Skіlki koshtuє platinum card to Oschadbank. Premier Oschadbank card. Platinum card benefits

Bank cards are a safe way to make payments and save pennies. Razryznyayut kіlka types "plastic" fallow in the package of services: electronic, standard, premium. For the needs of various service extensions and becoming a VIP-client to the bank, the Visa payment system supports the Gold, Platinum and Infinite service programs. Leather from them is a sign of prestige, transparency and comfort at any point of the world. And a special respect will be awarded to the Visa Platinum card, for information about this and the statistics.

Trochs about Visa

All over the world, the payment system is popular, which regulates the payments between the issuing bank, the seller and the card holder at the time of the transaction. The company itself does not charge commission fees for services and does not issue plastics. The activity of the Visa system is built up to secure access to electronic payments and secure transactions. The leaders of innovative solutions of the company, credit and financial organizations to promote card products to customers. Banks, taking away the right to issue Visa payment instruments, independently regulate the issuance of plastic cards.

The company spivpratsiyu with organizations more low in 200 countries, which allows koristuvachs to make payments practically in any point of the world. Premium products provide access to the bonus program "World of Privilege". Visa Platinum, Gold and Infinite allow you to collect discounts, take part in special offers and be a special guest for partners of the payment system.

special pomіchnik

Trimachi Visa Platinum can provide access to a cost-free concierge service at any point in the world. Fakhіvtsі inform about tsіkavі come in at the mіstsі znakhodzhennya vlasnik and tell about armored tickets. Crimea, concierge services for the Visa Platinum card include:

  • car rental;
  • zamovlennya taxi at any hour doby;
  • reservation of a table at a restaurant, tickets for a flyer;
  • organization of doswell;
  • access to closed clubs;
  • help with the planned route;
  • (Currency exchange office, weather forecast, doctor's address and otherwise).

The service is available both at home and abroad. The service is provided by ISOS (International SOS).

Customer support service

At emergency jumps. Where do you want to go, being behind the cordon I will take Visa Platinum? The privileges of a premium product allow you to take additional help regardless of the customer's needs. The service of the global support of the Visa payment system can help you to get used to the emergency in time and spend a little bit of "plastic" money.

Returning for a cashless number of the customer service, the holder of the Visa Platinum card can:

  • organize a re-delivery and delivery of a new “plastic” directly from the medical examination of the sack;
  • block the rahunok;
  • domovitisya about the emergency to see the preparation at the hour;
  • take the necessary information.

Access to the global support is granted to the holder of the Visa card independently of the class. However, for an emergency visa, the preparations and the term renewal can only be paid for by the holders of the premium “plasticity”.

More expensive insurance

How else can you help the Vlasnik of Visa Platinum? The privileges of the payment instrument for the authorized service, and for the well-thought-out insurance program. The product of orientations to successful people, yakі often mandruyut for the repair of chi z working food. Under the hour of travel, it can be a case of scrounging documents, luggage of a few pennies, an unfortunate fall.

If the tickets were bought for the help of Visa Platinum, then the hairdresser and his close relatives will get insurance. Vaughn to defend against any kind of inaccuracies, which can be blamed on the road. These include vitrati, pov'yazanі z:

  • vtratoy, stolen luggage, documents, pennies;
  • zatrimkoy chi skasuvannyam flight;
  • nadannya juridical and medical assistance;
  • evacuation;
  • repatriation.

Insurance is only three times more expensive, but not more than 90 days. In addition, the owner of the premium card can access the Medical & Legal Referrals program under Visa. I will help the security company ISOS. At the borders of the servants of a physical specialist, I have the right to make an appointment with a doctor, take a consultation by phone, and be evacuated for additional health care. Fakhіvtsі inform about the medical bills and legal regulations, the cost of services and prices.

Purchase insurance programs

Utrimuvachі Visa Platinum privileges mayut when paying for goods. Vlasnik cards can be repaid once for two insurance programs. Let's take a look at the tables.

Purchase insurance with Visa



Term dії

Crazy franchise

Minimum allowance for participation in insurance

"Prolongation of the guarantee"

An extension of the term for cost-free service. Allowing you to turn a part of the cost when replacing the goods, and to return it for repair.

Up to 24 months after the end of the term of the main guarantee of the vibrator.

Variety of goods - $50. Guarantee in the form of the picker - at least 12 months. Payment by bank card Visa Platinum at the full cost of the purchase.

"Shopping thief"

For vіdshkoduvannya koshtіv at timesі kradіzhki, vtrati, psuvannya goods chi yogo repair

90 days from the date of purchase.

Goods for payment by Visa Platinum card all over the world and cost less than $50.

I would like to pay special attention to the next payment for a rosemary, which costs $50. The return of the cost will be charged for virahuvannya tsієї sumi. If you have an insurance policy, your card holder can withdraw from $1,500 to $5,000. More detailed information about purchase insurance can be found on the official website of the payment system in the Visa Platinum information section.

Russian privileges

Use of premium cards is a special group of clients, whether it be a credit and financial organization. For them, the bank creates the most comfortable and convenient way for them. Why does Visa Platinum win? The privileges of the card may be as follows:

  • increased cashback (from 1.5 to 30%);
  • cost-free info-services (internet-bank, SMS);
  • additional issue of a platinum or gold card without commissions on the pіlgovyh minds;
  • high limit of cash withdrawal;
  • access to VIP-zones of various mortgages;
  • yakіsny banking service;
  • vіdkrittya kіlkoh currency accounts;
  • access to premium programs from the bank (reductions for product categories, bonuses for purchases);
  • high credit limit and lowered credit rate.

Well, the skin bank has its own individual program for Visa Platinum. Oschadbank, for example, serves customers with premium cards in comfortable areas of the office without cherg, providing a personal manager.

Operations with pennies

Privilei for rent, insurance or transfer of funds for Visa Platinum is more rich, lower for the classic card. Most banks have a daily commission for transferring premium plastic to the preparation. The one-time limit of rent in the average becomes close to 500 thousand rubles. For transfers Card to Card commissions are also minimal or daily calls. You can refill your account for the help of electronic gamblers, cash services, terminals with the “Cash in” function.

One more advantage of Visa Platinum is payWave contactless payment technology. Payment with a bank card is charged for a few seconds and does not require the PIN code to be entered. The first limit is being restored, for which contactless transactions are viable.


The premium package of banking services Visa Platinum shows in front of the master of impersonal opportunities and makes life easier during a more expensive period. Rіchne service card vіdіznyаєє zaleno іnіd minds іrіznyh banksіv. The amount varies between 2-15 thousand carbovants. Deposit everything in the form of a "platinum" card, an issuing bank, and a package of additional services, as you hope. Co-branded "plastic" sound more expensive, lower standard Visa Platinum.

"Platinum" card, without a hitch, is a handy and visual product for a singing target audience. Appreciate the reward of premium "plastic" can be less successful than a person who earns more than the average, who often goes abroad. In a different occasion, visit the service cards to bring more swede, lower profit.

One name, as having assigned its premium card Oschadbank - "Platinum", to talk about the privileged status of the product. What is the platinum card, what are the gains, what are the shortcomings of the prize - we can look at this article.

For whom is the map?

Platinum cards are insured for people with a high level of status, as they pass through their accounts large penny turnovers, richly and insured for sure and earn high-class service. How did you get stained glass windows for a month 15-20 thousand rubles from victories bank card- Hardly chi tsya card to you pіdіyde.

How much does Visa and MasterCard Platinum cost?

Issuance of cards, like and all other cards of Oschadbank - without a fee. І tserozmir river service for debit Platinum - 10 000 kr., for currency cards - 300 c.u. This moment can be seen to a fraction - the quality of the service is right at the temple, and what is the quality of that hour - I will tell you.

MasterCard and Visa Platinum: benefits to Oschadbank:

  • Card re-issuance is cost-free (in the office of the Bank a duplicate card is taken, as it will be seen for the need to change it);
  • Otrimannya preparations in daughter banks
  • Personal manager;
  • Tsіlodobove telephone service pozachergovo;
  • Service at the bank office - at the special comfort zone "Premier";
  • Possibility of emergency withdrawal of cooking from time to spend cards abroad;
  • Possibility to make an operation with your own account at the phone call (payment, reordering, buying air tickets or air tickets, booking a hotel only);
  • Insurance of any goods, which are given for additional cards, insured, stolen, and paid for - 3 mіsyatsі for $ 1,500 (one product), for $ 20,000 (all goods), the maximum amount of coverage for one insurance package is $ 5,000;
  • Extended warranty for all goods, shipping for an additional platinum card - 2 years (for items of variety not lower than $ 50);
  • Medical that juridical support behind the cordon;
  • Cost-free service of global support of Russian money all over the world

Reductions and privileges for holders of platinum cards from MasterCard and Visa payment systems rely on:

  • Hotels
  • air tickets
  • Car rental
  • Restaurants
  • Boutiques and brandy

Tariffs and limits of the card:

  • Fee for withdrawing pennies through third-party banks is less than 1% (not less than 150 rubles);
  • Monthly limit for rent - 5,000,000 rubles;
  • Additional limit for employment - 500,000 rubles;
  • Bezkoshtovne nadannya zvіtu for the account of the card;
  • Additional limit for insurance - 10,000,000 rubles;
  • Limit on payment for goods - not set.

How to withdraw a platinum card to Oschadbank

Just like that, all of you have gone up to Platinum:

  1. Come to the office and go to the Premier Manager;
  2. Give a passport;
  3. Submit an application for a card reader.

For a period of 3 days, your application will be reviewed (so-so, Oschadbank can check with the provider of the premium card), after which your personal manager will contact you and inform you about the date of issue of the card.

Deyakі clients are not ready to be satisfied with the standard range of opportunities that rely on a debit card. At such a time, look at the platinum card of Oschadbank, which benefits are not less than banking services, but other privileges that are hoped for by the whole world. The minuses won't be the same, although not so obvious.

Wash away platinum cards to Oschadbank

Oschadbank won can be debit - within the framework of PU Premier or for a share Great bonuses or - credit. First issued only in the payment system Visa, credit can be issued in the MasterCard system. The plus points are the main minds of the product and the additional benefits. The first expression is as follows:

  • Term dії: 3 rocks;
  • Possibility of release for the obedience of wages;
  • Replenishment in any way: through a cashier or a self-service device, without preparation through another card through a service;
  • Payment at retail outlets and online;
  • Vikonannya banking operations: repayment, payments.
  • Otrimannya cooking, zokrema. behind the cordon;
  • emergency vidach of preparation in case of plastic insertion outside the borders of the country;
  • Binding to electronic gamants;
  • Control over the mill of accountants and execution of transfers and other transactions through mobile and online banking.

The card allows the Vlasnik to take part in promotional and special propositions that are expected everywhere. These transfers are guaranteed by Visa and MasterCard companies.

For the owner of the platinum card Oschadbank service was transferred for the assistance of an individual manager. Also, the client may have the right to receive services in Oschadbank Premier zones without cherg.

Card variety and PU

Skіlki koshtuє platinum card to Oschadbank to deposit in the way of vidachі. Naychastіshe її vіdkryvayut within the framework of the Premier's service package. Vaughn dearly, lower.

Cost of a platinum card 4900 rubles per river or 100 c.u. Additional plastic costs 2500 rubles or 75 USD. If the ticket is issued by PU Premier, it is not necessary to pay for it. Її varity to enter the package. How much is the service cost for the package to be deposited according to the minds of a particular client:

  • 2500 rubles per month (2 first periods - no fees);
  • Free of charge, for a surplus of over 2.5 million on all accounts, cards and deposits.

Before the transfer of benefits of a premium client, it is included:

  • Deposits with money transfers with a deposit of 1 million. If the deposit is made via the Internet, the rate is 0.8%
  • special tariffs for currency exchange operations;
  • Reduction in rent for the middle;
  • Access to Priority Pass zones at airports;
  • Nadannya insurance policy on the vlasnik and members of yoga sim'ї for more expensive ones;
  • The right to take a medical examination (another expert opinion) for free for sіm'ї 2 times per day;
  • Help with turns podatkovy vіdrahuvan(The declaration will be filled in by the special consultant).

Limits and commissions

Reimbursement through ATMs is one of the most important options for using plastics, which may be limited by tariffs great value for a koristuvach.

For the minds of Oschadbank, the limits of the platinum card to establish:

  • For 30 days: 5 million rubles (170 thousand dollars, or 125 thousand euros);
  • For doba: 500 thousand. rub. (12.5 and 10 thousand c.u. vіdpovіdno);
  • For doba (if borrowed through cashiers for other cash advances to Oschadbank): 50 ths. rub.

For withdrawal through cash desks and ATMs, commissions are not charged, which is also a plus. When vikoristannya aparativ and kas іnshih banks tyagyuyut 1%.

In the office, it is permissible to charge the amount above the limit, but if you need to, you need to pay 0.5% of the amount of travel.

Bonusy Dyakuyu

More bonus accrual with a platinum card to Oschadbank is a price plus for the product. You can connect the Dyakuyu project, think of someone to transfer the balіv: 0.5% of the down payments.

Activation This can be done in the office, through an ATM or via SMS. In the rest of the year, dial the following: DYAKUYMO and 4 last digits from the card number.

When paying with platinum plastic, which is issued for the action

  • 10% - at gas stations;
  • 10% - for trips to Yandex.Taxi and Gett;
  • 5% - at cafes and restaurants;

The rewarded bonuses are won as a reduction in the hourly payment to the partners of the project. With this, 1 ball is equivalent to 1 ruble. It is possible to practically pay the entire amount with bonuses and less than 1% (minimum 1 ruble) is required to be paid from the account.

How to propagate your services in various areas:

  • Air and foreign tickets;
  • Goteli;
  • Tickets for concerts come in;
  • Popovnennya phone;
  • Taxi trips;
  • Salons, retail points of sale;
  • Pharmacies, clinics;
  • Sphere of Rozvag;
  • Internet shops;
  • Travel agencies;
  • І etc.

Among the partners of Oschadbank, which allow winning bonus units for payment, you can see MTS, OZON.RU, YOOX, l'Etoile, Moscvittorg, Technopark, pierre cardin, pegas, TEZtour, Yves Rocher, lamoda, Suchi city, Evalar pharmacy, P' yatirochka and in. As you can see, almost all categories are represented, including online stores.

Plus the benefits of a platinum card

The biggest advantages are in the unique privileges, which give more pluses for mandrivniks from the minds of the service:

  • Newsletter about the jubilee center of the edge of the country;
  • Medical precautions until then after the hospital;
  • Medical assistance is provided for 90 days, incl. that sim'ї;
  • Legal advice, contacting translators and lawyers in the country of knowledge;
  • Visa advice;
  • Newsletter about vaccination.

MasterCard platinum credit card holders, rebuying in any point of the world, claim the right to withdraw data about credits, bonuses, ATMs, and update the balance by phone to my relatives. This success is guaranteed within the framework of MasterCard's light package.

If you pay for the goods for a rahunka, the buyer will receive additional privileges:

  • Insuring goods on the first three mіsyatsі vikoristannya vіd vtrati, kradіzhki chi vipadkovy ushkodzhennya;
  • Warranty for product delivery over $50 is valid for two years (but no more than 2 years).

The amount of money for one product is 1500 USD, for one return - 5000 USD.

Cons of premium cards

There were no obvious minuses. To follow the opinions of Vlasniks, the main disadvantage of Oschadbank's platinum card is not the same significant limits.

Bagatioh is also not a vlashtovu nayvischa vartist service. For this change, it is necessary to maintain a significant balance on the chests, which is considered a major minus. Prote was granted a card for a single category of citizens, if you want to be a status product, for which you are ready to pay extra.

Deyakі minus vvazhayut project Dyakuyu, tk. do not waste your partners, so that you may be ready to win the bali. If you don't wait, then you will see unlimited pluses in the possibility of paying for a ticket to a hotel, as well as simply refilling the phone with bonus units.

Not a minus, but rather a shortfall for Oschadbank, at the thought of more coristuvachs, expressions in the presence of unique privileges for a platinum card holder. Mind you, how to propagate Oschadbank, why don’t you argue in similar settings.


For the minds on the platinum card of Oschadbank, the client receives a premium product with high limits, individual services and privileges, which are more important for mandrivniks. When connected to Dyakuyu, the card is loaded with an unimportantly larger number of balls, lower for the most significant ones. Although it’s a plus, but it’s not such a big deal for the target audience. The minuses of the coristuvach pay attention to the high quality of the service, the pluses are the advantages of the Premium package.

Do you want to go platinum debit card at the largest credit and financial organization in our country - Oschadbank, but did you want us to get more information about it? You can read about її the main minds and think about the advances, as if you won't. After the stats you will know the tips from the vlasniks of the cards.

Information about the Pratinum card to Oschadbank

Also, if you want to upgrade your high status, your living income and income, deduct your request for participation in closed calls, get premium services around the world and access to special programs If you get a discount, then you, without a doubt, will receive a Platinum card from Visa or MasterCard payment systems.

The skin from them is good in its own way, the skin matima especially the system of boosting bonuses and the reductions that you can get.

This insurance product is for clients with a high income, if you want to take exclusive propositions, mothers of privileges, access to the first entrances, mothers a high level of service and individual payment from the side of practical banks and service companies.

How can I take the card?

For the first time, we tell our readers about those that platinum cards can be used. Why do you have authority:

  • at the first moment, you can greet yourself with wet cats, as if they will change on your rahunka,
  • and on the other hand, you will be given the same credit limit to the bank, as you can win for great unplanned purchases.

In order to issue the product you need, you need to especially return to the nearest Oschadbank office with a passport and fill out an application for card withdrawal. It is not possible to submit an application via the Internet.

In that case, if you want a credit limit for your mother, you will need to take a copy of your passport with you and for the 2-PDFO form (does not apply to payroll clients). In preparation for a loan in the middle, close to two days, after which you are told about those that the card checks for you in the office of the company.

It is noteworthy that for a long time you are a permanent client of this bank, you can find a special proposition from far behind praised minds. In this case, it’s not necessary to fill out the questionnaire, you just come to the office and tell me about your business to speed up the special.

Platinum card benefits

Especially varto see the connection to the system "Privilege for the more expensive", where the inclusions pass with an unobstructed passage to the VIP-bay in airports, special tariffs and discounts for leading airlines around the world, additional transfers more low 1 yew. hotels around the world, discounts when renting cars abroad.

One of the advantages of this proposition is the possibility of removing the card from the card like in Russia, and її between the subsidiaries of Oschadbank on the same minds. In other words, you can not pay a commission for the hourly rent of pennies from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia and other countries all over the world.

By issuing a similar card, as a child of the 3rd year, you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive priority services from bank branches through a personal manager, as well as receive good advice whenever you see a telephone line.

Cream tsyogo:

  • for your purchases, you will receive insurance for the first 50 days from the date of purchase.
  • you will be connected to a premium concierge service, which allows you to take the service without going through the door to a personal manager.
  • card re-issuance is free of charge,
  • dіє vysoky limit vіdachi koshtіv: additional - 500 thousand, monthly - 5 million rubles chi equivalent in foreign currency.
  • There is no limit on additional purchase transactions.
  • rіchna varіst service warehouse 4900 rubles per rіk.
  • You can add an overdraft facility.
  • For purchases within the framework of the “Dakuyu vіd Oshchadbanka” program, you can deduct up to 10% from your transactions with your bank account.

In addition, the holder of a premium card can be insured for medical and legal assistance with a cordon for himself and his own family.

Card with great bonuses

It is noteworthy that this proposition in Oschadbank is called "Card with great bonuses." And it’s not special, even when designing a product, you will not only take part in the “Thank you” bonus system, but you can also accumulate bonus points for single purchases:

  • 10% from the payment of the fuel at gas stations and taxi rides Yandex chi Jet;
  • 5% for payments in cafes and restaurants;
  • 1.5% for purchases from supermarkets

In order to start taking points for your vitrati, you need to go through an early registration in the “Thank you” system, report instruction given. If you can, you can exchange the accumulated bonuses for a reduction of up to 99% with the partner companies of the bank, as you know, we tell you.

The line of any bank has products for the premium category. Oschadbank's platinum card is to be entered until the їth day and gives the clients a lot of advantages for Russia and there: high level of service, privileges, bonuses. It is possible to replace premium class plastic only after knowing the minds of this brand.

What is a platinum card for Oschadbank

Before that, how to design premium class products, learn more about them. The Oschadbank Platinum card is insured for possible clients, which have an important high level of service. Plastic can have a lot of functions and capabilities. Cards are issued debit, with overdraft or credit limit, subject to high service charges. Oschadbank Platinum is located in Russia outside the cordon, issued with the approval of international payment systems Visa, MasterCard.

Visa Platinum Oschadbank

  1. A personal manager is assigned to the skin client.
  2. Platinum card trims limit access to the Premier service area without a card.
  3. More operations are available by phone.
  4. Behind the cordon, when using a card, you can negainally take the preparation from the branches of the issuer.
  5. An additional assistance system is available for booking air tickets and special lounges at airports for visa holders.
  6. Dodatkovo client takes bonuses from the payment system.
  7. Vlasnik cards are available without any legal fees and medical help beyond the cordon.
  8. On paid goods for help Visa Platinum, you can continue the guarantee.

Platinum Mastercard

If the Mastercard payment system, then this version of the platinum card gives the clients of Oschadbank less money, lower Visa. Plastic can be harvested on the territory of Russia and abroad, and for the skin client, transferring a personal manager. But such services, like legal services and medical services, the continuation of guarantees on goods paid for by a credit card, are given for a fee.

However, high-level plastic card holders receive special bonuses from the payment system and partners and the cost-free payment when paying a credit card. In addition, you can check in at Mastercard business lounges at Sheremetyevo and airports in other countries. Platinum cards from the payment system transfer Master pass™ and Secure Code® technology, to make purchases safe and secure.

Card Platinum Oschadbank - benefits

Elite products of the series, starting from the Gold series, have their pluses and minuses for customers. A platinum credit card is considered by a high level of service that is hardly suitable for the able-bodied citizens. Plus, the product can be more rich, less short:

  1. Access to a high level of service at the VIP zone.
  2. Vidilena tsіlodobova hot line.
  3. A personal manager, ready to come to the rescue of the client.
  4. Paid with a platinum credit card goods bank insurance for 3 months.
  5. All goods, expensive for 50 dollars and paid by a card, may be under warranty.
  6. Cost-free medical care by International SOS, for plastic surgery and family members.
  7. Service "Concierge" for remote reservation of tickets, hotels, car rentals and others.

Discounts and privileges

Platinum cards Oschadbank MasterCard and Visa transfer discounts for the holders of the following categories:

  • air tickets;
  • hotels;
  • transport rental;
  • firm stores;
  • restaurants.

In addition, platinum cards give access to promotions:

  1. 1.5% in supermarkets.
  2. 5% of sums when paying for meals at cafes and restaurants.
  3. 10% of the cost of stained sum and hour of payment for services Yandex or Jet Taxi, paliva at gas stations.

Wash away the otrimanna

Oschadbank's Platinum Card is available to only three categories of clients. For the design of this banking product, one of the following minds is required:

  1. Mothers with a total sum of less than 5 million rubles.
  2. For 6 months, deposit at least 500 thousand rubles on deposits from a salary card.
  3. Mother, the monthly turnover for international rahunki is 75 thousand rubles.

How to withdraw a platinum card to Oschadbank

It is important to note that in this financial setting platinum cards are called cards with great bonuses. The type of work is subject to the application of the client, including within the framework of salary projects. We prepare a specific plastic payment instrument up to 14 days. Depending on the type of card (credit or debit), a package of documents for processing the product is reviewed.

To withdraw platinum plastic, you need to go especially to the office of PAT "Sberbank of Russia" or submit an application online through the issuer's website (be aware that the issued card will be sent to the Visa payment system). The credit card is seen after the confirmation of income for the form 2 of the PDFO. Salary clients can only give a Russian passport. The maximum available limit for platinum credit cards is 3 million rubles, it is covered individually for the skin care provider.

Apply for a platinum card to Oschadbank Online

The most efficient way to secure a platinum card is through the Internet. If you choose this option, you can use the official website or the Oschadbank Online system. The plastic surgery procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Authorization.
  2. Go to the map tab.
  3. Select the item.
  4. Specify the type of card.
  5. Completion of the client's questionnaire (special data, telephone number and e-mail for a call).
  6. Locking up the card.
  7. Removal of plastic surgery from the authorities after a reminder about readiness.

Servicing premium cards to Oschadbank

A cream of minds and privileges for a hairdresser, a premium card that transfers paid services. The cost of plastic surgery for Vlasniks is 4,900 rubles per 1 ticket. It is allowed to pay a commission fee of 409 rubles. The proposition is protected for foreign Russians, who convey a lot of advantages, as if they are true to the high quality of the service to the rahunka.

Limits and obmezhennya

Another benefit of the premium product to Oschadbank is the increase in the limit on the withdrawal of the preparation / transfer from the card account. All exchanges are installed in the national currency. Debit plastic of the Platinum series transfers the limit for transferring to the preparation of coins - no more than 500 thousand days. Monthly exchange of funds - 5 million. Insurance on the card is limited to 10 million rubles a month. Credit cards are transferred to the additional exchange for the payment of the preparation - 300 thousand.

What does a platinum card give to Oschadbank

Premium plastic from the Platinum series is securely secured with a superior safety system. Vlasnik є operations for paying for purchases in online stores, even security is guaranteed by the 3D Secure system. In addition, it is possible to secure a credit card without physical wear, using PayWave/PayPass technology. Premium series cards give Russians a lot of advantages on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond.

In Russia

Utrimuvachi premium plastic lie up to category VIP. On the territory of the native land, the product from the Platinum series gives the following preferences:

  • raising limits on renting/making money;
  • great bonuses for purchases;
  • cost-free SMS information;
  • lgove registration of other products of the issuer;
  • access to VIP-zones of public mortgages;
  • yakіsny service;
  • access to premium programs of the emіent;
  • vigidna vіdsotkova rate for the loan, increase limit;
  • concierge service (reservation of hotels, tickets, transport, what to rent);
  • purchases, paid for with a platinum card, get free insurance for 3 months ($50 per variant).

Behind the cordon

You can beat plastic on the territory of 210 countries of the world. Outside the borders of Russia, the holders of platinum cards can secure legal assistance and medical assistance. The International SOS company, within the framework of servicing premium cards, takes on itself consulting, hospitalization, legal advice, translators. The concierge service and the emergency clerk of the preparation at the time of spending the cards outside the borders of the Russian Federation.


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