Simple sensitive metal shukach. Simple and sensitive metal jukebox on two oscillators Small-sized sensitive electronic metal jukebox

The scheme of this metal detector is simple, there is one microcircuit, a transistor and a diode diode from the active elements. Regardless of the simplicity of the metal detector circuit, the building reflects the proximity of a mid-sized coin (2.5 cm in diameter) to a coil at a distance of about 10 cm, and large objects made of colored metals, at a distance of more than 1 meter!

Through a small number of parts, the attachment has even less energy (about 5 mA per 9V "Krona" battery), the simplicity of the setup and the presence of problems with any kind of guidance.

Schematic diagram of a simple metal detector

Another sensitive element is the oscillating circuit of the generator, chosen for the classical circuit of the VT1 transistor. With the help of the additional resistor R1, where there is a large amount of water in the loop, the generator is set in a special mode, which is more sensitive to the quality factor of the coil circuit. Remain, with your blackness, lie in the middle, where the contour is known.

Depth zbudzhennya generator determines the constant voltage at point "A".

Shards of voltage lie not in the frequency, but only in the depth of the generator's excitation, but, unfortunately, they do not give the possibility of differentiating the metal, which they appear, behind their magnetic powers, but there are no high powers, but the worst parameter is for reaching the necessary sensitivity.

Constant voltage, which is measured from the point “A”, through the screening of the wire (whether it be brand) go to the two-stage power supply, pick up the two op-amps, which enter the warehouse of the DA1 microcircuit.

Capacitor C4 is supposed to be connected not to a deadly bolt, but in the same way, as shown in the diagram - plus eating to turn off a positive whirlpool connection.

Diodes VD1 and VD2 - silicon, with a small back strum. The stench is necessary for swedish renewal podsiluvach mode for revealing great metal objects.

On the OS DA1.3, an audio frequency generator is selected, which is activated when the difference in potentials at the input is changed, which is inverted and not inverted.

For the help of diodes VD3 and VD4, the voltage at the inputs is separated, and the frequency effect is reached. Tse duzhe korisna power, t. to. for the obviousness of this newcomer, the change in frequency helps to determine the value of the subject, and to estimate its value. Diodes VD3 and VD4 are responsible for the minimum voltage drop in a direct switch (for example, you can beat KD419).

An inverter is selected on the DA1.4 element, which serves to increase the loudness of the sound of the piezoelectric emitter.

Alignment of the generator

Alignment of the generator is fixed in this way. Instead of a constant resistor R1, a replacement resistor is installed with a support of 10 kOhm, and the second motor is moved to a position that provides maximum support.

When the support is changed, the voltage at point “A” will also change, as shown in fig. levoruch. As soon as it’s necessary to pinch the change and change more often. It is necessary to fix the moment, if the voltage at point “A” becomes minimal, to reduce the voltage of the replacement resistor and replace it with a constant one with the same support.

The generator is installed on an okremіy small plate in direct proximity to the coil. All parts of the generator may be precise.

The transistor can be practically a p-n-p structure, navit germanієvim with little effort.

Capacitor C1 should be used with a capacity of 5-20 nF (502 - 203) for maximum circuit sensitivity. Sometimes a good result is obtained when C1 is connected not to the winding II, which is the base, but to the wire. Capacitors C1 and C2 are bazhano pl_vkov_ z small TKE.

Coil contour maє diameter 14-16 cm, 260 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.2-0.5 mm are wound on it with lacquer insulation with the introduction of one hundred and sixteenth turn. If the cat is chosen summarily, then the sensitivity of the attachment will appear like a poultice (up to 15-20 cm for a coin).

Let's forgive and finish the carcass of the cat, made from three pieces of corrugated cardboard. The middle fold may have a troch with a smaller diameter, the lower one is extreme. Crim hardness, corrugated cardboard can be indestructible heat and insulating power, which can be victorious to improve the stability of the work and build it.

So, as a generator of picks on chip-elements (smd), it can be easily placed between cardboard balls, which can sharply change the flow to a new temperature drop. Ekranuvati or heat-insulating the seam I will attach not obov'yazkovo.

Priest is guilty of living in a stabilized dzherel. One of the variants of the stabilizer is shown in fig. more. As a stabilizer, you can beat the imported microcircuit L7808 with stabilization for 8 or more analogues.

Option to pay on the side of the road.

P O P U L I R N O E:

    A set of radio components and a handy board for independent folding of the impulse metal detector "PIRAT"

    Metaloshukach PIRAT- one of the most popular simple impulse metal shockers with good sensitivity. Yogo can pick up a radioamator-pochatkіvets.

    As if everything is soldered correctly, the cat is broken without pardon, the details are all right - the scheme starts to work again. From the main ones, there is only one replacement resistor.


    Appliance reacting to the change of ionizing vibration in the people

    expanse of a way to increase or change the number of light spalahs in one hour, for example, for a whilin. Vіn is sensitive to the cosmic radiation background, ahead of people about the change in the radiation situation in Denmark, and can know the stagnation, for example, as an indicator of the level of concentration of radioactive elements that are in the materials. It is possible for geologists, commanders of civil defense headquarters, service personnel in radiological installations, at the hour of the night, to be involved in the non-ruinous control of the quality of materials for the help of the ionizing vibrance in the equipment of the noise, if there is little noise. Korisniy and Tim, who is engaged in the protection of nature.

    The principle of operation of the air conditioner

    Split system (air conditioner) at once into the skin booth. Let's take a look - how does a split system (air conditioner) work?

Use two types of detector sensitivity. One pushes the strength of the struma - the intensity of the signal, which transmits the metal shocker. The second type of strength is power, which accepts an attachment. With increased sensitivity of another type, you will receive signals from good targets, as well as threshold noise and electromagnetic interference (like stench in this mass).

Improving the ground balance without intermediary influencing the signals that are generated. At one value, for example, a hot stone gives signals. If you choose another value for the balance of the soil, then there will be almost no pebbles from the room. As if with any increase in sensitivity, the signals from the rock and the hot stone simply sound louder. However, if the ground is properly balanced, and the hot stone is turned off, then the voice will be less of a “good” signal.

So, the balance of the ground, or, on deyaky metal shukachs, the type of ground, or the mode of the joke - may be the first, more important value, the shards of the stink itself will signify that the metal detector is bachitime. And the axis Sensitivity (Sensitivity) and Strength (Gain) may have secondary meaning.

Adjustment of the sound, loudness of the signal, threshold, tone, audio sound and other adjustments are indicated in order to change the signal after the fact of manifestation. Seemingly simpler, for the help of these options, you will tune into metal sounds, as if you want a little.

I will designate that the main problem of digging, yakі eksperimentuyut iz nalashtuvannyami, є vіra vіra in yakys "distant" chi "enchanting" set nalashtuvani. Vin, for an idea, can bring greatness a lot of knowledge. So the axis: there are no such charms. Life of magic. It’s just that different types of targets see different signals, and we spit on them, showing the first ones. And our brain is constantly being processed with additional signals, such as additional secondary settings.

The main improvement is simple - the balance of the ground. In my opinion, it's better to choose the type of setting you want, if you see it. However, after all, everything is hard. I, for example, want a metal stunner, which will kill the whole hour and signal less for gold. І ні on scho іnshe!

Here again I blame the problem. Navit find the detector all the same type of threshold tone. Deyakі poshukovichi love to listen aloud in the new, with pauses in the threshold tone, dribbling or deep-lying meta. And so people are ruined, as if they do not smell the threshold.

Sometimes it starts "grass with lashings". The threshold is lowered, but sensitivity is increased. Porovnyuyuchi with the car, you push the galmo, zbіlshyuyuchi at tsimu vice on the gas pedal. It is necessary to understand what insults are being made - and the feeling, and the threshold - the second. I practice with the first one, as I wrote more - with the sub-construction of the detector for the first time.

After many fates, having touched in the hands of hundreds of metal slugs and having splintered from thousands of people, I came to the understanding of what really lies in our hands and mines. All the differences have a voice: the axis, for example, I set the threshold quietly, and you can get drunk. As a rule, a threshold tone, a background rumble is established on the basis of the strangeness, ale wine in all variations. If your brain is good enough, then you will see that you have been searching for a long time already, but the background rumble is still the same. Zvichayno, I want to twist yoga lower. I often find yoga to be practically insensible.

My brain and my style evoke a permanent acoustic sounding link. Theoretically, I'm dreaming about metal shukachi, which gives a signal only to gold. Ale, dozens of rocks at the right side of the latrine taught me a joke about what is so impossible. That's why for me at the same time, the priority is to attach a constant signal, well, at least - with a constant threshold tone. I with polyphony. I want a little signal from the earth, I'm going. Kozhen metaloshukach maє his mova, and de people smell only an unacceptable rumble, I will understand the symphony. I understand my language. The first thing to improve the sensitivity of the metal-shukach is to my brain.

Area of ​​activity (techniques), up to which wine descriptions can be entered

The know-how of the development, and the very knowledge of the author's wines can be brought to the gallery of physics and geophysics of how to reveal strum-conducting and ferromagnetic objects for additional induction coils that create a changing magnetic field.


Metaloshukach (8) to avenge the reference and generators that are being re-energized, to add a salvage bell, to the transmission coil, connected with the output of the substation, and to add an indication.

Metaloshukach (8) pratsyuє offensive rank. When approaching the transmission coil of the generator, which is being re-awakened, to a metal object in a new one as a result of the change magnetic field Viniki Vikhrovsky Strumi, Scho, secondarin by the Magnitne field of the object, yake of the transmitted cat's cats, to be overwhelmed, I to draw a signal in the niy here, the viclika of the frequency of the generator il izyndikatsya, the appendix in the zaspyu is a gear -up.

Rnrnrn rnrnrn rnrnrn

However, due to the sharp weakening of low-frequency magnetic fields due to the appearance of the field's dzherel (because of the laws of physics), the intensity of their depth of manifestation of objects in this metal-shukachi is clearly small.

To the head of the proponated wine-walking is the promotion of the sensitivity of the metal-shukach.

The Zavdannya is set for the rakhunok, the same in Metaloshukachi, the support of the supporting il, the generator of the I -Indikatsya, the producer generator, chop up, can be overwhelmed by pydsilyuvachi і ogi ibi iz the generator of additional security with a primal coil and a sumator, enter the connection with the output of the primal coil and the output of the lancet of the return link, and the output of the connection with the input of the switch of the return link.

In this rank, for the rahunok of sukupnosti, it is a sign of the attainment of the creation of a metal shukach, the sensitivity of such, and also, the depth of the manifestation of objects, which is signifi- cantly greater than those of the prototype itself.

The technical solution is declared and explained on the armchair.

Block - is shown in Fig. 1 consists of advancing elements:
1. Restart generator
2. Reference generator
3. Pidsilyuvach zvorotnogo vyazku
4. Transmission coil
5. Acceptable cat
6. Attachment of indication
7. Adder
In addition, for an explanation of the robotic metal-shukacha on the flowchart of fig. 1 additionally shown:
9. The subject of a joke
10. Changing the magnetic field of the transmission coil.

11. Secondary field for search subject
12. Extra field of the transmission coil, to induce EPC extraneous near the receiver.

pratsyuє advancing rank

In the metal shackle (div. block diagram in Fig. 1) the transmission coil 4 and the receiver coil 5 are mutually oriented and fixed so that the excess voltage is induced in the receiver coil 5 in the field of the transmission coil 4 was close to zero, and the coefficient of transmission of the lantern zvyazku 7 vybyraetsya flooring is small, so that the total voltage at the input of the substation 3 will be minimal, but sufficient for the self-excitation of the generator to be re-energized.

When a metal object 9 appears in the magnetic field 10, the transmission coil 4, the secondary field 11 reaches both coils 4 and 5 at once and induces a small EPC signal in them, so that in the first case it is transmitted without middle voltage from the high voltage on the other transmission coil at the input of the switch 3. The phase of the EPC signal, induced by the secondary field in the coil, lies in the form of metal (magnetic, non-magnetic), configuration of the object, its position, etc. and in practice, it does not change in any way from the phase of the voltage of the turning link at the input of the booster. Apparently, with the sum of the changing voltages of the different phase, the phase shift of the total signal will be greater, the smaller the difference in signal amplitude. Так як підсилювач має властивість зберігати фазове співвідношення між входом і виходом незмінним, отримаємо, що мала ЕРС сигналу, сумуючись на вході підсилювача з порівняно малим напругою зворотного зв'язку, приведе до значно більшого фазового зміщення напруги на передавальної котушці і викличе також значно більше зміщення the frequency of the generator, which is being re-energized, is lower without intermediary injection of the EPC signal to the transmission coil 4, which will bring the sensitivity of the metal shocker to an absolute increase. In case of a direct injection of the secondary field 11 of the subject 9 onto the coil 4, there is little space for laying, which can be countered.

Rnrnrn rnrnrn rnrnrn

The principle electrical circuit of a sensitive metal jukebox is shown in Fig. 2. The oscillator, which needs to be reset, has 1 cycle on the DD1 microcircuit and replace the transmission coil L1 and the capacitor C1 for manual tuning. Reference oscillator 2 oscillators on microcircuit DD2, quartz resonator ZQ1 and resistor R3. Pidsilyuvach zvorotnogo zv'yazku 3 vykonaniya on the microcircuit DA1, which is composed of two elements DA1.1 and DA1.2. Prior to the input of the first element DA1.1, a receiving coil L2 is connected. The lance of the turning link is added up with resistors R5 and R6, the summation of signals at the input of the signal is built up behind an additional adder, which is connected to resistors R4 and R5. Attachment of indication is fixed on microcircuits DD3... DD8.

A technical decision is being made to overturn the task to stand in front of the winemaker.

At this time, the technical solution, which is characterized by the consistency of the indicated signs, which are declared, is not known in Russian Federation the one beyond the cordon, the other one vydpovіdaє vymogam category "novelty".

The technical solution is claimed to be original, simply simple and improved in accordance with the technical solution, optimizing the design, not showing an obvious rank from the basic level of technology and, in addition, to the criterion of "guilty level".

In the meantime, we have prepared and tested two mock-ups and are preparing to launch the experiments.

Metaloshukach, as it is claimed, can be implemented in a commercial way, depending on technical specifications, technologies, materials and components, and in accordance with the criterion of "industrial stability".

Declares a solution to improve the main parameter of the metal-shukach - its sensitivity, and hence, the depth of the manifestation of objects while saving other important powers, such as the differentiation of black and color metals, the efficiency of optical and sound indication.

Dzherela information

1. Vimiryuvalny pristry, A. S. SRSR N 393713, G 01 V 3/10, 1973

2. Metaloshukach, A. S. SRSR N 1327033, G 01 V 3/11, 1987

3. Metaloshukach, A. S. SRSR N 1422200, G 01 V 3/11, 1986

4. Radio Amator (Kiev), 5 - 7, 1993 With. 30 V. Petrushenko, Metaloshukach from the raised sensitivity.

5. Radio, N 10, 1994, p. 26, I. Alexandrov, Metaloshukach with elevated sensitivity.

6. Radio, N 8, 1990, p. 33, P. Sketeris, Three metal horns on microcircuits.

7. Model designer, N 4, 1996, p. 15, With electronics for belongings (for the materials of the Bulgarian "Young Designer").

Rnrnrn rnrnrn rnrnrn

8. Metaloshukach on the beat, in the book. A.I. Shchedrin, Metaloshukachi for the search for treasures and relics, M., "Arbat-Inform", 1998, p. 82.

winehodu formula

Чутливий металошукач, що містить опорний і перебудовується генератори і пристрій індикації, причому генератор, що перебудовується, містить підсилювач зворотного зв'язку і з'єднані з його виходом передавальну котушку і ланцюг зворотного зв'язку, який відрізняється тим, що перебудовується генератор додатково забезпечений with a primal cat and a sumator, enter some kind of connection of the cat with the exit of the lancet of the return link, and the exit of the connection with the entrance of the switch of the return link.

Do-it-yourself diagram of a yakіsny and sensitive metal jukebox with a photo

Proposing before picking metal shukach є rozrobkoy Yuri Kolokolova and Andriy Shchedrin. Denmark is manufactured serially by Meister KIT as an electronic kit for self-folding, but so for bags of radio amator-cob such kits are not available due to their cost or impossibility of delivery. proponably choose the metal-shukach independently, grounding on the other board and DesAlex boards- one of the authoritative authors of this gallery.

Meteloshukach scheme:

The principle of application of this type is based on the stimulation of impulse vortex streaks in the metal object and the vimiruvanny of the secondary electromagnetic field, as to induce striations.

Alarm signal is being transmitted I send the sensor coil to the sensor coil, which is always, and periodically, like impulses. At conductive (metal) objects, damped vortex streams are induced, as if they excite an electromagnetic field, which fades.

The whole field, at its own edge, to induce a fading strum near the sensor coil, which is recorded by the primary part of the circuit with an advancing indication - light and sound. Fallen in the presence of conducting authorities and the expansion of the object, the signal changes its shape and triviality. Use this type to have your own advantages and shortcomings - low sensitivity to mineralized soil and brackish water, but with this type of filthy selectivity for crystall metal and great strumosozhivannya.

Short technical characteristics of this metal shukach:

-sensitivity 18-20cm on a coin with a diameter of 25mm and up to 100-150cm on large metal objects

- life at 9 to 15 volts, with strumming up to 100mA

- Even a simple sensor that does not require any specific adjustments paid fee Firmware and small payments in DesAlex" in the LAY format are in the archive). Treaselly Vistaviti will be the offensive with the rank: Put the checkmarks in the vikasks SUT 1, CKSEL 1, CKSEL 0 - In the same way, the boxes are not put. .

At the sight of the sensor otherwise, the ring can be a larger ring with a diameter of 20 cm, as in the photo of the first given article, so it can also have a wider sensor.

Oh well volume

The simplest sensor is easy to prepare. The basis of yoga - a coil of 27 turns of a single-core dart in enamel insulation with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 mm is wound on a mandrel with a diameter of 18-25 cm.

For example, I would like to say that if you want information about the attachment, it has long been seen from the authors' site, but it is worthy of being popular with radioamators and sound systems as an excellent and silent helper.

In principle, no particular problems are to be blamed for independent folding, but it is your first attachment from the MK zastosuvannya. Read the technique of customization in the discussion on a special forum dedicated to Tracker PI-2. Author of the article: Elektrodich.

Firmware in hex format can be downloaded sent

Marvel at the schemes of metal shukachiv, writing about yaks

To increase the depth and sensitivity of the metal detector, stop different cats!

Otzhe, you already have a metal detector and the first excitement of a joke hobby out loud. You have mastered the fit and become nourished: how do you promote yoga efficiency, depth of manifestation and sensitivity? Why bother, buy a thinner metal detector, or buy another accessory for different jobs? Do not be surprised, all the search systems are asking for power without a blame.

On various searches for belongings, it’s generally a good idea to buy the same new model to replace the old metal shukach or another pair to the old one. In this case, especially not brutal respect for the detector, as a person is already koristuetsya. How do you already have a modern metal detector, for example X-Terra 505, but do you want to be more effective in detecting other numbers, how much work? Hurry up and buy another specific metal scam for other purposes, for example Tejon or XP Gold Maxx. Ni. It is a good detector, it is not necessary to buy another one, it is more efficient and cheaper to equip it with new coils.

To increase the depth and sensitivity of the metal detector, stop different cats!

To move the depth of the manifestation, install a coil with a larger diameter of 15-18”.
- To increase sensitivity, install a high frequency coil 18.75 kHz, vicorist mono coils, install a small diameter coil 6-8”.

How to move the depth of manifestation.

a) install a larger diameter coil. For example, 15 inches. At the same time, the coils are practically up to all models of metal shuckers. The large cat is 10-30% more visible, it is fallow in the field. When buying a large-diameter coil, change your mind if your detector can see the ground manually or automatically. Without any function, fallow in terms of mineralization of the soil, you do not detract from the declared increase in depth, but it is possible, on the contrary, that the efficiency will decrease. Such a detector should be remembered for today and do not spend a penny on the purchase of a great cat. With the correct replacement of the detector, you will already take away the increase in depth of detection.

For example, model ACE250 variant 12250 rub. May have a maximum depth of approximately 0.5 meters. Large 15” spool up to a new cost 7300 rub. According to the sellers, a large cat will give an increase in depth of 30%, a total of 65 cm, for a set of 19,600 rubles. At the same time, the X-Terra 305 model is available at a cost of 16,900 rubles, and the depth of detection with a regular coil is close to 1 meter.

For models of the GPX 4800 and 5000 series, for moving the depth, it is necessary to put the coils with a significantly larger diameter of 20” and roll 40” (mayzhe meter). With such a cat, the metal detector is transformed into a right clay attachment. The bigger the cat, the bigger the clay will be.

The greater the diameter of the coil, the greater the depth of detection, the more varto memory, the more the metal is more stashed, the more folding the metal detector to recognize the type of metal.

b) Zastosuvannya monocoil also allows trochs to move clay. The signal from the coil near the very center may be more pronounced, lower than the DoubleD coil. Ale monocots have a smaller grip and are more sensitive to the mineralization of the soil. Zastosovuvat monocotushki dotsіlno for the selection of abortive furnishing of rich litters.

How to promote sensitivity

a) Sensitivity - as good as a metal-shukach, it reveals other victories. And here the super-accuracy is to blame, because it is technically superbly foldable to create a detector, which quickly and at the same time knows other numbers. (Author's note: I know only one such GPX model.) There are two criteria for a search to lie in the frequency of a metal detector. high frequency 18 kHz allows you to capture small objects with a size of 1-2 mm. However, the high-frequency signal fades away more near the ground, so the depth of the revealed objects is less. low frequency 3 kHz more strongly reveals other objects, but at the same time electromagnetic wheezing penetrates more deeply into the ground, apparently the depth of objects is revealed in a thick layer. The lower the operating frequency, the higher the detector can detect the spot.

Minelab produces professional high-frequency X-Terra models with the frequency of occurrence that changes. Fallen in the installed coil, the frequency is changed from 3 to 18.75 kHz. It is necessary to shukati other numbers - becoming a high-frequency coil of 18.75 kHz, it is necessary to save money -3 kHz.

b) Type of cat. Monocoils, emitting a cone-shaped signal, more sensitive to other targets, lower DoubleD coils with a wide forest-like signal.

c) The smaller the diameter of the coil, the more the detector detects smaller numbers. Buy 6 inch coils.

d) The smaller the cat, the better the metal detector will recognize the type of metal.

If your metal detector is technically not old and can be adjusted to the ground, such a small amount of frequencies is detected, do not hurry to change it. Small additions to the new allow to move and deepen the manifestation of that sensitivity.

Rudolf Kavchik (rudolf)
Club "Skladoshukach and Zolotodobuvach"

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