Analysis of Bunin's "Sonyachniy blow" response. Online reading of the book Sleepy stroke Ivan Bunin. Sonyachny blow Sonyachny blow

The writer Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin is a representative of the literary creativity of the whole doby. Yogo on the literary front is assessed as Russian critics, and the society of the world. Everyone knows that in 1933 Bunin's roci Nobel Prize at the gallery of literature.

The uneasy life of Ivan Oleksiyovich laid a veil on his work, but no matter what, the theme of red smog to pass through all of his creativity.

In 1924, Bunin began to write a cycle of works, which were already closely related to each other. Tse buli okremі opovіdannya, kozhna z yakіh bula independent creation. Combined and explained by one topic - the whole topic of kokhannya. Bunin shared five cycles of his creations: "Mitya's love", " sleepy stroke”, “Ida”, “Mordivian sarafan”, “On the right of the cornet Yelagin”. The stench described five different types of vindication of the kokhannya z nіzvіdki. Tієї samoї lyubovі, yak vrazhaє in the very heart, obscuring the mind and subduing the will.

In this article, there is a mention of the rozpovid "Sonyachny blow". Vіn buv spellings in 1925 roci, if the writer had changed in the Maritime Alps. How the rose was born, the writer of the roses of Galina Kuznetsova, one of her wives. Vaughn, with her devil, wrote down everything with her student.

A connoisseur of human passions, a man, building to erase all the borders in front of the sickness of feelings, a writer, like a word with a thorough fineness, inspired by new feelings, easily and unimpressedly putting his thoughts into the air, as if only an idea was born. Be a stimulant of the moment, be it an object, be it a podia, a natural phenomenon. Golovne, do not spend a lot of thought, and completely understand the description, without sounding, and, perhaps, not controlling yourself to the end.

Plot of explanation

The plot line of the explanation is quite simple, if you want to forget the war, what will happen a hundred times, if it sounds like others, and it was not accepted to write about it.

A man and a woman are chirping with miraculous warmth on the steamboat. The stench both pіdіgrіtі wine, navkolі miraculous kraєvidi, moody garni and zvіdusіl vіє romantikoyu. The stench joins together, if at once they spend nothing at the nearest hotel and when they get roses, they rise.

Zustrich pavement is hostile, swidkoplinna is unimaginable for both, so that the main heroes of the navit did not recognize the names of one and the other. Tse Bozhevillya was true by the author: “nothing like that has been seen for all the life of neither one nor the other.”

Mitteva Zustrich so impressed the hero that he could not know his own place after the dawn of the coming day. The lieutenant is aware that only now he is aware, how he can look happy, if the charge is the subject of a successful bazhan. Come on, let me go, let me go, win the best person on earth. The tragic nature of the situation added to the knowledge that, better for everything, you can’t win more її.

On the cob of acquaintanceship, the lieutenant and the unknown did not exchange their income, they did not know one another. It’s not like I’m trying to tell myself on one single point of view. Young people settled down to the same method. Ale, don’t slander them, they seriously do their own thing. About the reader is known from the words of the main heroine. After spending the night at once, you won’t have to break the whiskers: “I knew for sure that it was blackout ... Abo, vіrnіshe, we took insults like that until a sleepy blow ...” And this dear young woman wants to lie.

Opovіdach vstigaє vstigati be-yakі іluziї schodo possible probable miraculous bet and povidomlya, scho neznayomka maє sіm'yu, man and little daughter. BUT head hero If you have changed your mind, having assessed the situation and having overcome such assimilation of the object of special advantages, with a quick understanding, you can’t correct your own negativity. Vin knows nothing about her, no name, no nickname, no address.

Wanting the author without giving respect report description zhіnki, chitachevі podobєtsya. I want to believe that the taєmnicha neznayomka garna is reasonable. And you need to take it down, like a sleepy blow, no more.

Ymovirno, Bunin, having created the image of a fatal woman, as a representative of the sovereign ideal. And although there are no details, neither for the soundness, nor for the inner inspiration of the heroine, we know that there is a simple and charming laughter in her, dovge hairy, the shards are covered with hairpins. The woman is maє mіtsne that springy body, strong little hands. About її insight you can say the fact that near it you can see the subtle aroma of perfumes.

Sensational interest

In his work, Bunin did not become concretized. The report has no names and names. It’s unbelievable to read, on which steamboat the heroes’ heads were fired, in which place the stink was crushed. Invisibly, the names of the heroes are forgotten.

Ymovіrno, the writer wants to be a reader, he understands that the names of that name are not important, if you think about such a thing, it’s like a death of that love. It is impossible to say that the lieutenant and the deputy woman can have a great mystery of love. That addiction, as it shattered between them, better for everything, both of them took on the cob like a fling at an hour more expensive. Alas, it became in the soul of the lieutenant, and the axis of the wines did not know one's own place in the mind.

Z rozpovіdі it is possible to say that the writer is a special psychologist. It's easy to follow the behavior of the main character. The lieutenant with such ease and navіt radiance parted with his ignorance. However, after an hour, I’ll ask, what’s so special about my woman, what makes me think about her skin for a second, why now it’s not nice for me everything is brighter.

The writer was far away to convey all the tragedy of an unseen or a spent kokhanny.

Creation structure

In his own testimony, Bunin described, without mannerism and sorom's anger, a phenomenon, as if in the people they call zrada. Ale vin zmіg zrobiti tse even subtly and beautifully, zavdyaki his writing talent.

In fact, the reader is a witness to only the greatest feeling that has been born - love. Ale depends on the reverse chronological order. The standard scheme: sightseeing, familiarity, walks, zustrіchі, evenings - all tse vіdkinuto ubіk. Just a little acquaintance of the leading heroes, immediately led them to the climax of the moment between the man and the woman. And only after that, the separation is satisfied with the passion of the rapt of the people of the kohanny.

"A little bit like tasting the malt, it was still alive in the new, but now it's a little bit new."

In detail, the author conveys a little, placing accents on such rubbish, like smells, sounds. For example, in the report, a wound is described, if the market square is used, with its smells and sounds. І vіd prilezhloї church chuti dzvіn. Tse everything is happy and happy, and spryya nebuvaliy romanticism. For example, do it yourself, the hero is unacceptable, rich and drastic. The sun is no longer warm, but scorching, and in the face of something you want to get away.

At the end, quote one phrase:

"The dark summer of the dawn was fading away far ahead, gloomy, sleepy and drowsily bouncing at the rivers ... and pouring, and pouring back into the fire, roaring in the dark around"

Tse those who reveal the understanding about the author's own mess. Yakos Bunin himself having said that there is no happiness in life, and that there are happy mites, as it is necessary to live and value them. Adzhe kokhannya may appear raptov and call back. It’s not surprising, but in Bunin’s roses, the heroes are constantly separated. It is possible, if we want to tell you, that separation is of great importance, through it love is deep in the soul and morbid human sensitivity. And it's all true, it's like a sleepy stroke.

sleepy stroke
read Eduard Toman

Bunin's concept of the kokhannya is rozkryvaє i rozpovid "Sonyachny blow", written in the Maritime Alps in 1925.
Tsey tvir, like on me, typical for Bunin. In the first place, it was awakened just like that, like a lot of other roses, and a little experience of the hero, in the life of such a person he felt great.
Otzhe, rozpochinaetsya zustrіchchyu on the ship two people: a man and a woman. Between them blame the mutual potyag, and the stench rages on the litter of love calls. Having prokinivshis urantsi, the stench behaves like this, nothing happened, and it’s not enough to “out” somewhere, having left one “yogo” alone. You know, why don’t you mess around, don’t give the desired meaning to the sound, but ... it’s wonderful to start dating the hero ... fates". Emotionally rozpovіd іє іє є є є є є ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї є ї є ї ї ї ї ї ї ї є ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї є ї ї ї є ї ї ї є ї ї є ї ї є ї є їm є єm їm zdobuєmo schashy? mitі, do they stink apart?
The rozpovid is called "Sonyachny blow". What can the name mean? It’s being created as if it were a mitt, that it’s against you, and here it’s a desolation of the soul, which is dragging after itself, suffering, unhappiness. This is especially striking, as if to set the cob of that end of advice.
The number of details of the description is low, as well as the scene of the performance of the lieutenant and the clerk help us to understand the author's idea. Naygolovnіshe, scho mi vіdkrivаєmo for myself, having read the rozpoіd "Drowsy blow", - in the kohannya, as he describes Bunin in his creations, in the daily future. Yoga heroes can never get happiness, the stink of the condemnation of suffering. "Sonyachny Strike" once again reveals the Bunin's concept of kokhannya: "Having fallen in love, we die...".

Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin
Russian writer: prose writer, poet, publicist. Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin was born on August 22 (after the old style - July 10) in 1870 near Voronezh, in a similar manner a nobleman, who lay down to the old noble family.
Literary popularity before Ivan Bunin came in 1900 after the publication of the "Antonov's apple" in the world of propaganda. In 1901, the collection of verses "Falling Leaves" came from the illustrious symbolist "Scorpion". For this collection and for the translation of the poem by the American romantic poet G. Longfellow "The Song of Hiawatha" (1898, written in 1896), the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize. In 1902, the publishers of "Knowledge" wrote the first volume of works by I.A. Bunina. 1905 to the fate of Bunin, who is alive at the hotel "National", becoming a witness of the Chest slaughter insurrection.

Rest of the Rocks the writers passed from the villains. Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin died near Paris. At night from 7 to 8 leaf fall in 1953, the fate, for two years after that, was gone: wine died quietly and calmly, alas, sleep. The novel by L.N. Tolstoy "Resurrection". Pokhovaniy Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin at the Russian cavern Saint-Genev'ev-des-Bois, near Paris.
In 1927-1942 Galina Mykolayivna Kuznetsova, a friend of the Bunin family, who became a deep friend of Ivan Oleksiyovich's favoritism, wrote a number of memoirs ("Grassky Shchodennik", the article "In Memory of Bunin"). The USSR has the first collection of works by I.A. Bunina lived only after his death - in 1956 roci (five volumes in the Library "Vognik").

Behind the window, the sky is black, let it go and finish the end - maybe it’s possible to stop, farewell, a volley - but still it’s smoky and rich, rich sleepy. I thought of a miracle, a summer rozpovid of Bunin "Sonyachny blow". I took yoga and re-read it from the very beginning. Bunin is one of my favorite writers. How miraculously wine of Volodya with his “writing sword”! How accurate the language is, how the new leader has described the still life!

І zovsіm do not overwhelm such positive hostility "Drowsy Strike", which znyav behind the motives of excuse Mikita Mikhalkov. As a film critic, I could not guess the whole film.

Porіvnyaєmo resentment "hit". Regardless of the variety of types of art, cinema and literature, we may have the right to do so. Cinema, as a kind of synthesis of a dynamic picture and an opposing text (we blame the music for the bows, we won’t need it for analysis), cannot do without literature. It is said that, be it a movie, at least, it starts from the script. As a basis for the scenario, like ours, you can lie down, be it an excuse.

On the other hand, (at first glance, this thought may be absurd) and literature cannot do without “cinema”! Tse unimportant to those that cinematography has appeared recently, to a thousand years of literature. But I took the cinema in my paws - this role is played by our mind, like in the process of reading these other books I create in the middle of our knowledge of the world's images.

Garniy the author is not just writing a book. Vіn bachit all podії, navіt nayfantastichnіshі, vlasnі eyesі. Vіrish to such a writer. The director of his own image, his own bachelorette is motivated to enter the cinema for the help of actors, inter'iers, objects and cameras.

At these points, dotik cinema and literature, we can match the emotions of Bunin's explanation and the kind of film created on its basis. And in our mood, we can create two absolutely different things. And on the right, there is no less than a free interpretation, as if the director allowed himself - this picture is an independent TV, wine, madly, it’s right. However...

However, marvel at (read), like a quick and easy Bunin's wife is ready for adultery. “Ah, work like that, as you want!”, - it’s already on the cob of advice and go out as a lieutenant to the shore, for one night, so that later we won’t get into trouble, but remember about her care of all life. Like Bunin's lightness and lack of space! How accurately conveyed his mood! Like ideal descriptions of their love sleeps, ce rapt's bazhanya, accessibility is impossible and blissful lightness!

Like in the Bunin skin description, the master gave a description of the provincial town, where the main hero had eaten. І as an exact indication of the stepwise transition from the atmosphere of the diva, which came to a strong gravitation of the boundless tightness about the past, happiness, about the vtracheny paradise. After separation for the lieutenant navkolishniy svit step by step poured with a leaden vag, we become stupid.

Mikhalkov's vaga is very obvious. The picture clearly states the two worlds until the 1st after the Revolution of 1917. Light “before” readings in light, soft tones, at light “before” - cold and gloomy farby, gloomy-gray-blue. In the “before” world there is a steamboat, a hmarka, pans in chains and with parasols, everything here seems to be the plot of Bunin’s “strike”. At the world of "pislya" - p'yanі sailors, the murders of pavich and commissars among the shkirian women - from the first shots they will show us "cursed days", heavy hours. But the “important” new world is not needed for us, we focus on the old one, de lieutenant and take away the “drowsy stroke”, suffocate the young companion. Everything is not easy for Mikita Sergiyovich there.

In order to let the ladies settle down with Lieutenant Mikhalkov, they needed some tricks, without a head, dancing that important piyatik. It was necessary to show how water is dripping from the tap (I have a similar problem, to the point of speech), and the pistons are working in the engine room. I put on a gas scarf, which, having flown from place to place, did not help ... Without creating the atmosphere of lightness.

The lieutenant needed to command a hysterical scene in front of the woman. Dear Mikito Sergiyovich, it is very important and unbearable to meet you man and woman. Unholy, unholy, ugly. So it could have been better at Radyansk resorts, and not in Russia, like Vi, Mikita Sergiyovich, they spent it. Ivan Oleksiyovich wrote about other things! The lieutenant already after three years of acquaintance to ask the lady: "Let's go!" And at Mikhalkov’s, the Russian officer of the woman is afraid, then in front of a naked courtesan she is unobtrusive (div. “Siberian Barber”), then she gets drunk heavily, so that she will be arrogant with the lady.

It is hard for Mikhalkov that yoga is a distant love practice, without becoming a description of Bunin, and in this way the lightness of the tension is easy - the reader himself will reveal everything. And in the film, the camera led us to the woman's breasts, brightly covered with specks of sweat - what did the stinks do there? What furniture did they change in the hotel? It's gone! It's vulgar and crazy! Vulgar and view from the vіkna from the wound: the sun, the greenery of the hump and the stitch that leads to the church. Suspicious and boring. Already to bother!

A lot of scenes, such as Bunin does not have, are absurd and rudely stuck. Look, I'll take a breather. Axis, for example, a magician at the restaurant on the butt of a lemon with a brush explains to the lieutenant the theory of Marx's "Capital". What is a lighthouse? Tsі zayvі scenes create only filthy pіslyasmak, nіbi murmurs sipping, which hit hard on the little ones.

Mikita Sergiyovich, well, the master of yours can do it. It’s impossible not to recognize it, if you’re doing it, how the camera is working, how the camera is panning, how the picture is set. I can't tell the artists how bad they play at the film, sometimes it's wonderful! But if everything sticks together into a single picture, then it will come out like mura and porridge. You spend an hour with a filthy, troubleless dream.

Mikhalkov tries to create a new cinema, but all the rest of the films cannot be marveled at, it’s schizophrenia, not cinema. Failure follows failure. This is how it happened with the yogo stop "Sonyachny blow".

Rozpovid "Sonyachny blow" by Bunin was written in 1925, published through the river in "Suchasnye zapiski". At the book of descriptions, a swedish novel between a lieutenant and a young zamіzhnoy lady, as if they knew each other at an hour more expensive by boat.

Head Heroes

Poruchnik- a young man, irritable and sharp.

Dunno- young garna zhіnka, yak maє cholovіk i tririchna daughter.

Under the hour, the lieutenant will get acquainted with the beautiful unknown, as one of the Volzky steamboats, as if turning home after a recovery in Anapa. Vaughn doesn’t reveal her name to a new acquaintance, and on yoga, she’s stubbornly prohannya, saying “I’m sorry with a charming laugh.”

The guarantor of hostilities with the beauty and natural charm of his companion. Yogo's heart is sparing with sticks, almost addicted. Unable to stream them from oneself, to rob women, even the ambiguous proposition to go ashore. It’s unbearable that it’s easy to wait unimpressed.

On the first prong, the stinks go down the ladder of the ship and rest on the pier of a small provincial town. Movchki go to the hotel of the city, where they know “a terribly suffocating, hotter than sun-burned room for a day”.

Without saying a single word to one, the stench “so unselfishly choked in a kiss”, that further on richly rokiv will zagaduvat tsyu licorice, hooting the spirit, mete.

Stepping on the wound, the “little helpless woman”, dressing up quickly and turning the spent prudence, gets on the road. Vaughn knows that she has never been in a similar situation before, and for her this rapt sleep of passion, mute blackout, "drowsy stroke."

To ask the woman that the lieutenant didn’t take the heat from her at once, but reached the offensive flight. In a different mood, "everything will be booked," but you want to save in memory only those hated nothing at the provincial hotel.

The person is easy to get along and sees his companion to the pier, after which he turns to the room. However, if you think about it, your life has changed dramatically. Trying to find out the reason for the change, step by step to come to the visnovka, which showed up in the woman’s sigh, for some reason.

Vin throws himself, not knowing what to take for himself in a deaf place. Yogo's memory still has a fresh sound to the voice of a stranger, "the smell of її zasmagi and linen cloth", the contours of її mіtsnogo springy body. Sob trohi vіdvolіktisya, the lieutenant virushaє for a walk, but not calm yoga. It is not possible for me to write a telegram to my friend, but at the last moment I guess that I don’t know “neither name, nor name”. Everything that I know about a ignorant woman, so those who have a man and a trinity donka.

With mental anguish, the lieutenant sits on the evening heat. Wines are handily placed on the deck and adored by the river edge species, “looking at ourselves ten years old.”


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The stench is familiar with the vletka, one of the volky steamboats. Vin is a lieutenant, Vaughn is a charming, small, smart woman who turns home from Anapi.

The lieutenant kisses his hand, and his heart beats blissfully and terribly.

The steamboat goes to the pier, the lieutenant is good to go. For the whilina of the stink to go to the hotel, they get a great, but suffocating number. Like only lackeys close doors behind them, insults so unselfishly get angry in a kiss, so that later we’ll make a lot of fate tsiu whilina: none of them know anything like it.

And the lie is a little nameless woman, as if zhartoma called herself “beautiful unknowing” that “royal Mary of the Morivna”, їde. I don’t care, I’m sleepless at night, it’s fresh, like at seventeen years, it’s zbentezhen, like it’s simple, cheerful, and already cheerful: to ask the lieutenant to get enough before the offensive steamboat.

And the lieutenant, as it is easy to get along with her, take her to the pier, put her on a steamboat and for all the purposes on deck.

It is easy to turn around without a turbo at the hotel, but the number is given to the lieutenant as if it were something else. Vіn sche spovneniy it - and empty. The lieutenant's heart is raptly squeezed by such a lowness that he has no strength to marvel at the untidy bed - and he closes it with a screen. I don't think that my dear "traveling suit" is over. You can’t “come to this place, de її man, її trichnaya dіvchinka, її zagalі all її sizable life”.

Tsya thought is against yoga. Vіn vіdchuvaє such a bіlі nepіbnіst svogo svogo podlškogo zhiznі without nyh, scho yogo pіlєє zhakh i rozpach. The lieutenant begins to believe, what is the truth of the "drowsy blow", and do not know, "how to live this endless day, from these spogads, from this unbreakable borosny."

The lieutenant went to the bazaar, near the cathedral, then we circled around for a long time and threw a garden, but nowhere did she know how to calm down that little girl in the sight of an impenetrable feeling.

Turning to the hotel, the lieutenant makes a resentment. Everything is good, but you know that, without any hesitation, he died tomorrow, it’s like a miracle to turn the “beautiful unknowing woman” and bring it, like wine is painful and suffocated to love її. I don’t know wine, now, but it’s necessary for a new life.

Understanding that it’s impossible to get hold of this unstoppable bastard, the lieutenant is rіshuche virushaє on the mail with the already written telegram, but at the post it’s frantic - you don’t know the name, the name! The lieutenant turns to the hotel with a sigh, lies down on a soft spot, flattens his eyes, looks like tears roll on his cheeks, and, nareshti, zasinaє.

The lieutenant is thrown in the evening. On the second day and the next morning, you are guessing that it is far past. We get up, rush in, drink tea with lemon for a long time, pay for the room and go to the pier.

The steamboat breaks at night. The lieutenant sits under an overhang on the deck, feeling himself ten years old.

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