The highway of cards of the special office is the collection of cards of NK Rosneft. Palivni cardi magistral tnk, handy special cabinet of maps

Palivni mapsthe best zasib vodієvі forgive your life. Rozrahunok is not ready to be prepared, on the vіdmіnu vіd of plastic cards. Russia has one of the best propositions - the map of TNK Magistral. Whose product is given a lot of services, useful as for legal, so i physical features at resales at Russian and foreign gas stations.

Yak koristuvatisya with pale cards Magistral

The voucher is similar to a personal credit card, except for two points:

  1. You can pay with such cards less at gas stations, and less for PMM.
  2. The stench does not waste the credit line for raising money - you can pay a few pennies in your money, and you can pay it off.

To find out, to accept the payment cards of the Magistral, you can be online through a special office on the official website of the company.

Benefits for companies and physical entities

Do not start to understand why you should win the fireworks of the Magistral card, and not cry with cooking. Explaining this moment will help the main achievements of the current victorious.

Advantages won by physical persons:

  1. Shvidke write-off of the cost of the bill for the first hour of payment without the cost of cooking.
  2. Bezpeka. You can spend cooking, forget it, or you can steal it. You can always redeem a card when you spend it with your own balance, but stealing doesn’t make sense. Vaughn is protected by a pin-code, which is the best Vlasnik knows.
  3. The service of analysis, available in a special office, allows you to sing a new word about the vitrati paliva, as well as scoring for the help of the vitrati.
  4. Bezkoshtovna tsіlodobova service pіdtrimki, de vlasnikami kartov nadpomomu s pitan, scho vinikli.
  5. Availability of the Petrol Plus mobile addon, which allows you to know all the nearest gas stations on the map with the Magistral payment card, de її accept.

Advantages of winning by legal persons:

  1. Relief for vetting accounting style. For cards, you can always request the latest list of documents up to the date of birth, or look online in a special office.
  2. Possibility to save money for the turn of the MPE. When buying a pallet, the company takes back 18%, which is a tax on additional payment, which reduces transport costs, and also, prices for goods and services.
  3. Kerіvnitstvo, being able to access the maps, you can online in a special office for whether or not they are vitra paliva, it’s more convenient, without the need to contact your authority, or to represent the company, like hope. Krym win for the fire, the company’s clerk can have his own ability to remotely manage cards.
  4. Possibility to get a payment card in a special office of Magistral-Kart.
  5. The service of "Peredzhennya cards" nadsilaє podomlennya in case of non-violation of actions with them, be it the company's leader, as it connected a similar service for the hour of laying down the contract with TNCs.
  6. The ability to charge is penniless on all cards from one rahunka.
  7. Vіdstrochiti payment z paliva sum up to a million rubles, the term is up to a month.

List of gas stations

One of the advantages of victoriousness is the possibility of using the latest list of gas stations for the Magistral fuel cards. You can find it on the TNK web site. Gas stations such as Bashneft, Rosneft, BP, Tatnaftoprodukt and others can be seen here.

Among the services, we hope that it is possible to lay out the simplest and most convenient route for gas stations, at which the Magistral card is accepted.

The Magistral card is accepted for 10,000 gas stations in all regions of Russia. Let's look at the domestic market of gas stations, they can be used to cry in the near and far abroad. In the middle of the nearest countries, where Magistral-Kart is accepted - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland and Abkhazia.


It is easy to issue a highway card for yourself. For whom you need to make a kіlka diy.

Legal persons:

  1. Fill in a simple form on the official website of the company, in which it is necessary to indicate the relevant data for contact information and the arrangement of the contract.
  2. Fill in the same form of the city mind: the number of maps of the Highway, transferring the region of transport routes toshcho. New list presented on the website.
  3. Get in touch, if a representative of the company is contacted by TNK's spokesperson for the specified contact details for clarification of the details and arrangement of the contract. Call, do not borrow more than five years from the moment of application.

It is sufficient for physical persons to call the company's call-center by phone, or to see if any of the sales centers.

The Magistral card gives an uninterrupted message to those who often travel to Russia or neighboring countries in their cars or motorcycles. Comfort moves through those who do not need to carry with them a large amount of cooking or vikoristovuvat credit card for a non-visible rate for payment, when traveling abroad.

When working under this Agreement, your company (legal person) will pay for the karbovantsevy rahunok, be it a sufficient amount for you. On the client's card, varieties of paliva and the limits of "finish", "tizhneviy" or "monthly" are fixed. The amount paid by the client is debited up to the price of the fuel at the specific gas station at the time of refueling. Call for refueling of Magistral-TNK's fuel cards Your company hopes for a minute of profit, and also for any period of time at any convenient time for you.

In the process of further negotiations on your way, it is possible to organize additional service points in any region. Russian Federation.

Palivni maps Magistral for legal issues can be secured for holding. car number, for the name of water, then. It is allowed to add on any one or a little bit of the fire with the possibility of setting additional, monthly limits in rubles and liters.

At the time, use a red card, for a call of a trusted individual with a further application, given a card be blocked. A similar order is the operation of unlocking.

Workers using modern technologies, calls from hot cards can be sent to you in an operational manner for obtaining goods, whether it is convenient for you: by fax, by e-mail, or in a special office through a web interface. At the svіtakh, the information about the skin's paliva card is displayed: the card's cardholder (timer), the number of the gas station, the refueling station, the hour, the type of paliva, the number of refueling liters. After the end of the month for a stretch of 5 banking days, we will give you the following documents: originals of accounts, invoices, invoices for all payment cards, acts of victories and other documents. For clarity, legal osіb that ІП, for your company will be assigned a personal manager.

Refuel without problems: Magistral cards are accepted at gas stations of TNK, Rosneft, BP, Gazpromneft, Bashneft, Tatnaftoprodukt and in.

Remaining information:

Since the joint venture of Rosneft and TNK, the functionality of the payment cards has not changed. Changed the design.

With the help of your mind, we have lost the practice for our clients, as before, as much as possible:

  • Easily draw up a contract with legal persons
  • Reductions at Rosneft-TNK-BP
  • Competent specialist from support
  • Current special office
  • Supporting services: auto insurance, Glonass GPS monitoring of transport, control of the temperature of the fire, analytics, tachography and water maps.
  • Shvidke zarahuvannya koshtіv on rahunok (for payment instructions)
  • Loyal blocking of cards (not automatic)

On this side you can get a list of gas stations where you can take Magistral cards.

"Magistral - Kart" is the leading operator of fireworks for fire without preparation method in the Russian Federation. Non-prepared rozrahunki for polivniy cards tsієї firms guarantee a yakіsny poliv. "Magistral - Kart" has a large network not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in the nearest regions. Winning the card of the company, the client may have a number of advantages - the visibility of the discount, the number of commissions and the transparency of payment. Krym tsyogo, the company promotes an individual approach to a skin client and an official online service "Special Office".

Registration in a special office Magistral Kart

If you want to use the unprepared payment method "Magistral-Kart" and become a permanent client of the company, you need to sign an agreement for the purchase of products with a card system. After the signing of the contract, the representatives of the company will hand you an envelope with personal information to deny access to the special office.

The number of the envelope is individual, the charges on the contract. To access the special account of the Internet service, you need to go to the official website of the company and enter the login and password assigned to the depositor of the received envelope.

If you have put a piece of contracts, then the necessary information will be displayed in a special office. If you have problems with registration in a special office, you can always contact the support service by phone.

It is important that the Internet service is absolutely cost-free.

The benefits of work in the special office of Magistral-kart

Coristuvachs of the special office of the company are hoping for impersonal gains. You can pay in advance, refill your card account, be aware of all the news and promotions that the company is running.

Krіm tsgogo, є mozhlivіst look at the refueling vіdomіst, in which all the information about the surplus of the paid toe, the surplus of money for the rahunka, the sum of the hour of refueling and more is assigned.

And when refueling on the territory of Russia, the program will automatically cover the amount of VAT. І everything is in real time. The main and most important advantage of this system is the fact that access to a special office is possible in any place with the Internet.

Koshti, which are found on the card, are protected in Shakhray with a unique password, we only send the cards to the master of the card.

Top 7 cities of Russia, for the number of active clients Magistral Kart

  • Saratov
  • Yaroslavl
  • Kursk
  • Ryazan
  • Moscow
  • Kostroma

Official website of Magistral Kart:
Entrance to the special office of Magistral Kart:
Registration in a special office:
Hot line of customer support service Magistral Kart: 8 800 200 73 73

Fire carts Magistral-karts give the possibility of unprepared resale at the filling stations of Rosneft, TNK and BP. Refueling with additional help allows you to take off not only a little more, but also special discounts, as well as making it impossible to collect payments and commissions. Buying gasoline for an additional fuel card, you can control all your operations through the special office of TOV Magistral-kart. You can come to the official site, as well as at points of sale.

How to register?

In order to create an entrance to a special office on the website of Magistral-kart, it is necessary to create a client's physical record. For whom it is necessary to remember the proponated form and to receive further instructions. As soon as the official record is confirmed, you can arrange the delivery of new cards online, and register them on the official website. How to find out the password for entering the special office of TOV Magistral-kart? About the price.

When placing a contract for the supply of petroleum products, the client is provided with a PIN-envelope with a login and a password for registration and access to the office. The number of such an envelope obov'yazkovo can be entered in the contract. If the client has a bunch of similar contracts, all stinks are reviewed in the special office of TNK Magistral-kart. If it is necessary to block the password, for example, if you have used your payment cards, the client can return to the service center with a written request. The password will be blocked for 24 years.

If you have any problems, you can contact the hotline: 8800-200-73-73.

main advantages

There are few reasons why physical and legal persons collect paliva cards online in the special office of Magistral-cards. The stench is no less allowed to take it off the fire at the gas stations of TNK and Rosneft, and th:

  • using terminals at over 5500 gas stations, as well as services of service stations, auto shops and tire fitting;
  • get a discount on gasoline, as well as a great assortment of goods and services;
  • accumulate bonuses, so that later you can win money for the purchase of paliva and accompanying goods;
  • take care of a special cabinet, de zavzhd it is possible to control the balance, to reduce operations, to set limits too thinly.

Koshti, yakі zberіgayutsya on palivnіy kartі, pіd nadіynym zakhist, even the password at the entrance to the special office of TOV Magіstral-kart vіdomiy lishe vlasnik. Refueling for palivnimi maps is richly rewarded for refueling with coupons. Why? That’s all for those who bought gasoline from the fuel lines of Magistral in a special office to show an excess of liters, as well as the necessary operations, as it was done earlier.

Paliva cards online can be applied both for a singing person and for a transport security. In addition, the cards are not special. After swiping at the gas station, the information about the type of card, the type of fuel that was used, and what type of purchases are filled. Everything is processed automatically and can be given for consumption. The term for the service of payment cards of TNK and Rosneft should be changed from 5 to 7 years. Varto means that with the help of online cards you can refuel all types of gasoline, including TNK Pulsar, which meets the Euro-5 standard.

Possibility of service

The special office of the Magistral-kart on the official website of the company gives the following opportunities to coristuvachs:

  • indulge in paying commissions and payments;
  • to take away the correct and reliable information about all the related operations;
  • win for the necessary accounting zvіtnist;
  • wider service;
  • the function of assistance on the roads, as it helps to know the nearest gas station;
  • take special propositions and knowledge about shares;
  • take the opportunity to speed up service stations, tire fitting, book a hotel, book a cafe, etc.

Top programs

The special office of the Magistral-kart allows one to special programs, splintered by Rosneft. For today, the programs are:

  • locale;
  • transit;
  • transit diesel;
  • for physical systems

The Local program for legal entities allows you to save on the purchase of petroleum products. For її an additional company can save up to 7%, and on average up to 5 rubles per liter of fire. The Transit program can be the very principle of less retail, which allows you to buy gasoline not only in Russia, but also abroad: in Ukraine, Belarus, Abkhazia, and also Poland and Kazakhstan. The Transit-Diesel program allows legal persons to buy diesel fuel with a reduction of up to 5%. And the axis of the program for physical systems is directed more importantly to the accumulated bonuses, so that you can exchange for the fire of the necessary goods. There is a principle here - the more you refuel, the more you save.

* work on a liter maintenance program

Who cares

Fuel cards "Magistral", which is used for the liter program - is the best way to control and optimize costs for legal entities and individual businesses, as your transport is refueled more importantly from Moscow and the Moscow region. Utrimuvachi tsikh cards otrimuyut serviceability in a wide range of branded gas stations, car wash and tire shops. For vouchers for all services and for cards "Magistral" you can take the MPE to the hall.

How to practice the liter program

Liter program transfers the purchase of paliva according to the price list of our company, which is formed from the average Moscow prices. As a result, the payment for liters is saved for your subdivision, and not the overpayment in rubles. At the time of changing the price list, the payment will be redeemed in a month or earlier, if the purchases are cleared. In this way, buying a hot bill within the framework of a liter program, you fix the price and take away the possibility of saving on a finger in the minds of a non-sufficient increase in price and regardless of the retail prices and the brand of skin specific gas stations.

When refueling with a corporate gasoline card "Magistral" from the sub-traffic of your organization, the amount of liters of fuel is charged.

All information about the camp of the sub-rakhunka can be recognized in a special office, sent to an e-mail, or by connecting an informational SMS.

In a special office, data on skin surgery are available with cards for the "Magistral" fire. In the same place, you will get access to the management of the camp and the limits of smart cards, accounting records, financial documents.

How to connect to the liter program

The algorithm is simple:

  • an application for a payment card "Magistral" for companies, or send the details of your organization to our electronic screen.
  • We will send you the execution of a contract and we will set up bills to pay for the payment for the price list.
  • On the day of the due date of payment for petroleum products, you can take the refill cards "Magistral", the original of the contract and accounting documents in our office or with courier.
  • Your payment cards will be processed from the moment of signing the approved special act of your organization of the act of acceptance and transfer of cards and invoice TORG-12.

Sound documents

You will accept the latest set of documents required for the accounting form of the PMM at the time of acceptance: acts of acceptance and transfer, invoices, invoices, registers of operations for all cards.

Documents in electronic form can be viewed:

  • in a special office on our website;
  • by email.

Originals of svіtnyh documents:

  • in the office of the company;
  • Post to Russia;
  • courier service.

Where can I refuel with cards with a liter program

"Magistral" cards are accepted before payment in a wide range of branded gas stations near Moscow, Moscow and Leningrad regions, as well as in the summіzhnyh regions. You will be served at gas stations of such companies as Rosneft, BP, TNK, Bashneft. In addition, you can pay with a card in tire shops and at auto shops. The yard is wide, you can look at it.

Reply today

It is quite easy to issue a "Magistral" card for a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. For this sign a standard agreement, store a list of vehicles, designate a limit for a skin transport card. Fahіvtsі of the company "RusPetrol" to secure the universal information support at all stages of the agreement and further cooperation, to supplement the work with a special office.

We do not divide clients into great ones. Skin zamovlennya mi tsіnuєmo however high and zavzhdi namagаєmos to trust the truth.

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