How to know the vimerla street near the village. Zanedbani houses of abandoned forces - a new trend for the season. Causes that lead to the desertion of forces

Before being like a poshukite-pochatkivtsi, at the first exit in the field, post food: “De shukati treasures and the old village?” Just walk in the blind, across the field, which was worthy, which means, far away, indulge yourself in a foolish success. Therefore, in this article, I want to tell the jokers-pochatkivtsy and the junkies of belongings, like to know a good place for a joke, not looming an old-fashioned picture. I will describe two main ways to help newcomers to achieve cob success in search of the necessary space for excavation.

The first way to search for the strength of that place of possible treasures you can boldly download right at once, using the Google program - Planet Earth, a cost-free version of which you can download on the official site. Also, for the cob, it’s time for the cob, as if we were potencially cicavi. In Persh Cherga, there are budinki and farms, as well as places of ancient settlements, rosemary mounds, which are not objects that are protected by the state, it would not be bad to walk through the places of many riverbeds, since there could be villages for swimming and fishing, floating on strings, people themselves could spend various things.

Yak on Google maps - Planet Earth, know the old hutir chi okremy budinok.

I support you for help for further preparation of screenshots. Green kitchens have seen the city, where you can see the change of the soil. Svitlish blazes of surpluses of ruined and trimmed adobe (clay cask) from any earlier were budinki. The evil of the green stake can be commemorated by changing the soil to the side of the dark one, so to speak, what is the place, how it was fertilized earlier - maybe the city.

How to know a place for a joke in a garden or a vineyard?

There are bright patches here, you can see it not on naked oranges, but near the vineyard. On such plots to know the middle place, de bouve old house something more foldable. Therefore, orient yourself to the help of trees, chagarniks and other objects. There are also fluctuations, if such fires were not bugs, but simply roses and eroded black earth, but in our right you can’t do without a rose, then boldly enter the fields and wave your cat.

How to know the place of an ancient settlement?

The place, where ancient burial mounds are known, excavated by archaeologists or by the local “natives”, can become a place of success. Wait a moment, that entrusted with pohovanniami could be used items after ancient people, and in the shortest possible time you can rebuild, you will know near the old settlement. Do not dig up ancient barrows, as they are protected by law, shards of value - articles about the ruination of the historical recession of the country. The photo shows how archeologists look at the mound:

Where can you wave a metal-shukacha cat?

Near the towns, earlier, rivers flowed, and streams could be tasted, shards on the banks of the rivers people settled, here there was a steady tide of fresh water. So be it a moment, water might become a dzherel not only drive, but ale and zhі, for which it is necessary only to throw a wood or a fence. I’ll show you, as if looking at the Google map - Planet Earth, the old riverbed:

As we already said, we need to give respect for the job, where people lived earlier. As a rule, the artifacts of the life of a person are just the remnants of ruined houses: fragments of foundations, building blocks and tiles. As you drank on the floor, despreading the pieces of bud stone, ceramics, crockery and storage, don’t try to find such a place. It has been proven by practice that old coins and other old objects are sifted together from fragments of old ceramics.

Let's succeed in mining, more fun bribes and new positive vibes!

For materials on the Internet. Jerelo is unreasonable. Author vіdguknіs, good rozpovіv :)

VIDEO. "Where to go to the cop." Work with cards.

Hello again, dear readers. First of all, I want to remind you that I turned my back, and then, new calls will come soon. Zdiv I, before the speech, to Lvov, too, there will be a lot of different angles of the place. In a different way, we wandered miraculously around the zanedbanih pioneer camps, and then, later, there will be photographs. Ale, everything is with the future, but for the time being, I will pronounce to turn on the cob of rock. Together with the company we saw a sprat of abandoned and drunken forces. I present to you a new photo call. Here it will be told about the most memorable moments, leaving the houses, the crowed of knowledge, the objects of agriculture and other cicadas.

Before speech, I do not often write from such places. A similar blog (yakraz, part 1) after the autumn has passed, you can marvel at it. So far there have been a couple of blogs in 2009 and 2010, but at the same time I don’t fool around with jokes, rather let’s move on to the new part. Also, this year's report on the assignment of a pair of forces and rural houses near the Moscow region. All the stench in a different way in the distance from the capital, but they are united one by one, or the village is actively carried away by forgetfulness, a couple of living houses have been lost. Abo in the village, sho dіє, to stand deaf zanedbanі budinki, in the yakі already a hundred rocіv nіhto not come, vіkna chastkovo vibіtі, but parkan vіdsutnіy. It’s not so far away, but the shards of the capital grow swiftly, richly strong, drinking in between Moscow, step by step degrading. So not to spare the villages entrusted with highways, but also, for the most part, farther away from the living agglomeration villages. There are so many empty houses near the houses, homeless residents often linger, and nothing is heard. And for an hour they traplyayutsya to finish the cіkavі lokatsії. You are amazed, how you saved the old fashioned style and dosing rare speeches, objects of the interior, old dishes and richly different ones. Otzhe, I put the photographs together, so that it was proportionately cicavo, for the deyaki mіstsya empty, and deakі, navpaki. Let's go.

1. Typical booth, awakening before the revolution. No one lives in the middle, the doors are open, the windows are closed. We came here in the cold winter. Not the best, but still.

2. Moving for a few dozen kilometers. Let's go to the budinochok already cіkavіshe. Shall we sit down and have a cup of tea? At the kutka we know the old screen, beating the table with vidensky stilts. Lift the seat, we know the pre-revolutionary label, dribnitsa, but it’s welcome) A lot of years are scattered on the table. Before the speech of the anniversary, the stars will have a good time.

3. On the other side of the house. On the terrace, there is a portrait of the great poet, who has unequivocally worn out his braid.

4. In one of the houses there is an old piano. Tієї fіrmi, before the speech, scho th piano, vikinuty by some virodkas at the school abandoned forever (div. naprikintsі). Tse, dyakuvati God, still alive, prote keys are already set. On the pianoforte, the Radyansky set of dominoes is shown.

5. One more year, sho zupinivsya. Made of plastic, radyansk.

6. Sometimes the houses are trampled by zowsim zruynovan, at whom, for example, they were called yes after the fire. The sofa looks crazy.

7. And the houses from Pushkin on the terrace. The crossfire is rotten, the underlay is failing. For example, here the shafa fell down.

8. Dosvidchena shpakivnya order with one abandoned city at the booth.

9. On the mountains one can often know different kinds of speech. At this booth, for example, all the old-fashioned items of the peasant pobutu (locks, rakes, pitchforks, wooden shovel, sieve, etc.), sewing of the 20s and 30s, handicrafts of the same hour, newspapers, yalinkovі igrashki , chinaware, etc. On this frame you can still see the radio receiver in the arch become filthy 40s rock.

10. Typical kitchen in such booths. Stara pich, heater water, garne, scarlet powdered mirror and junk.

11. Children of lyalki look especially motorosh.

12. One more flower room. Here we know the pre-revolutionary sewing machine "Zinger", more precisely, a table in front of her and herself. Stan is already unimportant. An hour and a day to work on your right. At the closets of the wardrobe of the old and stuffed with rotten clothes.

13. I will show the basis of the camp. Russian letters "ZINGER" on the back.

14. A chervony tuft can be found in a skin silt bug.

15. According to the cost of living, the houses are often trampled by local residents)

16. Rusty giants appeared on the terrace.

17. And the axis near the kіmnati on the bed is lying the cicada year.

18. Budinochok near the village in a small countryside outside. Divny, to the point. In one room a stele fell, in another the ice fell into incense, the parkan was actually silent, the windows were beaten, and the light in one of the rooms was still working! in the middle you can see traces of ruin.

19. Tsej leaf me already zashepiv. Navchannya sheet of the 20th years. "Get up, cursed branding, all the world of the hungry and slaves!"

20. In the kitchen at the zanedbany booth. Leaves are crawling under the feet, an old radio receiver is on the wall.

21. All anniversaries show a different hour.

22. Nice wooden bookcase.

23. Great photo. The kilimok looks particularly vague. Russia-three, where are you going? And really, where...

24. Radyanskiy pinball. Tsіkava rich nіkoli earlier bachiv. I want the axis of the Chinese 90s bachiv again. Stan ahovy.

25. One mayzhe is completely scattered hut.

26. At the booth from the frame 18. Buffet in the kitchen. Surprisingly perfect savings! For two or three years, no one is alive, but no one was beaten. If you want crockery piznyoradyansky and neridky, it’s not surprising either.

27. Zoshiti of the 20s, 30s, which is closer. Embellished with portraits of Lunacharsky, Lenin, the faces of the villagers and pioneers. I realized "Proletarians of all lands, get back!".

28. At the booth from 1 photo, right on the porosity, the axis of such a wonderful screen is shown

29. Trochs of grassy nature from rural plots =)

30. I know pinball again. Became unnecessarily shorter.

31. One kitchen. It's amazing how everything is so screwed up. Irrespective of the order, what is going on, the dishes were under the ball saw, the stele has already fallen in the back.

32. Nice pre-revolutionary buffet near the room with a piano.

33. Yakіstyu frame is not necessary viyshov, but all the same vikladu. Tsikavy zmist. Zoshit z geometry 1929.

35. On which frame I want to finish today's photo call.

Even better than that important vrazhennya celebrate similar zanedbany houses. Here it is, part of our culture. The capital's way of life is changing the old way of life, which is famous. Good tse chi bad? How much progress is needed, why do we need it? But sooner rather than later, philosophical nourishment, and skin of your own mother. On this year, stick a mirkuvan. See you next time!

Rest between the Pochatkivtsy and the successful Poshukovtsy at the one who still can “read” the landscape.

The sprat is a sign that there was a small village in the area of ​​the forest galyavin, which means that we will be far away. Sharing secrets.

2. Mustache roads lead to the dwelling. Zanedbani roads, if trampled down by thousands of feet, do not know so well, like a settlement. If you want to go alone along such roads, then you may sing along to the tract.

3. The first sign of the “village, what happened” sign is leafy growth. It seems that on the stows the ridge grows on its own, and the conifers of the tree are less likely to appear. The truth, like a handful of leaves, is not practical.

4. Great old trees. Wanting the stink not to bring obvious mischief, but in the villages often plant trees just to keep the stench buli. And the old birch or poplar is once again responsible for alerting you. Under such trees, the mandrills sang, or, when the trees were growing, they planted a white house. It is necessary to transcend the whole expanse of the root of such a tree with a small cat, and as a result of a rich signal, then the right place.

5. Marvel at following the earth. Sound richly the rocks of the house of a rotting booth along the contour of the foundation are saved for a deadly burial - a square, rectangular shape. Stones are often seen, or the remains of the stove masonry. Kindly commemorate the burial in the snow, but search for an important one in the snow. So in the middle of the village they say with yami that they were in the middle of the lions. It is significant that the relief is commemorated in early spring and late in autumn, if the grass does not cover.

6. Wild cultural plants. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with the fruits of a tree - apple trees, cherries, it’s possible, planting cibules or flowers, which do not grow in wild nature so simple. Give respect to tse.

7. Yakshcho vinikli sumniv - dig the ground. The fox soil is empty and it is light, sound a gray note. And the soil in the places of the tracts of riches on vugillya, shards, metal smitya on the kshtalt of flowers (and if you leave the village in 70-80 pp., then with burnt corks, foil, tin cans).

8. Sign of an abandoned village - cecropiva. Vaughn love to grow on humus. Also, the bushes of the sprinklings at the fox succumbed to it - mayzhe singsongly there was a village here. Ale, the growth of the nettle is most often on the spot huge call; And it dawned on me that you shove in the drops, you will know a lot of metal moth and smittya.

Є settlements flourish, die, and є are dead. Stay forever to bring to yourselves a large number of tourists and extreme sportsmen. Head topic tsієї statti - leave the villages of Pdmoskov'ya. Skіlki їkh zagali near the Moscow region, that і zagalі near Russia - it’s even more flattering to say. New zanedbani villages are announced to Aje Shoroku. You can also use the photo of these forces in this article.

- Problem of Russia

It’s not for nothing that it seems that the soul of the land is the people. And if a village dies, then the whole country dies. Don't wait, it's too hard for them to harden. Aje right village is the center of Russian culture and traditions, Russian spirit and Russian poetry.

It's a pity, leave - it's not rare these days. The modern Russians more and more give priority to the Russian way of life, rooted in their roots. And the village is degrading at the same time and blamed on the map of Russia all the new and new zanedbani villages, photos of which oppose their confusion and tightness.

Ale, from the other side, such objects add to a great number of tourists and so-called stalkers - people, like to practice in the name of different busy places. In this manner, the occupied villages of Russia can become an indestructible resource for the development of extreme tourism.

However, the state is not guilty of forgetting about the problems of the Russian village;

Zanedbani villages of Russia - the reasons for the degradation of forces

The word "village" looks like "tear" - tobto cultivate the land. It is even more difficult to reveal authentic Russia without forces - a symbol of the Russian spirit. However, the reality of our time is such that the village is in the world, a majestic number when the vibrating forces simply cease to function. Why is it on the right? What are the causes of these summative processes?

Perhaps, the main reason is urbanization - the process of a rapid increase in the role of space in the life of the household. Great places attract more and more people, especially young people. Young people go to the place to get light and, as a rule, they don’t turn back to their native village. In the years, the villages are left with less old people, who live out their century there, after which the villages die. For reasons of yakraz and z'appeared mayzhe all leave the villages of Pdmoskov'ya.

Another reason for the degradation of forces is broadened - the lack of working jobs. The impersonal forces of Russia are suffering in the face of these problems, after which the їhnі meshkantsі tezh zmushenі virushat to the mist at the request of the work. Villages can experience other reasons. For example, a potentially man-made disaster. Villages can degrade and eventually change their current economic and geographical position. For example, as if the roads were changing straight ahead, the village was developing for the whole hour.

Podmoskov'ya - the land of ancient temples and gardens.

Podmoskov'ya - tse unofficial name of the historical successor of this region, you can respect the Moscow province, as it was established in 1708.

Podmoskov'ya to enter the regions-leaders for the number of objects of cultural decline of Russia. This is a real paradise for a tourist and a mantra: over a thousand old temples and monasteries, dozens of the most beautiful gardens, as well as numerous places with rich traditions of folk mystic crafts. The very same in Pdmoskov'ї roztashovanі such ancient and naytsіkavіshi places, yak Zvenigorod, Istra, Sergiyev Posad, Dmitrov, Zaraysk and others.

At the same time, the zanedbani village of Pidmoskov'ya is also richly heard. Їx in which region to do it richly. About the natives who leave the villages of the Moscow region are far away.

Such objects lure us to the extreme, as well as to the local explorers and old lovers of the old. such things to finish richly. Nasampered, varto guess farms Fedorivka, the villages of Botove, Grebnevo and Shatour. Qi leave the village of Pdmoskov'ya on the map:

Khutir Fedorivka

Tsey hutir roztashovaniya for 100 km from Moscow. As a matter of fact, if there is more than one place in the countryside, you won't find it on a daily basis. Approximately on the cob of the 90s, the settlement in 30 dwelling houses completely fell asleep. At one time there was a boiler house, a station and a shop.

The village of Botove

The old village of Botove is located in the Moscow region, near the station Volokolamsk (Rizkiy straight). When the princess O. M. Dolgorukovskaya had a sadiba near her. The center of the tsієї sadibi was a wooden church, like a star in the 16th century (the church was not saved). The rest of the vlasnik sadibi at Botovoi, as it seems, gave the peasants the beginning of the XX century.

From the objects that were saved, in Botovo you can see only the ruins of the Resurrection Church, built in the 1770s in the pseudo-Russian style, as well as the remnants of an old park with an area of ​​​​twenty hectares. Near this park, the old birch and linden alleys are still missing.

Grebnevo village

Grebnevo is a sadiba of the 16th century with a rich history and a rather tragic fate. The won was forty kilometers from the capital, on the Shcholkiv highway.

The first ruler of the sadibi was B. Ya. Belsky - the zbroyar of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, then Vorontsov and Trubetskoy led the sadibi. In 1781, Gavril Illich Bibikov became the ruler of the flock;

on the cob radianska dobi the dramatic sides of the history of the sadibi are shown by Grebenevy. The nationalization of the complex led to the fact that budіvl step by step began to develop their own historical look. All internal interiors suffered. On the back near the walls of the gardening complex, a tuberculosis sanatorium was planted, then a technical school. In the 1960s, the roci sadiba Grebnevo bula was deafened by an architectural memo of republican significance.

For example, in the 1980s, the sadiba, it would seem, gained a new impetus for its development and conservation. A cultural center has settled down here, and on the territory of the sadibis, various concerts have begun to be held regularly, come in and see exhibitions. Active restoration works were launched to renovate the complex. Ale 1991, the fate there became a grandiose fire, since in some places the frames of garden houses and spores were left behind. In such a state of sadiba, Grebnev is rebuying and in our days, more and more transforming on the ancient ruins.

Shatur village

The old village of Shatur is from the 17th century. Vaughn was planted on poor soils, so the main occupations of the local inhabitants were always filled with water. Possibly, for the same reason, the settlement fell into mist in the middle of the 20th century.

Today, the village is in full swing. The stars of the lords of the okremih budinkivs are coming here (a sprig of times on the river). In the middle of the abandoned village, an old trinket looking miraculously looking, hanging over a deserted village.

Reminder for the extreme tourist

Regardless of their gloom and old age, old non-residential villages and other busy places call for great interest among rich tourists. However, more expensive to similar objects can be associated with severe problems.

What varto nobility is called extreme tourists?

  • first, before that, how to break it at such a high price, tell your close friends about your trip, and the terms of the route of your transfer;
  • in a different way, it is necessary to dress up; remember that you are not violating for an evening walk in the park: we are guilty of clothes, but we will shut them up, but we will be guilty of arrogance, mitzny and handy;
  • thirdly, take with you the necessary supply of water and products, so you can have a light pack in your backpack, sirniki and a standard set for the first medical assistance.

At the end...

The old villages of Podmoskov'ya oppose mandrivniks with their desolation and malovnichestvo. You can’t believe that such objects can be known for a few dozen kilometers from the capital - the largest metropolis on the planet! Spend in one of these forces - everything is one thing, to speed up the car for an hour. Here it is, the hour has stopped here...

It’s a pity, the number of zanedbanykh with skin rock is growing. Possibly, if this problem can be solved. For the time being, they leave the villages as objects of interest for all extreme sportsmen, stalkers and lovers of gloomy old times.

Before making the settlement of Raiduzhne, Nesterivsky district, Kaliningrad region, in the city, the settlement was roztashovan. Pre-war name Rominten. Behind the indirect signs, you can see a non-traditional visnovka that the outpost was inspired on the cob of the 80s of the XX century. On the territory of the checkpoint, a box for equipment, a barracks, a staff headquarters, a gym and a remote area, a booth for officers for 6 families, a small memorial, as well as a helicopter. Two whilins...

Napіvzaknute vіyskove mistechko vіyskovoї part №52096, which is a warehouse with the facilities of the RHBZ, left the head office and living quarters, as well as two PRU. As a guard, the civilians can perform, as well as the soldiers who pass behind them. The RHBZ warehouse is a camp for 2019 looting, at a new richly spilled brittle brine, and other degassing bride. The warehouse itself is a cast-in-place concrete hangar, in a new richness.

The village of Zhovtneve was founded in the 1960s for geologists, who worked on uranium deposits near the Krasnokamyansky district. During the life of the village, the engineers did not care about those who, over one of the great uranium genera, were intensively observed behind the tectonic fractures of the natural radioactive gas radon, which caused a rise in the radiation background. In 2010, the settlement of Meshkants in villages began to grow. Zhovtneviy, and in 2014 roci...

A small town in Viyskove, roztashovane for 5 km from the metro station Borzya. If the aviation regiment of the vinischuvachiv-bombers (military unit No. 42943) was based here, and after the arrival of the military in the 90s, the place filled up with a stingy vidtinka. After the transfer of the city’s town to the balance of the administration of the town from the settlement of the town, there was a calm, which, after a stretch of ten years, left it alone. The appearance of scorching, tidying up the problems with sewerage have become ...

A small abandoned hutir for 5 yards from fired huts. Dіlyanki dosit densely overgrown with thickets of ancient trees and chagars. Residents have abandoned their houses before 2013, the maximum that is registered at this farm. A sprinkling of drunken liohivs was revealed and one crinie without a foundation, that overbud, you can fall into a yak. Meshkantsi susіdnіh sіl picked budinki for budmateriali that firewood, also only one was lost ...

The number of the settlement Munguy, which is located 350 km on the main road from Dikson, or 243 km on the main road from Dudinka. In 1938, the Olenyarsky radgosp "new life" was created in a new way. In 2016, the rotische village already has the status of abandoned. Є kіlka budinkov, abandoned equipment, helicopter maidan. At home, they are slowly sawing for firewood. At the moment, a couple has been living for years, as they are engaged in the ribi industry.

The village has been finished for a long time. If there were close to 50 mіtsnih budinkіv here, at one time (3 chervnia 2017) less than a dozen were lost. Deyakі lords come to the air, deyakі - not zhitlovі, scho pohililis, blown by the winds and blackened. Wind here a little bit more postyno. Esotericists seem that Kochkomozero is a bad place for self-identification. There are special energy flows there. Too many people to talk about those that the village stands on the mіstsі forces. I what...

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