What does the line card give. Privilei for the cards of the purchase of a merezhі hypermarkets “Strichka. Rules for using Strichka card

The Lenta company has been operating in the market since 1993 and may have thousands of stores throughout the country, its customer program is recognized as one of the best, and it really helps customers save on purchases.

Advantages of the card to the Strichka store

Discounts on discount cards are extended for all products. Participation in the client program gives low visibility opportunities:

  • accumulate bonus balls and pay them for purchases;
  • take part in prize draws;
  • buy goods from the catalog for discounts up to 30%;
  • redeem discounts as part of seasonal promotions and low promotions.

For whom it is necessary to simply take a reduction card in Strichtsi. The whole process of the loan is not more than ten khvilin. The card is available at all Merezha stores for an hour, so having taken it once, it will not be necessary to keep it carefully.

The procedure for issuing a Strichka card

You can’t get a card through the Internet, you can only work especially in one of the shops in the city, with which you need only a passport.

To withdraw a purchase card, you need to go to the store for an information desk, show your passport and fill out a small questionnaire. Don’t be afraid to show special data, the oscal store guarantees their savings and unspoken. To save an hour, you can fill in the questionnaire at a later date by booking it on our website:

For filling out the questionnaire, gifts of 150 points are awarded: 50 points, as well as 100 points per year for the removal of advertising information to the phone or by electronic mail. The bonus card Strіchka is used for the scheme “1 bonus = 1 ruble” and it works hard to get it after the registration of the client. The proposal was given recently - from spring 2017 to the year when the card was sent to Strichka hypermarket.

Skіlki koshtuє

For a physical person, take a card to the Strichka store for a cost of 200 rubles, for individual entrepreneurs that legal issues dіє іnsha propozitіya pіd i will call “” with the accumulative system of nizhok.

It is not possible to withdraw the Strіchka card without a cost at once. Ale z urahuvannyam post_ynih shares that nizhok її vartіst pay off in one or two walks to the store. Before that, the card is not named, so you can get one for the whole family, and you can serve for consumption and give it to friends and know it.

Winning rules

  1. The card is not a bank, payment or credit card.
  2. Cards can have a different design, or they can have the same legal status.
  3. The term of activation is one calendar day from the moment of transfer of the completed questionnaire to the spivrobitnik shop at the information station.
  4. The term dії cards of non-circumstances, but the company retains the right to change my mind.
  5. One buyer may have more than one card.
  6. To withdraw a discount on goods, the buyer must present the card to the cashier before paying for the purchase.
  7. In times of psuvannya, stealing money, the buyer is guilty of telling the store about the helper on the information station.
  8. At the time of spending the cards її it is necessary to block.
  9. When changing personal data, it is necessary to inform the shop manager of the new data in order to make changes to the special purchase card.
  10. The company does not charge for the bribes incurred at the link with the cards.

Varto designate what personal data about your customers The line is not only for analysis and distribution of advertising information, but also in order to be able to contact the buyer, which by inserting a card or a bonus card.

A lot of hypermarkets create their own permanent loyalty programs. To cancel the transfer of shares, you need to confirm your participation - a plastic card. Most of all, it gives the opportunity to win a discount and participate in other promotional campaigns. "Lenta" is a large trade network of hypermarkets. You can get your bonus cards for recent purchases. For її otrimannya, it is necessary to viskonate singing podії.

How to activate the post purchase card Streak in the store?

For more lucrative purchases, you can become a member of the program at any store. Who needs:

  • Know the information sheet at any store;
  • complete the questionnaire;
  • pay fixed card variance.

In the questionnaire about obov'yazkovo such data as PIB, date of birth, telephone number and address of residence are indicated. Other items are zapovnyuyutsya behind the bajannyam. Payment will go through once. After that card holder becomes a full-fledged participant of the action, he can take discounts on the same group of goods.

How to register a card online via the Internet on the website of the store?

Tvіr povnoї єstratsії, not leaving the house, not transferred. You can fill in the questionnaire form for a long time, having taken it from the Internet. For whom it is necessary to go to the website of the online store https://www.lenta.com permanent purchase that rozdrukavat questionnaire. I will bring the updated version to the nearest hypermarket at the information desk and pay for the withdrawal of the card. As soon as you can, it will be possible to take a discount when buying.

How long does it take to activate the card?

The activation of the card is carried out after the transfer of the questionnaire from the completion of special tributes to the contact person in any store. Trivalіst trivaє close to one day with the necessary information.

How to check whether the card is registered by number?

The revision can be done in two ways. The first one is to turn to the spіvrobіtnikіv of one of the hypermarkets and tell the number, instructions on the card, for the verification. The other one is to call to the single information center of the company for information. There is no re-verification, as well as registration through the site.

Become a participant in the program of post-buyers of hypermarkets "Strіchka" is already viable. Having spent a little amount of money on filling, form that small sum for payment, you can take away a large reduction and significantly save on purchases.

Going to the shops and supermarkets for shopping is a practical need for a skin person. And all hypermarkets, including Lenta, want to get their customers with promotions, propositions, cards, and bonus points. Nobody likes to overpay, that bonus cards are highly popular with all buyers.

What is the Strichka card?

Znizhkov's card to the Strichka store - the same card for a permanent purchase, like a deed at all the merchants in all the country. Discounts are expanding on all goods, they are bought together with her. When you present the hour of any purchase, you become a participant in the rich promotions of the company:

  • Take part in the bonus program.
  • Often the store draws prizes for Lenta cards holders.
  • The right to buy goods for shares, which are worth the money.
  • Purchase of goods with seasonal discounts.
  • For Vlasniks, it is possible to buy goods from special catalogues, from a variety, reduced by 30%.

How to make a fuss?

The card is not unique, all members of your homeland can be quickened by it, and it is impossible to issue more than 1 card per person.

  1. At the hour of purchase, you may present only 1 card.
  2. Like plastic zіpsuvavsya (breaking, rubbing) or else they spent it, it’s necessary to inform about this fact to spіvrobіtnikam at the information desk in the be-yak shop Strіchka.
  3. Usi bali, as if you piled up an hour of koristuvannya, you can spend the hour of making purchases for your bajan.
  4. You have the right to use plastic in any store, regardless of the fact that you bought the discount card.
  5. Bali are written off over and over, it is not possible to often replicate them.
  6. As if the sum in the check showed up less for the sum of balls, the stench burns.
  7. For example, the sum, now, in the check is more for the amount of accumulated points, the retail can be paid in addition, no matter how handy.
  8. Bonuses do not win with the addition of Tyutyunov's virobiv and alcohol.

Term dії

If you add plastic, you don’t have the term dії, but the hypermarket has the right to unilaterally change the term dії for the need, so the rules of corystuvannya and zarahuvannya balіv, not uzgodzhuyuchi tse zі their clients.

National Day discount

Merezha hypermarkets are promoting their active coristuvachs congratulations at the sight of a 15% discount and more on the entire assortment of the store. The proposition is 7 days before the date of your people, this day that 7 days after is holy. The company strives to please the current buyers with its loyalty and growth, we accept it sacredly, beloved by all.

The procedure for earning points on a loyalty card

  • Already after completing the registration form for plastic, you will be insured up to 150 points.
  • 50 balls like a bath.
  • 100 points, as you were lucky enough to take the information to the same contact number.
  • For a leather check, for someone who has goods with shares, as they constantly pass through the stores of hypermarkets, bonuses are earned. You can find out about those actions that are going on, and if the stench ends, you can always visit the official website of the company.

What robiti, how can Bali not accumulate?

Leather savings ball cost 1 Russian ruble. In order to accumulate a lot of points, it is necessary to respectfully follow the information posted on the website of the Strichka store. Having selected the goods that are offered for special promotions, you can always choose for yourself those that you need to come to at a given moment and immediately deduct bonuses for your purchase. In this rank, the balls are constantly accumulated, and you can use them for your own benefit.

Even if the accumulated balls are not squandered to the office of the administration, it is possible that the card has gone out of tune and needs a replacement.

Loyalty card in the Strіchka store is a very useful tool for saving customers' money and increasing their loyalty to the hypermarket. Having added a discount card, you can still go shopping and accept gifts, take part in all promotions and bonus programs of the store.

Video about the card:

The permanent purchase card of the hypermarket supermarket "Lenta" not only allows you to buy goods for promotions from the catalog, but also to take a fixed discount on all goods to the store at the retail outlet of 5%. The card itself costs 200 rubles, ale in bagatioh її vartіst pays off already for 1-2 times. In order to win the victory, it is not enough just to buy a card, you need to activate it.

How to come and fill in the questionnaire

To buy a card, it is enough to turn to any cashier in the store. For 200 rubles, you will be given an envelope with a new card, as it requires activation before it, as it is more practical. The middle of the envelope is no less than a card, and then a special questionnaire must be completed and submitted to the information desk.

important: "Strіchtsі" regularly pass days with discounts on the same group of goods, call on the second and fourth. In advance, customers need to get a supply of new products (by phone or by e-mail - fallow, depending on what was indicated in the questionnaire).

Oskіlki proktsії to finish the week, it is recommended to connect the notification. Deyakі klієnti in advance vіdmovlyayutsya vіd rezsilki, and then zasmuchuyutsya, scho have missed good znizhki on the goods you need. In order to re-enable the power, you need to return to the information desk.

Activation of the Strichka card: all methods

Card activation is available in only one way: at the information desk of the store. I will complete the questionnaire as soon as I need to send it to the contact, if you enter її data to the base - and the card will be activated. Neither by phone nor via the Internet, it is not possible to do this.

On the right, in the fact that in the questionnaire you give a letter of support for the processing of your personal data, with which you sign your income with a special signature. Through the Internet, it is impossible to call someone by phone. The only one to help the purchase, transferred by the company, is the ability to send a questionnaire on the site and fill it in at home. If you go to the shop, you can not spend an hour stained glass.

How to know if the card is activated

If the buyer knows his card and does not know what it is activated, you can check it in two ways:

  • behind the hot line of the string "Strichka";
  • at the information station.

For whom it is necessary to name the card number, and the specialists will check the activation in the database. As if you can’t, you need to go to the information desk and fill out the questionnaire.

After the card is activated, the purchaser will have the following benefits:

  • 5% discount absolutely on all goods at any hour;
  • all discounts for catalogs (sound one for 2 tizhn and 1-3 seasonal ones for the honor of the holy, the arrival of a new year of rock and alcohol);
  • information about one-day promotions (take place 1-2 times per week);
  • the possibility of distributing additional discount coupons at special terminals at the entrance to the store;
  • mozhlivіst otrimati datkovu iznizhku 10% on all goods in honor of national day.

How to activate a discount for National Day with the "Tape" card

Strichka has one of the most important customer discounts in honor of the National Day.

Protyagom three days up to three days after the purchase, the buyer can take a 15% discount on all goods (if you add 10% before the fixed discount, the additional discount does not apply to stock products).

To activate the discount, you need to go to the information desk with your card and passport. You have to complete the questionnaire, if you want to see a special coupon with a barcode: Vіn dіє on kasі more when presenting your purchase card, you can transfer it to another person only at once from the card.

A lot of great trade links win discount cards as a tool for attracting customers. Not є blame and the company "Lenta". The post-purchase card for the Strichka hypermarket allows the client to take part in various lotteries, draws and promotions that are held at stores. In addition, Vlasnik will take special discounts on goods that take part in promotions and seasonal sales.

Today, we need to pay for food, which is often asked, of permanent purchases, how to activate the card of the Strichka via the Internet, how to remove the card of the permanent purchase, the discount is out of the cost, how to get rid of the money .

Purchase card, benefits for Vlasniks

  • A plastic card for the Strichka store is a tool that gives the shopper the right to receive a discount, which is installed by the trade line on the same category of goods behind the company's sales outlets:
  • the card cannot act as a payment instrument or as a credit card or a bank plastic card;
  • the plastic card is exchanged with the clerk and may have an individual identification number;
  • the card issuer is the trading company Lenta LLC;
  • a plastic tool for making money can be of different formats, types of design, and with that mother, identical legal force;
  • the Lenta company may change the design solution of the card according to the company's needs;
  • You can buy a customer discount card from any trading point of the border Strichka.

Benefits for customers with cards:

  • A 5% discount is fixed for all purchases (for a tyutyun's win and a tyutyun).
  • Vlasnik became a participant of the bonus program in the trading area. With the minds of participation, you can find out on the official website of the company, at the “Bonus Balls” poster.
  • The owner of the card becomes a participant in the social guidance program for clients who fall under the category of pilgrims. Fully understand the program of placement on the official website of the company, the social program was added.
  • Among the Vlasnik cards, prize draws are held.
  • The client, who receives a card, will receive discounts of up to 50% on goods that are promotional.
  • On National Day, you can get a 15% discount. You can learn more about your minds on the website of the organization, pidrozdil "Holy day of the people of Strichkoy."

What is the cost of getting a card:

  • buy a card may have the right to be any client of the company (legal or physical individuals), and the practitioner of the organization;
  • for the purchase, it is necessary to pay the cost of a plastic product at the checkout to the supermarket;
  • you can buy a card for cooking, or pay with a non-prepared rozrahunka;
  • you can get a plastic low-instrument tool for smart minds (private payment for the cost or free of charge) for a social program or at the moment promotions. Purchased at low prices, the card may have the same privileges as the original card. Pіlgovі groupi hulks for pridbannya card mayut additional preferences;
  • Traders of merchants will take the card free of charge to the recipient of the money.

Vlasnik can activate the card both independently (through the website of the organization), and by going back to the shop at the shop for additional information. The period, which is seen for activation, becomes one day from the moment of entering the site or the information desk. Stores that open, determine the activation period by internal regulations.

For completing the application form, a gift up to 150 points was added to the Vlasnik on the withdrawal of the discount card:

  • 50 balls as a hospitality;
  • 100 points per year for the collection of information (including advertising) and personal data and contacts.

At whom 1 ball is worth 1 ruble. Bali narahovyutsya clients, for the first time they gave the card of the Strichka company. Bonuses are paid on the day following the day of registration.

Activate the card

1. We go to the website of the Strіchka company for the address: https://anketa.lenta.com/

2. Enter a 12-digit card number, which is on the front side, press: Continue

3. Fill in the questionnaire (P.I.B., date of birth, address of residence, mobile phone number, email addresses.)

4. We are pressing on.

4. Enter the confirmation code

An SMS confirmation with a confirmation code will be sent to the number of the style phone, so you need to enter it at the end of the day.

Term of activation - 1 day after registration. 150 points will be awarded at the time of filling in the form.

Purchase card

Purchase card Strіchka- This plastic card gives discounts on any goods purchased in the hypermarket. The right to take part in special promotions:

1. On the hands of a map of a regular client, you became a participant in the bonus program.

2. Get a purchase card, you can win a valuable prize, draws are held regularly.

3. As a master of the card, you take away the opportunity to buy your favorite products for promotions.

4. We bought a fast purchase card, and you can buy goods with a 30-hundred discount. Stay tuned for updates so you don't miss out on this great discount.

5. If you buy a card, you can get the goods cheaper during the seasonal sales period.

How to get enough of the bottoms

The discounts are getting worse by the clients for the installed minds:

  • The amount of the reduction in the warehouse from 1 kopeck to 99 kopecks, so the amount of money received in the store for a cash receipt in the warehouse is more than 100 rubles and will not be a multiple of 1 ruble.
  • At times, if the amount of purchase is less than 100 rubles and is not a multiple of 10 kopecks, then the discount will be from 1 to 9 kopecks. The discount is given for the additional rounding of the bill for the cashier's check, up to a dozen kopecks per customer's cost.
  • The discount is rewarded for the additional reduction of the most expensive purchases in the check, the cream of tyutyunov and alcoholic drinks, which are sold for a minimum vartistyu.
  • As if the price of money for a check is equal in price, a discount will be applied to the first from them for a check document.

Strіchka nizhka at national day

In order to take the money off on the day of the people, the card holder will have to take such minds:

  • The birthday boy can be the master of the Lenta purchase card.
  • It is necessary to fill out a questionnaire at the information station.
  • Please let me know your contacts and dates for receiving data via SMS or email.
  • The date of birth may be confirmed by documents that confirm the person of the client.
  • Get a special coupon for informational posts.

At the moment of making purchases, hand over the coupon and the card of the pracіvnikovі kasy.

If so, please provide the following information:

  • the action is expanding the number of retail outlets;
  • a 15% discount is accumulated with a discount for the Lenta card and a special coupon;
  • You can withdraw the discount more than once at the lines of 15 days (at the very day of the people, and 7 days before the new day);
  • discounts for purchases are not summed up, as if for a pribannya є two discounts, then you need to pay a lot;
  • at times, if a minimum price has been imposed on the goods, reductions can be fixed, at times the risk of damage to the minimum prices established by legislative regulations;
  • by means of a promotional offer, the client can buy with a reduced coupon no more than 500 units of products;
  • the promotion is not extended to gift coupons for the store, the Strichki discount card and Tyutyunov's products;
  • give a discount only after the presentation of the coupon and the purchase card;
  • payment of compensation to the penny equivalent is not transferable;
  • the company is deprived of the right to claim, award, change the mind of these shares at any time, at any cost, you cannot cause damage to the side of the organization.

Rules for using Strichka card

When a card is stuck, it is necessary to comply with the following standards:

  • the skin client sees only one active card;
  • at the time of purchase, it is allowed to hold one card;
  • in order to get a discount, the buyer presents the card itself, or it is an analogue in electronic form (zastosovuyuchi mobile supplements);
  • without presenting the card, the client cannot withdraw the discount;
  • in case of any waste of the card, the clerk is guilty of telling about this fact to the practitioners of the information stand;
  • the spent card is blocked on the presentation of documents of the sergeant, which confirms this person;
  • The cards, which have been submitted to the information desk, are due in three months.

Ignorance of these norms is not recognized as a basis for any kind of claims from vlasnik cards.

How to take the card Tape-profile.tape.com

At the store Strіchka go to the information desk, de spіvrobіtniki іz happy to advise you and help you to issue it. In addition, you can consult with others.

For whom you need to fill in a small questionnaire, indicate your name, name, father's name, date of birth, home address, mobile phone number and email. In the questionnaire, you can give a year to receive information from Strechka, a year to participate in the experiment and a year to receive checks by e-mail, or to receive a change.

How much is the card of Strichka?

The questionnaire was filled in and handed over to the spivrobitnik shop, it is necessary to pay a fee for the Strechka card in the amount of 200 rubles. The price of the card is fixed, but on the days of special offers, the price may be reduced. About what you can find out, following the promotions and special offers of the store on our website.

After buying a card, you can get 150 bonuses,

  • 50 bonuses like a bath;
  • 100 bonuses per year for the acquisition of promotional information from assigned contact details (email, phone).

How to take a card Strіchka free of charge

Post-purchase card Strіchka є paid. It’s a pity, it’s impossible to take it without cost. However, on the day of the action, you can get it cheaper, lower on the regular days.

How to accumulate bali on the Strichka card

Bonuses are accumulated on a card purchased from different stocks. bonuses, which are accumulated, are accumulated when accumulated and depleted at the line, which are covered by the regulations of the promotion. Wash the shares, the period of the їхної dії, the terms of the bonuses for them are published on the official website of the Lenta company.

The accumulated balls of the client can be zastosovuvat for vlasniy bazhannyam at the moment rezakhunka for purchases. You can win bonuses at all outlets of the Lenta company, regardless of the place of purchase of the card and the holding of promotions, for which bonuses are withdrawn.

Otrimani bali win for such minds:

  • the quantity is not more than 99% of the product price, but not less than 1 ruble;
  • at the same time, as the minimum wage has been imposed on the goods, the reduction can be reduced in order to prevent damage to the MRC;
  • the discount does not apply to the purchase of tyutyun gifts and tyutyun, Strichka, Strichka-Raiffeisenbank cards, Strichka gift cards;
  • if you win, the client has the right to choose a shorter payment method for purchases;
  • balls, yakі not stained, zalishayutsya on a bonus account that can be vikoristanі for a long period, scho vydpovidaє promotions;
  • vital bonuses and bonuses for the year on the withdrawal of information save 31 days from the day of the accrual.
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