Zhіnocha zrada: causes, methods of detection and for the sake of a psychologist. Real stories of people and squads My squad gives everyone information

A woman is not like a woman. It allows its development mechanisms to develop, and its causes are now different from those of humans. And then the woman’s infidelity will be different. This article has information about these particularities, as well as about those that reveal the joy of friendship and girls.


It so happened that a woman’s infidelity to her boyfriend is judged more strictly and categorically, but the human good, wanting to look at the situation from the side, representatives of both articles are equal to the right to adultery. Different nutrition means people are more susceptible to illness. The self-esteem of a representative of a strong status, fooled by a woman, falls, and his ability to work productively and interact with the world suffers. A woman's inheritance can be ruinous. No matter how serious, there are no traces of human adultery.

A woman’s love for a lover is much lower; 75% of men-at-arms are less than 25% of wives who decided to change their husband or partner.

Most of us believe that there is an ancient instinct to preserve the rot, many who are afraid of the legacy of a “tarnished” reputation. As a matter of fact, politicians have two positions of equality; a living woman, as before, is allowed and allowed to marry much less than a man.

The psychology of a woman is such that she always places great importance on her bearings, and the side effects will not become a culprit. Light flirting for one night – it’s not about wives. If the good news is in the world, then the situation is not serious at all. That frightened person, even if he was in more pain, needs to start not by collecting the bag and violating language at the address of the wrong “hospital”, but by searching for reasons, including himself. Only then will you need to connect to the power supply before you can continue to work.

If the woman changed, you can believe that she had the same motives. A woman values ​​the emotional side of the drains, without it, for the woman, the drains are a waste of time. Therefore, one of the main reasons for female infidelity is the need for emotional contact, understanding, encouragement, since the lover does not understand such concepts. Tired of the disrespect, the callousness of the man, the lack of encouragement and help, the woman is looking for another man, not sex or orgasm, she needs to talk, cry, feel bad, bad, beautiful, tender yu, such as she had not seen in her family for a long time. .

In this case, you really risk getting closer and becoming spiritually closer to this other person, so that you can completely ruin your love, as long as you don’t want to change. Often, in this stage, women are either recognized as unfaithful, or are actually perceived as having an intimate life with a man. Living with two partners at the same time, as it is often the case with people who are sick, representatives of excellent status cannot call, but with a rare guilt.

Women who have been changing for a long time, ask for love with one and the same partner, Change their plans not to enter, women ask not to “collect” victories on the love front.

Good luck (alcohol, corporate party, and so on) among the representatives of a wonderful article occurs even rarely. The people are screaming from such spontaneous joys. And most wives do not forcefully change for the sake of satisfying sexual needs, as for any reason they are not satisfied with a whore.

Among other reasons and motives for female infidelity can be called career spontaneity and financial pressure.

For these reasons, as well as out of fear, robotic women will try to antagonize their bosses and high-ranking spy officers. It’s rare to do so, but other partners come together for some purely mercantile purposes - to get money for sex, expensive gifts.

Women are tired, and men cannot forget about it. Therefore, among the reasons for female adultery, there is no place left to be pursued for the sake of revenge - in response to the happiness of the person who was married earlier, to the strong image, which is the fault of the former.

Women can change things out of necessity. It's true. Since there is no room left in this family for a splash of romance, and the woman has plenty of time to analyze and sort through the events in her memory and heart, then she may come back to the need for a new feeling Yes, but with another person, The fragments of this are forever occupied and have long gone cold.

The main responsibility of a woman for the sake of a man lies in what she can escape. And such border stages of life, for which people you can already notice the internal readiness of a friend to live life “left-handedly”, and here you can change the situation, if you have problems with someone and love your companion.

More than other, kindly independent women who earn more money than men who occupy a high position in career gatherings. Adultery is successful because a woman has a greater desire for enlightenment than a man who has no special interests and hobbies.

How to find out?

Women are more sensitive to the feeling of alienation, and therefore, no matter how unfaithful the girl or the married woman is, the fact of adultery is resolutely obvious, for fear of being immature and condemned matrimony. Note the woman's heart, on one side, it is more complex, less human, on the other - simpler, as the woman's behavior changes. The more serious the mothers are when they are with a lover, the more noticeable it is with a lover.

Women who still want something become more anxious and drunk. They no longer throw away their mobile phone randomly, they quickly close the notification window in order to reach them from behind while scrolling through the Internet. The phone appears to be password protected.

The woman opens up and the calls change. Newly buried, she is respected to her hairy appearance - she is often in the barn, she doesn’t leave the house without makeup, she always has peeking hands, a lot of new clothes have appeared, and especially underwear and panties. sneeze.

It is not turned off, of course, that all changes are strictly controlled by her, and everything is planned for the person, and the only ones on the stand that the squad has burned out, it is unreasonable to suspect them of evil.

With the appearance of a new partner, a woman, as a rule, has a lot of new friends, some of whom she doesn’t know, and some of whom she doesn’t intend to discover. Don’t take someone with them to parties. They often have no place to stay overnight. A lot of sex in love is quickly passing away, and gradually, unfortunately, it ends finally - wives have no reason why they don’t need sex at the moment (headache, menstruation has started, hasn’t ended menstruation, living in pain, tired and so on ).

With the development of veins, the woman's sex position becomes less tolerable until the end of the man's life. They begin to tear up their dots and fry, their manner of hands, pasta in frying pans in the middle of the night in their underpants, the smell of their cologne. On the other hand, control is lost. As the woman used to often call and chat, when the man arrives, she is now completely calm, as if she always spends time with friends or at work, does not chill, does not call and does not bother explain. It would seem that this very person had just recently, but not everything is so simple. Now my movements and sleep are beginning to strain.

Can you test it?

Everything is possible, and I want to live happily ever after. If you are forgiven, you need to see a man of singing courage, courage and maturity, remember to return to your images and save your family. Moreover, you need to study the requirements, no matter what the decision was. It’s impossible to save this life, it will be better for everyone, since it’s a celebration of the famous people who studied and were released into the world, and for people themselves it will be much easier and more comfortable to live and live in the future your life from the position of a human being, but you must take revenge on your soul . .

Otherwise, please forgive me. Reporting to a new person is the same. Without hunting down to relatives and friends. Only himself, because no one knows so well what it means for a new woman to spend a hundred days with her. It only makes sense to ask yourself about these foods after the storm has died down. It will be better if we make friends for this hour and live together. When it comes to understanding that everything has already become, that nothing can be changed, then you will receive praise, and after that you will need to start talking with your friends about those who will be farther.

Rozmova can be calm and constructive, it is impossible to shout at a woman, imitate her, or call her names.

This will not bring any relief, but will only remove you from her, and she – from you. It is necessary to speak politely, not to get too special, not to be annoying, and not to get into trouble. It is important to listen to her position, to understand why she did it herself in order to drain your further hundreds.

If a woman repents and suffers a lot, she vows not to repeat something like this again, in order to save her family in both cases, it is possible to make a hundred years, but, of course, waits for time and mutual efforts. Cholovikov, it is important to cross the pride of the pride of the il zrozumi, in the zradi partners є a pantage of the yogo provini, I thodi pari will be heated by the zrozumiyti, the core of the core of the core of Vidnosyni, the Schobo UNEMOZHLIVITITION FAVE NOVOZUMINNYA.

It is important for people to understand that their forgiveness does not require a squad for anything. She is not guilty of humiliating herself before him, of serving him all her life, which was lost only to him who generously served him, is not true. Since forgiveness is voiced, this means that no one, no matter what, no matter what, a person has no right to make a guess about this incident, or call a squad, blackmail them. For such families, unfortunately, the forecasts are unfavorable.

It may turn out that the woman herself does not want to continue chewing hundreds of dollars. That’s possible, since she started shaking really hard and doesn’t want to deceive anyone anymore. For someone who is already in a state of disrepair, you don’t care for anything - by force, as it seems, you won’t be dear. It is important to save your humanity, not to get angry and not to call them, but simply to discuss the details of the separation properly, otherwise you will deprive them of their judgment.

Families who were able to recover from hundreds after seriously testing the wife's health are not so rich, but there is a stink. And if the partners work everything correctly, then their jobs can become shorter than they were before.

How to prevent it from happening?

The ideal way to start hundreds is with an honest approach- do not try to bestow gifts and compliments on the skin - in a minute, the romance will change, and then the woman will feel shocked and deceived. Be yourself.

It’s important to always be aware of how you’re going to find out what’s new with her.

The more a person deals with problems, experiences and friendships, the greater step between them is to trust, the more successful the hundred years are. Remember that friends can sing only to the one who hears better, has more understanding, more often takes part, gives, helps, and not at all to the one who knows more about the poses of the Kama Sutra.

Respect the woman in a special way. Trust her. Don't try to control the woman. You know, since you have a lot of work to do, and you’re already very busy, find an hour to just talk to her, just be together.

The love interests and hobbies, the secret treasures and at the same time permission is made, are very strong.

As the man thought about how to prevent the evil, having already sensed the “alarming” changes in his squad, then the scandals that follow and the interim movements and freedom of splicing, Keep track of work and read notifications on your mobile phone. It is much more correct to take matters into your own hands, not to lie to people without evidence, but to simply try to change the hundred-hundredths by having more respect for your squad.

If you have seen good fortune, then the woman will be delighted with your changes, as she has been expecting for so long, and will accept them with satisfaction. As life already has its own way, the options may be different. It turns out that at this stage, people are given the opportunity to turn their families around and save their families.

Zrada – those against which every human being is not insured. In a person’s life, a situation may arise when a person’s life, despite the fact that you don’t expect anything bad, can suddenly be taken away by everyone who has shown infidelity in their relationship with their other half.

Real stories of happiness can sometimes make you think about those that your kohana people do not harm you. There are a lot of people who think that they need to be corrected in order to prevent them from getting damaged.

A story about an unfaithful squad

By looking at real stories for the sake of friends, you can gain respect for the testimony of one person who shared his misfortunes. Like everyone else, the man and his wife became friends and began to live together. At the moment, the hundred-year-old man was rich, running his small business, and the pennies were enough for everything that his other half could spare.

Several fates passed, the man’s affairs were not in the best order, the business practically ceased to bring in profits, the squad had to joke with the robot. It would seem that there is nothing unexpected, even though problems loom and they need to be fought vigorously. Not two months had passed, when the man began to note that the squad had often begun to focus on work, and it was almost unexpected to come home. Every now and then the woman would come with all sorts of new speeches that her friends would give her, which would be based on her words.

Unfortunatelly, the man was hanging on a serious relationship with his other half, even if such struggles would not have led to anything. After such a rally, the squad itself admitted that the new worker had immediately met a new person who turned out to be successful and enriching. After this separation, there was a separation between man and woman.

If we talk about those who were dissatisfied with a man’s friend, the real story suggests that the reason was the woman’s dissatisfaction. How can it be sued? So, even if there was love, the words about preserving fidelity both in grief and in joy sounded melodiously. To ensure that such a situation does not happen to your veins, make sure you always find a good way to get out of difficult situations, reporting strong efforts.

Real life stories about the peace of friendship will help to eliminate the benefits that other people made.

A story about a man who left his squad

Real stories about the world can amaze you with their unexpected twists and turns. Recently, a story appeared on the Internet, the main characters of which were a man, a squad and a gangster.

The relations between the man and the squad continued to be mutual, they loved one another. However, a person who doesn’t know from his other half what he doesn’t get, expects to know his head at any time. Everything dragged on and developed in such a way that the man of great importance became a future tat. And the whole trouble is that it was not the squad that took over, but his khan, perhaps through carelessness in sexual situations. It all ended with the fact that the man, not wanting any other way out of the situation, was desperate to ensure that the child grew up with his new family.

Such a story about the joys of real life gives people a reason to think about the fact that they start a farm, breaking the hearts of their farmers. Once you have become friends, then save your brothers until the possible end. It’s not a good idea to joke about who is better for you, so you’ll have to go through everything you have already done.

A story about the joy of loving squads

Sometimes it happens in such a way that a person manages to start laughing at two people at once. This is what happened in the current story about the squad. From the beginning, the fruits developed simply well, the whore was already 6 years old, and a miracle son appeared. The man was in the 7th heaven with happiness with his wife, but sorrow was all in order.

The squad immediately admitted to their brother that they loved two people at once: one and the other. The whole point is that the woman thought that everything would pass and that only one thing would be restored - love to the fullest. It didn’t happen that way, and the banya was immediately at home and didn’t go out. After that, as everyone knew the party, the man was crazy about her, not worrying about keeping order with her.

Real stories for the sake of the squad

Such real stories for the sake of friends confirm once again that there is no sense in changing if you want to save hundreds of dollars. In any case, there is a risk that you will have to be separated from your kohanim, as if you didn’t want anything. It is simply obscene to act in such situations, and even the one who harmed is guilty, no more.

Revealing real stories about the cause of the squads , You can cite, for example, one more story (names, like all stories, are not voiced). It all started because the man and the squad lived together in perfect harmony. There were no welds, no image. As soon as they barked, there was only a lot of noise. Once upon a time, the squad was called to a corporate event, and through carelessness they hurt the man.

The story had been going on for a long time, and for a long time the woman could not tell everyone. The day has come when she has learned all the news to her brother. The man, being reasonable, understood the entire value of hundreds of dollars. Through a whole series of sums, get your other soul mate. After this, a long, happy and peaceful life was marked on them. Such joy of friendship is real stories from life.

It’s important to remember that people love the same thing, and to learn the sense so that they will be deprived of the warmth of a hundred years. The truth can be talked about, so that offended people want to update everything.

“There were two fates for that. The term of my recovery has reached its end, and I can go home to Alapaevsk. Having bought a ticket, you decided to miss the place, because there were still three years left in stock. A woman came up to me outside, which I immediately recognized.

This is my first squad, from whom I was separated 12 years ago. Zina anitrokha has not changed, although the exposure has become necessary. Perhaps this sustrich was squealing the same way as me. Having loved her deeply, painfully, through separation. I am jealous of my squad to everyone, and tell it to their mother. It took a little while for me to get tired, when my heart began to beat wildly and I thought I was dying. Zina walked in front of me, without missing my rich drinks: where and why. As if I had come home from work with a little tsutsen in my bosom, wanting to please my squad with a copper gift, but there was no one in the room, and there was a note on the table.

At the note, the squad wrote that they were coming, wanting to love me more. My suspicions tormented her, and she was about to separate. Zina asked me for a cure and told me not to make jokes about her... And after 12 years of separation, I was suddenly at home, having been at the service desks. We talked to her for a long time, and I realized that I could catch the local bus.

I finally dared to say:

Vibach, if I don’t need to go, I’m already scheduled for my flight.

And then Zina said:

Sashko, love me, be kind, kind. I understand that you are in a hurry, but for the sake of what was good between us, do not blame me for my curse. Let's go to one office, it's too important for me, but I can't go there myself.

Of course, I waited a while before saying: “Tilki shvidko!”

We came to some great reality and spent a long time moving from one wing to another. They rose and fell at once, and it seemed that no more than 15 hulls had gone down. People passed by us, and all the smells were different: from children to old people. At that moment, I did not think about what living children and elderly people could work in the administration. All my thoughts were buried until Zina. Some kind of girl left at the door and took it after herself.

Before the doors were closed, she marveled at me and said goodbye, saying:

It’s so amazing that I couldn’t live neither with you nor without you. I stood at the door and checked for someone to come out.

I wanted to ask her that she was so little respected by saying the rest of the phrase. But she didn’t turn around. And here I never came to you. I’m completely clear that I need to go, but I’m standing here and waiting for my bus! Looking around on all sides, I got angry. The Budivlya I was in was an abandoned budovo. Instead of the window openings, holes appeared. There were no rally marches. There were planks lying around, with which I had gone down through great difficulties. I waited a whole year for the bus, and I had to buy a new ticket for another flight.

When I took the ticket, they informed me that the bus I was late for had overturned and taken off by the river. None of the passengers crashed. And two years ago I stood at the door of my great mother-in-law, having found out through the address bureau. Alevtina Markivna said that Zina died 11 years after our separation. I didn’t believe her, believing that Zina’s mother would be afraid that I would expose her daughter to my jealousy.

My mother-in-law agreed to show me the grave of my great friend. After a few years, I stood at the monument, at which a woman laughed at me, at which I loved all life and how I betrayed it with an unwise manner.”

Tsikavo, do you believe that this can happen?

“There were two fates for that. The term of my recovery has reached its end, and I can go home to Alapaevsk. Having bought a ticket, you decided to miss the place, because there were still three years left in stock. A woman came up to me outside, which I immediately recognized.

This is my first squad, from whom I was separated 12 years ago. Zina anitrokha has not changed, although the exposure has become necessary. Perhaps this sustrich was squealing the same way as me. Having loved her deeply, painfully, through separation. I am jealous of my squad to everyone, and tell it to their mother.

It took a little while for me to get tired, when my heart began to beat wildly and I thought I was dying. Zina walked in front of me, without missing my rich drinks: where and why. As if I had come home from work with a little tsutsen in my bosom, wanting to please my squad with a copper gift, but there was no one in the room, and there was a note on the table.

At the note, the squad wrote that they were coming, wanting to love me more. My suspicions tormented her, and she was about to separate. Zina asked me for a cure and told me not to make jokes about her... And after 12 years of separation, I was suddenly at home, having been at the service desks. We talked to her for a long time, and I realized that I could catch the local bus.

I finally dared to say:

Vibach, if I don’t need to go, I’m already scheduled for my flight.

And then Zina said:

Sashko, love me, be kind, kind. I understand that you are in a hurry, but for the sake of what was good between us, do not blame me for my curse. Let's go to one office, it's too important for me, but I can't go there myself.

Of course, I waited a while before saying: “Tilki shvidko!”

We came to some great reality and spent a long time moving from one wing to another. They rose and fell at once, and it seemed that no more than 15 hulls had gone down. People passed by us, and all the smells were different: from children to old people. At that moment, I did not think about what living children and elderly people could work in the administration. All my thoughts were buried until Zina. Some kind of girl left at the door and took it after herself.

Before the doors were closed, she marveled at me and said goodbye, saying:

It’s so amazing that I couldn’t live neither with you nor without you. I stood at the door and checked for someone to come out.

I wanted to ask her that she was so little respected by saying the rest of the phrase. But she didn’t turn around. And here I never came to you. I’m completely clear that I need to go, but I’m standing here and waiting for my bus! Looking around on all sides, I got angry. The Budivlya I was in was an abandoned budovo. Instead of the window openings, holes appeared. There were no rally marches. There were planks lying around, with which I had gone down through great difficulties. I waited a whole year for the bus, and I had to buy a new ticket for another flight.

When I took the ticket, they informed me that the bus I was late for had overturned and taken off by the river. None of the passengers crashed. And two years ago I stood at the door of my great mother-in-law, having found out through the address bureau. Alevtina Markivna said that Zina died 11 years after our separation. I didn’t believe her, believing that Zina’s mother would be afraid that I would expose her daughter to my jealousy.

My mother-in-law agreed to show me the grave of my great friend. After a few years, I stood at the monument, at which a woman laughed at me, at which I loved all life and how I betrayed it with an unwise manner.”

Tsikavo, do you believe that this can happen?

One Italian, who wanted to bring wives of easy behavior from Rome, revealing a powerful squad among them. This uncontrollable sustrich became the beginning of a colossal scandal, which turned out to be a big deal for the boy, who later had to separate the police.

The 49-year-old man wants to have fun with representatives of his old profession and face criticism that is unacceptable to him. Arriving at the dubious area of ​​Via Cristoforo Colombo and seeing the girls standing on the road, I save myself for the night. What a surprise if in one of them he found out about his squad.

One time a woodcutter cut down a tree over a river and let the sap fall from it.
I cried out of grief, but then the Lord appeared to me and said:
- Why are you crying?
- Why don’t you cry for me, even if I let the juice go to the river and I won’t be able to earn any more money in my homeland.
Then the Lord took the gold from the river and drank it:
- What is your sokira?
“No, it’s not my juice,” said the woodcutter.
The Lord took the juice from the river and asked:
- Maybe this is your juice?
“No, it’s not my juice,” said the woodcutter.

One friend seemed to be visiting: boom, happy and angry.
“I’m separated today,” it seems.
- What is it? The fun hasn't passed yet.
Well, he reveals...

I’ll get it in three working steps, collector.
During the change, call your friends, the office in New (girls on Viklik) and so on:
- You see, such bullshit, here yours has come to get in control, why bother me?
- Take it, I’ll turn around now, I guess.
On Saturday, I got ready for work, left the house, finished the sauna with my friends in the evening, and called someone I know:
- Nadsilay їх.

Three girlfriends are fucking. One squad is already ten years old, another is a khan, the third is entrusted (named). They sat, drank, talked about their men and decided to experiment: dress up the skinned black and white - sexy panchos with a belt, high braces, a mask on the eyes - and so make their friends smarter.

Over the course of this day, they become sharper again and recognize how everything has passed.

- When I got home, I saw him in panchokhs, with a mask on high chins - he attacked me, saying that I was the servant of his life and we had been laughing all night.

Kohanka reveals:
- I arrived at the office, fixed the doors, fixed the cloak - and there was a white skin, a mask, heels - without saying anything, and we were rocking nonstop for 3 years.

Let’s ask ourselves these questions: what does a human squad need today?
We are not talking about slants, mama blues, drunks and so on.
Let's talk about whom: I'm 28 years old, well-lit, have my own life, a prestigious job that pays well, maybe my own business. You say: “There aren’t many like that!” - and the axis is not a muzzle, but still, he himself is a bastard.

So what can a real woman give to such a man? Let's go through the points.

1. Protector of the cavern. And what about “protecting”? Do you want to keep the booth clean and tidy? Also, for whom a squad is not needed at all. If you’re too lazy yourself, there’s a bunch of companies like “Team for a Year”, come and clean up, put things in order. Costing is not at all inexpensive, but if you do it without going to the office, it is even cheaper. I myself benefit from such service.

2. Sex. After the sexual revolution of the 20th century, it’s as simple as shelling pears to throw out lies with girls that we didn’t know yesterday. And knowing such a girl is also not a problem - night clubs, dating sites, etc. etc. Well, the prostitution business is still going nowhere - however, it is growing and offering its clients new and new services - including support and a contract on a permanent basis.

The squad is playing a game in the series "Wonderful Household Gifts."
In the evening I hear my friend calling on the phone:
- I already slept with a leaf-nosed plumber and a plumber, and it’s so cool that at night you can go around people’s rooms, stealing purses and screens with jewelry. The axis has already re-glued the trellises near the booth on the loot...

This in itself suggests a terrible idea.
Axis with whom I became friends...

01. It is very important to grow your gut to size 50.
02. The gut is fluffy through the skin, not just the parts on the head.
03. Kishka is beautiful without makeup.
04. The gut is always graceful when you just sit on the sofa.
05. What a gut there is in the purr.
06. There is less gut.
07. The mother of your gut doesn’t know you.
08. It’s easier to trim the gut on knees.
09. Kishka doesn’t marvel at TV in the evenings.
10. At night, the cat sleeps at your feet and does not pull the entire carpet on itself.
11. If you are sick, don’t go to bed, just go to sleep.
12. The gut does not go to sleep in hips.
13. The gut doesn’t sneeze because the whole pantyhose has died in it.

The beginning of history is sad. My mother fell ill and her leg was paralyzed. There is clearly a problem with the ridge, but the diagnosis still needs to be clarified. I don’t use the car, I can’t reach it on my own through a machine... and I need a tomogram. Taxi is an option...

Ale, eat, what's going on? My father has already barked at us, having traveled fifteen years ago to the khanka. Once upon a time, the women had such a long life that he would like to remember three dozen of them in a denunciation of their name - that’s already cool. Other hundreds have fled into the serpanka of the past. Ale before those.

I'm calling you. It takes a long time to realize, but it doesn’t matter. We got home.
Coming. For yours. Well, it turns out that a tomogram is also needed.
It needs to be said that this tandem – “mother-in-law” – was fiercely hated by one and all for the first time. Then it didn’t matter. And after fifteen years I became a daddy. Obom.

I no longer remember how old my little son was. By that time, he had already learned to speak and had memorized and written everything down.

My squad is talking to my mother on the phone and their discussion has been going on for a long time. I’m lying on the sofa and I don’t remember what ailment I got, except I need to take this pill.
- Tanya! Give me a pill, I'll die!
- Check out the little bits, I’ll give you right away...
And do this three times.
Little blue one spins around me, as quickly as possible.
I decided to ask him.
- Illyusha! Go to mom’s, take a pill for me, be a weasel.
When I rushed to my mother, I thought that I could no longer feel him, and quietly said:
- And that’s Dad’s clerk!

I'm dreaming like a state-of-the-art dream: I'm racing on the highway in a car... the raptovo road is blocked by a vantazhivka... I'm going nowhere, I'm going nowhere, I'm not going to get caught up, until the inevitable shutdown - a whole bunch of mitty things... a brain of feverish noise It’s a decision. I understand that the most valuable - the squad - needs to fight. To the inhuman hustle, between the possible, I am trying to snatch the squad from the passenger seat and get through the doors of the water, I myself cut it off... according to the scheme, the car is silent, as it happens only in sleep, swells - Happy Birthday - the hero triumphs... is throwing away.

And now to see the friends sleeping peacefully...
And then they grab it in a rush and throw it like a throw through the blanket - from the sofa onto the cover... and then the pillow keeps flying...

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