Recipes with cucumbers and tomatoes. Salads with ogirkiv and tomato. Best photo options

To prepare a salad, you need:

  • Parsley, krip and green cibula - a small bunch
  • Red pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh young chicks - 4 pcs.
  • Summer tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Tomati "Cherry" - 5 pcs.
  • Krimska licorice cibula - 1 pc.
  • Radishes - 1 bunch
  • Krupna kharchova sil - pinch
  • Fresh pepper - pinch
  • Apple otset - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Roslinna oliya - 50 ml.
  • Lime - 1 pc.

Three stories

Strava under the name "salad" was found in Rome, long before the people of Christ, and was served on food saints and banquets. In the literal translation from Latin, the name means salty or seasoned with spices. Salad was served, as a rule, before the meat season, fresh lettuce leaves were included before the warehouse, as they were dressed with sumish olive oil, honey and otstu. The dish was mostly served with lettuce leaves, which gave the name to the dish.

At the dark hour of the middle of the night, they forgot about the salad from ogirkіv and tomatoes, but then about the tradition of preparing salads, they guessed again, really, even with small variations. For example, before becoming new, Sir, fresh parsley or mint.

In the era of Renaissance, not only new strains, varieties of wines and product diversity are introduced, but rather rules of etiquette and recipes. Salad with ogirkiv tomato and pepper occupies more space at the table, as an addition to life. The 17th century passed in experiments, to vegetable ingredients they added different spices, sauces and seasonings, and in the 18th century they began to add fresh root crops to salads, which improved the taste and aesthetic appearance of the strain.

The 19th century became famous for the introduction of salads with ogirkіv and tomatoes with cheese from meat warehouse, ale before the salad with ogіrkіv and tomatoes can not be taken. I add a rich sir to the salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, so that the salad becomes more blue. Ale, the olive oil was added to the shvidko for mayonnaise sauce, and in the restaurants they prepared special sauces for this sauce.

Sour cream has become a good season for dressing, and a salad of ogirkіv and tomato, a recipe for such a simple and easy one, has become on the tables of the greatest giants of trohi at a simpler version of adding vegetables, root crops and greenery, yak grew on a summer cottage.

In our hour, for salad dressing with vegetables, mayonnaise, sour cream, roslinna oliya, or sauces based on. Salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv, the calorie content of some of them is small, with a dietary herb, wanting to lay a lot of it in the same dressing.

Korisn_ authority salad with fresh vegetables

Salads with fresh, spring or summer vegetables have insipid vitamins and microelements, which are so important for the proper functioning of our body. The more green salad is added, the more crusty wine you bring. You can add sorrel to the salad, or scalded leaves of young spurges, rhubarb stalks, young leaves of spicy nasturtium sprouting and richly different, which grows on a summer cottage.

Cooking salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv

Serving the salad can be traditional: look at the diced vegetables and seasoned with sauce at the salad bowl, or you can show a little fantasy and the starry look of the saints.

  1. For the cob of varto, finely trim the greens and put them in an okrem bowl.
  2. Shallot cibula, red krimskaya cibula, or a small head of cibula, clean it from the shell, and cut it into thin, pierced piercing pivkiltsy. Salad with tomatoes, ogirkiv and cibula will be savory, like seasoning the cibula with spices. Kiltsya can be doused with boiled water, or even better marinated in apple juice, adding salt and seasonings.
  3. Promite the radish and cut it with rings. Clean the licorice pepper of a red or green (yellow) color and cut into thin strips.
  4. As if the rims are large, they can be cleaned and nailed, and then trimmed with pivkiltsy.
  5. Cherry tomatoes cut into chotiri parts, licorice tomatoes cut into chi cubes.
  6. Have a small bowl of sik lime, add olії and season the dressing with great sill and black pepper. Add fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce mix well.
  7. Dress the salad with dressing, add | add | fresh greens and mix well. Strava can be seasoned with excellent mayonnaise, even salad with additional ogirkiv, tomatoes and mayonnaise with a rich fit to relish. Lettuce varto troch chill before grafting.

For piquancy, you can add some grains to the dressing, literally half a teaspoon, and decorate the finished salad with pine peas, which were dried in a dry frying pan. It is fashionable to add to the salad with cabbage, ogurka and tomatoes with the addition of a teapot, lettuce, salty brinzi or Adigean syrah diced, like in the photo.

How to cut the stump with circles and yogo on the big line with an overlap, lay the wounded tomato and boiled eggs (whites) on the beast, cut into quarters, and trim the center of the plate with a jovt, add some greens and simple olive seasonings. with all the ingredients.

Salad with tomatoes, skewers and eggs, decorate the yak Svyatkovy style, so i supper for those who have relatives. Rosemary grass can be supplemented with canned vegetables, for example, small children are even better served with a salad of tomatoes, roasted corn and corn, to add some additional malt.

At the end of the summer vegetable season on our table, one of the most beloved and traditional herbs, a salad with tomatoes and chickpeas. Simple in preparation, it is even savory, whose salad miraculously refreshes the summer season, does not add folded centimeters at the waist. Yogo is prepared at weekdays and at holy days, and the sour relish of tomatoes is given to the piquancy of this stray.

Ale, as it turned out, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. Dietologists scored on a flash and categorically do not recommend eating in one country or vegetable salad.

So why can't you mix stumps with tomatoes? Let's report on what food is.

From the above stats you know:

Tomatoes and Ogirki - these vegetable antagonists

On the right, in the fact that the tomato is sour in the middle, and the cinders are whole in the middle, and if they eat at the lettuce and live at the hedgehog, then the process of setting up the salts of the salts for the liver and nirok is observed. If you live in a vegetable salad regularly, then you can cause serious problems with the life of an important liver organ and a problem with a robot.

Tomatoes are rich in ascorbic acid, but, unfortunately, they drive in ascorbic acid, an enzyme that can be found in cucumbers.

In case of one-hour grafting of tomatoes with cucumbers, ascorbic acid, which is found in tomatoes, will be depleted of ascorbic acid.

Why go out, so you can get one kilo of tomatoes at once with chucks, then vitamin C, like a lot of tomatoes, the body does not take away.

In order for the body to acquire cinders, our shell can see only enzymes, and in order to digest tomatoes, others. Seeing everything at once, the slug has no ability, so long as one ovoch is poisoned, then the other one is quietly kicked. As a result, gases are settled in the intestines, which cause a lot of discomfort and, in the near future, can greatly damage one's reputation.

Vitamins are superfoods

Anivitamini - understand what I know in dietology, what I can say about chemistry structure, ale cіlkom protilezhnu diyu. Drinking antivitamins into the body, enter into the anti-vitamin and scatter one to one. A day of ogirkiv with tomatoes is a classic butt, if the superb vitamins are in the body in one hour.

Vitamins, which are needed in our body, become coenzymes, and then enter into interaction with the same and specific proteins. In this manner, the regulation of biochemical processes in our body is observed.

A behind-the-scenes role, de pevny vitamin, may be introduced only specially for a new type of protein. Antivitamins can also be converted to coenzymes, but folds. Due to the specificity of the structure of the proteins, they may not be mentioned in the results, but often the most important biochemical processes in the body will be infused.

Facts about antivitamins

  • Alcohol and chicken (to become passive) are the biggest enemies of vitamins. Vitamins C and K are especially important, as well as group B.
  • Just one cigarette to inject vitamin C from our body, moreover, an additional dose!
  • In zucchini and squash, the most ascorbine is found, as it is the main antagonist of vitamin C.

Sob the shells got the ogirok without problems, it is necessary, so that the enzymes were seen. Ale nі z tsikh fermentіv not zbіgatimetsya z timi, yakі nіbnі organism, schob to digest tomatoes.

Obviously, as long as a person is young, that її organ and head of the liver, healthy, then everything will be in good order, with a well-groomed ogirkіv and tomatoes. Prote already up to forty years, our liver begins to work on the outside of wear. І schob did not blame the problems of health, it was necessary to try to get used to the cider and tomato, but only one type of one.

I will propagate to your respect the savory salads, de tsі ovochi do not smish, but cook well.

Salads with ogirkiv

What can be better and simpler than an ogar salad? Simply and with gusto, and cooking options to finish the rich, sob to bake yourself today with a new salad with ogirk. I recommend taking for the sake of summer fires, which were ripened on the beds, as they are not tormented by various chemical treatments. Ogіrkovі salads with them give a natural relish, korisnі for health, smell like a snail and let go.


  • Fresh and bagan young ogirka - 600 grams;
  • young krip - 70 grams;
  • young parsley - 80 grams;
  • roslinna oliya - olive abo sonyashnikova;
  • otset, sil, tsukor - for relish.


  1. Ogіrki with water and cut with straw (for bazhanny, s ogirkіv you can take a shkіrka).
  2. Dribno narizaemo greens krip, parsley and you can add a little bit of leaves to the salad.
  3. Z'ednaemo ogirki from greens, trochs salted and mixed.
  4. Let's make a teaspoon of zucru at a cost of 8% (otstu 100 gr.).
  5. We dress the salad with olive oil and otst, mix it up and serve it to the table.

Salad from ogirkiv sir


  • Ogіrki - 3 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • green salad leaves - 3 pieces;
  • green crop, green tsibulya, sil - to your liking;
  • sour cream - half a bottle.


  1. Grate the cinders, add three sir and finely cut the salad.
  2. Placed in a salad bowl with balls of tert sir, ogirki and salad.
  3. Do not mix, season with sour cream and decorate with greens.

Salad with ogirkiv іz tops


  • Fresh roasts - 5 pieces;
  • tops - 100 grams;
  • a pinch of salt to taste.


  1. Cinders are cleaned and cut with thin circles, sippy and give the juice the ability to drain with a stretch of 15 strands.
  2. We sweat the stumps of bread, we discuss it and cover it with beaten tops.
  3. We put the salad in a cold place and a refrigerator for 2 years.

Salad with tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, rich in micronutrients and high in life value. Letnє, it’s easier to cook it delicious grass- tse salad of tomatoes, which is served until the big meal and before the Christmas feast.


  • Canned mushrooms - 150 grams;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 3 pieces;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • parsley, green peas, spices, estimate that oliya.


  1. Mushrooms are called small shmatochki, zovsіm drіbnі zalishimo tsіlimi.
  2. Tomatoes are often cut, cibula pivkiltsy.
  3. At the salad bowl we add mushrooms, tomatoes, cibulus, green peas.
  4. Dressing the salad with otstom, olive oil and garnishing with parsley.


  • Fresh tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • solid sir - 70 grams;
  • chasnik - 1 clove;
  • mayonnaise (homemade eggplant) - 100 grams;
  • pepper and strength - to your taste.


  1. Pomіdori vimiєmo, dribno narіzhemo.
  2. Sir natrimo on a large grater.
  3. Together with tomatoes with grated syrup, seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed well.
  4. Let's salt the salad for a bit, pepper and add a finely grated bowl. Once again, mix it up and serve it to the table.


Salad with ogirkiv and tomato- This is a reference business card. Such a salad can be spicy blue (although it’s not less savory), or it can be spiced up and finished with the original - all the zavdyaks add the unimportant ingredients.

Salad with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes

On the preparation of such a salad, you will spend a minimum amount of time, it is also an ideal option for teaching a child culinary wisdom. Such a vegetable garnish will become an excellent companion for any kind of meaty passion.

Dribblingly cover half of the cibulini, with pivkiltsami 3 ogirochki, the same number of tomatoes are cut into small pieces. Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the components, and pepper for relish. Mix everything well. Such classic recipe not guilty buti culinary notebook skin master.

Salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv - Spanish recipe

Rub a salad bowl with a small bowl. 500 g of the main ingredients in thin skewers and put in a salad bowl with balls - topped with tomatoes, and then horns, interspersed with chopped cibulka. You don’t need to mix anything, but pour the sauce over the skin of the ball. Wine is prepared with 3 large spoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of octu, salt and pepper to taste. Above, we grate horseradish.

Cabbage salad, ogirkiv and tomato

Thinly shake half a head of young cabbage, cut a couple of tomatoes and three horns into small pieces. Finely chop 2-3 of your favorite fresh greens.

Mix vegetables in a deep salad bowl, pour 3-4 large spoons of olive oil, as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice, add salt for relish. Prisipte with chopped greens and sesame seeds, serve immediately to the table.

Recipe with soy sauce

Vimiyte 3 tomatoes and stylki and ogirkiv, remove the stalks, but it’s not necessary to cut off the ogirkov rind. Arrange the vegetables with a small size. Coarsely cut a bunch of green cibulka, finely chop 4-5 spices of crop and 3 small parts.

Season all the details of the ingredients in a deep bowl with 100 ml of soy sauce (salt is not needed, even if the wine itself is salted). Mix well and let the sprat of whilin brew.

Summer option

You can even talk a lot about the greediness of such a stray, but for the string, it’s worth it to say that salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv calorie content I will be called small. Obov'yazkovo often prepare such a salad for the evening.

Dzhe dribno por_zhte on a small bunch of crop, parsley and green cibulka, fold in a row in a row of dishes.

To clear the lustre of the red crimson cibulin (you can replace it with the splendid or shallot cibula) and call it even thin pivkiltsy - the stench is guilty of shining through. Then you can either sprinkle the cibulka with sprinkles, or marinate yogo in apple juice with additional spices. Naturally, the other option will be spent in an hour, ale better.

Rinse and cut a bunch of radishes in circles. Clean and decorate with thin smugs a pair of red or yellow Bulgarian peppercorns. Peel 4 roasted fruits, cut them in half, and then shake them. 5 blacks are divided into quarters, the same number of juice summer tomatoes are divided into small pieces.

Squeeze in a bowl of lime juice, pour in 50 ml Olii and add strength from the great chalking pepper. Dress the salad with sauce, then add greens to the chopped greens earlier. Chill the dish before serving.

For more piquancy, you can season the sauce with mustard in grains, and sip the grass with cedar peas, dried in front on a dry frying pan. You can also add leaves to the salad, chasnik, and also diced Adigean sir abo brinza.

Option with cabbage and radish

Thin straws cut 300 g of cabbage. You can take either a young white woman or a Pekin woman. Sip the cabbage with a pinch of salt and rub it with your hands until soft.

Win a couple of tomatoes and call them pivkiltsy. In a similar way, work with a pair or three of ogirkiv. Wimite and trim half of the bunch of green cibules. Vimiyte, cut and decorate with circles 200 g of radish.

Mustache vegetables in a salad bowl, dressing salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv oil m (more likely to take 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil), for savor you can also add fresh lemon juice. Salt and pepper, stir again and you can serve it on the table.

"Garniy mood"

Zrіzhte shkіr z mimity ogirochok and nіzhte yogo with cubes, in a similar manner, grind with a couple of tomatoes, but you can not take the skin from them. Store the vegetables in a salad bowl, adding there also red Bulgarian pepper, cut into cubes, as well as canned corn (add this ingredient to taste). As a dressing, vikoristovyte stock oil, do not forget about strong and black chalking pepper. Kindly mix it up in a salad bowl.


Radish salad with tomatoes Tomatoes and ogirki are cut with thin skewers. Shake the radish and cibula with straws. Whisk the ocet and olive oil, salt, pepper. Gently stir the vegetables, add greens and season with sauce. Put on a dish, with green salad leaves. ♦Needed: radish of medium size - 1 pc., tomatoes - 4 pcs., ciders - 2 pcs., cibula ripchasta - 1 head, rubana crop greens - 2 tbsp. spoons, parsley rubana - 1 tbsp. spoon, oliya - 4 tbsp. spoons, estet 3% - 1 tbsp. spoon leafing green salad.

Vegetable salad with Jerusalem artichoke Thinly minced ogirki and lettuce, ruban tsibule, grated carrots and Jerusalem artichokes on the great tarts, mix, season with sill and olive. Put in a salad bowl, decorate with tomatoes and sip greenery with circles.Consumables: Jerusalem artichoke - 300 g, green salad - 150 g, tomato - 3 pcs., carrot - 3 pcs., ogirok - 2 pcs., tsibulya ripchasta - 1 head, oliya - 125 g, parsley rubana crop, sil

Salad with cod and flounder Boiled potatoes, stumps and tomatoes with fried skewers. At the riba, remove the brushes, sharply narrate, add | add | green peas or cooked beans. Mix everything, pepper it with mayonnaise, sour cream or mustard dressing. Decorate the salad...Ingredients: fish (triska or flounder) boiled - 250 g, potatoes - 4 pcs., sturgeons and tomatoes fresh or salted - 1 pc., peas of canned greens or bobi - 1/2 bottle, mayonnaise or sour cream, or dressing girchichna 4 Art. spoons, greens kropu abo parsley.

Vegetable salad with olive oil Shake carrots and cabbage (zam_st cabbage can be vicorated leaves of green salad) shredded with straws. Salt and remember the troch with your hands. Ogіrki and tomatoes are cut in small pieces. Cook the vegetables, add salt, pepper, mix, put in a salad bowl, pidlog.Consumables: carrot - 2 pcs., tomato - 1 pc., cucumbers - 2 pcs., white cabbage or green salad leaves - 100 g, olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, strong

Lettuce with cucumber and tomatoes Lettuce leaves should be washed and cut with males, add a bunch of fresh cider, chopped tomatoes, parsley, croup, green cibula. Salt, add zukor and season with olive. Excess: 360 gNeeded: lettuce - 1 pc., tomatoes - 100 g, fresh rump - 100 g, green cibula - 30 g, parsley and kropu - 5 g each, oliya - 35 g, tsukor, strong for relish

walnut salad Clean the cibula and cut it with thin pivkiltsy. * With this salad, you can vicorate and a great cibula. Ale z chervonim lettuce looked more shocked. Put the cibula in a bowl, add oregano, ocet and olive oil, mix it up, cover it and leave it in a warm place for 1 year.Needed: red cibulini - 2 pcs., dried oregano - 1 tsp, white wine ocetus - 2 tbsp. l., olive oil - 8 tbsp. l., lettuce - 1 bunch, cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs., cucumbers - 4 pcs., black olives - 150 g, olives - 150 g, salted sir feta abo brinza - 200 g, cilantro - 1 p. ..

Strokatium salad Ogіrki and tomatoes cut into cubes. ... Cut olives and olives into circles. Add canned peas. Tsibulya is cut with pivkiltsy and scalded with dill. Add to salad. Prepare the sauce. Mix olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice and dress the salad with |iz|Required: 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 can of olives without pits, 1 can of olives without pits, 4 tbsp. canned peas, 1 cibulin, 1 pack of crackers, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. lemon juice

Salad with taverns with tomatoes and cucumbers Boil the eggs, clean the scales and cut them into large pieces. Tomatoes are beaten with cold water and cut into circles. Put the tomatoes on a flat grass, sip the sill, zukr, black pepper, put on 10 chills in a cold place. Shinku n...Required: 300g

Fattoush, village salad Leave the salad large, or tear it into a salad bowl. Pore the cibulas and tomatoes, I love if the tomatoes are in my salad in large cubes, and the porcis are pored in the air, and then across the circles.Required: 2 small cibulas, 3 tomatoes, green lettuce leaves, I took an iceberg, half a green bell pepper, green cibula, parsley, mint, 1 cup crackers from flat bread, cut into 2 * 2 squares (original. ..

Salad with ogirkiv, tomato and egg Mimiti ogirki and tomatoes, peeled eggs (cooked cool) cut into circles and put on plates (alternately ogirki, eggs and tomatoes). Pepper, salt, pour sour cream, and sip the beast with chopped green cibula.Ingredients: 5 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, 4 eggs, 1 tbsp chopped green cibul, salt and pepper, 1/2 bottle of sour cream.

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