Cho work with other people's crosses. What will be, how to know the cross. Can't wear over clothes

Note: why you can’t lift someone else’s cross 2017-11-25 13:00 17519

Can you pick up knowledge on Khrestik Street? It seems to Adzha that you know the cross - you can’t brother, you call someone else’s cross on yourself.

Let's try to figure out with you what to work in such situations and what you can threaten.

Even more ambiguous and super-chliva in the darkness of the example - "to know the cross", although you don't carry specific negative information.

Tim is not less, you need to change your mind, it’s impossible to know the sack of this speech for everyday furnishing, and then go to the darkness and search for the right solution.

Why is such a knowledge so disturbing?

All lie in the form of energy flows. In fact, the natural cross is a talisman, which you always know with your sack, so that it takes all yoga energy, protects it from negativity. Scattered on the back, it’s unimaginable, like the very energy flows were accumulated by the people, like a small know-it-all, wearing clothes on oneself is not recommended.

From the other side, in other religions (Buddhism and similar to the new faith) there is a thought that such a knowledge is a good sign. Tse yak is a symbol of those who straining amulet having voluntarily chosen a new ruler, come, schob yogo boroniti. Those who are smart enough to spread such a thought, recognize the knowledge of the cross as soon as a kind sign.

It’s better to pass the pov. Oskіlki dumka raznoplanovі, most best choice it would not have been tempting to look at such a know-it-all, but to go further on your right. Have a vipadka, it’s necessary to take it to the hands, that and middle, as a rule, it’s a taboo - do not take someone else’s.

Even though it’s vipadkovo chi navmisno rich, all the same, the bula is taken, dressing yourself is not recommended. It's best to bring a cross to the church and give it to the ministers. Buvaє znahіdki hang on іkoni or vikoristovuyut in a different way in ritual procedures. Navіt yakscho ministers should take knowledge of the subject - next try to get rid of yoga there.

For example, deacons gladly ask to conduct a rite of purification in the same church from the drinking of holy water.

On the other side, the deacons of the spiritual person appreciate that the cross itself has special strength on its own, and consecrate yoga - it is relieved of the sense, wine and so symbolic and saints. Have some sort of varto taste to try to get around with such prohannyam and listen to the primed vodpovid.

You can try the "purification" independently, in front of the icon Mother of God, obov'yazkovo kіlka once again repeating "I'm arguing", to clean up someone else's possible negative energy from the subject. Golovna, after whom it is respectful to listen to yourself, if you don’t hide the internal evidence of wearing someone else’s cross. Adzhe, for the cult essence of this object, the skin has its own cross, and if you put on someone else's, it might be that the burden will become important.

I want you, who believe truly, to know for sure: I will not bear the strength of people. Possibly, such a knowledge is a re-verification of weaknesses. Ale not varto nadto strongly zvinuvachuvati. Sinful all people who do not varto soromitis, need to repent, do good work and try to correct pardons.

Have a vipadku, you virishuvati, chi lift the cross. But in any situation, take care of yourself and don’t take risks.

It is important to note that the example "to know the cross" can have two opposite meanings. The cross symbolizes the human share and all the trials, as if a person is experiencing the stretch of his life. Vtratiti - means to get out of your way. From one side, as if a person needs help, relief, sickness and suffering, for her it will be a good sign. The share is prihilna up to the new, and it is not a problem to change everything. From the other side, the passage of the cross to a happy and satisfied person with their lives is a sign of a change to the top.

What does the passage of the cross mean?

Spend a cross at once from a golden or a silver lancet - a filthy prikmet. It is important that this symbol is a kind of zakhist against that corruption, evil spirits and demons. Let's get rid of everything - but we are preparing to taste that misfortune.

From the point of view of the occult sciences, the cost of the cross - tse indulge yourself with the vantage of negative energy and mental and physical pain. Buvaє, scho cross itself v_drivaєtsya vіd lantsyug chi lantsyug torn without mechanical ears. Tse means that the people have accumulated more than a rich energy “wilder” that “smite”, as it is necessary to throw it off.

Folk zabobons respected the cross, nasampered, a talisman against evil forces. Spend yoga - become defenseless and weak before the approaches of the impure.

How do you know the cross and what does it mean?

Zabobons interpret the meaning of the month in a different way, de Bulo revealed the cross. Axis of action from them:

  • On the road - until the trips of distant winds.
  • In grass - to change in life.
  • At Kalyuzhі - to tears, zadrosti and tiles.
  • At the crossroads - for the help of which cross, a warning was placed to help.

To know the cross from the gentry and expensive metals is considered a great success. Alec vodnochas i vyprobuvannya: the golden cross is not possible to seize your own, vіddavati at the pawnshop chi to sell. This is a kind of re-verification of transcendental love to the pennies. Zgіdno z povir'yam, pennies to save the soul of such a person.

It is better to donate golden silver crosses at the church to the singing icon. To know the evil cross is to the point of inaccuracies.

I know two points of the dawn, which work with the lower cross, which lie on the road or the earth:

  • Dumka and Chakluniv. It is not possible to pick up a sacred object at any time. It is possible to transfer all the sins from your energy field, psuvannya and negative flows of the Vlasnik chrestik. Tse mozhe vplinut on life, the share of that healthy people.
  • Dumka of the official church. The cross is the object of consecration, which is not guilty of desecration and destruction. As soon as the earth is lying dear, yogo followed the obov'yazkovo pіdіbrati. To deprive the cross of lying at the ford and the saw is a sin.

It is important among the people that if a person raised this cross and brought it to his home, then by stretching his life, he will have to pray for his sins and the sins of the ruler of this cross. To that, as you have revealed this sacred object, bring yoga to the church. There the priest himself scribbles, how to fix it with him. At whom converge and national wisdom, and thought of the clergy.

For a true Christian, like a cross, and the knowledge of someone else does not mean anything. It's just a fluke. You can’t leave yoga on the road, but rather, go to the nearest temple. As if they had spent their own cross, enough to buy their own, consecrated cross, shards, an Orthodox Christian cannot do without it.

The example "to know the cross" with skin can be vitlumachen in a different way. It is necessary to remember that the thoughts of a person can also wield the same strength, and you can’t beat yourself up in the trash. Kozhen himself virishu, how to instigate it to you, knowing the cross: like an Orthodox person, chi is a great person.

What is the native cross and how to behave properly with it. What did it take us to wear the cross and what is needed?

People blame the impersonal food for a natural cross:

  • how can you wear and put on someone else's cross, like a dead relative;
  • how can you raise the knowledge of the cross from the earth and what will we work with him later - wear yoga with a year, chi not varto;
  • can you buy a cross from a pawnshop;
  • chi you can wear two crosses;
  • what can you wear a cross, what if you visit the repair shop.

The Orthodox cross is not an amulet, it is not a talisman

The consecration of a cross, which we wear on a lanyard and a lace - is a sign of our belonging to Orthodoxy, our sanctity, zakhist, fast prayer, that help in the spiritual resistance, and the severity of yoga on our shoulders is a constant suggestion to us that all our thoughts are right may be straightened and consecrated to serve God.

Wear yoga with the praying side to the body. A person, like wearing a cross on himself, witnessing about his honor before the feat of Christ, is supported by his salvation that resurrection for eternal life. To wear a cross for a believer means to confess one's sins, to repent and try to calm them down.

The best and most precious gift for a faithful person will be a cross. You can give yoga on holy days - Christening, name day, national day. It may be new, or it may be knowledge. It’s important that they were consecrated at the temple and bov with goddamn power.

It is necessary to wear yoga under clothes, without showing off, because wine is called like that - lower, it’s not embellishment, and it’s not a guardian, it’s not safe to silence your marnoslavism, parading the flooring on an intimate object, boasting and waving here, there’s nothing to .

Obviously, there is nothing nasty, if the cross is visible at the virizis of the sarafan chi vіdkritіy shirts, but it is not possible to dress yoga over the closed robe. It is necessary for you not to show faith in the call, but to carry the image of Christ in your heart.

How can we work with the kimos with a cross and how can yoga be lifted from the earth

The servants of the church are one-stay on the thought of the first food, knowledge of the cross is necessary for obov'yazkovo, oskelki is God's providence. God gave people, as they knew, a happy opportunity to vryatuvat the sanctuary from the outside and trampling in the forage. Raise the cross - on the right is right and pleasing to God.

The knowledge of the cross is necessary for the sake of that humility, prayerfully raises from the earth and vikoristati to your judgment. You can wear it yourself, having consecrated yoga in the church, you can give yoga to people, as you require a cross, or you can simply bring it to the church and take it away.

Ale, at any time, you can’t step over the cross and leave yoga far away outside - wallow in bagnyutsi.

I believe that, having put on someone else's cross, a person takes on himself the share and sins of the colossal ruler. The Church is put up from the condemnation to similar zaboboniv, even if the shrine, not even a shrine, accumulated in a way, and our Lord gives His share to the skin, unity and unrepeated, the one that gives us strength and skin from us to bear His cross.

The appointment of clergymen to zaboboniv shdo khrestika

The ministers of the church do not praise different fortune, peredbachennya, mysticism, povіr'ya. For food, so that the filthy and important share of someone else’s share is not transferred at once from someone else’s cross, the stench speaks only a few words: “Chrest is a cross. І to build two crossings of a circle of buildings to help truly believing people resist evil and devilish steps. It is not the fault of the light of God's world that the zabobons have a place.

This means that it is possible and necessary to decorate with the floor crosses of your dead relatives and honor them as a family relic. And mothers and fathers as a whole can wear their own cross on their child, having bought their own new one and dressed it up.

Carry gifts from relatives to the charitable cross on the right, smut, shob vin consecrations at the church. So you can wear a cross on your own, you won’t carry any purchases in a pawnshop and consecrations in a church, no negative and a share of a big vlasnik.

What really can not work with a cross

The cross is a symbol and a sign of our faith, our elevation to God and the Divine;

For truly and deeply believing people it is unacceptable:

  • try to sanctify the cross on your own, inspire that vipadku, as you know the need for prayers and diї, shards of sanctification can only be people, like a church rank, shards of prayer are allowed until the implantation of only church ministers;
  • it is impossible for us to put a cross on display, it’s sinful and not pleasing to God, pride is one of the worst sins;
  • it is impossible to take a cross without a special need, as it was necessary to take a cross, forcing it to read a prayer obligatory;
  • it is not possible to wear jewelry on one lanyard or a lace with a natural cross, embellish that amulets, which are the objects of jewelry;
  • so it’s impossible to wear a cross on your bag, vuhah, or on a lance-bracelet on your hand you are respected by blues playing;
  • it is not possible to cross the wicked cross, to the fact that the wine is not guilty of trampling underfoot, do not forget.

Axis, perhaps, and everything that is necessary to know a truly believing person about their shrine and relic, which helps them to fight against sin, which guards against the devil's steps, which strikes at peace and brings peace.

Natіlny cross ik - to serve people as a special zakhist. Wearing a cross on your shoulder means that a person has been baptized and may sing faith. Viruyuchi tsіnuyut tsyu rіch і put before her with special care. It is possible to know the cross of leather, but not varto gladi, the shards of the zaboboni are different, like filthy, so good.

Know the cross - mark

Even at the old times, people believed in signs and zaboboni, tied with crosses. As if the cross is not consecrated, the wine also has a singing power. It is customary to wear a cross on the chest, closer to the heart. Yogo can be worn on a lanyard or a special tunic, a kind of varto come in a church. Natіlny khrest can be like gold, so it is silver, because of this, the strength of that faith of a person does not change.

The cross of the building save the energy of your master, the shards of wine are individual for the skin for the people. The example about the cross came to finish a long time ago, and it is practical to believe in her skin, the shards of the cross are a holy river. An example about knowledge of the cross is on two sides, filthy that harn.

  1. The first example is to say that, as you wobbled a cross, that it is necessary to lie on the ground. Znahіdka will not bring anything positive, to that which the cross carried a negative in itself, which can be transmitted from the great ruler.
  2. The servants in the church are aware that the cross cannot be mother negative, because people cannot be crossed with a great amount of negative energy. That stink is allowed to raise a cross, which you knew on the street.

How to correctly instill zі found rіchchyu?

Even more often people ask, how can they be charged, if they knew such a thing? On the same supply, you can get a sprat of vidpovidey. Some individuals think that if they stink of knowing the cross, they should have mercy, but others are not fit with such a thought. The stench vvazhayut, scho knowledge of the cross is the best way to reach the church. Individuals who serve in churches do not always react the same way to such a sacrifice. Many people take riches and earn money to icons, and others are categorically against such donations. Zabobonіv shdo tsgogo іsnuє rich, and one of them stverzhuє, scho such holy things are not known to us, but the stench knows us, and such a sign is a gift in the sight of God.

Like a sinful person, who was not destined to roll a cross under his feet, the stench is crawling up to his hands kind people. Ale varto and nobility, scho, like a cross of half-heartedness, then a mark means more filthy. Crosses are made from various materials, stinks can be made from expensive materials, from wood, and from other inexpensive foundations. People swear by knowledge in a different way, sell them, sell them, or simply bestow them. Since you don’t have the capacity to wear yoga, it’s normal to work, don’t give up, but donate yoga to the church, you know exactly what to work with such speeches. If a person has lied to deprive himself of the knowledge of the cross, the example will work like this:

  • go to the church and clean up all the negativity from the cross;
  • yakscho vie not baptism, dress the garna rich not varto;
  • If you were baptized, you should wear the very same cross with which you were baptized.

It is necessary, obov'yazkovo, to know the river to bring it to the church and cleanse it of evil. It is not necessary to wear clothes on yourself, you can wear yoga with you, but do not drag it in. It is allowed to wear a cross only for people who have been baptized, and less than those crosses, as they were baptized by children, be it any other way.

Virity chi ni

Vira in zaboboni and the signs of the skin have their own. Lyudina herself to rob her choice. It is rich who believes in all the signs, and they should beware of it, and є individuals who simply live and sometimes listen to the signals given to their share. Nini people marvel at life in a different way. Htos, knowing the rich, don’t hesitate, її pіdnіme і take your own, іnshі pomenayut worry that shukati, hto tsyu rіch having spent, and third, nasampered, turn respect for the value of this thing and think a hundred more times, you need it. Naturally, the person herself to rob her choice and may have the right to repair it the way she wants.

It’s such a zabobon that if a person wears a cross, it means that now only lie down in his life away from his life. Vishchi forces with such a gesture give understanding that now it is not necessary for you to confess, but now it is necessary for you to live and take a decision yourself, and you will be your share by yourself. To that it is possible to give a nevtishny visnovka, that, if the cross is ruined, the share of whom is not punished, but instead gives the right to live without goiter. And if you know what was said, don’t fight, you don’t take other people’s sins on yourself.

Іsnuє sche one vypadok іz prikmetami. Knowing the cross can be a bad sign, and especially if you lie on the cross. In such situations, the river, which lies on the crossroads, can be played in a non-judgmental way. Ring out, if you throw crosses on the roads, it means that if you want to get sick of a strong illness or grief. In such a rank, as if you were raising the river, you will take away all the sores and bed on yourself.

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Khrestik is the greatest sanctuary of the Orthodox. Vin is a clear sign that a person should lie down to Orthodoxy. For the church, those that are made from metal or wood, jewelry virib or a wonderful alloy are not of great importance.

The main form for the Orthodox maє buti yogo is the correctness according to the age to religion. It is necessary to remember important moments when choosing a cross:

  • The cross can be 4-6-8 in the end form.
  • If you choose a cross for a little one, then it’s not your fault to be a good kutiv.
  • Rozmir, as the material of the cross, does not matter.
  • The Church recommends choosing not decorative crosses, but with the inscription “Vryatuy ta Save” on the back side.
  • Crosses, bought in the church, are already consecrated, and consecrated in the store.

Basically, the attribute of mi is taken at the time of baptism, ale bovaє i tak, if we use a cross. What is work? It is necessary to buy a new one and sanctify yoga. And what about robiti, how do you know someone else's cross? From which I bring a lot of zaboboniv, having said, if you take someone else's cross and wear yoga, then you yourself, if you take someone else's cross on yourself.

Can you wear someone else's cross?

Khrestik - is respected as a symbol of the faith of the skin of the Orthodox people. The clergy seem to walk to church without it. It is also customary to honor the cross as the strongest amulet against the strong ones. If you have a black cross, a thread is torn, or a lancet, on which wine you know, you can be aware of what you are trying to force energy attacks.

I have a thought about those who wear someone else's native cross is fenced. Vіn є I am like a vessel, in yaky after christening all information about people is collected: about її past, today that future.

Deyaki people talk about those who, like you, knew someone else's cross at home , then it can be a sign of the fact that a psuvannya was brought on you. Adzhe often khrestiki can be vikoristan in various magical rituals. But believing people are so determined to respect nothing else, like zabobons.

Why work with someone else's cross at home? If you still knew the cross in your home, then take it to the church and give it to the needy. Lishe before tsim yogo is required to sanctify.

Chi you can wear someone else's cross - the priest's note

Most often, all the zabobons near someone else’s cross are respected by the priests as unprimed. You can wear someone else's cross on your mind and wind it up as needed. Adzhe traplelis such vipadki, if navit clergy knew from themselves crosses that bestowed on wonderful people.

At to this particular type stink explain to us what the priest wants to show, how important it is for Orthodox Christians and leather Christians are guilty of wearing yoga. Who often asks priests such questions: Why can't you wear someone else's cross? Movlyav, chuli different thoughts about those who are equal to taking on someone else's cross.

So the axis of the stench shows that we take our own cross by ourselves by stretching our lives with our own efforts and we cannot bear it ourselves, and someone else’s cross cannot play a good role in our own way. So stink to please at the time, spend a good cross, buy a new one and sanctify yoga. And if you know someone else, then you can be a gift of the Lord for you. Maybe they wanted to boil this holy thing, trample it at the bagnyuk. And Vi її knew that they did not give tse zrobiti.

Shukati yakіs prihovanі unfriendly namiri with such a varto. St. Basil's words, which can be brought to zabobonivs "But you don't believe - and you won't wake up!". It seems that if a person is pure in his intentions and intentions, then there is no negative spit for which to be hooked.

  • Sanctify and wear it yourself
  • Sanctify and give to the christ
  • Give a gift to people, if you don’t have a cross, and you can’t be able to buy, but rather believe in the Lord
  • You can leave it in the church to decorate whether it is a miraculous icon
  • Donate to the church for the vicarage of the monastery.

Keep in mind those who have made decisions about those who have known the cross, may be praised by you. Listen to what your soul tells you in your heart. Nasampered, You are guilty, take it and sanctify yoga at the church, and then you will swear: take your own away from the church. And remember that the church does not listen to the well-being of the zaboboni that I will protect.

The Lord is with you!

In this video, you will feel the need for food, that you can wear the guidance of the cross, from the mouth of the priest:

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