Right for the prevention of damage put in preschool children. Set the complex right for prevention, put a blow, stop. advice on the topic. Set right for molding

Mandrika Larisa Anatoliivna

teacher of physical culture of the highest qualification category

MBOU "ZOSH No. 153" Kirovsky district of Kazan


Prevention of damage

META LESSON: learn to learn and learn about their fathers with the methods of prevention and methods of preventing damage, put in the minds of the home.


    Lighting: make sure that the students have learned that, put the fathers to understand, teach them the physical rights and ruin the igor for the prevention of damage, put it in children for 6-8 years.

    Developing: take on the development of the learner's gnuchkost, the strength of the m'yazіv of the back and the abdominal press, like the rhythm and the skill of communicative communication.

    Vikhovny: vikhovuvati dbaylive setting up to your health and wellness, formatively evaluate the state of your health, take care of your father and children.

    Wellness: form in the correct position.

LESSON TYPE: Vyvchennya new material.


FORM ORGANIZATION OF THE LESSON : frontal, group, couple.



Part of the lesson that їх зміst

Dosing hour

Methodical statements


I . Introductory - preparing part of the lesson.


    Greetings, stunned by those lesson: "Come on the road to the edge of Garnoy."

    Lesson task:

Under the hour of today, go up to the edge of Dobroi Put you, lads, and your fathers take away the deeds about the post, you know that your post is correct and learn the right games for the prevention of damage. You already know that the setting is sufficient for that primal camp of the ridge. A good backbone is a soft backbone. І how to get to the Kraina Good Place, it is necessary to earn a transfer, tobto. show off your arrogance. At the same time, we take a few tests for gnuchkist, and you control yourself - you have good gnuchkist chi.

(Following the command of the teacher, all the participants in the lesson disperse around the perimeter of the hall, and they sing the ball of the assistant and the cube, behind the back of the teacher).

    Hunchiness test:

At the cervical spine of the ridge: he pushed his head forward, his breasts twitched at the sides;

In the lofty swamps: the hands were killed with the palms of the hill, the hands were bent at the elbows.

At the shoulder swamps: take the cube with your right hand, lift it uphill, bend your head in the elbow, bend the lion behind. Pass the cube from the right hand to the left and right.

At the promeneu-zastkovyh swamps: pull your hands forward, palm in the middle, bend in the middle.

In kulshovyh swamps:

c.p. – o.s. maximum forward healing

In kolіnnyh suglobah i homіlkostopі її і: stati іn kolіna, try sіsti іn podlogu

The bendiness of the lads, the physical quality of the people, as it allows us to beautifully, gracefully collapse, we give lightness to that vpevnenist in Russia. It’s not for nothing that they have grown up: “The ridge of the gnuchki - the body is young.” We are conducting a test for the flexibility of the ridge.

Take plasticine from the cube, look at the wall on the crack, heal back, raise your hands uphill and glue the plasticine both with your hands to the wall.

Remember the lads that have matured their marks, for, like a lesson, we will turn to them. Well, what! All the good fellows that transfer to the Kraina Garnoy Put it - they earned it. First, what is the check on us - a warm-up.

Stand up white walls, press it down with a sweatshirt, shoulder blades, seats, heels. Without changing the position of the back, advance the crochet. Remember the camp and try to save yoga until the end of the lesson. The very position of the back is the correct position.

Take a handyman, put yoga on your head - we start a warm-up.


Walking on scarves

Walking on p'yatah

Walking on the outer and inner sides of the foot

Walking near the drink

(After the command of the teacher, everyone knows the assistant from the head and puts it in a glass at the indicated place)

Big at a good pace

Right inspirational breath

Buduyutsya at the center of the old wall of the hall, cursing - father, student.

The teacher keeps up with the participants in the lesson, for those fathers who came to the lesson give respect to the outside world.

Under the hour of the battle to the fathers, it’s not victorious, rich in terminology, so that the children have learned about what to go.

Testi win and children and fathers.

Mouth do not change, shoulders on the floor. Whoever takes the breasts to the breasts is good gnuchkist.

Hands are parallel. As if the shoulders are sticking with a penzle - the gnuchkіst vіdminna, as if with fingers - a garne.

Don't get sick, your legs are flat. If you pass the cube into the air, then the flexibility is good.

Hands at the elbows do not bend, fingers are straight. As if the brushes are perpendicular to the hands, the gnuchkist is vіdmіnna.

The legs of the knees do not bend. If you reach with your palms to the bottom - good bending, if you use your fingers - the middle one.

The legs of the troch are divorced. Scarpets are not retracted. If you sit on the pidlog freely - then good gnuchkist

Legs are parallel. Like plasticine is not lower than the shoulders - the foulness of the filthy

Increase the rhythmic melody. The best victorist is to know for children the melodies of children's songs.

Put a handyman on that, don’t throw yoga around.

Get to the rhythm, distance 2 kroki

Hands up, down in the middle

Hands to the sides, in parallel

Hands on the floor, back

Hands forward, palms in the middle

Distance 2 kroki, don't rush

The lesson should be held at the second quarter, if the children know the types of times and breaks, if they called to the teacher to understand the terminology more or less.

Best of all, there won't be 20 osib at the lesson.

If you allow the gym to be expanded, then separate the zones of the igor, warm-ups, just right. posters with the names of the zones (for example, "Misto Igor" or "Rozminki Station")

Under the hour of testing, the fathers control that child for themselves. If the reader comments on the result, as if unintelligible words are being used for children, then explain it in an accessible way.

Praise the smallest nakhil among children and fathers.

Under the hour of walking, do not bend your hands, fingers are straight. Praise everyone who once did not let the assistant in

(Following the command of the teacher, the class circles around the perimeter of the hall)


1-4 head wrap left

5-6 right

I.P. - those same

1-4 got their heads left, right, forward, back

I.P. - Art. legs narizno hands in front of the chest

1-2 turn the torso to the left

3-4 right hand

I.P. - Art. legs narizno hands on the belt

1-4 thin coat left, right, forward, back

I.P. – o.s.

1 - nahil forward, kolin pushing his hands

2 - scarpets

I.P. – o.s.

1.3 squatting, hands forward

Haircuts on left, right and both legs

Right inspirational breath

Well done lads and your fathers! We finished the warm-up and they check the place of Knowledge for us.

(At the command of the teacher, everyone sits on the benches)

Distance 2-3 steps

Treat the rhythm, beat the rahunok.

The back is straight, the pace is faster.

Movements are smooth.

Hands in parallel pіdlozі, p'yati vіd pіdlogi not vіdrivat.

Do not bend your legs, do not slouch.

Ruhi springs, do not bend your legs.

The back is straight, the arms are straight, while sitting on the knee, spread the trochs.

Haircuts, parts.

Breathe in through the nose, see through the mouth

II . The main part of the lesson.

Boys! At the Country of Good Place the Knowledge with us, you want to see the best doctor. How do you care who? Obviously, Likar Aibolit.

(They are Likar Aibolit)

Hello lads! Hello, dads! I want to tell you a little bit about the setting, and in order to understand more about what, I think, I’m trying to figure out the model of the skeleton of a person. After a child nursery, your daily routine changed and you began to collapse less and more and more often change from a sitting position - at a desk at school, at a booth table, if you work your lessons, at a computer it's too thin. Tse everything is badly indicated on your post. Chi is correct in your postava can be seen and visually (on the butt of the study): the shoulders are splayed, the head is trimmed straight, the shoulder blades fit snugly to the chest, lively, all the ridges of the ridge are saved from the chest, chest, transverse, krizhovy. Let's marvel at the model of the human skeleton (showing and naming virgins).

Shanov's fathers! How do these wigini begin to twist left-handed, right-handed - tse scoliosis, like forward, backward - lordosis.

scoliosis you can mark it behind the shoulders (as if the shoulder itself is in the whole beak) or, pressing on the ridge, draw the finger of the animal down the back. And the axis for the presence of lordosis in your child will be carried out a test (they get up from the benches, take the line and the lace with tightness from their hands, like a reader behind the bench). Take the lace with a vantage (on the butt of the study) lower the yogo in the tiling so that the lace sticks with the interscapular depression and the middle fold. To the vertical schila, horizontally attach a line of the backbone in the region of the 7th neck ridge, then at the grave across. Remember the numbers, remember the numbers:

Neck lordosis:

dobre 2.57-2.62 cm

fairly 2.5-2.56 or 2.63-2.64 cm

not enough 2.52 or 2.65 cm

Transverse lordosis:

dobre 3.20-3.26 cm

quite 3-18-3 cm or 3.27-3.28

3.17 or 3.29 unsatisfactory

The role of Likar Aibolit can be performed by a high school student, father, a teacher himself. If you don’t see it, then ask for a school doctor or a nurse to help you.

The doctor’s mouth can be trivati ​​no more than 2-3 hvilin

Fathers can in parallel protect their child.

Fathers carry out an assessment and put your children.

The dates are less likely to come on the 6th-8th rokiv

Another test is a test for stoop.

Take a centimeter line, smear protruding tassels over the shoulder knots in front of the children and stand between them. Tse shoulder width. Now let's move between these points on the side of the back, the line is to be passed along the upper edge of the shoulder blades. Tse shoulder arch. Make a deposit on the calculator

shoulder width (cm)

shoulder arch (cm) X 100%

If the indicator is more healthy 90% and less, then stoop, if 100% - 110% - the norm,

yakscho 120 - terminously go to the doctor

Boys! It's no secret that even if the spine is bent, then they suffer on the internal organs. Not only that, but the stench is crushed, the stench and the filthy stuff will sour and lively speeches. Look at the layout of the ridges. You see, when judges and nerves pass between them, and as if the backbone zsuvaetsya or twists, it is overtightened, and the organ until some kind of straightening of the judge’s ailments is not barred. Bachite, lads, as it is important, take care of your ridge, as in our bodies there are mutual supporters. And now I say goodbye to you. I bless you and your loved ones.

Boys! Let's applaud Likar Aibolit and say thank you! We fill the place Knowledge and see the capital of the Country of Good Place - Grazia.

The calculator is not obov'yazkovo bring to the skin, oskolki razrahunok carried out more quickly.

A mock-up of plaques with red and white colored laces passing between them. A jar is a backbone, a red lace is a vessel, white is a nerve. The layout is designed by the teacher.

(Following the command of the teacher, the class will regroup at the 4th line. Old men take gymnastic kilimki for themselves and that child).

Dear lads! I and your fathers really want to see you look beautiful, collapse easily. For whom it is necessary, so that the ridge is straight. Ale ridge cannot trim itself. Yogo trim m'yazi back, belly. To that, for good, put a little bit of a gnuchk, ​​you need a strong m'yazi of the back of the abdomen. At the same time, we are smartly right, as if you were working at home at the same time from the fathers. The stench is rather easy and suitable for your vіku.

    Put it right on the molding.

I.P. – o.s.

1 - climb on the scarpets, arms to the shoulders, palm forward

2-3 trimati

I.P. - Art. hands behind head

1-3 hands on the mountain called palms, inhaled

4 - v.p. vidih

I.P. – o.s.

1 - arms to shoulders

2 - hands up

3 - arms to shoulders

I.P. – o.s.

1 - arms up, left leg back

3 - also with the right foot

I.P. - Art. hands on the belt

1 - bend over, bend back

2-3 - trimati

I.P. - Art. feet narizno

1-2 - healed ahead, hands behind the head

I.P. - Art. feet narizno

1-3 - springs are healed forward

I.P. - Art. legs narizno hands on the belt

1.3 - haircut of the legs at once, bavovna above the head

I.P. lying on your back, hands on your waist

1-2 - lift your legs

I.P. the same


I.P. lying on the stomach, hands in front of the chest

imitation of swimming with breaststroke

I.P. lying on your stomach, arms out to the side

1-3 bend over, raise your arms and legs

Walking on the leaves, raising the knees high

I.P. – o.s.

1 - hands up, inhale, stretch

2,3,4 - “let in” your hands, slightly heal forward - see

Boys! It’s right, as if we were robbed, you can win for rank gymnastics. To be a part of the guest at the Country of Good Place, you need to charge every day.

Step on the right vikonuvatimemo with the fathers. Tse right for stretching.

Interval, distance 2 kroki.

Povіlny pace, straight back.

The pace is faster, the shoulder blades are fast

Povіlny tempo, I'll put a trim, you can put a handkerchief on your head

Average pace, bend over

Average pace, shoulder blades

The pace is average, try to bend over

Average pace

The pace is fast, arms are straight

Legs straight, average pace

The pace is fast, the feet of the logs do not roll

Average pace, bend over

The pace is average, praise the best progin at the teaching of that dad. Demonstrate.

Average pace

Faster pace

At the process, the reader has the right to explain how the m'yazi work. You can beat the musical suprovid (more like an accordion) with a recitative. For example: “The locomotive fell ill, even a strong overheating. There is no pari, a bida has come, water has been shown to flow. The whole engine is shaking, the slyusar is poking yoga likuvati, with a chisel, with a key: we’ll caress the doctor.

As a reader, if you notice an emotional decline at the hour of the lesson, before the right to stretch, you can carry out a loose grouping of the correct set. As soon as the lesson is three 30 min., then do not hesitate to stretch, immediately go to the final part of the lesson.

    Right for stretching.

The child lies on his stomach, the father sits on top of the head "in the head" of the child. Father, stepping back, lightly pull your hand on yourself, without bending your own. The m'yazi stretches out before the shoulders and pours into the drifts of the hands. When the tightness is reached, it is possible to twist the child's hands.

I.P. - Same. You yourself, but with your feet. M'yazi nіg spreads, pours into the knees, pelvic slush.

I.P. the child lies on its back. You yourself do it with your hands.

I.P. those same. The very same order with feet.

The child lies on the left leg, the arms are pulled forward, the right leg is straight and pulled forward. Lower, lightly pressing on the right shoulder on the pidlog, trim the pelvis. There is "twisting".

Those same on the right side.

Zadiyano ridge, m'yazi belly, back.

The child is sitting on a pedestal, her legs are stretched out. Nahili forward, to the left and right leg. Father lightly presses on the back with two hands in the space of the shoulder blades.

Those same, with gray legs at once behind the ridge, stretched out the m'yazi of the back, the back surface of the legs.

To the right for relaxation - lying on the back of the hands, legs porosity, the body is relaxed, relaxed freely.

Boys! Let's get up! Let's fill the place with Grazia. For whom we choose the "train" that "demo" to the fathers.

Vikonuvat all at a reasonable pace, increase the music.

The body of the child is relaxed, straight, saves the camp with a residual right.

Pull one arm back, then another, then offended.

Explain the grip method.

Vikonuvat povilno, carefully. Do not break the legs through the underlays.

Do not bend your legs, from whom it is good to go out and pull the scarves on yourself.

The fathers sat on the benches.

Turn up the music.

The teacher goes around the hall, controls the steps of the tightness, points out for pardons and wants the participants in the lesson.

III . The final part of the lesson.

Boys and dads! Postavu can be molded as right, and y at grі. І the last station in the country of Horoshoї Set up a Misto Igor.

    Grass "Vartovy and Gorobtsi"

To choose a leader - "watchman", children - "gorobtsі". Three skipping ropes are laid with a diameter of 3-4 m.

At the stake, cubes are placed - the “grains” are larger, the number of participants is lower. The leader gets up in the ring and says: “Gorobtsі - gorobtsі, sirenki fir'їnki. You peck krichti in my arms. After that, the children on two legs straighten out from the stake, take a cube (less than one skin each) and shake it quickly from the stake. The leader is trying to zaplyamuvat gravitov. Whom they cursed, put the “grains” at the stake. After the end of the gri, it is quiet, whoever has gained the most “grains”, whom they have slandered, will be put on the post.

Boys! Our dearest dobigaє kintsya. Without a doubt, we’ll make a mess of it, and I’m going to cry for you. And from the naskіlki productive mi at once perevirimo!

(Fathers and learners go to their plasticine marks on the wall and in the same way, on the cob of the lesson, attach another piece of plasticine)

    Pіdbitya pіdbagіv.

Giving a lesson to the lesson, the reader will announce the result of the test with plasticine (you have become gnuchkishimi, grew up) to put a spice to feed the children according to the lesson, it seems that the other stop and the topic for the future lesson are added to the post.

Give out reminders to fathers (addendum), give grades for the lesson.

Dyakuє for the fate of lads and fathers.

Choose the leader of the s-pomіzh batkіv, you can christen the cradle.

Deputy of cubes of victorious skittles, stones toshcho. Gra repeat 2-3 times. The leader can be changed.

The fathers have the right to win, then we insure the children. The teacher designates, whose mitka was rolled lower for pershu.

You can on the cob that, for example, the lesson of how to win the growth of the child. Correct the result. If the growth has increased, then the growth of whiskers, so that FC will absorb the growth of the body. As the growth changed, the child took off too much ambition.

Wikoristan literature:

Magazine "FK at school" No. 1, 1996, page 55

Journal "FK at school" No. 2, 1998, page 74

Journal "encyclopedia of health" No. 5, 2006, page 21

The book "Way to Health" by P.P. Morev, side. 108

Brochure "FC and Sport" No. 1, 1990, page 170

Brochure "Ridge gnuchki - still young" Yu.A. Peganov, A.A. Berzina, side. 17

Brochure "The Enchanting Power of Stretching" O.I. Zuev, stor. 37

Methodological guide "Lesson", Kazan 2000, Salakhova F.N., Gumerova M.Sh.

Methodological guide "Analysis of the lesson as a form of methodical work" Mochalova N.M., Kazan, 2004

Methodical handbook "Typical pardons for organizing a lesson" Mochalova N.M., Ufa, 2002

The book "Physics Lesson at Modern School" E.M. Braverman, Moscow, 1993

Posіbnik "Analysis of the daily lesson" G.Ch. Takhtamishev, Kazan, 2003

Posіbnik “Organizational sculptures of the creation of the school, which promotes health” V.M. Kasatkin, S.M. Chechelnitska, O.L. Rachevsky

Collection "Creation of health and language saving technologies in modern schools" RMC of the Kirov GO, Kazan, 2004

Internet resources

Supplement to the lesson of physical culture in the 1st grade.


What is pouring into the camp of our ridge? How can I save the line with children? The causes of the ailment of the ridge can be different. Doctors seem to think that they can change their minds psychologically, as if blaming early childhood. It seems that parts of the fence in front of the fathers galmuyut the development of a child. The child is ruined and squeezed: numerical "cannot" shackle її, it ceases to be alive, empty and without a middle. It’s all in your blackness and on the position of the ridge of the child, and on the її ruhs: there it becomes stingy and squeezed. Therefore, fathers, if you are guarding a child, watch out for her. As if the child had wilted, quieted down, it means - you for the fence vikoristovuvali too strong a vice, to that term remembrance її respect (for example, on the gro). An important infusion of molding put on a breath. As a child sounds up to a shallow superficial breath, the mucus of the chest will be weakly separated, which will lead to a stoop.

For the back, everything that zmіtsnyuє її m'yazi (swimming, їriding a bicycle, walking on licks is skinny) is sad. Be-yakі ruhi, navіt easy charging under the kerіvnitstvom mature, podtrimayut tone m'yazіv child's back, create and zmіtsnyat "m'yazovy corset", scho form the correct position.

The correct positioning of the spryaє the correct robots of the internal organs. Put the damage can lead to damage to the blood supply to the brain and, as a result, to swedish stubbornness and weakened respect. And it’s important for the child to read it. On the ridge lies even more great ambition, so it is necessary to take care of it. As if the back of the child was tired, it is necessary to do a warm-up, lie down on the surface of the surface, or to do a massage.

When zmіtsnennі put the child it is necessary to reach a little peace. It is important to remember that your little one is getting into the act and that the occupation of physical culture is not due to being too trivaly. It is also necessary to remember that the backbone of your child is made up of cartilaginous tissue, so it is more elastic and lower than grown up. It is necessary to take care of yoga in the face of blows that poshkodzhen. Induce for the butt the complex is right and put the right load for molding the right one in children 6-8 years old.

Complex of rights "Bug"

Recitative: “Sonechko, black head, six swedish legs, gnuchka sandals. A ladybug lay down on a blade of grass, waved her wings, once she fluttered.

1 right:

c.p. - Art. hands behind head

1 - climb on scarpets

2 - hands up

3 - hands behind the head

faster pace, 4 times

2 right:

c.p. – o.s.

1 - bend over, hands on the belt, bend back

2-3 - trimati

average pace, 4 times

3 to the right:

c.p. - Art. feet narizno

1-3 - the springs are sickened forward, sticking out their hands under the logs

4 - 6 times, average pace

4 right:

c.p. - lie on your stomach, hands behind your head

1 - bend over, raise your arms and legs

2-3 - trimati

4-6 times average pace

5 to the right:

c.p. – o.s.

1 - hands up, inhale

2 - v.p. vidih

4 times faster pace

Methodical remarks: recitative is played by one of the fathers. Right 2 and 4 vikonuvaty z m'azovoy naprugoya, 3 right kolіna do not bend, have the right 5 children to start the right relaxation and deep breathing.


A participant in the gri - “flies” to rob the leader - “cancer”. Two parallel lines should be placed on the mіstsі gri, between them 80-100 cm. The leader is in the middle of the "river". "Flies" are scattered on one of the "shores". At the command of the grown-up, the children cry out: “Under the stones, the cancer is alive. Rib'yachy tail vin check. The rib'yachy tail is rather dry. Cancer does not know the taste of flies. Let's redistribute the river from the rozbіgu. The one who spends up to the "river", vvazhaetsya spyman. Leading yogo at his "burrow" and the game continues. After 3-4 crossings of the load, they will be able to win one of the right to put them in. She wins for the one who has not once spent a single meal at the “river” and for an hour has saved the correct setting.

Methodical instructions: Grass can be held with a group of children or with one child. Fathers show the children the right place. Gru repeat 2-3 times. Vimov's recitative gives children the opportunity to listen. Under the hour of vikonannya, you have the right to set up vikoristovuvat rahunok.

Put on the post:

    I.P. – o.s.

1-2 - squat, hands behind the head, back

4 times, slower pace, trim your back straight, do not heal forward

    I.P. – o.s.

1 - lift the left leg, bend in the knee, hands on the belt

2-3 - trimati

the same with the right foot

4 times faster pace, save the camp.

Set the right for the prevention of damage and correction

Purpose: Set the correct molding for children of preschool age.

In a preschool age, the child is less likely to form. Whether it be the destruction of the minds of the molding to lead to pathological changes. The skeleton of a preschooler may be less of a figure of the bone-m'azovoy system. Yogo development is not yet completed. It is rich in why wines are formed from cartilaginous tissue, they are covered with a distant growth and watery softness, suppleness of the brushes, which threaten the damaged put in the wrong position of the body, covered with a thin veil. Particularly unsafe is the wrong posture for children with little rottenness, shards of muck, which trim the body in a vertical position, do not take away their proper development.

Put the problem of molding to lie down to the most important tasks of the physical development of the preschool age. However, physical development is not the only factor that contributes to the position. Set up to lie down in the open camp of the skeleton; suglobovo-zv'yazuvalnogo apparatus, step development m'yazovoї system.

Postava is the primary camp of the body of a child. It develops in the process of individual development with the improvement of the recessionary officials and under the influence of the recovery. Spadkovі factors can zumovlyuvat podіbnі variant put at batkіv that children, skhilnіst to the singing kind of porushen put. At the same time, wash the physical vihovannya to give the opportunity not only to formulate the most natural and physiological ways to put the child, but to correct, create a new option.

We always talk about the correct position, vikoristovuyuchi the words "straight up", "stay straight." Speaking tse, we may be on the verge of a vertical position. However, if you take a look at the skeleton, you can only see two small sections of the back, which may be more or less vertically positioned: the upper ridges of the neck and the ridges of the lower part of the body. Apart from them, the skeletal element cannot be strictly vertical position, behind the wrinkle of the hands, as if they are trimmed vertically. How can such a time be on the street, saying “stay straight”?

Whether the posture is pleasant, it’s not possible to supercrit the law of nature, which means that the skeleton is guilty of resisting the forces of gravity, depriving the m'yazi free for the ruck. The nervous system and the structure of the skeleton were developed at once under the influx of the gravity field without a difference in energy. How can m'yazam have to beat the robot of the skeleton, stench waste energy for nothing, but abstractly look at their main functions at the change of the camp of the body, tobto. - Rukhiv.

If a person walks, gets up, sits down, then one hour at a time to pass a vertical posture, as it does not require energy. A good vertical position vinikaє at times, as if the body with a minimum of m'yazovy zusillya can collapse at any kind of bazhany directly. The vertical stand and everything connected with it are organized by a special device of the nervous system, which makes it even more foldable for the robot, which has less easy tensions to penetrate to you.

Under the position of the child, the pose becomes clear, the pose is powerful in the unimpressed state. From the morphological points of the positioning gap, it is characterized by the shape of the ridge, chest, mutual shaping of the head, toe, shoulder girdle, pelvis, arms and legs, as well as the development of muscles. From a physiological point of view, postav є svoєrdіdnym novice, podnannyam mental reflexiv, yakі zabezhezhennya normal camp of the body.

Separate the number of species, put: correct physiological and pathological. Pathologically, there are many types: lordy, kyphotic, stooped and straightened.

The correct physiological position is characterized by the harmony of the proportions of the body, and the physiological vibrancy of the child. Place the most frequent injuries in children of preschool age: bulging shoulder blades, stared shoulders, asymmetry of shoulders, stoop.

With the correct position of the ridge, the ridge is well shaped, it has an even, weak-looking appearance, the shoulder blades are splayed in parallel and symmetrically, the shoulders are splayed, the legs are straight. The correct position may be aesthetically pleasing, and the physiological significance - won't help the normal activity of the internal organs, the shards of inspiration in the setting are determined by their functions. Zokrema, the correct setting is creating a wash for normal breathing through the nis, which brings less cooling to the upper dyhal channels, especially with active m'yazovіy robots - big, haircuts and іn. In addition, it’s better to take care of the respiratory tract in an empty mouth and in the nasopharynx with the lymphoid ring of the pharynx, the perestroja is infected with respiratory diseases (viruses, bacteria). In case of incorrect delivery, it can lead to damage to the designated physiological mechanisms, and the child is more likely to suffer from partial respiratory infections.

The stoop of the postav is characterized by a flattened chest wall, a hundredths of the cervical spine of the ridge, the head is lowered and the shoulders are lowered.

With a lordic position, the vein is normal, and the transverse one changes the physiological parameters. With this, the upper part of the tunic is slightly thrown back.

The kyphotic position is characterized by an increase in the depth of the cervical and transverse vaginas; the back is round, the shoulders are lowered, the head is heeled forward, the life is exuberant.

The asymmetry of the shoulder girdle is often sharpened (one shoulder is wider than the other) and the ridge is curved.

The most serious damage to the musculoskeletal system is scoliosis. Nine scoliosis is characterized as an illness of the musculoskeletal apparatus, which is characterized as a curvature of the ridge along the frontal plane, and twisting of the ridges along the axis.

If you list the different kinds of damage, you can put it in a singing world to look at it as functional, related to the age-old features of the m'language system of preschoolers, to the wrong hygiene and organization of the minds of life, then scoliosis - for galne, trivale disease, which leads to the pathological process of the most important organ system human organism. Clinical warnings show that scoliosis is a congenital illness that develops from the early age. The hour of revealing to lie down in the speed of progress. It has been established that scoliosis was not detected in children up to 6 years of age, then it is not vikne and nadal.

The most important method of pathological prevention is to put the child in the right place. Vono can start from the first rock of life. This is more important, the shards of the setting are formed from the early century. In the world of growing children, step by step, new features of physical development are switched on. Up to seven years in a healthy child, the ridge, as a rule, takes on a normal shape and, as a rule, the correct posture vibrates.

Zagalnofiziologichna diya is right in case of їhnû vіdpovidny dozuvannya secure harmonious development of the muscles of the child, creating enough power vitrivalism m'yazyv, scho allows three times to take a perfect pose in space.

Right for molding and put corrections (senior group).


Meta: Put the molding right on the vertical plane.

The child is guilty of revealing that Pinocchio is out, that is hanging on the wall. Karabas Barabas hung yoga by the belt on a carnation. Ale khіba Pinocchio, will it be nice to hang quietly on the wall? Nabridlo Pinocchio visіti, and vіn virіshiv troch roses.

I.P. - the main stance of the white wall, sticking out with the stiletto, back, seats, heels.

1. Raise your hands through the sides uphill - turn to the top. (5 - 6 times).

2. Raise the leg, bend in the knees, then pull it forward - turn to the left. P.; those - with the other leg (5 - 6 times).

3. Climb on the shkarpetki, then start to work on the carnation, kill your hands - turn to the v.p. (5-6 times).

4. Pull up the right hand with a kill, do not tear into the wall, lift the left leg, do not tear into the wall, save your jealousy; those - in the next bik (5 - 6 times).

5. Raise the right leg, bend in the knees, and, shoveling the homilka with your hands, pull the knee up to the breasts - turn to the c. P.; the same - with the other leg (5 - 6 times).

6. Raise your right leg. Bend in the knee, pull up to it nіs (shoulders pressed tightly to the wall), only the neck and head collapse - turn to the v. P.; those same - with the left foot (5 - 6 times).

7. Dribnimi krokami, not vydrivayuchi p'yat in the wall, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands - on the belt. Sticking with the walls of the roof, with the back, with the shoulders that shoulders, nahlititsya at the right side - turn to the east. P.; the same levoruch (3 4 times).

"Merry Dwarf".

Meta: stoop correction.

A little dwarf is alive in the Cossack kingdom. Yomu really wanted to be pissed off and become tall and stringy. Virushiv wines to the good old Enchanter for joy. And why did you please that one? And what about the axis:

    I.P. - Main stand. Climbing on the scarpets, bending back, raise your hands uphill, palms forward - turn to the top. n. Repeat at a full pace 5-6 times.

    I.P. - Main stand. Climbing on the scarpets, pulling back your hands into the lock, bending back; fix the position of the back - turn to c. n. Repeat at a moderate pace 4-5 times with an interval of 40-50 seconds.

    I.P. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Stretch forward, spread your arms to the sides with your palms down, bend across, fix the position of your back - turn in i. n. Repeat at a full pace 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 whilins.

    I. st_yka on the knees, hands below; heal back, bend at the back, raise your hands uphill, kill - turn in i. n. Repeat at a moderate pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 seconds.

    I. p. - stand on the knees, hands on the belt. Zrobiti deep nahil back, bending across, arms spread out to the sides with the arms uphill, fixing the position of the back - turn to i. n. Repeat at a full pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 times.

    I.P. - lying on your stomach, hands in a tuluba. Bend over, hands on the back, hands closed, raise your head, shoulders back - turn to c. n. Repeat 5 - 6 times at a full pace with an interval for 1 - 2 whilins.

    I. n. - sitting on the table, hands on the belt. Fully lift your head uphill - back, bend your back back, pull your arms uphill with your palms forward; fix the position of the back - turn to v.p. Repeat 5 - 6 times at a full pace with an interval of 2 - 3 whilins.

The complex is right to form the correct position (middle group).

Main stance - standing

    I.P. - Main stand. Hands to the shoulders (do not break the penzla from the shoulders). Round wrap with bent arms forward, then (5-6 times on the skin side).

    I.P. - Main stand. Hands in front of the chest. With tension, with rivulets, the arms are thrown up deadly, they rise up the hill, fall down. Repeat 3 times.

    I.P. - Main stand. The hands of the body are lifted: the child lifts his hands forward and uphill, zchepivshi in the lock over his head, rises on his toes and arches his back. Turn in i.p. (repeat 3-5 times).

    I.P. - Main stand. Hands to the side. Lift the leg bent at the knee with an one-hour lifting of the hands on the mountain (scarpet is pulled, the back is straight; 5-6 times with the skin leg).

    I.P. - Main stand. Active pulling. The back is straight, hands above the head at the castle. Walk with a strained, twisted back on scarpets (1-2 quills).

    I.P. - Main stand. Calmly, more comfortably, smoothly in the air, raise your hands up to the mountain, stretch. On the video, smoothly lower your hands through the sides to the bottom (4 - 5 times).

2. Sitting on knees.

1. I.P. - sit on the heel. Hands on knees. Get on your knees. With effort, ryvkom lift offended straight arms uphill, lower down, lively pull up (5 - 6 times 2 rows each).

2. I.P. - sit on the heel. Get on your knees. Raise your hands to the fullest with an effort to burn out, stretch, lift the trunk back - 4 times.

3 I.P. sitting on knees, hands down. Through the sides, it’s enough to raise your hands to the mountain in the air, to lower them to the vidikha - 6 times].

In such a rank, such complexes are not only good to instill into the whole organism, but as an effective way to form the correct form in children, put them in a preschool age.

The main task of forming the correct one is to set up the prevention of flatness and occupation of physical rights.Nasampered it is necessary to win the right for the development of great meat groups, especially the back, abdomen, nig, shobcreate a natural m'yazovy corset.You can rightly move from different outdoor positions - standing, lying on your back and stomach, sitting on a chair, bench, crustaceans.

Calling on those that preventive measures and correction put that stop - the process of trials, which means systematic work, it is recommended that the fathers take care of the child today, for a wink of quiet days, if the occupation is carried out in the child's garden.


Front view:

The complex is right

for prevention

put the piston

children of preschool age

Contributor: Andrusenko S.Yu.


Qile: reduction of the function of the vestibular apparatus, reduction of the lingual-mucosal apparatus of the tuba and terminations.

Vedmezhats were playing on the fox galyavin, funny walking on their backs. Let's try to get kidnapped like that!

I.P.: lie on your back, legs together. Bend your legs, squeeze the knee to your chest and hug the knee with your hands. Get on your back to the right, to the left. Pause. Repeat 3 times.



If you can sleep at night,

Stand on one foot.

Chi do not want to know:

How important are the cups standing like that?

And for whom we are together

It is necessary to improve this posture.

I.P.: standing on the right foot, bend your left leg in a knee, hands of the troch sideways and stand like a troshka. Let's sweat on a living note. Repeat 3-4 times.

(2nd option: leg, bent at the knee, lift forward, uphill, under the hood.)

It's important to stand like that

Don't lower the price for a pidlog,

I do not fall, do not goydatsya,

Don't worry about the susida.

"Sea Star"

Qile: set the molding correctly, improve the coordination of the hands.

I.P.: lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs to the sides. You are a sea star! Steal on the hvily.

"Staying Tin Soldier"

Qile: the development of the vmіnnya zberіgati rіvnovaga, molding correctly put, zmіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo apparatus of the coat and kintsіvok.

Plive river chovnik, and in the new tin soldier. Raptom poviyav rіzky wind and chitavitsa began. But nothing is scary for the tin soldier. Do you want to become as stable and strong as a tin soldier?

I.P.: stand on your own, squeeze your hands tightly to the toelub. Nahilitsya back, yakomoga lower, trim your back straight, and then prostrate. Repeat 3 times. Sist on five, apparently.



I.P.: sitting, legs together, hands on the floor. Raise your legs uphill, raise your hands to death - “flights have flown”. Try pose 5-10, then change it. Repeat 3 times.



I.P.: lying on your back, pull your left leg forward, and pull your left hand back behind the head of the toelub. With the same foot and hand. We sweat two with our feet and with our hands at once.

"Ah, doloni, vee, doloni!"

Qile: put the molding correctly; coordination of the rukhіv of the upper kіntsіvok.

I.P.: stand straight and, curling your arms behind your back, pull back. Sweat, wyvernivshi folded hands with fingers uphill, raztashuvat hands so that the little fingers along the whole valley stuck up the ridge. It is necessary to lift the lungs, straighten your back, and move your shoulders back. Stretch the pose and move: “Ah, little ones, you, little ones! Behind your back we shove you! It’s necessary to set it, it’s for sure! Without embellishment! Lower your hands down freely, shake your hands and vikonati calmly see.


Qile: reduction of the function of the vestibular, improvement of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

I.P.: sit on the ground, lift your straight legs up on the mountain. Spiraling your hands on the pidlog, turn around dovkol yourself for help hands. Spinning the carousel.

"Swing the little one"

Qile: improvement of the m'yazovy corset of the ridge, m'yaziv of the pelvic girdle

I.P.: sitting, lift the foot to the chest, hug it with your hands. Defend the “baby”, sticking with a knee and stop your feet.

"Vedmezhat dance"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yaziv lower kіntsivok and m'yazovogo corset of the ridge.

Show yourselves, that you are little vedmezhata, and you have danced.

I.P. - o.s: put your hands on your belt, win the napіvsіdannya. Average pace.


Qile: development of coordination and swidkost ruhіv in the great and other m'yazovyh groups, zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset of the ridge.

I.P.: lying on your stomach, raise your arms up, kill, bend over. Wave with your hands, like a bird with krills. We flew. Lie down on your life, put your hands down. Pause, vodpochinok. Let's continue the policy. Repeat 2-3 times.


Qile: put the molding in the right place, mark the ring-tongue apparatus of the coat and the lower tips.

I.P.: sitting, the legs of the troch are bent in the knees, and the hands in the elbows are squeezing the troch to the coat. Let's go! Rushing forward gently, helping only with your feet. Hands wrap circles around, imitating the wrap around the wheels. Zupinitsya through 2-3 min, pause, then continue ruh. (2nd option: roll back.)

"Little Mistok"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset ridge, zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device nіg and hands.

The hedgehogs went with the fox. There is a string in front of them. How can I get over the new one? Let's help them: let's wake up the world through the glass.

I.P.: lie on your back, without shaking your shoulders and feet in front of your feet, lift your toelub. With the palms of the hands, bent at the elbows, lift the back. Trim, trim your back until the zhak gets over to the other shore. The axis of the hedgehog and got over, but we did not. Repeat 3 times.


Qile: reduction of the function of the vestibular apparatus, improvement of the ridge, upper and lower ends.

What a marvelous bun

Showing up for the weekend?

After lying down,

Taking it and falling apart.

I.P.: lie on your back, and then sit, hugging the knee with your hands. Take your head to the knee. Squeeze the knee to the shoulders and marvel at your feet.

Axis of all koloboks!

One two three chotiri p'yat -

All fell apart again.

Stretch your legs and lie on your back.


Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazіv nizhnіh kіntsіvok, scho at the molded crypt of the foot.

Let's make it clear that our legs are knives.

I.P.: lying on the stomach, on the cheeks of the legs straight up and down. So the “knives” cut kindly, the legs could be straightened. Lie on your back, please. Repeat 3 times. (Another option: i.p. - lying on your back.)

"Sailing in kayaks"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset ridge, zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device nіg and hands.

I.P.: sitting on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees, arms pulled forward. Lie on your back and try to sit properly without the help of your hands and lie down again. Poplivly! Repeat 5 times.


Qile: set the molding correctly, the development of coordination of movements in the great m'yazovih groups of hands and nig.

I.P.: stand on all fours, pull your knee up to your hands, not tearing your legs out of the logs. And then let's rearrange the offending hands one hour ahead, yaknaidali. So the caterpillar is moving around in the bushes of hedgehogs. And now you are all caterpillars. Pop up!


Qile: put the molding in the right place, mark the m'yazіv of the lower kіntsіv and m'yazіv, scho at the molded crypt of the foot.

Axis of the toad along the road

Jump, pulling your legs.

Kwa kwa kva!

Jump, pulling your legs!

I.P.: stand on all fours, sit, stick your fingers with your fingers. Colin rose, hands between the colons. Stretch uphill and turn to v.p. (Another option: from pushing forward).

Among the trees, in the swamp,

Є your budinok at the frogs.

Axis of the toad along the road

Jump, pulling your legs.

Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

Jump, don't hurt your feet.

Andrusenko Svitlana Yuryivna veterinarian of MBDOU "Children's garden No. 6 "Cheburashka" Akbulak village

Consultation for applicants

Zrazkovy complex is right
for prevention put
in children 4-7 years old.

Pobudov at the rank. Stand in the "main position" position: head straight, shoulders raised, lively lifted, legs straightened.

Show the correct position in the main article. I will correct the position of the children, passing in front and back in the ranks.

Right at walking on the stake

Set the best possible for the savings of the right (25-30 krokiv).

Standing posture of the colo, reverse and correct the position of the skin child, to pass the pov.

"Crane". Walking with high footrests (Hands on the waist) 20-25 krokiv.

Follow the correct position of the body: trim the back straight, pull the elbows back, pull the toe of the bent leg.

"We grow great." Walking on scarves (hands uphill, "at the castle") 20-25 krokiv.

Keep track of it, so that the knee and shoulder blades were straightened, crocks were dribbling. Vishche rises on scarpets, stretches uphill.

"Vedmedic klishonogy". Walking on the outer edge of the foot. Speak in leather croque (Hands on the waist): "Vedmedic klishonogo fox ide, pick up bumps, pisenki sleep. The bump jumped straight into the Vedmedic's forehead. Vedmedic got angry and with his foot - top!".

Stezhiti, so that the children trimmed their backs straight, did not heal their heads. Put your feet on the outer edge of the foot, slightly bringing the scarves in the middle, your fingers should be wrinkled. Lіktі lead back. For vikonannya it is right to be recommended, so that the children would sing the verses in unison.

Walking with speed and transition at big. Walking with upcoming uplifts.

Keep track of them, so that the children could easily walk on scarpets, lifting them by the knees. The hands are bent at the elbows. Under an hour of walking, put the children in the right place.

Dihalna right. Raise your shoulders back, inhale - 2 crocodile, see - 4 crocodile.

Inhale deeply through the nis. Vidikh - through the lips, folded with a tube.

Right at the position "standing"

"Sparrow". Cola back 6-8 times with arms bent at the elbows.

Bringing the lungs back, bringing the shoulder blades closer.

"Toad". Z I. P. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest. Bring the brushes to the shoulders (Doloni forward, fingers narizno)і, speaking in chorus "croak", turn into І. P. (4-6 times).

At the position of the "brush to the shoulders" the ligaments are pressed to the sides.

"Great Cola". Circles back with straight arms (penzles clenched into fists)- 6-8 times.

Keep an eye on them so that the children do not lower their hands below the shoulder line.

"Mlyn". Hand drawn drawing hands behind the back (6-8 times).

The shoulders are splayed, the elbows are pulled back, the head is straight.

"Guzinka". Opening at the elbows, the arms are bent in front of the chest - inhale. Turn to I. P., promoting the sound "sh-sh-sh" - vidih.

With the arms at the side, bring the shoulder blades together, do not lower the arms below the level of the shoulders.

"Together the bottoms - show the bottoms." Rise up on the scarves, put your shoulders back and turn your arms forward. Turn to I. P., relaxing the m'yazi of the hands (4-6 times).

Treat your back evenly and do not vipinati live.

"Pull". Climb on the shkarpetki, left hand uphill, right-handed back. Trim 1-2-3 sec. Turn to I. P., relax your hands (4-8 times).

Shoulders are flared, knees are straightened, lively lifted.

Right in the position "lying on your back"

"Hello, goodbye." Clench your fists and bend your feet on yourself. Clench your fists, pull the sashes across. (6-8 times).

"Khvilya". Bend your legs and pull your knee up to your stomach. Straighten up. Pause 3-5 sec. and let your feet in (4-6 times).

Keep a close eye on them, so that the faces are squeezed to the kilimk. Shkarpetki pіd hour right owe buti vіdtagnutі,

"Dance". I. P. - recumbent, hands under the roof, legs lifted. Spread your legs openly and turn to I. P. (6-8 times).

Keep a close eye on them, so that the faces are squeezed to the kilimk.

Right at the position "lying on the stomach"

"Sparrow". Circles back with the elbows of the hands, brought to the shoulders (5-8) razіv.

The head is raised.

"Ribka". Raise your head and move your shoulders back. Raise your arms and legs: pause 4-6 seconds. Lower your arms and legs: a pause of relaxation for 6-8 seconds. (3-4 times).

Keep track of it so that the children do not bend across.

"Toad". Hands from the back to bring to the shoulders with the palms forward. Raise your head and spread your legs. Fully turn to I. P. (6-8 times).

Put the damaged


Qile: reduction of the function of the vestibular apparatus, reduction of the lingual-mucosal apparatus of the tuba and terminations.

Vedmezhats were playing on the fox galyavin, funny walking on their backs. Let's try to get kidnapped like that!

I.P.: lie on your back, legs together. Bend your legs, squeeze the knee to your chest and hug the knee with your hands. Get on your back to the right, to the left. Pause. Repeat 3 times.

"Sea Star"

Qile: set the molding correctly, improve the coordination of the hands.

I.P.: lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs to the sides.

You are a sea star! Steal on the hvily.

"Staying Tin Soldier"

Qile: the development of the vmіnnya zberіgati rіvnovaga, molding correctly put, zmіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo apparatus of the coat and kintsіvok.

Plive river chovnik, and in the new tin soldier. Raptom, a sharp wind blew, and a chitavitia began. But nothing is scary for the tin soldier. Do you want to become as stable and strong as a tin soldier?

I.P.: stand on your own, squeeze your hands tightly to the toelub. Nahilitsya back, yakomoga lower, trim your back straight, and then prostrate. Repeat 3 times. Sist on five, apparently.



I.P.: sitting, legs together, hands on the floor. Raise your legs uphill, raise your hands to death - “flights have flown”. Try pose 5-10, then change it. Repeat 3 times.

Right that game for prevention and correction

Put the damaged


Qile: reduction in the function of the vestibular apparatus; improvement of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

I.P.: standing on the right foot, bend your left leg in a knee, hands of the troch sideways and stand like a troshka. Let's sweat on a living note. Repeat 3-4 times.

If you can sleep at night,

Stand on one foot.

Chi do not want to know:

How important are the cups standing like that?

And for whom we are together

It is necessary to improve this posture.

(2nd option: leg, bent at the knee, lift forward, uphill, under the hood.)

It's important to stand like that

Don't lower the price for a pidlog,

I do not fall, do not goydatsya,

Don't worry about susida



I.P.: lying on your back, pull your left leg forward, and pull your left arm back behind the head of the tuluba. With the same foot and hand. We sweat two with our feet and with our hands at once.


Qile: reduction of the function of the vestibular, improvement of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

I.P.: sit on the ground, lift your straight legs up on the mountain. Spiraling your hands on the pidlog, turn around dovkol yourself for help hands. Spinning the carousel.

Right that game for prevention and correction

Put the damaged

"Ah, doloni, vee, doloni!"

Qile: put the molding correctly; coordination of the rukhіv of the upper kіntsіvok.

I.P.: stand straight and, curling your arms behind your back, pull back. Sweat, wyvernivshi folded hands with fingers uphill, raztashuvat hands so that the little fingers along the whole valley stuck up the ridge. It is necessary to lift the lungs, straighten your back, and move your shoulders back. Stretch the pose and move:

“Ah, dolonki, vee, dolonki! It’s necessary to set it, it’s for sure!

Behind your back we shove you! Without embellishment!

Lower your hands down freely, shake your hands and vikonati calmly see.

"Swing the little one"

Qile: improvement of the m'yazovy corset of the ridge, m'yaziv of the pelvic girdle

I.P.: sitting, lift the foot to the chest, hug it with your hands. Defend the “baby”, sticking with a knee and stop your feet.

"Vedmezhat dance"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yaziv lower kіntsivok and m'yazovogo corset of the ridge.

Show yourselves, that you are little vedmezhata, and you have danced.

I.P. - o.s: put your hands on your belt, win the napіvsіdannya. Average pace.


Qile: development of coordination and swidkost ruhіv in the great and other m'yazovyh groups, zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset of the ridge.

I.P.: lying on your stomach, raise your arms up, kill, bend over. Wave with your hands, like a bird with krills. We flew. Lie down on your life, put your hands down. Pause, vodpochinok. Let's continue the policy. Repeat 2-3 times.

Right that game for prevention and correction

Put the damaged


Qile: put the molding in the right place, mark the ring-tongue apparatus of the coat and the lower tips.

I.P.: sitting, the legs of the troch are bent in the knees, and the hands in the elbows are squeezing the troch to the coat. Let's go! Rushing forward gently, helping only with your feet. Hands wrap circles around, imitating the wrap around the wheels. Zupinitsya through 2-3 min, pause, then continue ruh. (2nd option: roll back.)

"Little Mistok"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset ridge, zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device nіg and hands.

The hedgehogs went with the fox. There is a string in front of them.

How can I get over the new one? Let's help them: let's wake up the world through the glass.

I.P.: lie on your back, without shaking your shoulders and feet in front of your feet, lift your toelub. With the palms of the hands, bent at the elbows, lift the back. Trim, trim your back until the zhak gets over to the other shore. The axis of the hedgehog and got over, but we did not. Repeat 3 times.

"Sailing in kayaks"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset ridge, zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device nіg and hands.

I.P.: sitting on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees, arms pulled forward. Lie on your back and try to sit properly without the help of your hands and lie down again. Poplivly! Repeat 5 times.


Qile: set the molding correctly, the development of coordination of movements in the great m'yazovih groups of hands and nig.

I.P.: stand on all fours, pull your knee up to your hands, not tearing your legs out of the logs. And then let's rearrange the offending hands one hour ahead, yaknaidali. So and change your mindcaterpillar at the bushes їzhi. And now you are all caterpillars. Pop up! Right that game for prevention and correction

Put the damaged

"Everybody goes in for sports"

Qile: molding coordination of ruhiv; zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset ridge.

Jumping toad:Hands bend in the elbows, on-

tilt to the side

Kwa kwa kva! Squeeze and squeeze your fingers in fists.

Floating rolling: Imituvati swimming.

Quack-quack-quack! Clench and cut straight fingers.

All around are poking around,

Sports are being done.Change the station of hands.

Little blichen: Uphill haircuts.

Hop-hop-hop! Haircuts on the shoulder, back and forth.

Three pins per tick:One hand up, the other down.

Strib-jump, strib-jump!Change the station of hands.

All around are poking around,

Sports are being done.

"Jack with jacks"

Qile: put the molding of the navitch correctly, change the m'yazіv of the tulub, the upper and lower kіntsіvok.

Under the majestic pine Big on scarves.

On the Galyavin, on the forest,Make sounds (frr-frrfrr).

Kupa leaves, de lie,Bіg u napіvprisіdі on scarpets,

Zhak іz їzhakami live.hands resting on the quilts,

Let's take a look at everything, the back is round.

Let's sit on the stumpsPrisіsti, vytyagayuchi shyu uphill.

And then we all sit down togetherPrisіsti with emphasis on penzlі

All goals are shown.hands, lower your head, back

Showed, shown round - "showing the goals."

We died when we got home. Big on scarves.

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"Litak - Litak"


Letak - letakSpread your hands ubik, with your palms uphill.

Virusha at the polit.Vikonuwati right hand turn

zhu, zhu, zhu, і move the sound (g).

I will stand and stand.Stand up straight down hands, pause.

I'll fly with a lefthander, Raise your head - inhale. Vikonati

Zhu, zhu, zhu, turn left and I see the sound (g).

I will stand and stand.Stand up straight and lower

hands - pause.

"Mishka and Vedmedic"


The Vedmedic's booths are majestic.Viprostatisya, stand on

shkarpetki, raise your hands on top, stretch, marvel at your hands- Inhale.

The bear is too small.Sit down, clasp your hands

Teddy bear walk knee, lower your head

At the guest to Mishka, -seen from voices

Don't waste wine before her. sound (sh).


Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset ridge.

I.P.: stand on all fours with support on your knees and hands. “The gut is angry” - the back is round, lower the head of the yakomog lower. “Kіshechka good, affectionate” - bend your back, raise your head.

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"Yalina, yalinka, yalinka"

Qile: set that molding correctly, mark the sound-muff apparatus of the coat and the tips, train the respect.

At the fox stand high yalinki. Stand up straight, like the strings of the yalinka, pull up, straighten up. (Head, toelub, legs straight, open your arms, "tails", lightly to the sides, palms forward.) Let's go far into the forest, wondering what is the sister of the tall yelina? Os and sisters їli - yalinka. The stench is lower, but the strings are the same. (Take the right position, but in the napіvpіdі.) Let's go, we'll joke about the little sisters-yellows. The axis of the stench is small. Ale and in the distance: garni and tezh strings. (Sits on the hips, head and back are straightened, arms are slightly extended with the palms of the hand.)



I.P. - o.s: stand up straight, raise your right (left) leg uphill, kill your hands, troch’s toenail forward, raise your head. Decrease 1-2 s, then turn to ch. Repeat the same with the left leg.

"Walk sideways"

Qile: vyhovannya that shaping novichki correctly put, development of coordination of ruhіv, zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset of the ridge and m'yazovy apparatus of the feet.

I.P. - o.s.: take the right position, a small bag with a squeak on your head. Walking sideways with an attached crock (right-handed, left-handed).



I.P. - o.s: standing up, then crouching down, walking like a “goose crochet”, put your hands on your knees. Trim the back straightRight that game for prevention and correction

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I.P.: lying on your back, twisted closed legs. Raise your legs and head at the same time and hold for 1-2 seconds. Press your back to the kilim.

(Another option: the back is blown into the legs and lifted together from the head.)

"In Turkish we sat..."

Qile: shaping the coordination of the rukhivs, changing the m'yazovy corset of the ridge and m'yaziv of the lower kіntsіvok.

We sat in Turkish

They drank tea and sushinnya їli.

They drank, they drank, їli, їli,

Ledve sat.

I.P.: sitting, legs in a "kalachik", hands rest against the back of the board. To steal with the head and the coat from the side to the side.



I.P.: stand on all fours with support on your knees and hands. Move forward, at once rearranging the right hand, the left foot, then the left hand, the right foot. The back is even, the head is raised.

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"Seated Football"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset of the ridge and m'yazіv lower kіntsіvok.

I.P.: sitting on the floor, legs bent in knees and pressed to the stomach. Throw the ball forward with your hands so that the child is sitting opposite. We will catch it with our hands, and then with our feet we will sharply throw the ball to our partners. (Options: catch the ball with your feet, how you see the ball, roam it with one foot, then with the other foot, beat the skittles with the ball, like standing on the equal vіdstanі mіzh roaring.) m lie on your back, raise your hands and stretch. Let's turn back to life and stretch again (raise your head and look forward).


Qile: install that compensation for deformation, replace the m'yazovogo corset of the ridge and m'yaziv of the lower ends.

Geese pull shii. I.P. - o.s: feet shoulder width apart,

hands behind your back, pull your neck- m'yazi tension.

Geese, geese! - Nahil ahead, nodding his head.


Do you want a drink? - M'yazi Shi ї rozslablenі, sleep

So so so! well bend it.

Geese, geese, axis water! -Hands behind the back uphill, get sick

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.forward, head trimati


“Zhachok pulled up, flared up”

Qile: reduction of the function of the vestibular apparatus, improvement of the m'yazovy corset of the ridge, m'yazyv of the upper and lower ends.

I.P.: lying on the kilim, raise your hands behind your head and pull yourself up as much as possible. Sweat, lifting the upper part of the coat to the knees, heal forward, tobto. group up, hug your legs under the knees (zhachok bent up). Repeat 2-6 times. Between skin repetitions lie down and relax.

Right that game for prevention and correction

Put the damaged


Qile: put the molding correctly, mark the corset of the m'yazovy ridge, develop the coordination of the rukhivs in the great m'yazovyh groups of the upper and lower kіntsіvok.

I.P.: sitting on a kilim, crossing their legs and bending their arms in their elbows, sticking their fingers with their shoulders (“krilets”). The back is straight. Lіktі, attracting yakomog closer to the body, pull back. Raise your hands to the top, wave your hands. Let's get up and shake it softly on the scarpets - "the little bird is chirping the little grain."

"Telephone at the twins"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset of the ridge, the development of coordination of ruhiv in the great m'yazovyh groups of the upper and lower kіntsіvok.

Big in a straight line to the twinkle: climb to the raised twinkle and, pdstribnuvshi, reach with your hand to the new, shob vin zadzveniv.

"Lion at the Circus"

Qile: put the molding correctly, mark the corset of the m'yazovy ridge, develop the coordination of the rukhivs in the great m'yazovyh groups of the upper and lower kіntsіvok.

At the vertical hoop of the child, the ball rolls and climbs itself, bending its back, lifting its head forward.


Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazіv tuluba, m'yaky injection on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, molding the navchika correctly put.

I.P. - o.s.: spread the hands of the kill and lift them on the shoulders. Turn the kill, put your feet shoulder-width apart. (Another option: five at a time, scarves are narrated, hands on the belt, sit, spread your arms to the sides. Turn to VP)

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"Listen Respectfully"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazіv tuluba, upper and lower kintsіvok, m'yaky infusion on the function of the vestibular apparatus, molding the buttons correctly.

Walking in the hall with vikonannyam ruhіv at the signal of the leader. On the word "stump" - stand on one knee, lowering your head and hands, then let's get up and continue walking. In the word "yalinka" - zupinity and put your hands down in the coat, taking the correct position. On the word "snip" - zupinitsya and raise your hands to the mountain, hovering over your head. Put the correctness in control.

"We walk in capes"

Qile: put the molding of the needles correctly, mark the corset of the m'yazovy ridge, develop the coordination of the hands.

Put a light vantage on your head - a cape. Follow the position, head straight, shoulders on the same level, parallel

pіdlozі, hands calmly lie uzdovzh tuluba. Walk around the hall, taking care of the correct position.


Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset of the ridge, m'yazіv zhevnogo press, lower and upper kіntsіvok, development of coordination ruhіv.


Zrobi-but, friend, kalach.

I.P.: sitting on the floor, arms behind, legs together, sashkrpets pulled out. 1 - pull your legs up to you, hug them with your hands; 2 - v.p. Vikonuwati 5-6 razіv.

"Babies have grown"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazіv upper and lower kіntsіvok, molding the correct ї put, improving the coordination of ruhіv.

Mi malimi, And great growth.

I.P. - o.s: legs together, hands down. 1 - sit down, grab the knee with your hands, hide your head (vidih); 2 - climb on the scarpets, stretch, raise your hands uphill (inward). Vikonuvat 5-6 times.

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Who is going to the place?

Invincible hippo!

Win be afraid to stumble

I fall into the swamp.

Walk in a straight line, putting one heel of one foot up to the toe of the other, taking care of your equanimity.

"Jump Rope"

Qile: zmіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo apparatus of the feet and homilok.

More important toy

Jump rope -

Preparing for the masters,

Virne zagartuvannya!

Hairstyles without a rope: on both legs at home, both legs on their own, "fun legs", swinging straight legs forward.


Qile: training of the vestibular apparatus, improvement of m'yaziv tuba and kіntsіvok.

Fox - Shakhraik ore,

Bend your back gently.

I.P.: standing crustaceans. 1 - bend in the back, lift the head (inhale); 2 - bend your back in an arc, pressing your chin up to your chest (vidih). Vikonuvat 5-6 times.


Qile: development of coordination of movements; zmіtsnennya m'yazovy corset ridge.

Wind dme us in disguise, I.P. - o.s: nahili Tuluba -

The tree withered.now in one, then in another


The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,Sit down, grab your hands


The tree is getting bigger, bigger.Viprostatisya, stand on

shkarpetki, hands up high.

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"Trees and Birds"

Qile: put the molding correctly, mark the corset of the m'yazovy ridge, develop the coordination of the rukhivs in the great m'yazovyh groups of the upper and lower kіntsіvok.

Children wink ruhi vidpovidno to the text.

Hands lifted and waved -Climb on scarpets. Swing your hands uphill, kill.

The whole tree at the fox.

Lіkti bent, brushesStrushuvat with hands.

chickened out - The hands are bent at the elbows.

The wind beats the dew.

Gently wave your hands -Raise your hands kill, wave

Tse birds fly to us, hands.

How stink to sit down - it is shown:Please. Hands back, hands

Creel was folded back.on the opposite side



I'm playing with a motuzkaSitting on benches (chairs),

I'm grabbing the purchase with nizhkami.take the “snow” with your feet

One more time, one more time -moths. Viklasti kolo.
Come out snow!

"In the forest"

Qile: zmіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device stops and homіlok, shaping navitchki correctly ї put.

Required in the forest as soon as possible. I.P. - o.s: the back is straight.

Walking on the Maidanchik with a sports croque.

Through the river, through the city,Walking with high lifts

yum colin.

Through the chain of white pathsHaircuts on both legs

pushing forward.

Cut our legs.Walking on the Maidan

sports crop.

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"Kіt i kochenyat"- 1

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset ridge and kіntsіvok.

Like our gutI.P.: standing crustaceans,

lads grew up,proginati and viginati back

Boys grew up

fluffy cochen Standing on knees

The backs of the vagina

ponytail cams

And they have hospitality on their paws


To love to rush in,Imituvati ruhi.

Paw vushka smelt

І tummy lick.

Vlyagli all on the flank

I curled up into a ball,

And then they bent their backs Arch your back. I got wet by the cats.

Big on Maidan in the middle temp.

"Kіt i kochenyat"- 2

Qile: embellishment of the m'yazovy corset of the ridge, m'yazіv of the pelvic girdle, upper and lower ends, development of coordination of the ruhiv.

Gut with CocosWalking at a pretty na-


Played together. Calling around the hall

Cochineal gut crustaceans supported by knees

Usoma first: and hands.

fun stribati, Haircuts on both legs (on


Wag your tail.I.P.: standing crustaceans.

axis yak cochineal Vikonuwati turn -

pelvic part of the tuba

Let's play! to the right-levoruch (imitation of the movement).

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Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazіv tuluba, upper and lower kіntsіvok, soft influx on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, development of coordination of ruhiv.

Axis to fly our snowstorm,Big Maydanchik.
Vin garniy, like a flower.

Waving wings, waving.Vikonuwati wave your hands.
Metelik flying, flying,

Quietly siv on the ticket.Sit down, grab your hand-

Vіn sit, do not break, my colon.

Schob not z'їv krihtu birds!Stand up, straighten your back

hands to the side.



Shred our legsZvichaina walking; walking h

high pіdnіmannyam kolіn.

Everything is more expensive.Transition to a ribbed board

Axis to the top mi dіyshli, with impudence.

Mavpochka we knew.Reach for the toy. Mavpa

Mavpochka is emptyhang on a gymnastic

The crossbars are wider than the raised hand of a child.

The axis hangs here on the lants.Descent from a ribbed board.

Vicious walking.


Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazovogo corset of the ridge and m'yazіv upper kіntsіvok.

Mommy came for me I.P. - o.s: hands to the sides,

Shchos “brought the mice.back trimatically.

I understand, what a vantage!Tension m'yaziv hands and back.

Don't cry little peanut!Relaxation of m'yaziv hands that


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"Walk to the Fox"

Qile: development of the coordination of the hands, the sing of the ringing-tongue apparatus of the feet and the homo-lok, the molding of the needles is correct.

Vedmedic klishonogy passer-byWalking "transfer", stavlyachi

go, feet on the outer side

Bunny jumping fearfullystop, hands bent over

she sleeps. troch in the lungs.

Syria vovk angryHaircuts on both legs

Speak importantly,pushing forward.

A fox ore povzWalking with gymnastic croque

pass. hands behind your back. Walking on scarves.

"Let's go for mushrooms"


Let's go along the way,Zvichayna walking straight.

Cheerfully croque. Walking with high lifts


Top-top, Top-top. Walking sideways

Croc, kill your hands.

Let's go through the placeBack straight, head trim

We know mushrooms there. exactly.

Op-op, op-op. Nahili forward, down, without bending


"Stick Rope"

Qile: development of the coordination of the hands, the sing of the ringing-tongue apparatus of the feet and the homo-lok, the molding of the needles is correct.

A club was lying on the ground, I.P. - o.s: the back is even, gim-

Axis її meі became Skoda.nastic club to lie down

Parallel to the feet of nig.

I took a club, and outNahilitsya, do not bend the knee

Take the club to your hands.

Transformed into a horse!The upper end of the gymnastic club trim with hands, reshtu roztashuvati mid nig. Wrap the haircuts, chasing the right and the left leg, follow the guard.

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"Vanechkin's Chobitki"

Qile: soft infusion on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, zvіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo apparatus of the feet and homilok, molding the buttons correctly.

Axis vzvu on nizhki I.P. - o.s: fucked up ahead,

Vanya Chobitki. down.

new, beautiful, Walking in the hall, stepping on

Blue, like a plum. set.

Dosh strongly litime!Standing on the floor, posting

Now don't get wetforward the heel of the right, and then the left foot.


Qile: development of the coordination of the folds, the improvement of the m'yazovy corset of the ridge, the m'yaziv of the upper and lower ends.

Great Curse Axis I.P. - o.s: vip'yatiti is alive,

teapot, hands on the belt.

More respectful as a boss.

Axis of porcelain cups,Sit down, keep your hands on your belt

Even tenditnі, bіdolakhi.five at a time, shkarpetki


Axis of porcelain saucers,Stretch, raising your hands

Only knocks - roses, uphill.

Axis of a teaspoon -I.P. - o.s: standing on one

Head on a thin lower leg. noses.

Axis plastic pidnos,I.P.: lying on a kilim, stretch.
They brought us wine and utensils.

"Soldiers - lyalki"


Soldiers from the tree I.P. - o.s: stand, stretched out, pressing your hands to the top of your coat, tensing the rub of the hands, back, and abdomen.

How to stand, I.P. - o.s: use your hands,

And lyalechki on a string,turning right-handed-left-handed.

How to hang ganchirochki.Nachilitsya forward, relaxing your hands and the upper part of the coat.

Right that game for prevention and correction

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Qile: set the molding correctly, mark the m'yazovy corset of the ridge, develop the coordination of the rukhivs in the great m'yazovyh groups of the upper and lower kіntsіvok

On the roads of Kalyuzh. Walking sports crochet.

Well, we are not hard.

We'll take care of it,Walking on scarves.

Let's move on by the way.Walking with a Croc


Dressed on the bottomsNahili the coat forward.

High Chobitki.
That yak ... stripnemo!Haircuts on both legs

pushing forward.


Qile: zmіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device stops and homіlok, shaping navitchki correctly ї put.

We are kidnapped on the legs.Rhythmical sitting, dying

We steal crumbs.and straightening nig -

Otak, otak! "Springs".

The axis is like a child's garni, A walk in the city.

Jump, jump kids.Haircuts on both legs.

"Who is smarter?"

Qile: zmіtsnennya zv'yazkovo-m'yazovogo device stops and homіlok, shaping navitchki correctly ї put.

Together we greet A walk in the city.

Let's stribati and stribati.Haircuts on both legs.

Who is the strongest?

Who is spritnish? Haircuts on both legs

Who doskache naishvidshe?pushing forward.

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Qile: install that compensation for deformation, replace the m'yazovogo corset of the ridge and m'yaziv kіntsіvok.

On the Galyavin beauty,Walking in the hall with a great crock.

On the meadow vanity:Walking with sports croque

back is straight.

Panicles flutter Walking around the hall on scarves, children

I beetles fly. wave your hands.

And the horse is galloping:Haircuts on both legs

Skok-skok on a ticket.pushing forward.

Strib-strib, hung upSit down, hands

for a minute. back, kill.

The axis jumped again and started.Haircuts on both legs.

"Horobets and Cancer"

Qile: training coordination of ruhiv, development of m'yazіv tuluba and kіntsіvok.

I.P. - o.s: haircuts on both legs with the protrusion in front of that on the mist (gorobets); pulled back at the lying position with support on the arms, the legs are bent (cancer).

Gra-right "Bug on the back"


I.P.: lying on your back, arms and legs in a free position. Apparently, like a beetle falling to the ground, like a bug, but falling not far away. Appearing on the back and trying to roll over on the tummy to call.

Image wrestling with paws in different sides. Rozgoduvannya on the back from the side on the bik (bіchna goydalka). Trying to roll over on the side, and then stand on the left side of that knee. At the hour of the fight, do not help with that shoulder-shouldered head, roar with all the toelub.

For example, children can be quenched: How does a part of the body easily roam, and how does it become indestructible? What kind of beetle are you? What do you have є (paws, krilltsya, shell)? What is your mood?

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"Don't spill the water"

Target: set the mold correctly.

I.P. - o.s: legs together. Hands on the shoulder blades are trimmed with a club (yoke). The child declares that it is necessary to scoop up water from the well with buckets and bring it to the booth.

Nahil at the right, and then at the left side (improvisation of scooping water). With a proud easy move, the vines move around the hall with the yoke.

You can trim the yoke stick with two hands on the shoulders, wider behind the shoulders, with one hand, but in any case, it is to blame, but it is perpendicular in length to the body and parallel to the foot.

You can appreciate the most beautiful move.

Gra-right "Baby"

Target: set the mold correctly.

I.P.: lying on your back, hands in a tunic, legs tightly pressed one to one. The children are encouraged to show themselves as a small child of an immutable age, to depict yoga moods and ruhi.

Pіdёm nіg, bent at the knees, pulling up the feet to the face, mimicry hands and feet in the air, humming, raising the head (not pulling the shoulders in the pіdlogi), turn it to the sides, showing emotion joy, improvisation crying and sounds [wa-wa] , imitation of swollen lips, smokche nipples.

"Sea Figure"

Children, holding hands, make a call, standing up to the center. Waving their arms back and forth, the stench wriggles the words: "The flutters go - one, the fluffs go - two, the fluffs go - three, on the mist, figure, freeze!" After the words "freeze" the children take the correct position, stand, sit, dropping down on their knees. The teacher chooses the best "figure" - a child, as a mind to accept and save the right place.


I will accept after the words "Freeze!" posture cannot be changed;

in case of recurrence, it is necessary to know a new posture;

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Buratino Complex

Target: put the molding correctly near the vertical plane

Reveal what you are Pinocchio, what to hang on the wall. Karabas Barabas hung yoga by the belt on a carnation. Ale khіba Pinocchio, will it be nice to hang quietly on the wall? Nabridlo Pinocchio visіti and virіshiv troch rose.

I.P. - o.s: white walls, sticking out of the stiletto, back, seats, heels. 1 - raise your hands through the sides uphill, turn to the top. (5-6 times).

Raise the leg, bend at the knees, then pull it forward, turn to the top; the same with the other leg (5-6 times).

Get on the shkarpetki, nibishly pick up the carnation, hands to the sides - turn in p.p. (5-6 times).

Drag your right arm down, not tearing up the wall, lift your left leg, not tearing up the wall, saving your jealousy; the same in the next day (5-6 times).

Raise the right leg, bent in the knees, and, shoveling the homilka with your hands, pull the knee up to the chest, turn in the p .; the same with the other leg (5-6 times).

Raise the right leg, bend it in the knee, pull it up to it (shoulders are strongly pressed to the wall), only that head collapses, turn to the top; the same with the left foot (5-6 times).

Dribnimi croques, not winding p'yat in the walls, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Sticking with the walls of the roof, with the back, with the shoulders that shoulders, nachilitsya to the right side, turn to v.p.; those to the left side (3-4 times).

"Giants and Gnomes"

Qile: zmіtsnennya m'yazіv upper and lower kіntsіvok, molding the correct ї put, improving the coordination of ruhіv.

Walking hall. "Giants" - walk on toes, arms up. "Gnomіki" - go to the top, hands on the belt. Back straight!

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Complex "Merry Dwarf"

Target: stoop correction.

A little dwarf is alive in the Cossack kingdom. Yomu really wanted to be pissed off and become tall and stringy. Virushiv wines to the good old Enchanter for joy. And why did you please that one?

I.P. - o.s. Climbing on the scarpets, bending back, raise your hands uphill with your palms forward, turn to the v.p. Repeat at a moderate pace 5-6 times.

I.P. - o.s. Climbing on the scarpets, pull back your hands into the “lock”, bend your back backwards; fix the position of the back, turn to v.p. Repeat at full pace 4-5 times with an interval of 40-50 seconds.

I.P. - o.s: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Stretch forward, spread your arms to the sides with your palms down, bend across, fix the position of your back, turn in p.p. Repeat at a comfortable pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.P.: standing on knees, hands down. Nahilitsya back, bending at the back, raise your hands uphill, kill, turn in i.p. Repeat at full pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 s. I.P.: standing on the knees, hands on the belt. Zrobiti deep nahil back, bending across, hands spread out and killed with the palms of the fire; fix the position of the back, turn to v.p. Repeat at a comfortable pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.P .: lying on the stomach, hands on the top of the coat. Bend over, arms back, hands closed, raise your head, shoulders back, turn to VP. Repeat 5-6 times at a normal pace with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.P.: sitting on a gymnastic bench (chairs), hands on the belt. Fully lift your head back and forth, bend your back backwards, pull your arms uphill with your palms forward; fix the position of the back, turn to v.p. Repeat 5-6 times at a normal pace with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

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"Lalka of Prince Tutti"

Target: prevention and correction of scoliosis.

The baby is alive, the yak was presented to Prince Tutti, but no one is guilty of guessing about it. Ruhi - synchronous, reading, mimicry of Lyalkov's face (but what do you see when you see it?).

I.P. - o.s. Raise your left hand forward, move your right hand back, turn to ch. Repeat 5-6 times at a moderate pace, with an interval of 30-40 s.

I.P. - o.s: feet shoulder-width apart, left arm up, right behind the back. Springs are sickened to the right side, turn to i.p. Repeat at full pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 s; those same in the next book.

I.P.: sitting on the table, hands down on the knees. Raise the left hand uphill, pull the right back, down, heal with the right hand, turn in p.p. Repeat at a comfortable pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1 min; those same in the next book.

I.P .: in emphasis on the knees, hands down. Pull the right leg back, fix the position, then turn to the v.p. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 mins; those same in the next book.

I.P.: lying on the stomach, arms folded under the boarders. Leaning back, pull the left arm forward, pull the right arm back, turn in p.p. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 times; those same in the next book.

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"Rivna back"

Target: prevention of scoliosis.

  1. Walking with hands on scarves.
  2. I.P. - o.s. More raising hands uphill - inhaling, lowering - seeing.
  3. I.P. - o.s: hands on the belt. Bend your leg to the knee, pull up to the stomach, turn to the VP. Let's sweat those with your own foot. Repeat 3-4 times with the skin leg.
  4. I.P. - o.s: hands in front of the chest. Opening hands at the side (inhale), turn to ch. (seen). Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. I.P.: lying on the back. Hands lifted the body, kicked the legs "Bicycle" 1-2 min.
  6. I.P.: lying on the stomach. Pull up, pulling up the scarpets, and pulling up the arms uphill to the edge (inward); relax (vidih). Repeat 3-4 times.
  7. I.P.: lying on the back. Hands vzdovzh Tuluba, legs strongly pressed one to one. Viginanny with the whole body to the right, mute cibula, arms and legs stretch to the left (inhale), turn to the VP. (seen). Those same in the next book. Repeat 3-4 times.
  8. I.P.: standing up to the gymnastic wall, grasp the rail on the shoulders with your hands. Gliboke prisidannya and turn to v.p. Repeat 3-4 times.
  9. I.P. - o.s: hands on the belt, on the head there is a small bag from the squeak. Napіvprisіdannya z vityaguvannyam hands ubіk. Repeat 4-5 times.
  10. I.P. - o.s: hands killed, on the head a small bag with a squeak.
  11. Walking on scarves.
  12. Standing at the stake, hold hands ("Gate"). Lifting hands uphill with an one-hour climb on scarpets (inhale), turning in p.p. (seen). Repeat 4-5 times.
  13. Standing in a stake, join hands. One hour sitting with a straight back. Repeat 3-4 times.

Right that game for prevention and correction

Put the damaged

"Beautiful back"

Target: set the mold correctly.

  1. I.P. - o.s: arms to the shoulders (do not pull the hands out of the shoulders). Circular wrap with bent arms forward, then. Repeat 5-6 times on the skin side.
  2. I.P. - o.s: hands in front of the chest. With a strain, with rivulets, the arms are thrown up deadly, lifted up the hill, lowered. Repeat 3 times.
  3. I.P. - o.s: hands down. The child correctly raises her hands forward and uphill, zchepivshi them at the "castle" above her head, lifts herself on the scarpets and bends her back. Turn to ch. Repeat 3-5 times.
  4. I.P. - o.s: hands killed. Raise the leg bent in the knee with an one-hour lift of the arms on the mountain, pull the toe, the back is straight. Repeat 5-6 times with the skin leg.
  5. I.P. - o.s. The back is straight, hands above the head at the "castle". Walk with a strained, twisted back on scarves. Repeat 1-2 min.
  6. I.P. - o.s. Quietly, more comfortably, smoothly in the air, raise your hands to the mountain, stretch. Slowly lower your arms through your sides. Repeat 4-5 times.
  7. I.P.: sitting on heels. Hands on knees. Get on your knees. With a strain, ryvkom, lift offended straight hands on the mountain, lower, lively lift. Repeat 5-6 times for two rows
  8. I.P.: sitting on heels. Get on your knees. Raise your hands properly, burn out with an effort, stretch, pull the trunk back. Repeat 4 times.
  9. I.P.: sitting on knees, hands down. Through the sides, it’s enough to raise your hands up to the mountain in the air, lower them to the vidikha. Repeat 6 times.

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