Bіluga living. The best biluga in the world

Buluga is the largest fish of the sturgeon family, which lingers in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas and comes to spawn at the river. For friendly minds, you can live for over 100 years and with it, for the sake of the Pacific relatives, not after spawning. Evidently, she has been growing all the time, and I think that everyone will be able to recognize, which roses she herself reached great buluga in the world

The biggest biluga is just a female, so the males are practically two females. The state maturity of the fish reaches 16 years, and more often after 20. Black caviar becomes close to 20% of the total body and covers 500 thousand eggs (the largest - 5-7 million). And the frost does not happen overnight, but for 3 spring months. To that, for the myslivtsiv, for the caviar of the white bazhan, I paid for it.

At the same time, riba was brought to the Chervona book through its value - black caviar, the main delicacy. In the official sale you will not know, but the axis on the black market in Russia is 600 dollars for a kilo, and 7,000 dollars for the cordon.

Navit for the best minds 90% of eggs do not grow in mature individuals. Plus, people in the rest of the century “podbali” about those that in some rivers of the blue arose more and more (so, before the rowing on the Dnipro, it went up to Zaporizhzhya and some specimens were caught in Kiev) and at once the situation was crying. Adzhe buluga has always been a sign of a healthy ecosystem.

Poachers and hydroelectric power stations do not give riba virosity and the greatest person, for the remaining 50 years, was ribbed with a weight of 800 kg in 1970 rotation and 960 kg in 1989 rotation. The rest of the rain fell 4.2 m and a century, close to 70 years are saved at the Astrakhan Museum. Ribina was caught by poachers, they vipatrated the eggs and told about the trophy in an anonymous call; On this day, you can find the best light in the world and you can find a video about you on YouTube, de show a copy of the weight of about 500 kg.

The book "Reports on fishing in Russia" says that the largest bulge, spied near the Volz, was about 9 meters long and 90 pounds (1440 kg) in weight. Such a person claims to be the largest freshwater riba on Earth, Skoda, that the photo itself Great Beluga did not save up for confirmation of the record;

In 1922 and 1924, the Volga girl was born in the Caspian Sea, however, ribini was spawned at the same time - 75 pounds (1224 kg), about 700 kg was important for the tulub, 300 kg for the head, and otherwise - for caviar. At the National Museum of Kazan, a 4-meter opudal ribeye is saved, spied in the lower Volga. Її century 60-70 years.

A trace of memory, that the greatest white in the world is the one that was forged and officially fixed. Aje fishermen were snared by specimens, on which they did not get any gear, and the stinks died in their midst, giving rise to numerical legends about river monsters. Yaki, to the point of speech, may be able to follow all of them, even in the shorts of the Caspian huts, they repeatedly knew baby seals (dovzhina - a meter).

The name of the sturgeon family is included up to the Chervonoy book as a species that is known. Sack at the Black, Caspian, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. Through giant roses okremikh buluga houses - the largest freshwater fish. Well, maybe, it’s not surprising, even though this view is superbly old. For over 200 million years, sturgeons have been available, if only great ribs and creatures were on the Earth. Enough to marvel at the Danube Buluga - a native of dinosaurs. Otzhe, What is the vaga of the greatest white on Earth?

In 1827, in the lower reaches of the Volga, there was a spyman buluga, which was important to repeat tons, tobto 1500 kilograms. Just to show yourselves, such a vag can be compared with the vag of such whales. So, a whale has narwhaled about 940 kilograms, and a killer whale - 3600 kilograms. Tobto tsya riba was important, like half a killer whale and more narwhal!

The average standard white is about 19 kilograms.(Vaga ribi, characteristic of the Pivnіchny Caspian). In the past, the average weight of whitefish on the Volz was about 70-80 kg, in the Danubian area of ​​the Chornomorya - 50-60 kg, on the Sea of ​​Azov, riba weighed 60-80 kg. And the axis at the Don delta, males weighed 75-90 kg, and females - 166 kg. Navit middle vaga already talk about the grandiose expansions and the heaviness of ribi.

However, the average number of the largest individuals of the population is not close to reaching the record number of the largest number. On May 11, 1922, at the rock of the Volga, near the Caspian Sea, 1224 kilograms of white were caught, tobto 1.2 tons! With this, 667 kilograms fell on the tulub, 288 kilograms on the head, and 146.5 kilograms per roe.

The vaga of the female during the spawning hour is more abundant. Aje buluga throws millions of eggs! In 1924, on the Biryachiy Kosі in the Caspian Sea, a female of the same wag 1.2 tons was caught. With 246 kilograms, the vag fell on the caviar. Zagalna kіlkіst eggs became 7.7 million!

One female can carry up to 320 kg of eggs. Bіluga to wear їх at home until the spring іkromet. Checking on the new, the female hibernates in the rivers, falling into hibernation and overgrown with mucus, instead of a stone. As it happens, if the female does not know her own suitable place for spawning, she will not lay eggs, and the eggs will roam from time to time in the middle of her.

The majestic quantity of caviar is laid down by nature in the whites not in a vipadkovo way. Її zavdannya - ensure the survival of the mind. Adzhe іkra bіlugi is carried by the flow, eaten by other ribs. Three hundred thousand eggs are only alive.

Records of gigantic whites will not end with pointed butts. On May 3, 1926, a 75-year-old female with a weight of more than one ton was killed near the Ural girl. Vaughn carried 190 kg of caviar with her.

Bіluga, which was taken away from the National Museum of Tatarstan, is worth close to one ton. Qiu fish was caught on the cob of the 20th century near the lower Volga. In the middle part of the Caspian Sea, in 1836, a 960 kg wag was spawned.

In an hour, the record band of the largest whites kept changing and no longer exceeded the tons. In 1970, 800 kilograms of white were forged on the Volz, the yakіy had 112 kg of caviar. In the same place in 1989, roku caught riba with a 966 kg wag. Nina won't be saved in the Astrakhan Museum.

Beluga is the largest species among freshwater fish. You can learn a riddle about her in historical documents. Earlier, for hours of old Russia, її could have been only the king and the nearer princes. Tilks їm її were brought specially from the Caspian Sea. And in those hours they were already talking about її neimoverno great razmiri. Navit є prove. Ale, it was a long time ago. Those hours have passed, and none of such a majestic riba is sprouting.

Buluga is a marvelous long-liver fish. Bagato who is strong, what can you live more than a hundred years. І for such a long time, they will sing the majestic rozmirіv. This species is the largest species on the planet. It’s not surprising, but the buluga throws a load only a few times for all its long life. With tsimu masa іkri reach pіvtonni.

In order to lay caviar, the blueberry goes far into the rivers, as if flowing into the sea, and if the stench does not stink in the fact that the place is safe, then the stench simply does not spawn, but vodplivayut back. And the caviar will grow by itself. Young fish begin to spawn from mid-spring to autumn. The caviar is found in the deepest places with a stony bottom and with a strong current. The caviar itself behind the rosemary is already great, like a hairy pea. And the number of such eggs is equal to the number of millions.

Gallery: riba buluga (25 photos)

How do you look

See view to the sturgeon family. Beluga may have five rows of brushed shields, like a ruffled body, her head is long drawn. The lower part of the head is maє chotiri vus. Nіs zagostreniy and lightly translucent. Tse s tim, scho not maє brush shields. Her mouth is wide, and her upper lip hangs over it. Tulub finish tovstii and similar to a cylinder. She has no backbone, and cartilage is found there. It grows up to a few meters, and the mass can reach tons.

M'yaso from her is harder, but savory. From the new, impersonal scars and snacks are prepared. And the caviar is the dearest in the world. Whose kind of ribeye is a hizhak, he eats ribeye, mollusks, crustaceans. Ale was trodden by the swings, if the fishermen, when the belly was steaming, knew to wind a muscle in it.

By the sea they live alone. The maturity of the state is coming, for the average, after fifteen years, and fifty have already faded.

Wintering man near the river pits so that in the coming spring you can rise to the surface and lay caviar. The fish is young, as it is not yet ready to spawn, so it goes to the rivers, or it is left in the sea, but on a small depth. Grown up individuals don’t go anywhere and spend the winter by the sea on the great mud. When it gets cold, the body of the beluga is covered with a great ball of slime, after which it falls into hibernation until spring. Ale before the winter is reluctantly stocked up for the entire winter period.

Naygolovnіshe - do not miss the pecking!

You can have a meal in the "ribna" place, but you won't catch anything. At the same time, special sounds appeared, which are self-supporting, with a special mechanism:

  • At the moment of pecking, the tension of the hair is felt, which should be brought to the spratsovuvannya pidsikach.
  • Fish, pіdsіchena at the right time, is left on the bark, and you are left with less than enough water!

In nature, white can create hybrids, such as:

  • Bester - crossed with a sterlet;
  • With a fish hairpin;
  • Sturgeon;
  • Sevruga.

Where are the sacks of white?

This species of ribeye can be caught near the Black, Azov, Caspian, Azov, Mediterranean and Adriatic seas.

If the hour for spawning comes, then the possibility of spawning appears in such rivers as the Terek, Don, Kama and Volga. These females, yakі do not reach the caviar, are left near these rivers for the winter.

Biggest Beluga

The largest representative of this species was spied in 1922 in Russia near the Caspian Sea. Її vaga bula 1224 kg, Before that, there was a bula with caviar. I dosi є leader in the world.

If you marvel at the photograph, which confirms this fact, you simply cannot believe that it is true. Tsya riba is more like a monster.

There are more sprats of applications, as if they would confirm the greatness of the world of ribs. If only a person could drink a gigantic fish at the Kazan Museum. They thrashed her badly. If they were angry, the vaga reached a whole ton, and the size was 4.17 meters.

Another copy can be found in the Astrakhan Museum. Tsya riba was caught near the Volz and reached the maximum weight - tons, more precisely, 966 kilograms. Dovzhina tsієї bіlugi bula trohi less than six meters. How to tell the dzherel, the poachers poached the riba, vipatrated the caviar from it, and threw the riba itself. Zlyakavshis that they can plant, the stench told about tsyu znakhіdku spіvrobіtnikam museum. So this riba pretended to be on a gigantic opudalo.

Cause swindle

It is often possible to lust people, yak stray beluga with other types of ribs. Why? And everything is even simpler: before the word "buluga" there were whales. Kozhen knows that whales are undoubtedly better than white. In the aftermath of this, there appeared nevirnі facts about those who attacked the buluga with a vagon of about two tons. Possibly, it’s just a whale, which is also called a white whale. Ale, the belukhas are surprised not only by their majestic mass, but also by the stench that they can sleep. Behind the cordon, such rogues also trap. There buluga is denoted by such a word, like sturgeon. At zvyazku z cym when catching great ribs of the sturgeon family її can be carried to the beluga.

The Azov Bіluga looks like others broad and short head, a wide rill and a forehead, as well as a high body. More whites in the Sea of ​​Azov grow significantly more, lower in other basins. The main place, de tsia riba, caviar, is the Don. Migration occurs from pregnancy to breastfeeding. Juveniles feed on fry. Most individuals eat whips and crustaceans. Є navit vіdomosti about those that stench can eat jellyfish and combs. In the aftermath of the shortness of the number of whips, like the stench of the most important slurp, and there was a change in the number of ribs.

Yak sinister kind of ribeye

On this day, qiu ribu catch suvoro fenced. And if you are into sports fishing, you can try it out. What is necessary for whom? Nasampered, it is necessary to bring special tackle, so as not to harm the ribs. If you still dare to catch a fish, then you won’t be able to, because according to the rules of sports fishing, you need to die, call, take a picture, and then let it go back to the water.

In order to be successful, it is obvious to catch it in such rivers, like the Volga and the Don. For bait, it’s better to take some fish and sire meat. Ale, be careful - this riba is already strong, it can easily turn over the chauvin. Nina was far away from the greatest person with a vag of 300 kilograms.

Causes of the buluga

Everything has led to a speedy numerical mind, out began to seldom deposit caviar and became small rozmiriv.

In Denmark, this species of ribeye is listed up to the Red Book. Special services fight against poachers. In rich places and lands, the world should be bred piece by piece, in order to improve the number of ribs that arise. Zavdyaki tsomu є nadiya on those who tsієї ribi will become rich again great roses. And if not for me, then our children and onuks will be able to sing veletniv on their eyes.

How to increase the catch of ribeye?

Today there are no other ways to increase the catch. One of the alternatives is a pecking activator. Vіn privablyuє riba from distant vіdstaney that stimulates the appetite for additional pheromones, which go to the warehouse and pour into the behavior of the person. Pheromones are natural biologically active speech, as they see living organisms, ribi zocrema.

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Respect, only TODAY!

Family sturgeon ribs can be brought to valuable industrial breeds, the meat and caviar of such roes are exalted with savory savory qualities. Representatives of the corral may have been a long time ago, the meeting of their foundations in the last period - over 75 million years ago. In the rest of the hour, in the wake of the negative factors that caused people to work, their number will significantly shorten. That is why the fish of the sturgeon family is brought to the international Red Book.

The main characteristic of the family of sturgeon ribs

Fish of sturgeon species sack in the water pools of the pivnichnoy pivkul - in Europe, Pivnichniy America and Pivnichniy Asia. Zagіn pіdrozdіlyaєtsya on passage and fresh water see. Representatives of the transitory species make migration for spawning from the salty seas to the rivers. Spawning takes place in the spring-summer period, when you see it come up near the river in autumn, you can overwinter.

Fish of the sturgeon family can be brought to the largest sacks of the aquatic fauna, for example, whitefish can reach up to 4 m and weigh more than a ton. Sturgeon rejoice in the great trivality of life: the white sturgeon can live close to 100 years, the sturgeon - about 50, the stellate sturgeon - 30, and the sterlet - 20 years. State of maturation

Zooplankton - hedgehog for young sturgeons

individuals also need to be killed: in females, this age is not earlier than at 10-15 years old, in males - at 10-12 years old. Only sterlet and shovel-bearers reach state maturity earlier. Moreover, one and the same person does not go to spawn soon and breeds only once a sprat during the life cycle.

The diet of eating sturgeon is stocked with snails: mollusks, worms, komakhi, and sometimes fish. Vvazhayut for better trim and watering on the day with water. A passing species of sturgeon ribey, which goes to spawn, is practically not lived in during this period. The females have a high fertility - a great person has grown up, she can lay sprats of millions of eggs.

The widest species of the sturgeon family include:

  • Sturgeon - Atlantic, Pacific, Russian, Persian, Amur, Siberian;
  • Beluga;
  • Kaluga;
  • Shovelnose;
  • stellate sturgeon;

Crimea of ​​the main species, explore different hybrids, which were the result of crossbreeding in spawning areas. Sturgeon mustaches are similar in old-fashioned look, їhnє tіlo nagaduє podovzhene spindle. The head is covered with a creed of brush shields, the muzzle is lowered in the form of a spatula or a cone. Mouth with fleshy lips can hang out, under it there are 4 whiskers, teeth are visible. Sturgeons do not have ridges, at the base of the sturgeon there is only a cartilaginous chord, as it is saved by the stretch of a mustache life.

Sturgeon breeding

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Sturgeon - a short look at the representatives of the family

There are 17 species of sturgeon, some ribi, which enter to this family, are found on the border. The sturgeon is the price of the rib fish, the average weight is 10-20 kg. The largest fish according to archaeologists was worth 2 centners and reached the head of 3 meters. Today, individuals weighing close to 100 kg trapleyatsya, you can see them near the pools of the Black Sea. The sturgeon can reach the bottom of the ribeye, which can live at a depth of 2 to 100 meters. Inhabits lakes, rivers, seas.

Atlantic sturgeons, which can be caught in the Black Sea, are among the largest passing species. The price of industrial riba reaches 3 meters of a headdress and can weigh over 200 kg. It's a pity that today the population is significantly reduced, so it is practiced to do so by piece cultivation. Fish are characterized by high rates of growth and high fertility of females. To go to spawn at the river, after which one day they roam in the sea, they eat an important anchovy.

Behind the number of the first place are the Russian sturgeon, which wriggle in the Black and Azov Seas, and go to the Caspian. Іkra tsієї ribi for tsіnіstyu act less white. Її actively mined near the Kuri, on the Volz, near the Danube. In the diet of Russian sturgeons - mollusks, shrimp and crabs. To spawn from the Caspian, go near the Volga and the Danube, from the Black Sea - near the Dnipro and the Danube, from Azov - near the Don. Sturgeon fry can be left in the river for 1-2 rocks, although the main part of the sturgeon will reach the sea.

You can see the Siberian sturgeon to impassable sights. For life, youmu does not need salty water, which actively began to spawn ribeye breeders in captivity. The sturgeon populates Siberian waters, for spawning it goes along the river mouth for a lot of kilometers. The Siberian sturgeon is subdivided into 4 types:

  • Zahidnosibirsky - to be found in Ob and in Irtish;
  • Skhidnosibirsky - populates the rivers of Siberia from the Yenisei to Khatanga;
  • Yakutsky - bags at the rivers of Yakutia from Khatanga to Kolimi;
  • Baikal;

Beluga and Kaluga are the largest representatives of the sturgeon family

Buluga is the largest fish in the sturgeon family, at a dozhina it can reach a height of up to 5 m, and a vag can reach more than a ton. The trivality of life is also the greatest - 100 years. Vіdomі vipadki upipіymannya rib vіkom 70 roki, їх vaga was more than 1 ton, and dozhina - 4-5 meters. Baggage in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas, even rarely in the Adriatic.

Beluga is a fish fish, and the most fertile fish is a female that has over 7 million eggs. Promislova vaga ribi on this day to fall in the mist of vilova: near the Volga pool, 70 kg for males and 125 kg for females. In the Urals, the average weight of whitefish trochi mensha is 40-60 kg for males, 60-100 kg for females.

M'yaso bіlugi trohi zhorstkіshe, nizh in other sturgeons. Perfectly suitable for balichnyh virobiv, caviar with ribeye of wonder-like quality, about the size of a pea. The number of biluga ninja sharply fell after the hizhatsky vilov by poachers. Її the population feeds on fish farms. In nature, they breed with other sturgeons, cultivating hybrids.

Kaluga is the largest representative of sturgeon, as it lives near fresh water. Bags near the waters of the Amur. Even nezherliva, so fast growth. In the first 10 years of life, it grows by 10 cm, and it adds 10 kg to the vase. You can live 80 years, having reached the weight of 1000 kg and 6 m of life. You can see two types of belugi:

  • Limanna - go to spawn in the estuary (drіbnovodna inflow when the river flows into the sea);
  • Osila - forever zalishaetsya in the riverbed, living in small groups;

Spawning begins like spring, the state of maturity in females does not reach earlier than 16 years. After a moment of escaping, a person spends a third of his vag, an attack once again will be repeated only after 5 years. Kaluga is a hut; The riba has matured, overcoming the greater species of bottles, literally zamoktuyuchi її at once with water. Kaluga is considered to look like sturgeons, as far as I know, it is listed in the international Chervona book.

Sterlet - a distant representative of the sturgeon corral

The sterlet looks like its relatives with a smaller size, and with a narrow nose. The geography of residence is great: the rivers of the basins of the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas, the rivers of Pivnichna Dvina, Yenisey, Ob, Irtish. I could have had a drink up to Ladozsky Onezke lake, the bula was released and took root in the Western Dvina, Nimani, Onezzi, Pechori Amur, Otsita in a number of water reservoirs.

The middle length of a commercial sterlet is 40-60 cm, the mass is 0.5-2 kg in the margins. In sturgeon relatives, they mature earlier, females start spawning in 7-8 years old. To rob її we will add an object for breeding in fish farming states.

The family of sturgeons is the most popular kind of ribs, which were served at the royal table in the old hours. Ale rotten ecology and poaching lead to a fast pace of numbers. Therefore, the breeding of ribey is widely practiced in special reserves for a distant release in the natural environment.

I troch about secrets ...

Have you ever seen the unbearable pain in the swamps? You don't know a little about what is:

  • impossibility to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort during descents and descents;
  • unacceptable crunch, clattering not behind the vlasnym bazhanny;
  • bіl pid hour chi after physical rights;
  • inflamed in the dilyantsі suglobіv and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable pain in the swamps.

And now give me a reply to the question: do you care about the government? Can you recognize such a bil? And how many pennies did you already get angry at the ineffectual glee? That's right - an hour іz tsim kіnchati! What are you? For the very same reason, we wrote to publish exclusively interview with professor Dikul, in which I have revealed the secrets of the order in the form of pain in the globules, arthritis and arthrosis.

Video: Sturgeon war

Photo 1 of 3

Beluga- One of the largest passing fish. In the past, a dovzhini reached over 5 m. and mass over 1000 kg. The triviality of the life of such great specimens, perhaps, exceeded 100 years.

The maximum registration per year for 46 years of appointments for 1977. that 44 rocks in 1983 Have 1970 r. at commercial catches on the Volz Middle dozhina the females of the beluga became 267 cm. and the mass was 142 kg., the males were apparently 221 cm. and 81 kg. Crimson in size, the beluga is easily seen in other sturgeon ribs with its thick cylindrical trunk and short pointed nose, which is somehow translucent, the shards are not pierced by brush shields.

Rilo bіla bіlugi is short, stupid, the mouth is majestic, insipid form, great, ale, on the vіdmіna kaluga, so as not to go to the sides of the head, it occupies the entire width of the head and otstoya lip, the whiskers tremble with their width and grab up to the mouth. In addition, brush head shields and bugs, especially beetles and bellies, seem to be visually a little different: 12-13 dorsal ones, 40-45 beetles and 10-12 black ones. There are 48-81 changes in the dorsal fin, 22-41 in the anal fin. Dorsal bug - 9-17, bichn - 37-53, black - 7-14. At the dorsal row of the perch there is a neimensha bug. Zyabrovyh tichinok 17-36.

Most of the great rivers may form winter and ravine. At the Volga, it enters at spring-zhovtnі (winter form) and at birch-kvitnі (spring form). In this river, the winter race is overwhelmed, which winters in the pits. Navpaki, in the Urals, close to 70% of migrating fish become a racial race that spawns in the river and enters the river. Golovna їzhu juvenile beluga, like other great sturgeon ribs, to form shells, so young ribs are trimmed at the mouth of the river, de shells dribnishi and mayut more thin scale, lower the great depths of the open sea.

It is too early to go to the hut to eat in the Buluga. Near the Caspian Sea, the main forage objects are , sprats and other ribs. Beluga is eager to eat the young of those sturgeons. At the Black Sea, in її slacks, the anchovy tacos are sounding very important. Juveniles of beluga with a length of up to 5 cm.

The state of maturity in whites is already very high: in males, not earlier than 12-14 years old, in females - up to 16-18 years old. The period of reproduction is autumn-grass. The main spawning river until the regulation of the Don Bouve, then it rose to the top. Near the Kuban, I stopped by in insignificant places. Spawning takes place at the peak of the flood and starts at a water temperature of 6-7°C. Optimum temperatures are 9-17°C. Caviar is found in deep places (from 4 to 12-15 m.) with a quick break on stony ridges and pebble roses. Fertility fallow in the form of females kolivaetsya in 200 yew. up to 8 million eggs. The eggs are large, in the Volzka whitefish the diameter varies from 3.6 to 4.3 mm. that weight vіd 26 to 36 mg. The trivalence of the embryonic period at a water temperature of 11-12°C becomes an average close to 200 years. Juveniles of beluga and mature ribeye after spawning near rivers do not hibernate and migrate by the sea. Spawning is not normal.

Until the regulation of the runoff, the white was already high up by the rivers. Along the Volz it reached the upper reaches of the river, spreading in the Otsi, Sheksni, Kamі, Suri and other tributaries. For archeological materials, they meandered around Moscow. Ninі the area of ​​the bіluga is surrounded by the lower rows of the HPP. In the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, rowing practically appeared more often, earlier, before weekdays, rowing, near the Kuban, it went up to the village of Ladozka and, perhaps, more, in the Don - to the Voronezka region. The main pool is the vidobutka of the Kaspiy buv. Even on the cob of the 80s of the last century, її here they wagged from 1.6 to 2.0 yew. tons

Promisel of the Azov Beluga Vіdomy from the VI Art. to our era. In the 30s, the catches reached 1000-1200 tons, in the 1960s the stench decreased to 200-250 tons, and the total number of beluga in the period was estimated at 24 thousand. goals, zokrema 12 yew. mature fish. There are no reliable data about the current number of whites, but it seems that mature individuals grow singly, and juveniles become 98% of the population. The main reasons for the sharp decrease in the number of the Azov whitefish are the regulation of river runoff by rowing, as well as spawning grounds, as well as the overworld pitchforks near the sea in rivers. Take care that the vikoristannya great number beluga females for selection of bester of the first generation (hybrid of beluga i) also play a negative role. For the purpose of replenishing the entry into the Azov basin, juveniles of the Caspian whitefish were let out for a long time (in the 1970s). It’s easy to explore by visiting at a random order and recognizing the number of your own population of beluga in the Sea of ​​Azov.

Starting from 1956, the white sturgeon is produced at the sturgeon fish factories in the Don and Kuban, and may be all the herd of the factory trip. Through the war, the regulation of the flow of the river may have clung to its natural appearance, that stock was fully supported with the help of piece breeding at the fish factories. In the rest of the years, especially after the collapse of the SRSR, the number of those caught whites is catastrophically reduced.

Since 1986, white-billed forks have been fenced on the Sea of ​​Azov, only a few forks are allowed to be reclaimed. The methodology of the Caspіyskiysky PIVIDIV, the Kaspensky Belugi in the Azovsky Basein, conduct the KRIOCOMISIS of the General of Rosary, to the BioTsky pydroshchovans in the rates of the young in rates,

Beluga, as a species known to be under the threat of infestation, is listed up to the IUCN Red Book, and the Azov subspecies of Beluga - up to the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2001) (for category 1 p.

people's prikmeta on the 10 leaf fall

Paraskeva P'yatnitsa - Babina Intercessor. Paraskeva Lnyanitsya. On the first day of the day, they begin to m'yati and tripati lion, get ready for sale. The whole day, for some vipad the whole day - P'yatnitsky Day. Paraskeviya P'yatnitsa, from one side, zbegalas and navіt shrouded the Christian Mother of God, and from the other side - subsided and commanded Makosha (Mokosha), the ancient goddess of words of Yang paganism: the goddess of spinning, the patroness of earthly happiness. First winter day. They looked around and warmed the houses, thinness was placed near the winter style. 11.11 Avramij Ovchar and Anastasia Sheep. Anastasia is respected as the intercessor of sheep, and Avramii is the patron of shepherds, who celebrate their holy day. Vіvcharіv accepted to treat the whole day for those who saved the sheep.

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