or left) nose, shoving an object in front of you; focus on the fringed maidan, straighten your haircuts with the size of the clitin. Develop okomir, excellence.

Hid gri:

On the ground, to christen the stars “class” from 6-8 cells (in the 2nd row, 3-4 cells each), in the rest of the cells there is a small beer - “fire”. The child throws a flat chimney, a tile in the first cage, and then we striba up to it on one leg. Vіn maє here zupinitisya, take a small fireplace and continue stribati until the end. Then we mend haircuts, throwing a fireplace at a friend’s cell, and so on.

If the child did not go far to dine with a fireplace at the need of a cell, otherwise, at the hour of the streak, it came to the line, then the group continues the offensive gravel. If a small fireplace falls at the “fire” or a child stands with his foot on the “fire” line, then he is guilty of starting a group - throw a small fireplace, starting from the first cell.

First option The games “Klasi” can be arranged for the rahunok of the fact that children do not take up to their hands the little stone thrown by them (or a tile), but move their foot from the clitin to the clitin. If the child did not get far enough to put the little stone across the line, then the group will continue the next one. It will end if you eat a child with a fireplace at all the clitins far away.

Klitini-“classy” can be stashed and in a different way, for example, for tucking one at a time and two at a time, or each with a “rawl” stake. The principle of gri is overwhelmed.



Who is smarter than ensign?

Tsіl b: read the children to follow the signal, stribati on two legs with moving forward, climb under the arc in a manual way, bend forward. Develop in the mind, move on, pass the baton.

Hid gri :


"Vedmedi ta bjoli"

Tsіl : read the children to climb the gymnastic walls, climb on the benches, cubes without the help of hands, stribuvati on the scarpets, on the raised legs, bigati vroztich. Develop spritnіst, smilіvіst, shvidkіst.

Hid gri :

Children are divided into two equal groups: one - bjoli, the other - vedmedi. On the gymnastic wall, lava, cubes there is a vulik, on the other side - a bow, on the side - barlig vedmediv. Behind the mental signal, the bjoli hover from the hillock, jiggle and fly to the meadow for honey. Like only bjoli fly to the meadow for honey, vedmedi vibigayut іz barlogi, climb from the vuliks and caress the honey. The Vihovator gives a signal: "Vedmіd!". Bjoli fly to the vuliki, trying to squeeze the vedmediev, they tick at the barlig. Stung vedmedi miss one game. After 2-3 repetitions, children change roles.

"Ready for training"

Target: teach children to climb the gymnastic walls in a manual way, without missing the slats and not stribayuchi. Develop the work of the hands of that nig, swedkity, spritnist.

Hid gri:

Children will be in 3-4 colonies to the gymnastic wall - tse zhezhniki.

On the skin, at the same height, twines move. Behind the signal of the whistleblower - a blow at the bubo and the words: “March!”, - children, like the first at the column, run to the wall, climb it, ring at the twinkles, go down, then turn around to their column and stand at the end. The vikhovatel is quiet, who is the most victorious task. Let's send a signal to others to stand at the column. Keep track of them, so that the children do not miss the reiki, do not shoot.

"Flight of Birds"

Target: to improve the skills of children climbing the gymnastic wall uphill and down, not missing the crossbars, vikoristovuyuchi krok, scho cherguetsya.

Hid gri:

Children stand freely on one side of the maidanchik, opposite the gymnastic wall with a sack of stretches. Behind the signal "the birds have flown" - they run with a Maidanchik, the signal "storm" - climb onto the descend. There are few streaks, a lot of children who are warming, separating, so we got a lot of time at gatherings (3-4 children per sally).Rules: bіgati on the whole Maidanchik, do not stand against the wall; climb on a free field, doing one to one; climb to the end, not stribayuchi.


Target: enclose the children to climb into the hoop, raise the legs by 10 cm, develop spritnist.

Hid gri:

Children are rabbits. By three-chotiri, the stench rises at the stake, daubing on the ground (at the great hoop), - tse klіtina. In front of the skin clitin there is a hoop on a support, or tying up to two stiltchiks (the height of the lower edge above the ground is 10 cm) or a great stilets. The widower walks hand-by-hand to the door and releases the rabbits - the stink of climbing into the hoop or running under the stylet and stribayut. On a signal: "Rabbits in the kіtiny!" - Turn around, climb into the hoop.

Rules: rabbits climb less than once, if a whipper comes up to them; climbing into the hoop, it is the fault of one to one to one, not to shtovhatisya.


"Burn, burn bright"

Target: to set the children at the mine independently to change the rush directly from the change of the timbre zabarvlennya of music. Vikhovuvati organization, develop spritnist, shvidkist.

Hid gri: The children are vishikovuyuschisya pair by pair. The leader stands in front. Youmu is not allowed to look around. Mustache sleep:Burn, burn brightSchob did not go out.Look at the skyBirds fly, little tinkles ring!When the song ends, the children, like standing in the rest of the pair, split up and get around to stand in pairs (one left-handed, the other right-handed). The stinks are trying to gather hands. The leader, at his side, tries to evil someone from the quiet, who lives. Spymany becomes the leader of the first couple, and the one who lost without a bet becomes the leader of the new one. Well, if a couple starts to hit the ground earlier, the leading one has caught someone evil, then this couple stays in front, the game continues with a large number of leaders.


Tsіl : look at the text of the song. Walk on the stake, holding hands, in a calm, round dance. Vmiti expand and ring out. Read the streak big.

Hid gri:

Children stand on a stake. At the center of the "sun" is a child.

Burn brighter sun Children walk

Summer will be more special. by stake.

I am warm winter Go to the center.

And spring is sweet 3 center back.

And the winter is warm At the center.

And spring is sweet. Back.

After the word "sun" (catching) to catch children.


Target: vchiti crumble to the dance character of the music and convey the text of the song. Vmiti expand and ring out. Vіdpratsovuvati shotgun rock and raznomanіtnі znayomі dansyuvalnі ruhi.

Hid gri:

Children stand on a stake. One child, a raven, is selected behind the scenes (it will stand at the side if together from the mustache).Oh, lads, ta-ra-ra!There is a mountain on the mountain,( children to go to the center of the stake with a breeze ) And on that mountain there is an oak tree,And on oak virva.( in the same way, the children go back, expanding the colo, and depleting the “crow” at the center) Raven in red shoes,With gilded earrings.
(crow dance, children repeat yoga ruhi)Black raven on oak,Vin graє at the pipe.The pipe is sharpenedgilded,harn pipe,The song is composed.From the end of the song, the "raven" winks out of the stake, mustache the eyes. The raven hugs the stake, sticks around its back, and stays in the stake itself. From the cob of a child's song, until they bumped, they became a raven.

"Baba Yaga"

Target: continue to read the strong game, develop creativity, conveying a playful image.

Hid gri:

Gravity choose Baba - Yaga. Vaughn is at the center of the stake. Children walk on the stake and sleep:

Baba Yaga, brush leg, - Children walk

She fell into a rough place, broke her leg. - by stake.

I went to the city, yelled at the people. - Go to the center.

Went to hell - 3 kola back.

Picked up a bunny.

When the songs of the children grow up, Baba Yaga catches the children.


Target: to make children feel comfortable walking with a springy crock, raising their legs high, walking easily, walking with a stomping crock. Ruhi convey the character of the music

Hid gri:

Children get up one by one and sleep:

Ishla centipede

On a dry road.

Raptom dripping planks: cap!

- Oh, get forty paws wet!

Easy big.

I don't need undead,

I'll go around Kalyuzh.

I won’t bring brood at the booths,

I'll shake my skin with my paw.

Walk, lift your legs high

Stand up, shake your right leg

left foot

Ishla centipede

dry path

I blunted sweat

- Oh, what kind of grim paws!

Walk like a "train" with a spring crock.

Walk like a stomping crock


Tsіl : vikhovuvat organization, develop spritnist, shvidkist.

Hid gri:

Gravtsі rob two children. One is tied with a thin eye, the other is given a bubo (or a twinkle); then we will lead a round dance around them and sing:

Little twins, bubots,

The youngsters called.


Guess, zvіdki zvіn?

The sound of these words begins to ring with a tambourine and go to the stake, and the blind man's blind man's buff is smeared with malice.

Like only a blind man's blind man sings yoga, they are changed by other graves. Gra continue.

"Guess who's crying?"

Tsіl : develop timbre hearing in children.

Hid gri:

Children stand at the stake. At the center, the leader is “vedmіd”. Children walk along the stake and sleep:

witch, witch,

We have come to you

We have come to you

They brought honey.

"Vedmіd" walk transshipment.

Children stretch out their hands forward, with their hands uphill, prod the honey to the bear.

witch, witch,

Take away the honey

Take away the honey

Guess who's cry?

"Vedmid" is honey.

Witch flatten your eyes. The grown-up proponu (pointing at the child) call the bear. Child, whom they chose, it seems: “Vedmіd!”. "Vedmіd" is trying to guess the one who called it.


Tsіl : to bring love up to folklore, to develop self-regulation and good behavior.

Hid gri:
The leader takes the hoop in his hands. All participants sit on the lava, fold the arms with a bell and put them on the knees. The leader bypasses children and skin deposits at the palm of his hand, and he uses wine:
“I’m walking along the mountain, I’m carrying a ring! Guess, lads, where did the gold fall?To one of the graves, the leader unfailingly put a hoop in the hands. Then let's go to the kilka krokiv in the wake of lavi and sing the words:Ring, ring,Look for the ganok!Who z ganka ziyde,Find that ring!The head of the grave, who is in the hands of the kіltse, gathers from lavi and enters, and the children, as if to sit entrusted, are guilty of guessing who has it buried, and try, priming with their hands, not to let that grave. For example, the gravity of the ring does not go into the stream, the wine turns to the leading ring. And as a zoom in, we become a new leader and continue the group.


"Myslivtsі and hares"

Target: read the children stribati on two legs with the protrusion forward vroztich, children at the signal. Close up throwing a ball, trying to drink to the hares. Develop spritnist, okomir.

Hid gri:

The wise man is chosen, the children are reshta - hares. From one side of the Maidanchik there is a place for prayer, from the other house of hares. Mislivets to walk around the hall, all the while, jokingly follow the hares, and then turn to yourself. Hares hang on two legs, or on the right, on the left, on the other side of the other straight lines. Behind the signal: "Mislivets!" - hares are ticking at the booths, and the hares are throwing a ball at them. Those, in whom they have drunk wine, they are shot at by shots, and they take them from their booths.

option s : myslivtsіv can be 2-3, and there are no hares at home, the stench just dodges from the ball

"Throw for the ensign"

Target: read the children to throw the little bears in the distance with the right, with the left hand behind the head, swear, so that the little bear will fly away. Develop the strength of the kid, okomir. Zmitsnyuvati m'yazi shoulder girdle.

Hid gri:

Children stand in two lines one by one, in the hands of the first line of a small bag with a squeak. In front of the wind 4-5m. to stand alone as a spiel of the ensigns. Children at once throw little bears over their heads with two hands, or with one hand, trying to throw them over the line of ensigns. Then the children pick up the little bears, and they give them to their couple. In the fall, the line advances, the results are aligned.

Options: you can transfer your little bears to the exchangers.

"Trap at the hoop"

Tsіl : read the children to throw the little bears with a squeak at the horizontal throw, kissing with the right and left hand. Develop an okomir, accuracy of a throw.

Hid gri:

Children stand on a stake with a diameter of 8-10m. through one, in the hands of a small bag with a peep. At the center of the stake lie a hoop. At the signal of the whistleblower, the children, like waving little bears in their hands, pass on to their comrades the right-handed people for housekeeping. Having taken off the little bears, the children throw them, trying to drink up to the hoop. Then the children pick up the little bears and turn to their place in the ring. A new moon signal, and the children pass on the little bears to their vessels - to other numbers too soon.

Options: throw two little bears, with one hand behind their heads, sitting, standing on their knees.

"Beat the Skittle"

Target: read the children to roll the ball, hitting the skittle with a distance of 1.5-2m. Develop okomir, the strength of the kid.

Hid gri:

There are 3-4 kitchens to be seated on one side of the hall, and skittles to be placed in them. On the vіdstanі 1.5-2m. in them, designate a line with a cord. 3-4 children come to the line, stand in front of the pins, take a ball and a kitten, trying to hit the pin. We will sweat, put up skittles, take balls and bring them to the coming children.

Options : throw the ball with your right, left hand, kick with your foot

"M'yach to the leader"

Target: teach children to catch the ball, throwing hands, not pressing up to the chest. Throw the ball with two hands over the breasts. Develop okomir, motor skills of hands, speed, accuracy of the throw.

Hid gri:

Children are divided into 2-3 groups and are placed in a colo, in the center of the skin cola there is a leader with a ball in his hands. At the signal of the leader, the leader throws the ball over the children's eyes with two hands in the chest and takes it back. If the ball hits all the gravity, then lift it over your head and say: “Done!”.

Options: the ball, if you know, is thrown out of order, but in a different way, the group wins, at which the ball never falls.

"School of the ball"

Target: close the memory of children to win over different things from the ball. Develop coordination of movements, okomir, spritnist.

Hid gri:

Throw the ball uphill and slander him with one hand. Hit the ball on the ground and evil with one hand. Lift up the mountain, shake in the valley and slander him with both hands. Hit the wall and slander him with one hand. Strike against the wall, evil him with one hand, after that, like a wine, hit the ground. Hit the ball against the wall, flash in the valley and slander with one hand. Hit the ball against the wall in such a way that you hit it under the hood of your partner, who is guilty of drinking yoga. Hit the ball against the wall, throwing Yogo from behind your back, from behind your head, from behind your legs and evil Yogo.


Target: read the children to throw the wooden kiltsya, throw them on the “cue” (wooden club), develop peace, okomir.

Hid gri:

Play two. One by one, throwing a wooden cue after help, and another to catch them on a cue, you can pick them up with your hand and catch them on your hand, and then we’ll beat the cue. Win the one who saves more money.

Options: with a great number of graves, children are divided into a bet and they become one against one with a wind of 3-4m.

"Beat the ball"

Target: zakriplyuvat vminnya children throw the little teddy bear at the horizontal throw with the right and left hand, finishing the throwing technique.

On one side of the maidanchik, a characteristic is carried out, on it put 3-4 stools (or boxes) per 1 m2, one per one. On the skin stool put a ring of serso, and on the new one - a great ball. One characteristic is carried out on the 2-meter line, and another characteristic is carried out on the 3-meter line. The graves are divided into 3-4 sub-groups and will form another inter-column before the ball. Two bears of the same color are given to the skin column (it is a grave responsibility to remember the colors of your bears). Behind the signal: "Kick the ball!" - to stand at the columns with the first throw with your right hand a small bag at your own ball, and then from the near mezhі-another small bag with your left hand. If someone runs after the little bears, they pass them on to the attackers, and they themselves stand at the end of the colony. For the skin in the distance, a throw (hit by a ball) grabs an ensign of the same color as the bears. That column wins, as it takes more ensigns.


"Relay race in pairs"

Target: read children bigati in pairs, holding hands, trying to run to the finish line ahead of your superniks. Develop vitrivality, spritnist.

Hid gri:

Children stay at 2 colonies in pairs per line on one side of the Maidan. Landmarks on the protilezhny boat. At the signal of the first bet, holding hands, run to the landmarks, run around them and turn to the end of the colony. That column plays, gravitation like a quick wink of the task, that does not break hands for the hour of the big.

Options: children stand with their backs one to one and spit with their elbows.

"Bring the ball in without chaining the pin"

Target: continue reading children stribati on two legs from protruding ahead.

Hid gri:

The participants are divided into two teams. The start and finish lines are marked on the line 14-16 m, one in one, two or three pins are installed in the center. Directly, the teams squeeze between their feet (more like a knee) a volleyball or stuffing ball. On a signal, straight ahead, start moving forward with streaks, bending the pins in such a manner that you don’t catch them and, having reached the opposite line of the start, pass the balls to the straight lines of the columns. So the mustache is grave. The participants, as if they finished the baton, are like columns. The team wins, it's better to finish the baton.

Rules: as if the ball had fallen on the ground, it is necessary to pick it up, squeeze it with your feet and just continue the baton.

"Throw the ball at the ring"

Target: continue to read the children and throw the ball at the vertical throw (kilce). Develop an okomir, accuracy of a throw.

Hid gri:

BeforeTeams were sent one column one at a time in front of basketball backboards with a winder 2-3 meters. After the signal, the first number wins the throw of the ball along the ring, then we put the ball, and the other grave also takes the ball and throws it in the ring and so on. That team wins, the one that got the most from the ring.

"Dorіzhka pereshkod"

Tsіl : continue reading children stribati on two legs from protruding ahead; to improve the navitch prolaze under the arcs; improve coordination of movements.

Hid gri:

Children stand at the two columns and beat the head of the vikhovator according to his will. If the zavdannya until the end is finished, the graveman passes the baton to the offensive, grunting yoga on the lap.

1) Pass with a deck.
2) Climb under the arcs.
3) Haircuts from hoop to hoop.

Rules: it is necessary to catch the offensive gravel, if the forward gravel takes over the baton to the end.

"Shvidka team"

Target: the development of spritnostі and swidkostі, vminnya ruhati in different ways fringed with a winding path, saving the rіvnovaga and swidkіst ruhu, shaping the navychok gri in the team, improving the rukhovy dosvіdu.

Hid gri:

Two equals for the number of participants in the team will be at the start. The start of the beginning of the participant for No. 1 The relay race will end if the whole team leans on the next end of the track.


Who swvids propovze through the hoop to ensign?

Target: read the children to follow the signal, stribati on two legs with the forwards, climb under the arc in a manual way, bend forward. Develop in the mind, move on, pass the baton.

Hid gri:

Children are divided into equal colonies. Arcs or hoops can be placed on the 2nd line between the 2m lines, you can stretch the cord, then on the 3m line. put ensigns on bases. The order is given: at the signal of the widowmaker, the vikonati will step forward in an arc, then with haircuts on two legs we will reach the ensign, go around it and turn like a fugitive into the end of our colony.

Options Axis: to introduce a fold: the skein is stretched at a height of 60 cm, the children are not guilty, sticking their hands out of the way, under the cord, under the cord.

"Who is smarter?"

Tsіl : development of spritnostі, shvidkostі, coordination of ruhіv, vminnya dіyati at the team; set at vikonannі stribkiv in different ways.

Hid gri :

In the relay race, take part 2 - 4 teams. All vishikovuyutsya from one side of the bag, the skin team - on the contrary, a simple geometric figure. Following the signal of the leading first, the participants of the team begin to change hands with their stripes in order - from the number 1 to the number 5; vykonavshi zavdannya, vystribuyut _ from the bag from the right side. At the end of the hour, before the start, the offensive participant of the team is turned on. Having finished the baton, the teams take turns on the protilezhny botsі kulka. The baton is repeated - the children are waving haircuts at the return order.

Options: haircuts on one nose; haircuts on 2 legs from a ball (bear) between a kolіn.

Who is higher?

Tsіl : navchannya pіdskokam, zmіtsnennya rukovoi apparatus.

Hid gri:

Children, who are playing, stand at the stake, in the center of which there is a stirrer, or in one line on the stand of a wrought hand, one in front of the stirrer. At the signal of the whistleblower’s command, the children in good faith, walking with two feet, try to win the yakomog more. The helper is vyznayetsya for kіlkom haircuts.


Target: read the children, throw the rings on the pips, try to throw the biggest ring. Develop okomir, spritnist, vitrimka.

Hid gri:

Children are housed, scallops are thrown at the skin, they stand in the order of blackness for the first line, throw scallops on skeins. After that, like a mustache of graves, the head of the family will be buried, who will throw more money on the pegs.

Options : children get up after another line and throw rings of stars. Kiltsekidi can be flat, small roses.

Ruhomі igri for older preschoolers

Butova Yuliya Viktorivna, instructor in physical culture, trainer of the MKDOU nursery school No. 6 "Yagidka", m. Kirov, Kaluzka region.
Description: This material will be for children's nursery school teachers, physical education instructors, teachers of cob classes.
- Stimulation of rukhovo activity of children.

physical education preschoolers:
Vaccinate children under the hour of the day to make up your own hands with the hands of other children.
Vikonuvati di ї vіdpovіdno before showing the number of verbal statements.
Dotrimuvatsya given directly ruhu.
Correctly coordinate the work of the hands that nіg pіd hour bіgu.
Learn easy to bigati.
Udoskonalyuvat big іz subjects.
Formovat vminnya take care of the correct setting for the hour of the day.
Develop in children vitrivality in the process of trival bigu
Adopt the development of the organs of the respiratory system, enrich the body with sourness with the help of natural inputs of walking, running.
Develop children's interest in sports activities.
Formuvati pragnennya reach meti (result) - "achieve", "achieve", "reshare".
Awaken the desire to reach the singing results.
Set the bіgu at the same time with the haircuts.

Games with big insurance for children of good physical training: senior and pre-school groups.
Vihіdnі pіdnі vіdnі dіtey pіd іg іgor: standing, walking, аbіg аn hour іd 1,5 tо 2 hvilin, bіg аt а short interval аn hour tо vykonannya chi іnshgo іnshgo danny аt grі.
Classes are carried out in the gym at the gym, in the air, so these games are intensive - it is not recommended to carry out the winter on the air.
The games are held with a great amplitude of movement, from the included big, to increase the quickness of the reaction, the quickness, and the actions of the vibrancy.
Stimulate the movement activity of children with toys: conduct games with balls, sacks, hoops, win special equipment (deck, weight, doshka, parkan).
Rolling games with big games (teams, relay races) with toning and training challenges are held on the floor, which helps to bring children together.

Gris description: Instructor to lead the land lines - the tracks. Gravts run over them one by one, timid turns, taking care of each other. Walk and fight (following the instructions of the instructor) exactly stepping on the line, do not conquer one to one. Grass can be spent with any number of children. The length of the road can be quite long, but not less than 3 meters. Qiu Gru can be carried out as a magic for two teams.
Gris rules: It is necessary to walk along the road, as if stepping on the line, do not quarrel one to one and do not rush to the grave to run ahead.

Children take one hand, appeasing the lance. In front of the lansyug, there is an instructor. Won to live, groaning at all the participants in the forest, on the run describing various positions: on the stake, on the trees, the roblyachs turn sharply, re-string through the crossroads. The steel gravel vibrates from the gry. Grati in tsyu gru can be-yakoy pori rock.
Gris rules: Gravtsi owe mіtsno trimat one one by the hand, or a belt (but not clothes), so that the snake does not break. Gravtsі owe to repeat the ruhi of the leader (instructor). The instructor is not guilty of big shvidko.
gri option: Following the instructor's signal, the gravitational gravitators can break out, and then pick up, turning to their own place.

baby dragon

Gris description: Children take one by one by the belt, appeasing the lansyug - the dragon's tail. In front of the lancet, there is an instructor - the head of a dragon. Won to live, hooting at all the participants in the gris, on the bіgu describe various positions: on the stake, on the trees, the roblyachi turn sharply, to drink your tail. Gravtsі, yakі drank to the hands of the leader - the instructor, vvazhayutsya spіymanimi. The steel gravel vibrates from the gry. Grati in tsyu gru can be-yakoy pori rock.
Gris rules: Gravtsi owe mіtsno trim one one by the belt (but not clothes), so that the dragon does not burst. Gravtsі owe to repeat the ruhi of the leader (instructor). The instructor is not guilty of big shvidko.


Gris description: All the participants of the gri melt in pairs of faces, one to one, and they join hands - all the gates. Children from the rest of the wager pass or pass (for housekeeping on the cob) under the gate and stand in front of the colony, followed by the steam. Grass will end if all the graves pass under the gates.
Gris rules: Try to get through as necessary so as not to lock the gate. Passing at the gate, children hold each other by the hand.
gri option: The gates can be different in height: less on the shoulders, less on the waist. Thim lower the gate, it is more important to pass under them. Folding option - if children, passing at the gate, carry objects.

Empty space

Gris description: The graves stand at the stake on the bench, one on the other, and choose the leader with the help of a lichilka. Starting the grue, win the gravitation, cry one of them and follow the bigti far along the stake. Zalyamovaniya gravets shvidko bіzhit near protilezhny vіd leading bіk. Whoever among them is the first to reach a free mission in a time, that one will borrow yoga, and the one who is late becomes the leader.
Gris rules: Gravci run less for the stake, not for the stake. Gravtsі, yakі to stand at the stake, not guilty to zatrimuvat gravtsіv, scho to live. Like children, at once they go to the free month, the stinks both get up at the ring and a new leader is chosen as a lichilka.

Third zayviy

Gris description: The graves melt in pairs, one by one, to the center of the stake. Leading, obliging a lichilkoy, obbigaє colo and stand in front of one pair. Gravets, which is to stand at this third couple, we will show up and tick, so that we can take a place in another couple.
Gris rules: Under the hour, the grill cannot be passed through the colo. Graveets at the couple can stand in front of the couple and the leader can take another place.
gri option: Have a group to introduce another leader, which is to catch the third rabbits.

Konyachki and the coachman

Gris description: All participants in the grill are divided into triplets, the skin trio has one coachman and two horses. In the course of the game, the instructor gives different commands, they beat the horses, and the coachman respectfully marvels that the horses are kicking the horses. Cognacs walk in a crochet, run at a gallop along a stake, turn right-handed, left-handed. To the words: “Kinki, in different sides!” - the coachman let out the carriages, and the cognacs are swept up by the maidan. To the words: “Find your coachman!” - stink yaknaishvidshe know your coachman. Threesome wins, as if it were more swept together. With repeated acne, the coachman changes in the skin trinity. Well, at the trinity, all the graves were coachmen - the gra will end.
Gris description: On one side of the Maidanchik, a colo (with a diameter of about one meter) is christened - a place for the leader. At the distance of 20 - 30 meters from the stake, on the protilezhny end of the Maidanchik, a line is drawn, behind it stand grimly. Leading, standing with your back to the graves, loudly say: “Sweetly croque, marvel, don’t stop ... Stop!” If you say a few words, move swiftly forward to the leader, to the word "Stop!" - Zavmirayut on mistsi. The leader looks round and, remembering the one who did not chirp at all times and uttered the words "Stop!" ruh, turn the place for the line. The leader is turning again and, as the words are grie, gravit, go ahead. Play until quiet feast, until one of the participants stands with two feet in the leader’s stake, the first leader will say the word “Stop!” The one who has grown tse, becomes a leader, and the game is repeated.
Gris rules: The leader is not allowed to look around earlier, having said the word “Stop!” Mustache words need to be promoted loudly and at whatever pace. Gravtsі can repair ruh overnight with words and only a little. Gravtsі, yakі break the rules, vibuvayut іz gri.
Gris description: Children choose two leaders, one of them is a cloak, the other is a weaver. The other children are paired up in a circle or pivkolom guise to the center. Children in pairs take one by the hand and shake the gate. Gravets - a clerk stands at another bet, and gravevets - a weaver at the first bet. At the signal of the grave - the weaver is grave - the clerk begins to beat with a snake, not letting the gate through, and the weaver kicks him. Yakshcho gravets - a weaver on the back of a grave - a clerk of the first, lower vin to reach the end of pivkol, vin becomes a clerk. The child, like a baker, goes to the cob of the beer, chooses the first bet and gets up with it on the prolezhny end of the beer. Gravets, scho lost without a bet, becomes a weaver. Well, if a gravel - a clerk to reach the rest of the gates and there will be no spijmany, then the stench of the gravel - weavers will become the remaining gates, and the first couple will repair the grue. One of the engravers is a bettor, and the other is a weaver.
Gris rules: Gravets - chovnik starts the game less at the weaver's signal. Vіduchі not guilty, probіgayuchi under the gate, pіpati children with their hands and shtovhati їх.

Kіshka that bear

Gris description: The gut and the bear are chosen as a lichlka. Other graves take one by one by the hand and shake the colo. The gut is behind the stake, and the bear is at the stake. Gravets - the gut is trying to go into the colo and drink the grave - a bear, but the graves close in front of it. She tries to pidl_zti under the gate, gravitate to squat and do not let her into the colo. If, nareshti, gravel - the gut will get into the colo, the grave will open the gate and give the opportunity to win from the stake to the grave of the bear. And gravel - the intestines, on the other hand, do not let out of the stake. As soon as the gut sips a bear, then the stench gets up at the colo, and the gravel picks up other leaders.
Gris rules: A gravel-gut can spit a gravel-bear, like at a stake, so for a stake. Gravtsі can open the gate only gravitsu - bears.
Gris options:
At midnight, the children, according to the stake, change their heads first in one, then in the next day, with their hands lowered. Conductive graves run freely, children do not steal.
One hour you can make two bets, but in the same fall you can catch a grave - a gut to catch only one grave - a bear.

Teddy bear and two intestines

Gris description: For cієї gris, it is necessary to choose two intestines and one bear. The graves stand at the stake and hold hands. On the opposite sides of the stake, the gates open, gravel - the intestines run in at the stake and vibrate out of the new gate at the gate. In front of the grave - a bear, the grave will make a gate. As one of the graves - the intestines, the grave - a bear, the stench gets up at the stake, and the other grave follows the group with other graves - the leading ones.
Gris rules: Gravtsі - guts can run up less at the gate. It is not possible to open the gates and shtovhati children.

Gra 1

Preparation. On the platform, sit a stake with a diameter of 2 m.

Peremagae gravel, such a zoom to win a superman for the intercola, or to stumble, stumble, and thus bring the team a point. Peremagay team, gravtsі yakoї zdobuli great number of victories.

Grie rules: 1. Rules are defended from the back of the hand. 2. The duel will end in a vnichyu, as if insulting the graves stooped down the posture between the stakes at once. 3. Play until that hour, until you play the role of warriors. 4. Captains also fight among themselves (stop).

Gra 2

Preparation. Gravtsі podіlyayutsya on kіlka teams. The skin, with its blackness, navpil. The teams are cheering one against one behind the lines. Gravtsy, like ocholyuyut teams on one side of the maydanchik, are given on the relay club (tennis ball).

The relay race will end, if the teams are commemorated by missions on the Maidan.

The team that wins is the first to remember the missions.

Gree rules: 1. The relay starts after the team. 2. It is necessary to round the column right-handedly and then pass the baton to the grave, like a viyshov to the right. 3. In order to increase the vanity, you can conduct a game with subway crossings: a grave, which leaned on the protilezhny bots, after the transfer of the baton, to live there again, the stars started the big.

Gra 3

Preparation. For mushrooms, a bollard with a length of 3-4 m is needed, at the end of which tyings are small, filled with peas or piss. Inode for grie victorious to make a great jump rope. Tse vudka, for help, like a fisherman (leader) to catch fish (other roars). Mustaches are melting at the stake, and the leader - at the middle of the stake with a skein in his hands.

Zmist gri. Option 1. The leader wraps a skein with a little bear so that he scoots along the path, roblyachi kolo after stalk under roaring legs. The stench is respectful to follow the hand of a little bear and subscribing, so that the wines are not chained to any of them. The one who is hooked up with a small bag or a skein, stands in the middle and starts wrapping the skein, and the more leading one goes to the same place in the colo.

Two or three gravels win, but the rest are lost.

Grie rules: 1. Gravetets vvazhaetsya spymanim at that fluke, as if the motuzka stumbled on his leg no more than a homilkostop. 2. Graves under the hour of stribkiv are not allowed to approach the leader. 3. That grave, which the hank has hooked, vibuvaє z gri.

Option 2 (command). Gravtsі, scho to stand on a stake, rozrakhovuetsya for the first or the other and put together commands. The leader (like in option 1) is the same. Gravets, like a hank has been hooked, raises his hand uphill: he will bring his team a penalty point. After a skin pardon, the rahunok is loudly voiced.

The team will win in the GR, so after 2-4 hv the gri took less penalty points.

The rules of the game are your own, which is the case for option 1.

Gra 4

Preparation. The participants of the grill are divided into two equal teams; Behind the foal one team is assigned stribuns, the other - tsyatki. A rosette is roaming on the Maidan. At 1 m from the front cordon of the Maidan, a starting line is drawn (for runners), and in front, after 3 m - another starting line (for tribunes). In front of the main line (10-12 m in front of it) there should be a chair with a width of 1.5-2 m.

Zmist gri. Following the teacher's command "To the start!" chotiri graves from the teams of tribunes take a place for another line. Behind them, as soon as the nearest line to the wall, four teams of fives stand at the potilice. For the command "Uvaga!" stribuns and chickens take the position of a high start, and after the command "March!" mustache vibe ahead. The head of the stribunivs - it’s easier to reach the smuga and get through it. Zavdannya tsyatok - catch the pickling of the stribuni, the first stink of the stink of the strebok (do not strebayut the buns). If the stribun does not catch the salt before the haircut, then the team takes a point. Plyama, like hitting a stribun with your hand to the cob of a haircut, also takes one point. After the first fours, other fours of tribunes and tsatsok enter the fight, until they all take the fate of the gr. After that, the teams change roles and jobs on the start lines.

The team wins with a win, as it scored more possible points.

Grie rules: 1. P'yatnashtsі is allowed to salt any gravel or some gravel. 2. Dotik is less secure until the moment of withdrawal. 3. Stribok, who stepped in between swarms, or without overstretching її, gets salty.

Gra 5

Preparation. The grі take the fate of 6-12 osіb, and maybe more. The graves are divided into two groups: one imitates an elephant, the others collect it. Draw a line that shows the cob of the rose. The team, like a living projectile (elephant), becomes a column one at a time, with its back to the line of the line. The guide (the strongest) takes the bent position and pushes his hands into the knee of the set leg, like a leapfrog. Standing behind him, the grave man hoots Yogo by the belt. The third engraver, at his side, clams for another belt, and so on. (Such a rank vibudovuetsya no more than six osib). Mitsno trimming one by one, the stinks make a living projectile for strippers.

Zmist gri. At the signal of the guard, the gravitational team on the other hand rozbіgayutsya that nastrebuyut on the "elephant". In this case, the first one is trying to get the upper hand on the "elephant" of the yakomoga closer to the "head", in order to get more space for the comrades. As if there was no damage, and all the graves successfully saddled a live projectile, remaining stribniv on the "elephant" shouting: "Є!". Following this signal, the "elephant" begins to tumble forward, to a line that is five short distances away from the direct line. Then the teams change roles.

The team wins, yak got less penalty points.

Grie rules: 1. Having settled the "elephant", it is necessary to try on the new one without the help of hands. 2. Trying to reach out to the help of the hands, like a nearby haircut (falling from the “elephant”), is punishable by a penalty point. 3. For a skin gravel, which is not zoomed in on the "elephant", the team earns a penalty point.

Physical minutes.

1. We splash in the valley, clap, clap

towers above the head

We stomp our feet, top, top

high rise the knee

shake your head

head first back ruhati

We raise our hands, we lower our hands

hands up, put down

We squat low and straight we get up

system and substantiation

Hands down on the barrel.

Roztiskaєmo-in the cam

Hands up and into a fist

Roztiskaєmo on a barrel

Climb on scarpets

Squat and straighten up

Legs together. feet narizno

2. One, two - bigger head

Three, chotiri - arms, legs wider

Five, six - quietly sit.

3 . Once - hands waved uphill

And at the same time they sighed

Two or three got sick. pіdlogu distali

And the chotiri - stood up straight and back to back, repeating.

Povіtrya strongly we indhaєmo

With impudence, we see friendly

Ale Kolіna bending is not required.

So that the hands do not get tired,

We put on the belt їх.

Stribayemo yak boys

Girls and boys

4 . There are foxes on the mountain

circles with hands

Vіn not low not high

sit, move, hands up

eyes and hands uphill, stretch

Stitch two tourists

I went home from far away

walking on a mission

They say: "Such a whistle, we don't chuli pokie scho"

shoulder lift

5 . Open the book soon!

The book has a midge, a bear, a vedmedic,

The book has a round ball:

uphill-down, strib \u003d lope.

The book has a parasol, vodkry and sleep,

Peel the wood, but you are dry!

Pussy in the book close, close.

On a colorful painting kitska

For a long time I stroke with my hand -

Kitty's adzhe is so smart!

6. Hands uphill pіdnіmemo - time

Bigger than the nose, bigger than the eyes.

Straight hands uphill trimati

Chi do not goydatisya. don't tremt.

Three - put your hands down,

Stay on the mist, don't turn around.

Uphill one, two, three, chotiri, down!

I repeat, do not linger!

Robotimemo turn

Vicone everything with love.

One - lefthand turn,

Two - now out of the box.

So, nitrohi, do not hurry,

Repeat 8 times.

Hands on the belt, legs wide!

7. Once - to come up, to pull up

Two - bend, bend

Three - at the valley there are three bells, three nods with the head.

On chotiri - legs are wider.

P'yat - wave your hands

Six - for steel quietly sit.

8. Five merry Budinkovs

Christmas night

Roamed over.

Stand up on your back

One whirling at the waltz

And the other one spiknuvsya and nіs rozkvasiv.

Third stribav to heaven

Zirka chipav from the sky.

And the fourth blunt yak Vedmedic klishonogy

Five times sleeping until hoarse

Pisenka after pisenku.

In the middle of the night, the house-builders were having a lot of fun.

9. Winter evening at the blue sky

get up at the table

Stars blue ignited

stand on shkarpetki, stretch

Gіlki siple blue іnіy

shaking hands, slowly sit

On the snow

10. A steamboat floated out of the green pier

Win stepping back ahead

croc back

And then stepping forward

Croc forward

I popliv, popliv river

ruhi hands

Picking up the next step

walking on the mist.


Invocations about the sun

Sunny, get up!

Chervone, take care!

Shvidshe, don't fight

We are beaten by lads!

Sunny, get up!

Chervone, take care!

Schob r_k y r_k

The weather gave us

Warm weather,

Mushrooms in birch bark,

Berries in a goat,

Green peas.

Sunny, get it right!

Chervone, get up!

Seek out of the darkness

I'll give you a hot cup!

sun, sun,

Viblisni at the end,

Give the vіvsu growth,

Shchob grew to heaven;


Shchob has become a wall of strength.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look at the end.

Children check on you

They check for minors.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look at the end!

Your children are playing

Gorobtsiv stray,

And tear raspberries

I do not give us -

I'll tell you lies,

And we don't cry!

Sunshine, sunshine

Look at the end -

I'll give you peas!

Sunshine, sunshine


Chi do not bake for the river,

Peaks before us at the window,

We'll be warm!


Look out from behind the shell.

Sit on a stump

Walk all day.


Look back, enlighten!

Up on the apple tree

To the green.


1) Chala squirrel for a visa,

I sold pots to everyone,

Who is two, who is three,

Get out of the stake.

2) The car drove with a dark fox

For some interest,

Іnti, іntі, іnteres -

Look for the letter "es".

3) Ishov crocodile,

smoking a pipe,

The tube fell and she wrote:

shishel michel,

Tsei viyshov.

4) the lichilka starts,

A jackdaw sat on a birch,

Two crows, a pea,

Three magpies, nightingale.

5) One, two, three, chotiri, p'yat -

Viyshov bunny take a walk.

Raptom myslivets vibigaє,

Shoot straight at the rabbit.

Pif! Puff! Oh oh oh,

Ticking my bunny.

6) One, two, three, chotiri, p'yat -

Let's start the games.

Bjoli flew off the field.

They zadzizhchali, went on a spree.

Sіli bjoli on the kvіti.

Mi graemo - lead you.

7) Turtle tail pidibgala,

I ran after a hare.

Appeared in front

Who does not believe - go out.

8) Grandma arrived,

Yak of the pea of ​​the eye,

And she herself is like a helicopter,

Livoruch, right-hander, here and there.

9) Vranci blizzard has thrown,

Smiled, stretched,

Once - the dew has come in,

Two - vitonchenno circled,

Three - healed and crouched,

And chotiri - I saw.

10) One, two, one, two,

Axis birch, axis grass,

Galyavin axis, meadow axis -

Get out, friend.

ORU complex with dumbbells.

Right 1. Lifting of straight arms killed-uphill with one-hour lifting of a toe-coat on socks nig

Vihіdne camp - the main stand. 1 - raise your hands uphill; 2 - lower your arms through the sides down. When hands are raised uphill - inhaled, when hands are lowered - visible.

The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 6-12 times.

Right 2. Lifting hands uphill, lowering forward and down. For front and side bunches of delta-like m'yaziv.

I on. With. 1 - raise your hands uphill; 2 - lower forward and down. When hands are lowered, they are killed - inhaled, when lowered - seen.

Average pace. Repeat 8-16 times.

Right 3. They nailed the coat forward, not bending down. For m'yaziv back.

I. n. legs are set wide, hands are raised up. 1 - naughty tulub, not bending down, ahead (vidih); 2 - straighten up (inhale).

Average pace. Repeat 10-12 times.

Right 4. Alternately bending hands at the elbows. For m'yazіv-zginachіv (biceps). -

I on. With. 1 - bend your left hand; 2 - lowering the left hand down, immediately bend the right. Dihati deeply and rhythmically.

Average pace. Repeat 20-30 times for the right and left hands.

Right 5. Raising straight arms at the side with one-hour lifting of the coat on the scarves. For deltopodіbnih and chest m'yazіv.

I. p. - legs in about. That is, hands are raised forward to the height of the shoulders, doloni in the middle. 1 - spread the hands of the killer and climb on the scarpets; 2 - move your hands forward. When the hands are opened - inhale, when the hands are opened - see:

Average pace. Repeat 8-12 times.

Right 6. Sitting on scarves, hands to the shoulders. For m'yazіv nіg.

I. p. - legs in about. e., arms to the shoulders. 1 - systems on scarves; 2 - take a leave of the camp. When you sit down - inhale, when you straighten up - you see.

The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 16-30 times.

After vikonannya tsієї right for 30-45 seconds, calmly walk that sprat of dyhal rights.

Right 7. Swing your leg with a dumbbell tied up to it. For cross-club m'yazi.

I. n. - tie a dumbbell to the right foot. Stand on your left foot, with your left hand lean against the back of the table, the wall, or some other object. 1 - strong energy swing with the right foot forward, more powerful; 2 - max back vschent. Those same left foot.

Average pace. Repeat 10-20 times for the right and left legs.

Right 8. Straight hit the boxer. For rozginachiv and delta-like m'yaziv.

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent to the shoulders. 1 - energetically straighten the left hand forward, turning the right-handed toulub at the same time; 2 - energetically straighten the right hand forward,

turn the tulub levoruch at once, and bend the left hand to the outward position. The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 15-20 times with the right and left hand.

Right 9. They pulled the coat to the side, pulling the arms up to the pakhvi - "pump". For slanting belly rubs.

I on. With. 1 - heal the tulub levoruch and immediately pull the right hand up to the groin; 2 - the same right-handed, pull up the left hand and immediately lower the right hand down. When the coat is frail to the right - inhaled, to the left - seen.

Average pace. Repeat 8-10 times on the skin side.

Right 10. Lowering the toulube from the sitting positions, dumbbells whitening the shoulders. For m'yaziv chervnogo press.

I. n. - sіsti, arms to the shoulders, scarves nіg zachepit for the lower edge of the table or other object. 1 - lie down; 2 - systems. When frail back - inhale, when straightened - see.

Average pace. Repeat 6-10 times.

ORU complex with ensigns.

"Wave ensigns" - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Wave hands back and forth. "Leaps on the shoulders" - from the same exit position, bring the hands to the shoulders and lower them down. Proportions slid trim vertically.

“Shresni ruhi ensigns below” - out of the camp - standing straight, hands killed. Cross the hands from the bottom in front and re-spread the kill.

“Shresni ruhi ensigns of the mountains” - off position - standing straight, hands down. Wipe the crossed arms with ensigns over the head and lower them down again.

"Walking with the ensigns" - a child vikonuє walking around the room and rob the ensigns in the right direction, which you ask. At the command “tapping on the sign with ensigns”, you squat down low and rob the sprat tapping on the sign with ensigns, then it’s necessary to stand up straight, hands up.

"Strip through the ensign" - standing upright, take the ensign in your hand, bending forward with yoga, make a fistful, lower the ensign on the pidlog right in front of your toes, straighten up again and stribnut, lower yourself on the pidlog behind the ensign, strobnut back, back forward.

"Pass the ensign under your feet" - off position - sitting on the pidloz, the ensign in one hand. On command, shift the ensign to the other hand.

“Take the ensign with your feet” - off position - sitting on the floor with bent legs, leaning on the hands behind the back. The ensign is placed on the pidlog in front. Try to try to shopit it with your fingers, lift it up from the ensign until you straighten it on the plate.

Turn - out of position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. At the command, raise your hands forward and rob the corps of the kill.

“Pass the ensign behind your back” - off position - sitting in Turkish on the bed. Ensign in one hand. When turning in one beak, put the ensign behind your back, when turning through the next beak, take it in your hand.

"Pass the ensign under the steward" - sit on the stele with the ensign in one hand. Vikonati nahil killed and put the ensign under the steel, then nachilitsya through another bek and take yogo. Wave the ensign over your head, sitting with your back straight.

“Reach the ensigns to the pidlog” - outside position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward. Vikonuvati got sick without breaking the knees and stuck with the ensigns of the pidlogs.

"Kidnapping" - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Vikonuwati kidnapping.

Outdoor switchgear complex with a hoop.

1. I. p. - the main stand in the center of the hoop, which lies on the bed. 1 - sit, spread your arms, take a hoop; 2 - stand up, lift the hoop horizontally, burn out, stretch; 3 - system and put the hoop on the pidlog; 4 - exit position.

Take the hoop with the grip of the beast, lifting yoga, stalking for the conservation of the horizontal position. Sit down - see, get up - inhale.

2.I. p. - stand the legs at once, the hoop is vertically above the head, the grip of the troch is wider than the shoulders. 1 - showing the right leg in kick on the toe, fisted to the right, marveling at the hoop; 2 - outside position; 3-4 - those same to the left side.

All ruhi vikonuvatimut in one plane, not turning the hoop. In case of sickness, close the shoulder girdle, the mass of the body on the supporting leg. Dihannya rivnomirne.

3.I. n. - leg stand narizno, hoop vertically behind the back. 1 - turn the torso to the left - see; 2 - out, position - in; 3-4 - those same right hand.

When turning, the shoulder girdle and arms should be fixed so that the stench was around the hoop for the whole hour, the legs should not be crushed from the moon, five of the legs should not be broken.

4.I. n. - lying on the back, hooped horizontally on the level of the breasts (Fig. 28). 1-2 - lift the hoop and bend your legs, slip into the hoop, straighten it and lower it to the bottom; 3-4-stretch your legs back and turn at the outward position.

Lie straight, do not raise your head. Dihannya dovilne, no hiccups.

5.I. p. - siv legs narizno, zapivshi hoop; skarpetki nіg i tremayuchi yogo with straight arms in a frail position (Fig. 29). Moving back on the back to the torso with the shoulder blades; and to the roof of the road, and roll forward at the exit position. When vikonanna, straighten your arms and straighten your legs. Rush an hour back, pull the hoop with your hands on yourself, and with Russia forward - push on

hoop legs. Dihannya rivnomirne. Having mastered the task, master yoga pid rahunok.

6.I. p. - gray, cross your legs to the center of the hoop, which lies on the bed. 1-2 - lift the hoop horizontally uphill, lift it up

head, bend over - inhale; 3-4 - out of position, lowering the head and shoulders - seeing.

Lift the hoop, arms a little back, chest forward.

7.I. n. - stand the legs at once, trim the hoop for the lower edge vertically in front of the chest. Leg-to-leg haircuts through a hoop wrapping yoga forward. Cut haircuts (on the back of the right leg, then on the left). Having mastered the haircuts from the wraps of the hoop forward, you can wink to the right with the wraps back. Dihannya rivnomirne. After stribkiv go to walking.

Complex outdoor switchgear with a ball.

1. I. n. - legs narizno, ball in front in lowered hands. 1 - 2. - Raise the ball ahead - uphill. Bend over, put the left leg back on the toe. 3 - 4. - c. n. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

2.I. p. - stand on the knees, sickly forward, clinging with the palms of straight arms on the ball. 1 - 3. - The springs were wounded down to the torso with the breasts of the pidlogs, without bending the arms. 4. - I. n. Repeat 4 - 6 times.

3.I. n. - sitting legs crosswise ball of breasts. 1. - Turn the toulub levoruch from the one-hour straightening of the arms in front. 2. - I. n. Those same in the next book. Repeat 4-6 times.

4.I. p. - lying on the back, the ball is squeezed between the feet of straight legs, arms to the sides. 1 - 2. Sisti, grab the homils with your hands, and with your feet do not touch the logs. 3 - 4. - I. n. Repeat 4 - 6 times.

5.I. n. - lying on the back, the legs are strongly bent in knees and spread out to the width of the shoulders, the ball is in the outstretched arms behind the head on the bottom. 1 - 3. Zrobiti "mist", lift the left leg, bend in the knee, uphill. 4. - I. n. Repeat 3-4 times.

6.I. n. - legs are laid out, the ball is in bent arms behind the head. 1-4. - Circular wrapping with a tulub to the left - forward, to the right - back, priming the ball behind the head. Those same in the next book. Repeat 4-6 times.

7.I. n. - the main stand, the ball was for breasts. 1. - Push the ball uphill, stand on one knee. 2. - Take the ball with straight arms over your head. 3. - Bending your hands, lower the ball behind your head. 4. - Throw the ball uphill, get up, catch the ball, turn around to i. n. Repeat 3-4 times.

8.I. n. - legs narizno, the ball beat the breasts. 1-2. - Vipryamlyayuchi hands forward, smartly nahlititsya, hands with the ball to carry mizh feet back to vіdmovi and throw the ball uphill. 3 - 4. - At the hour of the ball's flight, straighten up quickly, turn around and, having caught the ball with both hands, turn to the c. n. Repeat 3-4 times.

9.I. n. - the main stance, the ball to lie white of the scarpets of the feet. 1. - Stribnut through the ball forward. 2. - Stribnut through the ball back. 3. - Shove through the ball to the left. 4. - Shove right-handed through the ball. Repeat 4-5 times.

9.I. n. - legs narizno, the ball is squeezed between the feet. 1. - sharply bending your legs forward, throw the ball uphill. 2. - Sing yoga with your hands. 3. - I. n. Repeat 7-8 times.

10. Leaning forward, shoving with the right and left hand the ball over the shoulder, catching yoga on the go, 30 - 40 sec. at an average pace.

VRP complex for lizhnoї training.

1. Walking at home waving your arms.

2. At the station, the legs are naturally springy, sitting down with different positions of the hands.

3. Healed the coat, killed it, forward to the back, hands on the belt.

4. Circular hand movements forward and backward.

5. Pochergovі vipadi forward, hands killed.

6. Transferring the body from one leg to the other.

7. Standing on two licks, lower yourself into a napіvprisіd and then rise up.

8. Pochergove lowering that lowering of the toe and sweat five lie with a small loss of both legs at the knee.

9. Lifting a bent leg back and forward with a winding heel of the foot, then wearing a lie.

10. Lifting the bent leg forward with braces and mornings lying parallel to the legs.

11. Small haircuts with one leg in the other.

12. Haircuts - pidskoki at home on two licks.

13. Small swings of the troch with a bent leg back and forth.

14. Standing trochs bent in the knees of the legs and trochs with a heeled sheepskin coat, pochergovі mahi with straight arms forward (to the level of the eyes) and back (trochs far away from the quilt).

15. A small step forward with the right foot, then with the left foot.

16. Hand-drawn swing forward with a swing either with the left or with the right hand forward and backward, while working the hands and nig.

17. Pochergovі mahi socks lizh to the right and to the left.

18. Pochergové pіdnіmannya that rearrangement of scarpets lizh ubіk.

19. Turning the steps on the mist is about five lizh - lizh scarves on the back are lifted and rearranged right-handed and lion-handed, and the five lizh do not wind up in the snow.

20. Turning the steps on the Misci on the side of the scarpets lizh, if they lift and rearrange the right hand or the left-handed only five lizh, and the scarves are left on the Misci.

21. Attached kroki ubik.

Outdoor switchgear complex for swimming (near the water)

Right 1.

I.P. - standing legs at once, arms up.

1-8 - strokes of circles with hands forward, imitating freestyle swimming on the breasts;

1-8 - the same back (crawl swimming on the back);

Average pace. Repeat 8-10 times.

GOALS: molding the usability of dry processes; to improve the speed and strength of the wind; form self-organization; vikhovuvati shvidkіst that spritnіst; win respect and organization; vikhovuvat tsіlespryamovanіst and activity; Vikhovuvat collectivism and camaraderie.

swan geese

On the vіdstanі 2-3m vіd odnієї z short sides of the maidanchik to carry out a boundary, scho vіdokremlyuє geese. At the center of the Maidanchik, put up chotiri gymnastic lava, making sure that the road between the gir is 2 m wide. On the other side of the short side of the Maidan, two lavas signify a dao mountain, behind which in the christened kolі or so-called "lіgvі" there are two leading ones - "vovki". Others playing the role of "geese" are grave. Їхнє mistse before the cob of gris - at the “goose”.

The vikhovatel to lead the “geese” with the words: “Gusilebedi, it’s an hour for you in the field.” "Gus" pass along the mountain road on the bass of the bass. Here the stinks are playing, running, playing one by one, caressing their wings, trying to fly. After a certain hour, the whistleblower said: "Geese-swans, fly home." "Geese-swans" say: "Sir wolves beyond the mountain do not let us go home." Vihovatel once again cry "geese" home. "Geese" run humbly to the ends of the lavas, close to the "goose house", run along the high road and then, roaming at the side of the river, try to get closer to home, then beyond the boundary. Because of the distant mountains, “Vovks” vibrate. The stench nazdoganyayut "geese", salting and salting quietly, scho ticking. Seals are humming. "Vovki" follow "geese" to "goose", then turn into "lіgvo". The “geese” are playing, as they did not get caught by the “wolves”, and the “wolves”, who scorched no less than three vtikachiv. After the battle of the results of the grey, the salted ones go beyond the boundary of the "goose house" and come to the decision of the graves. After the break, new leaders are seen, tobto. "wolves". According to the rules, it is not possible for the gravel to walk and step over the lava, the “wolves” do not have the right to run into the “goose house”.


Children take one hand, appeasing the lance. One of the children is robbed by the leader. Vіn maє stati on the cob of lanceug. Leading to live behind the sign of the whistleblower, groaning behind him all the participants in the forest, describing various figures on the run: along the stake, towards the trees, the roblyachi turn sharply, restring through the crossroads, drive the lansyug with a snake, twisting it around the extreme grave tsya, potim її developing. The snake zupinyaєtsya, zakruchuєєє dovkol leader.

1. grievously guilty, mitzno trim one by one by the hand, so that the snake does not break

2. it is necessary to accurately repeat the ruhi of the leader.

3. The leader is not allowed to take big swede.

Grati in a snake can be like a rock on a spacious maidan, galyavin, fox uzliss. The more gravel, the more cheerful the sight of the gra. Sob won't pass zhvavo, it is necessary to read the children to see the situation. For example, the leader who walks in the name of the remaining roaring, the child is named and stand instructed to step out of her, raise their hands, and the leader to lead the snake at the gate. You can follow the signal of the leading rozbіgtisa, then we'll quickly launch the snake.


The moustache, the crimson of the three leaders, flock to the mental boundary. In front, for 15-20 m, put a rack for stripping, as the role of the yalinka wins. There are three leaders behind the steward, so they are called bdzhilki. Having recited the verses that go out from behind the boundary forward, raising the knees high with the words: “We went up to the fox galyavin, raising our legs higher, through the bushes that cup, through the bushes and that foam. Who is so high krokuvav - not stumbling, not falling. Having said the words, the stench sings near the yalinka: “Look - the hollow of the high yalinka (show raising your legs and standing on the scarves, like a high yalinka). Evil bdzhilki are flying! "Bdzhіlki" start circling around the yalinka and inheriting the flow of hands with hands bent at the elbows, they chant: "F-zh-zh, my bdzhіlki biting." Others seem gloomily: “We can’t overtake the shvidko-legs, we don’t have a terrible bdzhilok rіy, we can get home at once.” After that, as the rest of the word is said, the stench ticks over the boundary. "Bdzhіlki" run next to them, trying to salt or "squeeze". Those who have been fooled to the bіsa are respected by the “stung”. Then they are assigned for a new bdzhilka. Quantities are melting down to smaller graves. Gras are repeated sprat times. Play the one who never once had “stings”, otherwise there were fewer times with Kim. Yogo vote naishvidkonogіm.

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