What do women need after 30. “I didn’t make friends until I was thirty. It's not normal. Learn to laugh at yourself

These rules of life for women are written in blood as instructions on safety techniques on the walls of the installations. The stench didn’t come easily to me, but I’m ready to give in to my skin for it. With a strict, up-to-date, flaming mood, a bubbly external appearance and a sparkling life are guaranteed.

So, if you want to brew your own fyljanka of mitsno cava, sit down with me and listen.

You, melodiously, will burst into tears at the beauty of Monica Bellucci. Its special style and charm will not deprive anyone. If you value a different type of beauty, then you will definitely agree with me that she looks simply gorgeous and attracts the gaze of all people around.

How did you explain this phenomenon without reading the rules? I think that you said to yourself like this: “This is an Italian miracle. Nature has endowed her with gorgeous hair, plump lips, and wiggling shapes. With such lethargy, you will become more beautiful! Oce is a natural beauty! Not like my humble self!

Let us know that you have become something like this! Then allow me to disappoint you a little. Recently a picture came across my eyes: a woman in a doublet, looking like a humbug. With a short haircut and no makeup. Modest, inconspicuous. I was amazed - fathers! That's Monica Bellucci herself! They changed it in Photoshop to look like it would look like when they were wearing clothes in their original speech. It turned out that Monica is not only unique in her tasteful Italian style, but also in her rocky style, as well as in her choice of makeup, cosmetics, and embellishment.

You don’t realize how important the skin is from the furnishings I overhauled. I analyzed all the photographs of the sex symbol of the remaining rocks. Through the heel, the thinnest measure, the road is the lipstick of the greatest brilliance. Without whom, Monika would not be similar to Monika, but, for example, to Lolita Milyavska.

Little girl, let’s not deceive ourselves that the axis here is economical for us, and the axis here is simpler to dress up. Those 30 and older no longer need simpler things! And I would formulate our first rule this way:

- every woman after 30 can’t be chic without breaking the budget

If you have internally agreed with my argument and have given up on the idea of ​​a chic article, buoyantly chosen from flea markets, then at the next point you will get along even easier.

- Every woman after 30 can’t look good without giving herself enough time

The money deposited from outside only works out if the woman devotes enough time to herself. The woman wants to relax and would like to go in for sports. Otherwise, she in the most beautiful dress will look like a withered Trojan in a luxurious vase.

I can already feel how overwhelmed you are there, perhaps you choked on the cava. "I have family in me!" - shout to my right-hander. "I work hard!" - one feels left-handed. “Sit down for a while!” - Hiss at me - that lady is angry in front of the monitor. But they should know the time for such unnecessary and mindless speeches, like looking at someone’s “cute”, going to visit their hated relatives, and sitting at a cafe with donuts. Maybe instead, to waste time on this dubious satisfaction, we’ll vomit into the pool? And then, for the massage, I’ll face you... Well, you’ve brought me to my senses.

Chantly, your kava has already gone cold. Tim is better. We will not exempt you from the current rule. And I will ask you to be especially respectful. Therefore, this rule is the outer stone of all this statistics. It is important to follow the first and second rules, so that the remaining worms of doubt will settle in your soul, as everything tries to go away again. Well, are you tense? Listen!

- Any woman over 30 is not guilty of allowing others to decide what she does

This is where mothers, friends, mothers-in-law, and most people complain. Every woman is not guilty of hearing the hissing, complexed people who call her old and prophesy her selfishness from her guts. At 30 years old, the time has come to learn how to put such organisms in your pants according to the direct stench you deserve.

You don’t realize how many women would have saved their time, brightened up their appearance and mood, as if this rule was still in place in early childhood school. She has grown up, she is a strong woman, and she is able to take responsibility for herself; no one will allow her to suffer from her mood.

I will formulate this rule even more simply: do not allow every person on earth to decide for you who you want to be. You don’t want to give up just once, living out the remainder of someone else’s life. I’ll tell you straight away that learning to implement this rule is not so easy. You never know how many “wolves in sheep’s clothing” are ready to deal a blow to a woman’s tending self-esteem.

“You don’t wonder why this cloth needs to be opened? It’s already funny for us to wear something like that! - It seems to you that your girlfriend is “truthful”. Who is there to speak for you, what do you want from this or that other person?

“It’s a hell of a lot of money on a skinned man!” - A man of unfathomable age declares that he has bruises. It dawned on me that as much as it is worth, it is far from being worth it. However, having fluffed his tail and spread his feathers, he tells you at the end of the day: “There are more women than men! Everyone over 30 is a different breed!

We have sensed this affirmation so many times that we accepted him into faith without any further verification. It’s not the 45th river outside, and there’s no smell of gender catastrophe. That difference, about how hard people love so much, is statistically reduced to 1–2%. What comes out of this? Rule number chotiri!

- A woman after 30 is not guilty of respecting herself with a “different kind”

If anyone could have the mother of a shanuvalnik. Anybody will have more than the best they can afford. You can’t give up on yourself, no matter what the sphere would be. Cohanna, career, beauty - everything is possible for anyone!

And now - the worst!

– every woman after May 30 has the right to work for herself to be happy

It was clear that the fairy had not arrived until the 30th birthday, and she did not think she would arrive, but the fairy herself would become one. Give yourself a luxurious cloth, new shoes, hang it on your necklace. There is no need to seek favors from nature. After 30, a woman has the right to deliver them herself!

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30 years is the century when we kick up our first steps and set ambitious goals for ourselves. There is plenty of energy, there is enough time ahead, but not all dreams have been realized.

It’s great to listen to people who have already accumulated a song of evidence and what to say. It doesn’t take long for you to reconsider your ideas; there’s a chance you’ll end up in a dilemma. Especially for you, we have selected 13 most valuable holidays for the 30th anniversary.

Mi in website I remember that every person can create his own share and that when you finish reading the remaining, 13th paragraph, you will make at least one more important decision.

1. Go to sleep and take a nap for an hour

No matter how much peace there was to sleep longer on the weekend, there would be no reason to work. It’s better to throw up and go to bed at the same hour every day. So yours It will be easier for the body to adjust to the regular cycle of sleep and lack of sleep And you will avoid the risk of oversleeping on a working day.

2. Start keeping a shop

Start a note, write down your thoughts and thoughts, describe your life with your husband. This will not only help you to be emotionally romantic, but also learn to analyze and better understand the richness of your life. And in the future, these records will give you a lot of great pleasures.

3. Start working safely

The hour after the 30th is the best time to decide take a look at your installation to the highest standards. Think about pension savings. Take courses in advanced financial literacy to learn how to manage various types of insurance, pension program, how you can learn how to collect passive income and create your own special “emergency fund.” Life is unprepared, no one is insured against health problems, ship calls, separation and business problems.

4. Get a thorough diagnosis from a therapist

In 30 years of life, few people seriously care about their health. The moving rhythm of everyday life, lack of economic activity, frequent stress, and unnecessary signals appear very quickly. Preventive visits to the therapist are better to repeat the shortcut Let me tell you that nothing bothers you, even Many illnesses can pass without difficulty.

Eat food and exercise regularly. It is possible that this joy has already arrived, but it really works.

5. Focus on what works best for you

Try to spend more than an hour with your homeland and loved ones. As in the past there were all sorts of serious images, the time has come to turn into them. Our stinks change as we age, and those stinks that will become lie in our midst. Fathers should forcefully treat grown-up people like children, so that our daughters can show them that we are independent grown-up people.

If you don't stand in a place for an hour, people get old and die. It is important to learn to practice the right steps so that we can enjoy a happy life.

7. Learn to laugh at yourself

Laughing at yourself is important for your overall health and happiness. Life often has difficult situations, and It’s important to know the humor in the toughest moments of a lighter human being. Research also shows that people who laugh at themselves tend to be more joyful.

8. Start promoting a healthy vagina and eating at your meals

After 30 years, the exchange of fluids in the body becomes more balanced and maintains a healthy vagina. To save money, it is important to stay active and eat properly. There is plenty of evidence to show what If you want to lose weight, the role of food is important, and physical activity is also important. If you want, without any doubt, the best effect can be achieved more comprehensively.

9. Value your particular values

It is important to correctly understand what your real life values ​​and priorities are.. Even though you may be about to collapse, it’s not at all the point that you’re really going to die. Find the time, listen to yourself, write down those that are important to you, think about what you could do in the coming days, so that you can begin to fall apart in the right direction. Don't waste time.

10. Learn to be happy with what you have

We should appreciate what we have and make our life happy. Aje morbid happy appears not to be equal to income and not to the availability of luxury apartments in the center of the city, but At home, celebrate the small and great joys of life, be grateful for them. For example, a lot

What does a woman who has spent a quarter of a decade want? What are the differences between the hierarchy of values ​​and the values ​​of the 20th and 30th people? Women's psychologist-consultant Marina Kabirova confirms this question.

"What do I want?" - nutrition, as we would like our skin to ask itself once, especially the passing songs of centuries. It turns out that food, which is difficult to get rid of, and which is not always the case, is easy to find a simple answer. Through my profession, with enviable regularity, I provide food for my girls and women of different characters, ages and ages. And the axis is so important: we, different and unrepeatable, regardless of age, select our own parts from very similar basic elements. Over the years, the focus on oneself and too much light changes (sometimes radically), otherwise the “points” are deprived of one and the same. Today’s article is a reflection on what women want after thirty-five. For our skin, the path of understanding and recognition of life is essential. There is no single theory or concept that can be learned by all women. Chantly, this is where our special feminine charm lies. Let's talk about those things that unite us in our lives and how we see ourselves as twenty-somethings.


For women over thirty, the word “self-realization” can often be used in a slightly more complex and unintelligible way. It is possible, given the current fashion and the current trend of gloss, but the word itself is more accurate to speak about those how varied “variations on a theme.” Until the age of thirty-five, a woman already has a singing testimony of life. Over the past years, she has had to deal with tests for value, and with the collapse of hopes, and with too many transactions and values. Vaughn no longer knows her own system of coordinates, she understands what is really important for her, she is full of strength and energy, and is able to avoid rash actions and youthful impulses. Many women are now starting to get out of the automatic mode of listening to their father’s commandments and are becoming more and more aware of getting married to them. So the popular belief is not only to realize the perfect picture of a child’s life, but to create and bring into life some kind of powerful, unique scenario. Self-realization becomes, in this context, one of the most representative values ​​of the whole spectrum of health issues - even the skin itself.


It’s rare that a healthy heterosexual woman doesn’t include this simple word in her list of bad things. Moreover, functional and important roles in a person’s life can simply diverge radically. For whom the optimal choice is the choice of large drains without any weight or versatility. Others will recognize the value of family and the preservation of warmth and love with a real person. And the third... Even before the age of thirty, we begin to firmly grasp the extra action and understanding of how much the manifestations about the future in a young age differ from the real state of speeches. And since in the first third of our lives we are still collecting evidence, observing ourselves and the world, then we are beginning to understand exactly what we want and definitely don’t want from our husband. At the same time, wives who have become deeply disillusioned with their men realize that living without a partner is still much less fun and joyful.

Youth is beauty

30-35 people still have some strength, but we can no longer ignore a simple fact: old age is inevitable. Many women literally begin to love themselves again and become aware of their inner and outer appearance. And the decision is not based on fashionable trends in psychology, but on mature decisions themselves. Regardless of age, the skin of our deepest souls wants to be attractive and beautiful - even if it sounds banal. And it’s not without reason that a woman can properly reveal herself to an adult. The truth, the understanding of yourself, the wisdom that will arise - all this helps you to move more knowledgeably to nourish your inner harmony, the beauty and health of your healthy body. Let’s not talk about extremes, but many women after 35 find an incentive to change their way of living for a healthier one, give respect and self-care and often look richer, at least a dozen reasons for this.

Many women after 35 find an incentive to change their way of living for a healthier way.

The importance of tomorrow

What kind of career and social heights a woman could not reach, in the middle of her, with great confidence, a little girl can appear. Strong character, strong character - all this does not at all affect the fact that we instinctively, as before, want to know, feel that we are careless. Of course, depending on the system of values, as in everything else, we put a powerful unique place in this important place. One woman feels stolen when she celebrates a great family anniversary, another when she has a new set of material values, and a third feels stolen when neither of them interferes with her freedom.


We meet with different people and behave in very different ways. It so happens that it would seem that people might, during the course of their lives, turn out to be immigrants from distant, foolish worlds. After turning thirty, we already know that the world is even richer. We already know about those who are so disappointed and how important it is for a person’s essence to be reasonable, accepted and loved by any other person. One becomes aware of how much people's views on those very speeches can vary. It becomes obvious how many conflicts can be resolved by finding this true translation from one person’s language to another’s. We value more those people from whom we can feel the joy of close, spiritual peace. And the joy of mutual understanding is of particular value and there is a lot to be gained from interactions with loved ones and not so much.

Creativity and lightness

The creative germ is embedded in us by nature itself - even just women are given the new world through the process of creating a new life right up to the appearance of a new person. That is why we strive for creativity and new enemies. In consultations with a psychologist, you can often feel a little fortunate to add lightness and freshness to your life, regardless of whether you are a homemaker or a minister of a great company. New enthusiasm, creativity, freedom from routine, from the pressure of “demand” and “duty” - this is the call of our feminine nature. And at 35, the inner Woman from the Great Literary is in charge of a small rebellion in the middle, urgently releasing her into freedom. It’s hard to imagine that the child’s long-standing urge to take courses in inspiration or acting mastery - and it’s important to release this inner need for creativity to freedom. Even if we go down to our nature, we also create the basis for a harmonious life, which is replenished by living energy, and it is simply garnished.

Until the age of thirty-five, we gain worldly wisdom, and until a quiet and calm (or reckless and cheerful) retirement there are still plenty of hours and opportunities. There is a lot of acceptance of the situation, the system of values ​​is changing, notes and different speeches are being reviewed. We reject inner maturity and are unlikely to put our life, health, and ideals for healthy contentment and peace at risk. With this, we better understand the essence of our lives and we can show flexibility at the right moment, although previously it seemed awkward. Those people who are in charge of us are not casual companions, but verified companions, partners in life’s journey. We all want very similar and similar speeches, and the reason for this is our feminine nature. And those from whom the skin creates its happiness at 20, at 30, and at 75 lie behind us and what becomes important at each stage of life.

Thirty milestones for a woman are one of the greatest milestones in life. The beginnings, the search for work and all the “use” of the first wines are behind us, and old age is still a long way off. It would seem like the perfect time to enjoy life and see yourself as a good woman.

However, I feel like during this period, rich women are beginning to deal with the crisis. This is due to the destruction of the world, the change in life’s orientations and the actions of secular changes. Estet-portal. com recommends that you familiarize yourself with the five rules that all women must follow after 30 years. These rules will help you learn to eliminate contentment from life and truly love yourself.

First rule: you can’t feel bad about yourself!

Try to recognize yourself, whether you recognize the beauty, dressed in a shirt that was fading, jeans bought at a sale, 6 years old, and ballet flats that will tear from day to day. Just wait, this one looks like he will be far from perfect in the future. Why is it that an incredible number of women allow themselves to look like this?
Every woman has the right to spend pennies on herself in order to look and feel like a miracle. And how can we talk about how to sing, when speeches have already died out for a long time?

Incredibly, you can know a thousand tricks to continue buying “what’s cheaper” and bypassing the roads of speech. The main reason for such savings lies in the statement: “If you don’t spend your money where you spend your money, you can spend a lot of money on clothes (sweet clothes, cosmetics).” However, this approach is fundamentally flawed, and it creates the illusion of savings.

Clear speeches serve much longer and do not bring any unpleasant surprises at an unexpected moment. For example, a pair of expensive, brightly colored clothes will last for more than one season and in the future will save you a lot of time and money, and the coat will probably last for more than one winter and will save you from illness and stains on your face.
In addition, garni of speech bring absolute satisfaction. Why do you have to convince yourself of ease and comfort when you don’t deserve it?!

Friend's rule: beauty prevails in the hour

A good figure, beautiful hair and smooth skin can be attributed to the merits of nature among 18-20 people. 30 have sports, proper nutrition, beauty procedures, a visit to a cosmetologist and complete repairs.
Insanely, women after 30 years have a lot of obligations and rights that cannot be ignored. However, the turbo to itself, no matter how you say it, is the skin of a human being. It’s unlikely that your schedule is so stressful that you can’t see it at any time for morning exercises or a trip to the beauty salon.
If you don’t have time at all, then it’s time to take a look at your schedule. When planning your day, you need to know the “black holes” that are setting in, so you can set your priorities correctly.

Rule three: your life is only yours!

Melodiously, every woman has a number of “inveterate followers”, who better than others know how you need to live. These people can be: relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors. Such people respect their own interests for the sake of the true remaining authority and report to everyone in order to transfer their “victim” to whom.
After 30 years of age, the time has come for women to remember: your life belongs only to you. For the sake of it - it’s wonderful, if you don’t like the stench - forget to work the way you wanted! There are not enough people who have little right to speak for you.
It is clear that it will not be so easy to ignore. Be prepared to show a lot of respect for your address, at least from the beginning. Don’t take this to heart and remember: you only have one life and only choose what it will be!

Rule four: don’t harm yourself!

It is incredible how many women love to please and harm themselves. “Well, obviously, I can’t do anything,” - this is an unfortunate phrase that spins in the heads of millions of wives, and is a universal excuse for inactivity.

The life of achievement cannot be achieved without defeats. Henry Ford wrote: “Failure is the opportunity to begin again, even if it is wiser.” Make this formula the motto of your life and don’t fall into the trap of learning your mistakes.

You need to look at failures like life lessons and find their positives. Have you lost your money? Be glad that everything is behind you, and now you can start everything from scratch. Problems with your career? Perhaps you will find a chance to engage in your favorite legal profession.

This approach works in the majority of cases. Stop hurting yourself, look for the pros and cons of everything, and, sir, move on - only those people can get into life!

The rule is: this is the best year!

Every woman has the right to be happy no matter what. Life, career, beauty - in any sphere of life you can achieve success if you only report it.

After 30 years, women are obliged to take care of their lives and get rid of everything that they value and cherish: unnecessary speeches, awkward calls that open thoughts and make acquaintances. Having sharpened yourself with those whom you love and whom you truly value, you will be able to become free and happy!

On the website estet-portal.com you will find many interesting articles that will help you become beautiful, healthy and happy.

After 30 years, men no longer chase their wives... - the stinks said. “After 30 years, you won’t bother anyone anymore...” the stinkers said. And I heard all this crap until I was 30 years old. Now, baby, less than 31 years old, and what am I teaching? It seems that I am less than cruel...

If I had previously heard information about the age, the weight and gain of three to five kilograms (as in me, insanely) from one jelly, then I would have known that people are simply having mercy. Having encountered some particular unacceptable evidence, and then spreading it to everyone.

Well, the author of the pitching that chills the soul is not one person. Any topic about women over 30 (40, 50) or more than 60 (70, 80) kilograms raises such baked shit that you marvel. Moreover, the idea is shared not only by Internet assholes, but by those who are adequate people in real life! What is the reason?

I thought about this food for a long time. I was thinking about him when an intelligent 65-year-old colleague noticed me with a bun, saying: if it’s like this, you won’t be fucking anyone in five years! Five rocks have passed, hello to Vladislav! I want to tell you that I have mercy.

I was thinking about this when my guitar teacher was still at school and blurted out that after 20 a woman begins to age, and after 30 she is already old. Mishko, hello! I was suddenly laughing as if I were sitting at a minibus. I feel like the old man is just right now.

However, there is less to thank all these people for. And critical women who push on my shortcomings, as well. Their words, once accepted by me at face value, began to think independently. Having bitten through the deception, I realized that I needed to formulate my own thoughts, and not listen to someone else’s.

The idea was formulated like this:

Kohannya after 30 exactly. I checked it especially carefully. I would say that you are in love, you can get married to anyone, a gift from heaven, and not from the city for a 60 cm waist.

Respect for people lasts as long as there is love and sex. have sufficient obligations. And if anyone needs to take away all the respect of all people in the world, then the people are ill!

First of all there are people you don’t belong to. Through growth, size, age, size of breasts, length of lips, thickness of hair. Just don't go there. There’s no need to rush in there, because they won’t bother you.

The only indicator that we are oriented towards is health. If this reduces the sweetness of life, it’s important to fight against it. For active people, perhaps, success in the profession.

If people try to talk about yours, and not about theirs, your salary, your age, you will try to assert yourself for your little job, and it’s not at all worthwhile to help.

There is only one reason why this world is working this way – it’s a great day. And not other people’s cries about your lack of thoroughness.

Well then. Sex after 30 for sure. I just checked it yesterday.

All those who assert themselves are more likely to rant!

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