Like a place for spiritual culture. What includes the sphere of spiritual culture

Authors: Bogolyubov L.M., Ivanova L.F.
Rick: 2014
Description: Gdz to the assistant ⁠Bogolyubov L.M., Ivanova L.F. from social science for the 8th grade. On the sides of the solution book you will find, filled with additional facts - ready homework, great short summaries, reports and competent advice on nutrition, the correct solution to tests, good work to problems and practicums.

Bogolyubov Grade 8 / Repetition up to division 2

Repetition of chapter 2.

Request for repetition.

1. What does the sphere of spiritual culture include?

Spiritual culture includes forms of suspіlnoї svіdomosti and їх vіlennya in literary architecture and other reminders of human activity

2. How does spiritual culture occupy a place in the life of the supremacy?

In translation from Latin culture, it means “to reshape”. Spiritual culture is the basis of a suspense butt. Before the civilization of culture, sound to lie religion, politics, morality, and mysticism. So that a person is spiritually formed, having acquired spiritual values, the system of vihovannia, enlightenment is established. In my opinion, spiritual culture occupies an even more important place in the life of a society, so that it won’t be possible to save that transfer of knowledge, stuffed by a person for the whole hour of his foundation.

3. Why do you understand the relationship between science and enlightenment?

Science is closely connected with illumination. Yakіst osvіti to lay in vіd tsgogo, to what equal development science is trying.

For example, at Serednovichchi, science tried under the influx of the church. It means that the enlightenment was somehow one-sided, the teachings were given only those truths, as they did not supersede the divine vision.

So is the quality of science to lie in the light of enlightenment. If the light is high, then it is possible to create new scientific opinion. People will be mothers of good potential, fundamental knowledge, which will give scientific progress.

4. What is the meaning of morality in life and prosperity?

Morality spirals on the strength of a hromada thought, as if for the help of a convict chi convict in regulating the behavior of special behavior, inculcating moral norms.

For a special position to morality, it’s not superfluous for those who have acquired a warehouse of specialness and the behavior of a person, and also, having placed other people in a society before her, they are a place in the middle, and those who have been conquered by human morality, type її morality lie in the first place, activity, from the yogo life position.

5. Why do you think the role of religion in society?

In the first place, religion, being a light-gazer, is a system of principles, looking, ideals and perekonan, explaining people to the world, denoting this place in this world, showing you what the sense of life is.

In a different way (and at the expense of the first), religion gives people a rest, hope, spiritual contentment, support. Generally not vipadkovo people most often turn to religion at important moments of their lives.

In the country, Lyudina, May, before you, I am a relay ine, the inside, the chin like it is to be a building, it is good for the good, goodbye (so, yak rosemi imitate yoga. (Obviously, a good cob can only be hardened in that vein, as if people were guided along the path by religious authorities themselves with a pure soul, morally and practice the ideal).

Fourthly, religion governs the behavior of a person through a system of values, moral attitudes and fences. Vaughn can succumb to the great spіlnoti of that whole power, like living by the laws of the religion.

On-p'yate, religions embrace the unity of people, help the constitution of the nation, illumine that consciousness of the powers. Moreover, the factor itself can lead to the bottom, to the collapse of powers and suspensions, if more people begin to stand one by one behind the religious principle.


2. In the middle of the XIX century. V. Dal, having seen the collection "Send to the Russian people." Among them are: “Whoever wants to know richly, that needs little sleep”, “The root of the vchennya is hot, that yogo licorice”, “Learn others - and understand yourself”, “Live for a century - learn for a century”, “Give for a vchenny two unlearned ”, “Why do you care, that I become in good fortune”, “More literate, less bad”. Chi saved the value of these prisliv'їv at our hour? How can you understand what happens today?

I think that the value of the past has been preserved even in our time, even if the morality of the hereafter is relevant to them. In addition, it is not easy to know a person who is able to conjure up words and orders at once.

Today you can think about it like this:

"Who wants to know a lot, he needs a little sleep"— a language about education, the need for constant activity, about those who never know about eternal procrastination.

"The root of the vchennya is hot, that yogo licorice"- I’m still talking about those who give even richer, lower light.

"Others - and I myself understand"- singly, go about the analysis and interaction with others.

"Vik live vіk learn"- there are about those who learn that knowledge does not end at school or at the university, and now you can learn new things about the fates.

“Give two unmarried for a learned man”- in the original, you are on the receiving end of a beaten man, who was educated with a certificate, from blueprints, and a young man - without a certificate, young people are ready to read, so that for one successful person they select two unacknowledged people, it’s easier to learn them without a great background.

“Why do you care, that’s what you’ve got”- In other words, work only those who can.

"More literate, less bad"- May be at the mercy of the importance of enlightenment, as if ryatuє in the form of stupidity.

4. On a late winter evening, a traffic jam closed on one of the streets of Moscow, and the same cars destroyed the sidewalk. That nevdovzі zupinilis: on the sidewalk stood summer woman, that Znenatska protested against such a ride for a car, she was a young, well-dressed lady and hit her woman. She fell. And the woman got into the car and drove away.
Comment on this situation from a moral point of view. What behavioral options were there for young women?

From the point of view of morality, the young maiden's vchinok is inadequate and immoral, unacceptable at any time. Tse showing untrue and not reinforced by the sense of zhorstokosti.

A young woman has few other options. The stench could pass the carriage, and if it was not suitable for the protest, then pass the carriage without reaching the top. Abo navpaki, dotrematis vymog protest, schob to ensure a calm situation in the hospital. Vaughn could zupinitis and talk, argue her point to the dawn. Ale, in the same way, there are no beats.

5. Breastfeeding 2010 at the Moscow airports timchasovo pripililis Poloti through the weather mind. Thousands of passengers checked their flights for the safety of important minds. We slept just on the bed. Usim needed a bula їzha, but the sellers raised the prices ten times. Deyakі passengers vyrishili go home, but on them a new surprise check: taxi drivers raised fares. Sellers and taxi drivers explained their duties by the laws of the market. If you don't want to, don't buy, don't bother anyone.
Comment on this situation from moral positions.

I respect that having inflicted morale on taxi drivers and sellers of credits, they reduced prices, shards of people, one might say, suffered. Prote, really, the stench didn’t lower the prices, then they raised them a hundred times. If you look at the situation from a moral point of view, then the sellers and taxi drivers found it immoral, that in difficult situations you need to help one alone, and not profit from someone else's misfortune.

6. From a glance of morality, it dawned on me that hooligans, skinheads, bandits, corrupt officials, yak vymagayut khabarіv i take їх, svіtskі revelers, sho scurry on the wind of majestic pennies - all these people do moral evil. Ale sho tsikavo: even more often they call themselves the right patriots of Russia.
How can you believe such statements, judge these people by their words? What do you say from which drive? Give your arguments.

I respect that such people cannot be called patriots, even if they allow their own other people through a penny to destroy the law of order.

8. Explain how you can understand “morality” and “religion”.

Significantly, what is morality, what is religion. Otzhe, morality is the moral quality of a person, as he regulates his behavior. Tobto a person should walk in accordance with the highest moral rules. Morality is the singing category of ethics.

Religion is a singing system of looking at supernatural forces, moral norms, rituals and more. Religion is seen by us as a form of supremacy, as a bow to the greater powers, as a spiritual formation.

So, obviously, morality is connected with religion. Vira as a religious category vzagali may have a strong force as a moral regulation of a person's behavior. For example, a lot of religions promote submission, subjugation, and commandments and religious canons “speak” about the evil of driving, stealing and violence.

Religion and morality are in keeping with the spirit, or rather, with the moral life. Even religion and morality create the world, de religious way of life can be more moral. Doesn't mean non-religious or immoral. Tse means that buti religious means obov'yazkovo buti moral, more it is an ideal, and religion forms moral vimogi to a person, obov'yazkovі to vikonannya.

  • One of the leaders. Adzhe vukhovna culture is partly molding the light-gazer into people. p align="justify"> Also, a part of spiritual culture is enlightenment, and, as it seems, it takes one of the most important values ​​in the life of society. Spiritual culture forms in the individual spiritual light, And itself: knowledge, thoughts, practice

  • Spiritual culture, an important part of the life of the soul.

  • How does spiritual culture occupy a place in the life of society?
  • The spiritual life of the household is the whole sphere of life, which at the same time determines the specifics of this household from the economic and socio-political life of the entire community.
    It includes all spiritual enlightenment, the development of spiritual culture in the usual її raznomanittі, forms and equal suspіlії vіdomostі, unformed spontaneity and not a whole lot of understanding moods, sounds, etc.
    Spiritual culture has a foldable structure, which includes science, philosophical-light-gazing, legal, moral, artistic culture. Religion occupies a special place in the system of spiritual culture.

    Spiritual values ​​of the greater peculiarities of the specialties of their creators. a lot of benefits in the spiritual sphere can be found by specific authors. but created by unknown creators is no less significant for spiritual culture

    Spiritual values ​​are considered as material values ​​with a special longevity.

  • How does spiritual culture occupy a place in the life of society?
  • Vaughn sit down to finish the honorable place at the life of the soul. Long ago it helped people to remake the war. stink little sleepy faith. at once, people won't be so united. spiritual culture tse vіra y shchos. so that people will have faith in God at a holy price. yak passed a rich century. spiritual culture is also taken from nationality. for example, the holy souls of them are celebrated at once, and they are united together, etc.
    spiritual culture is an important part of the life of the soul

    Spiritual culture plays an important role in the life of society, acting as a means of accumulation, saving and transferring the accumulated people to

  • How does spiritual culture occupy a place in the life of society?
  • The spiritual life of the household is the whole sphere of life, which at the same time determines the specifics of this household from the economic and socio-political life of the entire community. There is an imperial imprisoned, the number of spirit is the culture in the ustoma ї ї їznoanthti, formed by the il of the Svydomosti, unformed verse, not the same assembly. Legal, moral, artistic culture Religion occupies a special place in the system of spiritual culture. 2. Science - tse knowledge, sho vvchaє, doslіdzhuє, sho allows robiti vysnovka, robiti vіdkrittya, razvitat znannnya, yak already taken away. Education - the process of accumulating knowledge. And the oskіlki people, as they are engaged in science, continue to accumulate knowledge, then it can be said that science is the only thing to stick out the steps of enlightenment, and enlightenment is one of the processes of engaging in science, it is also the foundation of science, and її the destructive force, and її warehouse.<. ВАС СОЧИНЕНИЯ
  • How does spiritual culture occupy a place in the life of society?
  • Vaughn sit down to finish the honorable place at the life of the soul. For a long time I helped people to overcome the war. The stench of little sleepy faith. At the same time, people are so very united.

    Spiritual culture-tse faith in shchos. Tobto people unite faith in God, it is holy and worthy. Yake passed a rich century.

    So culture itself is spiritual, if you take it from nationality. For example, svіlnі svyato, їhnі people vіdznachayut at once, and їх tse ob'ednuє, Movies and so on.

  • 1) How can you confirm that the old age and culture are unique and grow up in the form of the age and culture? Explain your opinion.

    2) How can clothes really be of such great importance for pidlіtkіv? Argument your opinion.

    3) What place does music occupy in the middle culture? Why?

    4) Try to put together a list of objects - signs, yakі vіdbivat culture of today's pіdlіtkіv.

    5) "What is appropriate and not appropriate in today's music podlitkam?" (Feed the pidlіtkіv).

    6) Some American sociologists say: the Russians have a firm character and an internal haircut. American podlitki - materially separated social group. However, not all of them are suitable. Deyakі rosіyskі sociologists vvazhayut, scho itself in americans firm character and є є vnutrіshnіy shirzhen, and in russian pіdlіtkіv nothing of the sort. The stench appeals to those who are transcendentally important material minds not guarding, but ignoring the character, which in American culture has long been laid down by the tradition of achieving success, individualism, survival of that victory in any situation, the orien- tation of firm morality. What do you think about which drive? Write your microscopy.

  • 1) you can. Pіdlіtkové suspіlstvo to fall in vіd vіyan modi, vіd dumki otochyuchih

    2) No, the clothes themselves are baiduzhi by themselves. The respect of the restless is important to the lads, fashionable tendencies - for the help of clothes they show themselves the stench.

    3) music is also signified by the molding of the psyche of the fool, that is, to the stink of dovirlivy and richly respect the truth.

    4) music, sports, talk, kohannya

    5) fit: those who are facing problems, who are praising podlitkiv;

    do not fit: those who have a lot of different music, and the stink of ruining

    6) in the skin of the country, everything is different: in Russia, there are patches and patches, it’s easy to talk about Americans. Ale, the situation in Russia is not easy

  • The terms are lowered below. Usi stink, krіm dvoh, to be put to the point of understanding "The spiritual sphere of the life of the soul" . Know the terms that you don't understand. 1) art, 2) religion, 3) delict, 4) philosophy, 5) science, 6) competition, 7) education, 8) culture, 9) TV
  • 3 (something item is not already mentioned), 5, 6.

    Get everything.

    3) a delict - a private or civil-legal fault, which is dragged along by a shkod and a shkod, who are drawn for the private right to retaliation against the victims.

    6) competition - Competition(Economics) - a super-market of sub'jectives of market value for the best results of commercial activity.

    the axis of that stench is not visible to the SPIRITUAL SPHERE

  • The spiritual sphere of society (culture, the link between the culture of our society and the culture of a good people, especially the spiritual life of modern Russia) with butts.

    One of the main spheres of welfare (in order of economic, political, social), which includes the development and interdependence of science, morality, mysticism, religion, other forms of social communion, specific organization and specific activity of people.

    Elements of the spiritual sphere of the soul:
    Spiritual needs of people: a product of daily social interaction
    · Spiritual values: look at people, scientific ideas, hypotheses and theories, artistic creation, moral and religious knowledge, spiritual connection of people and moral and psychological climate
    · Spiritual well-being
    · spiritual insights between people, and also show their inter-special spiritual intelligence, for example, on the basis of aesthetic, religious, moral insights.
    · Spirituality

  • The current meaning of the term "culture" is rather different and often undefined. To tell guesses about culture today, not only to become a characteristic of society and people vzagali, but as a whole a specific combination of technologies, characteristics, traditions, way of life, statehood, just: "the culture of Old Russian," "Ancient" or “zahіdna culture”, “Skhіd” or “culture of the Skhodu”, etc. Itself in the sense of speaking, for example, about a lot of cultures, about equalization of cultures, about dialogue and interaction of cultures. In these situations, the term “culture” means a really fundamental culture, created in a singing area ... This word (term) means in everyday life art, museums, libraries, cinema, theaters, religion and impersonal other speeches. Mi is seen as "cultural" or "uncivilized" behavior of people; zastosovuєmo so vyslovlyuvannya, like "culture of practice", "culture of trade", "culture of manufacturing" and so on. stinks can appear in nature, in a “natural” way. Tse, zokrema, self-knowledge, vіruvannya, mystetstvo, zvichaї, law, zvichaї and other zdіbnostі, characteristic drawings
    that zvichki, acquired by a person as a member of the society; tsemov, symbols and codes, ideas, taboos, rituals, ceremonies, social institutions, znaryaddya, technologies and all connected with the significant phenomena of the component. .. To that be-yakі show lyudskoї dіyalnostі, scho mіstse mіstse in a particular society, so chi іnakshe represent the culture of tsоgo socіum. If you want to learn from the best and noblest worlds, rather vilify (do not include to the warehouse of culture) the deeds of them, then the picture of historically specific (local) cultural culture will be uneven, and the system of interaction between elements and warehouse parts of the parties will create culture. . Otherwise, it seems that the culture of concrete-historical supremacy is inspired by malice, drug addiction and other whole odious ways and processes. Quite meritorious for the label "anti-culture", such phenomena of a suspenseful life proteo are overwhelmed by the manifestations of a kind of culture as a whole. (D. A. Laletin)

    1)pto cite on the basis of the text whether or not three meanings of the term "culture".
    2) How, in the author's opinion, is culture and activity related? To show the link, turning up to be two cultural manifestations indicated by the text.
    3) The author stands for the idea of ​​a dialogue of cultures. Vikoristovuyuchi suspіlstvoznavchi knowledge of the facts of suspіlnogo life, bring three applications to the dialogue of cultures in modern suspіlstvі.

  • 1. 1. Under the culture of the present day, it is possible to understand the characteristics of the country
    1. 3. The term "culture" refers to a really existing culture, created by a singing area

    2. The phenomenon of culture is blamed for appointments only as a result (follow) of human activity; stinks can appear in nature, in a “natural” way. Tse, zokrema, self-knowledge, vіruvannya, mystetstvo, zvichaї, law, zvichaї and other zdіbnostі, characteristic drawings
    that zvichki, acquired by a person as a member of the society. To that, be-yakі show human activity, scho to find a place in a particular society, so how else to establish the culture of that society.

  • >>Visnovki to distribution 2

    Visnovki to the head

    For the lesson lesson summary supporting frame presentation to the lesson of accelerating methods and interactive technologies Practice task and right self-verification workshops, trainings, cases, quests home tasks rhetorical nutrition for students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, schemes, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comic parables, orders, crossword puzzles, quotes Additional abstract statistics chips for supplementary cribs handbooks basic and supplementary glossary of terms Improvement of tutors and lessonscorrection of pardons from the assistant updating the fragment of the assistant to the element of innovation at the lesson of replacing old knowledge with new ones Tіlki for readers ideal lessons calendar plan for the rіk methodical recommendations of the program of discussion Integration lessons

    Control robot No. 2. The sphere of spiritual culture. Option 1

    Control robot No. 2. The sphere of spiritual culture. Option 2

    Part 1: Test tasks

    1. Before the spiritual sphere of the life of the soul lie: 1) the premiere of a dramatic show; 2) the versatility of computer technology; 3) diyalnist profspіlok; 4) raspodіl suspіlstva on the class.

    2. The word "culture" in translation from the Latin means: 1) housekeeping; 2) interaction of people; 3) processing of the soil; 4) the art of governing the state.

    3. How can science lie down to the humanities? 1) geography; 2) geology; 3) history; 4) biology.

    4. What is the characteristic sign of religion? 1) regulation of people's behavior; 2) faith in supernatural forces; 3) exercising the union of suspіlstvo; 4) ob'ednannya moral dosvidu generations.

    Part 2: Theoretical tasks

    1. Suspіlstvo-tse... 2. Sense of life-tse...

    Part 3: Power supply

    Why does religion play a role in the soul?

    Part 4: Porivnyannya "illumination" and "science"

    Improve that science. Select and write in the first column of the table the ordinal numbers of characteristics of similarity, and in the other column - the ordinal numbers of characteristics of immensity.

    1) bring people up to cultural values; 2) related to technical progress; 3) subsystem of the spiritual sphere of the soul; 4) exposing the objective laws of the development of the world.

    Devils of similarity


    Part 1: Test tasks (for skin correct examination 1 point)

    1. Before the spiritual sphere of the life of the soul lie: 1) elect the president; 2) international conflicts; 3) development of lighting standards; 4) commodity-penny vіdnosiny.

    2. How understandable is it to the category of morality? 1) law and law; 2) status and authority; 3) good and evil; 4) the nature of that Suspіlstvo.

    3. Internal control of the people of their vchinkіv is called: 1) viability; 2) self-control; 3) borg; 4) morality.

    4. Before secular religion lie: 1) Confucianism; 2) Buddhism; 3) Catholicism; 4) Orthodoxy.

    Part 2: Theoretical tasks (for skin correct assessment 2 balls)

    1. Religion-ce... 2. Freedom of conscience...

    Part 3: Power supply (for the correct answer 3 balls)

    How does spiritual culture occupy a place in the life of society?

    Part 4: Comparison of “right” and “morality” (for the correct answer 2 balls)

    Uphold the right and morality. Select and write in the first column of the table the ordinal numbers of characteristics of similarity, and in the other column - the ordinal numbers of characteristics of immensity.

    1) regulation of the suppleness of the blue; 2) express the will of the state; 3) adhere to the principles of goodness and justice; 4) conveying the unambiguity of clouding.

    Devils of similarity



    Option 1

    Option 2

    part 1

    1. 1

    2. 3

    3. 3

    4. 2

    part 2

    1. Suspіlstvo- sukupnіst ways vzaєmodії i forms o'dnannya people, yah vyrazhaєєєs vzaybіchna vzaєmozalezhnіst.

    2. Sense of life-philosophical reflections about the meta, recognition, wisdom and straightening of life, your own place in the world.

    part 3

    Religion plays a great role in the world. The skin of a person, if you want to be tied up, is tied up, you have faith, even if you give strength to people, the faith is to rob a person inspired in yourself, you want to reach more, and believe in yourself. Lyudina, independent of the place of residence, race, age, ability, believe. A person chooses his own faith, as being closer to you, his way of life, how to put a frame of possibilities for him, what is possible, and what is not possible.

    part 4

    Similarity figures: 2.3

    Characteristics of vіdminnostі: 1.4

    part 1

    1. 3

    2. 3

    3. 2

    4. 2

    part 2

    1. Religion is the sum total of spiritual manifestations based on faith in the foundation of God or gods, supernatural forces, as well as behavior and specific behavior.

    2. Freedom of conscience - the right of a person to independently form their own reconciliation and to express their opinion, without taking into account the freedom of other people and support in general.

    part 3

    Vaughn sit down to finish the honorable place at the life of the soul. From a long time ago, she helped people to overcome the war. The stench of little sleepy faith. At the same time, people are so very united. Spiritual culture - tse faith in shchos. To make people believe in God, so holy is that price. Yake passed a rich century. So is spiritual culture, if you take it from nationality. For example: the sleep is holy, these people celebrate at once, and they will go together, Move on. Spiritual culture, an important part of the life of the soul.

    part 4

    Similarity figures: 1.3

    Characteristics of vіdminnostі: 2.4

    Evaluation criteria:

    15b-14b = 5 points

    13b-9b = 4 bali

    8b-6b = 3 bali

    5b-3b = 2 bali

    2b-0b = 1 point

    Nutrition 1. What does the sphere of spiritual culture include?

    The spiritual sphere is the area of ​​ideal, non-material creations, which include ideas, values ​​of religion, science, morality, etc.

    The structure of the spiritual sphere of the life of the soul in the largest wild rices is as follows:

    Religion is a form of svetoglyad, based on faith in supernatural forces;

    Morality is a system of moral norms, ideals, assessments, vchinkiv;

    Art - artistic development of the world;

    Science is a system of knowledge about the laws of the foundation and development of the world;

    Law is a collection of norms that are supported by the state;

    Osvita - the purpose of directing the process of strengthening and learning.

    The spiritual sphere is the sphere of knowledge, which is blamed for the hour of virility, the transfer of that mastery of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, belief, norms of behavior, artistic images too).

    Just as the material life of a person is caused by the satisfaction of specific everyday needs (in food, clothes, drink is empty), then the spiritual sphere of a person’s life is directed to the satisfaction of the needs of the development of knowledge, light-gazer, various spiritual qualities.

    Spiritual consumption on the basis of material is not set biologically, but is formed and developed in the process of socialization of specialty.

    Obviously, a person can live without satisfaction of their needs, but even then, life is a little disturbed by the life of creatures. Spiritual consumers are satisfied with the process of spiritual activity - cognitive, valuable, predictive. Such diyalnist is straightened out by us before the change of individual and suspіlnoї svіdomosti. It manifests itself in science, religion, scientific creativity, enlightenment, self-enlightenment, vihovanni meagerly. In case of any spiritual activity, you can be like that, which you vibrate, so you live.

    The process of molding that development of light, light-gazer, spiritual powers is called spiritual forging. The product of this vibration is ideas, theories, artistic images, values, spiritual light of an individual and spiritual insights between individuals. The main mechanisms of spiritual cultivation are science, mysticism and religion.

    Spiritual well-being is called the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the well-being of the products of science, religion, and the arts, for example, introducing the theater or the museum, acquiring new knowledge. The spiritual sphere of the life of the welfare provides for the safety of viability, the preservation of that rozpovsyudzhennya of moral, aesthetic, scientific, legal and other values. Vaughn ohoplyuє raznі forms and іvnі suspіlnoї svіdomosti - moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, legal.

    Nutrition 2. How does spiritual culture occupy space in the life of society?

    The spiritual sphere of the life of the Suspіlstva hoots different forms and equal Suspіlnoї svіdomosti, yak, embedded in the real process of life of the Suspіlstva, is established by those that are accepted to be called spiritual culture.

    Spiritual culture plays an important role in the life of society, acting as a means of accumulation, saving and transferring what people have accumulated until the end.

    Nutrition 3. Why do you understand the relationship between science and education?

    Science is the knowledge that you learn, doslіdzhuє, that allows you to work with the whiskers, work to learn, develop knowledge, as it is already taken away. And enlightenment is the process of accumulating knowledge. And the shards of a person who is engaged in science to continue accumulating knowledge, then we can say that science is only one of the processes of occupied with science, it is also the foundation of science, and її destructive force, and її warehouse.

    Nutrition 4. What is the meaning of morality in life and prosperity?

    Morality plays a key role in the life of society, because morality is one of the main pillars of light, like talking about those who are good and what is bad. Forever in life you can swear by the law, but we know that among people there are always those who will help us. Morality regulates suspense, mildly and unobtrusively, saying what you can work, and what you can’t, you create culture.

    Whether there is a conscience about good and evil, honor and dishonesty, justice and injustice, and people, guided by them, are obliged to develop honesty in themselves, cheruyuchis tim, which is usually called the norms of morality.

    Assimilated human moral standards, moral lessons life to become a shearing of the inner world of a person, cheruyuchi yoga thoughts and vchinka. Ideas for morality - a system of life values. According to their values, they are restored to what is good and what is bad.

    Nutrition 5. Why does religion play a role in society?

    In the first place, religion, being a light-gazer, is a system of principles, looking, ideals and perekonan, explaining people to the world, denoting this place in this world, showing you what the sense of life is.

    In a different way (and at the expense of the first), religion gives people a rest, hope, spiritual contentment, support. Generally not vipadkovo people most often turn to religion at important moments of their lives.

    In the country, the people, Maychi, before you, I am a relay ine, the internal snakes, I have the same to be the same, to carry your own relay, good-free (so, yak rosami imitate yoga. (Obviously, a good cob can only be stubborn in that vein, as if people were guided along the path of religious authorities themselves with a pure soul, morally and practice the ideal.)

    Fourthly, religion governs the behavior of a person through a system of values, moral attitudes and fences. Vaughn can succumb to the great spіlnoti of that whole power, like living by the laws of the religion.

    On-p'yate, religions embrace the unity of people, help the constitution of the nation, illumine that consciousness of the powers. Moreover, the factor itself can lead to the bottom, to the collapse of powers and suspensions, if more people begin to stand one by one behind the religious principle.

    Food 6. In the middle of the XIX century. V. Dal, having seen the collection "Send to the Russian people." Among them are: “Whoever wants to know richly, that needs little sleep”, “The root of the vchennya is hot, that yogo licorice”, “Learn others - and understand yourself”, “Live for a century - learn for a century”, “Give for a vchenny two unlearned ”, “Why do you care, that I become in good fortune”, “More literate, less bad”. Chi saved the value of these prisliv'їv at our hour? How can you understand what happens today?

    So, qі prislіv'ya zavzhda will be relevant.

    “Whoever wants to know a lot, he needs a little sleep” - to sleep, to take care of the right.

    “The root of the vchennya is hot, that plaid of yoga is licorice” - read it, learn new things, and if you know a lot, you can zastosuvat in any area.

    “Learn others - and understand yourself” - when you try to confuse other people, you can understand those who were previously unreasonable.

    “Live for a hundred years - learn for a century” - start the next thing to read; navit being (or respecting oneself) even more aware, a person is guilty of being expelled for new knowledge.

    "To give two unmarried people for a good one" - one sensible person is worth two ignorant, bad ones.

    “For what I have become, I have become in good fortune” - which specialty has twisted into this and pracyuvatimesh.

    “More literate, less foolish” - the more illuminated, the more beautiful.

    Food 7. On a late winter evening, a traffic jam closed on one of the streets of Moscow, and the same cars destroyed the sidewalk. Ale nevdovzі zupinilis: on the sidewalk stood a woman of a frail age, as if protesting against such a ride. The friend of the car looked like a young, well-dressed lady and hit her woman. She fell. And the woman got into the car and drove away.

    Comment on this situation from a moral point of view. What behavioral options were there for young women?

    In Perche, young is not small vizhzhati on the sidewalk. In a different way, yakscho viїhala, it was not necessary to get out of the car. Thirdly, as if she was viishla, it was not necessary to open her hands. The young woman behaved badly, so immorally and immorally.

    Nutrition 8. At the breast 2010 at the Moscow airports timchasovo pripililis Poloti through the weather mind. Thousands of passengers checked their flights for the safety of important minds. We slept just on the bed. Usim needed a bula їzha, but the sellers raised the prices ten times. Deyakі passengers vyrishili go home, but on them a new surprise check: taxi drivers raised fares. Sellers and taxi drivers explained their duties by the laws of the market. If you don't want to, don't buy, don't bother anyone.

    Comment on this situation from moral positions.

    Salesmen and taxi drivers behaved incorrectly, because in important situations it was necessary to help one another, and not profit from misfortune.

    Nutrition 9. From a glance of morality, it became clear that hooligans, skinheads, bandits, corrupt officials, how to extort khabarіv and take їх, secular revelers, who scurry on the wind of great pennies - all people do moral evil. Ale sho tsikavo: even more often they call themselves the right patriots of Russia.

    How can you believe such statements, judge these people by their words? What do you say from which drive? Give your arguments.

    For these people, it’s a smut, because the people don’t understand anything. They steal pennies and call themselves patriots when they do it - it’s done to fool people. Oskilki great person even more smut is worth pennies and ties in our country.

    Nutrition 10. Explain how you understand “morality” and “religion”.

    Mayzhe skin religious people may have high moral integrity.

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