Battleships of another light. Linkori-giganti. Mriya about the "great fleet"

05/24/2016 at 20:10 · pavlofox · 22 250

The largest battleships in the world

First of all, the ships of the line appeared near the 17th century. For a certain hour, the stench gave way to the quiet armadillos. Ale on the cob of the XX century, the battleships changed into head strength fleet. Shvidkіst and far-reaching artillery shells have become the main advantages in naval battles. The lands, driven by the increased capacity of the military-naval fleet, from the 1930s of the 20th century began to actively work on overpressure ships of the line, recognized as an increase in the portability of the sea. Not everyone could afford the life of a brand-namely expensive ship. The greatest battleships in the world - in these statistics, we are told about over-stretched ships-giants.

10. Richelieu | Dovzhina 247.9 m

Shows the rating of the largest line ships in the world French giant "" zavdovka 247.9 meters and water tonnage 47 thousand tons. The ship is named after the famous sovereign fiance France by Cardinal Richelieu. Buduvavsya battleship against the military-marine fleet of Italy. Active battle battleship "Rishelje" did not take part in the Senegalese operation in 1940. In 1968, the supership was sent to the ship. One of the monuments was erected in the port of Brest.

9. Bismarck | Dovzhina 251 m

The legendary German ship takes 9 places among the largest battleships in the world. The length of the vessel is 251 meters, the water-tonnage is 51 thousand tons. "Bismarck" zіyshov from the shipyard in 1939. On the eve of the hour of launching the present Führer Nіmechchini Adolf Hitler. One of the most famous ships of the Other Light War was sunk in early 1941 after thrive battles by British ships and torpedo bombers on the platform for the sinking of the English flagship, the cruiser Hood, by the German battleship.

8. Tirpits | Ship 253.6 m

On the 8th place in the list of the largest battleships there is a German "". The ship's length was 253.6 meters, water-tonnage - 53 thousand tons. After the death of the "big brother", "Bismarck", another of the most difficult German battleships practically did not get away from taking part in naval battles. Launched in 1939, "Tirpits" was lowered in 1944 as a result of torpedo bombers.

7. Yamato | Dovzhina 263 m

"- one of the largest battleships in the world and the largest combat ship in history since the sea battle was sunk.

“Yamato” (at the translation of the ship’s name means the old name of the Land of the Sun, to go) but to the pride of the Japanese naval fleet, although they wanted to take care of the majestic ship, the attitude to the new simple sailors was ambiguous.

To the tune of "Yamato" having joined in 1941 roci. The length of the battleship was 263 meters, water-tonnage - 72 thousand tons. Crew - 2500 osib. Until the year 1944, the largest ship in Japan took little part in the battles. Near the Leyte "Yamato" the American ships fired up the fire. It was like a z'yasuvalosya pіznіshe, zhoden from the head calіbrіv not catching the target.

The rest of the pride of Japan

On April 6, 1945, the fate of the "Yamato" viyshov near their remaining trips The American military landed on Okinawi, and the remnants of the Japanese fleet were given the task of reducing the soothsaying forces of that ship to be delivered. "Yamato" and other ships of the day recognized the two-year attacks of 227 American deck ships. The largest battleship of Japan, viyshov, took off close to 23 hits from air bombs and torpedoes. As a result of the vibration of the bow of the ship, the ship sank. 269 ​​people survived from the crew, 3 thousand sailors perished.

6. Musashi | Dovzhina 263 m

To the largest battleships in the world lie "" from a dove's hull of 263 meters and a water tonnage of 72 thousand tons. This is another gigantic liner ship, awakening Japan in the rocks of Another light war. Entering the ship at the date of 1942. The share of "Musas" turned out to be tragic. The first voyage ended with a hole in the bow part, taken as a result of a torpedo attack by an American submarine. At the same time in 1944, two of the largest battleships of Japan came into a serious battle. At the Sea of ​​Sibuyan, the stench recognized the attacks of American aircraft. Vipadkovo, the head blow of the enemy was hit on "Musas". The ship sank after being hit by about 30 torpedoes and air bombs. At once, having perished from the ship, yoga captain and over a thousand members of the crew.

On March 4, 2015, 70 years after the sinking, "Musas", having sunk, was revealed by the American millionaire Paul Allen. Vіn nahoditsya by the sea of ​​Sibuyan on the depths of the second kilometer. "Musas" sits for 6 months at the list of the largest battleships in the world.

Namely, but the Radyansk Union did not call for a suitable superlinker. In 1938, the liner ship "" was laid down. The length of the ship is small, 269 meters, and the water capacity is 65,000 tons. Before the beginning of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, the battleship was 19% prompted. To get a ship, for a moment to become one of the largest battleships in the world, did not go so far.

4. Wisconsin | Dovzhina 270 m

The American battleship rose to 4th place in the rating of the largest liner ships in the world. Dovzhin has 270 meters of water, water-tonnage - 55 thousand tons. Pochav pratsyuvati in 1944 roci. At the rocks of the Other light warfare supporting the aircraft carrier group and supporting the landing operations. It was the task of the hour of the war at the Persian Zatotsi. "Visconsin" is one of the remaining battleships, which were transferred to the US Navy Reserves. Write-offs from 2006 roci. Narazі ship znahoditsya at the station near the city of Norfolk.

3. Iowa | Dovzhina 270 m

with a length of 270 meters and a water-tonnage of 58,000 tons, it takes 3 months in the rating of the largest battleships in the world. The ship entered at December 1943. At the rock of the Other Light War, "Iowa" took an active part in combat operations. In 2012, a rotation of the battleship was bred from the warehouse to the fleet. The ship is now in the Port of Los Angeles as a museum.

2. New Jersey | Dovzhina 270.53 m

Another place in the rating of the largest battleships in the world is the American ship "", or "Black Dragon". Yogo dozhina stores 270.53 meters. Lie down to battleships of the Iowa type. Zіyshov from the shipyard 1942. "New Jersey" - a veteran of naval battles and a single ship, which took the fate of the Vietnam War. Here he won the role of supporting the army. After 21 years of service in the warehouse of the fleet in 1991, the status of the museum was taken away. At the same time, the ship is stationed at the Camden town.

1. Missouri | Dovzhina 271 m

The American liner ship "" has a list of the largest battleships in the world. Tsikavy wines are not less than hostile rozmirs (the ship’s length is 271 meters), and thim, that’s the last American battleship. In addition, "Missuri" has recorded in history the fact that the surrender of Japan was signed on its side in the spring of 1945.

The supership was launched in 1944. The main tasks of yoga support the Pacific aircraft carriers. Having taken the fate of the war at the Persian Zatotsі, de resurrects the fire. 1992 roku bu v vvedeniya zі depot іyskovo-naval fleet of the USA. Since 1998, Missouri has received the status of a museum ship. The parking of the legendary ship is located in Pearl Harbor. Being one of the most famous warships in the world, it has repeatedly testified in documentaries and feature films.

Great hopes were laid on the overpowered ships. It is characteristic that the stinks did not tell the truth to themselves. Here is an ostentatious butt of the largest battleships, if ever a man was awakened - the Japanese liner ships Musashi and Yamato. The resentment stench recognized the blows from the attacks of the American bombers, and did not catch the strike on the enemy's ships with their lead calibers. Vtіm, zіydis stinks in battle, the victory all the same would be b on the battleships of the American fleet, equipped at that hour with ten battleships against two Japanese giants.

What else to marvel at:

It's an hour, if the strength of the military-naval fleet began to be a large number of battleships. Those hours have long passed, yet the brutal beauty of these sea mastodons, like before, rose up and spawned super-girls. What do you need battleships? Chi boules stinks brown, or boules are a great method? Look at five legends of the era of battleships.

The battleship of the Third Reich "Bismarck" lived a short, but bright life, like a dosi give material for literature and cinematography. On May 24, 1941, the “Bismarck” at the pair with the “Prince Eugen” was caught up with the two British “Hood” and the “Prince of Wales”. In the course of the battle "Hood" was drowning, and "Bismarck" took off serious damage. The tridenial pursuit of the German battleship began.

On May 27, "Bismarck" took on an uneven battle and took off the weight of the poshkodzhen, and left afloat. Navit vycherpavshi all the ammunition, the ship did not lower the ensign. Zreshtoy, the commander of the ship Lutyens, having punished the kingston and deprive the ship. The next thing to note is that the Bismarck's loss of life is more critical after taking off the type of torpedo launched from the aircraft. The sinking of the "Bismarck" became an important signal that the battleships were playing the leading role in the fleet.

The ancient Japanese called their country Yamato, which means "great harmony", "light". As if gluzuvannya at the one who called such a name the largest Viysk ship in the world. Yoga gigantic armaments with a caliber of 460 mm were built to carry double-ton shells at a distance of 25 nautical miles (46 km). The ship's side armor was folded 410 mm. Regardless of its majestic vag, "Yamato" developed the speed of 27 nodes, but it's true, giving in to light American battleships with its own speed of 33 nodes.

At the sight of the "Bismarck" the lead Japanese battleship was left without work for an hour, the Japanese command took care of the battleships for the transfer of the general battle of the Japanese and American fleets. For an hour of idleness, I crossed between the Yamato Islands, standing in the port, having taken a hole in the torpedo from the American underwater line. Having perished this battleship, it is like shells from American ships, like bombs and torpedoes from US naval aviation. It was the 7th of April 1945, when the shores of the island of Okinawa were beaten, where “Yamato” together with other ships in directions to support the garrison of the island, which died in uneven battles and self-destructive attacks.

The first two battleships "Iowa" and "New Jersey" of the class "Iowa" showed themselves the hour of war in the Pacific Ocean. On the night of the faceless battles, she won. “Missuri”, which belongs to the class, did not show itself in battles, but went into history, like a ship, on which General MacArthur accepted the capitulation of Japan. This ship has been retired for a long time in the service of the US Navy, even though it was seen from the main warehouse of the fleet. The remaining combat volley of "Missuri" gave 1991 fate a new hour of war at the Persian Zatoc.

"Zhovtnev revolution" and "Marat"

Having offended the battleships of the Baltic Fleet to the Sevastopol project, they laid the foundations and waited before the cob of the First World War and before the Great Witches War, they already respected it. The stench did not take part in the sea battles, the shards of the Baltic Sea were mined from both sides, so our ships could not safely sail from the Finnish inlets, nor could the Germans enter there.

"Zhovtneva revolution" and "Marat" took part in the defense of Leningrad, supporting the defense of the city with fire from 305-mm and 120-mm garmat. The offending ships were aware of serious troubles (especially the Marat) at the time of the flood of the air force in the spring of 1941, but they were left afloat and after the repair they continued to protect Leningrad. The anchors of the anti-aircraft gun (Zbroya Ivan Tombasov) of the "Zhovtnevoy revolution" after the decommissioning of the ship in 1956 were installed on the Yakirny Square of Kronstadt to riddle about the heroic defense of the besieged Leningrad.

"Paris Comune"

On the Mediterranean Sea, the British fleet sank, and passed through the Gibraltar canal, and there were many plunders, that German ships could not sail to the Black Sea. The only battleship of the Black Sea Fleet "Parizka Komuna" took part in the defense of Sevastopol, destroying the enemy's ground forces, which afflicted the city. Three thousand shots were fired at the head caliber of the battleship. The anti-aircraft artillery successfully hit the 21st repeated attack, to the brink of why the ship for the whole war did not take the long-awaited serious damage.

Another light war became the swan song of the great ships of the line. Operations in the Pacific Ocean clearly showed that panuvannya on the sea passed from battleships to aircraft carriers. From that hour, the United States increased its stake on aircraft carriers, as they became the main instrument of global dominance. Ale tse already zovsіm іnsha іstoriya.

From the moment the garmat is installed on the ship, the superficiality of the projectile and armor begins to slow down. After seeing the inconsistency of the great display fleet before the fire, the engineers and shipbuilders begin to install armor on the military vessel. Near the 19th century, the first armadillos appeared, they completed their development before the beginning of the 20th century and became the main shock and most powerful force of the fleet. We will have to replace battleships-dreadnoughts, bigger, tighter and more armored. The peak of the development of line ships having fallen on the Drug holy war, if the supernumerary of the projectile and armor reached its apogee, giving rise to the most powerful and great ships, if ever created by people. About them and timetsya at our article.

6. Line ships type "King George V"

In front of the Other Light Viysk fleet, the fleets of the leading maritime powers were intensively attacked by modern battleships. Great Britain was respected as a legislator of fashion in the sphere of the Viysk shipbuilding, that most powerful maritime power for a long time already, but after the First World War, leadership began to gradually fade away. As a result, the Lady of the Seas became the least powerful "brand" battleship until the end of the war.

Battleships of the King George V type began to be designed by the British in the late 20s of the 20th century to replace the superdreadnoughts with them. For a few years, the first project, having recognized significant changes, and until 1935, the residual version was approved with a length of about 230 meters and a water tonnage of about 35 thousand tons. The lead caliber of the new battleship was ten 356-millimeter garmats. The rotation of the artillery of the head caliber was original. Instead of the classic chotirokh 2-harmonic or three 3-harmonic ropes, they chose the option with two ropes along the chotiri armati on the nose and on the stern and one rope with two garmats on the nose. A caliber of 356 mm on the cob of the Other Light was introduced as the least and least among the battleships of the leading powers. Armored projectile "King George" weighing modestly 721 kg. Pochatkova swedishness bula low - 757 m / s. The English harmonicas did not shine with rapidity. At the plus, you can bring only traditionally yakish stovburi garmat and armor-piercing shells at once with the superior system of fire.

The average caliber of the battleship was represented by sixteen 133-millimeter garmats in 2 garmats. The harmonics have become universal, leading like an anti-aircraft fire, and violating the function of fighting against the fortune tellers. Although they coped with other tasks with such harmony, the anti-aircraft stench turned out to be ineffective due to the low rate of fire and the lack of guidance systems. So the line ships "King George" were equipped with two rozvіduvalnymi hydrolytics with one catapult.

The armoring of British ships was based on the classic principle of “everything is nothing”, if the main and most important knots of the ship were covered with the best armor, and the edges of the hull and deck were practically not armored. The thickness of the head armor belt reached the enemy 381 mm. Zagal armored bulo dosit indestructible and balanced. Yakіst samoї englіyskoї ї brіnі, і earlier, zalivalos vіdminnymi. Narіkannya vyklikav less than a weak anti-torpedo and anti-torpedo defender.

The main power plant developed 110 thousand Chinese forces and allowed the battleship to expand up to 28 units. Rozrakhun's sailing range with an economical 10-knot course reached 14,000 miles, in fact, everything looked more modest.

In a flash, the English were far away from building five ships of this type. The battleships were created to resist the German fleet in the Atlantic, they had a chance to serve in rich corners of the world. The most belligerent of the British battleships were the King George V, which for a long time was the flagship of the English Royal Navy, and the Prince of Wells, which once took on the sinister Hood against the legendary Bismarck. Like the fate of the Prince of Wells in 1941, after the sinkings by Japanese aviation, other brothers survived the war and were safely redirected to the evils of 1957.

Battleship Vanguard

Crimean ships of the "King George V" type, the Englishmen, at the hour of the war, fared away to lay down the new "Vengard" - a larger and thicker liner ship, concessions to the rich of the short-lived battleships in the front. For water-tonnage and construction (50 thousand tons and a weight of 381-millimeter garmats) of wines, the German "Bismarck" was awarded. Ale, the British were able to produce this ship only in 1946.

5. Line ships of the Litorio / Vittorio Veneto type

After the First World War, Italy experienced not itself best hours. There were no pennies for the life of new battleships. Therefore, the release of new courts is strongly dependent on financial settlements. The development of the modern battleship Italy was sooner than later bookmarked by France, the main super-ship in the Mediterranean, tight and fast cruisers of the Dunkirk type, as the old Italian battleships were born again.

The main theater of the wars for the Italians was the Mediterranean Sea, which was historically respected by "its own". Ce and put a tip on the look of the new battleship. As for the English, autonomy and a long cruising range were a key factor in the development of wet line ships, the Italian designers could sacrifice it to increase the fire resistance and armor. The headwaters "Litorio" and "Vitorio Veneto" were bigger than the "King George" - now the total water tonnage was about 45,000 tons, while the depth was about 240 meters. The battleships entered the spring of 1940.

Nine tight 15-inch (381 mm) garmats at three 3-garmat veils were used to improve the head gauge. The Italians went on a path to the maximum forcing of the old znarad of a similar caliber, having increased the length of the barrels from 40 to 50 caliber. As a result, the Italian garmats became the champions of the middle 15-inch shells in Europe with the muzzle energy and tightness of the projectile, acting for the armor penetration of the more large-caliber garmats of the American "Iowa" and the Japanese "Yamato".

The weight of an armor-piercing projectile reached 885 kg for a high cob speed of 870 m/s. For this, I had a chance to cry in the region with a low merchant share and the accuracy of a shooter, as they are respected by the leading small type of battleships. On the vіdmіnu vіd english, іtаlіytsі divided the middle artillery into antiaircraft and anti-aircraft. To fight against the attacking destroyers, twelve 6-inch (152 mm) garmats were deployed at chotiriox 3-garmat veils. Twelve 90-millimeter garmats were used for shooting with flying tanks, which were supplemented with 37-millimeter machine guns. Dosvіd vіyni having thoroughly shown the lack of anti-aircraft artillery of the Italian battleships, as well as the majority of similar ships in other countries.

The air group of battleships of the Litorio type was formed from three hydroplanes and one catapult for their launch. The head armored belt was separated and, for the sake of not hostile comrades, protecting it from 380-millimeter shells.

Battleship Vittorio Veneto

The main power plant saw 130,000 Chinese forces and drove the Italian battleship up to 30 ships. Such a high speed was a great victory and gave the opportunity to choose the optimal distance in battle, or start to wilt in the fire of a strong opponent. The sailing distance was modest (4.5-5 thousand miles), but sufficient for the Mediterranean.

Battleship Roma

In the distance, the Italians were able to launch three battleships of this type, the fourth ship was left unfinished. With the help of the armies of the other light court, they fought battles and periodically poshkodzhuvalis English and American aviation, after which they were repaired and re-introduced into action. As a result, Vittorio Veneto and Litorio were transferred after the war to Great Britain and the USA apparently, they were cut in the middle of the 1950s. The third battleship - "Roma" - was awarded the sum share. After the capitulation of Italy, the Germans sank it with Fritz-X air bombs, so that the ship did not reach the allies. In this rank, the beautiful and thinned Italian battleships did not achieve their own battle glory.

4. Line ships of the type "Rishelje"

After the First Light War, France opined in a situation similar to that of Italy. a distant development military-marine fleet.

Following the laying of “gut battleships” of the Scharnhorst type in Nimechchina, the French were tempted to design ships to fight them. "Dunkirk", which was the result, appeared on the floor in the distance, which served as the basis for the creation of full-fledged line ships of the "Rishelieu" type.

The total water tonnage of the "Risheliye" was 45 thousand tons, and the maximum depth was about 250 meters. In order to accommodate the water-tonnage in the border as much as possible, the armoring of that armour, the French again stumbled upon the original layout of the head-caliber design, which was tested at Dunkertz.

"Rishelje" without hanging 380-millimeter garmats with a length of 45 caliber at two 4-garmat veils. The armor-piercing projectile's carriage laid down 890 kg with a cob speed of 830 m/s. Such placement allowed to protect the total amount of skin veils, paired with 3- and especially 2-garment veils. In addition, less than two head calibers were replaced by three chi chotiriokhs, and a smaller head armor belt for the defense of the garmat and artillery lohivs was asked, they asked the system for saving and supplying ammunition, carrying fire.

Ale, in such a bold scheme, had his own shortfalls. Poshkodzhennya be-yakoy s vezh brought half of the artillery of the ship to the exit from the fret, to which the French divided the skin of the vezh with an armored partition. The skin pair of garmats is small for an independent supply of ammunition. Actually, the 2-basht scheme turned out to be inappropriate. French sailors have shown that the ship's turning system could get out of hand, no matter how badly. In addition, the stern sector of the ship was not robbed by shells of the head caliber, which was often compensated for by the large turns of the front wings.

Battleship Jean Bart

The pride of the French shipbuilders was armored and flashed. For demonstrations of survivability, "Rishelje" outperformed its competitors from England and Italy, being approximately equal to the larger "Bismarck" and "Iowa" and doing less than richly important "Yamato". The head armor belt is 330 mm thick and 18 mm thick lining. Heeled under 18 degrees belt, giving mayzhe pіvmeter armor. The unfinished "Jean Bar" happened to take close to five important 406-mm American head-caliber shells. The ship survived.

The power plant "Risheliye" saw 150 thousand Chinese forces, and the number of over 31 units was one of the best in the class, formally doing less than "Iowa". The maximum sailing distance became close to 10,000 miles with an economical crossing.

In a frenzy, the French planned to build three battleships of this type. At the same time, there were only two more than two - "Richelieu" and "Jean Bar", which, not without benefit, survived the war. These vessels have become one of the most balanced and distant ships of this class. A lot of fakhіvtsіv give them a palm tree at linkobuduvannі. The stench started to do it harder, more armored and high speed. At the same time, the average volume of water is small. Prote rich of positive sides were good only on paper. Like the Italian battleships, the French "Risheli" and "Jean Bar" did not cover their history with immortal deeds. He managed to survive the war and learn to serve after it, having undergone modernization. If it is an aesthetic side, then the author of the article should put them in the first place. The French battleships turned out to be beautiful and thinned in a right way.

3. Line ships of the type "Bismarck"

Nіmechchina after the First Light was one of the first to launch the design of new modern battleships. Like a country, like a war, it was fenced in to be great warships. That's why the starting "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau" could be called battleships by a stretch. Prote seryoznogo dosvіdu nіmetskim іnzhenery boulo otrimano. And even after the signing in 1935 of the rotation of the Anglo-Nimets maritime area, which actually enacted the Versailles exchange, the Nymechchina began the development and operation of the largest and most difficult ships, if ever they were transferred to the opposing German fleet.

Battleships of the "Bismarck" type have a small water tonnage of about 50 thousand tons, a length of 250 meters and a width of 36 meters, outperforming their European counterparts. The head artillery, yak on Richelieu and Vittorio Veneto, was represented by 380-millimeter garmats. "Bismarck" nіs vіsіm garmat at chotyrokh 2-garmat veils, two on the nose of that stern. Tse buv krok back on aphids 3- and 4-harmonic vezh competitors.

Artillery of the head caliber was more survivable, ale wimagala was larger than the mass, armor, obviously, and її deployment. Harmati "Bismarck" is nothing special, around the traditional German quality, on aphids "fifteen inches" the French and the Italians were not seen. Well, on the basis of the rest, pragmatic nimts made a bet on the accuracy of the shooter on the error of tightness and the vase of the projectile (800 kg). Yak showing the hour is not a gift.

Armored "Bismarck" can be called dead and not so great. Vikoristovuyuchi scheme іz chotirma with head caliber, the Germans had to armor up to 70% of the hull. The thickness of the head armored belt reached 320 mm at the lower part and up to 170 mm at the upper. In the view of the rich line ships of that period, the armoring of the German battleships was not sharply differentiated, with the same maximum tovshchina, but the armored area was more than that of a competitor. Possibly, the very same scheme of armoring allowed the Bismarck for a long time to watch the numerical volleys of the English, afloat.

The main power plant was a weak target for the project. Vaughn developed close to 150,000 "horses", roaring "Tirpitz" and "Bismarck" up to 30 knots, which was an even more indestructible result. At one time, she did not shy away from nadіynіstyu and especially ekonomіchnіstyu. The actual cruising range was practically 20% lower according to the statements of 8.5-8.8 thousand miles.

The German shipbuilders could not create a ship, as if I would overthrow the competitors. The combat characteristics of the Bismarck were on the Risheli and Litorio rivers, and the combat share of the German battleships was made up of the most famous and most famous ships of the Other World War.

All in all, the Germans were able to bring into operation two ships of this type. "Bismarck" in 1941 had a chance to accept the battle, which became the most famous naval battle of the Other World. The German strike from the battleship "Bismarck" and the important cruiser "Prince Eugen" hit the English ships. Even though the English had lost ground over the sight of the battleship "Prince of Wells" and the battlecruiser "Hood", the volleys of the "Bismarck" for the health of the war brought to the bottom the beauty and pride of the Royal Navy - the flagship cruiser "Hood" together with the crew of the crew. In the aftermath of the duel, the German ships took the trouble. Shocked and broken, the English ruled for the trial of the "Bismarck" to the whole squadron. The German battleship was practically far away from the chase, but the Englishmen damaged the kermo of the ship, and then, for a long time, they shot the unruly ship from the horns. As a result, the Bismarck team sank the kingstone and sank their ship.

Model of the battleship "Tirpits"

After spending one of two battleships, the Germans hid the Tirpitz, which was abandoned, in the Norwegian fjords. Navіt bezdіyalny і zahovany, tsey ship protyag ієї vіyni zalishavsіm constant headache of the English, vіdtyaguyuchi vіn majestic forces. Zreshtoy, "Tirpits" in the distance to sink only a few times with specially crushed majestic 5-ton bombs.

2. Line ships type "Iowa"

Prior to the Other Light War, the United States emerged as a leader in terms of economic and production potential. It was no longer Great Britain, but a partner across the ocean, that became the master of the most powerful military fleet. Until the end of the 1930s, the Americans managed to develop a battleship project within the framework of the Washington area. The ships were of the South Dakota type, which, on the whole, were good for European competitors. Let's wait for an hour of bigger and tighter battleships of the Iowa type, the titles of wealthy fahivtsy, the best ships of this class.

The length of such liner ships reached a record 270 meters, and the total water tonnage exceeded 55,000 tons. "Iowa" is small against the Japanese battleships of the "Yamato" type. Prote American shipbuilders saved the caliber of the 16-inch (406 mm) main artillery from the stasis in South Dakota. Ale, the head caliber was lowered from 45 to 50 calibers, increasing the tension of the armor-piercing projectile from 1016 to 1225 kg. The Crimean armies themselves, with the estimated fire intensity of the ships of the Iowa type, should have found the middle of the battleships of that period, the system of carrying out artillery fire. In nіy krіm balіstіchnyh obchislyuvachіv і optical far іv zastosovuvavsya radar, which significantly improved the accuracy of the shooter, especially in the filthy meteoumov.

In addition, due to the thoroughness of guidance systems and the quality of ammunition, American battleships were the absolute leaders in anti-aircraft fire.

And the armored axis was not the strong point of Iowie. The citadel at the central part of the ship was covered with a modest 307-millimeter head armor belt. Zagalom, the battleship made reservations on the river "South Dakota" and European liner ships with less water tonnage, and the "Rishelje" navit navit acted. Not relying on their armored personnel, the Americans went a different way.

Battleships of the Iowa type took away the most powerful among similar ships, the power plant of 212 thousand Chinese forces. For equalization, on the front, the tightness of the turbines reached only 130 thousand horses. "Iowa" theoretically could break up to a record 33 knots, overturning all the battleships of the Other Light. In this way, the American battleships were less successful in maneuvering, being able to choose the optimal distance for themselves and kill the artillery battle, often compensating for the lack of armor.

In the wild, the Americans planned to encourage six ships of this type. Ale, beruchi to the respect already prompted chotiri battleships of the South Dakota type and the Daedals to play a greater role of aircraft carriers, the United States has settled in a series of chotirokh ships - Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin. All liner ships took an active part in the war in the Pacific Ocean. On spring 2, 1945, the Act of Surrender of Japan was signed on board the Missouri.

The large share of battleships of the Iowa type, on the basis of the greater number of ships of this class, was formed quite dramatically. The ships were not built on the bruht, but continued their service. The Americans actively victorious their battleships under the hour of war near Korea and Vietnam. In the middle of the 1980s, already old at that time, the ships underwent modernization, removing the current electronic filling and keratinized winged missiles. The remaining conflict, from which the fate of the line ships took the fate, was the war at the Persian Butt.

Artillery of the head caliber bula is represented by nine 18-inch garmats in three 3-garmat veils, clasped classically, like on Vittorio Veneto and Iowa. Similar artillery is not a battleship near the world. The armored shell is important for many more tons. And behind the sumar vaga, the “Yamato” volley overturned the European linear ships with 15-inch garmats mayzhe vdvichi. The artillery fire control system has reached the end of its time. And just like the Yamato did not have such innovations, like radars (they were installed on the Iowa), the optical distances and ballistic calculations were not compromised by their light counterparts. It seems to be simpler, for the battleship of that hour, in the range of the shooting range of the garmat of the Japanese monster, 40 kilometers away, it would not show up any sooner.

The anti-aircraft gunners of the Japanese, not compromising on European accuracy, stood up to the American ones for the accuracy of the shooter and the swiftness of aiming. Small-caliber automatic anti-aircraft guns, the number of which in an hour of war grew from eight automatic weapons to five hundred, however, the Bofors and the Erlikons of the Americans were viciously compromised.

Armored battleships of the "Yamato" type, as well as the main artillery, were "by themselves". Moreover, having installed the armor of the maximum comradeship on their ships, the Japanese tried to change the dozhina of the citadel. As a result, the head armor belt was bent for about half of the vessel in the central part. Natomist yoga tovshchina was hostile - 410 mm. It should be noted that the Japanese armor was delivered for the best at that time to the English and German through the blocking of access to Japan for the most modern technologies for the production of armored steel and the availability of supplies of low rare light elements. Ale, all the same, "Yamato" was left with the best armored ship near the world.

Battleship "Musasi"

The main power plant of the Japanese super battleship was able to carry out a modest one, it has seen close to 150 thousand Chinese forces, roaring the majestic ship up to 27.5 knots. "Yamato" was the most important among the battleships of the Other World. Natomist ship with the largest air group of rozvіduvalnyh lіtakіv - tіlih sіm pieces on two catapults.

The Japanese planned to introduce three battleships of the type into action, but they could only get two - "Yamato" and "Musashi". The third one, "Sinano", was transformed into an aircraft carrier. The share of ships was cumulative. The Japanese sailors were jarring that battleships of the Yamato type could more and more marish such majestic and marny speeches, like the Chinese wall and the Egyptian pyramids.

During the singing hour, the stench of the day was sacrificed by the technical part and the destruction of the silent armadillos. And yet, in the 20th century, the lands, as if they were able to strengthen their fleet, began to create battleships, as they were no less equal in firepower. But far from all powers could afford to build such a ship. The superships were small majestic vartist. Let's take a look at the world's largest battleship, its features and other important details.

"Rishelje" and "Bismarck"

The French ship under the name "Richelieu" can boast of a water tonnage of 47 thousand tons. The ship's length is close to 247 meters. The main recognition of the ship was in the streaming of the Italian fleet, but the battleship was not active in combat. Vinyatkom є lishe Senegalese operation of 1940. In 1968, "Rishele", names in honor of the French cardinal, were scrapped. One of the main bullets was installed near Brest as a monument.

Bismarck is one of the legendary ships of the German fleet. The length of the vessel is 251 meters, and the water capacity is 51,000 tons. The battleship was launched in 1938, when Adolf Hitler himself was present. In 1941, a number of ships were sunk by the forces of the aftermath of which an impersonal people perished. Ale is far from the largest battleship in the world, so we also gave a demo.

German "Tirpits" and Japanese "Yamato"

Obviously, "Tirpits" is not the largest battleship in the world, but at the end of the war, it has the best technical characteristics. However, after the demise of "Bismarck" the wines did not take an active part in the combat actions. 1939 was launched into the water, and on the 44th, torpedo bombers fell.

And the axis of the Japanese "Yamato" is the largest battleship in the world, a kind of sinking among the results of combat battles. Before the ship, the Japanese were placed more economically, until the 44th year they did not take part in combat actions, although such a possibility occurred more than once. Launching boats into the water in 1941. The length of the vessel is 263 meters. There were 2.5 thousand crew members on board. In April 1945, as a result of an attack from the side of the American fleet, taking 23 direct hits with torpedoes. As a result, having vibrated the bow water, the ship sank to the bottom. Over 3,000 deaths and less than 268 were lost behind approximate tributes as a result of a ship accident.

Another tragic story

The Japanese battleships had no luck on the battlefield during the other light war. It is important to state the exact reason. Polegala won in the technical part of the blame for the whole command, not to get rid of the riddle. Prote after "Yamato" another giant was called - "Musasi". Vіn buv dozhinoy 263 meters with a water tonnage of 72 thousand tons. Ahead of launchings in 1942. Ale y tse ship was minted by the tragic share of the front. First passed, one might say, successfully. After the attack of the American submarine ship "Musasi", having taken a serious hole in the bow, and then safely flooded the battlefield. And yet, a few hours later, at the sea of ​​Sibuyan, the ship recognized the attack of American aviation. The main blow fell on her own battleship.

After 30 direct bombings, the ship sank. Todi perished over 1000 people, the crew and the captain of the ship. In 2015, the "Musasi" roci was discovered by an American millionaire at a depth of 1.5 kilometers.

Who should have bathed in the ocean?

Here we can unequivocally say - America. On the right, in the fact that the greatest battleship in the world is there. Moreover, the United States under the hour of the war was short of 10 warships, even as Nimechchina is close 5. The SRSR took such a few. I would like to hear about the project under the name "Radyansky Soyuz" today. Vіn rozroblyavsya pіd vіyni hour, and the ship was already prompted by 20%, but no more.

The world's largest battleship battleship, which is the most write-off of all - "Viskonsin". Vіrushiv on the parking lot in the port of Norflok in 2006 roci, de і know today as a museum exhibit. Tsei giant buv at the dovzhinu 270 meters from the water tonnage of 55 thousand tons. Under the hour of war, actively taking part in various special operations and supporting aircraft carrier groups. The resurrection was zadіyano at the hour of the fighting at the Persk zatocі.

Top 3 giants from America

"Iowa" is a liner American ship of the plant, 270 meters from the water tonnage of 58,000 tons. Tse one of the most famous ships in the United States, let's not build the largest ship in the world. first launchings in 1943 roci and taking the fate of rich naval battles. Actively vikoristovuvsya as a support for aircraft carriers, as well as zastosovuvsya for support of land troops. In 2012, there are several offices in Los Angeles, where they are known as a museum.

And the axis about the "black dragon" is practically known to the skin of an American. "New Jersey" nicknames are so for those who inspire a flicker with one of their presence on the battlefield. The world's largest battleship in history, which took the fate of the Vietnamese war. Launching boats in 1943 roci and for their type of boats similar to the ship "Iowa". The ship's dovzhina laid down 270.5 meters. This right veteran of naval battles, which in 1991 served as a rozі buv vіdpravleniya to the port of Camden. There wines are known at once and as a reminder.

The world's largest battleship of the Other Light War

First of all, the ship "Missuri" will land first. Vіn buv is no less than the largest representative (271 meters at the dovzhin), and y buv is the last American battleship. This vessel was known to be safer through those that, on its own board, signed a pact about the surrender of Japan. Ale, at the same time, "Missuri" took an active part in the battlefields. Descents from the shipyard in 1944 and zastosovuvavsya for the support of aircraft carrier groups and support of various special operations. I shot the rest of my own at the Persian Butt. In 1992, write-offs from the US reserves and breaking into the parking lot at Pearl Harbor.

This is one of the most famous ships in America and the entire world. More than one documentary film has been made about him. By the way, the United States is spending millions of dollars on the support of the workforce, even if it is historical value.

Hope didn't work out

Build the world's largest battleship of the war without being wrong about what they rely on. Yaskrav butt - Japanese giants, as if they were equipped with American bombers, without having caught up with the main calibers. Everything spoke of little effectiveness against aviation.

The protesters of the fire of the many ships of the line were simply hostile. For example, on the "Yamato" artillery armaments of 460 mm were installed with a weight of 3 tons of leather. Nearly 9 such garmatas were rolled out on board with Usyi. Truth be told, the designers fired a one-hour salvo for the fence, but the shards would inevitably lead to the ship's mechanical failures.

An important aspect of buv i zahist. Armored plates of various comrades protected the most important nodes and units of the ship and could not ensure its buoyancy in any situation. The main zbroya is small mask 630 mm. Її it didn’t break through the fire of the light in the world, when shooting, it’s practically tight. But all the same, it didn’t turn the battleship into death.

Yogo was attacked by American attack aircraft for a whole day. Zagalna kіlkіst lіtakіv, yakі took part in the special operation sagalo 150 cars. After the first breakdowns near the corps, the situation was not yet critical, if 5 more torpedoes were consumed, a list appeared at 15 degrees, and the wines changed to 5 degrees for additional anti-flooding. Ale, at this hour, were great in spending a special warehouse. If the roll reaches 60 degrees, a shrill vibe is played. Tse buli funeral stores of the main caliber of approximately 500 tons of vibrating. So, the largest battleship in the world, a photo of which you can add to your article, buv sinkings.

P_vedemo p_bags

Today, whether it be a ship, to build the world's largest battleship, may be seen from a technical point of view. The missiles are not allowed to conduct effective aimed fire through the lack of vertical and horizontal aiming. The majestic mass does not allow you to gain high speed. All the same, in order of great dimensions, to rob the line ships with an easy aid for aviation, especially as a day-to-day support for repeating that priming of the destroyers.

До моменту закінчення Другого світового класу швидкохідних лінійний кораблів досяг межі у своєму розвитку, вигідно об'єднавши в собі руйнівну міць і захищеність дредноутів з високою швидкістю лінійних крейсерів, ці зразки морського здійснили чимало дивовижних подвигів під прапорами всіх держав, що воювали.

It’s impossible to add up a “rating” of battleships in quiet rokiv - in the first place they claim to be the most favorite, and in the skin of them for those є most serious substantiations. Well, until other places of the honorable p'edestal, here it was impossible to raise whether any kind of notification of choice. Only individual relish and subjective likeness. The leather battleship is reminiscent of its unique design, a chronicle of combat stasis and, most of all, a tragic death.

The skin of them is created according to one’s own, specifically the task of carrying out the service, under the song of the enemy, and it is evidently to the exact concept of zastosuvannya.

Different theaters of combat events dictated different rules: inland seas chi vіdkritiy ocean, blizkіst chi, navpaki, supremacy remoteness of bases. Classical squadron battles with the same monsters, or a crooked mess with the appearance of repeated repeated attacks and shelling fortifications on the guardian's guard.

The ships cannot be seen in the face of the geopolitical situation, I will become the scientific, industrial and financial spheres of the powers - all the same, the chimals were left on their designs.

Straight line between the Italian “Litorio” and the American “North Caroline” is turned off.

Prote contenders for the title of the shortest battleship can be seen with an indefatigable eye. Tse "Bismarck", "Tirpitz", "Iowa" and "Yamato" - ships about yaki chuli navit ti, who in no way chimed in the fleet.

Living behind the curtains of Sun Ji

... Line ships of Її Magnificence "Enson" and "Duke of York", aircraft carriers "Viktories", "F'uries", escort aircraft carriers "Sicher", "Emp'yuєr", "Pesuer", "Fenser", cruisers "Belfast" , Bellona, ​​Royalist, Shefeld, Jamaica, destroyer squadrons Javelin, Virago, Meteor, Swift, Vegelent, Wakeful, Onslot... - in total close to 20 single British, Canadian and Polish ensigns, as well as 2 naval tankers and 13 deck squadrons.

Only in such a warehouse near the quarter of 1944 did the British venture to get close to the Alta Fjord - there, under the gloomy crypts of the Norwegian rocks, the pride of the Kriegsmarine, the super-battleship "Tirpits", was destroyed.
The results of the operation "Tungsten" are assessed as a spiral - the carrier-based pilots were far from bombing the German base and the bottoms of the battleships of the battleship of serious battles. However, the "Pearl Harbor" was not seen - the head of the "Tirpitsa" could not have mortally wounded the English.

Nіmtsі spent 123 people beaten, ale battleship, like before, becoming a threat to navigation in Pivnіchnіy Atlantic. The main problems were caused not by the number of bombs fired and fired on the upper deck, but by the leaks that reappeared in the underwater part of the hull - the result of a forward British attack against the mini-submarines.

... In just one hour of stay in the Norwegian waters, the Tirpitz saw dozens of strikes in succession - at once, for the fates of war in the raids on the battleship, about 700 British and Russian aircraft took the fate! Marno.

Hiding behind the anti-torpedo railing, the ship was indifferent to the torpedo fire of the allies. At the same time, aerial bombs proved to be ineffective against well-protected floors; it was possible to smash the armored citadel of the battleship for a long time, but the ruination of the nadbuds could not critically infiltrate the Tirpitsa's combativeness.

Tim, for an hour, the shave was rushing to the place where the Teutonic beast was stationed: mini-submarines and human torpedoes; nalyoti carrier-based and strategic aviation. Agents-іnformatori z mіstsevyh, regularly following the base from time to time.

"Tirpitz" became a unique instillation of the ideas of the ancient Chinese commander and thinker Sun Ji ("The Art of Warfare") - without making a good shot at the ships of the enemy, squeezing the mustaches of the British near the Pivnichny Atlantic!

One of the most effective warships of the other light, the impermeable "Tirpitz" pretended to be evil for the British Admiralty.
"Tirpitz" to deprive its parking lot and see the sea?

The "Tirpits" itself had escorted the PQ-17 convoy. The battleships and aircraft carriers of the fleet of the metropolis in the Arctic latitudes were falling on the new one. The new shooter has a K-21. For the sake of the new “Lancaster” from the Royal Air Force, they ruled at the airfield Yagidniy near Arkhangelsk. Ale all showed up marnim. The British were able to get the superlinkor only until the end of the war for the help of the stingy 5-ton Tolboy bombs.

Tallboy ("Big Boy")

The hostile success of the battleship "Tirpitz" - the fall, which was lost in the sight of the legendary "Bismarck" - the same type of ship of the line, zustrich for a long time instilled fear in the hearts of the English: before the eyes caught the funeral stovp half-moon, which hovered over the British line Ho. Under the hour of the battle in the Danish protocy, the gloomy Teutonic face needed five volleys to get rid of the British "gentleman".

"Bismarck" and "Prince Eugen" at the military campaign

And then the time has come to pay. The Bismarck was chased by a squadron of 47 ships and 6 submarines of Majesty. After the battle, the British cheered: in order to sink the beast, they had a chance to launch 8 torpedoes and 2876 shells of the head, medium and universal caliber!

What a kripak!

Hieroglyph "Virnist". Battleship type "Yamato"

There are three uncommon speeches in the world: the pyramid of Cheops, the Great Wall of China and the battleship "Yamato" ... Nevzhe?

From the line ships "Yamato" and "Musashi" became the axis of history: the stench was undeservedly exchanged. Next to them is the persistent image of the "nevdas", the brandy "venderwafers" shattered by the first strike against the enemy.

Ale for the facts, we may take this:

The ships were designed and prompted in the tasks of the term, caught up to fight and, nareshti, took a heroic death before the numerical strength of the enemy.

What else matters to them?

Yaskravih won? Unfortunately, in this situation, in which Japan was known in the period 1944-45, it’s unlikely that the sea king Poseidon himself could have been better, the lower battleships “Musashi” and “Yamato”.

Nedolіki superlinkorіv?

So, we are in front of a weak PPO - any fireworks fireworks "Sansiki 3" (anti-aircraft shells caliber 460 mm), and hundreds of small-caliber automatic machines from store taverns could not replace modern anti-aircraft guns and the control system for controlling the fire behind the radar data.

Weak PTZ?
I bless you! “Musasi” and “Yamato” perished after 10-11 hits by torpedoes - they would not have seen the life of the battleship on the planet (to equalize, the death rate of the American “Iowee” after hitting six torpedoes, behind the fires of the Americans themselves, was estimated at 90%).

In another way, the battleship "Yamato" used the phrase "nay, samiy"

The largest battleship in history, for confusion, the largest combat ship, which took the fate of the Other Light War.
70 thousand tons of new water tonnage.
Head gauge - 460 mm.
Armored belt - 40 cm thick metal.
Walls of the conning tower - armor pivmetra.
The thickness of the frontal part of the main gun is even larger - 65 centimeters of steel shield.

Great view!

The head of the Japanese - the veil of supra-divine mystery, yak burned everything that was connected with battleships of the Yamato type. On this day, there are only few photographs of these monsters - a small amount of death on board American planes.

With such ships, the varto bulo was written and not on fire to cover the enemy with them - even the Americans, until the last moment, were inspired, which can be seen from the right with the great battleships, with 406 mm caliber garmats.

For a competent PR policy, the news itself about the basis of the Yamato battleships and the Musasi could call out the panic fear among the US Navy commanders and their allies - so, as it happened with the Tirpitz. The Yankees would have rushed to be similar ships with pvm armor and 460 caliber garmats or 508 mm - it would have been fun with a blast. The strategic effect of the Japanese super battleships has become even bigger.

Museum "Yamato" near Kuri. The Japanese dbaily preserve the memory of their "Varyag"

How did the Leviathans perish?

"Musas" ishov all day at the Sibuyan Sea under heavy attacks of aircraft from five American aircraft carriers. And the whole day, and after the evening, having died, having taken off 11-19 torpedoes and 10-17 aircraft bombs for various estimates.
How do you think, what were the great defenses and combat stamina of the Japanese battleship? And who of your peers could repeat this?

"Yamato" ... death from the heights bula yogo share. Follow the torpedoes, black in the sky.
Seemingly, "Yamato" zdijsniv seppuku, vyyshovshi at the warehouse of a small squadron against eight aircraft carriers of the 58th operational task force. The result of the transfers was two hundred aircrafts that made the battleship and one hundred and fifty escorts in two years.

The era of high technologies. Battleship type "Iowa"

What is yakby?
What is Yamato's replacement for the 58th operational squadron of Admiral Mitscher's battleship, identical to the American Iowa? How did the Japanese industry manage to create PPO systems similar to those that were on that hour on the ships of the US Navy?

Chim ended up fighting between battleships and American aircraft carriers, yakbees from Japanese sailors, systems similar to Mk.37, Ford Mk.I Gunfire Control Computer, SK, SK-2, SP, SR, Mk.14, Mk.51, Mk.53 …?

Behind the dry indexes there are masterpieces of technical progress - analog computers and automatic systems for fire protection, radars, radio visosotomes and projectiles with a radar gun - fires all tsim "chips" anti-aircraft fire "Iowa" zen .

And also how to hurt the speed of the Mk.12 anti-aircraft guns, the superbly effective 40 mm Boforsi and the Yerlikon automatic weapons from the line eating ... There is a slight chance that an attack by an American aircraft could be drowned in the blood of some. and dive into the mile, disguised as an impossible artillery battery (from the Ten-It-Go operation plan).

Everything could be ... unfortunately, Yamato destroying the bottom of the sea, and the enemy complex of anti-aircraft weapons became the prerogative of the American Iowa.

To reconcile with the thought that the best ship is new to the Americans is impossible. Haters of the United States in one minute know a dozen reasons, through the Iowa, they cannot be respected by the best battleship.

“Iiovi” Zhorstko criticize through the vidsuteny of the middle peasant Kalibru (150 ... 155 mm)-at the Vidmin of Beaki, the Japanese, French, the American ships of the zmushevi aty, the lichen zeniy.

So, among the short-lived "Iowa" they call the number of over-advanced vidilens at the gates of the Civil Code, the most seaworthiness and the "shiftness to the wind" (tied with the same British "Vengard"), the weakness of their PTZ in front of the Japanese, "long lenses" the maximum speed (on peaceful miles, the battleships were importantly split up to 31 nodes - the deputy of the 33 declarations!).

Ale, perhaps, the most serious of the sounds - the weakness of the armor is equal to the one of their peers - the traverse bulkheads of the "Iowa" are especially rich in food.

Obviously, the defenders of the American shipbuilding will see at once, leading up to the fact that all the listed shortcomings of the Iowa are only an illusion, the ship was designed according to a specific situation and ideally responded to the minds of the Pacific theater of military actions.

The presence of the middle caliber has become a pervana of the American battleships: for the fight against surface and damaged targets, universal "five-inch" shot up - taking on board a 150 mm blast yak "ballast" is not a little sensation. And the presence of "put in" systems of keruvannya with fire residually leveled the factor of the presence of the "middle caliber".

Throw in filthy seaworthiness - a daily subjective thought: "Iowa" has always been respected by a superbly stable artillery platform. What is the need for a strong "flooding" of the bow of the battleship in stormy weather - this is the myth of people already in our hour. More sailors were calling out to the sounds of an armored monster: instead, to calmly walk on the winds, the “Iowa” cuff cut the winds, and then lower.

The movement of the main gun barrels is explained by even more important shells (which is not bad) - an armor-piercing shell Mk.8 with a mass of 1225 kg, which is the best ammunition in the world of its caliber.

There were quite a few problems with the range of Iowa shells: on the ship, there were a lot of armor-piercing and high-explosive ammunition and charges of various tension; after the war, “cassettes” Mk.144 and Mk.146 appeared, filled with explosive grenades at a quantity of 400 and, apparently, 666 pieces. Trohi of the past was broken up special ammunition Mk.23 with a nuclear warhead of 1 kt.

As there is a "shortage" of design speed on a peaceful mile, "Iowa" testing was carried out at the gas pressure of the GEU - just like that, without a powerful drive, the machine was boosted to design 254,000 k.s. sympathetically the Americans moved.

The fierce hostility of the Iowa may be less than evidently low protection ... meanwhile, this small amount is more than compensated for by the lack of other advantages of the battleship.

"Iowie" can serve more, lower all other battleships of the WWII at once - Druha svitova, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq ... artillery fire, the army took 32 SLCM "Tomahawk", 16 anti-ship missiles "Harpoon" SAM , such as radars and melee systems "Phalanx".

Bile shore in Iraq

However, the physical wear and tear of the mechanisms and the end of the Cold Winter played an important role in the share of the most famous American battleships - the monster monsters completely abandoned the warehouse of the US Navy and turned into the great military and maritime museums.

Well, the leaders are appointed. Now the hour has come to guess a number of other armored monsters - even leather from them, one of them is worthy of his portion of the air and that hoarded.

The axis, for example, "Jean Bart" is one of two inspired battleships of the type "Rishelje". An elegant French ship with a unique silhouette: two chotyrirudni towers in the bow, stylish nadbudova, smartly bent back smoke pipe.

Battleships of the Richelieu type are considered one of the most complete ships in their class: they can carry less than 5-10 thousand tons of water tonnage, lower be it Bismarck or Litorio, the French practically didn’t sacrifice them for the tightness of the construction, but for parameter "protection" - the scheme of that armored company "Rishelje" was made shorter, lower in bagatioh z yogo larger one-liners. And everything was successful during the flight of over 30 ships - the “Frenchman” was the most visible of the European line ships!

The share of these battleships is unimaginable: the flow of unfinished ships from the shipyards, to escape being buried by the Germans, the sea battle from the British and American fleets in Casablanc and Dakar, repairs from the United States, and then the happy service under the ensign of France until the other half of 1960.

And the axis of the miracle trinity from the Apeninsky Pivostrov is the Italian battleships of the Litorio type.

Number of ships sound like an object of harsh criticism, and even if you zastosuvat complex pidhіd at їх otsіntsi, then it is clear that the battleships "Lіtorio" are not so bad on the aphids of their British peers, they are accepted.

The project was based on the ingenious concept of the Italian fleet - up to a large autonomy and a reserve of fire! - Italy is roztashovana in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, all the bases are side by side.
Zaoschadzhenie reserve for the advancement of the buv staining on the armor and armor. As a result, "Lіtorio" had 9 rounds of the head caliber in three chains, which are wrapped around - more, lower than any of their European "colleagues".


The silhouette of the gentry, the outline of the yakіsnі, the harp seafaring and the high speed of the move - in the best traditions of the Italian school of shipbuilding.

Cunning anti-torpedo zakhist on the basis of rozrachunkiv by Umberto Pugliese.

At the very least, the scheme with respect to the separation of armored vehicles deserves respect. Above all, for everything worth armoring, battleships of the Litorio type deserve to be awarded the highest rating.

And in another…
And in the other Italian battleships, they turned out to be filthy - they become riddled with a mystery, why in Italians they shot harmati so crookedly - without respect for the armor penetration, 15-inch Italian shells were a little randomly low accuracy and merchantability of the shooter. Reforcing barrels of garmat? Yakіst prepared liners and shells? Or maybe, signs of national identity of the Italian character were given?

In whatever mood, Head problem battleships of the "Litorio" type were in the last mediocre zastosuvanni. The Italian sailors did not get far enough to enter into a general battle with the fleet of the Її Majesty. Natomist, the lead "Litorio" sinking boat directly to its anchorage station, at the hour of the British raid on the Taranto naval base (lifetime rozguildyas were running out to stretch the anti-torpedo net).

The Vitorio Veneto raid against the British convoys near the Mediterranean Sea ended no sooner - the beaten ship could hardly turn back to the base.

Zagalom, nothing good came from the windings of the Italian battleships. More beautifully and more tragically, having completed its combat route, the battleship Roma, having entered the deafening vibe of the rich artillery graves, is the result of the successful exposure of the German ceramic bomber "Fritz-X" (airbomb? Weakly said. 1360-kilogram bomber).


Battleships were different. Boulevards are mean and effective. They were less irritating, but less effective. Ale shorazu the fact of the presence of such ships in the enemy, having given the protolezhny botsі chimal trouble and worries.
Battleships are always overrun with battleships. Push those ruined ships with the greatest combat skill.

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