Ecological care. Increasing energy savings as a globally environmentally famous thing. Suspіlstvo spozhivannya: sovereign apetity

The biggest environmental problem of modernity is related to the fact that people need a lot of

Philosophy of life, which gave birth to the life of life, gave rise to all others environmental problems. The people are too richly sedated, they already begin to drown in the wetness of the mind. For that youm, Daedalus needs more energy. To that you need more and more resources - brown copalins, fox, water, hedgehogs.

Suspіlstvo spozhivannya: sovereign apetity

The infographic “Skills of China is necessary for China”, published on Ecoclimax, demonstrating how much of the territory is necessary for the development of all resources that your country needs. Leading Japan. In order to restore the resource savings for her, it will take 7 more Japanese. USA, the fatherland of philosophy is, not surprisingly, modest: only 1.9 countries. For the sake of simplicity, Sweden is not modest: 4.2. Russia is not shown on the chart. Mabut, we really have a lot of lisiv, watering that river, as well as oil, nickel and vugillya.

Suspіlstvo sponzhivannja: ekologiya rіshchit at the seams

Unbeknownst to me, out of these data, this infographic was formed. Honestly seeming, є doubt, chi vzagali can trust these pictures. Prote, the main problem is identified by her absolutely precisely. Why does China need more than 2.5 China? Because there is already a large population there, and because the Middle Kingdom is experiencing economic growth at the same time. And the reason for this growth lies in the fact that the PRC has become one great factory for the developed countries. Tse there all goods are shipped, and then they are exported and settled in the USA and Europe. And the greater number of goods develops not through life necessity, but through fashion, acknowledgment of prestige, etc. Why are people pushing for a new iPhone? Bo ceasing pratsyuvati old? So what do you need? No, you want to.

For the Chinese, on the other hand, good - stench began to live better. Third, . Vaughn to crack at the seams in all countries, as if they are engaged in the services of the rozvinennyh powers. Particularly worthy of Africa. Itself there are successful in the economic plan of the country to expand the space, then cheap production. Same Tudi. Under the circumstances of the rise of the powers, they will loudly declare the need to protect nature and to donate billions to fight against diseases environmental concerns.

Suspіlstvo sponzhivannja: less people - greater rіven life

Hello, good news. Just predict. You will be able to live in a big way, without succumbing to the fact that you can’t get resources for everyone. To finish and still be depleted.

Kharchov products are the source of energy and the main material for new cells in our body. Proteins that are stored in food, fats and carbohydrates provide the necessary calories for life. It's too much too bad for health, it's not enough.

The development of craftsmanship having filled in its trace on the station dovkilla– tse vіdomo all. Most of the people do not suspect that the occurrence of "brown" products has a negative impact on the environmental situation. It is important to learn the culture of eating, the shards from the starry menu to lay down like a healthy and stringy waist, and an ecological camp of the entire planet.

It’s not a problem for our diet to have new products, but for now, we’ll try to grow up, as if to harm the environment and what can be done to our skin.


Singing, skin, hto tskavitsya ecology, feeling the phrase: "Vegetarianism is destroying the planet." And that's right! The comfort of naviting exclusively organic meat may not be affected by ecology. All right in the fact that with the expansion of creatures, the amount of methane in the atmosphere has grown. The most shkodi are in charge of the vіvtsi, cows and pigs. So varto zvernuti respect for vitrati paliva and shkіdlі vikidi pіd hour of transportation to the product.

Tse not a call to become a vegetarian. It is not necessary to include more meat in your diet. Enough to eat properly, tobto. do not overdo it - the scale of breeding thinness will change, and the standard of dovkіllya will be painted. Buy from local farmers.


The state of Ribna is one of the safest varieties of food industry. For fishing and transporting the ribs of the vessel, the unfathomable amount of pale is used. The most "ecological" delicacies, such as shrimp and lobster. Vitrati paliva for їх vidobutku rich things, nizh for simple ribi.

When choosing seafood, sardines, sprats and oysters, as “the most ecological”, should be given priority.

Roslinna hedgehog

A thought about the unpretentiousness of the virobnits of the growing їzhi pomilkov! The first problem is the cost of the gallery - the loss of water resources. Druga - processing of roslin with pesticides and chemicals brown authorities. The third problem is related to the delivery of delivery because of the cordon, or rather, the cost of delivery.

It's a pity, vіdmovitysya vіd watering roslin not vdas. Ale, you can hide the dressing of harvested vegetables and fruits brought from far away. Give priority to the needs of the farmer's products.

I don't care about life

Not enough zha, not enough in the tariff, and without a turbo-charged sacking of bread is also poured into ecology. The resources of the planet are great, but even more so. In rich countries, people are starving and suffering from drought. It’s also important to learn how to stain the obvious goodness. Perhaps, try to try to buy some stilks of zhzhі, to stick skіlki for a couple of days, so that they didn’t get out and didn’t get thrown away?

Subsumuovuchi: properly balanced eating with sufficient, but not supernatural, savings of all products to change your ecological trail, pennies vitrati and centimeters at the waist. Even if you are a vegetarian, you don’t wear a hutra, but drink cola and zhipsi - you support the humiliation of nature.

Obov'yazkovoy umovoy іsnuvannya є spozhivannya energії. The presence of available energy was zavzhd bula obov'yazkovoy mental for the satisfaction of the needs of the people, the improvement of the minds and the frivolity of life.

The whole history of civilization is the low wine of new methods of generating energy, the development of new cores of the rest, and, perhaps, the growth of її spozhivannya. The first yakіsny haircut of growing calmness became after the fact that a person began to get fire and stop yoga to prepare that scorching. Dzherela energy todі - firewood and the strength of people's minds.

The next stage is the vinahid of the wheel, the folding of the workmanship, the development of forgery. Until the fifteenth century, a middle-aged man, zastosovayuschey thinness, lead that wind, that firewood, lived about ten times more, lower than the first person. Ale remember the growth of energy savings in the world for the rest of 200 years that have passed from the industrial era. The savings increased thirty times, and until 1998 it reached 13.3 Gt on the river of umovnoy paliva. The industrial individual has become a hundred times more energy efficient.

In the world, the energy industry has become the basis for the development of all the industry's tricks, which signify the progress of production, in the economy. At the same time, industrially separated countries grew more and more in the development of the energy industry, lower in other regions.

But at that very moment, the energy industry was one of the most dangerous injections on people and the biosphere. Vaughn changes the atmosphere (weakening, gases, suspensions, soothing sour), the hydrosphere (closing of piece water, calming water, throwing off rare exits, heated and muddy waters), the lithosphere (changing the landscape, reducing copalin), seeing toxic speeches.

Irrespective of the significance of the factor of the negative impact of the energy sector on Wednesday, the improvement in the situation did not call for great anxiety among the bulk. It lasted until the 70s. Todі to the hands of vchenih squandered impersonal data, like talking about the catastrophic pressure of anthropogenesis on the climate. Tse prikhovuє threat of global dash with exponential growth of energy. From now on, another problem in science has not brought such respect. And the problem of current and future changes in the Earth's climate background has become more familiar with skin rock.

It is important that energy is one of the foundations of these changes. Under given understanding, it becomes clear whether the sphere of activity is related to the generation and reduction of energy. The main part of the energy industry is ensured by the reduction of energy, which is released during the spitting of carbohydrates. Tse to bring up a great number of unsafe speeches in the air.

Such an apology was the head of the shkodi world economy, and in terms of the economy of the country, which did not reach the end of the industrial stage, the development of energy saving, and Russia, including wines, can lead to a mortal blow.

Everything is really richly folded. Let's look at the greenhouse effect, which is often due to energy, low causes are added to the climate of our planet, among them - sleepy, volcanic activity, indicators of the planet's orbit, colivanya in the ocean-atmosphere system.

The correct analysis of the problem can be done only by vrahuvavshi all factors. In case of this, obviously, it is necessary to clarify the nutrition, which will be the light of the energy of the nearest future. Chi will happen to the people to establish a hard exchange of energy in order to forestall the catastrophe of global warming.

Masovy vrobnitstvo dressing up the head of the majestic shkoda of the earth and ecology. Clothes having ceased to be akіsnim and now it is necessary richly, moreover, the current fashion is declaring a permanent change of clothes. What is sim work? Virishuvane food...

Clothes becoming a good fast food: get ready quickly, take it easy, make sure that nature is healthy. It’s light in tone, which goes to the wiki so very fast, like a plastic bag or disposable tableware. We need a revolution, a revolution in fashion!

Leather rich, like we buy in the store, pouring into the planet even before we brought it home. Long ago, we went to the street and took a walk shopping malls, Raptom commemorated її at the window.

In a first way, the forging of clothes is the comfort of a majestic wheel of water.

Around the world, 2 billion jeans are brewed, while making one simple bet requires up to 7,000 liters of water, and one T-shirt - 2,700 liters. Before the speech, the very style to become the middle of the life of a human being for a stretch of 900 days!

Spivrobitnik textile factory in Xintanzi (China) (photo) can be called the jeans capital of the world. Greenpis showed high rіven zabrudnennya near Xintanzi, calling out textile craftsmanship.

In another way, the process of fabrication of fabrics vicory produces up to 1.7 million tons of various chemical speeches. And then the clothes, to avenge the unsafe speech, for example, fluoridation of the half (PFS), spend before buying and continuing to take care of the wrong middle in the process of prannya, or opining on the call.

Promotion for The North Face store (photo). Greenpis reviewed 40 types of goods of different brands, purchased from 19 countries, on the PFB display. Unsafe conditions were found not only in robes, but also in boots, baubles, rucksacks, hankies, and in sleeping bears.

Have you ever wondered about those, how many exits make a choice of clothes? According to experts' estimates, 400 billion m2 of textiles are widely used, of which 60 billion m2 will go to the wiki - cuts and textile output. About 80 billion items of clothing are scattered all over the world, and after a short term of service, three of them will end their lives on the landfills for death, or they will burn, less than a quarter of the textile outputs will be recycled.

Textile production in Prato (Italy) is the largest in Europe. The leaders of Greenpeace and 20 companies that work here for our hoarders have already announced that they have heard about unsafe chemical speeches. Over 13 tons of fabrics and other materials for sewing are spun for the stench.

As a result of the WRAP (The Waste and Resources Action Program) community organization, price reductions and fast drinking will lead to the fact that there are no incentives for the picking of textile vineyards, and it is better to increase the number of exits on the call.

The obvious reason for this trend is the swedish pace of the fashion industry, the so-called swedish fashion. In the era of fashion bloggers and the popularity of Instagram, it becomes obscene to wear the same clothes for two seasons and sleep. Less than for the last five years, the income of fashion companies increased by 9.7%.

Overworld peace is one of the negative consequences of "Swedish fashion". In Hong Kong, the baggers are giving away 1,400 t-shirts of shochvilin!

What can you rob?

Reply to yourself: do not give in to impulsive bajans and buy riches that you really do not need. We invite you to think about those who create your clothes, and like a wine weep into the middle of nowhere.

Give inappropriate clothes to the needy, donate them, remember them with colleagues and friends, give them for processing: 95% of our clothes can be recycled.



Abstract scientific statistics on economics and business, author of scientific work - Grishanova Svitlana Valerivna, Tatarinova Maria Mykolaivna

When you see the state's activity, they sound like they are taking away the bad results, and with the hated (evil) consequences as positive and negative. Negative external effects (externalities) are blamed only if the activity of some economic subjects leads to additive effects in others. Due to the presence of negative externalities, Demshevsky's market zeal is not allowed to allocate resources due to high efficiency, tobto. does not allow maximizing suspіlny dobrobut. The state is dealing with the problem of the natural effects of virobnic activity either by command-and-control methods, or by the stagnation of a market-oriented policy, as a way of paying for the traffickers dovkilla(environmental tax), the development of the market is allowed to be carried out according to the Wikipedia standard. Prote externalities are initiated as a government activity. Negative environmental effects are also blamed on the process of saving. At the link with the cim as an institutional tool for internalization of the external, it is rightful to consider ecologization not only as a virus, but as a way of life. Ecolog_zats_ya spozhivannya, scho spryyaє іnternalіzatsії ekologichіchnyh zovnіshnіh efektіv, nabuvati such forms: revaga dovgovіchnyh tovіv; win environmentally friendly goods; the transport of goods, if they require the transport of large ships; vіdmova vіd zayvih services; minimization of solid butovyh inputs; rationalization of energy conservation. Pіd "environmentally clean" sіd rozumіti not only tіlki tіlki tіlki tіlki tіlki, yakі zdorovnі zdorov'ya, and th commodities, virobnitstvo, spozhivannya that utilіzatsіya yakіh not pov'yazanі zі znannymi ekologichnimi eksternalіyami. Достовірні кількісні результати, що стосуються оптимального регулювання шкідливих викидів на ринках «з екологічно орієнтованим споживанням», можуть бути отримані в рамках суворих економіко-математичних моделей еколого-економічної політики з урахуванням диференціації виробленої продукції щодо екологічних властивостей та присутності споживачів, готових платити більше продукцію.

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All business activities, as a rule, are combined not only for taking away the initial results, but for external effects, both positive and negative. On the basis of negative externalities, the marketing balance is not allowed for allocation of resources with high productivity, i.e. not maximum social coverage. The power to solve the problem of external effects of production activity either by command-and-control methods, or by market-oriented policy, which consists in the introduction of payment for environmental pollution (ecological tax), development of market permits for pollution or use of emission standard. Wanting externalities є initiated not only economic activities. p align="justify"> Negative environmental externalities arise also in the process of consumption. In some regions, green consumerism can be adopted as a national tool for internalization of externalities. Green consumerism, stimulating internalization of environmental externalities, can lead to offensive forms: a preference for durable goods; preference for environmentally friendly products; preference for goods that do not require long-haulage; avoidance of superfluous services; minimization of solid waste; and rationalization of energy consumption. “Green products” is not just a zahist for health, but also, with some kind of versatility, supplies and additives, it doesn’t fit with significant environmentally friendly interiors. Remarkable subsequent results related to the optimálnim regulation of harmful emissions in the markets with “green consumption”, can be found in the mathematical economic-mathematical models of environmental and economic policy, related to various products in the minds of the state industry. and the presence of consumers willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products.

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