Vusa. Varieties of spirits: yak trapleyatsya and yak pіdіbrati. Yak pіdіbrati fashion vus

Vusa - to finish the spirna part of the human being. Well, the stinks are different. It is important to point out how the headwomen would have looked without them: Semyon Budionniy, Hercule Poirot, Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Salvador Dali, Frank Zappa, Mikhailo Boyarsky.

Ale є y іnshі, scho vіdshtovhuyut, not receiving vus. For example, a good actor Michael Sirk. Navіscho vіn virіshiv їх vіdrostiti, unreasonably.

Vusa with a small beard or watery stubble, even though the rіk vvazhayutsya stylish. Ale, okremo stinks catch on anyway. A beard without a wus is associated with boatswains, as they furrowed the seas for a hundred years. And the beardless hair is with the heroes of the films of the 70s and 80s (especially if there are sideburns in the set).

Vusa mayut bezperechnі minusi

1. The stench is not suitable for everyone. Є cholovіki, kakikh vous to shy away unacceptable and old-fashioned. Here, like from a zachіskoy - it is necessary to resolutely pick up those that suit you yourself. It is possible, to start not varto, to begin to revitalize the voice.

For example, Henry Cavill, the stately Superman at the height of his powers, turned his head into an unintelligent lumberjack.

"Vusiki - tse perepuska in panties" - say folk wisdom. The presence of hair above the upper lip means that a man is standing in front of you, not a boy. Go yourself about writing growth, and not about nezaymane, nedotorkan climbing harmat.

Vusa roar quietly, who has a negarna batig on his cheeks, like an Indian. You look like a grown-up, shoving Azerbaijani, an obsessive head of a collegiate millionaire, a senior scientific specialist, a porn actor of the 80s and a fashionable hipster. Mustache cool boys wore whiskers: Albert Einstein, Hulk Hogan, John Carpenter, Semyon Mikhailovich Budionniy, Soso Vissarinovich and Navit Adolf... ""I showed myself the name of a musical instrument.

Zrozumіlo, I choose to lie down in front of you. Їhnya rіznomanіtnіst viklikає zadrіst navіt have beards. Ale in front of him, how to choose your own form, a small liknep of another, decent lad, but yakі nі.

If you have thicker, dumb jungles of Cambodia, darker hair, then you will feel the greatest comfort with such forms as "Olivets", "Fu Manchu" and "Toothbrush". If you don't want to, forget it, you wore Charlie Chaplin, and in history there was only one Austrian with whiskers, like Chaplin's.

Rice. 5.11. Vus "Salvador Dali"


Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist, artist, graphic artist, sculptor, director (Fig. 5.12). One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. In life, vying with eccentricity and shocking shocking behavior.

Rice. 5.12. Salvador Dali

Napivkruglі povnі vusa (fig. 5.13) lie down "fathers of families". These are good-natured and vrіvnovazhenі people, for those who are calm and kind family is a life ideal.

Rice. 5.13. Drink round face

Today, hair and a beard have become a regular trend in the world of human fashion. Smooth-shouldered men are not in posh. It is important that a young person becomes more sexual and accommodating, as if she has a beard (or else at the same time). Ale vybіr vusіv i beard - tse suto іndivіdualny protsess, oskіlki incorrectly chosen form and dozhina can have a proliferative effect.

Yak vibrati vusa

Among the human population, the demand was always popular. The stinks serve as a color and a reserve for a cardinal transformation of zovnіshnostі. And for the help of such details, you can grab some small pieces and adjust the shape of the face. High haircuts can be the most manipulative, and it is necessary to choose the same, as it harmonizes with the personality of a person.

When choosing the forms of the vusіv, it is necessary that the stench ideally fit to the rice and the form of your appearance. It is also important to vrakhovuvat the shape of the nose and the position between the pіdborіddy, mouth and nose. Vzagali, haircuts are due to the work of professionals, as they fit individually to the skin client, his style.

R_novidi vusіv

The forms of the Vusіv can be different for the expansion and dovzhina. There may be a hundred kinds of different kinds of flowers. Let's take a look at the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This variety of names in honor of the famous artist Salvador Dalі and є vytyagnutymi whiskey, yakі zakruchuyuyutsya dogori. Choosing such a form, it is necessary to know that the stench will require a lot of time to put it down.
  • Pidkov. The name of such a vus was taken away by the zavdyaks of the form, similar to the thrown kіnsk pіdkovu. Growing stench along the edges of the kutochkіv rota i zakіnchuyutsya, dіyshovshi equal slits.
  • Imperial. Such a form was given to the monarchs and the nobility. Vus is guilty of buti schіlnymi and roztashovuvatisya along all the valleys of the lips, kіntsі twisted uphill.
  • Chevron. Vusa may be thick, great beyond the world and completely cover the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. Dovzhina tsikh vusіv may buti lower for a rіven slit. The stench is let in over the upper lip and everything is hairy, naturally, creamy, shaved.
  • Shade. The simplest and easiest form, as you can grow independently in the minds of your home without going to the aid of fahivtsiv.
  • English. Such haircuts were popular among the English military. The stench is long and thin, letting them in from the middle above the upper lip. Kіnchiki vusіv povinnі buti obov'yazkovo hospitable.
  • Artist's Penzel. Vusa grow up in a vzdovzh usієї linії rota, not long, but you can buty with food. Today it is even more popular among youth stakes.
  • Olivets. In order to reveal this form, one should revive the image of Johnny Depp in memory. The very wine is known for such whiskey - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The bushes are narrower in the mountains, take the cob and expand to the bottom, swollen the entire dozhina of the company.
  • Toothbrush. An ear of stink is taken under the very nose, small in width and thicker. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler gave the honor to such people.
  • Walrus. There is a great rosemary, thick and can completely close your mouth.
  • Handlebar. own with a sultry look The veins are similar to a bicycle kerm, to the fact that their corners are twisted uphill. Popular boules vusa handlebar during the middle of the soldiers during the first hour of the First Light War.
  • Only there. Nutrition, like a hair cut, does not blame the shape, because in fact it’s just a bristle, like it’s lost its moisture over the upper lip. This is how people love people, how not to like naked people.

Nuances to keep an eye on the wus

Haircut beard and vusіv - tse professional on the right, to that only a master can create an ideal shape, to approach the ovnіshnosti and oval guise. Ale є th zahalnopriynyati rules, yakі following the nobility. Gostrі kinchiki vusіv zavzhd it is necessary to fill with a hot razor. Filiruvannya with scissors was a little more laborious, so that the heads became smaller. To be carried out along the lower edge.

Before that, as a haircut, it is necessary to comb the sides of the cut. After that, you can tidy up the dovzhin with scissors and comb the vus in the center to the left and to the right, to give it a shape. Also, for nadannya form, you can speed it up with tongs. The stench is due to flat and stable heating.

Vusa and beard should be cut dry. In a different mood, take a look at the colossal difference among those who wanted to take care of the haircut of the hair and the final look.

Hair cutting tools

A haircut of a beard and a bush will require singing preparation, or rather, the presence of the necessary tools. In order to trim the beard and/or hair at home, a trimmer, knives, a comb and, obviously, a mirror are needed.

Knives are victorious in order to cut the line of hair and / or beards and cut hairs to wash. It is recommended to win a professional tool, but also the price to cut the temple.

The hair trimmer is a universal tool that can be used to cut hair, beard and hair. For this trimer are equipped with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not too high, because it is accessible to absolutely everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to choose the right trimmer for wood, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principles and rules.

  • As if the hair was thicker, it is necessary to choose a model from the forest, as it is regulated according to the length. For the obviousness of the soft and the eary hair, it is neobov'yazkovo.
  • Fallow in the sphere of vikoristannya it is possible to choose a dart or a current model for a car, which can be used to smoke a cigarette.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can add a pair of tools and nozzles for looking after the eyebrows, hair in the nose and nose, etc. Koshtuyut stink more expensive, but equipped with all the things to watch for the growth on the head.
  • The instrument is guilty of a good kick in the hand and handy.

How to cut hair correctly

And now - about the process itself.

  1. It’s necessary to comb the vus, so that the stench lay down on one sucrose equal line.
  2. Behind the help of the trimer (in the vertical position), the contour of the air is visible.
  3. Robimo framed, trimming the trimmer with the marking side up to you.
  4. Utrimuyuchi trimmer vіd itself markuvalnoy side, obroblyaemo line of vіvіv and lips, by the same time giving the growth of the necessary contour.
  5. The rest of the form robimo, trimming the tool climbing to myself.
  6. To fix the shape of the hair, you can speed it up with special wax.

In physiognomy, everything is important, including the hairline on the face. Those people who cover up part of their disguise with their whiskers and beards do not care to read this dilyanka to you. Moreover, it gives even more clues to the character of a person, even more than that, there is not a little hair on her face!

In physiognomy, the upper lip is associated with woman's energy. If a person wears a bus, it can mean that she will be ashamed to hang a woman's cob. Lyudina hovah upper lip under the whiskers, for fear that otochyuchi, knowing about її sensitivism, stop respecting її. People just want to look strong. And already it seems that this person began to be fed.

And the axis psychologists deshcho interpret in a different way the presence of a person in a person. Von vvazhayut that the form of vusіv can be "calculated" like those chi іnshі power character of a person, and th scaling vin skhilny to individuality chi, navpak, to inheritance. After thinking about the thoughts of psychologists and physiognomists, the author gives an offensive characterization of the special features of a person behind their heads. Ale Persh, for everything, I would like to point out the fact that the shape and size of the nose are known to us in front of an anatomical everyday individual, the size of the nose and lips. To that vusa it was accepted to divide into long, short, shortened, figured, picnic, narrow.

Written, ale omitted vusa, slightly twisted on the tips, to talk about those that your hairdresser does not know about his sharpness. You can calm your life without tension, if you live on the tide and don’t think about anything. Restaurants, women, gambling - what could be more beautiful for a person with such whiskey? It’s true, life is sometimes more painful, and even then it’s going nowhere, only those people need to take that right decision.

About'mni dovgi vus parallel to the lips. Nothing bad can be said about this person. As a specialty - instilled in oneself, it is strong. Yak fahivets - already knowing and nadijny. Like a sim'yanin - with a new squad, that child is born in the first place, and the wines are empowered with all the forces to create everything possible for them. And the possibilities for which wines can be.

Short hair. If a person is diyal, in order to create not just schos, but to expand his right, reporting for his nameless zusil, not giving in to blows and shares, and powers, then you can wear such a weight. How to instill vin to spend a mustache, which you have reached for a lot of rock, vin not to give up, but spent it on your wife. Tse dosit vpevnena in her own strength a person.

Forms of vusiv: a - written, ale omitted vus; b - ob'єmnі dovgі vus parallel to the lips; c - short vus.

Vusa twisted uphill. Most of the time, you can shake a person’s head like that, as you can see it like veins, so it’s a good look. At the beginning of the meeting, the author tells the story of Aram Khachaturian, composer, author of the famous ballet "Spartacus", about his audience with Salvador Dali. Those who Dalі vyrіznjavsya their shocking, not a secret for anyone. Ale those, with which Khachaturian got stuck... Having checked the sprat of the year, They gave at the majestic hall in Yogo Villa, Khachaturian tried to get in, but the doors were fixed. Having rapped the famous “Dance with the Patterns” from the ballet “Spartacus”, they made the majestic hinged doors, Gave their tops out of them on the pattern, in a negligee, galloped through the hall and the sign at the other, the same majestic doors. After what the viishov servant said, that the audience is over. Everything is up to the fact that Salvador Dali is thin and twisted uphill. Sound the noses of such spirits connected with mysticism, bohemian, they try to know something new - and know, and shy away those who have dared to rob them of their knowledge not for the whole world.

Napivkruglі pishnі vusa. A more good-natured person, vrіvnovazhena, calm, cіkava svіvrozmovnik - what can be said about this person. In addition, you must love your family and do not show your life without a calm family environment.

Hussar coats. The stench may look like a thin design, thin, garnih vusіv. Tse man, not to be afraid and to stand up for the girl, and in the unknown lands of viihati, firmly believing in their success. Smіlivіst, vіdvaga, napoleglivіst, umіnnya vyrishuvati naiskladnіshi zavdannya - the axis of this characteristic. At one time, a person with such whiskers looks like a hussar's soul. Kutiti - so on povnu cat, love - so on povnu.

Forms of vusiv (completion): a - vus, z'ednani z boridkoy; b - short vusa with tips lowered to the bottom; c – thin straight lines; g - vus, yak_ smoothly pass at the sideburns.

Vus embellish a person. It is possible to compare with tsim like always, but in our hour, people are stylish - an image of masculinity, elegance, vpevnennosti. It’s rich who, schob podkresliti tsі akostі, constantly changing yoga, experimenting. And all through fashion, like a strimko rush forward. She herself suggests, how to choose for yourself short version. Їy mi vdyachnі, and before it ї ztaєmos.

It is significant that the haircut is stylish at the same time - you quickly pick up the wraps directly. Do you want to know why? So read on. And if you have a stimulus, remember - your friends, colleagues, you know the status of a person, try more new elements of zvnishnosti. You can not compare with the statistics. Would you like to get better? Miraculously, you are here!

For a person, it is a rich opportunity to show one's specialty. Aje they have mercy on them, you have a fair appearance of wisdom. The form can call for promotion of interest to you from the side of the court. What is surprising, even though the appearance of such an element can be original, inspire untransformed.

Immediately, we are ready to show your arguments why elegant curls will help you give. The most chic! Aje, in such a state of being, there is a lot to change. You stink fit, to that:

  1. Give fortune. Significant and main reason for achieving goals. A leathery mind, that an approximate (and most often smooth naked) person is less than an office workaholic, who sometimes needs three more internal energy for cardinal changes. So the creative vein is thrown, the horizons are expanding, the creative skills are growing. Smuzhka over the lip and under it, subtly speak with an otochuchi that you are original, roboticists confirm that "this lad is clearly within reach of his own."
  2. Attach women's respect. The girls are the creation of cicadas, and your fluffy appearance instinctively calls them to grow closer, look at you better. Sometimes the phrase “Oh, how you have whiskers” speaks of the obvious zatsіkavlenіst pannochkoy your specialty.
  3. Give the appearance of literacy. Everything here made sense. Decals, sticking to the mind, professionalism, not leather can boast of majestic gains. Zovsіm іnsha richly dressed eyepieces, light bristle. You are a good speaker, you have all the respect.
  4. Receive emotions. Decals rather quietly, laugh indefinitely, imagining no one, turning on the risk to give yourself over to your non-serious laugh. A feature that helps to mask the right emotional rot (which is necessary). Koristiruetsya!
  5. Nevimushenno zmushyuyut vodchuvat yourself right, miraculously uplifting courage, bestow solidity familiar signs. Perebuvayuchi among smooth-witted cholovіkіv, a bushy male will get at least more respect. Placed before you will be natural, more important. Adzhe so you reinforce charisma, as if by a magnet it attracts everyone.
  6. They give you the opportunity to constantly change, develop new rice. It's like a miracle: today you're playing for one beloved actor, tomorrow you try the role of a leading writer, and then you turn into a comedy historical character.

Haircut vusiv, how can you see that form photo?

Podіlyayutsya on singing tipi, scho lie in the form of an individual. A square, round, tricot look with lightness can be given an attractive image, but you can also see the vibrancy of the immensity. To that great variety, which allows you to spend garnu robot joking straight ahead.

The form - on the right is deeply special, more richly experimented by someone, inexperienced by a variety of styles. Sometimes, similarly, they appear brown, carcolomic. Take away information about those who seem to have a voice, it is necessary to revisit a new future image. Especially, yakscho vie already recommended people. To that scho zvnіshnіst zavzhdі vіd vіgago drendily glancing. For a practical reasoning, let's look at it as a guide for our person.

Vus "Pidkov"

I will repeat the true name of this type. Zovni stink - wide pіdkova, turned the basis of the burn. Awakening hair of medium density under the nose, as if lying down in wide lines. The lines can be graphic, smooth, ending on the cob of the boron.

Vus pіdkov was often worn by soldiers during the first hour of the first light battle. You can explain with a solid, serious look that instills confidence, navіyuє masculinity, strength, power. Nini's haircut is actively supported by the popularity of bikers. The given model is highly visible on square, round shapes, giving it a vibrancy.

Italian voices

Still called balbo, in honor of the Italian founder. The zachіska is rich in styles, the shards allow you to see clearly. It is necessary to watch them carefully. Characteristic features є:

  1. Vіdsutnіst whisker.
  2. The beard and beard are separate, with clear contours.

Danish looking miraculously fit round-sighted people, square type. Form types є: rozrazneni curls, goatee, island beard.

By following similar styles, we will take the miraculous result of the search, yaku, to the speech, you can vikonat at home, lightly equipped:

  1. Increased overgrowth up to 0.4 cm.
  2. We vibrate the shocks. Clearly rozmetzhovuєmo sideburns line in the cranial region up to the middle of the company.
  3. Typewriter olyuєmo shyu vіd її foundations.
  4. Virіvnyuєmo vus to vykonannya straight line to the beast. Below we work for you. In this rank, the stench is water-creaming like a beard.
  5. Vikonuemo island vibrating, gently znimayuchi hair z-pod lower lip from both sides.

Axis yak just all Vikonati. A plus is those who do not need to grind long bristles.

Remember! Balbo - a variety of beard with the letter "T" with whiskers. The line of today's day is called. Crimson, growth in the lower folds of the company vigolyuetsya.

Vusa "shitochkoy"

This type of buv is especially popular in Europe, America, beginning in the 19th century. It is significant that Adolf Hitler wore such a shield at the beginning of the Other Holy War. Then we began to zastosovuvat.

Whenever possible, shave the stubble every 4 days, covering 3-4 centimeters of growth right under the nose.

Ukrainian colors

Who's going to get hair like that? As you have already understood, not less than Ukrainians, even the manner of wearing long curls can be appreciated by someone. The shape of the vuzka at the kintsy.

Tse shy with a razor, but with a thinning. As you can see the volume of the structure, you can profile the food ball with scissors to clean up the seal. For a change, cut the curls, comb with a comber from the ends to the root.

For proof! Vus, the beard survived the difficult hours during the reign of the French king Louis the 16th. Todi nobility inherited a minor ruler, wore orange jackets, all naked. We have lost the stench of the privileges of the better corrals of the earth's stone worker.

Vus "Bicycle kermo"

It is smart to guess the analogy. Cut your hair short or make it long. The haircut is suitable for people with a large structure. Good wind curls curl up and burn on the tips.

The effect is available to some cosmetic waxes. The form is also named after the name of the leading hero of the movie - "Poirot". To complete the fun trend appeared in the spring of 2012, actively concentrating on handbags, embellishments, clothes.

Chinese Vus

The skin people have their own peculiarities called rice, which are supported by genetics. The soundness of the Chinese is characterized by a rare growth. Few people go out, that often go naked, may not shake the bristles. Great is the growth of power for the summer elders, who linger in the strong regions.

The Chinese beard is a rіdkіst. Chinese theory folk medicine to say what the lad has, which can hug the stubble, function well chewing mikhur. The Ієroglyph of the organ means courage. That is why there is a thick-haired man in the guise of a hero.


Comrade Stalin is such a sight to us. The curls are written, wide, which completely cover the upper lip. Classical fashion, so very popular. Pik tsієї zachіski fell on 70-80 r.r. of the past century, continuing to lose ratings. Chevron gives the image of hardness, pompousness, pompous brilliance, good baldness on its vibrancy.

Roblyachs are such a watchdog, it’s necessary to look closely. An hour of staining is not rich, a haircut is completely pliable. The people of the western lands are closely related to the model by looking at the musician Freddie Mercury. Russia has such an actor, a sort of engraver Novoseltsev. Let's say "Service Romance". Vin zahopiv with his "chevron" millions of peeps. A similar butt is a sign of the popularity of chevrons.

Important! Fashion is a manifestation of the mind, as if it were a process of prosperity. Dekilka rokіv vvazhala stylish bristleness, today a small beard is relevant. To that food, which looks better - short stubble, a beard of a frill, or a chepurnі vus, nourishment for the intelligence of thoughts. Zagalny template start up buv, change with new products. Golovne - internal appeasement to an extraordinary image, lightness, comfort.

fu manchu

The curls are long, thin, to pass through the destruction of the beast to її kinchikiv. They can win the vshchent pidboridya. Often they come together with a small bristle at the bottom of the company. In an hour, a third one is added to the main walls, which goes down to the bottom. This type has been proven by the Chinese.

Some fu mancha stray from the house we are already "pidkovoy". The principal difference between them is that fu Manchu grows up in the gully of the upper lip. Hanging down, the stinks are like tentacles. Pidkova - tse growing hair on the side of the company, dumb letter U (pidkova). Until then, it takes more than an hour to wake up fu manchu.


In fact, the same kind of "bicycle kerm". 2017, giving їy new dihannya, proponuyuschih vlasniks to add її, having fashionable haircut and forelock, burn out combing.

Wusas are embracing over the upper lip; As far as looking at the type, such an option is best suited for a well-trodden person.

Please! Buvay, for swedish sprout the hair of a person is rubbed with olive oil, lotion, drinking different vitamins. Tse is ineffective. Roslinnіst on appearance develops normally, fallowly in view of the peculiarities of the organism. Enough healthy way life, garne eating.

Vusa Dali

Light, pretty. And all through its own subtlety, originality, like a pull like a grown-up, so young people.

And it is not obov'yazkovo zahoplyuvatisya creativity of the great artist. Just shave them on a kstalt fu mancha, carefully laying the gel. A classic variation is kіntsі zaginati uphill. Ale, having dreamed up a little, you can lay a spiral, which I swear.


The volume is hairy, it sounds like it starts from the central part to the sides, ending over the folds of the company. You can still do more of the next month. The writing of the zachіska will be laid down again, as the Vlasnik is ready to see them.

Ugorshchina is a country, which seems to be called a haircut. For a sprat to stand at the deserts of the Wild Sunset, the stench has become relevant again. They are used by bank employees, sheriffs. Feel bad.


Small whiskers, shaved at the upper and lower parts. Tovshchina ikhnya olivtsev, for some reason the name is worthy. Marked by the popularity of boules 30-50 pp., if idols from Hollywood, for example, Clark Gable, there is a small tendency to wear similar ones. At the same time, guitarist Kirk Hemmet of the world-famous band Metallica was recognized by the stage persons of the Ugrian zachistka.

Haircut with a regular blush. In those years of the 20th century, fashionable characters - mafia, were worn so often. Zavdyakov tsomu zavdyat gangster, trips from Italy - an image, de ob'yazkovo present thin lines above the lip of the beast. Elegant, wait a minute?

Imperial Vus

Similar to the handlebars that appeared on the cob of the 20th century. See like this:

  1. With sounding kintsy, just burn down to marvel.
  2. Wide, voluminous curls, laid under the handlebar, which can be more fluent.

Appropriate and important for the elders, and young youngsters, supporting the finesse of fineness.


Tricky looking. Trochs predict the look of a chevron. Ale їhnya form more correct. The white of the nose is narrower, the white of the base is wider. Vvazhayutsya classics, suitable for any kind of drive. Vlasnikov of a similar type is rather rich. Better for everything, your grandfather, or maybe, dad, tried to wear that haircut. The stench navіyuyut life of the seventies, free sounds, look, especially from the country.

It's hard to think that you can't experiment here. Letting your hair down, you can grow a little fluff under your lip from below. The image will become similar to the American composer Frank Zappa.


Wide, large zachіska. Zachіsuєtsya down or stacked from the sides. The edge of the hairs from the bottom is trimmed to a level. Often such a voluminous twisting is often a little bit like closing the mouth. Friedrich Nietzsche and Mark Twain were the representatives of such a model.

Who sees this type? Vіn osyayuє your appearance vpevnіstyu, serёznіstyu. People, marveling at you, represent a viable, literate person, listening to your thoughts. Ale z look practice walrus is best called smoothly. Aje їsti importantly, curls often wander. Are you ready to take a look? Go ahead!

Vusaty and rich!

Yes, friends, yes. The cities are the most prosperous. A similar old-fashioned looking good will come along with his character, style, manner of conduct. Crimean finance, tormented by all spheres of life. Even if a person reaches the result, then as a whole. Adopt kokhani skin characters, among those who are among those who are representatives, bring them to the point. Please, make your wealth grow better!

"Vusiki - tse perepuska in panties" - say folk wisdom. The presence of hair above the upper lip means that a man is standing in front of you, not a boy. Go yourself about writing growth, and not about nezaymane, nedotorkan climbing harmat.

Vusa roar quietly, who has a negarna batig on his cheeks, like an Indian. You look like a grown-up, shoving Azerbaijani, an obsessive head of a collegiate millionaire, a senior scientific specialist, a porn actor of the 80s and a fashionable hipster. Mustache cool boys wore whiskers: Albert Einstein, Hulk Hogan, John Carpenter, Semyon Mikhailovich Budionniy, Soso Vissarinovich and Navit Adolf ... Haha, no, not the one you thought about, but Adolf Sachs, whose nickname for adding the suffix “fon” was є the name of the musical instrument.

Zrozumіlo, I choose to lie down in front of you. Їhnya rіznomanіtnіst viklikає zadrіst navіt have beards. Ale in front of him, how to choose your own form, a small liknep of another, decent lad, but yakі nі.

If you have a thicker, dumb jungle of Cambodia, darker hair, then you will feel the greatest comfort with such forms as “Olivets”, “Fu Manchu” and “Toothbrush”. If you don't want to, forget it, you wore Charlie Chaplin, and in history there was only one Austrian with whiskers, like Chaplin's.

Vlasniks of straight, thick hair should choose a wide mustache. As a rule, thin hair is narrower than tall, but it’s unlikely that you will be able to create a look of thick beauty, like Nietzsche’s, like your hair is thinner. Better for everything, the stench just sounds like a mouthful of mouths, trying to get into your mouth.

It is recommended for lucky women of wide ties to wear such titles as “English tunic”, “Walrus” and “Chevron” ranks.

An important role is played by choosing the shape of the beard. Vlasniks of the so-called "Trikutnik", so as not to set up an invisible light of the fence, need a short hair. "Walrus" and "Fu Manchu" to transform you into a caricature character, which one has more disguise, "Olivets" is an ideal solution.

The oval shape is considered to be universal, the shards to it fit a lot of types of flowers.

Round-faced peasants need a voice, as if they were visually shattering the appearances of the more victorious. To that categorically unique thin ears, my round-headed friend. "Olivets", "Chevron", "Pyramidalni" vryatuyu you like aplomb.

For people in disguise, who make a square in shape, for smoothing rice, curl “Handlebury”, “Fu Manchu” and “Pyramidalni” vus. Even more hair curls in the face!

Like vidrostiti chic vus.

Well, now it’s bezposeredno to the heads themselves. Choose a form, make idols, marvel at the mirror and put a razor.


Everyday curls, no frills, just wide, tovstі vus, which curl the upper lip. For serious people, on the kshtalt of Josip Vissarionovich Stalin.

fu manchu

Fu Manchu is a literary character created by Sax Romer. A wisp of evil with long thin whiskers, lowered to the bottom. If you are not the soloist of the Dschinghis Khan group, and you do not plan to dominate the Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia, the guise is not similar to Shao Kahn, then it was unreasonable if you are wearing them.


There is a vus, however, in width, which grows to a line of cracks, similar to a thrown pidkov. In the "Fu Manchu" їх vіdіznyає those, scho scho they do not hang, that line itself is richly wider, lower in the Asian bushes. The area above the folds of the company should not be bare, everything fits to that. So much love to wear bikers, Cossacks and Hulk Hogan. How close is it to you from the above mentioned - you know what to work.


From the English language, the name is translated as "Bicycle Kermo". The famous curls of the whiskers, which are especially popular with young people who are overgrown with hair. The stench can be as long as it is, so short - everything lies in the hair. Naygolovnіshe - tse robiti correct curls on the ends. And here, as it seems, I'm here to help.

If you are a soldier of the hour of the First Light (for which we doubt it), or a dude who resolutely follows him, then it’s great to embellish your fashionable muzzle.

English language

Tovstі vusa, which originates from the middle of the upper lip and is rather twisted at the ends of a thin-thin tube. To such heights, the cylinder does not rise, the tailcoat and conversation in the style of “Three at a coat, not rahuyuchi dogs”, but rather in the style of Hercule Poirot. Khocha Kukriniksi loved the little ones like that for the bourgeoisie.


To show an idiot who is carried uphill, rather twisted targanov's whisker of a great artist, and I will say his diagnosis.

Imperial Vus

Even the hair grows not only on the upper lip, but also stretches up the cheeks uphill, inconspicuously moving through the sideburns with the hairline of the hairline. For such heads, it is necessary to be namingly pathetic and self-sufficient, like an emperor Russian Empire that of the Austro-Ugric region, or the late Lemmy Kilmister, who gave life to our friend.


The head of the vus is of a tri-cut form, the trochs are similar to the vus of a chevron, but more of the correct form, the vuzki of the nose and the wide base of the base. Classical and well-groomed for all the fluctuations of life. Perehrovuvat їх vlasnikіv stupidly, more stench abused the legendary guise of Ron Jeremy, a cowboy from the Village People, and find their time with Nicolas Cage. Possibly, your tato chi didus wore them. They smell so much like the 70s, they smell like cocaine and bits of cocaine that got entangled in their hairs.

And if you grow stronger, let the fluff under your lower lip in parallel, you can become similar to Frank Zappa.


In the 20-30s, half of the people on the planet Earth wore the same color. For example, such a legendary person, like the People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of the SRSR Genrikh Yagoda and Marshal Blucher. Nina, to wear їх, the need of the mother chimalo vіdvagi, even though history forgot їх over the upper lip to wind with Charlie Chaplin, and Adolf Hitler.


Thick vus, combed in the center of the ubik, sound and end up less on the equal kutochkiv company and the troch far away. As a rule, the rhubarb of their own writing is deposited in the nights of their sackcloth.

If you pay attention to the name, then it doesn’t matter if you realize that the fashion for such a name originated in the Ugor region. After a hundred years at the deserted canyons of the Wild Sunset, the stench gained a friend's youth, resting on the guise of banking employees, sheriffs and other evil spirits.


Fluffy that hangs over the lips of the vus. Such vus often cover the mouth. If you don’t appreciate the prospect of constantly wandering around in borscht and wearing the “Mr. tusk”, then, be kind, wake up. Let yourself think about those who wore such a hair like Mark Twain, Friedrich Nietzsche, and you are a millimeter closer to their greatness.

Only there

Ledve commemoration and short hair, like nothing is disturbed by the stupendous stubble. The only vіdmіnіst - їхніх віхіх відмініїї roslinіnіst clearly skimped only above the upper lip and on the chin. Such people also do not like to be naked today.


Small thin vus, often underfoot to the beast or below. The main reference point of the їхної comradeship was the olives, the smells of which stink and won their name. In the 30s, 40s and 50s, stench was famously popular with such Hollywood idols as Clark Gable, who became synonymous with cih woes. Without them, it is impossible to reveal the identity of Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett.

Such a vusa, which loomed over the watchful sight of that respect, was worn by the most fashionable individuals of that hour - the mafia, so that the image of an inveterate gangster of the Italian campaign cannot be dispensed with without neat smug women over the upper lip. Zreshtoy, Vito Corleone at the viconan Marlon Brando without dropping her elegant hairs.

What do we know about such a part of a person's image as a whistle and as if you see a wus? The fashion for wearing a vusіv is a rich rock. Vusas were always respected as a sign of aristocracy, masculinity and strength. Monarchs, nobles, officers wore them for royal hours. Pіznіshe vos have become a sensible element of a person's identity. Closer to our hour, the vus fashion has either sprung or appeared. And today the stench is vvazhayutsya trend holovіchoї zvnіshnostі.

History of popularity

If you want to radically change your style, obov'yazkovo start wearing your hair. On the back, you can feel the troch unhandedly, the shards to the new image will not just ring. Good luck to you, better for everything, your new image is worthy. With you, you look more like a smart and masculine person.

R_novidi vusіv

Vusa are of different shapes and sizes. Їхніх vidіv іsnuє impersonal. I am like a world of leather cholovik melodiously if he himself saw his own individual style of woos. At tsіy statti mi rozpovimo, yakі є є nabіlsh vіdomі і popular vivid vusіv.


The colors are twisted and sharply twisted uphill, wearing them in such a creative way as Salvador Dali. In order to wear such a style of women, we need to prepare to add some time to their styling.


Most of all, it’s a good thing, which, at first glance, predicts a burnt kіnsk pіdkovu. Vus is due to growth along the edges of the kutochkіv company and ends up less diyshovshi to rice cracks. Such a form of vusіv th among rich bikers. It is also a blessing to wear such a famous actor like Terry Hulk Hogan.

Shchіlnі vus, yakі roztashovuyutsya trohi vische for the upper lip along the whole її dozhina and trohi twist to the top. The monarchs and the nobles, whose name they called, also loved to wear them. Tsikavo, what kind of vousa did Budionov have.


The sucils are large vus, which completely cover the upper lip. Tom Selleck is happy to wear this style.

fu manchu

It is worth bearing the name of the main character from the work of the British writer Romer Sacks. Above the upper lip, dovetails are let in, as if they were not short for the bottom line of the slit. When tsimu over the edges of the mouth, the hair is resolutely shaved, which is. homemade rice which style.


The name speaks for itself. Tsya form vusіv strongly nagaduє lampshade. It is easy to put on such a form for everyone independently at home in front of a mirror.

The tufts of the company need to be burned, and the veins themselves are let in through the middle of the upper lip. The stench mayut buti thin and old with hospitable kinchiks. Under the hour of the war in England, such a coat was worn by the military.

Artist's Penzlik

Chi is not long-lived vusa, which grows along all the long lines of the company. With such whiskeys, we have repeatedly beaten Brad Pitt. Tsya form is popular among young people.


Vuzka is a thin coat of bristles above the upper lip. Worn in the 40s-50s of the last century, Hollywood actor Clark Gable.

Vus wide bіlya bases and vuzkі vgorі, scho guess the shape of the pyramid. Even more popular and popular among people.


Shіlnі small vusa, scho vіdpuskayutsya right under the nose. Vus vlastiv Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. The stench should go at that vopadku, as if you are worthy of a great vus.


Great rozmіru vus, yakі often overwhelm your mouth. So was the writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and Josip Stalin.


Vus, who predicts bicycle kermo, the shards of their tips twist uphill in rings. Italian sounds like spaghetti. They were often worn by soldiers during the First Light War.

Vusa "only there"

Small may be invisible whiskers. In fact, it’s just a stubble above the upper lip. If you hate the often shin procedure, this kind of work itself is for you.

Far from all types of human beings are more rehabilitated. But if you are aware of the main ones, you can see what is unique for yourself. Here everything is less than your vlasnoy fantasies. Add some creativity to your life and create a bright image that will be remembered for help.

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