How to get your squad to have sex? For Corisna's sake. Sex in the morning: what you need to know so that we can do it How to get a man on MZM

Sex for 100-year-olds is important, as are spiritual developments, romance, and a rich dose of everyday food. But sometimes problems begin in the veins, causing your intimate life to collapse. In this article, we know how to persuade a friend to have sex, why a woman and if a passionate woman is close to her, she appears to be attracted to her.


The main problem is with veins, which is why a woman loses all interest in sex, but is dissatisfied with sex. In contrast to people who are known to be accepted even before the hour of marriage, representatives of the beautiful state sometimes manage to fool their partner, they are satisfied and have an orgasm. Ale gras in one gate cannot be enjoyed for long, even though the woman begins to feel inferior and dissatisfied.

Sex allows you to release the energy that has accumulated, relax and calm down from the stress of the world, but in most cases, girls have to simply endure, please their boyfriend, and not get rid of anything.

Serious problem

If a person or a friend has problems in his head, they must be dealt with peacefully, as there is evidence that the relationship is beginning to collapse. Of course, sex is not a headache, but intimate life is more important for hundred-year-olds. First of all, there is a way to trust one another, and the variety of tendernesses, pestilences and achievements to tell about those that between a person and a team there is a wall that cannot be broken through. In other words, sexual life is a miraculous way to overcome everyday problems, to relax and enjoy the warmth of one another. In other words, a simple relationship should not obscure romance, romance, intimacy and respect, but should not be forgotten or ignored.

Main reasons

  1. Problems arise between a person and a team if a representative of a beautiful position feels dissatisfied. This time the fault may cause resentment. Man, don’t hesitate to give the gift of your khaniya, otherwise you will demand respect for yourself. The squad, because it doesn’t look feminine and sexy, wears old granny leggings, tucked whites and stretched T-shirts, which cheerfully tell us about what the girl was cooking for dinner.
  2. Your squad is really excited. People inevitably like to repeat that the 21st century has taken away all the demands from a woman, and all that she is deprived of is sitting in social settings and enjoying a soft sofa. However, the obvious presence of dishwashing and washing machines does not prevent the girl from grooming children, preparing herbs, consuming daily foods, so that most people limit their activities to work and doctors, and There is nothing to admire about the representatives of the beautiful article.
  3. Once you and the girl got to know each other, the passions between you flared up into flames, and then the riches began to fade. What's on the right? Perhaps you won’t wake up your kohana again. Analyze how much your way of living, your outward appearance and the savor of life have changed. Since so many fateful things happened that you couldn’t live a day without training, couldn’t sleep at night, wasted your life, poured it into your life, then now, perhaps, you’ve gained a small beer belly, and all that’s good for you is going out with friends bar, computer games and home games. This way the wife doesn’t wake up, even the hundred-hundred-year-old – if the couple develops at the same time, and if one doesn’t wake up, then one definitely begins to suffer.

In truth, there are no reasons why the squad prefers sex. There may be a child, if the mother is on a psychological level, you can’t even think about sex, as well as serious welding and heat, the appearance of a third person in 100-year-olds. But one thing has become clear: if there are suspicions that people need more sex, then it’s time to seriously look into the problems, because no career, everyday problems, or financial troubles can be harmful to healthy and healthy people. Idnosinam.

Method 1. Give her the gift of romance

Enjoy an unforgettable evening with your family, celebrate it with respect and make it the center of a small family unit, so that you both forget about all the worldly worries. Women really don’t care about a rapt party with candles, a relaxing massage or going to a concert with their beloved crowd.

It’s not easy to realize that simple romantic music can open up your love, especially after a lot of sex. It is possible that you will not be able to get rid of what you destroy, so that the woman can only begin to relax. To re-ignite a wealth of passions, it is necessary to hone your respect and turbocharge more than once. Without sounding materialistic or selfish, many people do not understand that the lack of intimacy is a global problem that affects the deepest corners of the soul of your other half.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to pursue a romantic relationship with a friend at a critical moment for her: not after a tiring and exhausting work day, not after an important day spent with small children, not during an hour of illness. Do you want to earn money? Prepare your squad before the family goes away: send the children to grandma or hire a nanny, help her deal with all the everyday problems as soon as possible, so that your family does not think about all the problems that are getting worse every day . After such romantic music, a fragrant evening, a clean apartment, well-attended children, a welcome and necessary gift to give back to your family.

Method 2. Talk to your heart's content

You know, the problem of lack of sex arises among people who have crossed the 35th line. In such situations, a person may feel that the most important thing for a woman is now her career, children, and not intimate. Most cases of this problem are those that the woman simply stopped feeling the urge to reach her man. At the dawn of the day, she was laid up, perhaps, believed in an ideal life after her marriage and hurried, taking all sorts of decisions, but through the fates the addiction passed, and in its place came awareness.

This is the time when a couple can talk to their hearts’ content without agreeing on the same thing. Nabrid classic sex? Add farb, which can include toys, everyday life, role-playing games and intimate mornings. Try and experiment, don’t be afraid to trust one another and step over your principles in order to turn a lot of fire out of hundreds.

Method 3. Additional features

It turns out that the couple does not have that same sacred spark to rediscover their passion and desire for one another. In this case, an erotic film for two will help. At this point, a note will be added that, once satisfied, you can complement the welcoming atmosphere with candles, aromatic oils with the scent of patchouli or ylang-ylang, or a hot bath. A gentle massage and some hot wine help to relax and unwind the girl.

Of course, before you can convince your team to have sex in this way, it is necessary to discuss what genre of erotic film to include. Don’t be mistaken, as your family may include BDSM or videos involving many girls.

Method 4. Add respect to your health

As a rule, when the squad begins to joke about the khannya and nіzhnіst on the side. Before we begin, it is important to look at the real reasons for such coldness. Most often, the problem is a trip to the gynecologist or endocrinologist, based on general medical treatment.

How to persuade a friend to have sex, how to imagine not only intimacy, but also extreme caresses? Go to a sexologist, undergo a new medical examination, do all the necessary tests and redo your routine, which is not only necessary for improving your libido and lifestyle, but also for your physical and psychological health. The cause lies in the endocrine system and gynecology. For example, the cause may be chronic infectious illness, inflammation of the ovaries, brushes and new development, hormonal imbalance. Of course, a lot of analyzes are carried out only for a fee, but the body of the team will tell you “what the hell” for giving help and encouragement.

Method 5. Psychological support

Before you know how to get a friend to have sex, you need to understand why they are interested in sex. The reason may be psychological or emotional problems that have destroyed the spiritual integrity of the representative of the beautiful article.

Explain what is bothering your khan. It is possible that she is complex with the drive of externality and the hassle of going to the gym, or is worried about financial troubles in the family, lack of respect on the part of the person and children through the conflict at work and the pressure of the director.

Method 6. Psychological assistance

If they don’t help you, and if you stop manipulating and welding, then the time has come to contact a family psychologist. There are enough fakers, especially qualified ones, to get to the truth and eliminate the problem.

As has already been said above, sometimes behind the scenes there is not just a re-evaluation of values ​​and emphasis on this, but the problem is much more serious. The psychologist, after the first sessions, will be able to identify the problem and suggest ways to improve it. It’s really important here that the people and the squad unite and become one and the same. In order for the family to effectively help, the couple must reveal their souls without sarcasm, trust their hidden secrets and emotional experiences of someone else. And if a solution is found, then the man and his squad will report to everyone and try to turn the hundred-year-old’s cravings around.

Method 7. Eternal conflicts

There are plenty of people to ask how to convince your squad to have sex after welding. The message is simple: there is no need to persuade. If you realize that you are guilty of something wrong, then you will get the hell out of yourself, and mentally and sensitively.

Most often, a woman is attracted to intimacy, because she simply does not receive affection. Men, as a rule, are ready to attack the squad, with a unique touch of tenderness, passionate kisses, and important glances. Do you want to give up this sacred thing? Listen to romantic music, finish with hugs and don’t rush anywhere. You owe it to yourself to relax yourself and your wife. Feel your body, breath, voice, vibrations.

Important information

Women, who so often argue with their men, have to accept one truth: sex is not a need for the body, it is not for maintaining health, it is not a joke, and it is definitely not a concern. Sex is an important element of life, as are affection, tenderness, and romance. Without intimacy, under which we can respect not only the achievements, but also the quiet richness of the soul, we cannot have a family life.

If a woman informs men, then these are the first alarm bells that some problems have arisen. It is possible, therefore, to look at your position one by one, to yourself, your life, your children, the less conservative ones and try to embrace the sanctity, in order to turn around the extreme bias.


Before you and your squad, you need to decide what you really want. Swing is the exchange of partners in couples that have formed. It’s not the group sex, the inability to try sex in the morning, but the very contact with another person, who is also in serious congestion, and doesn’t care about anything other than intimacy. In this case, you and your friend have sex with other people. Often at this moment, strong flames of jealousy arise. Are you ready to see that your wife is daring with someone else? Fantasies and reality may not be avoided in such experiments.

She has her own rules of behavior, so you need to become familiar with them before communicating them to your partner. For example, there is an open and closed swing. In the first episode, the bet is in front of one in front of one, and the other will settle down in separate rooms. Further information, food consumption and possible inheritances are also discussed.

It is necessary to start the experiment carefully so as not to cause a negative reaction. For example, try watching a film about swingers or porn themes. Ask the woman how she is going to get to such heights. It is better to conduct a dialogue in a heated form, without emphasizing anything specific at first.

In a relaxed situation, tell your friends that they were going to get more out of other people in the future. Tell me how she felt that she was good in these fantasies. Talk about their emotions, not your own. If you start talking to yourself, you may find it ambiguous. Often a woman begins to joke about her own little things, she will think that she has come up with you, so that she no longer cares as a sexual partner. It’s hard to believe that it will be good after all.

A woman will go for such an experiment only if she knows that there is no chance of losing her man. You need to know what’s wrong, what you don’t want to replace or even out. It is necessary to put aside the fear of appearing unnecessary. But the only way to earn money is by steadily repeating, and there is nothing better in the world for it. And what is important here is breadth, not flattery.

Don't emboss on it. Just get started, then talk about the possibility of the distant future, and for the next few years, start discussing the possibility in more detail. Women sometimes need to calm everything down and become aware of all the nuances. Perhaps you should start looking for information online or in magazines. Give her all the power, so that after this she will feel richer.

The first swing needs to be demonstrated to people who know it. This can be good friends, old friends. Perhaps you know an old friend, the one behind the hundreds of friends. This option would not be so scary, since everyone knows the same thing. Just remember that if things don’t work out, you can lose these people from your stake once again.

It is very important to get your friends involved in swinging and another form of sexual freedom.

Sometimes it’s impossible.

It is entirely possible that your efforts will end in failure.

And failure, perhaps, is the best thing anyone can expect from you.

In the worst case, you reject the internal family conflict in its obvious form.

So, first of all, let’s talk to you about three simple, but important meals:

1) Are you ready to recognize the psychological pitfalls of the process of reasoning (simply - get over your nerves) for a full guarantee of the success of your entry. Tobto. Are you ready to risk the balance of contributions and interests in your homeland, which has already been agreed upon? Finally, you can tell Rozmova herself about this topic.

2) Honestly tell yourself: “What kind of swing do you want?” Adje swing - this is group sex strictly for married couples (or even tired ones). And nothing else. All “girlfriends and family friends” are the same, none mzhm, zhmzh, mmmzh, zhzhm, etc. It's not swing anymore! These options are called differently. This promotes other forms of sexuality – a topic of close discussion.

3) Are you ready to treat your powerful squad, which rings in orgasm in the arms of someone else and whispers tender words to you, or even two or three times? After such a sight, some people always forget what an erection is.

Be a human being - the essence of thought and emotion. To this and another degree. Statistically speaking, women have a balance of displacements in both emotions, and men have a balance in mind (although this does not happen every time). Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to encourage your squad to swing in a way that is typical for most people - washing, converting, trying to make logical arguments and discussing the inevitable satisfaction and appreciation of family drains (like: a tablet in I'll give you my love).

The average woman doesn’t understand, and doesn’t want to understand. And I would like to listen to your subtle sensibilities from your words and develop your own special principles. To the one who knows for everything, he will give a completely different place to your words. Which one? For example, they changed it quietly and now you are trying to “cover up” the fault in this way; Why do you verify their correctness in such a cunning way; because you decided to drink from her before the other, quit and came up with such a way to earn money; But those who don’t satisfy you sexually and in fact, you’ll be looking for a replacement, only in front of her... There are a lot of good options!

Are the stars madder? What didn't you tell her? And are you having a lot of thoughts? The woman is more prone to fits, more anxious and unsatisfied in herself, the lower man. ALE! She is able to masterfully attract people. For those who have sensed “something is wrong” with your words, they are intuitively aware of a possible threat to their family life that may arise from your proposition. Family and sex are different for a woman, less for a man.

You won't be able to give him yours. Having sensed in your intentions (your careful choice of words will inflame her suspicions even more) that it’s rotten, my friend, who has sworn for everything, “feels” those that I want to feel - like “fifteen senses”, which is not at all adhere to your proposition . They will not analyze your arguments. Listen to yourself. I will feel my anxious emotions... and I will definitely attribute them to your words and real negative meanings. For a woman, this is a normal instinct of self-preservation.

A great number of families practice not swing, but banal medicine. Why? It's simpler. In general, you can allow yourself to know nothing about the “usefulness” of something else. Or smear the information with turbulent fantasies, taking in the truth. And those are also more psychologically safe for partners in love. Internal family decency and a sense of freedom with a partner are preserved. And you don’t have to compete head-to-head with the supers (we wouldn’t mind them!), but rather on the side. And the psychological benefit is greater - affection, flirting, gifts. The pig doesn't have enough of that. It’s not enough to respect someone else’s woman, it’s not enough to show a face (the squad is in order!). Everyone has a mustache in front of them. In the closed version of swing, everything is more prosaic. Greedy intrigues. And where is the woeful woman’s guilt?

If you still want to continue your career, then know that victory will bring you not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Because The wives (and your squad, who have been responsible for everything, are not to blame, but may God grant you that she will be blamed!) have very strong internal defenses (including sexual freedom for themselves and their man), and have established education in their father’s homeland ( As a rule, the exchange of sexual freedoms of a daughter) and social pressure on marriage (in our huge Duma, the inhabitants of sexual freedom are often equated with moral decline and prostitution... and it’s not because swingers are forced out of wretched bars for I mean “unnecessary behavior”?). As soon as your squad crosses the terrible psychological barrier, then, according to the law of the pendulum, they will be in full swing. And a woman has more sexual resources than a man! That’s why your squad will have more fun, if you’ve been tired for a long time. I'm unlikely to miss it easily. You will no longer drink tea, kava, hot pot, beer and, while smoking, talk about her mysterious soul.

Ozzhe, HOW TO “MENTION” correctly?

1) Focus not on your thoughts, but on your feelings. Forget about your logic. Learn to speak with my feelings. It’s good to read Shakespeare’s essays with the eternal human nutrition “To be or not to be?” It’s much simpler and more effective to stroke the gut and wait a while. Well, let me tell you the dead murkcats.

2) Drink light alcohol (not too much alcohol) before rosemary. This will reduce anxiety and strengthen sexual impulses in her brain.

3) Let her know that it’s vinyatkova and best. Why is she in love and careless. On the logical side, “what do you expect from other women?”, let us tell you that you just want to rule sacredly for her. Sexy. (Shvidshe for everything, you would like to have a stronger grip on this “holy” with the obvious superiority of the people).

Since your squad is smart to the point of “b” and is very similar to another woman, then, perhaps, you were lucky. Ale, the woman, as it is, is thin on the right, Petrukha... Bi - vidnosini (due to hormonal abnormalities... we suspect that your friend does not have them) in most episodes are of a social rather than sexual nature. Ask the woman to tell you about this:

Underlying problems with the protracted condition (unfortunate or unnecessary to moisturize the diapers).

Bazhannya sexually and emotionally “control” the supergirl.

Trying to “move” a person under observation is an analogy to a prison walk.

All this comes from a high level of emotionality, anxiety, trying to follow the fashion for a “bi” woman and from past psychological traumas and problems from the pre-existing condition. Chi has spared you, since the “B” squad has better food. It varies depending on the individual skin type. Before speaking, some women use “bi” to steal the technology of peace in other women. But it’s a completely different story.

4) Accumulate a capital of human trust and generosity in front of your squad. Vaughn is more afraid in this world, the lower man, because he is assertive and does not show fear. Trusting you, it’s best to give up for everything. It’s a paradox for the one who trusts in front of her, you will earn money not with your own ideas (as most people think - to earn money, not basics) and not with words. It is difficult to trust the feelings of your friend, reasonable, strange (from a human point of view), emotional, illogical thoughts.

5) Give her freedom of self-assertion from the swing. In front of other people and especially women. Let her reveal her peculiarity and individual guilt. It is much easier for a woman to get ready for a swing immediately after a cosmetologist, or immediately after the curtains. Even though the pig’s wives compete (obviously, it’s natural, the trickiest ones just catch it) and she needs a strong belief so that she can “overcome” her worries and other charms.

And as soon as you are ready, you still remember that the swing is a catalyst for family centenaries. It will strengthen its already existing trends. Therefore, following the points (as you wish), remember that you can awaken the Dragon, and you can find out from your squad something new and miraculous. And you have no guarantees that you will be satisfied with the result, as it will turn out.
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On thematic sites, people often put chains. First of all, move on to action, ask yourself from the beginning: are you ready to feed your kohana in the amount of another person? Do you want to know how it is called under him and hundredgnatime?

In every woman's case, the possibility of becoming more aware of sexual life with other partners may immediately cause a shock. Ale, as you know, water sharpens stones. I know a couple (virtually), whose friend asked for 10 (!) rocks. You can greet him late, but now everyone is happy, and the squad is in good spirits.

But still, not everything will be good. Sometimes the squad is willing to swing, because it seems that it’s easier to control a person. Having said, if you can see it, then let it be for the better that you will be in front of their eyes. Such women don’t need other partners, they just have to endure it. Proven swingers count such bets several times and don’t want anything from them, being satisfied with nothing.

Sometimes, women experience the syndrome of the numb woman, when the team immediately takes part in group sex, which is what it should be, they lose the sea of ​​​​satisfaction and orgasms, and the next day they suffer from the fact that they have engaged in sexual intercourse moral. And so on until the next orgy.

The man may be prepared to the point that the woman has more sexual resources than the man. Therefore, if you are already seen, your squad will still be able to survive. Think about what your job will be like if your friend starts having sex with other partners?

Often it’s nice to teach friends not swing, but the classic: a couple for a couple, and sex in the morning with another person. In truth, for a woman (as she is not bisexual) it is easier psychologically to accept another man from another woman than to marry her man with another woman. Women are much more apologetic about their sense of power than men. I have read many times on a thematic forum that a couple becomes friends with other men because the friend is jealous of the man’s other wives.

In fact, in some families it’s best to turn a blind eye, because it’s psychologically simpler: the so-called “internal family decency” is preserved. And health has more benefits for a woman - attention, flirting, gifts, while a pig has practically none of these. The person with the other bet will not give the cards to your squad, so you have no idea that you will give the cards to his squad. The self-made man is not gifted, because he does not know how to place the man.

Of course, you can’t give it to the forehead. If you say: “My dear, I’ve been thinking, we need to take up swinging,” then your path can come up with something that you have changed and in this way you are trying to “cover up” the offense; But what is the point of checking it for accuracy? or you know that you are going to go out with her before the other and you are going to discover that she doesn’t satisfy you sexually, the wives’ fantasy is wild, so good. It is important here that the squad can trust you completely. Let her know how much you love her, that she is the only one for you.

So how do you get your squad to swing? Practical reasons to give from your statistics o_bl .
Short summary:
1. Suitable for up to two members (with the help of a dildo).
2. It’s addictive to the fingers of the mouth (Some bloggers wrote in the comments that they shouldn’t do this. Insure individuality!)
3. It is important to note that the Overton effect will occur if you lose another member, so that the living organs will bring more satisfaction to the squad.
4. At the hour of sex, the woman agrees that two is better than one (and three is even better, lower...). Therefore, vikorists in the borderlands, if the sex has already ended, and the brain has not yet turned to decency (damn - in the bed, gentlemen - in the kitchen), we firmly believe that there is a shortage of toys in the same place as living organs. Don't let the woman have any more doubts. Let it become the norm. Two members - better, lower one.
The first 4 points may take months and days. Where should you hurry? :)
5. We are trying to get some action. To say that it is impersonal for people to love sex with married couples. Or you can try a new (for you) activity - soft swing - two couples having sex, in close proximity, without contact with other people's partners. Such is the axis of living porn.

As a person, however, we didn’t have the usual vibrators and fingers in our mouths (I don’t like fingers in our mouths). We do it differently: once during the hour of sex, a man whispers: “Recognize that there is another man lying next to you, turn around for another kiss,” and with these words, he turned my head to the other man, and at the same time turned on. .


If you can’t help for the sake of this article:

  • you got to know each other just once;
  • as you are two boys or two girls, who immediately crave hot dishes;
  • Because it doesn’t matter to you what happens next, you don’t plan to repeat it, and, in the grand scheme of things, you don’t care that you’ll lose all your satisfaction.

Here I will give some advice on how to help the couple reject new ideas and not worry about anything.

Do you really need to add variety to your sex? The passion subsides over time and the fact is communicated. If you have experienced three fates at once, you will already understand what I am talking about. My friends and I have a lot more and we still maintain interest one after another. Trio is one of the ways. This article is for forming couples in order to avoid harming their sexual life. I will tell you about my testimony from the man’s glance.

I won’t tell you here about how to come and understand your partner. I assume that your cravings will finish and you talk one after another about your dreams. If not, you need to start from something else. Axis statistics that can help you:

First revelation

The first proof of the trio is testing for any hundred-year-olds. First of all, you need to be placed one by one especially carefully. Let us understand that you are here alone for one, the greatest value for you is your money itself, and not the requests of the participant.

If in the process you realize that your partner is not supposed to, take a break, have a drink or something near the bath and talk.

Tell me how you love one and the same. Relax, calm down, take a breath - well, you know best what to tell your boyfriend. If you feel discomfort, continue chewing. Yakshcho nі – we rather wanted to finish today’s work. You still have a chance to try it.

If you haven’t had something like this before, don’t rush to ask good friends to help you. If this is not the case, you run the risk of permanently separating the discussion with the third participant. If you have any doubts, I would recommend that you practice with a professional. Marvel at the reaction of each other. Upon completion, discuss how you got everything done, and show them clearly how you go about it. It is very important to understand that your partner values ​​you.



The simplest format is MZHM. The simple fact is that this method will easily satisfy a woman and will almost always end successfully.


1. Two men can satisfy a woman much more for one. Chotiri hands, two rotis, two penises. Subtle penetration. Wine of malt. One of the broadest fantasies for a woman is she and two macho men (or more). The lady feels like a queen, being at the center of respect in front of two people.

2. To be clear, I would like one of the participants to participate in this method, which may not require any preparation. A woman needs a little trust, then everything will work out on its own. Two men will always know what to do with a woman.

Why do you love group sex so much?

Because there is the ability to sap.


3. Everyone was talking about the woman’s multiple orgasms. The human body controls in a different way. Men need an hour to recover after ejaculation, and trio MFM is an ideal option for this. While one is engaged in active activities, the other is resting, and in the meantime. In this manner, you can ensure many years of uninterrupted extravaganza.

4. There is no concern about the transfer of microflora. Whenever a person asks for a condom, no one rejects new microbes and fungi. In addition to the ZhMZ format, you need to pay more attention to safety.


1. A woman can trust at least one person and trust truly. It is necessary to almost immediately say: “Stop, I don’t want that.” If you rub your strong hands with different addictions, you will greatly reduce your partner’s level of freedom, and it’s easy to see what is causing her discomfort. For example, someone gets sicker because of his frictions. The feeling of satisfaction and the feeling of pain are weakly noticeable, especially if you know little. It may be possible for anyone to change the position and amplitude.

That garazd, scho ti...

film "Brother-2"

Or, for example, she wasn’t planning on having anal sex today. In the heat of the moment, two people can easily attack their own. It's not a primus, no. After the first orgasm, the girl is overcome and may simply not be able to comprehend it and not be able to stop it. And then he’ll say: No, I didn’t want anything, as if it happened on its own. I was against it, I couldn’t accept it.” And the enemy will be sealed, and there will be images. To avoid this, add a safe word.

2. Our country has strong homophobia. People need to be made aware of the stink of sleeping in the same bed as another naked man with a erect penis. And there are no options available for the use of prescription drugs. As you are struck by the sight of the jade haircut that has risen from you, as you are sick with a suffocating sickness, slightly stifled by the sneeze, avoid such advantages. The psyche is precious.


The ZHMZ format is richly complex.

There is a widespread legend among people that sex with two women is just wow! A charming picture rises before your eyes: two Gurias are dancing, kissing passionately, stroking each other, looking at the man with contempt for an hour. Having woken up, they call him to themselves, and the three, out of greed, pounce on him.

Lesh, if you want, I’ll tell you,
How would everything have been true?

I don't want to.

And everyone wants.

Come on.

film “What are people talking about”

Nine out of ten have either one, or offended women immediately become dissatisfied and dissatisfied with the past evening, no matter what they tell you.


  • The man gave her less respect, but she didn’t want it;
  • The man had been busy with another partner for a long time, and the first one had gone cold;
  • the man is overawakened and has already passed out;
  • one of the partners appeared jealous;
  • The girls began to respect themselves and suffer from their obvious physical problems and so on.

The main reason is that human strength and respect were not reduced by two at once. The result is, and below I will explain how to organize a trio of ZhMZ and satisfy both.


1. It's really great. The look of two naked women on one bed is a miracle. Men, for rare reasons, respect lesbian erotica with sloppy erotica. No wonder this is one of the most popular stories in the porn industry. Most wives should do the same.

2. The ZHMZ format allows you to reveal a woman’s sexuality. According to statistics, over 70% of women are bisexual or would like to try it. Not all of them are ready to confess to themselves, and the 70% significant part of them does not detract from this evidence. Trio ZHMZ is a powerful and safe way to explore this area of ​​your sexuality.


1. Easy to zip. The reason I described the thing. People will have to go all out in order to please both of them. This is really important, and all three of us risk losing being dissatisfied.

In addition, women are more sensitive than men to notice any nuances in the mood of the entire trio and react to it. One recent heat wave - and the waking temperature drops by a dozen or two degrees. Or, for example, the woman started drinking licorice, and you bought brut.

And women alone are more confused than men. “Oh no, let’s get my kernels in kilograms on the stitches, wait, let’s get light!” ZhMZ – tendon system.

2. Looking at the first point, such a rush needs to be prepared in advance. If you don’t know many partners one by one, you need to get to know each other better. Recognize the savory similarity. Reconvert, what the girl asked is not afraid and trusts you. Tell your wife once again how much you love her, but not at all. Make sure that your wife doesn’t threaten your requests. And other friendships, about them below.

3. In the ZhMZ format, it is necessary to achieve advances in security. You can transfer the microflora of the soil from one woman to another using your penis, fingers, lips and other parts of the body. Axis you pestle the dough with one of them with your fingers. Now, before you do anything else, you need to shake your hands or even do them.

4. Among the wives there are a significant number of those who do not enjoy sex or simply play erotic games with their human status. And if you have a couple with such a girl (or offend) - they don’t deserve it. You can try it: their interest will immediately spark. Sometimes it gets stuck, but it’s unlikely to come first.

How can we encourage the ZhMZ zustrich so that everyone is no longer satisfied and wants more?

Men, in order to please two wives one by one, you need to be a sex giant. In our time of filthy ecology, there are very few of them. There is another way to do it.

The clear format of ZhMZ is a team game when two partners are engaged in a third.

Read from the requested girl. Give your respectful partner all the respect she deserves. Then, after the climax and conclusion, switch roles and take care of your wife, again in two ways.

You are lucky because the partners in your trio may have the tendency to be bisexual. Then the thought of pestering the two of you will be received with a bang. Why are you afraid, because the stench is strictly hetero?

To help you and not be left idle, they don’t need to depict lesbian porn, perform cunnilingus or press on the chest. It is not necessary to kiss each other. Enough gentle stroking on the back, stomach, legs. Kisses your neck, shoulders and ears. Caressing the head and hair. Just hug them, admire their eyes and laugh cheerfully, while the person completely cherishes them. Believe it or not, it’s better to start all three of us with hundreds of hundred years of heterosexuality.

This method significantly increases the likelihood of success. For what purpose can you understand and accept your partner, or, more accurately, offend the girl.

There are a number of important moments that need to be taken into account at the time of planning. Your first sustrich, melodiously, is not at all the way you thought it would be. But still, it’s still possible to redo it.

1. The most important thing: all three of them may be equal to each other. As if one participant would like to have an unacceptable feeling for anything else, sex would be impossible for them. This combination has nothing to offer. Stop and start pranking your partner again.

2. To stop an orgy that has gone too far, set a safe word with your regular partner. Anyone who senses it is guilty of unfathomably mischievousness. In some situations this is more necessary, I have painted more.

4. It is easier to establish contact on neutral territory. Requests for a partner - a girl or a man - at the rulers' apartment, at any time, you will feel sadness. It’s just that you don’t have a great mansion with a living room and a guest bedroom. In a government apartment, tactful people will be bound by the norms of guest behavior, and in a rented apartment or hotel room all over the world. On neutral territory it will be easier for you to relax.

A wonderful apartment with the best amenities. Then the hammam. In the opinion of some girls, the good thing about a sauna is that if there is an inconvenient pause in the shower, then it can be replaced with the words “Let’s go to the pool!”

At the very least - a hotel room. Not everyone is worthy of going to the room in the morning in front of the funeral. The most desirable option is to kill the Khrushchev. Don't look at it.

If you are able, keep the area clean. Grab some kaptsi. Brutal excuses and drinking on furniture are a sure way to get rid of the first hostility in the evening before it even starts.

5. Create a romantic atmosphere. Let me play music, candles, flowers, chocolate, in the afternoon. This is important for a woman, as long as you double it. And even in such a delicate situation as a trio, romance is important.

If you don’t remember that all participants need scented candles, don’t beat them up, take them first. For some people the smell is unacceptable.

You can choose the music yourself or take one of the specialized podcasts, for example Sexy Lounge.

6. I feel like I'll finish the evening by watching some porn. In my opinion, this is doubtful and depends greatly on the preferences of the partners. Viral yourself.

7. Stock up on fruits, water and light snacks. For some light snacks – half a banana, for others – half a grilled chicken. Everything is obvious, as you will know from afar, that any kind of snacking and any kind of alcohol gives precedence. Go for less and lighter alcohol. Turn off alcoholic beverages. The water is painful!

8. Stock up on mastila and contraceptive methods in sufficient quantity. Prepare non-contagious agents of the “Miramistina” type. It can be used to wash a person’s hands during the process, if you have a medical history, and article organs afterwards. The axis and the complete instructions are how to get started quickly.

I told you about my testimony. If you want to add or clarify anything, write a comment before this article, I will definitely read it for you.

Good luck to you and keep going!

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