Why do pancakes come out in the middle of the cheese. What to add, so that the pancakes were stuffed

The fritters were always set to savory, simple and simple stravas. The stench is miraculously suitable for a snack, є vishukaniy dessert after dinner. It’s important to know that you can cook food pancakes only on yeast. True and other recipes, without this ingredient, will help to prepare food and appetizing pancakes.
To make pancakes taste like food, you can cook dough on kefir or on sour. Tsya grass will be prepared more quickly, lower with additional additions to the dryness of the dry, but for the consistency, the writing will not be worse for the dry analogue. You don’t need to think, what to work, so that the pancakes were written on kefir, so that you can secure this ingredient by yourself. On the right, in the fact that kefir sees carbon dioxide, for the rahunok of which it is clearly perceived.

It is even more important when preparing food pancakes, the quality is boar, which is wonky. Even if it's an hour, then it's necessary to want a trichi. Then it’s good to be filled with sourness, and the pancakes will be more good to eat. The fatness of kefir, otherwise the pancakes did not fall, great significance not mother. So, up to this ingredient, none of them could be especially close. Ale, vvazhaetsya, scho on sour kefir or sour pancakes come out the most delicious.

Only from thick dough you can eat food pancakes without whiskey dryers. Correctly, the consistency of the buti is similar to the thick sour cream of the store.
If you lubricate the gentleman without oil, then it’s better to choose thin milk for cooking. To that it is important not only to add it to the pancakes, so that the stench will be fresh, but to grease them with a great number of olives. As an option for preparing food pancakes, you can vicorate the oven, but you need less.
If you are preparing for soda, you need to put it in the dough on the cob of preparation, and the axis of citric acid - in the end. For a third of a teaspoon of acid, take the farthest spoon of water. So the pancakes came out with food, after adding citric acid it’s already impossible for tito to pidpate borosno.

I got tired of looking at a specific butt, what to add to the pancakes, so that the stench was spicy. Let's guess, it's important to cook thickly. Of the ingredients for 500 mo of kefir, one egg is taken, repeated bottles of borosna, two tablespoons of zucru, half a teaspoon of soda. Boroshno required obov'yazkovo ask and mix with soda, adding a component for example, preparing the dough.

Mix it all up better, it’s not your fault that there are no breasts and there may be hostility, that in front of the gospodarka it’s not quiet, but a bowl of thick sour cream. Now with a spoon put dough on the frying pan Oliya and lubricate in the middle fire, curling the lid. Turn over, if from one side of the weed to finish the rum'yana skorinka.

Respect! So that the pancakes were spicy, you need to know the cunning. After the first game, you can fix the writing on the test. If you want the pancakes to come out even better, you need to add a spoonful of borosna in the dough. If you want to eat less food, you need to add a little bit of kefir.

You don’t need to think long and guess what to add, schob

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Marina Nazarova,

Fritters - a wonderful and swedish option for a snack. Tim is more than you can cook them for any relish - from licorice and salty fillings, served with different sauces, jam and honey. To make the pancakes taste like homemade, as a rule, add yeast to the dough. But preparing such a dough will take a lot of time. Aja Zranka wants to sleep a little longer, and not to fight with a snidan.

The editorial office of the site is spread, as the reach of the name of the writing of pancakes, mixed on sour milk, kefir or sour milk.

Secret 1. FLOUR. For the pancakes to be pishnenny, it’s better to take wheaten borosno naivishgo gatunka. For bajannyam, before it, you can add a little bit of corn or buckwheat boar. Ale naygolovnіshe - boroshіdno need to ask, but rather two. Tse dopomogaє nasity її we turn sour, and it means that we will be poitryanіsh.

Secret 2. Test consistency. We can thicken the sheets so that it doesn’t drip out, but rises from a spoon. It’s not guilty to grow in a frying pan.

Secret 3. PRODUCT TEMPERATURE. Are you planning to bake pancakes? Please remove food from the refrigerator. Eggs and kefir are at room temperature. Cold kefir is more likely to react with soda and you don’t see any pancakes.

Secret 4. TISTO, scho "VIDPOCHILO". If you allow an hour, give the dough about 15-20 minutes. Over the course of an hour, gluten will swell, and it will become elastic, and kefir will react with soda.

Secret 5. CHOOSE WARE. For food pancakes, choose dishes in which it will be easier for you to cook dough (for example, a deep bowl) and wine. For greasing, let the thick-walled frying pan rise, as it warms up evenly.

Secret 6. Toppings and aromatic additives. At licorice pancakes, you can add vanilin, rodzinka, apple or berries, and in salty - finely chopped greens, minced meat that cowbass. All these additives make your pancakes even more appetizing. Ale, it is necessary to cut the stuffing even more dryly and not to add too much too much, so that in a different way pancakes are not eaten.

Secret 7. CORRECTLY LEAVE. The first and most important, which is necessary to grow in this weather - kindly heat a dry frying pan. I just potim dodaemo oliya. After that, as it was heated up, we put a spoonful of pancake. Try not to make them close one to one, fill up the space for growth, otherwise the stench will get stuck.

Otzhe, now, if you know all the secrets, proceed to the preparation of їzhi.


Kefir - 2 bottles;
. borosno - 500 grams (orient yourself according to the consistency of the test);
. eggs - 1-2 pieces;
. soda - 1 teaspoon;
. tsukor - 2 tablespoons;
. sіl - pinch;
. Sonyashnikova Oliya for lubrication.


1. At kefir we add tsukor, soda and strength. Relatively peremіshuєmo. For a weak reaction of soda with kefir, you can add a drop of otstu.

2. Constantly shifting, incrementally adding borosno.

3. Pour into the dough, beat the eggs in a trifle, mix again. As if the pancakes will be with the filling - we add a reminder.

4. Zagortaєmo in kharchov plіvku and zalishaєmo vіpochivati ​​15 - 20 hvilin at room temperature.

5. We heat the frying pan, pour in the oil, brush the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.

Serve hot at the table with sour cream, jam and honey. Savory!

I don’t know how it is with you, dear readers, but in my dosі stosunki with pancakes didn’t seem to add up. I’ve always had miraculously come out like thin Russian mlins and French linings, tovstenky American mlints-pancakes and vegetable pancakes / lattes themselves different types. And the axis was simple pancakes were like a right stone spitting (before the speech, such an antagonism used to be with me earlier from syrniks.) Fritters on sour-milk products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt) in my case looked even thinner, and immediately after the frying pan the stench fell off . The dry pancakes looked like food, but there was another problem with them: the stench burned the bells, but they didn’t want to eat in the middle. That th poratis with a dry dough for such downtime like pancakes, I don’t really want to. Before that, the pancakes of all kinds in me terribly smoked and absorbed in themselves something richly oiled. Truly, we are not so fanatical about the Head Taster ourselves savory pancakes, So for an hour, I just threw the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bideal food pancakes "by the old box."
But today I have a vinick "oladyovy mood", I searched for information on the Internet and tried to try kefir-based pancakes using a new technology: from warm dough. In some recipes, the kefir itself is heated, in others, the sum of the various ingredients is heated, but the "lotion" with heating is often used. You know, there you go! I just heated a bottle of kefir in a micro-furnace oven, and the pancakes turned out to be soft, spicy, edible, and the stench kept its shape after the new experience! Ingredients in this recipe are the simplest, inexpensive and types: egg, kefir, tsukor, sil, soda, borosno, oliya. It’s crisply fluffy, and you don’t need to stand it up, pancakes can be baked right away. Proportions are easy to forget. Lubricate the pancakes too, it was awkward: it was necessary to have a trifle of olives, the stench didn’t burn, didn’t smoke, they got drunk in the middle without any problems. The texture of the pancakes turned out to be miraculous, fluffy and porous. If you want to taste it, then I got it, that the "prototypes", traditional pancakes are more sour. Ale, it’s possible, it’s just my likeness. If it’s possible for someone to feel far away, and a simple recipe, I recommend yoga with a clear conscience.
I took the original recipe.
warehouse(for 18-20 small pancakes):
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt (no girki)
3 art. tsukru (for me it’s too licorice, I would take 1 tbsp, especially as pancakes are planned with licorice toppings)
1 bottle (250 ml) kefir
40 ml water
1 1/3 bottles of boroshn (300-350 ml)
1/2 tsp sodi (no weights)
trochs of olive oil for lubrication
20 g inches of butter for smearing ready-made pancakes (for bazhannyam)
sour cream, jami, toscho syrups. for submission

At the mist, we make an egg with sill and zukr.

Kefir mixes with water and heats up to a deadly warm state (three times warmer for body temperature.)

We add kefir to the bowl until egg sum and beat lightly until a stump appears on the surface.

At 2-3, it is necessary to do it borosno, it is good to mix it up. Vono can be made thick and viscous.

We add soda to the soda, mix it up.

The frying pan is heated on a medium fire and smeared with olive oil. (I used a total of 1 tbsp. per skin portion of pancakes, because I myself baked pancakes in a greased frying pan, and did not grease them in oil. The frying pan was ceramic.) . Bake pancakes on a medium-small fire, about 3 quills on the skin side. Turn over carefully, with two forks or two spatulas.

Then turn the pan over with a lid.

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