Carving knives - everything you need to know about them. Carving - embellishment of herbs. cutting of vegetables. carving kits. tools for carving

1st side of the chapter "CARVING"

Artistic carving of vegetables and fruits
Part of the persha.
Entry The history of carving.
Photos of viruses from similar and European carving masters
Tools for carving - photo, description
Carving tools and accessories for decorating straws - photo, description

Carving - English carving or curving (from curve, which means to cut; lat. curve - curve) - “carved work”, “carved ornament”. Carving is the name for carving on wood, ice, stone, sheep, as well as a style of skiing and snowboarding and a method of dry chemical hair styling.

Carving in cooking is a form of carving of vegetables and fruits, which is widely used by cooks of various restaurants.

Culinary carving in its essence is a primitive form of sculpture or engraving on the surface of uncooked cooks' fruits and vegetables.

Note: In cooking, the fruiting body of a plant is called fruit, and the decision of the natural parts of the plant - with vegetables.


There are two possible creative approaches for the home cook:
- or before the obvious fruit comes up with a similar idea;
- or find out the required food for the chosen baby.

The simplest butts:
ORANGE SKIN often use a salad bowl or frosting cups.

Having cut A PINEAPPLE upside down (or across), do not crush the leaves, take out the pulp and put salad, frosting and rice in its place; The leaves are stripped as decoration.

Z TAPAI Make “cheesecakes” for salads and fruits, and then cut the papaya and scoop out the pulp.

Z papayas manually cut out different shapes of leaves and flowers, here's a small bowl of pineapple flat figures are drawn, and z DING come out with finely crafted bowls for fruits and salads.

Carambola You can cut it to look like a star.

Sapodilla cut into a zigzag pattern. Separate the halves and remove the grains. Make two cups of halves of a beautiful fruit, which can be filled with grapes, currants, cherries or halves.

Z Mangosteen Remove the top half of the scallop, cutting the plaid in the middle, and serve it on the table without removing the bottom half.

RAMBUTANI You can also serve in the bottom half of the skin, leaving off the top part.

The design of the strains for additional carving may vary. Your homeland will never tire of marveling at the “spell” you have created, and your children will happily eat vegetables and fruits.

Decoration of vegetables and fruits with shaped designs to create a special occasion for the holidays. Grow for your child a simple “chrysanthemum” from Chinese cabbage, and from carrots similar to an ash cone or lily - and eat the herb with a happy appetite.

Now you will be able to independently learn the basics of carving and decorating with simple tools that are at hand - a knife and scissors.

And don’t let me berate you, because you’re still not even close to me.


One of the most important success factors is the high “razor” sharpness of the instruments. (About the shortcomings in which modern carving kits made from cheap Asian stainless steel are amazing, like this side.)

Now let’s admire the images of the unpretentious creations for exhibitions of carving masters, and then we’ll move on to mastering a simple carving technique that can easily be used in any home kitchen.

Traditional embellishments of Thai carving

Pokrokovy preparation of simple ones in Vikonanny embellishment and available to children cute figurines with products we will go to the section "CARVING".
We recommend that home cooks familiarize themselves with this section – recipes and photos.

A set of tools for carving complete with shaped hangers:

The small “Thai Nizh” with a narrow short blade is very handy for carving.
This shape can be easily achieved with any knife.
With just one knife and small knives of this shape, you can create almost all the wonders of carving in your kitchen.

Cutting tools that can be used in carving
To effectively use such a set, you need a lot of professional skills, which are gradually supported by good practice.

Not great Thai Nizh- The most important tool for carving.
Indispensable for making the most complex veggies on various vegetables and fruits.

Short sickle-shaped leg .
It is used like a Thai knife, but is used for making larger details.

Dovgy Nizh for highly demanding robots.

Carbine knives Different size tricutaneous cut.
They can easily and simply cut out leaves and engrave images on fruit pickles.

Oval knives different sizes.
Vicor is used for woven leaves and ornaments with rounded cuts.

Bilateral noisette spoon from the western edges.
For virusization from fruits of puffs and puffspheres of different sizes.
It is also used for extracting pulp during cob picking of fruits, especially large ones. For example, when preparing vases from kavuns, din.
A noisette spoon is widely used in French cuisine for scooping balls of raw potatoes before eating, as well as balls of various products for decorating herbs.

Small knives it is necessary to give a folding decorative shape to the edges of thin flat sections.

When purchasing a set of tools for carving, you need to get it right so that the Stradivarius violin does not interfere with its classy violin, but will play on the same string.

Getting started with carving by simply watching DVDs is also ineffective. How can you learn by watching a DVD, for example, by playing the piano?

To get started with carving, you need to pick up games and activities more often, using your imagination.

In thinly cut soft vegetables, the “razor” sharpness of the tools itself prevails. Smaller sharp tools crumple more and cut less.

Obvious kits for carving of great detail from cheap Asian stainless steel, which is poorly sharpened and quickly dull.

For home carving, even good knives are self-made on a sharpener from blades for metal knives, and such knives immediately after work require a short rinse without any harm and a thorough wipe until dry.
You can use standard surgical instruments (scalpels and so on), made from special medical steel, so that they can be sharpened well.
Professional carving uses hand tools from sets for wood sculpture and linocuts made from carbon steel.

Vrahovuyte that for other equal minds it is more beautiful than the bottom, the forest is thinner.

Obligatory verification when purchasing a set of tools for carving:
well-precise cutting tool, made of bright steel, smoothly less often than rubbing in the hand on the vase, I write paper from the top edge and to the end of the cut "like clockwork"- one smooth, straight downward movement without zusil (without “here and there” movements, without “splitting”).
Therefore, when purchasing, do not forget to take with you a small paper jacket.
It is important to be careful and check the sharpness of the tools when purchasing a carving kit! To clarify the tool more precisely, it was made with all the efforts at the manufacturing plant, but at home you will never succeed.
PLEASE REMEMBER - the maximum temperature must be kept only under the steel.
Don’t be fooled by the fact that the winemaking company is registered with Nimechchina. This office was registered in Germany, and is being re-established in the same day in Asia, due to both the payment price and the cost of steel.
The official German manufacturer says “Solingen” (Russian “Solingen”) - the hard Solingen steel is also famous, and you are very lucky. It is not overcooked according to its possible severity and serves forever. However, this brand may become fragmented.

Children's carving viruses
- wonderful family fun















Carving is all part

1 - Great kitchen knife– uses for processing large fruits, vegetables and fruits – pineapple, dini.
2 - Small kitchen knife– for cutting cucumbers or zucchini, root vegetables, fruits and bulbs of various vegetables, for peeling large fruits, for cutting citrus fruits, glazing.

3 - Office knife– for peeling root vegetables and bulbs, as well as oranges, for coring sweet peppers, for decorative cuts on vegetables and fruits.
4 - Nizh with a wiggling forest– for decorative (loose) slicing of carrots, salad cucumbers, olives, and siru.

5 - Peeler with groove– for removing the skin or cutting thin slices of pulp, for example, from cucumbers, citrus fruits, radishes and carrots.
6 - Nizh for grapefruit- With this help you can extract the pulp from half a grapefruit or pineapple, and also cream the pulp from the skin, for example, from a dini slice.
7 - Vegetable peeler economical ("economy")– for cleaning asparagus and celery, as well as stone fruits, potatoes, kiva and avocados.

Figurines and hangings
With the help of these devices, you can change the shape of various products, for example, cut the core of fruits, balls of a new shape from their pulp, heart-shaped figures, a star, etc.
8 - Device for making bags. Large rounds or puffs can be obtained from dina, carrots, cucumbers, watermelon, olive oil, and you can also remove the core from crushed tomatoes.
9 - Attachment for wrapping small bags from carrots, ogirki, dini and celery.
10 - Suitable for cutting out pieces in the shape of olives will help to shape oval shapes.
11 - Hanging for apples It is necessary to remove the core from a whole apple, and to prepare the legs for mushrooms and potatoes.

Round hangings with smooth or wavy edges.
Small temples With smooth edges, use for cutting the core from pineapple slices, or the center from apple slices.
Great hangers With smooth or loose edges, you need to cut the edges with the skin from circles of great fruits, such as apples or pineapples, for cutting the pulp from orange or grapefruit circles, kale from bread or ol ii.

Small hanging molds for preparing a shaped pasta. Also serve for making small figures from plates of root vegetables or bulbs, sweet pepper, boiled egg white, jelly, oil, marzipan or glaze.
These shapes can be used for shaped cutting of flat figures with a whisk of cheese, cabbage, etc.

Egg production- Cuts the egg into round or oval slices. And also into cubes - when cut sideways and across.
Egg slicer for cutting an egg into six radial pieces.

Yablukorizka cuts the apple into small slices, immediately removing the core.

Pastry bowl with interchangeable shaped tips– to decorate the fruits and tips with carved toppings – cream, tops, oil, pastes.
It is important that the shape of the tip gives off a wide variety of embellishments.
Tip with round opening– for cutting out straight forms,
star tip- for slender shapes,
flat tip- Creates flat smudges, for example, for the creation of Trojans.

Girol– for the preparation of small rounds of finely shaved cheese.

A - Shaping- For the creation of vezerunks on the oil.
B - Device for cutting oil- Figuratively less butter, curly balls and rings.
C - Figured sheep cut– for preparing spirals from vegetables.

Stacks(single number of “stacks”) - various metal, plastic or wooden “cuts” for molding figures from marzipan, sugar mastic and others with heavy oils.

1. Rights і lo- metal ruler, especially stainless steel. Make it firm, it won’t bend and is perfect for smoothing the glaze over the surface of the cake.
2. Rotary wheel- a very important element for glazing and decorating cakes. It’s expensive, but we serve you all in life. You can find it in stores that sell kitchen supplies, or from professional pastry chefs, a smooth rotary stake wrap will help you decorate a round cake with royal icing.
3. Friction nozzles for cornets- they are attached to pastry bags, and the other ones are placed until the paper cornets are broken up on their own. With the help of nozzles, you can decorate the cake with carved frostings made from cream, butter glaze, and also plant it on deco meringues.
4. Acrylic rocker
5. Acrylic sticks- vikoristasya as a support for a multi-tiered cake. With the help of acrylic or wooden sticks of different diameters, the leaves and petals can be given the shape of a reference.
6. Great nozzles for cornets- They are attached to pastry bags. With the help of nozzles, you can decorate the cake with carved frostings made from cream, butter glaze, and also plant it on deco meringues.
7. Cornetics with greaseproof (waxed) paper
8. Standing supports for multi-tiered cakes- different shapes: round, square and rich-sided. Make the stinks empty in the middle so that you can insert acrylic sticks into them to touch up multi-tiered cakes covered with sugar icing. The white plastic toppers look wonderful on fun cakes topped with royal icing.
9. Decorative trees of different types and cuts- professional confectioners use vikoryst for planting cherry blossoms on stems, as well as for tying them in a bouquet.
10. Forms for marking colors
11. Decorative queens and larvae- different colors and sizes, aroma is produced when preparing the curds.
12. Decorative stitches
13. Acrylic board- small pieces of sugar fondant or marzipan will smell very well on it - the stench will not stick to such a board (as well as to the acrylic rocking chair).
14. Brushes- thin artistic pens can be used in a variety of ways: they can be used to apply icing marks, or to apply embellishments made from marzipan – cakes, fruits, etc.
15. Board for rolling out the curd fudge
16. Forms for visualizing figures- from biscuit and jelly, as well as from sugar fudge, marzipan, chocolate and zest. The steps are to create the shape of letters and numbers. These are best used for making butternut pellets from sugar fondant.
17. Simple scrapers with a raised edge- They are made of plastic or stainless steel and vicorized to smooth the glaze along the side walls of the cake. Plastic scrapers are more flexible and handy in vikoristan. Necessary for applying colorful dots to a glazed cake.
18. Brush for cleaning attachments- Necessary to avoid damaging the teeth of the nozzles during cleaning.
19. Pastry bags, as well as syringes- They are sold in sets with attachments. Ideal for adding simple embellishments. Confectionery bags are made from different materials. Milks and nylon meats are well suited for making cream, meringue and soft glaze. For these same purposes, you can separate the cornets from greaseproof (waxed) paper. They can be used with or without attachments.
20. Cat-stand- You can make it yourself using cork shawls, or better yet, buy it in a store or from a professional pastry chef. Indispensable when using different colors.
Gauze (mesh fabric)- Use it to cover a bowl of royal icing so that it doesn’t get crusty. The fragments of this glaze are white; the gauze cannot remove any traces of color from it.
Tweezers- it is necessary to carry out the most delicate operations. It is better to use tweezers with rounded ends.

The hedgehog has long ceased to be simply a means of staving off hunger; it has turned into a mysticism, and carving is proof of this. The history of carving is already long - the art of shaped cutting of vegetables and fruits originated two thousand years ago in Thailand. And just as court cooks in ancient times carved from the fruits of the squash, animals and birds, today’s cooks turn the kavun into a finely crafted carriage, and from the zucchini they carve a ballerina. As it seems, there is no limit to human capacity! Carving can be learned at home, and for that you do not need to be a professional artist - all you need is a good set of tools for carving and knowledge of the subtleties of science.

Let's try to figure out how to create carving at home - what you will need to serve the holiday table if you want to entertain guests and loved ones. Once you learn how to make money from vegetables and fruits, you can look effective and festive, and the main goal of carving is to make our life beautiful.

Tools for carving vegetables and fruits

In stores, you can buy non-personal tools for carving - knives, rivets and chisels; for additional information, cooks can carve knives, pellets, geometric figures and other embellishments.

The most popular device is the Thai knife, specially created for cutting ridges on vegetables and fruits. This wine is especially handy for working with hard vegetables - celery, watermelon and zucchini. The engraving knife is not suitable for engraving even folding engravings, which the Thai machine cannot handle. Carbine knives with a knitted webbing come in different sizes and are used for creating leaves - such knives are called “dovetail tail”. When working on the ornament with round cuts, an oval bottom is twisted. A very good and brown tool - a sickle-shaped knife for working with watermelon, dandelion, kavun and other great fruits that make hard skin.

A double-sided noisette spoon with variously shaped fillets is ideally suited for shaping topspheres, balls and assorted figures with fruit pulp, as well as for creating round pieces, such as the core of a flower. Sometimes for which the noisette bottom is used. Knives with soft blades are suitable for openwork carvings, which are considered the most important technique in the art of carving. Carving has popular culinary chisels with flabby edges and a square crossbar, which are specially created for the creation of Chinese vaserunks and chimeric Japanese hieroglyphs. Very handy knives for zesting and knives for grooves - cutting edges and decorative grooves.

The serpentine cutter allows you to remove the skin from the form of spiral-like shavings and follows the principle of a sharpener for sheep, and a knife for Korean carrots, carefully and beautifully slicing the vegetables in the form of a julienne. There are a lot of shaped hangers for carving, as you might imagine in metal oven molds, - they are ideal for curing fruits, and in the photo you can see what forms the stench comes in.

For the finishing touches when cutting vegetables and fruits, use special knives for carving - they can bring the ornament to perfection. Peeling knives remove even a thin ball of skin, and if you cut the skin for a long time, you can create an effective three-piece. A calibrating knife is the simplest way to create a shapely cut of vegetables and fruits, because the stench is even harder, which is why it is a must have in the kitchen arsenal of the skin mistress.

You will also need a universal knife for slicing fruit, a vegetable peeler, a vegetable peeler, a spoon for peeling meat and watermelon. The kitchen of a lover of carving vegetables and fruits often recalls a kitchen with various devices, many of which most people have never touched in their hands. Periodically, tools need to be sharpened; it is impossible to cut a beautiful cut with dull knives.

When choosing tools for vegetables, especially when it comes to masters of carving-cobs, make sure they are made of stainless steel, since this metal does not rust or deform. It is important that the tools have a small, ergonomic handle so that you can easily handle them in your hands - this is where the power of the robot lies. After use, the knives are wiped dry and stored in closed soft-lined cases.

Selecting fruits and vegetables for carving

The beauty and durability of fruit-vegetable compositions lie in the fruit's core, so choose only firm fruits without dents and with uncut skin. Peel vegetables and fruits immediately before slicing, and not after, because the skins of fruits, such as carrots, when peeled become too soft and unsuitable for carving. Choose hard cucumbers with different fruits and without fluff, tomatoes with thick skin, not fluff and not juicy.

Choose a plant and fresh cibulin that has not sent out green arrows, and do not cut the roots, otherwise the cibulin will fall apart. Because carrots, which are lightly swollen, make it easier to remove spiral-like decorations; in extreme cases, they can be soaked for two years in a salt solution, for which 400 g of salt are poured into a liter of water. Radishes tend to be firm and round; extra-large radishes and daikon tend to be plump and spongy. Before speaking, the finished radish sprouts are best preserved in cold water. The ideal watermelons for carving are round, with a soft skin and a hard core, they like to be often sprinkled with cold water - as a result, the watermelon mushrooms look fresh and bright.

The pepper is firm, the Peking salad is crispy, and the best rinds have a thin skin and no dents. For potatoes that are smooth and without sprouts, it is best to soak them in a warm place for three days - this makes it easier to create shapes and spirals. The lemon has a thick skin, and the beets need to be soaked for 15 minutes in cold water before carving. After painting the beet, it is recommended to sprinkle it more often, so that the debris dries quickly and loses its aesthetic appearance. The papaya is smaller than the brother's unripe ones, with a dark green skin, like a mango. In this case, the mango should be soaked before carving at room temperature for three days, then the pulp of the mango should be soaked in salted water for 15 minutes before carving, so that the mango does not darken.

When choosing a kavun, pay attention to the presence of thin skins and small husks, and soak the pears and eggplants in a mixture of salted water and lemon juice before “breaking”, so that the aroma does not darken.

Ready to soak the apples in cold water, which will preserve their freshness for a long time, and sprinkle the apples with lemon juice to preserve the color. The fruit-vegetable composition should also be sprinkled with water on the skin.

Carving at home for cobs

For beginners who want to get into carving fruits and vegetables, it’s easier to start mastering the art in the simplest terms – for example, making a chrysanthemum from Chinese cabbage. To do this, tear off the downy leaves, remove a small part of the top and make cuts along the veins of the leaf with a carving knife with a knitted or oval webbing. Direct the bottom from the upper part of the leaf to the base of the pumpkin, making small cuts of the cut tree, whereby the depth of the cuts should increase closer to the pumpkin. Next, remove the green leaves, not reaching the base of the cabbage by about 2 cm. And now cut through the same rows of cabbage leaves, replacing the half of the cabbage leaves near the middle. “Chrysanthemum” that has come out, put water in the bowl so that it can take on a more delicate shape.

Carving booth for beginners can be completely removed if you try to make an original ticket from a long, succulent cucumber and carrot. To do this, cut the stems 7 cm long, remove the tail and divide the stem into 6 parts, using a knife to cut notches. Spread the pelyuts, not reaching the base by about 2 cm, sinking from below to the middle of the tip. Round the pellets, decorate them along the edges with cloves and add the skin to the pulp. Rub the carrot cup in the water until it opens up effectively, and then scoop out the carrot core - the green and orange colors are almost identical! You can see the basic techniques for carving fruits and vegetables in the photo.

For the Christmas table, you can make koshik with fruits from kavuna - an incredibly beautiful herb for everyone. To do this, divide the kavun into two parts with a horizontal line, lightly running the tip of the knife along it. On the upper part of the kavun cat, apply the contours of a small handle, using a vikorist template from a fine paper. Using a sharp knife, bend the handle, remove the top quarters of the kavun from both sides to a horizontal line and scoop out all the pulp from the “cat” with a spoon, leaving about 2 cm of pulp on the handle. Place the openwork on the handle to create an effective edge. Fill the cat with fruit and serve!

Apple “swans” are generally suitable as a butt for fruit carving for cobs, and it’s easy to get tired of the stench. Cut the apple into halves, place cut side down on the table, cut a slice about 1 cm wide and make cuts along the sides, not reaching the core. The more cuts you make, the more beautiful the birds will be. Cut a swan's head from the creased middle stitch and place it in the opening. Luxurious swans are ready to decorate any dessert on the Christmas table, just don’t forget to sprinkle them with lemon juice so that the apple does not darken.

For those new to carving, you can try making a tangerine bundle, and then create folding compositions from vegetables and fruits. To make the squash, divide the tangerine into six parts with a knife, following the lines with the tip of the knife, and then cut the skin along the lines, avoiding the flesh of the fruit. Remove the tangerine peels, do not add them to the base and open small openings with a knife near the skin peel. You will have six tiny pellets, from which you will have to put a flower on the flower and decorate the top of the tangerine with it. Squeeze the pellets with a toothpick and place a grape on it to become the core of an unusual orange flower.

Carving booth for beginners will turn you into a master, just give yourself an hour. Good tools, sweet fruits, brownies for the sake of completing cooking - and in about an hour you will begin to make the right creations for the joy of your loved ones!

Set of knives for carving

Hello, today I will tell you about knives for carving. I think that most people know what it is, because the word is well known today. For those who are not in the know, I will explain that under this word there is a special technique for decorating herbs, which is used in the creation of fruit and vegetable figurines or entire compositions in the manner of artistic carving.

Previously, this technique was used mainly by professional cooks, who used it to create dishes on a plate. Then the carving was taken over by new gentlemen, who realized that, with special tools and patience, they can also create incredibly beautiful natural embellishments.

Thus, in the recent years, the carving of vegetables and fruits has gained popularity among the general public, so today there are schools that teach this mystery to everyone, master classes are held, and at the same time you can find out h video lessons for independent learning. I myself was also not deprived of the general burying of fruit cuttings, and I also decided to take up the mastery of carving. Before getting married, I want to do one more important thing: get special knives and good tools, which don’t play a major role.

When I looked at the assortment of specialized online stores, I came across a nice set that consists of five items. I decided to choose this very set, and now I am completely satisfied with my choice. Now let's talk about these knives in the report.

My look at carving knives

What the dial looks like

The knives were packed in a branded cardboard box measuring 23 x 6 x 3.8 cm. In the middle of the box there were five different tools:

  • Bottom with knitted webbing;
  • Nizh for making grooves;
  • Corrugated bottom

Wikonan knife blades are made of clear stainless steel, which is ideal for grub products, as it does not come into contact with them and does not oxidize when in contact with fruits and vegetables.

The handles of the tools are also made of stainless steel with inserts with gum, as if they were forging knives at the bottom. There are small loops at the ends of the handles so that knives can be hung on hooks.

Due to the characteristic metal shine and minimalist design, the knives look expensive, stylish and modern. It’s also clear that the stench is clearly and soundly produced, which is why I immediately wanted to try them at the right place.

Now I’ll tell you about the skin below the surface.

How to use a carving kit

The knives included in this set are described as follows:

First Nizh: the blade takes the shape of a blade with a gossamer tip, is set to carve out other details (leaves, petals), as well as to apply grooves and grooves of different depths and widths on fruit picks and create engraving images, in carving Vikorist is used very often.

Other Nizh: At the wide end of the tree, small rings are crushed, which are good for cutting the zest of citrus fruits, which can be peeled to decorate desserts, reminiscent of other herbs and imparting flavor to them. It can also be used to remove fine dark spots from other products.

Third bottom: It is useful in the shape of the top sphere, which is ideally suited for shaping the cult of other rounded parts from the pulp of fruits such as kavun and dina, as well as the creation of ornaments based on keel. In addition, it can be used to prepare cute little snacks from various products.

Fourth bottom: It has a blade with a sharp edge in the middle and a thin, sharp tip, and is used for cutting hard vegetables (cucumber, radishes, carrots) into thin shavings, as well as applying thin grooves on the surface of various fruits.

Fifth bottom: It has a wide corrugated blade, which can be used to smoothly cut decorative elements of various products (fruits, vegetables, hard cheese).

My obsession about recruiting

This set of knives was already a long time ago, and now I’ll explain why:

According to the first It contains all the tools necessary for completing basic carving operations, both in the classroom and during further work at home, I have everything I need, and I don’t have to buy anything.

In a different way, All knives are very handy in the hand: it’s good to cut, don’t bite, and it’s good to lie by the hand.

On the third, The instruments have a high level of acidity, and even after exposure to dry viscous, the stench does not fade, does not darken, and, as before, looks as good as new.

Well, on the fourth This set is very compact, and there are only five knives and nothing else, so instead of large sets, it was easy to carry on courses, and now it does not take up a lot of space while saving.

Since I’m hesitating to keep my carving busy, I’ve already started working on it and have achieved new successes. I have always appreciated that not only the taste of food, but also its external appearance is of great importance, and now I can create beauty with my own hands.

With the help of the carving technique, you can create anything unexpected from basic products, and even if any salad is tasted completely differently, if you serve it not in a salad bowl, but in portioned bowls of apple, orange or sweet pepper, and so on The natural bouquet will look on the table Richly fruity, lower fruit assortment on a plate. My guests are hostile to such forms of play, and it’s not so difficult to earn money, so all the government owners should try carving for themselves.

The very concept of “carving” came to us from English language and is translated as “carving”. That could mean three absolute massacres for its own sake.

First - this is a beautifully figured representation of everything that lends itself to carving. This could be wood, papier, milk, vegetables, fruit, etc. In this article, we will analyze carving for cobs in various manifestations. Also, the concept of “carving” refers to a type of skiing procedures and a style of skiing on mountain licks. The very mysticism of writing has many fates and was passed on from generation to generation.

Carving of vegetables and fruits for ears

Culinary carving is an even simpler version of sculptural art or surface engraving. This wine is directly in Asia, or more precisely, in its original part. It was simply necessary in order to visually recognize the meagerly covered table and the menu, which consists of nothing but fruits and vegetables. The whole process of carving of vegetables and fruits, for the cob masters of some master class, is currently being carried out throughout the entire earthly culture. Naturally, the masters of the skin region brought their own particularities to this point. So, for example, the masters of Thailand tend to depict flower compositions, and the Chinese and Japanese usually depict dragons and hieroglyphs. There are special stencils and molds for this, but their results are not as sophisticated as the manual work of the masters in Thailand. To master carving for cobs, choose a master class that is simpler, for example, from Chinese technology. And after about an hour you can try more advanced options.

What do you need for work?

If you want to master carving for cobs, the master class will provide you with the availability of certain tools. This requires the use of different devices and different knives. It is also very important to use this method for the most important kitchen knife, and if there is a lack of sharpening, then it is completely impossible. The most complete set of tools for carving includes knives that need to be very sharp, scissors, as well as a tool to create a round-shaped spoon with sharp edges. All ingredients in this set include a stand for cutting eggs, piercing the middle of an apple, zesting, an oven mold, an attachment for a pastry bag and a pencil. Here are the carving kits for cobs. They are called basic, and they are present in three to eight devices. It’s not at all difficult to find it in specialized stores.

The most necessary devices

To carve cobs, you need to first become familiar with the necessary tools. Let's take a look at the knives, without them it will be difficult to do this right thing. One of the most important devices is a small Thai knife. If you need to remove cracks on small-sized vegetables or fruits, then you cannot do without it. Another lower short sickle-shaped one. Yogo vikoristuyut already for greater work. A long thin knife is used as a universal tool. This is suitable for any type of work. Also, for those who want to master carving for cobs, you need carving knives, such as knitted webbing, and oval knives. All stinks are of different sizes. Also, don’t forget about the double-sided spoon with a sharp edge and scissors.

Why train?

The easiest way to learn the first steps is to use watermelon. Carving for cobs conveys a selection of simple sketches in the appearance of black-and-white babies, which are made up of great elements. It is not important to transfer such an image to the blank. After a good workout on the garbuz, proceed to the kavun. Having mastered these two options, you can move on to the next level.

Work with watermelon

To work with watermelon you will need an awl, a tablespoon, a bottom edge, something to saw, prepare a sketch and, with a hand, the watermelon itself. For the cob, gently pat the surface of the watermelon dry. After this, cut a round-shaped and small-sized hole into the bottom. Using a vicor spoon, scrape the empty pulp out of the pulp and rinse it well. Then we clean it again with a spoon and dry it with a hair dryer. If you want to endure it for an hour, you can deprive the watermelon of its natural way. Now you need to place the sketch on the surface, press it with your hand and then use a sewing machine along the contour to open it. Then we select the sketch and visualize everything beyond the intended contour. This is the main principle of work in the technology of carving on all kinds of fruits and vegetables. As soon as you realize that you have mastered simple compositions, move on to complex ones.

Virizable on eggs

Carving from vegetables for cobs is better suited for zucchini, cabbage and carrots. The ogirok and the zucchini are becoming obsolete, however. It is better to choose fruits that have thick skin and well-formed flesh. Carrots are already the most common type of vegetable, and will require a lot of skill. And if you want to make a little bit of sweat, then remember that you open the sewing in the carrots and take a puff. This means quickly replacing the new one with a drill and a drill with a diameter of two millimeters.

Virizanne on fruits

Carving of fruits for cobs has its own peculiarities. Fruits - pulp and bottom mixed with vegetables. The problem can also be that the stench from the rising wind quickly becomes unbearable.

And also change your color. Firm apples need to be shaped well. In fact, carving apples for cobs is the best option. From apples you can draw figures and create paintings. Even if you didn’t choose any option, you still need lemon and water. Take a bottle of water (200 ml) and add half a lemon. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the apple in water. This simple manipulation saves the pulp of the fruit by changing the color.

How to preserve your composition forever

When creating pictures from vegetables or fruits, I want the masterpieces that came out to be preserved longer. To preserve the virus, you need to dry the seed and then rinse it thoroughly. In household minds, the dryness of such pictures vibrates either on the stove or in the radiator. In both types of rainfall, leave an hour for drying for three days. After hanging the painting, cover it with varnish or three or more balls. As long as the integrity of the varnish is not damaged, such treatment can save a few risks.

Openwork cute

With additional carving, you can turn the most unostentatious square block into a small masterpiece.

To master carving by mile for cobs, reduce the cobs to simple forms. This can be, for example, eyes or hearts. Add a nice rectangular shape to the cob. You won’t be able to grab it from your hands during the hour of work. Such flowers can be successfully used to decorate a bathroom or complement a gift set of bath accessories. From the decorated bars you can create entire floral compositions. Virobi z mila can be varnished. Ale robiti tse necessitate vypapad, yakshcho v pevnі, scho yogo vikoristovuvatyvat iz mere embellishment. Of course, in this case you will add a nice smell, but it will be preserved much longer.

Peculiarities of the “cute” transformation

It’s nice for carving to be fresh. It’s not our fault if we dry out or get wet before the vikoristanny. A fresh block will be soft and pliable, and the barnacles will fall on it and easily press it into different shapes. If we get too dry and “old”, we won’t be able to practise. The material crumbles mercilessly. To verify that your sweetie is truly fresher, just pierce it with a nail. Since everything that has happened is lost, the edge is clear and nothing is in danger, which means you can safely get to work. This cutting technique can be divided into three areas. This is primarily the drawing, the method of application and the use of stencils. These figurines are very nice and use the same techniques as when decorating vegetables or fruits. Viruses are preserved for a long time, thanks to their sister products. In addition, it is nice and cheap and plastic material. This practice is much easier. Due to the uniformity and thickness of the material. This way you can use it to practice various carving skills.

Paper's image

The history of paper cultivation takes its origin from Ancient China. The main ones at that time were ancient and creaturely motifs, as well as images of various gods and scenes from the world of the world. Over the years, this mysticism has expanded, expanded, and evolved across the cultures of different countries, where they began to master it. For example, the western part of Europe had the most silhouettes, while America was more important for plot motives. Today's masters not only recreate ancient symmetrical symmetrical designs, but also create folding compositions that combine with a large number of paper balls in different colors. As a rule, such vibrations are assembled using an additional computer, and the visualization is generated using special lasers. The number of paper balls in such robots can reach several hundred.

If you want to master paper carving for beginners, then you will need some material and a tool. The leather craftsman selects both materials and tools according to his own discretion. Today, there is a large number of highly interesting materials and tools for scanning from paper. Just as the material is vikorist, like thin paper, so is cardboard and foil. It is necessary to remember about those who have the same paper, so it will be easier to see from the new paper. Besides the paper, you will need a pad so as not to seal the top of the table on which you are working. You can use it for this purpose, for example, a piece of linoleum, gum and a hundred old newspapers. It’s better to add a special squeegee for cutting. You will also need a metal ruler, glue and a stapler. Tools for cutting paper include sharp knives, stationery and breadboard knives with replaceable blades, a scalpel, as well as knives for wood carving. There is also a special tool that can be used to cut stakes of different sizes.

Would you like to take part in a culinary competition? At the graduation ceremony for the king and queen, it’s important to look great and prepare some food?

Master carving lessons and create masterpieces from vegetables and fruits in the minds of your home. Carving- This is true to the mystique of artistic carving using different materials. The history of natural carving began in Thailand approximately 700 years ago, when preparations were made for the Holy Floating Lightships.

Today Carving of fruits and vegetables It is invested in a large number of initial deposits and is gaining popularity in Europe and the CIS countries. We present to you a number of carving lessons that will help you to decorate your Christmas table in an original way at home.

Trim the top part of the Chinese cabbage. Also remove the downy part of the leaf. Then use a carbine groove knife to cut the cut from the edge to the middle of the cabbage.

Approaching the middle of the head, shorten the length of the cuts so that a chrysanthemum emerges.

Place the finished cutlet in cold water, then the thin slits will curl beautifully and form a fine shape.

Carving from vegetables, photo

Leaves from the garden

Keep the edge of the hem 5-7 cm. Using an oval grooved knife, start making cuts until the end of the cut, but not until the end.

Drink a stake each time. The offensive row must be rotated from the checker order according to the advance to the front one. A lot of rows remain due to the production of the ogirka. Clean the core of the cucumber so that it can be used to place the carrot preparation. Place the cucumber itself in the water so that the pelyas open beautifully. The tips of the cucumber pellets can be made into three-piece ones.

The finished lily can be placed on a skewer. A whole bouquet of fruits can come out of the ogirka, which will be an original addition to any herb.

The cucumber must be cut into thin slices. After that, twist one slice into a tube, and then add the next one so that the pellets come out.

You can also make leaves from the cucumber. This decoration is ideal for salads.

From kavuna chi dini you can get an original cat for fruit or dessert. Use a ruler to mark the kavun and create a badge at ½ height. Tighten the fabric around it to determine the height of the base of the casserole.

Cat from kavuna in technical equipment, photo

Using the paper, draw a figure-template for the pen. Cut the barrel parts from both sides of the kavun and proceed to cut the handle. Shape the side of the kavun and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

Clean half of the kavun from the top pick. Chervona part of the kavun can be seen in its own place. For carving, use a sharp bottom with a narrow blade.

At the center, make a cut near the stake and begin to cut out the first pelya. After this, cut the pellets into stakes.

The edges of the pellets can be cut to give them a more realistic appearance.

Proceed to another row of pellets, which will create a larger shape. Place the third row of pellets, as long as the size of the kavun allows. I'll have you make round pieces to cut out the small circles.

Leaf-shaped blanks will help you shape leaves or buds that have not opened. Create decorative virises on the lower edge of the kavun.

Having mastered the technique of carving vegetables and fruits, you can create a wealth of decorative decorations for the table and exclusive gifts for loved ones. Today, the popularity of table carving is great, so championships are now being held for this type of mystery.

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