Postal notice: RU220533145HK. Post of Russia issued - confirm the request of the post of Russia What does it mean the request was accepted by NK

To make a donation, it is necessary to grow a sprat of simple crops.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Report by mail"
3. Press the button "Return the parcel", put right-handed in the field.
4. After a few seconds, the result of the review will appear.
5. Watch the result and especially respect the remaining status.
6. Forecasting the delivery period is displayed in the information about the track code.

Try it is not difficult;)

If you don’t understand the transfer between postal companies, click on the message with the text "Group with companies", as if you are moving under the status of the postage.

How to blame the difficult statuses on English language, click on the message with the text "Translate the Russian", as it is sorted out under the status of the announcement.

Carefully read the block "Information about the track code", there you will know the delivery terms and other basic information.

If you want to see a block near the red frame with the heading "Svernі Courage!", Respectfully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will know 90% of the results on all your requests.

Yakshcho at the block "Zvernіt Uvaga!" it is written that the track code is not available in the country of recognition, in which case it is impossible for the parcel to be sent to the country of recognition / after arrival at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Pribulo in Pulkovo in 1 - 2 tyzhnі, vіdstezhiti sіstseznahodzhennya plenipotentiary is not possible. No, no, no. Vzagali n_yak =)
In your case, you need a check for confirmation from your mail order.

For the calculation of delivery terms in Russia (for example, after export from Moscow to your place), hurry up with the "Calculator of control delivery terms"

If the seller said that the parcel arrived in two days, and the parcel was more than two days, it’s normal, the sellers are stuck in sales, that should be introduced into Oman.

Less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the moment the track code was canceled, and the parcel is not recognized, or the seller confirms that he has sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel "the item pre-advised" , report You can read the following for the request: .

As a result, the status of the post office does not change for 7 - 20 days, it does not change, it is a normal occurrence for international post offices.

As your earlier appointments arrived 2-3 days in advance, and a new parcel is more than a month old, it’s normal, because. parcels to walk different routes, different ways, The checks can be sent to you easily 1 day, and maybe even the next day.

As if the parcel came from the sorting center, mitnitsa, intermediate point and new statuses for a long time of 7 - 20 days, it doesn’t turn out to be turbulent, the parcel is not courier, which brings the parcel from one place to you at home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel is due to come, get paid, get out, etc. at the next sorting point or the postal one, but at the price it is necessary to take more than an hour, or just get from one place to another.

If you are not aware of such statuses, such as Received / Export / Import / Received in the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the decoding of the main statuses of international post offices:

Even if 5 days before the end of the line, the parcel will not be delivered to your post office, you have the right to express yourself.

As if you were transcribing what was written, You didn’t understand anything, read this instruction again and again until complete enlightenment;)

At the moment, in China, the coronavirus is actively spreading in the world, so the air exchange and the delivery of parcels will be more lower, but as of March 1, 2020, the postal exchange (more) is not accepted from the country.

Don’t worry, as the status of postal dispatch/repair will not change 1-2 days and change in the station:

  • Obrobka
  • Check for correction
  • Corrected to the brink of recognition
  • Export / Export of international mail
  • Import / Import of international mail
If the parcel has already been sent, and if it is in a cost, it will be delivered in the least.
As long as you are dying, check and do not boast, as if you are not in a hurry, you can continue the term of defending.
Follow the lichilnik for the request, and if the request did not arrive at the instructions for the details of the term, continue the term for the request, or open the super ticket.

P.S. What should I add to what distribution? Write to [email protected] website

You are familiar with the website of the post office administration "site" and goitre to comply with the rules established by the Administration.

General rules of spllkuvannya:

All participants of this resource are protected by:

Moderators and Administration

  1. Moderators to follow dotrimannyam rules.
  2. The moderator can vindicate or vidaliti be-like vodomlennya koristuvach, yakscho vvazhatem for nebhіdne, without explanation.
  3. The moderator can block or delete the profile of the koristuvach, which violates the Rules without explanation.
  4. The moderator can block the profile of the correspondent for trolling the leads, moderators, administrators.
  5. Statements may be subject to change by the Administration.
  6. Administrator and Moderators have the right to take a single problem to their own court, as it is not shown in these rules.

National postal operator of the Russian Federation "Poshta Rosії" zdіysnyuє, vіdpravlennya and delivery of postal vіdprіvіnі on the territory Russian Federation and other powers. At the offices of the national postal operator, the administration of both domestic and international parcels is issued.

Yakshcho Nadsilannya of the Poshtskov I put the leadership of Zdi-Silovatim in the swords of the Russian, then the Slikali 14-significant number-identifier will be assigned to the numbers, and under the miracle nadiy, the number of the symbols is the same (the number of linen lifere.

Offensive numbers comply with the S10 standard of the All-World Postal Compliance and the delivery of parcels on them can be recognized as a voucher, as well as the holder of a postal voucher.

Post Office of Russia

Postage of the Post of Russia works both for the administration of the middle country, and for international settlements, including the express dispatch of EMS. Issued in Russia can be a postal number, which is composed of 14 digits, the first 6 of which are the index of the postal issue of the issuer. Dates of international departures may have a track number similar to AA123456789RU, the first 2 letters indicate the type of departure.

How to send a message to Russia?

It is not easy for Russia to send a request. For whom it is necessary to know the track number of the package. On the Post of Russia, you can only use 14 digit numbers in domestic parcels and 13 digit numbers in international administrations.

Enter your dispatch number and our service to send your parcel to the Post of Russia through the official website, as well as check all the necessary foreign delivery service websites.

Poshta Rosії vіdstezhennya parcels for the number of postal identifier

The mail identifier is a special combination of letters and digits that allow the mail service to uniquely identify the message. I use anonymous postal identifiers, however, the Russian Post maintains only two types, the international administration of the International Postal Union, and the administration of the middle country.

Identifiers of the settlements of the International Post Office Splits are composed of 2 letters of the Latin alphabet, in some of the most common codings the type of administration is given, followed by 8 digits and the remaining 9 digit is the control sum, 2 more letters are used for completion, and the code of administration is in the code of administration.

The administration in the middle of Russia is expected to have a 14-digit digital code, and the first 6 letters of the index of the letter of delivery from which the parcel was sent or a sheet.

How to know the parcel for the number of the Post of Russia

It is easy to know the strength by postal ID or post number. Domestic Russian parcels are composed of 14 digits and start from the index of the order issued by the parcel and look like 39401900000000.

International entry and exit charges can be applied for by a special number accepted by the International Postal Union, which looks like Rx000000000CN. The first 2 letters designate the type of the office - register qi, other package, parcel post, sheet, travel distance 9 digits and the remaining 2 letters designate the code of the country of the office.

Removal of parcels ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK

Shipment with numbers in the form of ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - Simplified Registered Mail type of mail order, the creations of Aliexpress are combined with the Post of Russia, for cheaper delivery of inexpensive goods from Aliexpress.

Inspection with numbers in mind ZJ 000000000 HK- type of mail delivery, creations of Joom Logistics at once from Post of Russia, cheaper delivery of inexpensive goods from Joom.

Such parcels have more than 3 statuses:

  • Received at the given contact
  • Arrived in the handing place
  • Withdrawn by addressee

Parcels are not recognized at all stages of straightening, but the whole important information present. It is important for buyers to know that the goods are physically delivered and delivered at the post office, and under the number ZA..LV, ZA..HK, it is possible to know and see by mail.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by Latvian Post (ZA..LV) and Hong Kong Post (ZA..HK), and if the goods themselves are located in China, it will take up to an hour for the order to be transported from the seller’s warehouse to the post office in Latvia and Hong Kong.

The service site collects information about the delivery terms 1.5 million delivery times and wins statistics to predict the delivery terms of the parcel in the regions of Russia with an accuracy of +/- 2-4 days.

How much is the order and the sheet is taken from the responsible Post of Russia?

The term for saving postal shipments and letter correspondence, until such time as international parcels are due, is 30 days. Other mail orders - 15 days, which is the three-term term for saving non-delivery of the contract for the provision of mail services. Removal of the sign "Sudov" is saved for 7 days.

The beginning of the term of saving starts from the upcoming working day of postal delivery, coming after the day of delivery or postal order in the place of delivery.

After the termination of the terms of the registration of the order (reservations, recommended and printed sheets, recommended and printed parcels, recommended leaflets, EMS express mailing) resend to the return address for the mailing address. If the executive officer does not take back the return of the administration with a prolongation of the term of the saving - the administration is respected undemanded and withdrawn for 6 months, after which it is necessary

Withdrawal of departure by SMS code Post of Russia without a passport

It is also necessary to manually accept the postal notification without a passport and the postal notification for the SMS code. For whom it is enough for you to issue a simple electronic signature with either the Russian Post Office or through State Services.

Zavdyaki tsіy posluzі you will no longer be able to fill in the paperwork and show the passport. When you remove the recommended sheet or request, it is enough to name your name or the number of the administration, as well as the telephone number, indications for the hour of registration. An SMS with a code will be sent to the whole number, which the operator needs to call in order to take care of the administration.

Otrimannya in the post of Russia

Forgive the leaves, the leaflets and small parcels are delivered to the mail order screen.

Bring the leaves of the leaf-bearer home and hand them to the addressee with a signature upon presentation of the death of the individual. As if there is no addressee in the mail, the sheet is left at the postal screen, and the sheet is turned to the letter.

Parcels and other orders that are registered can be taken from the office or request delivery to your home.

In order to take the notice from the official, it is necessary to send a note (you can save it on the website) or a track number, as well as a tribute to the individual. Or, add a simpler otrimannya and confirm the special SMS code.

As you have no information, no track numbers, when presenting a person, you can ask for a spivrobitnik.

Post of Russia

Reverse the status of the sheet or parcel by track number. However, there is no information about the status of the administration, otherwise the status of the trip has not been updated, your sheet or the parcel has not been delivered, and the term has been passed, you can initiate a resolution of the administration.

In order to send a request, it is necessary to file a claim on the side of, or submit it to the Russian Post Office:

  • an application for a rozshuk of the administration in Russia and the international administration;
  • a check, seen at once from the administration, or another copy (the check is seen at the time of the administration);
  • consecration of an individual.

Applications for domestic and international mail orders are accepted within six months from the date of the order. Applications for international EMS-controls are accepted for a period of 4 months from the date of enforcement.

An application can be filed as a holder, so it can be a trustee, or a person of one of them is entrusted (for the mind of the presentation of a power of attorney).

The Russian Post will inform you about the results of the request with a recommended sheet to the postal address or a sheet to the e-mail address indicated in the application.

The lines of looking at the skarga or the claims and the submission of the letter must be made:

  • 5 days for claims for any postal dispatches and postal transfers that are transferred (transferred) at the borders of one settlement;
  • 30 days for all other internal postal orders and postal orders;
  • The term for examining claims for international postal dispatches can be from 30 to 90 days.

As if the administration did not go far enough, compensation is being paid. Pershochergov's declaration about the removal of compensation may be a rightful person, and also may have the right to act in the case of extortion on the merit of an obsession with another trusted individual.

Delivery of simple dry packages

Dribny package - a small parcel for the cordon with items that are not used. For a sealed free package, for a simple free package, there is a track number for redemption. The track number of the international administrations is composed of 13 characters, with some Latin great letters and numbers.

Forgive other packets - that is, they are accepted from the official without a receipt and handed over to the addressee without a receipt. Sheets, leaflets, parcels and “drybnі packages” (taxes less than 2 kg per cordon) can be sent by simple administration. I'm sorry, the administration is not possible to correct. Forgive the leaves in envelopes with stamps, and leaflets with stamps can be independently overwritten through the postal screen.

Safe import

Records form the system of gintziv in the 10th century AD. The early leaves were sent on a roll with a wax or lead seal; The earliest seals date back to 1079, and the governor Ratibor Tmutarakan is guessing. The first leaf was added in 1391 from La Tania (nine of Azov) to Venice.

Until the 16th century, the postal system included 1600 parcels, and the mail reached Novgorod from Moscow in three days. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international mail route from Russia.

For the help of the program Possilannya you for a few seconds you can recognize exactly the distribution of your parcel or the postal order, which is delivered by the Russian Post company.

HongKong Post is the most recent link, which was founded in 1841. The current hour of the Hong Kong Post was sent to Great Britain, prote, since 1860 it was again handed over to the PRC. Starting from the beginning of the 90s of the last century, it has been working as an independent service to China.

Today is one of the found options for postal delivery to China.

See the Hong Kong Post International Offices

Reimbursement, none of which exceeds 10 kg, is redirected by the great mail of Hong Kong. For parcels over 10 kg, a special service Hongkong Speedpost was created.

International Advice, which is accepted for processing by HongKong Post:

Leaves, leaflets, packets, secograms, which should not exceed 900 mm per bag of three vimir (the large party is not guilty of exceeding 600 mm) and do not exceed 2 kg with a bag;
- round shape of the board, the largest of them does not exceed 900 mm;
- the parcels must not exceed 150 cm at the dovzhin and not more than 300 cm with the sum of the dovzhina and the girth of the vag not more than 30 kg;
- large-sized carriage, width not more than 150 cm and not more than 300 cm for a dozhin and not more than 300 cm, with a sum of dovzhini and a girth of not less than 10 kg, but not more than 30 kg.

Track codes, which look like Hong Kong mail, can be of two types:

Rx123456789HK - a track for the carriage of a wagon up to 2 kg;
Cx987654321HK - track for carriage over 2 kg, but not over 10 kg.

In track numbers, the Latin letters R and C mean the type of administration, about which it was already known. X is an individual letter of the Latin alphabet (from A to Z), it does not allow the number to be unique. They gave the following digital code, unique for dermal management. The rest of the Latin letters HK - the country of the government, the shards may be on the right from the Hong Kong Post, then Hong Kong.

For EMS parcels, the track code may look like EE123456789HK.

Іsnuyut obezhennya shkodo napovnennya vіdpravlen, s yakim you can get to know for the help.

Follow Hong Kong Post management

You can check the Hong Kong Post parcel on the official website. For whom it is enough to go for the messages and on the other side of the account, select the "Mail Tracking" item. The track code is a thirteen-digit number, it is necessary to enter it in the field that appeared. Just press "Enter" and look at the call about the misplaced allowance. The service is applicable both for the main departures, and for the statuses of the EMS departures, sent by a special delivery - Hongkong Speedpost. Vіdstezhennya mozhlive doti, docks vіdpravlennja not to deprive the country, gave a trace to return to the operators of the postal link of the country-destination.

Main statuses of the Hong Kong Post

In order to make sure that the parcels are handed over, the Hong Kong Post operates with the main calls. Let's take a look at their report:

In the current hour, information about the redirection will not be available, and the site will promptly prompt you to enter the Inquiry Reference Number. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, after some time the status changes;
The Item(track code) was posted on(date of due date) and being processed for delivery to the address- tsey status to talk about those that have been sent by the administration to the date indicated in the call and will not be delayed if it is sent to the declared address;
Destination- (Country of the addressee). The Item(track code) left Hong Kong for Its Destination on(Date of administration) - tse means those who have been deprived of Hong Kong by the administration and are sent to the required country for the stated address.

Statuses from one to another can be changed by stretching the day and more. If the administration has emptied the territory of China, the Hong Kong Post's administration on the official website becomes impossible and necessary to contact the postal operators.

Delivery term of mail orders

HongKong Post application delivery terms become 10 to 15 days. But sometimes the administration is delayed, and the term is significantly increased - up to 50 days. As a rule, similar zatrimki occur at the hour of the great saints and other important days. It is necessary to insure when warehousing and arranging for a possible hour of delivery with a margin.

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Hongkong Post or in other words, the Hong Kong National Post as an organization was founded in 1841 and until 1860 was under the jurisdiction of the Royal Mail of Great Britain (Royal Mail). Through many years, the history of the postal service has recognized another important restructuring, and since Hong Kong's accession to the PRC, it has become the largest postal service in its own right.

At the same time, Hongkong Post is known for its care, proteo and independent organization with its own sorting shops and streamlined logistics.

If you need to send Hongkong SpeedPost to the office, check it out, you can’t see it through the same form, to send it, and the track code may look like EE274154983HK.

Actually, Hongkong Post Air Mail is not as informative as for example, in most cases, after correcting the statement, you will have one more status:

  • HK, Handed over to carrier / Left for destination

Having no strong knowledge of English, you can understand what status to speak about the export of parcels from Hong Kong. As a rule, your parcel takes away such a status by 1-2 days from the moment of the actual shipment of the goods, so do not lose sight of this moment, and at the time of delay, or in the case of information about the transfer, .

After export, the status of the track code will stop updating for a certain hour, so it will be accepted from us without blame by orders from China, at the moment from Hongkong Post Air Mail, new statuses may not last 30 days, after which information about imports will appear until the end of recognition .

On the other hand, depending on other ways of delivering parcels from China, the Hongkong Post Air Mail after the export does not end, as it follows itself, but go right up to the moment of delivery.

The simplest parcels, as a rule, are delivered in the period of 30-60 days, an hour or more, but not infrequently, if people withdraw their parcels after 90 days. From our practice of applying for aliexpress, we can say that if the parcel did not arrive for 60 days from the moment of the actual dispatch, then the chances of taking it later may be zero, so follow up, and 2-3 days before the end.

Locks in the office are delivered in 20-45 days. At to this particular type hvilyuvatisya not varto, the shards of the parcel are registered, and you can always find out more about the current budget, the shards of the Hongkong Post Air Mail can be sorted out.

In addition, as your parcel left Hong Kong and arrived at the local sorting point of the country of recognition, you can check it on the website of the postal service of your country, for Russia it should be traced to the official website of the mail of Russia.

It’s not necessary to panic about how to check someone’s bag, that their track code is not updated for 1-2 days, as it was already assigned earlier - it will be in export and for the whole hour the status of the track code will not be updated, until the parcel is imported until the edge of recognition.

If you are talking about real terms of delivery, and not formal ones, as we promise, then call the delivery of the parcel via Hongkong Post Air Mail within the term of approximately 30 days. As a rule, expensive parcels are more expensive, moreover, it costs not only the Hong Kong postal service, but also other carriers.

In a flash, comments about Hongkong Post Air Mail are positive, even if not for nothing, but the styles of rock and roll for the correction of goods with aliexpress, even as the impersonal popular methods, overtook the abyss in sight.

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I don’t care about great sensation in knowing report description of the same postal status. The meaning of the greater number of them made sense of the name, the meaning of the other ones is not so important (I know again, for me).

Tim is not less, richly koristuvachіv want to rozіbratisya, what do the statuses of parcels mean, like the stench of bacheling at the hour of remembrance. So I'll give you a description of the most common and most popular statuses, so you can see them on different trackers.

Handed to the addressee / Handed to the holder

The letter was taken away by the addressee (at the postal order, or handed over by the courier)

Went to the edge of recognition

The letter will be sent to the post office of the country of recognition. Then it will be delivered to one of the international postal exchange offices, for further import/export operations.

Check out the airport

The parcel left the airport of the country of origin, and straight to the country of recognition. The status will not change due to the arrival at the airport of the country of recognition, but after the fact that the parcel will be completed by the postal service. You may need 3 to 10 days at the same time.

The parcel left the airport of the country of origin, and straight to the country of recognition.

In addition, as a request to deprive the territory of the krai of the government, and hope to the krai of recognition, a new track code will be given, which is not registered anywhere. Obviously, the parcel will not be received.

Released by the mittnitsa

The clearance procedure has been completed, next hour it will be handed over to the county of recognition for further delivery.

Ready for departure

Ready for delivery

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be delivered in the next hour.

Trimmed with a mitt

This operation means that the parcel was caught by the military officers of the militant service when they came in when the parcel was recognized.

Under the Ministry of Ethics of the Hidders, the Miracles of the VID, the Kaletari Mysyats, the Mitna of the Yakiki Read 1000 єvro, the TA (Abo) is packed with 31 Kilograms, the part of such an intersection of the taxation of iz, the rates of 30 % of the merits of 30 % of the merits not less than 4 euros for 1 kg of wool. As for the information about the goods that are forwarded to the IGO, they are not supposed to be factual, it means that it will save more time documentation yoga results.


The parcel was sent to the wrong index or address, they showed a pardon and redirected it to the correct address.

Import of international mail

Operation to the receptionist in the country.

All mail that enters the territory of the Russian Federation from flights, starts the way in the air transport department of mail (ATPP) - a special warehouse at the airport. For a period of 4–6 years, the administration is to reach the ATPP, the capacities are registered, and their validity is checked. The mail is registered with electronic base danich. When registering, a barcode is scanned, data is entered about those where the container is addressed (for example, MMPO "Moscow"), what happened, about the country and the date of molding the container, etc. Hours of operations can be increased from 1 to 7 days through exchange of tension AOPP.

The operation is coming after export from the edge of supply, as it appears on the site at the time of the release of the administration, - the price of import from the country of delivery. Information about imports is given after the transfer of power by the carrier to the postal operator of the country of destination. The operation "Import" means that the administration entered the territory of Russia and was registered. International dispatches go to Russia through the international mail exchange office (IMPO). In Russia, there is a sprat of MMPO: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburz, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk. Choose a place, where the very best international administration, lie in the edge of the government. Choose to lie down due to the presence of regular flights and free shipping strains for someone else directly.

The sample was handed over

We hope in that mood, as the operator has shown that the sample was handed over to the addressee, but for some reason it didn’t get out.

Options for further activities:

  • New sample handed
  • The parcel will be handed over for collection until it is supplied, or until the arrangements are cleared
  • Return to the manager

What robiti, how otrimano tsey status:

  • It is necessary to get in touch with your senders and explain the reason for non-delivery.
  • It is necessary to independently return to the postal delivery of the call for the withdrawal of the parcel.


The parcel came to one of the sorting centers for processing, and then I got a distant dispatch.

Processing at the intermediate point

Processing in the sorting center

The status of Processing in the sorting center is assigned in the process of delivery to the dispatcher through the intermediate sorting hubs of the postal link. At the sorting centers, the mail is distributed along the main routes. The allowances are transferred from one transport to another, for a further transfer to the bank of the owner.

Processing completed

Informed status, which means the completion of the processing of the parcel before the correction at the bik otrimuvacha.

Check for delivery to the post office

Receipt for payment

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be delivered in the next hour.

Checking for capacity verification

It means that the parcel is not yet completed and is in the warehouse of the seller in the correct rechecking before the correction.

Indicated status, which means that the parcel has left the warehouse / intermediate sorting center and is being sent to the next sorting center in the ordering center.

Export operation completed

The procedure of militarization has been completed, the force has been handed over to the state of recognition for further redress at the owner’s office.

Inquiry from warehouse seller

The parcel has left the warehouse of the seller, and the postal service is collapsing at the b_k logistic company.

Skasuvannya vіdvantazhennya

Illegal status, which means that the parcel (zamovlennya) for some reason cannot be corrected (continue further movement).

Power on the terminal

The order is sent to the postal terminal at the airport for a short flight and it is sent to the end of the day.

Ready to go to office

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be delivered in the next hour.


Increased status, which means the enforcement of parcels from the intermediate point at the bik otrimuvacha.

Shipped to Russia

The force will be transferred by mail to Russia, for delivery in one place of the international postal exchange, and the next import/export operations.

Corrected to the brink of recognition

Strength in the process of transferring by post to the country of origin, for delivery in one place of international postal exchange, and subsequent import/export operations.

Get respect! The current status does not seem like a surprise, like a parcel to rest on the territory of the country, but after that, like a parcel will be accepted (discharged, robbed and scanned) by the postal service.

You may need it from 3 to 14 days, depending on the availability of the international postal exchange.

Delivered from the warehouse to the sorting center

As a rule, such a status means that the foreign official (seller) brought your parcel to the post office.

Handed over for savings

It means that the delivery of the postal communication (OPS) has been ordered to be sent to the bank, the docks will not be handed over to the officer.

Read also:

As soon as the administration came to the office, the spivrobitniks write down information (advice) about those who are in the administration at the office. Advice on delivery of leafy stock. Delivery is due on the day of arrival until the end of the day or the next day (for example, as the departure was due before the end of the evening).

Transferred to the mitnitsa

At the edge of the government

At the edge of the otrimuvach

Navantage in litak

Enthusiasm in the air before weeping to the extreme.


Pre-deployment preparation completed

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be delivered in the next hour.

Preparing for the administration

Preparation before export

Packing, marking, packing into a container and other procedures necessary for the shipment to the end of acceptance.

Left the airport

At the edge of the government The parcel flew past the airport of the edge of the government, and straight to the edge of recognition. The current status will be seen not because of the arrival at the airport of the country of recognition, but after that, as a request to arrive and be accepted (expanded, processed and scanned) by the postal service. You may need 3 to 14 days at the same time.

At the edge of the otrimuvach The parcels are delivered in one of the international postal exchanges for further import operations.

Deprived of the international sorting center

The message was sent to the end of the day, for delivery in one place of the international postal exchange, and further import/export operations.

Deprived of the place of international exchange

The administration closed the area of ​​international postal exchange and sent the mail to the sorting center. From that hour, as the administration started from MMPO, the development of the terms of delivery of the administration in Russia was started.

For the removed information from the mail of Russia, the status "Left the place of international exchange" can take no more than 10 days. Even after 10 days the status has not changed - the delivery terms have been broken, so you can call the post of Russia by phone 8 800 2005 888 (no call), and you can start responding to the request.

Blocked the mail terminal

Posilka left the intermediate point of its route, and straight at the bik oberzhuvach.

Left the warehouse

The parcel has flooded the warehouse, and is collapsing at the b_k of the post office and the sorting center.

Left the sorting center

Posilannya blocked the sorting postal center and direct from the bik oberzhuvach.

Left the transit country

Posilannya closed the sorting center at the transit (industrial) country, redirected to the country of origin, for delivery to one of the cities of the international postal exchange, and further import/export operations.

Removed information about the mail order

Removed information about the mail sent in electronic form

It means that the seller has registered the parcel (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the parcel has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. If the status is overstrength, it will change to “Acceptance” or similar.

Needed for further processing

The parcel came to one of the sorting centers for processing and further processing at the bik oberzhuvach.

Forced registration

It means that the seller has registered the parcel (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the parcel has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. If the status is overstrength, it will change to “Acceptance” or similar.


Informal status, which means arrival at one of the intermediate points, such as: sorting centers, mail terminals, airports, port toshcho.

Arrived at the airport

The parcel arrived at the airport for repayment, advancement, processing, and further redirection to the month of recognition.

Arrived at the international sorting center

Arrived in the handing place

It means the arrival of the order at the post office call (OPS) of the officer, as may be handed the order to the officer. As soon as the administration came to the office, the spivrobitniks write down information (advice) about those who are in the administration at the office. Advice on delivery of leafy stock. Delivery is due on the day of arrival until the end of the day or the next day (for example, as the departure was due before the end of the evening).

This status is indicated for those who are able to independently return to the postal order for the withdrawal of the administration, without checking the notification.

Arrived before the postal delivery

It means the arrival of the parcel to the postal order, so that I can hand over the order to the order. This status is indicated for those who are in possession of the need to return to the postal order for the withdrawal of the administration.

Arrived to Russia

Arrived at the sorting center

It means the arrival of the parcel to the intermediate hub of the postal connection for sorting, the choice of the route and the dispatch from the bik of the officer.

Arrived to the sorting center of the edge of recognition

The parcel arrived to the sorting center of the country of destination for further import/export operations.

Arrived to the brink of recognition

The force arrived in the country to be recognized at the site of the international postal exchange for further import/export operations.

Arrived at the transit border

The parcel arrived to one of the sorting centers of the transit (industrial) country for processing (sorting) and a distant dispatch from the bik oberzhuvach.

Arrived at the center for the processing of dry bags

It means the arrival of the parcel to the center of the distribution of the post office, for sorting, the choice of the route and the order from the bik oberzhuvach.

Arrived at the warehouse

The parcel arrived at the warehouse for distribution, marking, processing, shipping, and further forwarding until the month of recognition.

Arrived at the terminal

It means arrival at the intermediate terminal for the transfer, transfer, processing and further transfer to the date of admission.

Arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation

The parcel arrived on the territory of Russia, for further imports it was sent to the beneficiary.


Admission to the military service of the territory of recognition

The status means that the order has been transferred to the Federal Mitniy Service (FMS) for processing. At MMPO, the administration has to go through the next cycle of processing functions, which are subject to control and formalization. Postal capacities are subject to the regular transit procedure. Farther stinks are sorted by species and different kinds of houses are passed on. V_dpravlennya іz commodity inserts to pass x-ray control. For the decisions of the mitnik, the request may be opened for special control, the reason for the special control may be the destruction of the rights of power, the commercial party, oriented to the party, or it may be fenced to the overpowering of speech. It is forced by the operator at the presence of the mitnik, after which the act of a militant glance is formed and attached to the administration.

Reception on a mitt

At the edge of the government The request was handed over to the militant service of the ruling power for a look at those other militant procedures. As soon as the parcel passed the re-checking of the mitten far away, її correct it to the very end of recognition.

At the edge of the otrimuvach The status means that the order has been transferred to the Federal Mitniy Service (FMS) for processing. At MMPO, the administration has to go through the next cycle of processing functions, which are subject to control and formalization. Postal capacities are subject to the regular transit procedure. Farther stinks are sorted by species and different kinds of houses are passed on. V_dpravlennya іz commodity inserts to pass x-ray control. For the decisions of the mitnik, the request may be opened for special control, the reason for the special control may be the destruction of the rights of power, the commercial party, oriented to the party, or it may be fenced to the overpowering of speech. It is forced by the operator at the presence of the mitnik, after which the act of a militant glance is formed and attached to the administration.

Reception from the head of the government

It means that the foreign official (seller) brought your parcel to the post office. When you fill in all the necessary documents, including a single declaration (forms CN22 or CN23). At the same time, a unique postal identifier is given to the administration - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). Vіn znahoditsya at the check (or receipts), which is seen when receiving a parcel. Operation "Acceptance" shows the place, date and country of the reception of the administration. After receiving the parcel, the way collapses to the place of international exchange.

Accepted by the carrier

Otzhe, the chief executive (seller) handing over your request to the messenger. At the same time, a unique postal identifier is given to the administration - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). Vіn znahoditsya in the check (or receipts), scho can be seen at the hour of the reception of the administration.


The package arrived at one of the sorting centers and is processed. In a deaky hour, the request to deprive the sorting center for a further clearance from the bik oberzhuvach.

Mitne design

At the edge of the government The request was handed over to the militant service of the ruling power for a look at those other militant procedures. As soon as the parcel passed the re-checking of the mitten far away, її correct it to the very end of recognition.

At the edge of the otrimuvach The status means that the order has been transferred to the Federal Mitniy Service (FMS) for processing. At MMPO, the administration has to go through the next cycle of processing functions, which are subject to control and formalization. Postal capacities are subject to the regular transit procedure. Farther stinks are sorted by species and different kinds of houses are passed on. V_dpravlennya іz commodity inserts to pass x-ray control. For the decisions of the mitnik, the request may be opened for special control, the reason for the special control may be the destruction of the rights of power, the commercial party, oriented to the party, or it may be fenced to the overpowering of speech. It is forced by the operator at the presence of the mitnik, after which the act of a militant glance is formed and attached to the administration.

Mitne completed

This operation means that the mittnitsa misread the administration and turned the postal service. At the bagats of the MMPO, the mittnitsa is practiced: it is only possible in such a way to overturn the colossal obligation to enter from behind the cordon. Two postal operators help the skin specialist of the mitnitsa.



Transportation of parcels from one sorting center to another, directly from the owner.


It means that the parcel is being packed, marked for further dispatch.


Export (verification in place)

The request was handed over to the militant service of the ruling power for a look at those other militant procedures. As soon as the parcel passed the re-checking of the mitnice away, її correct it to the brink of recognition.

Export (packaging)

The order was successfully examined, packed and ready to be sent to the country of recognition.

Export of international mail

It means, in fact, overstrengthening the parcels to the brink of recognition.

The status of "Export" includes the transfer of the package to a foreign carrier, which is transported by land or air transport to the MMPO of the country of recognition. As a rule, this status is the most trivial and the transition to "Import" can take up to an hour. So it depends on the peculiarities of the routes of flights and the molding of the optimal bag for the transportation of yoga by air. For example, the administration from China can be carried through those aircraft that can transport less than 50-100 tons. For an average export operation, it takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes the operation can take up to 60 days.

If the administration is in the status of "Export", then it is not possible to know (to know what you are doing with it yourself) only at the stage of import. The majority of transit transportations and the interchanges are often hindered by the administration. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, and if it didn’t take away the status of “Import”, then the dispatcher needs to return to the post office and file an application for a permit.

Export, processing

It means, in fact, overstrengthening the parcels to the brink of recognition.

The status of "Export" includes the transfer of the package to a foreign carrier, which is transported by land or air transport to the MMPO of the country of recognition. As a rule, this status is the most trivial and the transition to "Import" can take up to an hour. So it depends on the peculiarities of the routes of flights and the molding of the optimal bag for the transportation of yoga by air. For example, the administration from China can be carried through those aircraft that can transport less than 50-100 tons. For an average export operation, it takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes the operation can take up to 60 days.

If the administration is in the status of "Export", then it is not possible to know (to know what you are doing with it yourself) only at the stage of import. The majority of transit transportations and the interchanges are often hindered by the administration. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, and if it didn’t take away the status of “Import”, then the dispatcher needs to return to the post office and file an application for a permit.

Electronic registration of the parcel

It means that the seller has registered the parcel (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the parcel has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. If the status is overstrength, it will change to “Acceptance” or similar.

What do the statuses of the mail order in English mean?

What is on Aliexpress, what is on popular trackers, the status of the mail order has been translated by the Russian language. So, with the statuses of the English language, you don’t get around often. And yet I have completed the translation and decoding of the most popular of them.

In the first place, you can stick with them when you post the track number directly on the site of one of the foreign delivery services, there simply won’t be a Russian movie.

In a different way, the machine translation of the current statuses does not add clarity to the word zovsim.

So I think the information below is presented to someone and needed. I also note that different delivery services have different names for the same day. To that deyaki statuses will be translated however, so as not to create a swindler.

Order information received by carrier

Information about the parcel was taken away by the carrier.

The same - Withdrawn information about the mail order, information about the order / sending was removed. Danish status means that your package has been registered by the carrier and that a track number has been given. With whom, the request itself has not yet been corrected.

hand over to carrier of destination country

Handed over to the carrier of the country of recognition.

Later, the parcel arrived to the end of recognition and was handed over to the messenger, courier or postal service.

arrive at destination country

Arrived to the brink of recognition.

Tsey status means that the parcel came to the territory of the country of the deputy. They gave a check on it, issued a transfer to the miscible carrier. Varto signify that a lot of frivolous prayers cease to be self-evident at this stage.

despatch from sorting center

Issued from the sorting center.

Those same things Left the sorting center. In the process of delivery, you can close with the statute of the cult of times, and the sorting of the parcels is carried out both in the country's administration, and in the country's recognition.

arrival at delivery office

Arrived to the office / point of delivery.

It means that your zamovlennya arrived before the mail post office or the office of the courier service. Nezabar you will come to inform, or the courier will call.

arrival at sorting center

Arrive at the sorting center.

Other trackers associate their status with the status “Arrived at the intermediate point”. The process of sorting the parcels is called for a loan of 1-2 days, after which the stench continues on its way to the month of recognition.

arrived at the destination postal office

Arrived before the postal delivery.

Same as arrival at delivery office. It means that your parcel has been delivered to the nearest post office and you will be able to pick it up soon.

export of international mail

Export from the country of administration.

Actual trackers translate this status literally - "Export of international mail". Vin means that your parcel has left the country of administration and is straight to you.

released from customs

The mitt has been taken out / The mitt has been let go.

Your application has successfully passed all the necessary revisions and the procedures of the final registration have failed.

left the place of international exchange

It has deprived the place of international exchange.

It is also associated with the status “Left the intermediate point”. In the delivery process, the status of the delivery process may be different.

Airline Departure from original country

The administration left the country (air delivery).

It means that your promise has deprived the country of government by air mail.

already received the electronic information export

Information about the request for a ban on export.

It means that the transporter, having completed the registration and registration of the mail order, has started the export process to the end of recognition.

international shipment release export

International administration of vantazhiv - export.

The mail order was successfully exported from the country.

the parcel arrived at the transit center

The parcel came to the transit center.

It is also associated with the status “Arrived at the intermediate point”.

depart from transit country or district

It left the transit country.

Henceforth, the parcel was delivered not directly to the border of recognition, but through one of the "transit borders" (say the borders of Europe). There, she also went through all the necessary minute procedures and was corrected to the extreme.

airline arrive at destination country

Arrived before the end of the air delivery.

Otzhe, the parcel arrived on the territory of your country.

attempted delivery

Delivery test.

If you have reached this status, then, in fact, it is your responsibility to contact the courier and take care of the hour of delivery. If no one has contacted you, then the status will change to "delivery attempt not far away". At this time, you should get in touch with the office of the courier service and explain the situation.

Nayimovіrnіshe, stench just couldn't get through to you.

import of international mail

Import from the country is recognized.

It means that your promise has crossed the border of recognition.

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