Recognition of images (novel). Recognition of images - William Gibson Reception by the public and the city

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ISBN: 978-5-389-10437-2 Size: 440 KB

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William Gibson became famous for the Cyberspace trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive), which became the cornerstone of cyberpunk and marked the face of modern literature for decades to come. Just as soon as the genre revolutionary became increasingly constrained by the boundaries of any genre - and behind the steampunk epic "The Machine of Violence" with Bruce Sterling, the "Bridge Trilogy" was born, which seems to be a kind of alternative today, and “The Blue Murakhi Trilogy”, published with the novel "Recognition of Images".

Case Pollard is something of a market expert who earns her living as a consultant to advertising and marketing agencies. Its services benefit the market: Pollard has a unique eye for the design of brands and signs. Only relatives and special psychiatrists know about the gateway and its features. The case suffers from a unique mental disorder: the intrusiveness of commercial symbols and advertising evokes an attack of fear. All the main sense of life Case lies in the discussed fragments of the film, as the anonymous author regularly vivantizes to the extent of a hidden glance. The right takes an unsettling turn when Case refuses to know the author of the fragments around which the current cult was built.

The translation is published in a new edition.

"Pattern Recognition" is Gibson's best novel from the hours of Neuromancer" - said Neil Gaiman and I am 100% good with him. With age one becomes dull and it is rare that a book brings a sense of thrill to some in the 16-18 years of age they shouted the new novel by Heinlein, Harrison or Bujold (you need to uplift your skin...). For me, the RV screamed the very same thing - the thrill of reading the text itself, which has not happened for a long time. Gibson has a simply phenomenal ability to create images and evoke images with sharp short propositions otsіi, when in this book 0 as many as 0 tenths of fiction, just a very subtly evil spirit of the hour.It is possible, for whom it works, for whom (judging from other vogues) there is no... Skoda, that in the further continuation of this magic there is much less.

Rating: 9

The novel can be compared with “Virtual Light” in terms of its volume of images, expressiveness, and laconicism. About a new hour, a new world, into which we step by step, are drawn in, not noticing how the light changes outside the window of our office. Sometimes it seems that the civilization we live in is constructed behind the chairs of W. Gibson.

Rating: 8

It seems that in this book the author did not manage to realize his plans - an unexpected beginning, a boring main character, a rapid development of intrigue, and then - boring jokes, interspersed with a banal massacre, horror stories about Moscow (already described in detail). і, вім) і a hopeless ending, breaking, shown on the cob of a book. You can read, you can read.

Rating: 6

After two brilliant trilogies, Gibson seems to be in the middle. Not that it’s not science fiction and it’s not an alternative. Just as in trilogies there are a lot of stories, with several storylines, after reading these novels you will immediately realize that when you return to visit a lot of things, then everything is one-dimensional, insightful, nothing what kind of “Gibsonian underwater currents” are you talking about? The story is far-fetched, who posts parts of these clips on the Internet? The heroines are not going to worry if the Russians are caught in the clutches of Vaughn. The ending is not burning. “Recognition of images” recognizes its creator in a serious creative crisis. Gaiman paid a great, if not heartless, compliment, calling this novel the best thing Gibson has written since Neuromancer.

Rating: 7

Gibson garniy! wonderful book. But things are getting crazier and crazier after reading these books. Since “Neuromancer” is a different world, the Bridge Trilogy is all ours, then “recognition...” is at once. And here, between the rows, everything is wasted... But the soul does not follow the rhythm of life.

Rating: 10

The main novelty when reading it was, of course, that it was not science fiction at all. The other is the visibility of descriptions of contemporary Russia, which inevitably led to the ripening on the sides of the novel, PSMS, and a certain crane. In American films it was not so obvious, but in this case the reality did not correspond to reality, which was an unacceptable contradiction. The third novelty is that the book (essentially) is neither about anything nor about anything, I would like to inform you that it does not allow you to get out of reading. In other words, it’s still the same Gibson with his tenacious plot, rich metaphors, truly living heroes, masterful change of scenery. light cordons. The result was such a lame-aesthetic fiction with detective notes, which is suitable for those who appreciate the Author, but is not recommended for knowledge of the work of William Gibson.

Rating: 7

“The Recognition of Images” is the first book by Gibson that I have read. I can’t say that I’m in captivity, but I certainly can’t call this book nasty or worthless. A completely rotten plot, perhaps a little too long description and a long description of the “behind the looking glass” and a remarkable Case, but it’s a waste of time and it’s disgusting! beyond the decimal rating scale is solid 8)

Rating: 8

And the axis and continuation of the famous “Neuromancer”... Apparently, it’s a forward... forerunner...

In my humble opinion (IMHO), the axis is exactly what is most remarkable about the work of W. Gibson.

No, to be honest, it’s not like that. Mature, classic, and on the topic of the day!

I'm all for it!!!

How to get out of bad equations, thoughtful reader, you can easily find parallels for increasing the power of QI, well, what other “tricks” do the service for assessing life... what are you up to there? :haha:

well, exactly, the last of the powerful.... status... :haha::haha::haha:

The plot is entirely predictive, banal and tedious (don’t blame me), and although Vikonannya DOESN’T splurge, it’s important to give a higher score... It’s melodious, almost with a dampness...

Well, NІ YAK is not heavy on 10.... maximum 8....

Rating: 8

Singingly, I began to sing too richly from Gibson. Or Gaiman, who said that this novel is the shortest of Gibson's remaining ones after Neuromancer.

The main character is probably the only thing that was missing from the novel. This image of me has become even more memorable. A woman with an unreasonable, peculiar life, open-minded glances and interests, a phobia of branded speeches and a unique personality, she can guess what the fashionistas of the nearest few rocks might like.

And here it would be useful to upload short videos on the Internet with unintelligent messages and, perhaps, encrypted information. Amateur enthusiasts are creating a forum where angry videos can be discussed and discussed, whatever that means. RR is one of the contributors to this forum.

Piece by piece, the information begins to leak, the heroine doesn’t sit still, the light rises in price in order to pull the thread of the ball... But it didn’t work out for the spluttering. I don’t quite understand the hype for a few videos. It’s time to go to Tokyo or Moscow, it’s time to discover what’s behind it all. For what? Well, the ending didn’t surprise me at all, even though I had read a charming tale about the Russian mafia, which gives away millions of dollars just like that.

And the warehouse, as before, is good. Gibson is a good read, but “Image Recognition” is a one-time book for me

Rating: 6

And I was honored with the novel. Reach the lusty advantage of girls in Europe and Russia. There is no cyberbank here, there is no fantasy here, and there are no good heroes, that’s all there is to history. So, perhaps, people were disappointed, they asked Gibson for something different, but history deserved it.

Rating: 7

A good novel to begin with. Until the end, the author is tired. The last third of the book is a crane's rozlog in the greatest traditions of American action films of the 80s. They don’t care about those who are born in 2004... I don’t want to complain about the most banal cliches. I’ll tell you straight - without checking.

I’m reading the book after the author’s note: “I commend Eileen Gunn for the fractal accuracy of her guesses about Moscow.” Whatever the situation is in Moscow, Gibson is not in Russia at all. And it’s not that the plot itself is not good, it’s just that the ending sounds like “to be continued.” This is what Gibson says, the author of whose novels are usually analyzed for hidden messages.

I will not leave the role of the original book after playing the translation. In my opinion, absolutely indulgent. I'll start the book:

“Five years of retail with New York. Case Pollard is hanging out in Camden Town, in the middle of a dance of disrupted circadian rhythms.

The faceless, emasculated man walks on his limbic spines. The cerebrum is spinning in the skull, scorched by non-river amphibian mushrooms.

How can this gibberish be accepted for translation?

William Gibson (formerly William Ford Gibson) was born on the 17th of February 1948 in the town of Conway, New Carolina. Life went its way and nothing unexpected came to pass, unimportant to the great turbulent youth - Gibson forcibly enrolled in college, often wandering and becoming a hipster, and in the sickle of 1964 in distant Tonkin but this became a formal incident with the American EU Joy” for the start of the Vietnam War by the States. After a few moments, it became clear that the Swedish victory would not be achieved. These historical events irrevocably affected the future writer: the twenty-year-old Gibson had every chance to succumb to the last spell. The prospect of participating in the fight against the “evil of the world” for the additional M16 and napalm did not bother the young man at all. The exit was found in 1968 from Canada. Having lived for a good hour near Toronto, William remains in Vancouver, where he lingers until this day.

Behind the scenes, Gibson is a leader of the Anglophone literature. The idea of ​​becoming a writer came to me as a student. As I know myself to be a science fiction writer, “I started writing the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and thought that I could not write one of these reviews. I sat down and tried to write something similar, but nothing came of it. I’m sorry, out of disappointment and bitterness, I started writing in my own way, just to get away from everyone.”

William Gibson's writing career began in 1977 with the publication of "Fragments of a Hologram Rose" in Unearth magazine. This is a short story about a new type of entertainment - simsim, a type of virtual reality. Moreover, the action takes place against the backdrop of devastation and war after a new huge war in the United States. Over the course of the coming rocks, many more accounts were written, including the cycle The Gernsback Continuum (1981), which was finally collected after a dozen hours.

Even after his first attempts at writing, it became clear that Gibson was not at all going to write in the mainstream, but rather was adept at experimenting with new topics. Gibson's most popular robots of the early 1980s were Johnny Mnemonic (1981) and Burning Chrome (1982). The stench has, in fact, become the forefront of many recent novels.

These stories have all the elements of cyberpunk: a dynamic plot, all-powerful corporations, high technologies and hackers, or, as they call them, “console cowboys.” And, you will find, most importantly – an information matrix, a global computer network, an indispensable attribute and mental foundation of the near future, in which the heroes of his works linger. Gibson's innovation appeared in the rethinking of the future formula that science fiction had reached at that time. Instead of the classic scheme “space – robots – atomic energy” we have chosen “computer measurements – biotechnology – virtual reality”.

This kind of fantasy has found understanding and encouragement among like-minded people. Perhaps the most important thing was William Gibson's acquaintance with Bruce Sterling in 1981 at a small science fiction conference in Austin. Gibson, presenting her speech Burning Chrome there, exclaimed Sterling's indescribable enthusiasm. Over the course of a year, this sustrich wiggled around the trival and plіdnu spіvpratsiu. Sterling highly valued the work of his colleague, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that the cyberpunk anthology Sterling collected - the collection "Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology" - took revenge on two of Gibson's works. This shows the real role of this writer in the development of the genre.

William Gibson's first novel, Neuromancer (1984), instantly became his most famous and, perhaps, most successful work. A story about a hacker who turns to cyberspace and is drawn into the struggle between two pieces of intelligence, with great drive and a rich ending, becoming a revolution in the genre of science fiction. The cyberspace went up in flames, becoming one of Gibson's main discoveries in this novel. "Neuromancer" won numerous awards, including such prestigious ones as the Hugo, Phillip Dick Award, Nebula, Seiun and Ditmar.

We can talk about “Neuromancer” for a long time, but I will mention just a few moments related to the Cyberpunk novel in history. William Gibson repeated more than once that he never thought that his book would become so popular. And even by destroying all the canons of writing successful fiction, as much as could be seen. “I was thinking that it might be possible, if my book were understood here in France. Perhaps there is a cult of wine there, similar to the cult of Jerry Lewis. “We can’t read anyone else,” these are the words of the author himself, said two years after the novel was published.

Regardless of the fact that Gibson was also able to get more information about the technical aspects of computer technologies, the wide range of prospects for their development turned out to be well thought out in order to engage the lives of people, including those associated with learning disabilities. In essence, Gibson took the complex of computer science of that time, broke it down into elements and created his own system. By creating his own “enhanced technology”, it could completely push forward the development of enduring computer technologies. In addition, I will definitely help Gibson with Bruce Sterling, who sometimes advised him on his rich diet. Of course, in “Neuromancy” there were a lot of technical tricks, but it is fantastic literature, not a scientific treatise, which is why Dusya’s approach is “Not true! That's not how it works! here it is not always correct, moreover, that it is possible to point out the many serious applications of pathological ignorance and the need to understand the peculiarities of computer technology in the works of other authors, and not only science fiction.

"Neuromancer" became the first novel of the trilogy, which is called "Sprawl Chronicles". The two successes - "Count Zero" (1986) and "Mona Lisa Overdrive" (1988) - develop the theme of "Neuromancer" and have their own peculiarities. They have numerous artificial intelligences, free inhabitants of the Matrix, who often vikorize people for their own purposes and worship them in song. The madness of high-tech science fiction and Voodoo cults has given new flavors to the cyberpunk genre. Gibson tries to resist the idea of ​​representing the human spirit, mind and physical body. The idea of ​​permanently transferring all human activity into cyberspace does not seem to suit Gibson's views and seems to be an example of a contrived embrace of technology.

The titles of the novels became the remaining works in the genre of classic cyberpunk, written by Gibson. The books that have followed are consistently unique in style and subject matter, which brought him worldwide popularity. Of course, there were the right decisions: William Gibson’s developments and surroundings were already exploited by other writers, who wanted to take their share of success in this popular genre that had become unconvinced. Whenever new and revolutionary discoveries were made, they gradually became stamps. The Winemaker of Everything absolutely rightly decided not to transform into a familiar monument to oneself, which would be in a bad tone, but to try to go beyond the boundaries of one, let alone even popular, genre.

This was also discussed in the next novel - The Difference Engine (1991), written by Gibson and co-authored by the same Bruce Sterling. Having avoided too much thematic interaction with computer technology, they dramatically changed the scenery. Instead of the near future, we are reminded of the destruction in the hours of Victorian England and the evidence of the industrial revolution, as we know that Charles Babbage is still far away We want to bring our cybernetic machines to a working standstill, and the era of computers that operate on steam, began for hundreds of years. earlier. How many of these indulgences will follow the novel. A genre of book that combines the steam and digital eras, hence the name “Steampunk”.

Another story, less well-known in our area, Gibson's trilogy, called Bridge Chronicles, takes place in 2015-2020, often in Japan and at the gathering. Like the previous series, the novels “Virtual Light” (1993), “Idory” (1996) and “All Tomorrow’s Parties” (1999), lacking entirely independent robots, have a small number of points. Gibson's style presents the prospects for the development of new technologies and their penetration into various spheres, leaving us with a frown.

So, for example, “Idory” is dedicated to the theme of the interaction between computer technologies and masculinity, horror, the creation of virtual pop artists and other characters that contain artificial intelligence. Apparently, such experiments are already gaining ground, often achieving popularity. The title of the book is a Japanese word, similar to the English idol. Much of the novel was the fruit of Gibson's particular hostilities towards Japan and Hong Kong.

The success of the writer’s creativity soon won the respect of filmmakers. That’s how it happened, however, Gibson’s movie days turned out to be rather ambiguous.

The first revelation was the recent attempt to write a script for the film Alien 3 by David Fincher. Gibson was specially requested for this position and there were great hopes associated with him. If the work on the film was far away, then less was left as an option. Unfortunately, Gibson's servants were convinced and the picture was shot based on the script of other authors.

The first film adaptation of this powerful work was “Johnny the Nemonic” (1995), directed by Robert Longo. Keann Reeves was given the lead role, and Gibson himself, of course, wrote the script. The director insisted that they wanted to make a black-and-white film from the spirit of alternative cinema, but suddenly realized that no one would give a penny under such a twist. This half-baked idea was given some edits, and the result was a brilliant theatrical film. Regardless of those who regard the film as a cult, commercially the film failed miserably. It was a relief for the authors that they decided to create a version for Japanese distribution closer to the original plan. So anyway, “Johnny the Mnemonic” loses its good sides and loses the most famous film after Gibson’s works.

Three years later, a new project was implemented, transferring to the movie screen another early story about the important everyday life of industrial shipping professionals - “New Rose Hotel”. Once again, a whole group of authors worked on the script, including Gibson’s colleague from the cyberpunk workshop, John Shirley, as a result of which the original plot was changed. The picture did not bring any special laurels to its creators.

Just before Gibson’s famous work, the company, which had acquired all the rights to the film adaptation of Neuromancer, went bankrupt. As a result, the prospects for the release of any film on this topic until now remain more vague.

Having tried his hand at writing in other genres, becoming the author of the poem "Agrippa - A Book of The Dead" (1992) and a number of other accomplished works, and also making the documentary film "No Maps For These Territories" (2000). In addition, this article can often be found on the pages of Wired, Observer and other magazines.

Having become familiar with the works of William Gibson and his biography, you inevitably ask yourself: how to explain the phenomenon of his works? As people who have no direct exposure to high technologies and have never worked with computers professionally, managed to create something that is rightfully recognized as the best in the genre? Adje, in fact, has taken over an entire science, having come up with a lot of terms, while managing not to waste the purely artistic qualities of his work. Of course, the overall answer to this question of nutrition would not have been possible, perhaps, according to Gibson. That's why we can't let down any more of this.

As a rule, mass knowledge is not allowed to immediately accept new scientific discoveries or promising technologies. Even the strict and formalized style of this report is suitable for representatives of all types of correspondents and corresponds to the particularities of such an audience. All other people react to the popular re-examination of these ideas, and, if you work with a fake or a writer, then there are many faults, as a rule, without the rest of the speech, which the author of a promising development will take over. In this case, the discrepancy between the views and the popular interpretation can lead to many fatalities. There is no mention of forecasts at this time. All products created by high technologies are widely used in everyday life and attract understanding and development of any kind of innovation, the most likely solution to the vacuum. So, after all, what happened to Gibson: he emerged from the past and “translated” the language of new technologies not just from the work of popular science, but also from science fiction, which organically linked the traditions of the literary genre and so on. The knowledge of technologies that are developing. We have captured the trends and the essence of the changes that are emerging, and described them in vivid images, creating a picture of what is to come in the spirit of the hour. This called for a special talent, and William Gibson gave him peace again.

Oleksiy Kutovenko, [email protected]

Cycle Books by Bigend[d]

"Recognition of images"(English: Pattern Recognition) - a novel by the American science fiction writer William Gibson, published on January 3, 2003.

What the 2002 generation is seeing, says Case Pollard, a 32-year marketing consultant, has a keen sensitivity to corporate logos and symbols. The plot unfolds in London, Moscow and Tokyo. Case's work focuses on assessing the effectiveness of new corporate logos and hiring people to find the authors of anonymous videos that appear on the Internet.

The central theme of the book is the desire of people to find a sense where there is none. In the same way, the understanding of the past is being destroyed.

Enter the trilogy "Books of Bigend" under the first serial number.

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    This is Gibson's eighth novel, or the first, which the current world is reading. The first work, “All the Evenings of Tomorrow,” was published in 1999 and completes the “Bridge Trilogy.” “Recognition of images” was originally planned as a separate text, but after that it was also written “Country of Mayors”, which appears in the same light (currently) and it includes the actions of the same characters. The name of the main character, Cayce, is linked to the name of the main character, Neuromancer, Case.

    Gibson traveled to Tokyo in 2001 in preparation for writing a new book, but also to Moscow and London, but did not base the description of the place on evidence on other websites and Internet sites. Moscow, in my opinion, is similar to the dark world of early cyberpunk, in which the heroes of Neuromancer lived. Behind the words of the author, much of the novel is inspired by the music of the “Kino” group.

    In the spring of 2001, Gibson wrote nearly 100 stories, but the difficulties with writing were completed. Having written it after watching the 11th Spring attacks on TV, and realizing that it is possible to continue as before, the book will become a description of an alternative history, in which the 11th Spring attacks have never been seen. This was not part of my plans, so I decided to stop writing the book altogether. Friends from New York urged him to turn around and reveal that he had written that he knew about the attacks. More recently, he rewrote several parts in such a way that the attacks were one of the reasons for the mental suffering of the main character.

    Until the 11th spring, my difficulties lay in the fact that, behind the scenes, the heroine is in a post-traumatic state after suffering a tragedy. I couldn’t imagine what could have happened to her. I kept listening to the audible outburst, but after the 11th spring, I knew what was going on with her, I knew what was going on with everyone I know.


    Short, unrelated video fragments have begun to appear on the Internet, otherwise they are combined. No one knows the author of the fragments or the label of their publication. It is possible to have a portion of already finished stitches, or they can be placed as soon as they appear in the world. To discover the purpose of connecting people, as the fragments reveal. Japan, America, Great Britain all want to know who is creating them.

    Case Pollard works as a consultant, contemplating the process of marketing companies and advertising agencies to help them choose a logo for a new product. You can convey that it will be fashionable in the near future. The remaining contract was signed with the advertising agency Blue Ant. This agency hires her to find the author of the fragments.

    It is obvious that the fragments have a digital signature that can be traced back to the creator. Now Case and his friends from both sides of the Atlantic are engaged in jokes at the same time.


    • Case Pollard(eng. Cayce Pollard) - a 32-year-old woman who lives in New York. Vaughn calls her name “Case”, although her father named her in honor of Edgar Cayce. Vikorist has an interest in marketing trends and a psychological sensitivity to logos and advertising, working as an advertising consultant. This sensitivity becomes a phobia for old corporate mascots, especially Bibendum. Wear only black, as a rule, Fruit of the Loom T-shirts (with cut tags) and Levis jeans (with brand marks on the ankles) or sweatpants, tights, boots, as well as a linen MA-1 Buzz jacket.
    • H'hubert Bigend(English: Hubertus Bigend) - 35-year-old founder of the advertising agency “Sinya Murakha”. Born in Belgium, he went to British boarding school and Harvard University.
    • Dorothea Beneditti(English: Dorotea Benedetti) is a representative of a company that deals with graphic design. Maya is admitted to work in industrial spying and was secretly hired to encourage Case to leave London, not accepting Bigend's proposal in search of fragments of the film.
    • Bernard Stonestreet(English: Bernard Stonestreet) - representative of the advertising agency “Blue Goosebumps”.
    • “Little Hood”/Peter Gilbert(English "Parkaboy" / Peter Gilbert) - Case's friend on the web forum. Win lives in Chicago and describes himself as a “white man from the middle century from 1967.”
    • Bun Chu(English: Boone Chu) - an American of Chinese descent who lives in

    Image recognition William Gibson

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    Title: Image recognition

    About the book “Recognition of Images” by William Gibson

    William Gibson became famous for the Cyberspace trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive), which became the cornerstone of cyberpunk and marked the face of modern literature for decades to come. Just as soon as the genre revolutionary became increasingly constrained by the boundaries of any genre - and behind the steampunk epic "The Machine of Violence" with Bruce Sterling, the "Bridge Trilogy" was born, which seems to be a kind of alternative today, and “The Blue Murakhi Trilogy”, published with the novel "Recognition of Images".

    Case Pollard is something of a market expert who earns her living as a consultant to advertising and marketing agencies. Its services benefit the market: Pollard has a unique eye for the design of brands and signs. Only relatives and special psychiatrists know about the gateway and its features. The case suffers from a unique mental disorder: the intrusiveness of commercial symbols and advertising evokes an attack of fear. All the main sense of life Case lies in the discussed fragments of the film, as the anonymous author regularly vivantizes to the extent of a hidden glance. The right takes an unsettling turn when Case refuses to know the author of the fragments around which the current cult was built.

    The translation is published in a new edition.

    On our website about books you can download freely without registration or read online the book “Recognition of Images” by William Gibson in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and great satisfaction from reading. You can get the latest version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn about the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a large section with useful tips, recommendations, and articles so that you yourself can try your hand at literary craftsmanship.

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