6 the name of the Keynesian cross was taken off by the model. The model of sukupnyh vitrat and dohodіv or Keynesian cross. The concept of the multiplier. Pobudova model is

(keynesian cross) - the same macroeconomic model in the economic theory, which shows a positive interdependence between wild rіvnem prices in the country.

The theory of bribe drinking is often called the Keynesian economic theory. The Keynesian model is derived from the sameness of total capital expenditures and total income (Say's model): \ mathrm V \; = \; \ mathrm E , de \ mathrm V - dokhіd, release; \mathrm E - vitrati.

Reconciliation of real and planned appointments. Scheduled windows singling out the number of vitrates, as all economic agents plan to spend on commodities and services. Real stained glass may be misplaced, if firms zmushenі zdіysnyuvati unplanned investments in the sphere of commodity and material stocks in the situation of unspent zmіni on the equal sales.

If the economy is closed, then planned spending can be calculated as the amount of savings, planned investments and sovereign spending:

\mathrm E\;=\;\mathrm C\;+\;\mathrm I\;+\;\mathrm G.

The function of resuscitation depends on the sameness: \mathrm C\;=\;\mathrm C\;\cdot\;(\mathrm V\;-\;\mathrm T), the function of investment - \mathrm I\;=\;\mathrm I" (investment fixed), the amount of state taxes and the amount of taxes is stable, so \mathrm G\;=\;\mathrm G" and \mathrm T\;= \ ;\mathrm T" , in what way in the closing economy:

\mathrm E\;=\;\mathrm C\;\cdot\;(\mathrm V\;-\;\mathrm T)\;+\;\mathrm I"\;+\;\mathrm G".

Qia equanimity means that the amount of planned investment is a function of income, planned investments and planned state purchases.

On the graph, point \mathrm A - the point of equality of actual and planned costs. At the same time, I obsjag to the release of a dorіvnyuє potential. Tsya model took off the name "Keynesian Cross". In addition, the increase in the supply (\mathrm(AD)) growth (\mathrm E)_1 and the increase in the supply proposition begin to increase the increase in the increase in the supply (\mathrm(AS)\;>\;\mathrm(AD)) , so that firms increase their output have a larger obsyazі, nizh zrostaє sukupny drink, unplanned accumulation of reserves. As soon as the marriage drink falls to (\mathrm E)_2 and the firms quickly move the proposition to (\mathrm V)_2 , there will be a place to move a large amount of the marriage drink over the marriage proposition: (\mathrm(AD)\;>\;\mathrm(AS) ) , you will be satisfied with yoga for the short-term stocks. Short-term reserves will become an incentive for the growth of the economy and the economy will begin to collapse at the same time as the natural obligation to release.

Equally important is the release rate (mathrm V)_0 can be col- lected in fallow land due to the change in the value of any component of the total vitrate. The growth of any of the components of the zsuvaє curve of the planned windfall on the mountain, which adds the growth of an equally important level of release. The decline of any of the components of the total income will cause a decrease in the level of employment and an equally important obligation to release.

As a result, the actual release fee is less than the potential ((\mathrm V)_0\;<\;\mathrm V") , it’s not worth talking to someone who’s greedy drinks inefficiently, tobto. Sukupnі vitrati ekonomіki insufficient in order to ensure the full employment of resources. The effect of the insufficiency of the supply of food depressively pours into the economy - blame recessionary development(want \mathrm(AD)\;=\;\mathrm(AS) ). In order to improve the recessionary growth, and also to secure new employment, it is necessary to secure the increase in the debt to the level, which secures the accuracy of the actual obligation to release the potential: (\mathrm V)_0\;=\;\mathrm V" .

Well, the actual obligation to release a larger one for the potential ((\mathrm V)_0\;>\;\mathrm V"), it’s not enough to talk about the fact that the bridesmaids wipe the edges of the superfluous. Through the supremacy of the sukupny drink vinika inflationary boom: Rіven tsіn, later, growth. Firms have no ability to expand the production in proportion to the growth of the joint drink, tk. all current resources are already borrowed from the virobnitstv – the cause of the inflationary growth. Inflationary growth is a way of streaming sukupu drinking.

Keynes's cross can be drawn only with the method of macroeconomic analysis on a short-term period, because may be on the basis of fixing prices and not in the absence of victories with a method of analysis of historical macro economic policy in the pre-stroke period, due to the increase in inflation rates.

The Keynesian cross shows less, how an equally important obligation to release is established with the same amount of planned investments, state taxes and taxes.

Fundamentals of economic theory. Course of lectures. Edited by Baskin A.S., Botkin O.I., Ishmanova M.S. Izhevsk: vidavnichy booth"Udmurt University", 2000.

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The Keynesian model of macroeconomic equivalence, was presented by J. M. Keynes in yoga robots “The global theory of employment, a hundred and a penny”.

The model of the "national income - sukupnі vitrati" or "Keynes's cross" rіvnovaga:

- Vikoristovuєtsya in the analysis of the impact of macroeconomic conjuncture on the national income streams and revenues;

– I will show you at night, what kind of infusion to get a national income, you can change the skin of your storehouse vitrates.

The rich drink from the Keynesian model to fall into such the most important categories, as the function of saving and the function of protection. І spozhivannya, і zaschadzhennya є pribyka functions. For a short understanding, the following values ​​are used:

- the borderline scalability to recovery (MPC) is calculated according to the following formula: , (1)

– boundary scalability to protection (MPS): ,

butt. For example, the additional income of the home state should be 100 krb., including 75 krb. vikoristovuєtsya on spozhivannya, and 25 rubles. - on additional sustenance, then the MRS becomes 75/100 = 0.75, and LZS - 25/100 = 0.25.

The value of the marginal scalability before the adjustment is between zero and one: 0< МРС < 1. Их сумма всегда равна единице.

Average shyness to recovery (ARS) be calculated according to the following formula:

Average strength to protection (APS)

Let's make the model simpler, assuming that the succses (AE) are represented only by cues.

On the axis of ordinates, there are planned items for storage (C), which represent all the purchased items. Expansion of the release, income Y is shown on the abscissa. Yakbi sukupnі vitrati exactly matched the surplus income, it would have been a point, lying on a straight line, carried out under the cut of 45º, it is equal to Z = Y. But in truth, there is no such gain, MRS is less than 1, and only part of the income is spent on living. Nakhil curves in the mustaches of її points are marked by borderline schilnistyu to spozhivannya. To that the graph of the function of spozhivannya is guilty of moving down the line 45. Watch function of respite:

Restraining function without autonomic resuscitation

Spozhivannya іsnuє і for zero equal income.

Autonomous recovery- spozhivannya to deposit in the amount equal to the current income.

Graphically autonomous alignment of the line, which is parallel to the abscissa axis.

Autonomous recovery

Officials who signify autonomous respite:

- Refinement.

- wealth Example. Falling sharply the growth of showings in the activity of the stock exchanges in the line of behavior is quiet, who saves his wealth like a valuable paper.

- Credit.

Let's say that autonomous living becomes 100 billion krb. Z yoga urahuvannyam the formula for the assigned function of the spontaneity looks like:

Graphically, the curve of the squishy vitrates will be like a summation along the vertical of the curves. The schedule of posture does not appear from the cob of coordinate axes, but from points that lie on the y-axis, which shows the level of autonomous posture.

The function of resuscitation for the improvement of autonomous resuscitation.

To encourage the model in the simplest variant, it is necessary to change the system from two equals:

Y = C (graphically represented by a 45º line

(schedule of the damping function)

butt. If MRS = 0.75, and autonomous accommodation - 100 billion rubles, then it is possible: C = 100 + 0.75 Y. Scales Y = C, then, substituting the symbol Y, you can write: Y = 100 + 0, 75Y. Also, an equally important income equals 400 billion krb. Peretin line 45º and the graph of slowdown at point E means the level of zero protection. Angry in the middle of the point, you can watch the shaded area, which shows a negatively positive attitude (that is, “life in the borg”), and the right-hander - a positive one.

Rivnovaga posterigaetsya in point E, to that only here it comes to vitrati equal. With equal income, which is more expensive, for example, 700 billion rubles, the value of savings From the warehouse: 100 + (0.75 x 700) = 625 billion rubles. Move vertically between line 45 and the relief schedule, marked with the letter S - the value of the security, equal to 75 billion. rub. (700 - 625).

Keynesian cross: the simplest model

The protection function is disabled

The most important component of planned capital expenditures is to become investment, I. The investment cost is the total contribution to the national income of the state.

Investments (capital investment) at the scale of the country are invested in economic growth. Dzherelom investment and protection. Reimbursement - the price of income from the repayment of vitrates on the special settlement: (Y - T) - Z. The problem is that the entitlement is secured by economic agents alone, and investments can be subsidized by other groups of subjects.

Officials who are investing in:

1. Earned rate of income

2. Interest rate equal

3. Changes in technology and innovation

4. Rivne podatkuvannya

5. The rate of inflation of pennies

Investments, the amount of which cannot be deposited in the flow income, є autonomous investments.

Due to the increase in business activity, increasing employment, the number of different groups of entrepreneurs to invest will grow. It is accepted to name pokhіdnimi, or induction, stench lie in the dynamics of national income. What is equal to the income of the state, then it fit more into the investments, and navpaki.

Investment - rate function vіdsotka: I = I (r)

This function is recessive: the higher the cost of the hundredth rate, the lower the investment. Rivnovaga between investments and protections is determined by the zavdyaks of the gnuchkіy vіdsotkovіy stavtsi.

Apparently, according to Keynes, the protection is a function of income, and not a hundredth rate: S = S(Y).

Closed economies without fixing the sovereignty have the most important macroeconomics: Y = C + I

On the other hand, the national income with yogo vikoristannі dorivnyuє sum vitrat on savings (C) and іninvestitsіy (І).

On the other hand, the increase in national income can be imagined:

Y \u003d C + S de S is a function of stream income.

The Keynesian cross model is interpreted on the basis of the injection approach.

The Keynesian Cross Model

The third component of vidatkiv is sovereign vitrati (G). Let's assume that the value is 200 billion krb.

The fourth component of autonomous total vitrates is net exports (Xn). Vіn is also deposited without intermediary in the flow of income. Let's assume that the value of net exports becomes 50 billion rubles.

The y-axis shows the value of all components of autonomous vitrates:

Z a = 100 billion rubles, I = 150 billion rubles, G = 200 billion rubles, Xn = 50 billion rubles. In sum, the value of autonomous vitrates is assigned A and cost 500 billion rubles. The new line (Са+I+G+Xn) reflects all components of autonomous vitrates. Whether there are equal points, which are on the 45º line, the total cost of AE is equal to income Y and can be represented by the formula: .

Macroeconomy is shown by points E 1 , E 2 , E 3 , E 4 , which reflects a higher level of income with more autonomous components of the total cost. Line F shows the level of new employment, which has an income of 2000 billion krb.

The schedule of spontaneous charges, prompted by us earlier, is increased by an amount equal to the sum of all components of autonomous charges.

Macro-economic rіvnovaga with a lot of occupancy can be graphically reached by destroying the curve of the big windows uphill.

At point E 4, an equally important income for new employment is 2,000 billion krb. The equally important value of Y E is assigned to the following formula:

A is the value of any autonomous vitrates.

Zsuv uphill the schedule of total widows calls out to the greater number of components of autonomous widows. This is explained by changes in the determinants of autonomous spending on savings, investment, sovereign spending and net exports.


"Multiplier" means "multiplier". The essence of the effect of the multiplier is in the offensive: with the increase in any of the components of the autonomous vitrates, the national income of the state will increase, moreover, by a larger amount, lower the increase in the number of vitrates.

M value - Multiplier of autonomous vitrates.

The formula of the multiplier can be expanded through the boundary scaling up to a buffer: M

The greater the skhilnist to slow down and the lower the skhilnist to the protection, the greater the Mk and the greater the increase in national income to support the cob growth of investment. In this way, the multiplier can be used as a change in income before changing any of the components of the autonomous investment M

The effect of the multiplier is greater than the increase in income equal to the release. The arrears of any of the components of autonomous witrates will cause a multiple of the arrears of income and employment. So, in our turn, the schedule of total vitrates collapses down, and the macroeconomy is equal to be restored at the same time as the lower income.

Model of investment - security (I - S)

Porіvnyaєmo Keynesian pіdhіd іz neoclassical. I’ll look at the approach:

  • Keynesian - Protected by the income function (div. Fig. 3.8), and investments - by the interest rate function (div. Fig. 3.10, b);
  • neoclassical – and protection, and that investment by the functions of the per cent rate (Fig. 3.14).

Rice. 3.14.

What can you do to get offended?

So, the stench is common in the model of J. Hicks investments - protection (IS ), how to describe the mind of jealousy on real market (Fig. 3.15).

Rice. 3.15.

Cob doslіdzhennya - quadrant IV. Let's say that on a penny market, a hundredth rate on equal r 1 Won determines the amount of investments, fallow fields, on the river I 1 The camp is supported by both neoclassics and Keynesians.

Throwing the anti-godinnikov arrow at quadrant III. Vіn revenge information, as it is also shared by both economic schools, and itself: mental macroeconomic equivalence, investment equivalence and protection. On the graph it is depicted as a bisector I = S. Oskelki obsyag іninvestitsіy has already been appointed, therefore, for the equally important I will become the value of the zaoschadzhen may be the same, tobto. S 1.

The next quadrant II is to avenge Keynesian information about those who are protected by the income function. To that projection S 1 on the right horizontal of the national N.I. income is allowed to come out of yoga equal value Y 1.

We went to quadrant I with already prepared coordinates of the point: Y 1, r 1. In fact, the point is to collect information about the equally important tax on national income N.I. with a simple change in the interest rate, which is secured by the provision of equal amounts of money between investments and protection, this can be recognized as IS 1.

Following the path of the last iterations, victoriously different values ​​of the hundredth rate, you can take the impersonal such equally important points IS. Utter stinks are united by the crooked IS.

Economic sense curve IS believe in the fact that it shows a mutual connection between the norm r and national income N.I. in case of rіvnovazi mіzh with protection S and investments I.

Be a point on a curve IS vodobrazhae at once and the cost of investments, and the cost of protection.

"Keynes Cross"

The hour has come to learn more about both warehouse parts of the collective drink (in the interpretation of J. M. Keynes): slow down and investment windfall. As a basis for the speeding up of the schedule of spozhivchih vitrates (div. Fig. 3.8) that is included before the new investment vitraty. In the system of coordinates "income - investment" investments may look like horizontal lines (div. Fig. 3.10, a ), to that sumarny p_dbag W+I repeating the shape of the graph Z, ale to move in parallel with this greater amount of investment I (Figure 3.16).

Rice. 3.16. "Keynes Cross"

At which point of macroequalities is offset from , and the value of the equal important national income N.I. increase by (). We may have the right to put a power, as spіvvіdnosjatsya tsі two zbіlshennya: _investitsіy i income. Let's say, the increase in investment by becoming 100 den. one. Chi vikliche tse zbіlshennya national income is also 100 grosz. one?

In order to confirm the food chain, it is necessary to look at the effect of the multiplier.

Multiplicative effects

Autonomous Witrate Multiplier - A coefficient that shows the staleness of the change in national income in the form of a change in any element of autonomous vitrates, tobto. independent of the dynamics of national income.

Let's guess, what is in the Keynesian model to go about savings and investment spending:

de - Multiplier of autonomous vitrates; - Changing the national income; - Change of autonomous witrats.

Tsya depletion is multiplicative (increasing): with the growth of autonomous vitrates, the growth of the national income will be significant greater rozmіrі lower cobs supplementary vitrati.

To that, which will continue to generate the Lantzug reaction of the economy, stimulating economic activity and additional employment in successful galuzias. Through the war, the "national pie" grows like a drіzhdzha, sbіlshyuuchis in a sprat of razіv against cob-additional autonomous vitrates.

Let's take a look at the butt of the investment multiplier.

Investment multiplier - Coefficient that shows the degree of change in national income in terms of change in investment.

In a formalized way, the investment multiplier looks like this:

de - investment multiplier; - Changing the national income; - Change of investment.

Let's change the formula yak

Ekonomichny zm_st tsієї formulas for the fact that, by advancing investments of the same size, you can achieve an increase in national income for a given value.

But why lay the value of the multiplier?

Obviously, in view of the part of the apparent income, which wins on the stream of living. Let the pracіvnik, hiring on the basis of additional investments, dilute the otrimana wages in two parts: 80% - for saving and 20% - for protection. Tsі 80% of vicorist's wines for buying bread, meat, milk, taking it easy., allowing the baker, butcher, milkman, and the baker to pray to their post-workers, and you, your devil, to your people. This is how the process of animation will vibrate. If the savings between savings and saved part of the practitioner’s income will be smaller (for example, 40% for savings and 60% for savings), then the volume of in-line purchases will be twice smaller, and also, the multiplication process will be more streaming. Also, the investment multiplier is turned in proportion to the borderline strength to the extent of protection, tobto.

It follows that the effect of the multiplier is not in the offending side, but in the economy of the non-employment.

We can see what will become in the economy of new employment with more investment. For whom is the first model of macroeconomics AD-AS, shards out of fix become a new place of employment, which is typical for the "Keynesian cross" model (Fig. 3.17).

Investments - a warehouse part of the loan drink, to that їzbіlshennya vklishenya more than the growth of the loan drink. There are no shards of free resources in the economy;

Rice. 3.17.

In this way, in the economy of new employment there are no reserves for the growth of volatility, so the investment multiplier does not work.

The Keynesian cross is the macroeconomic model in economic theory, which shows the positive interdependence between large foreign countries and high equal prices in the country.

The Keynesian Cross Model

The theory of bribe drinking is often called the Keynesian economic theory. The Keynesian model comes from the sameness of the total amount of money and the total income (Say's model): V = E, de V - income, output; E - vitrati.

Reconciliation of real and planned appointments. Planned arrears include the amount of arrears, as all economic agents plan arrears for goods and services. Real vitrati may be misplaced, if firms zmushenі zdіysnyuvati unplanned investments in the sphere of commodity and material stocks in the situation of unspent zmіni on the level of sales.

If the economy is closed, then planned spending can be calculated as the amount of savings, planned investments and sovereign spending:

E \u003d W + I + G.

The function of saving depends on the sameness: С = С (V - Т), the function of investments - I = I '(investment fixed), the value of sovereign vitrates and the amount of taxes is stable, so G = G' and Т = Т', in this period of the closed economy :

E = C (V - T) + I + G'.

Qia equanimity means that the amount of planned investment is a function of income, planned investments and planned state purchases.

On the graph, point A is the point of equality of actual and planned costs. At the same time, I obsjag to the release of a dorіvnyuє potential. Tsya model took away the name of the "Keynesian cross". Thus, the increase in supply (AD) increases the level of E1 and the increase in the supply proposition begins to increase the increase in the supply supply (AS > AD), so that firms increase their release to a larger obligation, lower the increase in supply, and accumulate unplanned reserves. As soon as the marriage falls down to E2, and the firms will shorten the proposition to V2, there will be a place to transfer a large amount of the marriage drink over the marriage proposition: (AD > AS), satisfaction with the quickness of the stock. Short-term reserves will become an incentive for the growth of growth and the economy will begin to collapse at the same time as the natural obligation to release.

Equally important is the release of Vo can be stalely dependent on the change in the value of any component of the total vitrate. The growth of any of the components zsuvaє the curve of the planned windfall on the mountain, which adds the growth of an equally important level of release. The decline of any of the components of the total income will cause a decrease in the level of employment and an equally important obligation to release.

As a result, the actual release fee is less than the potential (Vo< V"), то это говорит о том, что совокупный спрос неэффективен, т.е. совокупные расходы в экономике недостаточны для того, чтобы обеспечить полную занятость ресурсов. Эффект недостаточности совокупного спроса депрессивно влияет на экономику - возникает рецессионный разрыв (хотя AD = AS). Для того, чтобы преодолеть данный рецессионный разрыв, а также обеспечить полную занятость, необходимо обеспечить увеличение совокупного спроса до уровня, обеспечивающего равенство фактического объема выпуска потенциальному: Vo = V".

If the actual obligation of the release is greater for the potential (Vo > V"), then it is not necessary to talk about those who are rich in the country above the world. to the growing rich drink, to the fact that all the current resources are already borrowed from the virobnits - the cause of the inflationary growth.

Keynes's cross can be drawn only with the method of macroeconomic analysis on a short-term period, because transmitting fixed prices and may be based on a method of analysis of historical macroeconomic policy in the pre-line period, due to the increase in the inflation rate.

The Keynesian cross shows less, how an equally important obligation to release is established with the same amount of planned investments, state taxes and taxes.

The first and most serious test of the classical theory of macroeconomic revival was the world economic crisis of 1929-1933, which is called the Great Depression in historical literature. Vіn vraziv peredusіm razvinenі kraїni, ekonomіkі kah protyag chotiroh roіv bula choked by catastrophic joblessness, recession in virobnitstvа, short-term business activity.

For some time now, the orders of the western lands have practically not worked, relying on the support of the traditional economic theory in the fact that the market system will come to parity for the balance of internal reserves of stability. However, the national economies of the krai, stunned by the crisis, continued to function for a low level of employment, suttvih sign pozhavlennya. Trivale falling prices (index of slow prices in the United States for the period from 1929 to 1933 decreased by 25%) did not lead to the liquidation of the oversupply of goods, the oskelki will drink falling richly swidshe. Such a rank, great depressor asked the classic launching about the Voznuta to drink on comosyu, I called up to the vision of the vision - about those, Vitrati Vitrati Vibrovnitbniy і ryna Rinkov Ekonono via the other.

Persheynoye, Sho Zaila Yasnish ​​for the most rosy -looking, I describes the New Vyguda Ekononiki, Viyaviti by the Law -Route, Imponavati recipe for Viedenni ї Krii, becoming the Anglisty Ekonomi - Naypravrazhahi Yogo is famous for the book "The whole theory of employment, a hundred and a penny", which was published in 1936, created a real revolution in economic thought.

J. Keynes looked at the mutual connection between planned investments and the national product as a central source of macroeconomic analysis. How to create separately formed plans for the family governments, firms-virobniks, and the rank-and-file bodies of sufficient water for those commodities and services, how can an economical system grow in the minds of new employment? Putting J. Keynes similarly, looking at the economic system on long-term time intervals. Dosvіd Great Depresії s low obsyazh vrobnitstva and high level of unemployment (period, like a three-year-old kіlka rokіv pospіl), obviously, true yogo fight.

J. Keynes not only clearly saw a number of specific macroeconomic problems, laying the foundations for the methodology and methods of their analysis, formulating the principles of the active economic policy of the state, and showing that the current economic behavior can be reversed and reversed

One of the fundamental developments, such as J. Keynes's ideas, is under analysis, for the fact that the market mechanism is by itself impossible to set equal to the equal of new employment. From the look of J. Keynes, it is quite zealous, having ceased to be Pareto-optimal, shards can be reached in the crisis state of the economy, for significant unemployment. Ponad those, vyrobnitstvo less on equal potentialities for unregulated market economy more blame, lower rule.

All the above is said to bring the relevance of this research.

The method of this is the analysis of the macroeconomic model of the Keynesian cross.

« Keynes Cross” and its role in modern macroeconomic analysis

Rivnovaga of the commodity market is assigned to the spіvvіdshennya suupny pita commodities and і suupny propozitsії commodities and services.

There are two steps to explain the revival of the commodity market: classical and Keynesian.

The classical model of macro-economical equivalence is based on the laws of market development and dominance of perfect competition. The basis of this model is the law of markets, the development of the French economist Jean-Baptiste Seym, the essence of which lies in the fact that the proposition of the comrades creates the power drink.

The Keynesian model of macroeconomic revival, based on the classical model of macroeconomic revival, is based on the mechanisms of sovereign involvement in the economic process. Vіdpovіdno to tsієї model tsіni є є fixirovanimi.

J. Keynes, having established that the increase in income and market economy it doesn’t even mean that your own proportions will increase and invest. This is why it is explained that the decisions about the protection of that investment are taken in essence by different economic entities - domestic governments and firms and from different times. There are no good guarantees that firms will invest more, as the population will save more. Moreover, the strength of charitableness means an adequately fast pace of life, which will negatively signify on future investments: enterprises cannot increase the number of unrealized commodity stocks. There are no other guarantees, that's all protected coins will be issued to the population to banks. Navpaki, apparently, that a significant part of the protection is settling in the house of the household state in the cooking form . Zreshtoy, independently from the river of zaoshchadzhen on the rіven іnvestitsіy can pay the bank's positions to investors

Showing mercy by looking at their predecessors, as if they were spiraling on the law of Sey's rink, J. Keynes dyshov directly protilazhnoy visnovka: the rise of the huge virobnizstva and employment are not the officials of virobnitstv, as they were respecting the classics, but the officials of the plateau-promoting drink. With the help of the method of wine vviv, their theory is the key concept of “effective drink”, for example, the mav on the basis of the meaning of drink in the point of equal.

J. Keynes's model of macro-economical equivalence comes from the fact that the wealthy will be able to deposit as a function of saving and protecting. Calm that zaoschadzhennya, zgіdno z Keynesian theory, є functions of flow income. To this end, for the purpose of defining the total cost of the planned spending on the settlement, in the Keynesian theory, such new concepts were introduced, such as: average settlement to settlement (ARS), average settlement to settlement (APS), marginal settlement to settlement (MPS), boundary settlement to settlement (MPS) ) .

Boundary skhilnist to slow down the MRS-coefficient, which shows how much to increase (change) the slowdown with increasing (short) income per person.

Boundary skhilnist to zaschadzhennya MPS-coefficient, which shows how much to increase (change) the stipend with increased (short) income per person.

The sum of the borderline scalability to the settlement and the borderline schilnost to the protection of the most expensive one:

· A part of the savings cannot be accumulated in the amount of apparent income and is called autonomous savings C.

in such a manner, keynesian scaling function may look:

From the function of savings, Keynes's salary squealed that with increasing income, part of the savings in income falls, and part of the salary increases. Keynes called the part of income reduction the average salary to compensation, and the part of compensation to income - the average salary to compensation.

Average skhilnіst to szhivannya ARS - vіdnoshennia size spozhivannya to the value of income.

Average shillnіst up to the APS protection - an increase in the amount of the protection to the amount of income.

The sum of the average scaling up to the adjustment and the average scaling up to the protection of the most expensive individual:

To encourage the simplest schedule of the function of slowing down, it is allowed that the total cost is equal to the cost of the slowdown, and the borderline scaling up to the slowdown is a constant value.

For the incentive schedule, on the horizontal axis, we add the value of the release, or the total income, on the ordinate axis, we add the planned cost of living.

J. M. Keynes, having shown that the growth of vitrate leads to the growth of the total income, the growth of income in the greater world, the lower the surplus of vitrate, which called yoga, tobto. with effect multiplier. Multiplier ("multiplier") - tse coefficient that shows how much increase (short) total income Y in times of zbіlshennya (short-term) whether there are any of the components of autonomous vitrates BUT for single:

rіvnovaga Keynesian theory popit

The role of the multiplier lies in the fact that spending money, smashed by one economic agent, transforms on the income of another economic agent, who spends a part of his income, creating income for the third agent just. At the skin new stage, a part of the lost income is saved and switched off from further income generation. This means that the strength of the effect of the multiplier is to lie down, depending on the income, the skin will come to a stage, tobto. from borderline schilnosti to resignation MRS participants in the sequence of entries

The global multiplier formula:

Theoretically, the concept of a multiplier helps to better understand the problems of equity, influencing investment and security. It is important to say that the multiplier is not the same as in the regime of expansion, so it is squeezing the national income, it is indebted to the expansion of the chisnennia, whether it be any of the components of the total vitrate. Vidsutnist rіvnovagi mіzh planned іnvestitsіyami i zashchadzhennymi can produce up to two negative effects for the functioning of the economy: inflationary growth, deflationary (recessionary) growth.

Yakshcho actual ryvnovic GDP for potential (), then in Ekononitz Masza Rozriv, Sho Vidpovo, to the Keynansky, the lack of peppers of the peppers for the stigma of the potassium vita, for this, for the yogo, for this, for the yogo, for the ion, the ion is nonsense.

According to Keynes and his successors, it is easy to change the amount of private sector investment, especially during a recession, if household incomes may be low, and firms are pessimistic about the future and do not care about investment investment. Henceforth, the state can present additional benefits to drink on comrades, that services, and increase the sum of money, to ensure the increase in the size of the joint release and the short period of recessionary release.

The victorious model of the Keynesian cross, can give one more interpretation of the equality between marriage and marriage proposition.

The sukupna proposition is nothing else, as the line 45 is known to us. Vaughn demonstrates zbіg actual witrates (exemption) and planned witrats. It seems that the national income is more than the value of the national output (GDP), and the GDP is a combined proposition. Sukupny drink - the whole line of sukupny planned vitrats. Krapka BUT, then. the peninsula point of the purchase price and the purchase proposition shows the level of the level of the national income - the value Y 0 .

Keynes writing the robot is theoretical in nature. However, this binding and visnovka is the basis for molding the most important principles of economic policy. In his "Zahalnіy teorії" fault with the method of ensuring effective drinking as the initial factor of growth and promotion of the level of employment, the following "recipes":

  • 1. Penny policy, regulation of the hundredth rate. It was suggested to reduce the amount of money for loans, which would increase the amount of raising between the number of credits and the estimated profit in capital investments, raising their "boundary efficiency". Pіdpriєmtsі invest koshti over the price of paper, and the development of virobnitstva. Ale lowering the vіdsotkovoї rate - not the head way. Keynes admitted that the situation is not turned off, if the penny mass continues to grow, and the lowering of the hundredth rate may increase. Vinicating pasta of liquidity.
  • 2. Budget policy. In order to stimulate efficient drinking, Keynes propagated more state investments, more state investments and the purchase of goods. It was also recommended to change taxes. Ale, all the same, the main Keynes, having increased the vitrat. The increase in the vidatkovoy part of the state budget will be compensated by new tax payments, as they are settled for the increase in the variability and expansion of employment.

Rozrahunok, shying away from those that the state “brothers the Daedalus on itself, has greater support for the direct organization of investments.” It was decided that the expansion of the investment activity of the state would be directed to us in front of the organization of public works - the development of roads, the development of new regions, the establishment of businesses.

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