If you can’t teach yourself. How to honor yourself, know the truth of the pardons of the past

There are many religions in which we begin to forgive as our loved ones, and forget the power of the past. However, it is no longer possible to work after withdrawing lessons from the accumulated knowledge.

Wrong things are part of life

Life is not always smooth; inequalities appear on the surface of a person’s skin, which he has to work through thoroughly. Those who we have gone through will ensure that we remain strong. The most important thing is to admit: “I am guilty” (as it is true), earn a criminal record and move on.

As soon as they started making pardons, they were far away from the misfortunes, they became victims of deception or pardons, in order to try to correct the creation of the camp for everything. However, such possibility will not last forever. Sometimes people suffer as a result of the residual results of their actions. My soul is weighed down by thoughts and thoughts about turning everything back and doing it differently.

In this case, the church, which is simply a healthy mind, encourages you to repent, educate yourself, forget all the bad experiences associated with this idea. In such situations, it is important not to move completely and irrevocably into the sphere of emotions, and not to lose your head.

Spiral on the terresian rose

Be careful with logic, calm yourself with the thought that your actions were wrong and led to rotten inheritances, but in the future you won’t do that again, leaving the ruins of priceless reassurance. As it seems, the one who does not harm anything will not have mercy.

Just as you previously praised those other solutions, you learned from whose senses. Never before has a person received adequate and truthful information about everything that comes to light. You may become a victim of deception or misinterpretation of facts. The good news lies in the fact that the benefits of the past, more than everything, start you to be careful about the future, carefully think through your skin, and plan your life wisely. It’s too little to learn theoretically, and it’s better to learn from other people’s failures. It would be better to reject knowledge in this manner than to reject them altogether.

Everything is as it may be

Life is like living in a dark room, where the policemen keep their portlets. Whether you want it or not, if you don’t let in the light, it will stick. Skin care encourages us to burn a new light on our path, so that the truth is revealed before our eyes.

How can you tell yourself how stupid and illogical the government's actions are? You should calm down and realize that in the past, your baggage has become much more modest and has become more of a failure, for which you are so reproachful. Isn’t it more rational, then, to praise and acknowledge yourself for the fact that you didn’t sit with your hands folded, but tried to earn what you wanted?

Many people limit their activities, remaining too restless in themselves, to be afraid of giving up. Even if they don’t want anything, it still appears to them through the tightness of moisture. Well, both action and inactivity are good up to the present time. Few people speak about the intuitive sense of this subtle harmony. You can learn how to fix it yourself with confidence, after you end up stepping on a couple of rake.

Make yourself happy

There is nothing worse than living with an important weight on your soul, not knowing how to make a living for yourself. People who have accepted such a message will discover their own lives. Because it is possible to correct a certain situation, but not a violation.

If it is not possible to recover, it is impossible only to analyze the situation and develop a model of action for further similar events. But it still felt bad.

Human testimony is even more important. As we go through different situations, we become wiser. Thinking about those who could have turned out much more beautifully, don’t forget, who, for everything, for whom there simply weren’t the right minds. Just as you can’t build a long-lasting life on a rotten foundation, it’s also impossible to reject a good result for the minds of rotten changes of mind.

The problem needs to be addressed

Anyone who is a good person should try to tell the truth to themselves. Ale tse does not mean simply giving up on the situation. Only people without conscience can work this way if they always put their interests in the middle. The main argument for forgiveness can be those that you have re-examined the evil ideas, not without a sufficient amount of information.

Few people can go through life in the dark most often. You want to follow the road carefully, but avoid insurance against embarrassment. Let’s not even talk about impulsive and violent people. You won’t tell me what filthy rice these are. They can play a good role in other situations. Knowing the right path, such individuals direct all their passions in a good direction. What if such a person, essentially a maximalist, stumbles, repeating to himself hundreds of times: “I’m guilty, how could I accept such mercy?” And with harshness and wetness. In essence, it is a costly waste of energy. It’s early and late, when emotions still subside, they have to learn their skills and move on with their lives.

Relapse and self-flagellation

People cannot suffer endlessly. The world is constantly changing, don’t stand at home. New goals will appear, and the necessary evidence will be necessary when they reach them. However, many people suffer from the fact that periodically (maybe once a week, once a month - it varies for everyone) they are struck by a pang of conscience. How can you overcome such a situation?

If you suffer from such relapses, it means that you have not dealt with the situation before. It’s not enough to just face the problem; you need to understand it, thoroughly understand it, and learn the ropes. Nowadays, people have little and no information available. Getting in your head is not a problem. Once you are alone with yourself, you hear that an old guest is knocking at the door - it’s past.

Such situations can lead to depression. They killed someone, the evil flowed out of the place, and they splattered the skulls that appeared behind the laid out flesh. Unacceptable comments. The soul at such moments feels a real feeling of confusion and oppression. People sing to themselves about their stupidity, depravity and worthlessness. It is really important to learn to forgive yourself in such situations. This is more terrible than the message that every hour comes to your heart, to dissipate, beneath the changes of the shining sun that emerges from the dank and chilled streets of the dark night.

Zahisna reaction

Our self-esteem seems to lie completely below the level of self-esteem. People cannot live in peace with the knowledge that she is rotten. Everyone wants to know what to do correctly, but the depths of the soul still want one thing: harmony and happiness for themselves and others.

In our marriage, it often happens that the souls of people are covered with harsh cynicism, which has always been a wonderful fashion. It seems that the individual has no principles and is of no harm to anyone or anything. Well, it turns out that this innocence is nothing more than a withering reaction, stagnant in the one who cannot remove the emotional wound from the side of marriage. This phenomenon manifests itself even more strongly in cases where the cause is not so much in marriage as in one’s own deep experiences.

Unsolved problems

Not knowing how to educate themselves, people sing of their own depravity, and at the same time the sinfulness of every unnecessary thing in the world. Obviously, in practice it often happens that people are used in bad ways to achieve powerful interests or gain information through the misuse of information. Ale cannot be considered as normal. You can know that this is the case, but at the same time there is a need to work on it so that the situation improves.

This can be achieved through self-analysis and careful learning from the world. People are not guilty of giving up on everything, filling their heads with unnecessary information and dragging after living values, for the help that, as we are told, can heal any spiritual wound.

The fool is not the one who won't give up, but the one who doesn't pay attention to them

When people eat themselves in the middle, they often say to them in despair: You think too much. Open up." No help. More precisely, just for any hour. In order for relief, spiritual purity, and all-pervasive freedom to arrive, it is necessary to resolutely examine your motives, to recognize what led to the unwanted result, and to educate yourself to avoid similar situations in the future.

After such internal cleansing, you will begin to respect yourself much more and, hopefully, will benefit. There is nothing unexpected or deadly in having mercy. You should take such speeches as a chance to become wiser and advance your evidence. Real stupidity does not lead to problems and ends up in the same paste again.

Vibachiti just as you know how. The universal formula for forgiveness is revealed! Yak test yourself How long to live? 6 stages of forgiving yourself. Affirmation of forgiveness, which you repeat so that you can easily and quickly achieve it for yourself. Let’s continue the theme of forgiveness, I’ll publish the following articles: .

How can you vibrate yourself? Is it necessary to forgive?

Vibachit yourself - This means stop begging for yourself, stop, stop depriving yourself.

Forgiving yourself is an important step, a point on the path of love for yourself. .

It is necessary to forgive yourself in life.

Often, in order to unnecessarily educate others, our insanity is to educate ourselves.

Forgive yourself - This is a profound process of self-therapy and self-healing of the soul. I know the vantage of the guilty image from the shoulders and the stone from the soul.

6 stages to work out for yourself and let go of pain

Why do you want to get yourself a job? So earn it!

Having started to forgive yourself, follow the next 6 stages:

      1. You can write a piece of paper, or you can talk to the crook, imagining him opposite.

        3) Vibrate your fathers for being a child. No one from their fathers tells a lie with a thought and the words: “Listen, I really know three more ways how we can make our child’s life better.”.

        No, the dads always wanted to pretend to be good dads.

        However, their power is limited in knowledge and training, as well as the burden of life’s burdens, often overeating and leading to troubles that injure us.

        There is nothing special about him, there is no concrete desire to inject and shape us. Let me write to you one of each of these, who, having left you in childhood and unknowingly inflicted pain and suffering on you.

        4) Vibrate your Inner Child. , perhaps the most important.

        Meditation for forgiving yourself and other people

        Carry out a forgiveness meditation for the skin and the list below.

        The thrill of meditation lies in the closeness of people. Blood relatives - from one year to two years. Folks, friends, khants - from the age of up to three years, depending on the flexibility of the hundred-year-olds. Outside people - acquaintances, friends, friends, fellow travelers - until today. Varto note that it is time to indicate the zagalom - then you can “forgive” 10 days of three days, and the zagalom will be pivgodini. A signal that the vibration process is completed will begin to feel warm around the heart.

        So, we select a candidate for forgiveness and say in a voice or to ourselves (as in transport) as many times as we can fit into the time we need for this person:

        “With love and compassion, I forgive (IM) and accept him as the Lord God created him. I will reward (IM) for all my thoughts, emotions and ideas of goodness.”

        When you realize that forgiveness has come and the time has come to accept, repeat 8 times:

        “With love and indifference (IM) forgives me.”

        Then proceed to the next person on your selection list until you have selected everyone from the list. On my advice, in order to study everything, go from one month to three (to conduct this meditation in transport, while checking the homework of others - so that you do not sit down and do not directly meditate Vati This type of episode has many fewer days.

        And one more important clarification: the list of any person can begin with the same person - YOURSELF.

        Until you force yourself – and this turns out to be the most difficult thing in practice – you will not be able to clearly cleanse yourself of the image of the past.

        If you need to study people who have already left this world, the text of the meditation changes a little:

        “With love and compassion, I forgive (IM) and let him go. I will ask (IM) for all my thoughts, emotions and ideas of goodness.”

        In addition to the meditation-induced forgiveness, the same mantra is used: you can turn them on during the hour of the text of forgiveness, or simply listen and sing. Mantri with a charming order speeds up the process of releasing the image.

        Shake yourself and turn to today!

        The right forgiveness turns us back from the right - there, where your life can develop rewarding opportunities, where you yourself can make some goodies for the sweetest day of the future, your family and your friends.

There are a lot of people who, having worked hard not even a day or having become the guardian of difficult living arrangements with a tragic end, often put themselves on food - “How can I study for myself?” Because self-flagellation does not allow them to live in peace.

To be honest, sometimes it’s much easier to study something else than to study for yourself. Most people don’t let it go, but it’s important to learn to forgive yourself, learn to give yourself the right to mercy, because often without someone you can’t change your life and ruin your life forward!

I myself was the same and could not forgive myself at all, having gone through many difficult situations in life, until I learned to forgive myself. That’s why I’m writing about this, because I learned the meaning of forgiveness for myself on my own bitter truth, and believe me, it’s not obligatory for everyone to go through it, but rather to change and develop voluntarily, through awareness and work on oneself, not least through beats, odds, beats and calmly hang back.

Why don’t you forgive yourself?

Unforgiveness to oneself - one says in a human way, if there is:

1. Incorrectly placed before yourself- if a person does not have a positive attitude towards himself and his own (you should blame yourself for what went wrong, ruin, etc.).

2. If a wine does not give itself the right to pardon you don’t understand the very essence and sense of life on Earth (life is school, share is the sequence of lessons. sense is the steady development of the soul through trials and peace, among other things).

Whenever a person accumulates an image on himself (negativity ruins the soul) - it is too early and too late to develop an insignificant illness, which often unforgivenly turns into oncology or cancer.

So choose for yourself, learn to forgive yourself, otherwise your entire life will take its toll on yourself and you will die painfully from cancer!

So how can you get better at it?

1. It is necessary to begin with the essence of putting your soul first - read the report. It is necessary to accept that life is a great school of life, in which every person (his Soul) begins to learn the rich lessons of life. And making amends is only part of a task, even if it is still possible to understand what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, and what is the point.

And to treat yourself, ideally, you need to learn how to treat yourself like a dear and beloved friend - which means accepting yourself as you are (with all the advantages and not so many), in the future, and in order to earn yourself a lot for everything. Ale conveys self-calm, self-righteousness and loss of strength and weaknesses.

2. Direct your energy not so much in the area of ​​self-destruction, but rather in the analysis of your mercy and the elimination of their reasons. This mechanism is described in the article about. Wine – replaced with wine: analysis, identification of causes (weaknesses, defects), recovery and compensation for the resulting amends.

3. Formation of true love to your Soul, as it conveys: A) Harsh placement to internal evil (vices, weaknesses, to any shortcomings - know and put it down, replace it with a positive) B) Mad love to your Soul - take for for yourself rule: “There is only Light, only encouragement, protection, love and strength!”, “Don’t be your own enemy - don’t destroy, don’t allow evil and hatred to reach yourself!”

4. Understand what it is like to forgive yourself! Forgiveness of oneself means change for oneself, development and growth of the Soul , the required formula is: “I forgive myself and change - I forget all the evil that has led me to such sins and mercy...”, “I forgive myself and will give myself the strength and strength that will help me to overcome the repetition of mercy...”

God, if a person repents and wants to change, is always ready to punish them, for whatever sin. The people are guilty of trying to formulate such a statement to themselves!

And, of course, we will put aside the extreme outbursts, if it is too difficult for people to educate themselves. In such situations, it is better to turn to professionals - handle it individually! In certain situations, it is not enough to just try to educate yourself, you also need to recognize what karma the person has lost in such a situation. It’s difficult to write about this, but I’ll still point it out: when the mother turned on the water in the bathtub, put the little one there, and she got busy and spent an hour, as a result, the baby choked and drowned. It’s important to educate yourself in this way, otherwise required live longer, and the understanding of karmic reasons can open your eyes to something richer, and help you get rid of marred and ruinous guilt.

Keep the world to yourself.

Your pads.

People are forgiven.

World. Divine nature.

Divinely superior.

If we are not forgiven. Mi:

- we create lances between ourselves and those who cannot be forgiven. These Lanziugas are not one, not two, not three lives long. Stilka, until you kill the man.

— we trigger reactions in the body that tell us in every second about what we want, who is a witch before us (we are versed in a witch). This means that the body is constantly susceptible to war.
— we are referred to in such situations, we are attracted to such people who correspond to our vibrations: rumors and misfortunes, who suffer and suffer.

Vibachennya practice– one of the most difficult and most important for spiritual development. Through Forgiveness you can deal with images, problems and reality. We must first forgive whom, and for what we forgive, and for what we ask for forgiveness. Why should we forgive ourselves, our fathers, our partners, God and the All-World. You are free to offer forgiveness, because when you forgive people, you let them go. If you ask for a cure, you get rid of yourself.

This is hygiene of the soul. From our childhood, we began to shake hands in front of the hedgehog and brush our teeth, but not at all, as if we were asking for a punishment, so that it would be done fairly - without humiliation and almost guilty. The practice of Forgiveness gives peace on the emotional, physical and spiritual level.

For whom it is not at all difficult to get along with the people you want to study. You can benefit from additional meditation. And this does not mean at all that people will leave your life forever. You simply let go of the emotional burden, the negative manifestations about the hundred-year-olds that you are dragging behind you.

It is important for us to live here at the same time, we often have doubts about the past days, about the past negative news, or about future plans for the future. This is how we perceive a specific person. We are burdened by this image from the past, not giving this person a chance to appear for us in a different way. We accept this and that. And you can learn to treat people in a new way - this is a mystery that reveals two partners. The practice of Forgiveness allows you to clear hundreds of hundreds of dollars.

Forgiveness gives freedom, joy, strength and happiness, helps to renew the field of love between people, as it allows a person to be equal in soul, and all equalities have the same goal.

Another advantage of Vibachenya is that this practice can be carried out over and over again, without interfering with one and the same person - close or familiar, for example, with someone who has stepped on a foot in the subway. It may not be just the person you are angry with or having conceived an image, but simply the one you do not accept or condemn.

Forgiveness– this is a great healer, he can bring us back from past wounds, that image is inconceivable. Sometimes it’s good for us to show up. Sometimes it is difficult for us to communicate to those near and far. Why? Because we so unknowingly steal from ourselves. With additional forgiveness, we can change the painful situations in our past simply by changing the settings before them. Through the practice of Forgiveness, you can come to terms with yourself - educate yourself, your past, your fathers. Forgiveness can not only heal your life, but also the planet. It will be great if all people move away from the old images, aggressions, and claims one after another. For the help of Forgiveness, you can heal from many physical illnesses and ailments, since it has long been realized that skin ailments are unknown, undiagnosed and unresolved emotions. And with additional forgiveness, we can let go of the situation and emotion that led to our illness. The ubiquity of Forgiveness does not make life any more difficult, but it destroys the body and soul. And if you follow this practice, you can live an easy and joyful life.

How and whom to forgive?

Make a list of people you want to study.

Make a list of people you don’t want or can’t work with.

Test your dads.

Test yourself, your childhood and your inner child.

Experience your feelings, emotions and experiences. (This, perhaps, is the most difficult problem, because we often get angry with ourselves and do not accept our feelings - anger, malice, image. Make a list: what you can’t do for yourself).

Vibach svіy rіd.

Test your awesome partners. Write a list of the most significant partners for you, with whom there were serious struggles, or close to your side, it seems that they were not separated. The love of the “cool ones” helps to relieve oneself and prepare space for new, happy mutual relations.

Examine your colleagues and superiors (or the lighter ones, if you are barefoot). Any team has conflicts, but that is reality. It is important not to get stuck with them. With the forgiving thoughts of your fellow employees, lighter and barefoot, you can easily resolve the most dangerous conflicts at work. Your effectiveness at this level of growth is remarkable!

These are the so-called “third people”. These are the people you come into contact with today - at transport, banks and shops. These are the people who suddenly capped you and formed you. It’s true that all the outbursts are not outbursts, as they say about the spiritual plane. Every person will come to your life to help you get better. The technique of Forgiveness itself gives liberation. Having received forgiveness from this point, it is worth remembering that you are a foolish person. You can turn the karmic bond and simply clean out the pockets of your loved ones.

Forgiveness to the Fahivs. These are the situations associated with the fakes - lawyers, doctors, tax service, Department of Road Safety, etc. When you sit next to a lawyer or a doctor and are nervous: “Will you accept this? Why are all the papers ready?”, then, having spent thoughts of Forgiveness with him, you energetically prepare the field of khan with this people. As a result, food supply is easy and fast.

Forgiveness of the powers that be. We all look at God, at fate, at love, and in the same breath: “Why am I being beaten and punished?” Having listened to Forgiveness, we give up our intense support for the All-Light and the Cosmos.

Forgiveness of tragic situations: unfortunate episodes, attacks, rude images, robbery, etc. Forgiveness for this type of person allows you to open your heart - your spiritual center - and protect yourself from such situations in the future.

What is the path to forgiveness?

Fear #1:“What if I work for this and this people’s life in the future?” Ale probachiti does not mean saying goodbye.

Fear #2:“And why should I give this man a job and turn to his life? Is that what you need?!” If you let people in with a big heart and don’t want to pay a hundred bucks for nothing, then you’ll kick back – until you sleep well.

I can study, but I don’t want to worry.

We always have a choice: either to continue to be victims, to want revenge, to feel the image, anger, pain, or to study and choose to kill. What do you choose for yourself?

The essence of our butt is Lyubov. Forgiveness to teach us to choose love to replace pain, image, fear and suffering. Forgiveness is a universal technique that any person can learn, regardless of age, article, evidence, religion. Try it, and your life will become much brighter!

Transfiguration Prayer

You, I and the whole superfluous world are the same essence. You have come to my life with my pain and suffering for a reason. You show me, like a mirror, that this suffering is deep in my soul, in my intelligence.

And I am fully aware that your problems are related to me, because I know that everything that happens in my life is the result of my thoughts and ideas from the past.
I repent to the priesthood.
And by my own free will, I dedicate all my ruinous programs to you, your ancestors and your entire family.

I forgive you and your ancestors for all their wrong thoughts and decisions that were made deliberately and inadvertently before my ancestors from the Creation of the world until today.
Look for me and my entire family, because we didn’t know what they were doing.

I thank you for those who come to my life and help me to clear my mind and get rid of everything old and unnecessary, become truly free, transform and be happy, living for the Truth and for the Sovereign m.

I love you and bless your entire family with love. I wish you, your loved ones and yours happiness and goodness.

And do not let all my wrong thoughts, words and things that brought about your pain and suffering, be transformed into righteous thoughts and things by the power of Divine Love, and do not let them bring happiness to our families and to the entire world.
May Lyubov reign on the Earth, Light and Prosperity in the shadows.

Let it be so!

I accept you with love from my heart!
Vibach me and all my people!
I love you!
I forgive you and your entire life and bless you with love!
I wish you happiness and goodness!

Meditation “Forgiveness”

Sit down, relax, take a deep breath and see, and once again take a deep breath, and as you see, release all the tension in your body, all the burden, sway on the limbs of your breath.

I call out the image of a person with whom you would like to perform a ritual of forgiveness. This may be a close or distant relative, a friend, a boss, a person, who has created something for you.

Realize that it is worth standing opposite you. Look at his image more beautifully: as he looks, he has a chill, which is clearly the image of the spilled parts. What do you want to say to him: “Probach” or “I forgive”? First, whatever comes to mind will be the most correct.

And now tell this person: “Forgive me, and I forgive you, and I forgive myself when I was with you. And I forgive and let go of all the darkness that happened between us, I forgive myself all the feelings, emotions, experiences in my days with you. I forgive and let go of everything that is not in our hundreds.”

See how your body and image of a person enters the violet half. “I ask the violet fire to cleanse all the emotions in our hundredths of days with you, I ask to cleanse the pain, image, stagnation, hatred, jealousy - all those that are not eaten by our hundreds. I forgive and let go of everything, everything that respects my openness, freedom, love.”

Now see how the gold and rye of the light come into your crown and remind you of these luscious things that you have never had in your hundred years of life as a human being. I give myself as much light, love, encouragement, freedom, respect, value, as much as I have ever had with you during all the births and births. Allow the golden exchange to fill the skin of your body with love, light, warmth.

And now realize how such a place of light should be included at the top of this people. I give you as much light, love, warmth, forgiveness, acceptance, encouragement, as much as you have had in your hundred years with me during all the births and births. Allow the golden exchange to fill the body of this person with love, freedom, forgiveness, light.

I ask the All-World to renew the field of love between us throughout all births and births.

Tell this person: “I love you for those that happened between us, and for those that didn’t happen between us, for those who you were for me, and who you weren’t for me, and for those lessons of khanna, which by giving me." Think about it.

Now take a deep breath and turn around “here and now.”

Forgiveness technique Louise Hay.

The topic of Forgiveness is the most important for today. Smart forgiveness removes space, creates space, and gives people Divine grace and ability.
The depicted people are tied up with lances of involuntary emotions and karmic knots and falsehoods. And perhaps all the energy is spent on supporting these lances.

Vibachenya technique:

1. Introducing the golden jersey

2. In the middle is placed the image of a person, for which it is necessary to balance the balance

3. marvel at this image of thought (you can also say out loud) ...

A. I show the left side of the tricut - probach me
b. right - probach yogo (її)
V. bottom of the trikutnik - probach us

4. after whom...

A. We take even close people from our hearts
b. Since people are more distant and it is important to place them in the heart - we embrace them
V. the deceased - we direct them to God.

Since we don’t know the names of those whom we need to test or from whom we need to ask for Forgiveness, we light a church candle, you can do it yourself, but it may be made of light wax and say this:

Lord, you know all the names, don’t let me teach you, let me tell you who has been twisted by me, by us, unwittingly and unwittingly.

Mystery of forgiveness

Forgiveness is something that can be given most easily. Without forgiveness, there is no health, no luck. “Unforgiveness” means negative emotions and low vibrations that go beyond the current cycle.

What is “unforgiveness”? This is the rooting of the image, the claims and the name of other people. Do you think who is to blame for your troubles? No, my love. The outside is merely a projection of what is in the middle. And the situation is unacceptable to everyone - there is no need for acceptance and forgiveness, including for yourself. And if it is the fault of another person, then the punishment will be found out from the Law of Reception.

Whatever you want, forgiveness is pure egoism.

The process of forgiveness is given special respect by the “Code to Success” training: harmonizing one’s life with one’s parents and other close people. It is especially important for those who work on improving their life, engage in visualization and manifestation of their goals and goals. As one of my good friends said: “If the heart lacks forgiveness, it’s not good to wait for the best changes! I want to get visualized!” She knew the Bible very well, and it is written there: “...everything you ask in prayer, take away, whatever you take away, it will be given to you.” And if you are standing in prayer, forgive what you say to anyone, so that your Heavenly Father will show you your faults. If you do not forgive, then your heavenly Father will not forgive you your sins.” (Mark 11:24-25)

There were many episodes in my practice, since greater forgiveness gave people health, lightness, joy and encouraged them to go on holidays.

I have learned a lot of vibration techniques. What helps the most is the alignment and special rights that we practice in training. And for those who are independent, I recommend:

1). Reach the alpha level. Ask the problem person from your ideal place to go to the laboratory or to the laboratory, talk to the soul, ask her until mutual forgiveness. At the end, report him with a field of light, love and kindness.

2). Read Joe Vitali’s book “Living Without Limits” and learn the miracle formula for recovery from it.

3). Sit down, relax, take some calm breaths and views. After this, please say the following phrase: “I am brutalizing myself to God the Creator. Please. Learn to forgive me. I forgive (him)________________ here and now! I forgive everyone who hurt me, who misrepresented me, who needed me. I forgive those whom I remember and those whom I do not remember. On this day I begin to live without image. From this day on, my Divine Self can be even angrier with me, and I feel the presence of Divine Grace as it fills my heart, my mind and my whole body with a warm flow.”

Repeat this ritual so often until you realize that you can tell a joke for a lesson and think about presenting a valuable gift, with love and respect, imbuing it with light and warmth. After this, miracles can happen.

4) And the axis of magnetic-energetic affirmation from Vilmi for forgiveness of yourself:

I forgive ---- (my fear, my perceived guilt or something else).

I forgive myself for those that I let into myself - (my fear, I feel guilty or else.)

I ask you, my dear body, to test me for what I let into you - (this fear, you feel guilty, either) and left you with pain and evil.

Extraction technique from the book by Liz Burbo:

The axis of the stage of true forgiveness, already passed by thousands of people and with miraculous results:

1. Consider your emotions (often they are a skewer). Let us know from whom you call yourself and another person, and therefore, what kind of experience resonates with you.

2. Take your responsibility. To discover authenticity means to recognize that you will always choose to react with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now understand that you may be afraid of calling the person you are calling another person.

3. Be aware of other people and be alert. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and see his death. Think about those that you may call to yourself, and to you - to the one from whom you call. He is afraid like you.

Axis KILKA RAD. The stench is growing stronger in my other books, but they are so important that I decided to complete this book with them.

Give yourself the time necessary to go through all stages of forgiveness. At one stage you may need a day, at another it will take a day, so that your task is to go through these stages. The greater the psychological trauma and its impact, the greater the need for time.

If step 6 becomes even more important, know what to do with your work. Do you think: “What kind of miracle am I responsible for asking for marriage from this person, since it was not I who created her, but me? I couldn't help but be angry with him! - It’s yours to speak, not your heart. The greatest desire of your heart is to live in the world and sleep until the next.

Don’t boast, like the person from whom you asked for a cure, don’t react the way you thought. It is practically impossible to redo any speeches. You may not say anything, change the subject, talk, cheer up, get excited, talk about it, cry, ask for help from you, throw yourself in your arms, etc.

As I indicated in the description of the sixth stage of extraction, you are not guilty of telling people, as I told you, about those who extracted them. There are three reasons for this:

1. It may appear that the person who is angry with you has no small intentions to convey to you. Reality often appears in our relationship. It is possible that this people did not suspect what you had created.

2. You must realize that you need forgiveness in order to redeem yourself. To vibrate another person means to earn the necessary time until you forgive yourself.

3. You are also obliged to inform that it is not in your power to truly educate another person. Only you can work out for yourself,

4. Vibach yourself. This is the most important stage of recovery. To improve yourself, give yourself the right to be afraid, to show weakness, to have mercy, for your shortcomings, to suffer and to be angry. In your presence, such as you are, you know what this hour is like.

5. Vіdchuy bazhanya get out. Getting ready to the stage, realize that you are asking for punishment from a person who has condemned you, criticized you, or called you into shame. This image evokes in you a sense of joy and freedom, and preparation for the next stage.

6. Meet with the people you want to get married to. Tell him about your experiences and ask for retribution for those who have judged, criticized or hated him. About those that you yourself, having studied it, guess the one who has the urge to talk about it.

7. Make a connection or praise the decision for the goodness of your father.

Imagine a similar situation in the past with people who represented you to power, authority - your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, teacher, etc. Repeat all stages of vibration with him.

If the emotions you are experiencing are directed against you, then go through stages 1,2,4 and 7.

Because people don’t want to accept your whining about forgiveness, which means that you can’t help yourself. You can study this, but this is not enough.

As you tell other people about your experiences, and they, unconvinced, begin to realize the truth, she may have thought that you are calling them. If this is so, it means that without having yet studied these people, you are convinced that they will change.

If you are going to meet with this person, you are confident that she will understand the full depth of your suffering and will seep into you, without having studied it yet. No one has the right to be angry with themselves; It’s just that you need another three hours to move on to stages 2 and 3. It’s amazing that you’ve already studied this person with your mind, but you haven’t yet managed to learn it with your heart. To shake a person's mind means to understand the motives of their actions, but not to bring either relief or internal peace. This is often the case. Forgiveness with the mind is a good beginning, for it is necessary to testify about good will.

Remember: studying someone does not mean that you will get along with them. Forgiving someone, you say that you marvel at the heart and what is more important in the depths of the soul of this person, below her.

Once again, it is easier for you to give yourself the right to be yourself and express your human sensibilities.

Now let's look at three emotions that people experience most important: fear, anger and turmoil. These human emotions are suppressed, controlled, seduced - in a word, do everything so as not to worry about them, so as not to worry about the stench of emotional wounds, snatched away from childhood and youth. These wounds arise from five negative psychological factors: the trauma of the enchanted, the trauma of the abandoned, the trauma of humiliation, and injustice.

Instead of giving themselves the right to be inadequate and suffer from mental wounds, most people continue to blame others for good reasons for their fear, anger and confusion. That’s why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, with their own power, cause all sorts of illnesses.

All these emotions can be used for the benefit:

Fear helps you realize that you need protection and search for it. It will tell the one who has the right defense after joking with himself.

This anger is so important that it helps to reveal your need for self-sacrifice, clearly formulate your capabilities and listen to your needs more respectfully.

Confusion helps you realize that you are suffering from the feeling of spending and the fear of spending. Don't get attached to people's troubles.

LOVE YOURSELF- means to bear witness for one’s own life and to have the right to demonstrate this responsibility. As soon as you love yourself, your body will be healthy and out of energy, if you allow yourself to live in your world.

I hope that this book will more than once help you to find greater knowledge, more fulfillment and a happy life, and more than love. Never forget that your inner God uses all possible abilities and speaks through your body, reminds you:



I love you, beloved brothers and sisters! Az Ism Ilarion. And we will tell you about the most important manifestations of human life.

Images are the essence of the state of insufficient energy in the bodies (physical and subtle).

As a human being is crooked, she is in charge of the astral plane, which immediately presses the “weakness buttons” of a human being.

Imagery is one of the methods of energetic vampirism, which may, however, be karmic cultivation, the essence of which is the separated form of the Energy of Love - the endless flow of the All-Light, which goes from the Great Self.
A person HIMSELF may learn from being dependent on the astral plane.

When a person gets excited, she releases low-vibration energy emanations to the bottom of the “creep”. He feels unaware (and aware) that he is guilty. And this allows the energy of a given person to be harnessed, as if it were a mistake, it opens the way to the energy flow of a person.

There is no sense to show – there is no sense to act, talk one by one, solve problems.
What happens at the hour of the image?

First of all, the yin-yang is unbalanced, which becomes the Divine basis of the Energy of Love. There is a flow of energy through the crown chakra. From this moment the recovery of the Energy of Love begins.

In other words, his output is under control. Since you are energetically weakened, your vibrations are low, the colors of your aura are weak and insatiable, and you become accessible to the astral plane. The astral is not supposed to flow into you through your soul. The Astral is not built to touch you through your Body. It is only through HIM that it is out of control. Previously, before becoming unbalanced, the Energy of Love helped trim the yogi “at the bridle.”

The astral subordinates itself to him, as soon as he knows his “weak place”, and begins to infuse it with it.

It looks like this:

1) Pumping up the energy necessary for your health and vitality.
Respect the image you become at the moment (exhausted, frowning, embittered, etc.);

2) “Sucker” of singing types of astral projection to weak, unprotected organs. Also, your choice can be “helped” by the reason for the image. Since a man is a wife, the reproductive organs are weak. People are of the same type.

As images reflect the reality of life, the eyes suffer.
If you are angry with those who tell you out of touch, you may suffer from the ear.
If you have lingering feelings about your close relatives, your teeth will start to get sick and fall apart.
If you have an image of someone in your, in your thought, “uncomfortable” life, then the organs of the chakras of the sleepy plexus (its development) suffer: ShKT, liver, subslit.
If you have lived with fate, and you have not been able to educate yourself or your neighbors, then oncology begins.

3) Since you don’t have enough energy, the astral will (as much as possible) flow through your energy onto other people. Your very own way provokes others to seem to be guilty, sensing and perceiving your “image”. Tim (people) themselves give their energy. Let's go, let's go, not for you, but for the astral. And so you are deprived of your image in complete energetic powerlessness. Aled...ti, doki vi don’t pin this busy.

It is necessary, absolutely necessary, to learn to forgive.
What do you expect at the hour of vigil?
This color is violet.

At the hour of forgiveness, you are overcome by the gloom of the violet half. This will help you understand the essence of the lesson. Allows the astral to come into control over him. Allows your partner to know his “place”. And, smut, opens your poppy chakra to renew the flow of the Energy of Love in you. At this moment you feel the power, the energetic power of Love, which destroys your Soul, subtle bodies, the Temple of the Soul - the Body. At this point you have a yin-yang balance. At this hour, you are covered by the Temple of the Holy Trinity - Peace, Joy and Love. Vi vilni. You are calm. Vi – kohani.

Let it be like this from now on. We love you. I embrace you heartily.
Az Ism Ilarion.



Well, what is the essence of the image?


Beloved ones, you have lived a great number of lives, giving your Soul this other priceless satisfaction. Being students, you sometimes worked on things caused by karma (acts of violence, bad behavior, participation in wars, massacres, etc.).

From your precious DNA, you bring a “bag of unlearned lessons.”

Before your arrival, you are “inquiring” with your Beloved Conflicting Souls about how they can help you catalyze the final Lesson (for example, a lesson on accepting masculinity and femininity, etc.). And this is all so that you, having accepted the same Lesson, can transform the low vibrations, rejections from past lives, from Love and Friendship through the act of Forgiveness and Acceptance.

At the same time, you learn about those Lessons You, You yourself, can submit as Karmic Teachers!

And the V axis, kohans, and your Karmic Partners-Readers, come to this World!

Karmic Readers appear in your Life in thoughts before the synchronistic moment and... impart a Lesson!

If you didn’t take this LESSON, then you are to blame for the lack of spiritual training - the Image!

A simple hint: if one side is displayed, it means the lesson is meant for ONE!

How two sides are represented - A MUTUAL LESSON! You are offended, in such a situation, by karmic teachers, and by karmic Teachers!

Since the two sides “have formed” and have not accepted the Lessons, then the most aggressive thing that can happen in Gaia is war!

All wars are a fact of non-acceptance of Lessons!

What is this image? How does she fight on all the deep levels of humanity? How can you transform the image of a shvidko, painlessly and knowingly? Who has help from the Greater Self? What Gift is taught for Lessons, what is called to the human image?



I love you, I love Sima! I am Mary Magdalene. We are your family at home. Gently, with the energies of our love, embracing you, we will finally begin a friendly conversation!

Well, what is the essence of the image?


And at the same time, those people who have the Infection “reflected” on you at this moment are the same Souls who did not allow you to accept the Karmic Lesson of Soul Inspiration, which you will bring with Love and Love to you!

In this way, from childhood until the end of the birth (or until the Collective Enlightenment) you are simultaneously both a Karmic Teacher and a Karmic Teacher for anyone!

In such a manner, the image is a karmic vuzol, “tying” the result of Freedom to your Choice, so, react to the Lesson yourself!

How does this karmic vuzol image “get involved”?

How to transform an image and learn the Lesson at once?

— You need to ACCEPT (as always, everything is universal and simple!) the fact that you have a specific image of People, People, Situations, etc.

— Watch out (guess) how the image flows onto you:

- physical problems (possibly, imbalance of blood pressure, pain in the heart, slut, liver, weight loss, insomnia, headache, etc.);

- Emotional jealousy. Consider what emotions this particular image evokes in you (anger, fear, disappointment, etc.). It is important to deal with one “misconception” at a time – Lessons can be different in different episodes. Focus, dears, on brightness, and not on the one-time transformation of the image!

- On a mental level. The skin of the image carries with it the interpretation of your “rightness” and the illusory “wrongness” of your Karmic Reader. How do you figure out what is going on in your situation? For example, “The stench (crooks) portrayed me for nothing, that’s why... (and then your arguments will go on to clarify the possibility of your position at the moment).”

- On the energy level (in general and in general). Be careful, dear ones, and try to the best of your ability, readiness and courage to remember what vibrations are characteristic of your particular image. What richly worldly Image (sound, melody, song, baby, taste, sound, smell, etc.) evokes your association with the image? This means recording by the main organs of sensing the deep ligaments of the image at the same level as the vibration and memory of the cells.

For example, there may be such an association of images: The image of a dirty, foul-smelling, roaring lion that tears you into painful parts. Or the image of a sacrificial lamb. Everything is individual, dears!

What next to click on associative connections?

First of all, in order for you to be able to be a SPONSOR in the transformation, and NOT A PARTICIPANT. You work with deep inner order, and do not turn sick situations over and over again, living deep and painful pain, which can again harm your physiology and psyche. The evidence of exhaustion is good in that case, since you have already learned the lesson! Otherwise, you completely ignore the Lesson, and by calling out the image, you risk losing a lot of new traumas until you learn the Lesson. And the physiological update may become more complicated! Tears of past images, angry thoughts and screams may come to your mind! Think about it, what is your method? Be nice, kohans! Turning back on the sickly past can be an ineffective way of violence against you. Be gentle and careful in achieving this knowledge of your Body, your Psyche, your Energy!

In other words, the work with a Sensitive Image-Association is the way your mind “batch” a block of images. Through this block, the image goes into the astral light of your valuable life energy. This image carries with it the essence of the importance of this image!

Well, your DNA has been fixed and is beginning to undergo transformation!

Beloved, now that you have accepted those that you have in your image, You have kept their shepherds on you, And you are ready for the next Important Croc.

— As you feel that the Moment of Truth has arrived, then with Love, I call upon my Lord. Let me tell the world about your readiness for the deep, richly worldly work of this episode.

— Take a new position as a Sposter, and, having recalled the facts (and not EMOTIONS!) of memory before your services, monitor step by step how the attitudes of the Participants (one of them, the last “You”) are developing at that moment , do not identify yourself with Him!).

- Hear with all your Soul the skin's words and actions and remember: The soul is wise, it cannot evaluate!) Save knowledge. It will be easy for you, since you will be rewarded with grades!

— The next stage of transformation is called autumn. This is a Gift from Your Greater Self! Once you have managed to look at the entire context, emotions and assessments, you begin to understand the causal connections of this episode!


This is the position of the Angel who watches over people!

And this Angel-People - You, Your Vishcha I am!

So, in the state of the Illuminated Vishche, I show you what is true, synchronicity and reality of this LESSON!

Comprehension and forgiveness are an overnight rich process!

Having learned, you will gain Wisdom and Love, moreover, the understanding of how this Lesson was taught!

Forgiveness has been completed and this Lesson will not return to you, as you perceive the Transformation on all levels of the world:

— On a physical level, you feel a surge of strength, breathing freely with your whole body, the joy of entering your closet, awakening potential living forces that will sleep until then. You feel amazing! You feel the influence of all the Living Forces!

— At the level of sensitivity, instead of the pendulum emotions that you discover, the Feelings of Eternity have come to you: Calm, Joy and Love! Sound the Song of Your Solemnity and Podyaki to everyone (including yourself and everyone else!) to the participants of this Lesson!

- On a mental level, you learned the whole essence of the Lesson. Now you can easily and painlessly, with your assessments and emotions, tell this story at any moment in your life, as it will be verbally and synchronously!

- on the level of DNA (the leading edge of energy) You perceive the wonderful New Height of Vibratsiy Kohannya!

Well, after the transformation, those that you call a Miracle and a Gift from the Great Self arise!

Geez, what kind of gift is this?

Let's go back to DNA.

Well, your Karmic Lesson is embedded in your precious DNA.

At the moment of transformation, the low-vibration shell of the block under the name “Images” is broken, revealing the Essence of the Lesson with which you were born into this World. This is the birth of the People, the New People!

At once this lesson is learned, and the participants, including you, say goodbye with all their souls.

Well, the energy of the Lesson is also transformed, but what?

Your culture has this order: “The Holy Place is never empty.” We use this phrase quickly for clarification.

Therefore, to replace the block image as a result of complete forgiveness, and, therefore, Acceptance and Understanding of the essence of the Lesson, comes not only from the astral influx (waste of energy), not only from high vibrations, but from the AWAKENING GIFT, WHAT TO LIE UNDER COVER OF THE LESSON!

Under the Light of your rich worldly knowledge, the petals of your Gift open. And there... The Power of Creativity, as it leads you along the path of Purpose! You are happy with this Lesson, and you have awakened to the Essence of the Universe!

Your image used to take away your life forces. Forgiveness “patched” the energy holes.

Your underground energy vibrations were low before forgiveness and acknowledgment.

After the transformation, you soar. This fresh influx of High Vibrations of Love embraces you so much!

This Vishcha I was even angrier with your Svidomistya!

The image of you was tied “on your hands and feet” and your Way was galmuvala.

And now you can easily call the person you were looking at!

And, having grown up, you will smile completely naturally! You will naturally agree with this world, as much as it will be synchronous!

Perhaps, you (the one you were looking at) will immediately wonder and wonder: What happened to you? Why did you change SO much?

Ale on the energetic level, with his priceless Soul, he receives this Information and Podyaki, from the Karmic Knot, which connects you.

Vin – Your Karmic Teacher is also great!

And now, if you both want it, you can become close friends, remembering with humor your past “exploits”! The axis is kindness! The axis is Wisdom! The axis is Svidomist! The axis is Kohannya!

All Karmic Readers are Conflicted Souls, who came to Gaia with Love and Love and in order to catalyze Your Gift, coming under the guise of Your Lesson! The stench has brought you from the karmic layers, like taking the cob from rich incarnations.

And now you are all free! For Mira. Love, for New Creative Ideas, get them from Butya! For Good and Wisdom!

Vi is the God-Goddess, Vi is the Creator, Vi is a great Artist who paints his Life with his own hand!

It’s wonderful, my love!

Z Lyubov, Mary Magdalene. Family Svetlo

Prayer for forgiveness.

It is necessary to express your prayers generously. Listen to yourself to understand that true forgiveness has arisen. Practice the steps as much as necessary. Some people may want to get out of a karmic situation in one go, while others may need several or even months.


I ask for forgiveness from the Divine soul ... (myself) for all the inharmonious thoughts, I feel, words and thoughts, revealed according to her infused peculiarity from the side of my human subjective knowledge Istoty.

I'm half forgiven

I forgive the human being... (I) for all the inharmonious thoughts, I think, words and ideas that have appeared on my side in relation to the infused specialness of my Divine soul.


I am the Divine soul...(I am) as the Presence of the Living and Eternal God, in my name and in my name the invocation of the Laws of Love, the Sacrifice and Mercy, I ask the Lord’s forgiveness for all the inharmonious thoughts, seeming, becoming, words and principles, revealed by my true human nature in relation to the instilled specialness... (name)

Half forgiven (2)

I am Divine Soul ... (Im'ya) as the presence of the God of the Living I Vice, in Im'i Im'yy Vikonnnya Lyubov, the victims of the merciful, I forgive my votylene for all the Negarmonіyni Duma, Paul, Words, Words, Words, Words, Words. components, revealed by their relation to human...(name).


To meditate on forgiveness, sit down with your hands, allow your eyes to close, and your body and breathing to become natural and light. Give your body and mind a chance to relax. Breathe slowly in the area of ​​your heart, allow yourself to absorb all the troubles and accumulations that you carried with you, because you didn’t work out - you didn’t work out for yourself, you didn’t get rid of others. Feel the pain of your constantly closed heart. Then, after gently breathing through your heart for about an hour, begin to ask for forgiveness and expand it, repeating lower words and allowing them to open your forgiving heart. Let the words go, the images seem to fade away from the world as you repeat them.


Feel the power of a valuable body and life, say: there are a lot of paths in which I have pleased myself or hurt myself, depriving myself of thoughts, in a word, what I am doing, whether I know or not. Allow yourself to indulge in the paths that you have imagined for yourself or have harmed yourself. Paint them, guess them, visualize them. Feel the confusion that you suffered as a result of these things, realize that you can emerge from these burdens, extend forgiveness to them, one by one.


From many paths, from which I have been injured, from which I have suffered harm, from which I have suffered, and have been abandoned by others in thoughts, words, actions, whether we know or not. Draw them, guess them, visualize their many paths.

Feel the turmoil that you have brought from this past and realize the urgency of emerging from this heaviness, expanding forgiveness, as long as your heart is ready for it.

Now tell yourself:


Give yourself the opportunity to quietly repeat these sayings about forgiveness until you feel some relief in your heart. Perhaps you do not feel relief from some serious pains, but only feel the heaviness, tightness and anger that you have saved from yourself. Just touch them, get yourself the same price. Forgiveness can be but a vimushenim, or it can be a piece of work. Just continue to practice: let go of your words and act in your own way. Over the years, you can develop a forgiveness meditation as part of your regular practice, coming to terms with the past and opening the heart of your skin’s new face, approaching the new with the wisdom of loving kindness.

Every one of us has no reason to perceive the roots of conscience - dishonesty, infidelity, lies, or anything else that is much more serious. However, people feel the pressure of guilt especially strongly. Vin is literally stamped on the shoulder. People cannot crumble further, their life becomes unbearable. Are you ready to carry this stone on your back? Is it time to say goodbye to him? Then you will find out how to educate yourself and stop thinking about the past meal.

Stage of not forgiving yourself

Sometimes, both these and other conditions deprive the soul of an unforgettable trace, and make you feel uncomfortable at the bottom. People hang out in the past, they can’t get anything done for themselves. Even if the offense were not cleared up, you need to learn to live in the future. This is very important, because not being forgiven is a direct road to depression, illness, or even a heart attack.

Think about it, isn’t your guilt so serious that you need to pay for it with your health and your life? Of course not! That’s why you have to stop thinking and think about it, so as to let the past pass and decide to improve yourself.

Forgiveness means knowing that life takes a long time and comes with rich situations, decisions, decisions. You are seriously working over yourself. It is optimal to carry it out step by step.

Please confirm your question

It seems that blaming is not part of the natural virility of a person. It is shaped by sharpening, most often by fathers, even in childhood. Boil the child for unfavorable tastes, excruciating anxiety, and sometimes suffering. This is how conscience is formed, as in the course of fate we suffer more and more for bad things, automatically, without being handed a condemnation from the side. As a rule, it is necessary to guide the person in search of necessary solutions, the best way out of the situation, and to protect against rash actions. However, in real life, conscience becomes hypertrophied (over-excessive).

If you cannot pay yourself for the mercy of the past, give a testimony at the next moment:

  • What am I doing wrong?
  • Why am I not working?
  • How could I have worked differently at that moment?
  • Can I correct this now?
  • Why can’t I forget about this situation?

You want to clearly formulate your lines. It’s best to write them down in a notepad or just on a paper note.

Find the reason why you need to improve yourself

Sometimes, it seems that the offense after the reconciliation becomes so commonplace that you don’t want to change anything. The song of the world plays into people’s hands: “I am suffering so much, I am miserable, I can’t do any more, hurt me.” This setting will change the validity. At the same time, the peculiarity of a person is ruinous, it suppresses its developments, and does not allow one to feel happiness.

In order to overcome the initial negative feelings and thoughts, motivation is required. Why do you have to teach yourself? Try to find out the reason that works for you:

If you believe in God, you can confess. This wealth only helps to remove a heavy stone from the soul.

Say goodbye to the past

Perhaps you couldn’t get out of your way to explain your behavior and torment you in the first place. Try it after spending it. This can be done with special needs, or simply write a sheet and burn it, for example, since there are no more people alive. Place a dot and turn the side over. You will no longer be able to rewrite this section. However, it is still within your power to finish the book.

Learn to think in a new way

At the next stage, you can completely overcome past problems. Need to go. It is most effective to work on helping you master new skills, physical and mental practice. What you can earn:

At this stage, support from loved ones is very important, encouragement is vital, and peace is vital. Make sure you don’t get lost in your own thoughts. If the heavy ones are going to roam again, marry them. Enjoy yourself. In extreme cases, turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist. It is possible that your problem is so serious that it requires the help of a qualified physician or medication. It’s okay to take pills on your own, or drink alcohol, don’t drink it. If it is not properly applied, psychotropic speech can no longer be strengthened.

The author's pleasure. Don’t you know how you can earn yourself benefits from the past? Well, you are far from a callous man. At a minimum, you can be aware that you did something wrong here. Please read the details. Pardons are inevitable. Allow me to be imperfect. Do what you can and learn a lesson. If this doesn’t help, try to duplicate the situation, but with a positive ending, or just do good on the right. Just change the slightest mistake and serve as a guide to get up and move on.

Practical interiors

Psychological self-help is not easy. A person can spend a long time turning the same thoughts in his head. To open up the closed loop, it is important to move from theory to practice. Current psychology offers many solutions to the most common problems. Actions from them can be practiced independently, without having to rely on the help of a police officer. Below we will describe a number of practices for forgiving ourselves.

3 leaves

Sometimes our emotions are beyond the control of our minds. The written summary helps to structure your thoughts. The time has come to allow you to let out all the negativity that you are feeling, take control of your emotions and learn a little more about yourself. Alright, let's get started:

Now the time has come to say goodbye to the past. Fold 3 sheets and burn them. This unique ritual will help you cleanse yourself and stop rummaging through a bunch of old problems.

Turn to childishness

What is the importance of grown-up children? A grown-up person is responsible for taking care of her mistakes, she is responsible for transferring, saving, correcting, and understanding. The child is not very timid. If you misbehave, if you don’t get it right, well, smut, so that the daddies don’t get cooked. Until the end of life, children should not be tormented for any fault. So, to improve yourself, try to reach out to your inner child.

Go back to your homework, turn on sounds, sit down manually and listen in silence for 5-10 minutes. Realize that you are in a supernatural, ancient temple. You will be asked to leave the gates of submission and yourself. You come in, in the center there is a boy or girl 4-5. Surprised, you learn from the child yourself. The little one is angry, he realizes that having received a mercy, he expects punishment. Try poshkoduvati yogo ta probachiti. See how the baby calms down. Now you can leave the temple. You are forgiven.

Self-induction method

The practice is ideally suited for people who cannot bear many fates. And here self-flagellation is already entering the zvichku. To get rid of intrusive thoughts, decide, study for yourself, the following:

Regardless of what you believe in what is written, relief will come with repeated repetitions. Self-reliance works at a certain level.

Forgiveness for S. Gawain

Quite often, a feeling of heavy guilt is intertwined with images of other people who accidentally became witnesses and participants in a sick situation. This practice allows you to study at your own pace, and sharpen it. Yak tse robiti:

  1. Take a paper pen and write down the names of all the people who evoke unpleasant emotions in you. On the other hand, indicate why you are angry, angry, or perhaps sued. Then take a handy pose, relax and then see these people in front of you. Talk to each other, explain what you were angry about and reflected on them, and now you are ready to do everything possible to improve yourself. You must say: “I forgive and let you go. Go your own way and be happy.” Write these words in red color at the bottom of the list.
  2. Now, worry about people who, in your opinion, you have somehow hurt. Opposite the names, write those that you have earned. Then close your eyes and visualize these people through. Explain about the skin, get rid of it. Realize that everyone is saying forgiveness to you and blessing you. When finished, write at the bottom of the list: “I forgive myself completely and will do it again, now and forever!”

Fold the offending sheets together, tear them and burn them. Try not to go back to past problems and images.

How can you earn yourself some benefits from the past? You can listen to these statistics, go to a psychologist, find support from your faith, and talk to your heart’s content with a person you trust. Each person has his own path. Golovne, don’t dwell on the negative for too long. “There is an hour for everything and an hour for every speech under heaven: an hour to grow popular, and an hour to die; an hour to plant, and an hour to plant; an hour to beat, and an hour to lick; an hour to ruin and an hour to be; an hour to cry and an hour to laugh; An hour to sing, and an hour to dance...” (Ecclesiastes).

Yulia, Blagovishchensk metro station

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