See the rib like you can eat. Sturgeon caviar. Korist and Skoda in Ribi family pangasius

- Catfish -

If you catch a catfish not your tato-fisherman at your dacha, then you may well be sung with antibiotics. Such is already the specificity of the cultivation of ribi. It is especially important to sin at V'etnam, de іz soma viroblyaetsya impersonal brews. However, there are no signs on the packages about those that the fish is grown in similar minds and that antibiotics have been injected into your body, after the introduction of such a product, it will be a surprise.

Chi chula is also a super-cheesy joy of salmon? The Atlantic Ocean, which is one of the the best places in Europe for marine fishing. You can see ribs, you can sleep here, and what you can eat in rich restaurants in Portugal, you can know on this side. First, it is called in Portuguese, then in German, and then in Latin.

Tsі duzhe savnі and duzhebuvanі ribi are known near the protection of the estuaries. The young Robloo swims through the rivers in schools. Їх add warm water mouth, de є the best hedgehog And the lesser rizik will be covered with huts. The most important primates are sardini, crab and shrimp. Tse duzhe is delicious fish! Vіn can be up to 35 cm of the frill and weigh 3.5 kg. Colour: gleaming with blue on the head and back. Bait for vikoristannya - clams, shrimps, ravliki and krabi.

- Sturgeon caviar -

Chorna ikra - the road of satisfaction in our latitudes. It’s better to know about those who, in the last hour, know about the ruinous change in the product dovkilla. Sturgeon spawn ribs are separated from the darkness and zabrudnenіy through everyday rowing of water. And the shards of the eggs look long before, as you can see, the toxins and pesticides are better taken. Now you can go out, which is true, the caviar can be seen only in a poacher's way. Ale better in tsyoma do not take the fate.

The stench is found in cracks with a depth of up to 50 meters. The best fish off the coastal waters of Portugal. Win to become an average 50 divs for a dovzhin and take up to 12 kg. Tse maє srіbny edge with a dark back and can stand in the great swarms near the coastal waters; especially on pіvdnі, de vin come from the Gulf Stream. When fishing for fish, it is necessary to vicorate the mince.

Vіn perebuvaє on the dead depths of the earth. In one, there is the greatest opportunity to speak evil at night, hanging that wind. Sink with white bottom side. Adjusting the color of the surface dovkil. Restaurant riba is especially popular. Mіzh 50 and 70 cm frills can weigh up to 2 kg. Tsі flounder spіymanі on the beaches near the dry waters. Vіn the most active pіd hіvіdlі vіdlіvі і nіtchі.

- Triska -

Light stocks of cod in the middle of the 90s. And this fact could not be thrown into the air like a riba. If you see the police at the shops in the Atlantic triska, you know, because of the creation of information, to that in the Atlantic there has long been a crisis in the fish market through the lack of balance in the management of the fish state. Otherwise, you will be shown one of the rare examples there. Better for everything, the meat of the ribi is outweighed by shkidlivimi speeches.

Through yoga, the great fighting spirit is full of faces and fishermen. To be found on the days of protection to a depth of 150 meters. Vіn bіluvatiy with vіdіnki brіvіnі ї chernoї plyami na volі. Chrobaki, shrimp and molluscs are guilty of vikoristovuvatisya like a bait. Carapau is long and stringy and on average 20 cm long. Vіn srіlyasty, with dark blue on the back, the head is that tail, and vіn often make noise with your teeth. Vin approaches to save the inlet, if you swim at the girl's river. Carapau is a light booty. The shortest way sinister yogo - with a swimmer, with chrobaks, pieces of ribi chi shrimp.

It bites best at summer evening. You can twist the lamp to get them. M'yaso Carapau is highly valued in Portugal, especially on the grill. Up to 30 cm at the dozhin and streaks with a dark mark on the back of that head. Zustrichaєtsya protyazhy rock at schools in the pivdnі Portugal. The baits that are victorious are squids, worms and shells.

- Vugor -

M'yaso, without which you can't do without a practically common strain of Asian cuisine, it turns out that it's not safe for health. Polychlorinated bifins are accumulating in Ugra. And if you don’t change the motor sound of this term, just know that this speech is ruinously pouring into the liver of that nirk, and it can also cause cancer. Yogotoxicity is harmful not only by itself, but also by its own accumulation in fatty tissue.

Vіdmіnna ta bazhana fish. Zapovitny trophy for fishing. Medium Corvin frills up to 1 m and weight 15 kg. Srіlyasto-sіre body vkrite back with a thin, dark knuckle. Korvini are aware of their strength and combat readiness. Corvina lives on the sand or mud, up to 100 meters deep, and near the rivers. Often strummed in the Tagus arm.

Lure: shrimp, crab, octopus. Sorom'yazlivy їdok, scho lives on the depths of 25 to 30 meters. Shrimps, mussels and crabs are bait. Here you can dance, as if you see a fish by the sea, in a certain month of fate. Freshwater fishermen are rich with dams, rivers and streams in Portugal. For example, you can go fishing on the Alguevsk reservoir - the largest lake in Europe - or on the river Dora at the pivnochi. When working near reservoirs, it is necessary to remember that access to banks is often important.

- Shrimps -

90% of shrimp, which are sold in our stores, are imported to our country from Denmark and Canada, while Russia itself supplies a little seafood to the world market. So from, chemical speeches, like vicorist, zahіdnі companies for їkhny cleansing after vilova, dosit shkіdlivі. In addition, boil the shrimp right on the fishing boats and freeze it there. Therefore, in packaging it is often possible to cut third-party fragments - hair, shmatochki clods and wind squinting tails.

Fishing on the chovni chi kayak is too hard. Deyakі popular ribis from the lakes and river of Portugal. Vusach - tse species of ribs, what to look like Pyrenei Pivostrov. Qi ribi will flow deep and swidkoplinn rivers. The stench eats overly spineless, such as small crabs, larvae of clods and shells.

Fish is also popular. A fence for fishing between the middle of birch and the middle of grass. Live in Spain and Portugal. Especially at the great watersheds, such as Algueva-Barragem or Santa Clara-Barragem on pіvdnі, alley and in all river areas, especially on pіvden from the Douro river. A corop can be 1 meter long, a wagon of 30 to 35 kg. Already є kіlka caught mayzhe 40 kg. As a bait, you can beat boilies and corn, as well as different beans, sir, shank, fish, chicken, potatoes, crabs, horiso or peas.

- flounder -

The population of the Atlantic flounder is rebuying from such a stingy camp, which becomes less than 1% of the amount of ribeye, which was enough for the steel industrial fishing. All individuals infected with pesticides and due to the small number of populations are not adventitious.

- Salmon -

Zustrichaetsya at the rivers, streams and reservoirs. Particularly active at night. Worms, shrimp and sardines are used as bait. Especially in the cold parts of Portugal, like in the river Douro pivnich. Wild Atlantic salmon fish only in the rivers Douro, Migno, Limіta in Barragemі Tuvedo.

Overfishing through the high ground

The Daedals see more ribs under the threat of overfishing near the world. Whoever wants to be ecologically aware and ecologically aware, is guilty of turning to the so-called eco-ribi. Find out how to recognize sea food products. It’s not too tasty, but we’re already healthy. For rich nіmtsіv vin regularly come to the table. However, richly seen ribs outwitted and attacked the nebezpeka, as in the whole world, so in the uninterrupted proximity to Nimechchina in the Pivnichny and Baltic seas. The comfort in this country is great, because, for the tribute of the nature protection organization, over 80 thousand ribs, which are sold at Nimechchini, are imported goods.

- Kamchatka crab -

Through their own eating, these creatures of yoga meat can be infected with bacteria that are not safe for humans, as if calling out to the eye and hearing. Also, crabs can accumulate toxins, which cause poisoning. In the rest of the hour, through not overly zhorst control, the level of anxiety increased.

Buy a fence for fishing in Europe

The reform of the fishery state has already been praised by the parliament by a large number of voices. Dosі tsі contracts did not comply with the recommendations of the scientists, and as a result, maybe three quarters of all reserves in Europe were outdone with 25 vіdsotkami in the whole world. In addition, European fishermen throw about a quarter of a fork into the sea to satisfy quotas. Most of the fish are already dead and dying.

As a reminder of the German ecological help on its website, the fishery from the German region exceeds 15 kg per capita, which significantly exceeds the possibility of legal fishing of German fishermen. As more evidence for organic ribs, so that ribs of the stout gerel are drunk and caught in the presence of certain species of ribs, the situation can be signifi- cantly weaker.

- Shark -

Shark meat is a delicacy for our latitudes. І tse, similar, on the shorter. Through their own diet of ribs and through those who are the most aggressive hut, who eat everything on their way, they can carry large doses of mercury. Mercury accumulates in the mass, not hurting the shark itself, but the axis of the people, as if living in a hedgehog, is full of harm.

Do you give respect to those who came to fish through steady fishing when shopping? The stand and aquaculture fish products are recognized as a zocrema in order to help the survivors to recognize packaging information and environmental seals.

For products from organic aquaculture, there is also a friend of the sea. If the company wants to stick a seal on its fish, it is the fault of the middle one to control the fishing vessel and that method of fishing and capturing documents accurately. Prote embobov ribi is without pepper, shards of stink are given over again. Some experts criticize that the certified products are not properly controlled by the growers.

- Atlantic great-headed -

- Tuna -

Recently, an analysis has been carried out showing that among all species of ribeye, tuna itself is characterized by the largest deposits of mercury. Until then, the population of tuna, for example, Atlantic Ocean, to be already known on the borders of the І yakscho does not sound like a yogo transcendental life, soon we will not be able to live tuna - neither mercury, nor pure.

Deyakі see rib better not їsti

All other shares were too small and too big, otherwise they provided insufficient information to withdraw. Not only eco-friendly seals can help you to be eco-friendly. It's better to do without ribi. To take a look around here, various environmental organizations regularly publish travelers from fishing, or for the sake of buying ribi, giving for the sake of those who are happy about those who, on a riba without a vagan and yaki, are attacking individuals of a risk.


These recommendations are often reviewed one after the other. Give respect to the diversity in the regions and varieties of vegetarians for additional travelers to fish. For example, after Greenpeace is not recommended. However, there are still some culprits here: Pacific salmon and Atlantic salmon.

- Sibas -

Sea perch, or sea bass - especially Chilean - most often illegally caught fish, as it has not passed proper sanitary control. Given the fact that the main restaurant hit is not a varto, I trust it to the same quality.

Pangasius appeared on the shelves under the name of Basa or Sea Mova. (Pangasius)

Zalishaetsya, no matter what, it’s healthy and important. With the right environmental awareness, you can by such a rank protect sea creatures from the future with a clear conscience. No, we don’t need to revisit other varieties. Ale: "Whoever wants to eat fish with a clean conscience, is guilty of tasting it like a delicacy and even more than anything," - even the marine biologist Maak. Varto respectfully familiarize yourself with the purchase: on the packaging of the wine, the exact information about the seals, methods and areas of capture, for which helpers can be oriented, is indicated.

Qia riba comes from Pivdenny America(Peru).

There її breed for technical purposes.

Ribne boroshno z tsієї ribi zastosovuєtsya for the year of thinness and kindness in the countryside.

You can't live there.

In the rich lands of Pivnichnoy America and Europe, riba is not allowed to live in a hedgehog.

Pangasius ryasnіє with a high level will cut off, bacteria, important metals, hormones.

With what seals can we trust the hour of making purchases?

In this rank є ribalskі ugіddya, the stocks of which have not yet been recycled. Most of all we see the blue-white friend of the sea guardian for the sake of it. Dosi Bulo awarded 315 companies. Ale yak stiyka?

What is better: fish from the wild catch of aquaculture

Aquaculture, the factory state of the fish, is given at first glance, to solve the problem of overpopulation of stocks in the oceans and inland waters. However, aquaculture does not help against overfishing, says Maak. A lot of favorite fish n_mtsiv - hut ribs, like trout, pike perch or pike. "They rejoice in the ribbnim borosny, yak viroblyaetsya, for example, from the majestic craft of Pivdennoy America with tons of spied anchovies," Tilo Maak explains.

The reason is that the Mekong (V'etnam) river is mainly separated by riba, one of the most fertile rivers on the planet.

At the Mekong, untreated water from chemical and sewage plants, sewerage, mineral fertilizers from fields are pouring out.

When ribeye is frozen, the very water of the Mekong river freezes.

To speed up the growth of ribi (four times) from China, bring hormones, which are introduced into the body of females. Warehouse of secret hormones. I do not care about the help of the controlling organs depending on the quality of the products in Europe, the pharmacists are required to give these hormones. Vіdnosnu low vartіst tsієї ribi basically її bathe the impossible verstvi of the population.

For example, if you want to eat tuna, take one kilogram of wagi, and you will get 20 kg of ribeye. It is important to know all types available on the market. The variety is even more important for the sake of the riba being good, for the fact that it needs a large number of lively speeches, as it is impossible to take away from one. For this, we will be guilty of giving a variety of foodstuffs to satisfy all your needs.

On the market we can know. Live eating: alive їzha provides a great number of lively speeches. However, it is my responsibility to protect and even better choose the type of eating, shards of stink can also be a source of pathogenic organisms and, therefore, ailment. The most widely used live foods are daphnia, mosquito larvae, shrimp and tubules.

It is noted that the implantation of Ribi Pangasius Bass causes damage to the liver, blood poisoning, damage to the internal organs of a person. At the link with the fence, the sale of ribey Basa in the rich countries of Europe, Canada, America, unscrupulous businesses add riba Basa in such a rank crab sticks and other "culinary options" with ribi.

Dry food: the best. Vіn is sold in different formats, and the warehouse is ventilated stalely according to needs. Acts of them are composed of algae for herbivorous fishes, others - other crustaceans, for meaty species only. Vіn can be taken away in any specialty shop and sound vikoristovuєtsya like a grub basis of large tropical ribs, although wine is in no way guilty of becoming a single hedgehog, like a stink otrimuyuyut.

Lyophilized hedgehog: it looks like dry. The price of agricultural products for the help of special equipment, as it allows them to save all their lives of speech. The hedgehog is presented at the look of porridge, after mixing and mixing of the ingredients.

Controlling organizations for the quality of food products do not recommend eating Basa fish and all related products. CAREFULLY! RIBA BASU IS NOT SAFE FOR YOUR HEALTH!!!"

The purchase price of a ribeye from V'etnam is $0.01, tobto. 0.01 x50 rub. = 50 kopecks!

And they also forgot about "Agen Orange", Agent Orange (Eng. Agent Orange) - I will name the sum of defoliants and herbicides of a synthetic approach. The army of Great Britain was stationed during the War in Malaya and the American army at the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971 as part of the Ranch Hand program to reduce growth. (VIKLIKAYA CANCER and other ailments in the body)

Dekіlka sіv about Tilapіyu, yak tezh appeared in our stores.

Tilapia is alive near fresh water, even more indiscriminate in zhzhі: it eats plankton, algae and other organic matter, as you can know in rivers and lakes. Due to such omnipresence, they are most likely to be contaminated with antibiotics and hormones, after which they are often “transferred” to our kitchen.

Recently, it appeared that there are a couple of components in the Tilapia m'yas, what to make the ribs of ribs, if you want to bring in the brown ribs, grown on the exits? І cі components - fatty acids "Omega-3 i Omega-6", because The difference in Tilapia is NOT 1:1, like red riba, but 1:3 or 1:11, in order to make the product potentially unsafe.

I, as we already know briefly to retell the essence, then it’s wrong to say that ribs, that people grow in a piece of the way (in rib production) often take such a large amount of growth hormones, antibiotics and other guides that they are not recommended.

When choosing riba, it is necessary to learn about those who have caught riba in nature and grown on farms. It's no wonder, fish, which linger in nature, often cost less than tієї, which is harvested on fish farms.

For example, on farms rotate:

Dorado, tilapia, marine language, korop, sea bass, pangasius, salmon, salmon, sturgeon

Fish is natural(Spawned without the introduction of people):

Flounder, catfish, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, perch, codfish, pollock

Well, it’s worth it to Ribi Tilapia itself, then the floorings are not viable, which sewage waters!!! Tilapia and Pangasius, tse smіttєvі ribi, stinks are eating all the time, living near the most waters and accumulating a bunch of shkidlivy speeches from their mother.

Tilapіya tse ditch catfish, harchuєtsya podkidki, avenge toxins, important metal. I read on the Internet that often the feed for Tilapia is served from the entrances of pig farms and poultry aftermath. Viroshchuvannya tsієї ribi does not require great wine. Information about the price is on the Internet, look who cares.

It is not necessary for him to live in Tilapia, as if it were often artificially grown fish. And rather, vzagali vіddavati perevagu іnshіy, "pure" ribі.

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